).'. -v - '-H fj&jis " "HSiltr" ' -"- . ,. "v ' ' i" W "TfWWI viwi; MWMMMMriMMeMMMAMMbWMAiMI JBWt, WSS: """ . ii" 6'nTt . --' Aw 1H n v ? a $ I f X s X 4 m IIG5IE, FaRM akd gardes. Any falling o!T in the condition oi farm clock should l)c strictlv guarded ag&i:;3t as cold weather approaches Pasture beyond their nrime need to be reinforced by rooLs, fodder-corn. J'&OVPr to. spring or longer, or send or o'her food. AH nninwU im(ii mn.ii lln-T forward to market at anv tinier from any extra feed at this reason of the year. Albany Journal. Huekwhcat should be harvested be fore frost can injure it. Cut it in the morning wieu the dew is on. to pre vent shelling. Thresh as soon as the straw is su tlicientry dry, and spread the grain thinly upon the door, as it may heat in large heap?. Cleveland Leader. Sieved Heels: Uoil them first the ..P.,i i i ..i- .i r?" ., .--' . . ,ai": "'' ,-."". u..b.i noawwpan wi n a piece oi butler ro led in liur. some boded oruon and P.1K1C3- choppc.l hue, ami a hale vmegar. s:dt and pepper. Set the pan uV . i w f T , r v T for u quarter of an bour.-Z.', 7 - 7" -At this season the troughs where stock are watered should be well vt. .!-. ...!.! : -i i.. ,'".-'""'": '"""1 "V;.. "-" :" "" .".--. .-...uhim. .mn '-'"v. - ' !k tb. Die nii;unuT wort k&rW ht t !ftn;;.Z,;r ' ., ?"y ..i,clie0!ie-w. lh vU oi lat prVur,. it nie Mnvitt tikauwMSe of mstory. ponrr. htera- ( bl.J rlln Uv vbv - , ."i!;,. me mrvnm. ii be w ..;..'".,;.:.,.:' :,:;..;:. ... . , ...V ,. "nrc K:lc-a. ' "e jmie is. n lair ;.&gkmi m cloyr ana cio.;r uni;g the , tun, art, mu,.c. 1 hey might hare toen . yfr j - & M-Mioo-J Mfc- : Vl-il iW bi- kad "-."-"- '.' - ...uiu.u ,ur pioi-cuou hj guen. somewhat eas.iy mreriin, aui the s.piir.rshiehieu the now ; exciiaa.sl for the important science of i r.arh wiI-n rf t. i .1,.;. rtlflr barit had g.oj .mi . .i.nt aiw 1101 tic liable lobe tmperatun-. ; ew. was not dst)o?eil to be defrauded j 1 he crt.u for decoratire art b:M ..jT.ki,, ... mtnxX fin7fTu I . ,oiieiby too much wet weather, :w H,nce the wixiom of seeing to it I the een-monv. an I Jv the time the wr.nght certain delinite mischiefs with chW MrmiiSou ofb"l!:2i 2. il - they would be m the held. iVci'nt earlv in the snason. while I'.psh is easilv . b-naman hndn-tumed' w.th his doc- nim-h -r.fMl ()-.. h.-trm is that bitsv ."..,. T l .. "rr,.0 ' IfOrty ? o ft Farmer. ! ,....-.:...i .1.... .t.. " -.. t i.:..Y. 1 t... 1 .it.... ..... ...... j.. mi,. ? 11' . " 1 "i. : " t.. ... - : ' ?"" "1 "" T" lfceici H tonus . --. u .'mi,,-. -,r cleaned, , at leat once a wee!:. Leaves toughing it is nothing else tliau insti :md sediment rajuilly decay in warm tuUng a warfare between the t .ssufs of weatiier, ami tiiere will be "subsequent which the animal is made up and the damage to the hea.th of stock and the c'.emenfs without. A moment- rellec puriJy of milk given by cows. So large ton will onvinee any one of the utter a portion of pure milk'is water that the wasteful ties- of dfalini: out food tiiree quaiitj' of water which cows have to times a day in such free quantities as drink becomes ery important Jlural '.ire required if fetd is depended onto AVw Yorker. i keep up the animal warmth, reas nabiy There are various preparations for wniienimr i.i:e nanus AViiif 1 c.Mri n iicmi r " --- '-' --ww and urli!l uair of li.-mds m-ir bi ihm.1i Miioott! and soft, if not white, in one month if the owner will but wash them well in warm water everv n:-ht and rub them well with whichever o: these sim ple preparations suits her best, ami then incase them in a pair of loose gloves horn which the finger-tips have been cut. Chic i-to Journal. The Iioucy Cri. The honey crop of the present 3ea. is not up to the standard either in quantity or quality. In some localities the so called honey-dew" h.-is been so abun dant as even to kill the leaves of tiie trees where it was deposited, and. of course, the bees gathered it. in large etiantities, and deposited it in thclmes, Inst it is unworthy of the name of hon cv. not being of the nature of that arti cle at all. lint now com": a worse trouble, and it is of n two-fold nature -we refer to the u-e-. io which th.h so-called honey dew fi.ecre.ion is put. when gathered by the bees. To .dl if for honey will be as damaging to the sale of pure hou- y as to put glueo-e upon the market anil s?'.l i for honey, and it should not be done under any circumstances. A one-pound section well-tilled with this sti:l) was placed on our desk a fowdas ago, wilh the (pics ion. "What is i;i it nekh 'V has the im,:l or taste ot lion ev, and is the poorest kin-i of a substi- j iiti.i;ii.i - tute lor it. 'lo all !..,. fl.. ;.... ,w. -" iiivii, iijv .' -. tiyi- nil would sav: "Donoi undertake to i s..tl if tVir linni.'." tm ill-it li'f w-Ji-i- flu. ' l amoun may be which the bees have de-po.