The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 05, 1884, Image 6

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---. -
L -t -ri ',
i '
- tyAIi cotnmunieaUor.3 for UiM pp
should be sccouipantt-J ly the name of it
author; not necessarily for publication, bi.
an evidence of kooJ HUth on the part o
Xhc writer. wr He only on one Hide "I tbe . .
tltr.r He particularly careful In plvinjf nam
una o ut to bav the leuvra and figures pl
ji -t
2 am as that keveii die.
The pure, tho l-njfht. the beautiful,
ThiitfUrrcd our nejrls in youth;
!Tfco itnnuUe lo u wrorMio-j pmyer.
Tins (IrcHins of love and truth
TIie tonsri n? niter viinethliijr lost,
'i'be irit h yp;irnf rsr cry.
Th ttnvinH -tfo-r better tinHH
Ihcsu Ihinph can i. ever die.
'TTho timid band uTo'ched forth to aid
A brother In bis need
rTbii kindly word in liefs dnrV: hour
JJiutproiVh a irlenu inuecu
ie ji'ea for iner y, no My breathed.
svneu justice tim-atcntu nitfti.
The orr,,v of a contrite ht-iirt
'llie&c thlagti ph::ll w&ur die.
The memory of a clrppmir hand,
1iio prt-Hturc of a kit-.
Ami an tbe tr Ilea swret and frail
'ihat n;xkc up Men first lAm.
It wlili a linn, unt'baPK'n taltb,
And !-o'y tni-t and liJ?.
Iliofro bun In have claipcd and Hpa have
Those tiling Miall never die.
The cruel and the bitter .vi,nl
That woundwl as It fell.
The clitlllii'.' want of ftmjVlthy
Wo tx-l bit never toll
Tl;c hard rep ih tint chl'h the heart
V bo-e hopes v.'re boun linn hl-ch.
In an unfu.Iiier reeorl kept
'ttje-e thuiiff. fihall never die.
Jtnothint; pa-. for cvory hand
Mtiht. J.n-1 'omo tvoric tido:
Xjopciim iicbu'iee to uaVcn love
He ilrtn and Just an ' true.
foUui!l a 11k ttt that can not fade
lioant on tlifo from on bivh.
And afiKelA voices say to thee
'Jhnns ihlngz shall never die.
.ill Uic Year Hound.
among the Quests was the subdued mer
riment which prevail.- when the- enter
tainers exhibit unreservedly the sign of
4P3 and sorrow the smile and tear both
coming from the Leart.
After the ceremony .Mr. JJyron par-
left the chnrh ?tifHng what might have
been a sob, but which -"ounded strange
ly like a laugh.
What Mr. Byron feared would be a
trying finical was oon over, and ho re-
citered the vesrv-room witj a much
TJw nct Fkloi hitler rae tco
' lort. and r.n caufcl at tiri tat ft
..,- .,- -- . - - -
I entered a smsll nop where jrca: broueht In the mn inm tbe ihmL
with a deep pro ectfmr nm and three
landlcs. slocA in rows; the walls
A Quc?r poshh JBcrchiat.
rurved h:
,rlJjatA a run.' takl Owwrsu.
"And b tiiax a rne. loo, tiat man
the light
otisl' on the envelope.
were as lollops:
t tf rTf II if f Tli t I it
jri Aiiiry n -w - -j --- ,,.... v ' '
Julius Uyron could Ilnd It convenient to of- n,er the tucka and embroldcrv of the
iicsuicai a private t my win wi nti'-inumi m
ilarJow Hall, he would eonfer a treat favor
on tbe nndern.yn'!. .Ir. Myron I re jue.iteI
co u ten 19 , known, but the temntation
strong. He turacd to
Jfetb. If Iter, i reau the name "ilir.atn Dou
took himself to a dre?sinir-rooni to fohl 1 Hiitcr heart titan when he left it. i were lined with shelves bearins flark
his surplice and replace it in the&aehel J While d arobini; a name in indel ble ink ! red terra cotta water cruse, w th tap-r
chosen by Mrs. Nims. While so en-, on the ''own a traeV.'d hb attention. ' neck.s and trefutl lip, other of a uo
ira'red a letter was handed him with the I Perhaps nc should have rcspcctel hii ; dcioiK cream-color, covered rith a
word "imrnea.aielv" written consptcu- ia:r oeneiac ress wi3it to remsm un- ir.-a-enu ineiMHi ueiin. aau own uei
. teat ly thMUuu over wnn a ra:scu pat-
I tern "soin'j had, one ann akttnlx). or a
lonj. eocvniric sotit. I lo't my head
ovr tht dJspiav. and refkleily or-,
( derel bij; pieces y the pair an 1 -mall-'
er one bv the dozen. M." imajrination
showed me the tep- of a fannhar coun-
wan too
to imnlon tba i)aen tinurvtrrU of thli
tlcc. im t tie eae n urxenu
ward to whom Air. Byron presently n .- lre,,iUat
,wed Ins note. i novel M-rnlfcc
'riio p. m. train
stop at I'ort Innd 5mtion. wiicre a earriawe
win oo in waiitu?.
S7A.vciKt.ii 3I.nviw.
"You will 'io I sunnoc?M said V.'iIJi3
't)f course; tine cannot refuse sticli a
summons. It la probably a question of
life and death."
"I am due at L'smo c to-night rath
er a diiTerent errand from yours a
masqu nile party. I'm sorry we are
not traveling in the same direction."
J am sorry also. Do you know any
thing of the iconic at" Marlow Ilall,
"Never had heard of them before.
Are the strangers to you?"
"Kntirely so."
"Now good-oyc, old fellow; my traps
are all slowed away ir. the train, aud t
had bctler follow them. Take care of
those mysterious
robe wh:ch he had just d-scarded.
Wa it a coincidence, or had a kind
of fate led him to the shrine of his idol?
The uncertainty wa' not to be borne.
trv hotHe. thousands of m.!s
walknr ia?"
"No. that's an out."
"How mueh tit an out coaalJ
"An 1 how mueh oW a run csnt?'
"Dne. too.'
Thea an tmi eiuntj one and a run.
two. Thy'vtf made four haven't
Georis collapsed. Vi'haa the jwo
wa over Maude oJd ke wr WiKtiinj;
to uudertanl it- "ral wvU." ar-1 i
SOliirt-Teri. dar. Her Htrain Li a
Mts. Doit'
aWay. frrnull infill n?il Umtn'r l.n -.1 In
wgla if she 'Hanked with : he great green jars hold- jmlanr4U-- Macc u o to a amaw
minute-, interview ; :ng oieamifrs ?ntl tiomegran to -nru- jJartirx! Tun.
the irirl who andauoldm hojjanv tlebfian: ailorne I
with the ivorv-tiiite.l w:itcr cooler-, a-tl j
Our Young Headers
rax MMDSys- ZKro&u.
Tin WW Uii mi U ?
tou4 8 Pmr . m4i 4uir:
TVrr w rtmmm Wlta Mtrai t
ftlM mm mt -Th
m t4M tvar. U tm mrm h.
T M T7 tMK
A aul 11 tt m wi iemm,
Wr -ie Ml. tKw tl
4miV IW 4
TImv lMtt-fvt ftrtwt
II i k ,M MX
,t I wtoft V r--M t riw
Very w-nf I mti w 4mi.
