The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 17, 1884, Image 2

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i C, HOSIB, Publisher.
Gleaned ljr Telegraph and flail
Mn. Jon.f it. McLean, of tbo Cincinnati
Enquirer, was lately married to MLss
Emily T. Beale, daughter of General
Ucale, at 'Washington.
David Heady, Cliief Clerk of the Buroau
of Labor Statistics, was lately removed
from ofllce by Commissioner Feck, who
charged him with fraud and malfeasance
in ofllce.
JJy a late report cf the Commissioners of
the Gonoral Land Ofllce, the sale of lands,
for the fiscal year just onded embraced
nearly twenty-seven i..llion acres. J'y the
same report the wheat crop this year will
exceed that of last year by 100,000,000
Samuel. Tilde.v has written a letter to
Ihe Committee of the National Democratic
Convention relative to the resolutions
adopted concerning him. Ho urges re
form in the National administration.
Jons F. Stei.vuax, the oldest merchant
in Pennsylvania, died October Gib on his
farm near Lancaster, aged sixty-five. He
was a veteran of the war of 181
The Opera House at South Bethlehem,
l'a and four adjoining buildings were de
stroyed by lire not long since. The loss is
about $100,003. During the progress of the
flames some whisky barrels were rolled in
to the street. Tho firemen broke in the
heads mid partook freely of tho liquor.
IHauy of them became helplessly drunk.
One man wafatally injured.
The men employed in Oliver Jirotliers &
1'lrillips' rolling-mill at Pittsburgh, Pa.,
lately refused to accept a reduction of lii.'J
per cent, in their wages. The proprietors
suspended work, thus throwing (1,000 nvn
out of employment.
A CAimiAGK containing George and Alico
Hall, of Stanford, Vt., was struck by an
express train at Graylock crossing. Both
occupants were instantly killed. The
young man's body remained on the engine
pilot, while tho body of tho young lady
was thrown one hundred feet on a bank ton
feet high.
Mme. Ja.viscii fainted recently in New
Yoik in tho third act of tho play "Louisa,"
rt the Park Theater. It was said by her
physicians that she needed rest, and that
the swoon was a sorious symptom in the
complications so often brought on by over
work. Tin: Johnson well, near Butler, Pa.,
which has been doubly guarded by fierce
bulldogs and men nrmed with shotguns,
and made a mystery of, was completed re
ccntly, and is dry, or nearly so. Tho well
was drilled thirty-seven leet below the
stray sand without striking oil. The lower
sand is close and hard, and after shooting
the venture may prove a small well. Tho
Schcidmantlo well, the next important
venture, is due very soon. If the Schoid
jimntle should prove dry it will practically
condemn all the new work southwest of the
present developments.
The safes of Noble & Sons, and Tomlin
kou & Son, at Perry, N. Y., were blown
open a few nights ago and robbed of i",
000 of Arkansas bonds, also other securities
end money.
Rev. "VW S. Osman was lately arrested at
Stanford, Conn., charged with th serious
crime of outraging the twelve-year-old
daughter of Mr. Jimmerson, in whoso fam
ily he resided. Tho scene in the courtroom
was sensational in tho extreme, the mo her
Of the little girl being anxious to kill tho
defendant. Tho minister had formerly
lsen a sailor, and afterwards a liquor
dealer, but he became a convert during a
revival in 1S71, and had been preaching
ever since. Ho was held over in tho sum
About 30,000 persons assembled at tho
Northampton Campground, near Spring
Held, Mass., on October Sth, to celebrate
the centennial of the independence of
American Methodism.
Mauy Hendeksox, n girl of seventeen,
employed by tho United Stntes Cartridge
Company, lately died a fearful death at
liowell, Mass., by getting a small bullet
accidentally lodged in her ear.
The Fort Pitt Iron and Steel "Works at
Pittsburgh, Pa., which have been closed
down for nearly threo months past, re
sumed, giving employment to several hun
dred men.
Thomas Malloy, Sergennt at tho Na
tional Soldiers' Homo nt Tayus, Me., was
killed a few days ago by crooked liquor
. dealers, whoso wagon he was searching for
suspected goods.
A young man recently made inquiry at
IVinceton, N. J., for his two brothers,
""whom ho claimed had not reached home
from school during the summer. He was
unknown at Princeton, but took board at a
good hotel. He was told that his brothers
left college a year ago. Ho then went to a
saloon and afterwards down the canal and
disappeared. It was thought he was killed
"by canal men, or committed suicide.
Bukglars lately raided the town of
Perry, N. Y., securing abou? ?S,O0O worth
of plunder.
After the Courtof Appealsof New York
had declared unconstitutional tho act of
1S82 forbidding the manufacture of cigars
in tenement houses, the Legislature passed
xi now law to tho same effect. The Supremo
court recently declared that tho law in
vaded the rights of the citizens and was
At a secret conference of paper manu
facturers held in Philadelphia on tho Sth,
reports were made of a short supply of
rags all over the country, owing to tho
Oovernmont embargo on imported rags
from tho East, and it was determined to
call a meetiug to be held in Cleveland. It
jwas thought a determined effort would
. ix made to force tho price up an average
o2 two cents a pound. Tho supply of rags
In port and on the water will only keep
the mills going until December 1. The
largo paper'dealers in Chicago and other
Jcities, East and West, are serving their
customers with notices to the effect that
tbey are compelled to withdraw former
quotations and give prices on amounts,
or from day to day. The writiug paper
manufacturers agreed, at a meeting held
in Boston an the 6;h, to advance prices two
cents per pound, and to maintain the ad
vnnood rates.
: The unusually warm weather of the last
of September and the first of October is
something unaccountable even to weather
prophets and meteorologists. Early in
October the thermometer at Jackson,
Term., indicated 105 degrees above zero.
All over .the United States there was
worm weather.
At Sioux Falls, Dab., 31icbael McLaugh
lin was lately arrested for raising a check
from 59 to $900. He stood well before.
A KAN was found on the sidewalk in the
lower part of Cairo, I1L, latey, in a dy
ing condition, suffering apparently from
typhoid malaria. He was sent to the hos
JiI. dying there at once. An examina-
tlon of his effect developed pnpcm show
ing hi uams to Ikj Fred Schneider, a mem
ber of the Gnictti Verein Society, of St.
Louix, and n certificate of death benefit of
3)0 in the same organization. Hi re
mains were buried and tho St. Loul so
ciety notified.
A HKCE.fT washout on the Northern Pa
cific, nenr Yon du Lac, Wis., cauxed a wreck
and tho los of three live.
D. M. ISciiNS, of San Francisco, was
lately arrested, charged with emlezznng
State funds.
