The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 19, 1884, Image 6

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b. --" l-7y,rifc.7;,1iff
i mi nf jii'iTft !. iij
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I The Red Cloud Chief
r FRIDAY, SEPT. 19. iST"
This Means You.
It has now been about one vear
tinco wft assumed control of T;ie C
Aiiuutu-in me months Tfcilfcwfl;
ere without any pay whatever. The
time has come when we mustHAVK
the money due cm, or the wherewith
to convert into money. We have not
been in the habit of ''binning our de
linquents, and we don't want thi- to be
construed into a. dun, hut a notifica
tion that your lime has expired, and
ti lit we want mon e y . 1 lie season has
been a roliiio one, and the fanners,
mechanic, t;t:., have all prospered
beyond perad venture. There ia not
one of our fcubseribera who cannot pav
for the paper. If you cannot pay ail
pay .ome, and thereby lend a helping
hand to forward in success of the pa
per. We want all to come who aro
in arrears, and come at once. It takes
money, aud as the Ethiopian would
fi'ay, a "powerful lot" to run a newspa
per. Thanking one and nil for their
.many kind words spoken for The
Chief, in the past, and hoping for a
continuance of the nameJcindiy feel
ing, we remain, respectfully yours,
A. C. IIosmer.
AV N RiriFAii).oN has been fiick.
JiiisFRCni)' has returned home.
Mils. Allen is visiting Mis. D.J.
V "Piatt.
A. L. Okmsuy was in Omaha the oth
er day.
R. V. Smacr and F R Gump were
in Lincoln.
G R Chanet was in Nelson this week
on business.
FiiEli BiKKNER is building an addi
tion to his huuj-e.
James Pottkii has sold his team of
r.onics tMlI A Watson.
A Shespeauian club was organ
ized in this city this week.
C W Gayloiu), of Iowa, is a guest cf
Mr. and Mr?. F. R. Gem p.
The attendance at the school was
very thin on last Thursday. Cause
the children went to the circus.
'IXhs. IIaney will commence build
ing a residence in a few days.
Read new advertisement of the Gold
en Eagle and try to get a prize.
Mus. A.J. Tomliwson. who 1ms been
ill for some time is bonvalesing.
Mit 3. I'EiuciNs.and wife left Thurs
day for Denver on a two week's visit.
J. M. Mattix run a nail in his foot
Jhe other day and was laid up for a
There will be no services at the Bap
tist church Sunday. Pastor at Bain
bridge. A. N. Patmok goes to Iowa in a few
days on a visit and to attend a soldier's
An old colord man has been fur
nishing music tor the peonlc for a (aw
days past.
S. 1 RoFNiiruEE, an old colored
brother talked to some of our people
las Sunday.
The little daughter of A Lautorbach
iv as run over by a team Thursday, but
not seriously injured.
The Chief squad feasted on a deli
cious watermelon presented to them
by some young ladies.
Theke will bo servicer at the Catho
lic church on next Sunday, Sept. Ist,
by the Rev. Father Clery.
Conductors Palmer. Coy, Belnap,
p smd Mossrs. Beck and Burnett, brake-
men, have gone to Hastings.
W. B Rohy got a severe fall the
other day while building a hog pen.
It laid him up tor several days.
C M STAKKEYhas accepted a posi
tion as traveling solicitor for the Red
Cloud marble ami granite works.
.. Theke will be a basket picnic and
preaching at II. B. Simon's grove on
next Sunday. Everybody invited.
Miss Sadie Beckek, A. Becker. A. J.
"Welch and Will Houghton have pur
chased a fine upright Decker piano.
"Vfc Thk Rd Cloud quartette will give a
grand bll at the rink on October 3.
invitations A-ill be out in a few days,
TJ Mosiier comes to the front with
fi hie- beet that weichs 14 lbs. ' That
beet beats some beets that we have
heard of.
The present arrangement of rujmin;
trains on the B. fc M. is not altogether
satisfactory to the people who do raoi
of the traveling.
Fred Sen febel. of New Mexico, who
has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Fr?d
Newhouse, nas gone to Omaha whtre
he will reside in the future.
C. Wiener, our doming merchant
P :il ;., o crn.i.l lio in tlio i-artv whn
vi in m c j,vf.v .' .v ..w t,... .j ...
will return his shepherd dog that has
5&traved or been stolen from his store.
Don't forget, to read the adverrise-
gimentof Chas. F. Caller, whicl: ap
nea r.s in to-days paper- It will pay
ill to read the same and go to the sale.
Wm. Gates' residence came near be-
firing creamated the other night. Fir
was discovered in some clothlf.g but
was extinguished before doiu. any
A fellow the other day took a bush.
el of corn from a man's field to feed
liis team. Before he got through with
it, it cost him $15. RatheJ eipensive
feeding we should say.
