The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 03, 1884, Image 3

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i li.On ii i i iiTiTwaii!
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j. . . j gi rMt tr' llwiB" li lfcrMaJsMMABIu33vaaaN&iiWaeaM
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A. 0. HQSME3, PnWislBr.
AxiCinr of " Doctor Thornr." " Framlu Pnnon
wjc," "In he ruptnjoy?' " J'iitunn linn.
Uic Jtctalr." " The Wuntrti."
" JL'arcliailcr Toircre," J-Jtc. K'.c
CII A VTTAl XV 1 1 .-Cor.Ti.vnr.n.
"The 1st fef August." .s:iil Ir. Hhifco,
is :i:i niispU'ioii" day. I am sure there
is sunc reason for regarding ;l as :iu
spicioiiF, though f ::m noL exactly ic
nteinber what. It is something about
Augustus. I think.'
"I never heard of such an idea to
come from a clergy man of the Church
ol hnrla:,d, said the bride. "I de-
clan- Montagu never seems to think
It will he better for him, said Mr.
WhUtb'Miu", "and for ail those about
him, that ! should ever remember the j
lacl and never eem to lo so.
act uijii never ecm to Io so.
"All the same. said lilake, "al-
hough the 1st of Anoint is :iu-iifios.
1 was very anxious to be married in f jl: but von have nev.-r left me for a
July, only the painters .said they ' Mngi,. WJ,tsj -c yotJ Hr-.t brotiirht me
couldn I be done wi'li the house in x0 live here."
!hn-. One is obliged to go by what I -AmUo'u have nr-ver been away.'
these rort of people -ay and do. We're) () ,1f)! whv should I go axtav?
to ha-.e a montirs honeymoon only , What business can a woman have "to
just a month, because Mr. l.ou lad won't 'move from home, e-nccially such a
make himself as a'eeable as he ought ' woman as I am."
to do about t lie services: and Newface, j Vou are jiVt like Mrs. liaggett.
the pi. mbcran 1 gla.ler, -as iie can't ' She alvav? talks of women withsu
iihvc the hnu-,c done as KiHtic would jm-me eontemnt. And vet she is just
lifceiolhein it Le.ore the nd of Au- . as proud of herself as the nueen when
irust. Vi'herc do ou think we're roinir v.. u. i-r,t,t,,.Vu-i her'
Lav.Tie? You would never
. C3
p -'
"Perhaps to Home,1 said Man at a
s.ioi. j :uuj :uided: Or perhaps the dav mav
"Xot i.iu0 so far We're going to never conic. Never m. ml. Put'up mv
the Isie of Wight. Its rath-- lemark- ' ibings for one week." At anv ra'e I
able I nrwr pent but one week in . chuU ot be alioe a wed: gone." Tlicti
the !st. of , ighj snee I was eor.1. We ' she leit him. and went awnj to his room
haven't onitemaile up t-.v :nind wheth- to do uhat w:n nectary,
or it's to be Hhvk ;:ing ("bine or Vent- j she knew the bu-dnens on which he
nor. 3ts a m 'tier of drcsc. you w." ! ww alM)Ut to travel to London -ts well
Dirt be a fool. Montagu, "Mt;d. Miss ' as though h.$ had dieussed with her
Forre-lfr. the whole aflair. In the cotttse of the
-Well, it K 1 v. i.eeide upon Vent- htt two or three davo t!ere had been
noi. she must hatefrojks and thiugs to momen's in winch sdic h:ul declared t
come out with." , berxelf tint he cruel. There had
"f Mii)usi so,"' saitl Mr. Whitlle-UtlT. , been momenls in whh she had laiut-d
I5i.t h.'U want nothing of the kind aJmoit v.:th sorrow when shu tiiou-i'nt
at I5!a"k (iat.g. ' , f thc lire which iaH had in store for
"Do hold your tongue, ami not make her. There mu-L lie endless mi-cry.
an :ivj of yoursif. v bat do you kno.r j while there hae been joy, m
what dreNS j shall wan'.? As it is. 1 ec-talic in it nature as to make itseem
don't think ! sha.l no est er to the one ' to her to be perennial. Th-n she had
phi -e or the other. The Smiths are at almost fall mi. and declared hi.n to ne
Ivyl. and the lirls are my reat ' prelernaturally cruel. Hut the-e mo
f new Is. i think well go to :'wk alter ments had b-n hrt, and had endured
aiL" ' only while s!ie had allowed herself to
i"m so sorrv. Mr. Whittlestafi, that ' !ream of the e.Matie jov, hic!i she
we can't xpeet the leaMire of .-eeing j confc-ed to her-e:t to be an eon
you at our wediling. U is. of courst" j liton )f lile for her. And then she
imperative that K tth: should be mar
ried in the cathedral. Her father
one ot the d "Hilar , and
liear not to put his I est foot
on -neli an o. eaMon. The l
could not
in will be
there, ot coii!e. I'm afraid the Hishop i voul I lie lot in amaement :.s she
cannot come up from larnham, be- j thought of herself and all her vaeilla
caiiMj he will have friends with him. I . tions.
am afraid John (iordon will have gone She now was resolved to take hi-s
bv that fiiiM, or cbe we certainlv would ! pur, and to light hi-, battle to the end.
have had him down. 1 should like John I When he had told her tint he was go
("ordon to bo present, because ho would ! hue P t London, and going up on
see how the kind of thing is done.' J business a-, to which iie could tell her
The name of John Cordon al once ; nothing, she knew th t it behooved her
silenced all the matrimonial chit-chat j " prevent him from taking the journey,
which was going on among them. It John Cordon should be allowed to go
was manifest both to Mr. WhittlestalVi in quest of hi diamonds, and 3Ir.
and to Marv that it had 1 een lugaed in j Whittlesta.i' should be persuaded not to
AV-ihout. aeituve. io eirible M. Hlake to ! interfire with him. It was for her
talk about the ab-ent man. "It would
have I ecu plea-ant: eh. Kattie?''
We should have beiMi cry glad to
Fee Mr. Cordon if it w.mhl have suited
him to come,1' said Miss Forrester.
"It would have I cm jut the thing
for h'm and we at Oxford together,
and everything. Don't yon th nk he.
would have liked to bj there? It
would have put him in mind of other
things, you know '
I o this anneal there was no answer
made. Il was impossible that lary
1 ...1 1 i..-.. . .. ... . ... ...11. ..1 1..1...
suom 1 oriii- niMeu m iuik hooiu .im , rtu!onl l'ark. .lohn (iordon went up to
Cordon in mixed company. Ami the .,. He has In-en much moved li
allus-icMi to him stirred Mr. V.hiltleslan's ,iI(. i:,tiniation made to him bv .Mr.
wrath. Of coiir-e it was understood as j Whil!e-talV tiiat some letter should be
having been spoken in alary lavor. 1 written to him at his London address.
And .tr. WhittlestnlThad been made to jit. j,.mj In:l(j0 j,;s :U)pP:l to yVm hit
ereeive. by what had assed at Little ' tle-taf. and had reee ved no answer
Arle-:'ord. that the Little Arle.sford peo- v.hatever. And he had, after a fashion,
pie ail took the side ot .John Cordon. II1:mv his appeal :ii0 to the girl. He
ami were snnno-ed to b taking the side f,.i. smv .1,.., 1. s ,,1,... .,,. ,:.. .,,.1, ,,.,.
of .Mary :u the same time. There was
not one of them, he said to hinwdf, that
hhd half the sense of iUrs. Haggett.
And there was a ulgarii about their
intiM-feivnce of whi h Mrs. liaggett was
;:ot guiltv.
lie is'half way on his road to the
diamond-liehKsaid Kelina.
"And went awav from hero on S:it
hviImv movniinr""' sa d Alont:iTU Ihlk".
.......s. ....-. - -
-lie has not started 3d not tireameii
of it. L heard him whisper to Ir.
WhittlestatV about his addre-s. He's to
be in London at his club. I didn't hear
him say for how long, but when a man
fives liis address at his club he doesn't
mean to go away at once. I liaye a
)lau in my head. Some of those boats
ro to the "diamond-fields from Sottlh-
.untiton. All the steamers go oveiy-
.vhcre from Southampton. Winchester
ts 00 the wav to Southamntoiu Noth
ing will be easier for him than to drop
in for our marriage on his w:i3 out.
That is, if he must iro at last." Then
he looked hard at Mr.iy Lawrie
"And bring some of his diamonds
with him," said Kvelit.a Hall. -Thar
-would be very nice.' But not a word
more was said then about John Gomon
by the inhabitants of Croker's Hall.
A'fter that the visitors went, and Mon
. . , .. - 1 . ... - c
tagu Ulake chaperoned tne gins om, 01
the h.ouse. without an idea that he had
made lumseli disagreeable.
