The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 03, 1884, Image 5

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The Red Cloud Chief
FRIDAY, OCT. 3, lS8t.
IJ. 4 31. TIJUK CAHI).
Trains pass Red Cloud
roinrr noef
"'"t -"
No 40, passenger 7 5f p. m.
No 4, passenger Jl m ,,. m.
No 84, accommodation 7 10 a. in.
No G, passenger r( f)0 a. m.
Going west trains pass Bed Cloud as
N ?,, passenger, arrives G 00 a. ni.
No 3(J passenger departs... 8 00 a. in.
No fj, j)assenger, departs... 8 00 p. in.
No si accomodation arrive 11 55 p.m.
Trains .1, 30, 4, ?4. and 40 run daily.
Othyr trains run daily except Sunday.
A heavy- rain on Wednesday.
It V Shikey was in Lincoln last
Mas. McBkim: has gone east after
A.N. Pat.vor has returned home
from Iowa.
J'at. Mu.vsnLgave us a fine banana
musk melon.
Ceo DjW) has bought Yi-iseher's
Louse and lot.
t S- W. Skelkv and family have gone
ie towa to winter.
Rr.MOit has it that the anti-monops
jropofie to start a paper in Bed Cloud.
Wm. FisK has sold his cheese factory
to J. B. Stanser. II r. F. will go to Kan
fas. Jones &. Goijlk, we undersUnd pro
pose to put up a dwelling on their
K. 11. Swnnand W. Sherwood, of
Minden, were visiting friends in the
city Sunday.
W. M. Gee, night operator at the
depot, will go emit for an extended
visit on Sunday, lie will return in
about one mouth.
The Cowles elevator is open for bus-
incss, and the regular market prires
will be paid for grain.
P Barxley received a severe kick
from one of his his horses on Tuesday.
He is consequently limping.
A. D. Bkown and wife, of Kansas,
celebrated their silver wedding on the
2fith. They received many nice pres
ents. J P Bayha, county clerk, and his
estimable wife, returned from Deliver
this week, where they have been sight
feeing. Gicaxt LriiLow has gone to Hebron
(o tork at tho "Art Preservatives of
all Arts" for A. J. Chile, who proposes
to start a paper at that place.
Thehi: will be a dime social al Airs.
J )Aloa Pierce's, on Friday evening. Oct.
3rd. There will be a way provided for
those who would like to ride.
Married. In Ked Cloud, Septem
ber 29th, 1SSI, by Kcv. Geo. 0. Yeiser,
Mr. August Fete, of Webster county,
and Miss Fete, of Nuckolls county.
Jaocb Weaver and Mrs. Sarah li
Dayis were united in wedlock by liev.
Geo. 0. Yeiser, on the 25th of Septem
ber. Both parties wero of Webster
G. M. Yodng, who has served the
Wells, Fargo & Co's. express lor a
number of years has resigned his posi
tion, the work being to tedious for
Gaths it Boiianan have leased the
lot south of It. It. Sherer's drug store
and will erect a two stury meat market,
thereon. This enterprising firm is
bound to succeed.
E. M. Stoeee will sell twenty hives
of bees at public auction on tho 11th
of October. This will bo a good chanco
f for those who desire to slock up with
the best of Italian bees.
O II. Mary att fe Co. will soon move
into the room now occupied by A.
Lindley, and the latter gentleman will
nove into Baum's room. The changes
, rill be beneficial to both gentlemen
from a business point of view.
J. M. Ciiaffik has just returned
rom Indiana where he was in attend
ance at the funeral of his son who was
recently killed by an accident on the
llilway. His son was baggage master
and met hifi death while on duty.
Jake Sellers brought this office a
curiosity in the way of and ear of corn
which had one solid ear and sixteen
prongs all covered with corn. This
freak of nature was procured in Smith
county, Kansas. It is certainly a curi
Wosity. JaMES M. Lockhaet, of Catherton
will sell 5S head of cattle on October
loth. He has 17 feed cattle and 15
milch cows, the balance being heifers
and calves. This will be a good chance
r buyers. Six and twelvemonths
lime will be given.
The other day while A. N. Patnior
was attending a reunion of soldiers in
Iowa, a vote was taken on presidential
preferences. The vote was quietly
taken and resulted as follows; Blame,
lis? fllovpl.and 2: Butler. 1. This
'..ows which way the soldiers will vote
in November.
-lA sea City Eveninq Star, democratic of the
25th inst:
"Just before the republican conven
tion we remarked that if the democrats
wuldn't beat Blaine, the' couldn't
beat anybody. But it begins to look
as if they couldn't beat Janybody."
At the stock sale of Chas. F. Cather
'1 near Catherton, the other day, the
property sold high, returning some
v thing oyer $9000. A little over eight
een months ago Mr. C. went into the
ranch business with $4000cash, and in
that time "has made $5000 over and
above hjlny,estment. 'Jtjnis fact plain
ly show that it pays tolrnn a ranch.
,ceniniy ueen yrosper-
:?s ;
- la -Jr-VZr
C. E. Davis was in Buffalo countv
last week.
I. B. Hampton made us a pleasant
call this week.
L. N. Marti, of the O -leans Senti
nel was a pleasant caller thU week.
