The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 29, 1884, Image 7

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' - J
r "'
The Democratic ticket is nil
mt present, but Blatce will put a head,
on iL Peoria Transcript.
fS'-John Kelly is daily in receipt of
lettors dated at Haltimore, in which h
l is threatened with death if he doe not
' support Cleveland.
BThe Independents did not "want
to go into a defensive campaign" witli
Blaine, ami, therefore, they picked oa
Cleveland as their caadidatc.
gicg "Is there any good reason why
Hendricks should be selected from
forty-five millions of people to be the
possible head of n, (Joverniant whick
he did Jiis best to destror?" Ucorjc
V. Curtis in J876.
Jo- "Mr. Cmis may imt credit "it,
yet -K"c can frankly as-ro him cSiat
Harper's Weekly at presoai is seeding
tn -id tin dance of recruits into thcISIahiO
ranks. Nasi is a pictorial Balsam.
JV. Y. Slur, Dew.)
4S?"Tlic bakiiig-tor.iler tcL as ap
plied to the DcmocrJiiic Presidents!
ticket p'ace it toy down cn a ht
-sVve, rctt-ovc the lidsrid smelJ'- loses
-none of itn virtues wfch. lapse -f time.
. lndimmjrj!it JonrtuA
Es;'2s Carl sincere?"
"an este&mcd contemporary
in-; Th-rna order. Hood h
iln tit iin'i'rim Air "-fliiir..
for thr fun of thz thing! Von d-vnU
knowiis iigure, PiaUidelphia J 'rax.
l&iT 'l have burned m bridge-- br
liiml'ie." cta,.is Colonel T. V-cnt-worlJ
Higgin-on, the nrvyal grand r,l
the Kosion muirwunip5. Well, maiiy'i
mai has done thai be.oo, and hawii
ntte a mud sfar to cr--s back -Again
afte the hkiran-Ji wasover. --L'a-Ua 4lI
?. wj Press.
XZ&'U the 'J'emoew Is can actually
fin J comfoil cnvild dreams of narpying
Kansas and Iowa tls fall, they are
ni'jre iriveti St, Felf-delusion than any
body has becu'.uiKind enough lo-chargc.
Tiie Ittpublir:iiii
nifirht as well'fjouut
(jeoriria and IJexas
for Blaine. C'tccc-
land Leader.
t S""1 havrncarefuily obcrveduhe at
tilude aud novcmeuls of tle iDeiuii-
cratie party f-rr twiiiity years, in mv
judgment ir has- learned notliing and
forgotten tin thing. So far as Jxau per
ceive, iL is nofc-oul; swayed by J he same
principles. but,- to a large extent, guided
bv the saiWMiii'ii. President, .Jaitcn, of
TufCs OHk'H', Mas".
J&jj-Wiea.rtj- con fronted witb 5?-lie Dem
ocratic p.rtv, vcrj' hungry. miU. as 3011
in:t well believe, ver3 thii'-t3: a parij'
without 3. -single deiinite jctneiple, a
part3 wiihour .'1113 distinct .National
policy which it dares preswt to the
countrj": zi :irty whi!i lell foni j.ower
:is a ciipiKiiy ngain-t human rights,
and now aUemjits to sneak back to
pofror y.s4t.oo!3pirac for j?1oi iler and
spoils. KJco. Win. Curtis, dut.r , l&fri.
ftfV'Tb W.-filing! oti Part (Dem.) is
ovidentlriitivt'verv uneiiviabi". frame cf
mind, and publishes a "blaak list ' of
Democratic Cfngrcssnien, Wh mtrt be
read outnbt!i parl3. The bst contain
fort-t5 i:;iiiH'-, including those of men
lik;"l-atn.M f Coiniecticut; lncrt3, 01
Illinois; YVL-r, of Virginia; Nichols, of
Georgia; .("onierse. of Ohif;. Storm, of
iVmisjl-aaui and Siiler, -f Wet Vir
ginia. ("jiits has ulreaih b"en Hs
poed L Jus party having laih d to re
iiiimittat hii:t. and the olhun will prob
stlly hav-C'to go. Indianapolis Journa'.
Fkif hi i'lK.i ! dross to tbif Independ
ents ('corgo'. il'iam ( urtis wi's: "lie
liovvrncir C'cvelamlj is a lemocrat
haunilv fre" from all association with
the lierc' oj.'trtj' ui.len iieas o: tne
slavcsy contest , and whw., financ'al
views "are iiiJvarmon3 with ot the
b st men. .in.-lolh narLes." .What an
-..,-...;.,... t .T-V,k.i iikiii lift- Wvni! nt
1.1. .i.iwv.i. . . ... .. .......... ., - -.
:i're. vvii' iv.i ""iianniiv ne 110111 :;u
association -villi the irrttatrcvents
Americ-ai: his orv which wen transpir
ing:ilut li'ia when he ww
1 wen t -fife a?.l thirty yours
We apprehend there are but fiw polit
ical eunuchs ir tiie c untiy v:Jo care to
vote for 21113 snan who wan iianp'.ly
tree from such 'issociat ion."
jjr.?-Mr. Jlondricks is nols"tJie onl
roiifnicU'Xih ncrson of
xvhoni tiie Xev
York I?id$:cndf-'t has radicall3'.cliang-d
its ouinioi vjth3n a few yiass. . We re
produced iuo'.v"-her dav the Jjslthtid
cnt's damning i-'ictnr'. drawn lin 1S7.
of the maa .who a that
lournal'sts now
endeavoring Jo elect Yico-lh-'sident.
This is wlixtillic Independent, iit:an edi
torial referring to various caudidates
- for the Bepubliettn nominatou.-sc d no
longer azo than January -i. lSS1'. con
i cerning the anau whose eleciSnu'4 the
Tresidcncy h, isuu w endeax'onng'.to de
.feat: And xo uculd heartih support
. Llr. Ulaine. rfor ,'..e believe tha1 no
American statesman h:us ever -sliown
.greater exeeuiYCar.bilit3r. 1 Iiu .:Uit2rin
rstration xvotill lx.- verv sure to he-suc-x-Csfulaud
brillict-it." Ar. . Tr.d-Mtic.
A Fable Witii a Jtloral.
While th dkuctix-s of one
of roh
ucre iz.
n'CSj rauroau c:oipoiau-Jii-
st-ssirtn the olheritlav- word wasl)ugh'
in la them that a slnr-ager was without
who . earnestly isirod an audf-unee.