1ir ta e J! rr
f ri . ik v.- j . ., iwi
, -' ww. (,, , ,.-. -?"
? pC TT awwttraS Jr. 4 . V.
- ffc I W -, t Uwt 4 It
on. lor
sorr' to inlcrnnit you, sir
lh lok m your saciicl is broken, mak
ixg the lb tigs utisale, les des being a
vcr shabby old bag, sir, begging your
pardon." So fpioih Kliza, reitei of
fosJah Isims. the sexton, to her lodger,
Jfev. Julius Byron.
What a l.ur.'," exclaimed this gen
tleman, when 1 really haven't the time
ta nUcntl lo anything but thes letter:'.!"
"I hnw. an enund which takes me
rrsist 1'ijier itnil Tip-.u.s; I could buv
you a new sachel. i' you would trust
me (Jolniram .ng all tlsoM. fine petiple
sit the wedding w th your lock ted tip
tviih :i bit of string wouldn't lo at all,
- -Vi
I fc ,,P"Pi-
l jfe-m - ctfeek
"Thank you. Mis. Nim;: T have groat
iru-Lin your judgment, atul should be
obliged if you would attend to the nrit
tcr for mc and save my ironi"" into
An the door clo-ed after-his land'ady
i?cc JuliiiN lljrnn resum" 1 his writi .g
with a. sigh of icli;f. As lie sal leaniii"-
lais he.-wl on his dNen:jag'd hand a
siand beautiful enough to alone for plain-
r.ess in all oilier fua lures had nature
willed him lo be plain hilits Byron
was an ideal piclureof astudenl brown
)es,w3th a far awav, dieinii look, hair
iong enough to show a tendency ti wave
loosely back fixim the forehead, aud a
pale, clear complexion .set oil by a
golden-brown yelvetcen coal, which he
wore when in his stud. TwcnU-nine
jyrsirs old. undeniably handsome, giflotl
'witij whining manners and shepherd of
n. i ock most illinir to be gi ided, .Julius
Uyron, as if by a miracle, had escaped
being spoiled and petted intocfTeinimuy.
His saleguard lay jierhnps in a pair of
.soft, e'cs whioh hatl held him spell-
Ixiimd for a few rapturous weeks, and
the -witcheiy of which had lasted over
lhree years of almost total separation.
Miriam Douglas, dispensing tea and
""inger-bread to a horde oi charity
children in the park al Mount Kilge
tomhc, was one of the prettiest tiuft
tai tiest of modern HebeSji;.?.',,,.
Iress in colors m:Mrv(MI. aii'd
Jn the bustle and confusion at the sta
tion Air. Byron's .sachel was mishrd, '
but he presently caught siirht of th"
familiar ob ect (n a distant table, an.l
j)nt I felt Kiwardly thankiul for its ungainly
jinjj)(iruou.s aim ine uuge ora-ss ua
niond which made it so eas'ly recfig
ni.ed. At Bortland a rep'-ciably dressed
man in charge of a wagonette came for-
ward to meet Air. Byron, and. during
the drive t the Hall, the former d.-.-cour-ed
freely upon the ei-tiug state
f all'airs there. A son and heir to the
fine estate had arrived, and there had
been great rejoicing, but within the
pa-a '.wenlv-four ho-rs their oy had
lieen turned to mourning by a dispatch
summoning the newly-maile father to
the dcatli-hed of his only s ster u I'er
mauy. The young mother see'uei to
feel a presentiment of misfortune, and
she .iis,-te I upon the young baby being
bapti el 1 efore the depart ire" of its
fatiier. The elerirvm m of the narioli
the witu tue ivorv-tiute.l water cooler-, ai
ii'i s lht hinrf4 of u'sthti fririt!i nimli;
! In a cosy little reception room Julius glad by small reproductions of iho more '
B3T011 was presently received by h-r . expi s te shape Theirp. merchant.
wlio had been the "companion of his , only a decree more bnitv:n. ataielr and
1 happiest dreams during more than j -ilent than the ord narj Atnl?.h:-"an.
three years. The blushing bash ulness b. tovvd no emotion at my pro hiialily.
had disappeareil, Icav ng in its st-ad a j although I arn persuaded tht h hatl
'graceful womanly dgnity. She avus a ! never made sueh a ale be ore. Jor bc
Dili am j int'M to several iiun ireti rea.s.
which reduced t fK.3eia was .ut
twelve d dlars. The purrha-e were to
be a ely acked in a strong box, sent
down the river to I r, arid
shi -ed for America. The next day,
doubting his pomptne.i, 1 male a
secontl cxpedit on lo the Triana to
s his word. ,
ttltrh-nndfa.; in Inib.
TWr tw rrv m
Tr wti n
Tfcj uahM ttm man t4ir . "iww.
i-t a y.M t vrxmmmm m
l bf tr iM4r hut
tA 4iaMM
& t-iac $ all toclt.
TV-.f prv.r 4 4t Malt.
Vw nmr irani,! iw tm ead i5
ntrlo. a4 I ttuk4 9f mr rlaJ
rmtmUm M f IW hoW. ru-A Wf H
j d tld rwwl i rm. i
. taqt mr bmk I Mm TkrM rn4'
j t A toil i fc. , -rfco )M! i
1 1). mm Wuar mt ni'v S
- bw Null Iwrr fm gr-
tf flRfl UkJM jiwiit it Ki feact Al
w. a4 li raihmi wvt 4r4
chap 1
if con-
ts and her et .,
tth i-ftlioiriv:
was i'inpoririy nusfiii, li"ii e iMr. ly
ron's ha-ly suuuuoih. Tiiu ceremony
would !.e pc: formed in the chapel con
iie -ted with the Hall, ami would l;e
very ijuiet. bi'ir.jr witnessed only by the
fat It : and grai.da(her of the child,
with j.osdil one or two gue-its.
After lUiielting in a ondi"r. richiy
tlecratcd d'liinx hull. Mr. Byron wa
shown to a bed-room, with the intima
tion that his s.'n iecs in the
would be required in an hour
venieut to him.
Titere was s nnething strange and in
tctvstiug about thu line old mansion. o
lately a seem; of re oi ing, and now .si
lent as an empty ehureh. No'memle s
of the family were visible, and thegieat
house seemed deserted, save ,or a few
silent footeit !-crants.
As the time for tne baiti-m ' -t
near, Mr. Bwou asked t' be ndiiflctl j
to the vestry room. ' i-lk! iure th!,j j
even thing was 11 readiness he opened I
his sachel, when, t' h s eonsternatmn. '
instead or drawing forth a netir o.i.od
surplice, he hehl -, -J-;1,01'0 "isaston.
..,. . ir .- iiet an J ive f ,rir'"
i'. ,',sain. such as might bo seen
ftV-tiie .stage in "As Vou Like It."
Alas for tiie vera -ity o. Alessiv. Tiper
and Ti.son and the of the
sweeter, fairer even than of old.
"divinely tall and most d nely fair!"
0h, Mr. Byron, how horrilicd you
must bfi. Y0.1 signed initial only to
your note, and I little imagined to
whom 1 was oilcrinir that irarment. I
recognized ou at oicc in church, and
in sp te of the solemnity of the occa
sion I had to laugh. It wxs such an
, uncommonly bad hi."
j "It was a great boon to me, and I
.shall be everlastingly grateful to you
for coming to the rescue."
