The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 05, 1884, Image 7

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&&" f& " i rf?" . . VT
4 r
-a-m 1 fat-"
wMW"im"ii 1 T .ii iiii yiiiiiiii'iii''inn'pWfiTj S.. jMUKBtbL.-- B
r .
""r1" '"'-aBBaBaMaw.aMi
iiujij, jj'aiot axu garden.
-Tacle all melons before savin- their
seeds for, and re eel the s,S
fl,n.-,.H,of ,!"". " "t'WW
., .. .,.,.. uu jjul come lii) tn !
r-,.l...-1 t :, i t ... ul' l tilt:
rr"T. -":.'" "uuvv uv l,,is no u,
. .,Ha..M uu oc preserved. -x-
--If the fowls arc confined -ive
jiu-iilj tn green btuir. A
0-"- mni
jrood .sod
I In-own over rlw fon. ...:n 1. .
o; vegetables will be fmilil SJ ' jT
Ar. ir. cmW. rwcoable.
Why should ol
iuficiiliure be tau-r it
f '
bchools? In Kranos cverj- school' has it I
l Willi
I ' . --.v. in icirnn; lo KMfh
bUD,vei5 uuiora Jiie- can niilifv few
I. .. i. . . .
- Cocoannt 'Custard: Make a -vod
Vy.led custard, flavor with one tea
spoonful of -filter almond essence, rra'te
neoeoanuL, and when ttic ctHtsrd is
iput.! eold it should be poured when
warm rnto-ji glass bowJ). strew nhe eo
coanutci: the top Sill wliiUs -U'r-ir
over this. The JJouscIiold.
--'Ilicre are few IcikcIs of information
more ca need among; farmiers, and
which -are more practical and intcresU
mg ib:m a geii'-nd knowledge of the
grass. Althug5i some over o.Of.O
riwiirtj t rw-n ,- t .
,ww "l x -a are Known, vp
few ns yet contribnte in .113- meas-ip"
to agricultural vralth. Albany Juur-
cold juice: then stir it into the other nml
loL it b ,il for two or three minutes; add
a little butter and pepper, and pour
over the ham. Serve hot or cohk-
. - .
l'ruiric Farmer.
The Wnssoms of the pumpkin and
melon tribe areof two kinds, male and
female. 'J!ho male blossoms are on
long stalks, while the female are near
ly sessile and. are under the leaves. The
male ! owors soon wilt and die, l'eople
ignorant of this fact often suppose that
their pumjikins or squashes are
"blasted' when male flowers die. If
tho male flowers should notiie numer
ous, and if bees are not plenty, at is a
good practice to shake the mule flowers
over iho lemale when the males are
maUire,. to. insure fertilizatioii. Chicuyo
'C'otinlry Dwellings.
iwwpnpcrs arc urging
pcclion of cit dwcllui"p3.
a 'rigid
and it is
very wise suggestion. Hut it is .not
more -needed than is a rigid inspection
oi our rural residence
our rural residences. If we wi
oaiHt; to think It Will not be di moult for
iis lo-fee that any dwellinr-house, un-
Jess it is care ully inspeclod anil kept in
proper shape, is naturally a hot-houso
lor ttiie germs of disease. There are
-parts -of it, or parts of its surround
-lngH, iinat receive no attention, anil are
.-so inclosed from the puril-ing in
't'.nce of the sunshine, andi.erhaps those
-of froKh air. that disease lindsdu them
the very best conditions of dovelop
mient. The parlor, kitchen nml sleeping-rooms
mav be scrupulously clean.
out in what condition i the cella- or
Chopped Him: To use pieces of ' t;i-v4:u?' Srow more Pol'r,,ls " w ,,u- 1 was broken m in the. int-rct of hi, .
I .-old boiled ham that are too small for J - (hlrf; or &,oxt' l;0"n,''e41 P'ds j,,,, f:iriuurj,; In j.j... lli:inneP sle... '
(he table, chop them line, line a salad i ? f,!WVr d:,ys ,,!a.n t,,e small(rr "reeds. , f .,; atl, thc ,n:iuf;lcture of woolen
aisli with leJteee leaves, season the . A'cd ng to all known a-ts in an.mal uoods were interrupte 1. When KnglMi
chopped ham with pepper, a little urn,- n"V'ItloV ''"V1- SmvrU u,e. ,,:ir,-f'r lnK brewers were growing rich. Iri-h brew
ard. and then make a tomato dress ,, ' '"1 ,ua,.:,V U,"s groiun with less food els wcn. ffjrciMl lo 51K:t hops from
Take one pint, ofitomato juice, htrain it' J xn , l . sin-lkr "'d"- ihc Knirhmd and were not alhnved to e-;
tlHpkniiit.lirAlii.w i..i.i., .'i animal organism is supported fewer ,,,,, ,,,1, nr iw..r I'tu.l itti ti... ..v. 1
fif .iiTOWTrtBt. -nti! Twifl, .. i:il.. ,.f i... 1 d:ir :i,,d Ike food of Support IS. ,,ort:it on of woolenc. rl;t.j nml otiiop
-the spaeo beneath the house which is growth per day i the large breeds,
mot .a cellar. Houses -are often built i dlmut asserting positive knowleiUe -mpon
foundations thntxre.not provided' fr itdoes not e.xisU although I have
"vwith ventilation. JNo
pinritvmg air ever
lvachos the space beneath ."the. house. ,
Ycarsafter j'ear the soii is damp, ami
;firruishes the veiy biH't conditions for (
the fostering of typhoid germs. We
have 110 doubt that .-u great deal of 1
lypltcid foter and diphtheria comes !
from i:io earth bcuuiiii the--ground I
flKr if basement .houses. .It is I
taiot -o bad, of course, -.when a 'houo '
stands ui)on the level, hv.l slillthe con- '
Pinions 111:11 iavorsucn conuiuons are
there. There shou'il .ulwavs 1; the
means of ventilation beneath tho floor
Miext to the ground, and not 11 11 roquent-.
lyit would be money -well investd if
1 1 here -were boards removed from the
lloor in order to give xn opportunity to
Htrew lime over the ground beneath.
'The cell:i' if it is not perfectly ventil
ated. is. tJio very perfection of eau-e for
Ttiie ev.Js we have mentioned. 'Hie
.dampnes- and are jener-I
sated s'jrei d all through 'he house, and
thourh w mav not nfvCt tbeni. wn I
.may be suns they are there, and that j .
