The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 05, 1884, Image 2

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.aesn .jffcw
A C. HQSIB, Publisher.
The works of Herbert Spencer, Eniile
Zola, and Prof. Huxley have been for
bidden in Russia.
English holders of Wabash railway
bonds lately formed a committee to op
pose the reconstruction schemes of Pres
ident Joy.
'ostmaster at Chicago has been
r.f.flTFBIUlLUill; luli "'"mu
for appointment as additional Ieltcr
carriers, to commence duty Septem
ber 14.
The Centennial Anniversary ftf the
death of Padre Serra, the pioneer of
Catholic missions in California, was cel
ebrated the 28th at Monterey with im
posing ceremonies.
Toukists to Cheyenne Canyon, one
of the wonders of Colorado, are now
compelled to pay liberally for the
pleasure, the owners of adjacent land
havinjr built fences and established toll
atcs A stokm in Manitoba the other night
injured fifty buildings in Winnepeg, de
stroyed a church, a paper-mill and the
Canadian Pacific freight-sheds at
Portage la Prairie, and leveled the
growing crops in a large territory.
Maggie Josks, of Baltimore, in fil
ing a bill for divorce, alleges that she
believed she was marrying a bachelor
of sixty years, but discovered at his
residence nine grown children, eight of
whom were older than herself.
IJit. Salmon', Chief of the National
Animal Industry Bureau, is of opinion
that pleuro-pneumonia can be checked
in Illinois if quarantine regulations arc
promptly applied, and if the animals
are killed when the disease first attacks
A cow which cost three thousand
dollars in England, ouc of a train-load
of imported Shorthorns en route from
Massachusetts to the farm of James J.
Ilill, near St. Paul, was lately burned to
death by an accidental fire-on tho track
near Albany.
A little son of Matt Allen, of Union
Township, near Erie, Pa., was stung by
a honey bee a few days ago, and, being
very nngn rushed up to the bee-hive
and kicked it over. The bees swarmed
out and literally covered tho little fel
low, slinging him eruolly, and there arc
grave apprehensions that the result will
be fatal.
A rakciiek near Fort Churchill, Nov.,
ays the army worm is death on the
lizards and horned toads. The army
worms stuff themselves with vprcta
tion, and the lizards and toads shift
with army worms to such an extent
that the heat of the sun causes ferment
ation within them, and they swell up
and burst.
Examiner Ellis reported the actu a
losses of the Second National Bank of
IXenia, Ohio, at about 53,000 of which
amount $33,000 is chargeable to Cash
icr Ankeny, who acted without knowl
edge of the directors. It is deemed
certain that the institution is all rhrht
yet, as an assessment of $1G,000 would
be sufficient for that purpose.
Larkin I). Collins, of Bollinger
County, Mo., lately received a conch
phell that has been in use 03-the Collins
family for over two hundred years, and
lias passed through the bauds of live
renerations, being handed down from
father to son. It now comes into his
bands by reason of his being the oldest
surviving male member of the family.
It was carried during the Revolutionary
TVVar by Mr. Collins' grandfather, and
used as a bugle in tho cavalry service.
It was at tho battle of Bunker Hill.
Mr. Seymour Cooper. Clerk of the
2Jcw York Superior Court, has en
grossed on the baek of a postal-card,
-without the aid of a microscope, the let
ter of acccptauee of Governor Cleve
land, copied verbatim, containing 1,000
words. The writing is perfectly read
able with the naked eye. Mr. Cooper
rforwarded to Governor Cleveland and
Hendricks their letters of acceptance,
3otli-tf them written on a single postal
eard.which contained over two thou
sand words, beating auything of the
fcind thtt has ever been accomplished
nvitfi.the $en.
'Pennsylvania has a new law, under
axhich isghren to the Board of Publie
Charities fupervision of all places in
vhiea any person of unsound mind is
detained and compensation is Rjii-Snd
4of all places orhere two oiSJore such
persons are detained, & or without
compensation. Thiscxcepta the single
family idiot or Ironic, and it appears,
from the accouKtof cruel treatment by
relatives which iavo appeared in the
Philadelphia Tkmzs and Frcss. that the
are of & lunatjs a dangerous power
to trust to rcMxves unless subject to
official over-wlit. A change in the
tatute is drKadedV
rie individual of New York
I2e which he calls Lin-
roof 3 ornamented
projected by wood-
c: the Jjanies of Fort
and fort Sum-
ian cfel ship is
his jjarden.
that people
to correct
a notice
iaa .they
was not
?per. in
A -Snmmarr of the Dally New.
Seckktaky Foloer was taken fceriooly
ill on the 2Gib and had to return to hit
Thomas A. HesoriCKS has agreed to de
livcr an address at tho Peoria fair next
. .. .. , , .rei
UIU J. II. STEWART, live Ilium aiayor Oi wf?n nro ,,lrfzUr at Abilene. TV-r.
a. vw-- ---j,--, ,, -- . .,
tion. 'Vii. J. A. 8bflpr. of Change. !
won tho !lrt priz In the Bal'-nl ma cb
and the fourth prirlntbsIoillTnI''Vjihoot.
The eleventh nnnoal temperance meet
ing of the W. C. T. U. will be held at
D. I'. Bloomer, a traveling salesman
from New York, was horribly beaten by
unknown parties recently at Minneapolis
8esor Y. Garza, Secretary of the Peru
vian L;ga:Ion, received a semi-official dl
rmtrh navinc that at J.llna all 1h quiet, lit
j Interpret lt a m.-aing 'hat the trouble
' rewortd in that ciV yesterday I Over.
broke into the Southern Hotel and tried to
rob the inmates. Mm. Gilatrap and her
daughter. TU- isutes wrre murderously
fit. l'aul, was carried off by apoplexy on
the 2Gtb.
The cable on the 27th chronicled the
death of WJ Odo William Lepold ltns- j " OIMrWrfb.y beaten and choked
, ..,. .. . .,..,. j KxciteraenV" UXQ aner lUe negro'ii cap-
troi vice, wun aCTjruiii;ii wj ut-iiiu as i in"
Minister. He vat thirty-five years of age.
)r- IL 1 LiviNovrax of Dattooooiii. ha filled the chair of Mirsrry hi tlw '
(Mnslta 31etiira! Intil iw .'cr .vae timj
Ia-t, has btvti elcctetl to tlm: of the pri-
ciple ami prart of mndirjr !n the -c-bra-ka
Colive of Mwliclne at I JiK-oIn. I
Cois.v h king In Xe&rsxka this ytar in a
larziT acxrjtanrf of tht trmi than wrr
U'fure. The larget Uhli an hi the West
ern and Central iortlonf theMtc hete
ecrj thing runs to com. Farnier who
have Hvci! In the State for many jt-ars? ik-;
riate that Uim in the hursust curn ytnir ther .'
have ever known. The nanon lm tot Wvn
the bat for wheat awl ether cereal- of the
kind, but it ha been ja-: right for corn.
Tlivre !uw lK.en an abundance of rain, a j
god deal more thin u?ual for thl- tat,
but none too miK-h t keen the corn
Ths '"lut Cnnrrnlioa : Jrtltroerii
Diii't Jrvomlnat-1 Tl- Othr "o
(iatit a Mil tit- V mttnrnu
tlc lr-Iknit Male Cttr.Ii tr. l
Omaha m tbc Sstli. t'oLtg railed to " -,t
no, licitrge t. iJr4v. i. ll riv.
ijincftMer GrtmtT. v. ekrtI t n
)Hn ;hc cMivcMtln lot a :ecev ur.i
aftrnxtru. On xrmcmimnz tu
lminr in inlor t u nj;
Hon rf two rr4tJal f. " t I
!In. (. J I. bewj w& mnhiu.; '' ?
