The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 10, 1884, Image 5

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H i
r 4
The Red Cloud Chief
ffR rmY QfT. 0 I St I.
Trains pass Red Cloud going east as
5 '4,) passenger 7 55 p. m.
o4, passenger n 30 p.m.
2So 84, accommodation 7 10 a.m.
No G, p-wenger G 30 a. m.
Going west trains pass Ked Cloud as
No ?,, passenger, arrives G 00 a. m.
No 3J passenger departs... 8 00 a. m.
No 5, passenger, departs... 8 00 p. m.
No SI accomodation arrive 1 55 p. rn
Trains 3, 39, 4, 84. and 40 run daily.
Other trains run daily except Sunday.
Senator Lkmlcrscn and other Epoaiers
ttIH address the citizens cf Sea Chad and
WofcaUr count7 on the political Issues of
the day, Octchor 23.
Commissioners met Monday.
J CD. Bulkwap has moved to Has
tings. T. J. WitiGHT goes to Glenwood, la.,
F. Klett lias moved into the rear of
his billiard hall.
Will Mitchell has been on the
sick lirtt, but is recovering.
M. W. Dickkkson' and wife have
gone to Denver on a pleasure trip.
T. C. Hackku was ill the first of the
week, but is again on duty at his store.
J. L. Miller, county commihsioner
was on the disabled list the first of the
U. II. Maktatt has bought Dr. Mo
sena's residence. They will move
there soon.
Miss 3n human is building a new
house south of Mr. Wolf 's residence in
Jackson's addition.
Wugive a little room in our columns
to-day to Fred llouchin, the anti-mon-
op orator, of Garfield.
Ellis and Gertie fShirey, and Mr.
Dibble and wife, relatives of Rob and
John Shi rev, are in the city visiting.
Mr. Van Horn, who moved here
last week from Iowa, will move into
Mr. Ormsby's property on Seward
William Barrett, of Judson, Kan
sas, is the happiest man in Kansas. It's
a. girl and weighs the usual number of
Skats have been put into the lower
Red Cloud school h 3e. There was
no bchool there this week in conse
quence. The First National Bank building is
progressing and will boon bo a perma
nent fixture. Brick laying will soon
This week the population of Red
Cloud has been increased by several
little babes, notices of which will be
found elsewhere.
W. B. ltocv is the father of a bounc
ing baby boy, which came to Red
Cloud Sunday. It tipped the beam at
the standard weight.
Ba.hnkv M ei huh is again going the
rounds of our city peddling milk.
.Barney is prepared to furnish the peo
ple with the best of milk.
Mauuikd, at Red Cloud, Neb., Oct.,
1st, J8S4, by Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser, Mr.
Henry Elder and Miss Rebecca Lind
ley, all of lied Cloud, Neb.
N. B. Downey is going to start a
cheese factory at Guide Rock. A good
point we should judge. Guide Rock is
a thrifty town and is full of enterpris
ing citizens.
The people seem to be favorably im
pressed with the idea of building a
poor house for the county. It is a 110-eessit-
and The Chief hopes that the
plan will be brought before the people
at once.
Miss Sanfoud, teacher in the prim
ary department of the ublic school,
was so ill several days this week as to
necessitate a vacation on her part.
Her place was filled for the time by
Miss Maggie McAlpine. Signal.
The other day at Goldworth's sale in
Kansas a little dispute arose, and two
men, our informant said, jounced up
on Attorney Gates., of Salem, and gave
him a number of severe blows. How
ever the fuss was settled without great
On October 23, Senator Manderson
and other noted speakers are billed
for Red Cloud. They are billed by the
State Republican Central Committee.
The county committee should make
the necessary arrangements for a big
time and a big crowd.
W. A. Butler, who was aceidenily
shot last week, is stdl in a doubtful
condition. The ball has not yet been
found. His limbs below the waist are
paralyzed to the extent that he hasu't
the least sense of feeling in them. It
is earnestly hoped by all that he will
recover. Isnterpmc.
Editor Warren, of the Argus, is
supremely jubilant, and all because he
has an heiress to his estate. It arrived
on Monday morning and weighs the us
ual number of pounds. The father is
doing well. The Chief congratulates
its contemporary on the advent of the
little maiden into his family.
