The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 05, 1884, Image 5

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'JFhe Red Cloud Chief
HOSMER, - - Propr.etor
Lookout for the circus.
Feed Lutz is in the city.
Kenwey i3 building a new
J. Q. Osbokn haa bought a fine
Wm. Lctsox has gone east to
hia fall stock.
Mr. Simpson, of Blue Hill was in
city Tuesday.
U. u Case went to Arkansas;
'luesaay night. .
Db, J. E. Parker has
from his eastern visit.
arrived .too-
E. H. Ambler talkn of rautog
ankeedom in a few weeks. M
J.UKE6UUU1 ill U 1CW W(K'H S.
ji TwERKwasa party at theJToraid
T Houae on Monday night. ($
U. L.. WATK1N8 Of the
3fTia, was in tlie city Tuesday.
Roy Hutciiuon has accepted posi
tion 43 freight clerk at th&Sleprt
John Parkes bought four nire calves
from Fred Petersen the other day.
Uncle Levi Moore willtal.- a trip
UQ Ckjrado in a few dayi, ai.'ht seeing.
J. A. Crawford has convpleted the
carpenter work on T. C.H'.cker's new
house. ,
Mn. McEwak, whofeot njured in a
runaway the other dy, ia again on
the streets. ft
Will Cromwell is now assiftant
iynager of the B. & 'R'a Red CUoud
stock yards. '
M. C. Judd brouch. Oi a nice piece I
M. B. McNitt farm. ;
One day lastJreeDelaforgue & Sel
lers bought a oalf .Kweeks old that
weighed 450 jfouijUi:
, Mr. Saltzman brought this office
ome fine sqiaw and California Dent
corn. It wm vrryifine.
Iw anothcflu'mn will beibund the
advertisement Gf Fred Petersen's
stock saloon fh18th of September.
Tmere jriUiMfa basket picnic at Mr.
Jonfc' gtpve one mile south of Inavale
k'Se, 3tptgnber II. A 11 are invited.
' A. A.?o?e?4 steed took a little run
down jitreston Tuesday, creating a
little bjt o' excitement for the gazers
on. t g
J. . " akce will movo to Kearney in
a fepwraln. We are sorry to lose Mr
Yhim 'j.n'd family from among our cit-
Jl. K. Xikebarger, of Joliet, Illinois
Boo-ir-law of our worthy friend, I. N.
T&yhrof the Commercial house, is in
the jjity.
Pwhop Mallalied's lecture and the
(thr singing of the York male quartet
wikighly appreciated by our citizens
fa tf Monday evening.
We fonret to mention last week that
Jlarley Piatt was 22 years of age. A
peasant party of a few friends occured
ai his home on the event.
. VJ. C. Allen, our genial friend, made
I .bis wife a present of an elegant Estey
1 t is a very fine instrument.
0. G. Roberts' family have the diph
theria. Four of the children are down
with the disease. Fortunatelv. how
ever, the disease is in a light form.
The Misses Gertie Sherer and Eva
Munsel, of this city, left Tuesday for
Crete, where they will take a course of
t Btudies at Doane college, during the
coming term.
Mrs. Bdtcher, living near Cowles,
fell off of a wagon and was badly in
jured on last Saturday, while coming
to Red Cloud. One wheel of the wagon
passed over her.
We are indebted to N. L. D. Smith
N of Garfield precinct, for some of the
finest Nebraska raised sweet potatoes
that we have seen lately. Two of them
weighed five pounds.
Mr. Brakefield has bought an in
terest in the wind-mill and pump busi
ness with D. G. Walker. The firm wil1
be Walker & Brakefield. The Chief
-wishes them success.
Rev. Amos Dresser, of Franklin,
will preach at the Congregational
( church next Sabbath at 11 o'clock, also
in the evening at 8 o'clock. A cordial
inyitaticn is extended to all.
F. N. Richardson, of Amboy, has
been nominated on the anti-monon
ticket for representative in the 21st dis
tricot. Our good brother will poll tUe
enUre auti-moLOP vote in NovmbeJ&
,Thre hundred and fifteen D;7nnil
wero enrolled in our public schools the
nt two days of the week. Ja the
n0 KkAlj-n ! V?r.t aaIiaaI
crowded beyond their seatimi
rfoom are
Wm. Gates, our enterDGft;nr tpt
leciler, who has been tfoing pike'a
Peak, and other.noted hM8 in Colora
do, has returned to R Cloud. Bill
V.t up to the top qjthe peak, but
did not fall off. ,
Wm. Barrett $f Judson, Smith
coaty Kansas, y'k a thrifty farmer. He
, -f
oi line lanu, anu iuu
year inresneooOO bushels of wheat off
of oO acres. JBe also has 70 acres of
corn that wL n go over 50 bushels to the
Let fi'ejtfybody in the county bring
in sometVfng forthe &ir Don'tfor-
$ ihV , it will take place Wednesday,
lllUrSC ,0 aH PrwUtr Rntmhpr 17th
k'jMind 19th. Let every one make
Sr A navo iTgp turn out miu,
7 a time.
, ,' e have been informed that a niMtrl .
J oi genuemen in Aa ioua propew:-
. s .. .Muv -.... j """- - "
-i -nA hAnaA n wVkCi Tl t. nM iarrkr. Mn
&uvx uwuao irv io . . ytrvv, "- nj
rv:ded the citizens will donate f lOOf
the enterprise. This would certain:
be a bonanza, and we hope the citizr
will helo alone the scheme. It we
5e a bit: advertisement for our -tit
On Tuesday last Geo.
