-2U , A. iwuiawawwgafcWi toijiijnm:frwyWftMfig NUMUliUJmmwtt nJimnn. i & & m "V WL y - "1""? i I fc f I v I V r- V V l v i- V k- THE RED OLOiy CHIEF. A. C. HOSMEB, ?mku BED CLOUD. NEBRASKA AN OLD MAN'S LOVE. BY AJTTHOHY TEOLLOPZ, Avthnr of Doctor Tluirnr," - Frrwn'i Parian qqc" "h he rar,mjjr' " I'hinea Finn. Hi' Irlth MrmtiT." 77ic WarrUn." - L'archulcr Tovrtrt," Jitc. Ale. CHAPTER XIX. Tosn.vcsn. cll. no: he's not drunk. I out. unless i jroes a-a- with him? Let him :y there and ive him some d.nner. I don't know what else you've tndo." "He can't stav alwavs in course, sir. As llayonotes says what's he to do" with a w ooden-leied .fcer;e:int in his -Stable a-4 a rnia:se?jce? ( had come ! to sa- I :us o o home rith him." 44 1 ou "re to do nothing of the kind." "What i- it you mean, then, about ray tavinjr care of the hou.e?' "Never ou mind. hen I want -ou to know, 1 hall tell j'ou." Tnen Mrs. I5a'4rsrt I obbed her head three times in the diivetion ot Mary Lawrie's back, as :houh to ask some fjuc-iion whether the leav.ni the ho-i.-e mi ,.il not be in referent- u Marv's marnaire. Hut she ieaied liial it was not made in refer- 1 " l", ' n '"'ui a iiiarrmscai,o. j hat had her master mwnt when he ; had -a.'th:.t there was 1,0 one eom.n- f i-t-- ri 1 1 to interfere iith her, Mrs. Haggett.J ou ne dii'l ask any nue-tson- ju.t at pr.sent. .ir. i5a-eti, he said. : "j ou on 1 iii-iiii as 3011 arugoit'gup to London just to gi'.e hor up U that vouny follow." "I am going about my own bu-ines, and I w i.:'t b- inquired into," said Mr. Vs'h 11 esuifl". I 11 , , fs, ,(. rmtirr i l li tliit t.k n ji ou re iromg r.an ourht to do." "Von avan impcrtiucntold woman," said her master. ! "I flar-' s:t3 1 am. All the same, it's . my dujv to tell 3ou 1113- mind. You can't cat me, Mr. Whittlcstali", and it j wouldn't much matter if 3-011 ctuld. j When 3'ouvvc sa d that you'll do a tiiJii'jr. 30U ought not to go lack for any other man, let him be who it nniy e--m dally not in ie-ncci ot a female. It's wea'n.. and noboiiy wouldn't think a htrav.' of 3-011 lor doing it. It's some idea of being geneioiia that you ha. o .ot into votir head. There ain't no i .ij uu . li.it liJ real ir'-nero-itv 111 it. 1 sav it am 111:111' v, and that's what a man 01 fin n .ut 10 IT Ma3 though she was standm; at the window, pivt.-niling to look out ot it. knew that during the wind" of ihU e n "wrssliin Mrs. Uag-iett w:ls makinjr si"n at her - as thoujrli indicating an opinion that she was the person in fai.lt. It was as though Mrs. Haggett had --a'd that it was for her sake to do hoineihing to gratify her that Mr. Whilth-slafi" was about to go to London. She knew ihat she at a.113 rate was not to blam - She was struggling for the snme end as Mrs. Haggett, and did de servc 1 otter treatment. "You oughn't 10 bother j-o'mg up to I omlon, sir. on any such errand, and -o 1 tells 3-011 Mr- iiittle-tafi," Baiil Mrs. Haggett. "1 have told him the same thing my Aclf,' saMMar3 Lawrie, turning round. 1:3011 told him :is though you meant it, he wouldn't go,' said Mrs. Haggett. That's nil vou know about it." said Jdr. Wh.ttlestail". Now the fact, is 1 won't stand this kind of thing. If vou mean t remain here. A'ou mu?L be lroe with 30111- tongue." "1 don't mean to remain here, "Whittle-tar. It's iut that as less Mr. I'm coming to. There's Timothy Haggett iov. 11 lhe:v among tiie hos-e,-, and he hays 1 am to go with him. So I've come up here to sny that if he's allowed j to sleep it oirto-dav, I'll he ready to j m;iii lu-mi'iiu". 1 .T . II - T Z.. ...... 1 icii 30.1 x a. not "... u. any cnange a .111, uu .i. imm- Mall. Von v.as saying you w:u- going awav -for tin hone; moon. 1 did suppose." A ina go away if he pleases the sandwiches, ami Mrs. r.aggett to despatch the letter. In ten minutes the letter w:: one, and half an hour after- -wards .Mr. Whittlestaff had himself driven to the station. What is it he means?"' said Mrs. Ikiggett when the master was gone. "1 do not know." said Marv, who was m truth very angr wnu mu um woman. "He wants lo make you Mrs. Whit- tlestati. In whatever he wants I shall obev him if I onlv knew how." "It's what ou is bound to do, Miss Marv. ...... Think of what ho has done for uu. 'I require no one to tell me that. ; lliau here for. dv asked What d:d Mr. Gordon come disturbing evcrvbod? Xobod put terribh." It iiot 1113- doing." But he's a man as needn't have his own way. Win should Mr. Gordon have every thing just as he likes it? 1 never heard tell of Mr. Gordon till he came' here the other day. 1 don't think so much of Mr. Gordon niysel:.'" To this Mary, of course, made no answer. He's no business disturbing people when he's not sent for. I can't abide, to see Mr. Whittiestati put about in this w:n. 1 have kno.vn him longer than vou have." Xo doubt." n od bis wooden W MlS Tnnnir e:" w" "J11 l!l:it lhL( :vo",3 . ""P"1 Iv-a thouhfate had intended to pun- A .11 . !. .1 I. t i:i. if he had two llt-V rnTnr or v,,iir Jr , '. T' -ft0 ,lllt;r - " diamonds , ,5j, him, Uhutl.-5t.ifr. utterly and in-' ni'iVniii, mine, or 3ourMr. .h.lU bcen m , thrown in bv Mr-, stantlv. Man- had told him that sh.i w H SXt BS?cUmh,.r,ion. Mary did not ccmWnot promw: not to think of him here u oni t" fnv I,? filo t ,1nL- 'k that any one would le so bac as who had once loved her. when, lo and J,?! V,e, V1-:: U Hf to believe such an accusation as that, j behold! the man himself wa, there., he'll iil iu" Knt 1 am I ursStim JL? h .: ' . CTVr " . .?!!" .K iii-t-i without any reason of that kind. Oh milled against Cod which admitted of j "" r l" """ " ".' -"--" " dear. o!i .lear. that letter is not gone! I ao repentance. He must live through , !lu1 .I'.nwr. bv.whieh he 1 had thought insist that that letter should go. 1 sup- h to the last. Ht he must live as a " P:jl!,lu .,,,al -'? m,-,ht -vc1 C?t'n p.sel must see about it imself." Then man who was degraded. He had made ifrom th': "f Pandemonium and Mhvn he began to move, the women his effort, but his effort would be known bc ea'-ned into the lignt and y of j mvfid a'so Marv went to look after to nil Abesford. Mr. Monta.n, li!:u I,ur:ull!''