The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 12, 1884, Image 5

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The Red Cloud Chief
a .
rrgpr exr
Doat forget the fair. .
A. 3. Maiisii went to Chicago Mon
this week.
Bcsciiow was iu Omaha
IIoihK racing every day ai the fail
next week.
Rkmoiucu that the fair takes place
next week.
Watt Ciiamhcrs has a flu. Merino
buck for mile.
I). F. Scammox brought to this office
some fine bccld.
The 17th 1st', .md 19lh are the fair
days next wtxk.
We icceivcd a catalogue this week
from Harlan college.
H. B. Simmon's ami J. K. Wall trad
ed farms the other clay.
J. E. Jkuomi:, of Iowa, a relative to
the Garber , ia in the city.
J. H. Helton, of Blue Hill, w.-u a
pleai.-ant caller on Tuesday.
D. LutzVs building south of the rink
da fjiftt approaching completion.
, J. K. Wai.i. went to Iowa this week
to bung back his aged mother.
Frkd Nkwhocsb haH got a curiosity
in the shape of hue mud turtle.
Ouk worthy brother, John Kellogg,
ia budding a new hotine on his farm.
J. II. Smith manager of the
creamery w.ka u Omaha the other day.
Mil. Fkiu:lsov, of Ohio, is doiinr lied
Cloud, and the best btate in the Union
EvEttvuouy come to the fair.
The ladies aid so:ietv illmeeta
Mrs. R. Mitchell's this "Friday after
Mrs. Spaxogle and .Mrs. Dodd will
tjo to Pennsylvania in a fe d.iys out
a visit.
The anti-monopoly delegates of this
county attended their biate convention
on the 9th.
J. L. Miller proposes to give a fine
bridle to the best lady equestrienne at
the fair next week.
Mrs. 'A. J. Tom Lisbon has been quite
ill for the past lew week, but is now
convalescing .slow ly.
There will be a base ball game on
Friday between the Jted Cloud nine
and the Superior club.
J. L. Mixer has returned from the
oast where he has been purchasing
goods for the fall trade.
Uxcle Levi Moure, D. B. Rpanogl
A nunc ijuigiy and several other parties
"went to Omaha this week.
Lots of fun at the fair next week.
Mrs J. W. Burns and daughter
Mipfj Ada C. Burtis. left Monday for a
two months visit in the east.
The spire is heing built in the Bap
tist church. This will ureatly improve
the outward appearances of the church.
The CiiiKpr u sites return thanks
for a most delicious water melon from
the hands of our friend Mr W. G. Ar
buckle. OnR public school building is too
.small for the increasing and lining gen
oration, and there is some talk of di
viding the high school room.
Ouu friend, Robert RowmK who
recently met with a serious accident
from a mowing machine is recovering
rapidly. We lire glad to hear of it.
The Chicago Lumber Company of
this city, have purchacd 11. W. Brew
er's yard at the depot ami have com
bined the two. This iirin i- doiii" a
i x
splendid business and wo wish them J
Uncle Peter Marsdks's tea n tool
inght the other l.iy ami run oil. hut
imcie I'eter siayeu with mem sinui he
stopped their flight. fie received a
flight bruise on the bead but not of a
serious nature.
We have received liThr Heart of Our
Continent", published at. Rloomiugtou.
Neb., in the interest of the great Re
publican valley. It is a neat specimen
of typographyand The Chief wishes
it the success it richly deserves.
The Rev. Geo. H.Brown, who was
recently engaged to preach for our
Baptist friends has moved his family
to Red Cloud from Cheyenne, and is
now comfortably located here. The
good brother is welcomed to the gale
The managers of the Red Cloud
creamer' will put in a cheese factory
in connection with the creamery a-
aoon as spring open. They propose to
run both of these industries. They cjui
.make money at both. Success to the
en t reprise
We would respectfully call the atten
tion of our many readers to the stock
sale of C. F. Cather. which appears in
another column, lie has ISO heat! of
cattle for sale and an immense amount
of other stock. Don't forget the date,
September 22.
A. H. Brows, proprietor of the Red j
Cloud Marble and Granite Work, will I
Me anuwaim!Vh.i.
of the finest exhibitions of
ver seem at the county fair
make one
his work ev
next week. Mr. B. is thoroughly en
terprising and people who attend the
fair should'not fail to see his display.
We take special pride this week in
ialling attention to the new advertise
ment of A. Cook, the enterprising east
nfde boot and shoo man, which ap-1
pears in another column oi to-uays pa-
per. He has a large stock ana pro- j
poses to give the people the advantage i
of very low prices
The Omaha Jlcpnblican has enlarged
to a seven column quarto, and has
Jadded a new dress to its many other
improvements. Altogether the Repub
lican is an excellent paper, and takes
front rank among the many excellent
dailies published in the great state of
Nebraska. Success to it.
Secretary Foloer, one of the prom
inent politicians of New York, died
at his home in that sUatc last -week.
His illness" was of brief duration. At
the time of his death he occupied the
position of secretary of the tre:isury.
He was an able and upright man. His
death will be keenly felt, especially in
New ork.
Ocm merchants are now getting in
their goods for th fall trade. We pre
sume that this fall will be one of great
activity among our merchants. The
farmers have all been prosperous and
its natural enough when they have
been prosperous that others should
as one branch of industry hinges upon
the other. Business is business, and
there are mighty few towns that can
do up the Gate city merchant" when
they start out for success. The Chief
wishes one aud all sucicss and' pros
perity'durinj tke coraing.month. .
f7,;V &iis;ui. ?&&
mr.r tv---r rf'.T '- ' --cr-
...fy .. ..., j
PERKIXii A MlTCTIELf. art? onlnrtnti i
I ., . 'ft'" .
i uieir nKire room.
The circus bill boards all blew down
but were re-erected.
II. C. Scorr h j;oing to build a new
barn on his premised.
S. Wolk has moved into his new
hoube iu the south cud.