That 01mg man is a most egregious
ass!' said MiC WhittlcstalV.
-He is good-natured and simple, but
1 doubt whether he sees things vcry
He has not an idea of what a man
m-jv talk about and when he should
hold his tonirue. "And he is such a fool
as to think that his idle chatter can in
fluence others. I don't suppose a
Bishop can refuse to ordain a gentleman
because he is a general idiot. Other--vvisc
1 think the Bishop is responsible
for letting in such au ass as this."
Mary sa:if to herself, as she heard this,
that it was the most ill-natured remark
which she had ever known to fall from
the mouth of Mr. Whittlestafi
"I think I am going awa3 for a few
da3s," Mr. Whittlesttiti said to Alarv,
hen the visitors were gone.
Vhere arc 3011 going?"
11, I suppose I shall be in. Lon
don. jLhen one goes am'wherc, it- is
generaliW10 -""Onoon; tnougii 1 navea t
wen thdkor more than two months."
"jSbt sPf-e came t0 ,ve wtQ yoUi"
she said' Yon are the most stay-at-.
homaAjersi by wav of a s-entlcman
Fever beard 0f.i Then there wai
fr.wtn"mutes, and he -Said
Inrthcr. -'Miirht a nerson ask
:;yott are .goiQg ioty TnIa vfih,
asked in the playful manner which she
knew he would take in good part.
Well: I don't qut know that a
person ean. I am goinir to s"it a man
upon busmen, and. if 1" bean to tell
you -art of it, 1 must tell it all which
would not be convenient."
Ma I not ask how Jonir von will be
I l 7
1 here ean t be anv dreadful
wcrcl in that. Ami I shall want to
know what to get for otir dinner
when you come bark." .She was stand
ing now at his elbow, and he was hohl
iuir her by the arm. It was to him al
most as though the were already his
wife, and the feeling to him was "very
pleasant. Only if .-he were his wife,
or if it were jKwitircly decided amon
them that she wotiid become so, he
would certainly tell her the reason for
which he iniht undertake any jour
ney. Indeed, there was no reason eon
wcted with anv budine.-s of his which
I might not bo" told, other than that
j,fcial iv:ton wir.c-h was about to take
,nil lu j.omi,,. !; on.. :iIl,..vvred her
now. hy vr,-nr hur ban 1 and smiling
jnto jH.r f:t(:e ..WlI1 it for :l
Oil dear, no! what should I do
awav from home for a month.'"
"How can I tell? The mvteriou3
j business may require von to be absent
f,,,-!t who!e vear. 1'anev mv being left
' ..t i,nmi. fill'iliHt i!mn. Voir.lnT.'Ml.ii.k
-! .,'JU -. - V&. -,- -
"You never contradict me."
' i'erhaps the day mav come when I
slr.tll. Tnen be reeolloet-d himself.
had told her.-elf that Mr WhittlestatV
is ' was not eruM. and that she her.-elt was
i' better than a weak. poor. Highly
creature, una!le to look iu its face li e
i : ml all it- realities. And then she
sake, ami not lor .John i.oruon s, that
' he wa. about to make the journey. He
hail a-ked her whether she were willing
to marry him, and she had told him
that he wa- pressing her too hard. -She
would tell him now now, before it was
too hit' that this was not so. His
..ouruey to London must at any rate be
CtlAl'TKK xvm.
n '. .1
1 av arramrei . ear v on 1 no
j nioruing after t!ie ilinner at Littel Al
' . .
His very presence tlien in the house had
been an appeal to her. Jle kuew that
she so tar believed iu him as to be con
scious that bhe cou'dat once become his
wife if she were wdlmg to throw over
his rival. lie knew al-o that she loved
him or had eertainby loved him. lie
did not kno v the'natMre of her regard:
nor was it pos-ib.e that he shouhfever
I !.,,. nnl,- lw. i. ....... i.:- ,..:.-..
, ....., ..., ...... .. . .-.v ,, v i .!-. 1. I1U.
1 v;j,0 ,:u- oriveti a luvunise to that other
. m:in aiuit was thus he read her
' chara ter he could be true to her
promise without any grat heart-break.
j t any rate, -he intended to be true to
it n".. (i;,i ,1(, for :l moment nM.i.t
for a moment susuect
tj,.,L 3,-,.. WhittlestatV was false. Mary
( i,:u" declared that she would not with-
draw her word that onlv from her own
mouth was to be taken her intention of
slK'h withdrawal, and that such inten
tion she certain 1 woulil nccr utter.
Uf her character lie understood much
but not quite all. He was not aware of
the depth of her feeling.
Hut Mr. WhittlestatV he did not under-
' stand at all Of all those vacillating
softnesses he knewnoth'ng or of those
moments spent with the poet, in which
he was wont to fight against the poet's
pretences, and of those other moments
snent with Mrs. I'a-r'rett. in which he
1 . . .. :- . ...
. would listen to. ami alwa3s lmalk re
1 ject. those invitations to manh strengti
which she would always pour into his
ears. That Mr. WhittlestatV should
spend hour after hour, aud now d:i3
after da. in teaching himself to regard
nothing but w hat might boss suit tiie
irirl s happ.ness of that he was alto-
1 .rother in the dark. To his thiii'due-.
' -
i Air. Whittlestafi" was a hard man. who.
j bavin"- gained his ob'eet. intended to
hold fast b3 what he ha 1 gained. lie.
John Gordon, kuew, or thought that he
knew, that Man, as his wife, would
lead a happier lite than with Mr. Whit
tlestafl. But things had turned out un
fortunateh nu there was nothing for
him but to return to the diamond-tields.
Therefore he had none back to Lon-
j don with tha purpose of preparing for
his tourney. A man does not start for
nis journey
South Africa to-morrow, or, it not to
morrow, then the next day. He was
awaro that there must be some delay;
but an3 place would be better in which
to sta than the neighborhood of Crok
er's flail. There were things which
must be done, and people with whom
be must do it: but of all that he need
I say nothing down at Alresford. There
fore, when ne got t?acic to .Lonuou, he
Co.-tht lo make all his-arrantmments
cant to make all his arrangements
did so far settle his affairs as to take
3rth on one of the mail steamers.
had come over in eompany with a
in lawyer, who had gone out to
Kimbcrley with a vie.' to hi profes
sion, and had then, as w the case with
all the world that goes to Kimberlev.
gone into diamond. Diamond. had
becomc more to him than either brief.
or pleading. He nad been there for
fifteen year, and had ruined hira-elf
ami made him-elf half a dozen time-.
He had found diamonds to be more
pleasant than law, and to be more com
patible with champagne, tinaed lob-
tcr3 and voting Iadie-. lie had mar-
ried a wife, aud had parted with her.
and taken another man's wife, and paid
for her with diamond, lie hail then
possessed nothing, and had afterwards,
come forth a third part owner of the
important Mik.-in-thc-31ud claim,
which at one time was paying twelve
per cent, tier mouth. It :uut be un
derstood that theStick-in-thf-Mud claim
was an alm-t intinite-imal jHtrtiou of
soil in the Great Kimbcrley mine. It
was but the sixteenth part of an origi
nal subdivision. Hut from the enter
of the "Teat basin, or rather bowl,
which forms the rn'iie. tin-re ran rp two
wires to the high mounu erect-d on the
circumference, on which continually
two iron cages were traveling up ami
down, coming back cmpl", but going
uy laden with gemmiferous dirt. Here
traveled the diamonds of the Siick-in-the-Mud
claim, the owner of one-third
of which. Mr. KitzwaJfcer Tooi:ey, had
come home with John flordon.
Taking a l"ri general glance at af
fairs in the diamond-fields. I doubt
whether we should hae been ine'ined
to su-peei that John dordou and Fitz
walkcr Tookey would have been likely
to come together as partners in a dia
mond speculation. Hut John ("ordon
had in the course of things become
owner ol tl:e other tv.o shares, anu
when Fii.walker Tnd.ey d'-termuied to
come home he had done -o with the
obiect of buving his uartm r's interest,
Thi-, he miht haw ione at onte. onlv
that he suflered uncler the privation )f
an ir.sulliciiMicy of miaiii. lie was a
man of great "intelligence, and knew
ue!l that noreiMber mode to wealth bail
ever presented itelf to him than the
purchase of h;-. partner's -.hare--. Much
v:is said to persuade John ('ordon. but
he would not part with his documents
without seeing security for hi-money.
Therefore Mes-r-. Cordon and Tooke'
put the old .stick-in-t he-Mud into the
hands of competent lawyer-, and came
home together.
" 1 am not at all sure that I shall sell,"
John Cordon had said.
