The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 03, 1884, Image 2

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Sinck the development of cc cl u
ture, tlic forests of Europe have in
creased from one-sixth to one-fifth of
the entire territory.
Ax English manufacturer advertises
that his safety matches may be eaten by
children with positive benefit to their
appetite and digestion.
Along the New England coast the
Queen Anne style of summer cottages
5s being superseded by, the Dutch style
vt the seventeenth, century.
A (Jkicman philologist has detected a
strong resemblance between the lan
guage of the hill tribes in northern India
rind of the Basques, or Euskaldunes, of
Spain has lost one of its most popular
dramatic authors in Senor Garcia CJuti
crres, who has just died at Madrid. He
"wrote the play from which Verdi drew
4 Ml Trovatore'
A lauge whale became entangled in
n submarine cable near I'anama, and in
his efforts to extricate himself was so
severely injured b- the wire that he
died the same dav.
The Shah of Persia, in return for
the courtesies shown to him whilo in
Paris, has presented the municipality
with two camels of a variety no larger
than Shetland ponies.
In Mount Morns, Mich., a family
believing its members to be bewitched
by an old woman in the neighborhood,
nicked the ears of all its pigs and cows
to drive out the devils.
Tin: blue pencil in journalism has
more th-m a counterpart in China,
where the red. or vermilion, pencil is
synonymous with the exercise of the
highest official authority.
Tim: death is announced at llucnos
Ayres of Nicholas Auchorene, who has
left .? J 2,000,000. He, owned an enor
mous pastoral property, which carried
352,000 cows and 100,000 sheep.
A sampm: of American cheese in Lon
don when analyzed proved to contain
neither mill; nor any of its derivatives.
Its chief ingredients, were lard and col
oring matter. It came from New York
In the mountains of Voralberg, Aus
tria, two, "smugglers died of cold
1:; sty "month, at a time when
-Vienna hack drivers were being sun-
struck if thev staved on their seats on
the cab stands.
PuiNCi: Jom:i'H of Saxo-Coburg, a
"bo of 12, while ascending the Trisel
ivand Alp, at Aussec, fell over a preci
pice. He had his hip joint and collar
bone broken, besides receiving several
injuries to his head.
In repairing the old Elliot block
Louse, in Maine, a dcc:rycd log was
found to contain main- stone Indian ar
row heads and several bullets. Accord
ing to the town record they must have
"been embedded in the early part of the
last eenlurv.
Dk. J.uiks Colms Iuowne, the in
ventor of chlorodync, died in England
on August SO. lie was in about his
sixty-sixth year, and was known in the
yachting world for his experiments in
the construction of yachts on the prin
ciple of the Kala fish.
The list of modern books which are
not to be allowed in the public libraries
of Russia includes translations of works
by A;ass:z, IJagchot, Huxley, Zola,
Lassalle, Lubbock, Leeky, Louis Blanc,
Lewis Lyall. Maiw, Mill, Reclus, Adam
Smith's "Wealth of Nations,'' and
"'Theory of Moral Sentiments' and
Herbert Spencer's works.
Pi:oi'. WoomvAnn, of the manual
Training School of St. Louis, believes
that industrial training should form a
recognized part of the educated functions
of the school as surely as mathematics or
geography, "but by no means with the
inevitable or expected sequence that
even' boy who receives it shall become
a carpenter or a blacksmith."
The twenty-six public libraries of
Taris circulated laU year live hundred
and fifty thousand volumes, and three
liundred and six: thousand were novels.
Jf poems and plays be added, it is found
that three hundred and seventy-seven
ljooks of li"rht literature mo out for
even ninety-seven treating of history.
cco;rraimv and travels, and everv tiftv
six on science and art.
Tin: latest spiritualistic apparatus
consists of a telephone diaphragm at
tached to the sounding-board of a piano,
and connected by a wire to a second
piano in the immediate neighborhood.
Music played upon the latter is repro
duced upon the former, but more
sweetly ami delicately than when orig
inally played. The device was detected
in Providence after a very remunera
tive month's run.
The Digger Indians were, until a few
rears ago, considered the most ignorant
and least intelligent human beings on
the Tatinc Coast Those who live on
Ranch o Orico have now been educated
in civilized ways. They hare learned
to read and write almost as well as
vhitc people, and some of them have
even become musicians. They recently
gave an entertainment in SanlErancisco,
tinder the care of their instructors.
Sunday school hymns, national songs,
and other musical and metrical compo
sitions were rendered by their choir in
v ferjr felicitous style. . -
A Summary of the Dally Xcw.
James Goudo.v I$knm:tt quietly crowed
the continent to visit John W. Mncicey,
nnd narrowly scaped in a railway colli
sion at l'ort Costa, Cnl., on September
FitEnEnici: T. Is'ichols, chief editor of
the Menipbi Avalanchr., ilied suddenly at
Davenport, la., on tho 21th of September
from paralysis of the brain. Ho was In
bin fifty-fourth year. He formerly resided
at Davenport.
Hon. (Jillik Lr.utu, member of the IJrit
Ihh Parliament, wan killed by falling from
a cliff: in the His Horn Mountain, near
Tort MeKinney, V T. His remain will
be shlpi"d to England.
Hkhiskkt C. Mason, well known in and
about Hoiiton, shot himself at Ids country
homo near Stockbridge on September 15th.
No cause for the act could be ascertained.
Joii.v W. ('aiiuktt, for many years I'rctt
Ment of the IJnltimore fc Ohio Itailroad,
died on September UCth after a Ion; nines'.
Sir. Chaulks Tci'l'Eithas been appoint
by the Hritish Government to co-operate
with the Embassador at Madrid with a
view of increasing trade between Canada
and Spain.
The NewcGiiib-lJuehauan company, of
Louisville, the largest whisky house in the
South, made an nisigiimentS,ptember 23d,
after attempting for the past two years to
meet liabilities of $I,."00,000 on which it
then secured an extension.
In a late collision of trains near Locie,
Switzerland, u lady was killed and sixteen
otlicr passengers received serious injuries,
mountains, where he raised a hand of men.
Tiiki.K was recently a very bold attempt
to rob a National Hank at Ias Vegas, N.
M. Stonemasons and others in attempting
to undermine the foundation were discov
ered when tho sinking of heavy stones in
the foundation caused tho door to be hard
to open. A Mexican was sent under the
building to look after matters nnd he
killed the first man he saw, the mason who
built the wall. Other men were seen run
ning but they made a good escape.
The Middlesex dve-woiks at Somerville,
Mass., valued at S'S ),;0:), were burned re
cently. Twenty-one buildings at Hronson,
Mich., and twelve stores at Sand Lake,
were destroyed by fire on the same day.
Tho twenty-second anniversary of the
issue of the proclamation of emancipation
wns celebrated by the colored citi."tis of
Springfield, who marched in a body to tho
old home of Abraham Lincoln.
Advices from Wisconsin are to tho ef
fect that the cranberry crop is nearly a
failure, but 2.",001) acres of fine tobacco
were raised.
Ovkkwouk was perhaps the cause of tho
recent suicide of L. J. I'rown, a leading
dry goods merchant of Kitchburg, .Mass.
While walking home from a ball at
Rochester, N. II., two young French
Canadians were struck by lightning Sep
tember 2lth. The lad was instantly killed;
the girl was so terribly scorched that she
has becomo insane.