Information is wanted of W. H
Brown, alias, Charles Wilson. M. P.,
aged 34, height 5 feet, S or 10 inches,
'weighs about 185 pounds, dark com
plected. Address all information to
W. H. Smith, Chetopa, Kansas.
Our friend, F. Bradbrook, the popu
lar Red Cloud photographer, ;has just
received a solar camera for enlarging
photos, etc. The good brother beMeves.
inkeeping abreast of the-time It is
a curiosity to a person who nyer saw
rfV?- .--
y. 1
A. A. Pope ia building .1 new Anl
A. A. Poi'E had returned tQ& ne
ist. I
' '-Rh-BoiiAXAX waj in McC tna
week. I
Mjia. A. S. Marhii wu.s in jflnn tr,e
other dfty. I
A HWvvrxLK is to be Inbi on Seward
itlnmf on v' J
- w ViV J3Ufi4
Mi. Matili'a Welch !pk for Ger
many last Monday. 1
Dkm IXiGitr lias built anew house
foulh of "Mr. Kinsey's. j
C. L. 'fciKK, train agent, DJl8 ucen
transferred to Hastings. I
W. M. Djceersox and wi& contem
plate going west on a tour jn-
John I'AKKEssold his ihoase and lot
in Council Bluffs one day l week.
Mils. J. G. Donn and 3fra. D. B.
Spanogle were in Hasting tnis week.
Wm. Pakkes and family. ad Mrs.
Ed Parkes have returnel Jrom Council.
Jioirr. Adamjon, livitig Copies,
lost a valuable horse
e jth-3 week, by
choking to death
James Potter lias bought a new side
bar. He row has a.'nne a turnout as
anyone could wbh. J
Sam Gakijeu h:is takn a position
with C. Wiener, tlV Golden Eagle
clothing man, as clerk. Sam is a good
. We received tbi week The Pine
Point, of Cloquet, Minnesota, from Mr.
Hugh Stevenson, who is making a
tour of that country.
Gates & Bohana.v bought fourteen
head of cattle which averaged 1150
pounds each. These will he butchered
for the Red Cloud market.
Mrs. A..TOwiSBY is visiting in
Towa. She wTTllfore returning, visit
in the eastern staffs, where she will be
joined bj- Mr. Orm;hy in a few weeks.
E. M. Stoker received two Italian
bees from Mumheni, Germany, the
other day, from Mr. Frank Baldwin,
who lives in Europe. The bees came
by mail and were eighteen days cro s
ing the Atlantic
Our frie ullifheit Uownds, who was
seriously injuml some time ago by a
mowing machine, Wsis in town .Monday
bust for the fir-t time since the. acci
dent. Many .1 man with less pluck
than Mr, R. -would stilJ be in bed.
Mr. Stille is getting his lumber
yard ready, nr;il in a few days we will
have three lumber yards running in
Red Cloud. Hii will commence at once
to build his office, sheds, etc. The
Chief welcomes Mr. S. to Red Cloud.
The first im of the campaign was
fired in ReJ Cloud Saturday. It was a
speech by Mr. Myers. He spoke on
behalf of Lie Anti-Monopoly-Green-back-Deuuratic
fusion parly. A large
number . 0: the faithful turned out.
SoMF.Irilt! wretch who makes a busi
ness of bruiting defenseless females
tried some of his pranks on somcyouug
girls win were promenading near town
Lhe girls called for help, and the fel
low skipped out for a more congenial
The ''hi ef force extend their re
gards t F. X. Richardson, W If.
Tnom.i. C. C. Coon Fred Hummel,
A X. l'ntmor, John Yeiscr, Orange
Taylor, and others, for a liberal dona
tion of watermelons. Thanks, come
After this date the following time
will lie observed at the Red Cloud pot
oflico in regard to closing the mail.
In the morning, mail bound ea.-t will
cloe at 6:10 a m: west, at 7 p m; pouch
mail to eastern points will close at 7 p
m; Hastincrs pouch at 7:45 p m.
.1 II. Rkmsbekg has fullv decided to
loiato in Red Cloud, and proposes as
soon as his son conies buck from New
M xico, to go into the cjittle business.
We are glad to welcome him to Web
f!or county. He will also build a fine
residence in the north end of the city.
Brigcs & Hu.mmell, carpenters and
ontractors, havejust completed a new
dwelling for Mis. Bellows, located near
the Presbvteriau church. The work-
mansinp speaks tor itself, and we
.'must say does the contractors great
credit, and shows them to be skilled
, workmen.
Dr. Baird the Dentist of Red Cloud,
closes his professional visit in Beaver
City this week and will go from here
to Obeilin Kans. The Doctor's skill as
a Dentist is highly appreciated. He
gives perfect satisfactin wherever he is
is known by his good work and fair
dealing. Times.
We should think that it would not
be a bad idea for the republican cen
tral committee to meet an take some
action in regard to procuring some
spcaKers for the campaign. A few
good speeches would not do any harm.
Arrangements might be made for a
speech by Hon. James Laird, and some
other noted speakers at no late drvte.
The B vt M changed time on Sun
day, :md made some alterations in the
running of the trains. The trains go
ing west now arrive in Red Cloud as
follows: No 3, six a. ai., No. 5, 7:40;
p. m; No 39, 7:40 a m. Going east the
trains depart as follows: No 4, 11:30
p m; No G. 6:50 a hi; 2o 40, 7:55 p m;
No 84, Hastings accommodation, ar
rives at 6.-10 p 111 and 11-30 a m.