" i'Ai thought that vou offered
"Y for money down. Tor
sum na.'neil I v. ill sell now. Hut
it I
start from le-re without completing the
bargain. I -ball keep the option iu my
own nanus, mo met is. i uo no know
wheii.or I
I shall remain in Kngland or
f I do comela.-k 1 am not
return. I
likely to find an thing be. ter than old
Miok-5n-t he-Mud?' To this Mr. Tookey
assented, but still he resolved that he
wouid go home. Hence it came to pass
that Mr. Ht.walker Tookev vas now
in London, and that John ('ordon hail
to see him frequently. Here Tookey
had found anotlu r would-be partner,
who had the needed money, and it was
fervently desired by Mr. Tookey that
John Cordon might not go back to
South Africa.
The two men were not all alike in
their proclivities; but. they had been
thrown together, and each had learned
much of the inside lile of the other.
J he sort ol aciiuamlanee wifli wiiom a
,.' '',". ' "" ,
ntimatc in such a
steady man becomes i
locality otten surprises Hie steatlv man
himself. 1'itzwalker Tookey had '
the antecedents and education of t
a gentleman. Champagne aud lob-ier !
suppers the lobster coining out of tin diamonds and strange ladies,
even with bloated cheeks and strong
language, had not altogether de-t roved
the vestiges of the Temple. He. at
any rae, was fond of a companion
with whom he could discuss his Un
glish regrets, and .John ('ordon
not inclined to shut himself up alto-
gether among his precious stones, and
to refuse the conversation ot a man
who could talk. Tookey had told him
ot his great distress in relerence to his
wife. l!y Ceorge! 3011 I-now, the
crudest thing you ever iieard in the
world! I was a little tight one night,
and the next mornimr she was off with
Atkinson, who rot awav with his
pocket full of diamonds. 1'oor giri!
she went down to the Poriugu se "set -
tlement, and he was nabbed. " He's do -
imr iiiMi-il service now down at Cane
MvTwti TliMt" -i k-ind of tJiitiT t leit I l-irs ire i'te'isiveiv 11-ed with he-ivv- l!l,' '1''"-T onthe .uinplMti tiiiheory oth
lown. 1 bat s a kinti or i.iin,, ui.u ) 1.11s .ne .i-ni.13 u.tu wuu iic.iv3 ; ,.r ,nan. m tar a, no: cnly the prUibnrf.iMit
noes up-cL a IeIlu. .-im ijooi 1-11.-,
walker began to erv.
Amongsiich conVidences Cordon al -
lowed it to escape from h.m that, were
he to become married in Kngland he
did not think it probable that he should
return. Thus it was known, at lca-t to
his partner that he was going ?o look
tor a w.fe, and the d&iro in Air.
Tookev's breast that the w.fe might be
forthcoming was intense. --Well"" he
said, immediately on (.'onion's return to
-What does -well' mean?"
"Of course you went down there to
look the huh?''
l have never told 3 oil so."
"Tut 3 ou did- did 3011 not?"
"I have told 3011 no'hing nbaut anj
lad-. though 3-011 are con-tanth asking
questions." As a fact. 1 think Ishall go
back next month."
-To Kimberle3?"
-I think so. The stake I have there
is of too great importance to be aban
doned." '
-1 have the money reaih to pav over
absolute cash on the naif. !i ou don't
call that abandoning it?'
-The claim has gone up in value
twcnt3-tive per cent., as 3011 have
ready heard."
-Yes: it has gone up a little, but not
so mucii as that. It will come down as
much by the next mail. With diamonds
you never can stick to anything."
-That's true. But you" can onh go
1)3 the prices as 3011 see them quoted.
Thev may be up twentv-tlvc per cent,
again by next mail. At any rate. I ai
-The dickens you are''
-That's my present idea. As I like
to be on the square w:th vou altogether,
I don't mind saving that'l have booked
a berth by the Kentucky Castle.'
assumed a
-sSP- fa(e- lt ls diUicuIt to trace
l;AT5S-: c t. - ,
w nuiMiisui sueii :i 111:1:1 i mini", or
to calculate the meaner chances on
:hieh he is too oftcr dfiren to base ids
hopes of success. He feared that he
could not show his face in Kimberlev.
unless as the representative of the
Vholo old Stick-in-the-Mud. And with
that object he had declared himself in
London to have the actual power oit dis
posing of Gordon's shares. Gordon
had gone down to Hampshire, and
would no doubt be successful with the
3ounglady. At any rate as ho de
scribed it to himself he had "gone in
for that." He could see his "way in
that direction, nut in no other. -Lpon
my word, this, you know, is what I
call rather'throwing a fcllowover."
TO bx coxTErjsa
Ihe deuce vou have! And vmt-wv.n
.- . - 1 1 en P!itniifnfil cmrif:
take :i wni -1t.1 vnn"' . . -y...v ..
t nto o, :,-.," tif i v t. ' I?s,cl1 '"tercstcd in the lot
sneh imnod:;;V - ' I limS Se.eiU to Heve that
-- vhl f-r . -. Wk
TrtKlauwalker Tookev
adapted to -cit the hang-
to n-
i.-wer the reqittretceu.-' o: itnproitni
states of so iety. are to ' found in jjruat
corojleienii and a.ltn mole j rvaerra
' tion. Some, standing in the it claaebory
; conditions of ducay. are ntnldeoay fa
sobtudo. the grwn ivy man tali ; tbe
I rijams and weaki:- of th.r rttitt. ami
the owl alon brnXmg the spe I ol tiinr
. si'-rn sileucn. (ntir-t ecaaie tin nucKtM i
nl towns Jinl -it:ftt whni wn. iir-wni.I
for a dofi'nse. be ame a habitation; ami I
a habitation urn inultipl'od by thoo
who. protected 1 y the fclrength of the
castle. adn.iuitreI to the claims ami
re (iiirfincntt of ece-ity or iuteret,
the tout ensemble b-camc a walled town
or citadel, of .vhi -h th oriirinal casUe
ontituted the ky and fortrs5. Of
some of thee cities, the castles cont'ntto
to be. at ihr preulisy. the stronghold.
The iiniKjrtanco of such ila of
- - - -- - -"-
, strength and resource has been Mnally
iili.'i'rateil in th struggles which held in
e urn! Iidatiee the destinies of the I'r.t'mh
Umpire, during the eiil etubroilmeats
tiial have evcd that mijrht kiuirilom
even in modern times. The famous
castle of Kdinburgh still commands that
magnificent city. It crowns the at
precipitous riH' that out of the
mid-t of the Scott..-h metropolis, on the
confine-, of the new and the old c'ty,
and its eh", at ed ba-:;o:iM:nd battlements
that overhang the clitla n every -ide,
;-cm to !e fearfully suspended in mid
air, while its turret.-, d miuishod by their
cveeed'ng altitude into mere oinl.ncs,
a p near to touch the skies.
The don fn or keep of this fortress
was deemed of .-trenglh stiflicient to
guai autee the security and pre-ervatioo
j f the ancient rega:n of S otlaml, ot '
which it became- the denository atout
j the time of the union of the crowns ot j
j Lngland and - otlaml. in the person of !
; .lames I. of the r.'iited King:om. Hv (
' whom th.-e jireclou-. insign a of royaltv
i were there depoa ted i not knoun; but!
i there, concealed in an iron-boum
! elipst, thro-.ghou: all the ou'e-ts
vieis-ittutes ttiat nave marKou mat realm
-inee the I eginning of the .-eent ..Mith
century, tney lav in undisturbed obs ur-
ity, until discovered and restored to
light and admiration by the reverent
hands of Sir Walter eott.
The broad an 1 general features of
human scociety are e; cry where marked
by -traiuie resemblances. I he de
scendants of Japhet e Jiibit, under va
rious phases, the pas-ional and moral
lim-amen's which Le-pcak them o'" kith
ami kin to the descendants of Shem.
Mmilanir um-tanees elicit the tokens
of sV'jij.ath es of generic brotherhood.
This is illu-tr.tted 5 v the exponent?
"f lhy i:irli:il and niilifin -pirit which
distinguished the onteution-of the n-
alry or amlutn.n that at sour tine
engaged the irascible races of iiurope
and Asia. In the early states of both
tho-e i uart-rs of the world the.-p'ritof
war actuated tlio pol'c:c-s ot despot sin.
and the rums and relies that remain to
tne picstut age, the wild and stern
magui'it cucc of the batilemei.ts that
crest the proud banks of the Khine.
and the stupendous citadels that guard
the inclement fortressesof Aighanistan.
. , , "
1 e-peak a common ra-e and a common
condition, however they 111:13 diller in
their chronological histories.
Hut the conditions of people are
changing and progressive, and the time
ea-tlc-i'Uilumg has long gone bv. I
, The development aud prevalence of the
. eltiI1inU, ,i:lV0 r,',,.,, o0ction.-, into
societ3. and consolidated lans into '
community. The law-tle'ving towers !