The anniversary of tho Helgiau revolu
tion of 1JSW roused the citizens of I.rtisscls
to a monster demonstration against the
Government. The editors of two Republi
can papers were arrested, and the lien
darnies dispersed a crowd which had gath
ered at a bulletin board.
The authorities of Limerick have de
cided not to pay the tax imposed for extra
policemen appointed by the Uovernrnent
because tho local protection against out
rages was not deemed sunVient.
On September 2ith Joseph Sarver was
hanged at Indiana, I'm., for the murder of
his father. Michael Murray was hanged
at Ebensburg, in the same State, for the
murder of John Ilanciilf in October, 1SS3.
Lom Si'ENCEit undo a half-way surren
der to the Councilmen of Limerick.
Though tliey refused to send a deputation
to wait on him, he had reduced the amount
of tho extra-police tax demanded. Ho
threatens to use extreme measures to col
lect the reduced sum. Tho Councilmen
are not likely to yield.
The Hritish gunboat Wasp was wrecked
oil Tory Island, on tho northwest coast of
Ireland recently. Only six of those uho
were on board were saved. Fifty-two, in
cluding all tho officers, were drowned.
Wisconsin's tobacco crop this year will
aggregate S.iVWjOOO pounds, .and will bring
the growers about 52,0000 .
Yheue were 4"" new cases of cholera in
Italy on September 21th. and 2fi deaths.
In tho city of Maples tin re were l.YJ deaths.
The gold reserve in tho United States
Treasury is .121000,009, or nbout Sl".00
000 more than it was a few weeks ago.
The Mahdi's force is estimated, at 2.",000
men, of whom 10,000 are armed with Rem
ington riil-s. He has twenty Krupp guns.
The Xativnal G tzette of Heriin in a
recent issue, made the extraordinary de
claration that Germany, Austria, and
Russia will suppoit any step taken by
France in regard to the Egyptian financial
question. This is most significant in view of
the recent agreement of the three
Mrs. Kendall, a well-known London
actress, who manages the St. James Tuea
ter in tho Hritish Capital, delivered a very
sensational address on the Hritish drama
before the late Social Science Congress at
Hinningham. She did not tako a hopeful
view of the situation. Tho Hritish drama
is going to tho dogs.
The American Hiblo Society recently de
termined to stop putting Bibles in ra if road
cars. One of its ..fiicers said: 4,Of a thou
sand distributed, we believe but ten were
read, while three hundred were so mutda
ted as to be worthless, and four hundred
A Massachusetts Bay 03-ster planter
pays boys a cent for every starfish caught
on his beds. He saves 5! ,000 a year on the
oysters which would be otherwise de
stroyed, a profit of two cents on
each starfish, which he dries nnd sell.
The police have seized cattle in Lough
rea, Ireland, as a penalty for refusal to
pay awards, under the crimes act, to the
relatives of persons murdered. Serious
trouble is feared at the public sale Saturday.
A TUAMr recently entered the house of J.
A. McLain, r. farmer, six miles south of j
Coopersville, Mich., and raised a disturb- j
auce. ilic lather ami son put him out and
tho son then went for assistance. When
he returned he found his father dead on
the floor frcra a revolver shot. Every ef
fort was made to capture the murderer. '
A mixed train on the Hrattleboro &
Whitehall Road in Yerimnt met with an '
accident just west of Dummerston. on S p- I
tember 25th. A freight jumped the track ,
carrying wi'li it four others and one pas
seuger coach. They were precipitated
down a twenty foot embankment. George
H. Richmond, Jamaica, had his skull
fractured and subsequensly died. His
wife nnd daughters were seriously in
jured, and about twenty other passengers
sustained severe knock, cuts and bruises.
F. B. Pickerill. of the Interior Depart
ment, who recently retnrued to Washing
ton from a tour of inspection of the Pacific
Railroads, says the Central and Union are
both god property, but thn. tho West has
too many railroads for the population. He
thinks the Northern Pacific will be the best
trans-continental route.
Justice Fjeld, In a hearing of the Chi
nese habeas corpus cases at San Fra&cJ? co,
held that the wife could not ontr oa the
husband's certificate. Sbo must have one
of hctown.
Caitain W. II. Jam, United Stat At
iNtant Engineer of Upper Cap Fir Kivr
Improvement, committed alcMs at WiJ.
mlngton, S. C, by shooting hlmielf through
tbe head.
H. Q. Hctcxnson, who w. the caoo of
the famous wheat riot In Wisconsin In
1-550, ended hi days at San Francisco oa
September 2."th.
A ktandakd weekly newspaper ha boon
substituted in the public schools of Aaite,
In., for the ordinary Fifth Reader. The
experiment, if it works well, wtll be triod
in other place.
Loni AYLEsrORD, whose wife lately de
serted hint and Wen me the mistress of tb
Duke of Marlborough, sold hit estatos in
England. The price obtained aggregated
$VJ9. Lord Ayleiford it now living on
a ranch in Texas.
En;lam la threatened with serious com
plications growing out of her effort to r
adjuht the finances of Egypt. The repre
sentatives of Germany, Rut-da, Austria
and France called on .N'ubnr 1'ashn, the
Egyptian Premier, reccutly, to make for
mal protects against diverting the money j
set opart for the Kinking fund to general
P'gyptinu iurto?es. The Jsurnnl W ,st.
l'elirhnrj savj that Ruinin has expressed
to England ht'r regret that the latter did
not consult the other European Power,
before deci ting authonz, the usii.s1oii
of the Minting fund. n,e (,. .ay
that tho Powers have notified the hedive
that tho stability of his throne will be en-
dangered if he continues to endorse Lng-
land's finincial acts. Threats of the re
storation of Isinnil Pasha have been tnnde.
3Iis.s C. Q. Wkll, a wealthy young lady
of ew York Citv, periihel in a miow
storm on Septemb-r 22 J while descending
Long's Peak, Colorado. She had been vis
iting friend. at Colorado Springs. Sho
was nccomprniod by a young gentleman,
who carried her some ditdanco nfier .she
was uumlxsd with cold, but when his
strength gave out lie hastened homo for
aid. The rescuing party found her frozen
to death.
A hkcext memorial drafted by the Chi
cago Citiy. ;n-' Association in favor of the
amplication of civil-service reform rules to
appointments to ofiice in Chicago received
the indorsement of 7u0 leading business
The Irish papers express no sympathy
for tho persons who lost their lives by the
wreck of the Hritish gunboat Wasp oir the
const of Donegal. They assert that it was
a righteous judgment, inasmuch as the
Wasp was engaged in currying out evic
tion. This is severely commented on by
tho English papers, whi-h point out that
the Wasp was also employed in carrying
food to tho hnngry during tho f amino
Latest reports from Usuinn Digna were
to the ctFect that ho had only 2 U followers.
Tho diminution was caused by death and
hunger from which his ranks have been
Tin: Hi Igian Government recently di
rected the municipal authorities to strictly
enforce the rules relating to foreigners.
1 Ins liniinctiou wa
made in view of the
participation of foreigners in recent politi-
cnl disorders.
Tvrnom fever was recently raging with
fatal results in Saint Oueu, a well-known
1'aris suburb.
Tiik Internal Revenue Htirenu reports a
falling otr of receipts at the rate of c'J.OJO,
MK) per auimm, for which no reason can bo
KussiA is about to build two ironclads a
Sebastopol. These will serve as a nucleus
for a future ileet in the HIack Sea.