Any one having a young Jereey cow
for .alo can And a buyer at this ofli ce
Social at the residence of Mrs. Julia
Warren, October G, under the auspices
of tho W. li. C.
Skating all next week at the rink,
after which the rink will be clewed un
til atcr November 1.
JiEitEwitl be a "pound social" at.
kcv. Geo. Brown's, Monday evening,
Oct. C. All are cordially invited.
Sometime during this month the
Ladie's Aid Society will give an anni
versary supper at Mrs. It- Mitchell's.
A little boy named Zuika v.ih
run over at the south end of town the
other day by a delivciy Tragon and in
jured slightly.
J. N. Davis, brother of C. E. Davis,
Of this city, has bought a farm in
Franklin county. He paid $500 for it
and ha refused $3,000.
T. Ya.v Hoe.v and wife, and Mi??
Clara Dickenon, relatives of F. M. and
W. M. Dickerson, arrived in Uei Cloud
from Iowa Wednesday night.
Mils. M W. Dkkeeso.v, who has
been sick for number of weeks past.
is convalescing. Her many friend i
will be pleased to hear of her final i c
covery. We are pleaded to notice the ap
pointment of Joseph Garber, of Red
Cloud, to the mail service. Joe is a
brother of the ex-governor. (luzette
Juimittl. Tin: managers of the rink are fitting
it up nicely on the interior. The boys
are furnishing our people with a great
deal of amusement and the citizens
appreciate it-
Mi:s. M W Dickerson requests Tun
Chikf to return thanks to the ladies
who have so kindly assisted her in her
recent illness, and especially so to the
ladies of Jtebekah Lodge, I. 0. 0. F.,
who have constantly been with her dur
ing her illness.
"Baby'b jot a bran new tooth," yes
baby Ins a bran new tooth, its tho firt
baby and the first tooth. John was so
elated over the discovery thathejarose
at the dead of night to inform
the neighbors. That baby will not
have to gum it any more. -
The Itod Cloud Quartet will give a
grand bali at the rink to-night, Friday,
October 2. Our people should turn
out and give the young folks compris
ing the quartet a boost. The Chut
hopes they will have a hirgc crowd.
The admission for spectators will be
placed ;t 50 cents.
A. J. Means has just completed his
new barn, 45x35, and has fenced in U0U
acres of pasture. He recent lj bought
eleven cows from James Gilham. Ibis
together x.iili the balance of his stock
puts Andy in good shape. The Chief
is pleased to see the farmers of Web
ster county prosper.
Wm Williams, late of Kearney has
opened a rcstusant in Miller's building
north of ICa ley's store. Tnis makes
eight institutions of that kind in the
city and with the four regular hotels
it would scein that the travelling pub
lic need not go hungry at least as long
a3 their mono' lasts.
It is rumored that the B. & M. have
leased the St. Joe bridge, and will here
after make this their route to Chicago.
This line is among the foremost roads
in the, and by this move will
give Red Clud the usual eastern trav
eling facilities 1 1 13 said that by this
route tho time from Chicago to Denver
is shortened som e five or mx hours.
The Red Cloud creamery under the
careful management of J. H. Smith,
has been a great success. During the
year just past, closing with October 1.
18S4, the creamery has made about 70.
000 pounds of butter, or 35 tons. This
is simply immense, when a person
thinks of 35 tons of butter. The cream
cry is a great benefit to the people.
Success to it.
Our 3eung friend, Frank Scott, of
Amboy, went out hunting the other
day, and run upon a wolf. Frank
with a true spirit of a nimrod whaled
away with both ban els and let the
wolf have a broad side on the wing.
His wolfshrp was a monster and
weighed neirly 100 hundred pound?. It
was Frank's first wolf and he naturally
feels jubilant over it.
The following officers were elected
at the Ked Cloud Philomaihian society
Sept. 29, 1SS4: President, Chas Dow;
First Yice-President, Carre Miner:
Second Yice-President, Katie Eeiglo;
Secretary, Jessie Warren; Treasurer
Henry Ludlow; Critic. Lora ilcBride:
Door-keeper, Willie Brewer. The
next meeting will be on Monday, Oct
13. All arc cordially invited to at
tend. L. C. Micks, of Salem, Kans., recent
ly sold and delivered 4500 bushels of
old shelled corn at Hubbies elevator
in this city. 93 teams came in 'during
five days, and on Monday the caravan
numbered 34 teams. Mr. ML is an ex
tensive farmer, but expects to give up
tilling the soil and devote his time ex
clusively to mercantile pursuits, being
already largely engaged in the latter
Mr. M S Potvin, the veteran con
tractor is in the citv acrain. During
the past three years 3Ir. Potvin has
built fourteen bank buildings in Ne
braska, nis forman, Mr. N M Mainard,
will superintend the erection of the
First National Bank on Webster street
now insj)rocess of erection. Both of
the abof named gentlemen thorougly
underetpid their business and Tire
Cjiiep whes- tbem-'hbnndaat success-.
R It Shcbek lias remodeled hLj barn.
Latest styles of fall hats at Mrs. Mc
Bride's. Have you looked at those fine suits
at the Golden Eagle Clothing store?
A HOC5E and fine rooms for rent.
Apply to Ohicago Lumber yard. S tf
The ladies B. H. M. S. will xneot at
Mrs. Brewer's, Tuesday afternoon, Oct.