Thev admitted ICuii4s their pjvxmoc
-amrtieir chairmsi ic quired his 6t;;i-
Vhercupon the sttvnger remarkoil
1 that he came to nptv&y fciTtho Prei5on
tcy of tl3 railroad xvkioh .they supetvis
cd. llei nderstood tL:tt.Uie position wa
.-soon to be vacant ai-cUiewas very auJ
.ous to hE it.
-Am vou a nniticxl -ntflroad manr"
t'.a ..K.iti'rnn ltrill. -ILtX'O TOll lltted
'- ff,iU, l..eo iK- ainmnl Ti - iin -
-yotLseit fQ the place 103 s&pei.iaitRun -
mr- Dow mucn exic-miiv nax e you
iiad in m-tns.ging r.iiInv.uU?"'
"IThc stranger blushed, hung his head,
Jbit iiss naiit. shifted oiicasjly in his
iclirtir, and tlu.n replied: "WbIL gentle
men. 3 haven t had ait? railroad c.xr
cieriQiirc to spiiik of. l" served a year
or two at Bufl-ilo as brakem&c. on a
rsfsutfl.lranch wad. For the l:F.t 3011
a&d a half 1 hare been supcr'nWndeni
of -mother brauoh road xvitiilieaaquar
ter at Albany."
And i-; that tLc nature and Qrtent
of 3-0-ur training aud evx'perieace in .rail
roading?" queried the chairman, wkilo
a derisTveniilc plscd across his feat-
res.- jsaturned .the strange;, "ia
crestfallen toaes
the ebssrninn went on.s
vqi nave sever ueca con-
n.viteilwith:uiv of the -jrijat trunk lines
ia .nv capaeit you an? applying lor
the Presidency .of tbti: great load!
Surelv, then, ras must be a great rail
road "theorist Kefer m, please, to
vour writings on iho perplexing phases
of the transportatwtt probleti.
The stranger's faee looked still more
disniafao he replied: "1 have produced
no such writing. Ikive never given
anv time Jo the study of railruads. I
have had nt taste for such study."
3ood moaning,7' faul the chatrnian.
"Good morning. said the straoger,
as he crawled .-iirongh the ktyhole and
This fable teaches that, as likely as
taot, the name of th& stranger was
Grorer Clcvclaotl M X, Favor.
. .
Re. J. 11. EcoVk Idea 9t Blaine,
Kcv. J. H. Ecob, of Albany, tinder
whose teachings the Kcpubiicau candi
date for the Presidency sat for .tevcral written the following letter to
the Christian Union, giving the reasons
'which havo led him to support Mr.
I am most happy, nt your courteoua re
qutit. to act before t ho readers at the '-iri-Uiui
Vniun the reason -which hsve led rac 10
eipport Mr. I Mitt tic. j n i ho tlrvt. jilacc, I a:it
partlcuhirly gr.tiltol -wrlth tJw motnoJ of km
nomination. It was it tine 3lw-trutirm of the
lw.tchnriirtxl8tfcsof our American fyKtrnu
For ninny yon larire nu.nlccif ourcitfT-ens
from all parts of tiie country, have trou!y
desired thai Mr. Illuine idiould receive tiie
lii$-liefit ollfso within tJrt ultl. Aj-ain anl
ntriiin the purpose h is teen defeated byaneru
politic! nnift. Hut as ."ton us our political
mecuatilsn was read u Kid on t-ouadcr jirin-ciplc.--,
the will of the pcoji'.o cnine to
blon. Every .u.cnciui -fckfjcn ouht to re
Joict lhat lor once the wltl of the .-p!e In a
rtaiMMdi not, isen u-feicl
by&nnl:"-u!e or-Urj-horse"lcsct!einRlv
Iwt InKjimn. ojen4jt;ht, the man hIiiiiii tbo
ranjf.ntyFonr.ioutiA- Hit-tnliivi iwcled tie
oioiivitlnz vote. Ar. Ithttues atUtude dirr -
mz n niozrcii 'r. the caic lii t. ni a
rUbJ'Ct lor conriilntlon. ll h.t-; been i er
wlntly f-ouht iy the people. He bit not
siireveioJ oueul f.e thoii"indsir lot ten; :t I
dros'U to blm "Will r fcrnce to hH cimdi
divcy. V. bib hi friend wrc irnr-5tiy en
(wrctl for blm, rx, ua.- heartily, hup:tU u
av, in h ! at UtiT.irr avirk. -bu'iutv.
iv?l-re-iect. otwnne'ij. nrxntmers havo
bnmrkeu botli tits convent'ou rhtch UJtJered
'the honor anntie nun who receive! U,
qimiuutnce. In the cnurcli. in the hoiiFuhod.
w a nel'rblr and iricnd. vur. anu u nrailin
uiirmth Knd:riitliofeb.irtrcurbiivi Avuciu--ucuoi
h It'isitl bristifci) -c ilK'liuii. Mr.
lilaiue is an:.iu of ueiiiu u-uu Icttrimiir. .n 1
ticoiilNt'ir tbe Inst twentv viMrf iif; lias ncifrr
laiicJo lift his voice anil cn-t ids vote an t lie
hide with thecnliKht.-rind cotc ence or !
eiiiutt?v. He has not l.een ijiiietly for the
ri-riiu but oprnly. ajt.-rc-.lvois'. mh,-htilr h ir
ineni'iii. let any man or cie.irneau.-iiu
clcauieart hearch ur reroixl ol Ir. I'lsirt!. s
oUieial uitC'ranci-. Irointhe Maun Iisl'ire
to tUf liii act as ir-Uvy of State, tut I I
ebniletixi him to imp-jaca thst record at any
important point. I". en his i:iH!akiw an ol
thattcpi-n. manly cturr.tetit-LtJii'.t all incn'ad
by cindoii.
Inri.y estimation r thie man I -vnuVi not
for tlhat In is picubnrly Amenean. If lb a
u cii:.en nrnl a Mai-Mii:m-n I( t wliicn I am
ju(ii to Kny toiK'lic mv deepest. mot .acrei
hyiuiiatliiea. Amoc; nir uiatiii;ui'li I eiti-
Hie public a t haw aleay partaken ot the
coloi itml triou-or itNpci-Minul dootion. He
lotoiri hit country. Iicr.nprcciat;. a- loivof
our Miitetmeii pcem tviie -opeand I;iill -
ciace of our AiiiwicMPijiatloiiiiiity. it has
run. vet cnteied Uie li-ut-or the Wall street
Ktiit;iii:iii wo aii a irrear. if not, iin
jrieatcht. I'hristiaa Nation on the -.'lobe. As
Mich our Oice sSiowId lit heard, (air pnwr
11 in vciy ur:tt lac.v.Mni-iit tor red M-nmi;
li- eartli from tbe"iirK of bad vovenim'.nt.
