1 J V ' rjtsr - - -fci -A ? Z y:z. 4- W2 is. - i-v-r r- . 155 .- V'iK ? . I ' -i' J. F 2&&&- -.?'.& " TO m. 3, -. yzs,- y. aAEisTs, -,v-v - - v -, j.-. - A v. JT -.- n . - SsKJS5V - THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. A. C. HOSMER, Publish. BED CLOUD. xebkaska CURRENT COMMEHT. Theuk is not a single prima donna ortenor of any marked merit in Italy, nnd the musical critics of Home deplore thoiact. More visitors from the Provinces have sojourned in Park this summer than during any season since the siege. Many were rcf ugecs. Akmy, navy, and now police in Japan arc to be completely Germanized. The Japs have applied for German, police officials on loan as imtrcto of cigars has been raised rum a cent and a half to a cent and two-third by the Treasury Department at Rome, which enjoys a total mo npoly in tobacco and cigars. J & An article adjudged "diarcspectful to ucan journal, eignieen years ykt imprisonment and three hundred pilars fine. wtfAKV people buy tea fro Chinese oaalcrs on account of its being 'packed tajuaint little boxes. The package is HoYiroof that the article is genuine, as tie4 wrappers are made aud the tfea ' ptcaea by aJNew xonc nrm on waiar ' 9lck walnut sawdust, formerly thrvmx awav. is now mixed with iinsecd Ijjlgur.i 4pd moulded nto heads and flower lpiec2ifcfor the ornamentation of furni- &iare, Vhen dried and varnished it is aa lu.DCsome and much stronger and more durable than carved work. STit'.i'.Xr carbolic acid is a powerful poi8onwhcn externally applied. A man rcsafctly, while carrying a pound ofjt in a' Wattle in his pocket, broke the class. W&3 acid ran over the surface of J . - one' lcxrl ire experienced little pain, hutSliud ' hours after the accident. TheTacid ralyzed his nerves, t Fhom aleper in tho Boston Medical and Surgua&Journal it seems that our brethren oi Cjhili get into the hospitals iiiainlyj thronVh troubles caused by ovcrindulgciot in a food made with equal qunntitiqe of pork and red pepper, n delicacy wlici the true Chillinn can not wilhetniiL Tt is said, however, to l)c a good fool jk fight on. Tun JcudciitioMc Mcdccinc lately re ceived in ope dry wo hundred and forty communication.-- Concerning cholera. Most of them offered specifics, some wanted to' sell asccret cure, others wanted to conlra;ttp cure patients for so much a, head, aid some wished to Jiave whole tiospiUl wards turned over to them fort, "scientific experimenta . tion." i Lono articles ha'cfen written about the cholera bacilhbut a Western medical writer says t unreal knowledge of it may be summed ufe by saying that It is shaped like a oBma, that forty thousand to sixty tiosand of them placed lengthwise wou!dnake an inch, that it infests impure tlnnking water, favors the human intesfini. as an abode, and is supposed tocaus) qfaolcra. . Tiik French Society of Medicine lately received a box f rom'fToubnl containing tlried cholera bacilli It was followed fcy its scientific owner, wicwas about to give an explanatory wcturo upon cholera. When, howerer, ttis gentle man arose ami began to uiui bundle tho members grew so.visrt nervous that they could not help 'stdghing at each other, and the map fril.Toulon . . 3iad to postpone his recital. 7ii ft. M e Javanese magic mirrors :rn the m market. Thev are madaof Sijfc bur sished metal, and when lightly ripthed upon disclose geometrical attcrns, Jandseapes or faces. Their msntEifac turc is a secreU but is believed opon fiist in welding the pattern n oifc ind of steel or iron upon a plateaf adifer ont kind. One, which reproduced &uaes. eold at Philadelphia for onsliundicd 3 At tlie last drawing of the -Nat Ixttcry in Spain the cmnloves dchar.ii with the details af the business twrgo-1 put in luu uru :v inuusauu uuiuufDj n Government aun tilled, the drawiag a ordered auotlier on the following da; It happened that an individual wM ha' ibecn a constant player, without; an, Inck. for twentv-two vcars, won om c ox the big prizes, and is inconsolable.lHe means to sua the Government. A Madrid correspondent writes tfcat on a recent occasion the Mayor of Mad rid had to resort to an unheard of pro ceeding in the annals of bull lights, k order to keep tbe King and royal family from heariag disagreeable remarks. Ha ordered the music to play during tb. -whole tight, or ratiner tbe six lights, as generally six bulls are killed during aajj afternoon, one being desjaatcbed before another enters the arena. India possesses at icesent two bun dred and tlurty newspapers in the language of the eountrr. The first pa per in a native language appeared in 1808, being founded by missionaries, and occupied entirely wkii reJigious matters. These papers have onry occu pied themselves with political matters since 1860. The pompous language inade use of bv them is amusinsr. Thus palace is often denominated "the heaven of Nishnu,1' the rain is a deluge," thunder is "the tumult of jgigantic demons drinking the water of the clouds," Among the names which they assume are the Mirror of Medicine, the Noblest of all Papers, the Ocean of Wisdom, the Poets' Qarland, the Water ff Indian Life, etc. M .l j "y ' SL" IJKfe ii ' i ift. 4 Jf ' . - - ' I mm r.