-it.'d in their .surplus honey sec tions." The other point of the 'caution which we would give, is this: If the fall crop of honey .should be a poor j one. the bees mav have nothing upon i which to suo-;:t during tiie coming winter, eveep this -ecretion of t'le aphid e, misnamed houoj--dew, and the result of such a state of affairs mav be erv detrimental spre adin. disease and deatli all around. Should there be a bountiful lionov crop this fa!l, it will be indeed a (Jod send to the poor bees saving the lives of millions. Let us hope that it may le so. especially as the bnsswood has f-ii.ed in many places, and the early liave-t has been, generally, but a vorv .slight one. In case the fall-harvest is also a fail- urc. there should be a elo-H' mspecion xvithout harm. ('ivcerine, vaseline, " 'l3"''" "Kencu :.ie body ot a hea-t to ing in the room es'iipeii ine glance ot ; gonmty appear to them the lit epres-; yne m;u, sita lu tj,e 3.,.rz, lin, wjt , ft cold cream or mutton taliow rubbed in ! :l """nnci' in wh ci fuel is consumed to ' his small, sparkling eye.-. Half a ; .-ion of a-thetic instincts and they give jj-,,,,,, i!ir hold- her heail in the tah will do much to -oi'ien them. Oat-meal J j'Jduce heat. a the principle is quite s dozen Mongolians were interperstd thanks ihat th-y live in the cultivated m rslrt.am . eadv as tho-.trh at anc'ior anil corn-meal, both dry and moist, mav ' "ko tnr fct'luig of farm animals, in so among the audience, and one of them ; age which ornaments i's whUk-bro-mi ljl"; ijtL in'r.h bark ri-in"7vertl.oil'- in; u.-cii uilii goo.i cue 'u i ne ron'iiet, " '" t"" '"'- o""" i-' j..... ........ ... ...-, .. .... -i')"- "-. - 'w- ..v.v..-,. ....,-....-.. ..... ..v....... .. ..v...... , Ul,r f,,,,,, xn t j,s uelicato bow rv? - . -4 k o; the contents, ot the hives a genei.ii cl.iining-out of the aphid.c secretion by .. - ihe use of the extractor, and a system atic feeding of the bees with sugar- 1 syrup, or good honey, for winter stores, j We give lids word of warning thus j early. Vo ihat no o;i, may have an ex cuse for neglecting the matter until it j 1- loo into an 1 thus en 1.1 1 :. severe ioa of bees duri.ig the next winter. Ucc ami ail crops, as ir.c couicius i.t mx . . ..A. vi-aaal compos -heap. I his is compose.; oi barn-vard and stable manure: cleanings o. pigpen ; sin'c-hole v where all the ro iu-c slops of the house are thrown) oi the orivc: a:! the weeds from the gar- ot also the cabbage-leaves, potato- upon n. v iaiiil. For potatoes. abe- o: naru om iimi.n': i-....ii...ict .r the rate ot fiftv to seven: c-live busluis per a-re. and har rowed i-. mt-.' e r.ial to. aim i- -"- --1 son he. drv. superior to the compost. l have a number ot acres of potatoes now on haad, manured -n this manner, and giving me a remarkablv large yield. It :s jiosside that strawberries may be auothr exception, but I know or no others. If one knew the character o: t.ie soil it would be much easier to give di rections iu regard to manures. Some times a verv coarse and apparently poor manure", will have a remarkably good e.!ect upon vcrv stiff and heavy oils. This is due as much, and o.ten times more, to- the mechanical eflects of the manure in loosening, as we say, lightenin r the soil, and thus improving its condition, as it is to the fertilizing effects of the manure- One more ad vantage of the- compost heap: it mav be obtained wilh tfct a slight out av- ot money: and it-is stiV'aV ho1vr. Aar a heap maT be icuniulated in tne wurseof thevearwitlose attentioa to u.-x. JL SmitJi. ,- mfc Tribune. ...... ... , .... . . ... ... . I., -.'.i wi iiuiui .vuHi.i.i. 11 i:;uu.l'l ilic ' -uv vii ii;iii i;i3 in ailUlIIICl. It liar- r 1 .11 M . . .... .... " ..r. . - he poses-eu his soul m patience and ...i.W... which M,-n.lccf tl-.,. cifs,,., ! r.ms ?o o,- ..,.. i ...,"" I l -cr dnimmor went over to Bks!,. tyn.'..ui - , -t mrv i "The Bt FerliSizT." tried to be content ; they must give rise to an elevation ol .into" pictures, lago'ms. The Sauli, ! w,!f sIl?al slx,d f ,d:.. r.-oaJS.te .,y, LW litl.l-WWMEaBMr About two o clock mine afternoon ti.Viilf abo'-e the Vt'-n-c i-i nr.hu- i -i o-m :.l ..r-m-r - nh- ,hm, "Permit me, madam. """r . c;.,vw ,-.,,.' ,,s rp..oi.,! -t ... - -, -AI...C 1.1 oi.iei t-i o. r.ij u pioper. is onlv ihrce-oiiarters ! .(Vniinlv " .hi renlipi! I CTUT THIS OUT AND ( 1 1 SE.VD TrrmrOTT2 OTtDKKT -What fertiliser is best for vegeta- S.iyic- i.i.k.i w.-s ic.ic ed. A was a , occasion the stream--a phvsieal fact ol a mile in length, with a ue-eent of -.,7- "i . i i "T e . . bles?" Takin-all things into co'usid- i hoiise ; of cons:derab.e proportions. ' demonstraled bv most accu'rate meas-; twenf.-two feet it has no bold prcci- ' , "M-v fr,clJ'1 over tnerc says he has. f 5 Sr '. f v JL eration. nothing ha, gi.en me such j Jtli Jb.o attachment standing on the un.nient3. The explanation of the nu-os over which the stream throvv-s V'T ICCC?linr . 'J ?- J - S. J enrmdoto satisfaction for all occasions. hailK ot .". J! . stream was that the Norta Atlantic trade its v.-ater in foam, but the river ru-hes , he fut do rn She blushed and siniic J ( ? A t&Z ?? & L'?& $9 A ...... fCll. everv thin- tint we taint will add to its I nothing but ,, piece of halt cooked h., ..(;.lIf Mream rhe part which xlc vsars siars a sia!rIe schooncr safflceiI for ninch about era , - value. The bean is alw.rvs ma-lc witiv- j baron, a jlisu ot d.rty looking beans. Klllf of y h:l, in hl js mainv ; lhe lraffic of Lake Super.or. and five ?? he? sb,e awMj "nqmrecL in re: ch of vvatei and whenever it geisi; mashed puurdem and-that was , lhat of a r0Sl.rvojr or-accunmlator' ! years later three more wore all that p"1 J ch- . 