Two ureat nii'ti. l'ealfiit Garb'id ami .Mr.
$Ji:ine. were at tbLli!r l-ol thin .Nation lorn
lew ttccki. 'lhat liriel Adii.nitraiion will
re be remeui. eifi i' 1 hi-tor onlv tor its,
tbru-utotis tr.iii"., but 4or tb two
4i.eriiieutal purpo, s wlueti were IniuiKurat-,
ed The Iir:, civil mc nee reform, 1 n.f-l to .
a-.:ire and jut re;tnutiuu of tin Nation 8 into-
iorpolit calecoiiomj. Ine express dcsrc
Vii.s to re iiv tin- 1 lui executive otbeers of
nu Iniiuiiv of trivial uer3 mai detail, that they '
m'-fht j.!.! fieir ai.d Jlioir-'Iit to National
uilairs at the h.iine tine u leal a liua blow
tC tiie system ol '- ihkS" tlnu win ltt de
liauciiiii the jMilcie lauid. The t-econd rriat
pi ipo-o ns indiCLlci', mi .heoutli American
policy. Helenas oik ot tiie llrst iitterauet 4
of listim.tively Ameivcan Chiisli.ui tates 1
1 i.i At . t. I m
maiisiup. muis -rea .muioii iookcu iiu
jvi'l its own boiiler, a-lciiitr, not
vl'h the niicieut l'hatv-ae nicer, but
b'ui'ly, bouestlv. "wiio is mv tvoijhboi'"
Mi Itlaiue s noble lo-tU'r to tlio e airinir
' Si-'ies iv ill live in Jihtury. It is a lofly typo
1 ot wiiat ibe motivcc' iitwi piib.ic acts of -ucn a
I Nation should le. l -is. a prophecv ol the
Kjliu in lauiiMiy in vo-jucii, .us 1 iiciiuvc in mv-
cov nlry.
the lutiirf Will be fruitful. Jul
((,-riiuient is nut a -iiett ius no .'-man s
cot veiiiencc and . an. Tills Nation i or-
1 da'.tied ol Ood to
emit til rijrliteoti.sucs-,
never attain the true pur-
.e Wt. Ml.,
oSi' ot our lin-. W4- sJiuli uever attain true
of 1 and lii-tin; Nat ion j'-j'i tenets, until 0111 ciuef
cjuf luivc ot.-u-eis art p--csmi ami lUieair.
tlie conv iction 01 tl;'K""ntiiillv- t lineal ehar
ae" ot tbe Nation J'm t.clter nl I'eaco tes
tiUt tliat botti rrc' leJit Ctarileid and .Mr.
IIUi'ii jiropo-ed to can;, up the Admiufctt.i
tion to tin very biIiest ipiano ol moral jiur
pnt Keatons lil.e the aimve establi-b my
laith in .Mr. Itlaine 11 nian. Charticter H
out. It ! not p.ut private, part pulilie. it is
ullpulilie. Wiiat we know him oK'iniiies:nall
arc o' his private pcrmm.tldte. tliat heuiu-t lo
in tlir vv liole ciiei ir.tlie ltublic career.
Ibiial' vote con amore tor the man. In the
tlnrc.p.nco. 1 f-ha'l jrivtiiny couscien
port to Mr. 1J..UHC lor the s.-iUuoi tiie piinci
jile jjt'1 tiie party back oT nim. Tiie attemj t
to ery.idou r ttiedi-tiivctloiit"jt tweeti tlu two
pivatpai tie-is. utter, vain with men at ad
conviy nt witli t lie In-son;, of the la-t twentv
11 ve ; Ftnkea liae "licuvn thoii!;!i that
hibtui-. and vou will llud on the iikIu liantJ
the IC u plica 1 parly null every ureal moial
x'ictory wlueti ti'o N'ltcn lias ctiucd
On ihe
left is lit.i UciiH.eraiK p:e:y iti uiilaili
nir 10s-
tility toevery moral iincuicnl On tiie riirlit
is ireeUMtn. 011 tin 'olt i?--Javerv. "n the
ri-rht tntiiexvar tiiumtiiar.tlycjudiK'tel: on
tiie li-lt;j svmpatiiy wisii tae enemies that
Ptaij-ht -the Nation's lif.e. On the rii;ht is
emaucip: lion and tin irxiiii of tbo warwi-ely
-arneredj on the lell is Kllilaition with the
masier-cf the siave and 4v eorrts-tpoitdiu; de
she o prji.-'u an e-jual ljotm tbe men u lie
toubi ur.ii list tlio Nation nvilli tliuuieuvvho
Tlii fciutem'its nr not tl'o.i.sceit'ons of
a parti-nu.iL'ut n ilnple ejr.uineratiuu of liis
toricai laot5. llncsrUiuce at tiie forces as t bey
Mini arruvi n-:aiiit cacU oitheOiS: S'Ulicieut
proof. v.tii lie lieptibbetui party is the
Kieat ntMllito einss etiibrautctr -the Sar-re ma
jonty ui ..i'.rric:in-:ioin cttuens, tiie asrn
cultural uqutiititkn nbuo't btr lilv-tlie pronor-ty-holdiacr.jWf
o isible e a-e iio 'bsvo iriv en
plcd-c f. tliei- country. Tins nuJdlC'Class i
the hear: v.-li-r steady puLsiiticu lias carried
the iVutloa.JAii-S peril iu its
lu-oopurit. ? in xaitu.o an
nounce, at tbei. tw 1'eiiiocratie-piiuloiin has
just done, aliat 1 rties cluing wuh tinj. us ,f
to assure ti, lOii-.ttry that it Jiud I'litnl
its hisiorr. TUq clai-es tliat are n-l for it
jr-o-tliiy idv. tiie l.c to all ueli n?soriuns.
.iie line-ii..-avai:e ruiioown into tue
pnmitiv e rotic. & viey are x-is.ble lu exvrj- civ
.kted land m tbr? jilobe. Tbej.une parties,
tre ame irscinlvi. are everrwlrtrc t-et in
(buttle array. li:sihe irrep es'ib!ecoai'cr.