TliurMmi. whI Henry 5tkk. f Wi
tiMi, b lit. 1 F. HiltMi. of BUr. "a-
were rb(-M by acrtom&tton.
1 Urn. H. C. .Smith, of J'Kjtrlcr, fur t
I? I t4Js : ? &&
. t ,
i a car Ct - srs tr? J- rrrn!-!!? n&N k
rrWT-Trr4 1 U$, thtmtl l&aUm fSt-ftSj to
- KXlXC'Ji&vi&JtUftt&ii Jgr tb ISetJteTaJk fZTtx 3?. rtf
Kjf :. dfr tstt nttut tulles -?tii f Ui 3UKiiat Yftf- f!4,s t
p . tr itteadctl fcli li!oeit U fUs of lhi J.r-.iN- w tm pw
JCi Tfcll rat .m ? to Jfee I,M "" i-faF-T wim
X&iL.t In a ti of rmu car, nwwh.," a ? iyia. r
liKl-;...- ..i . , . . fc . , - rrrt aa tir IiafiHsia
a'S- 9r , fnrv i - wn "tt f4
il wnrmxrf i! I ximmHL. .. 4 Ika'.iaali
Frt lV,h, ai.oul inWsi !et GeSd jjj n. t
o iTebmne,AMuff 'f wp HcttWaia. l Utt? 4'
-- i co iram w iiraraiz itw &mi
rar wtJl I T-fU8iH xm th
ui near t.twfry. rwaiitoj abrat tw?a4y f l!i-"-K ii4 -ui s I j l
rfc mlk an hour, Ura frjntvrvwbikncU iww jai l lHm& " !tl
JtMWrcmi that the cm t. en rr. HTtt 'UU t m two U h n ?
rrrrtt tlsu rtiHn b1 Ihn-w 4iv th. w&i. ttat U OorUrc' JJ tprt
- r - - -
IvB til" i
by sore
n an-
at Bar Harior and
vis?d him to remain
abandon bis engagements iu Northeastern
It is announced that Bradlaugh, the
English Radical, will deliver a heries of
lectures In America during the months of
October and November.
Jo.vah Wolk wax elected Governor of
the Chickasaw Nation by a small majority.
John Burrows, a well known business
man of Chicugo, recently died very sud
denly at Springfield, Mass.
Prof. Brugscii will go from Berlin on a
mission to Teheran, Persia, instead of to
General Wolheley goes to Egyj)t to
assume command of forces in relief of
Irvinq played "Richelieu" to a large
audience at the Lyceum Theatre, August
28th, and announced in a brief Hpecch that
bo would soon sail for America.
The German Emperor was thrown from
his borss and slightly hurt lately.
Carl Schup.z has accepted an invitation
from some Germans in Milwaukee to
that city and make a speech on the politi
cal condition of tho country.
James Campbell, a well known citizen
of Rockford, HI., and who wus formerly
Sheriff, was lately found dead in his room.
The coal miners in tho third pool of
Pennsylvania weakened and one hundred
and thirty men returned to work.
Recent Boston dispatches mention the
discovery of a counterfeit silver dollur,
differing only slightly from the genuine as
to weight and thickness.
Some citizens of Trenton, N. J., who fa
vor crejnatlon, havo purchase a pottery
kiln at J'iinington, and will transform it
into an oven for burning bodies.
A Catholic priest of Pittsburgh named
Charles Sharp, while in tho last stages of
consumption, lately took bis life with a re
volver. TnE United States steamer Kenrsarge,
now at Gibraltar, has received instructions
from Washington to mako a cruiho nlong
tho north and west coasts of Africa.
The Chautauqua Assembly closed on the
26th with fine singing exercises.
"At Coal Center, Pa., a number of strik
ing miners were arrested for trespuss.
Their wives came with babes in their arms
and wanted to bo locked up, too, claiming
they had nothing to live upon.
The foreclosure proceolings against tho
Rochester & Pittsburg Road have been
withdrawn until October, because n de
fault of sixty days in the payment of in
terest is required by law.
The Grand Lodge of Ohio Ancient Order
of United Workmen met at Cincinnati on
tho 27th.
The Treasurer of tho UnitedStatcs has
forwarded to tho Governor of Louisiana
free-school bonds of tho Stato to tho
amount of twenty-ono thousand dollars,
which was captured at Baton Rougo by
Geueral Sheridan.
A recent Conference at Glyndon.Minu.,
between tho manager of tho Northern and
Canadian Pacific roads, has led to a ru
mor that a joint lino will bo built from
Winnipeg to St. Paul for a winter outlet
from Manitoba.
A shortage of six hundred thousand
dollars has been found in the sinking funds
of Essex County, N. J.
At tho National capital, on the 27th, a
workman attracted somo attention as he
was swung slowly to the top of tho Wash
ington monument, inspecting every joint
in the five hundred feet of marble. He
reported tho column in admirable condi
tion, notwithstanding tho recent earth
The veteran sailors and soldiers of the
Northwest hold a reunion at Chicago, Au
gust 27th.
Inquiries have beon sont out to Quebec
by British cavalry officers ns to the quality
and cost of horses to bo obtained in that
region for service in England.
Twenty-one cars war smashol by an
nccident on the Schuylkill Valley Railroad
at Contesville, Pa., on the 27th.
Police recently had to quell a riot be
tween union and non-union brickmakers in
tho town of Lake, north of Chicago.
William B. Roberts shot Jessie Tracy
at Utica, N. Y., recently, because she
would not marry him.
The directors of the Louisville & Nash
ville Railroad Company havo agreed upon a
plan of reorganization.
The People's Bank of St. Paul was re
cently robbed of $10,000. Edward Mason,
aged sixteen, who was u bookkeeper in the
bank was missing.
Ix the Tallapoosa matter tho jredtoil
Sctc has suggested an examination of the
ej'es of tho officers for the purpose of de
tecting whether color blindness exists.
Joe Bogard, colored, was banged at
Lonoke, Ark., recently for rape. On the
gallows he made a speech warning the
crowd against low company.
SoE men at Duck Hill, Miss., three of
them being negroes, attempted to rob a
train the"2Sth.
The dry goods house of C L. Luce & Co.,
fl Toledo, burned on tho 28th. Loss, J20,-
000; insurance not stated.'
The schooner Defiance, with eight thou
sand bushels of uninsured wheat aboard,
lately -sank near Fort Donanlson, OnU
The first clause of the Education Bill
was passed by the Belgium Chamber of
Deputies, by x vote of seventy-eight to
The King ctfCongo has made a formal
protest against the treaties between the
Palla Balla Prinees and the International
LONDOsr was ail excitement recently
over the false rumor that Queen Victoria's
protracted mela.ickoly had finally re
sulted in her deaths
The steamer Rosetandish was recently
sunk in Boston HarlVK.
Th villa of John G", Hecksher, a well-
known society man of Jfcw York, which is
at Newport, was robbed of diamonds and
jewelry on the 23th by unknown parties.