J 0 CHAMB23LIN, the Inavale cheese
maker, came away from the state fair
with all the honors possible, having
taken the first premium on his cheese,
over all of his competitors, who were
quite numerous. This makes twice
within a year that lie1 has won the
laurels at the state lair. This fact
alone spcakes volumes for his cheese,
and The Chief is again called upon to
put another spoke in Webster county's
wheel of fame. Webster county pro
duces the best creamery Imtteraud the
I best clicesc in the state.
Dry goods at Kale.y'fl
! ." .- - - - .tV i .a. "---:- v ' .. - yrf. -. TTv-Bj -r -sv t v1 i 'issvr- mu. .. j.a,.s-i,, v . .5 ' n -- ?k- -..! f .jSiW-,5.s--. - ' aaa ---; vX-" v.v- .-eAs,!i-.i ---.., r..tAZ. -. -v: rv j-J-irr..- M
Mas JIcBwde's for hats.
Boots and shoes at Kaley's.
New goods at Mrs McBride's.
llAni goods at Mra McBride'a.
Woolen sockf from 15 cents a pair
at the Golden tiagle.
If you want bargains go to A. II.
Kaley'a. He keeps everything.
Special attention paid to hoyR and
children' mits department at the Gold
en Eagle.
Call at the Golden Eagle. and get
prices before buying your winter sujh
ply of goods.
The Red Cloud Literary Society will
meet at Mr. Brakefield's Friday even
ing Sept. VJ, 18S4.
Have you seen the L. It. S. suspend
ers at the Golden Eagle clothing store.
They are the bo-ss.
The Ladies Baptist H. M. Society
will meet at Mrs. Brakefields Tuesday
afternoon Sept. 23, 1SS4.
M Bikney ha recently purchnaed a
full blooded Irish setter, and considers
it the best dog in this "neck, o' the
For Sale Business house and lot
one of the best locations in the city.
Apply to Geo 0 Veiser & Co.
Scarlet woolen undershirts and
drawers, white from To cents to $2 f0,
colored from L'5 cents upwards, at the
Golden Eagle.
Mils McBride, the oldest established
and leading milliner, has received her
fall stock and will be pleased t show
goods at any time.
Mrs C K Wood, the accomplished
pianist, is now prepared to give in
structions on the piano or organ to a
few more scholars.
There is nothing like good flour in
the family. The Red Cloud Mills are
turning out a quality that makes light,
sweet, and white, bread. Cuntomers
iy "give me the same kind I had be
fore." J W Welborn and M Y Starbuck,
the former the present sheriff of Red
Willow county, the latter ex-sheriff of
the same county, also e.v-postniaster of
ludiamda, and at present serving
Uncle Sam in the eapacity of mail
agent on the McCook and Denver
route, were in the city on Monday
evening and went east on the 11:30
triin. The gentlemen aro prominent
politicians in their own country and
have chas.ed the buffalo over the plains
and have been clrned by the children
of the prairie through that district
when that country was but a howling
wilderness, and hence are the oldest
inhabitants. Mr. Wclboru is an ex
tensive stock raiser.. Call again genLs
and may your shadows never grow
A wildcat On last l'hursday,Elijah
Herrick, living-near Hicks killed a
wildcat measuring four feet and weigh
ing thirty-three pounds. The animal
had ventured near the house when
Mr: II. went out doors. His Catship
climbed a tree in a hurry, and was
only dislodged by a charge of buck
shot at the hands of Mr. Herrick. It
was a tremendous fellow, and had
been taking chickens from the place,
List of letters remaining uncalled
r in tho not-ofaVe at Red Cloud.
Weh-tcr county, Nebraska, for the
week ending September 15, 1S4: Al
bert Baker, W. G. Bingham, George L
Brugle. Frank Oarran (2), Mrs Libbie
Davis, James Fi zgerald' F K Grisw Id,
Wm Hooper, W il Howe, Robert Lord,
Janies A .Mack, Josie Maurer, T H
Mackgraf, James McGuines, Mr Me
J Wayson, C'liarles Rani
E Reed,
W Still-
A Iv Robinson, J M Ross
son Charles Steilin, Turner, Frazer. &
Co. These letters will be sent to the
dead letter office if not delivered. In
calling for above please say "adver
tised' giving date of list.
9 M. B. McNiTT, P. M.
Why i It?
Iii the last few months The Chief
has repeatedly called attention to the
fact thatnumeroiK peopb of the coun
ty had become the victims of street
fakirs, soap peddlers, and other schem
ers, by which they were robbed of their
hard earned money. On last Thurs
day, while the circus was in the city,
the usual number of skinners were on
the streets, and at one place our re
porter noticed several men whose gray
hairs were ripening for the hereafter,
and whose experience in worldly af
fairs should have taught them to know
better, give from five to ten dollars of
their money for a chance to draw five
little pieces ol soap that could be
bought at any of our stores for ten
cents at the outside figure, which they
were induce 1 to believe contained
prizes eqaal in amount to the price
paid for the same by them. But alas !
it vanished as soon as the
u-nro o.f rtll' It crmTe o !.., l.l'
..w w.v u.i. j.v ctwuo ivy no tti.ii. UIU
and young men should by this time
le.nrn better than to try to beat a man
at his own game, and especially so
when the man operating the business
is a rogue, and caculates on cheating
you from the start. There is no man
who throws money away unless he ex
pects a return. The motto that these
fellows go on is "get money honestly
if you can, and if you can't, why get
money," and they follow out the hist
part of the quotation to a dot, and let
the first part take care of itself. There
is no pretention to honesty, aud the
man that takes chances in such games
simply gives away his money for noth
ing. It is time that people should
learn to give the street gamblers a
wide berth. It is their intention to
defraud all, aud if one .ma gets a
prize, it is simply given him in order
to inveigle others into the .. vaiu
hope of winning something for noth-
:..r i....: ,i. -.. .