Advicks irom r.urman stale tliat a san
guiuary outbreak had occurred in the jail
at Mandalay. Seeral hundred convicts
to (Jeneral Wolseley for Li
expanses was
Tnu police of Paris, acting on the advice
of the Municipal Medical Committc, pro
hibited tho holding of tho recent baby show.
A rorci.AU reception on n gram! seal.
was recently given Kmperor William at
Minister. Tho banquet by tho Provincial
Diet was a magnificent affair. The Presi
dent cf the Diet delivered an address of
hearty welcome to the Emperor, who re
sponded by proposing the toast ''i'rospeit
ity to Westphalia."
AdaGii.mav, the actress, lately brought
suit iii the Superior Court of Cnicngo i
against A. T. Andreas and Chnrles W. j
Itobcrts, to recover damages of l.CO-J for
breach of contract in connection witn the
play known as a "Mountain Pink." T. M.
Hunter alo sued the same parties for .")00.
The company was stranded in Philadelphia.
Owing to the prevalence of the cholera
the Papal Consistory at Heme wiil not con
vene. Caxadiax ranchmen complain that tho
Piegan chiefs demau 1 ten cents on everj-
1, r ,.A, .1 .- - rr I
.ead of cattle pasMg throu?. tneir rer-
ritory from Montana to .Manitoba, and en- j
force it by shooting suOIcient stock to equal 1
the tax. I
Coi-OUED soci ity at Now Brighton,
n, O., is
greatly exercised over the elopement of a
black coachman with two young quad
roons, after stealing j2." to pay expenses.
The Georgia Capitol Commission lately ,
awarded the contract for the building to a j
Toledo firm for -,T0o. The material j
will be limestone, from the Hedford quar
ries in Indiana.
"Willi ah Hav.ves, of Boston, was lately
convicted of using the mails to defraud.
He received sM.'Xfc) or more by advertising
remnants of silk at starvation prices, and
usually sent a skein in return for a dollar.
Charles H- Ford, an attorney who w4as
di.sbarrcd at Dttroir, and who was thought
to have been drowned in the river Raisin,
is in Iudiinapolis, where he was not lung
ago found keeping a Mnall cigar store.
TlWr,w.i nn liisiimncH of S" OoO unon his
. . ,- r -
life, and it is thought he expected to fee-I
cureit, I
cure it. 1
Gillie Lsicn,who recently pcrishcdlin .
the Big Horu ilonutains, was heir to btn-
ley Abuey, one of the finest estates iu E-fg
laud. A brother of tin deceased, now Ilv-
iog in San Francisco, is next in succvsin.
birof the
finest business blocks in Clee-
land were se
st on fi-e S-pteuib.r i7;h. U- in vm aw w w -.-.-. CikA!.
cendiaries igniteil oiled jiapr on
- 1
fourth floor of a stone tiucture on EuCid
avenue, used by an electrie light compaky,
lae uuutrwt-uers oiler large rewaras icr
the cajiture of the fire-bag:
Eight hundred volunteers and regulars
lately left L.indon and Aidershot to tun
camel corps in Egypt.
Caceres, the Peruvian revolutions y
lcader, is a fugitive, and the country is s
sutaing a peaceful condition.
The Chinese Government pays the cal e
companies about $1,003 per day for infi
mation sent from tha various Europe n
capitals. Chinese merchants are inipo t
ing large stocks of goods and breadstaiL,
in anticipation of a French blocks dersTl
Emerson- McColm, ot iluncie, Indiana,
who last spring had the breech-pin of a
gnu sent into his brain by an explosion,
has fully recovered from the effects of the
were killed. oitturcaic 01 uimnim among lmg: "1 saw in 5" ""Ni-Kijiiie oiiirns.- warn 1 r.-n. mu-f . . .
wirthiuui. f ,.Il...inl.r o.j.i .....,.,. f , betoihe iiolile tnnnlieivl mid no.:. whwhh ! H'lWltMi 11 lotion-.:
Uxiteii States Coxsul-CIkneuai. IIkai- ! J ' , " ' ' 1 L. ',J n .,,,7r .!., 1 ''-'l of Jjuerica. Wry Mmerey ..r trivwl j 1, Jamar (j. lUaln. of ANcitolit, M.,
has been urging the Porto to offer protec- , MZVll . . J- H" fc ? -JTrr lT.' '"
lion to trade marks. The I'orte, however, ! hail mX llIcc hiai!i. lh,v- wclc tak,.M sick TI. , ,..,. 1 "11 n 'nX V
has declined to tako any action m the mat- j would not eat, weak across the kidneys, J'.omk, September 2.'!.-HilleUn of the ilri'.' K? l the h
tor on the ground that such protection ' would goi snggiTiii; around tlic t.en. and at ,. ,.r i...i u. ..., f... ...-.. .V ... urvr-Trw. i; "o s"pn6
rirkttlfl Li rooinfoifil mill TtirL'iLh in.lm- I.'lf fill Mllll f 1111 I rtlltfl m iiViHiiintinu 1
'......i I their Imad nnd thront to i, iM of ,. Iwcntx-four lionrs: Hiovinccof H-rgawo . 5- I H-d In hratuckv a- ..
'; ' 1 . . . . . I took sixteen from one trom six ic. 11 frcM. crs. 7 ddh Provide of (:,,neo i -r or tu.or In lb wau-ni Wt
u.vaepiemiMT--''.nuieiotai amount sent .... ,.. , ,. , '..:. ,.,.. ,-. fr.i,,M ,,i.1,fiilM i-mhiiup irvm J.inti.rr, HSf-. Wo 1
S nrxTcn frw I1attDMtb. of tbe
COfJ, : Inc follow mg repnflwwit tfce
co;-Jl km of hr vifI Tops, etc, n Ne
braska. ujn Kh'dr'.i rejrfjrt Isi'iet.m califJ
for and :sde by umetj Svrci?tre-Ht:
CV!o. SHfjjc nrtd;tuft to fl rutMttos, pT
105 j-T cent.: wbant, average cooditiwi
wlkcu harvested in 41 ctrtrttfW, 10 r
Ir cfi; oats, arwxse cvndtfkM kSimi bar-
vvfio) in fii ruitic jsf cwjL: barW). j
average cnnditktn wUeti karrutnl m 90
coontk-. 'Xj cvttt.: re. affsszr rot '
tltUnuben bam4l l"ft9 eouU-s 100
;vrcro: IriJi j-tato, avet- cvtHUttna
in TO cvuntks, lOt S K t1.; !" ?
taUoi, xrerat rooUikn )n M eoanties. ltx
I T-r rcoL: IuLftrc. strrtfM MNtoiition
in 5 exuttic. zvprnitxl at 1W jwf
o-nL; Mmchcm, avesv etmiHkx in
:a couoUi. 1(S It f .: JH"
l4its. RVrmrecoiHht! tortj-vevru cotm
ius, 1WH i-vrcenU: cr. XT(Mcc etd
tlon in foity-ix couutis. 107 p?r reo.:
number of iurz for ottfM.'wi
with lS, in W crimUe. Ill per
j rent.: hfs. avrrage co:dttkJt( ms to wk
aiMi .iiic
e a.s ctHHpaioi with formfT years, sill
it. Tlie weathor oti uV whek lut
JH.T cen
h-eti fjtvoraWe for corn, nrhum. bnrk
wlMSlt, ioUtHrs Uriah atwl sweHt. ap4o
aixl crapen wice lat rert. It has t-m
jKirtH-uiarly favorable fur rorn atxi ha u-
, ereav'l the Ifcelila2e very cMWtfmblr.
l '!'" weeks more of favorabUs wealhf hU
' w "t hebls of cm out of dawcrtr
'j1, fr,ost: hlUi' wl,rtl1 X" ?
