c- niajwitwwwHaw ""T-.r " a - "---- " VIS" P2S V '? K t v ' ! ' I h The Red Cloud Chief FRIDAY, fcfcPT. 26. 1884 j. C. HOSMER! - Proprietor B. AM. TIME CAKD. Trains pass Red Cloud going east as ,. follows: Xo 40, passenger 7 55 p. m. Xo4, passenger n 30 p.m. No 84, accommodation 7 10 a. m. 2fo 6, passenger c 50 a. m. Going west trains pass Red Cloud as follows: No 3, passenger, arrives 6 00 a. m. No 39 pa-enger departs... 8 00 a. m. No f, passenger, depart... 8 00 p. in. No 81 accomodation arrive 11 55 p. m. , Trains 3, 39, 4, 84. and 40 run daily. Other trains run daily except Sunday. 4 it v CITY BREVITIES Cakon Citv coal minora are on a strike. The circus did not have a tremend ous crowd. Edward Ket.loqo was in Chicago last week on business. Father Clekv held ncrvices at the Catholic church Sunday. Hak.vey Mi ekes will commence ped dling milk m next Monday. D. M. I'Lvrr has had his barn moved into the rear of his residence lot. i Ciiakle Wi.VKKKY received a pres- ent of a fine watch the other day. Jake Miller sold his premium har ness to C. C. Gooding, of Riverton. L. A. Haski.vh and Wm. Perry go weal this week on a land inspection. V. Benson brought The Chief a fine specimen of sweet coin that takes the cuke. E. House left this office some very fine corn. One ear measured thirteen inches in length. Cait. Milssell donated this office a bushel of premium tomatoes. They were fine. Thanks. At Fred Peterson's sale on the 18th, all kinds of stock sold splendidly and brought good juices. Tup Methodist conference has been in session this week at Tecumseh. Rev. C. B. Lenfest was present. The latest thing out in badges is Logan's Army corps badges. Its a dandy and G. S. Albright sells them. It costs money to partake of the lucious watermelon now a days, espec ially so if 3ou procure them clandes tinely. Mk. Frazier and wife have returned to Bryan, Ohio. They think Nebraska is a great state. S. O. Baker has a very fine shower hath put up at his residence. It is snid to be fine by all who have used it. G. W. If (7MMEI.L is now making sor ghum molasses of a very fine quality. We return our thanks for a jar of the same. N. RoMN'soy bought a house and lot in Jackson's addition. Dame Rumor says that a nuptial knot ii pooh to be tied. Attention' is called to the advertise ment of our friend, the well known merchant tailor, Fritz Birkner, which appears in this issue. L. A. Haskins, of Penny Creek, had the misfortune to lose a Devonshire bull, valued at $50. The animal died very suddenly, and from what cause is link nown. W. L. Gibson showed a fine colt at the fair last week which took second premium, .but Mr. G. as well as others thought the colt was entitled to first premium. S. V. Ludlow, our new grocery deal er, takes advantage of our columns this week to let the people know what he is doing. People will do well to see him before buying, and thereby save money. Gates & Bohanan have purchased an elegant marble slab from the Red Cloud marble and granite works, not to mark the entrance to their mauso leum, but as a solid covering for their meat counter. Corn is king in Webster county this fall. A person can scarcely imagine the quantity raised unless he takes a ride over the country. The county is simply full of corn and the farmers are happy. The yield is tremendous. C. M. Storey has leased the building formerly occupied ns- a blacksmith shop, a few rods south of the railroad And near the Kirby House, after thoroughly overhauling and repairing the same. We understand he will open a livery and feed stable. A letter from Gus. Zimmermanf states that he is getting along nicely. Gus. says that he gets more kisses in iten minutes in Pennsylvania than he did in Red Cloud in ten months. How 3s it, Gus? There will be a large emi gration east of our solid young men we iguess. A. PL Linebarqer, who has recently purchased the lumber yard at Cowles, anade us a pleasant call on Monday. 