"... . . 1 1
01 petty potentates or conteniious oar-
omes have been converted to the pa
j 1 iii.- uses of harmonious and national
governments. uuiucn JAiys.
Oivrco.ts for (Joed Dressers.
The single-breasted, ny-front sack,
commonly called the Chesterfield.' is
I he coat par excellence, and will be
worn by twent good dres-crs where
J one of air, other shape will be see.i. In
its pre-ent form il is a most desirable
and beautiful over-garment. Tor a man
of average height the length vanes
from thirt3-nine to fort3-two inches,
according to the weight of material;
the heavy weights, of coitr-e, being the
longer. Thev are made to trace the
! form drtinetlv. but are not cut soclo-e
' fitting as a 3'car ago. The lapels and
! collar arc light: the" are made to roll
, free, an I have, as "a rule, the silk to
! show to the end of collar Velvet eol-
ih-iiii uuiu.
j Xext in popularit comes the Xcw-
; market, the lorm of which is the same
j as during the previous season, followed
by the surtout. which is of medium
! length and closes high, aud b the box
coat, which, made will: a
i occasional, seen, but will
1'3, will be
generally be
iiiauc uoiiwie-uie:iieti, uuu uic uuuuiis
well bucked from the mlc. with heavy
collar and lapels, and wide Haps on all
pockets; edges double stitched wide,
and seams laid over and stitched to
match the ed-cs.
But the select thing, the overcoat of
the club man, the societ3 leader, the l
genuine swell, is the cape toat in some :
form. The most popular of these coats !
is the Inverness the Inverness pure)
and simule. just as it was main yeat-3
ago. and mau3 3ears ago before "then.
If is a noble garment.with graceful,
llowing lines, which seem to add inches
to a man. as well as importance. A
splendid garment, that costs a great
ileal of monc3. and requires for its suc
cessful production the skill of first-class
ri i- -.t . - 1 1 , . -i
I he ordina- Chestcrtield elongated,
with a full shoulder cape, will also be
worn, more or less, bv expensive dress-
ers. but will
not be so popular as the
Inverness. American Fashion llcvicw.
Work for Anti-Vhisectors.
The struggle of the scientific inves
tigator against natural forces in some
degree resemb'es the struggle of a peo
ple for its hbem. laws bind us
on all sides, and to secure deliverance
from then! it is necessary to become
acquainted with them, lt is our Lb
em as against the things it Ls neces-
san to conquer: and it is not a dear
! bargain to bv this at ihe price of a few
. dogs and a few skiuned frogs.
ho are sc
of our vie-
there is nc
more important ordination for
We must undeceive them. The.o are
more -ja'ns than J03-S among the men
on this little terrestrial globe. Instead
of busying themselves to prevent the
researches- which are being privately
earned on in a few laboratories, let
these charitable people, make an eilbrt
to put down the slave-trade, of which
the negroes are the victims by thoti-
sanus. ur let them endeavor tn o-,-
the misery which prevails everywhere
from Greenland to the land of the Hot
tentots. Let them try to suppress the
-wa. .w 4U(i.i
"UU1C -ourge or war, which h
made a hundred thousand times mor
Manr ancVnt ca?tW.
TSr -i"8 U"3U a11 the toss,
rabbits and dogs that have been sacn-
SSSinS1 tl?e PhysIolg in the
world. There is a task worthy of their
ftSaSa?, -at " i'0""
:3l Vt:-Prridac:ta Speech
ct Detroit.
licimarry 1mrintj llnlilut1
At Detroit s ftr nrAli !-
crl Jua A. Ijna. lb Ktfpulrfiaitt cko-
i i i .. T."-r.Tr "
tbif fur Vir-Imttloi. Mtrer to aa
eori!t ocd cottVittcio ad4rM
Lt?lfc 4KB (llTUIVKai-I ftftAli Imtv i jattr pmUmtU HlMce unr Jwr
Ux tmma lkt t kutn W m
luutu tturiff itk : tow lj - U ay
' iMohea town. I carat iat r
It-vr tr- fe M-e mj rrHl 1 im nmmtr.
I v.irf -Uudrr t ty fr-td. 1 wtfi t
Hi tuud 1 isa jtrtfx-Uj. it )o tm omtj
My trvni. iWe te mnktat: is m I nnu
Iwn t iwtv lb im. It
tv w-t num. u u ::h toLtxsit pam
:m1 ftfywi Tl ! rte-il fukitt A
tfcU ftouuiry. tbf llemoersttr ami bpiUir
I rUn. hat tli h nt tn Umit kuMofr. c.
tbo iautuln.u -f till country- 1W bitury
or th lmormt mnr. .t k t r-ei-rlt
in timet jmim. and m n i tc rv
conlxd lxluy. dim Uii. Ut ijr iiHtjrtnst.
no irn of txtrr-tcv k,:i r it y n ) u man.
or l oy now ctiminy w wii(-t. w.u f-i a
unites- dir In IoUum. Imuidui rUrf
th- 1 craocnttlc Mirtj her f-eibl rtn !
tnz .c any n p-ct inlntioaa:ty ik- mrau -i-r-trtilir-
ot wy (utmna-at twv our
owu; but 1 do thnf- b-rv to-nlsltt ttua tb-t
iv r-ut th- li.U-rr: of h jwpl lonr n
to ih- Amfrcstt xofle. ApttMr. Thr
kart-. via- th ir trtratMMi. t a tbe .-
i i-urai of irwpit diametric;. r n. j
', -! -'
A. y faltow-ttjuntrytarn. if h Parta-
inettt ut Wrea.- Hiiuta wan rB?-rrl lo-Uar
u ih rapeni of Utbi S.iUn. awl wer to
-n ct f-ia In n fr'nc u ta ral mnmu
; ! th .mr cm icvjp v. ilxr rart4 ia4utrf
; of i be cttiintrii, thrr mM'UI , rart ta latt
iar io ifce riwirtnc laat .ar barn 'ttarata4
L tM l' nocratir arir . t.c oraanUa
l uii ..f that jattjr. A on. 1ti to "
3l tl-JMJUi i
Iu lkj tl.- Drmocruitc thirty, by au n t
mcut knoKn m: aTarif la-. t h law for tbr
).urtuMr rll r rr vfnuo, trapoM-.l at-rta n
dtlf li m an for. l-nt Imtm .rt&. lftw ibAl m
i iit t.m. iwti up n i:. ibr nitK-i.
! JwW' 'I h'"0T.!! J" V.7 ln, B V !L"
i Uvn a ra.f.-r uf ih nt t.rai
liiiTorj uf t n.uu'ry. t-ir!.rt. di
ir'-'. hhi ie fart Jio-'t in all lap
:( Lii ar vigeia?:it or tb uoirr. A
'hi'. U.u:' n... . Thtt o jh' f to
ei.-iuirj' then li ..stilt;.' on tiiC-r Ut i.lir.
Ui ts h-Tana lat were banil. aixt
! W.ttt wa- known'
mv k iirolfsffta tariff !- u
o-rtuln dej:r-e. wai ei.actl. abk-h produ(l
loratimt ruirtty in ihm moA. Jl.:i Hm
l.ciot rucy k'Hintn contf.l ant poar. In
Wnni 1.-h unitar slliM-k an 1 aiiiit ,n
Ike law of the ninirr in twin-iw to ur
revenue. ai.U rluolthn iaria Haain, t
l.wiiiK Hiileh h. tu anli of 17. -.
utx up la lt. the yrrfatit crw! ttiat tl
l-o'le ha cter w.:aeyl tlootf thisU&veru
lucnt hnl n liuiy.
. IttteColl.KIl TKRVSCKV.
Ko thn, ur-uinif thMr eoiir-o ur to iHtl.
wlieithe Uf, ullkioi jNiriv ! ifJ in
j (iit l y t: e . .).e nf thw eountry. in IWI.
