o3 - 1 'y - ifn ? - i.5 ' ,. "---. ' . f i r.j .-9 rr'inLi jgw- n js,. J- frSSJ ----i THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. A. C. HOSMER, PflWlster. BED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CURRENT COMMENT. . Defective sidewalks have cost Dcs Moines $2-1.000 in four years through damages to pedestrians. The British gave to Mete Kingi a 7n Hilary funeral because, as aXcw Zea land chief, he had afforded valuable support to the Government at a critical juncture in the history of its rule. Among vegetable petrifactions from Arizona arc moss agates in which the field is colorless crystal and the impris oned matter brilliant red, green, gray :md brown. They are found in large pieces. Intelligent and s'stcmatic attention to physical culture in college., instead of permitting the students to continue their sports in an indiscriminate man ner, is advocated by President Robinson of Brown University. It is proposed by some English engin eers and capitalists to connect the Baltic :ind Black Seas by means of a canal from the Danube near Vienna to the Oder near Breslau. The distance is about two hundred miles. In several of the counties of England the gentry have moved successfully again.sL the licensing of liquor booths at liorse races, and the rumsellers have re taliated by killing off all the foxes, so that the sport of hunting is spoiled. A HEGitETKUL report of the visit of a circus to a town near New York is given In the Chridinn Advocate. Many pro fessors of religion "went with the mul titude to do evil," and the only pleasant fact to note is that "the show was of an inferior order, giving a great deal of dissatisfaction." An agreement has been entered into by the French Minister of Po.-ts by which special postage stamps will be Ksued for the ridiculous little princi pality of Monaco. Upon them the reigning Prince, styled Charles III., will have the pleasure of seeing his august portrait. Tin: ingenious method adopted by Russian military authorities of instruct ing the rank and file in the art of shooting by furnishing them with hand kerchiefs on which the construction of the rille and its use are explained has been carried a step further. The hand kerchief is now being used to familiar ize Russians with the history of their heroes. An old soldier declares that the gal lant Sheridan, when on duty thirt 3'ears ago in Texas, was the best singer of Irish songs and dancer of jigs known in the whole regular army. "lie was no bigger than he is now," this inform ant emphatically asserts, "but he was livelier, I guess, and I never go into a variety theater that I don't sec -worse pallor and trot (singing and dancing) than Phil Sheridan used to give us." The New England Historic Genea logical Society has received a complete set of the Xcio Hampshire Jicgistcr from its first number in 1772. The collection was made by John Wentworth. of Chicago, who intended them for the New Hampshire State Library, but the trustees did not respond to his sugges tion, and he changed the destination of his gift. There are onlv live complete tcts of the licqisicr, one of which is going to London, one to Paris, and one is in Chicago. The late Duke of Wellington was very fond of animals and at the park iit Slrnlhlieldsnyo ho "kept a herd of An gora goats, which lie imported from the East about ten vears ago. Thov "have been shorn every season, and the "wool was used for the Duke's coats and "waistcoats. Ho also possessed a imm bor of very Hue mules, several llamas, and a flock of the small Ardennes sheep, 'which produce the finest mutton in the world. The Duke also carried on the culture of trout Theke was excitement in the railroad station at Westtield, Mass., when a stray trunk turned up with no marks to show its destination, and emitting such a stench that a council was held as to what should be done with it. Visions of crime lloatod through every mind. "With fear and horror the lock was forced and the cover raised. The cause was found in a lot of huckleberries that had fermented, and a quantity of cooked corn beef and other eatables which hail spoilod from the heat and long keeping. Genekat. Hancock, lately on a West ern tour, is said to have received a let ter asserting that the writer had lent various sums of mono' to his nephew. Lieutenant Frank Hancock, out on the plains. Frank died not long ago, and the General had undertaken to adminis ter upon his estate. The letter intima ted that there were good reasons why this claim ought to be quietly satislicd. Hancock declined to be agitated by this onslaught. Again the fellow wrote of chnmship Avith the dead Lieutenant in the far Southeast, described himself as a gallant adventurer into Eastern civiliza tion, as a friend advised the General to silence scandal by takiug the insignifi cant, sum of $50 out of his own wallet. Then the General replied that the de mand would never be met unless clear proof of its justness was supplied. The applicant turns out to be a confidence luan of extensive experience. His Tex as record shows him up as & swindler of masons. An official communica- of a lodge at profession- THE WORLD'S D01KGS A Summary of the Dailf Newt. POLITICAL 71NI rKIWOXAL. Johxpii Busker, Chief of the Cincinnati Firo Department, died from Injuries re ceived by a recent collision between hi wagon and a fire-engine. Jin. Kirk, the new Japanese Minister to the United Stateu, arrived at San Francisco recently on tho steamer City of Fekin. Jonw IL Fly.ix, Master Mechanic of tho Western & Atlantic Itoad and President of the American Association of Matter Me chanics, died at Atlanta, Ga., October 1. The Duke of Cambridge is going to visit Ireland for tho purposo of inspecting tho troops stationed thcro. Great precautions will be taken to insure tho safety of tho Duke In tho "enemy's country." General William