3sf r. L. proposes to greatly increase his present stock, and intends to make it fcetk interesting and profitable for those who favor him with their pat ronage. CeL. Stubbs made the citizens of Red Cloud a good, solid republican speech on hist Friday night It was a bad aight for speech making on ac count of the circus. However, there was a fair crowd present, and no little enthusiasm orevatled. The Colonel is a good speaker. The B. jfc M. folks ought to make another change of time, something like the last one, and then take the trains off altogether and let the people walk. They could etto Hastings and in termediate points just about as quick as they can under the present Arrange ments. Four hours to Hastiags is fast time, I that is if you doat care w heljer Ion lie or not. New goods at Marsh's. Will Worthma.v is sick with fever. Mrs. M W Dickeusox is again quite sick. A. S. Mvrsii his a now phieton. It is a nobby vehicle. J. N. Rickards was in Beatrice and returned this week. The congregationalisU are raising money to paper the church. B F Rked took first premium on his Jersey pig at the fair last week. The excavation for the First Nation al bank building has commenced. Roy Hutciiisom will comrnense building a new house in a few days. Phi mi R.Stradley, of Illinois is vis iting F. N. Richardson on Elm Creek. . A. N. Patmor has gone to Iowa, and Oscar i.- managing the farming inter ests. Hiram Hicks, brother of Robert Hicks, of Indiana, h;uj arrived in Red Cloud. Several of our lawyers were in Lin clon tills week attending Supreme court. W H Thomas and Josephine Maurer have made final proofs on their pre emptions. E II Ambler, enshier of the First Na tional Bank has gone to Connecticut on a vi-ii. Miss Eva J. King assistant principal of our public schools, has been sick this week. Mrs. Leer Pardo of Council Bluffs, mother of Mrs. Ed. Parks is visiting in Red Cloud. Rev. C W Springer is again able to preach at regular intervals at Clover ton and Catherton. The district mmisteial association of the M E church will hold its next ses sion at Red Cloiul. C. Borin, brother of Mrs. C W. Springer, and formerly of this city, has purchased the Oherliii (Kan.) Eye. S. O- Baker has completed raising Ed. Highland's residenco and putting a brick foundation under the same. How would it do to get a yoke of oxen and a cart and run a stage line to Hastings, so to get the mail the same day? O. P. Beck and wife, of Springfield, Illinois, are the guests of W D Forres ter and family. They are enroute for Denver. D. S. SiiiFLETT, of Iowa, brother-in-law of C. H. Morgan, of Thomasville, made The Chief a pleasant call on Tuesday. C. G. Wilson of Blue Hill, bought W. A. McKeighan's yearling mare which he exhibited at the fair last week, paying $125 for it. The farmers should bring in choice grain and farm products for exhibition at New Orleans. C W Kalcy is the commissioner for this county, Mrs. V E Jackson has returned from a several month's visit in Califor nia. She still ihinks Nebraska is the best state in the union to live in. Our fellow towna.nan, Joseph Gar ber, we understand has been appointed to a position in the rail vay mail ser vice. Mr. G. will make ajood officer. At the residence of A 'VolPs on Tuesday, E D Wolf and Miss Minnie Redden, and Ed. Kellogg and .Mm ma Wolf were married by the Rev. Ceo. 0. Yeiser. Eld. J T Milner, of this county, was chosen chairman of the missionary association of the Baptist church, and will devote much of his time to that cause during the coming year. Mr. J. F. Bennet is putting feathers in his cap by making a quality of Hour that pleases the customers. The univ versal verdict is "that is good enough for a king." The Bed Cloud Mills are fortunate in secureing his services. The railing on the bridge at the river south of town has been removed by some one. This should be replaced, and by the way this would be a good time for the commissioners to put in an ice break while the river is low. With a good ice break the bridge could be made to last for years. Under the present system of trains on the B & M it takes two days to get mail to Amboy. It is sent west, then goes to Hastings, from there to Omaha and from Omaha, to Crete, and from Crete to Amboy. about three hundred miles to only go four. Verily stand ard time is a great help in the mail ser vice. Rev. C. B. Lenfest, who has so ably conducted the ministerial work in the M. E. church in Red Cloud returned from conference this week. He was