8- .p-s -". u -yr "
BEWA&E- r.
The-Tirrt x4 Spread Djr a Sutetm.
The twelfth annual exposition of the
Web-ier county agricultural octety
opened on lust Wednesday under the
most favorable circumstance?, and to
eay the lea,t the display in every dc-
partment L- much better than 'could be
or was anticipated under the circum-
stance. Good substantial pen and
stalls were erected for stock. A fiwt
cla) floral and agricultural hall was
put up for the accommodations of fine
arts and farm products. In
the display was excellent and would
have done credit to many older insti
tutions, though our county has only
been settled a little over a dozen years.
These fact-: are a credit to our thrifty,
enterprising farmer, and The CutEt
is heartily glad to be able to chronicle
the results. The exhibitors, or as far
a we could learn, in floral hall and ag
ricultural hall are as follows: J L Mil
ler had a very fine display of ha rues
and h.iddlery hardware, etc. This de
partment was complete and does Mr
Milier credit. C. Wiener, our enter
prising clothing merchant, had an ex
cellent showing of clothing, boots and
shoes, etc Mrs D Terry, of Conies,
made an excellent display of fancy
work. She had a handsome quilt on
exhibition. Mrs W H Cook, of Bed
Cloud, displayed some fine hand em
broidered articles. The ,Home" bak
ery display was splendid. This estab
lishment had on exhibition a fine or
namental cake. It was very handsome
and showed the designer to be an art
ist. L II Bust had as fine a display of
apples and other fruits an could be seen
anywhere, of which the good brother
was justly proud. A McCall conies
next with a large display cf fruits. He
had on exhibition some very choice
apples. John Wilhelmson, living west
of the city, had a fine showing of hon
ey, in sections, and a mammoth squash
and cabbage. John Aultz had on ex
hibition some excellent Mango pep
pers. E M Storer exhibited a swarm
of bees, of his imported stock. This
was indeed a novelty. J O Chamber-
lii ilict.t.i vml fmir f l full nrrvitn
. - t i r .
wiu, .....i... i .. ,,..,...... ...
the ."talc fair last week. (.apt. Munscl
came to the front with a fine showing
of banana musk melons, as well as tine
tomatoes, etc. V A MeKcighan ex
hibited some tremendous squashes,
which would make some good dugouts
on a small scale. C C Coon displayed
some nice corn aud
showed some fine me
showed a tine specimen ol broom torn
Mr Forrester displayed some fine
hand-made point lace; Mrs Mellers
had on exhibition someexcullfint hand
einoroidery; Morhart &. Fulton dis
played a magnificent lot of stoves and
hardware: It L Tinker a fine lot of
furnituie; Spanogle t Funk were ex
hibitors of some of organs, etc. Our
enterprising Bed Cloud carriage works
had a display of buggies which did the
house justice; A H Brown, of the
Marble and granite works, had tho
finest exhibition of headstones and
monuments that could be produced in
the state. It was simply excellent in
every feature; A A i'ope displayed
agricultural machinery; A Cook had a
fine assortment of boots and shoes, and
Mr. McMillan displayed some hard
ware. This completed the goods
shown in the hall up to Wednesday
F n Mellers and G Raney wero t'le
principal exhibitors in the hog line,
aud each showed some fine animals.
W A McKeighan bad on exhibition
'.'Kf line colts, and some shorthorn
stoi k, Uncle l'ctcr Marsdeu showed a
a herd of 14 grades and one thorough
bred bull; John G Potter exhibited a
tine cow; McCall Bros exhibited a
number of short horns, as did James
Gilham; Mr McAvoy had his fine
stallion on exhibition. Other entries
were made but the article were not on
the grounds in time for this isatie. Al
togetner the fair was grand success and
we congratulate the farmers on their
enterprize in bringing the articles for
The county trot on Wednesday was
good, there being three horses belong
ing in the county entered, viz: Royal
George, chestnut stallion, owned by
David Lutz; Jack Smith, sorrel gelding
owned by J S Rotbrock; and Fannie
G, owned by John J Garber. Mile
heats, three best in five. Royal George
won first money, time 3:14. Jack
Smith Becond; Fannie G. third.
Victory Agate!