: tin lih 1 Vitrt'ii. DHy tountl ';r irawrv
ulr limit one t.Wlar ill It. 1 h y iownl thl
...T.;r...i H.ttit.itt erellt. I h. :u.inl tl.,
f iti. ciimrt lMri eKt "llir louml I
a-Ba' tun ,
fmoifiKl f -leoi hi a rotten wnncon. ,
.Nainumi siati LumKh ttt-rfi i.j th i-m'-
i i. ii--. . mi'. im-Kiiuciii imiiKs. u !":rn h -nar-
aetei th e the i-iirr-ne f tie suntrr m
If lirveiiit'il ;iiil m VMirilile-n Unit tbit ertlit
ot tins '.ittiii!iciii wtirt ctte-; himI at uat
i tine a irfxtiiu'f i-fliellmii mvuim-1 tint i5o-rn-iik
at to I louplit .ui l) tlif ih o,i i wiio
ioil th.- (.ovfraiiifiit. iiikI tli VM'iil'I an
' inwn- txkiiU. -jtfiii i..r ih pur
jMi-eof n-crliw till- cmiPlrj nnl Tor tti
,.,.,.M. r Mipforntnr it iiur.inr tht- iimni.i
paying' tut expt-iiM-oi iivn-nl xr So. ihv
lulltn. -Jtifi.s, t.ikf Hie ri'ts.rrt of the Iicim.h
erut.e i ir'y Irniii tie tltin they w r- ort'an
i il up io l-'iii ami u 1 -ut'l. it H twit a r nl
erf!lfal!f i'i i!m jrt-nliH or tin- -MtfriiH!i-.!il
ol miy party 01 an i-eople. (Apj. aii-r
TiiUethf Hen cratie nrl fn-iti tluu tlm
to the picfiii. mi'! 1 -av 1ht lo-nilit then
has iki! Inch 1111 itttfinpt uiaIf on lie- jhiti f
liKtriotlc tiifti 'f this foutitry lor the pun nu
r tultti-hiii :i l!i anr 1.1I -t-iti. wtiitli m
the lr-t. ti lay jadziiti'tit that tuan ferl-
l-eJ. U How t nut -tein elear th-oiitrii. cvrv
I law til it lias !eeu fti:tctel tor tin !inat 11 nil
Iciutlon of hiitnanlty, tot the I :u-Ilt of the
, people, to 11 lvalue the pro-penty n( tne (
piiMie. ip t oee lino Ha- ever I mmi written nnu
eu:irteI hy the Kepuiilitiiii party of that char--.icier
that lias not tx'un oijioel irotii th
1-eiiiinn- to the em! by tlu I)etnxrMtic
partj. (Creut ttppliuac.)
Tin: rcTs iioit i.itMortttrv.
Tf you a-k 11: f to trie vou the hittory of thn
Penio'Tntlc party in short I iril! lo it. not rr
ihe pinpo-e ol tK-iriir'(Ten-le. but 1 will tt
the luit-i an tliey are. If r.u K th'l'etno-etitt-
to lny to itirn atil v bit u to the
th(ir ttueoininoiijt. t the monu
men:.- of tln-ii" suc.'e. to tlt inoiiuuieiit- of
the pro- f.ity that they have I routrht uImmiI
for thf bcnutlt of the people, to whnt enii
thev point' Look, exaniine nn-l tell me. If
IhertMia Il'-tnoerat ln-n 10-nUhr. whet ar&
they If jou n'i iri. t TK. nt out the mum.-
lie ms that s'an.l lor the
r Kiaifinaiiiii: to-
o:i l.i i in? i ou in rv l win ie i j-ou w IIHI tn y
tire. They ere t--I a monument t l!ri:lh
. i.. .i.., . . .i. ..
. .
you w IIMT IIP y
Ireetnule. (I.oikI r.pplnuM. 1'hey iroot.l a
nioniiuien: to the interest of Kniaiel anl
1 cr iar.Miif.-u-tures ati'l tra.le, as atmnm the
li't'Tft- of the A tiierKtiu people. 'U'-liewoI
nppl'tu-e i They ervctel a mouuincii'. not io
labor, not to protettiou for American lii'luv
tr e-. not for the elevation uf hilior. rum In s:
f:irn the ftimino tn it fn.! .(.. ...
home, the eiucation of l. ehl lren unit
everninijr that is ct.cul Ufl to briny tfeun
upon the lee! of the most iufibircn of our
I eopie. ilii-eat :ipplnu-o. .More than,
they erected a monument 10 'a very. 'Ihev
erocbtl a monument toileprv lute 1 o irrenev.
tj ntt n Mate hnnk-s. to the ui-tro' of th
.Ame tiean jn-ople; atel the one crecte 1 burner
than anv other -vns that ono erecicl by the
)( nioenicy to tne slave olirartuv of the
-nth. that bcl'cte-l in no higher type t.frli
!I1ji:io:i than the en-lavcniei.t or man That
monument -tan-N to-'lay to the fume, tf it bo
itermel. to th" cr. to the nttemtit to en-
f'-uiriurf ami nenf tunte it by the lienifM.-rat.c
Rrtv. It i a--- siuk tleen In our m?tltut,on.
Jts shaft -:inil hlch io-l.i-. nn-l when on
evcmitie tV-material yon -ri'l t'n-i thnt it U
iiuule ef elm as aa'l manacles that the Ite pub
lican par:y struck from the limb- of t.OJi.iO)
s'suc-. Applnusf.l Heneath the bue of thnt
l)aiocrat monument, if you will examine.
you win mm tape theories. u-ee,'tiv. plat
lortr.s. weak .uttc-munlilp. the putrM cnr-4
tn-orece son and the crime of Mate pov-
ereijftity. (Appiaue.)
Xow. my fe w countrymen, after pain:r
tliruush a triirunti- war, n ileatatln? ami
cruel war, brought rn 1-3 the Dcmor-raey or
he ?outh. spenipn." over f-'i.0Je,co.w) of your '
money for the puri o-e of carrying it on.
when the war when it-anjrry elouils !
li'iipH-iir d. wnen peace shoutil have reineil
in tliH Iiintl lorer. we tound what? U"c find
the Southern Democracy. tho- en-jaje! in
1 - .". '1-11. uw.11 .111 vi lut-ui, join n?
t ncain with the Norhcrn Dtmocra's. and
tne re be lion
- k1 ntl 4 t S f
lrom me cn-i 01 mat rcoenion up to tne prts
ent tee the lb inoemt c p r'y. N"orh and
Houth. haie b- en :: pe-f cct y unitel u they
wi relief. re the war. Ti.e,, aml to-d v n
r.'.c 'a'-t.'y. united tor on - emmon ru.rtro-
yadvicTethe ?arae princ pje: thyin-
wms trareuojr tarousn to is
conntrr. He came to a iarmers nouse ani
faslted hiai the road to a certain town. The
tanner sala to mm: -oo roneconKroi rar
(tardea and take tbe left band road. You will
follow that anoutoco raHe aad then tae-road
aire out." MWei.- said the wan. "wfeatwl'l
t .! thonr Thfo tob will cone Back to the
gnssi. ;iair2S5" 1
TUUWUl im.v m - w.niv.
mmW I
(iff UUUi b'tard a no
jbi " vm in )o( tfr
. )!a trU M IVfctf
i j
X M U r iMiWiitIM
T .MMHl 4V
Vm ImmmcwiHr &t1mrm' I ri
t fM tof rr !! t ! 4MHTt
I I' II ?cn ett MM. fcrt ft
t IW Vvfo t A wr'rwi t" Kur
. ;. itwmmif (ni u
. ' iiwit (Mm arr i J-amt
I nM t
2 M'M. tt jr-m i
' Pmmwvwttr i hifam
. toifc. rr
tboir m twt
lri4atBVMrai fr
tnunoo r ia iuvniai
xaa. pxtMrm Zim
tr raraaa . v. a;
ha-rv rrm tar t
aa4 I wwm fco rAU r vK-a w
aar art m wma - a taa
aa4 taa murj f tsat tvmatrr
win raat "r-mnrmtrm wvtt ra
Ywt taw bm 4anaa- Ua wtwM taw
ICarM CMinraawat imhimm ttw-m-a-tloa ta itnaaiit iAa
ptmmm- Ha, t! tarr da Thf 4M aat
rmruai -wa ta iwUaCfcws Imm am tfcJ
rrfcik wa 'a Hater atf tawry. lav Ka
fmmA rngm w isrr a4 al",r bm
Wa Why ha wa tt taat an' ywtfaMkUai
wtta a rrse.iwa' 1 wt w-u turn, taa
teaia .-' oi t far4t-rafa naaM'
lt pr) taat wxlati nmxmkt hm lrta-4
aia taratr rnmu u-r far aa
re -aofaleal alaniahRrattc ut taa Oua
fi"rl irrnami A pa l It
fnia4 rarilMrr taat ao,l-atr -Vmi4 aa
Ij4 ttw aM"faafrt6j -w t fatar4MHr
f lad. feat r? 1? f am4 ta taat
rtcftta tmm taat aaUtrMI k1 a wtal
laer aajr o t wMaKry ti a trtr
lrr4o O.ieflot fair a4 a,-ara tarta
r'itry. 4 ra ttt trmAm a
tbu uatrj aa4 Mat to fcml
'Wf4 a otetttatiMa ttrartaj la f
Ir ima ana hnc fca1!. i'a4 ta fra
fcknmt ! aaauM ta
taata Ukk 5a.a
3wair li ill aiial t
iv,e (,. rmanl Amauax. wVat Ifea
ntuif 1barult l K. tfear 4aS pat '-s-.i.