Dcriii.NG a late DemocraMc demonstration
atHigglnsport, O., Robert Shaw shot Ken
dall Orerturt through the heart. Tho mur
derer was arrested.
The Fourth Annual Convention of the
Federation of Organized Trade and Labor
Union of the United States and Canada
assembled in Chicago recently, llosolu
lutions denouncing Mr. Whitelaw Keid, of
the New York Tribune, a? an enemy of
honest labor, were adopted.
The Forty-fifth Annual Convention of
the Grand Mnsonic Lodge of Illinois met in
Chicago not long ago. About G'X) lodges
were represented. The work was princi
pally routine.
After careful examination tho report
that the Illinois corn crop was a failure,
has been denied. The corn did begin to
sprout again, but it did no: do much dam
age. The twelfth Cincinnati Industrial Expo
sition closed recently with a deficit of from
1,010 to $10,000. Last year there was a de
ficit of $I."i,000, winch wiped out the surplus
of tho year before, leaving nothing to fall
back on this year. A number of wealthy
citizens have indicated that if tho de
ficit this year is not greater than now ap
pears they will make it good, in order that
there may be no call on th guarantors.
The May festival deficit of Cfi'J) was pro
vided for in that way. Th expenses of
tho exposition just closed will umount to
about 48."i,000.
Te.v men, employed in tho construction
of the new water tunnel for the village of
Hyde Park, south of Chicago, weredrowned
in plain view of the village not long ago.
Thirteen men were employed upon the
work of sinking a tunnel and conducting a
new crib at a point one mile from the lako
shore. They lived in a cabin built on the
crib platform. A heavy storm came upon
them suddenly and swept their cabin into
the waves. A life-saving crew at onco
started in search, and arrived in time to
see four of the men fall exhausted into the
raging waters. Uy hard work, however,
threo of tho mon were saved.
William Johnson, one of the most
prominent farmers of Harrison Township,
Ind., was seriously if not fatally shot by
his son-in-law, Joseph l'arnett,'a few morn
ings past. Johnson attempted to give
Darnett some advice, but iSarnett took it
as an insult and grabbed his shotgun,
threatening to shoot his father-in-law.
Johnson turned to run and Uarnett shot
him in the back. It is not thought that
Johnson can recover.
The Indiana Supreme Court decided not
long ago that it lias no power to respite or
grant pardon to convicted criminals. The
law conferring that power on any other
person than the Governor is unconstitu
tional. The Citizens' Association of Chicago
lately conferred a prizj of $."00 for tho best
practical essay on the main drainage, sew
erage and water supply sytem of Chicago
and vicinity. The essays are to bo handed
in before the l-t of April.
The liquor law is causing much litiga
tion at Dubuque, Ia. An injunction was
filed against twenty-one saloon keepers
not long ago, by tho attorney for tho Citi
zens' League.
A giant-powder explosion nt Idaho
Springs not long n;o killed two men. Tho
men wero warming the sticks of powder
over a fire, when one man carelessly al
lowed his stick to ignite.
A company has been organized in Chi
cago with a capital of $500,000, to insure
purchasers and mortgagees of real estute
against loss by defects in title.
The Grand Jury at Chicago lately in
dicted -Vatt W. Pinkerton for an attempt
to compound a felony. Charles II. LnIand,
whoso father does business in Wall street,
New York, was arrested for stealing rings
in Chicago, and Pinkorton offered to settle
tho mattor for $1S5.:0.
Small-pox has broken out at Brookings,
D. T., and is spreading rapidly. It is
thought it was introduced into the place
by immigrants.
The Illinois Central Road lately ordered
the survey of a lino from Yazoo Cit3' to
Memphis, to tap the territory tributary to
the Mississippi & Tennessee Road, which
recently passed into the hands of a rival
A horrible crimo was recently brought
to light at Troy, Ind., by tho finding of tho
hondless body of a woman iu a cistern on
tho farm of Peter Becker. The body was
nude and tho head was found ono hundred
yards distant. It was afterwards found to
be the body of a Mrs. Hendershot and in
vestigation proved that she was murdered
by her husband and sons. One of the sons
and the husband were soon mobbed near
Robert Rusk, a young man respectably
connected, was lately arrested at Hackett
City, Ark., charged with horse stealing in
Texas, and taken to that State by the Sher
iff of Grayson County. Tho young man's
father accompanied them.
The Louisiana State Board of Education
lately decided to locate the State NoruiHl
School at Nachitoches, that town having
given buildings and grounds valued at
Over seven hundred men, womon and
children were not long ago thrown out of
employment at Petersburgh, Va., on. ac
count of the scarcity of water.
TnE Centennial Hotel at Beeb, Ark.,
was recently burned. Loss, $3,000; insur
ance, $1,."00.
The officers of the New Orleans Produce
Exchange lately called Governor McEn
ery's attention to tho steady enlargement
of the Atchafalaya outlet of the Mississippi
and conveying the belief that there is dan
ger of the water of the Mississippi being
deflected into that river, and thus finding
its way to the sea, leaving New Orleans
on the bauks of a lagoon as Vicksburg
has been left. They ask that the facts may
be laid before the President and Con
gress with a view to averting what they
look upon as a National calamitv. The
best engineers say that if the Atchafalava
were dammed as proposed tho water would
inundate all of Southern Louisiana and
place the city of New Orleans under tea
feet of water.
Lincoln Banks, a noted desperado of
the Kentucky mountain regions, was ar
rested recently in Louisville on the charge
of murder. Banks was in attendance on
the session of tho United States Court as a
witness in some "moonshine" cases.
At Sipe Springs, Tex., a mob lately at
tacked the residence of a farmer named
Hayes. His son-iu-law, Dunlap, and a
young son of Hayes went out to meet the
mob. The latter was instantly killed and
the former fatally wounded. It seems that
another son of Hayes had been concerned
in horse-stealing. A committee notified
the elder Hayes to leave the county and he
refused. A posse of citizens started in
pursuit of the assassins, several of whom
were recognized by Mrs. Hayes.
A singular case of spontaneous com
bustion recently occurred at Canton, Hiss.
A barrel of wbiky exploded in a saloon
without any apparent cauc
Captain "Waodell, of the Confederate
cruiser Shenandoah, ha been given com
mand of a now teamcr in the
te oytr navy
er the Federal
of Maryland, patterned after
revenue cutter.