A Midden indifference as to th- hours
of departing Ira ns seemed lo take pos
session of Mr. Byron, and he found him
self w th a certain amount of e piauim
ity. act cptin:; an invitat on to spend the
night at the Hall.
At the er, ciu-ion of her vis't to her
cous'n, Mrs. Marlow, M riam b took
herself to the hous: of a fr.eud, who
extend:d man' formal invitations to
Air. Byron m well.
One so t iragr.tnt evening, among the
June ro-e-, Julius By on to!d hs love
stoiy. and .wirani listened w tii a look
in jier eyes .vhi h toM her lover that hu
j)okt' not in vain.
"How provoked you, in your turn,
must Ii ic I ecu at lind ng my surplice
instead of 'he fancy co-dinne," said Mr.
B. ronlohis friend Willis, when they
again met.
". was in a rage at first, I athn't."
ans'.vered Mr. Howard, "but affairs
turn, dout not so bad. alter al). 1 put
on the surplice to see how it became
in", when one of the ma !-, catching a
glimpse of mo tlnough the window, set
up a scream, tier aring that she had
seen a gh st. This brought a 1-t of
vi-. tors out of their room, among
whom, to my sorr w. was 1 di h Fuller
my Edith, you know. We had quar
reled anil parted, never to meet agaiu:
but the r.dic .Ious feature of this c ne
seemed u break the ice between us.
and . Well. Bvrou. I have blessed
"Thai contretemps of the sache's
was :i lucky thing for us both.'
"I'ip-r and Tipson and their hum
bugs foreverl'' exclaimed young Howard.
"'r'-l.t f r -! --'
I' I I.RI6 it v 1 ,. 1 ,
rfci v; h'- " Air
see if he h.ol been as gooil
Sure enough, there m a little grass-
descends io the l)'to'n
time one of the it-j
grown ;,artl ivere throe case-, ab.iut a- , roW fn,m j, 0 nY Ml
large aim as strong as common tra
chests. A horr ble vision of rough
stevedores and custom hous? officer
n..t a whit less -ly :ml sharp than gyp--ie-,
ro-o ti my "mind, ami I said iha
there must be but one bo and th tt a
-ir m mi , a these w mid hardly hold
together to reach the river. The 111:1-
The finical by waier 1 ttnireral
among the brirharoo- non-Aryan mb.'
of t'entral lodm. from the HheI i
the west cottniry to the wild wi In
the almost uueplor.l tingie- of Itu,.
tar an 1 the I a- Ea toward the Ba
if Bengal
on water
from th
Ilmter among the Bhe .s,SIm gol into
a scrape for apply ng W' J-a Id '
woman: "A bam.niRpj i " ituek 1
up in the middle iar. piece j
of water. 'Iho r.t liMl i taken j "Tiger-ImntiugVs rrvjr
lo it, Ja ho'd of iflfeFSi b- it - war aid Mr K. i?1
! k to tfc: tmm I- mwa $
lW um$rr.
al. Here i-, a uocriptlojin Vewimi!r.
r l-i taen a frnyi ; muw " y r "'-" .
e mouth of an gg& ' , U-b- ntJtZTo?y?
tht tkAvv U i&ifjt
ji cv Ir Wtiit tY
i w, m
I f M
"SJt ""
ill if
i4 r vim,
I'mmtg tf-
A ktrr f Vorlhfw
nSt vi mean
of your ever
licatc tint from her
s. Aliriam was seventeen Hint.
'dav, and the I luc. muslin was her first
iong dress; to this the little lassie paid
far more attention than fo the admiring
gaze of two divamy brown eyes. Alter
Xhe feast there weie offerings of llow-
-tirs, good wishes, and rathoT- too many
Masses and embraces from the charity
-children, and, among her other
Irojihics. Miriam Douglas carried away
-the heart of Rev. Julius Byron. Had
,-shti known this, it would have affected
Sicr less than tho cons iousnes.s that the
Orn inieuiafioa 01
The artistic 'vorks o' the .'panose,
only of late ,nuuh'J-iuiar to us bv
means o(' .'.ioit ons ami the like,, have
oi 'ceouut of their novelty and peculi
arity an especial attraction for tho
.spectator, lor instance, t .e Japaue-e
applique embroidery shows the highest
completion, and now that t has beome
marketable, its sphere of use tor
various purposes is considerably en
larged. I'sed with other cmbroi 'ciy
or nalntinirs this annliinie is
very in which to stow awav lor dec oraiuo purposes, such as
his. aucyoall costume. ornameu ing fire and wall screens
Here was a inedicainen' indeed for cushion- I1nnh.1v: u.ti..,.f.,i
1 T.l ,. . . , ..,. W..W1K11 lllft
iie. .iunu- m-ron in tlospeiation he ers, I irds and insects
i.ew 10 sue wan robe
pi -k it up and br.n 1
place whenc" it wt
wimitn is au'e to r 1 a a
lllllll 1,111- 1 (JO'l - 1-
lioefnl, but if s'U' r tin -bo'o.'o
the ar.ow ;- a :u
bowman- nan '. she l-
and lu'tyi Im -u- 01 r m. .
terof the shop ligiitc 1 a c'g-tr'.ta ami ea.-e from !..', thfs ae .
began to li-eus- th- mall r. his part of t,c vomnn f iile I .11 tbt !
Iheargum -nt consi-ting in alm.-.t to'al Conse utentK. -wun -1 1 a
s rre-entiy n s wile jounfi u;
the:i an old man who was smoking in
tie- .shop; then an old worn m tiie
called tue carpenter. At last there
were seven persons -ittirig on thvdoor-
-teps or -lokviy pacing .ibout the pac
ing-ea-fei, as if mt a-mMi
car.iet. I: was nronouni'
t maire rtrger or thicker bie-, a:io
that if ma le the.- could not be 1: ted bv
motal mn. My kind arii-t fr.eiul.
who p:.ved interpreter with a patience
that e a-p -rated me. rcpic.-cn'cd that
gr.i'i-l oiiiuo- an I eolo-sil statues are
packed "u single bove an 1 -ent around
t'.e woId. but the .Spaniard paid n
atten ion lo a:ivth'nr that we said.
m. Ir
! veraada of hU bun"
j tliem lor a
d inuos:ble
110 10 a tree, u.tfi a
ni iMipp'T on lift i'vi
ious ibat tin- kln-l oi
nifi-t all pri-n nt ord' al
so as to de M-i:d o Us i- lei
the uixuiier mi u.rc.i
where.n tlie op--n r
worth va"n:ng. A s J.f J
shoot a- tar a- I e 1 1 ru
water is the iii st.oi
.er will
may j;
W.I Jet-Witch.
rooa.'uv t) 1 o -m
whether the . it.
spirit will am o?
uneilier he !- o-i
:JV '"
p do I bv
in wiiicn
an m
i di or
.,t the
worthy Mrs. Nim-.. The .so called
unique bag had many duplica e, and
Air. Willts Howard had bought one that
in da.
