a f v Ky '-3 I' pt-rf . 3 -.J !' "H 'A 1 ci.jf :5y f- 3 ?..?-J. . . T.T ?- J " i - T" .i - 3m ;t feii . S.-v3 W yiibc jv s"rs- -- S Oif v&g r T .. J -7!V ' &5. .- Zgt . -1tf aj- y iF--3SS Sf .." fs srss-;''' R55 -"? " alt 4 r. - w hi I-. L- . & r: & .- . u ", vf The Red Cloud Chief FRIDAY, OCT. JO, IU84. A. C. HOSME3 Proprietor Ir Uoe? seeiu proper that the stnit lair fiiiould be hold at Lincoln, nD-om-jmint further west. It is ot rifiht for the peopfc'Pf the extreme west p;irt ol the mni too compelled to go clear tojOm&h.a loft&nd the state fair. The jBH3t part of tho state is not entitled to evcrytliiufi. m z . r The republicans of Webster connty should nil work shoulder to shoulder for the success of the republican ticket in November. The wX important question is on congressman. On thi point republican." rhould bj especially harmonious, and laying all prejudices iwido work from now until after elec tion day for the return of Hon. James Laird to congress Mr Laird, hns la bored hard for his constituency, and has done everything in his power to aid them at all times. Numbers of soldiers in Webster county can testify to his promptness in many cases where ihry needed help, as well as all others who have had reason to ask his aid. As a congressman who was alive to the interests of hi district, Mr. Lai. d was certainly a success. Stickle may be a good man. but that is no reason why republicans should vote for him in preference to their own candidate, who i. in every ay his equal. HI line Kiiil Lcpiii. From all paits of the country comes the encouraging news that Blaine and Logan are being received by the mass es with ihe greatest cnlhusiai-m. Thii is evidence that ihe laboring classes and others who want a good govern ment nre still in favor of voting and fighting side by side for tho one great object i. c. the election of the republi can standard bearers. The enthusi asm is unbounded, and if we mistake not, Blaine and Logan will receive the unanimuusjiupport of American peo ple November 4- Let every republi can fctand by the ticket and vote for Blaine and Logan, vote for Gov. Uawes and the state ticket, and lastly vote for James Laird lor congress, J. B. Skinner, for senator, J L Kaley for float, I) 1 Newcomer for representa tive, and I B Hampton for commis sioner, and success will be ouis. , There is kicking iginst Clevchuul "in the south as well us in the north "Colonel John S. Swan, an cx-confcIer-colonel of Wost Virginia, i.s out in a card announcing his reasons forsup- opting Blaine and Logan. Hereto fore the Colonel has bo:isted of being iin unreconstructed rebel and a Iionr bon of the first water, bnt he cannot stomach Cleveland's nomination, or the party platform. Jle arraigns the Democratic members of Congress for reusing to put our nayy mi a footing with those of other countries, and says that they are neither statesmen, pa- J triots, or men endowed with common fccnsc: He also denounces Democratic opposition to a protective tariff, and calls upon his army comrades and the young men of the south to come out and take a stand in defense of the Drinciples advocated by the republican party. In closing his letter Colonel Swan declares that the democratic party of to-day is not the party of twenty-five years ago, and says that the republican party lias become the Whig party of old under a different name. He eulogizes Blaine as a fear less and just man, endowed with those "large views that marks the suites man above all technicalities." Gcreland Leader. Mr. Stickle,, or as many of the con fusion