-j- fZZ-fVKHi lthe person of the King" of Spam has cost tb editor of El Parvenir, a Repub- sentence i ixKL THE WORLD'S D01JSGS A Suaamarr of the Dally Xewt. rOMTICAL. AXI PKTWOXAT- Ix celebrating hi icventy-fifth blrtbIay Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes rtcelved con gratulatory telegrams from numerous frlendtt In Europe and America. I'nr-HinK.tT Arthur ban recofrnlzed Au guto I'nvogli a the Italian Consular Ageut at Cincinnati. iliss Fra.mci K. Willard ha len In vited to addreoi tho school children of Jer sey, Greeno, Macoupin, Madion and Cal houn Countte on the ajMinins day of tbc great Jersey County Fair at Jeraeyville. Kreov -crfj vuihj ran ... MCv.. ....... II. PViday, October 14. The achen, and J school children of these counties have ell been invited to be Prlvl at JyJK " can doiu out dduiiq 1 mKre&nuvember. 4 f Hexkt B. Axthost, who died at P dence, in bis seventieth year, was 5ife crnor of Rhode Island In 1849, ws t r in bis fifth consecutive term in tk .p: ate, and bad three times been choenpr? dent pro tern, of that body. For ny years be edited the Providence Jouriul Jlaa. Belt a A. Lockwood has forniil y accepted a nomination for the Presidency by the Women's National Equal Rilag party of Califomhi, promising, if elected , to recommend a uniform system of law Jin regard to marriage and divorce. Jcdoe Taft, recently appointed s American Minister to Russia, was cordially received by the Czar and Czarina at St Petersburgh September 3d. Ex-Spkaker Rajtda'li. was renominated for Cobbjgm recently. - 8. D. Hastijcos bas been nominated for Governor by tbe Wisconsin Prohibition ists. MISCKLI.A7 EOTJS. The decrease in tbe public debt daring August was $8,642,832. Tbe gold and silver certificates outstanding are each in excess of $121,000,000. Maiitin WiciKBERQEa was privatoly ex ecuted at Pittsburgh tbe other day for tho murder of s peddler near Sewickley two years ago. Weinberger is said to bo tbe second Hebrew in tbe United States who bas perished on tbe gallows. Owikg to lack of transports and supplies tbe organization of tho expedition for the relief of Gordon is proceeding very slowlj at Cairo. The band of bandits who bavo been ter rorizing Coahuila County, Hex., were at tacked recently by rangers and two were killed. The Emperor of Austria, In replying to an address from a delegation of Hebrews, asked every citizen, whatever bis religious views, to rely on the protection of tho Gov ernment. The Veuuion of tho 105th Illinois Infan try, held recently at Naperville, with Gen eral David Dustin in the chair, was an oc casion overflowing with merriment, al though tempored by sad memories. The Chicago banks are unable to secure small bills from the Treasurer of tho United States, because tho Chief of the Bureau of Printing and Engraving fears that in meeting the demand ho would pre maturely exhaust bis appropriation. Charles J. Osbobne bas been appointed receiver of tho Wall Street Bank, and has received orders to pay a dividend of sixty five per cent to depositors. A wrecking company of Boston has con tracted to deliver tho Tallapoosa at the Brooklyn Navy Yard for thirty-fivo thou sand dollars. Cholera has made its appearanco in the Spanish provinco of Alicante, five deaths being reported in one town. Hundreds of people bavo fled from Naples, where twenty-one deaths occurred on the 1st. A .reckless girl from Des Moines, named Maud Addis, who has been masque rading in male attire in Chicago, was re cently sont to the Homo for Erring Women for six months, as her mother declined to recoive her. The Saratoga County National Bank at Waterford, N. Y., intends to close up its affairs, Tbe failure is also announced of McKouna & Radclitf, grain brokers of De troit, where tho junior member was once President of the Board of Trade. General McKeever, of tho Adjutant General's Department, who bas been studying tbe diaries brought from the Arc tic regions, finds evidence that Lieutenant Greely was seriously lacking as a com mander. Three thousand Smiths held a reunion at Peapach, N. Y., and there was not a John Smith among them. Vienna is bestowing on Mozart, who wanted bread while living, a monument that costs fifty thousand dollars, or more than be received for his whole life work. Frank Frisbee, employed in tho First National Bank at Portland, Oregon, re cently stole seven thousand dollars and fled to New York, where be was arrested on a steamer lying at quarantine. Cholera is spreading with alarming rapidity in Italy. At Naples September 3rd there were one hundred and seventy three new cases and seventy-six deaths ; at La Spezzia there were thirty-nine new cases and thirteen deaths. The total of the new cases reported is two hundred and thirty-four, and of the deaths one handred and thirty-five. Blackleg killed off a numbzr of young cattle in the neighborhood of Sadoru, near Tolono, HI., during the last few days. R. E. Price, President of the Iowa Tem perance League to enforce the prohibitory law, was rotten-eggfMl at his borne at Elka dor recently by a mob of saloon rowdies. The New Jersey courts have decided bat land under water preempted for oys- planting may be taken by any third rty whenever tbe preemptor fails to ant the young shellfish. This decision miles a practice of thirty years stand He paper manufacturers of Boston are gnant at the action of the Government ohibiting for three months the landing ported rags. uua has been issued by the man- of the New Orleans Exposition, ng one to manufacturers tbe vast South America for their wares. Keeler, of Reading, Pa., abstataed odfor forty-eight days because of fast in thewilderBess and then ray. iter weigat was reduced buadredand seventy -five pounds j ndred and two. Jackson, a capitalist of Ham tion, N. X., was lately fouud on y trade with both lees severed. ng ba aocated two neighbors of iza uader a train, and they were MeckanicsrUle. Tbe feaa grew salt. ags of tbe Mexican Cestral ssv Roai gnat are said 0 have bee budred