.cling well
Monoiyiiab cob ec'.ions. ui-uper ible ob- for i.ivau.e.
sta -i-s e .prtsseil 111 a smg.e vVonl, were ,
ih-ir only answers. 1'or thrce-quar-
!ers of an hour the debate wa-carr.ed
on until I finally broke oil 11 gotiatioiis, .
declaring the Portland vase itself was
not wor:b s many word-. The pau-!
ianl imp -rtur.iably professed li'm-elf
ready to icun I the money and forfeit
the value of the cases, which were on
the bill but not to make another bo.
I had not brought the bill with me, and
asked him to leferto hs books furvhe
amount. There worr no books, no
.-la e. no memorandum of an; sort. He '
prmii-ed to call at the Fonda de Mad
rid thai evening, see the bill, and re
pay the amount. 1 depa led. skeptic tl,
I ML nruferriii"- to lowo thr niiiiii-v r:itli(.r
linn nini'ii i ,7!. ... .I..., .,..,..." .,.. ..
- '. u ' i iii, iii:iL uiuiiiii'' iik.
h-r and tu
'vo!anat u
her or d
tue i t ig
of burn ug o I. 1'ut t-ie
iraoru a-iry :s o s, , tig
tree, or liy t.ogg n ' u:u
pariic-uar woni. .ngit
ld-d. w.tli a hook tbroa 'I
of t!i back is tne wci Kmi
w.'i eh r. H.ndoo de'.ole- h
go i, aim uoggitig uitii r
saer-'d tree tuaniie- l a
man virtue t the onlinar
vigorous laving on. In i
su-pected of bnuging cho
village w:is del berately
deat.i witii nnl- of
oil tree. which is c
purging witchcra t. It
also to knock out th- front
notorious witch. Mie prut
be oui:ei:tiii witii tfi
!U :
At tto I cior int nfc
Aad it mm ile faai
cnru. - tfitnti aj". i
IMIj't 'Trij I Ik?
Our hub "Ky t.' hw1
cull! tar. Mil ua nnr
Um. ami Hoalh al) u U
ctu amruiwl. ah1 uirt s hi
13 J irM lit ti Um
fQtid lnr Ur, wtlh Kr 13 ?
Hut. nltltiiish I Ye ll ome nar i ti ,.mv ii.r ,. Ow, .ki.. W!
n,w cmih. In tbat war. U.. IM iK.nrr tfi? t0 lhc ,,.lJr
,o uivui an iwior over uian ini Mieu ltat w alraJ, ..ftj(Wy
idfenture a haptHJtuHl to me c!oj to u ! V-
liniwrv s i.t, about .six nv asrti. Auill w xUovrf - 4i
"Inlficdas. aoiim7tMtik. W to kaWeU .
"MV" ';.' -.-. ,.. .. j w aj,.lte lrww si ,, imim
o" now. no railway ra- i "f"1 j In lii mhjjmi t
uegun men. ari i was me ony wun
man for mllos round.
Jlfmt in It
2? - wi : ih
.t fK;uUrt nni
jkTc- t - vv:
oc' an ar-Uino July ewninjr, fatchltijc Uo un
rutis io i nmu over ine roaki thai overturn the
to the j Nerbttdda Hiver. "It. rcn g,d tun
If the j -- at lon-t. .o lonjf a yon'rv tiUHtingtht
c4 water tiger, but when llm tiger takrio hunt
ir! in- j :ng tUV. I s not ipJlte m Jny
oreani j
nto the
' fwiudi
ft the
nt Uaken
1. 1 d was.
t i toped
n i iff oi
at 'il- ob-
aL like al-
U i JMlnved
,mi -lipon
vco i lucteu.
w JU
jfc 'V
fv HO
21it i
v i
)i'r A
rm .
"All this eii-aring wa as thkfk n a
hat-bru-h, whiitn-tand junxUs" rjffcl
down U the wnturs eljr. and If y
wniel to go anywhere, yowr only
ehan hj wa- Ut Jook out for font pliMO
w. ere ljhsl had cnthl hh wtij
through the thickets, aul then folio
hi tr k.
"I don't berenr jouM have itpt wrv
ouud here in thtr- fines. I cxn prom
ise you didn't ItK the Ilrl mouth or
so. No sooner d4d it gel dark than
you'd hear a nv like lltly eraektHt
tnim pets all blowing- at otico, an! by
thai vou wouul know that an olwphnnt
wa cming down tt drink at the rivor.
"Thet: tnat would wake up tHwemoo
diitr in the mud alooft the bank, and In
a minute toey'd all Ym- 'a-lilng aud
bfltowing in chorus, one louder than
"Then tho monkey, In the tre
overhead would Wgin wwieakiug and
S'.torhu-. i-'iatteriug and howling like mad.
efh -tfof a Th'ti that wonhl nrouAQimedrrnd-
a vmnatt ful ol' native bird. whoo name I could
i tto the , never liml out (perhapi bo one had
a ca toieer be-.ui aide to itivoiu. one lod
tnitor- f enouglv or it), aud it would start
llei . for I shrieking-a ay as If somebody wa tx-
m asual ing muntcrvu.
eel i a "Amli slu-n. all at once; Share would ,
r ptars1 come ni'lin through the dentil of the
woll ' ioreirthe roar of a t gur, wlueh neeuini
- de or
hf best
js!t, as
lu vut
a o
saered SJ of a
re an
.,tL ..!.-
r'te by
ro th'o
roi a
1 5 'd V m i
irn o t uro.4 irhwH , ha
lojr new aauM;; ib
IMW ?J, wttW ek. and
dnantft U hti ,t rvsl 1.1'.
I niu on n Uo?j. and
own Mn.
lln wiw itr W h !
ihc x"la. ' hi I- -II fk' n
vn ' jferiijr um mm aia.'isj
U a d4!i(K rri? U r 'Vt.
swskl, ajsl )h4 h H x'l -I Ul
woJsU a.k for n mmtlutn. ku
li! thn My tMtt kod f.: .'41
Bal W wa. ti U t- .
ami evvrr biwh anu ctQt
ptd lit o.
.Nln-ltmo itoiV rmtttly In Uo
lnnni a ttttl I w.e, ai
xif taroucii we v't. i
m rvhed tifoii n pdo of loit tfwi Viit
or !aly .Msv with ber "-Iw ty
clnpl leader!)' & btr arue fa
Alftmma UtejHJ ev ,mj' tfqr M--ment.
A Hull iUta hfk vr t& t
May's fw. and Im Utiii l-irc,v
htr dolly lu ihU way 1
ilnbv. har. Iw Intett m l4
Mi I
W "l
Hv4k t
i ft
in- u.