organs persist in calling him. "Sickle," is rapidly proving his inca pacity and demagoguery in.his speech es to the people of tho second district. He takes occasion to denounce Mr. Laird for his vote against the "Reagan bill. He takes it fur granted as a dem agogue always does, that lus audience is ignorant and caiinot appreciate the animus and interest of the Reagan bill which was framed for tho purpose of building up the commerce- of Galves ton by cutting off the transcontinental trade with New York, Boston, Balti more, and Philadelphia, It provided that railroads should be comp'elled to charge pro rata according to the length of the haul. This was to prevent the shipping of western freights to eastern ports at a rate per mile less than should be charged for the same classes of freights originating near those pM In case it had passed eastern sh"p era would have had their goods hauled for next to nothing and the roads would have been compelled to charge prices for Nebraska and Kansas pro ducts that would have destroyed the profits of farming in this country. It is only necessary to read the Reagan bill to a Nebraska farmer to convince him that Stickle is either a knave or a fool. Even Eosewater has been com pelled by the march of intelligence to drop the Reagan bill argument. The only reason Stickle advocates it is that it is generally supposed to be 'rninst the railroads," and he thinks that is all that is known about it by the anti-monops of the Second district. But it can only hurl the railroads by striking them through the farmers of the wet. The railroads would really lie glad to have such a bill, if it would not freeze out the farmers of the west forit would force them to treble the rates they now cbaige for long hauls, and relieve- tbem of the! responsibility .raised :th I oiimer- owu -- thai'H would 5TentuDr fey 5, 10, end $20 Frizes, Offered to purchasers of $5, $10 and $15 at the Idexi rat & r& Every pnrcliaser of above amounts has a chance to Gness the Number of Beans in Glass Jar in the store, the one iiessin the NEAREST number in each class will be awarded the above prizes m. oroeds such as he may select from the largest stock and lowest Drives. Clothing, and shoes for Men, Women, and Children. Hats and Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c, DRAWING, DECEMBER 26 '84. All goods are marked in PLAIF FiG-TJRES. scuare dealing and one . ..,, . pripe only is oixr motto." All are invited to examine stock and -prices and be convinced that money can be saved buying goods of State Bank Block, Red iaWWMwi ifanrrrrj 01 jsing out at the Leading Millinery Store ! Stock MUST be Sold WITHIN 60 DAYS. Corno 9arly and secure Straw, Velvet and Pelt Hato at COST PRICES SHAPES THE VERY LATEST. Children's Frames in largo varioty of shapes. Ladles Suit Boanots and Hats made to ordor. Mrs. J. A. FOWLER, First Door North First National Bank, Rod Cloud. breaking down every agricultural in dustry in the west except stock raising. No product but beef and pork could stand the cost of tran.-portation under the Reagan bill from the Missouri riv er to the seaboard. Slide Journal. Advire to Mother. Arc yon dlsttirliot at iifcJ.t and broken of your restbyJiMi't. e lild MiflVrlir.1 and i-ryiiij: with j.alnof 'MIIk U"'thV Jf.