A. Tuuoor, n well known citizen of .Detroit, shot himself fatally on October 1st. Sir Erasmus Wilson, an cminont Brit ish doctor who died recently, bequeathed $1,0)0,000 to tho Royal College of Surgeon, London. Thy interest on this i.um is to be devoted to the education of young men in pathological science. MISCKLLANi:on. An inspection of tho Canadian Pacific Itoad has recently been made by the Chief Engineer of Government linc-s. He reports that a force of five thousand men is nt work on each side of the Selkirk Moun tain's, and that track will lw laid to tho Pacific ocean by next spring, nt the latest. General Lord Wolselev and htnfr left Cairo for Khartoum on September UOtli. The statuo of JJnch was unvi-iled at Ks senach, Germany, lately, in tho presence of the royal family. On September 57th tho Massachusetts Gas Company htruck the largest well yet developed in tho Tnrentum field in Penn sylvania. Tho vein was strack on the Grist farm at a depth of 1,'2W. An attempt was lately made to blow up tho Council House at Salisbury, England, the explosion causing but slight dnimigo. The Copyright Congress has decided that authors belonging to tho Union shall enjoy equal rights with natives of all contracting countries. A permanent International Bu reau was formed. Chicago capitalists aro said to ho nr ranging to build a railroad from Monroe, La., to Pino Bluff, Ark., a distance or' J50 miles, through the cotton bolt. Andrew J. Cooper and other Chicagoans have incorporated at Springflcl 1 a com pany with a capital of $1,000,000 to operate a gold mine in Michigan. Daniel W. Fuller, an Adventist ex horter of Chesterfield, Michigan, grew weary of waiting for golden slippers, and haugod himself in his barn a few days ago. Hoos aro dying by wholesale of pleuro pneumonia in Western Maryland, Gover nor Hamilton having lost over ono hun dred. Tho diseaso has been spread by the casting of dead animals into the river. An engiii'i and freight cars on tho Texas Pacific Railroad wero wicked October 1, near Plaguemore, Tvx. Tho fireman was scalded to death and tho engineer slightly injured. The coloiod war veterans of Central New York lately celebrated the thirty -third anniversary of tho rescue of "Jerry," tho lugitivo slave, nt Syracuse. Fred Douglass delivered the address. In Lyons, France, ,'!),000 workmen havo long been out of employment, and ytormy meetings aro frequent. A CYCLONE lecently parsed over the southern part of Kansas City, injuring five workmen engaged on iho roof of the Pres byterian Church, and probably fatally in juring a sixth. A few buildings were slightly injured, but beyond that there was no damnge. . Another dynamite plot has lwcn un earthed in Cracow, Involving the arrest of seven persons. There aro rumors in Panama of a revo lution against tho Ceroora Government, led by General Denj. Ruis. The foundation of tho new Stnte House in Charleston, W. Va., lately caved in, do ing great damage to tho building. A CLOUD-HUR'iT nt Pachuca, Mexico, on September T7th, caused tho death of thirty persons and inundated valuablo mines and works. Tho fall of rain was tremen dous. The English steamer Cordillera was re cently stranded in the Straits of Magellan. The rolling mill of tho Dupout Powder Yards, nt AVilniington, Del., recently blow up with a terrific report. No one was hurt. William M. Woodside. of Chicago, in a milo race nt Boston for professional bicy clers, was defeated a few days ago by It. James, of England, one foot. Patrick Minnie, a hotel kacper at Court land, Ala., was lately murdered by a mob. Theenu-o of tho ou.rage is not known. Recent advices from Washington are to tho ilTvct that it is probable tho court martial in tho case of General Swaim will decido that tho charges against him have not been sus tained, and will recommend that he bo re stored to his rank in tho army. Mrs. IIkinrkith, a German wifo at Potts ville, Pa., killed Miss Mary Linderman re cently by stabbing her to tho heart. Jeal ousy of her husband was thp cause. Mary E. Barrows and Oscar E. Blnney havo been sentenced to be hanged the third Friday in December 1SS3, for the mur der of Thomas Barrows the woman's hus band." Patrick Minnie, a hotel-keeper at Comt land, Ala., was mysteriously murdered by a mob October 1st. On October 1st, at Chicago tho Funeral Directors' Association of the United States commenced its third annual convention ia Chicago. It is said that a son of O'Donovan Rossa vas lately in Paris boasting that he hail o0,')C0 francs with winch to buy dynamite. J Antonio Maldonado recently enticed ! Nestera Ramirez from her home in San Antonio, lexas, and outraged her. lie t was forced to marry her tho nest day. Xcstera is just eleven years old. Tub New York Chamber of Commerce met on October 2 1 and passed resolutions urging tho President to co-operate with other nations for tho purpose of bringing j to n close the iranco-Lhinese war wbich :s ! greatly damaging tho commerce of the . United Suites with China. Mu. Hakkixgto.v, Secretary of tho Irish ' National League, complains of the falling i ofE of the receipts from the Irish in Amer-1 ica. It was recently proposed by the Italian soldiers to subscribe for a sword of honor for King HumberS in recognition of his heroism iu going among the cholera patients at Naples lo minister to their wants. Mausual Swautz "Wilder, tho leading criminal lawyer of Allegheny County, Fa., lately died of coagestiou of tne brain. The estimated amount required for tho support of Indians for tho next fiscal year is. N;7,23S,G59. The present appropriation is $3,733,7$!). At Lost Creek, Pa., Abram and Dan Hiukle, brothers, were killed by an ex plosiou of tho sulpbsr-packer at No. 2 col liery, a few day ago. Crick Poxkuot, who is now publishing the United States Democrat in New York, and who fornierly resided in Denver, was indicted for Bsrjury at the