A party of crent?en persons most of
whom are mbuionarie, left Atlanta, Ga.,
lately, lor Cliiua. txm: or too miie win
organize, In Shanghai, a high school for l oul u, lwo 5crtjons v. I and .VctMn
girls- i o. - was d?Uj -U about tw entt -five uwaa'.e
A horrible accident lately occurred at at the itock ard ami did not reach V.v
Nanbville, Tenn., by which three men lost ' terloo. the recu'.ar plaeo for metmr the
their lives in a foundry, by hot iron flying Lincoln jiunT. am! lay u;mxi a "We track
over them. j '" KJkhorn until that train had paL A
; ' as the pR'ns:cr Iff t the Jaton tl-
,, r . r, - o:h1 ctfon of No. y nulled out for Water-
AP.IOCS scandals are ufloat in the Brit- Ioo. The tram lta(j Ju. ?t,. ntHier fa hmdm
Ish Navy, caused by the embezzlement of ; way when It onteml the cut. aint wa mn
cnormous quantities of ship store. j ning tweiva or tiftun miles an hour. At
RiCiiARO CL.HK, of Caledonin, Can., an Una point there b a ery harp curve awl i:
employe of Furepaugh'4 circus, while Is impuible to v.'o an appnmehuu: emdttc.
opening the ventilator in a cage a few ' J,b a. the freight um arrhed at tlua
da-s sinco, hal his hand seized by a tiger,
and while trj'ing to release himself was
.eized by two other tigers and draggeil in
side the cage. The animal were liually
b;aten off with iron bar after Clark's
arms and legs had been crushed and muti-
lBnw v . 1 i 1 . 1.. . .
I he National I'rohitiltton party i,suel
an order not long ago for the obior-ance
of Wednesday, October lD:h, as a day of
fasting, humiliation and confession. It
was decreed that the day be consecrated
to prayer for the triumph of the prohibi-
tlon cause.
ATalatouifutincror LIiNrnI in Rm,.1.
r - - 1 ;
tion, it is espectetl, wdl cauvj a division
in the ranks of the Moderates.
An unsuccessful was lately made
to wreck a Methodist excursion train with
500 people on board, near Toronto, Canada,
There was great excitement over the mat-
ter when it was found thnt an attempt had
been made to wreck the train, but no out.
was iujuied.
Twenty persons were lately killed and
fifty injured by a cyclone which swept
through f nutnuia, Sirily, a few days age.
At a late meeting of the Congregational
Union of England, iu London, addresses
wi-re made by m.1113' American clergy met.
Knolano is threatened with serious com
plications in South Africa on account ol
alleged encroachments by the IJjors in the
countries adjoining tho Transvaal, and tht
rcstiveness of the native tribes.
An rilleial dispatch lately received at
Paris from Hanoi reports that Colonel Den
nier, at the head of two battalions of tht
French Fonign Legion, inflicted severe
less 011 th Chinese at tho Loo Chuau River.
Four gunboats assisted the French.
Colonel Vincent, liuiui'inl adviser ol
the Khedive, lecenlly made known that he
w nnts a suspension of payment of tho :j:!,
UKi,ou0 annual tiibute to lurkey. Kugland
w ill veto it.
The steauiihip Miramar, from Yoko
Imni.'i to Hong Kong, lately foundered at
sea, all on board being lost.
Owing to agricultural depression, I'riucc
John, of I.ichtenstein, Austria, lately re
duced his tenants' rent by l.UOO.WM ilorins.
t the annual meeting of the Western
Union Telegraph Company a few d lys
ago the report of business for the yeni
ending June JW, J5SI, was presented. Fn.n:
that report it appeared that tlie capita
stock of the company is .J.OOO.OOJ, and
the bonded debt .7,211,000.
The steamship Assyrian Monarch, whicl
arrived from London recently, by way ol
Havre, brought seventy Norman
They will be sent to Western farms, where
they will bo ued for breeding purposes.
AN Alexandria, Lgypt, paper has been
suppressed for advocating the restoration
of Ismail Pasha.
A FOliKio.v syndicate has taken what
ever may be left of 5,003,000 iu bonds and
the same amount in stock issued by tht
Louisville & Nashville Road.
Two Brussels editors fought a duel re-centlj-.
Neither was hurt.
Hu-Ki, tho new Chinese Ambassidor to
Washington, has reached his post.
Bv an explosion of fire-damp in a mine
in Moravia, Austria, recently, twenty per
sons were killed.
English vessels plying between tho Is
land of Formosa, off the Chinese coast,
and Amoy, wero lately searched by French
The soldiers of tho Cuban army have not
been paid for ix months, and they are al
most starving. In the interior towns oi
the island they obtain food by force.
The Orangemen at Harbor Grace, New
foundland, were lately on the war-path.
They tore down a convent gate and beat a
man almost to deatii.
B. OsterhaCT, a Divinity student of Vic
toria College, is under nrrest at Toronto
for stealing a $1,000 Canadian Pacific bond
from a private bank nt Winncpeg.
General Wolselev Lns been instructed
to have the Government Intelligence Bu
reau of Eypt strictly supervise all tele
grams of newspaper correspondents.
AViien th Government Paymaster ar
rived at Snltiilo, Mexico, a few days ago,
the ragged and hungry soldiers stormed
his room nnd were beaten back with diffi
culty. The report of Mr. Nimmn, of tho Bureau
of Statistic-;, treats chieliy of the rnagn.
tude of our internal commerce. A large
nor cent, of American products are con
sumed at home.
The President has recognized Henry
Davidson Walker as British Consul Agent
for Eureka, Areata and Hooktan, Cab, and
Felipe Labodie as Consul of Mexico at Al
buquerque, N. M.
Bismarck has prepared a project which
is to be laid before the Reichstag at the
coming session, for the purchase by the
Empire of all railways new owned by the
different Federal Governments. The Gov
trnments of Bavaria, Wurtemburg, and
Saxonia oppose the consolidaton scheme.
Judge Fisher, of the Baltimore City
Circ lit Court, recently issued an injunc
tion against the Philadelphia, Wilmington
& Delaware Road, restraining it from in
terfering with transportation of passen
gers, baggage etc., over its line in the car
of the Baltimore & Ohio road, and re
quiring it to receive all cars and freight as
before. A lOO.OW bowl was given, with
Robert Garrett and John Gregg as securi
ties. Ex-Governor St. Jo:n, Prohibition
candidate for President, hi issued a letter
reiterating the reasons wy h-; should not
withdraw from the race. The letter is ad
dressed to Prof. Theodore I). Woolsey, of
New- Haven, and a dozju other eminent
George Smith aud James Peniston, of
Argyle, Wis., recently arrested for causing
the death, of u sister of the latter, a hand
some ycung lady aged seventeen years,
whom they had criminally assaulted a
week ago, were held to tho grand jury
without bail at Galena, 111? The details of
the examination were especially revolting.
The prisoners were hurried to the county
jail to escape threatened violence at the
hands of the enraged public
At a recent socialist riot at Bradensbcrg,
Germany, tLe pavements were torn up and
the police were attacked by mobs. After
a good deal of trouble the military quelled
the riot, but not until several men were
wounded on both sides. A number of ar
rests were made.