. but as he sat with his beef- him ut least. 1 suppose nobody asked poets with whose nnes he was conver- 1 ; . - ", --' - null .11 ii.i.-iii - i' - "'' . . . 1 ,. ... .1 li("i-t I!l;I ip Tmlii not 'ni-r lpr to him." There was an insinuation in this I Mint, lie was one who. m all that hc -," , . ''c ,a . if,1',, v. 1 a7 , , ., 1 .. 1 !, , I,,. ,-,,ii .mn'.i fit-.-, tti.-. r-t nf w i.nmn . ,l,:lKC him a. wretch, miscniblc for the which Marv found it hard to bear, but lead, wou.d take tho gst ot it home . . . ... , it avis better to lear it than to argue on . to himsel", and ask himself how it was , " "--"'- . , , such a ioint with the servant. "And ho , with him iu that matter. His favonte j In f:U,t lt wa? s-p w m5?ul choose ..-.! ti, w ,riiw.ii nut. thf. mn.tfir aluiut Horace had had a fresh love for everv ' to inasi- the saenhee, and thus savo J-llll lIUUll-J x- . --w .-- - 'He's a man that'll be driven pretty ! full, and ho had still thought to himself r OUt ot ins nilHU U IXC S UZSaDnuiul- iuau m spin; "i m i ix-:ii xciua'ua . ' Then there was silence, as .Mary ' 10 . :v nenue nauiw. uierc sun room was detorniined not to discuss the mat- j for a strong passou. ter auy further. "If 3011 come to that Then Marie Lawrie had come upon 3011 needn't mam no one unless you him. and the sun seemed to shine uo nleases.' Man was still silent. "The3 : where but in her eyes aud in the e shouldn t make me mam tbei unless I was that t way minded. 1 can't abide such doings," the old woman aga n went on after a pause, 'I knows what I knows, and I sees what I sees." What do 3011 know?" said Mar)-, driven be)ond hcr powers of silence. The meaning is that Mr. Whittle staff is to be disappointed, after he have received a promise Didn't he have a promise?" To this Mrs. Hag gett got no reply, though she waited For one before she went on with hcr ar gument. "You knows he had; and a promise between a lad3' and gentle mau Dught to be as good as the law of the lafid. You stand there as dumb as grim death and won't say a wori&and yet it all depends upon yon. Why js it" to go about amony everybody that he's come home with his pocket full of j diamond:" its that that phonic say anil thev 11 say that voinvent back from t your word just In-caus- of a fen pre-1 clous stones. I wouldn't like to have it ! said of nitanyhon-." j This was very hard to hear, but Mary j found herself compelled to bear it. .She ; i had determined not to be 1c I into an i argument with Airs, Haggett on the suo'ect, feeling that even to dicuss licr conduct would bo impropriety. She J was strong in her own conduct, ami ' knew how utterly at variance it had ippoe heard 01 Catherine Uailevr "Never." "And I ain't airoinjr to tell von. It's a romance at shall be wrapped in-side 111 "'-" u"u .in 1 ;ttt; wu v. v. , Lninr ill! I13U IUJI. LJiVJil tv-;iii;i. iii 1113-own bosom. It was quite a tragedy they would not be allowed to met m was Catherine J'ailcy; and one as his" houe- They had met. and Mary would stir 3-0 nr heart up if 3-011 was to li;Ml been ver firm. For a few hours hear it. Catherine Ba'.W was .'1301111 ' there had existed in his bo-orn the feel woman. Hut I'm not j;nin to tell 3'ou j jug that even 3et he might 1-e pre the storv only that she was no more ferred. lit for Mr. WhiltlestafT than any of them stupid 3-01111 girls that walks about the streets jrajnnz in at tht; shop windows in Alrciford. I !o 3011 the ' justice. Miss Lawrie. V) sa3 a you are such a female as lie ought to look after." , "Thank vou. Mrs. RagiretU" Hut she led him into Mich troub'". !..., i.;c 1.....1 :. rnf, ... .ir...l "auftii -5 iiii uwai b 7 iisw -t ' u4v-.m fj lo ,ook :il Hc ig onf. of Uieni ;l5 ..j. wa..s ,,..,., a w5fc Whv llilln.t Il(. t on(- beforc? volfI, S;IV iCc.nuse till vou came in the way he was alw.uya Thi,.,nj' of CalhcriH Hailev. Mrs. Compas he become. -Drat "he er and her babies!"' I often said to un-.-elf. What was Com pas? No more than an Old Hailev lawver not to be lo iked at along-side of our Mr. Whittle.talV. Xo more ain't Mr. John Gordon, to un thinking. You think of all that. Mi-.-. Mary, and make up our mind whether vou 11 bieak his heart after bieak his heart after giving a promise. Heart-breaking ain't to him ; what it is to John Gordon and the likes of him.' CH.-U'TIilt XX. :. wniTTi.rTrK takiis his .ior:i:ov. Mr. Whittle.tafT did at last get into the tr.iin and have himself carried up to London. And he ate his .snudwichus and drank his -herry with an air of supreme satisfaction--as though he had carried his point. And so he had. He had made up Ins mind on a certain matter: and. with the ob'roet of doing a ' fiTtain piece of work, he hail escape. I . . 1 . . 