Call at Bradbrook's Fourth Avenue
studio and ice the larjje pictures he is
Lost A pair small new scissors.
Finder will p!e;isc return saiuo to Let
son r store.
J II ItEJtsr.EHG bought thirty-five
head of hogs from Mr. Harvey the
other day.
Everybody should see Mrs. Mc
Bnde's new hats, trimmings, etc., be
fore buying.
Woolen shirts and jackets in all
grades and colora at the Golden Eagle
Clothing Store.
Bhadkeook's Fourth Avenue studio
i.s the only gallery in the Valley where
you can get life size pictures made.
Fou Sale. 250 a; ethers, Merino and
Southdown graxie. Address.
9-3.v Tkoxps- K Beos., Oberlin, Kan.
Mius. J G Dopd and daughter, Daisy,
and Mrh Spauogle and son, Horace,
left this week for an extended visit in
You can find everything m men's,
women's and children's shoes of the Selz make at tho Golden
Eagle Clothing store.
W. T. Boheer has one of the finest
cows that we have observed lately. He
got it at a bargain and fcel "nappy oyer
the result. She weighs 1403 pounds.
Aee you in want of an over coat? H
-o, go .o the Golden Fagle, you have a
stock of five hundred to select from,
ranaing in prices from $2.50 to $25.00
Theke will be n Sunday-school con
cert at tho 31 E Church, on Sunday
evening. All are invited. These en
tertainments are always vc'y inter
esting. Do not forget to get a chan ce in prize
drawing by buying goods at the Gol
den Eagle Clothing Store. Every pur
chaser will also be given a good yard
stick free of charge.
F M Hamaeeu will cry G A Winton's
sale of stock and E M Storer's sale of
bees. Mr Winton's sale will take
place on the ith of October, and Mr
Stoier's on the 11th.
Bi'hliess is booming in Ked Cloud,
and the fall trade is picking up lively.
iv.ery one of our merchants have
heavy stocks on hand and the people
will get the advantage of low prices.
I am now prepared to copy ami en
large from tintypes, photographs, and
cards, to life size. All having pictures
to enlarge call at Bradbrok's copying
and enlarging Fourth A venue studio.
Woolen' socks from 15 cents a pair
upwards, Scarlet underwear 75 cents
upwards, white and colored from-25
cents and upwards at the square deal
ing one price Golden Eagle Clottbing
S 0. Bakei: wishes to announce
that he has adopted his old method of
raising.bnuses ami putting foundations
under them at the time. By this
means it saves the Usual straining on
the building. S-2w.
C. C. Coon and wife have gone to
New York state on a vis-it. It has
been sixteen years since this aged
couple have visited the scones of far
mer year.-, and The Chief hopes they
will sojourn pleasantly among their
The new sidewalk north on Webster
Street and '.vest on Sixth Avenue to
the M. E. Church is now being built.
The walk will be continued up Seward
street to Judge Wilcox's re-ulence.
Several other walks are being contem
plated in the near future.
Our worthy friend, Captian Munsell.
cinnot swallow the dish of crow which
has been fixed up in this state by Ben
Butler and the anti-monops. and there
fore proposes to vote for tho republi
can ticket. Many more of tho breth
ren, who believe in fighting for prin
ciple instead of office," will be found
against the fusion of their party with
tho democrats in November.
The B. M. have been making quite
extensive changes at the depot. In the
future F. A. Durric will look after the
freight department, Mr. Kinzie comes,
to the front as express agent while A.
J. Welch in addition toThis duties as
"brass pounder" will preside at the
ticket case. The company have dis
pensed with the services of a message
boy and the baggageman has been in
structed to perform the arduous duties
of that position.
The anti-monops and democrats
have fused with one exception. We
have nothing to say against their can
didates, for all are good men, but we
hope that the republicans will not be
standing around with empty lamps on
election duy. These combination par
ties should be squelched. The Chief
is down on monopolies of all kinds but
believes the republican party is equal
to the emergency every time." At least
wc cannot seo by wha't mode the anti
monops propose to crush monopolies
by fusing with the democracy.
Ik a little over four weeks the presi
dental election will take place. This
will be one of the most important elec
trons for many years, and every repub
lican should lcok well to the party's
welfare. It is important that republi
cans stick closely to their candidates
and not allow themselves to De drawn
away by personal motives or prejudices
into voting for some man who has no
claim upon them as a republican. The
nominations made by the republicans
for president down to the lowest oftice
in the county are good enough for anv
man to vote for. Let our watchward
be victory and thereby scoop the
whole outfit opposed to the republican
Me. Dixy has repaired in the lat
few days, oyer 40 parasols and nmi
Bellas. If you want repairingin that
line, call op him: $f-tfl
YmI? Eecsssij-.