.jisold as timr. vKneipies auiaq,-uvl.cxtrv
principle lia a tfo'.iovrinc utter He rovti .'tlriL
Ktvtno may clstiujre.v.nd tiiere mav.rri'e lin
pemtive ica-os 101 purity in-r & puny orx.i-i-i7jioi!.
imt no time, no juncture ot
ciecunistanc-jR.fc-.ui eer miuneivu tutfilSpeu;.
j coiisfkiit.oas h)iib.:Van to 1-0
'.wjvrcanip o-t t' yours. J. xLi.
auto tii2
("ciieral Jl?ier?s Card.
GiMsoral Butler wlil make the ncxifor
trie IVesidentw. 4Uc will make it in
carat-!, and for All .it is worth toSuju.
He stakes upon tie? result all his $ex-soxal-.n:vd
political iiowerand inliuea-ee,
his present repuiaciun, itnd his fnitire
political jirospects. The vote he ean
obbiin v?Sl demonstrate ktst how large
or souillr. factor iu polities he is: hovr
great or .litfle lollowin-r .he can com-
mand; recisely how much his alliance
or adhcrenoe will be worth iiereafter to
the Demo
cratie party, said how much
thev can
attortt to oner tor ins aile-
giancc It wifl also demonstrate wheth
er there is loom and a fniure l-ra third
part in Xatinujii tiolitic-u Having ie
solved to stand rep and Uecoiuiterl. Gcn-
.ejL'al hutier w-iiAse every art :uid will
put in motion every mechanism ie can
coctrol to make his count; au large as
His letter indicate? what is, indeed, a
necessity of his position, that he pro
poses to conduct his canvass more
against Cleveland than against Blaine.
He was a. delegate to, aad a candidate
in, the National Democratic Conven
tion. For several years he has been a
leader in the Democratic party, and its
regular nominee for Governor of Massa
chusetts. Tbo bnlk of his following
will naturally be drawn from tUe Dem
ocratic party. His campaign must nat
urally be a protest against the Dcmo
uratio partv platform and ticket, since
it fvs the Demoerstie party which coa-
. . ..ti- T..i - .1
ItD,HUOusjy reejwq ii-ju, ms jouowjmji
W tllC llOUOt- , '".':"; -ww 1i.i ninin ia.iv ru,i.uri. t
. . . . t t l.. . ...wl ..t . .. r ...... .i..ii.v .......
vTcVcns, izisn, .iniiiii. flhicsiKr2ii!.-.icti! fmihUIv r-rjjrtri-
; iir t hiM . triKNl tlirouiib twelve :ire if r:-rsonji. no- i
-"- . -- "-. .'--" - i
I litn Mircfl Jim nnLt i'nrit AineritMll it:7Ml relieve IIIC IW'rtUOlICaUS Ol nil- V.-e5"JJlV ,,irtrf th rclfM'tllin OlirilK' 111! IIA-".
- . .. ..-,-.. .,. -.-... s - - , - iSlV7 "-.---- .-.-,
wno iintf prayed unit tic vint not tMi-nib 0f obtaining a uiatiritv in tlie doubllul , rnonth of one hundred
. - .. ...... .. .. vt'iti.c ii'cn Irn ir f lit I Jt!priL!e IilVkli ' ....v. ... .-. nt i..i-m I
l-'reai naiw a man 01 cnaure. a man 1 power. w..o, . ,-j. ...... .0 ...- -it 11 i"i''- "'"' m-nui.. t
Af.ertlK.-"-han:elef.s t .cord of ube past n.-; so that a. iu're pluralit w?l be u j n....- Wakefield who died r-- .
filieeUinr'P.'ir'fre.iteilt inna. 'it Hi cause for 1 ..;-:,. Vri.f i--.- nr-r'nb".nations of . - . t t t - . .1
l'niluiiiK.nritiidij thai a trnr lea I.-r an-1 ' .! e. -VO'tis no. LO.niin.iion 01 , wul m clebrook. Conn., at the a;e (
eomiiitiW' r ha-, at la-t b.i u Mimm-mcd bj- thtfetradA.n'jlitieiaiia can 1 maite c ; jf cii,iv.riVO had a naio:i for .aving 1
thejM-iijrfr TbuMoryof Mr. Iiicine'n jiutitir Vork .siwc'-fiilly. (encnu Butler is ,. "ni-nf irtirlc that ncoole 'eurral
8criec 'kuo;rn and trad oral' men. On ' . , , . ;, ,1 ;, ,.,.t-jt tfl .,,,,..,. I ill "ort01 anitiC. iu.up opii. (.i-ui i-
cliiinic'- bleb his fiirndhbiuu loved In iri- not rf0' nto V u n.wl "J -,u tt I v thnjw.r;wa. In his barn is a huge
vate life in the motive run nbvr tne piu.ur . (wievectnu, itt to tieieai mix. inevmii- 1 -.. , niv'5iriiiers and it is 'iid tliat
career 'In all the larfcil nifC coniplicatca orai ,-....-., propose to make sport for '..: .'.;.,',. iJ. l.nd received iu six
nioli h-rr.E wh'ch have rtii!f-p! the Aiiicrn . . . .' . ... .. -.. . JMT ii'-V-.-lMUtT HMiiiiirtuii.n is i
.:uf,iM. uir.iw.wi- .i.i, 1. -iwuii Y? X iicaunmu wun wmcu ne part-v goea r , . . ., ..,., Hnc. Sw-min.
aiu i:eiiiblie.uii-iu than Mr. illaiue.' He b is ... ,. , ,. . , vv , . . . l1.,:,.i.,C. : I nter, la at tllC tce.lll HOI t.,)-c-v&v.vlin-
Bt-.uiiivrr e i the tnontuclile. I "iton; light. .No bill o. ji.titu is areomnanied bv her si-ttsr-in-law.
ur.t-'oci atlu idea. He hu.ei.v.r tailed to n-1 i)re?(jp:ed. and no aburies ' ptuntetl ,:.,'.,,. ,' u,."8;nirni,p ., i-,dl
tliu 1.1-tieiilly eliatsipii. 1 Amerija.i citron- ' t -rhli ..... i,..s ssllMflr shut its i Mr , ' . V . ' . 7 . r
i-bip. iiiitin-r. as it ilno-.ifr.te-c to that inn la- oul V- V t, f-.n.piy siiiil a 1S Sll, coincidence, both theo ladies
imKital. unclnni-cable element. mar.ho.d. . cyesasd joined ill the vtrlVMV "ivtorm. . ,f.. i,,,.,,.,,,,!. :,, ,1,,. --, i,.tttln
nd his and their wihe tA requests.