4 1 . iroin nie two uoiiiiii.'iiu uoiut'ii i 1111 household, who had done their best to intercept him. So far his triumph was complete. Hut, a he sat silent in the corner of the carriage, his mind revert ed to the purpose of his journey, and he can not be said to ha-o been tri umphant. All Arlesford would know it, ami woum sympaiiuze wan .jonn Gordor. And as it came to be known 1 ,1 .i ? ., tii that he him-elf ha.t given up the girl' whom he loved, he could read the ridi- ( cule which would be conveyed by the I snides of his neighbors. J To tell the truth of Mr. Whittlestafl". he wa- a man ery open to such shaft j of ridicule. The " rulmr tt rr- trilx" which fortified his heart went only to j the doing of a good and uncltish action. and did not extend to pi oviding him , with that adamantine shield which vir-1 tue should of itself supply. Ho was as , pen-ious to t!u-e stmgs as a man might , be who had not the strength to act m opposition to them. He could screw himself uptothedoingofagreatdeedforj ine nenem 01 : nnuier. ami coniu as ne wasuoingso. te;iore with inward tears the punishment which the world would accord to him for the deed. As he sat there in the corner of l::s carriage, ho was thinking of the punishment rather than of the glon. And the punishment must ccrtainlv come now. It would be a punishment lasting for the remainder of his lit, and so bitter in its kimt as to as to 1 , . I I- I . . . , 111:1 Ke anv luriiier living a most impo- I0."; ; sin c 10 mm. 11 was noi mat ne would kill himself, lie tlnl not meditate any si ! e such step as that, lie was a man who oiiMiicreit tn:u dv doing an outrage 10 1 . , 1 1 God's work, an offense would Lo com-! , -would take care of that. j The evil done to him would be one ( which would admit of no complaint ! from his own mouth. He would be left ' alone, living with Mrs. Uagctt who, I . of course, knew all the tacts' The idea j of Mrs. Haggett going awav with her j husband was, of course, not to be, xnougnt 01. lnat was anotner nui- i sane ( the g 1 yond all other sweetness. She had lent a grace to his days ot which for many veai-s he had uotbel eved them tobeca"- I Ciii. i.v: liiin uuk uvi ciL-ii infill IO UBCl- ! mible. He was a man who h.,d thought much of love, reading about it in all the ! dav: but lie had told himselt that Hof- i ace knew nothing of love. Of Petrarch and Laura he had thoiiirht: but even to l'ciraren uaura nau oeen a suo.ect lor It. 1 1 a expression rather than :or nassJon. , Prmce Artiiur, m his love for Gu never. ,ient nearer to the mark which he had fancied for himself. Imogen, in her love for Posthumus. gave to him a pict ure of all that love sTiouid be. It was thus that he had thought of himself in all his readings and as years had gone in he had told himself that for him there was to be uothing better than reading. Hut vet his mind had been pression of her face. He had told him- . sell distinctly that he was in lovo. and that his life had not gone so far for ward as to lea e him stranded on the j dry sand-hills. She was there living in ins house, subject to his orders, af fectionate aud docile: but. as far as he could judge, a perfect woman. And, as far as he could judge, there was no other man whom she loved. Then, with man)- doubtings, he asked, her the question, and he soon learned the truth but not the whole truth. There had been a man, but hc was one who seemed to have passed 03 and left his mark, and then to have gone on altogether out of sight- She "had e: a small evil in comnarison with :um ----?- uouui m- un.,:is ae- reat misfortune of his life. ceptance ot her would ma kc tue same . . . . . ... . . nlnr tfi tlin irirl hrflt lint w int. it lie liad brouglit tins girl home to his ., ., . , . , .. ... , house to bc the-ompaniou of his davs. & rcfs1e l ,to V .l!,c . lcr,? and she had come to have in his mouth ! A; I,ut lf,thc "lrl. h,oul,i "'f0' ?' .. umr- ,u ...,. ...,.i 0,..,.,,.. 1 Here to her original promise? N as he l llt V-t. 11 1 - i U11U CMtUl IIV.33 UU" k . I HIV! Il Mllll MIH" IM U III IliS l III III- told him that she could not bat think of John Cordon, but that that ww alL She would, if he asked it, plight her troth to him and become his wife, al though f he must think of John Gordon. rJ his thinking would last but zor a while, he told himself, and he at his, age what rignt hail h- to expect' aught better than that? She was of' wh a nature that, when she had given . herself u p in marriage. hc would ?ur-- y learn to lovo her husband. So he had accepted her promise, and allowed himself lor one hour to be a app , man. I Then John Gordon hatl come to his hou falling Uon it like the blast of a j storm. He had corneal once instan- hal felt himself compelled to do .-o 113 the cxi"eneies of the moment- It was impossible that he should jrive cither one or the other to understand that Hut gradually that feeling had disap- peared and the truth had come home to . huu. She was as much 1:1 love with John Gordon as could any girl le with j the man whom she adored. And the ' other rock on which he had depended w;.s gradually shhercd beueath his feet. He had fancied at lir.-t that the man had come back, as do main adventur ers, without the means 01 making a woman happy. It uas not for John Gordon that he was solicitous but for Mary Lawrie. If John Gordon were a pauper, or so neurh ?o as to be able to offer Mary no honm then it would clearly Ikj hi- dut3 not to allow the marriage. Iu Mich ca-e the result to him would be, if not heavenly, sweet enough at anv rate to satiafv his long ings. She would come to him. and ; John Gordon would depart to I-ondon. and to the world lnwond. and there 1 would be an end of him. Hut, it became , .,.., to u. nt,m5 rpner.-illv ilj.it tin; 1 ,.m' frtune h?u nnnu'.-n urh n ihi. ' And then there cam" home to him a finding that were thew so it would be his dut;- to make up for Mary's sake what was wanting since he had discovered of what caliber was the man himself. It w:ls at Mr. Hall's hous that the idea had first presented it.-elf to him with all the lirmuesi of a settled pro ject. It would he, he hatl said to him--elf. a great thing for a man to do. What, after all, is the mcanitig of love, but that a man should do hi- best to serve tiie woman he hnes? "Who cares a straw for him?"" he said to himself, as though to exempt hunnelf irom any idea of general chartt3. and to prove that all tiie pood which he intended to do wa-- to be done for love alone. Xot a tra v; whether he shall stiu at home here, and have all that is sweetc-t in the world, or be sent out aloue to fum . ...