-ii:i nMei.s ;we geiuu 'iiie imi 4jrneiiL
of iIkmu. ri'lie first thiugitodj wirt'rthe
..1,1... I? i t ,.... t !.,.. tt .1.1.1 .. 4..v.1 ... -m t 1
of whitewfc-h is cheaper ithan doolors'
.V.1I.L !.- I. .rlllJliUU IL. .I.II&L .1 ''HIU'JlU .
... .... ... .
lulls, and v ill save
the htttci. Our ad-
vjee 10 our: -eaiu-.s
s to ce iv lnspce-
.d-isntves. )lstcrn JturuL
Ksts nml liks.
Utiiustlc b.jrne ij reitrl f!hat tin
miost nroiiiablc s.vTcni of kocntna
lowJs lnvoIVvi-f for- tlnurs. vii.: J
'Crowditi"; in xvyter for" the -suke of.
'warmth. '2. I'lapty of roaai or fewer;
owls rn suiLpter. :t. Very early
JiatclKil ntillcw inr winter l:iy -I '
mstaiK atntioi: as to rtnlariiy of ,
'e.iiJmieSii; jiure watte, the aiust;
rwho ha- hens iun,st be clis-
id from th se vlio ktip fovrls.
t hat is written is intcidled for
FTter.cIass. and these are encon:-
to.jjficoiue fciutiers a po-r plan.
rule. The bejriutier shoaic.
lenwi !
(j) fowls with lirciit: then he ma?
but a breed which J;o likes ftud be- (
meit ianci'?i, uut in nine eases ,'j;itoi '
.ea rlttre w;i! bo no profit ni it. i
Our nwplv.of einrsiu winter istrervn
i:.-.jj ...iv ....... i ouf.iit-,i4t.t.wi
lllllllvi. .fcltlX.4. ..J., . - 'IW.MI .....
ins. Tiie dilVeiteoce between .in eirg
ljd by a plump, healthy hen. fed "with
geod, "fresh food daiiy, anil an gg laid
by ji thin, poorly-fed hen is as great as
the .difference between good baef and
pooc A fowl fed on garbage ana eak
s'opsi. with very little grain of iny
kind, way lay eggs, Lo be sure, but
when Uiose eggs are broken to be ned
for cake, pies, etc, they will spread lu
a weak, watery way over your dish, ox
look a iciifcy white instead of having
a rich, si sghkly yellow tinge. A "rich
erg11 rela'ng its shape as iar as pos
sible and vieldt- to the beating of the
knife or spoou with moro resistance
and gives you the conviction that you
are ro-lly Lcatino; something thicker
than water or aliased milL;. & Y
very nook.mid corner of the houaa a-ir,onmT oe,asion r-lrinc,'KV wlw "- Arouicc. apprcwaiin- inoiorccof our; nV'. "y ; .V v Z, no nuVr WX "jt"L .p?0, 3 l 'A 6 ' 1
lenii-us. Wherever there arc tfW cusseii was one cmjroiy loreiga to me ytatisti ai sliowiur winch proves that S-tccilon f ui.n nml crime, where HKon was ,- " r. e $ A
mi-i n,li foimil ii; tlii.tii V.. I O.l COS Ol IIIU IllCCllIlJ, VIZ. a rfcCilClllC I l!lO lOSSe OIXIIC government t)V UlCI.-il r'"Kmln ,,,tKn ,c ,"',r"-- "- C0- nAT?-Wn.ti.rn nilrril Z (i, Z J
lUlt)polJ,Ioiltd. tllMtttoil tlicm.inil , . ,. n w..ll. v.. 1... lu..,..i;t l .v.,i ,,,. i, i. : :. k, 1 t.on-wore m the han'I.vriUiirof the Demv "rs -WN rn nilwl - '.:,- j
phatoom-on is asoodaud cli(ip as " f . , M , . . ! wa" ""-' " , ; ," """w,l9"iit2 c-nie ltnci Uumicy. I'tMw. th soeond '"ur l" """ ' - .-- .
V. . . . . 'V . M . fni-t-lli Mllllhnr .Mill l-ll"ll-lil inllt'i:N. m-iilnr uni ni- Knmililiixiii lli.n, t....I..r. ' .. . i.. .. ".....! i. .1 11. m
. 1 i.m ...... i.rt 1...., .... . . v v........ .... ..... .........x. ...w.w... f fiitiiitiu ...4,..fc i. 1. 1..7..V ... in. u . 1.1 v riu.:i 1 11 .. 11111 if 11 ir i.iMiiu i n- 11. ..."-irriij. -
Z '" . .. P& t'ttt" i)iiil,r. l.iHni- ncf-icioM f In. mrcf ,. ftnMii'. li.t,nn.rt ?.- A A ,i;i,i w..o ...!--' wz 1.1 method v wh eh ti ev ii.ici earneil fe ".. .. ....
Lsc plenty ol whitcwuMi wlwr- ;:""::::;:.:. ." . . "": .1 , " ! outity. He dr-w pistol and Kind: "We .i.o.ic toucC8.