On last Friday the Red Cloud base
ball club and the Superior nine meas
ured strength on the grounds in this
city. The game was called at two
o'clock and lasted until five. During
the first part of the game our boys run
the score up, but being pretty evenly
matched the Superior club held them
level, and for several innings the score
stood even. At the close of the game
our boys tallied one score ahead of the
Superior boys. Altogether the game
i - , .,. ... i.aj.
n. " ." "'." ,... -
J w - w. .... . WV. v.. .. Ui VUIIUJ. .UV...
PVOr n 1V'(Xl n?i fho rrr.mmla Hnlh
. . . - "
clubs playe very fine aud deserved
credit. In the early part of the game
the Superior catcher got worsted by
receiving a ball over the right eye
which laid him up for awhile. The
following is the score;
Whorton 0 00000000
Williams I 01 i) 10000
King 0 00000000
Rankin . 0 0 0 0 10 0 10
Clark 0 00000010
t Johnson 0 0 0 1 (I 0 0 u u
Coon ..0 00000010
J. Johnson 0 00000000 0
Amberson .0 0-0010100 2
Allen 1 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Garber 1 00000100 2
Fulton 1 00000000 1
Shirey 1 00000100 2
Taylor -0 01000000 1
Atkin.. 1 00000000 I
Higby 0 00000000 0
Piatt 0 00000001 1
Albrignt ..0 00000000 0
Red Cloud-
" ' Jt
. '. " :-.''' ' Bl " ZT .T VT-. f- . : iiKBSff
"Hr wm a Htnmm a4 Thj TWk Mia !."
Oftfmc man's dcrire for pun and
rich is so Rreal that kc beeoniM the
nare for bij own misfortune He im
agine? thai he c ome chcai
whereby he can turn ht hand, and at
a small outlay of money make hun-
dml9 of dollar !y. only to come to
u fuJI "Kz.Uion hl h h ln
m:lde a "I of b-v JXnfr men to
rob him of hi lucre. On lvtThnr-
daj a gentleman living in Wtrbtcf
county, whoe nsm wc forbrar men
tioning for obrion reasons, came to
Hal Cloud t j nc the area, xnd at
tend to buiuie. The circus attracted
his attention, and cor.equently be
meandered in that direction to take in
tho tignt. and perhap tarried too long.
at anyrate, he wx allured by bat are
called "capers," into a tent Mippcwud
to be a lottery, where a peron could
have a chance (? of laying down ui
of money and drawing twice the
amount out of the treasury. He hesi
tated the bait looked tempting.
Two chances free! oxclairned the chief
mogul. The old gentleman tepped
forward and took two chance ami.
as the fellow said, drew f250, aud fol
lowed up his remark by saying that if
the o, g. would howr that he was worth
the amount be could have the money.
At lat be became atisfitl that there
was a bonanza fur him. Not surmising
their intentions he hastened up town
to a friend and borrowed, the .-um 01
$250, and returning to the ?hovr
ground, .entered the den of .-i hemes
and laid down his money and called
for the prize which he had drawn.
Two moro draws called out the manag
er, and before the victim could object
the caper said: "I'll draw for you" and
with one hand pushed the o. g's money
to his confederate who skipped out, and
with the other draw the lottery ticket.
We presume o. g's hem palpitated at
double quick time as he breathlessly
waited fur the ru-ult but as was intend
M from the first he drew nothing but a
blank card, valueless and worthier-,
only as a trophy of experience, und
his two hundred and fifty dollars gonu
to the dog in a twinkle. Surprised
beyond measure at In- failure, he re
luctantly retraced hi- steps to tne city,
a wiser man than when he entered the
called lottery
We venture to say
soon invent a like
!in.lthe W1ji noL
amount in a spurious concern. How
ever, this deluded b-other was not the
only man that wsis "taken in." Many
others, who were not as well able to
loose, ventured and but; aud so they
will until they have either have been
warned, or have experienced the sen
sation ol seeing their monev consum-
. ,i. . . i tr r..o. i ed bv worthless people who prev upon
melons. I. JI I ust j lhe niw.ut tarla ,ivin, yV(i Jiml
elo'is. Ceo Deiltjle.u.n- tjlu Oj,or H mau grows the
more he finds out.
To tho Intllex of Keil Cloud and Wrtntr
- Conntr.
Director General Burke of jpfc
Wor'd's Industrial and Cotton Centen
nial Exposition, to be held in New
Orleans this coming winter, says that 'i
doubtless the .National exposition om
of woman's work will be one of
the most interesting aud important
fcaulurca of that wonderfully magnifi
cent and unprecedented scheme. Tho
women of Nebraska are invited to takto
part in this exhibition. Let every
women respond by sending something
of the best of her handiwork. Loyalty
to your stair demands this of you. Let
us be well represented and show the
world that even we, of the prairies, can
appreciate the beautiful with the use
ful. At a meeting held m Lincoln
which organized the state association
for the exhibition of woman's work a.
the New Orleans World's Exposition,
I was appointed state superintendent
of fine arts. I. now call upon every
lady of our state who is interested in
art work of any kind, painting in oil,
water colors, cnina, pastel, crayon or
charcoal drawing, modeling, carving
in tood of clrty, hammered metal,
pottery, or other art work, to send
amples of your skill to this exhibition
Lincoln and Omaha have been chosen
as general receiving points, to which
exhibits may be sent, where great care
will be exercised in repacking and
shipping free of charge to New Orleans,
which imist Imj done by November 15.