-. .--- ...... .... ..v -,w mw ..v.. , -.- . fresh diamonds amidst the dirt and misery is :is nothing, as far as he is concerned. I am. at anv rate, more - .- - .. to mvself than John Gordon. I do not believe in doing a kind news of such a nature as that to such a one. But for her! And 1 could not hold her to my bosom, knowing that she would so much rather be in the arms of another man." All this ho said to himself; but he said it in words fully formed, and with the thoughts on which the words wcro based clearly established, wheu he c:ime to t,.e eJU, of j,3 jour. npr hl. h:ul h,m3l.if (iriVl.n to tho holei, .-, ordercil hi:i aiuner. and ate it in M1,ituiJl? iU .npl,orted bv the ecstasy of ,jis ,ilf.UJr-lt Ii(, kliew th:it lhere wag before him a sh;ir cruel 1)Un,sh. mtjnU amI ,n a we.irv 1()n(.,v ifo ( There could be no happiness, no satis 1 faction, in store for him. He was aware that it must be so; but still for the present there was a jo to him in thinking that he would make her happ3. and in that he was deter mined to take wiiat immediate delight it would give him. He asked himelf jl(nv jon lu:it delight could last: and he told himself thai when John Go w toW hhn?0if thai when John Gordon , ,..,..,, h V. tak hcr b lnu hnn,, . ,, ..,., ,nil i,..n ,,;- ...,, .-,, .:,,,., ' '... .'.,. ..,mi....... ,' UkJ IU CI I t llUtU'i - VUlilUt ! There had hung about him a dream. steak belore linn, and at" his accus tomed pot:ro with ajiparenth as good a gusto as any of his noghbors-. tlio dream departed. He told h ::welf that unaer no circumstances should the lream be allowed to become a rco!it3. 'J'he dream had bcen of this wise. With all the best intentions in his power hc would offer the girl to John Gordon. 1 to refuse to niarrv her when she should j '"f1 "lM wa "' r llZn' ." :ia " to llcV.llIlc ", 'ntr "J."-'01,1 ,3-v.St f ? .1.... 1. 1 V.J.iO M'-. 1. .. 1 ,. , i 1 1 1 1 .t ! ?! hen paradise should bo thus i lcn1Vd t0 l?m? lh wou!,l (!,.1hS j -" floin thc utilnnpinc5 in store for i "'' J"ucn -i::a heen thc nature of his I dream. As he was catmg his beefsteak '.ilrvfratfx.-- It,- n.?.ll.t ... t -3 t hnf I- : '"". i-u..""- he told lumsilf that could not be so. anil that the dream must be llung to the winds. A certain amount of strength was now demanded of him. and he thought that iie would be abie to use it. "So, nr.- dear, not me; it 111:13 not be thcit you" should be come 1113- wiie. though all the promises under Heaven had been given. Though 3011 S33- that 3ou wish' it, it is a he whi -h 1:1.13' not be ratified. Tin. ugh you implore it of me, it can not be gran'od. It is he that is 3-our love, and it :s he that must have 3-011. I lovo 3-011. too. Gml in his wisdom knows, but it can not be so. Go and bc his wife, for mine 3ou shall never become. I have meant well, but have been untortunate, 2Cow 3oa know the state of 1113 mind, than which nothing Is more fixed on this earth." It was thus that he would speak to hcr, and then he would turn aw 33: and the term of his misery would have commenced. On the next morning he got up and prepared for his interview with John Gordon. He walked up and down tbe sward of the Green Park, thinking to himself of the language which hc would use. If he could only tell the man that he hated him, while he surrendered to him the g.ri whom he Jovcd so dearly, it would be well. For in truth there was nothing of Christian charity in his heart towards John Gordon. 1T0 BE COXTn-rWXj 11 AJ l T Wial the Ftetarc Iroii-iea. P-oftt iistch contribute to tbe New York Ti'nci of a ncett dale a djerla tion on the extraordinary jrruwtu ad prosperity of the country in the lasi decode, which. ays the Sf and I enthrr t'jcji&rlrr, mi replete ntb laiercHiag U not a word in it that wfli ir orai. ! - 4 L a I .- (. . 9 f fc j . AL. - isioa. Tiic lat jujnumw in it ombrcw all the otnmeni w any ncJ of making upon i. Th picture ii not highh over-colored, and tbe conclo on we draw front it arw that the foturs ....r..; ,.rni.r;!V" .I'4'lr- I' f' In the ominous prediction-" that are being mad about tfa etdl effect of the retvni panic xnd the constant ailuikitts to the panic of 173. with it$ 3 ears of sub-Huent depression, no attempt made to cmpire the general conditwD of the country at each of th've two pcnc.'-l-. The hv't decade has added aa enormom amount of wealth jojmla tion and development to tlu country. as a giance at a few .tati,tiC'j will ?how To go into a compar.on of :mportnnd CTj-)rls. the increase ol traltic with foreign countr.tA the immigration and ' i.. benefits to buiiue.- inti-rests. etc.. " would reijuire a great deal of splice and j tiresome detail. A few facts rvltting to j the chief jMJtnU that show the growth j and prosperity of tho country between ; 1J7J and 1SH will Miftieu. In the tir-t place, the population has incroascd from .tV.rfXJ.yiJ in 1-S70 to .lui.'j J in l-vi. bv lat oibeial cenau-. 'an J is now proablv not leas than ii, (X.(XH Next" comes tiie magni tude ot our crop--. The wheat crop of 1X7.1. which was the largest ever raised up to that time. wa-. 2U.'A'.ino buincl-v This year the what crop will probably reach .5J.0O'M-J bushels. The corn crop of H7J was y3f, o, o bushel-'. This vear we 11133 exjR-ct from 1.SjO,00.') to J.'J.Mxj.Cl btihel. The oat crop of 1S73 w:us -ukm.' bushels. In I6i it was ..71.ono. bushels, and in 1 Ml will probabh- le over f!)ot(,v'.0o,j btisheli. 'J'he new-pa pers have been crying out that Kngland thall mjoii bc in lecbipt of a ven- large importation of gold. The earnings of the Western road- hae more than doubled in the lat ten 3'car-. Chicago. Hurlington V tjimey showed earnings as lollows: 1S7.. Sll.iin.oiM; l.v:'. .rv,,iuo,(j.M. Chi-! cago. Milwaukee A: St, I'aul 1.S7J, ri.