7 ... I h v a sud S: : ouaiititv of water is j all-, d- no c rot ee. no tea-nofh- 11J::int.iining the outflow at a more un- the lommerce of the inland sea de-1. - Bnt lt S diae.n.t wUl me' J Ilkc 5 t;in.wsi;.pw it to keep it from burning, ng out the articles above enumerate I. iform nitir thail lhe :l5sijrned c:.nl: maniSlH,. , ut the constru,.lioil of the c:ln. ; him ever so much - S hi not enim..l to keen it from heating, i As he sat there ::gh:;-t the proprietor wollU :uhllit Gf withoutsuch areseivoir. ' af. about iwer.lv-five vea ago. at once ' . lh 0l' -von cou:,ia1 ' 1 1 ...... ,-;..c- .n Short. Hit a-uu ......uu ....- .u-Mu.. .i, n ! ny- , .,.,,,., .;., ..,,..,, ....... . 1-nn.v.i c UrOOT.iSs .it 1-li-fr.. v.c.it0 Tl,,ri,. fi ' """ ............ -. . w i m 4 i..4u Th -ca:) is "eneraJlv worked over f ";. , . .. j. .vtmn,j i'ost. man a change, anil opened a passage "-",-" "-- " i'--.t wt tivhn: o4e laic in the fall, once in phalli nelp you to some o thc hog. for continuous navigation. The eanld , ??' . p n ... e-.i-K-v The a,ove has given me ' i---r. , ,. . lJeS?rvi! 11-ward. s nobie monument of emrineerine-, . r . !.. n . . - " b - - J i "V I . -ksa an an - -' -.- . Btt , K. a. . . I a a. -. .. ..Mv m, mw m - 1 .a. i ..-...-. .-- .- . .-.., - ct-ifilo .(.;iuiiii-. uai on. i .n,m.,m:ni ,.... .:--. i cxi. uisi. a 1 1 re it.;, loiign on me; t rZ iry some o the beans." A party of tired travel sat around liberaI:tv on ie pari of lhe Slate of . but if .voa think 50 much of him HI gartffil ?ve" rid wUi m" it ucver fa'ls. and any beans tor in V thank you.' ; the door of a cottntry hotel in Arkan-. :dich gan. It wai buik bv thc funds of , f" UP :,ml let h'm come over nd A , M fl KI ! W ivitroneort'voixwpiioasi prefer it , -Shove up yer plate an .ct me loan saw. lhti proprietor, a gruff old teliow, ; the St:;- supplementcl bv a grant from J T . . . . . IHirWUll tTor Vrherytiliats cVer iwsl 'er with pump.m. sat on a cracker-bo -.. Congress of one hundred amfnltv thou- h! . X uw!sh 7 . w?ald; Tlr 6psi io.uw:.iiiuui..w "Don t wist: anv p.impkn this trip. 1 -What is this omt-i-in tv m-iiniv . n.,n.: !.- .-.i masher looked red and bine bv tnrc-. IOJfcTiii Filling Slock for Winter. When stock has been fitted for rough ing it, which, of cotire. mcan3 feeding up to meet cold weather, the owner is U1 a l)03,tion to choose between carrv- v'1 IS' ne naH fl lsP to such" a state oi latness a? will, more surelv than , any other, enable the animal to resist a low degree of temperature w.thout dis comfort. If a thick wall of sawdust around a bo ly of .. presurvrs it from , melting in hot weather longer than a thin vall, then, on th; same principle, a thick wall of adipose under the hide , ui :i larm nea-it protects the animal from readily suffering by exposure to ,.".'.. i nu riinimn in uje one .l '!. I .- - cae M J , non-comluetor which rents an , inl,.r.han;ri. of t-mporatMn-between the icc w:thi,rtUc wall an.I the hot a'r with! oul whiIl. .,,.,' u ,ml ,hc , r , "; ; "- , . "fe , if":tl l'revont iransferof cold to the ! inner tissues. lK.ng a non-conductor, is sure to be required when the mer- curv falls low d'r.vA .'n the tube. ! comfortable shdur being denied when l,": -.-;iuh-i i ul-i ninuv con Dr. ammal heat, ine continued tendency toward equalizat'on 'n temperature of ! 1"lJ:-; d su1 stances in d.ni.ict, acts "i" live t.nimals ejto-ed Jo contact with tne outer air, and hence, when the tempera'ure goes down there is a ' struggle within the body in its effort to , preserve its normal temjier.it lire. This etlort may be aptly likened to that made to warm a room with a heater, but lit- , tie fuel being required when the out- , ! side temperature is well up. for the nor mal temperature or the animal body is . eas.iy maintained under like e. renin- , .stances Without a special provision of ' food lor this purpose. I'ilting stock for roughing it is very unprofitable as a preliminary process,, ; because the term implies exercise. , Without the out-door exercise in in clement as well as in all other kinds of . j weather, the term roughing it would j t hardly upply. lereie, in proportion j I lo its extent, calls for increased action '. ! o" the 1'iugs and heart, and this lung I action wnafs the living t'ssues rapidly. ! It follows that ouii'tne-.s and seclusion are the means to be used for saving the lis-ues. Therefore to feed up for e- i posurc during winter involves a great ! waste during the preliminary as il does during the final experiences. lint iu ' this uav we hope no one will persist iu the heterodox notion mat it i, m any , ' sense, wise to build up during summer ' valuable materia, that is to be ruthless- I lv s plundered during the cold months. i ii",i. ,i.. l .i .1 i: ,.t it im ..