liM b-o
it :
pwfng. UiuiN i U lumui j? dt
niv "inlln . I lo-no hv. anil fiii t.n
not 1m nfwald of j Uttel minffoH
wmi't hurt tuUt or noo iif
rtinr 'at ho mnte h4 In titif I
Idot a botile tii landv piliDi
iK)ttet to on re hat you h lumi)
i'M wo Uon t tfr-t lo nuftrfl
rne . .Well i mrenrtlte ncir nr n l "nr. wiut'li weetneil i ...i....... . ... ' -
,riave slioiUvce -er nri'setiteo h ma. f i ,, TV i .. . .. r. . . iii'iwimj mow. e
n o tranS w-,s ann lie 1 - , he ' T'" " nl 7,ra-rk7 tba'frljc , - triki. tbe,,, all silent for. moment, j .iloc, ,uU ,,w,nt Umt, U ),
reol e I to mv enewl, "S: Li t ' r.,"IW..?.f.,linn f.f "' frhi ' OH -Vnn JIr0WtM. UlQ " ,,f Hr,J- I ! W t Unrt, tnn, 'at -1 r t
the potterv by savin- tlriio must lose .i "'" "rc-lH"n'Ui -'W" rin orKS l, n. nnouior iiuiiiim or iff... j ,Un, noW BI,rW(, ,fot 0,r
his as 'II - AV. 1 , "i;i f eml w ! w-ts J ,UI,,'M ,m, ww l ;" upvfa.t. they muo all j.i.i im b:ui a, over. afcnini heart w nt rml 4fen4
st:d,,,by sad t a ,c woiil. ? n analogous to r,,r Liin.QMil Kjan- J "Knt Uie that plagued m, (ml9dlll3l llfr lUtljefrf w l.l
tli.4 b ir 2B ,l ,:a vl el? c hi i t,in,py , o"-' -v. ycarMgo tWro j most were the ja kals. Wv hoaru ,,. ran ,mok to u Uirr. n; i-
;,n'r,i,nH., tJ i .r , was an ohl man pra .-Ka ptavsi- them oftet enough, and ' you can i,h looklmr for W I i
Jar.' a.l m.ihing moree" ,Xs ll ' 1" .V. lMKl; jR? SSit . fe !1L 5? " " . ' ! 4
i... ...... .. 11" i.:..i i.i i " - A"'- iv !." miv , tiii.u v- (uinui iltitteitit inli. tin flwUI mmtMl
.jv wi.niu .-ui.lin;!, JOCII WOlllU IKit OO vnitr,., ......... ,...--, I. K. . " .1" I.t l.l ' L. I O
.vrattvi in. tut ji;i-wit- iiiimi I H7 II n OI I IIIS WIIIIHIW, BIITV HI" (I I- Hlllf .111
a iger e i-t inm m -t orn
worth his while; and wi-hing us goxl
evening with the utm st coiirtosv. he
leturneil contented lo uis un.s.dd wars.
Some frend- who ha;e lived, long-in
bpain w.tness -d this s-ene and foiust
nn oi i
o r -. -.-i - - . . . m
s -fjMh. ' lonir. nnoisi?a- if forty chiidr-'n
which were extracted by t-iejgUja , ,-ho being biUenr by half a dozen mail iloj
t uen held that const -,so astgu i 'UKler ' "aU lkstv 1 couldn't str.ul it a
wore I
lfcirclay gins, her former playmates.
were enviously admiring the grown-up
III 111'. irj.av. 0I....I 1 ..,.!..... :... -.i 1
room. Vain hone. s, w,i "fVf.. I V " ... ..1 ' ,;.rr " . -1" " u"! .? ' ' cvtranr inarv in it; they s-ihi
other clergyman's ve-tmcts ", J 7 ; i -j? L,at Sl'- " 1 rathersiarvc '
thee. VI.ata, to be done Kvou f separate p cccofem., "ij"rv .w l,,,!k U"1"
in extreme eas s the church rules per- ed' over ' card? oard u e ,d on i " ,7"1,! "V U . Vn"'h T"
tntU.l the clergy to oll:e'ate witllout square. W leet one L-'u.'c "imalh-r , wf0 a ,,ll, ---W
robes m the s-ered ed.l eo-and ,or a ones, with ad sorts o. animals on it fur i 7 .
him le formiilable dunn" h
metamorpho-es. h-tv ng t
female witches is vry c unit
the tribes much in es'te I by
it is employed as au ant.d-jt ,
ly as a degiail ng puni.-hni 11
one 1- tem tei to raee tin
co .stntit j l-ngor, and I made up my aind that
ih-j 01 1 11 wacn ineni 10 iiuiii iiuurivugu im
n nfang ' fore I bad tloue with th-m. if I hnu tf
I keep watch for a fcrtolght : do lu
. : "So, early ono mornThy I went
ot ii?to- "So, earl v one monmrir-.l went out
so Uiat to a small clearing m the v-'ty heart of
Lri - it to ' tho wmxl. where ther werr vwniy 01
. . v r
Viiwut Ikisp-llall,
in the hair and Huh. u I
Sam -on. to ( ire with th
ti ill - it.i--ifcfc -.... 1. ...;. a 11. . ...
.. .. ... . . .ui. , .n iu, in-ttimiTOi our itiusirat.on. Apiece o silk Ia.d ' She Hi Iprduml
to .link whether this wouhl be permis- over it an I :;n oiv-inal cover of -turl ,
Sible or not how could he cxnlain i!n bke n:mir ti.. tvl.ii.L-,.,..,. -t.-i.. n ! w?nt to mt in fl..T l,.,-.. w.n .,... .v. 1 Im-ks. anil to the familiar!', i
-. .... ... . ,, ,, t,-ltJ, - 4 -..... .. M.i-niiuiiu 11 IL Ml - ..-., ., .. ... m.w .'.l. -,,., 41I4J ( '
Avomanish arrangement of ner bririL ' vmoyng misiake to timse strangers .- wiueh with its .Janan.'-e colors is unit.. ! sad a Cleveland vuu.Tr in b..r l nnstian vH are mi.I
silky hair. 1 h-y- already so troubled, woul . think a Mudy. prtecls the embroidery I rum : luller.
nnl dui.
some r.omlitenoi'unof pourc dire -ackals tracts alMiut. and fvi a hob?
:.. ..... t .. 1 .. . " , II .!. . . .
tc jinl
'Tliei-e were a few
him an u:itrnstwoitIiv, eareless tntle . the:i:r
I iieeuliar attachment for uot
Voul" he exclaimed in i!nnyjmMt' hue liv-ev St. I 9iti ..--J
fl'IHl'C H'.l-'l.. .1...I
"five o'clock teas after th s, durin-' 1H l,ls ! 'j- '''"J I" rang or tho insin now be purchased in large shops. " J -ou wouhln't know :t base h t iroriLa
-which Mr. Hymn worshipped l,js diviii"- ! w , u, !hv:,,.v w-nted 011 him. It has now becom -u general to have ' Pscd bail, or a three-baggor from :sn An Applicilioa of erhral K
ity froin afar. She seemed a little in lj :J ,!l,,.v ll11-' house with table linen with a colored bonier, that, ass'st-1 .
awe of him and rareh spouo with him ' ol"P.J -J'oa,! l ";l):k for a low mo- c-pecially fori-onipan.. one can . "lint. George, d ar. 1 conM leam. The cxperimuntnf Xature
more than live minutes at a time ! n:e"v5 : ;lr- ivron :i-kcil. !y imagine a handsome!, arranged table , " know how soon I picked up that phsio!ogit aiv therefore pa-
- - tr mttv.ft,--.. .... ..,.... -,i. .. .. 1 -.t -
-a .ttul
of Srte
i.,. a
rit ere.
ueep enougp 10 eou-r me. io?v,,ri'rZ J111
my head and arm out.
""Then I" Trailed tUl iiigbU tbitne on.
...nt .ttvii i u u.njii- r- i iiy ' " nrHinHi'" l ji
a-lecp, I tout my donble-barrcleVjl riiloj wc nA thf thiK
and awav Cent aud gfjt JnU llvi hole ibi mlglit in
l.)tlv a tift ntlfc
V 1- .nuiu t -
"Mamma. !lt vh know iy
dolh'U moil well? 1 u t hrr t t1
. . . f. . V . . fc. !...
