The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 03, 1884, Image 6

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-yj i ' o
EFAn person who takes tbn paper reti
laxly from the pnst-ofilce. whether llrec-tal to
his name Or wln-thr ho Is s euLicrlbur or not.
Is responsible fur thn jwf.
The court haw decide! that rofusln? le
tafco ncwspapi-ra from the poM-oillcc, or n.
tnovlnjr turd icarlrur thfcta uncalled for. i
oriuiu facie cvidt-bcu ol isixNTiotfAi. nuuii
Uxuliawl hfuitur:
" It's the ftranzest thlnir that vrr I kaotr.
And l iu inott provoking', twIXt 'Round you,
j'ora xrtnnua whop ir ;t :t tntin like mi-,
A good prividor, and sternly anl !'.
Vjih nil I or fJk with tumls Milled down,
And ai ftnr a houv- a any in town.
To b liiiiienUrur 'can mi one child in ten
Ain't w) koo.1 as he iiilitlil hare? boon.
It's a pretty srond .Jin-.vltiir. fcom to ine.
That only n Icutli ot th- lot r-honW he
A HUJf oil color, and t'ntt s what I y
To their mother twenty 1 1 mew in a day.
Hot I can't make her we it in that liht.
And idio limMiti and waits night after itHrht
P'nr the Kinn 1 of lilt Htop, till I jrrow o wj.d
That ! a'm Hit curse boiiJ mother and child.
-Sl.c.oul.ttoi.v-forih9tlieis.vo:know..relwitl'-:s r ra.-ans. hut it i, aston-
And l"t the UirmenUnj; vajtahond ?o I
l .
IJut I :urrt I'!ni on: an! fthi chIIh htm anin
'I'liiu ftuflrM ti lifiFJItii tut ttfiTiirf on fif-r nn.t iha
And tkv woratoi it.s. tbcchii'lriiajritu '
"I've urKiimi ami ccoidon ami coaio.i witaoui :
Ilor iiiHwcr M always: My loy haa one
Ah Ion? a I live; and vourcharzi I untni
TJiat mi heai l liolU i ot jiml lew lor you
And all ihe re-t. Kiit the unit rone Kry
Ncedt ni'j the :ii(wt, and you'll Had t the
Of alt mother M hold ijIum; Ui the one
Wiiohmtancr the most, so love s work i i
1 7ov what e-in I wiy to "tich words a? tho-? j
I'm not o nivineml. as the hi.-tory .how,
Jlut I often won Jer whtadi one Ii rliriit, ;
Ah 1 hear her HkIiI ep i.liu allT, j
Here and there, to the win. low and Ooor.
As fhe wa U with a heart that M heavy an 1
T wih the hor doa I. while sre tfvp hrr lile
To nivo lilm Irota iii. There Jn:!ini'lanl
wife "
Mi, il. .V. Awe. in VauUSs C unjtanUni.
"I'm -Iof it," jiihl K:tt3. da-hing a
bandftd of hair-pins upon the '.able, ami
Jotting:: big biovn braid go tumbling
down Iter 1 ;mk.
."So am 1," said Heth.
'bo :tb I!'' said Xaniiie. who w:u
sufTeriiig witit :: tlreadful eohi
hat is it, g-i-N. f-aul J. turning
any 1mm;k in -e dt.wn on my lap. '
.- - . .
-' li... .t.- - ' x..? :. i
f't's the everlasting gossin,"
li llii; -Wi(,' 1 ". .-i'l ilKLll.
. ,, . -
jroni lio. o. said !
f-o iliiicreil
Knnnie, to whom boardiug-Iiotibe life ;
IWlfltl JiV" H. k i iVI .
n . :us lauy, hhu juhc.i more, was j
! 11 .1 1 1- 1 i
Avmu. i wameo to .ay. nut uem the ,
oldest of the four, it M'emed my duty
10 inane tueOf-st o Unn-s; o I kihI, j
-J...... V..V.-,. .1,,. . i SJ1...I b OvV, .Ulj l.IUI .
unusual about ine -upper to-night.
"rhat's ihe iroe.ble." groan.-d Beth.
"It was a together too u.Hiiil. amso
men ti ireaii aau i.uiier ami :t)ple
sauce and dry cake that I feel like
gnashing my teeth at the .sight of them.
.should like a piece of toat or a bowl
of bread and milk occasionally, witli-
out being made to feel thai I had dis- j
arrangea tin: wiioie internal economy
of Ihe house."
"The suppers are bad enouirli." said
ie:iiet "utii u.ey are iioinmg to in- gos-
j"- . ..,.:, ... . ' .. i
new tins monin, or um .ur.
Jewelt came in ever so late the other
. l in liroa olheanng it wlnspered . ,to our C(Ui((.,lc, -tntltiitl valiant crv- (
ii that .ir. .ioiinsoii ami In. wiioi ;,.,. ; nnein.n,,. j,,.!,-,.: .,.,,1 :.!, I
ad a quarrel mi their room last night (MI0 rr;,iav niirht. with the last screw
tliat 'AIiss i.ouinson lias worn tfiree i the hitid...r. I-h...t- .i nit tt... ..-,..L-
night, audit winded as though he fell ! without care of theirs, feel halt tbe.-at-up-5tair
link!" and Kate looked as , faction n,at we (H(l in lookimr round
scornful as a round lace with a dimple j
m it would allow.
"1 could slad evervthig else, said
TJnnnie, "if it was odlv hobe-like
-'h. !
if I could only sit dowd iu a clcad
hitched, with !y feet in the stove oved,
and sec a braided mat in frotl of tlib
stove with a dice cat od it, 1 should be
perfegly habby."
V.'e all laughed at this idea of 1 liss,
but -after the laugh there was a sudden
silence, for eacii one of us recalled ueh
.ii kitchen, and the Presence that had
jnade it home-like.
We wer.- not sisters, or even kin to
each other, but meeting as strangers in
a, city boarding-house, a strong friend
ship had grown up between us, starl-
was abav a hard div
Iiad worried two ot ncr ttudo-t pupils
through the r music lesson: and L had
had a time in school that afternoon with
ti wrctt'h of a boy, and at my wit's
end what to do with him on the mor
row: and Nannie was more than half
sick so we sat there quite still for
awhile. Finally Ueth said: "1 suppose
-we might make these rooms look a 1 1
tle p'.e:iant"r. c each have a few
pictures and kmck-knacks.
Do yo'i suppose 1 would hang mv i
few p"u lures against this awful paper'
said Kate. Ui-sides, what would be
tho use? Just as we got everything j
Tiiccly fixed some man wou'd want the
room, and we should be invited to go
up higher. I've boarded in this
liousc two 5 cars, and in that time I've
advanced from the tirst floor back to
the third f oor iront. and two moves
more will lake me out en the roof."