Commissioner Fuse bar authorised a
cut-on cattle rates of from ta'enty to forty
five per cent. The cause assigned was that
other lines in the pool have cut rates.
The intense heat at Lang Son? recently
caused a suspension of all operations.
Dr. Paarex, State Veterinarian of Hlia-,
ois, killed ten Jersey cows recesflttj" M
found their lungs hepatized badly.
It is said that the hop crop is afe,lt
one-fourth short' this year.
John Floyd Mason was mardered jat
WahbiHgton Court Hoase. O.. reewtlr.
Tb Minneapolis team was the victor ia '
tkt rife consist at Western Taioft JmoH
building a fire, a
A littlt girl at Dallas, Tex., was horri
bly burn'1 hy a kerosene explosion, which
few day i ago.
A destructive hurricane vlkited Evans
ville, Ind., on the 29 h, doing about a qaar
ter of a million dollars damage.
' eniwtng rapidly. In conversation with iron- of KJectur, Hcrtcd by aceiAinat .
L-ni van mien to und.-n.tand that whcn CapSnlll Blcr; of Ca ajb,
forngl yield of corn could . . .. , . . n.,.? ., .JZ?Z
r: all fields W splendid: ther,- at7 ;Mn ' l hntT- f ,!r'U " vfftg
Watertowx, N. Y., was greatly dam- J In ail othrr .strtion
tit-men from diuenrut uarts of the Mat a
the otitNxik
not b- WlU
m -t. n.r.1 m.. ft-tiiira I
: .. . i .TTffafaith ' 'L wf iiwi- ..
I! tCI IIIIH: in
are mote than ?.itis rTwun be
In the northern part f the Mate the crop ,
Is .said to be much Is :cr than lat jtr, aul '
Smith afterward refttvrd liie
tic valrr. Tlirt wen lty s3i hi th cr,
arrxajted jn three lrr sf brtth on rttfc!
ale. Ttw ftKward We Jiir a kj
and men lit bunts lrcpnj jraittt t Tht
jtr lfJc tlor wa aUo root and the tort
V&m army Hi v( ?
nuted for the i-iul !Mfn: hv
" - - j jz
lion. John 3Iarkhtu of (.av!v (ssstr. - nff -t.,., n i,t ,,tw4i.f. ti.
.. - if "" -- -- ...,v.- .
il.. l-..!?l ilij ii II " ' i'iir:cu" omt vnw or iwucw
whoawttke. dtrvrri th vxix rro-ri
pled tvitb neAt to it ctantalnm :sttih ps, Ibrojiy to usp4t Ut th
ww, n ung the car wtut )taozr ana ratting tnat h r
1 a
IImj w?tr Ir th r'HiYt.- -
t,fwa cvuw not hr t5 4r. 0-l i
ltteful ! iHmt Jfen 4 '
I nHKiratw rfArtv. Ii t Ui.- . r
t t
aged by lire on the 8.h.
A Franco-German alliance has
recciveil are iuo-t rla
I the bUtc the resorts
it Irs ttft m. h4iir5ft iww lf v
j "ir, - - -w n,,,-T --v . Ww
wrst bv ihc hhvf Ajsd ytu
r -
rn At a nufting of tie Mtndaj School Ai
lar, of Wtrr
MUIrt, oi
. .. ......
made by which it was arranged that tbo ' ?cmuiy at LreUi, o tn 'ilii. r.J. i
countries assist each other in acquiring J pn'w-Jitwl to the ?s aibly a warranty d
tor land valued nt in
A .scheme wai recently found by which
ofllcerx and agents of the St. Louts & Cairo
Narrow Gauge were robbing the co;npany.
Owing to the failure of tho noted sugar of IL Weinrich, tbo sugar trade at
Vienna has been greatly embarrassed.
dred dollars. Great nthuUusiu gn-eUtl the
cift and the future ' tne a.veuibly U -on-Mdered
brilliant. N- snuilar a-oc5ation iu
the Tinted .States h. s luil as cok1 an en
liowment at the .vain age. The
-iiHir wirri t ii.iii i ..
,4 V !. .. , 2a-. .rrri car ami Ue engine. Jolin
..ui ,,.;,, iH.u..u .oi - - WK ad Enrr
LaiTl.dt.yai-cfcmut.otu Jp Iowa, croudnl throoclt Uhi ifmlM an!
Alfreil XV. Aj?tv, of lUmiltongtMMl H II. (nw j0 .kia In itcr ttom tl cii
,i j Shtnld. of launder, ueie pr'iilsfrri Sice tank. Owing to the nurfitlnjr cm
thoc-and evn linn- i of I.hutenaut ;o.-mor. 1 t.c ftew$nded: n wjw uihtiiu io whku ii--.. -w.
Charlie II. Wlllard. of Tlnyrjf
I,.-,tl fnr ... 'IV. r.,f tl'VA tl. .tlCfH'V .
ast-m iv . . v,i!..,. ......-i ii... , f ---- f,,r Ami.
had been a success f: ui the .start, many In- ! ,, . . , ,. . ,." -,mv Uv
utuwwt "J '-
c:r klcktxl and bnd?l In a hckins nun
jmi . i uer. aitti nnaiiv iiiriitri nii m ii- nuwnn
was uotnmatl for Sntarylw atate. rlu. ,,.,,, f ih, unai. m t thrmbb
. . -iJT' . . .-v-.-. --' w-- ,,-T -r -,-- --
Shetld. itrj; Agev. i:a. Ilal4 PJft en
Itnr. ileffatlns (iriv,
to 1UJ. Jo-enh Jxoit. of
the h.ootdetl airtuin wttw tnriflii. TUf
wild glare of iiw namm of th? burning rt
ltourtl the vctlm outside who wtilhcd In
RiTouv on the cactus Utl ainl cju-wiI the
- f .. I.. ..I I . ..- i
ISHHUCS icycucu ..-ii.i 1.-..- i th.i ndkilnltttrrar U ltvnu
jacoii ecei, ngea Mxty-iour, nu.g n, irun w. ii-kuui i wmu.., nu. , noniiiintion for UmlCKHt Mlmicr. ' j tVr 'kiw lt aiipallltt
hims.'lf inamiioke house at Dcatur. 111., and Siimlay hchool w irkers. u- ... , . ,, ..ihnnf , iranuc wn lerror. mawiu,, n a M "
. . i . t i i.i i . f . . i .-.i .i . n. ' JO,lt prtsmi incuajssssi. - " tevnr. The perfoi nwr who occupltnl the
rtUKust ;.n, on nreouuioi uau ncuiiu. -"i i.i .t.u.., in, nu iuv: i.uuii) , ,,l:llni fr MilCr:nttndfUt Of rWMlC IllsmiC- , -j. j. .Z(si w,a wj,,te faor al 5
Two prominent Mexican officers have of Dan Swecnev, in (iinaha, rereiitl UK.k a . tj(n vi:iiam Iatm of Smmcii. 'tas noni- j Tltr vwrt I .J'Tm
been mihsing some time and it is thought usantliy of wii.shing mmU by mistake think- atrt for Atlnie f.fiursj.1 For the v.v Jn j(, n,,j0"f tlw ctMiri!m. two or Uirw
they have been imprisoned in Gonz.ile'4 -' l ' ,s,ie "arrowly ivmk.mI niWy ( lUn.vM lf th. JH' I'nhersay. I , , , w lirBrw u4i to the vas.on
Military Dungeon. djMth. i he aainc ihy. hi Omaha aho, a raiWc,, by tht. rouM1!t.o 1 Hon. J. W. am, bmch Jit a way to Uirtr cxn,nhn
Diu Smith, of Virginia City, M. T. was M. Jl!' 1'" " "W"'. l!wxSMl find thtm alrrady In the !cu of drath.