V,"e cannoi fee whit advantages peo
ple can gain by sending out of the city
for merchandise that can be procured
at home. It teems to be a fnlse econo
my. People that live in Wobtr
county, and hare thoir interest a;
suke here. hmld be patronized in
preference to foreign concerns. A
good motto for people to jjo on wwiM
be "patrcmije homo at al! time,''
Money spent outttde of the county
docs not enrich it people bo: goes
towards building up some other coun
ty. It Is often the cae that people
will eend away from hoinu to buy some
article that could be procured in Red
Cloud, ju-it because it could be secured
a little cheaper. Sometimes merchants
will do the same thing. If people in j
Wetater county would go to come
other countv
and buy their good it
would make the merchant a poor
mtn and rice xtrtn. The farmer snd
merchant depend on each other for a
lifingand should patmniz: home at
all times. We venture to remark that
Ked Cloud merchants sell goods aj
low as they can be purchased in any
city. In order to make a town grow
and become an important city, every
citizen fchould be willing to lead
all his influence towar Is helping i;
aioog, and we will venture to ?.ty that
iMere are few towns that come up to
Red Cloud in this one particular point
where the people are working for the
final sueceso of the city. Tni fivvt
The Chilk is glad to note. "Home
first and the world afterwards." is a
good motto and leads tosucceaS when
cioiC-W adhered to.
AHti-.Mtmoi' Convention
Pchsl'ant to call the Float Repre
sentative convention met on Saturday,
September 27th, at I o'clock, p. m., in
Red Cloud called to order by K. N.
RichanUon, Thomas Kiity, of Frank
lin was ennnen tcmjiOnry chairman
F. N. Richardson temporary eccretary
on motion of J. 11. Dawson, tho tem
porary organization was made perma
nent a committee on credentials was
appointed as folio w-i:
J. 11. Davihon, D. S. Helvern, F.
Houchin. Tho committeo retorted
the following named persons entitled
to seats in the convention.
P. C. Hubbell, F. Houchin, Ed. Mct
calf. L. D. Oatman, M. D. MoKiney,
I). S. Helvern, F. N. Richardson, Tho.s.
Geo. Gilbert, M. W. Bly, C. Allen, H.
Bemley, John Bear, J. 11. Davison, B.
F. Lake.
On mot'on to proceed to the nomina
,f a ca.i iidate for Float representative,
John W. Deary, of Franklin county,
was placed m nomination and declared
tho unanimous choice of the conven
tion. On motion the following named
persons were chosen a district central
committee. D S Helvern and Thomas
Yaughn. of Web-ter county. It. Blum,
of Franklin county. After a few rous
ing speeches by J. H. Davison and J
L. Cook candidates for senator, the
convention adjourned.
Thomas Kirtley, chairman,
F. N. KiCHAKDiox, secretary.
The following is the report of the
Red Cloud schools for the month of
I : r:2.'r -- ;t
Teachers. I r-k'f- 1 I's
H'-rtha Owen... IVf-ot., -n -17; 4 !j
m.i I'limam...!ry.- ?2 7? irj. .87 n.u
Mirt Hrvvrr... Vl I'rv. U- 42- .15 .'o 23,7
.Miss Wijollev. . ist'lnt- w: K', 4s ,i l 5
.Ma-I.tmllj.... 2.1 Il: :3. r-'" 47 JU0 0 17,
E:iJ. Kui... If. . C1 .V. SO .K5 .TJ2I
On this roll will be found the names
of those pupils who nave been neither
absent nor tardy, and whoso scholar
ship and deportment are 95 or above
in a scale of 100.
Depot School. Clco Kidil, Mary
Kidd. Carl Rudd, Arvilla Rudd, Jennio
t. Primary Myrtle Kaley. Gertie
Kalev, Harry Letsnn, Edward Cook.
2nd. Primarv Alieo Itemsbcrg, An
na Prnskvc. Bertha Brown.
1st Intermediate Lillio Casm Car
rie Kidd. Alfaretu Ayer, Pearl Skecn,
Loui-e Moore.
2nd. Intermediate Ida Kidd, Nellie
West, James Kidd, Kyd Clutter, Mack
High School Carrie Miner, Hugh
Miner, Elta Rem?berg.
0. 1 j. EmUGii, Princioal.
The Old Story From the Riverton
Enircprizswo learn of r. terrible acci
which occured at that place about 11,
o'clock last Friday morning. It seems
that Max Fromuth had a self cocking
revolver that he supposed to be empty.
In fact, others bear him out in saving
that it contained no cartridge the af
ter roon before. He was fulling and
revolving and snapping the the deadly
weapon, all the while talking and jok
ing with those in the room when all
were astounded to hear the deafening
report, and to see W. A. Butter the bar
ber of that place, fall to the floor. Fp
on examination it was found that the
shot had taken effect in his left arm
near the shoulder passing through and
entering the body inflicting a verv Fe
rious wound. The careless and indis
criminate handling of firearms loaded
or unloa ded cannot be too seriously
Take Notice.
As I am about to close 'ray business
in Bed Cloud at once, I wish all par
ties indebted to me to come as soon as
possible and settle their accounts.
And all persons to whom I am indebt
ed will be paid by me upon presenting
their bills. By complying with this re
quest I will be greatlv obliged.
5tf " L.
Seek No Frtaer
It is said- an old philosopher sought
an honest man with a lighted lantern,
and humanity ha3 been seeking for an
honest medicine by 4he light of knowl
edge. It has atlastfonnd Dr. Jones
Bed Clover Tonic which cnxea all
diseases of the blood, removes pixnnle
and acts piompthy on the urinary JKr
gana. Only 50s bo!s to be fcaJat
A, -Untuej,!,
On Tulay, September;?, Hi. tU j
democrats of tb 41; refM,ttiU.tiT !
dltrirt tnct
ill to cail.
at the xjri-keM pwa -
Aftrthrui prdiwit,.