"We bight go subwhero e"se," said
"Oh you poor little innocent."
laughed Ueth. "You'd 'change the
place ana keep the pain.' They're all
about alike."
At this iNnnnie lifted such a woe-
begone face Mir.t i felt something must
be done.
' CM?il f ?r nn-mnct imninp.;..A
..... .. ... j uiugnmy.ujui;
scnooi-room manner
little heap and was lifting up her voice
in a hoarse cry.
This was simply dreadful.
Beth and 1 purred over ami cuddled
lier. and Kate slipped down-stairs and
coaxed t:u cross kitchen-girl into mak
ing a bowl of sage lea, jaud by the time
she was back with it the invalid was
.somewhat comforted.
When quiet was restored T spoke
:agam. "Girls! let's go to housekeep
ing' rClhtnio stopped the bowl haff
way tfc her lijvs.eth sat upright on the
trunk, and Katevdroppcd the stick of
-wood in her hand Duck into the box.
"'Where's tho rarniture coming
roni?" said she.
-Who'll pav tho bills?'said Nannie,
"Who II do tho work?'said Beth,
. who vas .born south of
y.lUxrm-'s lino.
son and
f"' We'll ail do it' said I,
-jfcji last, question first; "and
for the
itir. I ih. ilk. in lhi laid that, wn wen! a !,,.- ,;, .t.l ii.t.,.i ...i ..!... r.f iiu.irici.
each orphaii-il and had our living to drawers conmleted their furniture- and nml work ioo hard. -You II get
earn, and strengthened by many con- strips of blue and grav e-iroetiug before lia ( ,: ul u)')sl rwu" r
genial ta-tes. We were doing our daily i the larger pieces took awa any suspic- i " ' "" I. .'.' "l!e,lI;lb(,ut- , , . !
duties ia rather a brave, cheerful way, -ion of "bareness. ' I "Ucll, saul Kate, when this -vas j
,, c, . ..u,- .;! I'm..!..;.!.- t.. M-1 1...1 i t i i 1 1 rou"-'iit tin. "if a rootl name in the i
.i.i.wi, ....i. i-.i vv;ui...iiii.o, w..c .. juu iooiu lu-iu :inu 1 suurcii wasare- ' , , , , . . , ,
night we were under a cloud. ( Jutstde. ; c:Sl.iv similar, exeeot that our floor was P--51; -l" l w". """g ; '''-
:i November ntin was lashing ti.e win- painted a bright warm brown, and our m l SIV0 ". why. k't t.iem talk..
iows. and -nside. the stow smoked. ,.r..irinn..r.ii-i".r, -n..! ,f ....,-.,! .,-, I hey nuwt talk about siunetlimg. and
It wa-. pay-day at the manufactory scarlet and white. IJut it was on our whj!c wo :U?, "nilor ,,1!scl,.ss5o' so,ne-
Here ixaio w as fooic Keener, and that i nmm-m s. it. mr-room tli.-it wn v'sia ,wu. U1 '" --n . o i" -
hit here there was an interruoi ion. ! w :..,. ..., .,... i i.:.. .. '..,: our umners out tor a day or two.
Xannie le t the rojkn"--e!n"r n-uJ t :., t ' V i wl-lv-n-'- "J" " And we did tint get tired of ;t. but
ox.u.jii. "- io. u.u lu.iu 'Uiu , quite a show, :;nd when we lad scat- .i. .r:i r u ..i
lieu toAaru me eeu. i ,nr..,i OI. i.rtVa .., t,.:- K,t ,i. ;iUOi ' ""." .- "? i'- -
"Oh. Kar.nier crietl Kate, -don't room: it was a .fceUlcd ;a4 rnpro and more satis hcd. for . w Home
s fie ueu US liatM e:ioii"-'i -nv-' i.M-t. .,. v -i - i i- . ' n i' irinu a iu tuu iuuuur; . iti: iciiici.
ty' Uul she spoke too latefor im- we reached the tr.v 'k-isplwin on r ' -V1' l.lira to t.S"V :lt n'g-V, reeling
ihe eomLined inflnenee of homp. ..;;.. .- tnat it :s ours, mat we are no: there on
im. i.v.iiuimu, ui iiom.- tour or inr.i-tiori "vnii T:mir vnnr . -. . . . . ...
s n" I iuilueny-t nnn:c hid iM:...'i si r :- suUcranee, out bv right. Ami t is
ng herself on the ned in a forlorn ! Vor eves thn h;.i..,i . .,; ..i t css ot secunty and permanency cn-
furnishing, that needn't cost rry
much; and about the bills Kate, how
much do wo all pay a week?''
"Four times Ihe is twenty, and t.vo
dollars for washing, makes twenty
iwo.' s-id Kate, with book-keeping
hy said Beth, beginning to be
eager, "lots of families live on ! than
that, and pay for i;vory thing oi.t of it
clothes and" doctors "hills aw! every
thing." tVell, we talked till midnight. and
the more wo talked the xno'u fena'dde
the .scheme seemed, and it was dc"tM
that wo .should commence tencment
hunlirig the very next morniug: ami
after Beth and I had gone to our own
room. Kate came burning across to
say that Mtie had Mme spotin ami forks ',
wftich had been her mother';, and that j
.,.4ill, ?. rrt' ftiiTi v . ,-.. ..
lovely wafties
e ext)p-ted a te!ious time iindini; a .
filing J)fV," lonum- mip llKe JW W) (
to help themsfhe. Thai very week a :
nice little scholar of Nannie's" stopped i
J3iim now loriUW mlM llioe wjio try
after scho-d U kiv that her oarests :
We knew where hhe lived -a nlensiut
houc m a resneoSable localitv. so nttcr
j snpperjvatf and I hunted up the land- Nann.e itimg Inside him with her srw
! loerd. the next day we went in a body ing, making quite r. Darby -an.l-J'a:i
' to in-tpect th place, and thi
wa.i concluded.
liHtueen that time and our departure
we natle fairti lo-.o our repu'ation o
being the tjitietest boarders in the
' hone, for cverv mght mere was talk-
in an I laug nng in on! pw.ii or the
other, wlrle we stitciiel a:il hemn "d
ami figured this l::-.i the hardest of a!iY
Kale, vrith a cont.dencc lnirn of m u;'i
han'iling of money, made out a lit in :
twinkling. whL'i list .vas jii-rieetly s;(t
isfaetorvUi all of us- until we inouifed
j) rices. One thi::g we were agreed nvoa,
and that w.:s. ririd economv. J we
oheapcne.I this and left out tliatuntil ,
it !'oke 1 oti'.to reasonable.
Well, the Jir-t tjpy of Dec mb"' found
us in ourowii hired houe an I as
Bot'-i turned the kev in theotl or, we ,
felt that we hid burue 1 our snips b ' filled t cks, whi -it were simply luxuri
bin 1 u. ! ous at tor boardmg-hou-so ma'tivsses.