L$f -years of age, was raking iayv
wmie a&ock, ad mires soutno-
The team became frightened.-r
boy was thrown: from msaei
vh en picked up fey W.G. "p
avaa unconcious, ana nas oeen
iff er since. At the latest ace
was doing well, and will pr
around alnjht in. a few day
0 of our worthy exc
lrecentlj attended the i?
can coavecitioii and beer j
so enthu-
iasoe that on xetnrnh
e he fell
ftBfl HMUBM tBs'
ras nomin-
t was he
at he did
uctor called
e next tram
when he ar-
seem to care
r or nreeidant. I
U r.
i-ri -asteco
1 1 .-- m -
L Ft ii. . -w m. 1
y :-r'it " 'snta'ti
; ' hsMrftedC
hit -fc- V-jS-. m
D. F. Bcott and family, -will soon
ii)0 c to town from Amboy.
Miw. Taijleb, of Iowa, mother of D.
F. Trunkey, is Siting at Amloy.
Charlie Reigle will be janitor of
the school building for the ensuing
Our public choola commenced on
Monday. The attendance is quite
L. II. Wallace, Frank G. Fick, Gus.
Zimmerman, and M. Ihrney. have
gone east.
WJL Way has rented the Kinsey
buy7JP-??v'-5Pu wm move nia lamny to
tjfry fa Harris; amfcj&ister. Sue,
tku owe w uouegc. Jiia Cfjara'nua
ivue to uiusuuri.
jJ?15 Mrs. Linebaroer, of Joliet, Illinois,
i flinnnrnr ni i rw 'i atitfi uritri ma, imin
,ihildrn. arn in thn mtv
Al. Dorr has bought Eoy Hutchi
son's interest in the barber shop ausl
will go it alone after this. jS V
Mr. Lockwood, of Michigan, aiend
of Dr. J. E- Smith, of Guide Rock, was
a pleasant caller on Saturday.
Mr. Ciias. Remsberq and his sisters,
Ella and Laura, arrived in the city on
lat Friday, from New Mexico.
Mrs. Brewer and her three chil
dren, of Blooniington, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brewer.
Geo. Able has traded his house for a
farm in Alma. In the dim future Mr.
A. proposes to farm it for a living.
F. N. Richardson, of Amboy J
brought this office a specimen oi uer
man millet that measured sir feet H
On dit, that two of our young men
who have gone east will come back
"joined in matrimony." Good enough.
Mr. Graves, of the Superior Guide
and Mr. Fogel. of the Nelson Gazttlt,
were pleasant callers at mis omcc Sat
urday. One day last week S. O. Baker mov
ed the Smith bouse north of the rink
on to sixth aenue, and that building
now faces the north.
Our young friend, Arthur Howard,
leaves this week for Franklin where
he will take a course of studies at the
Franklin Academy.
The school board have decided to
hold school duriug the term at tho
Presbyterian chapel in lower Red
Cloud, we understand.
S. O. Baker, was in Blue Hill the
other day and moved the building oil'
thi ground where the new scnool
building is to be erected.
Word was received the other day by
Mrs. Rev. J. K. Harris, that, her moth
er was dead. The sad intelligence was
quite a shock to Mrs. Harris.
CO. Coon brought this office a fine
specimen of corn grown on his farm.
The stalk is over ten feet high and has
two cars on it. He has a fine field.
0. C. Coon and wife will go to New
York state on a visit in. about two
weeks. It has been sixteen years since
the good brother was in that state last.
Geo. D. McIntosh, formarly of the
St. Niqhols House, Bloomington, Illi
nois, and .now press agent for Orion's
Inglo-American circus was a pleasant
caller Saturday.
E. McFarland has lately made a
dugout that beats anything we ever,
saw in that direction. It is very larg
and Mac ft els confident that there it
no danger of its being blown away. M
Married at the residence of Charje.;
Kent, Miss Wilma A. Kent to Jeffei
son Beauchamp, and Miss Ida E. Mil'i-
ias to Warren A. Kent, September 3,.
1884. A!l of V ebster county, NJel
The Chief force return thank j
the 3Iisses Myra Brewer, Etta San ,or
Lillian vauce. Gertie Brakefield.
Bertha and Linna Owen; for son. (9
frt1 Innf rtsrc rm lucf Tii-iIm J1
thanks, girls. r, ''fi
People who drovea'ong tKe A
juau mu uKiivi lijf nuuiuv rw
lence po3ts nnd-tjfceu on a qrun
beer Dottles settmw was an e i
inebriation. (bbiV every
had a bottle onv it.
On last Frjiday a ver
Sunday schoofl nicnic was he
in Gov.
Garber's grove. Kveryb0'iyti
id a gen-
era! food ime. A proof
Isiou was
formed at '?ie rink and tulrlittie lolks
marched S the grounds,
The Anglo-America i circus which
shows Ijrtjre on the lcehA met with a
bad vfecident during itat last part of
lasVweek in ColqradoW One of their
fiepiiJT coaches icxjke and burned
jap ten . tllelrcW, uu mjureu a
V&arge number,
We take pleasui
n calling atten-
tion to the advert
lent in another
column of Gregg
sell 100 cows; ,
Guide Rock on f
1884. ThiswiU
awson, who will
their ranch near
vy, September 23,
rare opportunity
for those who
to procure cattle.
base ballists took in
Guide Rock
day, and plaved a
picked niae
Guide Rocl
e best men from the
Burr Oak clubs, and
done therii U
in the recular order.
The Red' U'
nine aro what tho boys
call "ba
lciue wnen it comes to
playing I
V. W
s latelv from Piatt coun-
ty, Hiiro:
ias bought the Sutton farm
in Jew m
nty, Kansas, for which he
paid t'.
m of $1260. Mr. W. hr.s
remain wast. He will be
locatadjwout eight miles south of Red
Clorphe good brother has the best
f The Chief.