aad fifty tlwwiid is sosae jxsip is Bostos ity ef the former Frestdeat, My mBwraosalleasi iia .y f- -. - .i of mm- L WsMtabHsft IMM laataa jAMaOt ttAiwx, wll-lnaawa raaT temmaiiaV As.,MfciMt;'wasMyar. tmtmtt of Chieago, giwiiac MaaH k i44. JW -8sWraiarytBTsMS' ammmKiii.wmmmr a Ur. pampas, Jaai ,.FBAtnKttfJ f4i v.V- y- x :'- " ?:1' V. - a.r v - A-m 1 f w jhs. gfcypsjFx.yjy?y irvKraaBaB wiW'WBKiMaBBMialJaMHalOJYffiPnraiiSM'ifiMswBBMs m mmuLA B))wl8aESs9QBHja9BSsaaBJaBJBnSHBJalBJaBJaBJBHaBJaViBJ9H shipped tforc bU prohibitory onlrr i btsufxl, provided that it can be saiUfao torllv nbtrwn that the raj havo not ben I collected in Infectrd dItricU. As attorney of Syracu'-, representing a Philadelphia woman, ban applied foi . letters of adminlttrationon the fifty thou and dollar etate of a Catholic priest namel GuertliU Tho latter paid for th ! girl' education In o convent in St. Ixuiv fc"he claims to be bii daHRbtr, and bints that he can tH a itartling tale at ths proper time. 31. A. Doom, formerly a Staie SenatOT in Nevada, Raid In a recent interview in Chicago that there mnut b.j rrtrcticbmen; and a consolidation of offlcei In bi Htat. or an abandonment of Slato Government. A UUHOAM) at Newport, It. I., recently ,. t. J q J ifc with a razor until fcbt two-'-tory window. Dr. 3IcKaCRa.v, insjctor of the Cana dian cattbi qutrantine, urgei upon th 3iinUt;rof Agriculture tbe necessity of complete system of quarantine to preven the introluction of pleuro-pueumonta frorr the Uuitfd States. The Northwestern Base Ball league bai sunk fifty thousand dollar this season. .Ttie 3Iinneao;hciub ban dlolved and tbe Jhlwauki nine will follow suit. ! TwE.fTV live-, were lately lost by a fire fp u hulpbur mine at Nicosia, Sicily. ''JTiie Chinese are haul to have cut a mill tiry road through the French cemetery at C&ntou, dettro'ing tho mausoleum and rifling the tomb. sanCdollars in bit accounts. Ixlantwcr to the libel suit instituted by iG. Blaine tho In lianupolis Sentinrl jif, ...i 1... ,1.. nt.t THfc IaaSppa Mill Company, of St. Paul, I ."7', ,....,. .:..... , ... ! 7" MinnW ta levator Company, by which j Govenicr Habbard is said to have been financially ntned. j IX Cn vay .ipounty. Ark., Mrs. Richard, Freeman recently gave birth to two boys and tw girls, all bale and perfect. AssioauaaTahavo been made by the dry j goods btuwot Brooks Miller & Co., of ' MJiumorv, anatiio wooueuwaru nrm 01 ; Barrett, Wt.teriffi: Lewis, of Cincinnati. DuitlXOthe matith of August tho lake I BiimnieuiS'i -orouicugo iiiuiuacu suvun -T.;. .-?. ('!.! I....I-. I...I t million on dred and one bun hundred Among tho and seventy and seve and ono - ...w - t J I coau , I It was lately; reported from Pekin via . London that a vti.nesv; army of seventy-, flvo thousand nsi'i is about to invade Ton quin. The Froaci force in that country does not cxceedteightfthousand. A disease of a iccutlar nature has bro ken out among tho cattle of Champaign County, 111., and pr vesfctnl in very mnuy cases. Tho charactor ot the disease lias not been determined. The ltcpubliquc M?;:nca$i tho semi-oill-cial organ of the'Fi'enctt Ministry, inti mates that Admiral Tourbet will occupy the Island of Fornw-u aai hold it until China pays tho indeair ity demanded. The Treasury Dertroeat at Washing ton closed out of respect to. the lato Secre tary Folger. Assisqin Secretary Coon will bo Acting Secretary ulitil the Presi dent nominates Secretary Fohjer'ssuccees sor. t It is believed that the-1 reacjh are secrete ly aiding aud encouragtag thaebelliou ol the Shereof of Wnzan ajai ist the Sultnn oi Morocco. The Moorisha ithocities have remonstrated, but have ree lived no satis-1 faction from tho French. j About two hundred Aaicicaas nro in attendance at the Internatioial Ivnngeli cal Alliance in session at Copenhagen, Denmark. & King Hcmbeu. has sub;tribd twe thousand dollars for thefrillefbf the cholera sufferers in Naples. Th? epidemic is spreading at an alarming rats. 1 ADDITIONAL. DISPAICItak.; Anti-Exoush journals lately soW by thousands in tho Paris bouWjra da.hu feeling cf irritation against Eulalil is spreading rapidly throughout Fra ce United States Minister 3tti.Toint Paris has intimated to the State Depart ment at Washington that the thjsu is j portune for American mediationtdw France and China. E Late forest fires devastated toauun of acres in Talbot County, Md., nknh !. Pknnt.nl Til-,.. ? Two market bouses at Raleigh the stave factory of Dougherty & Wiloi at Mound City, III., aud the paper asi.i Jdtard J. Howe, cashier of an Insr.iX,ria.k ('oluiubiu, 10; N..aid 1C. , "J rVl " anJ l ? '"??" ts azcucv in Montreal, after oiwnlv t ....!.. . u..i... - 1 ini.. j- l..! ,ten lnc ol lt,c "tS .".. , ..,' in, .!. uf tb tnnu. IttliU spuluting for Kom, month, has d,;a,. amIria 7. rintLMnoulll T; Lincoln 3. Platts- ZTnlZcY a lha? fc I Cwrcu .UlrrU,r peaKd, leaving a deficiency of four thou-1 moiiUipJ: wanl'i, Alexandria .; Plait-, f .. it,,fl, .i,,. ..Ult ... -t-1.. t! jw-The Mnith .M. Wrwl who U the desiiaa thnt its Mtatementi in regard to TlIUKK SamV County prkoner III a etU'r ,.,,,.. nm,...r U Itut uIimit U.. ina lw.be! .1.- ..i...,-.l v... ..f siM. tlw MRjuction of Miss Stanwood, her rnir- to a friend thus write about the Dougkb is a Vl.nderer. 1 tmt the rii.V. of i ." ," ( or -jy , u 1.