While in Red Cloud last Sunday we
called upon our friend Dr. Hall, and
found the doctor at home. We always
like to meet and talk with such men as
he. The doctor is an enthusiast in his
profession oue who strives to excell;
one who keeps pace with the strides of
progress in his profession, and does
not hang on to the old-line notions and
theories that have long since been ex
ploded. The doctor makes a specialty
of surgery, and'Uiis operating room is
as complete as any in the state this is
not an exaceratiou out a i&ct.uruan
gone to Mis-
S Pkrkinv and wife have
from Denver.
return cd
A T. Stili.l 1,.. got his lumber y ird
nearly com. '!.
Miw. W. A. Wav, wife of our hard
ware man is' in the city.
W. A. Way has bought the Yisscher
property in the north end.
M. S. Maii?h and family will go to
Iowa this week on a vi-dt.
There was a pleasant .-ocinl at Rev
Brown's residence, Monday nignt.
J he I. O. O. F. brethren contem
plate building a hall in the near future.
Vis-.cher, the painter, is decorating
some window curtain-j for Mary alt &
Co's. new store room.
Rev. Geo. II. Brown will preach at
Guide Rock Baptist Church Sunday af
ternoon, at 3:30 sharp.
The cannon lull west on Tuesday
was delayed by the wrecking of a
freight train on the cist end.
A. (Jami'Jjell, superintendent west
ern division of the B. fc M. pawed
through the city on Wednesday.
W. II. SruoiiM K;Q. has been tem
porarily on the sick Ii-,1, threatened
un iever nut is again on the tapis.
Christian Sunday-school at IOo'clock
next Sunday, Oct. 12. Preaching nt
eleven o'clock by Father Newcomb, of
Severt Knutson and Mis Anna
Hulberaon, of Batin were united in
marriage on this week by Rev. Brown,
of Blue Hill.
.Mr and Mrs Josselyn returned Wed
nesday from their eastern trip. Mr. J.
fays he found no place that pleases him
w-ll a,s Red Cloud.
J. R. McCoun expects to open a drug
store near the passenger depot as soon
as the building now being built in that
vicinity is completed.
Rev. J. D. Cochran, of Ros.-ville;
111., will preach at the Congregational
chur;h next Sabbath at 1 1 o'clock, a.m.
All are cordially invited to attend.
Baitist Church Sunday services :
Sunday-school at lo a. m.; preaching at
11. No services in the evening 0:1 ac
count of temperance mass meeting at
the M. E. church.
Qt'irc a number of divorce cases ap
pear on the docket for the October
term of the district couit. There are
also Gl civil and live criminal cases. A
few less than last term.
Oscar PatmoR brought a sugar beet
to this ollice that weighed Impounds.
This beet beats the beet that beat the
first beet presented this season. WiU
some one boat this beet.
Messrs. Frisiui: JcSkeen are Mill
putting the best Hour on the market
that ! to be had for tnc money. We
hear 1 . customers speak of a quality
they sell for $1.00 per sack.
Vifis'ciiER is mad. The l.Uc-t addi
tion to his family is a girl tivt; 1:. all.
He wanted a little painter, ttiueioro he
is wrathy. The little cherub arrived
Monday in time for dinner.
A. Morris, of Laporte, Indiana, a
friend of G. R. Chancy, was in the city
this week hunting up a location for a
drug house. He is extensively inter
ested in the business in Indiana.
The Sunday school concert at the
M. E. church Sunday night hist w:is
excellent, and the children acquitted
themselves in good style. These Sun
day school entertainments are very
pleasant and entertaining.
The Ladies.' Aid Society will meet at
Mrs. William Parkes' on Friday after
noon. A general invitation is extend
ed to all the members to be present on
this occasion, as arrangements will be
made at this meeting for the anniver
sary. A. McIntosh will have a big sale of
stock on toe I: Sth of October. He will
sell 140 head of line cattle, and 10 hors
es. Terms six months F. M. Ham
aker, thes'ock auctioneer, will cry the
sale, which will take place in Red
On Friday afternoon, October IT, the
ladies aid society of the M. E. church
will celebrate their third anniversary
at Mrs. R. Mitchell's residence. The
members and ladies of the church, and
all interested in the work are cordially
invited to be present.