reappointed to this charge by the con ference. Rev. G W Hummell was giv en charge of the Red Cloud circuit, Rev. J G Walker was placed at Blue Hill, Rev. E R Fulkerson, was station ed at Guide Rock. Rev J G Black well located, and will hereafter farm for a livelihood near Guide Rock. W. H. Strohm was in attendance at the congressional committee meeting at Hastings, at which Gov. Dawes and several other prominent republicans were present. Reports from all over the state are cheering in regard to the success of the rjarty in November. During the next thirty days our peo ple willhave the pleasure of hearing Gov. Dawes, Senator Manderson, Shedd Leese, Cowan, Laird, and others, speak pn the political issues of the day. M. R. Bextley. bought a fine year ling mare colt last week of Patrick Burns, living near Catherton, for which he paid $140. The mare took first premium at the fair and is as fine a piece of horseflesh as we ever saw and weighs one thousand pounds. Mr. Bentley is a judge of horses and knows I a good .horse when he sees it All persons having good horses will find him ready to purchase them. Uncle John Tomlmsou has bought the colt. E M Evaxs, brother of Curt Evans is in the city. S. Chhrch of Bur Oak is in town the guest of E. V. Rudrow. A noon working suit at 1-50 at the Golden Eagle Clothing store. Mrs. J. P. Bkay.nari) ha gone to Lenora, Kansas to visit friends. Mkrf, A. H. LiNKnARGKR is lowTy re covering from her recant illness-v Mrs. A. Morhart, who is veiling in the east ha been on the nick lint. A hoijm and fine rooms for rent. . Apply to Ohicago Lumber yard. H tf Woolen sock from 15 cent a jr.ur upwards at the G.'deii Eaglu Clothing store. Buy your good- of the Golden Eagle Clothing store and gut a chance to win the prire. Fred KiCKERsn.v has resigned hi , position in the freight office and gone to draying. A pane of gla was broken in the front of Hacker's grocery store the other day. W. D. Forrester is fillinc tin and The Fai2 The Welwter county fair ha com and gone, and wc must ay that it was one of the rowt sue cttsfal exhibitions that we have seen for year. ErerylKKly seemed bent op on having a good fair and turned all their energies in that direction. How well thev succeeded remains only to refer to the way everything pawed ctf j connected with the exhibition Jast wpck. Nearly everyone was well pleaded except it might have rwen a A?w who were disappointed in the way t of premium. And right here will say Affray. Reports reach o of a ftal shooting affair at Burr Oak, Kane, several rumor are afloat but from the most are Htxrr to tpen th t r wi Mn, Vojyi b!vr Tl reared rrrt hat? the fnrt tl.l.t. ?. f a? . -- .1. . k. I 1 mj rM. ? f r-i ixti fkcta are munlv mm folio wi: Ortn i The Hickn Cttrk eW? frti drcn. coapanv had been perfonnim: J JrUrwl iuiliWl f ; 0- , CAkricu. lout it i httrd work to please H in tn ere and adimcuitr aroe b?en ( the circtu men and soro of ihe citi- xen. JU the train bearing the circn company was about to esxc innti a fracnj took plju and poiue one or i rnorf nf ihr- hnmrnn hot fro it lhf . . -.. W-- .---,.. . ... .., mM ,.. r.,.1 ,-M.tnnllr killitK- J I ll0i "a' W" l ' I 7 . - ,. forafrmu LonKnrckcr, mortally wounumg Jiay-, MlU Hu.rwxrl.ow v. mn,r iX n forms m thM th rrn?t ai Pt lC3a. of mtU jf4 Kv! ft A t ih my t,,rr h'-nor J4 htt factory lni rn Hu C? I am ure it oakl W W in. that direclitin In every department or A W Mann. Mr Longncckcr had nothing to do with the fracas nd Mr. Mann was there Ut compel peace- Fur ther trouble is unticipated. SJayor Mann i a well known butinesfl man the r!af- fere well filled and showed 1 the gre-t interest that the farmers and town people took in the wccs of the i r-;.. vm.i i,nii .. tt-..u ;uxi witb 1 , . ' ' ... . . , 4 , and highlr re peeled, everything that could be wished, And , b in the stock department the cntrM.- ! wre not largf, bnt mOtly fine blood ed 5tok. especially thf. cattle, there being no le. than five or six hprd-. This speaks wcll for our county. The hores were excellent and jeff fine. grading his lot with dirt from the Bunk J and the owner should feel motid of excavation. tneir cu"ortrt lo improve their stock. Have vou fieen those scarlet woolen ! 