Mr. Allijauoii, of Scott, made tua
very pleasant call this week.
TiieV.C.T. U. will meet at Mr.
Bah.trdV, Wednesday, September 17.
1HL Rev. G. W. Humaiell will com
mence making sorghum in a few days.
Mia; Bertha Owex has been engag
ed to tea-h the chuptM ten jj! iu the
south end of town.
Wm. Letsox has relumed from the
east where he purchased a large atocK
of dry goods, etc., for the fall trade.
The Kan-sos City exposition is now
open, and will continue to be a great
feature lor the city until the 20th, when
u closes.
1'ARriE.s wishing to make entries for
exhibition at the fair can do so by fall
ing at the law otlice of KaleyBros.
Dont forget if Xo fees.
II. ItuxoELL, living six and one
half miles north of the city, comes to
the front with a bunch of blue joint
gra.-s 7 feet ami II inches high.
Mils. Bright, a lady living near Bke
Hill, was before the board of commia
siomTS lor insanity last week, and waa
adjudged insane and sent to Lincoln.
Mr. Jons Moore, who has boen to
the mountains for her health has re
turned much refreshed from the invig
orating influence of the Colorado cli
mate. Mr. If. Asuersos commenced school
last Monday m IJitrict 47, on Farmer's
Creek. Mr. A. is an experienced ped
agogue, and will teach the young ideas
in good shape.
The pews are being arranged in the
Baptist chiu ch. IJitf Baptist church h
a very handsome edifice md a credit
to the city, as indeed are all of the
churches in Red Cloud.
Our friend J. II. Remsburg, who
recently located here, has bought ix
acres of land, and will erect him a line
suburban residence. This is the kind
of people Hod Cloud wants those who
come to stay and are enterprising.
We are indebted to our friend, Mr.
Worley, for one of the largest and best
watermelons we have seen in .Nebras
ka. It ineasurad three feet and one
inch around and one foot through. It
was raised ou Mr. Avers' farm near
I mi vale.
The pisscnger brakemen and Pull
man porters have a new B. it M. Ry.
schedule under consideration, anil ex
pect to issue a new time card soon.
Hie officers of the road will probably
he notified before the change actually
,akes place.
The greatest curiosity that has ap
peared iu many years iu this section,
was a rainbow which shown forth in
til it-brilliancy on last Friday night
after the heavy rain which fell here.
At the time the moon
very brightly.
was shining
A S. Marsh is making a slaughter
of his Mock ofgcodn. to make room for
his stock of dry oods, which will hi
the largest ever .brought to-Red Cloud
He proposes to do an exclusive busi
ness, and from what we know of him
j The Chief feels confident that he will
Mr. Ki.7. Cox, of Webster county,
ha purchased the Backer farm Tour
miles nnrthca-t of town and will re-
! move his family there about the first
of November. We undsiMand that
Mr. Cox m an energetic
rgetic fanner, and we
ns vicinity. Snellen
welcome him to
A (Hceat many of our citizens went
o Uin.iha thi. week to the Mate fair:
-e noticed anion? the
number. J. 0. !
Chamberlain and IJ. G. Knight, ofln
av:ile, A. A. Pope. G. I' Clmnev, D. S.
Helvern. W. II. Stroll in, Mr. Bronell,
ami a great many oil. 'hose names
we do not now call to
Oi'R Kansas friends should not fail
to bring in some article of exhibition
to our county fair next week. Com
petition is open to Smith and Jewell
counties we understand. Let every
"man hring something if its not more
tlmn a dozen cars of corn, a neck of
potatoes, etc. Don't forget the date,
Sept. 17, IS and p.). Everybody come
and make the fair a grand success.
G. W. Kxioht. of Inavale has been
appointed station agent at that place
by the li. x M. officials. I his is a
worthy appointment, and The Chief
congratulates Brother Knight on his
'Pi. .... .: . i
miuuiw.-!. me biaiiou is now openeo j
for regular busiue. This will be a I
great help to the people of the vale, as
heretofore they had to go to Riverton
or Red Clond to dp their shipping.
Our friend C. Wiener, has secured a
portion of the rear end of Marsh's
dry good's room, and has made an
overcoat department of it. This de
partment is connected with the gener
al store by an arched way. This gives
Mr.-W. comfortable quarters, and he
lias taken ail vantage of tne mere
room, and put in the largest stock
Lathing eVer brought To the vail
Kolhlu succeeds iikc SUCcess.
k of
It has been suggested by a number
of our citizens that efforts be made
towards getting the Western Union to
put a telegraph office up town. This
would be a convenience that would be
appreciated by all of our business men
,inj We actually believe, the receipts of
tl'e company would he increased from
one-thml to one-halt of its present
receipts. We believe the general su
perintendent could well afford to give
us an uptown office-
The Nebraska Lumber Company,
with its usual enterprise, has establish
ed a wholesale lumber vard at Omaha.
This company is rapidly increasing its
business, and have put in several new
yards in various towns in Nebraska,
and by their upright principles
square dealyig have made hosts of
friends. The wholesale house at Oma
ha will be a great acquisition to their
business in the state, and we can as
sure dealers who may have business
dealing with them that thev will re-
VnlvA tinrtA ltllt ln lrt r.nt mnnfr ft f
the hands of the Nebraska Lumber
Cotnpanv'. R. D. Jones, of this city,
president of the company, is a gentle
man of varied experience in the lum
ber business aud we feel confident.
(that under his supervision, and with
the aid of the balance of the company,
that the Omaha yards, as well as the
balauce, will be successfully handled.
The Chief wishes the company success
and prosperity.
Notice No bills will be paid on
Red Cloud creamery, unless ordered
by J. H. Smith manager.
.. -.
V T.rrrirriti !. l.uit?;n .. ,... 1 . . -v .t:.1 , "i..- I ivtdnri I rjr"Tx ttirtr I v..- .- ....?..
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v r i fflatijii
(Kj to Mn. McBrid's for hate.