At Geo. Winton's sale qn Saturday,
cattle sold well. He sold 56 head
which netted nearly $2000. They
were sold at Richardson's stock y mis
by F. M. Hamaker, auctioneer. There
have been some extensive sales of
stock this season in Webster county.
One of the most pleasant parties
that we have had the pleasure of at
tending lately was the ball at the rink
on last Friday night. The crowd was
meagre owing to the rain, but was still
large enough to make the entertain
ment pleasant. The Red Cloud Quar
tet is to be congratulated on the suc
cess of their first entertainment.
Hosford fc Yocng have purchased
two acres of land in Patmor's addition
and will at once erect yards and poul
try houses. They propose to go into
the business of raising fine species of
poultry, and especially Plymouth
Rocks. The Chief will be pleased to
see the firm succeed beyond their
most sanguine expectations. T his is a
new enterprise for Red Cloud and will
be fully appreciated by our people.
Mr. James M. Pryse was in Minne
apolis and St. Paul Monday and Tues
day on business connected with the
new illustrated paper he intends pub
lishing. The success of the Arid has
given him confidence to start a similar
paper, illustrated weekly, in the west,
with a heavy plant of steam printing
machinery. The first number will
probably be issued some time next
month. The illustrations wpl be fur
nished hy Mr. A. R. Hurtt. Prexott
E. W". "Ferguson has
Only six, baWe in Red Cloud this
5. V. Lcdlow is the father of a fine
baby boy.
Twelve Merino btirkis for sale. In
quire 01 Watt Chambers.
Read F. M. Hamaker'a card as auc
tioneer in another column.
Jack Frot called Wednesday night
on the people of Welter county.
The band boy have. some fine silver
lamps; for their caps. They are nobby.
There will be a grand masquerade
on skates at the rink about November
The cheapest and also the le.t un
derwear can be found at the Golden
Mies Ira "Sleeper left ih '.eek for
an extended visit to Grand Rapids,
C. W. Hill, of Pennsylvania, was in
the city Wednesday. He gave us a
ph'upant call,
Owing to want of space the anti
monop ticket was crowded out but will
appfar next week.
A stock of .000 to select from in over
coats atjthe Golden Eagle, ranging in
prices from $2.50 to $25.00.
The earnings of the Red Cloud post
office for the last mx months, ending
September 30, was $1,743.10-
The biggest thing out Wiener's
shirt. It makes a nobby sign and
took over ten yards to make it.
C. M. Storey will start a foed store
in Lutz's building south of the rink
The Chief wishes him success.
On Tuesday a polar wave struck this
vicinity. During the night consider
able sleet fell but did no damage.
For Sale. 25 thorough -bred Mer
ino rams, three miles north of C'owles,
S-tf H. J. SiiELDo.v.Cowles, Neb.
School Districts officers needing
recoid book should call at the County
Superintendent's olfice and see sam
pler Another fine daughter at Richard
Turner's, weighing about nine pounds.
Mother and babe are J)Oth doing very
Tun Republican Valley fair uHooci
ation will give a two jday's exhibition
at Superior October 15 and 16. Every
body invited.
On Wednesday afternoon a little
child of Win. EaniM had its arm brok
en by the accidental overturning of tho
baby carriage.
Read Seimtor Ingall's speech on the
inside of to-day's paper. There is also
other important political news of inter
es on'J'ne inside.
T C ICimsey, of Dundcy county, sent
.1 II Smith of this county a pumpkin
that weighed fifty pounds. Pretty
good for Western Nebraska.
Miss Bertha L Eiiacch, sister of
Prof. Ebamrh, has arrived in the city
from Missouri, and will make Red
Cloud her homo for the pre?Mit.
W B Rom bought a potato digger
the other day in Chicago. He thinks
it's a bonanza. It does its work well
and i a groat labor saving machine.
The bloody shirt is hoisted this time
in front of the Golden Eagle Clothing
store and is the largest ever made. It
means war oiv high prices and defies
Uncle Levi Moore showed this of
fice a specimen of the second crop of
grapes raided on his vines this season.
The second raising were as nice as the
first in even particular.
C J Platt and G S Albright are now
sole owners of the rink. These two
young men have the necessary vim
and enterprise to make the rink a grand
success. The Chief wishes them pros
perity. In all probability there will be a
change of time on the B. it M. Sunday
or at no latejdatc. The way the trains
are now run is not altogether satisfac
tory even to the oompany. The mail
after Sunday, we understand, will be
rceived in the day time.