The oul'Toin? tenant, seemed to re-! Our table was not set fortn with cnt-
irnrd our exnerim nl in the li-rlit of a '
hiifr: ifi!.-i !ii ! f i..., -..-.. .-. 1 1 ;.. , t ,
.?. - w !-. TS.JLaiB WW mjt m, II llllli ' HJ
help along, so t!iev u'c us :: number ,
of li usokeetiiusr thiu-rs. amour oth.-rsiiJ
. I braided mat, an 1 a half dozen plants ' elec ed Kate tr.-a-.urer, and every Sat-a;:-"
; all in bloisom. ami sold us tlm'.r urdav niirht each f ;i:s nut live do'lars
- .. - - t
at a vwy low jirice. Thoe familiar
mIi thn iw.ii;i t- tt. ;-.nj, .f .-w..-,-
aml stove-pipes will iiii.Inr-.tand what a
i Cl.ill.f i VC t(i ll.'i "I rifcl?KJj. To,,rl ,,,
-" " "" ""' " ' "'" .04....V ...... 4..
nmning order. Besltles litis, ve ha-1 a
vouple of
jnrJ, :i f,-
iMj.Istea Is wltli t!ie furnish
v dishe-, our trunks, and a
iaf (lot.n .)::cki;)
ioes of dill'irent
The lieVi ffirtni.rlif ire i l.i' rkti.
yt. ro,(. eariv :imfu.0:il to bod late, and
ivei iu ,;icll(i f:iwu u-hilewe
IlVOil in j
painted, and pounded, and plaune i.
i We were iu a state of mind v. here we
wi.-hed for no advice, much less help.
trom anvboiiv ouiside: b-it alter ;
tho , we
u:,ik :iml skin from our knuckles
deeitled there were times when a man
could be made ii-.rt.ul. and at Nannie":,
uggestioii :: certain voting arcliilect
,rom t!lo iJO:ini;,(r
house was laKen
was !one, and I douht if manv
yoinf into homes lnsiirionlvaniiiiiiih-il
on the result of our inenuitv nm
work. Ami it was a "nrht "c-o.v
1 bard
ldaee. There was a irood sized sittiny
room witli two sleenimr ro.ims oneiiinr
:. . ...!-.. i
trom it, a kitchen a ljonung. :. store
room, closets, etc., and as the house
was on a corner, we had the sun most .
of the d-iv
Kate and Nannie painted the floor of '
their room soft gray, and covered their !
ili-ixcMic-.t.iMn ".in. I ...-i,.ct..,t -;!, 1
blue and drab chintz.. The one v.imlow
.. ' " ...... .... i.. ii. ...v. .,....,
wis draped with lull curtains ot un
bleached cotton, trimmed ami looped
back with bands of the chintz, and :t
low cushioned chair and ottoman wire
I covered with the same blue and drab
oar greatest skill. The three windows
were curtained with full draperies of
cheese-cloth, over cream-colored shade-,
a big crim-on bow at the top of each
window where the draperies parted.
Nannie, who was not in the least
testhetie. pleaded to have the whole
iliinf lint is t?i! m.iif t-ii'iti-.
live vards of 'carpetingshe 'was voted .
down on
of art. A wiie margin was stained a
most delight. ul dead-leaf brown, raid
nine vards of crimson and wood colored
carpet made a square large enough to
come well out around the cen
iter i
Ami the table we saw it
front of an auction-room.
when it was covered with both s old
gray shawl dyed crimson, and the
student-lamp su over the darn in the
middle, the e fleet was. all that could be
d-.'sirod. j
Then" we had KctlYs piano and the
plants, and nobody knows until she
tries it how far a piano and plants go
towar i furnishing a room. Wo had a
comfortable lounge, bought "in the
doth,' and covcsvtlV oiir own hands.
a big Shaker rocking-chair, ami two or
I . .,
I iircc. siil'l iP rrtn
j the cat was only here, you would have
rea.'hctt the climax ot earthlv happi
ness "
The young architect looked inquir
ingly and Nannie's ideal of bliss was
explained to hha. Ho made no com
ments, but looked at her with a peculiar
cxprcssjon in his handsome eyes, and I
felt that the stability of the society was
The next night, as we were sitting
down cozily at our tea and toast, and
baked apples aud milk, there was a ring
at the door, and Kate, answering it,
came back with a basket.
"It is directed to you. Nannie' she
sa!d, holding it to the light. So Nannie
opened it, wben out stepped a plump,
self-satisticd Maltese kitten, and at
tached to one fore-paw was a card
trhich said: "The Climax' Beth
turned the card over, and read the
voting architect's name.
i -. . . .1. -.- j--.i I w . AiI
1111 j A IJl Lll I ll'll II I l''ll ! .fc.111 t I 1 !. 11 .TTI lllll k &
!! !! iCf-hf m t ....,.- :.:m !!... i... :...i ., ijiuu' ui. .iiitt
ers and camu-cnairs.
I i :in -m I1..vhi.ti i-.e cili!i,rtf! o.l -.!
"Oh. Dannie"' -!i ald. turning or, ,
herreproach:uIly. "I hope you are nt to .-po.l ' But Sun
n; was busy filling a saucer for the
newcomer, and made no answer.
I may as well ay here that, soon aft-
er, the young' man came tom in a very ,
htraiehtfonvard nnv. made known bw ;
iiitcnti'iUB in
rard to N xnnk. jur ,
risked termiss:on to viril hr. Th:
night, while she was goa on an v-
rami, l liiiu u:u iiuwuu.i vi.-iuisura w r
er girl.
I move," said KitUi. who was rati
er irivcn to souadin" uhraees" I i
more that hu be grntiteil loae to with
Oh. let him come!" aid Beth, with
true .Southern ob'ir:outncs of oonjH
Well, he came, and came again, aad
the little rootkitce unfolded m a kindlier
atmosphere than that of a hoardmg-
J.otue panor,
aaI alter awhile I think
we all rattier enjoyotl hiixi. as he w
n hi-ii-jjiujucu, jiu.':itii;f;nt jubbj s-
low. wtm tonductel his wooing with
very little noiiM-nie. Some eveniugi
a iiJii-n:inueu, jyiiui;nt jwng i
he would come in trith bis drawiaif
Kard under his arm. and estab L-hig j
hiin.-ell at oi.r Kitchen table, imt in hu
iiiarveioH.v nne line ami ligure. wan
picture. Kate .-ome'inses shook her --
! a
li ni trom the covert of tbo sut.n.-
ro'jm. but ahe usually endetl with lile
t:i! chihlrcn!'' t i turn from love to figures, ;ii v
much fii 1 it col?