In the matter of tariff protection to
American labor and waos which con
stitutes one of the main elements of the
revolt of the workingmen against the
Demo -ratic platform itud ticket there
is nothimr to complain of in cither tt
Republican platform or nominees; there
is everything to complain of ic the Demo
cratic platform m cand. dates. Hence
General liutler announce. that lie it
posti.-oning his 4dreas to the ctuntry
until Mr. Cleveland's letter of accept
ance has appeared, in order that he
mysp2ak by tlie card where I disa
g've witli hir." This is specially iu
citicant of nrerc serious trosMc in tfio
path of Mr. Cleveland and. the Derao
cratii party.
This jrrett incnrretJon Tn the Derao-
nraliR iwAv Cfmnl Knttar will lead i
and piiife with all Wt energv ad
n.lrnltiv fnr tvhw-h i,r. f.imotm. An
.". . . ; ".
'army of Oemocrats, cofapo?ed of tho
, who li"C heretofore bcn the mo-t ct- 1
-"--'""-"' " -- . ,.-v,t aav -- -
thu5iari'e, trustwirthy and fncrg.ttte
v.-orkurs and vo.ers & that party, will
follow General Pui1rs banner of re
volt. T.!s movenwnx fey Gfucral Butler
n-UI tlwr... ulm tl. I'lCf littTir.
nim iiiuiuiui ic-.jj bti. ..-j .r.-.
j ing.'hope of thr Democrats toc.rrcew
I Ywk. and will ahr-ost certainly tissure
Hqinihlican xirtories in Connocticut,
Now derscv and Jud'aaa. In fit, it
Utles the content, and make tuc elec-
lion of Bla'ws a;iri Logan inomly er
j cnin. It will .tiilVn the backlone of
'tftie Taninsuiv revolt also. Itwill re-
of thecr rolitical temple, and thus
.,,.,..,,. -tK.lrnitiis which 'tliCV have
.l' "e XIX .UUlgnilli wnicii 1111,3 "'
heaped lpX3U him aim his njllo.'A.'rs.
HrlraiL Jvv
'.The t'rj for Keform.
Tb rtrcr.Ien of the Democratic plat
form :ud of the patty'
n. a.. ...! .1 ......... ....t !. ltn .....
he paityVs oauipaign
ctimentfi is "reform.
II,' s:is the platform;
m," ba-y 1 the party's
t)iM:i:u;i7i aim uot-iuiieuL& i iv-na iu
" e -want reform
we nraut refor
orati-uv., and "we will have -reform is
IiiiMl:iiii t in DiMiiru'ratu tiartv has
i , t , .... :, .... tii-woni'vlic nil thn
Mill hn e L'Ms IU l..tvtl' .Ui tno
1 jieojrlo bhollld do ihesi-liic. in tact the
,.yttwrf the tieoide ans verv wide open,
, .. .' , 1 - . 1 ..
andtthoro IS a geiUMta,- tlubiru to know
:mdiio understand all "thfiiiJohits irk the
Hie Democratic part3- demands re
form and the people auttnmlly want to
knovt what that party proposes to re
form. What hat the"Be)iiblicau part;
dotal that must be undone or relonu
ed? The lirst thing Ihc
did-was to Wine out
Ili't-Jtiblican part3 1
r. Ilptiiiii'.ratb ri- !
ins tiie5ii.''f uui. iu iiiiii Miu mv iMii.wo ,.,.---. .i;c ;,i
"-" -
iJoutocrat:. Does the Democratic partv
wapt re orm bad! enough to put
back into involuntary servitude?
t them
try survitmler
niic I'e.niblican partv gave the right to the new', -emancipated !
bht-:s. Does tlio parlvof rc'orm want
to deprive the colored race of lhat
i -j , .,
1 he Kcpubiicau partytfiook charge of
ptlblic a II airs when uuckr Pemocratiu
lumiagemeut the Govern m nt was
oiliged to pa twelve per cent, interest,
wJiiie tj-tl:iy it can Ixjitow a thousand
millions at'tcree per cnt. Is there
.....ii.: 1 .i. :.... .... "
:intiiiiiLf nciu iiiau ii: uucs h;ivm iu
at the hands of the Democratic parllJ
VThc Kcpubiicau p -rty came into jiow
er when the valuu of good old I'emo
ccstic 4mone'" was worth all the xvav
ficm par to zero, and watiaiost valuable
icjthe hands of tho.-c who did not know
how worthless it wa. Does ihe Domo
crr.tic pa"t3 wish to reform" Repub
lican banking methods lutd go back to
tbo old wa3?
Tiie Republican part3 has. made gold,
silver :uul paper of equaJ .value lrom
one end of the country So the oilier.
I Does Ihe Democratic .arl cuill for
. fornl umithlS JtXL t .
i . . i
oaoK tome jrooit
old Democratic wild c;iU'loiii.
mo lie pu i) n can partv, oy n ..," an
pliuxition. of the taritV, rendered it pos-,.
blttito pav hundreds of miUions in the
shape of pensions to the sold'ers of the
Union anil the r widows tu-il orphans.
Wmild the L'emocratic liarJy -reform
i -,jm - "
Thcilte'iublican party has mmde it a
point-to protect American laborhi"; men
against all the outside worltL Will the
Demierutc-)arty reform" litis. idea, ii
it should c-et a chance?
The Republican party has fostered
and developed all the iu biatrial inter
ests or .ine country, ami nas me satis
fact ion -of seein-r evcrv
!1 eheiner than
article dn-the country sell cheaper than
ever before. Does the Domo -latic party
think -"-reform" is needed here?
The Republcan party has pa'd a
thousanfi millions of Democratic -debt.
i :., .-fin .i:. : c ,u..- i ...
.iii.i .-.ii. w ,MiuS ui ... n;; .
Demoeralce .treason and rebellion at-the
rate of one linn Ired millions a rear.
Does the BiuLvof'trcforni desire a dis-
..... v.. -vw ...a.. ... .i,,......- . w....
The Republican. party has steadfatly
refused to roco'rnixe tho claims of anv
but Union sellers, and is pledicd ner-
- -
er to consent to the payment of onc cent
tu anv who furht tadestrov the Union.
......... -- .'
ill the UeniO.a:icp:u-tv hasten to "re-
forsu" this noli v?