-ji iiuuiiirn, uif iiiatviii" in i ... ., . c iible flesh is a slow and expcn-ive and fiosh oirv mil on should if dome-tic i iu no case 1 e parted with. animals could I e fattened as rapidly as 'he carnivor.1 are when they are full fed then the task would indeed be easy. I Jut the carnivora eat t'esh and tissue having the constituent of their own bodies ready prepared, while domestic. in.m.i.s are hum v. oy a iow process from materials which, while made human food is put on by ces.s. otherwise it would be a slow pro- llabbv and ! what the propr.elor proud.iy designated a stage. was mcrel - - .. . dilapiuaicd and rickety haciv dravvu bv 1 - . . two sail a no pensive mules. He had breakfasted at daybreak. and as noon approached his stomach frequently ehided him for ids seeming neglect to look after it- wants. The driver lime and again assured him that they would get a good duiuer at i'omSavle- ranch, vviiar' thar. was a station ami itoor smoKing a pipe, tie was a long, i raw-boned, awkward looking creature, with unkempt hair. gri...ly beard ami but one eye. As the oa-.m" ha'tcd he shouted: Dinner's ready, gents," and the hungry toutist s uu found himself sjat"d at the table. I'pin looking over The rane iman steppd back, put his liaruls on ids hip- and said: -Wal. loci 'yar. .-trangcr. that's the! bill o' far, an" the best I Kin do to day. 1 lsorrcr appetite has gou back on T -.-.. ".-- 1 tination. St. Fanl JicralL - It is against t!ag etiquette not to take it down at night. Ine colors sh uld be raised to meet the sun and j lowered wuea he disappears under thc S horizon. Besides bunting; soon rots when so improuerlv exposed: and. moreover. to have a Hag out overnight is declared by thc super.5tit.0us to be an invitation to il.-luck. Horses should not be allowed to drink cold water when healed. It pro duees colic. Troy 'linu ?. i fn!!-llv lrm-iniil .!,.. tli ..-oil rf tol- irlt Iwl ri .- ..) t..- t. Il ' l.i !. -l- . ..i. ... .. ..... -I ...... 1.... .... a..J P . f" , 1 iviuiiuu, niiiL LlJ'J "Jl II 13 (ill (ill wiflWJl i ..'.ii, ijiu j;i ua.iu v. j.- ikm-uh uiii . ltllfao-i J1JK PITH IIIJUJU I'J 2VV ill JUIUIU. - , ;. - rt.M,-i,, !- .I.;..- k ... ...... - '... -! - . ... - . -- -a-b - 'I 4,S. . J.A. I Ml ... of con-tituents measurablv life the ,v:i'1 :l pujier 0:1 the "helativc bevel ol 1 them to-prefer the iuteilecfial life. Hut .- . ... body, are still, in the main, quite unlike ! he Atlant c (Xean and llu'.f of Me- this do.;s not imply constant compau- , it. "lint it is doubtless u wise prvision , ,i'" "'-' exhibited a relief model. ' ionship with books. It was a wise and that the Uesh counted g- od for usu as 'showing the western part of the North ' good saving lhat "the essence of intel- oiiv : oiiio Mil uiK in ine pui ami van- --r.-'- .!.. -. ..1. j. ...... j.... .uia-j m ji.e-s.oii ;i-in iiiu c'af.isiaui preicrenee . . , . . , . ( 3 si u ish before a cold bla-t. Sjliunnl Live which he dirccte I attention were lhe ! of high-.r thoughts over lower." The "i -, : n" , -- a "l,a! ', '- "- Stwia :::": 7: i Stock Joitrnnl. " fact that the actual continental outline ' patient student and historian Joim ' ' alllt,l,mn U,C l? ,r ,n'Y ,l?,lh7e CT0: ir . "iocs not corrc-pond to the present sic i Kichanl Crcen mav stand for one ct ! -VCl'' OT J?,!d 'C 7' w i!,fcniU VP g J An Acve.maoilaiing Hnd. cidcntal limits of Ian I and water, but . the patient contriver and piecer of th ,m.,I,c n;uff;lf m lho !:iutl of dreaiiis. j faliK-siii:::::::::::" llftSx ,, rt c, , . iftl one-hundred fathom curve, so -crav quilt" for the other. It is not ' "" Hurpcr S haZ'tr' rx-rriv Xw VOUK. Afewyears smce a St. Paul drum- that the continental limit is far out . ; high ,i,ar,ts that women lack; it isr fuZSTJX'Xn Ii S i? mer was travebng acro-s Dakota in : .ler the se-i. Kli.ri.la mm,! Viu-.t.-m l.-,v.. f.i'.ri. . ;.,...,..,, n..s ...' A iJniuiitier Sod. 'KmKJSzT ft. , ' yon. but ill lei vou vv at i n tic ., -iou don t mean it. do you?' ! tho trade. In winter, however. trade ' aK3d n -vou to wme OVtfr iIid -Sippfur fJis.Q-, Come out yar benim: the shack an 1 il I "tleekon 1 do. podne.-. Thisx com- is .suspended on th:s w-erwa.- t-e Sltfa-vher' . -U.r.rSn e r.AJvS rassei :.ou two best falls outen three i mxmjiy has got the ugl.est wimmin in ' l.ats can rar.lv enter the lake, o'n ac- . wlf $ ".' r'u1rled thc .lbcr: ith ' SZZ?? .fiZ&ZZJSi-ZZ 1 uon't want no mau to leave tins no.ei . me Mate, , ceuat of ,he jce eaj,,r tj,-n ;. fi . a allea imiic. arising ana Dowmg to ta:fr,TB'tcpfrtr-Tia5 im i. unsatisfied with the far '" "Here, old man. take this tea-dollar of .May. and navigation ceases in Xo-! lhe !adr V'ho k" him over to the SSSgfmli2r' f&Sti lac traveler cl;mbe 1 aga n into tne . bil and buy vourseh a present- Ihave vemVer. a, the fall storms are vcrv -f w,tV"cr- And then he wentover gjf -I-Tiro ct': hack and endured tne pangs of hunger i tnivcled all over the State and this is vere.Ten vearsa"oajouTO--vtohe's-auit 5 aml Put disarm around her. and ween j TrTif T"f.w "Ik. until dark, when he reached his des- the first neighborhood I've seen that in winter w sn -otir." 0,..;,. f tIie conductor came along, he pomtea 1 t ita ui Cfeieaao. i VaJa.oA. Yah Lcc Vons Ilridc. A bustling. surging crowd of .scvera. hut:dred imm. composed of lawvcra mcn-hanUs. and even mini-tori, crowd 1 l into Justice GleeonV court to wit ; iis the solemn marriage rite of Wat Le i ow and .diss Mart Shafer. The ; ( kinaman had procured a licence An gtjt -, but stopped atthatstage of ab matrimonial venture before taking Ibc final phmg. He had consulted his at tome. I'etcr Zucker. of :h 1oanl ot IMneation. and Uho mcrital candidau left the attorney's oaic u.