Thk Temperance party won a complete
victory lately in Toronto.
Jarison, the ltndical leader, stated that it ' J1'0., .J:U'T ?IM,1 hS "" v V'",C
,1 . . r .. t 1 . . frightful! v mansleil. ficonre C iaU-r am.
was the intention of the Radical party to t .1 ..,.!.' r ,,., . ,.., ..,,, 1 '-"'"
. ., , . , .-, . , 1 lMl engineer w!io m killed, vms brtt
support the voKliig:ncii3eaiiiIi.Iats in the J Ullrt..tiVc ywtr, of . WJS IItarrtel ,
coining communal elections. Thi, declara- a,i xitvq children. ieonv .SiH.dd.Mi. th.i
Ftwl Railroad ArcMrnU
The mot scrions accident whfch cret
lanppencd upon the t'nfcm Pacific Railroad
' curred on the bth and catiwd the death of
;mree men. an enmneer and two ert'men.
i The scene of the accident wa m a Uvu cut.
about .1 quarter of a mile wot of Kkhorn,
in Doucfcu Coantr. Train No. 'j left
(imaj1l OIl .,.,,,. ... .,. ,n(irTtinc. an,i Wtttk.
curve an engine. ni:tmn at full j.iwed.
ho'ft in ?ight and IxKh enr.ufrs w at a
clanco that r. culibion a liievitalde.
Quick as thought Uth eusmtrs retervI
their cntrlnca oimI gave theui -m but it
U3- l tft hltl 'I'fll-V v.ori. Li. titan
rar jCWJjhi ajart before thev miw each
1 ot,,fcr aml ca,,Jfc rtJi'T with a urriWu
criif.lK The omrmeer and ureman of the
, freight train were iMnel lx-tut-en the
j boiler head and tank and Uifre helJ while
; the escaping steam s.-aldud them to
! death. Tlie lirtinii of the ito?ht
t-ngtiie, Iticluird Norri-, in aUj-tnptin?
! lo jump from the J..i:i'.r.e.
i was caught by the lees MnMieatn
lireman. was a inle man. Rk-hard Norrw.
j lircnian. diet! from hi injuries wkmi after
' being taken to (Jiuahn. lie had a wife at
l-iiwolii and hail been iitanicil on!y three
i ''. I he of the accident v.-- a;
1 ln"'l to caiulfsv,,., 0f Kii:wieer Lowrr,
af No. 'J, and a misunderstanding 01" running
jideis as given.
IWr-oFriri; chnngo in Nebraska for the
weekended October -J: Established Karl. County. Henry V.'iant. IWmator;
thiiro. Nance C'ouuty, Henry E. Kuapp;
Riverside, IlultCmmti. EvanderC. llcetn.ui;
South Omaha, Douirlas County, William
ti. Sloane. Postmasters appointed Clear
spring, Antelope County, Charles II. Webb;
Dixon, Butler Count;., Haney L. Vauhise.
I). F. Corh, ex-Pol ice Judge of Lii.eoln,
had a heaimg the other day mi complaint of
Davenpoit Bros, for ctiibcjdciiifiit. He
was charged with appropiintiug c?:;,0f!) to
his own ue. lie was bound over to the
Distiiet Court in the sum of C--J.000. which
his brother-in-law oifered to funn-h. Cobb
would not accept It,V.nd went to Jail.
Tin: idea of I laird being tlie murderer of
the Peicival family, in Nance County, has
been exploded by the of h:s body.
Instead of being a murderer he proved tolt
one of the victim-. The real murderer, it
is now thought, is a man named Fumcvnl,
j the cidence of his guilt being pretty een
; erally established. The evidence snowed
j that Funiculi left with Raird teat aud
Mair's hat, and joints in ecr tiretuiistan-e
to his guilt. His Might has been completely
I covered, not the least clew to the dirc turn lie
I look bemgobtainable. Nance County otfers a
I lewanl of one thousand dollars for t'-.e uiiir
, dcrer. Furnhal. the nppo-ed murderer, is
j desciibt-d as an Englishman silent twenty
' three ears of age, tive feet eiirht inches in
I height, .sharply formed features, sand hair,
. fioiid coniplotion, laee somewhat freckled,
J walks ciecf, pleaant and .smiling ci unite
1 nance, weighs one lamdrcd and foity pounds,
i u noticeable English accent. and has tatooc!
upon one of hi.s arms an an'-hor.
On the 20th day of August, E. P.. Callahan
was robbed of his watch at Omaha, the thief
making good his eseape. Recently Callahan
received a letter dated at Manville, Mo.,
Mating his watch would be returned by the
Pacific Express. On the day stipulated by
the letter a jiackage was taken to Mr. Calla
han's house and he paid the charges upon
the same. Upon opening it he found that
in.stend of ir-: containing the watch winch
had been stolen fiom him it contained an
old watch which was almost valueless.
Am: Constarlp. for sixteen years a resi
dent of Bennett, moved last spiing to Mc
Coolc, and recently returned to Bennett, went
to the graveyard and saw the graves of his
two children. He then went to a drug store,
got a bottle of laudanum, and was found
dead in bed the. next morning. Dissipation
and financial troubles weie the cause.
Corn is now entirely out of danger from
frost, and the crop is repotted to be very
large. Farmers have generally adopted the
policy of convening their corn into jwrk and
beef to their great profit. As a con.-eqiienei
Nebraska's stock interests become more am
more important each year. U Vi confidently
asserted that there is no pleuiu-pueuiiioui.i
in the State.
J. 1). Siikrman, a farnici f Lancastei
County, recently went to Lincoln to attend
a circus, put up his team at a J. very stable,
went to the show and has never been seen
or heard of since. He had -00 and rob
bery and murder were susected.
C H. ili.VK. a veteran with an empty
sleeve, and for fourteen years past Door
keeper of the Senate, recently fell on the
streets of Lincoln ii: a fit aud died iu an
Tin-, wholesale firm of Shrove. Jamt J
Co., dealers in men s furnishing goods, at
Omaha, has failed. Their assets will prob
ably amount to 50,000 and their liabilities
to S33.0UU.
Tin: Supreme Court recently decided that
a party claiming under a tax deed under a
bale of land for taxes levied since th- Con
stitution of 1ST5 took effect, mu-t, where
the tax deed fails to recite the fact, prove
that he has given the notice to redeem re- J
quired by the Constitution. A tax deed
not attested by the seal of the Treasurer is
At Omaha the Grand Jury recently in
dicted Charles Kyle. Charles hfgcrtou and 1
Dolly Chick for criminal libel Mrs. Chick j
for publishing a libelous card about a Mrs. j
Wnght. and Edgerton and Kyle as arce--:
series the former having taken t:e card to j
the newspaper ofiicc aud Kylo being le-
gal adviser.