The other night while Joo Garber
and wife were driving home in thoir
wagon and when near the bridge south
of tticir farm, the horses became fright
ened and being in a bad place, Mrs.
G. became alarmed and jumped out
injuring herself quite severely.
The nomination of Stickle for con
gress by the Dem-fusion party does
not give entire satisfaction to the
members hereabouts. There is a great
deal of kicking and many of the
brethren declare that they will vote for
Laird rather than vote for Stickle.
G. S. Albright, the leading jeweler
of Red Cloud, informs the people of
Webster and adjacent counties through
the medium of the "Great and Good"
Chief that he is now receiving his
large stock of jewelry, by far the moat
complete line ever brought into Red
Cloud. Read his advertisement in an
other column.
On last Monday night Rev. Geo. H.
Brown and his estimable wife were
married twentv years. Their friend
in this city learned of the fact and
about one hundred made it a point to
spend thp eveninc with them. They
received Manv valuable and substan
tial tokens of friendship from thoe
present. The evening was greatlv en
joyed by all present.
In another column of to-day's Chief
will be found the statement of the con
dition of the Red Cloud National Bank.
The business of this bank s constantly
increasing and justiv merits the same.
The managers are affable and gentle
marly, and by strict and careful hnsi
noss tact nave succeeded in tmildine
una substantial business. The Chief can
fully recommend the Red Cloud Na
tional Bank to all who desire to deposit
their money with a snfn intitntinn Tfc
will pay all to carefully peruse their
If yon want a souare meal, as fruit,
vejretahles. etc.. of any kind you should
c'j)n A. Cummings on door south
yfSherer's drugstore. lie "keeps the
best of everything it xeuonabte price
H Gt 5Itpj.
The other'niht a prominent young
man wh'-m we will call tfogc went in
to the country to aee h. jrirl and bring
her to a dance, which took place
recently in our aly. True love ne'er
did runstraighu for if the partitn could
agTce tho old folks wouhl turow a nr
b land into the serenity of their lore
dreams, and so it r;w on thu ixxaAion
After arriving at hi 4wccthcrt' man
sion by ihe rippling Crooked Creek he
remarked itwici a fine evening. Oh.yei
eaid he. And the miles that played
around and over their fares told of "the
dreams that were pAjain? through
heir mmd. "Would vou co to the
dance this evening" akrd Bogg. with
one of hi ?weete-t j-mirks. I will
ajk ma,' -ud the little charmer
When she returned her face ws not
wreathed in .sunny funics a it wn
hen the beau ideal of her heart Ar
rived, but on the contrary it vrore an
aspect of disappointment which plain
ly told Boggi that the old folks kicked.
She couldn t go unless some other girl
went, and thus they were situated
that other girl is always in the way.
Finally Bogg got both young ladies
in the buggy and was flying to tewn
in liable. After the ball the homeward
journey was conmenced and tin girli
were landed at home the bit one
first and the first one last. Finally as
the hours came and depart d, and the
hinge on the gate became weaker, the
young man took leave of his darling,
climbed 111 his vehicle and retraced his
ntcps. Buily thinking over hia
troubles Boegs fell asleep, and the
hones sauntered along slowly, finally
turning into a farm yard. There the
young man slept until Old Sol came
peeping up from behind tho hills in
the east, just as the lady of the houe
appeared at the door and asked what
was wanted He smiled kept mum,
whipped.up his team juid came into
town about 8 a m. He don't nay
much but keeps up a great thinking,for
tear the boys will find out.
Voters in Neiiraka, Under the
constitution of Nebrasaka every
male person of the age of 21 years and
upward-, who shall have resided m the
state six months, in the county foity
days, and in the precinct, township or
waid ten days, shall have the right to
votc.l'ersons of foreign birth who shall
have declared their intention to be
come citizens conformably to the laws
of the United States 011 the subject of
naturalization, at least thirty das
prior to the election, shall have the
light to vote. The right of sutferagc
includes the right to vote at any elec
tion; whether presidential, otate, county
city or village.