'rhe hn& wero a11 K1 ilnck' Th undershirta and drawers ut the (Jolden i rarin (ireu' J,"t" A 1irc crowd flnd Eagle Clothing More? i wa" 'l1"10 interesting. Webber county The Golden Eagle carries a full line i h;,s "mne fine racinjr Mock' Koyal of the celebtated Selz booU and hoea VW ownei1 h-v D- Lllt35 Jack mUn for men, women and children. 1 owne(I l)' J .? othrock; Fannie G, For Sale. 25 thorough-hred Mer-1 owned h3 Jonn J Garber, ere all good ino rums, three miles north of Cowle. '. teppe", and will make good time 111 8-tf H.J. Shkloon.CowIcs, Neb. , the near future. Col. Wiggins' mare xft.. t v c :. i.J.in wlmiilip bova cull a dandv. and .uia.1 ij. 1. di ALK.M1 in iirtri!iriii ifi - -.--- - do dress making and plain sewing at reasonable prices 2nd door over Liud ley's drugstore. Floyd Crahill, of Catherton is going to build a new house and David Larrick. of the same place has one nearly completed. Died. In Garfield precinct, 8 miles southeast of Red Cloud, on Tue.day morning, September 23d, Lettie, daughter of John and Mollie Posey aged 19 months. Conductor Andy Palmer, so long and favorably known to our citizens, shook the dust of the city from oil his feet on Tuesday and in the future will reside in Hastings. J. J. Ducker, one of the popular and courteous clerks in the employ of Miner Bros, has sold "Doctor," the Spanish mule. Doctor has gone to the country to rusticate. We hear thaWseveral important ' .. . M. .I?"-. - ...l I. -. .m..nAl!lfM in fllb easily uiauiiJtcu uei iuiiijjciuujo - running race, although it was "Nip and Tuck." The Wiggins marc is good one. and no mistake about it. 'Hie trotting nices were among the best on the grounds. There were sev eral quarter mile heats arranged and run, the best of which was a Nuckolk county horie and a mare owned by K B Thompson, of Cowles. There was a large crowd in attendance each day. Next season The Chief anticipates an increased interest in the fair, and hopes the people will begin at once to make artie'es for exhibition. Elsewhere in to-days paper we give the premiums awarded, In the Country. During the first of the week in company with our friend, M. K. Bently, of this city, Tub Chief took a most pleasant drivo into Line precinct. The farmers in this part of the county are prospen us and thrifty and all have nice farms, well stocked, and large crops. At noontide Mr. B. and our reporter partook of the hospi talities of Mr. Oliver McCalland family Mr. McCall has has a fine farm, and has over 100 head of cattle and a large amount of other stock. He firms 560 acres, and has 140 in corn, besides what he had in small grain. lie also has s'ome fine timothy and clover and one of the finest orchards in Webster county. A few years ago he came to Nebraska a poor man. and to-day is worth from fifteen to twenty thousand Wrietljr At-)itpolUt. Hon. W. A. McKeighan, of Ited Cloiul, haviug !wmu requested by hi numerous friend in this congressional district, to allow his name to be used as a candidate for congrcs, replies a? follow? "I imveno political aspirations whatever. Even if I hail I am not fi nancirtllv .situated to enter into a cam Jvwnc n-r um;r- jhiI in Ukt Wan'r i utrf it will be in-t-j i;n !. .1 Penney J. r' ; brrtn &ku rrn fnrr K. Herncfc rA5.rt -. Uvr, A It mtth, fnn Ot, . t uiir wv fit iihpj w.t x lumber w-im r ...r Now rMiiup. are all u. country. Mr. and Mr Hitotmr; home in Ot.t- M.m1uy llcnrvwolt ha t. rM with the nh.jHt: 'a:i 1 wui ttBtvo tnc zvri tti !C Sarah Jane. i- - HIm Aa 1 to- -" U9f. twkkUM i 1 Hl m W Cie?NU ':? k MciM T,I. J . , .! ' i .n ww, w mrm mm ffi 1 9hH?4 Viift iHNTf lW9. i?T3ll U tW lMf!f CMIAlMi j in 9iiwilo jk tine - tiir, tm4 t- t (tm ! kH rmrm - iU f &e 4-jw4. 41 llaM, hiftof' ..u lcA. &.. kii.!i ..t-.. ln-1 iirMI a &m? to?x 4pr? 1 in'1 w mi h cm H I sh ? tm$ hj ttwt -( - V 'for a r. nin.it i 1 unvu ref s uri at paign. My duties to my family are alo such as to preclude me from accepting nn know I mn narlli a nomination bv the antt-monopolttft-i. 1 anymore. Inn m tbo huny 1 1 ;ti 1-. o.ttrwl l.,.rti;i... ; ... rrti ' h ahno't over. I etevt a M I t nm .c iwi... wi.v.... ... .v. ..via. , 1 .1 . .- wm 1 1 !wr nic rRnk-M until clcclimt. honIti our cj:j. ',,. .'