The KemibKe-in ntrLrhas evcrtaurhil
iliat treason is od.ous.a.nd that love-d
vottntrv is tiie suaremcvrirtue of Amer
ican c.ti.enhii). Will tke Democratic 1
jtarty reverse the rder litre, and tntro
iilueo 'reform?'1
We have enumenated an even dozen i
paints in American political history, on
the establishment of which tiie .Hepub
lif.n partv has insisted, and has suc-
e-eded, despite the most desveratc un-
cert-onions and cr.nirual oppos.tio of
the J emocratie partv. And aow the
Lenweratic party
shuts its eyes ivid
bawl lust Iv for
-refoim.1 Wiil it
dare to c mtess a desire ami intention .
reroriis" all or anv of xoc distinct -
ivcly Republican achievements? Thcj
covjr riiy. entire rro-aail ot Keptibliean
administration, and the partv chal-,
icnges tne criticism of the worm oa
them. If the Democratic party dnret
not lay hands on either of them, no
explfoitly condemn even one of them,
then is the Democratic campaign cry
the plea of a demagoge, the wail of de
feated and chagrined hypocrisy. II
-reform" is so badly needed, let th
items be pointed out and the tight made
in open field. The ISepublican party in
vites it Indianapolis Journal.
ZJ The man who knew more abonl-
the Mnnr lcttr "n l.Lin !, on-r.tvnrlti 1
-- - v vuuu "v- i
else is in command of the Democratic I m iuuj. j.i ux uB4sm---iDmi-n-iiuf
. 1 t t-f ,...? l
iciu uj wrgesj. rnwtatipnm rrsmt
hulJiou and restore the Lirou. Docs J pomtwl station agents in .uiiint-toia.
thoJDemocratie party want to reform1' 1 entriHcers are keeping a sharp Iook
ijai j wit for miss-placed switches. Hi Paul
Sue Republican prty-guvc freedom ' Herald.
loiall the slaves held .in bondage by I The girl who succeeds in forcing a
- - . ;
i- ". -v r? - -.
. hrT
Ward Belcher cmn't t
ftnvthing oat
of an income of nearly
flUO.OQu year. K Y. Smm.
Four baggagemen wno run a
New England road are named LoVc
laad, Lovcring. Lovejoy and Lvery.
Ex-Uniteil States Senator Dav'u. of
West Virginia, ued to lw brakeman
on the railroad which ho now nearly
The coincidence L noted that Mr.
lllaino waa born in RroMrnsyille, Ia..
ml Mr. Igan in Brownsville, 111.
Chicago Lfcrald.
Ceocge Augustus Snla, in his jour
nalistic -career of thirty-five years.
2laim-5 "to have written" over T.IX'J
ncwaper essays."
A twelve-vear-oM school-girl ra.
WS mameu to an eigutv-year-om
;. m . --t,"".
nivJ-Kn at Itorkin : C
p.s.ian. at 'mtkir. . v...
parents con-enu isl. Louts
' .- ft. ..
- .Most of ihe
Japanese newspapers
re mode'til alter the Knglish journals, j
out one or mem rvaus irom mo bottom
of Che column upward.
A correspon5t nt of thf Baltimore
,-frwncan, wntng from Ing Branch.
. .-t
s that General Grsnt will oon
rite, from a strictly impartial stand
point, an account of ttcucral Lee s -jur-
'rendir at Appomattox.
Wlii.M rrr4rVMr nvprthi nmTilwr ct
books thatrarc iuibIMK.d. it will !hj aj
satisfaction to re'ecl upon tlu-se that'
ire not. s sinjrie puunsiiiii'; nuiise re-
ring the pa.-t
ttff,. ... -,..!-
iiti iii..iiii
that heap. Hartford
i'os , .
In the vear'IGOi the second .tnion
if Hamlet1 was printed, and nroba-
f .!,- rvnT-' bv itc niitlinr. In the--5ini
vear-t lnnd suit was beirun at Wotzhir.
near Cfiblent. This lawiiiit is st?ll gt- j
-n"- on. and the Duke of Brunswick is
U.iet2at. Perhaps .C:hake.sjeare had
he spirit of prophecv when he w role
jtjxcwns: .a"lia law's delay.' 0-his
, w llse be;.t n$tauce of it on record.
the w'dow of Ccncral
vv.-th the Indians on the Yellowstone,
-tni! it is said that both received the
twavs.rt their widowhood the same day
u! hour. Mr?. Custer rarely -refers to
hf rdreadful sorrow, aud lives under it
paxienth-.iiud incekl3. X i". Herald.
('Pt-ould but love thee when 7 saw
fh face." writes Lilla Cushman. We
thoughU3ou acted rather queerh. Lilla.
riiat"is whyxveran. Philtuklphia Call.
rvcral voung irirl.t haxe been aj)-
. -. .
' tsnmg-niau to spenu ins latv cent m
treating her to ice-cream renders ner-
. sell liauie to arrest, ior rounmg uiu
cale. ' n'ladcljdita Chronicle
Mabel's mother saw the 3itUo
iwuning from chair to table and fiomi
table to bureau and all around, dooking
with both eves for something. 'What's I
tiie inatlcraiabol?" -Why. Pve lot !
ikv link anil can't remember where 1
put 1113 limbic '
At the Kink.
Slie went to the roller-skatln'f rial;,
And jmt the slMtirs on;
i. si aj or : .vo about her shoe,
.And ti.on she's off and -rone.
.61ie .-lid. she Mode, she irlid. the fftodo,
Tulield bv fear or tetter,
Iltit at last the sreitt'e muid was "tiirovvel."
And tbe lolier-fkntcs upset her.
No." said Mrs. I'riin'to nninquir
.tin st ran rc r, we don't have malaria
1 here. I admit, but ,t's the best boarding-hou-e
on the bin shore, aud 1113' daughter
. Sally makes lemon pics that can't be
' beat 'round these parts." Wheai the
1 visitor had gone, .Mrs. liriny said to her
l daughter: 'Well, danc, I guess we'll
have loJnv in a stock of that malarv,
i for all of 'em as comes here keep a-ddn
if weve got it.' ijoulen Days.
I "Yes," said the voung man to the
-1. ... ... . . 1 1.
1 lecture committee. 1 want to uenver
, a ,enijerauuc lecture in 3-our town."1
, . .'
' ,.sld IJence
; u,c cairniii. g
ex'erbecn a or
1 louduu.t look like a man xvlio has
in drinking," icmarked
suspiciously. iiave3ou
F 1 ,J.A '.1WI ...