N'kw fall goals at Mr. McBrideV.
Fall goods are coming in at Lei
eon'it. Axox UiCRT waa in Beatrice this
Bcttcxxcc patterns at 31x8. Mo
Ladik flannel underwear at Mr
Gc to Ler.on's for your fall and win
ter dry good.
Ladif." Milk, jewey and kid gloves at
Mrfc. Mc Bride'.
Br.n comforts and quilts, a large
variety and low price at LetaonV.
A new sidewalk is being built on 4th
avenue from the bank to Seward street
Look out for new prizes in next weekV
tPW -.. .AV'A'tAW l V fttQ. i -.- -. ---- - w i - r ,, - -w'--
to be given by the Golden
More new goods at the Leading Mil
linery store, 1st door north l?t Nation
al Bank.
Jackets, jereys. cloak, new mar
ketsa large line of ladiea wraps at
It will pay nil to study the few farts
on firttnage as advertised by the Gold
en Eagle.
Fred I'eteusos is round hou fore
man during the absence of Mr. Birney,
in the eat.
' A. IT. LiSEHEROER.son-in-law of I. X.
Taylor, of Ibis city, has bought a lum
ber yard atCowh'3.
S. Frazier. and wife, of Bryan, Ohio,
arc the guests of C. W. Marvin, our
worthy freight clerk, ibis week.
The first republican gun was fired in
Maine on th 8th At the election
j everything went republican by heavy
increased majority.
The members of the Red Cloud lit
erary sorietv and all interested arc
ceouested to meet at Dr. Shrrer's, Sat
urday evening at 8 p. m., Sept. 13th,
The concert last Wednesday night
wa a grand success and was very en
tertaining in every respect. Mrs.
Thompson knows how to handle the
children in good shape.
Hoop skirts and corsets at Mrs. Mc
Bride's. Hair goods at Mrs. McBridu's.
Both elevators at the depot are
kept biHv unloading grain, the long
lines of grain wagons daily arriving for
cibly remind "ye old timers" of the
wagon trains of anti-railway days.
Oi'R Red Cloud nine Jplayed two
games of ball on Tuesday, viz: one at
(Jiete and the other at Lincoln. At
Crete they downed the club in great
shape, tho'score standing two to one;
they were not so fortunate at Lincoln
and got done uy t-o to one
RinnoxsAiid neckwear at Mrs. Mc
Bride's. The Golden Eagle has spread his
wings still further we mean the pro
prietor of the. Golden Eagle has ex
tended his store by adding SO feet, tak
ing the rear end of March's store con
nected by an arch. This space, as well
as the store, is crammed full of goods,
and no one need go away on account
of not finding everything in clothing,
gouts' furni.-hing goods, boots and
Mines, hats and caps, trunks, etc. All
goods are marked in plain figures, and
0. Wiener makes it a point to put the
very lowest price on his uood-. It ill
pay all to come and look before pur
chasing any goods in the above lines.
Cunning for Water aelons.
A few night since a gang of gallant
young men called a co tncil of ten
together, ou some lamiliar dry goods
box, and decided that when all honest
., . rt
j., tnu
people were quiuiiy snoozing iu mc
ffMLorpheus, that tuev woulu
Ives avav lo some distant
watermelon patch and partake of the Iu-
cious fruit without the knowledge of
the owner. About ten o'clock the
self same conspirators who proposed
to make clandestine visit to the re
mote locality where the festive melon
grew luxuriously, allied their hats over
their optic, and each loaded with a
knife, marched out of town by the
right file for aforesaid melon field. Af
ter walking some four miles very
quietly, some fellow suggested that a
patch was in close proximity. The
order was given by the commanding
officer to scale the fence and route the
enemy. It wa a barbed wire struc
ture and some of the boys got wounded
slightly, but not enough to hinder the
onslaught. Each grabbed what they
supposed to be a melon and returned
to the highway where a line of march
was again taken up for home. Umph!
ten good molons was no slouch of a
tind ai.d their steps became quicker in
the anticipation of the feast they were
to have when once out of danger. Fin
ally town was again reached after a
sprightly walk, and at a familiar resort
knives were called for and the carving
process commenced, when to their ut
ter astonishment and chagrin the wa
ter melons turned out to be great big
squashes. The boys have been kick
ing themselves all this week over the
blunder, and he girls ell they ob
served that thev would never go after
i melons again, although it was lots of
, - ,
fuu, vou know!
'What's the matter with them not hi
able to hat 4tliase crwiked balln? " -The
boys who went over to play with
the Guide Rock club hist Friday report
a splendid time and excellent treat
ment at tin hands of the club and citi
zens generally. Only six innings were
played with the Guide Rock club, the
scores standing about even, the Guide
Bock club a little ahead. The Red
Cloud club, which was in attendance
at the match wanted to play a match
game with a nicked nine of both the
Burr Oak and Guide Rock clubs for
$'20 a side. Citizens of Guide Rock put
up the money and the fun began, out
at the close of the fourth inning the
Red Cloud boy? kicked out and with
drew the stakes, and the game was de
cided 9 to 0 in favor of the picked nine.
It is proiiiie that when Red Cloud
wants to bulldoze again they will go
out to some country" school grouds and
tackle a lot of school boy?. The boys
admit that the Rsd Cloud boys are No.
1 players, but say they are not so good
that seven of them "can beat Guide
Reck and Burr Oak. Herald.