..., . : navint; ta Mm i.'w onr c didate thn year' be defeated, I would if u-jUi a god many. asked to do so, accept the nomination Broom corn iiMrvt for next campaign, ami take my chances for success or defeat. I want our principles to obtain throughout the ' the othtr day. land, and shall Hand or fall fighting spring. for them whenever or wherever I can do so." Holdmhy ttjuittf. rapidly, of hich Unj sot u KhI crop. d . s M .. Iff. f vineoijir. uirKs i.rvi J 10 lias ,ui Druocratit 'onTcntJon. A democratic mass convention for the county of Webster, will bo held in Red Cloud, Tuesday, Sept, 30th. 1S34. ' good cheesD uapi. iioucnin Ntv vn anxiotn for him to have ftJ prt-othce, but he !av ht care much for it, as he wool hire a deputy if he should tunate. Hie nw rhcric fsrtorv l think, witj t do flact i 400 tWHX! daV amg L.' w ?TV w- tck since tery Qoud v not .e to o for- h at 3 o'clock, p. m., for the plrpose orj Wheatland, that if fannei nlaolurr ; tm... ;.,..:.. . t more slock, and foedout placmgin nomination a rcprcacnta- lhe fiirm, h,v wouIll , tive for the 39th district, a county com- than bare exiMWCH ! aii 1 changes are to take place in the near future, among the railway and express company's employees at this depot. Nothing definiatc has as yet appeared. S. O. Baker wishes to announce that he has adopted his old method of raising houses and 01111111" foundations under them at the time. By this means it saves the usual Htraininir on ! the building. S '2 Hew. SnciNf.ER and Broun wore in attendance of the Baptist association meeting at Bainbridge last week and returned Monday. The next meeting of the association will be held at Bed j dollars. We also called on A. McCall missioner for the 1st district and for such other bu.-iness as may come be fore said convention. A. S. Marsh, Chairman. A democratic senatorial contention consisting of Nuckolls, Webster ami Franklin counties- will be held in Bed Cloud, Tuesday. Sent. 30th. 1S84. at 1 i o'clock, p. m., lor the purpose of plac ing in nomination a caiulnluto tor sen ator for the 23 senatorial dutm-i. G. W. Houghton, chr'm. A democratic convention ot Wel ter and Franklin counties will be hold in Red Cloud, Tuesday, Sept. 30th, 1884, at 11 o'clock, a. nV, for the pur pose of placing in nomination a candi date lor Hoat representative of the 41st representative district. A. S. Marsh, chr'm. m 1 very m from i raise j rain on more Cloud next September, If you want anything tor yourself to wear or for your boys, you will mis it if you do not first go to the squnre dealing, one price Golden Ea-lc Cloth ing store. You can find the largest stock and bottom prices there. Why is h that people trade with Marsh? Simply because they can get more goods, better goods, and for less nio.'ey than at any other place in Red Clo:id. It pays to go where 3011 can get th best at the lowest prices. The irames of forty or fifty of our citizens ln-ve been signed a to paper for the purpose of organizing a company of the Nebrska National Guards in this city. We venture to assert that when organized, this companywill be a Xo. 1. Hank Ludlow aa. I Jim Blair skated a half mile race at the rink on Wed nesday night. The gem'le Henry skip ped away with the valuable prize, time 2:35. Arbuckle and Mathews also had a half mile heat, Mathews getting there first, Miss Clemence Noble, an estimable young lady, of Friend, Saline county has just returned home, from a living visit in the families of her three uncles on Walnut creek. She, and her sister Lois, are successful teachers in the above countj. John Morgan, station bagtrage agent at the depot for the past two years or more now handles the mail, express and bag gage on the accommodation trains be tween Red Cloud and Hastings. John's numercus friends will be glad to hear of his promotion. Hurrah! hurrah! Marsh has just returned from Chicago, where he bought an immense stock of dry goods and notions. The largest s'ock in the Republican Valley. Save your money and buy of Marsh. Positively the cheapest store in Bed Cloud. Our genial neighbor, Mr. Josselyn, who has filled the responsible position of train agent on the B. & M., for near ly two yeas past, is r.ow absent