-ooI-.mm; I.ss.l, :.'.v;oi).M.. ( hicago A: Xorth western - lo73. .l'-'.7(AlW0; 16-J. .rJ'.OtKMK.-. L'nion Tacific IS::', .!. (XM.0.; 1S8;1, .3-JI.0U0.tXM 1'ock Island I.s7.'. .3G.41D,Oo'J; 1S3. liMM,U,.i. Of course, these roads have increased their mileage and their capital stoek. The total mileage in the Tinted States w:w, in 1S7."5, 7(),"-r0 mile-.: in ls-S.5. 1J1,18) miles. With the increase of railroad mileage comes the extension of the telegraph. The growth of thc Western Tniou Telegraph Compain in tiie past ten 3-ears, a- shown by their published le porLs. is an evidence of the rapid in crease of business during that period. This (.ompairv'had in 1-S7.5, l.Vl,iX) miles of wire; bvi.-, 4o2.)) miles of wire, showing an averago annual increase ol 27,000 miles of wire. Their earnings were in 187:?. $!,.'JU.000; in 1A "rlV. 40o,00,, an increase of over H per cent. The number of messages sent were in 187:'., 11. 100. 000: in lc-i:', 11, OOO.O'X. The number of employes was in 1.S7-J. 10.S0O; in 1S5, 'Jl.OoO. The increase in earnings has been in the face of a reduction of rates from 01 cents in 1873 to3S cents in 18S'. The consolidated opposition tclcgrajdi coni )anies claim to have G5.000 miles of wire and G00 offices. Twent3-five years ago a da3 message from "New York to (. hicago of ten words, on the produce market, cost $'2.'J); to dv a single message of twent3 words can bo sent over the same distance for twent)--hve cents. The Pacific Mail Steamship Compan3 in 187.5 did not absolutely own one iron steamer. (Jut of iheir earnings in the past ten )-ears the) lr.ivo paid tor 11) iron steamships, have a million dollars in their troasurv.and are now p.ing a ijuatterly dividend at the rate of live percent, per annum. The anthracite coal tra'Ie. was. in 1873, ll,-J-.U00 tons; in 1853, 31,7.0.. 000 tons, an increase of over 10,000.000 tons. The production of petroleum was, in 1S73, lS7.8l.-i, 000 gallons; in ISNk o0o.y31.CHO gallons. A few facts relating to the largest cities K:ist and West will serve as an indication of the growth and progress of the whole couatty. In New York ' the perfect system of elevated railroads 1 has grown Irom a "one-legged road 5 grown on Ninth avenue and Greenwich stteet lo four double-track fulh'-equiped I iiii.-- iuiiuiu till" vuuii; iuuiii vi .'i..ii- 1 i..j rr,t. .' , ij.iitu lsiiiuu. 1111; iiuiiiuui ui i;s;t;ii- gers carneu w:vs, m io.. , jw: in 13. y-J.imOOO. The earnings have increacp,! fnllnie- In 187 fij lOi). in ls-33, $6,000,000. - - WT- -- W- 'V VV--WW - The telephone and electric light have leen introduced within tho last ten woul't not take our wheat at lie high ;, " j '" - - - - aajn; tin walu l U nww, lv prices at which it was held, but iu the : : " ' V"k -,r '"" . !'-" 'P ! ulrr tw ' past nine weeks we have exported 1-,- HtW:. '-v -.- 5jl",ts Ue :,14ob, - teacher to par to fro a, W jji U'). ,K bushels against the ame period , J -a-ldw! 1 sjulative Mr D. h., mlnjrlH,a,. -n,,, twxciMK. !,, fcto l:w.t year, when we exiortel 11.0 -.. lo, iJ-- .J t!""? bM raa a maa UH1 nl j j buMR-l,. This, in connection with oth. r ' ,mhr l ctmiinaac had dona 1. wbwbtt rrtK,M ftlwl Lt.w WBrh fact. eatls lo the conclusion that we l -"-' - . . . "-" " ,--' , hn the u-n nre . . . frri if !.. 4 1. tit.. t.i. li. nrt fiL ... years, and the gold and stock telegraph " "". ? "".. "U; ' ' -"-I, ..... f e. , 1 . ' I holder of Hob lad Cons, and draw- Number, of vorv en-rfle bmblinir, have ben added to the ci3. notably the ITOdllce Ivcetmnrri. pn;tmrr nvor SM - i -.-00,000; the Mills Huilding. costing S2..M000: the Mutual Liie Insurance Huilding, costing about $2.00-3,000; the Washington Htillding. costing about Sl.fti.vK.l The Hrooklyn Bridge has also been built, at a cost of $14,600,000. and has proved as useful iu the transfer of pas sengers and merchandise between the two cities as have the Elevated Roads in city travel. 3-et thc ferry-boats arc more crowded than before the bridge was built just New York City gers as before erected. j mv i-Hii.-n-ui, iu c,,r,, ,... f f carrv as manv nassen- the elevated lines were ? Mft -rTtil1 inn of Chicago has in creased from 3G4.0J) in lS7:f to '&m. --- lVirUtttiiVil in 18i. It has bptome the graiu cen- -1 tcr of tbe xvnrld. am! thc eattle anil hor market of the countiy. In 1S7.J the number of cattle received was oTI.O -: in lS&d it report .1 receipt of l.S'.w '. ncau. the number oi hogs taken Into Chicago in 17J was l,0v,000. in lSc.J, 4,0 0.00. . ami-roveu rauwav roau-ocus. sicm rails and equipment of every kind have maue it poss.ble to br-ng produce from the far ".Vest to the scaboaid as ehcaolv as it could be earned a few hundred miles twenn- years ago. and the same fact applies" to freight carried West Kansas City in the southwest and Sl Paul and Minneapolis in thc northwest are second Chicagos in their develop ment, and with much tionate increase. greater propor- With this great increase in those things which go so far toward making a nation prosperous, we liavc to record the decrease in the public debt of the United States from $-2,162,000,000 iu 187S so 1,498.000,000 in 18S:k What does all this prove but that the country is prosperocT beyond peradventor. ! Oror-ptod-tctJon. wbetber of tec rail. Jroo, roCUc dv?b or raaawfaetcr, iKirvi b n.fe radiy sWrW to-dny tJtaa te rev ar- A briakjg Waif Hract r a psak- caa jrf &d?t lb country a d;nuH in fc. rw:t ' strength an! Tasgait" a rt cmhi when tbe bttiM of tbe cotry e t-01 P4 FicaUHr a e J,sfl??.-11 !!"