H. RemsBfrg will more into
r. Todd propertv, which he will
ly purchase. Mr. R. has been
m xsew Mexico for a number
oliwears, but being more favorably
:k with Nebraska, h decided to
ite at Red Cloud. The Chief wel
lies Mr. Remsberjr and family to
r city.
The following conversation took
lace between a leading republican
democrat in Red Cloud the other
Republican. Well do vou have any-
idea that Cleveland can carry the
country in November?
Democrat. Oh yes! he certainly can
at least he can by Maria Help-en in the
It affords us pleasure to learn that
Lee Estelle, one of the pioneers ot Hed
Cloud has received the nomination for
district attorney of the- 7th judicial dis
trict of this state. The district com
prises Washington, Burt, Sarpy and
Douglas counties. The many friends
of Mr. Etelle in this vicinity all testify
to his unusual ability as a lawyer, and
predict for him abundant measure of
success in the profession of his first
love. From what The Chief has been
abler to learn of him, thcTTth district is
to be congratulated upon the pros
pect of havmg a prosecutor of fidelity,
energy and ability for the ensuing
term. -
FfiEsH oysicra's al -A. Lauterbach's.
I the
If the
co of
wrm t
,Fkeijh oysters at A. Lauterbach'e.
T. 0. Hacker has moved into hJ3
new house.
J. L. Kaley and wife have returned
from Denver.
Yt. L. Ho? ford has taken up his
abode in Huttings.
R. R. Edwards, of Blue Hiil, was in
the city on Monday-
John Mi rray. of Guide Rock, was
in the city on Ttiusday.
Wm. Parkes and family went to
Council Bluffs this morning
Mia. Rot Hutchison has returned
home from her vlytto the east.
Wm. Ridkers is very happy. It is a
girl and weiglw the usual amount.
DocSheker recently sold a calf four
toTtbs old that weighed -JOG pounds.
MM..iJjraraoN, ofOsborn, Kansas,
an old tini.flfed of Mrs. Dr. Darner
ell, is visiting in Hk4VUa4t
For sale At a banrain . onefJftias
second hand Weber piano. For;
tlculars inquire at this office.
Rev. Geo. II. Brown will preachf'tt
the Baptist church on next Sunilny,
September 7. All-are invited. &
We were compelled to cut we.
some of our correpondence tbiaveek1
owing io tne pressure oiaaveriisin m
our columns. Jf
There will be a social at i? resi
dence of Mrs. McNitt, givea y'fhe
Woman's Relief Corps, Mondjajbifht,
September 8. IF
J. H. Ferman is engaged 4n erecting
the buildings for tho cominl: 'airj Ev
erything will be ample forJmeSccom
modations of the people. CjnW every
one. 10
J. L. Reynolds, state trentf for the
Continental Insnrance ComDiinv. was
in the city on
u WediiestKi.v'asKl went to'
Cowles to adjust a lo.'.g'fiaused
lightning. f , W
Peter Spraciier, llvntfour miles
north-east of Corvlesli4dfis leg badly
broken on Sunday Moniig'last, by his
horse falling withn.mHe was at
last accounts conii'ramely comfort
able under tho case of IfDr. Scheuck.
Mrs. Prop. Tf;5rfSJbN will com
menced drilling Jh'j little folks of Red
.Cloud on ThuralFy fvening, prepara
tory to living sc nrt here, half of
tho proceeds itc ' if to the Sunday
school. Mrs.T. igtabkcn of very high
ly as an mstracc
"5 3
Jodgo J. L. KaUr.lfr Float Representative.
The reDiibli jaw convention at Red
Cloud, lastS itwpHay nom.nted our
formor citkeaJftidao J. JL ivalcy to
represent flrjjlltt district in the next
T..i...'.v;,r'-Ii i..,rt,.., v.-.- tt K;it
'JakeMf w
the house no owned bv Hon. R. W
1 Miunii iiui C li-U UUIll
Montgotnjrjffbad a law office, and
serveaf.-'asjsounty judge. He is a
seholaf, ,a jintleman, and an honest
man.ii 'ftilcctioii will reflect credit
on tire Jistfict and will be urged by ev
ery jfer,uURcan "m this town and trough
outbe''dDunty. We remembor with
8a tjp fiction that Franklin county start
edtl e ball in 'S2 with the honest and
gsjh'leBtauly Chapin. and wo, are glad
tdl.ay Webster county provide so
Worth a successor as Hon. J L Kaley
.V -
n iicranri'i ninvciiuna.
last Saturday, purMitMit to an-
notfnroniont. tne en:ltoa conven-
ti for the district took place at the
fciinrt house m Red Cloud. On motion
H. Smith, of Guide li;ck was called
M the chair and A. C. Hofiner cho-cn
"accretarv. Temporary convention being
Snade permanent, and motion was made
F to allow dUjratious to vote for absen
tees. On being put before the conven
tion for action, the motion was carried
after which Mr Aver?, of Nuckolls
arose and in a short and appropriate
speech put the nomination for senator,
J. B. Skinner, of Hardy. The nomin
ation was seconded by G. It. Chancy,
of Reil Cloud, in a spirited and enthus
iastic speech amidst a general enthus
iasm. It was then moved that the
election be made by acclamation,
which was duly carried and Mr. Skin
ner was declared the nominee of the
convention. ?d Skinnor being called
for arose and made a very enthusias
tic speech, in which he thanked the
convention for the honor conferred
upon him. His speech was loudly ap
plauded. F. A. Sweczy, of Blue Hill,
followed in one of his characteristic
speeches which received its share of
applause. After speech making was
through with the convention selected
the following central committee, vi.:
Mr. Fogel, of Nuckolls, chairman: Ed.
Cornett. of Webster; C. W. Marrow, of
Franklin county. On motion conven
tion adjourned.
Tho Educational 5Irs Meeting.