' '"iff1. ,! Wt,. '? P"1. lttUtu f J
, uv. llH. )ttrM ,,.,, acte lh(. . j. ,,,
; :ill rvJmHUt a5r,. thjll ,: U .u..r l!ie ,ltUl
crop UOuld amount to Su.SU.-l.ia mh-b..
and of a much tetter p
talitr. 'Hie oat and
baricy crop v. as injured by wi wcauicr:
l.owevcr. tho total yield will eweed tlm: of
1-S.X The apple and grape r;op i alwut
dant and of excellent quality, both botmj
lamely in excess of any former yuar.
The Woman's
rnion will 1kM
Oirbllau TiitfraiM,
a Statu coitvctiUon in
Omaha, October l.
Tin: couiimmntion of tho Nehrak:i
agreement was texrti-l assurcil. Tin wu
era! freight ngents of the Omaha lrnas met
at Chicago on the 22d. ami after an all la
session linally agresl noon all mp be
tween Chicago and Omaha and .Wbr.ika
joints. The new taniT agreol upon dni
not ditrer materially fiom the one now used
by the Western Trnnk Line A-i.itiou.
.Mix Smith, wife of V
A. Smith, living
near Auburn, set a burkct of boiling water
i,. tl.,. ,r,l t,. M I.;,.! . t..
.1 ri . V 111 . ""
"'"-" - "" urn 1 -n-iu -tm iiiiMiui-i, cm,
bv Minn' means ui5et it and fell into it.
scalding her entire back, fiom tho clfects of
hieli vli..ili.-d
,UCM '" Uluu
A I.intci.v pajer says: "A reporter
called on rutted States Coiiinii-MiimT l'.il
ling-dey to a.s.-ertain the whenfre of the
dearth of examinations before him in caes
of io!ation.s of the whiky and tolwuvo
leveuue laws. It will be remembered that
a few mouth.s ago there was grisit activity
among Deputy 1'iiitetl States Marslial. and
every day or two some wretch who had
willingly or unwillingly iolnted the law,
wa bpiiight in for examination. The Com
uiiisioner didn't l;iow what was the
matter with the bos. hut ineutinuetl hiei
dentally that the mileage which they 11 -ed
to be allowed for soningMibjxrna-. has been
cut oIL Whether this has anything to do
i w'th the sudden cooling of the olieei' en-
J thu-Isisiit wo cannot say, but the two
' c ,mc '" '"'"s jnxtnjKi.-.ition.'
.somi: Omaha roughs tired at .some mI-
diers at t!te barracks n-outly, when the
; pursued, and com ng up uith a
, joimtf fellow uaiuetl Hiiiglrmi they beat
j him unmercifully after he had three rib
bro!;iii bv liciii" tliroun on of m l.n..-i-
.. ...
Hingham was innocent of any ofScnre and
did not bciuug to the. paity who did the
" --' --... ...... .... ........ .. .1ta.T
.. 1. .!... r .... :i 1 ti- it
An Omaha Councilman named W cod
worth was arrested n-ccntly charged will:;
fnuid in paving contracts. '
,, f ,, ... ., . .. I
.1. i .ll. ol I.attle ( reek", thus ,
writes to an oinalia jiajicr. roiicoruitig the
, worms coming irom urn me-inis 01 one 01 1
. my pigs. Would it not be svyll for slock- j
men 10 examine ineir iiogsnmi sec it tliis i
not what is the cause of the hogs dyimr: and.
if so, what these worms and what
will drive them from the hos.'"
Tiii:::k wild steer; trot loose in Omaha
recently and created much consternation.
Pos-r-oKKiri: changes iinXcbraska during
Ihc week cnilcd Septeinlvr '20: Kstnhiishiil
Alineriea. Loup County. (J. W. Strolile,
Postmaster: Hnineli. Cedar Coiiutv. Theo
dore Dree-scn, Postmaster: Olive. Nance
Comity. T. O. Mclntvrc. Postmaster: Over,
Custer County, William A. Mc.MuIleii. Post-
I master: SjoitsviIIe. Adams County. Peter
A. ote. Post mast ir. I lUrotititiiiiil ( Jiul
roI1 SJox t-OUIItv. Xaniean.Uite cha:iged
Idora. Sioux Couutv, to Hrew-tor.
fjeorgo W. Hrcuslcr. Po-tmastor,
ma.stcrs appointed Heaver City. Fumai
I'ountv, Lucius Kinsman. PosMnaster: Dar
IifdI. Hrown County, David Wilmol. Post
in istor: .Mtathillc, Hrown County, William
S. Monro, Postmaster: Peru. Nemaha
County, .John C. Wync, Postiiu:er.
Tin: horse ranch of W. F. Coly. "Huffalc
Hill." is .situated alMiut three miles from
j Xoith Platto. b.'tween tiie railroad rjn!
il... V... !!..,.. !;.... c r .1... 1.. .
tow .'&! kfcl. it,ri. K.'tlli; Ol U1U irvSk
biw,!s of hnTS bo:!l lfeI. Mll
.j., these stabk.5. Thfs ntK.: j . ne ff
o.vcral owned bv Mr. Cod v. which, with hi-.
snlondiii n-sit'encc and'm itist n:ic mil. !
from town, make him one of th;? "Inart
tixed" stock men in this valley. j
T:ie IkmIv of .lolin Cnvill. of Cm!iri.i.... t
was found horribly mutilated on the railroad
.m -. v - ... - , . . .....s... -- '
track near that town rvccnllv.
The Fremont Normal Srhnol and Hits!
ness College will open for the reception ol
btudonts October 21.
N'ki.lik (r.vcKKXnrsiL a voung drl ol
weak intellect, living in Coluuibu?. Ijiacas.
1 tor County, was deeoved into a room hv t? c
jouiig men named Frank Smith ntal neorse
Matthews rccent.y and sbje.teil Ut such imu uu uivi on rctnrning ;o ncr '
(lAi.OTttas in Omaha.
Drr.t.vo a violent lhrhining storm a!
Omaha, reecnrly. five street craIcrs entered
a barn for protection from rain, ami ail but
I rin 'ra crvfi if fairvrlc lMrl,w! 1.. .
I", " A. " V, " ,, ,, ".""
ami oueoi uiem. oi::i i.unr. 01 JCiseiviiie. I
y wn, t-.itj
1, 1, - - !
oil ,1. II. Hay. a?ststant il:ysic:an at t e '
.Jn,(lIn Insane asv.oip, arn! Mis, Kih i
rch.bald. priratesccretarvof Dr. Matthew-1
?on, Suivrintcndetit of tbe int:tu:iou. ware ;
marrieil a few days since. i
Axotiice one of the O'Hai-kin familv nf :
Washington ( oonty mrt hi death by tirJwn-
- r i
- last week. A few weeks .iiro one of tin.
. ..-.-
f bovs, asrotl eveuXeea. was uruwncit ir. the:
...-..... .
same neighboriioo;! wmie oatam. I
;. ..... . ..I
A nACiiKLORs cino lias oe..n roraiHl al
Blair. The miuil:y
or nurrving L- s;i ?
oyster supper for the member.