-nler his ' con ami wended their way up Superior street to .Souire (Ileeon's olbcc. ho momenur. pause was about to make ' them one. gotten his A!a. the groiin 1 au tor lie'Tie. an nhll r.wl If .m . . . ' -;-- spectators gent lock, superior to most of hi-s brethren. He had apparently not ex pected the arrav of lo)kers-on that crowded about him. and while at a ta-ual glanei he appeared cool an.i ' collected he was greatlv .xc:teu. Xotli - priest. He wore a long black robe, a Jh-iv. theaiiegai uareagte. inar.iaiWMai. or one 2r a tier for mora thsnixbti tamm HumL ter. :7 aml T'1 ftue"' ?w ' , U.aa joiir yM. . ! fter JI allow JSfo crai , wwidmg party ., departure, and. rois- V, ha; mi-ht mot thts inlitstrifKts ,. ,M.! . . Tw!;3flLrr I m'-tht: news abroad, a Icnsrthr aau voun vrmtm Iihy .trrrt:nfIihl in! i .... ".- j -jmI co.,itanth -increasing train minajl th thj fm-? If .he rally aaral for.lec- frvsa tor,; .f I proces-ion. I he ,mr ; stood Uie bluch- orative an. iiftecn hundred hor of well ..h u d Wamy nig couple up oeforc hull. and. :.:ier :t i-k) studv and practice would hare tritM,.. -. ,! ,. ,.i VT7 f ir 1 Again the cotirtlv i ing. C" ' i-uceled the bride and bridegroom 0:1 r.ig-. and parrot, in high relief on ; a. aml lwt of Uke Suprn.r tM twav from thri maddinr crowd. lutm. msu. nr now ii.i?i netlv reco'-. '. . .i . .i....... 1. .. r. .. .- . i hey mane tneir way to a corner of med and shunned :ts Mirvivors .: a , lhe lttke iuelf. with it waters cn n ollice, and there and Men the twain "chnunu c.vdua'.ion wasters ot time uj ct.ar au j jt. ,5,1 jt fclUljn, t, ' middle aged Celestial with an mteih- of Kennlg:on-st.tch table-cloth border-, : ubundiit in the moid nni ml all' white cravat, and a clerical look upon I It i the eh. el mi-fortune and limita his face. It was said ihe nnrriae lion of wonr-u that their aims are petty . ceremony was also performed I y him ' When these are cen-cientiously p-tty. in their native fa-hion. The bride wis ' as in the. misguided struggle for decora attended by another voting woman. ' lion, it is na'urallv difficult lo substi Miiy Shafer was a young (.ermau wo- tute larger ones. The cumulative mau, apparently about twenty years ol j teach ng of all time having been that age. .she hail pleasing, but by no j women shoul I be satisfied with patch means hand-onie featmes. ami" was ! work, m-ntal, moral and manual, it is dres-ed in white. A wreath of orange ; perhaps unreasonable to expect ihem to blossoms crowned her head :nd her feet repudiate it. I5ut most women have were incased in a pair of light-colored ambitions, if mt u-qiirations. And satm Chines'; slippers, she blush-id most women need to be rem'nded that prettilv as she promised to be Lee Vou's the time tiiev dailv iudu-triouslv waste true and faithful wife, and the brine- ' groom ultcicd his proini-es in plainly i enunciated Knglish. I'eter .uckor t acted as best man, and he and Colonel , A. T. I'rinsmade signed the marriage certificate as witnes-cs. As lie finished ' tiie nuptial knot the Just co announced that tiiev were now reailv for congrnlu-: bilious. The bride took this opportuni - ly t greet her future lord with a kks ut-iiiiiii ne. i.iii, ;i..ii iio.i. .io:iii i. ( liven crowded to the front and wel- coined the elcstial in behalf of the I.........I I..... ...a. ...... II.... I...... I American people. Other hea .cartv cot- i as .dr. and, gratulations followed, am .ur.s. wan iv.'; icu int. room inree , cheers were proposed and given for i them with a ticr. The Chinaman' kinked his a"ii in the n:o-t aceeptabie , fashion, and with the brnio leaning ' lightlv upon it thev descended the stairs ! and pa-seil over to the Chinamatfs . i i t i. . l : .. .- i.i . i . n..i.. i i;iuuvuv uiiiiei inc. .iuii uuk'k, .-". lUll'J j later thev cm.'rg.-il and proceeded to do ; , - . t . the town afoot. When last seen they were meandering up Ontar.o sireetarm -.. . . . ' . t'teve and Li tder. a J; The (t'lilr of Me.vici) and Its Si roam. At tee American Science Association! m 1 hilaitelplna. 1 rot. .J. r.. lltlrard C Atlantic Ocean, the diilf o: Mexico and l',e I'liited Mates, east of tiie Missi--- j mort geographical :l i;...;. ...;.:i.. .1... i-..,. ?...i 1 . 1. . .a...a. .. a a.a.a v. ,, .. . a. i.iii.i. ...... a in: a-oPIcs ......,.,, .-o ., vi cmI.ih.,-;,,.. ----- - .T'r.. mj . 'W..'4llklIIl continuation of the Florida Peninsula. the mountain summits of which onlv appear above the sea. Thi su: -marine Iateau. extend ng to the onMieajt. forms, with the coast line of the United States, a great bight, ncarlv as large again as the GuK of Mexico, which , i: 10. Huganl designatea the Great I winds set the water of the Caribbean Sea against tiie ".M-ani-h Main" (Cen- ! tral America). de!e ted northward I lrn(rt!lf itct .F Vi.n'itnn ' .low is through the st-aits between the l-enr ni Channel into the Atlantic noted for?' seme cue asked of th e liro- ur:etor. . 1 1 -t.ly women," he replied. -What!' eKclaimcd a man who had 1 taken no nart iu the conversation, - - - was not noted for its handsome v.