tut toa tba rvNifiaa was i-wrum I
tb''Vacrr of :! 1mii a4 taa Una
crater h X.rtfe tiBifHl 'oBatBfr, aa4 a ttw
Iw.nHa.- ptatforai - earr af t
, iutan atmn. tn I Ir--a laa la i Vputea-.l TtN dav
rr ot t- ir v aUi ar yroaaWM' if
Um Si jhrf.i - imi un. t foaM ta ta
CtHlla ta. f ihr traTata i taa Data.
rralx- i:if.iiu n lb Mil' o tatttf. nf -a
Ur iil.- . f ifttir !.,Ura ( tatffertatJoa
fBto thh rra n rx i fP
I t ne raff ur atttxta for a Bvaaaat ta
aht fca trti "i.mjwM - taa NrawBT
aa t artr. K j u '.! t aatal ait
it trcauait of ta Kt.u4Ha aartjM' Mr
Motnounirrmm. t ra tfec Ui-U taa
;lf.rm if i.v Kiil U-a party, li aa
ttn in m-o hir f h a ht tat Kauttii mn
nan an wfeat tin- ar tor aa4 a feat tWr
mv fint. a.. l.a. tara ..r ii-Btaaf
cmtinr uwn Uw ni of t Hraab inaa
rart, Waat ar ta y la4raima a ur
th twoftla of itia I mtr4 Ktato. a aaaara'
. rl'llttn: a rt-m tf tkaaktay "S mnari
1 In itii onmiry ta bt , &r a4 fer mmm.
fHir m HI n a ai.f Io ti aaifel af
MrpubiK-4na fr-ai th rull of k ki Inta tar
Miul'vnt of litftiy. aarr. tacmg that raa
lav tar.r liant upnn their lr-a, Ufw.n tfea
if aii wbrra tht-y t-rr a' Ul, a4 a
tw American ae,i to v:rr bm th rtrfet
t that Hmi hmy ayiaat) .a ih t tt.taivm a4
, i f tin wt ta')- aaail enjoy a wrrttn
fitwin It )ti mmk m- tor BMr I trll fnt
tBMt itbH iwantjr yrar lh int: .f tatt
eoMntry he a4anml. nw thr HaMWs
an pant .tatnl -4trl otr, la a ratfa
i cntMirt"l witfe taa Mtarxspait trrUtt to
ll. lb! aa aH tian i-n.aJl r rlrl aM
! wan n enntrotil act al a.v4 a
artlrlpaUon In tf)Tavrat. (Atiaiiaa
X OaT MiHItl.
r p-ooerty m a-rt mtt alwl la ta anwn
try until th ra.uo ot tb anarvaair- ivnHm (
tb pif Of-laj- h 5t.i.o m tr than ta
anx.unt ao-uinulatrnl In t huiHlrt i(.an
pnr to t tint liniu. iliiai pp!aif Tfta
.n inay lakf nr mierra a ltrmrr in ibui
it mi! nr. In sHi u h'T )ou feiMl Marlkln
morf than m niiibon ol farnia, tvlitjr tnu fev
'oul.ln the nnmlxT ntu ih-r U- ad r h nrw 1
In l'ie from -U tb'Uin! nil! n at toiara
In lr) t. to n ih uanl4 ..I mb lnx f l41ar.
thf !itfxr'H!f hI of I nr farat ut
the rnlle-l Statf 'false or tiaklnx a
tfin Vimi hur.- Inrf-l f "l.O U"l. Vat
laf In l'n f l..4i.tMiiM. and 11 ! ot. r
nii! Un ih it I.f-.0ini Takfjout at
iifnrtorlf 1-U)' In ttil 'ottntry Vtiu HnU
in l ponifthinur ur IM.'MU, it you Unrf
r.'.ifO uii'l tlji' N'tiimnl of m. !.) lnr-aU-l Iu
inn-uirHi-U'ri'4 N ?K.uom, Tafc to-lav
tne numbfr of empl.of. hi hair. 2,T'0
a-l the j H.plf of ta country jht io t .
employe Slot frki.ivi) nun taan tary tntiM
hnvf piiM in thf !.ittf Hum) ur n( m-n Hi th
rxtu ot trne In lJ. (firfat applau
1 tioul I likf for a moiMfnt to rail atU-MtWMi
to tin- tliiTfre Bf4 in aii" In forf of the umn
u'acturwl nrtle r of thl country anl ll
Kliinl. I eoii'l nbotr yu tant for evwry
ehara-tf r ot Ul-or nrU-Hl' to tlif !ittf rtn
iRHiiiifaeturf Pi tltat itnintry irn. tartHfl
awl -o forth the u:nf here m ilnubln In
H'lKHint to what thev are tin r. M that im thU
coiiritr to-day the ftitfinv man hi hii fm
t huiK-e with etfry othar Thf IlemiliUcMn
parly eleHlfi mu1 tlirnin"i l.tb-r. a. tant
with all the kpkI farll tw In IH i oinlr'.
the f!tient!onRl IrfrlUtKH hik! the HtviHUitfc
we limit eterv man i tbihl. pn r or rich, hat
a chance In the nor .f ! Rttfien ckwiw
with rw-ryuui) ' f or ml Ihnt itn tn a
inireil in Ihw irrfat i.ov.-rmne nt of our
The Ainericnn pr itettive ) mii h1ot1
"1 In 1-. mi'l it tin lt cmtiutMNl !r tn
i ."." !"7il?.. '.."': . ' "". -. rT"7 ' .' . -
1J..L.I1... . ... .1. 1. .. .. .
,... t, ..,... ,. ... ".. '.
f - m llt1t - Bl' BV 1. avwT- mwa. aa' a mrmmwmwm m. I'I
ine iM'i'ii ijiuhii iiaaa a ir iti iiir i aa w -bii tmrn
.i.jh t-,untrv h l.wn lnfr.HtMf.1. If I I.
caue of thf ri hni of our o 1. ihtr iw rrr
nml Infllareu n nt our peoplf. t-t w ak
my iiftnoerntM frlenl rne Uflrii riant
If re. Dimoii bcih'Vf. If tt haI i.ot boa tor
the llmneiMi'wl taw that w a pn.-l Uy thr H- j
publtrnn part nnl .jftfl by AbmbMM In-
coin UroiretHloM Hpptawft that yttr terri- (
t iriet. tht your Western Mta'iM noutl ht
m ii Kpii.aif! At thVy Haie Mfa. by booei '
. "y ?r."" ".; a- ihittiiw janj
rfruilnlv can not claim any rnwiU for that.
txenu" Mr. lluchanau ftoaJ ta UI4. nal tt
hal to If w.fl br a lUimMgn tonar-
' an 1 uriil by n Kepubib-an rr-Jnt. Ihtr
Inir the tortv yenrs in wlirh thf control of
thi-t (Joterune nt mh in thf anode or Ux
, In :nif mti- Nirt. thf Itvia of our foiatry
ami our tr-'ntif with foreign fWn jraaiat.
1 wire lett. In refereocf to our forefcra bora dv
irn. in uch a c imI Hon thai tie tlUMr- of
1 lb" forourn (Jovernment- wa aduptnd. "one
1 a citizen u!t.-h n itlrn."
I t cit roaKio.v tov.
"riicn our foreitn-lHea ettfctf n rrturwH to
' their native laml mnny of Ihfm w-r iJika t
nnl put Into the urnik of frften 'of ra
ments, .n the roiiml tin' ther had not ot
their citienhtp; but lb lb publican pwrir
came to the re-cwo awl enetfl a law dirriar
Ins that forehrn-born t-lu-n returnla-r to
the r br me 1iouhI Uj etititjfl to af
nroteet'on In rw ron ami pntM-rty by ta e-
pulie of 'h rnitcl rtatf. nUr-bon
citlfiM. Tronienilou ppuf 1 Hy tiMfti
ailment of that latute -we to ced Uarluad.
Germany, liny and all ilw liwfrniaeau sat.
oneoftho foreken Gwrernwent to eater ,
Into feat if 4 with ti. o that whf elUfa f
the I'nlted r-tatc- tou!d tut M"t-.
I hy lov
itoverntaenw for any wi-n pMn.
. wbore
they ha.1 io!atel no .aw. thry ar bBtl
un-lfrour treat lot to re rv!r visa n totT
eminent of the t'nluil ."H.f. lxKJd cfcffr
Now. my fellow-'-ouiitytn.-n. doytni bflief,
with the "Dem crntl' itrty in vrtttfl of thw
Government, tadr ytein of &rintr.
with tetr y tcm of r :rl 4n ytut fcf Wj
P-lay that thw '--..ernawn: ynm'A itaad a H
doe m-w w t. a quppn sod refcf Ufca. v tta
o .e t ar. 1 ne ConUtut on. 000 ?frn n
i.itlK.wih one uttii-ral freaw ioa
! ne-ti the tlnz of 1J1U eonn:r .' At.