latter place a He has also been charged witbawindlingand obtaining rooay under falae pretenses. Ib-qaisition papera har been Usud for his arreit- Bill Isarrn, colored, lately assaulted a colored girl in Franklin County, MIssU sippL He was takm from a Magistrate by a party of men and hanged. New interrogatories were filed by tho Indianapolis Xtntincl on Oetober 21 for Mr. Blaine to snrer, relative to bis mar ring'? In Kentucky. The French Government lately decided to impose a small poll tax on every person landing at Calais or Boulogne, the money to be used In improving the harbors on the north coaiL. Patrick Minnie, who is proprl-tor of a hotel at Coartland, Ala., was recently mur dered In a mysterious manner The Funeral Dirrcton.' Association of America recently held ite third annual ses sion at Chicago. A party of fifty 0age children will attend tho school at Carlisle, Pa., whero the tribe will pay $S,0X for one year' instruction for them. It wai recently estimated by 77! IlaU tray A'jc that ',.V3 miles of "track have been laid in tho United States since Jan uary 1. Joel Blair, a Deputy Sheriff of Gray son County, Tex., accidentally shot and killed himself not long ago, at Waldron. Scott County, Ark., whence he bad gono to rapture a horse thief. Wii.ua it A White lately caught George Lee, a chicken thief, in his hen house at Dan ville, Va. Lee broke looso to run away, when White shot and killed him. His nction is commended. A quadruple murder recently occurred near Fiillerton, in Nance County, Nebraska. In addition to tho four persons lound dead two farmers, a child and woman it is believed that oth-r farmers, who have lately disappeared, were murdered. There I- no clue to the murderers, but tho general belief ts that it was done for purposes of gain. The large j-welry commission house of C. R. Wardell & Co., at Indianapolis, was lately entered in broad day light by thieves who stole Ix-twoon seventy and eight very fine watches. The proprietor had merely stepjwd out for a fow mo ments. Tv.-enty-eive leading stockholders of tho Louisville & Nashville road met not long ago in tho former city anil unanimously adopted a resolution to issue $.",00.,O(iO in additional bonds, or sell .7),00J shares of unlisted stock, tho proceeds to b ii-ed in dischirging a 11 mting debt oM-l.T.'S.O'JO. Wheat to tho amount of 1,00s) tons was not long since shipped from San Francisco to New Orleans, over the Southern Pacific route, destined to Liverpool. Not long ago a highwayman nt Indian apolis stopped a streot car at eleven o'clock at night ami demanded tho driver'.s cash, which was refused. Ho then pulled his re volver, fired two shots and killed Albert Mullirinn, the only passenger on tho car at the time. The murderer is unknown. A rkoisterkd letter containing :10,8"0 in bonds was recently stolen from the mail between New York and East Hainp-.on, Conn. The will of tho late E. C. Lamed, of Chi cago, was probated recently. It disposes of ,:'.) i,u00 worth of property, which is loft to his threo children in r qual shaie-. Some small bequests are made to rolati-cs and friends. The Government Light-houso Board re cently issued orders for the building of a largo light-houso and keepois's dwellingnt Grand Maries, on tho northern shore of Lake Superior, and also for the erection of two keepers1 dwollings at Point Ray, on the coast of California. Dr. P. F. McSweenky, of Notre Damo University, Indiana, who is supposed to bo insane, recently made application for employment at Erie, Pa., offering to ongago in a wide range of employment. Among others he offored to saw and split wood, teach Latin and Greek, or "tend bar." A rang of men called at Dennis Mc GraU.'s house in Providence, R. I., ono night not long since, inviting him to ac company them into the woods. The next morning McGrath's body was found In tho river. His templo was stove in, and every thingindicatedthathohnd been murdered. A number of arrests havo been made. The New Orleans 'Longshoremen's Asso ciation lately notified the various foreign shipping agents, steamship lino, barge owners, and others, that members of tho association would not work on vessels where non-union men were employed. There will no doubt bo a strike soon. Tho dissatisfied freight-handlers, it is said, will join issues with the 'longshoremen and make an effort to forco their demands for an increase of pay. ADDITIONAL DISI'ATCIIKS. On October 4'h there wero .'J24 new can cholera nnd 171 deaths in Italy. There were twenty-llvo deaths in Genoa and fifty in Naples. The charcoal sheds attached to George P. Whittakor's iron works at Principio, Md., recently took fire. About t0J,000 tons of charcoal wero consumed. It is said that Mr. Nimmo's statistical report on foreign commerce will show that the entire exports of manufactured pro ducts from England to all other countries do not equal the internal commerce of the United States in like products. James Love, a colored desperado of Denver, was lately sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment. The crime for which he was sent up was tho stabbing of Tom King. Love was a member of an "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Company. The fifty-fourth semi-annual Conference vf tho Mormon Church recently opened at Salt Lake City. President Taylor made a congratulary address, and Apostle Wood ruff followed. In the afternoon Apostle Lo renzo Smith complimented thecougregation on the number of babies present, and boasted that tho opposition of tho wholo nation could not prevail ngiinst fruitful uses. "The Lord," Apostle Erastus Snow said, "had given us the earth, and we must multiplv and replenish it." Tho Taberna- cle was about half filled. It is announced that Tennyson is about. to publish ii new dramatic poem. The sub ject is "Thomas a Becker.' The imports of dry goods nt New York during