-OM-nd at once and gti.i Ix.ttle f. Mr-., vlnsiow's Motliinjj hyrup For oliiidrm fthttu'. I aliu.' Is incalculable. It will n-lb'M' tin littlu .sitlfcrcr Iiiiiiicdiatel). Ih')!id uih:i it. mothriN. ihiTu ' ' mistake about it. It cuius dysentery and dlarrlnua. rt'a ulati's the stomach and bowel, cures wind colic, .soften:' the pinis, redn.vs inflammation, and uiM-s tone and enci-j: to the whole system. .Mrs. Winsl-tw's MiotJdnji syrup idr children tret'dnji is iiIc:H:iut to the taste, and Is the jirc scriptiou of one of the oldest and best female nurses and jMVsiciaii in the United States, and s for sab bv .ul dnmKibtsthroujjhout the world. 1VK : cent j boUK. NoTicr.. To all who want to buy new sorghum molasses, can do so by leaving their keg and barrels at Miner Rros., which will be properly filled with good syrup, manufactured by 0. W. llummell. Price 40 cents per gallon by the barrel. G. W. IIummei.L. For Sale. 250 wethers, Merino and Southdown grade. Address, 9-3w Thompson Bros., Oberlin, Kan. TEST YOBRBAfflGPOWDER TO-DAY! Brandt adrrrttfod at atnolatcly pnro THE TEST: riaca can top dorn on a hot store nntll hcte4.th3 reuiore the covsrui-d smell. A chemist will sol b r qulnKl to Uetcct tho prasdnca of ammonia. B0ES K0T CONTAIN AMS03IA. ITS KatLTHFClXSsa H1B NEVER BSM QVKTIOXia. In a million hornes far a quarter of a cwjtury It Jiai ttooil the eonuner relUMe tet t, THE TEST OF THE OVES. PEICE BASING P01VBES CO., VASuts or Br, PricQ-s Speclai Flayorins Extracts, Tit tiroRSct,3Cildt)!t!u and tlrlltr km,4 Br. Price's Lupulin Yeas! Qins Tcr UgUt, Healthy Bread. The Eet Dry Yecfit la the World. FOR SALE BY CKICACO. GROCERS. ST. LOUIS HEALTHY BREAO EPf V" .T-y EASTGEMS The best dry hop yeast In the world. Bread raised by this yeast is. light, white and whole like our grandmother's delieioosbreaj. CRCCESS SELL TKEM. PACPARCD Br TMt Price Baking Powder Co., KaiTis ol Br. imii sjKkl mvstig Emaea; Chicsso, lit. St. Louie), F. M. HAMAKEB, Stock Auctioneer KED CLOUD, NEBi Will attend sales at all times snd guarantees satisfaction. Orders by mail or telegraph pnmptJy attended L-r:ri . -ir- JJ"j 53 L Ci O 8 1 LPU"F Br S fmVM Postoffice boz 73. , 10-tI m m I T ,k 4 f 4 1A'l Wja, & 1 jl Furnishing Goods, Celebrated Selz Boots & Cloud. REPORT OK 7HK Red Cloud National Bank AT RED CLOUD, In the State of Nebraska, at the close of busi ness, Sept. 30, iei. KKMOUUCKS. Lo?rr.d discounts 3 7-S.9-.1 f3 0 -il-ifts rf-; ts U .. ' 'iid to secure circulation I2,iim (i Otner MiK'ks, bonds and uiortK.ws .. 7(U 10 Due trom approved reserve aecnis )(US -to Uuu from otner ationaI banks i..o 41 Due fnin Ht.-.te banks and b.mkers l,vtl CT Real esUite. furniture and fixtures '" n7 y-i Current expci.H'js and taxes p.dd 1,rtS? ta premium-. paid... . I,:i&t riK-eks am other cash items -,MJ1 Vi Frauti(nal nai.er currency, iiiekeb, and .Specie 4.017 fO Leeal tender notes 4,752 00 R.-Heiniiiiori fund with u. b. trea-urcr (.".iter cent, of circulation) W2 00 Total MAUILITIKM. Capital stock paid In Undivided promts National bank notes out.itandiin:. 2G0 71 .8 50.000 00 . 3,:c5 .v. 11,210 00 Individual deposits subject ) to cheek S43,'.,01 ftj f , . Demand certlllcates deposit .,;. s f " 503 50 Tune certificates of deiHJSit. 1,017 Ki Due to Mher National hanks 571 Due to slaie banks and bunkers Ml 40 Notes and bill re-discoumed 15,000 to Total ............................. ..ci3-ifJvo ii State of Nebras'ia. County of Webster, is: 1. Kobt. V. ShiRsv. Cashier of the above named bunlv. do soleniulv swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. IJoht. V. 5imti: . i a-iiier. Subscribed and sworn to betore me tliishtli day of October, 1!54. Fk.vxk It. Oumi. Notary I'libltc. Correct .Attest : I.r.vi Mookk. i sii.as Oaiiiiku, J-Directors 1'. K. CtOiu.K, LEGAL NOTICE T11K VOTKIW OF WKIkSTKU COI'NTY