-70. hrtrUirt. wilt act a wiiJA riigefi Blaine under threats, and the County Jail: "We are getting along ery the part j, and Mnwtr.Ua m.t on the j Z" ', ... , fllUlrfllWllBu It hUI. at li. prnvt tfce c..tS. In.SSachildthree months subsequently, I badly, and we would like to have you .me ,r lnu canu. homt. on :lu, 'n,clw Thu I "" t-r pb- Wp vet'2anv particular fnNe Th- defend- , "P to Cbnaha. W e do not get enough to i, a lieout of whole cloth." S-ryrant loig lUbed ma L--rnlM a, lltirrm nbo ( nittlr and forUhtV that Ufc- trv weressun pariicuinr ini .. iii.ucieim 1 ..,... i, ti.- J-.il U full f ..,,.,.... . . .. . . ., .... .i,... , .w. ..r i. m the wi!dtio.. . . . ,. .. atit ItAfi number of nueitions to be an- 11 ,J"1 lu"1 .""- "- J"' -- " , aim 1 nvaie tonneii corroiKtrJicti n -v.ij. '""-Y . , . . tiw ' l lMJnfl l rwp, i sterViX ,vmi,,IK ,JVe wouW ,ikC to laV ,,eS-li " He dW, not. honker, furttoerrnrry mil kk 1 ftdlk . 5ra sfcredBluinc under oath. ,,,,. 'e want you to come up and e a ii.j i thr parnHol. Mnu ho UamhU not th - , ,lfrWarxl orfc li lrt b t A nam of forty-live rounds, with hard, tllt. shoriir. o uc.inget .something to eaL , K ..,,. .... &..t.lttu.r U tftftt :lv ttwn. Ult tho UcatnieUuii at hi, !!, ,Ti v 3l , 1 ZmVZt Mil gv j,, btteeu Jim UcIIugh, of Ulnsjjow. I Wt. to ,,, out k ,ione no goKL We . , "f , ( m! , ' ,5 . X , J ,rtV -Vrfraif W nlT , UT ? JT. ? ars. TtFitzserald, of Toronto, occurred I Cet alx)ut five cenL, worth of bread a day, j cJock last evening the o.ldea bk ac t part.-V.r a W. .vaUoM uuUI tho Wr I, rc4 renUr it Itockaway Beach, Long I,land. ' a little meaU a few pobitoes and that 1 all. nnineioiii whbtle- 111 W et Kana folk.x(! 9sd Una tuimlrtM nnu ""O (. Jrn.tl Both wwnk: seriously injured, and the ref- We will not be able to stand trial If j oil by a wild clang of fire U-lh alarum! the Bhttno ami l & v'' lp - - Toa- alr. IJjjht Wk4t .SKgnr. .o Ihundsl thousnnd nine bun- tion in a meat market at Aurora the other ai mm isi eisu. o .-..- n 'wmi K'.is 11 -s a mun vniHyui, aim in- 1 !lr immmmU Utibl eutunirrial rnit- twoityao bushels of grain and day. Tibbltts was arresttil and liyeil. and a ir.u:i. work- ie 11. M-mim up a vasi snower , IM1I U. r,.n .j, u ,H. ,,miiw1. m tho , ,, u Un.whiI in dr andt seven thou,aud three warrant was Issiicl for the arrest of Lang- " "!;. K1 - r."2.L"'. ...l 1 l'iioeruli- hnrmnwux. j ur u ih a ,.t.V nml ihmn ,,;, ami twaety barrels of Hour. , "ton. , , , Tli..'il.ii.i rolled lii.want in t l"A" tMH liiufrnl- are eotistmin- , nt,H wn,l lake tM U1 b h WKm "re.!oip4 were four hundred! ' ;- l"r" " '" ' . . "V I 7 ."!".;" ' i.iiimvt wv... tUut.. b.ri.l ihivi,,- .hotel ! the platform on th.r all-iniiMirtaiit Inn if .nt. riMltier It ti U10 lrvt. ihii a Hurn -ii-htvlbousanil four hundred f"',,, ., ,, ",' (V fk,r s .from doom mid tmdou. TlMiiisands of niet.!i Hi illaiuetrH'nlh upiMniiv ml of thi-nrtxtttx! MtlpMir N tho HutT j -.-- rt 1 t 1 u 1 1 mi iiriiiir - i r - kinu mil' i vi i v - -..... -- --.--- , - - - , . Tw nty4o packages of merchandise, . .... ." ,t it.... ' neonlf wltnes-eii the scene of grandeiu and 1 :t. S (.'levtd.iiid s eulogy of il Mtlntn nnd L'ettth work It lhrtmU Um (vnl.i hundrei aid thirty-throe thous- -l- t,:';,r ' Ijly', .';,",.. ", : destruction. The lin-ineii coutiiHil ihr U MnfMiwnt of !iinirt c faith and r. l In llvi ilav ritii ran nt ftml aj l.i.n.lftr n'l".tu-,.Miv.t-ntnn r.f ' a,K !". ""T ",J: lrom r ;,1 '"-. l " ' llt ... .).,. ...... ii,im' l.icli sit tnidiiiiflit w.ih i in iiri ii. -l id.-s noun whlidi thnt imrtv I .....i .. 1. 1. ...':.... avuuv. W.- , . .... V.MU tu. ,.MW.. wk... -. been burned. I John OvKaxTER, a farmer residingtr Winamac, Ind., was recently killed br t. stroke of a plowshare in tbe hands of Vh insane son. , William H. Fleming, formerly private Secretary of Governor Sherman, was ik cently appointed Secretary of the Iofra Republican State Committee. $, Mrs. Harlan, wife of ex-Secreta James Hailan, of Iowa, and mother-in-law f Secretary Lincoln, died at Portress Moag -oe. Va.. at midnicht Sen ember Cth. I There were one hundred and twenty-1 wo cases of cholera at Jfaples September 6, and thirty-seven deaths. At bpezia tere were twenty-seven fresh cases and icven deaths. O. W. Wilson, a traveling salesman of Milwaukee, a passenger on tbe steamer Sheooygaii, deliberately leaped into the lake opposite tbe Chicago Marine Hospital ind was drowned. Tue tug Shields found lis corpse. A great fire in tbe lumber districts of Cleveland, Monday morning, September S, lid two and one-half million dollars dam ige. There were one hundred and aiuety niae failures in the United States during the week eading September 6, asd thirteen in Canada. Jaax W. Botxton, a Xew York com misaioa merchamt, assigned recently. Lia bilitk,$18ati;aets1.9Si Ir i said that Li Hung Caastc has aot bea-a degraded, as was recestly reported, btthatkv stiUKeMs his oSc under the ChisOTrrraasat - TlKMCac J. LBsVr, proprieior of a mh- at Searberoaca,. Ms., receatly fcptal toforM a aaataafc a wim okc c mm nomeapni . -.. J'L ... , tha waaaaa ia lk ha4 ajHi MKliMtjWW. Jaothar E. & S. May, at Eat Lee, Mass.,th.ivl:,,,:n ',nnurea. uo,,ars --acuorcys gro- swao. i tiiHf XKBRASKA ST-iTE JfKWS. A o:uoiJC paper jun op th railroad witkot for Uw "ortIiwrt a-i follows; "StA only U tlar cXtaM3n topo tn the dUecUoa OI Uie 1IUCK ituw aim inc t cuira. mr. ...,. - -. l.. .!.- f- f-i-i.. wu ji is now inouziu wkji ue -'i.w ! .... ..... - ,-.....--. .. - - warn aiw ue o. uni wuuiwcmwj. i Tlie Vanderblll intrrcst received. A 5pecial council bai brcn callrtl by tlie tandinc Comulttee to mwt at Omalia on Welnr?