the week endiug October 4, were ;2,r24,0OX iT i3 reported that Mr. Russell Young, ,l0 American Minister to China, has be-n trying to negotiate a peace between China ai;,i Frauce, but without success. It is stated that Mr. Young ceted entirely on bis own responsibility, and was not requested to act by either Power. Da. J. "W. .Martin; of Little Rock, was i recently pursued by a mob, who charged him with the commission of an outrage on the person of Miss Kattie Lecheret, who belongs to a very estimable family. Georgk Stevexs recently-kidnapped his 3-year-old Iittla girl at Pittsburg. As the kidnapper was led into the police station thi little girl continually cried for "mam ma." DUKEra the week ending October 3rd there were 194 business failures in the United States and 25 iu Canada a total of 217, against 213 the previous week. The failures in the Southern States were more numerous than usual. A hcrricaxe recently swept over lee land. Nineteen trading vessels and sixty fishing boats w.?ro wrecked off the coast. and thirtytwo ressels were disableu. The i"" of life was appalling, though the par- NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. An Inmate of tf.e poor hoi nanx-d Thomas Mabcr. died a: Unrtdn the other day from the effect f wounds InSirted upon Ulnviclf a few day prestoas when ho , attempted .utcklc by cutting his tbroaL At Madison the other night Grorce C ' Stephenson was fataliy bot by Mrs. Mary E. Warren. McjhenonN drive tatetcti. was that lie was sitting on a" wash tub ' peaking in a friendly manner to Mrs. ar- rwt, ho without naming or provocathwi drew a rcToiicr asd abot htm. The oraan ras arrested. j Ml from a ,ond-torr whwlow at Un- . "... 4....W UMlaHV4 . " Aa the other day and struck th? dewmk wjtiarely npfiii Uvr Iiratl. and tr2Ugu to ay aa but light!y lnju:eL A ffKitaiAN itanivtl August Ooinan vrxx ii j. win a ra,iiiu-7iui; .-.. ... -in i i . .i . . ..,. A.t...- .Imr h u,msI tn lw a the elevator when a Minuar engine sen. mother car against It, crtte-lung lum. Tin: editor of the Os;.ola lictvnl has a rO.000 libel suit on Ida ltami aud h Ulk- ug of mortgaging the projrty of Ids vifeN relatione It h rciKJttctl that a good dail of tho :om alxmt Ktcmotit will icld about Mjvt'rj .y-!ivej biuhchi to the acre. ! The Crete tihJr say that Mr. W. II. , ncrmiith. who is visiting that town. b the sliest man in the iftate. Hi wr-eI In the tkTinan army during the Kmuco-I'niaeaan war and wa- known as the talhst man In the rnivdati artur. He was one of lti- ' i (ventr Willi.tms Ixxly guard, and iueres j ' ix feet, nine iiK'he-. and a half. He '! a rctitieiiiau of wtfiith and proi- to pur Hia.se a f.irm and "UiU Iu-j s wrds Into plow . -!iares and fpfars Into rur.ing hooks.'1 Is the Keith County School ImvI injiinc- 1 tion cae, recently lefnre Judge Hauler, of . Ogal'ala, the (o-irt dechlitl tliat A. ('.. Ken- ; lall, Imd romuii-siouer. I- Atideuzarten, 1'reaMirer. and H. C. Blemlale, County Clerk. .lid not conspire with Doni to m-cuic Keith County .-chool Iantl- by fraudulent Ievj. j .ind that the lands wero lawfully appraix-d: ami aNo that the lands were not appraised ( for ale before leasing, and Mitainetl the in- junction, making the auic erpetual. ' (Jovek.vou Dawes Dr. II. 1. Mathewjon, has coiiiiiiission&I Suieriuleiident of the Asylum, and Kev. I. W. Howe, Cliajk- lam of the retiitentiary, as delegates to at tend the National Conference of Tublic ('harith&i and IJeforiiiatones to be held in it. Louis October 13th. The. set tiers on the Omaha Ibvserve, which was thrown open lat April, propose to je tition Congress to change the terms of pay ment. PosT-orr irn changes in Nebraska during the week ended September -V7: Kstabli-hed Atlanta, Phelps County, Alw.-I (iodnrd, post master. Discontinued Midland, Colfax County: Silver, Cinge Cuiuity. Postmaster ajiiHiiiited Coon Praine, I.oono County, Michael Peddy. Hk.v K. Coin;, a prominent young man of Lincoln, has disappeared, leaving :i young wife liehhid him. He is also charged with S:'.(),t'00 euibezzleiiieut. Kx-Covekvok Kii:xa. Cmnnusionorfor the State at the New Orleans Kxpo-ition, has invited the ladies to occupy a jMirtion of the snace devoted to the interests of Ne braska, and Mis. Kbriglit, on behalf of tho Kducatioual Department of Woman's Work, appeals to the ladies to contribute photo sraps of school buildings, plans and speci lications of heating and eiitilating th.it are superior, well-written reports, of auv kind that are tho work of pupils, map drawing or fiec hand drawings or any kinder garten work. She also iequsts any mother or teacher to write an nttielo that will he of interest. Such contributions should be sent to W. W. .(ones, at Lincoln, or Mrs. Kbright at Tccuiiiseli. Tin: foui th annual fair of the Uuffalo County Agricultural Society, recently held at Kearney, was a great success. The grain ixhibit was especially fine. Tin: Methodist bunday School of David City recently made, an excursion to Lincoln. There wen: nearly six hundred in the party. Some of the colored people of Omaha are "kicking" airaiiist the appointment of K. II. Overall as v. representative of the. colored people of Nebraska to the New Orleans Ex position. IIeck.sti.v the discovery was made of a quadruplo murder thirteen miles west of i Kullerton. in Nance County. A farmer I named Percival. an Knglishman by birth, i was found shot to death, together with his I wife and child. Hugh Mare, also an Eng lishman, who lived with Percival, was also found dead, having evidently been smoth ered. They were all in KuIIeiton on the day previous to the murder, doing some trading. Two other farmers had dis appeared from the vicinity, and it was believed that they had also been killed. The object of this wholesale mur der was no doubt robbery, as Perceval had drawn a large sum of money fiom bank while in town, none of which was found on his bo tv or about the hou-e. '1 he bodies of tlie two men wero found at tho barn, whero it is thought they weiemuidcred and robbed. after which the villains went to tho house aud killed Mrs. Percival and Iho child. Percival was a prosperous farmer, and has wealthy relatives in Kndaml. A ur.rsT VkioIit recently attempted sui cide at Lincoln by taking strychnine. Cause: "Woman and wine. The Omaha papers lately devoted much space to mysterious talk about a "suje pressed sensation." .1. (J. Mii.m:i:, nominee of tho Prohibi tionists for Governor, has addres-ed a letter to Governor Dawes, inviting him to a joint canvass and di-ciission of the issues in volved, before tho people. 