cr it is ueeoed. and whliitlicjcnrcia u- ,,H" . , r P; '''' '''"rlif''f N'inu i'-"' "- l tooKaionoineii i-l-tvc thK HiatheboM Kr. J. D. Kinc!ev, frjerctary, HoM
; and D-ninerate liviaiir. 3v -sbnll be """-" "'-'.." "l-"4' -.'--vi:i9 t.: ..b-. -;.u.(im. iw n.v: ,.er- - '"."'".. . . "If. "'T-l ..""; 'J". Cross College Gvmnasium, 1Vontoi
isonablrsaf-i from !i,,lo..,, lAnmtvs. ine "ftflat ami mx mo-( centaed los.-e,. lie in.,iiircs. -cover ,".-"," " V .",,! iTn i hnm 5i.. writes: Ev-rvmemtK-rof our eld
that the denied lor frssii essfi wJi be J icp P" " iuu;rc. jc-.l.i. uu icui j,- .-ii.u mai. th, lo: of Ilst. worXlflII ftjn;vCr 10 tod for . . . .u u. nf,
inv-ifiy'iV for ve-irs t coni' Tl-e secm to calculat-e on the niex-pncacc jiie (.-jinjianson already otered. it is to , hare hf .- e u-her tha country 1 jtot- ' itTA happy tnonpb.. ui
I .m le 'n sbsidd r-iiw- jeoosV,, wj. ' of .answrs in eonuctiii2r public meet- ; -.-oncmbered. is as lair to oe side as j eme !. u ?ovt-r. 1 and ousrht to be rev- ore o perfect and o beaoti i ul
people -xruo SUhiiiu i.iimj ir in wjk-( . - i i .1 tm. i i -. . .. .. icrne.ibytie men who work wiih their hand; nlecsure to use tnem. Eqoall;
ter -i-e tUose wli-o do not .-and who wiU tus auiko teel asstmmce thai .toe com- to the other. There have beew moneys J on farnw a ln shopi. miois these mei dnrk or lij;h: color. JO- at
.,,... (nribori U no duller-el-iss nf rwo- I plaisailCe of the letter is no liiatcii for : licui oat improperir bv both Heptlb&c- i shall hre xeturu for their Icbor. WelL, Richardson & Co., Burli
IlOi, inui.ui.,1!! iiu uuuwiia..ui . j t irrpW...Mu -i-e . -nJ IV-nn I rv dm"cirations ' hall br nir thcat leisure, comfort educat.oa Samn e Card 3-' cnlan a-d boc
pie in the coimsfinity. uvss-i refereatc j tueu tt.&.u. u l lrreiei.i-jiee, .i.e. au .ia.c Aum.iJrrauon . for thfIr ch Jrvn lfc oan n t prev?r.e . Ji ?"' a "
lo m-itte-s wliicli requ re rUwrbt -tud ' not l?rat Oil in the meeting or I tie . Both Ktpui beau and Deui-..-rsic Ai- t qmUuie necde 1 for ctu-cnshlp. n?il the Ie , tl0na for twr-Ctfn- atnp.
J'.h.mmtCf '-lp or -in v Mian all tlr" Grae, wUare formers are edufiatoi iu mini-U-etious have been dee ?fve! hi j T"tic uiu-ttui. Thereiay tea ir.cataii Mrmmrt. , e',frt n
A-na:ige oi p..m, t .iu ,iuii- .111, iu.... j .. .-.. .-:i..,. .- ..7. I lowerfiii auoaoatln coatlnen: on ether ' A nocsiG aemonstration (1
the .armors that is, thoe orho i,:liej a regular order ot rftsiberatiuu And IqI itiUuIK contractors withoit open lecrc. but there i notbeairreat i: puw of bed. i
Econotslc Port.
Onn v-ritcr afflrms substantially that
lj jiree that a pound of pork lVinndc
'it.i les feed when fed to the small
ore?ds than when fed to the large
orcods. I trust that none will accu-e
lie of a desire to be controversial in
calling " tpiestion this assertion and
popular belie', as such it is. There is
juu a aiiauow o; a uouot mat a vouni?
tinitri1 V'iH ,nak l""1 growth "
jes f,,od than the am : annual will at
i later date. J must confess to ha.inr
J twen misled bv the claims of the brwi
. ir.s of tho Mnall breeds, :or a bfvt
; Jpace, upon fact that have shown the
Onlv one phase of the
f.r-. ,.r.. : I
j-."w.n... j, injn
?f?nr -iirricn?if jr!
facts. In iVi annlicatton Seattle.
W f i,ivli.l4
it is now almost universally repudiated
nere in the West, where the best cattle
of the world ure found. The large
breeds of cattle have been found, or are
believed lo have been ;ourd, the most
economical consumers oi food; hence
they ate the sources of Western beef.
J'lieory and practice bi.h ad'rm ttiat
the jKilicy of the pork producers, as re
gards relative sie of t!c breeds to le
led, is one with that of beef producers.
Indeed, Srr J. H. Lawcs and my own
results aflirm that Uie law, that the
older -ami larger an animal grows the
more food it takes to make a pound of
ro,,t' decidedly less pronounced in
ll"5 IW U;a 5n l,,c sl(il-'' Xow the
, .! r-k ..!.
laily makes it probable
i 1 T, V
! l,,f1 a.Sre:u,:
";!lle,,.,:j llsm
r proportion of the food
d lor
growth, fcucn was
mv experience with iViermos v.-. v. ots-
...'-.. . .-.
wolds. 1 found
that 1,000 pounds of
.Merinos ate ducidedlv more t! an 1,000 i
pounds of Cotswolds. It snu-t be
agreed, inasmuch as the large breeds or
J pigs start in life at about the sie of
sukiII breed-, that the larger breeds
! either cat more or digest or a-similate
iii'iio food than the small breeds. In
either event, upon any information now
! known to the world, 1 would -elect the
, la-go breeds for economic pork. Uut
j there is one mortifying factor that I at
I one time, early in my experien e.
counted too heavily upon, .as the result
01 the teachings oi one or two well
known men. This 1 actor is as follows:
The small breeds get in shape to market
at a less weight than tlie large breeds.
1 and are assumed to be ready at less age.
and thus, by virtue of lessened age. tho
law that tho less the age and sie the
less the food to make a pound of
gi-viu is us-.suuieu wi more man cuuh-
J i""w i"1" supenoi gnjv.m t:r way
of t"" ilV brewls. Iy observation is
th:i1' ,hu Herkshires and improved
1 Inland Cliinr.s are iu Kape lor the
. market at as light x the mar-
1 Ket presents any -aeinanu lor inem;
tnd, furthermore, that the little
I Suilolks, Kssex and small Yorkshires,
lO'obtain the weight admitted as desir-
able, are as many days iirn'
ing it as the larger breeds arc iu shap
ing up, or at least the difference is not
nearly enough t bridge over the as
sumed advantage over the gi eater
everal times eontcmpluted the trial
I miwt ailirin tiiat su h evidence as the
world h:us atlirms-tiu: advantage of at
least the mediuin-ed breeds tor making-
pork in the. mst economical way.
l'rof'. J. r. SauLoni, in Jiural Acic
Ax -Grinding atTarmeiS' Meetings.