.. . '.......... ..ii..... some 4hug, and hev Ife was. mh&I by the ...,, n(im.atwL On motsstFiff Hiu-hnoll. ol .,i...wi.i.. im.i.. f.u,.lMu .i
4"M . .V' ' - wwwwvwwm- .-.
Ueport comes of a serious Mexican riot
at 1'iedres NegraH, over tho election of a
Judge. Over one hundred persons were,
perhaps, killed.
A suit was recently decided against the
Davenport, la., Gazette Company, which
will cost the company eleven thousand
The British Government has decided to
increase the Khartoum expedition to seven t.iMt.. Kf.tri.n fiTinrlrfw! !ovnl
t.." ..m i. ..- r i.i.... T...H..., .started and hu was
ouuta iii uk ncitb iixui cuu iitw iiiiiii-d, i ,
timely u-m of :i & pump.
Frank Drscn, a joung German, was un
der arrest hi Omaha rei-ently, charge I with
piii('7.zliug seven hui dred dollars belonging
to Ins employers, Mj-;r A: Haapke.
Hkv. S. II. Hi:miiion, Ires:ding Elder,
rwently met with waat was fearwl woultl
provea fatal accident When the southern
p.v-encer train arriel at Crete, I lev. Ileii
(lerui, who was on Ixmrd retunilng from
Ilubhel!, got off on 'he bridge near town,
intending to go to the a.venibly ero;iud.
While he was on tiie bridge th. train
knocked to the ground
l'Jattsnioiith, Camper IlTaC of Omaha.
wa-. nominated ns Cl.akTsMUl of the Mate
jxjxecabir rvmoTcd. snd th p ui
tsrtHher Wod ur ImMhcr
ivohli. The I)rnMratki f
'Web idratly wentitrd wjlij ?atr
lavrhold ojj Thf K .lil34
; realty UletJrl nth imtanKt
U war. t hffrvforf ar Hk
the ex'trnfy lnoaKth(Q I L &r
cratlc IliftrNon; ih" IVa r
Stan never w n a N-aal Met-
To Jl U4n art? th tn-g a
bV that catvh the tnl.t th
.htiir llirensj hanU ar Kc
Hu1 fart can not l !!
no tl to ijuarrol with tt
,aurt which har. ojrnti
the number of IHjiukt ii
tho niimUtrnf Hepuhhcan
iant 1hMi thh one tirn.
tnvtnciuio tnu ilr etir
has jxjlrje! the tib! nntrt! h
fl ttir-
Ieteart ,
atlan '
a '- I
tf tl3-
lib frleml Kent over the cactut iu their Um 1 bouts of the lVointHtralic
Centnil Cotuiuittee.
Till. I'LAtViait)!.
The lejK.rt of the CoiisnitteF on Platform
feet pountl imckeb. of oil on th nil
tercd unfortunate nnl wrapintl them In
blankets. An old IWIne oxit sailor namcl
McDonald, fonnerly with KoreiMgh'urdiow.
was then ealletl for. whlMj ia')liJtte.l through WftS torriblv bnniel. the tlc-h hautg In
Fred Nye, it.-. Chahiafaf tlc following ro- 51,1 The hiartrenihng erte. f the men
ort: I t on the prairie, tlie Miio'.hereil
we th.. r"jir-ei.tittlvref a Kepubllean ,ivit,w uiii.i,, the rtr the roar of
of Neluak.i in ionteiJBarM.'mlel indore . J wnuui wit ur, wn. nwf ut of nruSpe adopted by ttie . ami the howling of the anlmal-
nialetliction of the wr
1 brain The 011ns t,
babe no to k. tho father
to the tan of hi iletu
has not .ncklotl a Iemv
.Muf l. ittiui ui iun Era era
i.r ii.rt flm watchetl th thihlren wt
VW --W- A
tktk t illtniin. xt tll'.IMtf' ftUf ItMUlll'ilHr
the rcmaimler from Gibraltar, Malta, and M.vm; ,imm'ia, Iujtr.(,s -,lis ,'
Cyprus. General olseley proposes to blc-otiliis ba.llv and it was feared their fill
reach Dongola by November 7tb, as he has j,,., wol,,j t).t regpinitloii and death.
but six cataracts to pass. Alderman Den
ison, of Toronto, will command tho Cana
dian voyngeurs.
A gasoline explosion at Uricksville, O.,
caused damage to tho amount of thirty
thousand dollars recently.
Maud S. is in training nt flartford for
the purpose of preparing to lower her
The Matador Cattle Company of Texas
lately applied for twenty thousand acres of
lunds in the I'un Handle.
The Treasury Department purchnsed
four hundred and seventy thousand
ounces of silver for delivery nt the New
Orleans, Philadelphia and San Francisco
Hon Foro was arrested aud incarcerated
in prison nt Las Vegas recently, for shoot
ing at the City Marshal.
The British Government is expediting
the departure and increasing the reinforce
ment for Egypt. The staff nt Woolwich
hns been inci eased and additional bands
engaged to put the transports in readiness.
Saturday orders were sent to Plymouth to
hasten the fitting out of the transport
Four polygamists were recently indicted
in Arizona by the United States Grand
Jury. These were the first indictments of
tho kind ever found in Arizona.
A patiknt named heaile at the m-aiie 1
hospital at Lincoln led his hroiher and a )
couple of attendants a wild chase recently. J
The brother was visting at the as I11111 and ,
took the la(t one out for a ride. Ily Mime
means the wild man got hold of the lines, j
ordered ami compelled his brother tngtt
out, and then putting whip to the horse i
went !ailing over the piairie in a mot reck- j
le.v manner. The biother and attendants
.National Kim
- on and tend r
Jamr? (1 ltlu. lie Hti I
ililiit-.- for I'n -..-SftEai4
t-hoM-n hv trial Uiv.Aft
UV teeuiriiue In UltlSe'.ten. of acceptance
of tin -fnuriiii HdqMs3iattcriy exposition?
of the part Initli. sjnlUljatxindnut crvlcc
to the .N!i 11. rflifoareri In the pjtt anJ
(riiHrnii'tfl in tliti tntiin' by tho NHtiotml
ltiputf't a. 1 1 ruuifractor..
Ui thi-t rfut iiecjK 'Jie iuuos. political,
mora! or ihi-mmiuI attempted to bo made by
the Niulonul Hi nioratle c invention and the
i-unten nii'or ihissHtf-lhd ludejvcndent Ke-puliliiaii-itii
I chaMafethe cloM.'t fcrutiur
ot tlraiswrln of the respective
pnrtj platf: i-nsaad th public or private
reenn or th rresJOCt tint cumllthiti-t.: nut.
we rink from MINI of character or con
duct th it th avakMiid conscience of the
vntm at tt late I M'cne l)eVotil dcHj-riptiou.