-lay. Noreabr 5tb, when another election Mill b held to till the vacancy cauod by Bishop Clarksoa death. General Tiiom.v J. Hi-xnrn-o.v. an Ullrw.b Co:ixrcman. wa on of the sprtik- Friend has had a ba-v ball tournament of the varioa' club- of tin blPi The fol lowing named club- entered: Otdumbti-, I'iatLMnoiith, Ale.vandna, Capital City, of Lincoln, Blaine and Igan, of S-ward. anJ Ila'tmg-. i:el5, of liatiu They were matched and playol in the order witiire- Mining score, as iui...s am ", . Jla-tinss 11: .oiuiuuu-. -z, iiamiiis -, mniitii , Columbus fi. There were maiij visitors to the ball ground, and .some of the games were quite exciting. .ven.l vou a letter all the time. Thi- i the rt chance we got. We don t Know whether vou will get this letter. lfoudo. con 10 A nftnwI ,,ic,ian u at work ; clllu.rl OmiUia . w:u, -uitrtu-k recentK ,m, .t.riou5lv, if not fatallv iiijuicd. I TfK tWf prllere mmeil yn,,s ,, I Wab,on. arrested fer setting lire to the IU c olllee at Omaha, were discharged on the' j.teliminary examination. j A j.,:roN telephone wire has been strung ' between Omaha and Lincoln. Two reVerend gentlemen named Tlbhilti MXI ingston. belonging to the Methodist had an alterca-' ailll (. lirisiiun lH:rsliaMOUS . ...... .. . .... T . had his right foot eomi the ankle while repairing a mowing m:i- chine, the hordes stai ting up and catching Iniu in the maehuie At Kearney a few days ago, Casper Cor- ( ueliiis. proprietor of the City Hotel, died' from the elTects of ioinu. The cause of , the suicide v:w .suptosetl to have Ikvii bust- ' iies troubles. He was a Prtisaiau by birth, I hixty-two years of age, and left a large family. I Tin: drug store of J. A. St. HUM, at I Omaha, has been closed up by the Sheriff. I'osT-oKnfK changes in Nebraska during the week ended August :M), lSs.4: Kstalt- li-hed Harka. Cage County. B. C. Cil- more. Postmaster: 1 1 ss Wheeler County, William C. Beatty. Postmaster. Potmas t'rs appointed Varna, Saline Comity, Isaac Smalley. 1 Tiik rniteil States National Bank, of Omaha, has been specially designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, at Washing- ton. as a dcjKitory for public money ami 1 unils ad auced by the (ioveniment for the use of the Paymaster of the army. i Nki.i.m: Boyp. the actress, invests her ' suiplus earnings in Nebra-ka farms. , Tiik residence of Mr. Andrews, at Omaha, was broken into by burglars the other night. The elatter of silver sjkm.iis and knives and forks, which the thiexes were carrying off, alarmed the people of the houe and the thieves decamped. Tin: We-t Nebraska Mission Conference commenced at Kearney on the oil, Bishop William Fisk Mallalieu, of Boston, pre siding. All parts of the confeience teni tory were represented. Among the promi nent men in attendance were Dr. Krje, edi tor of the Central CltrMlan Adviiti Ki llers Thomas B. Ixnnar. of Kearney. Galla gher, of Hastings. Miller, of York, and President Thompson, of York College. I'mtep States Sknatoi: Van Wyck delivered a speech at the Burt County fair, on the :id. in which he boldly attacked cer tain nominees on the Kepublican State ticket for having bv their negligence per mitted gigantic school land frauds to Ite penetrated, by which over one million acres of school lands had been leased for nominal sums for a long i-eriod of years to various syndicates. Van Wyck esjMvial!) singled out Governor Dawes for attack. His address created considerable talk. A nun at Ponea recently caused a loss of ,. . . .... .... lW ! I ....... Miu Johnson, of Saunders County, re- rts cattle ilyitig along the Platte from ack-Ieg. C. Dimmitt lost three, George terson one, Johnson one, and a good uv were still sick. Everything that Id be was being done to check the dis- A lifk insurance swindler was reported ing the Nebraska niral distnets. He to insure tits victim m a companv 1 pavs six muuircu tiouars a 3"sir. or loliars per month until death, for the sum of fifteen dollars, to be paid in u each year It is .almost Incredible , rsons can ie icumizeu oy sucn an a)SH Itv of insurance- : mws amount of iuna.gr nto raiirtodhu; te , 55 a ? - w " ' waww RiaVcol ty ntrt 7 lurr. rw 9n wmrT t Nebraska durine tbc uext several 3 cars a&d diarie-i of U ot-IUiea. ay tlie " ; mrsr " 1m lit DWHroO! oitr oi ' hy mfMznp. V. t. Y Norfolk haa l-wa ccletl the ?tra! t n wlwn fBtd werr in t ' ifc Sr "Vtr1t Mt- Aa ftft4a f Ui rr n I;.intfor a!Iorthtera oiratUm o. , Ut on bra4ol by ltni hUI ! wWra (M n . Mfcli fr mmv .., of the 3 1.tt it l'uTr. cuhcr b3 lmc ,? ? V ' frJ2ui llan tK h tf .h 1 1 ,t AW c H 1,- Tun fonnal declination by IUr. K. N. ' tnt- aad refiwuc to r-wl : w tiv. nwnw'-y M, - f- t 1. -, Jl jmm k, Poter. of the NebrasVa EpUeotr. to that HreHj u, a fW tW M fc pcW -J.r? fwM" "tJSJrJZfi r which b wa ckctol lat June, ba, t-jn woath: that tfce nutj. fcdl by Hram- , oUT rilubtioa.-ir ". It k xrAj 1 trtel r a trt k t .- - ... as in .1- fc . 1 fsr :r-ilfT.l ilt.1 1 itfk ,? Issttrtlslf ? l!llsV BA1V maMTl-Tirtl" w '' Tin: lxt!i annual re-unlou of ih traml j , - .J JSS : l1-; srJl,l!T iTfl c Annv of the Bepnblk opened at Fremont ,ae ,H '"rf !l . Jfnt tui to an irtlbrt i a tnssn tbo outhelM. under favorable circuimtancc. I'raineid nsj IJetfeawt (.ter-y wajked KrHUsA. Tlie citv wa-i gaily tl.oraicd. , out oerj day awl a al-.c ami hiv.: Clvrfand mi FirTK-c - ILitl . i Utll VII waak wNBt 4HMM .vdvalc IUU BL a j iiiiuii ui U.IIUH.-V.I jeiu; ui me i e.uieji ifiko walnuts found in Cass County. ' tiary for each. S.vrL recently instltutetl suit in t ed States Circuit Court at Omaha -. tmitSihc I'nlon I'aeific ILiilwax-. t, r.v. I 5 - . ".. a Mam t iirmcniwi iinnarv; fi3tnitr4c illiuhi i' ie es oi reiii, iincoJn and i Western Nebraska are chang- ni wholesale stock raising to opera bonse at Lincoln has at a cost of one hundred of Saunders County this g unprecedented, savs a d after field will certainly seveniy-nve bushels iier w. of the Sunervisinz Washington. D. C was looking over tlie alleged d about tbe Government Iten million dollars has ity Clerk's oftce in m tbe XebraskaCen cto theFanaers'Loaa York. aioatingdebtoi hunslrcd dollars. .v .