For further information address
Mhs. S. C. Elliot,
1212 0 St., Lincoln, Neb.
Anti-Monopoly Convention.
A delegate convention of the anti
monopolists of Webster and Franklin
counties will be held in Red Cloud, on
Saturday, Sept. 27, 1884, at 11 o'clock,
a. m., for the purpose of placing in
nomination a candidate for Moat rep
resentative of the 41st district.
M. D. Mteks, ch'rm.
An anti-monopoly senatorial con
vention consisting of Nuckolls, Web
ster aud Franklin counties, will be
held in Red Cloud, Saturday, Sept. 27,
1834, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of placing in nomination a can
didate for senator for the 23rd district.
P. D. Hudhell, ch'rm.
TOO Good Durham for Sale.
Feeding steers held at Stratton sta
tion, about TOO zood Durhams for sale.
circle brand, cattle formeilv owned bv
.. r ..... .,, -f .: "
W.J. Wilson. Address. L. Wilkes,
postoflicc box R., Denver, Colorado.
For the next 20 davs, 3000 merino
ewe and lambs, 100 full blood and ,
high grade rams, two miles south of
Nelson. L. L. Cornell, Nelson; Neb.
Headquarters for all kinds of styl
ish inilliuery at Aire McBride a.
Take Notice.
As I am about to close any business
in Red Cloud at once, i wish all par
ties indebted to me to come as soon a
possible aud settle their aecounU.
And all persons to whom 1 am indebt
ed will be paid by me upon presenting
their bills. By complying with this re
quest I will be greatly obliged.
off L. Baum.
n ' 3
DrcHsaia. t
Mrs. G. S. Taylo id prcpired to do
all kinds of dressmaking onshbrt no
tice, and at reasonable rates- One
door east Commercial IsAttse. '52tf
-Those, wialiing buildil
H inton,
make monev bv eallir
c?AKncr.i ntrjnscr
Mslt r!irhnnlon U rrry "ki?
Mary Kinrr is Iimnirt. ,
Bwmi orn citin$; t aI.-$kU rrr.
J B i Ktki$ to ctft another J
j cr7P
w nf njrsr.Mv- I
Khih Mrrnck -Hot a vUUl Ut t
wa fotir fttt h. Tlut rr (o?
frank Canfield ha-a race hor lh4t
i a tlycr,
Tlc clicewf factory at IlJcVi i turn
im: out jnmc very rln' ebef
id rrxi crr cc a iun mi-V etr
wbtJc sleeping. VitTttau.
ma mmm m.
A three veai W chaWof Mr. Bru
baker dlelWt Mtmlay
One f M r. Cox httle 1Ay jrot hi
fit fjtt in a corn hrMer iI Wm h
mkle citl awl brtiic! very Udly Inrt
i Utnz finely under tho rre f lt.
Mr. I'mtaml ifc went to the taU"
faire at Onub lt week.
rlxnounder wa mi-Ukrii wbn he
said the Cox i-Utiotnui the H A M II K,
would discontinue afttfr March 3CKh .
it ban been ruiming all ummer r
think they will put up a. uuoti houc
and ide track . ton. I oa.
C. X. Robinson has built a new
J. R. AllenV barn is rapidly ap
proachi completion.
A little child of lnac Colvin died
lat werk.
Mrv Jamv Kvca i quite JcV.
Rev. S. M. 5tfVouon will preach at
"chobboue No. &i mtxt Sunday at
II o'clock, n. m.
Mer. WrlN and BUum have each
bought an organ.
There has been instrumental muic
forineil ami U taught by a young lady
from Cowles. ' " Schibo.
"Everything is lovely, and tho gooc
haugH btiih. "
John McCilhim, wo cuppo-c will
HfKin be qualified or come out n- a full
fleilged Theologian, ns be ha purehat
ed a fiiui $22 ptudent Bible. (Jo though
and do likewi.-e.
ThouuiA Mathers, having Udlt him
self a hou-e, will move there oon.
This look's a little sunptciou Hoburl, as
you are left to bach i.
There an men in this vicinity who
wih they had neer gone to a circn,
as it costs like thunder.
Our postmaster will try for the pre
mium at the fair with hi fine hog.
Our new grain buyer ha arrived.
He hn come to tay.
The new lumber man seerrm to be
lr. Gangbin, the jpnbir black
rimith, is doing a gjxnl bu.sincsf.
Mr. Hheldon tbrcsbetl out 1iM buh
els of oats from 30 mwji.
M. C'raig and Y. Slater, of Weal
Alexander, l'!un,, are hen now, tho
gKsti of F. 0. A. Mater. They think
of buvtng land near here. V e bojH)
ttjcvwill, as they sfein to be whole
amled, wideawake lu.
ju It. M. Mater it now in lnvra. It i
ruumred that be will bring t him
one ci lotvas nor unugiuem.
We extend our hearty coxrnttla
tions to Mr. OH C'onnid, wbfi ra unit
ed in marriage to one of WcWcer's fair
ones. Lrrrix H.vrcmrr No. 'J.