Jiturty vupiMirt te roastjns nh, and the distant
A. ixxmn. wio etui- ..... -.,.,.....,....
VI.. ' .. -
madt; the
Hie oIor of
added to the hor or of thewcue, Tlie volrr
of the dying gw fainter and mhmi rravol. ! earn-1 back wa cut
busy haa not rtxketl thd
wmn. 1 nv cnair r
lather never catm ha
hern cliMt'vti 1 m l
The t'hl blue Hat t
t 1 '-
,!jia141 v
hfl hu-
rt, hut not one eoe
Uemoerat the r.i
fell fmui him with hi
Jhe thotijjhtIei to)
not a hnnd that pin
1 . .
ihand of a Dumo
1 uv riiiUDiug over nie uuguy ioji 110111 it-
hind. eurd ti- lino and mhui stoppeil the
Iioim; that was almost e.xhausteil Iroiu lu
long race.
A.v Omaha doctor the other day took a
doe of aconite in mi.-take for a jirepam
tion of iron. Di--ovciing h mbt.iKe he
.sent an emetic after the poison and thuV
CM-apr-d impending death.
Wim.iam J.(Ko.v, leccntly from Cum
ing ouiiiy. was rccuiiy iiciu p y iKuin4
robbers at Omaha, who took away his small ' facturc.
change and his uilu-r watch.
tM-op'i 11 uv itroMse.tOilo In this catnpahrn
.'l...l. . ..A tm tt..l tlllli.ll klw.1.1 nt
started alter the crazy runaway, and coin- mmni record'-.ftaa cai.dldatns freely chosen l In a htlge crtin, M4en feet
nig tip with him as the hore was making ly ! mioritf at t'ic reprocntatlve ItrpuU ft-c t long, in the (Jieeley ee
one of (henianv long turns, one of them, Hiiioruii'Hffwai waxes nnuionirressionai
din-et ortnuStK tJic constituency that ni-poiuti-d
him, hare iotliitijr to tear ftuinlniCA
ti -tition lv
UV pi-ree.v Hi tic vain platitude, tho am- 1 u,e
motions pnrassa nnn me incuy evasion. 01
the .Vnti inabBMiocnitlc phitform. the Inhcr
cut di-hotiUK or the leaders of that party
:iml:ipp Ml fp'thn huuett mnsre. ti-Knlli-w
of loiiner ajMhitteiis. to rebuke their hypoc-rl-v
and double !e illn? 111 the IoH.s
'I'he Inteftsts fit the people art: tho csre ol
their n-preiitr.Uvt-s, and In thoe lutereitU
m invor A tariirtor revenue and protcctlor
a as tomtom nurety to our manu
ka consentient cunranttf of fall
I Mni:c torMttfn-ers nnn n near nmi nroni
..I.?., faA.'lb.t tilt nni' .itTrlri.lff itrHl nrrv
TilK following are names of the officers ,i(.f. wiikont: fostorinr a inanufocturliia
lutlrr which tho !thffr ir I
of the Ladies' Auviliary to aid in the work . mouopolir. J
of furthering the interests of Nebiaska at . Ki.M fecoaaWnir tho irroT
tl... Wf.rliftt Kviinsilimi -it V..w (Irt.xm 111 tu fliUljUilry On OUT V:
the Words lAioMtion at i orienn-.. tnJ .ytidepliirlnir thedepr
npHihitel at a met'tiiig a !iort time inco at
Lincoln: Presitlent, Mr. Dr. .Mathewsou.
of Lincoln; Vice President, Mrs, Dr. Dins-
more, or umaiia; Lonsioudtng ecreuu v,
Krowlng- Importance
ur vast National pns-
taatlealiirinir the denresslon citiied hi
tl e liittf'rcdiictloii of the tnriiT on wool umlei
Khichftiscow talxirinir wc hcnrtlly ludorcv:
the nlank Ja5t!ie Nntional Itenublican plat-
lorui ireMtiafr to tots ltnjK)ruint inniMir unn
meantime thr engine had gone to Grwley
for n'sti'iw, returning with Dr. Jcm
Howi-s ' .trident of the State Medical ,i-MK-tntion.
.Main of the rescued, un U'hig
ptillrd thiough the ?nmll window, had their
limh broken, joint 4 dl-doeatcd. hands and
f-f.i l.iit-t.iwl 11T ;iitil trunkic A
bodv wus fouTid In one place, legs In an- j kisMwl crowed urn!
nthiV hii.I tilled of masted, nhrivehsl cir- ! turn, and U unwi
- ... . . '.. I .A III.
ras't! were ptiiieo out 01 wie nuns. .m.
daylL'ht a tlat car carried the rhanvd
IhkIIcs Into Greeley for lutermmt. The
County Commisiloners huricti the remains
feet w hie aint tti
metery. IUv.
Mr. llee.1 of the Pnhytetian Cluitch. tn-
ducteil the funeral services. 'Hie Coroner
cmimnclled a jury, who were
cause of the tiro or any
Important fact, as the manager,
with the remainder of the company, left Im
mediately for Golden, to fill mi afternoon
engagement. It Is impossible to get a com
plete list of tho dead, as many hail been i-n
gaged but
ate unknown, the names of the dead 1 lvl hlr U fJt th
are as roiiows: ,iex. Jie-?..i .i...i.
r5fi' -nl
smthtr h
the H" f s a.
Ho I IVm
th --ii-r
h HI v tHt
Uh r mrntl-
fof ttt-- 'V.
hn hr .rt A i
KiutL'H laal
iit ht iwsm
UU t-l) 't
w.tU t U10
Thr t- t h
Me fnf his fip-
ir ! i ! vr
ahle untiut were not! rtitn th tHnt f
l)tiintcraL Tli t'r-- 1 l ramp-
in the loni; lettejt vuIu, NL-
boys elmtenHt n'JIjr V.hc
1 tH4 fall
upon l,emierntii.n. I ' r- ,
hjemlln with xWJ tuUi'r wiciMif,
tint not make D,'r:aV t 'ir urth
cm. Pcrhani ttV lather hxs Ihmu n
Uenuemt nil hftflfol
The ehiJUren. to eliH.I TWr
not .1 IenocrrfOR lt f-n- Uv. Th
Unit realcr HfitaliM th fHrtrat f
Abnthnni I.!nh-lhll, k ih! iI !
1 (ncrt ncrrr nnrsi. a D tn rnt Oh
tn day or two, and their uaiYr .ininle paenil! wont on tr tw
vmi. Hie names of the dead 1 , yl ahles, U t
Democrat. vi the iirans t la ay-
strt at Ui iMith
V .. 1 .- m j -. ri.lWttl'M . 1T VISU, m . . Bf I
1.1 1 .vi h-.i;iici '; .t ,......-.. ...1, -.., ,n , . ,,,,.!, arr'al U,r its !. a
J,Col, AianneiU, r is.: 1 nomas jirvmim, 1
.. . . I I . l..t.u X.-..II.. v....
VoVk' d y; li; oUieVm. ktiown hih-r 1 the ffrM " ----Thorn.
Andy, French. Frank, deoryo, t nnl make f Jolty! g ,,.. IVimii.