(. lister,
a 1 l a .-1 k b 1 1 .i mm m. t. r - - - -
"I Iccturjrjn'rrK
.winter, and CTn,"ij
all tliiou'rh the SMith last
j in Florida, where I saw a swamp-snake
fifty feet long. I ' l'ardon 1113 curt
osifv. sir," interrupted the chairman,
hastilv; -"when do you want the hall:"
(J raptic.
The wa3farer who is obliged tc
take pot-luck" at all sorts of eatinir-
I houses is not ihc happiest of niorta s.
There is something wrong with thu fare
-ierc is someiun; wrong xvuu tiie tare
! "dually, and wlien the beef is not over-
0" 1L ,& 1 l uuuuriiuiu. .-v steaK. i
J Pl:lcc,1 uIorii sutt :
. onc ay ;l5t "onth
i be nettialh raw.
..i- -. I..H ..11... . .
, ?"- . xca, an. -aner. taKe
this beef out, -ilease, and kill it."
. . "... - I
poor waiter crawled into a napkin-ring
' and disaniicarud.
Heix is a nleashi'' citrh " lit-
means of which one may make fun at a
r-k.da .
party, rut the tollowiii"- questions
' n-o-r-s-e spells horse, then h-o-u-s-
I spells hotie, and h-o-a-r-s-e spells
t x t. -
noarse. .o-.
what does h-o-u-r-s sjiell?
e question, it seem.-; ea-v
I In reading the
enouirh to answer; but when asked of
persons who are not familiar with it.
" .
A. Japanese Monument.
The growth of motlern ideas in Janan
has been signilicautlv indicated of late
" He erection by a Japanese land-own
erot. an imposing monument to C. D.
Ivjefiardion, an i-.nglishman, who died
in lia.J durin
nerce stnifo-la
i agaiiiitihe outside Xatioas.
' ardsoa was hacked to death
j ?iani3 ccf a Japanese noblcma
" twnpaaions were cruellv m
ed. Xne affair was one of the
of the bombardment of Kaooshee
Bntish squadron, in which 1.504J Japan
ese were killedand wounded and?5,000.
000 worth of property was destroyed.
Then indirectly Also the murder led to
tne suppression n leuaaiisra ial JapiiV
through the ajntaon which Mln JJ
md tbe monnmea now set qb is &&
pareavly a recognitian of that eforSi1
as mueti as of the man whom tsiwJ?
It is placed on a mound on the
where no leu, and i inm'hwi
verses recording his virtue's, and
;nn. i?i- Kn .i. l. . ., . .
1 . - -"---!.
- m'- .uuiigas oi rite I
he brought us mav frladd ir.'
uie jami nr to c.1a ij
-.,. .mm. -
SS v
rf- 3
f ' ..
F-- Jf ,
tiiey generally declare that no such COlrox-3iiidli-i-r J('li4 Q&i
word as h-o-u-r-s eists. Of course tho Jfi'p9.SiirvSfii g
word 'hours' is. on tiie contrary, ven coi'-.v ? " i " ,:TS 9l
common.-iarKr'5 Bazar. ' ' .OiVnmYrr.:. IhPx
I In
f r , liSJ-Vrr IHHfca? siiiiiiiiiHHEiiiiiH j
Ofc. too dear, sweet.
i?Rf" exclalroeii Mrs.
be 'look up Mrs. Furapkettle
t-Mrihl daughter at a charch
at the residence of a prominent
n,nnn!n the Other CTtolnr.
Sow. look and bef A)
touted Mw. Iuoberry lir-J
ii.r nn. whn was olavine witli-.
oth-r children in a dbtant part of
Do what?" asked a lady.
Slap it to sleep."
"Who?" i
Slap wltat to sleep?'
Mrs. d'ompkettle' baby." A.-
Slap Mrs. rttmpkeUlc. baby to
slceti? What do vou mean, cidld'
"U ell. he wilf."
'Hiere ther. Johnny. Bun along
and get a dish of ice-cream ami ome
-akc. ' said Mrs. Duscnberry. colofiMg.
"You arc entirely too talkative"'
Xo I ain't. Ain't you going to
it to leei
No. niv cliild.
Certainlv not.
ilonjr. now. ,
Then, ma. why did you say you d
dap that little brat to' sleep the tirst
time vou got hold of it for the day when
he nulled the lJower?M
Johnny was hurtled out, and a polar
wave .-truck the social admidship.
Moomtugton Through MaiL
; intn i-rj vi.-i.
n-ilrvmon often wonder bow thfrtr more
i f.ivnni pomijctitonnret sucb high pricw
1 - . - 1 t
. -1 1 If fa liv
for tboir tmiwr t.o ycr ruuuu. . -.
slwavt bavin-; a uniform -"llt-edgod am
cl. "To put tbo "ipU ed.;e' on, when tbe
.....w .I ntt Ae r thv o Cllt
Ill.,l,. Ar r Tmiirovi.! Hcttr "--3l
or. Every lnUt-r mnkt-r can do the ".
Sold every when? and varrrjit?d a Iara
Viis ataalt, and tx-rfect in oreratiou.
A ,i-ii 1 nt r.,w...wnv,l I la rnnOrtcd
nuAA.i Wl ..ti. r. ,.'i-.f.-"i"
n I,. ......(.... I.... .....!. .. . ...viflt III".
i wlmt'rf tli nifitt.r ll.m'r tnHV fill1 illir-
. UiKjton Free Pre.
Jlcn' Mulphur Soap
' Is
a common retaeuv i'r iKin uicw.
common retaeuy i'r iKin
Uill's liair Djif bluck or brown, Wc
Jex.vik: "Mv !oir-:ie ha a twenty-dol
Inr bUnkt.r Tommy: Tlint. nuftln;
mv dossle iuw j;ot A s." liroo Kiyu
Tnc old cm.tom requiring snlcavx-omen lri
ilrrand fnncx goods stores to stand all
day lotiK without roit or relief is bemj:
Mifwirscdedliymor liunmno rules in mnj"
ot our leadini; business houio- Lydie. 1
I'lnkhain's Veuetablo Comiound ii hiubly
praiseil bv those xvho have not yet boeu
freed froui tho old necessity (or constant
fctaudiu-;; tnd h a gnuino bleusing ie ev
ery such case, as well as to tho tired-out
bo'usekuepur who must bo on her foot m1
Ovk cxllisli xrill eat even berrln(:inone
week. That is tne rennon n cojtish diet
tnnkis u man so thtrsity. .Vctc York Jour
nal. "Koujrli on Coiu-h"." IV., nt Urussli't.'. Oitn-pleteeii.eOou-iii'i,
Htiarsunesv-, Sore Throat.