-3d - si vp "?y - -m.v. J2?a rj iTiaee olttetag' en sustauteti uv tne loss or a leg - , , " " , " " "" ? '' ,M I anim. i Tic tnitn u wi H pnr na i ?""' " - ? vjt two; ;on Short Line in October. 1SS3. itwcil and accitowl Allen of liaynig iiit In . - w.oWr r Ioo rouch ftt the top It baftd a cold enrrmt of air b? admit s- Nebraska has been blessed I "eir . t , i,. vr LTii . h, I oct-d pruning therein onler to t 3 t borw M. M 1, .lamb b ,?. ig rains this fall. South Watte " iiTfeo ThU i. What W. Hdi a tn m i rrb or k. ab LodCf PoIeCreek Valley J. J i toJfeaudlliw iS ! i hapnmS ;n tbh rampaf-a. n r ' cold, t oftjra .nffr from lngt W more and choicer hay than ever J gJJ 3 infSStei ii! rfcht ! are lo!n- a'few sn-rf nou, t.rancho, ? tn cold bbrak altnat on, prtJculariy !a bfore. and stcck vvitl hereafter ,ung and is nrliaps faaL During th ex- and sprcail.n- anion- thf jeopl.- I tbe early part of prift. Inlhi tA Arfl for m winter. i ., ,. 1,1 ' ,!i w . ft-r. w. I hnn we m- rid of Ue vvcolled ladr- ', tfl -apprtrwn of tbn rrtrat!rii will olribg ar&t'ortMki ki)fc i of m belk-erm CbeSnsTj ins ; iJy that '-'fH PLts4 been r.pJa tbous&ldiHl Tb.-i year iis.1"" local pAet-; yield fr ABCHimcTj ArciritecMcWH iiUabalr.M A DE5UT- Nrmbrn of tfe (irvtj lltpdttUnt Dy faBniUalUftw Ct,rvi7Uyi O, bepteaii-e? . WxtoI rtr'rmnl i!jt 1 rrt- ut Tr4va! PmplL f ., . .... . t . .-... . r sv.. -. . ... - w - --. , tae t.rt-eiy .rcuc ftJirMw. a,-c wr' " u- ccrii a iyn cnl. carwi fr him Hke acMW: tfct !- u raUwnt wm a vimamtm pevoer li Ikal Imntrr ent ot tor b:4 mh - CnaJctl them for tkctuvo. Mark oi tkwo staScwi.ml' Bratnord. l-octss! Ceil 4mf eujphat trail v. AU tstvl tkat tfh' Juty wtlj tK lku not diluted, bot while nVK IXIT IV A WU.U to ctWHiuand Ux irt). ultwh hr tlt thrtHi.'hout. All arrv that tuiVvi exceit Iienr' shot. Th trwte! r.urt of th aie nftice. fc.i Hralnerd. utieti fouiMl. much stronger tban thr rct, tl wfcrn ba caint abrtuii tbe Bear Htrprt wa et pre.d at It, and when he aikrt uhy wlhal tta, hu mW -oh. I coM t the !! .... ..... ,, ... Jkr .... -ynj.-. TV 1 MtU 1W- ""'- -"" !' ' fc. ..WW a ttOMhrUil,Mr. !! wmwmm m wm f - ..&. - a.. - 1 wxf - - --- tw - - -- - . .. . . I bk a a -. - . m i . . I jil am Wm kj liiiNhed the hvst of him Jut b,fiir you ir : .yrstatit Miiipanka of invrnMr ! riet!.' T1j1 Mug howu u hersMMt jaMd i tho Mnltb M Wrl wbntdr itrainenl. he Mid : "I dmi t know vb mo . . . . . . .! ' ehiouicle the fact the wcteni skv wa II- lumltiato! bv the golden glaieof the Haines 1 a Uie bur-it from the lieu AtchUon, To- 1 . -'ka v auta ! freight deja at tbe cr ' ner of Joy and Hickory streets. The hre , originated at the soiithwtt comer of tlm j long. nenl -painted frame striieture. and within fifteen ininiib the lnle lmlW ' ing was eitvelop-tl hi tlnnten, the strong ' south wind t-arriug the tire through tlw ! building to the two story tone otliee, fnuil- Ing on Joy -treet. I he tiiemru weiv tromptly on hand, but the headway gained, inde their KFTOltrs I .VAVAIMVi. M) far " he freight ilejKtt s concerned. a vast heap of charred aud sleaming rums. The building had not oeen completed, and the S.Y,000 loss falls licuuh upou the on tmctors. and their employes. m A I tc ItTlurntlon. Tiror, N. Y., September -t. Andrew Jackson, a wealthy lesident of Hamiuoiid's sutioii, four miles from Meclmnlesulle, Saratoga County, was found on the iniltoud estrday morning with a deep cut on tho liead anil both legs cut off. Ho Ihed an hour, and before dying said that William Itolan and .John buffx, nelghlmrs, threw him under a tniln. Bolan's father recenllv i beat Jackson in a law suit and they lmo Iktii enemies ever since. lotmg Bolan was nriested at .Mei'lianb-Jivilb amt denies the charge. DuM will bo arrested and both will be urmigutsl at Mechausville. There is Intense ex citement at Mrlunirsvllle and i ciuitj, where the the parties are all well known and ri-sjrted. Opinions vary ns to the truth of Jackson's dxing statement. Tin ring jiirti..u. PiTT-in'nr.ii, SeptemlKT -t. The artion of Chief of Police Braitm in tho Austrl.tn lag matter is likely to cause tioiihle jet. Iraiim returned from Washington jetiT ilay morning where he said he had learned a i-oint or two. He ws still of the opinion that he was in the right nnd would win. He refused to sax what conre he woold pursue. It is said b some of tlie Chiefs triends that be has declared positively that he will not apo'ogie to Consul SK-hamlierg as he does not thiol: he w-s m the wrong. In rase he adheres to this refusal there inav be music later on. as it is nummil that unless there is an aKlogy and epl.mation J tiiere win oe unmeoiaie pritceetiuigx agaiusi . llraum by rnitfil State District A tu.rney . .stone, as Baron Shadier will ask that tho , case be pustiei. I.eirrr VVirk. gap is one thousand tour bundled feet, but J nuliiv t. tin. tUt.n -:t..r.ivini nn II u.r,.. .- T 5.1.-1 nl..iw.r lo mnV-.. a .t.-l.nr -,r,..l r... 1 ........ v.. v.. , -.....-w .- -. .,., lagoon, so that the line of levee to lw en-fed will be six thousand feci. Meantime ttrft . Texas ,fc Pacfic Ibd has run its trestles ; ". across w.e ueeis. pari oi uie gap in mo , front, expecting to take advantage of the. levee as a roadbed when com pitted. m - Coivlrtl. Havana. III., September ?,. Some tirrw last spring, Elmer Iuub seiluced Mary Ivvvson. wife of John taw son. On the ?a ot last May tamb, in company with his mlstr?