11. 15. Low::.STEiK, ah insurance agent, was recently arrested at Omaha charged with selling a horse and buggy Ndonging to the Nebraska & Iowa Insurance Company, and tike.'i to Cuming County for trial. "Ir Smells to Heaven," 'The Stinking Water Iind Steal," are some of the signifi cant headings now adorning some of tho pa jers of the fctate. Tin: l. fc M. Railroad recently came snap judgment on the city of Omaha, which was trying to prevent the road crossing a certain street and had stationed a jK!:ceuian at a certain point to watch operations. The other night as the joltceuian carefully guarded ono crossing tho road quietly cut through at another, and the next morning had a canal cut through to tho depth of eight feet and the track laid. Lixcoiy is to have the electric light, A MAN named Falovv. aged fifty-live, and his son aged thirty, the other night stopix-d at an Omaha hotel. Upon retiring they blew out the gas and were found next day nearly dead from asphyxia. They were re stored with extreme difficulty. A wkm.-ii:esski man recently succeeded iu getting a forged draft for two hundred dollar? co-bed at the bank of Metcalf & Pet singer, at Central CItv. He escaped with the tnonev. oitliough the fraud was soon ite tceted. The forger name i Davis. Tin: toodv of an infant wrapped in a blanket wa- recently found tioatmg In the river at Omaha. It had probably been ( thrown in a few hours after birth, I..-.I. Hi:i:r:::irr Fostki:. a bov of foHrteeu. vras . r. .1 1.5 .a a.:- ;nro .vi i worn uls pmiv k ka tiere- ilATiLL.v Javi.:. of Wayne, a woman noted for the strength and vigor of her tongue, recently drove her hrtbauI from Ins home and then hanged herself. She was forty years old aud had been twice mar ried. CuAKiJi? Coopeh. of Furnas County, netted $3,500 from his crop ot broom com, rabsed from a hundred and twenty-Ore acres, la falL This year he has harvested two thousand acres and will realize a large sum. It Ls now selliug at Slio a ion. Tiik AleUiodbUs of Hartingdoa are pre paring to erect a new church. " A lot has been donated by the town company. ArosT-OFFicE has been established at South Omaha. UOrCItfOR ST. J0H5. Th- Prohibition mlit fr Vrrlitni iss lit f"orwil Lil-r of ,wii- Ck:cao, October L Tho flij- is 3Ir. St. Jdbn'j Wcr of ace?: Ola the, Kan- i-tembcr 3. lL Haa. SancufH rte Uo. UwUxsiia of Umt CfetC t:;e.tftr.: My Drvk Sat: In tomakj iccteftlng th- tMtitiutAUOti for JirJvTt, te4vwJ to Jac by the NUai IrkibiU' Coavslea , a. pmabBrgh, p.t, Jaly 2S, Iv. 1 taJtr Um ' pjir:imtT to ,4Je that whtto Uw KMHr waa neither ot(at tmt &citvl Ir Mr, yrt It U groatly apprunalcd. K'iitl a I: wa, by a coaTrntlow oo-;r-44l of dcncatr 1hj in jotet if aorav! orth aiid UH-ntai atHbty were felly i-ja1 it not utrrur, to an ioliUcu! ctcst-a uia over nfwminvw in intf rowll,- iso ' ta cttthrU; AJru-an ,lar ,1; . Mt ie iwic j-ikT-r -.- u, . -ii w. ii-rni itoild go old prvjmik'tfti ati nt.iw; tr.fr. '1 o-day the tsnlttrt." of tie Xrih anl Snitb flt iH fnetMby telUH m U mr rteui nels, uiier Umj ic iiac. evvry -rtioti f the cirtmtrj fciowlrlglKaMocHif?e to the some Cn eminent. Tlcr ivcwt . x lmn when or fipif could Uftor ttxl U, ami when it ttui wore ltnioruiti Uwit th-y lKMtkI top ami thiok Hmui nt. With KunufM-tKius hutt ns tknvn, bank-S I re-fckt:tj:. errlaiu f.uV mg in bu.n, ,urilir uaMe, WeJm wial mlUuz at the hotm rkot b.r ftrty cent, ncr bti"lM'','uI hainfrrrt' tf thufrMUd? nt iwiutrious me-luinlr anil laboring men who are willinc u rk. bo: ran .ret iitjtlnni; U do, it wms tn tar thnt tiie tM- ha. nmie for tb Jej4e, w h uro the irre of ail politiral powf, u ciU a ha.;, and :p and think, Utr thrr' m;: be a rea( for thi'i coitditum of thutg". 'I1e little tune and pi-are tl: old iattie can 'pure afu-r fU-a!tng ot the fnli tnouuK-e f iH'r.mal kuum ami vilifk-ntWiti that enrh -r-eiiii to think the other men Ik, it ituttnly devotril to diMtilxi of tho Untf quntij. ignoring all nuttter Utal relate to tb itiond elevation of the ieit!c 1 am of the opinion that the tHauutaclurer who. by reason of the depress! cxidith)i. of btmi-ilea-, has been ctmp,llfd to make an . bigntnent for the benefit of lib riedlbrx, will not find re!Jef in the ugiutkin of that the average f.ilmer In I ciiKlioii. nor will come er entti'i-iastir over IL dH'iiKm, with hb whejil not worth as much In the bin as it co-t him to produ-e it. The j amount recehed b the tiotermnrnt for , duties ou import.- Isle&s tlum S'J(K).Wi,o'0 , annually. '1 here are about 175,000 retail i dealers f intoiuuig liiutu in the United Mates, each of whom pays to our Ciowxn I ment i'2". in considemtioii of which sum j the) ate permitted to cany on their bn.ities.s for a term of twelve months. When we arid to thb. the amount paid by di-Ullers, hi ewers and wholesale ileiders. we tlntl that the mlere-t of the (ioxerriiuent In the man ufaeture and sale of Intoxicating lupHir- Is about SHI.UOO.UGO annually. 'Ilils trallK-,' -auctioned as it is by the law- of mir itiin fr. co-t.s the people at the lowest otimnto 5l,00U.(H)0 a jear, not to spak of the de stroyed homes delwuicheil utaiiiKKHl. U-ait-:trlic, crime aud corrupt. on it produce. '11ns id-graceful bu.