Yes, Mr. Herald, just trot over some
of your school boys, and our nine will
show them .a thing or two that will
make the population of Burr Oak
stick out their eyes, and don't you for
get it, for money, marbles, or chalk
We have a bad nine and they are hard
to bat. It's no fun for our boya to
play with clubs that don't know' how
o plav a scientific game. . Do you
liear.Eliaa? -As for the score at Guide
Rock the other day it waa 13 to 5 in
favor of Red Cloud. The picked nine
complained tiiat they ''couldn't bat
those crooked ljalb." Halt just fooled
them a little. A s
k, tSJ?jA:-3&-l3&:.r'. t f"
." -
luxJ v mg wa once aa imhan m -
ktgc on the wt Mile of the MiMiwppi
w ft
Ktver. Ull Oud Unl mg ban of
Sioux Hyed tbert. He u buried on a
high bluff which overlook the city,
nd U the only Indian there now. It
Li a thriving and beautiful ion, and
it is plea tire to live there in tb
Kumiiier. The Sunday of our .uy
there wu rainyrhut we went to church
and after the services a voumc ladv
friend tvHik me into the Sunday choo!
anu.eaieu mc iieen iwo cia.--i
I .! f. .!
VUC v.Jfcs n" tyuin'it Oi SiilHIl ul.
can oo tinmen wi.-ir iciiiue mr vxrur -
eioufc. in uie in w-riiir m uiy aiaieuie
t-.i Ko tu i iic nun- k .ii HixMxmi.
out uiose living near uiejni-Mppi
are parucuiHny iivoreu. aiuaiirii -jiii-
boats with covered barges attached.
fitted up purposely for excursion, can
be chartered any rummer day, and
there ure iutereting places to iait all
along the nver. Lacli church has lis
annual Sunday-school picnic m that
way. and it is needless to add that the '
children enjoy theniuelves. Wnife we '
were there a societv called the I'.itri-j
archial Circle celebrated noini event '
bv an excursion on one of thoe boat,
going up the ner. 1 imagine th-
event must have had reference to the
luuiaiwii .wu " ucmu, inf.uie
!...: u v.. ..i. .i .k.i.i. r..... .
rain poured lown all any. llut a Uiis
boat on its way would land at rre-cott. i
v is., we took passage on it for that
place. You can imagine the surprise
of the Pryse bo when we went into
the office of their new newspaper ven
ture, The Ariel. Although this oflice
is iu an old building, it contains a
good many of the modern improve
meuLs iu printing, and they take great
pride in it. But it is a little mysterious
to mo why th y settled in that town.
It is small and old, and dull; and has
not been improved any for the last
ten years, but they have expectations
of it, and it is possible that it may not
have had half of its day, and theother
half is yet in the future. The town is
beautiful and quiet, and the l'ryse
family are pleasantly situated, and
seem to enjoy it.
Minnesota has maijy charms iu the
summer, but I prefer Nebraska in the
winter, Theieis an immense wheal
crop there this season, and they think
their com looks well, but it looked
small to mo compared with our- in the
Republican Valley. Hctsky.
Warm and windy. Huymg is tho
order of the day, but stacking progress
es slowly these windy days.
The two sons of Kcv. A Martinis left
here one day last week for Franklin.
They are going to a. tend the academy
A little two year old son of Mr.
Thompson, living east of Cowles, had
his shoulder dislocated one dav las
week. Dr. Schenck was called and
rendered the necessary assistance. At
hist accounts he was ilomg well.
Burl, the little son of Mr. and Mis.
W. A. I'rubakcr, died lnt Monday.
Mrs. Dr. Calleuder and Miss Loui-e
Fisher, formerly residents of Cowles.
are hero visiting their many friendi.
Mrs. S. Foe is visiting her relatives in
the eastern part of the state.
The elevator here has been pur
chased by Mr. Busick. a gentleman
from Kearney. He is going to add to
the improvements of Cow'es by build
ing himself a
Messrs. (hi i' ford &. Fuller are buying
and shipning wheat.
A II. Linebanror, of Joliet. 111., has
purchased the lumber yard at this
place, and is receiving large lots of
lumber, which ho proposes to sell on
as good term- as can be had iu the
county. He has come to stay and will
have hi3 family here soon.
James Lattvi .-md wife are in the
eastern part of the state, inking iu
shite fair, reunion, and visiting friends
Henry Waller takes tho ribbon for
the largest and best melons in the
We suppose there will be no dispute i
.., ', " , ,. ., .' I
aiiout the noumiary line 01 tne croquet
ground, since the improvements ad
ded to it.
Many thanks Mr. Editor for that
nice chromo.
Blaine is our choice, first last and
all the time. Little Hatch cr.
T.nat Siinilnv
two merchants from
-v .
Kivcrton, were down to farmers crce,
1 to fanners crc
with their guns and dog, huntinr. In-",
telligent men of the city should pet a
better example for the country jakes.
Last Friday evening we had a heavy
ram and wind. It done no serious
damage, except scattering looe lum
ber, upsetting wagons and teariug the
tops from the hay stacks.
I. Snow and grandaughter, Dorches
ter arc visiting at A. T, Avers. The
old gentleman is S2 years old. He has
been failing very fast in strength for
the past six months.
Our fun loving neighbor,- John Bar-
don lias treated himself to a new bug- 1
gy. Now when he goes out for a rabit j
chase, his jovial hound, Fly has to ,
take a back seat if she wishes to ride. '
YW '
xie considers nc is good enougn to
occupy the front one.
Buggy riding seem to be the rage
last Sunday, some five or six stranger
had passed, rchtn we recognized G.
Worley. He drove aa fine a team as
any. and had as dashing a companion
by his side. Three cheers for our
young bachelor. Aunt Hope.
oanuuerg, rayne n'i rpierson are
.,. . Y A.
threshing wheat, oats and barley.
Ford and Morker are turning over
the stubble
Brooks and Matheny are hauling
hogs to Red Cloudy
Grice and Antonie are making ha v.
Ir. Cather h:is gone west after cat-1
ue. ;
Grimm and Knock are running the !
mower. ,
Bibbie drives the milk wagon.
Certainly our P- O. i surrounded by
an industrious, paifttUking communi1
ty. -?'
Plrwtsw soaetima tavembHhmtaaIIic.