-. met tawv,n on the railroad track, near Kairricw. j tamb fired, killing tawson iusttnttr. Umb and liis paramour were iudietfd f'-r murder and tned at this term of the Knlbm ComUv GnrL . . ' 'u the cl- ! inmiiiT nun iriivi m line runu fax rro ih fori c.1VF.T. ...i ,T.." ,.. , "' ' .. "r . V. . ' ": ' ., VT . '-7' " lrhp .MurclrrrU. Siikluwim lNJ., September X Will 1 Ifun ? fvliv tltif rwhfkt fn Knfws.M rki - - ' i-r n sivri tu. riwsi t c..nn. tli.. wimft ruff i? a not'ir" ( character, having the fairrrotimK f dt-embovvelejt a tv on the fairgrounds for hieh h wa set to ; A State rolley "Sasoviux. Tenn., Septercbcr 3. Tbe Gjod TcmjAtir tind Temi-cntnix JUx'uvr, the organ of the Tennessee Prohibitionists outlines the policy of that facUon. It says their Intestk Is to get ft fVntitiirional amendraect snbno:- tcd to tbe people prohibitiag thd" manufacture of ateoboljc Bqaor. sito&a the Legislatare refuae to sabealt tfe qoes tion to a vote, then it way bceotte necessary to BMke it a politkad tone. Jt will uat do to ma a ProkiWtioa ticket la Teasessea tserely to bare it beaten, ay tbe orgaa. Those who choose to vou: for St. Joba lava aright So do so, but there fa sothinf re fairinsaTeaaesiee Prohibitiockt to toU JVa-hhB. s ..ir.- . - t - "J ' "tSj- S J' 4. i "2' SrJ , J .loin tii.i-fi i rrtfti " --- - -" - - .- ,-. .-.,..--., --- ... . . . iiirti-vfc ! ia iiiiui '9-wiTMm V,..,- (,,, .. . - T . C...t.....K..r o Tt,. . ttiti-nilii ti ftci-iMit Mm firtrti nnt nn 1mI.IIv I :.... LVHir Owlfiv ..r.l..r.l n-nrl- .m. ! decl.trOS that lie "fOnlfalK IlldorMMi the W rM menc.-d'at'once by the convict contractors!, 1 laoriii.M lit- po-, oven further than pi ." " . . ...... .,-. .t .. ! lh im i.tnrl. fli., tH.. mnlfnrni i n l OplJ VUI S.W ciosine imvis crevass,-. i hi- nnr acrns u . - -.... ... .... ,....,... .. !.. ti',...iH.ir i r z.i.. itii. - the Reform chooL Abont ss.v wee aso i ,r OTcr j,ejr dparjurc is rhaji-rl br -or nainrt;, ami it oftrn hap jrn that he stabbed a ycrans inan P" tb; rcci' the r intimstJoa that tii-s is a trtTrp. tbt animal Wt m thn am coH but for this offense he was aeomtUiL ,..tf.r3njJ 0f tiT relatka wtb itoSton untd tbr dlir u inruraLb, roLmni. rAKAifKArnA j-, t r!vtio, all I Ikt If j i MD4 :c vcxL trvr U-nn4. r-jrGrtvcr Owteml b Vnftir So UhfiV h. iHM0Wfl vnw Ik " i , t rs iJ sirTko fZw &pMtnn I rndn-vl to sbjo ritirst np lk ila , ,l rUfJn.lmn cearrr Ma kt44.v . .... V... . I14 kutttr to !tttfcT ba. oawJia5 v placated It twari rHbc f rtf- ibo lrnKxra wwrc && ) utAke tt an assrrMv nwpMj. . . . . i. . 1 llsst U hv to ui ay nwuttosr n4 J tt w ' orT -pa. a HwiNo. rur m sirA ) to 0 amy : tn tin l.n of Urwvitv ' .wcmr CV wfceti fKi4t. m I ianil .uld b 4u crmf Af- I 4urvA iHnfrtlm. yJy-M, mativ raoall ac Nrw j yorv. rrcbanrt?fitirv"r iViw land a kw.rcil .nl:sa. Hi ' itMiL. a the tMtdur tiormiu ihw, v ' . . hnve been ndniiltod to lutiatic aMhuui trm U mnke 1 "K land nnd HuiMlnck mjjle- in won! tliat wuMojrv thuir heroism and jitnotlm. f-cr On the whole, the letter HtU to jrtve the nupresfdou that the (Jovernor j ii:u und'd beyond hi doptJt in Nation j al jMHt;es and, Itnd.n n tunning 'rather tI.iH-inle work, t.t Lfj'inntHjf. like other drowninjr mun. to clutch nt straws. IthUaio hTtrt. frir-Tliu nut .imigeroiH tiling tho Demovniti.-kfolwrji Imnjuvermol has nppemvd this unr, i. .. th rank aiul lib havu taken to thinking: tor ihotn appeals to the siillnijjC' of tho ih utile' is a hue joke - ttreii HernUl. fts'l bu letter is Mr. Clcvelatitl's In the same sense thnt the (jiicen' ttd-dro-.?u to Parli.'tMieut are the (Queen's. It contains what tho Democratic maua-ger-i of h.s canvass think it h prudent for him to utter, nnd it -hows that the party has no policy on National is-ow.s which it durus nuv. -- Milwnukot .S;i ticl. Ihff- Cleveland's letter U not long, but it Js lonir enough to make evurv Democrat s ebeek tingle who ih.rs .i..., ut ,iurlv i, jn i .. ' reiiiem- imriv 1 1. is in it a ilHt.'ii. u Thuruian. a llnanl and vet has chosen and a McDonald. ;is its standard- hearer so suialt-sied :i sUiUwmati ax CJroVcr Cleveland. PttLxurijh Com vicrcuU (imcUs. Aa-The one merit of Cleve'tnd'n let ter w its brevity. But It will ! dbi eourainj to tho?e I)emoc.-:iU who o jKjeted .such :i nmuifostution of tntfl inatiship :is wouhl dii.le the world nnd cha'ieiige the nduiirntiou of innnkmd. It, wouhl be n fa rly creditablo Mthfkol Ijoy performaiiee, nnd it is noUung more. Lncmwi(i torn m rrml'ffitrJtc fK7tIovernor( levelnnd s letter of if- j ceptitnei:, publ shed thU inoriiiue;, I, ! one of tho sborto-t. ns Mr. lltaluo was one of the longest, documents' of the ' kind ever sent forth. Tin writer evi ' dently undenoolc his task at a low to ( deterniine what policies ho was jKt- en 10 pxpre- approval oi. Jleu-e. lo eseaiK luittmir hi foit in it.'" he ha adopted the hhort and easy mot hod of ..-" . asserting tha the Deinoeratie pmtform u jut nht. and that Is all t hero U to t, ,Qllt. ijlnU.lirtm-ntt rMr. Cleveland, after conttnnouslv breaking the nw.i to the ptiblif that he think 1 plnn .statement. Cleveland intended tbi tor a join f .V1T- I ICVclflfUl inlemlCll tlUK IOT a IOkR I were it n,t fr,r tlw fnet ibnt lbs- vhnl ! -. -. . -- - - countrv knows that, for obtK.tn rra um In. i nnt in -i fmm ui mini! to joku at prwvnt. Aiiywa. 'he puMic rf--....,...-,..... ......... - -.-..