Kjvnj, w """ww w - tvp-
seautire. A:r a
rvmaris ikt
convention ijoineii.
sAToaui. cosvarriOkV.
cmTettim for tbe 231 diuict cw
cd, sad dominated ?. IjfMt far iwt&tor
after which '.ho
ivas heUl ami F. X. Itichaniuni v t
nominated I r reprvin(aiirc fjc 9QUt
district, and Mr. I;iaV fiK-o&QtmHioKi-er
1st dtinricL Tiiee noailnti'jon are
the same as nominated by the aail-
monops on Saturday. A goodly ncun-
ber of aniimonop anl demoomU ytrt
pnsent and were qnite eniJtaiiwt:e.
'Flic meeting was !mr:caiou4 in ertrr
A I'KGPOfciTio.v is abotit to be made
to iho popio of ilid oowmy, lr which
they Kill !e raHed upon to row ftr 1
roor hoe. The coonlr tK
owpa r. farm, and aUhos to impne it. j
a.d make
permanent I mUmi
o-.ntin orar ij Ue.c&it Ot IJS1
... . .
countr witr4s
i '
1' m iniikAv
manner. Tfiis, th
county nhouid do.
and tho voters should all be in favor of
it. The cost whi!U uci b ittueb; in
fact, it would not laVt near as much to
Iku'hI the structure and Veep the poor
tin n 33 it d note. The idea u a
goad one, and we should Uk to amend
the prujHfcrttio'i by nucleating ibat n
jil hou!d ako be built. There are
many time that we need a baatih.
When tho proposition ie presented let
the pcopio vote for it.
List of grand and jelit juror dran
for the Oclobr-r 211 !rni, 1881, f!ilrict
court, in and for Weiter oooatr, lmb.
oitAjrn Jt'RY.
William (.bites Joel T Martin,
D.ivid T Chanoo,
W J Hairs'. D .Medium.
William (iti v. 'if
n aVij;
tl Watt,
Wm Leww,
.John Rcronzcn,
J Arnsberger,
A C) Walker.
W 11 Barcus,
J 11 Funimn,
(f S Miller,
S Vin Doren,
J W W ration,
Jhn Galbreath,
Xclfon ('one,
Jolin Dunbar,
John Kellogg,
CJ E Oatman,
S W Fulton,
M a Ballard,
J W Xorris,
John W .Marker,
(?uri-i Xelson,
P, H Crow.
Luther Hilton,
!L-nry liilham,
S Croxton.
William Divon,
Alcctue Rilev,
F X Richard-ion,
Charles II Harbor,
It B Fulton,
M Fisher.
Ed. ward Paries.
Ankivf.iwauy. On Saturday even
ing Sept. 27th ltSi a number of the
triends and neighbors cf Mr. anI .Mrs.
(.I- Vi. Francis with baskets well i
with goo.l thiugs, dropped in and took
them by suipri-w, the occasion beiuc
the r.Oth anniversary of their marriage.
The company look possession and after
a season of social intercourse, the tables
were spread and loaded with the good
things tho basket! contained, to wtiich
all did ample justice. The marriage
cert mouy waa performed by C. 1C. Put
nam, J. P., and the presents were dw
tributed by E. S. Reed, they being
numerous and useful. At rather a late
hour the company dispersed, wishing
the host and hostess mauv returns.
A New Fikm. O. M. Young and C B
Hosford, well-known gentlemon of this
citv have formed a co partnership and
will engage in the poultry and produce
business. Mr. Hosford has had consid-
eiable experience anl the firm pro
pose to engage in the business for all
its worth. They will pay pecial at
tention to raising fine chickeno, i:id
will make Plymouthrock a speciality.
Ibis species of chickeus are the most
hardy ard profitable of any raised.
They will put in incubators and build j
pards in some convenient location
Thf. Ciiisf wisheifthe new firm succeae
In another column will be found their
.-. - -
Sheep for Sale.
A limited i.umbcr, (I0t0 bead) of
.Spani.-n Merino ewos, for sale. Two
and three year old. These sheep ware
raised by us in Webster county; are
free from any disease, and are ::: ex
cellent breeding condition. Will
shea: nine pounds. ALo a few Wis
consin and Vermont rcistured Meri
no rs ms for j-aie. Prices low, A -are
chance to star; a feeding flock.
Codmjuv A WiiiTKnv,
0-4w Guide Rock, 'eb.
1 .1.. 1 --
For Sale A good bit;
Inquire at Fred Petersen's.
-.-.-- i 1
New goods and new styles of milli
nery, at Mrs. McBride's.
i. m
For Sale. 25 thorough-bred iler
ino rams, three miles north of Cowles,
S-tf H. J. SKELDO.v.Cowles, Neb.
For sale ! sale !! sale !!! The Valley
House and furniture. B. Losslng, Red
Tor Sale.
For the next 20 days, S00Q merino
ewes and lambs, 100 full blood and
high grade rams, two miles south of
Nelson. L. L. Cornell. Nelson: Neb.