OtrrtBhnatets rKaraed wtih a bouBtifHl
OwimhMrternMes to tke froat witk Ih--taBwHrifcHattewwrty.
t2 lect tan. He
has ) reeefved atlMcsMsjareaj, fion rttau.
eCBcatrh. Hisfeeab WaiMamKtojrirettlv
tesgUl. XTOOrmKWKKX.
Mosmee VpH stand U th placa to
get year cheap and freak aicat?
- fc.
.3 -'
." - 2r-
" ? "
P "He
X -
the other of arl, and by mam of the j mtf OVef !4 fw.; lush and the ctrcum-; god mny y&r m td t t-d 1 & lft4' 1 ? u TI?!., kL 2 tv
quction- which the boys kent up on fer-ce at th root w tix mcbcv Come Uk thruwsb fti .uchvre it -u! if ? tirtMk rtvrf.
one 9ide, and what the teacher told to to the front gim ! a man I oruken m faolt. . -Ha & ukfWr Z ?05 t?i
the &r.s on the other. 1 obuinedquite Frank IeonAxd ay he go;nS to the j r zmt Truv .o4 mi ,e k, tb ! roTl 4wir&9 ?J f
anunberofnewideiaboutAlK.dom .taieWr. " -pint of row on,. whUnt thy J 14icm Ulp !"S2?
Neany twenty teachers are cuniiected ! J0i, o-lyvn i aIkhii to ell hU farm j oif. I-t ihcr Uo lm imMvl Yw wrtr 4 Frl yl fT'
with tms school, bin that rainy d ; for the benefit of hu wife'. hrAlth. Hrcdotiu: thebtulier a ctvAt mluntf orx T C4Ur. W,
onU ven were present, and nve of; I), tf. lleh'em .y3 he enn lt the m bmicmg liu mwnc uito U.n tir , "7 -..-. .-
iiicni were woincii. ' tutc n a match team of ninlc. w A' I cannot let, ml, ot, amrir u , lf Tf ? ".2Xr
Anitiiii' tbp olitfL-urtL of ilinnw.ihi ............. t u r .... '..... i. ti- ... . . 'tart ihom fcrtnl in Xfttf ffuf fC
" . -,j Vj- , i'.'-
i r-
Murphy hw
cfwk. An
ether one of the old ctUr about to
leave u. Jt w a rvod fr'uo ad w
iwm; m ivwc iijui-
Alf McCall m jut about traulle of
the ftnc he un t know Jmnily ho
to tot? for, Cleveland or Bi::h?r. but he
hiu about Riftdo up hi mind of tht
twoenN he illchoo the t And
t vote for Butler.
fJ 'tirn till llo nil lrf Km Kl
. --..-- . w-. .. -.-. . -- ...w --.ifc
i ,. jj0er tbxt wn poken vt in the
1 yv artv cMiLiblv lnfotmed that Mr.
, Cbvik,, of lnfale, ha bought
u. iUMLiVer farm.
j jj. s,mon and Jim Wall have
trax hx I farm. Jim .iv hK ha
I""- " ------ ,.. , . ... ..r-
live hundred doll.u by tin trade, ami
Mino tmnka lie has made a thou-
The l.UtrrjH.rt from the Io,t child.
tunu iiwi i Broiler is i rum .. ll. lln
kins ami sy-- the 31onnoii are dcir-
us ii praise a large army to clonu u
uie J.11UWI siai ami iiiry nave a
great cull ;'r mfanuv and the 'ittlc
lnjy hat been kidnapped bv some Mor-
j mvn
in. A. Jveuhu ami vti. Mime of
tin; mo-t
....r..... .;..., ,...1 .l..v.... U
... .
hikijii(Ij; .u uiiiivull
going laruier-. in Iaiw prvciuct are now
' erecting a very fine, largu L
vivester lay ami Jmiii sutuui arc
doing the carpenter work in good
John (Jalbreth is now walking on hip
ear aud wandering with his feut. cays
iLi a girl and don't know how it hap
pened, but the wife ia doing fine.
-- -."
Dear Aunt Betsey: JI cannot refrain
from attempting to answer the inquiry
of Hustic, in a letter to you nnd will
adopt the same loving ami persim-ive
spirit manifested by vour.-elf in your
notice of me in the Aryua. Now, Aun
tie, what could have possessed you to
write as ou did about John Aultz
wno-o hammer has never been heard
in Wells, nor has he ever been here, or
about J. O. Orndroff, who lots never
watered his pigs in a jug crock or any
other earthen vessel, or almut my
"break" in regard lo the school mauii
singing when I havu never publicly
criticised the singing of any individ
ual. If vou are going to write fiction
your effusions should appear as such.
Moreover when it becomes, known
that your statements of facts are unre
liable and that your insinuations vilify
the innocent although they may not
be of sufficient consequence to otir up
public indignation. I fear they will
"-tir up" public disgust ami then, Ob
Auntie, your position will be more un
happy than the one of which you have
1 j lorewarncu me. .vow, near auui, n
t vou enjoy standing by the frog pond
drinking its beautiiM or the socieiv of
John's pigi, ami laughing to sou them
stick their nozzles in and drink, why
that Is nobodv's business, but please
aunt do not aspire to a position for
which vou arc evidently not nuaiitied.
Lay down your pen and attend to your
nursing and knitting like a good auntie
But if you decline to be moved by ibis
humble admonition and arc detcrmiu-
ed to enlarge your sphere by thrusting 1
your nuzzie imo ine ousuiess 01 oiuers, j
Itleasc inform the puhhc whet her
the curl in the Uiil of John's pig
8 top-sy fnrvy or not.
With bigfi reganl for your virtue aud
talent dear auntie, I remain.
Mr. IMillllps little oti frllotl a lior Satuntny
eveiilnt: aim inKr an nrui. ur. unmn a
L'ulled auI the IIUl- fellow I dulnj; nicely.
A number of our I'lille Mre v litliig Irlena In
j otiifr tate-.. nmoitg whom are Mtrl.ineM sahltt.