- j Wall .trwt ka bal It "Jicinkae. and it i t-wc to slop r-d'Un nrn aal hanl Uj w-tk the poai laTS a a UiL Heal tat may dwells hi i vaiuc. ami in au prtKu:niT tjm. f j with th incrocvstf ot woanli win cinx the desire to inrnt ciotH-r wbv It will not for jw crat. per aaeaa. With Govcrameat bond ntta ! vban ihrvc jrr oral. I: i aatitral lo mt? , pf thai tJ- tinve mu: mjd eamo whea roal ft4atv uul no knpir net ix ' per c-at. aal r??r. In ls7l tha Goreramcatof tiit rntlod States Itad un haaI, of gwkl. ilvcc am! ', "rvnback-. ?77.u.O.UJ legal tcdrr t I n 1577 tbe3 had $ 133, mV- 5. la January. 1 i-t, they had ?- 4t ". O I. Kach yearlhe3 had oblig-iixm out. of $ iutortsat accrued asd cvrtincxWR" niro i -entiag a tMrtioa of the raoaov htdtl bv j th Government relatively. ' Another (oint to be taken iaU ae ! count. In 1 "7i probaU3 ono-half km " pobhc debt i huld abroad. To-laT niae-tenti- of it is held hore It b rnible that -Unrk ntv r ' f--n't'r' hut if m tt wH only bn tbe'siar- i o! twoiK road which are p&r.-ilItwM ik- local iMi-jin-Vv-. lriag onh a few of tint ' trunk lines thi- side iW lakes. 1 Tlte abo e fa.-ti w ill innblo tbo pub lic Ut itraw iL own coiicla-ioa at to whether tins future piomfcs dttvator or prosperity. Not Kiactly Id-Hock. In California, in the day- of the Com- stock excitement, when all kindtof wild-, cats were U,ing lhatel on the market ' and rapidh bought by an tudi--nuiaat-j ing public, a Mr. Ha; i- bought a claim. a conipaii mi1 mhI some 01 the to.-K., To a er- popular friend of hi- he sold a large block of ten thousand vharo at one dollar p-r share. l'or some tune the mine amounted to nothing, and after a few twenty-live cent ( asses-incut-, had wn IevioI. tJiu stock would ically not have been cheap as a giit. l'or this reason Mr. Davis ami the friend to whom he sold the ten thousand sharo a a gM.Kl thing wore not on speaking tonn-. One da)", however, the friend, to his utter and complete aston ishmcut, receiied a note, asking hi.n to call at once at thc residen. e of Mr. Davis. He went, and found Mr. Diivi in Ix'd. The table was covered with I medicine littles, and Mr. Davis looked as if his head had been repo-hig iu a sack of Hour. .lim."' said DavK in a loarse and feeble voice, "1 did you a dirt)- trick a few months ago in solliugyou them 'ere Hob Tail-, for I knowed 3-011 couldn't afford the monev. and. Heaven knows, they've not brought mo no luck-" Well." said .lim. "what has Im-cii done, can not be undone now."' at the fame time gaingconipa-siouatoh'upon the sickh form of the pro-trate Davi. "No, no," urged I)avi. I done you a wrong. The doctor -.-n" 1 haven't mair) hours to live, and before I die 1 want to undo as far as I can the iirun I done 3011; where are them shares?" Got Vm down at mv office."' was the reph. " You bring 'em up here as soon a 3ou can," said Davis, "and I will give vou the monev that vou paid fot 'em." Muttering expressions of grief. and with eyes rapidh becoming moi-t with tears, Jim rushed off to the office and brought up " them 'ere shares." The shares were handed to Davis, who, with an eprviion as if it were his last ! earthly tran-action. handed his friend ten thouan 1 dollar in currency. ' I never thought 3011 meant to do me wrong.' said .lim. speaking as i! he was about to choke. " and I do hope 3ou wiil soon be better, old man.'' dim then retired with his hand- full ot greenbacks and his eves full of tears. No sooner had he left thc room than Davis, suddenly recovering, jumped out of bed and did a war dance on the door. Wiping thcjlour from his faee, and taking the rag off his throat, he remarked to a confidant- Well, I guess I had him that time3" " I guess 3ou did," replied thc con fidant. The following morning thc new was blazoned fortlifin all directions that ihe "Bob Tail Con.' had struck the 1 j ..11 r greatest bod v of ore ever seen on the ' Pacific coat. and the shares bounded , c ..11. ! nP from s?; cento .the lana.- i ?fnien-. nnpaiii. 10 seven uonar. 'Hie last time .Mr. Uavis was seen, he was living at the Hoffman House in New York, feasting on the fat ot ihe land. ti ... . .1 .1... 1 . :.t. ti.... 1 ! in? a.princely revenue in thc form of monthly dividends from the property. Hut once again Davis and hi' friend arc not ou speaking terms, Finuuaal Xctcs. A Ccenr d'Alcne Toirn A more unattractive place than Mur-, nn 1 have seldom ccn. The tre-s i Iiave bcen cleared aw-33-, leaving a bare gulch into which thc sun pours for six- , teen hours a dav with a fervor which J seems to bc designed bv nature to make P for the coolness of tbe .J u.y nighty wnen tires are neeuen. .-mmp-. anu 1 1 hair-nnarren 10 eneumoer ine sireeLS. ---- . , , . I r.nil serve as scats Jor toe mnaonant-. ! Chairs can only be found in thc princi- gambling establishments. Ererx i '-- i 'VTli second building is a drinking-sahxin. 0 I Newspapers sefi for two-bits" (twen- 1 ty-Iive cents) apiece. Descending the hill into the town. we encountered vroccssion of txirhaps three hundred men. marching after a long board box. r was thc tuneral ot a printer who had been shot by his employer, the editor of -. -.- . -- - tbe local journal. i.r ilcmanding ht P-)v. The propnety of Irnchin-r tbe . -. a.v -.tw. .v 4..M-. editor was discussed after the funcraL but as the Judge of the District was ex- 1 pociea nei; aay to uoia court, it was decided to let the law take its course. t The town was full of men out of cm- 4 olovment and out of monev. wm hung about the saloon- and cursed the camp iu :ui stwus vi pruuia-Ly Known 10 mi ners vocabulary. Ivevertheless, 3, gold day by was being shipped out everv Wells, Fargo c Co's Express, and new aiscovenes were constantly reportett. All the facts pointed to a rich aurifer ous region- The men who were mak ing monev kept quiet, worked earlv and late on their claims, and let the talking of the town be done by those who had neither the means to opea claim, nor to live on while holding them. E, V. SthuHcm, in thc Ccntorg. 