M!rs. G. S. Tayloi is prepared to do
all kinds of dressmaking on short uo
tice, and at reasonable rates. One
door cast Commercial house. 52tf
700 Good Dgrliaaw for Sale,
reedinj: steers held a: Siratton sta
tion, about 7C0 good Durham for sale,
circle brand, cattle formerlv owned bv
W.J. Address, "L. Wiikes,
postofSce box R.t Denver .Celorado.
Ip you want a square meal, as fruit,
vegetables, etc, of any kind you should
call on A. Cummingr, ono door sooth
JTfSlicrersdrairstore. He Jteepss the
tbest of everything at reasonable prices
1 MTrl, T ort,
I' !j -JJ f lt ,
-...vvw mmj. vw.
l irUMfT tti
im mm 9ftmml to
f i,mjl"Tl9l'S2 ff iS5
TW Sniil cWi OfVttt
if to
C. fetor Wm to fhm Jk&m
cbtn mt ht ta4.
C M llrown m Nwy riffiaf Bph
A hcari f m -wK f aiVaMt
is,Tt mtii M? srr "
it i stow tii cauugmiem a Wm ?
tot Twpt lh . ,-.
u jfwr i ; caai ml u 4 rtx.
Lrmt Htetr5fk.s.
ThtwarroOfy wtlf mi ttt t
few r , kt nprw ! i e.m ni.-. .
1 f .t! Ju,w m f J ;x
rmd 1 ir h ma . i. t W tt o U of
f. :M Atil lh -rfkntJ- anrtc
i ... 3lr k-i l. t .
"-- - ' ...- ..-.
c u-r.,o( l.wtlab. UiWwltrf
I -. .
,e i'.:ttmnx:i usa im i eleu
j !e?-l !eSc, S:hji rl i, Wt tur-
Uy. H.:.-h reMs'tl m a .n rf 6 u
1 1 fi kf,r of thi ?bo?wuM '.! mt.
MHa4 Htt (tHm W 1 1 iv lih
Mx. l.iAr ts an ol I and iv; xmd
rer'nli ,tV.f the looimunuy. :! btf
bircM edtjoaham! lj the ryn.::a:hf
al!. JVt.
iMfcr . . . .. . A
sj:p.wirr i.tcs.
A. BaOrr wih start to fow In a fon j
.... .
j v. Th'Vne m hikTrng a n Kr, j
The imU :ini are fetit2 a nw
bouac t Vfetti fur He. Brn j
Lottio ;hon j tewchiu i.ltl at j
Ow 8im rho..; Jiouso.
Xelaor. lUrtleU h bnEMir w j
bara. J.h KahfiMl:trr au.l J 'urf J
art doiij: f!.e r. piter wl. J
ilalf.TituJrrf Au.t Vk'rg . I
bfin rl!t-d. By the wy, we vmiishI
.-lunt Bel J 4 TTwk. by tim tack !v.
It y a common ner vii a
mult; by t!e aok iHr. btti ihtt titum
we co iUI noi get in tH4erwi.
M rrir I 'Ji II innie Ikavmt to
Mr. l. iTonrv. of Kaoani.
Mra. Mctcaif retttrned Ibb evei9K
m 1 vu-tt with bar partota. in ikixr
Cak. Katie.
Ti1n Weill boya have ordrel tHutr
iualruM3iiUfc for Ue band. Tiy ?
they v.U fdniMh good mmt Iff trtt
4th of July. kcf!C.
Haying i suti the order o the day.
aid no doubt wRI etmtititir) onti! Jafe
Frwt hl adieu to gruan gran aml4
J ytKUkhlOO.
The uuphirg Mb.Mil a'l dne.
Lynmn Btou baa jtnl gimm tVnrn tkl
faloCreek ami up Biat Crevk sad
threshed out orpftlbing thai wae in
condition to thrc-b.
Tlie cum m natured
anil will I ni fit i" crib hi two wwk. f
ant a iHStter (jusiuy nod quantity ha
not U-en tctu in tbcee paru
PoL:too are now ready t Ym reenr
roctinl. A griat many comulain of
thctr pcUte rotting bnd!y. The emp
is not o gxrl .1 wa anticipated some
time :-r.
The b.ijtk.t meeting at H. 11. Himow
grove hwt Snndxr wmi n gru-nd u tehees.
Rev Pugh, of Ifatrfield. 'eb. prfcbei
an exeeltent f-crmon in tho forenooo,
xttd Rev. Hooper, of KjuiaaK, treacbed
in the ttfi'-rnoon. Fine wnth if ail a
gfol attendance made everything go
uiX in the best of order. U. (J. 0.
Never ince the comitrr xna fiwst.
settle! ba! there ben ao much sicVneee
in ihi vicinity m t thf present timm.
Mr-; J I .Smith has ben jiite iick for
the lwt wek. Two of J D Campbell'"
children are down with fever, if O
W Knx was very much under the I
weather Kt weSr. but i about ajptiri.
John j ox hJMt tee miitttune lo ftrni
bin foot in the wheels of a mowing n.
chine, thereby loosing lbs greater part
ofone big Inf.
Milton Richardson is impmrinfc tmty
nicoiy and able to ret nut a little.
Chris Hansen will cultivate hit
farm next year, having bought a team
for that purpose, and bis tenant Mr.
John WiUon will move on the 3fl
acre.- of 'and he recently pttrcbanad
of WJ Harris.