The Missouri River Commission was
given a warm welcome at Omaha.
Omaha will have a Cable Road.
The other day r.s Charlo D. Thayer,
(. harles Wood anil J. W. Woodnur. ma-oiis,
were at work on a building at North Bend,
the seaffoh! gave way. precipitating them to
the sidewalk, eighteen feet below, and ter
ribly if not fatally injuring Wood and
Woodruff, and badly bruising Thayer.
He.vuvJamisok recently shot him-eliat
tlenwcod and died instantly. One of the
surmises as to the cause is that thejoung
man was crossed in love. Just lefore tlie
shooting lie mailed a letter to a ong lady
in Lincoln, it requirit:.: :i:ree slamjj-.
Thoma- R. Gm-cv. of Dodge Comity, is
reported as having Iot seven hundred hogs
from cholera.
At Fort Robinson the other nght Ed.
Williams, a butcher, was .-hot and iu-tantly
killeit by Joe Crane
Three childreiL agcvi from four to seven
years, traveled alone from New York to
Columbus, this State. The iittl travelers
received every attention from railroad men
and travelers along their way.
The dedJcatK:i of the new Catholic
Church in the northwestern art of Dodge
County, about five miles from Glean, took
place the other Sunday, an huasense con
course of people belug present.
Thk Constitutional amendment to ba
voted upon at the next election contains the
clause that each session of the Legislature!,
"except special sessions shall not be less
than sixty days."
Mr. asd SDabTrrrnx, of Lm:fci, lately
Klebrated their golden-wedding.
as cswtixoai: tisitur.
A Ventijixnlx 3tmjnt.-ln firrwr !! t
I..m(. r-..ut ivm. . t-.
' ..- - . rr --
.""rwl. la Kllllnff t. Jlrut A Mi-
lAl'a Momsirli.
nm.txnu-m 1. r rvM8r .
to the place aoct tlcorerd a larc
moustaln pactar dmstoj; otf a onl
; which It hatl jat tllld and Mr. hVa:
hoc:ed, when th poather, tfrofpta? the
(cead calf, turned upon kini. He
. struck It with ta ax, but laac:
ed a sSlsht mocmI. olr
compelling u 10 riri. a Urg and
. .. .
.m-. .-
? -"
power.'al uloolboaati b oulag to Mr.
Bear ran from Us x ennui aa! attactcd
the Bgnt. While !t attention wi n.
caged y th hosnd iir. Bear d.ji li
the beat. It ?.i kjhmj aim xm tore jrar al j. ll k ma-- fcra wW W '" W,r
' faateoed Its tth Jn hb rt-: -aolJvr hmr ami 4cW. lfa fe riUn ' oikV. O JlT?'
be: he cceeit.M la fflag hlo.:ft aad jwWAl 13i opntt. J rU "i1? lTlfL
' lir.i r 1 itfrrrnr r. fi- xvsb mam a. n... ixib .wk.h. &asBU. v .. '. .
... .. .. .w..w ww. "I UH , w " " -" ..
skull with a btww Ircm ttHr axe, Th lMkn Twwc rteMU.T two
it. Oead at his feet llwirtint a as o.d ul I what h, probable lb Ui d
one an tU rmark ot a number of tole' ,urtxl on rcotL II alM rN col
ind knife wonods. It nrdelhttrel, unn. TV Allv t' 'vs4ttiiai n?
len anu a lococi :rm up 10 up l
lt tnitiw it.,, (nuiui 1 irr-. w..-.i...
-'' -w-ww- -" as im
knlle, with ta lu'lowlag on iim
t L"ha -s Fo't r. The lalcrmedlsl !ettr
, tember a hunter oy the hsidc of c hiris
Foater, U Qppjood tu hav rc-ltWd
m Kenmtun, I'aiiadelphU. vhiud
Rro-AttV Mountain on n huating epd;-
tlon. Sutue 1 oys, whlU pacing arar a
wooi-chopjer t.u: yea tenter, fvad !
He vblted the .spot wher the boy louad
the boue. and found additional boacs.
t.t, ....... ......- -I-.. .k. ,-!. k. . ... ...... I i
ami the curiosity arou-ni bv thu dl,cuv. ?... .; . ,u -1 w. .1 iJ i ""M
si j induced an o H wo Mima. Job a . , .ij.. kw S,T- J iJSK
Milier. to nuikr- further !Rvtint!M -,'..-.. . - a .. : u
W ' -- - m- ll. fA.a.lw jm.m9 MHUt. ldllMri f ltil. I
Miller by thiamin ws within sight of ' wV otftrrnapHr unr wn w wnHf ii warl wpoo a .
; the old cabin, which he entered ami Juun 1 'hnridwl rwovanrum lorm a word j t.,,1. BtfMl crf! tk lfc
1 fragments of men's btHHl-uiini cioth iwitoo- it J.- lh sWestOKT.t of kii eMl fX r wr It mii
I nig .-cattered around the pr ml ".
found also letter- nd a ;o.siat
t uldreissed to Charles Kster.
3f the letters was addressed to a
it Altooua, l'a., one at DuboH, la
;he po-tai card at Coiinelsvllte, l'a.
eeui9ti man named Charlfs Ko.-lerctt- er .
J led or was murdered I 1 that vicinity and
ads body subsequently devoured by wild !
leasts, or he vva.s M led by .some fero
:ious aaimul. A oslbie c-ew to the
deiutty of the murdered mm was found '
it So. ?il hat Thompson atroct, 1'hlla-
Jelphla, where Henry 1'isher resides !
bid Mr. Fihrr: 4,A man mimed
Charles Foster used to live here. He ti '
1 ship-carpenter by trade, auadventuroti (
1 'cllovv. He Is a widower aud left here
jiboutc. year ago, leaving ;i daughter,
,vlm is n-vv In Ballimo e. Tw.j or thre
' iioiiih; elapsed without his answering!
; etters. Hi addrrss i, or was, bO Grand
t Hreet, Brooklyn, N V. Six weeks ago I
1 ivrotu to hid , but have not received a ;
' 'eply. Hi.s mother wrote me from Wil-
i ningtii about three weeks agj Inquiring '
. is t I har.e.s whereabouts. '
a .MinncA.N .mini: o.n niu:.
The Ilri-lit Copjier VHn. In th' I.-ti- Hn-pi-rior
Coiiutiy, on I"lr Clin Mini Millo-et-l
lli-riHt- Ciiiliii-t ol' Ills Ctiiiirmles
In Kinlca urtii-x l Kiu- I1U It-muiii
Thiff .Xyro Woitlil II.t Itul
for llir Cmliiiiiileil lli-rol.tu tit Kul?rt
II nok k. Mini., (ctober ".