, rrotnll't. MontKonu-n. Fiiiia-yati'l riiiillp, ami
.Mrs. riin!im, wileofoiirllvcrjmaii, who It t
1 itinsol I tiii'teUri lov-;u
j Dr. MoruivlUe lian ri-tunic! froia Citfunuln.
ItlllCll llliprowo id iii'iuiii. 1111 .iuw uu)"-u i)
he fiieialH anil jMlron that tli- lx'tor may
o.n Je ailc to re-Mlme lit ofllrc prachrr. At
i.:j !... .. ft....n f if 4.1 tli.. .Ih.t.kta li 1 I..... k ijiri..
I Hilt ifll'MC -i... .i.v iw-. " m.. r. t.
, Ivpinii'teii wiui ns.iri nvrae a:iu awnna.
rinnicpuMi arc bulMin a tkatitii; rink.
4fiiofel. wlil'-h. when coiniU'leI. will Ik? our
ot ul0 nwt m the Mate. The fomi.iatlon u of
Itrlck. the Itiiiiber of the ln-ot quality, ami Mr. .1. '
T. VarreJ. the contractor ami hullilrr. 1 too well
known to nv-l more than ttie ihentlon of the
lad. to ruirameo In Hit' mlinU of Uie public
that thi'iailMiiis wm In a goo! one. ,
.fnnr.,V,;r 11.; it hV, -n iT, u, - rii UrAn
IV.11I tliriL' find til tif rt ttiwxx.' thn rintrtrl.
Valley. The hotel heretofore krown a the
Mortjii f louvs has been ento:n:el. nuI rrmwlel I
eil, paintl. refuniUliel anil put In flr.t cl;is j
Hh.'ilK?. In every kiiw of the wonl. TliH new j
hoitv L a nearly jerfect In It apolntnietiU an '
the lanrer aud more rialoratdr ftirnKlieil lim--
ch In the cltle. The tr.iellns pnbl.e ecm Ut i
; aa' I
1 ... . avm... .! ivn" ! taaltlVK
ana are maKinr ;
't rest mi cnnfcirt. When Mr. ami .Mr, li. 4
.Mr. 11. i
" T
j took 1 1 tr jvx o rjr . 1 J I ' Y. 5 r.l "k Uxt a wi r-ti-
in-miie'iit of'thclr gul" liie'ya etaDiM'ed
a reputation that extends far tjond : thr lion!-:
iMnis far ixvond the bonl-:
ly. J
1 .. ' .., .n.i. utl
iiiav rear a rich banret
ot the iwple generally.
IHenty of rain.
We had the picnic.
K. K. Conrad hx a windmill.
3Ir.Cr.iw-fonli' having a deal ofjfekne.
KeLuivt of (teorge Gnirad hare lrn vritttiaK
We are glad to liear that San and Joe are do
incu-cH in their renair shop.
A Lirpe consreitatlon wm rery much dlvjp-1
pointed on the turn arriral of toe ralnlster, Krr. i
Coniett. of Blue Hill.
jiarTey"hanibenlb!nk of goinx down Into
nansas in searcu oi tauu.
Mrs. heal U teaching our chooi.
Mr. More and wife will take a trip est, In
"IlD. TbSSS. Mr. Want, and Mr. Barr are Co-
inic woi w uuuv tor irevcuuH'.
Orin Miller has a new- windmill
OutIhs: to the severe wind 5lorm on Uwt Ytimtr
night we were unable to gather much aew.
Fine rain last Friday aisht. Wlsd and rain
combined make bad bay ireAtber.
Hurrah for the how. We expect lo ce ft la
ait it KJy-T- ... M ,
L poiiw leonw or icijotts eaa ine irapoweBrc vt
t V414C . . ...vif,..i. . 9S.WM J--... w...
stack ihr vine
I'ruaclilnj: at the xhool house co Sunday a! 4
p. in.
Everyliody hmild take !WWK-tb!ns to tbe fair
ana maxe ic a ?raoo rncctss.
Tolly Bros, are talfciRR of building a bcv Kill i
lllis uiil. lurj : uhuh; ievm win.
J. I). Post has returned troei EIr. where be
h& been Ute. imst week. mUthxr an Mime bay
i and tlrins tall I'krwin.
hmiwruUetuve nearri, soate of we leuw
that went to Tenaeaaee lai prias wocid
UJuttogetbackaala. Xefecaska is UW Uardea
f dca yet. Ida.
AmUct Laraiker Yari
j Qur nnbor, Jaiep
j a hi frro n' Buflalo
1 I Air .riTIM tffttM . .... T. .lall .. n -dvj. cr .if K. .K..1 1 . -. .- . t ICIRI'.
-- r v v. w aaiu w m w mx . w " jm i VjAb s. am: wttrw hici m - w ck...
" - - -
man who U in everv wav familiar with
the lumber business has decided to
open an extensive yard in this city. He
firopotes to put in a large stock of
umber, lath, shingles, and everything
appertaining to the bueineu. He will
deal in hard and soft coal, and in fact
will lack: nothing that goes to aaake up
a first-daw yard. The office and yard
.;iit.MA : r j j ?t.
1 be handily located to the buines cen-
muwcicMw iu lew Ul ina Wl
ter oti5e city. The Chief wMh Mr.
oiiiMrewxeae in nie eicrpriee&
i -
. --V
t a;u- rjf te;.tt: , ,u.pi'w cures pie, ur no par re
An article tn Ut V CW ?$
uei clJ for a ?pr fttrfit tat j?J
! urts out 4yi b a gUd ) c4
qoiet abrui :h- milk xn4 wt-r bud-
v uaui : sutk ! sjTiii ct
rriuu: the mvi ui &cc THirtitt
n .,
t nplw that c knor tta imtfi ! I
- .-- - -
j know ih truth. Xtn 01, kriHj
i the truth how c4i jou ulk m)ih
i about tho Lni aoJ hi fl&ck. iihIm-
j ctn m tf making f! chrjtr
' i.-'imil ihf hrruhfr WautLI vim Mt.r
. -. -. ,.i . .. .-.-. J -t. i. t .