At the latest accounts tho Riverton
barber, W. A. Butler, who was acci
dently shot by Max Fromuth, full par
ticulars of which appeared in bust
week's Chief, is failing rapidly, and
but faint hopes, if any, are entertained
of his recovery. A warrant has bean
issued for the arrest of Fromuth, but
thejwounded man and all the parties
present at the time of the shooting,
unanimously declare it Lto have been
purely accidental, and without doubt
such was the case, as the principals in
the affair were warm personal friends.
It'.is simply anothor chapter addedrto
the, yohuno of fatal results from the
careless and indiscriminate handling
of firearms.
For Sale. I olFer lor sale 'he build
ing l now occupy as a Millinery store
Price $2 ,100, rituatcd 1st door uorth of
First National Bank. Also the build
ing known as the Brown store, price
$1250, 2nd door north of tho Argus of
fico. Mrs. J. H. Fowler,
Red Cloud, Neb.
Card of Thaak.
We extend thanks to the many
friends who gave us substantial tokens
of regard and kindly greetings on the
j' 1 anniversary of our married life.
" p occasion was worth to us about
i 'j 111 family necessity, and time only
C411 tell tho value in its social bearing.
Rev. Geo. II. Bitow.v.
Do you want anything in the boot
and shoe line? if so go and buy Selz
celebrated make at the Golden Eagle
Silk cashimereand woolen mufflers
and other fine neck wear at the Golden
Eagle square dealing clothing storo.
Sheet) for Sale.
A limited number, (1000 head) of
Spanish Merino ewes, for sale. Two
and three year old. These sheep were
raised by us in Webster county; are
free from any disease, and are in ex
cellent breeding condition. Will
shear nine pounds. Also a few Wis
consin and Vermont registered Meri
no rams lor sale. Prices low, A Jare
chance to start a feeding flock.
Codman it Whitney,
9-4 w Guide Rock, Neb.
Jojr.Joy to The World
If you meet a man who looks as if
he had lost all his friends, had his
house burnt down and business des
troyed, just make up your mind that
h6 has the dyspepsia or his liver is out
of order. The best thing you can do
for such a woebegone individual is to
advise him to go to A. Liud ley's drug
store and get a bottle of Dr. Jones' Red
Clover Tonic, which will cure him
without fail. Also an in valuable rem
edy for for pimples and blotches on the
face. Only 50c a bottle.
ASUrtlim; Dtecovery
Physicians are often startled by re
markable di-coveries. The fact that
Dr. King's ycv Discovery for con
sumption and all Throat and Lung
diseases is daily curingpntienta that
thev lhave given up to die, lEiart-
ling them to realize thtir
and examine into the
wonderful discovery.
dreds of our best phyi in
their great practice
ttles free
rat Henrv Cooks Dn
size $1.00.
The best salve
Id Jbr cuts,
bruises, sores, u
rbeaps, fey-
er sores, tetter,
bnfy, ch0
hlams, corns,
positively cu
o mt re-
quirea. it
tmwif MtK-
taction, or
nefei. vPrK25
cents per
zxmm. m s
"jkBBK ViBn
QS''Kw-tfi Wr
JiB'j ,, 'e.. F
iiiBKf 1k- X3. j r I,-
?ure JtLr 'cal'" fcnsiik, jr BoaWs, brt
DunHHsK 'warn -iM. -a vmtKtm. w
One moro cood tain, and 5a time
ir piowmz. thrrching noxtly all dwr
Corn npomng (at, ml U on do U
There w x man cmv from Iow
out 10 Web-ter county aod iookd it
over and then went back wl tber
1 a cruwd of mn gtlf :d Afsmxl
him to har what be had Ut j ixrtt
tho county They &.!: J him lwu U
soil nd w hat kimi of crtf- of UrmA amd
oati th-y rad. He toid Uom Vfaer
had gucd crop out'1 thft -R-ini-e-l
U know nhat kind of con rro
they had o'lt there ami Ha t4d thei
not to ak alxxil xls: corn Uk lh '
more crn HioVtng oit pAt tiir ltlc:
tlian there n x&fod in liml csMttlv
He was not far wnm fei th oar
corn haTo grown loo f: frr tH? -HtK-t
We can tee good og e ol oora
sticking om bejund the shuck.
Joseph Kurr ! le wl a fuir
price Ar hi farm and ho thmkt ho
ought to haw more.