I.a-t Saturday night tire was discovered
to have broken out iu an idle por
tion of the Hecla branch of the Calumet
ind Hecla Mine, In the eleventh level,
ietvveen No. '.', aud I .-hafts, where for
icveia! ycar wooden wedges from
timber vvre made. The accumulation
af chips and sluvlng-, partly saturated
Kith oil, through some unknown cause
Dec me Ignited. Several men H-Mit down
Saturday night to use the hose were
Jrlvcn back by the Miiokc. Thomas
tlribble was suffocated and could not be
rescued. Sunday morning John Rapson.
with three other votunteers, descended
to examine the pumps and attempted
to recover Cribble's body. Aft-T
going a short distance they were drawn
jack. Rupson was overcome. He
seen to tall back, but his comrades could
not return to him. Oth--r volunteers
nnoiig them II. Iterrtmau descended to
ittempt to recover Rapson's body. Thre
:nen were overcome. Berryman made
strenuous effort- u save hi.s comrades.
II- ran to the .shaft for air aud returning,
threw the three men into the car. Then
be ran out again for more air and re
turned and rang the belt. The car ral-ed
the three uncon-clus men. Berryman
was aiinost exhausted. The recovery of
thp thrt-e is doubtful. There is danger
of the lire reaching the large tramway,
tvnich is saturated with oil and may
conduct the tire to the other level. The
X'tent or progress of the fire Is unknown.
Tue m nc ! filled with smoke. Tt,v
'hafts are being closed to prevent a
drafi. Great fear and excitement pre-
This Is thi first underground fire In
ths Lake Superior Copper MInc-, and the
Cr.-t suspen-ion of work in this great
:op, er pioducer since the .strike of ls7i.
The mine is hea-Ily timbered tbrougnout
with pine, which l. very luilammablc. A
urge gang descended yesterday to fight
Ihe lire.
Clllttlrr,,', Itny.
This was children's day at the St.
Louis Fair, and the extensive grounds and
jpacious buildings were thronged with ftT vatliC lhh,.r cny ,J; ,.k
thou?ands of litt.c ones, happy in their ! Knlvsli. yet y on can noi ietect a. for
hollday from sch o., and especially so In J cin nccenL5 To a--tjuire n:ivh jxrr
being permitted to spend it so pleasantly t fecn'on mut have tnkn mfick tirm'
on green grass under. -helterlng trees with reul i a. ladr. Oh. t-s: ii rrwioiriI
wocuers na;urai, aruuciaianu tn-citaaicai t
ill around them. The proverbiil gen
irositv of the management in throwing
open the gate- to tac school chddr?n of
the city without money and without
price is evidently appreciated by them.
Crowds are arriving by rvery train to
vitness the VcLcd I'rophet's pageant
A Crn7y 3rai Crime.
Vijscejwes. I vo.. Oc:oe5.
Moaroc City, near here, n i.i a
high .-tatc of txcitexncnt la-t ntght. Joe
Bariiett, one of the leading aud lutlaential
citizens of thit pl.fv, in a fit of lasatdiy,
not anu moriauy vvounu ais ow, graj-
- .
haired father-m-law who bad iost come '
U hi . horn on a viIi. It s .-aid thattae
3id geut.cman pr-ffcred son:-.- amcc to I
fe. ,1-1-..- ... ,, .f .. . ..l.,t '
the advice aa an ia.-ult ra.h-r taau as a i
lavor, and he debbemte. look out his
:uu a
Ercitcmcct reigned at lodepecueQce,
M.f when it became known tiat som
time uuriug iratnrday night sn attenpt
was made to ob Chwuiin c. Sawyer's
baDk, ons of tlv; rickc-t lctta:loss inf
cellar door, and then proceeded to cad
the mo.-t avaflabi-; place to make the at
tack. From some cause, however, they
were scared off, Jcavicg barced cactUe
nc! tools behind. The whole tovra war
rtcred, but tie robbers escaped.
nd .-tut ttieoid gentlem.n in tae A vounir married wm in Avanuald . . . -w lvSr iiet-3
. . . . .. i . - iUK irriin aji fafiMat.f aia
the laticr ws icaviag. worries the life .' ot o( hfa vrffc bv ,1 ST.. , V t Tl tfcft r3 '
-i qaotiag for her UiM-Ht all ow of ? ,rL I -f fr" . -fi"cto h
Therrn-Minciiiuojir. maxim", silase. mottci. aa! o on. S?S? . o1, fat-
K.v.T5AHCirr-MoOe-ioeri ti .i t .- .:..r... i-. i. X3tt2t GcT wm! Cjkinn Kwf
.Misoari. i. uoius u me coaciy iana-t . i rfon-t drc which," .she replfcf.
2nd Satnrday night the ViQlts contalacd Thar s "ood; you don't expect to
over $503,000 lu cadi. The robbert CntI ac'on a roosc, do vou. dair.'
pained tatracce into the bank or a rear f .. m Mr. trVn7- f w-r,'t
-Mr?. Irtfciwr 14 $feJcr" I
j I 1 . x?.La- .ttfiifsii.
iuorv wnicr iwwv- v-."- -
tr f----, -,- WS! tU
wt. no i im -
v-il 1?-
moMrv Wy
"HnJtMl im'W. 0 !C f
toy iJn$; a iwt. -.
Irf4 Cvia. of U'atortiwrr. t5u.
Ktn 0 lsi. of wiifcfe he ww tt
voortst mwtcr.
. .Jt L ....
Dtfimr IO Uf Wl"t mrum- tmw
k. A..U.I iniMrnni -ni nT mi
Z.' .. . .. 1.. .
w" -rw. -- --
""!)''" ?": immm "
pkrBMMi try
WIT yrnr 4mt immm f m ..
alr tor
. ft .
srMrtW.; BW is w
gare U utt.
Ami m
r . . I
aaB mrm-fd mttMTt ifttt
9 -m- -w.
hT kjMi diu, m th-. otmUj w
.... . if .
. u. . . bamii - k.l tkaii vsm TbMTV
;"rr - -
art dead
lvatr?Mi ti"il J br rrntr-nUw.
1 iryai U ta or- i '-
' " J-a-JVf. sjmI WfeJtlMW h rr-
Mitr-vvm. Jy'Il. the TH-t at
, what mmr be VtrrmeI Ibe rlaai'- Ammr-
cn pot. wa4tj-4v. Ir. Uohmut W
Mrvatr nve vr W
-"".;-" 7'-" "T.