SmiUiIe and one unknown. f never road.ff IMm. in! In th p.rt
iiwvn. r.f AisLnt r.n 'nos fo Ioa. 1 uroitnat nan up im e-o rnfnr arv in
'r - ' -- ------- --. - - m"7 - I
ny or Ijf Milliter nni o
Ing Is n list of the MifiVrrtA of the clreui
car 1're now at SSL I.tike'r Hospital, titisclty:
K. K. Knlrbaiiks, agel twenty-two. arnn, j !cruoo.
I icfiiru
Thkke has been great excitement nt Eufn-' Mrs. L. Husell, of T- unwell ; Keeordiug
la, Ala., over hydrophobia. A few dogs went
mad on the plantation of Punch Doughtie,
and spread lmlrophobia far and near, both
among nnimils and men. A mule chased
Mr. Doughtie across a field and bit him
severely. Twenty or thirty negroes were
also severely bitten. the absence of the Government
Troops from Limn, Peru, on Wednesday,
a leader named Caceres, entered with his
hosts and nearly sneked the city, the 'loss
of life reachingoue hundred and lift. The
invaders were soon expelled by the regu
lar soldiery.
Tut Coroners of hong Island have de
cided to ask for proof that Miss Dora Buck,
of Lincoln, Neb., is tho sister of Private
Charles It. Henry beforo his body is ex
humed upon her order.
Three schooners and their cargre,
valued at JJ'JO.eOD, which were recently
Feized for smuggling at Quebec, were lately
sold by the customs authorities.
Frauds aggregating eighty thousand
pounds, in which foreign cllieinN of high
rank are involved, have been developed in
the Treasury Department of E.ypt.
Lilme LeHoy, a young woman of good
appearance and fashionably attired, was
lately lodged in jail in Chicago for obtain
ing numerous meals at tho Palmer Houso
on a ticket given her as a guest in -May
last. She claims that .she was compelled
by failing health to abandon work as a
short hand writer, ami was reduced to this
peculiar species of theft.
Hoc ehoiira is reported to b carrying
off many animals in the vicinity of Hills
boro. 111., and Heading, Pa.
It hns been promised that Shanghai will
remain free from attack during the Franco
Chinese war.
A ma- and his wife in Illinois recently
compelled n young lady to submit to the
husband's brutal it, and both were in this
way parties to the outrage. There were
strong threats of lynching.
I.v celebrating his seventy-fifth birthday
Dr. Oliver Wend-11 Holmes received con
gratulatory telegrams from numerous
friends in Europe aud America.
Coal miners in the Snako Hollow mine
in the Hocking Valley, recently made a
murderous attack on the guards. Thev
cut telegraph wires so troops could not
be ordered, but finally a message reached
the Governor and special trains with
troops were on the road.
W. X. SCTCL1FF2, a corn merchant of
Liverpool, hns suspended payment on
liabilities estimated as high as one hun
dred and sixty thousand pounds.
Gkrma-NT intends to raise a corps of vet
eran soldiers for colonial service, as the
Prussian military system will not allow
troops to be oat abroad. The funds re
qaired will be .furnished by the mercantile
firms desiring -protection.
Crtolite, a aaiaeral which is of great
value in the uotsa manufacture, has been
discovered in the Yellowstone Park. Here
tofore it has been oaCained only- in Green
land. Fbxdk&ick Latto, of Milwaukee, an
nounces his intention to construct a spa- .
cious museum. 111 it witfc choice works of
art and present it to the city. The build
ing and site will cost one aamdred taoaaand
Tax Canada Pacific -road Las laid its
tracks to a point seven smiles wvt of the
saauBit of tae RockyMonntaia, and hopes
to reach the highest point of taeSelkirk
range thie season. The California l?oard
I Eqaaliaatioa reports the Central Pat-it
road at tweaty-fonr saiUioa and the SenuH-
Pacfnc at seventeen nUUion dollars.
Secretary, Mrs. XV. S. Sawyer, of Lincoln;
'I rca-urer, Mrs. Governor Dawes, of Crete.
John Hki.itkom, artistic hailing from
Montana, lost one hundred aud forty dollar,
in a put-up lottery m-Iicmic at Omaha re
cently. It appeared that he had won a
"chance" to win a thousand dollars, and in
his complaint to the jKilicir he peisisted that
he had been robbed of his "chance," as well
as his cash. The swindlers e.seaped.
Clinton Dii.u keeper of the east gate
of the Nebraska State iVnitenttan at
Lincoln, recently cut his thnat ftom tar to
ear and died iu live'uiiniites ftom the elleets
of the wound. The man va a enniet. in
for life lor the murder of a man naued
Sam Lucas, in Ucd Willow County, nlxitt;
four year.- ao. He was fort -three ars
of age at the time of his death, and left
; wife and three children iu Lincoln, thejy
1 having followed him to
was incarcerated nearly
Mi The 1 rt ta of 1 ha hi
cu: Albert Horiirn, attrv eotiUeH
all leflttaiufc- means to brlnjr about a upeedv wvf eighti-eii. IaH. Km., ann and fac .ttrrr-ndisrH
ilr-irtireriprercntutlvesln Conjfrms to u leg and face badly humeri
and aeeqaat adjustment of the tariff on wool.
uerecofimc a a prune neccs
unilBMtlosor our party In Nebras
thienerrntlon of the peace and nrtxnerity
r( tieSttdJe. ujitatutercgulatluirourrallrof"!'
)iccrdlnlon uxeil principle of JiiBtlce. which
f-'mll niaee all cHpitul cpinl leforc the law.
Wtfpointvlth satisfaction to the efforta ot
a n pr cntAii it ! toi
Lte nt Ao-MtitiiUL- Nf
'-Ity for the I bmil' bn,c,, '"" SoW. ! - ' boy Kjiv that and rxne aflr r..n
ska and fit ' teen. Detroit, 3Ilch.. very b..II bunieil on f hjm 1, )mocrit
oacK ami n-gs; ji. .1. aiiiiiiit-iiiiHii, . . iJrl1wbc ri l thit m jn
ekhteen. St. U11K amis IrsMiarlc n.l 'n "ffifilSS. Tl work
facelKidlyhtinietl: Frain King. Menotni- n "f1"1 '"7w J lt w'rV'
tii. 1. 1. ......t nt.i.t it.i. i.-,iui. : i lie i.eiws u iw ".- "
.11 (,!!.. IHIIM UIIIIIUI WUM HIV l.r-.7 IJI , , , .,
uj:iatV durlnir the hut meetlnjr of the and feet: Michael MK.hnn. agetl twenty
LasHsia'are to that renult. ' rtahL of liolbm. .MIcIl. face ami liarnU
nM pledge anew the enenrle ol f.i"(u. ilf,to.i ti,. ...ti urnliahlv illc. , Th
t.s. .ii.niiin rm ..m... ......-- . .
..... ...v.aui. .. . , - .. .. ... . !.. f il. .1. ,
i no in
Cifamzation In
UPC. l-IIIHIUUIII 1 1KB IIMl-VliiJM ..- .,,.,,. r.,, ..- .1,-. .
JNKKice .to the prooucem ana tne ri- '"" ' " -y '"-', .. ... " t
mys cf, Nebraska, rnhampertsl by the polite J car were two barrel of gaolittv wiilcli cft
! tseti-s of oppaslmr partlc?. c may conn
were explodeil either by flparki from the t throMJ th-t ruvVr,
jIKK.4ti-s ttiriM Uw w,tr
jffccr,lit iijakt M lttwrernt
U ba!tl fir btn"i 4 ciifd
fnlhe has no Uio rat r U- --i
W mm o' ms. tlnl ttnnl r'i
J-WSSSl ' Wenfeilplon 1 w-Kln- or from a torch with which
titlonal platfonn which declares thst ( were acctlstoniwl to Ikht tlieuiH'Irc
trAi.iilittnnf. nnrlv it !f Inof 1 v Hn nnn fir Ha
rro to supiKirt ffticb lcgIiUtlon m win . Frrre M.rm .if Hiilin nt
the men
c to Iscd. f
Linco u when hf i
ill and efficiently cirry out the Conwtltn-
tlongjl power of Congress over tntcr-statc
Va' commend the efforts of our Senator snd
Rejfcwrntatlves In t'on?res to secure tho lm
RitSutc Ijsuance of patenlr on hiniU arnet
in a
t the
irly four vtvirs since.
of n ljrc Nnmlirr of CUt-n.
rt. ....... .... TImi... ....! VT In T tm-t
LIIAlIILIJin. I I. lit . -.1 Ufc.lKft mU. l.l .,. .