On Monday evening, September 1st,
the M. K. church was filled by our cit
izens and many from abroad in at-
tendance upon the educational mass
meeting in the interest centennial cele
bratioif of American methodism. Rev.
John Gallagher presided, in a brief
speech setting torth the object of the
meeting and the claims of the M. K.
college, at York, Nebraska. Rev, Ed
ward Thompson, president of the col
lege, then told what was beiug done at
the college, and made an eloquent and
earnest plea for aid in carrying on the
good work. He was followed by Bish
op Mallalieu, who spoke more at
length on the educational needs of our
state, and the claims of the college at
York upon the people of this commun
ity. He compared Masachusetts
with Nebraska, exhorting us to make
our educational system rank with that
of the old bay state. The bishop is an
earnest, fluent speaker, and a man of
commanding presence. The time
batween the addresses, was occupied
with music by Prof. Worley and the
York College quaitette, the selec
tions being anthems, some of Prof.
Worley's composition, and one of their
college songs. The music was excel
lent, showing efficiency of teacher and
pupils. A collection was taken up for
the benefit of the college. After the
meeting was aismissea many oi ine
audience remained to shake hands
with the Bishop, President and Mrs.
Thompson, Prof. ITorley and the young
men comprising the quartettjsThe
meeting was an enjoyable occTHPn to
those present. We wish Pres. Tnomp-
eon and his pleasant company success
in their tour through the state, in their
endeavor to raise the amount they ask
for an endowment iend for the col
lege. Far For Beat.
The well known stock farm of 'Fred
Petersen can now be.rented on liberal
terms. Said farm contains 445 acres of
good land, and is bounded on the
north by the Republican river", has an
abundance oi timber and water, anjl is
the most desirable stack farm in the
Republican Valley. For particulars
inquire of Freil Pete wen, Red CIpud,
or at tHe office
Tax Chief, tf
sb . iit-'- , . .feat-
mm ' v ar;
at' w.ww-1'jMur
Oar Ticket.
The republihan party o far has
msde a complete chain of nomination
from the presidential nominees down
to the most insignificant uilice in the
gift of tho people. Firt, at Chicago
last June,
of Maine, America crestcst slatei
man. was cbtwon for the presidential
nominee on the wiiibHcan ticket. No
better man could rxfciblr hate ben
rxiblr hate Un
av the "entire imrtv
over are nillving to
n again, for the ;?c-
seJcc ted, and to-day
the United State
his support. Then
ond place on the ticket the name of
was mot fittingly selected. 1 be name
of this great soldier-statesman has ad
ded thousindn of votes to the republi
can party and has wonderfully olm
fied the rank and file of the party in
general- In every stale the tickets are
being elected with great care, and e
tiec.allv so in Nobraita. At Omaha
rwu republicans m convention wisely
M'ttlt - cted the pretont incumbent,
rwho has prored himself to be a faith
ful potruor and a good officer. For
liejteuunt-governur if. H. Sheod, of
. .. .v4. aivnff .i.w. .... rsl . Ct
.int.. ti.nrnr ("! U. Willanl. of Tmiv.
en for auditor, H. A. Babcock, of Vai-
le ; for secretary of state, E. P. Roggen
of Lancalr. present incumbent and
an ablo officer. Tion. Wm. Lea-, of
Seward, was nominated for the office
of attorney general. Mr. Lees, we be
lieve if elected will make a good of
ficer, and is in evcrv way qualified for
the office, Joseph Scott, of Fillmore,
was nominated for commissioner
public lands. W. W. W. Jones,
0 J
0r j
Lancaster, was nominated for auperln-
aawu, mrm
ident of public instruction, and J and:tliii time we took in Uko Miiine
avitt Burnham. of Douglas, for re- t5n- lmous pleasure report. Ue
it ol the mnvcrutv. All of the above ! "?" lhcrt; -J Um - lhe ,ee,!,,f
men if elected, of which there
doubt, will make tood officers
is no
again, at Hastings,
JAHE3 laird
our present congressman, received tho
endorsement of the people of the 2nd
congressional district, and unanimous
ly renominated as his own successor,
and will receive tho unqualified en
dorsement of the people at the polls in
November. Finally wo come down to
our senatorial comentiou which nom
inated J. R. SKINNER,
of Nuckolls, for senatorial honors,
which honors have fallen on a good
man in every respect.
of Red Cloud was the unanimous
choice of the 4 1st district for float rep
resentative. This nomination falls up
on a gentleman who will represent the
peoplo witjt al ility if eleuted.
the nominee of the 21st representative
district ia well known to our readers,
and will make a representee that our
district v.ill be proud of in every re
spect. Liict but not Jeast comes
the nominee for county commissioner,
for the first district, a geutlemau who
wl.l make A "No I officer. In fact tak
ing the wholetidcci-LaLhftr from" ra-
y -stt iru county tiuiaii -""'
no n-abon to feci soffvTas every man
nominated would be a credit to any
pa'ty, and each and every one will
make good officers. Success is certain
in November.
AntMIonup Convention.
On Sa'urday, August 30. the anti
monopolists oi" Webster county met in
-onve.uion in Red Cloud, M. A. Myers
chairman, F. N. Richardson, secretary
F N Riclmidson was nominated for
representative in .h 21st district, and
J.i mes Duu'ec for commissioner in 1st
State conventionIra Brownell, F
N Ricnardson, Robert Slater, Fllouch
in, D S Helvern, J M Stoddard. Frank
Pierce, M A Mers, John A Coon.
Senatorial Delegates C C Copn, C
Hchutz, l 15 Chapin, S F Tope, P C
llubbell, John Raster, S. Miller, John
Congressional Delegates Thad Ar
nold, Thus Vaughn. F Ilouehin, M. A.
Mvers, J M Stoddard, F B Leonard, L
M'Crabill, Geo E Coon.