1 10 jou U-' eve taat our trototii voali tn in-cit-J
n .: ha Ljen. that tae poaplf vt tt
c j..nry c uhl have tuf.t fiom IMH aU j-i nt
.rcAil ia -' to m la m JWM. wawar
syum of wJI'c-.t cttrreaey aad Um
ii." (ppat. ur tK-mocratfc frlcod r -Vcai
-r.c a turpi t in yonrTrro.ry. oaftiiJas
aii l-eii h wita UnJ Minilin. Vor tanff
ta-i2 be ret Jcd In onler to ret rtl J lb
T aAna m rmm - aaa taa .,
rsf a i aatii at I. J. Zl." VT.. T. ZL.
a. aj-.J m Mt m aa1kaiaH T ,- -naaj -w . -w a a -,W.T-.-
? . Miajp m ra4 ,m m tJbrr Mb aaui taatf
"'WM'ifcaWr 4NMMV4"Me Va "W( . a-.... . - a - aksk
f jrp.u. uvr. my rfito-w c untrytaen. ai i - t f-f-r m .sM-nri!! -nifrtt..
Tfut xttho I'emocraoc party 700 wM bav Asfcfrtaaetanfetp baiHrof AtarUn
b ttojl .0 on tl or. 4!jiu2ti'.' If yH rtUfiiai la loyafey to hn ltr ijbws!.
wij fci- me. wail? tte Df rnocmey wenr in i Irtm. ttw- nfart aM not from the Ut ap
power. wLen thfy ercrlai ay trouaar aboct ! p'atttf if yon betwre :b n bztKiKn tho
t!!tiriirplu I v.U Le rerythaatfjl to ywt Oorffntaf at Jo t future xnvratifxyi. l
to tcL tne the time l(fe-wt-l UurtK -r 1 - yr aa rt tarI UrJy, .tJbuut a
uruf war.w-.t3ontpeittk.-nre or faiaet&fy
urn-d oieraTrrsLiaryafiwr forty yeant -a-ua- 1
ct on .ar in It- In twenty rar -rr nakl .
ar txo thousatpl an;ik3 doflar of ac't.
ctsfrs.'.en prffnxy. fsoe anrpj- ,
v. n th. Tbnc juntrv. We hare in-,
-nacl bythaidof thf i.epuW can. in tf
So-ta. o rap d y. -we hare marrfceJ a?onx the ,
!nsy 01 tiirt-twa c-vuu-s-iot unin oor ,
v a.nrf tne nt I far ahf ad of that of aay oth-
Ooerncient on tbe carta, and '
r recp!c arc . woniler and an 1
i-nazemcnt to the csT.iitie-1 poTcrn-senlii
the earta by ieaon of the.r pros-
ther ciriitCTton. tbeir wtulth. thex
ciiu. their inu-llli'tjiscf. thHr dl!Iuion of
;-ducation,aa.1 an combined -etifrwniawa
rtat people. That comblnat.oa.aa I raid, u ,
he wonder of tbe civilized ord Tees to-
.with all these thinr that I have racrt-1
ccdand manyinoie thtt I have sot time j
mnrtt'r.n ln-iitv ten Unit thr. TT-fflnrmtf-
mention, to-day we Bad the Democratic
arty comp!alaln-r of tbe Hepublkarj party
ecau5e taer aare too raucs racntrr la tie
reasury. fCreat anpaui!.)
why: uoremor ticti'inci. two niats
in To-edo. iK mien an ex creation and
taaorrr be did it- because 1 thought that
! Governc-r Hendricks wa a aoan of ability. I
do not hi record. I su say, but that
I will kt so to the people for then to exaratee
and net criticis it myself, except is oae or
two partucaar. Ife stated to an intelllrvat
Rua-ence is Toledo. O.. that thme were four
hundrad aHJioan of dallan sttralus fa theJ
jreaaury 01 worn UBtien states. HJMtjfaser.j
.-. e eiiaer KBow taax utat si Rt te laet.
r ete he is so oM he has forjrtwaa a great
44. pm 1 . tre
ta f r r-r.
4ynB9HrH'W Tp
1f MVMWit, I
TW. It rmw is.m
Mtfe taa Bata m
a 4
! aaBtra
a' mi tfe
aiara. ftarewa ib rl
ta mm'mttmmm m
aJ Ba
. BBty aj at
aaMi ia tjha. aT tm m
Mr aoatfai
ta rata "Am aa4 f
! aaal taa aata aa faai M 4
a'furai ra.a tm t imvmtimtX TVataviai
alrrvi4 aat af a tan aa aam a$
4riMlkiiWT aa1 4 "
triay awaa wa4 tiwy at fHi t a'a
ikM taM -it a t tain a taaa a
aa Sanaa aataaa iial
li4Maw4 a4 trmm Ua a4
a i. at t a4 aa at
Ifcta. mrm
a- n aaaiM 1 -. t. aa4 - aat a
fax oaii - IW Mktrr iAaa4ajaaa.
Ja. m tMakMt 9? -
aaa -a aa . fk il ? 44L aa4
vrr a aara fo rom mj ff aa m Ikf)
1 ataa iwaas tta lraMaata 1? mmm
at carr, aajat aar a4 a M m
taatr vaaat .a -mmrt
tmttmrm - oa
w aat ' far bm
l w taaati
it 1 larata
a ilia W4m i at m$ rta
iat ax- ta- a aaa arrjia
tta. 1Vf iafa ikHJm
Tf a . tM aa pirn Aaa-d
ftmrt ta -a awaa af t
aava tara mmi tm la
laaa tfca t. a nai, vaa a ta iiair f aaif a. na aa
auiaaar or a.i. aMkHaa la I .
baa. totfeaaaa aa aa I -mimm rat ta taa t
f mt vaaa tt. i a nu aara '
tata aaM a r-r iK4 U tit taa ;Maa
ryaia lam W,waj mmmjmrttjr A.aaaatfa aa4 A
Sla. t
laa a rt-aji K M aaiarv M aa I
frt wav Mtia a ai anitn a mtl
W.SITOI.WW I i,Mrt t. .T1 wtM
C. attb a avwai Mima lu
tatpaaa la taft. da Plata.
aar Hmi tmm taa aaai fca-t ihr
Kcrt laaa ma.H,ritf Ww ni aaa afi mm
to-Oaf mat ' tr J daaaai anaaftaftli
taitaJ taa M tt4 friatt, aaJ a fpa
aaiK aa-l a ar vm,it. m tmm a wum4
t laarratir Uy aiM, M aVM tmrnt
a Ifcaj Atmkrmt
4ii a traua
U taaff a ! aaaurrv fr art 1
Ha tkaa aaa taa aaMaviM mntti
rtarwa' to fa u .f a irmm aaa ms 4 tt mt
in talrjaa rm ilai ta? aavaatt aaa i
of t law f at "-ta'- tw4v mtm a t
t all 4 a ttrm aM a 4(a4 tk w
uwh-r -'irt mt taa tteaxrailr aarty Ml
rt n, U'k lf Malt nottfemt atai,
'AM' Tfn. t ajr. aaa ar " ff
that kjat of irt far la-fara aa ailti
ffouatrr nha ta if aa a ta arw at
lrm tal V aat a fmw naa4 la a ta tmm
ll at aa! a faf nwnt. H aat I 1 wmi$t
-r u ar- r ttt favor af it Wi a aat
a f " av 4all w , iim a
BMHM t Immrl utt Da tft .-f taa
waaa tna wHl f !. afna a wnt pfrtatnaii
la he fiiimmU tlnaaH ta kaik u. wtaah
! ih iai motuf f arMia ik iil allka
Aaaivaa frmtfi- 1 ta ya taat aa feoaaai
wu 1 an furtafr ff a !! 0H
it Mt4te rtatwt H,w laaa- raa af ttt
touair) ma "turn rftffa na aa jinraa
ifl i.(m lartr MatMMraa H' g, aaait
tat tarr. 4 I aaxt that ta1 (riaMH4
laft afa ih will -t Hi Tlawt
t iat ! lh rmmm thv HI af tkm pfmm mm
Um ihvm. aal If M I u r'nui m
taf tarr. 4 I iukI taat ta1 (riaMHi4 it
nut parwKtml L. tw jmrmK it vtit b hat
Mrt tteaw until a mtmt Ny mho ftan, mitmtfmj
hI Mi.r. rt tiM- rrr artaciflaM that aaaVartte
Iki tfrnneat f tmr. iAaaaaa
'ninn 'att atlt tfH..a 1 tftt H att
)''r Htt.n lo la eMtam tli wtii m
Irifml (lMa' HiNKtHfinii tW SMfc W
i-t IVtrar. ! l- w anaAtx frara latpf
unit In ttof laiiol Mai a. a4 iin (feat tay
Mr iHxiiitt.f f Wman"ta tHte4t4
fr .ttaa inln tltf aaaltr Jn rtrfrifa ta ib
if.-tatrH-tMi of iwtwUa tta tr"r1ltNif
lant at pnwa aWw ) a r jriti (. vain
P Ut rt H a iHkiiiM 1. tfrrattal u ntn
t'-r "itfiTHt p. a mtf f)tl ! aal anfii
Ua. or f.r Ntaainf m f I mrnvr, Ut taat na
poraoa fat mtnta-l ta -ia prir t. tx ra-t
oWI r Kn.'tM taat tafa aft mm t aton
'M r nt that uta t aaaatat l RMytttMu
lorn ia r la atadit ttatt traaitia. rw0i
ta taai aa nt raULted
to l i r i I rffdM 4mhivI vata ta
IfM b tfarrtf I TTrt Wf1 Of trmi rtlntft. fjl r. rr tin. rT"poiMia m taat l h
rttf HwM . tail Ut aa at 04 wUt ttat
n"t a vtftor ariar t taa a at - atotn tKf
rolnrtwl imifo ha al
;-a wftrtB "i r l faftntf Hi taat pi aa nmai
iitry rr tftrf I'fta rtun taat v tl rya,
itat . ' v1 la f"r f w Mr. If tiMtly
ar foa.n Mr I't- kr- -a f 1 tiactiaal aad
Tbotaa A. If Bdrtflit of In'tauat.