Now f do not expect tube b !" '.
r'niR th ; small mirrors in our Iw-d
rooms t ) the big iron spoon in the ia'i-
try, co-t exactly $lL'n.t.; nevertheless, j
that uas the tx:ict total. It may eeni i
more cred.ole when it is understood j
thai our dressing ta!)les. vah stands
and ottoman-; were j.aeking-boxes, and
that the inviting citsbioned chair, wer
or glnalh' barrels. Jf course our tcd- j
st'uds were not ftirn'shetl with ha
inaitreascs and nw blankets, Lut we. '
had warm coverings, and clean straw- j
! or si-, or (except Kate's spoons !
ml i.rtr' lnf l v:i; clean. :uid tbu !
-.--- - . . - ., ......,F ,-,--
fo 1 wholesome and .aried. i
And about the ru-l of living? Vol
..-.. .
ami a half into a box kept for the pur
pose, and siie paid for everything out
of it. We questioned her olteu. during
the first iirmth, li'iw the mon-'V was
holding out. hut she made no saUsfae
tory answer.
The llr.-t dav of dauuarv we each
found on our plate at supper the fol- ' notice: "1'iie fir-jt monthly
meetinjof the Home Co-operatho So
ciety will be held this eieuinu' i the ;
kitchen, :.-. soon as the di-dics are done, j
A full attendance is desired, to hear the i
report of the irea-nrer."
Kvery member was present, and th
treasurer read her rep irt. After set
ting forth at some I-ugth the origin and
object of th-- society, site presented the
following figures:
i.v Atvoi'.vT 'wiru iiomi: co-sm-kuative so
J r. Cr.
To Cusa $07.13 lly tn $ 7..)
" fjrof'ries
' meat :m.i veyr
eMhlej " und:
' lahor 'warth'jr.
ironl-'ir ami
" rent
i.-.o i
hal. on hand
7!js I
S'.i7. 1'!
Which means' said Kate, dropping J
her ollicial manner, "that we have had
all this good time, and don t owe :i
cent for an. thing, and have si dollars
? , x,t". ,! l . S
back to us. and she counted out lour
litllt; I''.!es f .w,Ilt'; . . , . . ,
, Xm' l " J,'"-"-". "" f'l '
under, add- d leui.
'.ml seventeen cents apiece coming
,... .......I. ' :.i i: jn.. ,
a week ea di. and had a surplus, and i
after that, four dollars a week usually
eocred::ll expenses.
When we started, though we asked
no advice, we had floods of it, and no
end of di-nial predictions. "You'll
You'll run in debt," "Yoi11
we did not run into
debt, and we did not quarrel. It would !
1)0 too much to s:iy that we never dii- i
fered. bn, our differences were never j
bitter. j
We used to think sometimes that
lieth shirked her share of the work, but
she wo.s the sweetest-tempered creaturi i
Hvin- ami always willing to inaku
anu-n-is. incline nan to nom a tigui
re n on Kale, who was apt to want lux
uries out of season, at exorbitant prices:
and I was sometimes a trial about the
cooking, being absent-minde I. and apt
to burn things up. As to Nannie, she
tictl a white satin ribbon on The Climax;
the minister and a few friends came in,
and almost before we kuew it Dannie
and the young architect had gone oft
together in aback, with TheClin.a
wa ling in a basket on the front seat.
Hut this did net break r. the society.
for another good friend stood retdy to
fill the vacancy, and stepped promptly
in. And did we not find the work too
hard? Well, sometimes it seemed a
I bother, but, divided among four, it was
I not; oppressive: and if the larder got
empty, or other work pressed, we took
courages us to ami comiorts and even
luxuries to our surroundings, and 1
think you might hunt up and down the
city- and not iind a more contented and
comfortable set of people than the
members of Tho Home Co-operative
Society. Hester Stuart, in Jiarpcr'i
A dog in the neighborhood of Los
Angeles, Cal.. is passionately fond of
hoiiey, and to gratify his taste he robs
hives whenever an opportunity offers.
He has grown quite expert in the busi
ness and can extract the sweet stufl
with great dexterity. San Franciico
The high prices paid in the New
York market for snapping and mud
turtles has induced many farmers in
Rockland and Orange Counties to go
into the raising of these animals as s
legitimate trade. S. Y. Herald.
Our Torniz Headers.
Ou'. ta ta r-rnarH srtl t"wr.
A &. of crw dcBMi l mstnrc.
Otrr'iUf ibvta. tbrttty hinn'r Xk
L'ciartf tiMC crv -UI nMatc."
I mnat kTc a rwwT-tfcat l tri
Xf wott-4 W. UJ old mBtsreiMi
htt the kaun lki I artaor "K
Am4 A-mf t" eli i; lrs&
le rwtar day t! irwr wt 4MK
To nrtr ia cr at lyia i
Awl wbM a 9MH- mii hlv ktao UK
J'or in tkm. hu ; tb rtir retlwr.
A hmci ervrj were aiwMled Unrrtker!
Ho : tnrmr. tttl? w faiiiwn abovld.
'1 leer ay Nrarg XmJ mti uooa.
THK CUKJ.E:) HA IB (XSIllttt'.
"It waa g ol cushion. vt nxtitml
jrith eurletl hair, aid japa," onrs
fully. .ad what ilo think conUI liar he
oome of it?" akl mamma.
Wby it must ha e beea iloleo. I
can 'J think m what other way it eouid
hare dlsaimer.rei. Voti see it" was dark
when w? tippsl oxer, ami eiery tLioc j
wettt uU Ue ereeic nui tt s low, ant
mo current to s-jx-ak of. It would r.t
havo bem possil le for that heavy
cushion to liare been swept away. I
thought I had overr thing, wit this
morning when I mie I it.
do.Ttt there, it ':i. not to te found. I
aks!l have to rhle without a ctiihiou
after this."
lie looked very .ober over it: a -id the
children, Ueriii and lieth, lokel obor
for svmoatbv. Mtney was not so plen
tiful with Dr. Clark that he could afionl
new cushions very oftu; anl thew
chiidren. young a they were, knew this
verv well.
l"hen j-apa started on his rounds,
and mamma had sent them out to play
while the baby took a nap. they fat
down under toe great tree to talk it over.
"iiihl be hard, riding all day without
any cushion to sit on," said l'eth; and
iJeYl agreed to it he nearly always
agreed to what ih-th said. "He said it
was ot curled hair' added lieth.
nirttlitativ.-Iy. And then, alter another
pause: "1'ert, your hair is very curl v."
So is your-." t.aid Hcrt. in a sweet
voice. And Ueth .-ighed, and aaitl noth
.ng. There wtw no denying the curls:
tud she thought a great ileal of them,
beddo.-. Her heart struggled with the
oig thought.
There's a great lot of curia on loth
our heads," she said, "ami curis grow
"Course they do." agreed JJert.
Mine are almost :ls long a yoius; and
,uce they were little specks of things,
.-ike that picture when I was little."
I5ert believed that now he was large.
Moth chi'dren weix- still for a few
minute-. I'er: played with the dirt at
his iV-ct, but Ueth did not play at all.