-ine-s should le mijh pre-sed and the eiiormoitb sum of uiuuc) that under tl'e prent system is woise than thrown away. Mivcd to the jK'ople, and thus a protection would be gicu to the industries ot ttiM country that would enable us uvofu!Iy to tlnow our door- ojen wide to the competi tion of the wotld. 'Hie Pcptihlican and Democratic parties faor a contmuatire of the mautifui'ture and mlu of intoxicating iiijiiors as a U-venige, while the Prohibition party demands that the same shall be for- ! eer suppressed. Thus an issue Is presented ! to the people in which Is involved the pro tectioti of every house, in the land. It is not a mere local issue, either, but it is a na- ' tional as well as a practical n.u-tion, upiii i which a large 1-ody of citueu-, against ' whoso conviccions party discipline Is ' jxiwerles, hae decided to vote, and they will not be found halting between two opinions touching this matter, but will work and pray and ole against this great evil until It is driven from our land never to re turn. A Covernmeiit Is simply a leliex of ' the indmduaks comiHising it. If we want an honest, sober. Oovcrnment, we must havo an honest, sober people, but wo can never have an lamest, sober ix-oplc as long as tho Coternuiciit sanctions that which makes its citicus dishonest, drunken and corrupt The declaration of principles which i hearlhv endorse. as -et forth in the platlorm of tho Prohi- ( hittori party is entitled to the thoughtful consideration and earnest stipjorl of all j good citizens, without regard to locality or j former political nfiliations. Our country ' needs an administration that will n-e above nieie partinu eo:i-iderations and in tho -election of public ohVials, inako i honesty, sobriety and efiiciency and ' not service to imrty, a teL It should be conducted mt in the. InterenUi of ' anv particular section, imttv, race, or co.'or, nut in Hie iliieiestoi ttir whole po- pie. To accomplish this, all good riucu j hould promptly step to the fnnt and ho counted for the right. This s no t.tne for j dodging. Moral cowardice will never wm and surely never deserves n victory. Then j let us look to God for his guidance, nnd j fearlessly and fKithfnllv do our whole duty. never doubling that lie will take care of the result Very truly, vour friend. Iojls P. Sr. Joii.v. A r.i.iii jiniiiMT. New Yo::k, September 20. -At noon a well dressed man entered the bttttlott ofiire of Martin .rc Ruuyou. in th- baenif!nt f No. 10J I!rndvay. ai a-ketl Mr. K. R. Young so::ie qmslH- about the bnr of gold which were exhibited in thj hw win dow. 'I he !irs Jiave the tinenets and valiw -tan-lM-d on ttiem. and jeo:.r if;' step in J md ask questpins ab Hit tliein. Mr. Young ikrkjil up one of the bats, whfh was worth $"-:. and bebi it In hl hands while he lenie-d on ti nmntr i and explaininl Its marks. StiUlr th j stranger snatrhed the Imr ami ran ttt of 1 tlie door ito the crowd vvrHeh wff ula; ; on the sidewalk. Mr. Yowtc Hu-Al rr the counter and folkwel snouUng St;i thief f The thi-;f ran up the -,1 of N. 100 Hroadway aM d.'leif up tle fair's. He ascended to the Mfth ibvir ami etttetrd Chm stock's law ofilee. He toainl 2Ir. Comtek there ami toltl him erv quietlj th.!t be wa a telegraph iineiran and that be i-hetl t go out on the iirf e-ip- aw! ax wire. He ofienetl a wtndew, tlesceirtetl Ut the xts'A r-eJotv. arwl wn through tbc -ttstvic of sir jll.er liUihHiig to the street. --An effort to check lx?g:laz re-eatv made iu Liverpool bronjjht to llbt a c!.e:e of beifrarv in which puntJs ol n.I a:e-s were "taught how to pursue Ui3 art in a eientS,c way. TImj pnprieWr wa- a luember of the -profesIoii r.n had aniasetl a comfortable fortuoi The -chool wa.s wHl a-tenditL Mtwnv younp: cliiMreT asp-Hr.Ir brn eat then by their pareiit. who were her of th-." crim:n-l das, ilanr of tb u ,w ,rwt nt ,,..;,- jOj io per ' J JT ,, ' ,;., rtf ,i...,.M!.!e.r, nJ.fr. j "j-rofes-or ' anproprjatet! the i.-kthii i ami money brou:hi in Ur in 'leaM ' " "-" - -- - - f . j h r nx-ompen. for his urjt.l be wss nx-omp ices. Foreign LeUer. serv- Mr. -M-a Mifaci!. of (Tiathant. X. C. dictl recentiy. H5 wife, dit-i alxmt iixyear ago and wa buricU on the plantation. Mr- Mitchell requested to be bunctl at 1 -II s Lhun-a. and uerrcl his wife'i bo'Iy to be cxhunici! and placed beside hi, and when they du into her grave her tody was fosnt1 to be as irm ami solid s rork. having become petrified. Her feature? were not shrunken, and the lace wa-t as full as a healthy l.re person IJer tlresi looked as natural and perfect a.? whea she was first burled. ,lt b i Temark- ablc esse at petribtailoxx. SL Xouis Utote. DIKBAXD TFIK G. A. K. 3ofldint Abes. by CicvatHliM ! Mzu&or. f-, AlSinr ArrL V m ". ... y .--i- - !-- "lrttt- IS J. A Grerer Ck-rvlaiNl w .iiwla Iff Um DnrrKU' vi'kLa of ARmuiv. -V V.. of whioh UaMal Mawj U lJC hKl. Mawilas V i CT-Alrwa mt Um ; Ntfvr Yorl tteUr i mrm.l OoMBrtaw. j tf nrola-Hl t fc-M! tm Ml ' iu jwrt wUfti Mjumsau r iai WaJiUjf ton a be h i!av ! hal-i Maaninr i i aINuit Tbi -mmm t Maotunjr U a lnr owwar of m Aby .Iru. Ui tikt4r t jarjcfcl cmrv . lift jvrfeR Um n.rtf. f iU Uwc4l j a 'tide. Mm wa a lqp Hrr Ik aJ I die tat. tl tw o"ttr J tf piafNir aII throws tin? mr !-'. M l . !s the Arjms reauuftrd ibl4i. w ng a fe Udiit eliUrtal. nraDi br th mam ' diior who wnlai Ch3Vtad' pr. to-day cTf4iriM tni viurraT artfcrc . In iW mpum mt mmttj ntifmn M t wwv tin i.riM Araajr ut aWtU- tur ir M putir u rtb x-l l"u I ( (m t that it t-M-Ws yml tmmrvmwm -nt f tte Ih.-m.i- .ll TW l Hml A meiterm, Vamt tmm tm tmims a mn I -Ml rn n r a ot i' It tmg9t . Ta-x 'J ! f U ht tmrx m tk c vy mr tuM ! I- tf. b tmvy 1M -ImnA IbAi hf .A t .s4-4. 4 tfevr ver"trt ilkiMH,ifc'- '" ' ?"' fM'J trmm ikrtr tifntam afcm ' '.r4 Armj mt the Itttpu&o- )t Ho:rv-t m-t-rip f ytsr mimmriil Km J. mw1i - -lopttl t '.am wrar ! t-af ihrir Urr-fm mr mm mum them u Niner O TV t.r mmm ttaaf brn Hint wk mm nt tv c':;. 