Nebraska, are hereby uotitled that at the general election to be held on the 1th day of No vember. KM. the foUowincuui'stion will be sub mitted bv an order of the board of con ity eoni missioners of Webster er.unty, adoptcl at Us shall the couutv commissioners in Webster couiitv. NetiRiska. issue the bonds of saitl conn ty as soon as may be alter the 4th day of Novem ber, Ism, in ll.e sum oi mree iuouskiiu uniars in denominations of five hundred dolhas eieh. datetl .lanuarv 1st. ISM; due January 1st, IAO. with eouiMins for annual interest attached to each of snid bonds at seven per cent, per an num, liajable on the 1st day of January 1.", and each j ear thereafter until IK), and soil the. same so that tho proceeds thereof may bo amtiied to the erction or buildings njon and otherv.i-e improving the ioor farm of -.aid county? Ami shall the comraissiloners of said county levy in the vearnsr. and each year thereafter a tax of one-'half mill on the dobar aluHtion or as lanre a nart thercor :is maybo necessary to pay the annual interest on said bonds in excess of the fifteen mills which they are now authorized to levy? And shall the commissioners of ald countv in the vear Is5? Icvj- a tax of two mils on the dollar ahlntiin or so larpe a i art tlureof as mav be necessctn- to pay the amount of prmci pal'and interest to become due January 1st. 1S, In excess of the fifteen nuiis which s.ild com niissioners are now authorized to levy?" Tho-e voting in favor of said preposition will hae written or printed ir,Ku their ballots the words "For Poor House wmls." Those voting aKrJnst said proposition will h:ie written o. printed upon their ballots the words ".piiust Poor House Bonds." . , J. E. Smith, chairman. Attest Joux T. Bayua. clerk. LEGAL NOT1CL. TNT1IE DISTKICT COUKT OF WEBi JisTER countv, N?oraaa- Charles luschow, treasurer of said county pialntiil. vs. Tlie Jones & Magee Lumber Company, defend The Jtones & Magee Lumber Comrany, non- resiuen ceienuam, win uikc uoiiix uku mi iuc CCd day of September. !?. tlie pkiintlff herein hied hi netitieu In the district court of Web-ter comitv Nehntska, asainst said defendant, the object and prayer of which are to collect cer tain taxes due and owing from said defendant to the countv or Whster. for the years l!$s2 and ISS3, in the sum of S5 :u.d &-lOO doihirs. with interest thereon from September ICtu, lt?S4. lor which sura and for costs pLiintiff prays judg ment against defendant: i:ut an attachment w:w issucdiu this cause in due form of law, stating as grounds therefor that the defendant is a for eign corporal ion : secouu, iuts ,0 uim rights hi action which It conceals. Tne defend of sa;.: ciulv to-e been attached as gar nishee. Tae d;fenc!ant, Jones & ilaree. Lara berCoitjauv. je required to answer said pe tition on or "belOTe Monday, the 10th day of No vember, 1SS4, orsaid.UetJtloQ wUI tc takeu Dated this 2Kb day of September, 1SS. . Chari-ks Bctchov. Treasurer o Webster connty, plaintiff. By Gilham & Kickards, bis attorneys. 8-4w Attention Teachers. - Notice is hereby given that I will examine an persons who may desire to effer themselves as candidates fer tea hers of the common schools of WetfereeBtyatHyeitceined Ootid oa tbetbiNSaterdayefeadiMeBth. Exaalaatkms toconueHceat.m. Do cot ask. for special exaraiBatioos. Ciyr.FKP-CKB, CoMrty wpcrtateadgpt of public btttnetieo. ant has properiv auu ueous owing n u .uis sUite, which planitifl seeks to appropriate to the pavmtrnt of said claim for taxes; that the Ld I'hiiid Vr .onal Bank and J. O. Chamberlln, aL UHIHJN II llilS Q? s R. Hon w m C. B. 1I05F0RD. RED CLOUD, NEB. Highest Market Price Paid ! T3 I '.