i up the im o(a KnUvf wU th J
; wrnna milk, if he fcrU
he ItA lti
i uronsvd. ( am tvim
fur any
, tLnnapi hi chanujtcr
my utiun
from uch a ch
a ciinrrw on inv twirt- If
the party iiAtno! Ua ran rontrI hr
t couW a: for no better c m tl
r rr
otitic law, and if lie mU! ulMh
i cn.e into cnitt If I ittd not ntre la
I him that I km,w wbwith p I
j.kk -m .
i l iuoi u Wie mil. Itro I m uf
. a Atrn of atcnng milk ( kno jut
I what 1 am ihuuu Hd I nercr Ui,r it '
back. It tlojj't ftiuU anv
,.-.. I
whether it i a MciiHHht or anv other
denomination. Whtu a natron' water
his milk, it i not me he 11 defrauding
but Uie Imlanceof tho Twiimn .mnl i .
I ........... .1. . ......! t 1 . . i . . '
!.., lliatBnuni .tT 1 .1.1; OU9inrM ,
hw wick. Toe mifk that the forknt
' .i .- it.... i.... .... . i. . .i i T t .. i
v iiuii iiiw uiviuenu ior MIC
i imlnce of the patnnf not on c-nt of
it guu to na pH Ket It u A very di
I wgrvouhle duty i,r m to perform. I
understand Ui.t in IJein- ne, ' ,lHr
UrHAl tomo said it wai bluckt. ll and
we Hiltuit that it lmA rather black fr
the male. I don t rare to keep the
TUHtter asita'e , but if IleU htu uken
up the cue for the brother If vou
want the full hutory of tho btnuo-j I
will guarantee that it will Ikj more in
toresiing than thi i. Tin ia uill
cient tor this time.
J. 0. ClIAVHMit.AtS
There will bo a G A. I, picnic on
the fair ground-. Sept. ISi.i nnd 4
camp-tir at night, under the upneji
of Garfield l'o-i No. ,M) An invitation
is extended to all ex-soldiern and their
families, firing vonr lunch haAet vicll
filled. A giMl time ii anticipated Our
tent will bu pitched on the ground
for the iccommud'ttion of all who widi
to come out. Committik.
FitKMi olrfc at A Ltulirbach'a.
Foil -alo ! cale M sab
House and furniture.
!'! 'Hm Valley
B. LosslMI, BchI
Iv you want a square rural, a. fruit,
vegetables, etc., of any kind vou should
call on A. dimming, one door south J
of Minrcr s drug stoic. Ho keep the
bot of even thing at roarouahtc price
ce him. tf
FhkpH ovston at A. IautcrhachV.
Tun Boil Cloud mills aro doing ex
ccllcu t work, nnd are running nighl.
and day to their full capacity. Wo hear J
tfieir flour fpoteii of in neighboring
towns where it m o!d as being of very
superior iiualitv. Tbii U iw it nhould
--r -
be jp,. tro K, lo CIirn 0f lUo
IlCnlV of our homo indu-triea.
Mp. (J. ?. Tavloi 1 prepared to do
all kind of dressmaking on nhorl no
lice, and at reasonable rate. One
door oast Commercial house.
TiioR wishing building hardware can
make money by calling on Winlon,
Riverton. 3-tf
Fun!! oyiteni'i at A. Iauterbach'i!.
A noon timber claim for b' n
Sherman county, Nebraska. Inquire
at this office for particular. if
Yof can buy hart! ware. Move,
ware, and all kind of furniture at
than Bel Cloud prices
M nw ,,lfl;rn,i :n .t,
'M,t I'ANTr ha rcpairC'I in the
few biva. over 40 naraow and
um i m .
orcinw. 11 you warn repairing
brellas. If you want repairing
in that
hue, call on him.
, , , .
CaK of barbed wire, cheap at
nnv. u;vi,r,nn
on ? n't"'--
Aa Anwrr Wanted
- a a
Can anv one bring us a rw of kirinev
Can anv one bring us a ca-- of kidney
or ,,Vfcf c',,,I'a,nl l5lt Elctri; BitteM
will not peelily cure? We pay they ,
can not, a thoaand-j of cae already
can not, a thoKxandi of cae already them good brood
permanently cured and who arc daily gelding, all Urge ar
rccomendtng hlectnc Bittern, willcolb). 7J bead of 1
ng fciectric uittem, win 1
rove. ungci s uiaeagc aiaueie?, weK
ack, or anv urinary complaint quick-
y cured- They purify the blood, rcgu- j
ate the boweU, and actdircctly on the I
-k .! " . .
the diseased jaru. tvery bottle guar
anteed. For ale at 60c a bottle by
Henry Cook.
Tke World mill arn
Notwithstanding Mother Shirton.i
dire hrodnctinn the world still ext.
i rm. t mi i t r t .l.
The people will live longer if they ti
r Dr Biglow's pmitivo cure, wh ich U
dil and conquer? COUglw, CoM CO o-
sumption, whooping couh, and all
dieae of the lung-, tor proof call
at A. Lindlej'ir drug store and get a
bottle free.
A Wrt4 Waal IVW.
"The proof cf the pudding i in tlie
eating thereof And not in chewing the
firing which tied the bajf. There
fore, take Dr. Jnnc' Bed Clover Tcnic
It cures all blood d wonlera, torpid liver,
sicic head ache, cosuvenesff, acd alt din
ease of the urinary organs. The bet
appetiser and tonic known. Sold by
A. Lindley'a 50c per. bottle.
The beat salve in the Jtorki ior cuta.
bruises, aores, unlcen, salt rheum, fer
er sores, tetter, chappvd hamk, chil
blain, corns, and all eruptions, and
!..:.: i n ' '
5u1d- II k JHranteed to 4iv iti.
faction, or money refunded. Price 25
cents per bottle. For sale by Henry
f'rifQB' Gt rTMC MaJre.