Another wild cat wae aeon in the lo
cality of Huks. lr.t Siiurday nigbt, but
uufortunatuly made it escape.
Corn i maturing in flnc condiiioa.
Some of our Urmmn think ii will do vo
crib in a week or two. Broom corn
harvest just ccatpiotod in Ood order
Now for the bnyL-re. Scan ixsz.
Jam? Armelstead, iivfn near Cora.
KrtitfAi, painte hociaca, and ronseqnwav
y is much of hh time away from
home. Children cniltirjtxe the larsn,
feed the j ig. milk and lariat the cows
and tie stakes are driven with too Jew
or too I:bi Ftrokes, oowv get loose. o
into corn, takes an over uWr. lSe
nrooor rewedr is arfli! too late or
never, itesnit. cow ineu on DUtisvr 1
-. .- .. . 1
morning, a good S. B. rpL and at
lewt one good ten char urm kejt awy
from Sabbath schooL Leo, btnai
your cows yourself, or e thai it i?
done rsehL Give yocr cows resubuly
trice a dav all the" ocm thev can bez.
and thus avoid such nccuiemta snd bo
well paid by za alandnnce of rteh
mi?? Vrt nr.nnt .t,r rtr -
,..j .w.x. ow. n.m .r-
cheap com in any other way that will
- w - frT r r rw
nav mjj well as to feed I to rood milch
rood much
o-iws. J. his evonr dirvman i-riftnt
ows. This evcrv dairvman kno
i.tir ln vw? v t rtxH o-M
late after the scodtjflk I
On account or a Sundav ?caOc4 oec-i
nic one week ago kst fandUr, ftmr
Sunday schools on the socib ! wi?re
w:poned. J it edifying xo hold a i
5 ii evinying 10 aokl a f -7"-y. ., w ri --ordTedav?'
Do( it as-1 ? "" Jfte T amtwgb
ice forth Sabbalh. or porffwer of bfjdiwaysi oT tstch-rvai!
picnic on tae Jurd
crease reverence
conrtibutc to ssiritoa&r for thcCct
people to travel ten or 5fteen jnlles
friucliaiirpcsc? Which, i Uke3r 1
to do the most good, four Sscc&Jrl
schools or a Sunday pJccit? TSca
cusiuunj are 'oncicniionsiv sntimiui
ted to a candid chrisjBn commnnity.
L. Uosencrans b, jmt uufcedfti
wceita thresair.g. c? ' f
Wanted, a s.HxIewkf r.cne other.!
need apply. 3ir. OmBcedr be reo: I,
edhkiarrn. Ho says he vwwt aockd
nu own stub any longer. WJjo wantj
gocxKboarder or an cxcelkmt b-j
Tr. Tftt l! n!r ..-; I
?C t7 frfii,
ctftixK jca
l1 imMf M a kaI r-ltt tfwie -- 1
; , 'mIwMM 9
iwwMi ft4nil
- ft -ttirt m t&m
HI M && ClMtk
! imi Mt MuUxAt jum wt mms
mtlsJi mmm, r tidi eampMl
tm-i W4alf hm mmtmi 4
m mSi HRh mi Mutt Uk 4pIM
mtr tf ml at Uife IS w UChr
afM wilt tUr m U Kc 9w nft1
Tu r KJni t A- f ws
tmiu$ M Ami hm am in(
mn m it m V 4 mi fmmm
"J '" frw Wt m im 04
tk !, a . it . kmbma
1 efc-j u ,1.1 h t il -4 mgmtumt
uoi. fwni
m i,,, H, m n Jmt
ImmI c-r!in$ n.4
u,, r,
, t .,1, y ,1 -
l w : i 1W
j ... m4 Tk,, ... .u. -4 - -'-
ftiiLtti ii L. Kwalj
jp pniff -mm w wrmm "" wmw "Mr mmw
? aOfx tlj
Tt - "kt Un(f prmitm hmf'li
irr; cfr4 k m& mAf wldfft
I td it a i.- h4 by . w
j kr Um I mmn ftiHl mpkm&mi mmif
aa h rMw. Jl t pmm H tlk
tr. i.ill tr th mmmm mt i
I rmuvn t Um m rmmm 04
j cfttt tjt th tjptm wmmmmikmt
j ia Our h$&t of iK c!lt " tmmdtf
hmb tfw. , o,tf jMriNo fc
l'11 v t-a4 a! Mwchp
t iti r4ifa vmp m U u
ilw uit.
WUu Uh !. of tH U4 feeat
u:li: we mwrn tmtf fttJ mmmm$
,w ,;,! coa Mr. Wat: 1tt trtm
itttHihm la m rlvUn mk
J, 1 J, $fAAm
utvlruj tiwtm are iut a imaa.
!rr trf ?dJW bmm tit0Mt mm
Mr. M.,re (trnn Atmim, ImJkm U
Uiuns ber brtJtbet mir v. m, HiRv.
iu vu a ami. tvi, mi
Ikiard iikH f nraAt 4ouraii(V
J L. iHnitb. .J. U 3iinV. Jmhm Mf
Calloei, eoiiuiy couMiUaaiur4, i. 1
Kay ha, eWiu.
t u ky krk iiiMnaeied hf Ibe bnawt
tfiBottfy tuvJutte Mrm Ijwnibm?
emofMty ytat alUr eiamifteam mt
th ir r mm pimmnm& ad liUd. afwl
ihtt ujbH itmud Mi Iwmrt etaiMe
f.rt lite r.u rouUfiel tcy imi 1km
warrants be befi bMAva t Msett
i'tiouM at Ut p up a)! vimi mm!