Float Delegates. P. C Hubbellr F.
Ilouehin, Ed Metcalf. L D Oatman, M.
D McKinney. I) S Helvern, F N Rich
ardson, Thomas Vaughn.
Moved that meetings be held to or
ganize for the succe?" of Butler and the
entire anti-monopoly ticket. The j
meeting was harmonious and cnthusi
astic. Adjourned. M. A. Myers
Richardson, Secretary.
Orton'.i Monitor Railroad Circas nad
The East Saginaw Courisr of a recent
date says- It is seldom that the circus
going public of this city (and judging
from the immense throng brr the lot
yesterday is everybody,) are treated to
a. better," or more refined circu than
that of the well-known Miles Orton's
Anglo American 4 shows. The street
parade to start with, is most cxcellen;.
everything being new and bright and
as the long line of glittering cages, tab
leaux, bands and open dens3wcpt gaily
dowiVthe street, it made one feefas if
he was almost a bov again. The me
nagerie is very fine, not so large as
some, but consists of twenty-seven
cages of living animals, many of hem
being very rare specimens, notably the
dreaded river horse or bulbalipus of
Central Africa. There are performing
dons of lions, tigers, hyenas, bears and
leopards, a huge tank of sea lions. The
only Tamanoir or Ant Bear ever seen
here, and in fact all that any one could
ak to see. The, museums great fea
ture is the Giant Leopard man. He
is indeed a. giant said to be from re
mote isles of the Southern Pacific
ocean, and is truly a wonderful sight.
The circus is full" of novel acts and
teatures. It is enough to say that .Mr.
Orton. himself, leads the arena.
do not think his eoual as a bareback
rider lives to-day. Allie and Bernard
the wonderful child artist?, Mile, Hays,
the bewitched Onzalo sisters, Miss
Montrose, the charming equestrienne,
Madden. Grady, Fields and Dawn fur
nish the fun in fact all aro good.
There is more than any one can see
at once and we advise all to see this
show. The managers and business are
gentlemen and in fact well, go to the
show. The Anglo-American Circus
and Menagerie will give two exhibi
tions at Red Cloud, "Thursday, Sept.
9 m
Teachers Certificates
The September examination of
teachers will be held at my office on
Saturday, September 1 8, 18S4, instead
of ihe regular twjrd Saturday. Observe
the date. Chas.W.Sprixger ,
County Superintendent.
... "
Fresh oysters at :A: Ljruferbach'sv
- -
www j j
JsdkDd CaaassJlt-?.
Tne folkming joki-d eommltte vas
appointed t t. ji,'dienil caTrt4Joi
held at Ox?ru, Aug. l$th. Ji K
Wtlcox, Vtl(f cunty; JtxA Ucll.
Kearney county. I J turUack, Jid
Willow coaairf F M Raihiwm, Kear
ney county: C C FUwberft. HarU
county. M. Rohitwvn. Gupcr ctnioty.
A Y Yri;bl, Forwa counr . J P A
Black, Fraaklin ooMatr: 3 ll K J
comb, Pheijrt ciwci; W 7x Taylor,
.m,J- l 1 S J
HitaKtMtk untr. J K Kmg. Di
1 county. Cfearl Amiirr, Hay
lT- tJRV llrox ww
of the commute, ami C C FiacTkurg
Hutchison is ono of tho ofcVr tow
Of thl- etato, havms. h.o fouttAtsA
tome thirty or more iar- go, by the
Hutchnon" uianly, of mtistoai .
last reuruseatativV if tho family
living here now. Tni w a beauiifwl
mail town lying asrninot a backrotiud
of trofr-. It shows off to adranUt from
the adjacent hilb. The cotnirr 2
aroumf )3 dotted with ituli Uke fllled
with fih, ami durlis abound, ami
prairie chickens are plenty; therefore.
fcportimoa are hnpy. We indulge! in
a nicmc while there, ami wett boat
1 r.ding and gathering flowor, nd t
. ' n lher g-wdiw, gotac howie in
I thunder storm. From thenc t
wnt to bt. iVior, another old town of
Mmneiota, which owe aim very nar
ueing uio capiini. e count .-cnrceiy
fiinl the town for trees. From here
we went ptcnknng apain to one of the
little lake, nhich woj almost snr
lounded by tents occupied bv people
of the neighboring town, who are liv-
injj mat way lor ueau ami pleasure
from thence we went?to .MinnajMii,
of the Armv of the Tenneseoc. which
we attended. Gen, S'lorman presided
and male a sj)eech on me ulject
they were discussing, and ?peoche-5
were also made bv other notables. It
was a very warm day. but tho broad
piazas of Hotel de Lafayette wero cool
and comfortable and were filled with
beautifully dressed women, and fine
looking men from all part of the
United States. Tho lawn m front which
reached from the hotel to the lake was
dotted here and there with tho game
lawn tennis, and the lake was covered
with small steam boata, sail boats, and
all Ihorts of craft, filled with people
seeking pleasure. It seems to me jx
very enjoyable summer resort. St.
Paul is a curious old town, and some
of its older streets aro no wider than
the sidewalks in Minneapolis, and the
buildings are high and occupied al
moat entirely by dealers in tne wholo
sa'e business, which gives them a dull
IcoV. but some parts of the city are
lively enough, 1 was in bt. Paul but a
few hours and Bjiw but little of it. Of
Red Wing, and lrecott, whore the
Pry so boys are situated, I will tell you
in my nest communication.
It has been so long since I have'ap
peftted in yourfcHnctum I ort,tr?
Ihe harvest is now past and we expect
a little more
ireJ Many things
lui-n trnnmiired ainCe"l-U'-ding, but
will trv and note the more imfTirri.:!t
Tlie heavy rains continue, some very
heavy thunder storms have swept ovt
this part of the county with slight
damage, one storm carried away the
bri Ige .south of the P. O. and another
last weok killed a horse for Wm. May
living south of the Blue.