The best on earth can trulv
be Mid
ofGrigs, Glycerine Stfve, which m
i?ure cure ior cuts. bruM, tcld,t'"t ipven, mm purojjw ani ,
I Knrna wruitwta -it rt -i -fl.& . nnt and Knnrnvbl Meant tlw t
, zzz'r ----" - - wi.
Vi mmiIiv e eitm mm f -A
cit -kfii emrvtion-. SrttklL-tlra
anteedor monev refund! Onfr
' cent. Fee a!e b"r A. Ltrd!cir.
. - r-
' V-
Take Notice.
. -- :- . - '
A I am aIwmI K CWW wwt
t-oawW al fr7r
- f" -- 7T . .. - - -
! ? y rjnsr:
- " . . m . kli wmtmL.m m.r mnr- m m s mm b mmmm m r
-Jt . - .. W u
their NPr pf &?)
- ' -' '- r . s. s Xit
nict ?n JPtewuj ?7'
f L.
The sell known Hwk htm f fr4
IVtr ran w W t4l v Bi'
Ski turn wtiia 4 mexmm.
ihmu to L I! KuM.S&ptWr ia
mHilh lo trl them ot
A4Wr tkff.
f-v . pm . fc' m wl. b i i m i m ww m r-c -v '
frfci.i ttMt. tu ? i hN-ftv4.
" w "' i- - Mii.
il VciS22aS &?$
ut tv ux u 4 rr. mr f.
n t ! nrvt l WtarrTi
tr-r41ls MrtM.t t IH titV Ml liar ST
j, .y Mdf t4 trix
trr ati rWt fb t all W
lVr 3" rt i'wHUr
trtkit 4vVm4 r tr pr
TMK TtflTl
mmo ufitri i a in mtu i
wn I tawr tk " ' '
na M4J.TtLMM gut HtVIR bam mmim
TNI tcstjfjie mi.
Dr. Price1 j Special niyiriuBtrift
Dr. Prin't Lapriia YtMt "
fr Lljkl. Rllr wl, T IU M7 .
TM ! IIM WmtU..
worn tALi by cuocmt.
TM Iwt Of W f 1 ia IX writ. Wrmm
ft m fey thto im m t'fM, aw HMM.
IMM Ilk ur gnMiM4)ir't 4Hm ,
Ptiem Baklnc Powdtr C
utb n k. raen man ration wm,
Ohtc, III. H. i
Public Sale
T 4
1 Having determined to quit farming tor
t,n j the pretcnt. I will ll at public aue
ia j ,,on , .v rmulfnaH. 1 1, mil north.
wet of UeI Cloud and nine mile north
of Inarale, Neb. (on section 22, T. 3,
R. l'J.
Monday, Sept., 22, '84
the foMoiwng property
180 fiead of GattlftJ
a - , - - w ,--,,-. - w v w -
WJnt- j 75 of which are cow- and heifen, moi
'f j ly high grade Short-horrw: 45 calte.
all high grade, ihtve run with tho
cowm 'Z bull- one thoroughbred awl
one three-fourth brl ahorthorn. 6)
hcail of good two and three year old
feeling te)n, eren hort thrwi of
them goo! brood mare, and two
ml young; lo. two.
coiw. j neai 01 nor. Airiculturai
t . m
impiemenL, coniunjf 01 two wagon,
ufky ploa, cultivator. talk cutir,
reaper and mowtr, home rake, wheat
fan, drags, five-ton stock cale. and
KWO lonwoned ajsh pou. 8WX nouwUef
Giidden barb wire, mrtly gjdraoiwxl,
100 acre of corn in fiM."
TEBM.S Allumof$lOI n&r
cah; over that amount a rr!t of 12
month. 10 per cent. ifieret, except
the following: Si nvxitb on
10 per cent.: feeding caiiJe, c. r If"
purchaser preferf, arrang tsem cm hm
marie for wx rnontht linn? at hmL
ratv. All purcrMMer or iirfe reqiirtd,
to giTe weil curWl mxj bforl ru
moring propefty. 3aJ 10 comifmcm
at 10 a. m. f
CHAS, K CATffte.
fsary mm t
On StTl8, a4
At ten o'clock a m at WaUool hrery
UWe. Kd CkxMi tfe undwtiicntd
wil) '.! at piW'w auctlot 40
Cattle ctmf ming of 1
$ Steer?, on to two yea o4d prijtr
caIvws, 1 1 H!rifr, fKie to ro yeara
old, 1 tb&rough-fcrtd Durban Ball, 1
yean oW, f nMi Mum, amifeta, mt
thrw-yeir o!d Mare, I inpt thre
y vara old. 2 lumber Va$o lt spring
wanwn, aliagtnw,2l uwlt har
Bam. plow, harrow, etilttvW, etc.
TERSAll u nf $lt MfMtor
ch. ovr $10 crdu of c mata
r -r - "I- -
MTCML llirifTJl ' raw W. .A
. omk eet far cak mm mm er tfo..
-:,! - FRKDFPwaO
Jf W Warren, Aic4
ic -et
- jAfrm
wm s. - 1. ;-a
' S . ? ti- "
t - ' ti i m " --i..-c - i "---7s r:
T" . -i - J""r,-zJ,
ev - v-?.
2- 3tJ-'v:
r 3. v
'f &,
: -a
z .va
t1. . -r f-xr r -. .
j-.". . f.
- v
'-'"- 4 w -
w ... J
- rs7":r Jtl:
,-J J
BW. -VaBiW'' 'nfiT
-tt j:' '
1 .-- .
. -
.. Zij
4. "X -Tf
;. ,
- &,
' 1 "i.v
v V''erf'
I i-lC-?iA -- "- 3
-,-jsM:ii' ' t--
-iM5Cir!J.i i 3J&t?
j TL u .. A -'ZT 2 . (Tj
- Vr---vii
i j r.'v jb-j"" 1 .
&r-Z? "- .