The farmer in the vicinity f
Cowle have -ehctcl a htmler yard at
Cowlea and everyone shing lumber
can get it thcap of that cotuMuy.
Rev Bntlin is one of tho bui rorn
and sorghum raiyers wehrtve, he pJnttt
el one acre of can ami imulo ont;
hundred and ixty-four galluiru of
choice mol.v-es.
Mr. Heyuolds has his new hnft en
cloted. Ecal DittUMi-i.
' ' - -
The late heavy rain have material
ly damaged tho hay that mm not j
Mr. Baldwin, a former resident of
this community, but now of Olelt. thi-
state, mi visiting friends 111 this city
!at week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs L C Olmstuad,
a boy. All parties doing finely.
Died, Sept. 29. Kl-ie, youngou child
of 0. B. and Mary Harvey Tho be
reaved have the sympathy of
the entire neighborhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer, of Red
Cloud were visiting relatives here last
J S Brooks, of Edgar, ha decided to J
locate here and start a harnons shop.
He is building a reulence now.
L. N. Edon will start this week for
Weeping Water, to bring up his hord
of cattle, which have upent the sum
mer down there.
Mr. Chambcrlin has returned from
Denver. He disposed of his eheoie at
that place to a uoiul advantage. At
present he ir uiflcnng from diim ague.
Iut is recovering rapidly under the ef
ficient care of Dr. A. J. Weston, of
West Inava'.e
Lou Sheldon, brother of L. C. Olm
Stcad is visiting relative beio.
The boys will not ride bo fast through
the streets hereafter. It only costs
them 6.
There arc foveva! gentlemen of leis
ure around here just now.
As this a new business to me you
will have to excuse the brevity of the
correspondence. Susan Blkckkr.
r.i.M ritKMK.
Abundance of rain. Hay harvest U
Mr. Vanpatten i again with us.
We understand there will bo some
families from Illinois here soon, who
will iettlo m our midt.
Tho west is all the rage with our
young men. Several have already gone
and returned, and more are going.
Mr. Gray lias moved in his new
house. He is having a well bored. He
He will make that his future home.
Joseph Bun has a good farm under
cultivation: a grove of 4000 ah tree;
a good sod hou-e; windmill; stables,
.'beds, and pasture fenced, which he
offers at low figures.
Last Saturday night the barn of Mr.
Hollerman became ignited Irom some
unknown caue. Mr. Hoflerrnan and
family slumbered peacefully all that
night, and in tho morning upon going
out beheld their lnrn, 600 bushels of
grain, and tour horses rcductid to ash
es. Los $2000, insurance 1 1000.
The first week of October is gone
and still no frost, who could ask for
nicer fail weather than this and yet the
chronic grumbler will find something
to crack on.
Some have not finished having yet.
The family of Frank Smith were
quite ick during last week but were
improving at lost report.
Two of John Campbell's boys have
the typhoid fever.
John Street has been suffering from
an attack of neuralgia.
It is getting rather thin when a man
cannot go to his dinner, or leave his
machinery over night where he is cut
ting grass without having it torn to
niepes, or his tools carried away, oh,
would we not like to catch him, who
ever he may be would we not give
him particular fits, for by this time he
must have more than his share of
wrenches, bolts, bars, double trees and
rake attachments. M.
Wlicat sowincis about over, of which
there is a large acreage sown. There
is some hay cut and not stacked yet,
damaged by rain.
Our mail from Red Cloud has not ar
rived yet.
R F King is pleaded because its a
boy and weighs 0 pounds.
Will Leaderbrand will have to set up
the cigars, for its a boy and weighs ten
Mrs. Hamilton, wife of our postmas
ter has been sick for the past Trek-
Rev. Olmstead preached at Fairview
on Sunday last.
Corn is nearly ready to crib.
Gearge McMurray" has commenced
ftading steers'.
fsi.townsman, M. Sherman, has
t -"-:-- .... ,, .-
in rneignoornooa xor toe past
few ?Ng wells.
SC2JbTlBlLjMitwife has just re
turned from Jm!&4hyisit to Illinois
much pleated wjtk
True Shirley
anew boas.
It Croticr
Crswier, J.
hMt IrMk to iMrit ft eptwtnr.