Milton Randall has been dan;erous
Iv sick but is on his feet again.
" Lewis Crobv, air old gentleman
from Iowa, visiting hi-; brother. J. D.
Crosby is also on the sick list at pres
ent. B. C. Burl's brother from Wisconsin
arrived here last Saturday with a car
load of the celebrated Ilolslein cattle
to be kept it the Hurt farm here, He
report the prospect of the county
here l-otter than any point on his trav
els, l'our correspondent visited tho
herd vestorduy and must pronounce
them the finest lot over brought into
this pun of the county. It is clear to
nvorv tninking mind and practical far
mer that moro attention must be paid
to stock raising if the country would
rn.irh its hitrhet shite of prosperity. It
.w --, ---O "
needs no la
to prove
this propofition gram is too low if the
farmer makes a living and pays expon-
sei on grain alone ho is doing well. A
sin ill heginmg in stocK laiuuuiiy mi
lowcd would stork the county with aid
of but little capital. This subject will
receive more attention hereafter. W.
. General prosperity.
New school house in course of erection-
. ...
W. L. Knapp, of Nelson was visiting
his brother W. 3. Knapp, the druggist,
Miss Jessie V. Lewi, daughter ot
Mrs. J. H. Shugart came on frc m
Michigan hist Tuesday night to make
Guide Rock her home.
School opened here Monday, A. B.
Endlv. principal, with Miss r.tta fcan-
ford, of Red Cloud, teacher m the pn-
marv dcDartment.
Dr. J. L. Patten has established an
innrmarv here, and will ejive H thoe
wishing his services the benefit of his
almost miraculous cure.
Cal. Zeigler, the jrrocer in the Shu
man block, received another large lot
of goods Monday. Cal. will soon take
for a partner one of Guide Kock's fair
est daughters.
"The orphans" of Burr Oak played
our boys here base ball, Friday, but
were defeated 23 to 10 The first nine
of Ketl Cloud then engaged our club,
but owing to some little hitch on ac
count of the peculiarity of the pitch
ing dona by the Red Cloud', the game
wa drawn". Aside from that however.
'q I the day wa3 a success, and everybody
went awav lecnng that "jruide ItocK
knows how to do the handsome thing.
But now we can boast of having in
our midst a troup of real live tradqed
iaus. Xo longer do wc need to draw
upon the larger cities to furnih us
with-pntertainmenu of the bloo-l curd
ling sort. All we have to do, is to call
the turn metaphorically, and up comes
the right card, leaving us with a big
b,and. The venerable ace of spade
with his jack and little deuce marshal
.--- ii .i
their post to capture all the ten spots
in the tlecfc. Ihe tens are out, except
one, who takes exceptions to snch vast-
nsss, whereon the ace drops upon the
ten. The ten seeks protection from
another color, and is about to be car
ried away, whfen the jacknctsina
stringing rebuke upon the optic of the I
rescuer while tne little deuce slips be
hind tKe ace for protection. Buttjnal-
Tv the nther color carrTeaofi the ten!
t soot to hs caUo snd thus ends ih&
- 5rt icene.' Xoccetj-
' .r L
. --.. .
.." -m,--jmwrr- - r j
;: MISsImJI 1 jmm&mA$m m
- i v . - ' "i ,.- w. 's t- mmi it ' irzj'z ' x . .,suwv-v v i - .shbsrs.
mmmmmmmlLifm'mmmmmmmJi5tmmmmmmmmmm l'MSmmWSMLM 'X
sMri iMnrr BmbbWIbbbWbiI r -c-r'tiiX 'i- jsJ-- '-- , mm
l CI'... m lM - V . ' J
ri&r f
Or Hrmm
W- W -MB X 4M !MI -M
t wv
--rt. m.wm to nr ft
i . " " 'PJH"fc.B .
&. . tW i Um i.
m a tm.
Uurfinta owl. ( lWfiMi ftliii
trvMm few Mi
hm r hrm mm?
nitk jw mutm'.trn. ttvm.
JM ki mmmmtw Mb :
rtf- wn.-iCmBi Out. U mmi lu mmd It
Mr. nk.. u MBM-rr. womniiw l vrm !
w H )BWtu. UJ i tajr ""Ml &
xoRTB-witsfr waaanna!
v i
t Urracw tr 4, JSm Mwa h
hnannl mm! uxij tttmu SMC.
wtttcii rr remit tur HmmTjUs mm UMT
nut 9lmnf U Utc utrkM. u iuMSie.
uwi Mkurram m m yc m
1 (Mi bui U . up. Imkm, mTitii m "-
Itutun. d ir. "wiii-it rhtu jmL Jns
XiMU A ri 4mT4 ."mlufU. jr. MM.i I UmX. A
MM lclii( MiAtw3 Mtu mum.
tu . Ait sma ClMrtw wkmbc utisft Wm
I'VmNmt HBtacr Ui a nun uam ttt aUit.
II yiM uJ immmi i wa .aa tor ia iHoa t Mm
Utm&er tuM I toe rbJUr of Uw mc.
uitm k i sua ift. k run i ami or. hw
Na imUiui Uiir ttptnv. C C 1m.. ml
ptiM-e. 1 nr rtyorl e tJM Am IteU
imuk ite cat u uitl &u amm H ;
)ari4, i teaf 1 j, wt m U .
M . lttrltMTMm mmI JUiUar ar,aui):
S4ttJAi luui of U). TUf) tur ivnI mmx
oati ul .aU. vul UWj ma,u t totomnsjUittig
tor iiMMtt lu tut U.I wtotrt. 1A.