Dry weather still coutinracs, cjm
ripening in good onler. Irtvom com
harvest nearly complete!.
Milton, hon of Dallas Ricl-inlion i
reportel on the .sick )i-t.
Mr. Lincoln, son-in law r Mir good
brother, Wm. Baker arrived in this
locality last week.
Mr Beauch uup pnyimp; n htri
viit to the piirental roof.
Mr. Fisk. of Iowa is pcrx)irg few
days with his father, the cheese man
ufacture at Hicks.
G. Hollingreen returned from hi
eastern visit last Saturday.
Broom corn cutting all tho raps at
present. Hands scarce.
Married, at the residence of Charles
Kent, Esq.. Wednesday lt, ??Jt.
JelTeron Beauchsmp and Miw N ilma
Kent, also Warren A. Kenl and Mim
Ida Matbias. We hear of othrrw likely
to follow their worthy example in the
near future. Si;sa Jane.
The lat shower of rain spoiled the
the little ears of corn, it made, them
all grow to be larqe ean.
Tilford and Fuller hare lccn Ikying
wheat and they paid letter prices ln
Red Cloud or Blue JiiU. they ot be
beat by anyone.
Joseph Burr. Thomas Blunt arid 1
D. Thomas have gone we?t to Iwk up
a town site.
Deacon Foe is building a newhouse
on his ti nber claim near Joseph Burr.
We are looking for the man to come
and Ltke charge of the elevator at
One sale made in the lumber yard.
We een Hager leave the lumber yard
with a 2x4 on his shoulders. The xta
there is such large sale w because the
lumber haa advanced from one dollar
to four on th thousand ince FulWr
sold the lumber toother parties.
A new hand to the bellow.
Cool and pleasant
Business w lively
Our merclmut4 are. in receipt of
goods almost daily.
Mr. Gilford is having hw store room
and dwelling repaired in becoming
Mr. Busick, our grain merchant, ar
rived last week with his family and
houae hold goods He has purdhased
Gangbin's residence.
Rev. Martinus took poaseaHien of tht
parsonage this week.
James Latta and wife returned laat
Monday from the state fair.
A little child of Hutfrnan's livine
near here I quite eick.
Mesdaraea Waller and Hager are
visiting with their relatives near
Bloom ington.
A billiard hall has just been'opened
in our town. The proprietors y it
to be conducted on strialy temperance
R. Adarnson, livinjr three railes outh
eaetofCowlea lottavvalaaWe hone on
Iagt Saturday night, by choking with
the halter.
A Mr. Brooks from St. Louie has
just arrived with a car load of ?mnlw
i menU. hoium hnh mnrAa .
ai hae eometo suy, hAving'beeiJ
I hen eefereatMi knomt m what hm'n
fahoi UrrtrlTATCifct.
, Wr p ?
Uifir ftifr? s J-tfim V .
V. "5r " T.tnTf . i . a!-
wh w 'nj
Hn I!!M U m Ktfir: mt
VVlnrt fit. x .
-.&"" ?. f?!m
rri"li. vh if,Tmf. rwivix wt
llrvitr Iod strtrm Jt F4T THl
It comrctd nrst Mr. VJ"t com
utiafr.n i? m? Hr ht Unt
Hh ftowrr. tlut Uk? t??
bcutlfcd lvkiarj- vt ttt vtwf tW
rue fully a sraM-
SrtcVf & U ftfsal Aisnrt cam
t the Wate of Mr. sl Hr Churl
Gtrni d r?rric! bvm tSsrf Owir
in fan! dsughtrr T)rj lt tnn ilr
vraritby n fttnefJ e;rK f
c'tnidtxtfrd by Her, J, CbUa,,
Owr mtKv jtvI Ikj rr cf rain Tme
ttite tvt UM pkins.
Jisn Burr dmtsz rll witK hU
hi tVrrier. It -wlU jwy fir itself n
Mr Mar killed a rati!1 snake in has
dvTTajl tiiat tnno y was 21 vrai
Lv D. Thowwi. Jcph Burr, Tttwaia
Itlunt, and Ira !tnc. arn fixing U
lArt eK t kMk uj a U-eathm
OH Osmul got urrd tf Ichinc It.
ami to Itv himrlf a wfp Ma
peace rd prn?pcriljr o "ttb them.
Otlfenl A Fuller, tf Clr. an buy
ing grain ami ta) tti tH hij;lvl
market irnst
Jiph Halt f ewlni? ?r ptil up a
wtndindk HsrcauriTU Wcier coun
ty live yrr ond ettirl tn his
claim vtber k ta Yet corrrd th
tht? buirW5a II? new Ui a flue
orvhnrtl. aj'jJratnl clwrrry itrm Udct
with fnilt. He has a thir hsnle start
exl ar.Hiid hW farm. He m jcng to
have one of t i(nrt farxaa in tba
ncighlorl !.