oivn TWiiN Mwiu-ri: Q-.tir
;.'..w aty tm lU' r tana jaa atnjr rt iMailc
taat wa t fry wiiir I ; t 4 aot littak
thf rr H a K-wMwa la ta t'attarl tHtOaa.
(hat H aa kuaM ttf attbilr a. wta -wbm a
nnrrr to he ftnl ta et araatt aa
U'-uU pnifrijr ad a ! au la M vUit-
M iAilaaf.- Xar 1 Uartf p ta Ha
Itutriicva n rficr ia fatjr af tltiit kual
f a natllrtfiif I nm mi. aa far a 1 m
r.nffrifl. t iwaat. AatitaiM Ini aaorry
taat ptit o-s. mx. mtttm tXity aal mm
ihf Ui!' - 19 nh af aratfwtjr, trttlt
out imUinm " aorl -raaf ta. TWl I
h avaaat t-eWr prmtmt ftraaarty or
rt-al ptprr. tuppum mmv t
man wrrl a aua imriM tStfi. Om !
ax.ratair of taa aWtaa If ta wr tar
vm Irrlra. ) vaa n tor. (Mt t-
aftf rmmm af law 4f t:aa. tf tita at at alhna. H
mtw mt a ratfr tlatMlttar.i Xnw, U?i m
a ya tt rfita 11 tta atata r ar
IW Mat asan ltrawal
trr.t It ta to wh ttwii vi (troat.tian
nm'A rnava taa r fot- rl taaa tan!?
ta- aara of Uf atttto U oaot ttf? taat vafea.
turbUr mm aaUMT.i I aat cr.rry taat lay
frta4 HmnArirn tltat tf tf ; I not mnrrr
last aay aian n ih nftttatry awk mni
n tAit It vra mot a tf. ia aty .tMxaxmat.
lropr :-- b tan ty aUJr; bat t tMrn
taa fto)u4." Umt f vtHfl at thrt ta aanMi
ff raia rla 'f fhrtmtnrtxt aftmtiitmM
Kfl ffptr A ad aot aaty turn, but Lfara
Utf war. tartry ta- war W " Utf r.
ttta )tnnl f tt l a-ltaif t-nent f MM
eoaatry tf lffa aralat tae Wt-rty and tf
rnrfet af tit i"rf I wn ad ro rim ttrtn
U-tar lapTWft-. an 1 fr.r that rw I4y
trfitfclof ttiat. lat.taMkUf Ulm. nni prnrt a
vmttitis M rif la tn lIPi lat.
Mtrrtiie ww nunrtMrrr
1 :0r rar frlkrtllin. If ya 4tr ynmr
' "nt-Mr iMatan arM
tntrrryarrr tn alafui-
it jwi -t.- a pnfsr t&rw tne tJr jaaflt
ot te taifiNi' cx-n af tbu emiutrr tt t
ta- n?r: if you firf-oMr MitV a to
t- ir-ffd thmr r to-4y: tf torn flm
loeoannwn Uf tr-rtt of tat nunur-w-af
00a i nx lit t! K no Ur?
than ia W- I oaly idtty tbat xlad af a ana
tt ya d t?e ail ttf tatay v. coat na-t
if yo dfMf xJm? sneait rr-'ta aitd &
r loprarat a our farwinx inff rl sad mc
ataaafactura Inter! t eaiotrr?
If yoa dntff U irp tip la ptUn af
lator aad to tfc-Srt taanktnt Sffr8llyj
If jou I Lore in Mte rtaat f f tt-rj fn V
eierf M prtnlaxi- aa4frta a tt tfce
baf'o: tot ta rnij UiU-mAvuUT aa4 tfntr:
t ymt UrWrrf In 'aWiiaini' rntatfn a-JtU
farffcrn srT?Ttnfnt ki n 19 nf ti a
iMt ofjfiitwr fwr the rt--w prluotc of
Ut mtmnlrr: Jfyod WIkxc to en Anyrtoui
Ttf ta for lb bflpjf St f AovrrVAn indat-riaa
aaat-i-tf you l-rotrra Iu nil &-. ifctnt
ifaiua hiwa tisrtcrnf of glory, of ynXrVAr
Jeu5rran-J yuccc ant rreatajirretnftite:
Ifyon tsf-?cln coatfnutns itto thJ way; if
J' tflftff in Sctti.c rte Ca o? or wnd
' -'j -.j j"er wit tsoYerotpfttj.
tor ts protfCon of Anserin rrtnun...-. .
thf y hare rJolattd no &r; if yot; bf llrr In
aj thoe thin? -ablcii are nccrtar-f to make
jjwsjc pcyi np?ijr. npfop.'cptjv
p-tku. a x."eopJf to t-e admired, by all the v-
Uul nsUon of :tf earth, then you want to
Iceo the t'ovrrssaest In the jtanda of ti
men who tf'ro Jn tb oarers meat. wtu
kr ti tor 111 invitation., a ho aaY- t,
Joal to u tnrourti K ert.a'tdl .i
.are loyal to it to-day. L,m.t 1--!
MnufO app!au We m; vao ift.
aitroi uew-oora. hoM lore for !.
m tntion i a oil at ther are
ot aSslrt reit ut a mia nf .iu - ;
yrcal experif ne-; aaaanef rreat xaawledW
It flan OT ITTT-7t llfi... . I TT.T
IJctm what he Myi. a4 wiH ml ay what htt
lUeej. fApp:aaje.i If jau waatthtirt
scter of a aaa to tsajue t ha alfa?tkL
Gorernaea takefuSa whlfwhS
the torat and the rrth acaiftr
a22rL5f Jtt!? f l"Wa wfc(
iTl --Vl. .l"""- aa M
l mtKtj w a leaaafaj
rss aecaret j mmnx
that mail freta
C th Jayal
of thi eottmtry f ar aM or
that saaa lath
iFzvtefif! atf.j
BlMHBk Ak lAitfal -
mmm mlM fc.T.wi aa a Aafluta - A I m'9m Ml
I fPIK II m- - - I l
- - a' - . ""' ' , mp.j.
" W v a a -- . - , - - ft m. -m. .. a
- wirl - r -. iw- MPPS f aF' -
. hub ww aaar WMaakf vwnarf-wat
ST ra
- .in. iii ii- i. i i - ia tdrna MmI r
" MOTi wl n ili T -"
11 k mi i 4-w. .M. MHt . l&KU lr.kJ
taW MVl tAA Itef - - aft. fta V-a aafca Mill M-
" wtT ". !'?? ?1 a iMrtaar h 4 ! j aa
.-rjTa, i .... -.--. - .71-1. -
-j-w-j aaAaa aaaaftaBafHaV " BBJ 1"F ViMW - - P "IT 4a; Wf '
J-3F - - - a..A BV - a. B aaa. SLa.
n?-a.v e STmI
VC - . m. .
WJFwar .,. ,,
. ...X. .1? I Ti
& .- -&.1 F i