' "" "-sw, ?" ' r-r. -
, infanry.
i I'ifjy yenr av lhr w a boy :
' Africa vVhouaA taken priMer in ow uf
n,(. !!,m- whin LtriWMttri th tri!e-. aJtl
was carriwi a way frn hi hmu to a ! M rmih :H Ihlm p t-" -sld
apit-lnvc. After Uin oll iumI j i . wnt Um la -k h
r ld. now i'ir Mijr am! njjni fr j r.oua im. llntwll it rl
rum. be iu tinailr eww! away in a , kriUac put aU p "
sart-hi. A Mritish crnUr enfrfunn! lUVt Um borvl d dn h '
the slnver 'Ih 1hv i wow nVof 1 j.h emfea tBhml. arnt .
( n.wther of th Aajrltf-an iimhi ia I rlai dota. Af tor all tto hra - -A
trim. Aihany Jurntl. I Umr, m mora than r mir 1
The original "Hit!- Hok" wavs taa
work i !eier lorw. of New Vtnk. n
journey uiati irinter, who wnt to Wiuk-
tntoii m 1M6. Ih'chiih) th prtirltc of
a printing- omt .. wad f r om time
compiled witlumt cbarjrr thr "liieHMia)
Kenir,M lKiir kmmti. fnm iht oKr
of its bimlin,:. a th HltK I'oot.' ol
whM'h thu ((OVtrNimnt Hirrtl a !
.-mull uuntlNr "f eno. Hit in lro
prchae! n htrjrw ;ity of ran book.
anl pnmphleU, many of Hhtea had
Ih't'u thrown aav from I ho mtitf,o
dejMtrtmenta as rubb.-n. nml porckmioti
by him of th dtmknt ni waue Hiper.
Ckieiujo 'lmt.
Rrofiklyn lHits th prUat jrlrit
in the two ctioa, bwi wbdii it mmi jjcksn
ncro-i tht biidy to tnke 11 sly jrlnt vX
them, hit t invariably Uid Utat thy ant
iu New York shopping. .V. Y. CVi
mcri'il .-bceritrr.
Utile brther (whownaiitr play
inir canU with n nfntJeman: "Mr.
, suid(-r. dors Nannie pluv ard veell'
Mr. Sin It "Yes. verr well iudxL"
"Then vmi had ltcr I.k ot.
limn -Jiid if shf itlavKt! uardi
for mam
wi-ll she
would iiiteh vou." -V.
. . ' .. .. "
" Wliv do vou want t "ct r a
; totijh chicken boforo me?' !ittiifitnnt
I ly exclaimed n fair dautel in a itWutir
j ant tho otht't day. " As Wfrt bau
! tv.' alvvavs, vimi kwivv ma'am." re
plied tho jKmt; alH'tHiiutt, wIm well
knew how to sirve his emj lover and a
touh chiekrn at the samu titie. Chi
t'ltv Herald.
- ".lu-t think of it" 'aiilatel Mr.
(!.. of more money than bnuns. to an
other lady viiiiitariy favonl "I aaw
bv this ir.orniiitr's tajHr how thnt Uor
ril MacKiim-cv ir led oil a gcrnaan'
"Oh, my! HrN whim po'r Iwthruau.
I suppose, but I uhvavs xu-jHH-tttwl ho'tl
do something; awful.1' rejdio I titeuiUer.
11 9Uyt. Trtnscriil.
Tint Oil City ''rrict want u ktiow
wlmt a "eleriii'" i. Su'h ipuomnrd
in the editorial prfo-.siori ii tbpra.k'lie.
A K-dcniie U an article f drtfcs worn
by the feiimle mx. anil dillers from th
pflissc, aud the rel:;i!fot and tint
1 - - -
lichu. aiid the satin mriiil-ux p'Hon -
a?-e. and those thing. UV mommh!
ev-rvbody knew what a peb-riiio ia.
Xorrtsloum Jeralii.
A little bov alnmt nino voar of
no vvn.s ridinj: ve-t?nl tv
iiittTnooti in
a retl-Itm; coach, and hit iiiichtfvoup
pranks Iel his mother to tly'y pinwh
Ins jirm in th. J.n,w. fl.r.f I... 7.,7lil il-
the hint and k.-en more moot. He a -
the old iadvlivcastintra' - nv -
p nif
tonished the old J.ntly
agx- f'lance in her eve. accompanied bv
the exclamation: Snv. iothr. i
suouid tlnnlr I w-m ufiiirf tin u.-,- w-ji t
p.neh me" - Motion dloU.
..s,,t.I. ,., !. .1-...!... t. .'...
OM . i'-"""." .t.v iui.;Vn.
I', , "."-"V .'". "r w' r.' "" w.r '
.rr..ia T' ',- ,t. ,., ,t .... ,
a - -F-,w, .-.. -. .
Iiit hnrr U-en vounir iviitti
vou crime to this p!a." "Vw. I
Very yotm-. In fact, I born Iwrre."
-Oh. IWW .- .--vSd n Ww..v.-!
M .
. ' " . " --" ,
i!endeKr. He's the lirnriMt foiiotr In
the worl.1 L- "W,,;. who U fc.? I
never heard of' yAawr W,I o
thu Rundown Bolter, an! he juJiin
m m.
-even cicarotit curve. un vwn ara
tin? luckiest rl in lac world! arfk&i
:enelo-. ai,! I ken they lin-sl oaei ,
oUer J PBS1 ladwraH ..asunf.
"," ''C.
,, ..... ...
-. .. ...- .v,. .
aad nlsrfelif sUoaciJ bJr hand into htj
vest jiocEct.
"What arc vou after, dear?" he
Oh. 3 nickel, ora l:njcr & dolhtr;
looking for brU
She sraifcl up atyiim o fizaibcanUr I
. . i .i-.l It -or .1. i
uizvi no umu v jiiiun wu 3Bwavr
nrovrb for a wed:
-Xcrcbaxi Truz-
fntrrr fi hr ikitfi til naftii I .
...... ... -- j- "- ; ,fw 03 the isilf lie m hrbrtkm4un l
the hawtea pri m theworid. I' ; x to ,,7 "Ji
ntr to U mamed. -Oh v i..t ;, nsJm x rtft J'
U-iiir i V, fiiH;Vi 14 . II
- . ,w IJVtlt'r 11,1. ljt3 M 1 X.i,IP" U XZIIl
I VS. .V.W..-W ..-. .. ..., -- .. -.
To r!rcv ! f "-
writ Jo Ue Uw? JeJw '
..... iv fc.lfc r w -
i ifJ ffm ,,C w
wdl hoW hl !w pw '
. i- a nlV,(n til ram&kM
it wrr-m "- " -"
.v. ,nrt
j omiJJw ng h
: iri 1a- Tat it wi !
j fcr V nm off. ni
f fatjter Tarn tA !
cfanMtinC n k
.. fc. .. uii Ma Ui lam ma-
- ,
ml w - r
, Uam- m In a
itmm h
. .--. -r - ,i .