15 I U r or no ibturoc U imm J-r ; m.s-. 'I e- drrwiiii ft ihm r- w, r h Hl)r kl of "m-irn r trjial.lj aJ M re Kw -l tttt lw I le Wueirw i pH r,nlel. but ihm t-Cmrt krr-p la. mil i ttaelr -ir Tl mu- owt- ! I viir AM;rr wt tln-p fc. yr tin l 10 Ifte onrjeiH-n thst IS orca'ilM -t tt Mr w t itr uwc'jlgj - uwX m h prt m a ifairr plrti tai eMM t t" m Ukwtmt umoitc a " thru would b trrf I. i rrnail -1 tbt ta iidtIkM l t lots ou tli? rear I Mibl H ihnub imm iriiiii f Ihr Kntf r ol fttt tirtek IT IbtU wu- l..nr l- M. utbo U- ll VA pmm !!, w Mi'l lx rvpe,l t !. iW f$ teaoo for iU trHUAtfca . I twaf- ly tvnii wrxsT-ttf iMnOtlr mmt4 Sit jttViH m ihf ri" j- I "ir.-ir or latii rtt-on Mry uttMii- till rill w a'.ch ! not rrl n a fourht out t"il w ! ia wti n Unt rilte lUe !! till liiiwfln i :. ii mm Ce t.fe AmI mII tiM 4m4 mi LutUr. .Sorth nnO south, ir tf tl fsMmr tnm lre-ude "hk-h woui'1 Us rlTitnat- U.-imrow-v rimI wnl rtninl lhf. II. -i cH ' iiuthori'y a-utrl nr Uif imi.I tmtt mnmr from tn- Urt it wuH bne tv r mtt btmtr Th" kc woiiiil bitte tn ti iojr a ntt a cIm net tr ihw wlttotllU Mwt iro lo mr Oomiursl with ttwt n li ,ttl itr a , nt n j'Tlt) !ll i'lOIK MtMl 4tir Rttl ItllxTI hiiI iilti'n comW bawtnWcNi itatrt. itw mf be -ur. lo ihnt lnlHl ai I -Hr " t ts$r- ami -II y miI -Mtorial irH,rK Mtll -m l tx-en iillii. Not ntereiy IeHi tl)o Uettvr Mkor HtM- ' lac-l n l wok- iirf-lt thfTiiti- of tfcw , tratHM ueiiil b- i-itrnl ly lh" e II ho ! ' tie le uM Mitt t,rant Army ot ! Ittmh.'Mt iII-OmoiI. Tie ernntiiiKMi -n'iU arro tlt jwth ol the i u jnr.f It r,iee- tw mllMary cp-r'L The OrM It bfe r.od the Mfsml -itmta ' totilM-rn. Tlie onruwl4ilor h dim n tUinm . i? irokibMtoii on po'uln-i wt 'nmmAif m tor iH-en'1 ho Mini ti :h Mar. it I r-ort on tli liuiir ty mio wi-ni t It U dt- la nrrt the t haw" am! oneninliim iC tnr mm ond. ll ipitWe- ii JiRerent ele of Hatmt r nil rlrli'ii- from that if all rti!fri. twt H tinMf-i unei olf fr nil iKNIIer rrtni Ura t' Ihtlr hrinT weru ami IKiwm TW ou-tit not u ln -o tm H Tho tmt-cfaj- fl-id Ihnt nnyoti whoo est 1 itij," ) hoi or.ibly 'li-riil'e-l from th r, run Joir. the orjfioil Htloti. '!hT row Imle tint till oryatilatlofi. OH otlir iatwl f nn nno'lit-r S-o tfe-v do fo: -t thrm or rnf th'i, they liifiif, thriM, tit-! tialttrm Jll tiiitn iiiik- m iiiu U of lh l3l tt Ihf vorlli. T h.a hut liien Ih1 fr the iMry. . foi the 0lt!r. Hll'l tor u'l it3ct!tef. TtM time wiv N'iui'1 to wrai' 'hri th lef r:tN. tillr,J anrt cowBrlk,r wh eh neia.it or hh lintion niM net -n ot -oMkrn Url im pmU be thmKinif ntid iiyin onwic-nt That tlinf? h- en me. nnt it It im-i loo mneh to ii-w th i'n'illf taenirt f lh (irand ! Arm f rh l illeto t4rt irr.iU tntttn ini-nM iolituiil the orifunt atum thrHM' Hie e uiitry, u'l to turn vt lt ht.t r tl-orOn th- fcruv- of the iinl to el t mi'hi rity. Nor I It Jo neich to aa t ! n n HiithuiHte an I ih- etu- jiwii v Ui ift K Iw known thitt flT thlt -nr :lvy titl tr-fr tion tel c lirwt.n purpot- to r"rn- in'Ht'il or peptilur Httneiea im I . o jr tithrr Mod. i h- ffrriiit-ry f enir te ! WTViinci n fe3-.o i oi wH'rar'mf h jirrt nn I he i-ralrt intrUu n t Amfikuni , hn j'en often prKcttcrd In p'e lifprr th-ltll. Tho pnte.H-tftf it mh1 th-lMxlMr j of ll continual rft-Mrnne- mt- leit hH ! j lriorjlteiit hI'Ii -f!-itfVnit of !) wit'Jk , Ijhvo boin l-find. Th powr!,w in , poitl . tie t mi 'It i of lh" lea ! tH rni lity or mih of tr, many- pu p t tl.-tftl nil the" iji'mivi. t .! la tmii the fin Mid t,tlieaa trf iwnfff ovr the rratt-t of th" JHt. a-H th ImjiiMlene" of ifftputtntr irtijiiihp . ntel fctwintt Urn nt inftHrll rf--n. I atnoyl :v etlntiMt HilhrHit mt all mnr j Mr-, have Iw'-n p n u lo . Ttfj he l-rffl ' Ui Eprakoot th-ir ifum. "l lly tifftol l hoied t hhI e-j!rt tm-r Tl 'HTltt-l HI t'l '(.Hi; of iu,MIt or e J r urn tiftr tmrr- U and lewiTii". tin" "ni!vnf ntJrt. if fia- lrl tun dlf' or h) po H m : ? r nnd l.iiilvln-" lo tbr- b air tHiil- - " Mnlnr a iron' nti'fen att-r tn mjr ntr mwm biorol l-i plvlMir ttsdt terybi'r m tmm war tntn tne hiiflit tmtrti". In vmt -t -ti injr what tb truth. ib&t riKnr ei-iit ffom tl-!r nwe -r atul rUmrmTr. mxl fithi'r f-Hn !r w-ii ntnra m -wr m H than -t'lrliif a: Ikh-. Ha Mtuk tnrtlilr-l I wlmt 1 r 't-M tii tk- r tr mftnf -ijmt rral'on. arel a'iotle-r ti-nJ a Ami tb lia I en Irpt p ureler ili MUM tin n pie uwJ',l mttmmry. hor. at4 rittn iwwf n : okin-r' ! m in rmr I'rop'e dll rMt. 4lt'- t"ltrlie 4M. Vnr r"rnl tH- So! a rra'.'ei'nt 4titjk : trnf i n ma'l w '"rj - f hHm- rr- r'-l hf Irmtif. -rioani-l Uj: a S.T" ' oeJ'r wfMttra aio wwt rn-T "t a ttw. ant tor h.p" wja ael iMt-st to m-r-turn Uie foTfMimnt ti:f all u-t i ttk arnj nM tljt l tunW are! ' Jt t nontlw cal m bc MH'ry r- n ur. m obj. Ant that Ust ! nry Hfi- an-J dan cer way N tcet ! tr ?-rth-r rn'iy. mt' t-t-ar iwo . r Mi4rr f la-iriel Armr at m- Mrt t bnrnnUr- tmnch r-n rrn Hah V-r ca 1 IH --of Vt rjit.' tk ii- fiimaii y t t c J Hi ihf titr aw o n -he tAc r r- -vtw-i a fotTJ tjr-f WrW faOkrr. f t i-h-ine tal- "H'w I l tal.iwaM aaM laa ! tifu' 7hy uM U raosrsi a brl-:r jM-tn ban tHfmT twia-l a ir )m wbi U lj f'Bit no part i it-? fte.i i -itr-t a li ihk Tbejr ttM innlw ita (til fur in tlT pa ejr nt of : r its4. at tat tiiM ;r kin mi Mat t'j ad t b'-.tlHj' i ut Mper- oo- 'i4 oor tfce -mf Urr nAv iewta tt- tv ! tae MtrM tkcj tamk" " tS ir- 3 be j4 '? nsr -&. l- s?rx8V it l late tr uMvk? ;r -.r krrert " j tm-natar-1 Ut" y unr. No trM- 4b' " , nK botntr - f zutr ib r abt l-enfftmrntinx Uej --;irit mt ttrT e"f 'Jmt J tn"ty betffrla- tbrjrr ot by o -r.tni.sr- ; tio ! rtre. tntr in Ur fduawf rn!n ' hi 'Jftrir crainrxHl orsntr tti tb .r acapw ti-;.rJcr!M-. t toHrmtctttf f Oi ih? - !