10 jripwiug?. anu iifu ji. rra. Ay
down wlrhast tillilbam away '
CoH 31 h I Hai a I Jib STUB'S.
.T-oibitrban cr?'npAndrtii
lonowiti nmuM&x- iima- ii
g'Ctl ll, RO W, UUIMIon IaIMr;
otii-r morning, antty a'ir oi 1
flJ caui to r JfOt, etidfs f l
fi-rtit for meUiK. a fid l nj
at firfctooirwhat olci tf t' cl'
gt nUut a !) 3
Mfjwit of a'r Ji
rl tlfr.
What a delightful task it would be to away the timidity from the soft,
fawn-like eyes, an I how pleasant to
-thinirthat the sea-shell pink slole tc
Jfbcr cbe. ks from oy at his approach!
talc, however, cruelly interfered
-My mistress c iuin is here: bu- she
1 docs-not leave the invalid's rooms for
. anything just at iiresent."
' mi .
"inen 1 w.u write my message in a
He stated the case as clearly as ).n
lntcrlereu 1 ......1 1 1 .. . ,-..
-ith Mr. Hymn's, dream of awa'cnin.r i " ' , Vt'1;1- '"" ,"- :u?MTa - sc'-
lovinffcoiilMciiwin the boson, of this n h, "V,",', '" iJTf 1 7 3 SCal ,
Haslilul maiden of seventeen. In three " , ,U -l ,t.earch ,,:u- b,-,, "
tshorL weeks, before he ".all made iny Sv?"!, 'In fcuT,? f?P "
perGqniblc lulway. Miriam was sum-, t ,.u i ear -h w-iT scs
-moned to the bed-ide of a dvinr rei- f Useies-.
-vcand dulius livron was called l,H ' Alter some momenis of. to him. ter
jiarish in a eomn.erc'al town -, nblc T " ,,iC rawV'l!,,osl
Thi-ee bmg years this idhad hcJ T - V UT'Ar "j U, iaPei-
in the past and tluoughall this me the I n,i rtUn,L',L am!.' witli-tlj.ep
aienKin- of Miriam Bou.da eve n, .' I . bhlsll,!? a,,d .:l ,,0l'o:is lw"ch tr of cr
-- ntlT.- lrv,-. fw.... ,t 1 apron uem, uegan: 1
03 otJuu loe from the young clergy-j l ..i,.,. .,,. ri.. ,,., . ,, '
I ) lfllil tllil I1J111 IIII' III HMI T-fllT
s'r. tnat. if Vou would not th'nk it any
harm, she wouhl send vou her -
-1. T "1. . . . .
1T wnndomd i. i,;cu . i... 1.-.1 w". no- l "on i mean tnat. s.r She
.,r. .7 "" ..: ,.:;:.,.:.""; . - JU1-. ":11.1 sa d i w
.a ' !' fia-f - r .- ......
sj"'i'" -'".i'.. v..j um. vi uis iiiaieriai
fcxistcrc ; lie knew not where she was.
witboui tins agreeaole omamciit. Al
ihough tho interwoven red ami blue
b rders suUice ior daily use. we see or
grand cca-ions ta'.ile-cloths and nap
sins adorned with the most artist c nee
dlework, which, since all possible tone
have been produced in iast-Cvilored e. t
ton. o ten d splay a mosr va ie atett
arrangement. In hou-es where the
jilain wnite linen from the grandtnol'i
or's stores is st.Il in use. modern taste
is brought to bear in the Ion", narrow
new embro derv s;itch. and how onii-lr onl. is in thr5 ord.-r 1
I am at every thine." ! serva-on. Tho phvj.iologi-1 c
w en. mere is no use 111 following-her delmile part ami o.'-crves tj
argument. Kvery man has been The patholog:-t dsorv.s tiie
i.uougii 1-. i:r-i or last, ami knows how IN attire's o.Mtinnut by wa
it always come, out. She went to the' , swnptoms o his potient, an I :
game. (I orge had been used to-sitting patient's death, he can a-eerta 1
in one of t; e side s'ands wiiere he had sit 0:1 of the part di-e:u.el. .N
a iavonte seat. and. tue privile-'e of old theory bo tno acconl'ng
smoking ,inl the umpire to his th. br.nn acts asa whole, and
ncari.-comcni. ui im- oc asiou lie ons parts do noU passes- U.stiPs
sat primly up "b'dund a beastiv wire functions, a hunted area of
J sere n," as he mentally called ft. ami ' one nart mavitriair the mnt
C Um
L Tio
o it a
o 4 of
to wait till Sbe a 'kali torn-! up." fouerhad thUowumlUnj',if i
"uni orn- wou u ave thouifHi uioixsop wat-r bout a a j.r?
sneakinir brutes knew what Lwai hllsr uH,nn ih wmt rujimal .-
fiir. although tliev had come -in tril vaca with thn rwiArt ea$rnj
when I fi" I want them,, let nowt- thtr thii iart.-d fjfeo-.liy .?'-
1 wuen 1 -at. wax cm ng ami wjiintig ior jVrwianaras.natia. maroustm 1 .
mem, noi$tr.e wouui huow ia nic. jtsowi wfo-un'rvws-j aau nm
" ell, tlinre I wilted 'd vtilu-i. iIulfiby i' oar two fr-iH
till at l.ikt:! "nt &o tired nnd mtJiTtliat I J-,-o tullir eaie.a-ofrtoafiii j
' irn x'.kL rliitilrinfr nt rtvtn- It um tt,l '...L..i rliri t ltj-rJin trai
- -". " .-... .- ... .... ;nn v... -. ... . ' 3
r lie f-'n?I horau to bod. when I thought I lle,)T iuU rMjuWliO, Awt
a r, ! c?arl a rusuing in tfio tirM&cl jut in toBer .f'rtn-in.Iiiie snaDir irt
-.ti 'uiiwt -wiin ra; k-i t
r.1 ii ilte
front of me
dSi ,
Thy next moment thrrr vr i ia uii4"ou- rtfit: ft thnu'4
1 1j d naqj cracklif. like dricfe twig nsp vi?utfr.f dr-AJy mrrbd "T i U
11 pig "tMicr" a neavy wcyjri. ami oowjar;-, Iinr T"- cirsr w
!..-- al 1
mac b ueai i, uiougu many were
goddesses wijling 'to be therein
xs binned .
this is toIloWid bv a narrow iov of
is not. to say who it belonged embroidery rattier more than an neb
111 . 4n !... ..!. 1.1 -.I. .!.,.....-. 1 . .
w. .-in si.u hoiiiu rm uip. nanus o.i tiie ueep. men conies a space, and alter
uiiuiuuiuiiii Kiio over ii:e larire lauie
cloth. Hal sometimes the care ul house- i prepared to -ufFcix The Clevelamls . bui w 11 not nruduce the 1
wife likes to have the ornamental border J Were :lt l'e bat Tunctiom If. ott ihe coninir--..
on itie lea ami LOllee-cIoth and napkins I ncn i. lore anus are tlmso in theory be true -the one :ov
produced v her own industry. i gray3 asrced Ma ide. "Why dou'tthev ! anatomical ar..ingement an,;,ti
ai. tires
"Tho-e are the Clevclands; theotlie
are Um i-oston-.' (i0t a m td area of fli-ea.-'w;
". hat are the liostons doing; here? I fere with the .rk of the iurt
Did they corac all this distaxx-e to tec w-iil prodt-e, a lo-.-or iuipa
the gamer" j one fu cfJom afid will not nX
"-o. tnev are-?oinr to nlav"
. CJ A
were to- sec tho
The embroidery is done with fast
colored blue cotton, in tairbourst tch.