from the city on important business for said road. The Chief wishes him abun dant success and a speedy return. The following are the officers of the Webster county agracultural society for the coming year: President J C Warner. Vice-Preside.it J R Griffitts. Secretary J G Dodd. Treasurer BT Reed. Board of managers A McCall. J L Jfiner, I B Hampton, E H Jones, J L Miller. TOO (feet Dariuuu ferSale. Feeding steers held at Stratton sta tion, about 700 good Durharas for sale, circle brand, cattle formeily owned by W.J. Witeon. Address, L Wilkes, poetofficc boUt., Denver, Colorado. and S. McCall, both of whom are pros pering. Al.-o noticed the fine farms of Geo. Hummel, Fred Petersen, S N Richmond and many others. Verily the farmers on the south side of the river are getting rich. We are sorry to chronicle the re moval of one of onr valued citizen Renfrew Stevenson, who has gone to Omaha to take charge of a big whole sale yard, which the Nebraska Lumber Com pan' are locating at that place. We regard Mr. Stevenson as one of the best business men in western Nebraska and are certain that his removal will be generally felt. The business at, this point is left in charge, of his younger brother, Broughan Stevenson, who is developing the same capability and ef ficiency that makes the elder so success ful, 'ihc bast wishes of the EntcrprUc follow Ren. wherever his life may lead him, and we trint that his star will still continue in the ascendency in the midst of his new surroundings. Enter prise. School report. Report for the Cowles school, for the month ending, September 19th, 1834. Whole number of pupils enrolled 53, average daily at tendance 46. The following are the nances' of those in attendance every day. Grace Fuller, Cora Wei's, Katie Steam, ":llie Ward. Florence Fuller, Ada Brown. Emma Brown, Millie Clark, Ella Hotton, Mintie Wells, Ray Wells, Artie Waf rdf Olive Foe, Louise Fuller, Fannie Goud, Blanche France Berth Horton, Johif Lawler. Those excused for sickness on ly: Chloie Ful ler, Dora Ward, Charley Foe. Nellie Arxoldv Teacner. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post-office at Bed Cloud. Webster county. .Nebraska., for the week ending September 22d, 18S4. T.J. Chittenden; Schuyler Hajward; R L Howard; W II Hartman; J I Mor rison; Charley Prouty; Charles Kitten Charles Rodjers; G E Winy art; John Wiswell. These letters will be sent to the dead letter office, October 20th, 1SS4, if not delivered before. Jn call ing for the above, please say "adver tised," giving date of lisL M. B. McNitt, P. M. iFyouAvant a square meal, as fruit, vegetables, etc., of any kind you should call on A. Cummings", one door south vf Shcrer's drug store. He keeps the best of everything at reasonable prices Sec him. tf mm "-M Ms. Dany has repaired in the Iat few days, oyer 40 parasols and urns brellas. If you want repairing in that line, call on bun. 51-if n We ME.vif Buslnkss and hare author ized every grocer to refund cost to every customer who is dissatisfied witkDe Ladd'sSaleratns and Soda. Tryitityoti have not already. We run tbe rkk- Z FOR S4I.K For sale! sale!! sb!': The Valley House and furniture. B. Los.-si.so, Red Cloud. K.r Sale For the next 2) days, 3000 merino ewes and lamlw, lub full bloo land high grade rams, two miles south of Nelson. L. L. Cornell, Xel&on; Neb. Take Notice. As I am about to close ,my business in Bed Cloud at once, I wish all jar ties indebted to me to come as soon as possible and settle their accounts. And all persons to whom 1 am indebt ed will be paid by me upon presenting their bills. By complying with tlite re quest I will be greatly dbliged. otf L. Baum. DrrMmnKlns. Mrs. G. S. Tayloi is prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking on short no tice, and at reasonable rates. One door east Commercial house. 52tf Those wishing building hardware can make money by calling on Winton, Riverton. 3-tf For Sale Business house and lot one of the best locations in the city Apply to Gko O Yeiser &. Co. Car of barbed wire, cheap at Wlnt on's, Riverton. . 