.-die sat and thought, her face grave.
At last she spoke:
Uertie. 1 will, if you will."
"What?" a-ke I Uert, looking up.
I lis thoughts did not trouble him He
had already forgotten about the hair
and tin; cu-hlon, and was playing that
be iiad to build a mountain out of the
dirt at his feet.
"Cut oil" your curls and give them to
papa for a new cushion."
"She spTkc quickly, catching her
breath a lit tie.
She liked her c.'irls and she liked to
hear people sav: "What lovelv hair
little Ueth Clark has!"
Uut iiert's answer was prompt and
his voice sweet. lie cared nothing
about curl.
"All right." ho
said. "Then they
combed; and papa
much, won't he?
won't have to be
will like it crv
There'll b.j tiio-t enough lor
tuo cush
So Uetb's great sacrifice was made
itlone. She ran for the shears. It
should be done quickly, before .she had
time to ehange her mind. Xo thought
of asking mamma entered the heart of
Ihe loyal little girl, hi not mamma
taught her since lwr babyhood to give
u; her own lor the pleasure and com
fort of others, aud were not her curls
her own?
Snip. snip, went the shining shears
Down dropped the shining heap of
curls, first trom Iiert's hfnd, then trom
u-r own, iierl wielding the shears as
best he could in tho back part where
Ueth eould not reach. Some of tin
curls glist-ned in the sun more than oth
ers. Those were the ones on which two
tears of lictlfs had dropped. Those
were all she shed. IJert did not think
of tears. He chattered away about
how much cooler they -hould be. and
how pleased papa would be: and he
wondered a little why iJeth Kept so
"Why. what in the world." said Mrs.
Clark. As she sat down the teapot
from which she was about to pour a
cup of tea. and her voice sounded so
.-traugc that Dr. Clark turned to see
wiiat she was looking at.
There thej- came, "two shorn lamb',
carry "ng a little basket in which two
small white handkerchiefs had been
near'y laid, and then the fluffy curls
laid on.
"They are for your cushion, papa."
they said, hurrying toward him. "You
said it was made of curled hair, and
our curls are real nice, you know, and
we culled them for you; and Ueth
thought of it. Won't they make a big,
big cushion, don't you think?"
"Poor mamma! And, for the matter
of that, poor children, br. C lark iaid
down his carving knife, and laughed
until he cried. And when lie had got
ten out his handkerchief and
wipe I lus
eyes, and cleared his throat, what did
he do but burst into another laugh.
The children were astoni-hed. aud not
a little grieved. Ktea Ucrt's sweet lip
And Ueth faltered: "Don't vou like
tnem. ua
"iless'vour precious hearts."' th
father said': and he gathered them both
.it onee to his heart. " 'Thev ar worth
ilwrwo'iHitin nilil. or a fi.od ileal
ir,w t'nin t!.oir wmriir. for that mat-
;er. 1 ana knows all about how this
little woman had to struggle to give up
her curis. Tdaiuaia xuifet not feci bad -
ix-oiour tt Th. pnrh ivilJ crmwarain:
and a lo elv little vine of uusclfbtinc-s
and thoughtfulncss
sprung up
must not
these two
hearts, and
Thus hinted at, mamma did not re
prove, did not even shed another tea:
ivfor. thi ehililrpn. though some fell
on the lovelv curls when she laid them
. . .. .. , .
awav. But Til tell you what she did do.
instructed those two dear little
dunces, before thev were a dav older.
that tVery hair of their heads belonged
tc patfa and mamma, and must not
be cat gain under anv consideration
nnlcsi ne of the authorities said so.
Ur. ci$k bought a new cushion, but
it ivas ot stuffed witn tnose jeuow
curlk He explained that they were
too precious forFthat
-her there
Two lovely
Oie dav. when he ffraw ri
Irom the jewelers two toveiy
! wst"h .hVa. linked witbgol i. ael aa
i th- .ink wrcf- tbi1 wnl "i '.- CiA-
wa. from W Dal a' "iv I aja.
trout hi i-uriyar- j
And tha. bat Locam of li ceH- j
od hair. I'stnty.
l!w tic WfcBt to Ike rirtm.
Tb day iW tr arrival ia Ioaan
wad Thjul'f bir-hUr. md aatoay Um
priNatt iMttrwetrt-d w$ n brtgfcs jM
Jvrrnn. -hub iaJwr tid to OMgkl
sjpead a be pl-aaaL
"Xow. Thud." I obprrrd. with mr
kindest vMer-lartKhcriy" Jr. "Teaww
bor ;hi i yuttr day, ami uaa pm oat.
do oc t or ;mi what jou lit
lor an iostsoi otih-oIm aad o r
pty. Then to ud4aly broto oot:
-Sar, Mat. t Jm is 5aittr!T, Ua'tliT"
"Well then. aid Tkad, draiqg a
long breath a be baadffd mm lib wr.
rr.s:. "I waat voa u ito mm to Ito
Oxford Clreo. !. tto omnibm Itot'f
Jail ropjpd orer Uwrw j JC1 "7
it. ami wa'il t in tim Ivrttonust
iow." "tb. what a ebtntk of a brottorT"
vm my inward tbtwgiiu aj ci4at ito
HNC4y ia cHtf band and Tbt ia tto
ocbrr." I start d for tto 'bo.
Wc managwl tj reaeb tl fci'orw it
mo ed on. and ncranUled to tto waM
on the roof in high gke. cddolv it
.t currcd Ui me that J had not v i lo
qturrd whether we were going m tto
proper dIrin.t:oa.
"How stupid!" I reCeetrd. M I sboot
ed to the conductor to tell tue bow far
it to lKfrd Circtw.
ilit'a the bother way." to replied,
with a grin. a be caught by tto lofc
log, which 1 waa about to plant or t iu n;y eagern to descend
He heled "I had dowu. awl then we
both -tcoil im atlnt)v on the Mdewalk,
wa.tiag for another 'bW ttnx th oth
er way, with "Oxford Cirrus or it to
rome along. At iat w taw one. and
Cot in.
And now Thail beputi to grow sx
ious l5t wo -houi i bi lat fr the per
formance, wliieh it was natural to jup
pose would commence at two. It wa
Un minutes gtt that boar when wa
heard the cry Hoxford t ircti!1
Where is it?' I ventaretl to nk aa
we gt down.
" Why. 'ere' replied tto comiurtoj.
"Wei!, don't -ee an thing that
loows like a irrus building or tent
either; do you. Tbi'M
"No: btii p'r'aps it'a down one of
these streets a little way.' be aigt
ed. "S'pose yoit ask mcmiebotly. Max."