1 !t 1 I - "t ft Oar Yonns Headers- rr syrikUKL- choice m a4 ' ttk w. 1 r?- XtM Jm 1 far l rvi . ' mmi fmm 4 jmnn 1 mt A tkti$ Wi- W fcf mm, A W4 4' it t A tr me Ur o Ms, U Vkmm mm tt .m U N'njr. mf ti,Jwii WtV $. ww Uk- irtfc rmm i , . nihil m tai m so 15 A JIWUU CJKK)I- ,lt la Isdia ei:inm ro to ehmot at 1 a'ckck ta t manual. mmmtr ad I iR-iator Tbvnr 1 i "kly SWat day. aor ars tjr r-jlr Wtmm i4 vufntin. lt '.Wm ar-r WobtLsr mt ' from ox dir U$ a Jtrttbt ai a Usmm ' Uttrts lb tvvlr MKiaSki of tb Tar. ' Kf-iiig m tW days t f-ciool ( loop p'tt all the uim h-arh mtIkxm. or palaXa (kia rtxtm" ) ba. oohr wm rr-oo tor Mm utx or fortr tMplV oot iafcor, calbnl tbe artKHokaowT t rntftw totur" l the hKukMr t Um b4i ik L. bat tuo -bid puotb." or bwt t firats Act a his b4p TW c of U Not may gl, p to koal i loOU. j ad tbir Aool ar nrto from j tboe of tb byv Sowtruato, wb 1 ther I. plv i eho4 in ikn viIIam. ! ? or nhtva Um frawvla cbiii is Uivuutl. iWn utnv b a-lHorini bKimu I !,, ,,. M -7l ' witk tbw but-. I hv vti Uwr1" iHipil-. ia bri oroootn. . - . . -urw .r. " i t " Thorv n o &, bckm or tnloi la tbe school-rcm Tbs br -4t st loud i .rnall mn, ( nbuol 111 J bv lur. uhwh are praal on Um hJf upon of writing ami eihrUi Tbe orrsOa Ugi eepi bv ku iuv-atn to tbe Me uwrutng of l.Am-1 ing. th. j-Mjd.i nownti, km1 lk rv- rital of tiie inuhipb.rtta tabi wp U I I lJC - "r RBd ihe hrt jiiot pupil 1 j (oOWtHi iu tbo ivrrcvi of tbe mull, j plication talde. Tbott falloH Um ie- J nw id the day. wWh h arw in reo-llng. w mieg and anthemetie Tb 1oj ar j s'-nltnl m the order of Uieir vnkntr an ' 5-lKlars. Kverr f-cuior boy if mn( to ! take the recitation of hi lmmrdinL: I juiiKir in pnenc ami iittuer ihe gunl- ancc of the tutor ami of the hand imi- pih; the very begianer nueh a arw leanimg their alpliaix-i or !trt 1 poll ings, being given to lb charg of the latter. So there are three recital Wu going ou at the same tinto la tb ottr j room. The teacher hinttelf examines t the senior 1k , ami h iiImj puts rpio- tions to every onu bv turtis In n similar manner tb Ik) . umlor tbe I oyns of the teacher, pnipare owe anotb j cr on the leon of tbe next day. J Th" Mibjiwts of stu.lv arj pnw, tn- etrv (luehidii'g ui)tboligic-al mim! olar j fables), history, a litth grnmtnar. very I little geographv. and moral maxima. ealetilalioti, p.nmaii4itp and letter writing, ami book-keeping. There is no dully ciwwjgu of phtnw among the lnyA-. but their Matt ar fixed by the teacher the Unit day of i.v cn mouth, according to their mjpoeuvw progrc".1. Tho chool houri aro from ix Ut ten in the morning, and from three to live in the afternoon. In the hot climate of India very fuw eople work during mid day, or even go out of tnolr Ironies The afternoon mmhu i given lnraroh to writing and arithmetic. I or writing, paper h used by the ad vaneod scholar., and dn-l palm luv 13 th" junior one-.. The palm leave can be w.isbod clean, and tuieil over and over again. WihkJcii loardi. made in tho form of jdatc, and halk nre uelior arithmetical work. Th ttch cr has a big slxti-bkc lnnl against the wall at his end of tho room, which ho use when he wants to slww anything to all tho boys, or a largo numU-r of them. Hut, a a rule, h instructs eneh I pupil on his own slato or lKKks. und al ue nuvr s on 11 num. jiimirj earn the alphabet by going over big letters tracel witli chalk on the floor Uy one of the junior boys. Tho afternoon clojr, a the morning began, with a parting prayer lo tbeMn-.c baiaswati. ami afresh repetition of the multiplication table. Deep and sincere reverence for tbo teacher is regarded, and is instilled bv me parenw as xvc.i a- in wio cour o: the lemons, as the primary proper feol ing in thc life of the scholar, the root of all devotion to learning, ami a verj ecnt al clement of sncavi, Kwli jhi pil aj- he conic into school bows ilown j at thc foot of the teacher, .faying "Mas ter, grant me Knowjodgc,' anl take hs scat after having received the tuto rial blowing with the words: "ixt shall it be." Thc bov that cornea earliest to boo! has 0 dot marked against hi name for mat uar on me roii-oooc. aau each order of his arrival, Thm the loy that comes around earliest is marked I ; thc next one. 2 ; and so on. If two or more cmc together, they all get thc rao mark. H hen the school la closod for the day, the teacher cIIs out th nms of tbe pupLs. ami arranges them 3n the order that thev came in tho itorning. the earliest comer )eing placed nearest j im, ,ioor j. .- iorin-w im get a tap of approval from the cart of tho - .....1.. 1 :- . 1 iisunv;, aim i uj?iutr.vci urs bv befnir shown the door. The teacher then strikes the palm of each of tbe rt with ! gentle raps w the aombcr 1 1 )m mark ; that day in the roll-book, ami dirai&- one by one In succession- Although the rans are not hard. I v anv nvao". t n- , f ;, .in n .i ,r. tpon UpX lT -- W Vkl tAVfc "K Ml -ft Mil M k Wmmm- J haTC jn atraT on th- tn?ot. where tbev mav by nahin"- hither and thither after -om fun. This dLcitdine LJ- n-oant m enfon-e earlv attendance. and Is fonad to be i.uite efleetive- 1 ou will find bov before six o'clock in tho mo-ning amming against the unopened school door. eaer to rah in. like an imiatient crowd at the gate of a theater when there is going to be a grand play, When a bov does not want to come to school, and bis mother scad word to he eOcct to the gooroomohasnoy, four strong and clever ioy5 are dm patched to chase him out of any hiding-place be might be in. and bring him to scacol oa their shoulders. just as if be were a corpse or a piece of board. Ibis tank gives ereat lun to tbe captor. as the Tour boys are called, asd tbe screams of the truant when he ha been caogbt aal carried to school put ooe in Bind ; of a pig telag taken to tbe market- Tbe n I vnt rs tli. Kt.i? V.