Hayinn k jdkxit osrr v -
John Stain ha t Idum for '
w bum raiMd.' v et
Plenty of rain W week which
fTMUdlttlO0Sl.0SlUO I -f Z?Z
pww , -bL-vn. "$r ?!"!
Qivc m U fVntr x rh$ vc dcutk
Mm thtm Grafts u tW rr$4 i
a aT acsia.
The SwUy fct v i r-rpr- i
iar! at llAHTrw iat Wh?. te4K
Ortnfevr 12. all ar nm)tQi twrtotl W 1
row J ami ft prs$?s4wg tmmuam
Wbm ym enm ihi mfwvt met !
vim &r u ixtml or SJ trsmmmc
r!l lu AtUrr yon wm vJwmk U4
hmtztAn jiAora ctt; t.'cj-. ihmj
Mr RifQtUk W& osrrlJ a i BMNfet.
John itlKUloMi i knvtte a rr
cwmn bw rfe bsl rwrijt
W w 0 4 .liilK Jbr " ntwi
r , , 5
m . yf A. AWaAmM md Wm McOvl
lum Our p-4ifeMr hn tmeknM m $mm
hug pamutv
W. A. Flor l mreims km mrn
m;r kk htut dw4IiA Ibr vomim-
And till oar Utntu fattwovn.
Hirv lVfc k. jwti'rifcAMMt tlc ttnjp
of ivt ttio diuf4rr brK !
IwhUi a iori rrxHn hr mt pt in a
t cle i-wrl. uCdrut.
Mr VHlmn ka aUL hi- i(k 0
kanlwnry U M- K AuiWti
Amtihor Ui i. dinar t Mtwlt; NkMw4rM
turn, the cir. 1. ti N.jWxtt ljnttkt
Tue lHplo'. Iimlr ynnl Hs :t
ceivid Trrnl t-nr tWhtiwW ltir.
Gr-uu Is bvtv locrvoi hi tf.; 4rTai
tor dailv.
Mr lurfmrtn h 'Imwimit a ewr ll
f ofttf from tlrt jlrt? to oiii Hit in
tin" uet.
Mr. Paul entruini'ir n iKt
of hi- retaiivtw th- wek fam Vurfc
county in tin 9iie
Mr J W Piil rtt i(, Auboy,
aiHl S K P!i . if Trtt-e wr lji
guvt? of Dr Scheuct nul wtln lnt
Dr. Schunk h boti ihiwvt Inid tip
with n lamj lrk fcr pevuntl dny- but
we are glad to-ny tiwt he 10 xIhh-1
well Ngaiu.
Ir S. Fih lui- rtrncd frnt br
vuit in the ieUrn pri ot the iiui.
Mr.- Jack -lit and Mr- Hrttltkir rt
uinifsl frtMti thiMrctrn viet Ua Su
urdav .
G F Clark f petit ln-t Sndy itt
Cow !.
A V Peak ami Frank Tel have
gone to the Ilatle (or nUo woek
gooc him 1.
Gowl hunlth prevails.
Lirn.K HiTCwirr.
I know a large majority of botii ri
publicanti ani d moc-rat- ro li ftill
M'nipHihy with thh muve to UreHk up
Ho himI Ring Rule, thev r ?'!
llrcl of having ihe prfN'txtLi t their
lanor Hlorhid I a few ilii:wiiel
goblis umier protetfe of friwiwl-bip
if the democratic leadei- tell tho truth
about thu republican party, it .h-MiM
be grappled from power if rrpublienn
loaders tell the truth altit th demo
cratic party, it "hould never bo allow
m1 to co into youer. If etteh tIU the
truth about tho other cortainlv thov
are both unworthy of public trust. But
the republican declare tho deiiiocnilie
leader- he on their party and the dem
ocrats return thecompluneni by wear
ing the republican leaders lie on thifir
party. When diverilil industry in
lead of party adfiuuMter giverntnent
That time U touiing in the near futuru
(Mlucated, organized labor will do it.
Now I Mippo-e ihev :tro loth correct
for they are both dVhone-t and they
prove it on each other conclusively, let
ih tb . loin with the mnu and fill
the odu w with penoiH of and for the
people leaving thoe two good parties
to indtil; in their favorale methods of
electioneering that of befouling, bo
sliming and black mMhng each other
chanicter. If they kooji on a, piicccsful
ly a- they have begun, there will be
nothing left of thorn by the end of the
campaign but a couple" of black upon
F. Howcm.,
m 11 in..