-omen. A trutnful maa should be rewarded." Arkainaw Traveler. The Comanche Tndian arc said to be starving. There is no reason whv the Comanchcs should starve. Let some iNew lork lady of f:ishioa dc away wit 1 her poodle "and take a Co manche for a pet. Then all the other fashionable ladies will t.i e one. In this way the Government will not onlv be reli :ved of all thc expense, but the Indians -will be tedaudelatheil.--2.0tfi.-ilie Lonrier-Jounia!. ill arm. lu their wake were twenty-1 01 pro. ouim mierest, aumirahie in mat live or thirtv bovs veiling rata."-- tor and in manner. Uut no tale In them k 1 IVOn fkk t1ik- VnrkrrK.. t.!...Il I " "" - ....... ...... .... . ..... .-,.. tti. ut.'4i; itivi in. 1 iid (f . I .'---' -.f-iria, ... ...... nvt h 1 LIlttlL LU ll.U 111U L ' !:. J" i III III II"iLl I -- - ----Jl-P Cfc Crazj Work anl Sane War!;. T- ......1 t-.1 . f .. . ., urc Kt7 ii io ja la a nu- ew oot to rMt .j. lor a crazy Homnnno up muc .j NorA 3w! Wa i.Wnnd fcrapt of Mlk and a:itt .j nUu wWb -i -c " MJUCO iUru'4ili Ul HCSlgB l.tj-. ., i inl iiccne sUtebing. the m-lrr fitttl hr frtriii ll nrtiinrvuf j am. - wm m i i.r v irui u 1Rd artiiic tak-nu UJVHUmiiU. XW JA MUi't ItWW V km - b( I Ikvl-i JkT tk& tuilttl. rr 4 iOUi li. XJ1 J.f t i:ui.rec;M eBruv ami penrerence . ' Ujo c m mon amoar woman. If it cot het ten minutt to add one scran loan- , Xh-r -an aUownc far too mill--UK i 4ui:t rreeat-d an outlar ot nfnea huv. In tr-uc Iml hour, one imatirai aai nr.o- . - &. . a V Z k - 1 . -a aaS ar -. Of wnAiajr uiu vi i.iriw ""., --l t 4 deiciotMd an admirable ami remunemt :ve skill :u embmttlcrv or peiiatiitjr. . 1 ' .1 t mi- -,...1. V.. v.. ..iK.1 , Ika .j..im. '. " "- m.m... . MM.: ross-stitch dogs wilh i-eatl ecs Holbein towel emls 'deeorative' I .... xf.- , ... ... w.wr.w. j... .. .,,.. v,.. covers, lamp ihaas ami "enty natch- .'...j..-iii.:L'fr ,Krtti-i iii.r-j n.T.imH j work root fcOHIM 1t II- f'lIl"TI III lilt lTISini - . - . r - t ,"-", , ". that .akes the reason prisoner. ! Their countless s itches and uglv i never have thought of that. .vould do for them what it does for men conquer new worlds. La-t winter a great ni-toriau died. His last lwiok. The Conquest of Kn glaml. was published after his death. I - . 1.1. . 1- r ror years ne nau oeen sirnggimg lor n.e i-ii'iiiii io iiu.sii tiie great wur.s. ne hau pta'ineti to do. lie seized io uo. ne aeizeu ciery i Ofiportunity ot m imen'.arv strength, of rclaa!:on fr,m pain to write. His ...Mlt. a. .....a '. aaa.aa.a I a. l.al.aa. v ... la a.'. jinit'i.iij; -.1.11.1-. 1 uu -n.iiviu" ui i.u- gland, had bcu written iu the shallow ; of death. His wife savs, in her tender preface, that it was the opinion of his 5).ys.c:ans that life was prolonged from tlav to dav, throughout that V'V1-" -only by the a-tonishiug force of hia own will, oy the constancy o- a resolve that hail wholly .-ot aside" all personal aims." It was only wlnn the pen fell from h.s exhausted hand that he said: '1 am v.earv; I can do 1.0 more.' With such -u stained .ea'. such eager i eonscieni:ousnc.s, was his work don-'. that niuen of it was wholly rewritten , five tim s." The books themselves are IO. s ie v 1. is more heroic than the patient, per sistent toil that aeh'eved them, in spite of suffering, weakness and natural ! sorrow. They who s e that civilization waits ' for lhe .i!viinn.tiif.tit nf wnmnn i.inn.ni -" - ' ' " '"" ----. - -' .. 'kkAVW Icctuul Jiving lie of knowledge o not so much in ct 'lit or iu perfection ot ox- On the .Sank Sic. .Marie. q Mnr-.'.;.,.. . 1 ..S, .tLa3:r.?"CL!aralcAmec:l.n win v.witu.uwi n-niuiat, :hju coniiecus uai:e iiuro 1 w.tn the vast freshwater -ea of Lake Superior. The rive.- or strait is about sixty mile- long, and is difficult of navigation. Two or three mile., wide at the imor hand sin !- i ueu with numerous i-lands. beautiful dovn the slope in furv. whirling arumd and among lhe small islands whieh are sea tercd in its cou-.-e. and leaping wild enough for't.ie light birch ba-ks of the used lo ntace an effectual bar to the t linlf tunc .nn.n'i- f.-..-it i!.m nn.l - - w a .v 1 1. at h. at. L. -lv. L. 11 4J-i kii-ia;T-B . .' ..? i- i .. m . iir o i ( i-f !. fc" i Tiin wnnrr- .n. Io ks two in number -ro amM--ih." ' lart in lV vtd mlT- L nm.nin mit i,n i .- : -- : . "- '.4'k "lfc tauL.". Ill 1 1 rrttlfn nvrwAjI ki.i. the mails to the fort were carried in sledses drawn bv dogs, and took a fort- 1 night on the Jonme-; In summer ro-- &W.4w UILU.UUI1. i ' mens The Sanlt Ste. -Marie is historic ground. Though these eddying raoids passed the firs: mlssionarfes and'er plorers of the unknown West, the La-sdle-v the Juliets. ihj Henneti'nc. and not far from their rushing waters, in I . ichiiimaekina?. l:e the" bobes of Marquette, the explorer of the riisis- I r 1 . 1 1 ..1 T ' --, --w .v. ',"" .--- v. i.-.i.u. j.t 1- ;i uii.u auti :i ,. .-...- . tmr ?. isu .. ... ,. . . uiar siiMmnr. ns r... .nivi-rnriw-i ...2 Atlantic tieet. nm from Chicago anil " , t leveuiad, and the travel on thcra is,im- j 3n , -. r : . ? PI Here the f-ubar wasMMMtS i heir cpsrtrxl .utotfoa. vrfc-mca Uhpt the trtltet A f aita-r Uwy wilh 'Jwtr nnnilal i-'gltT . !.. -..wi w . i.. i tat wt wawv- ft.. .1W4 M " . 4W W . -- . - . l I. m the xerr n.w of tba modern aw- an aro tf tfc Mo: rhristla (-. -.kl iih. ji - im1. uMtnral '.s. iifil zanu 13w.jg..fc'H n i..k ?;.v4 . .i-.. .i i!j r , .. i j . .Tfz -m -.