E. R. Overall, one of t:se prominenj
rolored citizens of Onnlia. has been ap
poiuted Ci:nniLssioncrfnra Nebraska tolo-ik
nf n rws.ti, -.mi M.fiin -.. itin ?n io.m,-
... .-... .... w.. .......... -.w ... ..,.. ...
Two men named Chase, and Ilendeishot were
held to answer the charee.
IvEJUtrar bttilders lay brici in the wI'
it six -Jollars a thousand.
x.wla&. ov ' I1h a Itl.H .4 .T 'llil. 1 i 1111.-1- I - v- ' '- T- ' - x ". n .
iffter the representation of Ins race st tiie ; at and end. Tbe quarrel had scrbxajy e Ttsoa-w neue.-e. asa :o tx-iirr-, hi oh hlia. Tb rrumtn wu far.rVC "i
World's Exposition at Xew Orleans. barrassed tne Ilepnblicaris. Serera: dayr bace Uut dstc nrinr Jcttrr aad Ccorr coos brrilk.: mw W c" la S
James Firzr.F.ltALn. .1 carpenter. ra5 1 ilr. Besh of the Govetnaiens prin:b thrrecn hare bees ue.'icd. and that its whrc the hlLtr wa ,trceJ:
ti.KJiWiihi-iiMt.inu n tl.. T-in ' rtfH mrp IJVrs tosflttleit bra romnrs-jitsi- Isure "I. .3 the Tear 1SZI. hm i-ik . Th Sh-ff .-..u . .' ..
P-.vrlfic at Omaha recentlv. Tlie wheen ol ; and tlte oppos.Uon zo tbe irStiuic fnnx tirriy rjorcL I care o.j mran of of the serru. It J th t i
the emdne took off the flesh of his right ies , trades unioLs will now ceav. The cost axrtalat,.jr by whoa thU wa dose, has hi way to UirtU, Ui Dm
flora tbe thich to the heel. proajb mats the rrUntne olSce a onioc bave rrojos to ttlcr, scd d xel.cTr, oms were drla- Vwihvt a
A cosntCTon named Manninc. while D!Ece aaitu The present printers ere net Jkst pfcoUraph wo taken of tii dc ' uo:h abeKLoaeyraraco
h,jtfi;.,., ;nH, -Tkk. ji5charrcd. however: they are taen hi al . cc stone it the prnccrwaeat of o-r.f PirtctL ll-iV h .f -,i
iiuivi tiiuut ut vtaMM, zawvva
HI lUrl? StarltJ H4Xa IU tlU
Nirrr York. 5rfwr m-Hon. UIty!
rit : totfM-pobit2wfakl6iCfmraki-
ur tnMKiml to tUm mmtij two wmeka y
I itm: j-mr favor &m a irirtnaj ztn
lUmx taw cvmmisvotw lanttoi MM k- ctnaa
' JaU ' r
It lfHMr
Tt micmrw. aut to
prnrvfti ut Ik arf. tmX u apraa d
rvrti MtlM rT to a a ti4Mwto
la list crJaii Mkcnjr oirmr tm o ;fci
rat I rij mnr 1 itnuk tortrt;
fruoi lb 4Tr-Tiv. aJifcooffc I ti n
tHmt I couWt tre0t-U :b V&famtm r-f -.
k tritmm&ir aw. fccmrtavr to vev
lit efStir- iruh vij-h t ewmi in bt
rtJk- tiMMKr ttf tiarbul Yu ma :MarM
br koiipr!?Hy patafai it asaM ! t 4r
re mr 1 imb: utf hi im- t . a)aMt
1 UiSc wttk )hj ttkai u4rr ta- trtuaus'aawisi
! rvuW tvmmt 'tt tfc fw-ait mtm poaw
to javufy a cauntrM Mrk udnrwt mtt
tm-m otFjxctiniusio. ! wmja. t vrt.
!c! r'aR IW- fr;- U tnr 11 niiaaal-ennmuni.-n
U Ukmo Xrwkl who ka
lakrn - dr-Orat mmi $ ("t ,-?- ta
day hrn r,
' ti .joij f,
wrvt in Mjr atfair TV? hVMsrc kHm 4 U-
ur trmtiptrn M M0! mtul r
C llkr rlcrtHta. t- 8t vpV
tunltjr tur iu promt -pf. ni tor la -
kiiir rwnusl onJi at fa wxia
Ky . In tax rm of l"4. Wti I v Uat
i traw-rw rrt s tt iwv I arat awri tfc aa4
an tur Mur xban tliirtf yar iu fc-f
my wfe. tntr awittatataiK mMiKcal at
Hw cott of m t.Mik tat an itmrr
NM-nt. Hteh. wtUMiut ittr p(
pv; f pfH-rdY umrriHgt . r naturattjr ru-bi
10 v? tuiurnfr Tirtparf !a h
innr f !. wIko 1 w. rj;naf pint
WarcitJ) pnti tx tn Kaiur- A4 MaH 1
li-hrotM-U lrh. I a MWn u j
BKnl Uj PRftyittita r-jr Ik li-ath .f mj 1
turn i KmturlT. 1 i xlifMiteri! MI mr '
io4rflntt jtra'e'0 from h-r who woia ,
my titi in 1rHtn M oa wll m m - 1
curt- Ut 10 mjwir r an tultkMf
lie caitHt every U. conliBfrat;
in 'tXf. ael on Uh nKh at Juts-. I'd,
Jwt rtr in r ietrtrp frtna limn
tiav tra kv ! fffh dHMuM& . .
' etH-natMl truUt frt-o U. un)tl Lt wkt 1
t know wm in my me Stu- ! Pcnnhu:
ti 1-rf.Htly Wi furw-fmim. rpa
Iok- Jt.mi I ("una that my Immii.t. ittH !
lenMnn-i'l l. bu-:ne-. .Un lait m( v
kir m spHfHtin lrtnn tw iwl Kln!rl
inibHl M-uhb-r -! ihc I rb'tat-i r-ua'.
ht l-aat l-r a tln. ay 'x-iiii,'n i". hn
tiK-kr. whUher I returnt-.! In ;hV tatter ir: l
Auifii't. Inirln; tn enuinjr winter. intlutti
X'X il)rlvnif. M-fcic-h Hifr iii-rnut l-jr h ?w i
j eon-UltMlHt. I brcMwe klre:rt (tt a itjl j
! nl:rh: t throw n ru Ik iIKHrol uur mar 1
nf, l r nii of uon-eotnplUtnr mth t j
mw r.r tin- UUeviMr-in H"i'rre.l: lr I hc 1
i MntriH"I IHUl IIH- IW .I KritTllt-KV It1il I I
! Ikfii-Mfirtia. by ih ?wt .t th. !
cntirl r.11 MJ;reiuH- ril-l'- m ua
mHrrmff. Afier tnueh till?raflM ant .it
! "M " xi"" -V '" ,nr', m ,b' lm'1 0,n'1
iial inaniH-r y;i'fit n p.!.?. .inlrrn-
I men! n-oltniic fnei our p..! f.r Wih- h I
alit" a reton-tlle l--t:-l tht ia
v-lm,,!,-,,. kh.1 at I im- -ate tiror t.V-MirMt way
b fi i-ynt 'f ( tiin mini, aipi kutv mi . - ,- a ..., i
other innrriae rkj j-rorm-l. TMi rty; II e, pra ai. la-
wm done in the prt-w-nie f .u ' .criptbn la wonS aanl &zur a tUa
nc'? in the ctty of Iltu-l-Mrfc t atUc wl, oHuimU rrarn Mld UJM
hi tle nionlli f fart-h. Jil. tnii j u
Wh not others je made piihlle for fltvHi M''t-
recoils it wa-'.iernniMif'ii:r t Mt ur ! ! Did iit W tmiitHto totr tai
inII-iiitalle valulttv. i.'ie noi ifiurr!