Accordingly I stepped in mnt vi mm
old gentleman who was walking rather j
shm-Jv. and said: "If you pleae. air.
will vou tell iuo where tto Oxford Cir-
ClH is
"Just down this street, half a jupiara
from here, my n." ho auswerod,
1 thanked him, hurried Thml along.
and when werea-hed lhf-orl of square,
looked carefully at even bmhhng
within sight, but not a tfaming circa.-
posi-r nor even a plain circuai;gu could
I M'C.
"Oh. hurry. Mav!" plcade! 'ITiad. on to renewed exertions by
this entreaty, I stopped a paaer-hy and
reviewed m query.
Here it'is." was the reply: and the
man waved his baud carelessly iu the
ot the iniiuitng in iron' ot
had bo-u btautling, mu
pavseil on.
I glanced up and saw on the corner
of v hat I had taken for a . i m ph re
tail store, the words ixford Cireit."
A iiiece f .-tupidity in ne." I re
llected. as we entered the shop. "Of
coure I niun't epei-t to lind every
thing e:ictiy as it is in America'
And walking up to one of tho couuUr.
I threw down the s-ovcreign and akel
for two t:ck't.
"Two what?"' exclaimed the clerk,
who was a short j'oung man with a long
he. u!.
Why. two circus ticket-' I re
turned, "in a louder tune, "ilow ranch
are they?'
"Circus tickets?" rejM-atcd tho
man, staring at me n if I
were one of the genie in the Arabian
Nights jut coming out of thu hoUJc.
"What circu.-?'
Why. Oxford Circus, of course'
And I tried to hok as offended as po-.i-ble
at the disrespect. ul manner in
which I felt my eleven years were be
ing treated.
"Oh. ho. ho, ho! ha, ha. ha!" he
suddenly bur.-t forth. "This is a
Mourning-Goods shop. '.Jackson's Km
imrium of Mourning Ooixis at xcrnr
service. oung man. Have you lot
any friends recently? If so. hcH tit
you out. onh we niixtly deal nith In
dies:"' ami then U-gan stuffing h'.had
kerehicf down h sthront to top another
lit of mirth, while he ?lnpp"d h'iu-elf
on one knee, then on the other, a if to
drive the joke into each aau of hi
rSalurallv I became very indignant,
whiio Thad, foreseeing that h- waa
likeh- to ini-s the performance entirely.
began to cry. 1 pieked up the sover
eign and gave it back to him. and wn
ubout to lead the way out of the store
through miilkms of yards of Lby k
crape botnuuine, and all the habili
ments of woe that ladies wear, when
the clerk recovered breath enough to
explam that Oxford Circus meant sim
plv the cin le formed by the jnoction of
O.xfonl with one or two other streets
and that- IJut V, did not wast to bear
auv more.
"I might just a? well be in lermsny
or France. 1
" I x.f.u.lm
tod. latterly, as wo
ltd; 4if 1 can't ua-
i riivtiini
rode back to the hotel; -if I can't ua-
dcrstand mv own language. "
Father thought the atfalr almost as
i-ood a joke as .-. former sslvcntore in
T'erlin. but he promised to take cs to a
real show and let Thad keep the sov-
croign. to'j. .naujw or, r., m
j Harper's l'ouno 1'copie.
Baskets to Hold Water.
The Eastern papers speak of
.0 j sSnS and weg loXaT-
h sa.d to be better than hemp or Sax.
1. : v.- ?kr.-n U - fcil of w How tretr that
snlendid uses of the willow fiber
iJn: there is
;icd of w'llow
tree that
! !rroT5 on lilt
uorth slope oi
iW K: '
mountains ai out eighty nile east o
j Los .ngeles. on the xnirr of Use Coo
j rado desert, which is used oy he t aoa-
! son Indians to make baskets, light awl ;
' imnerrious to water. Tnev are beUei 1
than any tin.
other kind of
iron, or an;
made onickiv bv the deft linger o!
these Indians, and are sob I chicay tc
,.... 1
tourists, mercnants ana regnwr cu.--1
tomcrs. This is a peculiar product cl
the Pacific coast, ami notomy anoveity
; to hastern people. !ut also to a great
; many Cal'foraians who do not bve
, where they have ever seen them- Jxa
: Angzlcs ncrw. a.
In the Empire of ilorocco there ia
1 oniv one subscnocr to a newspaper.
t He is the Emperor. As soon as there
je tno or threa more tt is ltkeljr aoma
Yankee will happen "along, and start a
" paper.-ifc.' Srwefc
j jinev are uiu u...-ti-iuj t . t
j aad'old settlers, and last, with contait ;
i use a dozen or ih'leen year'. They arc j
rr -- I ,,-.,
Urliffious Heading.
.vr a t mum: 1 1
Wli ; r r
i m i ta m
. s Kye4 frK
t rttofctikf rt7
m tm,rj I taiMr mm mt umm
yoft IM fteoM
- - ---- - - .
laul av: We ka.w Jmhm ? -
"It duth art tret sftnoir. Bflia i-r
to tto Mm i'td, W to i&Jiwm! -pectsof
tto mm tbn;. Tmmt Tlr
tto fart of a fr lue. 4oha to tto
ffi. !aal ? 'We kwrw
a boue " John mt
muur wh-: it !;!
ar " It dub a j )
ill I-,"
Tbere t tbji biewtm of tto fclkowm 1
al o'Ln wa Hi all dr: Ataaeu f oor
ktoKxl-.-. Tto4atb4ptkbloUi tto
atreet wo: id inuule if wo took! tut-
rm. apr4. iin mm anwj
m TiSf. n i a wn mut xm
arte' , jl
' 1
mHWa wLm Lm& flb Hp WVV HRNWf
rto Miif Sa4a - Iw we
oenake to -oU a!t t:e auteie ' l to 4vw4tw ottora oitfl mt't i -.-ttrctrrl
with it. Trwti jk bWe the ose. ' wartacv.
plainly n no it bittor !, tot With tvtwrm ia)WMarWtr . r .t
attvu-biiiv; ukow Jaovir U-yno4 vu I wAjr to otowrtl dtti ltoe trwt '. t
igbt. The moot ihjecw an . om rt tt w to tto v aft 1 "
latui ar Iy oo tto &4 ibat in.ei, . mm. a4 which -' v
. Itoy y tto ch&rni of Mitet a aifht of i&. W msA a!w r-
oa;at n -- i ttwr rataci aau teet
en aa v d i&eaa. Ybt beep ijw
f ret ng UK-re oi tonw a m aunt, at
Ut m. until !t,e) aeem t trg alt the
aeaM- into '&. A yoa Uk u m lor
et you og!B toiafce. yt bear tto
leave rntl-. and aa oo h'k (&
water y imnrv yt em to:r tto
wrr rmle. frtoo St. ! let fiowoil
bts Angelu hia irend that fr.t4
lottkoJ at it for awhile, and tba bJ
VI by. f can bar tto brHa.' ill all
!ru p!ry tbre t ime!h:ijf ivul
what i eapreawd: aa e-ho .i far away
:uor. a gimimwr lar a ay israt
muic afr n'ti bft .!. glims
after the light baa pm -. Tb tr jt ora
j tori hew o ugget avr tbaatoaaK,
aal awak. a mi our aoul wore thaa
' to or w' etvild pfvft. f
Tie ba tfi: qualite to a trerv
retnarkbh oVgron. aa we might wet!