3.1 f 810TT Tlu! grand picnic of nnd Bufialo Crrek Sumh held Sept. 1 1, in Mr. Jon steml of September 4 Speeches! were made bv Rrv. Arniistead. .1 I). All Binkr, JoPph Noble but the nwt touching h by tho Butlrtlo Creek "Pardon at the Cro-," nnUs ir books. Rev. . liverod two speeches, on noon ind one 111 the at took a text for the ureaM discourse in tho foreno greatly amused with hisj pccially the storv of Ii Kncine Boy. bat nbc mors speech? Oh. he all well. Grandma Fulton is vi Mack Fulton. Frank Jouc returns from his trio with a thri he ownsatiiarc. KI.M tUKKl in Fresh oysters at A. Lauterbach's. 1 i" m 1 ! FRKsif oysters'? at A. Lauterbach's. You can buy hardware, stoves, tin ware, and all kinds of furniture at less than Red Cloud prices at Winton's, Riverton. 3-tf FresH ovstcrs at A. Lauterbach's. RED CLOUDXARKET. Winter Wheat 4n&t5 "I15 4t4 4tm JkjC ? oru , jfftm 1103 ii iiFji y) Celtic . 326400 WALNUT CREEK There is an abundance of hay nut un on Walnut, Dry and Buffalo" creeks, I arm buii hic hocks go up in spite OI the windy weather. The hay is of good quality. The grain stacks in this vicinity are fast disappearing before the thrashing machines, and in their places mam moth straw stacks are "booming." Farmers are converting some of their abundant crops of corn into pork and beef. Horses are showimr th rnniMnan. ce of the abundance and excellence off tue -Ty, oats and corn of this year of bounty. Skeletons are the exceptions and good fnt horses the rule. Ponies are not used on farms as much as lormerly. Farmers are raw ing more an.1 better horses, and food horses are bringing better price. Hie following genMeraen own excellent teams: Newt a. id Perry Womer, each a neavy span of Oays; w S Noblet a roan and a bay, excellent roadsters ; Geo Heaton, a large span of grays; Agust Pierston", a good pair of make; Sam Heaton. several good mules and horses; but probably the most valuaHk team on the creek is a large grav hone and gray mare, both Jforman,owi by Grandpa Women However I ca not mention all the good horses in tikis community. I appeal to the food teams, rood barneeev and new wagone to rve the prosperity of the farmers; and who the termer thrives every bodv prosper. 8.W. Cousin And still it blow. Threshing is nearly d Mr. Hidv haa recenll windmill. Mont Arnold haa rcti ports Ihingn on the hot took a ltomrstau. lwooi tnvies moi men were through our county last ."undav on (iu iRicn. von are noi to our chickens, but pl( turb the church going vicinity, with your pes! Hit! Sthbath. On the CAh int, whf wan of our rvunty home from chhnh, nnj perous farmer was vlet the past week, while of the cuckoo echoed hills, and the golden in a bright and glorioi rad and Miss Marth united in wedlock's Rev. Cornet of Blue CATIIEhl Miss Fisher's schod It was the third occaj this nlace. Shi with all the honors charge of duty will Miss Carrie Payne good results in her many such for the pi ttanity. Mrs. J L Frame houn county, Iowa, Miss Flora McCall California Wednesdi been five years. Charley Andcrsoi to Lincoln rriday. in search of gold. Lloyd Craybill, of telling us last week ties of fruit he was John McCallam fine steers to his hej II Fuller. Joseph graves In barn, which w ovei J L Frame will new school house, have a better piac ious duties. Joseph, drive sit us. franklinJ Creek 4t was v, in- wut grand. t.l owiuel. ig t Alvon "Wging v 5ung school, Without ail ds- T .a fre' n.i Me -1. ol the lt were itr Hises, e- in. and the K irUum ri 1js rery ber ron tliis week of which JJeta. i sfiased a 10. fiM t .. lec , He re- ou west, and i o df gentle st m ot the rick.cn hunt. :twelcotnc IIUOV l- sot !( ot tins it ofrgun on Eth irood old irctnrning rh rm the pros- Ig m labor ot ilmg note tlic distant van sinking n-KU t uon- tetnas were 1 '2chain. by Rover. & lo si Monday. ftr her at vil leave faithful dis- TlSCttlTg with U ni We need cilnofChrU- p.s to Cal- II OK. lessrned from a hire she had Frank'.in is a thl 650 6r 700 inhabit deal of business two elevators her nearly all the t" here the worst is boot and shoe st fine hotels hero other business pla scattered over qui The academy is north of town. students at pre during the wint The flooring town about two the left bank of and has a solid fd Tkere are no i of aay'nort witbil . Til) Franklin forth Wedaesdij dar. They haT a ! RReen aseatbei are renr rood t Inspom thl aar msreif I write awn if the waste bsaki 't 1 i place went Hill go west t&lood. was it oMfine nuali' iTpf. 4Ced aeverat 11 rtm4H nf ir dhis iarg eft in leectk 4 we stall mform rsiif- will wsati riLSJAXX. of some Marrsai w, - keptbfMy wneedsa store and a are two iC.Hni em K Mr, tXif K f Piwrl, I4. K. 1 tJValmtr. 