The why in which everybody with
anything to sell -"nooks' to a gather-
ing of farmers may, perhaps, be taken
as an evidence that farming ja a profita
ble business and makv,-"its followers
good customers; if they haven't money,
certainly their tred.t is :good. Uut
there is aiKUher .view to take of this
eagerness-ti advertise with ami canvass
farmers, a iiwnot so i atteriug to their
prosjierity. It iscmt alone those who
have wares It o sell who gather on such
occasions: itolitichius ami others xvlio i
have axes ty grind are euuallv "simul
l-.wo.'recent fanners' gatherings af-
2d striking examples of this a.x-
giwiling. Un Sjotii occasions, most ol
tliti lime was oocui.tcd by rival agent;
machinery, sak, etc.. in di-ou-sing
claims of theirtre-pective wares to
JMw assembled farmers
On the
mentous (juestion ol -salt uho came to
tiie fiont as oaruestly.cis if ecn larnier
bail nmrrieil a IIrs. hot. It is z .nota
ble faelilliat the nioi pertinent and by
far tiie u-ost disintcixeil address .wa
ma ic bya jurist, and ir is not les-. nota
ble that iuo-d of tlie irrelevant issiie
we-ein.rrdueesl b- fiiituers.
It is lhis self-scekir.e; and av.-:riu-.I-iti"
is-uc t!iat. lirejudiiies a jrood nian-v
-armers against atteniluj such iratbct-
iiicr are iu-ti!iuil in voscnl:n
the interfettne, and thowonder is.lbat
li:e uumsirir.s or meettugsiillow the uu-
p'rtinenl .discussions lo jjo on.
oae ouirht tc.applv the rdkjs of
ao-1 relegate idvert.scrs to the outskle
wifre there w usually ai shoiv-room tv-thes-'i.
l-'xliibiions of anaciihierv and'
dairy salt are ar ell upon such occasion.
but iie pla'fecjn of the auecdna is no
the jlaee nor it the regular jnocceiUuge
lle '.nn; w i'u utvii jja.iuib.
lh&t such unngs are done aud. toler-
a-,u prooaoy-ja ie 10 inemiorpviu -cij.
ami airiiniica s.isiioaoi samuerj. iw
. ... . ...
act a.N organised
well if met
tfairy 2lo tiubi
its o'ller. propnet ati seit-reseci.
This should be done because unwar
atmiu irrowiii uoiiiir
.... .1 1 1 j fi "" "
. r uu...u.. :i.i i.. .. Af .i t. ..... . . , .. ,.....c..irt..A .h.i.K.. i., mi... 4,. u. a . v. uilu .xtii u l . il x - .1
bodies, ll would ie? evidence -af a v actual breach -o: trust J This end can onlv bo s-currd by the mainte-
ubusof Me Grange corJd or de5iilcation. ftutiftUe proved .flntJ"
!ic assemblies of I'snseivi rcco' ded djslionesty under Dc t.cratie tn. in the ertiieiri arranwrneits or eon?
ranted interferescLS will surely bring power, ifcis riht and reasons'ile to sap
the raeetin":s themselves into disrepute, pose that the same ratio prevails in
and thus deprive farmers of the bene
iits. social and business, which undoubt
edly come lrom such xerc:sej properly
cond'.ieted. The Country Side
m . IT
Spiced Currants: Eight pounds
j fenit, live pounds surar, one pint cider
vncgtr, oneonucc Linuanwu, ono-nu
ounce clove, one ounce mitineg. UU
one hour altogether. Put in more spice
If you wish, and cook it down as muck
aYyou wish. A very nice relish will
meats. A. T, JPosL
Iri-rtmrn and t!ie TariJ.
, . . , . -
hi Imh-Amer.-ran mv-meet-
mg at (bickering Ma!! was a rn biMVo
proof mat the !;. ub icon can:, ;ugn
f j:na-iye. 1 very pe Her refenvd to
; the tariff as the groat issu of toe etc-
i t on anti denounced the DcntorrcUc
i party a tni klttig to l-.tiginnd in a Ivo -
jeatm- free tra e and m nom n.itm-
I lovcrnor loveiami. i in eniuii3a-ni
cf the audience was infeetJOUH. A great
tody of Irithtucti. Mho have Readily
j lL ,.
' ,,?,-
voted Ui". iJenHTatic ti ket vzur a t'r
mphati a.'ly ondfmned. Ulh the
nommat on nud the platform of that
par.y as an insuit to thein-:!ves and to
a; I American worktngmeiu Democracv,
-' i
wi its Irur-tmili tendencies ami atima-lioi.-
wa-i rjitil.ateti. i ojiiblicanwn,
wiUi ts .American h!ca? au-1 prine.ple.
was urdialh accepted.
This reu,t otiglit not to urjjrjse any
one wlro ha- madf a careful study of
Iri-vh history. For t'le Irih people ha o
a history and they have ii'it forgotten it.
It is the history of a people ctnrv,.d, im
poverished and cnished b thr cruel
gieed of Kngland'" conuueroiai policy,
hrom the time, of the (onpieit to t;e
opening of the jire-ent ceulu".. the Ku
giish people acted upon the principle
that Inland mu-t be made a. market lor
a tintp mi ti 111 t iT"of !! ttw tfftiL'ti irwtt:-
, iriessiwriHfi-tl. One great inibudrv after
j unotj.r w
' fe,rj.,iatj,w,.
as deatrovcil bv rtpre';ie
The Ir.ah were forbidden
jrisii manuiactures was proii. luted 111
the nteie-. of hnglau 1. The general
c Sect of Kngli-h legislation was to de
stroy Irish industries, to cut oil' the isl
and from the exchange.- of the world,
and to force the population bacu upon
an exhausted -oil; and then by means
o; the minute subdivision of kind and
in (piitous laws to place agriculture on
a stanation basis. There was only
one e cept on. and it serves to show
1 what the inland migut have done
! doilC if It.s
indu-tries had been promoted by a gen-
croiis iioliey. Uv moilUicatious of the
Navigation acts and by the pa ment of
bounties the manufacture of whi e and
brown linens was encouraged in the
North of Ireland. It ha remaned a
profitable industry to this day a wit
ness to the prosperity wh.cli might
easily have been seeured if Kuglish
greed had not prevailed.
After the I'nion the barriers of re
str.ctive policy were thrown down.
i min i.i; uuui: nuidim ...s auiiiuiuu
to competition with Knglish 111:11111 -
la -tuners. Uut it was then too late to
'til . Iflll tKlli Ik ICl.l.t iwl .. ifl.k,f,k.ll
save the ciuelly uiisgoverned island.