The cloth has a hem-stitched border
about one and one-half inches broad:
i 9 , l. VWi.- lllMVlWIJ
iologicr.l exnencn-nts point- tl
ers part ot the brn ha its o.
into thc-olearing. with cry pfint oi tfe iwo tim- c!fc'fr- r3d
K" ew 'nin m1 piw m the g!on;u -nmrHi trietsflly nyurpt'-t halitifZvl wA
bf ab 'mron lights came ,dalkic dic biggfatu rjKe.r -.f.UBgtwiP rttl et,l'
m I e 1 tl&r Lh&W Mi ia Uf . j Um. and hii fef Vr-i Je ft
Wi lite-t " Ir n'. tr-.0S i1 ot Ife'-Meaa tnit ,y. cm yt0,- c i?iSi:f
fpl v' ! waatfrchl4aciL I -o frghtcri. , fcterlalrjjii. ik s j l4?1
ri ind -arc bdlv fr.Vhttw U. I sa -- ..J..J- i.tsi of JlwMi
v 1 Ii - --. , , (A.nvotM - ir. .
Lr ! tell arn.
-.Vioti -y v (Ut IiVLi H Ill!l I! .Sllll W'K 1 1 1 . . I . . ..
.r;fci,o-.w,ii,... ..::,' I wee e ana tie lace trom the neck, and that another row of embroidery six A inougiit tLey
2n with all this imenrt., ,,i,- V.'V "r.M ! lC Vrou, be lon,r. .-nd noboly wou.d inches broad, i oih these borlerrws Chveland- play."
not forget her. and a voice within h mi : lC?t that v :ls :x '"i'ht-gown s r: , are e.xe:-ute I in ren.iis-ance style. Tne , "- "y. they both play."
r ...k:.. .i.. i , . . md. if you didn r mind. s.r. 1 won-d m, , shields in the four cnm.r .t t.,.. I. "Oh, we re jwmg to se-
lu.I15Fll,luwomunleet and fetch it at one,, for t.ere is So are intended t be a.ternatelv filled up How nice." -
"fhe" rapid skimming of his pen over l '-T" f i- ?? ' the.'i RQ'1 hu o'ne?s initials. In ' ' tueaa time the
bo BMinmrn. wi SHr,i f.. .i, o..,. he girl's concluding remarks wcr I -1 he napKios have the same narrow bor-. the bat :uer l s:r'k -
n.nA :.,. .....? i .'..i,,t .. ... only too true: and. hoXver.v nowh bo ' der. but only the shields in twoonnosite i popped a h:gh . y io
-w i.jiu u a .:ui Kiaiuuii.. tiiuuuur ' . - ., . -.-. .......... ... .- - It ,-
her-suo-e-cst on , eorners. ine s&ison.
Ul!sidn- nml -Mi-s X-oo.5 mnlin.r -it, i ""gin cat e ncs.iateu at
Jrim t i. .. '.- .k ":. -n cooler
-i.iiuuii i.i kj in (.in; .usiui.i, vi. iiu sieeu
stairs, exclaimed:
"There, sir; you could not have found
-a. better or cheaper sachel vourself if
moments, ho was thankful
now for any solution of ihe di.ticultv. I The sunliower does no: turn with - f.!hoj-e-
"leb. yoar mistress t at 1 shall be the sun. as many people suppose. I "? I,at P-,:ae
, very grateful for i ho loan she propose, has been obscr-ed that the owers do et 'inesti.xi.
nrst nun at
aad live bails.
short-center fi"id.
ind started to rirt like a b rd. The
ball was aught, au 1 he set out leisure-
that raaurua?" was th.
lli-u fol"ving incidcja -Iiol
jinthologv -it "ports ztv..tomy ar
lology, aaii tlit tiie lo-cation
tTons anI memories ts rdinger
ler of irj-sion among sotea isisi
Xot Iui ago a man as brol
Bellevuw Hupital. m tils ciiy. si
ifrom ievvr, headackc. uel.nt
-tupot.-shich had dev.opl aft
oil th heatL In ail lidiia to tbe?
loiii3 be had a parnlv-uof the
uu tto hack o' tbe fece-arm -o
conM no; aise h s !t has i.
"JndcetL I couldn't w3 hate Vj-sb-
in a wonu fix than i! k It I had:
been on. av tree, i t-fiouiil faave b&il m
feair for the reil K-gaI ttger un!l
- cl tb like the pan thea r the cmzr.
l.vewtf I hiut been ut mt le e 1 2u HO.
I t Iij lirJnair Attt -irrrt i
I briuiHa-r'-a 4tfajMr irkt. J-"
i. . .: ------- mlx.,1
kMa UlfLa- ifuU fluu. uk'!
- r . in. . w . i. w .. w wwm
will b: jrjjtkrh r?ie3i4l
my iittw jsocMoPt jrooi m
amo?-'occ in aIii?tof-e
:aa:f;thB deceptionwill not be . have a prevailing direction when o?,Z -- to first."
A. tlSis! S-r ilbffaa
4f Jouneedn'tfe aS n wit . nowv liuen tain t:me a fhaJ ihir heads inclined tc 'uxduthc ss ne afaiilU'A i-.c phyiog;cal ex ?
5ne by miite for thevfe thesouJieasr. Three d .vs alter this lhal, ,U a.afta!lg OQ the ba-r upon ammaU t,,p,araiy, cj t,
MliekimL mnohh ' l!?n"?. l mln,,t hm twenn-o.ieof the older ones had ad- j tt?"Bf llikc ;t?. v . j ma-. !e iaaitl that the aA
V- ?t!for Snrttl?cr aniLt-iumW oulders and a inen handkerchief had vanc-il tovva-ii tue northwest honoatal L 7 :U. liajra " id tiW in tne pn of the bra a
enn S voi m"ht c ishvu c'- n he t? Pn H St lclll1 5n l h"l, l,IB r(;nt- h t during the jour- 6"S- ; lesP" r- , , fn tin :t was to . nue tat, ha,
k. s.tiuHiaii. jou mig.ll.c.lsin pic. Upliie Mnf . nf tho nm-1,111 ,tn ..! 1 t- 1- T, . In a iew mon-ri niertnnfl ..n . Tbinfn.-v sawed throil 4i tTte s'ii
fc ,. ., t . w .-. v.... ..... ... w..,, ...... . ii.aii iii't'ii ..ri . , r- .r 1 .-.. . ..... ..... v.v.. ... . -
wErnnTOrr tt r - ; - --... , . . ... .. . v.-,. i
4Tbank you. Mis. 2sims, thank ou:
cacb. time that you do anything for me
ym give me fresh cause to admire your
rfever management and forethought."