- K -I lb net r&r-vt of i-ij tjcf!' ry iiM.n eatnnVt t. Ta-e raut mi- ', ti'l'-.t in tn mm I hit' gmw r at.r-jr. i .M-'coiki . tt"i: trtUnAC't JrMtffi ! writai'Miik la-uVw . .Iu i-e-Mml tor r 1. r twict )r-twt - rar-C J j A.-ir.-,M-j-i.j wfctvfc tft- jm ir Jr tk-? li - roatrj-. ! lrtrn mrrmH I-- nafTrtr,tr fMti.-e Km an ;-' ' tc-T .nrr - o t9M t t Wfcai -b aria ;.- trt .- t nm so -nn-tuM!- )ft Im. art -ttw . . a t. otwnjij rt r-f A w-.n ao prjtmr- m ic hni --..-. -r,, w mwwrr rai e- St IB JTt - " ; .a j - w a Hkrvfofai trml m.r m 1 -m.- .. l . ..L..I. . , fc... --. ,.,-. a.,: ujw f larr canrtH u jcr:j w X wlHtvrr rl let Ml f-r-tOd .raar oT tt liti.l- tra.aju: It raeraortal irorfc to tnt trp aj ar-. and :ucj ui-baiu . tF- Geiieral Uj:nn U running raalnlr on nu war record, ice L'emocrmtic papers narilr obrTc. To which it may cc rcpiicu. n iJecdnek. rJth the difference that it would b- erer o much better lor him if he wa'i. The Democratic nartr. srrrxnl. inj to Mr. HeadrleJu. w a party 0f coa- jon-. ,o uoat !ot- t aL Ilia ;twnuj .b cr.aiaaj; C0ur j tj laaa will proriit.' . tot . of Tim cvtrx uza. I - m ?- &r TM u immmmn- M m&ww -pr x me w HM Ami I Wkl r W- nh Vwvm Vwr " JfcWP Vi ,tdk mm t tw fa .u.lntn - -vr. & ' nt. ft mm rV TV - mt Wt ! ' Awl Ukv r tt 4U7 tikM ( m I - WW" a x w """r." , t- f M1t -l-M 1 4 ta -nr t K x H Tk--k. U nw 1 Am M ' aw-i . -- T. ib&4 a . A4 I m rll JMUlWBM n'P"if t A4 - N a T tmms ""V P Tw mw imm U m ma rwn, . .-. - - MnuBM (ti- .,-, tin I "Mmmr UM kB-t k- m amh rntm Mwti. aimajirt KariVM tmmmt Hn l iivM twamd 4 1 1 mm Vn rT ' w taw ii . -4 POLITICO I. im .u:.viii. smr ifewairirV Vkmh h aef r. . tb walK tn lM4uMbA. b h.a . t tfty mm)l mVl Uw lmwrn jwtrtt -to mato Uw awta cm ihm tmmwt t . : Amrrt-M ho It knkm Ukr le gemm-ii r fifM.-! to Mr i ' but Mr Hln'tn it jrlaWy t- wttJMKil enrr 'ig ( 'nnU. PntX- Jokit fct lali P . i le-lsl nt Iniot, tmvl Ihm .' r ther will k s. hmp 9i tm mtnl r ' l titd ii ww t oc vmrj mu tHtlMr. SoT'IIm vriUi .lit of titn !wal4auaf 8rifi(ti d artHttty tjMiA lb r mhihi tliffrer-tt tar wftM kirMs a ( I HB Wtl a lI On Cimm i mtTiiml UamtU. tear Mr. (Wl $?Unrz k ere--.i . ,: Uii.-ablv JI itt ettvntwv the p . that re ttetur belUrod ntyviii b - b iail in tw nU fJit ihm ti t artr No tte Tmajrlii tlii ) Srf A tier r-4H4irMo tUUir e 1 dilHrtIt. TatuMMftY Uoe brn ,vl .. U the lervtnot trvfrfi. hut It it t U dr hk tx UtJii Hgmr ntnl jC,,: it inmU 'in who h earhaai aVbfttt ! i-.. tioaotM f n. lUttMMrrnttV mta-tVU- iiisr In MMte-en jtHUm th Nui "iil dbt hxm bm rrdtKHwl Irntn ;,.-. -iHo l.t.'4.iataai, hh! Ui ahiV intorest ehnrjn fnaw J &tm ,.. ,, ) Ui . at, . t (.,. a 1 -v-cri-r winkle itieh n rweioL '1 mm Hpo l.enw jndcy hoa jrvHll Curing tb. par mm! myTb Mnrk$ K aW b. - fouodeI tm coltl in I A Hi imm I 'et . i rntic rampaJjtM rlW bad nfittte.i n e"ittmitto Ui pricur onie tr I , wh-N a rinl tnmhtr ntim, mr ). foldlmx bi clacal iff &rfltei i in. Mvr I hit "tip matUot bf ,. i.lrt.tl o HtrrhuM imlv IlnMh UriHirhlal T'rtf." 3c.rN far br- the . "lhjMr hio Veen a rf4 iliml of doul I. jnutieulnrly a;ntm tbw loJepet dei.t IejbH.:ini. ha to vrlnaiiMr mora r k1(Ij'- HtNtbt prit tbol for ih catttpni;n. itwhr th flbt t over t will be omo tKifUv ehmr that roth to r nli aud politics bar nnl deni to Io vvith it- -iS. ). Mttti Si?IIv lb war. wbfli ham Urte t tbe (nnnl bM Th-rit Laud Mr llejuir.elt". ih raiartyr, inmrfx U 1- croMP-d, nrtl "tJi icNt3' rrUw "I ls'6' i )t 'A-ltmri it aJay a h .'. for aoii rejii Unumncrmtla ortr r nWinnr tittHr opjMrtju;j I'iei r Pre!dJlt Ibiw' Sfeitry f the Ir. lerior bii a unnpolr if Uta ia- Ittt Mr. ebnra tm-bt H to t t . 1 uti bta I'atnln. -.V. )'. Tnkmm. Sf 1 ko iJitmoermUe orKttJi svfi 1'iImtt naxl rvrrttcticMt tvry tfm t , r lorced u ail .do u th loi !-.. (i in Imre. Ixtt 'bnr fl" to fMthliah T..e uaaw-krt rnt' of Ijuih DKtoerasVa It at jipikMi tbti they wtfat- mmy b gift than Indmon Umunernie, Hlrr?. hi l. :idmbti of t hoi rHn ISaron. ,tet ar i Mils at 5J a bnI. North j h trnlreI tn rmtJiw Ihriuera4 n moro vn hmhlc thfo ynr ib Ukv w-'.' fz 1?. Twi kHam fc th landed UTH-n cry oKttanMt MCtnt. irb i r ut 1 1 r UT, nawpjr vita en. Ke-tJ4!enri mm? U i a uwtter of hnnno. isrrIiMr muimmivn of tb flirty Ummm Totr t. oa jaj. Arfiwtf MemuUttMm, r A Stupid SuggcHo3. Th Derner4lc imiitfr r at .t nj-io. They beard rtttmryrr- nt$if. lk aimmz iho Itiirb tnwnoer? f th r trnrty f aklnjj vvnhml Ut rUhlr-iv frotw Uin Natit.anl tiefcvt TW I eo ernU htmnl thi ami U vrafrlatl th. m. ?,"jr.V"L,..iLV?.'rh' to fi-t . ' T rulchrd thir h'swi a lott t nue Jor jMrtmrt' inr C to r. I ui tlnil their Ire.TC rWKrb-tJ Ut tho oi i4tl bo.ii t pan oi rrttiviiH-. oro an Hfcrr." draw VVi ar ot dirurli iib'H J to - deftttHe lor Mr. iR-i n n h i mttr. ttii vl that vr ba a rf at to ietl3r e tf rcx mr teTifial ojn ion that bo wit! not ir:thlrm- - aoi rt. It ekvt lr. litniam wfW - Ihrw-lrtjf Kay if b; ?bjtkitld wiUftvr w. The hh farad CIVx W y-r r!I b3vn im rmtys. i wb: b iIrLf Hlaiaw icHMt gai vm i tw f9s. ba t all ;bc J?fwr .ota.- StsXmn jwt Statue. No Haoif9h r.-. Vermont. !4HCtfiM4UHl; f "on tteei f , ! lU4Hic Ihn4 -xtfc.it vrlll jto tal .. Kt.ivnt Tt!i. Tlteti ol the- MJJj tei&p- 1,. "a. sJt'Iy r3tt-ahr a.N(r$a4 ui h t- TajP'v aoa vttt Jrijfc. t -.- f - -- w " - tn -i tttml ..f 'i S. 'fc iWIUrl VMT n t ,. . . . : ----,, "iTORKa. Il; .M;rjnMita. : io-a. I nan. '.: e?1n-.-ka. A; makloir ih toiiJ, iriiliou; MiKmri. from thw 't of State 1 IK Kleetorat yim. Ki-Vne aLo bx n!read a oo-i x oX V , aC,!lcl1 ? n-V, S?T Jt0"'1, mi t "" Elates wui nadoubtedly go for Blaine ia fact. If the ekcthm wc-e, held tomorrow be ou!d certainly i3l maorite5 in these i-ute aad "tUc.t gracrf ut.nl Elf ctoral vote Is 245, SUoald b withdraw? WI1. er. J acctxtif Hirmlmi. , . ' .orlbS!S!-?ii f-f -i.t. . . il ! cepitoa of MiKiuri Ohln - ?.. !f,a-3- ln; m5no'- : M!chJ-ac. 9 i . 4 i 1 uczuars were m loug iuuk cuuiu( iu uijuu Jt '3i, tV, -V '- Tk r - . i, k- ?; : v " c