Kngli-h nuuiiifaetures were firmly es
tablished; great ma-ses of eap.tal h:ul
been accumulated artisans had re
ceived an industrial training. Irish in
dustries coul.l not be built up under
English f ee trade. They required the
same degree of protei tion and encour
agement which American manufactures
hac obtained.
under the high
The Irish people had no choice,
were forced back upon the soil
must cither remain in their
holuiugs, pav nick rents and
or el-e emigrate. lren
could do nothing for them. Agrlrul-
turc did not offer them the bare mems
suh .istence. Tliere was no diversifi
cation 01 industry. There was no al
ternative except emigration. Have the
Irish p'-op!e any reason to be grateful
to England for the commercial policy
under which 1 hey have been ruined at
home and driven into exile? There is no
reason that Eng h'storians have ever
been able to ascertam. One of the
greatest of them pronounced the En
glish commercial system in its effects
upon Ireland the most deliberate and
selfish tyrannv tho wo Id has overseen.
Why. then, should Irish-Americans
who have m -inorics and are familiar
with the history of their country vote
with and for a pol party which is
striving to work o..t the cuds of free
trade, the present comm rcial policy
of England ? It is for the interest of
England that the markets of the world
should he opened lo its manufacturers
1 and this count-y restricted to what are
kncivii .as Uie cheapest products. If
free trade had prevailed, American
manufactures would long ago have
been cushetL Ame ica" would have
been the vie'im ol England's commer
cial policy as Ireland has been. A. J'.
TJie I'eal Ketormer.
os-i0ie uisnonesiies wnero money wa
paid out n proper form and upon proi- dcrer. -ty MnrV-nl of Un? c urn
.... ,-....1m- hi- tlw. t-n..f.:i..- t,..T a 'evwc.ksaf ivr. and ilailey. hi
ci oi:ciiet3. .u the out-nei, inera-I k I nm to'.d. ihp I'cmo-raiic candidate lor
selves were fraudulent.'' (Jr are the ! r.-,aiden in Fee or.
looses ment iuned merely what th- ba!- J!; J"; '"llo,,,tl cnUe-e nresMent and
.. , , , , ',, ,T ,. ve.ienioie 'loctor of u.vinitv, U th-wa, vour
aiieillrot the books ahow. He adds a ' I emoemtie i. hes trt-ut in leiKiei-nt nivo
number of instances where mouevs i "cnis !n 3!!iM-ippu Uut thw .iy: -Wha
,:rrl.t 1m lmnm.ii.rlr .lr-.-M tVr L. ''r,ou fo dou!wut .t? Thee thin are In
llitht lc impiopeilj dr.iw.i irom the cur.dh- " 1 know thete are di heuhls in
)Ubli 1 neasurv. while ecn tho.c pav- junI-hinthi-3-o ender? withoit InU-rfc-ns
i:i!T them were .under the inr resion 1 r!tlJ,J "ocdir-eov-rnment. i ut if you ve
,v . lit i i 1 lorh Hou-e ot Lotnrrc-3 npnm we will And
that sucu sums di.-.d been hone-tly a rcmedv. Dot you can m Jea; icfu tc
earned. The point is -well ta' en. and I J the mob. .u can at ea: make the
wi eiivliillv coiKiderPi! in loucbino- I,vnTe" r T ,ur ,KO"a d sapproba"on felt.
.i tareiain LonMUtrcu in "ui-jS N u c.n a l.a-t r-fti-e t rcwnul the anthor
upon tne saojccu JjUI oi course stalls-
tii-:i i sciK-ion nf it is inmoible. In.
. ..... .. .. .
i v.ii..u onwi. - i.fct. i.o mj ui ,-.L .u iiv.i.
...i..n ...l. 1 .t ift.i? iit -vf ...lil ... wr
j. st. ror m-taaiee, ;uo oaiiK can ten
fhow much it may have sutlered j
po?stbly by petty peculations dur-1
irir a lonirerjiirsef ear , such trans- f
.actions havjKr been cusefullv covered!
"by manipulation o tiie amounts. It is I
vu. iiuu sicu uu.i; u iiii; is isi:u-
erevl and exposed iisat it can become
jnaucr ot rewra. i.ut o'iie general
cousuierat.ons on tni aix o tne suo-
... .-.
l-ule is, as has been shovn, tnany times
that under Republican posesiou of
transaciions waose ntstorv nas nerer
I .
been probed to ike bottom. Excluding
precisely the Fan indeterminate ele
meals from both sides, we have a just
comparative showi:, which gives the
Republican partv a right to claim that
it hag been, relatively speaking, the re
former instead of the creator of official
Beyond this, it may be tfd tkat' the
the record of the Kepablica-5 party as
an honest administrator, aUil speaking
raU'ivaly aacL by cojaparMoa, wim ii
- - I'1 a . i1.a V aaaaHMaaaa
"with attsf3ct!on ami pride. 1'iwn ll
w.14 thrown the rv4p,ntbi tv oi !-
,-,, h.iiu.ti .,., .-U .
' V7a lDe nduc: of a civil war.
TmJ.u ncvor m tva, su.h a aU ; .-.
fair4 a anv nri,on wnhoa. a, ;;
ii takn of it bv speculator, ..j
coalnc orH. IJ; in no nation and no
; porjrl ul j.ton- was sn h a trymcodou
lran crerauminierwl with -uch raw
honesty an I Ihhditr as U exhibitd by
tne h:s o oi Kenubucan adin:uKr?
tion from HO1 to IS-i'V. Again, we may
rfcrto.;he cont!uctof Indian afia:r.
When the Democratic pany went out of
power, no onlv dd th. groi;t cor-
ruption exist in the Indian bureau, but
mention of i' ha 1 becom- a common -
p'ace. A gonl many people in Minn-.-ola
are old enough to reiJembur lb;
dep:n of -hamoIessnesS to whi-h our
dealings with the Ind ans had sunk.