? w mw wm - -
.fc - MITMW
- r fc .... w- fc-..
nM - -
. . - - x m-ttmmm bh mmmm-m-.
oa bwt wriil fmm 4
Hum iv mimmim lwnJ W
. am. K fararAutR rTMn PI 1
n tm wmwwmw -
m w.
i -v- " " "
m(r.l mi rkwj4 ffmnm.
a, Jo4ik m eua llMMM ! '
mmd yoi ihtrn t rMM4iar
Nhntf wr; W ri..
Unit jmm mi oia watf. milk t
liiatT tt wmm.-
wrK umm. i"
msr Wa pHft
UnfsdU Jar ri. iw
fMii fi. rt.llV prI
, A j,! tn ,4 it .
j m! wU broak t UttgUrwW
mt$ brtnli. 'Jkwu SJir mkI
i ki U.L. i. H t-tm iwi. i a
ij fMnt orrr , tWy '
! kbl ui a friune, r i Ul ! 4
I Hle by on. Mm4 4lfc" JV0'
: riiftVtuoje. ' t w A I'-
1 or waHl lx ami s a "
of okl Mack Itkl flom VmtU-
Uieae art Um sM4 Nrb
j lady
pw kxn wjkmi m
fit U war. it i MHftirtia,
abl Ui tura ihrm Uo latHtt '
pora xr lo h fW. int
raHjSwS 1
j a fur or porcviriavtlw".! bH
; mui. iiMi rrr Jo r iiwarwit I
hur or two, ir trntil ikm otan?
water U mtltuxHl to mr-Kaf
thnjMffU fia tourflid imm!
not ni. AaoiiWr i. ibmt tia' .
pltl br tijera, mao ol bare t
halatftr rwttinjfa. wnakwiL i '
nod atmnKtrtit Urly V.k tn -.
um poii tf bnrenittonl to four .,i.a'
ut wtttrr UdU-d to two qf '. I
trains!. On tMrttpiiil I th to a
tuart if wn4'r U rmtgh tor ilk
ing. Tnk-t :h tmard wtik tn ijf, t
ctvnrinjf, lav i 11 n of Uk f '
iN-vadtHt dal, no tortakbm. p'n
carvfiillr .iul otinly rltn th ! :
1 wair. I1 iWwn tn iww 4 t.f
JH on tl Umni, Uea liMT to .i'.
I wo
peoiU nr rwnlni tor t 1
u im at IK wun f'
ttrrt'hd. l'm al; ni tnh-at-t'
Knb once uir wth la litiv P"t1 '
a lid dry bfor a bri4i Iir TVi
watch 11 r" a rnlxtur of 4!L an I
may Ih trninel on tn htnrL bttt
e- is MtMMbwl. ( 'HUiu nifcrlaU t t
inrnl on tint wrnir m4. n br r
W.ttu: th'i anuimi, U rremttu-nt t
Siln t.ttueUiiuH riuirtf u h r 1
on ikf wrous; jkl aitur .ermc laiu-n
tint frame. Ui gfv it brifht . ;
lauding a Calf.
Al)Hitciht o'elouk yt4itnir mn-u
wj: a. wiMimit afnirMi o Mi niiti
rifiiM in oowp4ty wtn anU. In ti -IttMniHM
U cr.if vti n drraaiil t.nit. i.
anil wm b"ltt leil wah a rjN- H ii-:i.. -be
JjjmI tnktui it front tJ trr?"d r
on hr vvn) to the Mnrk. l i a
plain .'-ty hadn't Uttut in nflrr b- '
l'wn m iar m 1 if lit 4rt. Tn t.
hal the middi of tk mi and :-
1 11.1
1 "" vujn wi Proiirmw wnrt
i ! calf MitWenly cNirttHtwl ihni t,:.
W uJl4 ,tK """ r hW! lb
wiUlftily imttu! in bin trneka n4 riv f
, ,,U furtr. fytft tt '! T
"" "!'" " ,
.ml whn tiif t rnin ntiie n i,gih-fi
that cnli n uiH'k bv "lx webrt
I? w-k
i at.i um
. " S howovitr. 4 lmMl
1 wrf1 s JhmIw! ml a- j
! r "' lwtnn U nacV mA jraa lf
1 "' r ",,r Jtr, m a"lf vr mnl " w
f wi. wni h -at uw al jf-t U 1
fot acatnt tin tri air rwu. It
iintf ttmo for fwiu to trader ;b t
ymrsthlw al adrk. ml tmmncknj
bXn Ut tHim fca. V
"IhrUl to knt oUl wfiaav-yota re
oi lhi tMiljjtf!
Hnt yvmr or wl vmll tele
FWi on ymr rian- jll klai in
AUtnz a n twntry aoa. ami t'u
httb of a. wlnfA mhbml tao mL l!
jijfjTOj w-ii. vi Mitr TirwiHi So !i4
.. . .-.. . .t i ... ,
-" 7W,I', n. i..n
h,r W "t Jl' T wSr1
r foiwnl fcw ui Ukf awr pu.
ut w-riimttHi i ami i k r. .,,.!.
'- - "- "" V-Wf
vilIk.l la- . . m,L .
m ' a " 717 iZ C W
Z J&lZ . ttTa
inM o tJLdvJ? u!
j To thf ctMuai oWrvr bi wa a ,7
raj'. bi a. Jw d j, hr h ,.
T tk- ...i ..lT' iL- mi Xii
V. UV(JJ. jmi Woe -li
OJJ lfct. M jjj,.
IM ISK. Mint zvfM ' 4 a .
rvfrs sa ut tm ar W ut.
ff ,- T.- . ..... , . . . .
vrovUl pall ki awek o.-f r W w wi 1
f8w wrWiw m r-i. it wm-i
Ifto umrrtvn .il . -. . i
one of her dtrvfc3eard aaada aa!
A3apod ot. ar
. op! If tVreM Uma a derai
man ia the fcu ! od Ect har ?-- i
that calf tail for a tor Jonc wjddar
iaocv :ay ats;"-Item:. yk
--Utnxftetfcut tpnV uSer front
drought, mdeh tteni or fcecn :h s-ff
loo-e. 3F
Strangling i the favorit awtiica
Kiurder w!Ut rarbba rafUww.
v t '
'usjtir 55s-
3-! .
:.-- -vtaB'
W -2r,
IK" Tt ". raS'SBSBSf? v
, Vv rvrv-jr.Essw ., , r-A
t-uf-r s;. :x3e- '