VVnrwt 4npt m tnA lsia. Cam b rmtttag
la rmM ttap.
1 ut-r r imw mki ut UlwMly Mux tti tMp
itii wratMl. a Ml eiud tM-Atr . W m. UrtUon iui oiunU) irvm ifcwl Iim(ih
J. It Alkti i Ifunt lp k tM 2lJH.
'VUu Crmmt iMyt it luitmt; an SiltUn U
ikfir barn, maus U Jn3- tt C-urweU iny
aro aio uuis mj a 1.iih. Jiimno Vanco ami
J. 11. l'wir ttatMMtii bitilla fanm.
Uo . . h. h ulWMt t c.j tii t pruorit at Un
m'1im4 mhlm No. il. wi Miiuy. dKuMtier It, at
11 o eiix-ti ;i. in, t.Nu.
Ill II - ' P Mi
'HiH mfflHiMfltty t-s latti t;!l Uy Uiat lruail
cd rttne. ;iHtMl len-r, tvttu ery Intnl.
We i.uvu a jn-lit.ot. u ruCiiu.i'Ot a Mtmuuiilt
Cttuclrrs. i aUM-rum iMid th imtv1 ml UM.
Jut4i Aera,t)f Htiw Utli. ivao vtlttHt &l
.Iiiltu McO.UimmN.
1 L.uiKa. ( anrtf . or Utcs bum mi.rmcnx ,
Our 1. il. tMU tcli wit Itw) -ikk Ut hit A fru
The Krl Clowl creamery k5 ttkl Mr. rrtll
$:M lot lhlHHUi ul AiajptA, for i1m erMuu
Mr. Jdti Uardoa bnti-Jt ! MMttuniotb
l!u liA't wtM al ituMM Ifcat tK hII mna to Uw
suiic lair, wuu tt wl2h 1X ooimU.
1 n. tUli'(uri! 1 hat .ng a W prkttl? ;ia4 li
lita.Uj( k(m1 i.utrLiiiua un ali wim maka aki
31im liMMnMu iuui!tx cKiatnMei um
mm ue vcii &.niu4 xUr ctumirrs uf (1m i'Maarw
mac, liu nm fivu t-!rrkam. ami RHM4.)f wr
timr ih3 ih1 llvr m U atl u tmUmmtrn.
uur telMkttuni, n. i'. arlcaMa., to Inukc pumi-
titt (i!falr.itU day uiUi wotK.
mxci torn ftr biiM, ir2.Ji- ' Mu
cr l 7, Un', "" w,,,-,4,, "" l"
ra . . . "
Mp A. 'I j"ri" iUmr MnlM. Imt tt
cru!4y, 1 at1) Uttmr n04j.trI U J. aw
roli UH. ll Hh ar U ajall cmmXmI a
rur.Vcir e tkl fur In li yr)tn, ao4 h
Uoui" ! will apir.-riate Ur in.
Tra BrwMit )iliuly. V. Uitok thfT at
Iwcti tim i Wmj Iruiu mt 4ac. aMl drlltnl
In this d!rt!ou. ACXr Mora.
As I am about to clo-iu my busmen
in Kod Clcwid at otico, I with all par
ties indebted to me to tome tu on aa
po&tibie and i-Ktlo their nccontA
And all person lo whom 1 am indebt
ed will bu jKiid by mo upon proseuimx
their bHfe. Uy cim plying with thw ic
quest 1 will be greatly obligwl.
5if L. ISaum.
Vlnp Fftrm Far Sale.
A quarter section of lanti for !
i'rice $1 HW. GjmkI aotl houae with two
rootiH, two wells of water, UK) shade
tree?, 50 fruit U. 35 acrs nml?r cul
tivation, 1JJ acrra gootl plow land, Mt
uated in Wsilnut Cruek prfceinct. Fr
further particular- inquire Bt thi f-
' '
Mr?. G. ? Tayloi ia preparetl to do
all kuxls of drosetnaking on short n
tico. and at ronftonabJo rntod. One
door cast Commercial houee.
The Ke4l CUmuI mill are doing cx
celltsnt work. hihI arc running nibt
and day to thtir full cajwicity. We Ukat j
their Hour spokrn of in ighboniiv
towns where it i foul a? being oi very
superior quality. This a as it t hot-Id
n are SiHU vo itrarn oi mu pis-
perity of our home uwhHtnea.
A phsamnt, Sae and llduthlc Jlemtdy
Jot Bowel Complaint.
"Please i-end three bottlca of 3Iaru'j!
Tonic Astringent by expros, to my
wife. Wavfrland Indiana, where he
visiting tntrnds. She writes me that
our little girl ha3 the summer com
plaint, and thai .-she cannot obtain the
Astringent there, l'Jeae bond it imme
diately as we are anxiou to have tt got
as soon as possible. We have more
confiidence in any other remedy."
John E Petty, Fort iilt Kaniiaa.
Marsh's Tonic Astringent is for salo by
llenry Cook droggit Ketl Cloud 2eb
It quickly cur&5 diarrhoea, dysentry,
chofcra, infantum, and all bowel cora-
phuota. Price 60ctd, Dontfau to try it. j
EacLlr a' Aro Ira 5olTe-
The best ealve in the -world for cnta,
bruisca, sores, unlce, alt rhenm, fer-
er fores, tetter, chapped hands, chil-
biains, corns, and all eruptions, and
positively cures pile?, or no pay re
quired. It ia guaranteed to give sail
laction, or money remndnL Price 25
cent per bottle. For sale bv Henry
(Irfrm G! rcrtne Salrjj.
The hot on cartli can truly be paid
ofPriggs Glycerine Salve, which Is. a
sufe cure for cute, bruises, scalds.
burns, wounds, and ailotiier
Will positively cure piles, tetter and
r -t .t-- .i r..r. -...
cll.-scm eruntioos. atitactiou guar
anteed or money refunded. Only 25
cents. Tor sale: by A. Lindley.