Coanty ComHitlonn VrtttrAluz:
Red Ci-orn, Neil, Oct. C, IfcSJ.
Board of county romnu-siencpi met
in regular e.sion, J E Smith and J L
Miller, county commissioners. J 1
Bay ha, clerk.'
Minutes of previous meeting rend
and approved, after several correc
tions made on record of Sept 23. ISM
Petition for public road cist of north
end of Guide Rock bridge across the
Republican rivec, filed Sept. 1,1&M, by
D. McCallum and others for the road
to remain when it was first laid oir
and now cleared oil oil atl D. Mc
Cttllurn'.s land, was granted, providcl
aid D. McCallum will execute and de
liver to the county a dedication deed
of said land occupied by tutul road.
Said dedication wan duly executed and
delivered to the lord and accepted by
them and the road ordered established
as per praver of -aid petition.
Samuel Foe having declined to ervc
aiOHKD No 2J. the loanl appoint
ed Win. II. Thomas OH R D No 2,
who filed his official bond which wa
duly approved.
Claim of W 11 B Stout referred to J
W Warren. ehenfX, 'to l accounted
"or in his bills of cosW. Also claim of
W. Dany referred to him for payment
out of C. II. fund.
Tho lollowing claims audited and al
lowed, and warrant ordered to be
drawn on county road fund, to pay the
TeiuTI:on Bros & C . Urtdje rznrial $ J7 w
H .S rroupflt i Co. brldce inaZcrial . 135 VC
The following claims audited and al
lowed and warrants ordered to be
drawn on county ceneral fund:
Jamt O'Neal. crnct a:icr.M paapr 2J to
I WTd7.TTk pbyoan arxl xmo-
roi!onT vosTOktXj 5 ft)
G E .MeKcrir. vnicr ir:yIcfcin sxol
eorornisiKHjer mauUy z tti
J liajbo. ferrioa cltrX and comrnb-
sloner Insanity - ,. ......... ..... 3 00
A II Kalcy. poor bin 236
C W Spricer, 5rrIow SBprrtatcatSrot 11a CO
Board ordered that an appropriation
of twenty-five dollars ($23 or so much
thcreof.a may be nece&fary U hereby
made to purchase matenal to build a
bridge in road district No, 25 to be paid
when bridge is completed.
County commtisioners ordered that
.appropriation of thirty-five dollars
o mucn thereof a.s may be
ffTJtskpu material to build
iS.-XLju. .i:..r. v. it? - 1 -
& tfnswrashZTSFav3 " -. o w
pu until ayfm
rs orders
ie4c fc he
with x
the vot-
propMdoo im m u
Mi f WrtHif
rxska, at
Ht 2
ion. lor
ty bond
t. xnl im-
th poor
Xmm A W
f .utn.
id (d draw
thrtsMMto h
kw. !TolMCt
SA7 !
29mx I &o tlmoto fttya
In now rocolvinir hl Tl olldny Stock
which for vnrloty nnd oxcollno
In ovcry roopoot bottta tvny llnm of
Jowolry over brought to thin cltyt
ombrncco oomploto lino of
Bracelets -
Cake baskets,
Pickle dishes,
Toilet sets,
4 Knives
And if yoa dsaire to ptxrchaa & Ca
proftont, or any kind of a maoto
for your frioad, mothor, fethar, hs
tororwetfc4Murt,oOTr U tbUn
to do o while my stock 5 I&rso and
a gret variety of all 'rauszar of
things to aetect &ots. He dpa
9?wy thinr the cemki wish or t&
heart deir, from a$l dock to Xhm
finest gold watobae. ' Be ? to
call arxl I iria opect your ere O
i, '
IrMlSW w
i 3
aara k - nmewmmm , , -
'rnTV "- ,-UECSt.. r JFV- VSr. .'' - "
m 1 . . , t, T iHffw " 1 in f 1 t "y"r -, . . j- -.? t
it '
j j-
(Wis.) AtUL
. v ;-.
o - - ' -
, - "
. t
1 L "
Esy,c -sa k. . -
rr-,- -.-. .rw-rJB"
f j r 'J