-vfc VM ViW4 V M rTmf Vasil, fxachtsi For the Fall Trade ! a &am wssfcsr &?8yB WQ :o: jffifm K$k t Fi S W Everybody is Invited to call at l.AJ.S. Lu aQ--l?040'''Cp &--?-M And see his large stock of iOi'0'r':Or- "S3 r a ffi 15TV & 1 c cs -t r 6 Yi 6: V 1' I.E r-U V' i:Sk ".'' Vi $ 0 Jii 9 ilsL iL F-5 ft y-OO -& Ij Stank is Full i Srsis p?l Ladies' fine Underwear. Elegant line &r&'&&&'& &0;0S'i0-SjS- THIS IS THE eo&aQoesseseses0 Cheapest House in LareSb StOOK DOYOU That Mrs. Newhouse, HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF KIWIKS9 Dry Goods, Dress Goods, . Underwear, Laces, Etc. Red Caond ? WeiTslie has and is sellings tkem at bottom -mm - . -- : !i fc.' - v ?T'ji.I..JW-- .". J rv i w . . . .K . Y'm -W- ' Sl.-- -jczaM inassssss&aaEz- g. r. vorxo. j Hosford & Young, DEALERS IN j '"T -T fC n &n fvJ ffi - S" d- g--02:. p, T ' F ,1 'Cr-'1!- 2Xs'Sri5,- Cp nd Ifdlii n of Ladies' Cloaks. TIME T Wtn J I Wi pn Try wtmmmu M t 1 E H K Vi-5? ba fcti ? V' P i H ll S 9 PI IV the county andjglj lorlngfJOC kdlilinSf M2ChinfifV t0 SeieC If rrCIXL. . ,3 prices. Seener. KNOW I,TES : '.r r i-.rjr'-.-zij; - . . .r tyi.aL.:rx:x i mr w - j . .m l t rr - ar v mi r r f - . s vaa . .T- , .-aV.rt "Honest Tea is the Best Policy." V v 4 t T T f TpJ'1 J!jLo JbfJil'vSJ LrI.KUI.N pgifl unii clothu;:t. tiffi tftm y? ? Vs i -9r Groceries, Q,ueensware, &c. TJKDurOUD - N KiJIi A.SIv A. C-V Efcollvcr.v tn of All lnrln 'lly. THE ."NTIOAV YORK Grocery and Oueensware j o - i il w n 11 i Vr n o o :r ' 3 Yi p w f J? 1 r (J Largeei anj o o W W w W 1 41 I Assortment 9 Prices, the Very 0 9 ft F. T. 0. HACKER, 6 8? C 5 r Uroccncs. Red CIoudf . Gm n t i.: rocencs. n nh . TmT-ac Choice Groceries, Groceries, m, D Groceries. rrovisions, Canned i IUTls uroccnes. vour tt)n?t . ntri!fy k,uc 3 Provision , .t.l , ;"v 1 mm 1 Hnr vA4'm m niiinrai sits vr inj H ffft Jl f Z n iP ? k9 J m ' 1 kib K W a m ia 1,-1 g&ga! 0 1LUBMW e3 Where ttill W f.mwl TrrtlunK Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Sirups, Fruits, Bacon, Ham, Dried Beef, Gice?e and Crackw, Tobw .;riv'ar. FJir Kcl, G!.j ami Quccnxar iumI (Voc5ttry. ' Hoping ly fair dhng to iucrit a share of the jKibhc pl'onak'e. Come nd ecc inc. IN FEATHEBLEY'S BTJILDING, S. V .LUDLOW. $25 to C350 Ccn easily h rndo tuing the. OLD EELIABT.R "VICTOR' We mean it and arc prepared tv, d'nxwlnft the CwU Tho well merited uo- esccbior for our mrt;o. tc aro Monarch of .J m cTferv country to ih vrorld. Our niachiwrY j pcrtrd hy cttfr 3Ian, ifone orHiexm and worts very riy. Thf-y ranj;? in :x from inch to 4 1-2 Feet in Diameter. oCjes&Os. T!k? a,- ue ;J9 tud exfeK"iv Prospecting for Coal. Gold, Silver, Coal Oil f n Wo,!L0C'na' ? for WJte. - HS 4 Cml kn. c Uwy ar : t , -.r, - . mmv & jt-5 ft trK i-r xjMitiiJcrj. vi jm Kiuva, Good live agents wanted in the world ' Victor "Well Augur and Machine Co., 511 Pine St., SL Louls Missouri, U. S. At I SUU what paper rjttaw &k m 4 ( ' '"" VV Z2ZJP& V ' 11 i Notions! ATS, CAPS, HOES ! House & a w h ! in the city p P5 W rl 1 O c "l t w P O o o II Jl 9 PFIZER. 9 a. mm GROCER Nebraska, g l ttv 2 . . n P revision rovisions Fruits, m 1 rovisioru r 11 - 1 rovisions wgars, jsic.f m i 9 9 in Ibo grorrr line, such iw w PER DAY W V ' s JC3 CBUSl. rcl X. tcry, in every country in Address, K$.y . A' 't STORE ! I- I t t i 0 1 ,.4. I it fi ? 1 .S w 5- 4 i "A s v 'J . -. " v T 't, V - s , .V- y-t" ? F1- "'.' - JS4 .1-5, "i-Ae&-Jt' r-si vn.tyf-i, -. - f, -? ! V" 'ftJ &. !' "