A 5 a rule, the min who did not Mii-fcly
make a com:or able for une out if etm
tr cts for furn'flhing u ipli--- to In
dians was tK delicate iinevoltc tolloir
ish in this clima'e T e Hepub lean
Carty, as -ofin as its hind-; w re freed
V the bre'ik ng up of the rebel. ion.
bec-iu-e the reformer of tin- infamous
system. It i not to le alleged
that there are no frauds in the umna a
ment o" Ind an aflairs twlay: br the
aggregate of them all would have I een
a poor i-ittan.'c for iheaverago agent or
tontnictor of the good o d Pemo.-rat c
times. And "O we migh. j;ive spec tie 1
t'ons at inde'inite length. 1'ut enough
h:is l'en said to .ihow what men who
rem "tuber the practice of former times
alreadv know; that in genera', a well
a in pa-tieul:ir. the Republican party
is the pa-ty of honest administration; J
and that the cry of a necessity of atl-
iniui.-iniine reiorm, raiseu v uie op-
posit'on. in the .use intended" bv then -
is the most shameless ami flagitious of
their n -microtis frauds. In a larger
sense there is always a necessity for ad
ministrative reform The standard of ,
ollieial integrity ami etliciency is far j
higher than it used to b but it is still
far l"low what it ought to be. To
raise that -taudanl is one of the neces- (
shies of the time whi h is most widely ,
recognized, and commands the most 1
eani'-st effort within the Republican j
party. It is a re onn which mav be far
,,,,,,.,. (..if..,. i.ntfitf.n? !f ttint nrirt v tlnin
. .,.,. w, jh f w v, f:ir t.ui,L.rwhen
clothed with the pov'er of a ma ority
during the period of Its ascendancy iu
Congress or in the exercise of its func
tions as an obstructive minority in one
or ihe other bran h, evince 1 the most
determined hostility at every step to all
measures for the reform of the civil
Hurvice. 67. I'wd i'tonecr-J'rc.
m m Mish-ip.d Election Outrages.
KcaU tllC lOlIOWIIlg CXlraCt Irom a
1 K,,eech delivered bv Senator Hoar, ol
: Mn., lumntts -.t "the ithiino. r-iiMe.-i.
tion meeting in Hoston July lo, 1881.
Senator Hoar was Chairman of the Sou-
t ate Committee which investigated the
. 1. m:.. ..1 .:
v opian V.011UIV, iiiss., eiecLiuu uui
My frlcmls. 1 know whereof I npoiik. I wns
clinrtreil a few months mro with the duty oi
uive-tiirutliur lh. elccilon methods hi the
State of Mi.dP-ipii. It whs not 11 question n!
nem-o-npremacy. Some six hundr:l or seven
humlrcl white men hint Rot tired of tho De
mocracy uml liml Joined tho Itcpiibllcuii. tc
torman iii'lcpendent party In lopiiih Ciunty,
Mlsa. A band of one hundred and nftv men.
nil 8. composed, as wns admitted, oi
die citizens, armed with rille- and shot
cnn. mounted, rode about th it county for 0
fortnight tKjrore election. They visited the
dwelling- of huvo numbers or KcpiihlicauH in
the uitit-time. Some they munleied in their
homes. Otliurs were tlosjred and otherwise
iibu-ed. From many they cxtorto-1 pledtrufl
that they would vote the Dumocratlu ticket.
'I hey broke up Itepubhcan muetimrs. The
made niirht hideous with cannon. This went
011 ti.l the Republican voter- iu lariro number
lied to thi woods, and the Democmtic minor
ity hail an i'!isy virtorv 111 the eleotlou. The
loiuinnnder of this band was one Wheeler,
and his Lieutenant one Bailey. The duy be
lore the election the armed com
pany waited up n Print Matthew,
the leading Kcpiiblican of the county
Mat tin-ws was the principal clticn nt
the county, a wealthy merchant, with two
sons In college, and tw:o irrown duiiKhters iu
hi-house. He was jcenc-rous, brae, n litx-nil
benefactor of schools and churches. No man
ever asked him for a favor and was refused.
The Democratic wltnes-e- testified that every
body liked him if It were it not for his politics
They drew up in the near his irate and
sent him a demand lie should
ah-ui'n from vntinir the ne.vt dav. IP- an
swered the "It seems to me tlii-
isa very striiiiKe thhitr in a ItcpuhSicnn (5ov
erntneiit. I nave tiled to lie u-eiui lo '
if1 Oif'tV
wt'r te '
cverv way 1 could. 1 hae never done
you any harm. I admit it Is in your no
murder uie. but I am jroinir to ote to-mor-1
row. unless you do kill inc. " Matthews went ,
to the polls nad east ihe first vote in the
morning'- As lie ntiiceil it in the bor. Wheeler,
who was was th" Democratic hulienircr,
shot him dead with the ehanre or one tiar
tel n the heart mil another ju-t In-low the '
thro o The ound of 1 lj jrun was hi..uil by '
Matthews wife an 1 ilanlip'r as they at in J
the loich of their home. '1 here wns a inns
nieetin the next d.-iv in wtih onl ant re-o-
IntioiK were pa-s'ed ilec n-in that If any at
tempt we em.idc'oie cuzeMnt hews (tenth,
h.s lehitivc -lionM be held responsible, warn
inir hi auuly to keep out "of pontic? n
future, detl ir.nir tha' 'M'op.ah s'i ie han Is
with Yazoo." and adjnurninir to meet at the
: on without mrnlvc-. ' Wheeler, the nvir-
or t.e' erimc-. with ihe -uprvme
' ,n .-'' e tn.u fr ucn-oc aiic los n:.
. .. ......... . . .!..., .1 ...,.
-tors be'nns' the r-oihi '
!.. . . . . .
r.ili.1 nn i .N
at onal u e where th vlctorr
of Mi-.I:pui snot ctin-. and uie ssoil? is the
Waircs oT Amii ican "Workmen.
Extract from a speech delivered by j
Senator Hoar at a Bla ne ratiticatioa !
meeting held in L'dston. July 15, 1854:
. j -Anoiacrouestion.npit in tf.jndty, SsthatoJ
th- American nrcian. we
oe scxniaz m uiar p -uiicoi
iterce le:crm neJ in Great We dj
)t propose to aaacx AEiericao Isrtxir to iat
nscrke We believe that by a ju&ciotu t-te.-a
of protecn'oo. fruated ror that purpose,
Una result can b3 secured and that aricait
ure. manufacture and cuaHacrce will alike be
benefited. In that beSC HaeilUoa. Jeorer
aon. Webber. Clar. IdReoia, alnost erery
American stateaaaa wbose faaieeas sarviTed
tbe sound of the earth 03 iris cote. la tfcat
be'ief almost every employer of labor aad
Almost every raan wbo labors hiatcoiC cacur
-with us. A few theoretic eosaoaaista, few
cetletc pofes3or. aad tae great bi"k of tfre'
on oTO2rrpuntauon asd Mare laser flit
ter with us. we propose to atefeate tkat Be
tloa-J;h taMasd take tae vextffct esTfef
' Aaaerieen posy's.
a?- the DeaoeraU dcor
ciM aegreatiro. ca-
red that the
no n t accept
economr wi:h .
paiga w o44laeT befu to atawai:
cSi off jawdiiftif VT
The IUj an tfer Itw.