-j .i .l i- ' T:Jr:Jr?7. T..rv..ll" 'tnT-l.. '.?? L' .rfw . ci t &isr dzuy oftat.m. irun lmd -,,, inSr, v.rt .1 . . . , ... . rtuc c,i t.rii.w-v I -.--- -- wva"'- 'Ck. u ii.H, k.'. ..? k. - I . . rf " ..... t-. .. . - ...W . 13 UMnU . Ll.r-iA .. I venpil loot' a 'O Lo th Kihuu) ( 1mI ,n r n - -- v-vww.- Mackinac Mid ' hours of the summer dav Indians sml . ,, . . . , nau-ureeti mar he seen . mpittr 1 em im .vlh .u.,:' ,..) ,,HV, i.h. ' .. vm 1 n h.' ' B tuui AP t a guns. 1 wo unermen lorm the :rcw ' f ,,i, ,...,... ..,i tr.k a., . ;,,. . .. .......... ...... - -, .-,.v vn ikw tirt- I ing the waters gra. efuliv. The art of I thu-: managing lhe frail -kifi hits never be-u nitaiued. it is .a:d, bv any whit j . man. The Indian who hatidln the net I pec- down into the waters, dip it quicklv at the right tunc, ami lake, the hsh :us he is struggling traviy agaiiiit the current. U'hen the ihh'are plen ti. id a score or more (! canoes put out , into the rapids, and the cene is one of ' interest and excitement. Shooting the rapi.ls is a common amusement to dar , ing travelers. They walk up the river bank to the head of the falls, step into , a canoe wilh an Indian guide, and rush j do. wi sonic one of the ehanueis. If I everything goes right all is well. b.it a j little oversight, in all probability, cois vou vour lite. ' auit Me. .Mane can he rcichc.!, as ; we ,avo .. h. lhe unimer bv te. m- ,.r froj,j jlt. er irom the tates iv t luveinnd or , (i1:l...., tir fr (.,.,.?.. ilY m-.iv- of c0um7ru'0fd c (.eondi 15'vv V-U n ' ' lhrmi.r, the canal, the ve,,u."slom'h ai Marquette, the center of the iron trade of the di-trict. and Kew.-enaw I'oint, tf.n vi.-if lit flu. fii-i nti.f trin.iinf sr.r.- .ni;ni to,VI,; tili Uu., rijaeh jij,. )4riur j..iv wi,h uperior citv. iu Wi,- !"Oou-in, n one side and Duluthin Min ne-ota. on the other, the head of ;.: grande-i Ine of fresh-water navigation m the world, hrom the titilf ot bt. f lUTi.iicr" tfirimirli tfu. rivi-s ?t I .fiv. ; ;.. ," . : : .7 . , re uc Niagara, jeirou. ci. 1 lair, ai.o M. Mary, and Lakes Ontario, Krie. .".. Clair. Huron, and Superior, the dis tance is two ilmu-aid two hundred miles. The t .wu f Sault is the .ca: of a United Males fort, but is not of much importance. There is nothing to build il up: there are no ruiaeral de posits in the neighborhood, and iu ag ricultural development is overshadow cd by that of .Minne-ota. Hut the c untry around is highly romantic, and it will alwavs he a favorite re-ting-plice for seekers after sport or natural beauty. Wild-ducks by tht.us.i:uU -kim over the water.s, or Sly away in a'ann before the steamer. Here and there may still be s"en the smoke ascending from lhe Imliau camp fires curling up into the still air. while an occasional canoe steals "I wonder if that pretty girl over there is not a flirt.' said one drummer to another on an incoming Illinois Cua- ' tr.il train the other dav. 4. he looks like it,' .-aid his compan ion, "and what is more, she and I nave pas-ed a goo I many happy hours to ge.her. I've staid many a night at her father's house; but I don't do that anv more, and if vou can make a ma.ia on h-r. go ahead.'" i - ' 1'','-Ihec- 1 r- m e fellow said the drum- P.?.-V?U lh,nk S0? S"ld thc wo;i-:in- -I'v fellow but he am t very pop- - - . . comnanion what she had said, and- a - - addeJ: Sa- old ivll JOvTrc got her j Ue:"l. She s m.ished on you the worst t . - - ". . ein OUt to.n,m an,a n tf? te,u w?at f1 th?otber fcUor bad made, w-hf a .1,hr. conductor smdetl blandly. t - - rw -V WVTfm MM 4r.a :i,'ii iiiiii ittiii 111 ' thihi i.(i-i k nim hmiit that irai thc other drummer's wife he had known her ever since she a babv. J he masher got ofFihe first time they came up with a freight train and wecl the balance of the way as live bcefl Bloomznqton Through JfaiL Theodore Tilton is solonrnin in Parisr wiiere he is engage! in writing a j uwiu i. j, aun m flk M-k .Vfkr tkf . viifev aajPJAg- - " Ai v lmx. i ill- .1 ,. .. .!...! .... . ' .. . r.l - ' till' 1TII h: li:i MIIII'III IIPTI III T E I & 'lltJ iu acKnowieuireu ine oiu ac- ivvi- -r . i j v -a." ' ' .'"r - .-k sm a - i , anu got up anu vvent over anu um his . H ft iTj smr He TmJkl ai lan-i. It - fcr ? lW Wwr tkr W mkIk to kiirvpNr. mmI l4tf iy i fefc-lfcwnsHL mC- h Inwk M ftJMt iMMfC ott. hk ft ftatt pU4wr Ml ; !'! -ap a4 Mwd: Mt ft4ed. I mapoy u IW i. itunjj In-n ymr mm H W r"0. nit iwVrmS twiinM'i: MMitUiAf ic aaJ all ! pivMiito l lWilr.M A4toai krrW wixa U ivorjr k?j fcr Tpk. P WlWiL MWU,W ,.... ,- AjmI Un 1m thrwa fe ifW Tm tVr VBtd ! . in fctrt1 .- . WS ifiiw l h. nteyitai ! W hmA --w .- . - . - t l rttbu-vifUMM. aad atf4. wilt utag. pi- intwit w aU tW tip4 ab -d-4- Uri ILarkMifl IS. . ..wi v.. ..i, i ..t ..u!. Lrlp5. Fruol a lairh Wf Ujiwl hoy t be became mute wk! bvfr. m tm tniaittc4 o rtrr tunc, lit Hmbe ha apvit pnmB. but kb hrd ba filoml U an onltKftnf Bat ir. Ilw fathrr had HKiKirralti mvnm, and pn.tnlrd fr him in hi wi'.l i to ba kept U the ta parvnu' dath he klvter'a rrkhNir la familv. aal after ht was moiit! u hi the vdlare f liodtlU, wfcera ho aww is, 1 U bail to b d lilt a bat?, Ma ht an eadtaM iroahtc to hU kiad ,i.fanr. but sh L. prf.tl ds voted to blat. C.H"1 Htft.rt. AsnxQia, . . jar, .wary m ; JU I"' iUyinl vi, Wuhh. i "' c tar Mvera) jn had nard icrrtbltr iib fa.