Ibcrt'torv tvtm-l tbett faeen "fais.
AppJoiiOii Un ! MrirtasJeii lej
JrnibMi Vam. U II H 0 . IM, Umk
and protMrakd.
A te4ttHt &r mm eiywwprUli my
Jrtm Zbo, O H li $1, ftted mm!
Btjard ordered tbt an
of twmtjr drUfate c an Moth thetenf w
may be nirr is
tmrchae Bwueriai lo mtdM nil rtmrms fo
KD.V 13 u liepesd wmmn ml9ffi
am rO'npleel.
IIiMrtt CMiered tbat ast afpnruuiexi
of thirty iolta? or so mtth ttwcf mn
may be ne5Krr m barrby MH4f to
jtttr'nA9 mattnal to boiki two lievrtt
o ifeavr branch, uiw beiNeM ape
uont 12 and I3J and mie betveeti je
tion MmkII.I in T. 'J. li. 9 U hi
H D -No. ai, Vrttrr 4KMmi to) pkl
whn cmttei.
C1'-rk iimUrnHsl to notify ofbifr
blsbwr rvi 4iJtrtrta X. 36 wU fg
to eure lefrre the bairtl and ftspfefei
mm fully the apiicaiiew rtfed JW-
prialkNt Utr bride' before Mf nmmm
can be taken.
Thr foDmwmx Hi m wm mmSkml ami
!2oed and a warrant rerd ta brf
drawn on th? CMunr 'ud fnd to Ijey
" f,M'
U.t. I'roiwlfit, brkkw aaalarixt toe
ft 1) No. 19, fSI t0.
Th tAmn$ dmmvm we mnil
and tdUmmd and waraatte oftlefi 10
I le draw a on ouinty contrsl ftliwi m
I p th aante.
11 M Xr&k. 4r$, aAmkwmm
1 ..! ien. . . ... ,.,..Jm$ Ut
M r&ir4. riM 11 !!! , . i
Mw4 , tetMw a iNtffc .
1- ""rr 'r t 1 t -j 1 Imr Wiaws tm
MKWi ViiM, B
.Ikknnaa. - rf a&i
A N. itafisesC - mm
Obnixm. - :
f taint afeiate acdoet WiNMK aeww
ty fmt tudn mMsn nl hepswsJ &
tb innn at Un oin, Sm $mfm mmtl
Mary Brown. 7S n6 rsMted immI or
dr.l by Wmrd Umm. tlM jumammm tat
nrV.f-l u tb te iwry of tajnm esr fmx
net for 1W.
refMir on tbe tlnkin nrba jrcatt
and afnroe! i d iattn0 naawri
Clrit ordered by board w m Ufy
Jacob Curry, if Attakm. 'iJlniS. ttwU
the arrnnt of ht pgttuhnM prfer
ly ftjutvl ta PoU'bwn srwemet. n c
bad U omiUri by t9 mmrH H
bo n!c-l cm the Is fiat w HK
Bynl ordered clerlr W ntaew ibe .
f .... -. -.
'". lnw protmtf XJmm
1 )'-
of Aiarora. 1 Shoot, wfaaefe bfol
t. , Umttd in iV4daa piwt. b$r tlJo'
af. !t .uid been ossttfed by kew,
en tSe iaX Swt U imi,
T? i4 for butkrinit ii wr
and repairing (be Owiit 9 liek Wt
aerw Uwe Hepnbliaacr mw t0wS '
Itoci., wbicb bsi been ilied and pr-
..,.. . : - ; " - -.
w0 J " ivi;.fd aswl
IfOO OWBtany IIW.J. IIobsMl. St-
i e - . L
. aa u .a. iiaefer, Arr,tftfh
!' " wpw J iw ooam c'M
-,w-' wpw y ioe ooar c!
"" w w. ww
1 j, were n5 tesen cp and
anr cite foc-ofiuon the coniract
J " w -s- '3$yt of Arsta-
M C? ' .
. ot sti piuto& and
Jlpprw &" ?0?alio.tes for
" ww. , ora rpw im
Uislri T e proper penww
w uw v ae iC3o Ol iM r5ul
ard sdjoured to Oeobc,&. 1S3J-.
- ,
T n J. z. Sxiiti, ebamasux.
Srj foryoor mil'
merr, d r -
" '
wtafcr Yij
- '
Cnrt .
n&4ml St m
a- mm mv ji;
- H.
- '-- V K -" f J
ir- Jt'-:
i '
-' Tr w vvww
r-"' fceC?J- A
ft 32Zr
2r- .i.i""XTji
- ,s?i
Z.z ' ,
'r-ifjl ,
-.J .
fe '
Uft5' -J-llJ$:?a5s- X ft.
"" .V " . ' . rl. ' !- V!.-JSi t.-9' 4
55ras '.
J.- .' ',
-f. ': -5
- -.Ts
-?s t vftssjssrvr'-ME?