. 4 M
Cas of barbed wire, cheap at
on's, BrVcrton.
Wjatir Wfeeat . ... ---
iyt? .- - 4
ixra.., ,.
SOfJ.f. ... .
G4mxr Wmt. mmi
la mnj&itum.
W0Q9M SflttJiiV Wt S)MaT iBKSl tottQH
fstam s lm$ vni' (itii $m
Am .
. .,. ,,,. crscrri t nr ty,- i"-Jei-j bRmssHsvsT
m - m r . -fAsffi. m-ferH5
m - T -f - "s"j t.
j- Jl W n .i mmmw Ta - . ,Slv . t
kMM "
a.- "' -
Tin, $Ft $KA t9fTt4 tu ll t
fat &$ j. r 10 &rs5l 4 Si
Ikbu. If Ttte wiS ltJ
' . r . -- -M m ttaa W
Imh xS wa Wjjs.
Vwh dmmp. tMvL sw rft Ikd
1 tv h imliiWaw A. $&m &9&r
Tum ypwkm Wliftg sJpjf !
tni WMWt lnjf
wsjP55 w
I r;irlMtt.
3 if
. .kx Ml . - '
Yr tt ta8 5wJ:r, Urtr, Usj
if . mm a Sims m wj
lrjo !( ajtwu m4J, frJr "
ygigliubiiw, v , 4 y ktfd i-mu tafihi'
WS4l A t'utnui, or dr &$ttjh
feast of ta uut t juMiAbi Hoc
S saw. tf
Fwi ft ' iU ! b- 2 Tsxt rA
)?ooa iuh! fariMutra. B ImJCs
HacrwL, tln fnrwr, Ha ctmotky
lln rs. t
Al4Mr (hmmi fWatiFrI. ,
10Q acrt. kird to town 1 rits 2
ftr alo ftx rit or al $20 Ir aor.t.
123 neroB of WvcJ plow lmd, jcvl w-ll
of lirittg xaier, bitf, anU. corral.
ot4 Jn etht tUiWs ttuflh-wtt of llwl
ChmhL Tba ttm nBj:wl !r
$4u0, at D 9t conU, ! in two yoam
from Jaoniuy. U arrf of coni jjm
with plneo. For lMdrtMwiflrit ttjttini at
liito olfHiit, or of . BiNson. if
Ir ymi watt b stmwbrriv aoii,
Un.-i of thtxn -ml in vanir ontura Ibq;
j.biute to L U K4M4. S9pittbr It tli
month to aal thorn out.
Aitvlrrt to AftlH'r.
Ar itMawtI Al MJM imm! WmVi f )r
re4 bv n rV. HilM 3frtflff 4 r taa wVii
pMi ! cuitloe llr II i4 al M MMt
ta ImimV ot Jdrx. wt4ttN MNrfMiM t
fir rhtMnM U4IUmc. ! hf fe larjrtiiaiifci.
It v.m rvlirtf Uw lttM rvrwr mmmmMmv.
l jwwl ato it, MyH&wrs Urw &
HNuC It. It rnrtm tytUrrr md dutrritara. rf
nUl Uhr HMnarit a4 tkMwls.par vta4 Mrtw.
414MW Um runw. riwrr autjaiwattaa, awl
; tntt and m ,m u ta vUk sUpm.
MittytkKi w m 'f tt- tl - ' Nrt trbtw
urM- n H . a t .iU4 fttat. t
oriit l1 ti. u1Um u,-Lt tk WMld.
oowTjtJcrr AaxaaOiirA.'
nfrB I pil-t-4! i fcUU iJilUk. MLSM
o - " .
I"5 tnUin hom fr .tUr of mt7 11 W
iiitM or
Dr. Prlss's Special FLa?orine Extracts,
Dr. Prict's LupuIIn Ytast Burn
Tr Urlit, lUUtay ht.l T& t l
TwtU it VfefM,
Tfca fct Arj top ytt fa tba warid.
niiA tl,t, Ym it lK?t. hit nd
try tftU yt li lKftt. hit nd wagv-
aaroa lifco msr t?f4taetir' dMglw br4.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chlciio, HI. Et. Loa, Me-
Dr. J. E. Parker,
Over Sherer Drug Store.
All wanting nsz COLD ntus or
other first-cl4 work, at reawaablo
price?, are cordially iflTited to calL All
work warrantcl.
On Sept. 18, '84,
At ten o'clock am at Wai$oo Hvery
stable. JUd Cloud, the ucderrrgnd
vilijeHat puUic anctio, 40
Cattle consisting )
S ftttn?, one Jo two jreju$o!d. jpnir
old, i thoroogh-bred fiurruu S
years old, 1 sdatv afarwf, and coli
tnree-ytar oiu ure. I Jw. fi-:
jear3 oid. 21amlrWgomiHtsBo
tcagon.lnitiiftet hJ W-
. 1 IMiJlS AH SMTtlV nl T aJ . -
cash, overtlO iitf r.i j-SSI
wul bo gtveu tha rHirciw
noe ana ppnf f4-;nty;V
percent mitrrt froiv$Wte,
cent on ior cu, w
' J. W. Warrar &
? A.
-- r 3SM --vw 5 VUIk VJ. iVl VPU W IWW Hff f ' rjBj. MB
M JMdsVtK I a fV xrmA u aa.-M. W.. X "M V-Mra,
& - liT aJisrS ' " ISjMpSJSBMBBfTK "TLtCBBBMJSmt
.. ?
-7S. J
. jffeu
3U? L AT
yw f
if Z-i. .
vw 1 !
V "B. .
. 11
FgpF8 ,
iT5 -1
' CjpwJ'"r-