.. ..... .. . . ..-.II..'
on tue'isui, mere was a .s.oim o. ihiiicb .w i
. . .. . t .1. n j
over SIX liours. caceres cmeieii i.ic wiy i
i .John (J. (.t:.Y. islitor of the (.enev
Nance Comity, Enterprise ntteiupttil
eoiiimit stiieide the other day. IL' took li
gun and went to the creek, alwit hat
mile from his otlice. and it is sunim-cri
chuitrctl W)lh bairels of his cun into Ins faft
.side, just IhjIow the heart hen uri
had i rawled nearly to his office, and v
a sftni-eonscious condition. lie said
he intended to kill himself, as he th
it would be the easiest way to pay hLs
PosT-orrin: chamres in Xehrask.t
the week ended August 11:5. 1-Sl:
lishcl Untler, Buffalo Countv. B-u
S. (iitchel. ostm;is;er;
County, Uri LonI, postman
Daw-son County, Abraham .1.
master. Postmasters apjiointitl
ley County, John XV. Broku-: i
ard County, Joseph G. Wamslx.
XV. . Winscott was recently
Crete for swindling a mcrch uit
seph. Mo., anil taken back to
for trial.
i Tiik other mornhnr at Omaha
of men at the smelting work
some cars and one of the ntiin
Petersen. stepjeri in to make
The cars were hasten! one
hiiuiiH.'rs on each side of th
Petersen did not know this, ai
came xogeiner ne was cm by these bumpers am
cnishe!- He was taken to tlyaw
. soon expired.
Omaha has a hanntetl ho
Ax official annonnceme
ceivcl at Omaha of the a
resignation of Second i Manager Clark o
cific. S. It Calloway wl
once as General Manager
Omaha expressmen
licenses of sixteen dol!aa?a j
deal ot tieeepnon w-a
some men running two
der one license.
C. F. Gooomax, of
one of the Ice-Pres
I'hannacentical A
tion recently held in
I Tits new orsati of
Church at Onuha,
one thousand and f
Ijncolx has
tlie visits of
bnrrlar cut his wa
ladj-s sorn. when
atsty.scwam, win
lynched ia ill
County, for i"ai
come from tae
was reported dyi
At Florence
day, a saaa
disposed of i
HaocE's tc
satrayetf by:
rnllrond ctirnonitlons In the State unJer ....... .- i.. ...n. ...! r.r.. n, ;
N'ronalcranustothelntentthatther maybe w" J"3 -. h -- ' "' - t
5J'MiWeet to VJtatlon and bear their proportion I night Iwfore nil the goveniment troop wre J.
Ci otiiiMic iiiruen.s.
nod thai mo
U IMl H r' ZH9fy9 oj u
eeraN-f vjsatt th bra r -!
.. . " . . . ..M
liiae c .. i'j.n oi utf . mi,
jl no ici.icrnl nmajf ttcm
!U 1' in4irirttl bhsHl ti. at
I Vf I t ' ftOltv.1 ft tun I '
hhoI ' I h- e'j of titmt-rr h-
hc1 the P n rt o party. im h
iHled it t ? if-ath. WfKkr. N t
a ami n lip w.H bo fmiiil U ny a
public biiruen-s. withdrawn from CorytrL and the entrr of
iVAr-iii: inruii! rutiiuuui tut! jaw rxTiiiai ,
1 la the sale and retail of educational lands i Caccre, although not nnextertcd. wa? a tjftyer over 'he j-r on U jrrt
idiae , an
m.Um .H
nVht 2,'
iBavls. tfl
iaJ Ho
: flfeiif
''.ft S
Arte tin
thepKer ty
a i&
T. ..,... ....Ai
..-"'iu.i nunri m?nmracnu k nunrcr ipr inc rnorr i i i r.. .,
uli.: .-V i: ..r m. itn ri.T.i' 4KTTJI lltsun tut nm
AiaKii"5 anu we "' "J.T ." r-??r:. i t th- i-t.K- r.t
asssisa. jk i-. TnerrTf.rrn in l n rivu rmr. iaifn unnn ? v -. --
MUli-. nn tnffitIocomolalnu l a protx$-itkfl for the tn hattTl Uiuc
nw-mm .1.,.
as. ""?
w Rf iron
w-aianit me
wrif bat
'nc .an:
.Bl C.
aaw-r.aeomt v ice
BHRP, ' Mj
mitcd to tdo Mate oy tne i.enerai i.ovcrn- rtjmn,.if. .nrprise
k., fr.rlliiMti.r fimlr?llnn if tho !ntj.r. I COmpiC.C SUrprjsi.
aiiof tho p'-ople nnd the Inhcritanw or our , tel and the chnrche of Merenh' aw! Sati
fiildrcn. In the matter of tnclr appraisement AumtMin. from which thev fcit up n fusb
ear i
III men rantntcd Cm r- . Iftt
I jfCU w a-.
m?al '
mtxl I h- LtriflT wa
Md not fe alii'
V.t ra4. OUwwr ro-
, isit ihttv wnr uuit n-
4nn. ll"t n
d disposition, nmi for the advancement of ; . . Thr . attacked Gnadelopo rail
pk. trrt(tnf rt Tf-f fT fttnfl Jl C tT1tT riO Ml. -- - - - j - - SJ. . - -
-. ".""""." i',2 ".". i.". rnT..n rr.ii! .tatli.ii. AlMit ittrt hundred aJl BfiWrtl.Was a rn',nil. lt wl m
n JS V f s-4M 'wn,Ka.MMB - -' - - - - .,. a t ii 4
m-ed to CO
autely reprc.ent their vhIih) to the Statft as fifty
pcminnent invesiment oi ih cuucsuonai , (eJv
personi were
and JJouccnac
1.. 1mJ
3nd r.
uuils,an.i tne uisijiuuon in pcnerai or a , . t!-, S,,i..ri.. ulier lhft fire was lit
svpiem or leaem?. upon ionr terms wn - -"- -.----, r. . .
neriodlcal re.iniTii-mcnts to the system of I tct
Mien emotMiitXi in tuu irir-cut j,
We heartily Indorse thatportlon of the ?
tlonal platform which declare that "the pub
lic land are a heritage of the people, and
should te reervel o tar a pisiblt- forimall
. ...!... K MAV.tnt ..lllnfa " t&- Y.tlccte iSnl
UUiUlll- .'J - I-v-.,..-. '- ".!. -t M4. .
tne prairies t wie vpwu. 'w." . , we'j fe I and fre?h irom lbr I14.
tneir p-sicai ien?i unu urwi'im, anu in an . , . .;,Jt. .- ,l.
mihU or their future ooibllitie. to th. hundred prisoner were taken.