Ame think thai Jeeph Burr will
Iiato to gathrr bis corn riding in
gotu. for the tntrn are so high lhe to
can't reach limn from the grtniud,
K W'n DfeKAM.
rt.fcAJl.VVY Mit.1
1'lenKiint bower and plraMut peo
plo Huymaautg u litu onter of tlm
ilay " . . t
'Iliis eotintr was urll rrpriHteI at
the ftutinionop Matectiiinvciitiou and
gitt to the front, hniir - nrrnler on
tho committor that w njiptnil to
orort Gen B K But! frrmi Oiuh U
Itucohi, and ih iiteffvroi tW -mittee
of nt ptou
Our tmuty u a rtSt U fcrJ proud
of Iiit crop jtnpect aj have rtttr
orn tlviiu na.sxeeii anywbvro hvtacci,
here and Ltnfilu.
A litile four year old hii f C C Cot:
nut Willi nil nccid;nt which might
hae rioliid !friuuty Jit fKit sMj
tctl into tho fly 'whct'l of a -oru httl
Jr, dragginc lii Irg into n nrv a mall.
Hpace hctneon the w!mmJ nnd lhe ahel
lir, tearing the Heh ao that the l.on
was e.vpscnl. Dr rxdmnek wa- o.illol
and dreHl the wuujwl, nod at thl
writing the little fellow t- doing tH
A oting iitM of the aAitu fitinilr 1km
been iLiiigerwnly tit fortune time, t
pri'iM-ui u a little Inrtter.
J I) I'rt and uf tMk in lhe tint?
fair at Omaha, and tlwjy report gKxi
uvk and lot of it.
Tho irhool in district If. Ml f.ii
Hare teacher, i prgreing finely.
Ml.sfl Hare, It will bj remeuiterel, In
teaching her third term . ihtf dUtrict
and then; la ntA'rr bieii n cuttSplafnc
entTcl ngninl her, she x tabrr
of experience mid ability.
On Monday, the .Hb, lafrta" Brt
Brubriker, the on if Mr n4 Mr? Ilni
baker, departed tbia lift, Littbt Bert
vcan t bright little lad of four year
nnd h lo s Vsffv rnotirrinl bv hU
uriJt nm iriend-, who ImVc the'
yiupnthy of the entire community.
M C Jflck-onV new hoiite is nearing
completion, and Mr J will b? Iwppr
when he geti back from Iio.mlour.
V eiter Aker-on, of Johnou ctniiity,
U visiting in tbce pnru with an uyts
to looking uj a place, and intends to
more here if ho can gel o?w
As gentle Ida nmy have pomothfng
to 5av alxut J'lenaant Hill w will drot
our raler riyht here, and give her (?'
a ciiance. KxttiVSOtLx.
Die wnt'T c:illel a few day ago a5
the Inavale chccH? tictory, "ul tt?di
the cUevMr niadj there; he tbmk it
thelwt he i?r ttI. Mr . ChatmVr
aiin rye wwl k ttvtotii who uud chef'f
made from purweV and fpnng writr J
Did you, or did yrxt not. prrecut avf
uenr Ixntlvr an th aurtti um tali. K
ciooly, aiwl caie htm to lekrde?
If jw, we will hercaiter rtiy& yit only
'water, water, clear, coltl Wur un
lultcratd with akujwned intlk. Wo
do not wh to rtwi any rk of irprt
onment, fine anal coot.
Dr. Litton rnnl fntvi hr re on the
road to Surramtr county, ivjnM, fr a
winter.- foy-irn for the benefit of hU
health V e VotMt the coutrrA'cmv le
-. .. .-,.... ,,.,, 4
tween him avid Dr Mrcn will not
nuner on account of ii alisencc. I)r.
Mwna m rlMredl ot ciie point when
be attempts V account for the caoie of
aniiHal heat, by mying it b respiralirw,
i aA.imnation, circuJatron, -ecretion ani
1 excrctioti. all of which functions are
performed by the cold blooded ani
mal, Mad yft there ut no animal hisat
gcnfntel. II electricity doM not pro
duce animal heat, what dor? Vil the
learned doctor please tell m?
Tne sunflower war bai cIomckI for
this yeAr, the cantnar'n of ISSt having
I lcen hort and vigorouj on thj part"
oi oom -ArtiMm. me army ot ursier'
has been .ucce4fu! at various iioint,
Ut or account of .ome jduggUh ol
dicrs, and aome who decried their
farms entirely, the sunflower arm v haa
met with trrcat uccc in many places.
The content has been suspendetS until
ne.tJunsly a general armistice. atil
GeneKil Sunflower awl hi ilhkftrinn 1
arrnr going into winter imartr, a u
oal m September.
Sandbars are about ready lor har
yeat. Th rerfiing, hay making, com cut
tinjj, and sorghum making are the or
der of the day.
5ot wishing to "steal the thunder'
of Beta we will not report the Sumiar
school picnic on Dry Creek.
James Cooper, of Judson, Kansas.
okltoA.XcCall, a lot of yrhinr
, weighing about 75" t apiece."
foe $30 per hed. He jphusi to feeU
them. S.W.Gsa-
- s
salelle.". 0er The VaJJeyt
ttid fumiture.
h iars. jaecr
. - y - - - m
fit-i j-,r - r(x a
- i.,$m: -wu yv- ;Szmmm, -mm&mi w$: ? r rri-mmMmmmrm
al-a'laSl- -