- m,ttx yrtf mn? ti It'.ijttt iravcbir. af Uvrj eeatssl i3 tillill. Jl 1I. kAmJll 1IU RLallU. Lt"C & mww w "-' -- " - t -- v , p -r-P I s-ar U -Vk lhi? ?r?J. VT "Wmet O i&&rt ypr ffl U puV-st iu4 l& 4rt& C It W .il Aa lie Rly Wjj &i me J taw1 h grHa5ifcjr gr i tl brtt tf tr sw --ws: imi a4 fcrcrr4 bnui rs ie tewt UHir M4&- 9mrf to psrifc iiw wtttg: tr wttwr i-. - It t aot cKArv U& br M Wtw tr4 4kM IWr t K aA j Urn. Corv rbr l IlB-v ( A OMMIirV 10A.tMIJ WS4 lTt bi froiitiirnf xor Nk Mot C VuaSJ. A t ttwit Jw4 in It wotr A?t 1? ' a nch xmI r i'm not Ia? lM-! ' tsm ofMTo lioolStlHlnr !! t'WTR ! tec f Nc Yott. to !& U toed. Ubnr. wtoaK-wwl a Ht la Al Wmt T Shi hvi a1.1 JT MS ttfll Wv. IwU ceui tvm oo" "I'jmii h fciu I m &.. i t , Mnh Kicwest bt tin? Jiw Sroutor W. o, mi M AqiM t. A M.Xor. lono Uw4, caoai bt ? f -1 ", A umr m fc Yootli Lat tbr t ttwtk 6w boh !ftK baf rton fma bumbW ft bj if.at 4 iiwtsrv """T "-"f5? "" "T" horrro WaoiU of -Uo - - akM V a. - . - - - - - . . ... .,. jfKcud ttpoft. Um i-od uf rk ro iai WUMr i-tw H oi it 4ofM4 to j buw yun b it - .Vmo ff wtC jrr lb HtWkW'vw... bikMU at ti ilm'H rarroM an 4n . e.nMtwmMi Mi WiUu u iu mJ tW rtMiUu 4 umtjKm tnl evpofteoc an wrtt u. tW 4akW vxatsvf of tki iiNponl nnt. Miv bU. wa ikv-vt v4 U to fUt ltvfM e-t (onumrwi with Htm mtUi I;mmt tmkgm ot IJMrboJi farmer. t MrfciHt Um airoM u a w?ikienib'e t-4i(0l in li trr mlvi.-ifcfi t eWft all lb inralte k l uL Aftr tb !4k.M i. aIw k. mit U pnrMMi ka kad bu Utb, aal lb fnif-r Jrvi bad tl4r wimto MrtL tb ipamw 'a kJiarn b.- t bt 4tiMitfld. nmi tki W ih hunui nJkn'nM. lrM n lni-rw farm. U If Mas (a(iatHilwl thai um tbcwnnlid par7t b4 ItMMMl tbo wbt crop, !be to B.tmmmm U. "Ura qnartr, airllam nmi H perk" durg the 4 wk la v-kr)t Ibey lrrie.1 wH lb jrni in th ilU the bH'k, the 4cU, mmt nkilo til? ibmokittg w-a jrM "fbfc 'pmintoiy Is tiNjunl i forty h4 bibl atad mm IecV, Ad tb 4t) A tOrltMb tbe seritXM Um of WftW Hkk-h i aiftfi Uiim1 by Um lunli and an ari0uty tknt oe laafhv pirrow Ait m a nc-Miy-M-M iat held, and taken at Jutxrd for eianmNKa lhit. ivm fwoml U bnv brir-tw grata of w httal ttt Ua eri. Avl tbl tntn tire pe4 we bve boeH liMitd M WiJte to our h-riA and hum aa U wtm. n a frend ami an ally In amr nc ajcntfti meeb, Natttrall)' tbo fmrrtr 1m a grahi-eaUttff btnt It ha a bard. brt bill, well ftjftptod for towrinax fi U gbim-M of Weal ami oi tin UMiKb huk.H tf corn, which h rb U HU iu renruh of the nfl grain tkotter Ut.m. It U tru that the jiirr.w Wd Ut 3oung witlt Hfi )ru. biclullMe MiHKib-bHltiMl ontrp4ler, ttmK, wtol thr Ktnall plant hot. bu tni k oti'j a. part of tho fcrod, fr xer oornc nwwt ling bare been fuid Ut bare Um r-p jwirlJ.v IH1hI xviik liumniun wbeni in lu nitl doughy tiie and with f nfiert! f vegetable! nnl frmt.. 'al a -min m( rie whimt Ua bun fotiod iu the arp f a parrow bt Hn dnr W time earh- d ihy l-o;! ibrir jfrm4teoriw pp.jwjJtw, No ons laael nox'lom Ui th farmer ban b.rm foa4 kit tbo crop of LhotcMindi of pmnvB. nxeift tug in a few t ai a oft ztvnn er liUar -'much tk lb grtn oabbpf worm " All thi U direct rvitbt. Hro wilit very mm h ioro of the ?tne kind. Ut rv pajwr nieeiiUv rewl at a fnnnsrA' mos ing at Norweh. in Kulatwl. In tb eoure of tbe ilw-uwwon wkeh folfwI not a vol' e ww rtUful in tntH(aie f Ujo gen-rnl houlity to tb wrwtiAoil jcaI. who Mr , s Kl. a metMtrr of 1'arl.ament and alertdj; air'ol- iwt. who ha. travel.il xvnn(4mly Ui America, gave n trtrlking MOturu of Un way the biril behavin la bin Ujlrnl liorae ow thi Mile of thc ocean Mr. Kowl jaid he hatl icon in a Btaek yard in New YWt. .--tato inonmiM tlafcj of j.parr-'iw.i whieh polUTlT darkHjl tho air when they roe Tber wrw ten of thousand ef jiparrw In th suvk yanb-. devvurtag all Ukt grnfn th3 cwibl roaoli. My the ay rrt,"?a of multiplication th fttuonat of 4amagn to th farmer rttuM fco bwn tiK the liguro aljve given 1 to M bun drcd of buhol of grain. Ht U.e minor robberies, the nak ihkrrmg f thi? pent are by no meani nsil. firr It elijfht in robbing th ckwJ:a vrf th-lr food, and we baTe wa a f"W 1 tbiT--W cJwckiin brutally zmttttaroi lr? a blw of tbo hard beak of a jsrrrw? wiiK-h wx drir.ng a briei frcrn MAt looA at tbe front of a rof. te piut rt th fltljr:n protu ot th burt. isurely tbcre w gnwl won tor frMM:i to join in a drmaad ujeja iJHrr Logil turA that tbe jiparrowio. a.t a cufeaxe tbat b uUily in tolorabJ . 11 Times. It k g3rally nierui that the hair and ni "srrow tater in ho- wcra wcalhcr tban in troW. b4 firw p-robabl ' ar awar tbat any lnperxlHTS t tbe weauHrr ca tropcr-. sa a tramnms U the grwtii Ooael I-r;rraUfcr. ik ir linmc nxreaitalf haL .' th-si . - - '- - - - -w - a It was 3jpo?b!c to travel la tbe dav- . tinws- Tb? bar and- Leard ot all liit ; party grew with ajitooxihiag rapkfitr. . aw, tra3gei 01 au. cj voaLhluI j ( sm. wboo lacc wrro pcritwlh 1 -" smooth, all at once detvlorxjd tnk rospxtabla beard. rupdnr Se&nei ; Muci&ty. J - j A corrwpotidcflt at Latcerae. Swit erland. avn Unrrc is Hub te do ibrt . aside from tbe excrc$ o tb !ak after the Hon and the rHHiH oU cH3V but one coalu pca4 a welc jm&1mmC' rag across tbe iratr. Of mmi' Hw J h a variety sc a otc rarely J every night a half dozen sew eoaceita ' All tbe strolline niagers. ad waaAe&n , players, and akfer tHavers. aal tvmimt players of all cotuKrfcM bcm to lode U I Lucerae in tbe siMuner. e4 k m tbt eutota to perform at tbe botch dMri 4fer." 1. WtV I. -i-f. , e r ' ' " J ' .;t . . m - -. t '.m . - (Z -?-- --NP ra y . '-!H-J r-W s- ' i - .- --'. j. - 'JX - " x, - J-r.