xhs'Jkmm. tealtog a it loe with tto
un'.tie ami tto etetirtiea. h we
r!.-i are n4 ooacoataietita. bet lmpjM
oi truib.4 ts great lor mil re
iou. How it !n:ggle to no n!l tho
kla of (mm!. yt fearfal alway leat whai
it unfidiH aoouUl be taken for tto wbofe
truth! Hi was the aaprooHta eMe
name; i h Ntiapitroacbao
light: H wa tto form uo imj(e niat
attempt to repfMau Abi alt tbi
nt to roacf-al il. but tatow Uiat,
tu.weer much might be ret ratal. He
wax -uJl ibo "L'Mmrcbablc (iod pa
t.ndmg out.
The story of Jesttn h an niatulv lobl
ant story ean b. We ran follow
Huh from tto toanger to the tomb. W
can meaur Hi U'tim. nam tor H
xvrks atnl ripat all lb- wnU which
have le.-n left on rwi orl. We bmu
familiar w.ib all therint of 1!h life
but we them only through Ito vail
vf His f'eaii
'. tbruti irmitletmi vfmtoi .' UJlit
f ih- iHMHtkif emn.'
All ahnig Hit slatp4i, human nfe.there
nrv cqH'niiig through which Ills ittbait)
sbim. a nft In the cWmmIm bow u
tto onfnlhom.tble star Jeptb. J J 1
revaalot! a ot who can ev-r be oa-veik-I.
W a search tto tmsearcltabl
i-icbf of Cbritt:
' Ufce ?ir s-rwbl dimmm tkat uatnr hv
Wfij uoiJ'r r ate rtM."
llirro is the aaaxt nsiMlia;,: f tto
knc-n and unWnowa ! ta matter o
tto human iife. Wo know the faee. bat
iTt the form; we know we toll to, but
e know not tc.,nt we iduitl to. we e.
but only "in a mirror larhlt." o we
isee tto Rtin ia tto ro' of th talo-
ecope. The tvtiector hu jtlorvos aal
gifei -is n?ai iitwiejgeo' ua, bot
:t is oulv thr fainu-st 1 utmer to tto
Ml iiaeff. Tto wfl u Gotl 4 l
-et.-k U makn n myery tto future,
life. an, mom t'iu ito ti(ewopa i to
fcigned to h.le tto on. Itut tto ub
jevt and (he dintaaen are too treat for
mre fud revelation. 'I1m tloeope f
ratoer at tho ray 4 it eaa. ami make
Ha image arliar'an4 sharp a powatoie
Hut tin- i.a 1 too f-r u9 tttf morm ml'
irate ias'sertoa. Tto koowiedjje we
hae. tfcotigu gemiuw. ii ttot extwoaiea.
What ii r veaied in tiu i real
tot no, eoraplete fcno!d;'e There ki
a attempt U bl ;!j tir from u.
They nb.a ax Height ly aa itoy eaa.
J'utiltvy ar b'hi-M iu tto ditawm.
Ther- iii a a temfH o hide tto olwnal
A-oriU from in. ' itatnre aai vtae
tml dilan-e Ut u'. jerniil a foil twi
loldiag la all 'i-purtmenu of kaowl
etge. we kbcw ooy ia part. Am wa ad
vance ,n ivBowUlj;, it i till oafnr la
art- Xot til! that whh i perifect.
we ahait know a' Io we are karr.
Km itum$rn I A n mm. PA ttl
Xu4t :. w 'Ji mum.
1 iwe Tim. -'-1h 5-nt, net rt
Uniea. bat tm Venwe."
Utile .gfiiries.
In an Kasii'h tow a tfl (""fewer.
J naoot forty eara ao. tto
T.?r iabaettaii by wrctctod
ear ago. there wa a oaar-
r tabxeti: mr w,etetiei women r o
; tmern egrw; a cooraerer wat ao
clergyman of aav aoarmnnatioa woabl
I reo.ure aarg Ao. Jar trow
I .-' brec a ouat:W)iow Udy of aav
: pie oeao and ern peiy. Oaa day.
. -- .y - - .-
j tntsrnuae wooaew wen peoiteai. man
j wbhed to et-mpe. Iroat the-r trrtv, -
tif. nn..i - . k- -. .
I ootiikar that Ih ir peao. wooH
Twuwn; u n.9T nw im tm vrnwa ore-
- xr .1 -. . 1. r . 1
-..-.i.s.. I-i -.-j-l
mtZlfc Tto"
j "Z-.- "ll 1
1 aeBT .. imm f OMW ' wU
ls " aa.B Bjaa i i-in i hhw shx.
-L . . T "--' rr
o '.iftc it trvxk of ue Carit'Ka
t-':ifrmn e rrl a 1 eaa. aad ipr.lify
:ia to -3ra :tor Ktin a tlocoaatM
J Ha? tto nr- araleaS4 "ssoe- the
net un-ii o'ler. wi m threi ntoaths
g'4te-a . 'no-- xrrtctod ereatare
wvee ho '-r tor rwi. a I vi ttoat
to- ali eg-r t rrns. to
Udr owa pruftd phrafo,
To m'l.r' !!- hinrt!
), ;
-- -www
J i
like thee
Mrs. Tea-J
ncnL sad 'J'. ir-? the
o, i
tKe wr'i Loc'.
hich .-ossaa lot women "save been
rescued. o gtI, helpful live.
3!&t o? tiie Inrjrct orphanagcj in
Ciis 'tm;-y bare s'artci in the same.
rannr. He cob.- 4 hnrity called "The
r:fit A.r . r wbicn hundreds
cf thutamts of wvr children bare to-ra
uken a-st of !w rVing. aeltrj Heat of
tec ct o
i eonsrv. lor a cfcanee
ol life sad 11-ilth. gaa with tto tat i
Jf l JM ?tl "' acoaplcof
1 5 P a.
J -Mffc b -r. mk
i tmrrm i r-i aJ xkm fmr 1
Xwm, rey fttrw ; ,.
:lri ad i;h fc - -v.
! $. 'toHb tVt ? tmm tc4 .
iw4. nmi Ito .! ear -
ji . k-s?.wUh '
md U ? p mm- :i
MMf MtofM Of M Mi 13m t
i eaeb
Tto ffM nmmmemmv?
(todiMn to ;.
U tottofi tof4-ib-
to Up rcxtevs u m t w
1 mKni9 kmblm. J Ce
f IMw grm- i
iNM a r
tmet antrum mX atfffct a4t: "
I i a. Mtonr w 9wns4i.