I-liuHv Uih ( ioternineht troor in
a Girlie ami drove out ttw mob. iacen,
was arcompanleil by aUmt nmrty hor.
men. They apennsl to tunc iccn
. . .., tvr .. t ett-.9r f
1IIA.M4.1' w.. ......a..
and were not In a condition to intni ity
' vex - thiriL
ailure :n In Imaa n
1' tht,... r
a Jiirt Vul
I -the wero tririaJ. ami toy ."r
cotiW n" hae w omiil skmt Uf ftait.
ThrrH; t w n eriiiRUMejrl W .i
t tktf vik,: dth erHi.trr arr tM Jm
f'oerali- Tnat prty Mr thfr'T. mi
t OUtn fnto'e, and with a mocm. Ih'-
tiMleii ct on o' tue wa k JN '
drain The mrutof hmry ha fttmrnm- 5
r k Mofi ami rui t . Ji t n .
1-lUitc Timet, b'vr'wher, fitiM
If . . . i m -
people of the United Siatc. f cainrti. ne uermsn propnewx ot a
Wc are In favor of (inch rcarutetlos or the t.rH wa.s killeil while Iwkm irosi ft
civH fervice as (thatlfeeuro to the people the wnv ii telegraph wiriss were a
bcjtt aammi-straiivo rcuijs: out ire are not. :,-; -, . ,.' - .. . . ,j,
!: ;l.f ,,intt,fp(viir.i, nr.i mile oat of tfa cJlr.rxl no Jratrs:
the bunds of a party irhone leaders publicly run. Xothlag. ceHrml at Charilk?.
pnnM that their criocinal lianuLv in Iho i Ktb trr U stl rtVht- ilrv imris;ie
- - -wvvr- . -. . - - m r . .
fcourjL but so iM Jc.erai ihuiurarxlM'
tinzfttiuz wa recr ? Hir I'om'craU vrwut
A Kal Htatcwent
Th' stiterae&i bo
bstn tnnA 1 1
a. at. Ail a
prostitution of that ervfccton fcrsob!e end. i LtBia. Tlie deail nn aiei arfs
We are In favor ot a rrce tja.iot nnn a fair i . j, j. pools of blood
. . .. lmnntlm nmiM4riflk Il! reTOOVen. 3WI U1C pt'Sli W4-
vision of Mvcral Sntbern States cb the
questions nvre vital tolay tha tfcoe of Ibe
.tw.iUnn as a rertaintr that liistice wM Hltl-
Hy nately ni'c in that sect Joa. ani that the nc
ut rro and tne white KepubHcaas will ccare
the prtvileKCs jrcAracteee taca by tfeo tonu
, tatlon.
1 The coiiT?rUon then adjoorccd sine di
ro 1
! ... .. ......
'," t tJefutimmn. arm itw tai ;a wi
f"? fr!wwt by lh rote of thr 4riK M lv
.... . .
the I A lew weeks amce a stranzer cai ea
and at one of the Trenton store and pur- J
Pa- chase! good to the amount of ?-iH A.ocI; tfc ejrcd he ta
at . and 'having deposited his coat on a sJiwj faTOrayc . Aiw
counter when fce entered uc swre. uj. wlth jy
steppta over to n coat anu r2sw
nbout their lt tin to hlra and ont ot a haze pocket
r. A good hrritie-ht. forth a larzc a!zc shot-? k
icw, cited to the loowita waat tne sner-
"ass au chant seppoaed to be either gold or
. , silter. Tbecustower untied kf sack,
is ejected as -,i tn .u- Mtn;.tiU.nt of the nser-
tueAaarncaa j..-. t,- nnnnj mt mr;kr- !! or
. iu eoavea- - j oww!ed k5m q j$ ijm-
Ti-twI drcd and twentj-fiTe larze, old
tsa LwaeraR .i:-i - -- ibn ku mt:
nrift 1I1 IT SJtCt4 -vjy vraw. i.v v
af lately treat
ver his ssMmkier, taok W parei
si deartsn. .
J f.:
It Ja iMaslM-IoaUac
ctr !); Ira ietaetsais.
fan Ore fa Wgaw stkUafrstaC
rj ikf fcaai arar asaaJW s tWegaat aie
Ba anatsarot
- ffc
:-. . i
.j. .. ' v r l
The HTTke at Sr Atrgnsfia Ch
ceeiksl witil cKel ttoor Cm
to hare thlrterti haadrrd dkelK!
who were to attack Callaa. The
torn. lAst nht there crc
fi d.
fiHTtir Tpcj Irx Apw
rentiofi of the Swthcru I
1 ether K-ctioas ef the. SlsJtf,
The ad-JrcM the erraSa?
Prof. E. - EdwgwtK
gxaUatloa. A yaahBCTit
tbe?etan x thM if
teaclierx wa3d be eaJJerf
Afplete ?Ipit. ke
aatt take the fo!i9wrr5 of
Sacs faelwllac tae P
f rem tfceir pokiA.
1 ivmtMTiKll
PirxKAS Xegxasv ;
taSasear. aVst a
a.s oo for AbraJMtm Mn a&'I
feH-j;c ii. Jlrllellan. k . Msw
wid t- found th7 taau "
He who run war read Iwr"" r'
Ui? Ststr Iratl aaaaon M &-rr W-f
in the tlwl U T.t !! f '' York
eaHnboaw liwrtr ballot ioaiikl) t
b rat by tbatr t fnd. tf
roarvr. no va aa .t hww htsr "l
derroted. Tae to' of Je Mnrv?
oU oIlwr dUl ct n?!& h r ba?c
csnTs-sjer ti iiro t be cma9d. slit
vert, probably. dcrtt wpw!
c, .!t. !, v ...w.jM.f ..1.1i.' r$iF. f)t
f w.TT." tb .SUt" who ellkr JI m tht
enseiiii pt ,, .. .,.., i ji.i..i.f is,
5W ''r --rTftr vain wi rctarwr! & JoHo
teby Jta-z. t"bK Mt;tZtrL.
UWtrivi ex Xjtwc
X?,!I rrr - -25!
cJ- MarrU'vi ...
itira, ST""-
Clli trLx.
' TJ
2S. A
- -
." 'II
rvns tiUt
ra jut
1.14 2.$
uim TiK
IU1K T.i?4
.. . r Jel
progtes ,
sac Jtia
Weasssa; aar
" . , . f j- .-
i i LIKBBMKI.nin0ITI w
JJJ Ma&Mtx j H'tK) JturtuU.
P0" . I JsaT" It now ajs?ars taat WU
Teci-t fjA.Jat ljtVis lr rit
' tn flut rff TT . ...
Tarw ai JiIaMJ1 J XT
..J - to PiWUV 3 ii UK GWO SJWWi
rwg1y h p iaad. ad he sporte4 taer
j & I in TVKW K uw
rtkeiieii- SaslitaUaoi'H s
ikMnardlA If U f
at lwar-
af ta IsdaeadsaW tw'.wd
-. -- & m
;, 1-55.
; m
irw jiKr-Ji . - - . .j?r . ..
. - rj
i' .J
J 5
I -j
j "
e- IVat 'T T"
tT V !
t iW ":
. .aj
. fsrt-.ii -
V 5 J.
i-tf7' --!ko S.'" - j?. s-- -r. ' - .- -
-- - "- . 'Ti v.-.eier s jf sssssr. sv
Ji v ?-rasaaaaBSSBl