j-JA the weading to take place on the
JfciWwing day Mr. liyron felt no j)artic-
interest. J.ue contjact parties were
kaost strangers to him, as were also
cuests, with the exception of Wd
3i8 -Howard, a -schoolmaster of day
jfoiinr clergyman.
m tOwing to, the illness of tlio bride's
xapiber, the ceremony was performed
saStlSbiBA tit was a pretty wedding, the
t fatiiienteefulj4 sweet and pale as a lily
nefcy arapery; ana
cut awrry nut enougii rema tied to
prove uiac ine garment belonged to a The ancient Holmes mansion on
lady o. wry damty ta-tes. Holmes nlace. Cambridre. Uass.. which
Thankful for this seniblan e of a sur- U'J built many years before the Itevolu
pli e, aud too hurried 10 feel amuse- ! tionary war, and was the headquarters
ment, Mr. I v run arrayed himself, en- of General Ward in I77."i. and later the
te ed the chaa el, and the serv: e be- res of Rev. Abie! Holmes, his son.
g n a on e. He observed with a sigh Oliver Wendell Holmes, beiug born
f thankfulness that the vhapttl was ther has been sold jmd removed to a
vcrydark and ths enabled him to road lot on lurray street, in the saiuo city,
without mueh nervousness. Two en- boston Journal. and a fnend ever since of the 1 tomen ame orwanl with tho babvand
"ronnarclerwrnian. I : 1 x 1. ? .- ,- 1
its nur c, and for a b ief time dunnc j
When yon go to Washington .Corri-
thc service the young clergymen ?aw torycon tjcail ior "ado en raw1 3hi
indistin tlv the slender figure of a lady Pnget Sound ovsiers are sometimes twe
lirrhto? oiclo' !.vl feet in diarrtpter. nrsil lrpbrh. inrliiiv
.kV .rfV 17- r- ..w., .w. -- ...., lUWIMI.i
standinor in f hft r?? If
fore tbe nnd of tho ep.rpn-VAnv-bir fnl
1115s soemU to overcoat "jsr. fcr she t
the she'll, as mucn
icag Menu.
sister pounds.
out staned foe the lieid. while Bos
ton reversed ihe-movement.
"What is th vi for? '
"The devclasds are out. The Bos
tons go to the bat.1
Just then a Boston slurgir struck a
liner for two bases aad started on his
lour. .
"'y Jove, that's a daisy," sa!d
Aland understood this. "Yes,' said
sh3, "! th.nk so too. Tve been watch
ing 'aim. and he's real handsome. Bat,
George," she sad. as tbe bean eater
-i'-olc third, "hedocsot't care a-b!t
whether the C evsIaadsHke it or ao:.
He's going right on, and 1 think its
real mean, as J'sa Ttfitor."
thesunposeU silo of the
a.thougjtfhe hole wh-rh. he tnt
only lal'PF eno gh to sdrait r:
finder, the absces- was found
beoeaih it, aad was emptied.
Un Siarry J1 D.f in I'o, u cr
I. . 1 l wm '!
Tbere are seventeen qun"
lories in the worlil -six in G
four in America, three in Fraof,
in Italy and two in tngland-
nuai productica amctuts to abou.
ItlL bare Mt morv oforubfcr: f- -sranu. JW msarfcifc ll-jat1
men, at j.t, ji iAoma Rave ami mind, 'ima tk. ft f k tl
oiwic io fight or txm. lluU lvmtl ro-jr ltt" i& otlr. "
a. I waint. tkb iti hoi wkfe J aatwlly tir 4fd oi ti tn
y bead jan levcil witii 4 In; EftHtU. I U?r i, tjmL 1 tJ ti?
enM?J put there, m Mrpo3 ic tksf icL i Wre la nr Ufts K.
MLst to cat !! be ItkmU dei kte cows try, Jt MrK n
. . - 'i-.s. - . --. r.... -- -. un Mjiwr jj ww inwsaj
1 x.... . ..... -. - . . ri .i.i . . .
r jHn. iBUWir.5 iw-j muin csmu') w .rf j ti ecrfffjf lfcSWr i
1 .el Jiu fcot iilt oa iny lsce aad 4 j I rerrrad tb lst 1
t 9t ersrr ce-oi tJw irreat fuU ftr-i : r-dl-tJ-rf tk3 lit ill
-, .-- , - - j. - -- -
t!txA tatiliiicxl cMnlkAt. utat ilill
. , --t.-. , .- . . -r -,-.
say. ay. u occaas ax w Tcry cj-r yr r4rzx mklW Jb ttf
fi&t mfrreme I a4 hd hmw bit- jt-i k iiU vj k iMr AJi
ir y h?ad. wT like trrl-ry. Mr sj?lr tt -y. I S IIi
1t haacc ica t ip ick Mill, aad to treii M tKr t if
"MeaawTkil-. IMr. Hc3c?4 t t for-fx fra Jmrw stTr 1j
ci marh biri: . I w. x tahr Mft'sr cJl. riir
sghtcrf &a'. fccl nwwluc H trtt?ar te;t jiij
1 . - --. - r --.-
lAat ghtierisottsiy nUw aoo- j, JMtc- r4o-nJ r ol! fw
'g- J ur 1 nuootfi chi. yo ,' txxitj
the grecta liie a Tamikr&om itm.
dottlK, ouite a e tklr (a kk exiles-
Jm j&. i,. f L.4. t.lj.M.- Jr.2 .. i. !
.9 what te make of k. lie prowM hmak-
m .j 1 . ' rjr I
xuKixKwniwinnH,ui nt, j
i; -j
OafttiK4y wr a4 i; trj
y3o4i.y . snI tJKlr mtxim
- J. 43WM -
AatU &! Um h
J: - -lJ mhbIbw a I m 1 Vu ....-. .. t. . -:.
,j kw.mjf- - v, .p- m wn-ippx JMfiICiB IK J V,J JTKi
- cTuriwM.1 iscm (w i mnjinw t wiwwd Ji fc Al 1
hotea jaws a4 gtjil rx. nr J j ia4,a--hTifcc bafeiri
'ace. ! tk W 1 ti Yt W.
as Tt " mnf iliimiinr it aimI aaiiMMi Ut
It te assorted tha; of th;
Italians ia Near York not ten
oaBiTioeak or uaderiUa4 th
off aakw all f" ay fxc
'"This wa hail amg.
' j thwlc; h& it ww a wr kea t wfcat, imw .trawA ! C 5rf
- m ? T-TL.l 3 -. W-. Z . -'r M. .--., -., ,wr . -
J -y w j.Mjmmwmifw m rw. M MMWtw wlUk-CMaf.
i A .K.1"K:K-.Ha B 4IBBHK - . ' i . 4W9K
4M it aBJl J,aiahjajf.,Nit -.gjPyK'? "i1?!1
:".- .""; '. ' ':r''-- . '-" " "v . " . l -'.;; -'
c -w Htf "I
-r-e. - a .
-XvvVS f
i .
.'J.fJrSi'i'rf j ---r'l
l'-' - - -".- -JT j- -l
.'T .
- "--saage ;rvi
iv,,,- ,r
11- -3riT 1
- s r -B rttfffffffffaXJiWiL-.. -5s-":j.j3pi
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. r . '-t.'
iv JviTti. w
fcWfB. ''-
S J11111"""1!"1111.."11. . . i i 4vfA J
1 IPK i &..7Kri IftVKwKek.