tn lfi- atil iv4lf U-inw n'MkfM jmti
At the mature ? of Mtr tour I do nt Am
fend the w 1-dooi or pruktrf a ifrt't mat
nave, -iifiri te.l l-v lle rr!or aid lt,ett
ftMH of miUi. hut .t- lervr 8fl It t'Ur.lj
wire itnloliiU-. as I ?!! e In i)m t'bt o
(ixl. mi:! cMiitiot I tttle i'i -iir ofh-r"-f
bv th' t leK le k- f men. It lrMivh' t
me m ininpanionh'p whih hii li'it my eau-l
ha;pines Iruo ItnyhntMiV ra to ihJ Immit
unit Iuls cntwiiMl ni- wth whnt
eer of iiee I hsv ntla'n! In my lifa
Mr edfi c-him. n oi. win twtrn In hi
lr8Mlllto:lMT h VtleoH t!n Jsih la of June
1 S'A. in Ki.Titv of Ainrt:tH. Nini. Rtfl.!f"at Ir
fier arm three v-hy Uit Hi ah tnow
' '" hecem-tei f h mitlve Uy bettfath s
j y ,7, , ,, TnMn Vaua'Tu !
etooi! for nln:.-i nn -ntlre ffi-uerwiion. !
ln re-rinly U f:H-5 by nmlal ain! aacrik ,
! irlou hand.
iT-k a iii.irt wk KaBifav en iiiiinii anil
! th'Kl f nl.l
' nilmnny mnl
,. . .,.... ...
. a cxniHiM icjriite rr "fienci'. 1 anew .
I ciK-iinn'er mttav firm 1 ,
iwl iwi.vtnul J fitmHtion: I ut I .
! eonr I di'l not n;i t to ! Hrl n:ir
' 'lefelMl the IIMine of J llfV0 M1 Bon
(r, wlf,.. Mj.o K motl,er nd a rrun"
n oiIht. iur did I etpH't thut tin- tnn- ot ,
',,v little ch!ll wohH !. cm lly iIiikcihI
Airii!iit Mich uio- fiiruis of wroiu- tin- lw
t,jV,.s ,, mi.siuiilo redrew. aiH I kno thai
' In the end m mnt eiiceiivi. .fHi r:ni
n fresh cji.cs, 0 deatlw: ritv of Ipwia. It
fres!l 12 deaths; Province of Nap,
TO frc-si casc, -l."i deaths: C'Uy of NaidcA
no:t fresli caes, 101 deal its; elarwhere. M
fresh cases. 1J death.-: tolal number of freai
cases, -U-.'; total number of deaths, i:$.
The I.ib'ml new diaper pnu-e Ukt acii-ai
of the Piie hi foumlini; aliospitat near tor
Vatican, and dwell epocialiy upMt h's in
tention of jH-fsouaHy visittii the hAptnl
in the went of a cholera ouJbrrak at
n:xc b.
Pai:i, Settc:nlHT J3. '1 hrre were ftv
deaths froui cboltrm at Marsoilk-.
and three at Toulon.
Maiu:ii, ScplcinbeT 23. TWro wrrr iii
I new cases of rhohra at AilraRte to-flav :
1 nine new clscs and four deathei at Tarra
I.'iHiN September 2. It Is reponw
tint an outbreak of chdvrn ha (rrurrrtl
nen.- OdesSM. Unsla. Tho gternnnjt b
trying tj s.ujpresK knowlwlve of lac fjct.
A S:-iimer lturn-il.
Ci.",ri.NATi. ().. .Sridcrmb'a- Si A fin
Soirtcd i:: the pantry of the atcamrr Morn
big Mail shortly before two o'cloek .ster
dny mortiin; and was rommuHirate! to tii
s:ca:ner Honauza ami the UnUeil Naba
-ht House Tender Lily, hlns nloo.-tsl.Je.
All were bunie; to the water's edscr,
exxept the Lily,
the Is of her
which escaped with
up$Kr wixk.s. Thr
ooiitA were iiinjc nt tne upper rancint
in FnlUHi, wbervaMtrmberof ohrrtjaiorr?
were tie I op during low w-Jer. Tht
s-lramers Calf ami .h-n'le were rot !
and :sontet away o:t or dnsrer.
ay!e to wll Imjw
m7si 3 ik I ilomiac
Cinciimali. PortMwsi:
Corpn3". Tin;
amj Jvjj.iror'li $'
'wa- m,.t tWf CJ,
f. ms:red
S20.000 each
mated a; rlo.yOO. No Ihres were lost.
,:i litiior' IJlrnnt.s.g.
SA.TF::vNrtro. SejUrad.T 23.--Jaa
r. ,! 1m. A.r..MtUl I "..! .-.
""" - - k- - -" - .
vordho5 f th- New York I'truML ar
.o.uuw. o. us .uw ra crwn. a.
rivtol yt-4cntay artotoma. IIrarth
,M u- v.fc.r h, w.,- i., ,x a
Joh1 ? ff Lwho l2 J:l
Pnn,a w ,,kS iac iKonwir iCJire
of the city. The train an whk-h ihey xr
rived riarrowly ecatwd a xtie dinAO. r
- 'i9 usl r w- v aaauow -1
,nt ,,aJ , wft - M&. i
!wl,r - w . ,'v ws"!r ln--
ayr a,'f- f TirYktt li ta fKa arr I' atoAMt tWl
, I "'"" - .-r-
iifr" .?- it i ii?r tva" ni4 i -t .
1 . . j; , V ,. .
. .. . 1 -v-
IllT.t .s n.K VArA mnA WC W&.VHC MI
. ' .!...,. 3
-o wse wtk
-. JLT ki AkAA b
5urc-lul Jrintrr.
ettiouk. September -J3.-lT.e5rn: o:
. -
the printers MlUt the Xew YorU Tr&ntnc h
oenioeri oi uje unioo. ana in uns ty im ,
a a.
:(KJ;cil caa- x ae o- ,
-T-.- . .- f-.
uas tven jai satiaciusn to u J
irt-ptiuiKaa ij..;;ji,.c.j, nwi vu Acwuufc v
K. .-..... .am.. .......-. J ... . ... aaj....- .M
me n-nt wchuu ssave oeen ou.j a to ?r ;
Hsunr opFifUio frcra trade oraidxarhxia I
tlKr fire sorted. Ttr IW ItrtltrectiT, Wfurr toy narr. I r-t ZL A. I , V K w" 52 -f atol
Mail wercownnlhribf him lr l Ir.-t Umm a Frhtttart. il '. ". T, . rfa).. a an la
th A Mis Sad Park I had two h ts-M from hto .!r r ur. . -? . . .l . " ? r cr
(- , ..5i- , i-. .... t.t..t .! Baai" vac: thrAlMtMi i.. . -..