-.. Wl Myj,h at .j a assertion that tho plat- iorrn h "so plain that it ncodi no up pletnent or explaaat utu (JUviltiwl Ltaicr. m m Few Ifoltfr In 3! line. Tbc Republican bolter 1 very ca:va heru. indeed. I bare not t nyes upon J I th? :v an,j n.jh 3 description ,' iu Ttcu dout nnu jnucpenucni. jonrn inr nincu exi ept where thev hav nirol'j- -- . -h and ape Ragle ;. . la.ne - stren-tb 4 greato.t au 1 Amncao j twliey m'st iKiunlar when' peopbi JU plain i ftKjl ami vt their dinners In tbe ' middle of the dav. Tins vear it i a specie of dvpcp:a which the sufTerrrs arc iilnl to tsvll j bv the name of Indeifeniint iJepubfie- ; pendent for gtxxl, bnt :Ley bav ptayrd mJ manv farewell enrsenieat. r.ai to com ba-k to snnoarj- anat''. that ' prots co diner lo?t we have pticed a dote horny-handed worklsjnea, aad I woM like to Ytxp swapplsr oo these tertn from now until election day. Uatii I came to Maine I dida't take ranch t&ck in tbc drift of the labor elemeat toward Blaine, but I jcbow it U jgola oa iWr, and. my advjees i rota Chicago and Xw York show that It ut goia oa there. liar Hurler C$r, FttiUiScifki Prcu. m Comedy girls of amarriaeahla apt are sold ia i kohaaa for sotte tfd ianaaclu ,. T- s sj -?, t' w .. .....,. . . ." 1.1 ." I1L the" Kepublican party. SerioaIy. wb- It em probable that H ihc ct-e ever I get arnon the people I tiad that ' tb p-rplna;; TrHU jjradsijy b. tor everr college nroitssor or ueiraoni-1 . iv-c.. wt as. iea HOKE, TAKM Aft IUKDIX U 1k ol of Ih rW fcdrtirfr cat f i mtxM In will k4f fi t 4t. v r srtrt $ t ar! nwc,ir5 wM t n-' ail li - A jnl?1 t'imamiTwyyac rttrt lh5 B'jty l Wwwk Ml ,?.- trf rffc TW lMU Itrst lX;w ttam (nm t savrt l lTmm-y hs ..- j. It mo. rSMi. " ay. krr Aa ft " ' tnttat. asd a. JfTa p M )sttle JssO m te twfcrr ly j ilrTTix atnl Jt 4I sjrp .p nifty Cairns n al ssbi t . gsa. Iwa lutap of M rfr ! ! rf It lr lll rp,i-v WJsa $ 1 irtMk ar st nsb tW iirS H a rag, tht r Hii p' "f t M(riut,M w salL cfnwMft mitk; U imiW swaHv rt U a ittmr. Hym k Kav? latlf lri . " vftll of ImUer. (H v4 mt "- tu karw trvv Usnm m1 " mnwt i It a.i naoUsrr That haU irMMA tttur axhmu im ? leml a UtUor UirvtAa vnn haK tlMrmu;kiv It trtijl f J aid ohrmwDl. t1ffr.r -r. - Alnimt anv liml of KiUrtai i ti lb arial nUr ftaw,. ' nweei nidk. tno halt eup mr. 'h and on-hrlf cw, whit of fwir Vi.. tH-oto jMHnf lM4kiitjMwlr. f"t i with le in. mi Park jrt llrwa jr ' ou cup. buittr. uiw fcalf ttf. t mdk. ot half-cup. )flk of for g ' twt aud iinw-half eujvud Jfcnir. m l k ' (kjHKiii of bktng'ndr, mk m"f rnto pan. fJavor witii f4oii. jf- irtmvA a. - ni tmititt thmttf jiv iK'r. j ., ,nfallU4o iHX?tr njfiil all mi , f ,M1i.. ..,-,,,1- .hi,..ii .1., ,,0 vkbm 0 U ItiottbnUr jar f i n fnlhr of tho fowl a . .it. .. . m. , v a win '! rt ''- --' m 9 - -j- Hoar ( ltbiT. Tin llri Inrulutor. Couildernblr Inton-M Ha bsn tfitIw in th tat two or lhre nm on b jui b, it i of luoubntor. an.l iVw liticr estid have boeii feelnij; arwtiiHt In tho dnrK a It wont, in m it U 4iki jMiiue no'tiM! bv whir a etirkii eMt ! hatched urdy nul wilhHit trmiblei Thin sotnn-Abal lk tb "fital loa.l to wealth-' Tint roynl rnl t. hchIiIj ha not l'eu a vet found wt Hit nt' countering miiihi tioobb- n tH nil. Tho 1.III1H in tnt' m regard to hfUehim rhlukiMl. KvetJ if Uie Mi Jerfrt Itt eubntor was proctir!. it ll t ImiihI nere!nry to attend to itvry da v. anl what with turning f jfjr d miiww. ni of oil and keeping n vph tetir niure. the meiibntor hnr iHt mad a tiianv friendH n wo at wrl OWiiht thev would 'I'hw lst iueiibaUirnn r f !!! wtw tl lion Jior-oilf. .Sh bn mii trt t the biiilii'. and after ones? tan up hriuiml to jo at It hns ujr buitnnfc on hau J Tho diOHniitv zm- rally operitird U ilmi io lnai tr more wih to jr lalo tb- am bniie, -. on tho inin" pt, and oi Uir lraf'" f -r the uiaJi-y the tek 1 gtrHnuly roiuel. It H, to mv th lenat. tintHty-ing-. afior two Un lavw N)Mandrrd tbr wek to "f thorn hrtna' '$ art chi ken Utw eon them Tl rpfrt.HHi, Uorn ari mw tan ym pr-i raoro ' than en hen sitting on a nvl at a , ... . . time-' vo ftumturr iutn yntir n or of jelnv; a ptt nol with a'lo in fnnt hk a triangle-, wh cH, rh-i the hftt went In onto the tMt. jbti "-" 'f,,r- I won oiiw mHtK tt. n"'1 tH bniv.nj: hr free to &n out. but M m - i Ulfs ifiiid.tii. tiwrtf'' H- . UI' I Tf Hit nl tho pa'rit thought t wa.- nrt hat cite I out. on in in nm wan 1' thir hon it where lhy hal i , A mi- Sm,ar a-ti firaa!rJ ""- -- ..- v--- ..- m"til OUfrtru. Wjth til's r1tlrufT , . . 4 ... 1 onlr about a half ntin clu kro teJu' J3tehnl in the onttro a.on. aUhongij there wre tnorc ben that enps, n doing their UmI at It.- hrtoticr Jvur- nui. r i rrrpirtl. Many of tho dtAc of hor" and cattle are caue bj xtppru-d or checked pcrpirstion. tho variolic ap- tearanoM ihry ttMn UTpondm tr- iap. in a great rneaurp, iin thr ud- dnncM vtb whch the dtxuW ftoppel and the Ut of ibw animal a tiroo It take pla Tbu. If a horv alter being; jV-tjU'd arvi i.a-le to -m.' D erem and then allows! to ,tan,f tiH. w io3l u a colli w.od or rain, ff inianiinaMoa of wn iaf- naj orJ'an "7 prmawy st iftc eorjj- Uisr.K. n ln & thU prJiirr,l w!I Ic sUll more -ritM if tiw hor-' cacrc1- b r?n ch u prod;aa t Itrtf wew sii ....'I M...I !. ..A. rw-vlt irorni It ar ovocr la ?blr prtHi " cn?,uratir mT jutMkxt ia inctira m. t a lOla.1 aad prraisaeat P9tmte U hi aweeaisary di-efearjjc takes plac- j ariescoiiitlo. dcavi Iit . sR eateric oiW.rwetk, a4 vari w. compiaiata. Haw aw i a, iti to provide WlteredsSalloSr eroe aari Htdnf k.M . r-w aerally tk with rWKa to tU of aaiaaafa. eveciJft- w- cara . ", "rwwy hsTM MaC ajatf tha murnrLM a Ll ' ar 5u Frnmeboo 'ft flte K . ! I