; & rsiu of ltor itoo af
imi m ttok mwtmtlims to
- St
i nki l m.-mmtMm mmn ov - . r-
ioary cvu.
m te t-i
eewey 4v
Tkiutu. W tojnaelrtort tbi
tto ebam4er m Mm ral mm!
! tbiifx appear '
of oopu ac taor Worfcl .'
aa4 aaottr traffjr o j.
ami iragaa mm fi& i4 w
rw-a, ni mmi, p?W tr -
ftprts up Umg tto p'. Mo'
pa4 oav bv Oar.
lttth4o Hu tnwy al I th ,
s m y aci;rwaiija of iieute,t-
la tto auta ul litu tbi a .:
that eotwt ttte aa a wt.-4av
oaelttl amt ftooi BM. ft U r
who watt ia hUoaa m
oiportr.atv to 4toiogUh ti.
as! 4o ihe morkl a f aerv
Molitoh to to tho toaeac
race, lut rat tor Itojwi who r '
mmrwmj oott toir la.y ' .
"woaj( itb titer ailfht wiiat
aaaaaa4to4V Tto am .t
to whom it ' cive I lawn r
ooathaeata U? i aa ae tha; J"-
raea frutn biolatf, to after tt. .
thatailt tto toart l aiaakuat b
gives, ha carh aao ail to paaa earh
of We mi well. o aobir. mm tralv.
tauhtally. ao a.-r la tio4. that ail lo
llftrw ap. ao.1 all tto worhl MMhto
terto aawtt Um mm aotaf. .V. Y
It kaerar a aalaihla? to tff wH
aaeieoe. There are hei4 of
ealtol iloubiAU artbaai wh,eh aoaae ae
cotiat nght. aad wbtah Httor aeroat
wrua)(. bwi while Me j ttotti l4bi
o aeiioo aay to H'rNg e to btoa
Hto awler tbeai ribt. wt 4 ttoai
vmn to Hht to Uttvm w bo oailer itoan
wro Whenever o tolifa mBf
Unm of mte al or ebureh U,V to to tUe-fit'rma-.
or U lotlKtitl wtottor It U
rbht or wrot. tt I wiMaa to h.M, aal
to bee m ribt, to parti' ipota ta that
(oru, antll to U aoavtael that i
jolte innkevut On tto wtor haatL
too hotior r,'rt;e -ftNtNftl m
tioaa Up to torialoae ami prm Ihlt.
bn to fare Um po.bdU taat. aflaf
nil. to mar b.t mWakea; aal t tmmy to
bi tlttty Ui iatoire aether hie cmo
m ience do not aeel U to 4oaatil
ynm' on tto mff9m. t'ooaHeaMMR,
wton ttndUmioate4f by rjrbt laatnto
Won. b aot a very Mtle frai hi avattara
-ither rH right if wroojf. ha' wtoa tt
ita-jueoiy prKiae a part eolar ae
to to wroaif. t W a mmm duly eithtM
to rWrain fntai Um that aet. or. to
fore floina '. to prmre to kin owa aada
tactioa that hhi fcmptatait mtm m
rUihL A man who toffia bv 4ohaf
what a thiak to to wmj. ttow'
her thiak .t t to rifit. 1 prr t'
air to eal to doing wftat to kamt t
to wmfcir- .. f. J i
Ctoan Stlmflaai.
A CbriathMtltr wfttoart mx nmYf I
ae aaphllooophtcol at tt m'.raL
An Jul.
To mn booeet atlaal, tto tot per
f:itaol a plnea ara tto adtasta
it pDoaa aaaa of toaje good. - -(fc'te-.
There b ao anvwaria the ',itfi.o, .
How lar raay I vatre iato tto wort4.
bot by aaottor tpiejitiaa iiow awar eaa
I bra to t.l?- JaV. umU.
'Ito nrioo Debt ewr.ea t
I wwrhl haat year prlatati aaa pwrc--!.
for dietrttoUoo. 1. 1 iA.7a op w t tto
ftcHptarsA. I"al aVna aot tad at
tooeh ihaioot.on in tto aat al ito
chureb. Comr.
- Paroaa boall ao liptaat thm'.t
chifcbva with ttotr go-lly livee thai to
ehikiroa wiil ta a ter vear mf III
Jtori ar bot two l'braia ha tto
trorhl fa&tor h oao aacl atottor la tto
othar. f;Mii WMif.
1 tow of tea In oarehlhtbili I
wc s at tto Trr trie oi our xrm
; U oav epirltaai oa9 wore art a
.i. Wo 14 ,, tto toarea
; mim all lorn 000,1 vrrr m. mm
j u, p jgme ttow 4
j woahl tto ery facte vHfcieb fyw m t
I 4mpmir. H m eowhl ar roa4 mSmjkx.
1 Mn,wa u w.ta rowrawt aa.l bcxmtr.
1 gm &trrck.
I s (v;.,i.w . i.
. eTe i an! waa to earth
i .!? bg?t !''
I ifcefv mrp mff
wiW!aktowrb tto;
rJP" whiehwraaat 1
: . -w- . w.
1 i .. 1 .
t aiLBW-va m. km imw,'"i. mrmnai km. w
jwhirhwraaat torth igmm ttoto.alac
wmmnw tvnm
.. .
1 mnkrH vrmtbiM tsmftmm 4a Nm riakma !
I i-W-
! Of w fc b Ur.
' ttor Ii tawe I
w-ww z ww-wm- ---r-p -mn- mm mm - I I I PWMI O W
batr wloeh eaeaea it.
rail? traa that wtoctor
ttoy !. ttor bra taaw tto bo naal
1 WvhYtbrmi ihV da ttftiA t Ijmi
Tta ralojf f pore atjaW bant
aly areeiaiatL Wtoa U waaal
thoaght -d muI In vto mooH-ai ot
k-aure h.s gr-nt imtoeorw fa tto imm
tloa of eto.-ter. 'Itmtt -wt
ooy m n ww atioate acoet
. , J , .
cPrJ ' taw Uie noar pat to
poring over ooofe-. So of tto direr
and a3Loemtioa5 l tto reaii-n toir
of men of boaa. Take cara oi ito
spare telnet, scAtK.jt.
Ha who dlrvct hb i-f -sroll asIer
stand the Lett sort of grammar. To
5ocAk from tin- heart and tell tin? truth
Is terygeod logic, and will mrvo vety
wH for rhetoric aUo. He who rua up
alooir icoreof rood actioa xucceed.
well la ariihmeuv. tnd tho ruaa wbo
life 4 itarrj with'Yinutti i a iamou
njHrorMTM..r rruiu ? th. Itliul ot euu-
eatioa wkieh all
t -CTerwa
I f
cople ouht to have.
4 1
- 4i
pr - .::
F. - .
y.c :
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