4.000. The Momriat Mai rr wtc-aav- aw a- a ihvr af sho r . JT " Wto r-rr .'.-,
r ago ami valimi at ?3. :it - th- iher bBir!. it k. ., .. K It tu V.'-,f. Catf -
in CinchiiisU cowpaiue f. , , lAM; r bae ,rftt,u hr the ! 1 "MW fr aaxl ihj h'.krr-
The i.llv dnar k, tl 1.-.. i 1 - .. '.w .. " ' a'T rrtnmI 1- .....
t---www --w
lavtrrriaxauarlr wf attr?i s
1 Wii -mma tin aaikW mum i y? :
. : wltotator f w Sw iav law
rk?arat fon w immtm ? aat
r. Sla wkatVr mmem
Yom a'tor"-atl mrret $! to
tni mm nix, arct, & mt arkaapiaca
fc w vC (pasa'4- j
C .Niat tiat yo faJy M lta-'
trT; !l T a T ta rl4 laf;
ara t t tarfWnHj r )
I . . - !
mrt IJarnrlmtoi m ymm wt tsr
11 !
f It mm mwmr titot tW aaHr ;
Maw of yw wH ' Hmrrtot M
wooU. taV wlkm iaalty Ml li.
(rfef; ! lto Hra: wtt awtt,aaa!
lara nl waif it lMf.
; nil,- sail N f wr
rit Wrv yaai ei r'.t fOOW Uaa te
tl kmmiU at Xarcm lit?
: ui dato cd p of yr ar
liijt ia t tho altor tlto prrMMl. tav
rWW )tfrtf ad ir. w9 Wf.rt
ebl on 1fe.1i ccov. 1
10 Waalacn!itUae koui J iU
II. WJwt rwiauott. It a try, mi la u
t prra yB atOel; al Wft
v rattoa ur !etrf tow tint joti mW9 Mith
Mtn Uflwr ,nM amarr-at ckcn)iaai tlto
, .. fc. -k.. ait .u-lk t.t.rruw it
a t. r, aa4 wtat Va aW aJ t
1?. '.i no. iW 4rt catM f aald Mtr
rtx brn on Uto lah day ml Jo,
I lAl?
13. What v tlr? nato? !low omz
dIU it iivr, ad with wbotu?
11. Wb.n A A au cbUd dk? VTa-r.
Wis nmr;i.7 and II ar caaicrv, gtr
the Mama ( tar rMtotonr?
15 Was ay UnnttvUim or ant8ct
1 rt te.l at Ih era l Mid ch l? ? t
tlatr o! )w- buto, aid by Hbo dtrrctMMi
iu tthiomtiicto arreted.
!.. WtJH-rcnt lrlptla mm sw
j onjhtoll.- at tlto Uto Ot It ltili. r
, folio wit. a locrliu r-tlrr loth birth
mt MMthlld! "SiiBoo! llalac, bvm
June 1. I il 7
is. lUaayp4rtlott of -r.ld Invrlptka
.-Id t.niUtow tcti ern-rtl alaoa lt
crrril'r 11 o, iai priHa,'
I e boik callrd "Thr Ute of Jawhth t",. !
lt'atn"," Hrtton by Nn-H li. Co, wall,
with nu lotrudurtum br U rror (bi
ol Alalia, and piiUikilMMl O r. t.. A ,mn A
C , Augu-U, ilff , In t yrar 1H?
.-. . ... . .
A rr a.t tfta pro:. 01 acii worn
MbinlltrI to yoa lor rtoan?
li iH't the tatonMrRt mntUt upon i
the lt -right it ;Vig ol .-aid book a Jo.- 1
low: ,,.Vtl SUaHooti lit Jdarvh, lrl. j
lcamr h wife at lnubnrah, fa.' A.'
correct tal-m"ot ra U Uaw tuit p.aea o!
j 1 wr KJirrUgr? j
ft. Del not roti cofninjalcnta to the
author ot ld booc fr ht i in irh
work th tint" ami plae d yur iaur ' aorani?
iataat ro-
ln UiS ad Jsiy thr in-l.twto
wn.H at CrorgcUiwii, In 15 Zt at HiiiwLlcK,
la 1-41 at IceiiuoR riHg
L 'lhe ladr I w.rrleU Urrl la Kra
tncV.y Irom th; prnj: of I sds Ut Urn
S ot 1541. Mm w. egagrd a
t- at her in Coloml T. K. Jouommi'!.
Female .V ml wary, lb ttrit lwu wr at
Georgetown, lh ia.t yar at lt.Ur
bur:: 5' I woally left Keatneky In th (alt-r
pait ot DrcmVr, lrl; waal U Xvr
Orleflw on Un-ln.-. cimI th--n MrecUy
to Aurnrta, Mr., wfakh plac I rtracltod
Fibrii-ry y, I?;s, aid wr.. tnrxl vmnif9l !
8 prlac .! tencJer, in thj ivu,y.v,,nt i
iHsUtRtlou Iwr the I-ircct!toi of Uia
UAud In Phi-adiriphla. i
;. My wife kit Krntncky In J.Urch. I acc..B.paHll t.r mytnll e. hr a,
11tlborg. Pj.; thrwr sbv lmvUd
u.oar tu N-w Vori:. hImo .-.he n mt
by hrr brwtbrr. Jacob SUtiwtutrt Km!
' 1 - - ,
h. I. IS as. lhe marrhi!t nm.t .(
llavlusa doubt ?b4rcMMT M It. valJ.
Itr uwder the Uw." cl Ket3rfcrf which
the -tr1t grnliy vqurd a ilrrnsa tt&m
ihr Ctert; of thr t wentr Cwsrt. I had thi
xosrrlage u.nla2rd a rid Umi la
liJ6bHrrb, Pa., on thr Tf h vl Matrh.
Iril. Ir. the pre;j.c ol Jwbn V. lau
a tut DnMi Ut.
loswaii. jtcm Marw -ml wt the
c d-.-: brother of toy w Ir. I had so
xrqcalbtance with hito at the liaa- of
ray marrla-': had arver n hia4 unr
,, rondel of y ll.d M.M alter I hr.4
rwj mu omutj cur. .
jsiy wij ato io oifc-r- brothrr, m Its r i
ofhroI bad rrrr rif ra 1
Vu !? Im IT .i .- . . a
- - - - . -.., icv., w., w ;
...-.., .- .k. .. . '
xay wi! bfvr.y acrHri te .W ll
? arnti in FrhrT. l4iL
liLAt.Mt ur.rt.iif-4.
T. . fK... I. .1.... ,.. .... if.t ...
F " '
i.atu r n: 'irrai rruin i.riwiMwi d. .. . m .- &.b. .a ...
- " - ,--; s.w.. r..vvn.. w nrr , - '(iB. Wl lM fiVf frMCat) V
,u...... . t i., .;. ' ; 1 ""'" -'" a ny wmi tif. umi.s.
..---.,. w . . . anuvu aMl I -.
.no ; f . art! Irum In say -r, dirrcitr r ' -. IL. a '.." L. ' "
ia.ll.n.lll. J, hr.t cfcW, n.;iTr;: ;-:-" ri mA
45 born la the hr cl hfe giawljotb
r 03 thr l;:h of Jil, Jt. m mams
ui uitt(K-: tJi.f. lU?itii wriJh hv
pare.t.s la Ii? n : iJt, sa-l trza har.1
te Staoxl Jato.r ; -
br - tc 1 mrltr?. '.aru, U.
" a
,,f i aM, ,4 A mmxrrti&
f"sTj ircwca. trrr
1 .. .x .a.
P5 Tl - 4.. .L m fc.. . ..