-ta! a. j rl2in '1 cwallua I no fit!, lua r i 't hlcb ertea-Wl - Ua ac-. L .1 t u" 's Icx. " r ! " " rtMKrei u ury im. JxoU mi, th . .- a' pinrt-lterer. Rabt4ox lb part T.-. --!, thr tune only, all pain Talbe4 t ! v tMitgie, m! Um aot rwtaraa!. JCiMfj Jax, t AbrialaU, tin - . CHifon Vi-r mi"okT. Now .f iu Cite s rent ber tlth it brTl t.rnn, tb (!u-I .Ii fsmtlv iit bve mn i.(i..rt in itr to vu.n n ful .,. Vutm'imr-jK I-:- "Tmk i p'nk "f fM'in " en, ltjjiM Ct JIIIY Tin: ;K.i:iab 3!akki:ts. K.V. cir. sfHrtnb-r r 1-M CATTI.L -inppiity uxrm j4 M .31 .NiOirc Hoilrrs ... 3 & . .Nt. (.iw f M .i A Hut aeiv Meera. t S . . U0C.5rHltocm3tciimvr SV V . T 1 j iii ia i iu WHK.TN.l f -N'. S Ok o ' Nti.3 Ul COIt.V-.Vo. t tf . 13 o.r-o. r a si KVB-tfn.2 U S W FlJH'll-totncytnrmm 1 I HAV-!trliti.bnaf ! 1H-1TKH JKH areamury.. 6 rr 1 iif.L-RMiM, n is r' I l.tisTWc . i'ukk-h- .Sfeu.ar(i. fciihfs T..KI Wi h U, Mlf-tirl. wte PorAlJfC-l'r btMbt-l t rr. ujirib. CAnTI.K-?hltfHna!Wwr.... ISutclvr' Mm, . . fPOS ;cl UtCtKMUP SIIKKP fir to 4MMee Fl.OfU-.K.VX itctotce , W 1 1 h AT-Nt.. rwl ; N..1 ' OOft.V N.S mUert o.vr;-.&.r ; itvit-.Ni. I IUtK I rorn i.s-Mhfmair TOHACCO-Xwvr IMS :etUM m ImC i riurAtto. c.Tn.B-f;H,i -ki-uur. ... Ui.- ;.k1 tocitirtee SIIKKI'-Fair toaotee Kl. l' C oimmmi u cttoieo.. f. i Z- it 1; wt i vflKAT No. 1 nii. KliOrK-T.ouit to caotc . 'a V. ft - WMKAT-.Vo. -z rwl.. . . CYiH'Ko.2 OATS W,.ra mIiiI . POitK -Vuimhifit Maw. f 1 ;. . il ft 17 to h a :! ntvwa fmrt tt wt I II- rl .' .! l"ww j-rvail Us t -1 T it ': ., lvif .Srjn I -1, ti"i r jr 1- - wlf j if 11J1 ra.4 .V0U1I1.C on lUrth will ma'wi- lirr. lAy liicc sluriifaii . Con.fitioii i'owdrr. P- ' r..Hvo sv,, v '; -r ?!a-!2a; T-5' 5 cvv &3&.r.A . j' m - . - a . :t o;.mv. r 'I ' j National Live Stcc-c KEazDY Co.t ;Lif isima i WM U StV. -Kaavja iJHfr kuiii rt r! r.-it Hwct c; ckejlx -JVOaKtira xxtuvrriosx i z Krenu- Yr-. cwr -lfr r"V?, 7 "- I.TtrArtct finnsnij! -n t . KTJLyVsl'O $60.5 TON 1 1VAG0X SCALES. ErpRas, Tutrtua. rirfii.il rJt r n rrw Urf. nrrTSsv. i4ji vxai a- mewnim. ICHAMTO, M. Y. A HH.VTH. a4.p ICtttttt fc-5 SAtKUjxX S&ONaOX Orrsorr. MKJt. y- i a & i .. Ife v .-' ; t r - ; -' .aiir,,U3iir3r,rivi r-fic trrrA r: r vnsvvri&n onwu.cr;A,-.. .-.. rtl - : ime5z&tt?ztt x M . tT . V mi -B -.. a. . . . .'S.- A,. av. -f. ', r. -rorQ''u'r.'.'' rrOarAirrv x. ..-.. V UOWUU1V1UI ' i.nw:.i inr-. . u !io -Sa. . filabU. & mm m IU1! f I - --" - - - P. n WlflG VHalH'VPMaf ta. , Aat-lK iy.vT) aiaBiffBajr. "- a.lafa',7aaiwarvtircfiari7i.iM f TvTF.t "WF Jess Mri jtsjyA, -r USt 1 AMH.kW ( I T5? " MHJrH Hfc tlv Wf r- T; rm f JNe Vmt, M4r' wmmmm - lSr wftif Mt JJm4ft Ttac km a tw rttw LftlM aKM at i wm t ; b hnl t srM4u. r m4 WvM pi wvi.- Hi !!, --JCj.tJy . Awur. $JTA TOpmtTV rfawr atft - iw r irm tm J MM? v. TW MMt orlkft lfem wvr . it hi ww Ki tM Bm, fmmm r tlMM 4 & . iw mmi m r 4Vt MIWUHH Ttm eM :a rw v4. b o cmmI a ria IbsaMay MrCaaa, ief. "f.?ffc-7 Tf txrvx . CA IMH j & JL )llT A"iglk. ..! ' " jSLJ m tt f.ir4 cy ! tm kMt . . . rortttat. fcnK --r t tt I mm - P"' 0 mT HUTfi Hia ' llWtnl. i"..iv U-1 tii ' . i . m & mt. dm t- T It . . 1. i VjKtmmn M - tmfiii Hutu' -i mm 4Pnaii T mtmftm mm m M 'K 4 lnr b It 'wmr-t i.iiiima fc " !. . MU J s Mto.vf.lW . . Catarrh ELY'S CREAM BALM "Kin. Sfiit IU wU m ojt;- isyiv j.- pr, ;t. -" .1! IMieea at Ura. fH"N k7 - r-ifi ni r. 'Iraut- v Y && eal will ( tn l.btaht or jSaMJT. Aflj lata ?0: ItMialnU Unr 1! ' Tc,. fcr tJ-C tt f-TT , , ,-.. vntmrnewM, 5 r 'I ...... -f. t AND. SonPJlHD Ml'LaooDS- . tn.? rjj--- iJY'U, ...3 r rJ "SPECIAL OFFER." $20. r f ? . fit 1 ! . lt,irr-l. , . . f ,t I rY A,mrm w ttt r :nit" 1mII llr-rlt-J.,fUg HlMit wti. m 1 ,!-... InwCM' H r- mi- tmunm lt uf 1 t r j - ..- f m 1 J l.l.r... n. .tir-.l ft ! f tml' 4. wa Knf I'. I'd. I. -i ii.lt ' ti mnmtmm mt MM-1 .. I -.-y jrw ' ' l(t-ir4;l l.aa ( it. .'In ITGK1NG PILES. l'lfc. tfw ST. 'SWAiHf M1IH I T.t H I ! 1T1. It.. 1 '. ' - n ; AU. ci 1 '. -. ., aa. f vf I.. .-. urn m " 4 tmmmfr. - r i. .. ' 1 iSKIN DISEASES ..,?!?S.TMt . 1.1 ' .. wi t-rwfigmna. .... ,..., -j. .-! WWII w w .,i 1 i - m - iuan,4. DJtTt&iTO Hand-Book FREE! fHSLHiO K . v .. i j;ijv. ru- Atrti, srfcJMrio. o.ct. - , r- -jrhw 'tfWaA ' ' ' "at? 11 a-Tf ' m-ii'iss . lOTII n-fl l..iir4lMnHrwC oar 2IDUCA.TIONAI. BRYANT STBATTQK'S Sl f : ' U f Ha aW trr-ettt nl rtm J W'VfcVt .. - r z m m .fc r tz t. r T r rotA. x; 'if fj -r - 7 A ..- JArS-C-aW; ivi ,ji-. r S!tr 'tre. t.V. ..' V' ' 175 DEARSoarr street. CHICAGO. J?L jXHSSTTST" SECTIO?aAL ANSAS SKOWIMO AF3iisrrJtntyGah-;i?i4te4. ?tie its. Mt A. M. KELU5CC HEWSPA!E CO.. Kansas Cty, Miw if 111 cttr rani Kl RiCeosrAisrBp. TaMc.4. K ""-'---w dctw 37 'avrwcca. SCALX CO. 'at J- fVrrw. Sfiwf. (Mm JK. Winm ?ole. JJM -TO ..aa-a.a. -"-... .n ii i " i'l in I 'm I'i 1. Ka. IN 'WjrrriJrw t .mvrmKTtmMtmm... y mw t 4al mmrtimm hemsit Mm "ii ' n m A. t 7 rt .io -. I , I .a-aa,Xl Hi fi jf ii " Mv m m m a a h 1 1 en imauwjw J- K " . UAVCUENCI1V IL I I a V V. -V. "A' .-r. r a. C- .. ....a-. - awafca-v V a .,7.,rr;. &!5W& s. -- "'--r5vr,"?,'r SwC - HAS flC " -isrsi Kjfm lli I K, it (N V KY - ) iy -A a.'- - VJ -- -4&iif-i,- j i?&$h.' V EZffl l-ifj- jfrJ gjU.-yr- rmk