A b
sbnt tn ear t4 njm wi
I t-nla
;jrj.4a? aruod ti? lii
. Uhn : end f Uh? ('catnti MarirU wl-
tWair ;ratv a J HI. cfctpd be iMMwirt
on hi iom.zek. awl iMvaa a war 1simm
thi ttau 4trn a eruwd.
I "l jciel a mc! 3mwSm! wtH
' rzaz a Uc wTi her hand taward tlw
k Ih?- . "Theta r boT oat aaTlbfaie.
- j from a gnwn avion 'down to tnefc
ttoatisi. Mri--s htm jost n?Utr
"I UKrtilit he looked JumJ v lkVv
anmnd the muttOi afore hetwtlni Uhnh
iJei gK,.b.m, addel
a auia who
. ..-, .-. I.. .-:.l - i . .
I .y,"V f L T , i
' .J tUn l?' k,"P fr"m ,It
k; riv i oon u ihh tn wihma
with a cucumber in rack Wnd. "If
there wa. any wav an lawfttl wa U
open that bo and hjk into him tiar4
mt would liud throe or fHtr okl banana.-,
a piece of watunnekm, ix or
right green apple, four or fire totttsUw ..
at least two cucumlKTs, and slot of tr
avl" veiled tbp bo a. 1 witrei
Somliwl git the prkco or
Mmebod !'
"Ii. it s all very niee to want the po-
nce aim the iioctor and tJ medical
, college ambulance.' Mice red a fat maa
I who had yome tomatoes in a btvkot.
' "but why didn't vou think of th-e
things Ix-fore?"
! "Ami with the cholera raging w
. France antl likely to come over here any
. da !" adleda eakcti.facod woman whi
I had lH-en bining a li-h.
I The bo laid tluwn and rolkil over
' and -at up.
1 ..u'.ii t 1 .... . . . .,
eu. 1 oon 1 want 10 i on uie
Conmcr't jury." said a man wboebair
and whi-kers had ju-t been dvtni in a
! barber -hop near by.
1 "And I wouldn't -ee him dl
dollar bill." added a young 1
e for a ten 1
man witJi
e e-glas-es on.
.J list then a policeman pu-hed his way
into the crowd and n-ked the tmisble.
ami someone said a boy had been seized
with the bilious colic " '
"Seized me right here!" whined the
lad, as he
stood up and cisped hi
lb had on a
the front and held bv
hirt torn down
single pin. and
) his l:i!ll- ven I. fid 1111 l.v ? vtr-m
The '
! oflicer opened his shirt, "and a' Ik
bee, looking as large a- a walnut, crept
out and was brushed to the ground.
J u.-t below the los che-t was a red
swelling larger than his tit and still
"No colic about that," ob-crved the
omcer, as ne crushed the sputtering
bee. Onlv one person m the crowd had
a lenmrkto make, as the 1m lopel (dr
That was the woman with the cucum
bers. She sort o' shook them after the
retreating figure, and called out:
"This orter be a great moral leson
to that boy, but I doubt it -can't help
but doubt it. If we had an right an
- . 1
legal right to open him to-morrow and
look into his stomach, we'd wonder
' . . ... ....
why ti.l--M!lbic-her tooled his time
away instead'o? taJfmgK.4;r:iidstoner'
Detroit Free Vk.
CATTLi: Shippimr Steer....
Native Heifer
Native C'ow
..uieher-' t?t-TS..
HOGS fJocd to cho'fcu heavy
rottv v -
. '.,, .,... . ....... ..........
Ol'ls-n '
..- .j. .......... ...........
HVI' "n
II. ., . .........
FLOl'It Fancy, p-r sack
IIAV-l'nr lots, brcrht
llt'TTI-:it- hoice creamery..
CIIKHSK iCau.-ut, new..... ..
WOO! .Missouri. unwiKhiil..
POTATO K5 IVr bushel
ST. LiU'Ia.
CATTLK-Shlppinsr Steers....
Hutchers' Steers...
HOGS Gooil to choice
SHKin' Fair to choieo
FLOt'lt XXX 10 choice
COItN No.-J mixed
OV'tv; Vf,
:o. is4.
71 V6
.Medium new icai
rATTLK Goo-1 fstdpuin?
HO11S Good lo choice
SH Kid' Fair to choice
FLOt'lt ouunon 10 choice..
WHIIAT-No. -J red
No." Spring
1 l'OHK New Mcm
CATTLE Exports
HOiS Good tn choice
13 M W 'J 03
4 7'. ei r, r,
COTTON Middllnir
frankly adrni's that St. Jacob's Oil,
coanucror of pain. Is tho best euro ti
have over used, and sll apeak of it in ter
of the highest epprobation. W cents a
Deaf mute convorso by man of shj
because nctioni fek louder than wc
Boston Traiucript.
Ono of too strongest proofs of tbo
of Kidney-V7ort zs a rcmedr for ai
eases ot the Kidneys, Liver and
Is tho fact thr.t it is used and prcl
by "recnlar" uhysicians. Plnllp
lou. M. D.. of Monkton. VL, nayi:
it all in all. It is the most success ft
edy I bavo ever used.'
A BAt.n ucaoed man hasn't ma -1
nr.nd of. Inr he a'wv want to
uafra. Merchant Traveler.
Glenn's Sulphur Soap
Supersedes oily nnzuents or si
cutaneous eruption.
FACLTr sramm-irian bonld
tLe psn.e-aip. GoncerKzr Hera!
I 8roxsrr OtKCUfyDRO. of Pit
i writes: "Ihavenved Dk. Wm. ',
sax roa thc Lcxos manr ye
aaoat cratifyinjr realts. xae '
of tho body, incideBtAl to a
soon disappear. Jtywlielreq
for Hall's Balsaw iastead of t
Tn rale of three at Monai
tae tairw pcrsoa to clear oat.