."- '' "-"-,- unj-a
"jmbkwh ;j!c, M w Ja- C. J
; jjairits. i;utor, fera Jea ts, 14,
thed Ja.y3l, 1:35."
lis r . ..k . s
. 1 ic ri ej-ktu seen use t-n
''cc tsc wtv Jair, bat hxr .
vur puw-r 01 vtefK trtr. a
L . V. 1 L .
i .! .. . " - 1
tiC P3 pawauru la t&tj cltyl sad wi
v cop: ot uu phtoj:raph wcrsrat 5
Wi. a..... jm ....... . K ..
unti mu hwiIT prrOS-. ISC Betas E
ue pauiiaacr i t? SkmiML. I
tocaaUct ml tfcii ait t& ,
l9,?tX2l. SS 5, !
tt-tti Ut I " "n
fliBfanm 1- -
tatf.t ft.
tmm mmtAJit
? t. mHr .
imr ! a tw4 t.
! ilVT iaarta ,awv
J rLiiauriiw "
iiti: i rr 1 1 n laX.
. i...ltl I! A A
CMM 0C ! ' - H..
An mmi m UN
ytrA. llto ; ai it
cUt lit r,f.atoa f )4Ma Br-
jkBvr gtrtni. sf '
t tito ytrii ttoar? !
ua f 4 It J KMii iai - 1
lira tal lJk ' :
tct froaa M. A- tto Sa "
Btxa,' Yxrd totor coauul. U .
taoas&t taau tlto eawl in c . .
Strait 4 Co. w im y wy t '
U U (iial tlto tr Uto aivii
a ur-aarl mnm4 mi lmpmmKr 1- - .
aifv vawrvitod mt aatAvr.IIfi "
altot:ar t Uto ' 8 J
4lKttorlae t1! ltor baca4tt e,a
ff attt. Tw cia' otf tr-t
Ktrla. aajl ato fra Afcwaa, mv .;-
rmAjtv rvl. aU
vtMarn irMH n
; aoU rulaftrUtohfa aw1 a Uto
, by ,4 tral.
9 ,, w -Tlaa aV l Mooro ttrvM.
i aojr Hwtr atrv, be Vkm I ii
, rd f ttra ilfat 4 0a,tor i
,Ut i,Mrlu Arrodr. a4 fcfta oi4.i :
1!m fltnn U " '? Meit " f
; uarlr smp. triMB Xh '
; mt llIU arm MMI lh-.f
AiM rrea tlto It ito- Taa "m ; -
tuM Valto KaliPitod CMpmT 4
rs mum ft l mr vita ir4 u
i aifk u4 Ur. ttmt 4 Coi
j yards aad wUtoh ! '
I hwrawd. Ttw im ! tax Ut n
ar imiMMb. tJto railn fcVrf u- 1
t 1M. Wiirp,i 1 ta hii. Tlto ! :
1 tfc tUmfr,' 4 brrtol Ta-:'
l (jauijmjtT Kraiw ffUiglUU Uto ff. I
. kjiri, .irviy b (iMf4rt
uaraal duw i awn mt Uto .;
j .fcn.
Mkiadftht Ailhrnirh mow Wad? o
trn1. ihw flrl tiU towl la Hani:.-
1 UriHtiars anl Urwvna. Mroay A l '
vr- noorot vr Mat .1
j 4 hhj. , waieh tjtoy hrtW
. lmmmTnmt.9 iiivwrf, tirwt A C, .
ij - .--,
1 pmttr w lh. ,xtmmi, mt,M. with a-
hummc ul ti7,ta).
1 orf 1-. km qut4lto bat th.t4 ittom It
n orx'alT gmtn 4r hwtf. luad iht
taay mm rmiumati tmr U di wf t
Ht-k ago, at wall ft tfc va-4g;..
1 b Mltr toada A 4m-- arrto f
pktour. ihnf jctrrit ia-aigtt, m ( aim to
UuVr ntt:Tr ti-Kl o( th- Ut f tt au:i
txrui thr at Aawttor inw mam oni. I
ed Irom th wi iua Ut h eii si puruas
u! th dtfpArtiurot hr rapuhK!.
i;o!.m: to vkk
llii'l of I Ik storI.ol Hfrttt In (Jknt
lutll .Vtlr.r 4t 'Iiiilli IS-i.a
, li .tl. 11. a f . bo S
Th t4v mv.Urrt UU U atoU at
IttM,, altar idnm toonth u4 ld-torH", at
Irty aaU tot, a Uttr fwrltagwgtotwrt
balwaen tAe awM ami th m laMlartttf ..
Tkc L'aloa Aotftt tha mattfatrn ;.
rminnl to adltrr u th mmIIUm tbr r
had tak?a, floa.ty reio.vil u .4 nmU-g-iihin
t own I or whb thwt MMch r
dito. Th cJHfera htran Uto aau
aad th mnaMtaetttrrr wa ilIactor
t- iHth atU-i, aol th rwttt Wia tr.
ru. ol th wM rapot hav mmmm vi
'"''. thva;h u UtHif hU uccorrad.
ThltUtm 01 tiMi Ca'ow am w r at w?x
.Vuar.lav at JUdwujr 4 Barlow'., j
a'Mnt tau Aim anaw'r jti W aWi.r-'.
I o.' atd I- Farwftt Ua Wrxic Tn
Chm4ertuii jt.fv CvaatairN Wr
r pannivi; UV IN VSfatMHl W "
r tat arw nttum&rmnt. amt iht
wlu ao farUtor Irumnm at a y w Ut
. ,. . '-
"--" " " " ' r.ll,
Hikj Clay, Kramjn u4 tfe- nirut
KntockUa. who wm .( rt. ...
.---.,, jriwi-
P hrlor aarthiti adi . .. 1
KUdai t Uto N.o-l li in th.u umi
pl:cnlti mtv )n cut mul Hv. H
Um l7v ami Uln, th rrTu -urn
hasjig rpcrlred a urrtto .
VvUvvrtm-z L rn.ilcewr ut tha t;ati
Ltaj had ha ddIa, at) tim.nH
tldtis, and a lU,cor wwt '.rktj u st
b.d, wa. a: x.-li I l w-t ,;f
tb and a.kI W-pr u ImI U'm
doisf- IU wa. Wp.rr',, Lrwr
aal r&ardffd hlwi a a inn.t w-
. - . - " -wv"
, .-. -. -,-, a 1 .i j-
. .J. . . . ..
tasd Jft lwc.
wucav. te USai i&-
.. ,
OMUU.AL. M..-..
-i . . r . r . .
Cmmmtj, 4m. lxTLl 1
f . J'"w ". toncaO, totaw fc
ji tj-n aa
Mdai. ria.
c&aaM..i .--- . t-
-- . c-
asr wawa. II Sit .... .-. . .
44 ,. fci. ,,si v.' " ; -
, . . V . r-'V v tn in $
ob t. uke Jm
n h a t v- b m m -w mi.. a - a. as b
w w - wvajrwr to.
t r;- l; l l c2 who u-oi ,uc
- .-. ni .u i3i:
- litia OTIi nt i.M 4.
fc Praiv " b
.? tay ns 1 jK
k asU Or H
, W3st thrv Im
fo d h J g
po llraic. g
J to Ttiscar k
rows, has.
. brtrraf
1. .. .
- e -u. al Sm? as iU
ttil9Usr th
'e Rlimi q mft t(f
.. . a... . .
ktw.aawj then Utrr
4 kaa carried oa: hi