14 WK W icr Munrrirww prfsi Hon. 1L K, KCit 1mJ txn itiin re e h mmn mf pl tn Uiv vvmwumtye mh 1m w&w dctwutc! 4r hfrr for l$w !, In the short tmw 4h? Iws im-n ?4ifWf wtti be ti 94? ny mmp who will l -titty 10 kam rf Jwrf iw paxturf As Mr AntloMjwlfiJy, cm pnicl by Mr. 11, (rre lrvUs tonard the ftr H wefkt tiwt Um&r lom fnghtrnnl M PHg wmhm and jerked Ihf? tay hr4 llw the i rtr fat tveume Hti.l la aosae1 !j manner pretlrflMiiog Mr. A 4 II Dcxw.rti inut m mi J, heads. Ftrtunafely n$ Nerkj age wm done, a im wdti hakrn up for the time. e leam from torn that lb. JunUy.h south kle of tl rtvur' ucce, there b4rnr pli tirins, ami erery wi; renralh While Mr, Meier fkimV letwltng Uie haw. a canle f entered the honc and carried if; about fO worth nTeoow, Thi-y wfj followed but had o much Wm thev got away. The corrpondnt (torn tWL 1 side who think U w itntxU4 brother in (heir church 10 snt Had Ut ro Ami soak It head. Wi t1 for crantctl that thtwn who rHto brother in hts rim are m hA worldly as himel Mr. Warren, of the Atyi fjal vMit4o tuavnlfl one day li wenH( Xn Ken buivenon, w ntvsrtot, bfen sojourninT with tie JofTi two weeke, while hf hu.4'Hd wi Umalia, locating their WtHlfM p Tney will reniore to imi pum live. We hear frrna our hifnmt w? awhile. 1! attended thtfevtufy at Haatinga and came back ftiHy c'j vinrwl that (Tapt. tickl Ktmm I l-trd. It will Im. cold day Mini gets nowet Hnuer ty an; in thl 1 congreHJoiHa tit X XtfcTUWiM" wrj The wcsthcT waaf warmer und the voiK hcanl in the land. We are elad to learn and Ira Flagler hate' Wisconsin and broug j-nmo thoroughbred P Red Jcr cy, and TolMtd U Butt? will not fUy with will return to hi home m Tlie new bridge west completed. 8. Alexander haa taken wHta partner Mr. Dyle. ll Mw Alexander. Spencer lota tine no from having eaten corn. W H Hoffman start tomorrow morning, will three week. I mut tell you abmjL in writing to (lie ArgtM ) mtttl nave studtetl the dy rood while to let so mt and eapree no high laienu ana wnat sue n talnehood tt seem no high rejuird for mlu neonte of her eaflber aai fudsing from her ridicuw ami poverty struck iancul W W -.- ' ' 1 Hughs criticism of the wrj Aunt UetiMjy ' a por kxh J Oi crueHy m shooitNf 1 uuca nreaaingiwi poor ' running the storthing with a club. Auntie 1 1 the suggestion, but if you the time tin Uh to the study of a dtctton in but a poor thing it wow rate the character of yni WiMf rfr4r w awliwa8i j onrwwawteswK?y, TlmMMINXMM 7nmmwmm4brlrir W1m hi AMCltoC SAnM tbmtMHimuft Maiea, I II .! I'll I. WWT IStAlUM. v -. r or ttowwilsalfas (tent of land. School eomneffcev!' sset $?$ f B. AatkW Uckr. It is x f W term a4 we feope h wffl mm w 'J saiMfictioN m ke t"4 itr '. WorJey i ii Z Harvard Oik stast to rUU mu;m y, 3 VrTt W T We are aerry te lewa HhsI' LBSBmSlSS SVSnn W BBSS WBfc SB pSBV kisa grt imm kaftlee 'week ajciag esjewser f-? Geie 1W Kc tsyti nf wwb fassUy ewd wltt wsjsytii He thinks Xeirai fVs trrW live m UnW e cwee.ni X . t 'Jfm- 4' .-,';- ?. . mfrwrMMi. fseafcw gas fHiviwi mi: i sari I two IMS is d lis wns 8MS IH ssm eBaHBja.- wpaevW w , -- tm thlk' MMk a'"'ia -awaaisr'' ' at. Obeef mm MNife vm.. iws lafeabewtM sarwrWr aessssilsai 1 lb. sW aLJ - gmm- -- sa1 sMsHsBsalJ M dtsMP sstssaMlBbl MsVsteBKiflsV It' sVWfisVNe' Bswt eHsV ' wsMsaitrir, SSTfctr- immiimVmmmlJmW motrmkik. &." mmmMi1ltmmgmmi.MmmJm0tm whmkuihmmw wmmfM w(n ekJefcetie. mtkmfmjt hmTmigLhmU ae, . JllWfe .sjaVitetlfJfl ssW msV I- .mm'wWrmmct:mmmm PWM aass iLi ApgV LjSrSjasjasjH 4ggM4gmagM 1 set. laS b8Sws)bbI mbH -y""t.' 'TT Wm m ' -. -f SSSSSSSSSSSSJ MBVSllMtslSJSji 'SJBBBBBBBS t-. r, f . s-rT.J && i :k& "4 -a.. . -t r$zr Xt- 7- ' . -.- V'-f -T. r.-.- -X ifet & . - - ' '& ' ?& h&.rC-&?!i&S ri?' ft . f-.j -- it- ' .i: "1?4- -r - -'(- ?T3C- gS3Jr- ! '.-i i- fjfiy'-i-smf.- r -vr - i, . ..- u M7S-- T .V . - ' -eji -"S i:V' " irfel ' viVs?e. f1' ' - V- " "0 ' -' J , , - -,