' friaads are atill i
17 lira, FimkkAm'a
wvar I cam xaror:
fct wertk (ant wfco
that ta Bn41y taew
Oaoe far Ike fcilad The i
A TUrCflI'- 15CIDH5T.
Ue Tmtk
CkMrtraS IUu!. wwwiwi u 1 !
TTwUy. v?a t m m! s -war u,
rmmmt tr. v! l ar a&d C-wi?
pru44k ih r t js t4j" rw
jb 4r ! pfa "Jr m tot ?'
a V i a.a l kw&4f . i4 .in
niomimil at t-r ur 4s4 W
Abr urri to iWj nit,
WWi fMSt J ttfc-. ',
. Umo ttMaiec tHi.vt a
imX tix tvrd br J I t -sd.
YW rc rJkl t- bt-ri .- t
frat t aaII lJ.. .. AKil -) l4 tisi fill T
Uw ai if in- iii.
"ity Lwh r , 3.1
ortr7 " - '
cant. ro3r.t
IWl;r li
-&! & f
hhtouzl pftdH 1
J' l Ht-kr r .t fa a
.& thl, UK
k! ioit t -
1 1 ot carlS C
r wufc. Rn t Lt-
arL I m tu
' So a jrlT;
gWtU CO te
vTaua ad hki ,
xk Incident, to
ar Ch'-iiA,
io xh mind ot
At Ut next v!a i r
SKe.l "I
lb n!r. ll -
aiaip 1 act mat
arrtc lcrcd
cr 0 Au4rcu
lor U ami jx
Ur Uxt, or tn
lf t 4r &t-r .
pirn ." .--'- 1
l:: ,ivcir tnr rlL
1 i. aajr pri vf IJk?
jA bulUinr. ajul
lttt! !arx v 1 i
ii.qtro wtAt tu-
't ,
V W Imil ; t :i
Karh hUCn; ry
t!ir hnnrfpsr1a rl
r ,t :. r. .
JMUtt r- itJhVldiJ
;M u m ail cae iBtif
o.tpictiy 1 Uis
llllo tmot.
I HrauP torn.
; fs:i.i. w nvn
mt-M aad th rro
J uv ?r lo -5clty,
t an 1 (.nil Irft, n
overtax inrtriBfa
:i by work, iorry
Inl a I nrv u
nud care. TLi
orKni. 1 11 J i -l
( thtut nervous n
ai 1 ortKttuaHr tuanla.
It 1 nut alu
that raur 1
frin evil. i i
Ubl wtih the bratt
It far fUa"r utiu-i
ir of U body. Tfc
nervou !
the lira In. A
t"ilHe the statu of
M -r Avrho ha lHrrio.Ho
boa-Ill l.t 1:
cat! dJance: a dim-
iip4 ul vet n
r ufinir ta the ear: a
fevort b I en
Inu at t'.o p :
rKj I'jnt nnua or a tnk-
t ttoinnca, ioum tin
wErriitii: at i;
1 Ue ktomach and bead
. ay, and If ono h lai-
nr I 1 dire!
prured the i-
r t a nver t in ;rur.
a r UefJ mum Inan ul
ot "-.r known agency, and
1 At n'e dvej
ules tlnin 1
- tle iimn. u
N t "child whosn utotnach
o m I,;'
1 jtand can nut U7 af
! fr
in It
Inf. (Ml at any moiiivnt of
man n m tc
01 ;ct iu many vernwu
f rm-i.
'Ihe ralu
ntlve ie-e
t B (Kleration and tho impr
y off enro in kplng th
n'iiui( h fi
t B ut therefore bo clear to
oil. 1.. 1
a- Maranco of indisretion.
1 r ui .i-a
it tlu of food bould bo
waT .. I ai
art fully ai tho firxt approach
of ni 1 ivi
iwr inny. Slany menus hava
U--u n Iv
lot nil
UH tr meeting such a'.tBcl,
vro;otoro wwii moro or
'Xlicro can b little doubt,
f-jr the purpon of rejculat-
jS toning It up tn proper
tta ucrvoK In a no-mnl con-
less dif
T th .1
n.. 'un, k
ditii u ni
pm iflrJns tho blooI( Warni-r'a
. Tt .. tl.kui .MU.1 .11 MMI AM
'I i pi won
aj qkiw uAkvm an nuuvii. ui
rect ut d
ri. It is alKo!titIy our-
ml vei
n 1 dts.
ik : Jt Ik certain to add vlirorb-
Urn it can not by anv poiwibl
iy injtj-
mrtii K chlliL Tha fact thn
was un
In J 'i'i;day of th famous II'
noil fa
as it h
U proof posItivQ of It Jt
t lornuzhly withstood tll
cf ti'lll
ft tonlrt ami mrIviflC
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comb th rooter'i hj-lt!ut
juromb Ida own. X Y. Tiwtt.
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fft 1" KintDr for Cotarrb Ii a certain
M at very obuoxious disease.
r? ar x xr- - -
Gfoertl Stores
If thsy do ni hart
f.r r,fnz
A Tim iA rx
SU4K DMtW ft
Bw -a, Jt t -v-" x. r . --w
-2 a ' J. "f,?.
500 CASH. FREE !
:-: r.rrt dm triwut nf miwr VK OOI.W WATCff MM, Trr V
UJb tint 1 pen aarwrfiftff ttu faiknUtx
' Tk.niMMKuitiu'!ti!iaiMiiiiifTM(lr.iMRi'!irfMii(rtAtrf l'4k. wiltrrivt7l?m4L
nv rcle tavn ta cwrret wt. mm4 wltjrtlirt7t ti;, , h www
e flftfc ft tae lxta, i te rtrtu. rv, riffcla, MS atuifc. t:falX ;tri. m . JM:
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rrrrr cum. -A m rtxls fr mhI
ItseauilcTwiNaaitcftja, in?n
teea tali4 la AaK7ia. A m4sUoe to Ainca tfisx:r. vmr wrriww
in( ta ta itojral T. "rue frwli lTffyt44 ?rtailrrtaili4
dowrani!srrvibJefrt2iUf-'4iitk5, arcr.iAt.rxjcai j t;'ni
Itoral Tea. vetiL te aT idnaw on twit, of
Oina far j&4? bo Ibrf&l Tr as ya mtbacMmt to M9tua far IM ) rt. f
ltlontoll:Jicf Klwwet-sffTftAaOsifjtrs
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