Viikx a "Frenplitnin klssei his Kirt ho
does it on her torehenil. No wonder the
Freucj doiuand that the ban; must -o-
" Rout-Ji on &jrti." l.'-c. Ask for it. Com
plete cure.Lard or b-ft corni.xvarts.bunlons.
A poster tnny no Jw narticulnrly
ntist-icvatic, but who., you find one it ii
Cuiierallyvituck uj.
- '
" Mother Swan's Worm SxTtip,' for fer-cr"j-hiie,worms,const.iatioii,tuj.wlei.
In xvipins a chihl's nose, bo exeeedln'rlv
carelul tt leave the nose. BUI Xje, ,tn
. - -
Skinnv M-n. "Wells HoaUh Reiifwer- ro
storei healta and vijor, cures JJys'R'psia.Jrl.
ITano n-iur xvntcli nround your nck
xvhen x'oii j;o in lin thine; vou will k0
tune i.'x-on don't. Loxcell Citizen.
u Ihichn.paiha." Quick, completo etire,nll
annoym-; lvidnoj and Urinary Lb-oases, 1.
A Tornirsnoso is like a droxrningman-i,
bee-ins can't keep it above water.
-V. Y. Dial m
The incn-tisin-j sales of Fiso's Cure at
tests its claim a tho be.-t couuh remedy.
A noon it sonioi im n jar nnd nn earth-
noon it snnii-wm-" n iar nnd nr
ko ahvnvs is. Lotcell Courier.
You hnvs no ri--ht to jdck n plioto-pho-'s
poekt't eru it ho has pict-tire i.
J-hipi'inir Steers
Ati'just 21
...-. ej -.
.1 5
4 m
i at
c 4)
.Native Hellers
N'ntire Cow?
Itutcliertj' Steer..
HOGS Ootid to choice heavy
.''.&.' ..... ...... m.. . 9. ...... ...
.. 1!)
G Ii)
" r. xo. ...............
rfAll'It Kancv. ners-:lc
ma l car lot. iiniriir
If llinmm '
r""it IC. -."vniiiur j
. ..ii, n
j CL1TI,E Shlppinjf'Stecrs....
iie r. u"c,r,Steurt...
HOGS Good Ui ehnfe-
SHH-IP Fair to choice.
CAYl I.Vn.WllMu.
roi vcco-Xfiw' i ""4"'
lr.r.1 ljIir OOOd 5hlpplnf.
. ivo... iir jooo nippinji
I it'll -. n.V-t !. ,,kn.l
snuip-vir mchnU"
KM . If-minon tochoic.. 5rt55
"J No. 3 k U
ooii.-s2-S!,pni,r r
uV.l. ..
l-1 Ne
II .
x ..
"9 5T!VOO'I to choice TTi
- lTK
IieVV Jlj I I -V g mmmmmmmmmmmWmZiA' All, Ot7. mAmmmmmmmmmmm
1 rurATo, --i;,,,;,-;:,:, ;-;;; :L.:.H
- . ----" i3i aL ' i
V -"LTtf-k f w,mT. ---.ill---------------------------------------------
tlin VOl 10 Ol AmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWki
i& rffffffffffffffffffffffff
-iv E,Lr-AKmBrvi..-,-,-,-Br.i-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-
,T.M aaaPl1V'.P'"(j4K 1.H .fl aaa................................................. B
?TT ZfmTmTXmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmf
iH?-mJLTEmmZ-Z7i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmLfm
-. --K-T.T.T.- mWE .T-.T.T.-.Ta-.iTa..T.T.-1-.-a-.T.-.-.Ta.-.- " '1-rt -------------------------------------------------------------- -M '
"fMiiiT " I i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM - ' X-. JmW
CMirk'tKlrfHHKSV&M ,m
- - Kt KmmW9mmSOBBlmmmimmm)mmmmSmmmmmZ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmZmm- 'm
i r'-;fti 'mMmXJJWm--Mmvr'i Ifffffffffffffffffffffffffff ; .JK
l?'JrW-7mmmmmmmmmmWAmmmSBX W
It-?; Jii,4tP'?i!?1ffi'W mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWm .-4tt.
- -SHif .- - - v ------------------------------------------------ :
X-5:-?!. v- :i .- Sir- :--'::::-v 'jHMajHMajHMajHMajHMajHMajHMa
Xim.? EvS-4M. ?:. tt.4iaffc c-.' .tfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffB jb
CC-.!BfBBaP -r. -V1-;:' TBiajl 2iV mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm9- mWi
& S.m&Wm-Tl&Z- .M7?-4mmW- -V ' 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmmmmmmmY iBfr
AxaUtetarl I:
aa4 Ca attar
ratMt aUaU W4J
Xx4iyaa-1 BJ !
0ttcUasara' aaa
OEALiae in
Enamelled ind Plain Hoilow-Wl
ttt lttiT Rrttlns. Rri
Urn au Water rip-. md
nlttl' SHipllr,
Tr tr-(it-rrt
ttrtrj U31oi , i
Hj'Ftr' WiSf
tcrL: lsitWr J . j
b-ds4 t -rr K.r
Crr! CiSa. U4 lt
r-", tr inn ,, j
J rr 4 ir j-e J
I-r ttf filHr
i : -c. tv
sT.rrl-r u4 1
kicr(ir4 rr-ara
"k W . T uu.
1 r.'i ".J! IMur,
Ui, , N J
? A f tKr Il4r1 !.
UAVL'FVEP1 "Tr'; 4it -.
Ort lrfn M!iu&. .'tlrl.
stdrori1"ti fiOcu tr roll.
k a-.o "( vr tt3 1
lax uto urorut-. ocsa s. v.
Health andjappiness.
RAro your K.idniy dx3ortlercl?
f - Kline Wat bmuc
t itiinn rtT K i
'rr.ivlUrlhiul lwn tlTnutr lil-l o ! n
M. W. lArieram, J-
lt.iu. MKb.
Aro your nerves -vvonk?
-Clitacj Wurl rurtsl e from trrr 'iw
irtr ,lirr I net it"--lsi nu- Mr, m u,
I Ovssl win. lil Ckrttttau Matter Cl 'OLml.TJ.
SHavo you BMght'ti Disoa30?
-Kl trf XV'ft mmi me tn mr -.r itt
llta cliallc Xj1 XUea IU Lls.
1' n.' W t,H,n. IVftUx!. Utw
Suf forint? from Dinbetcs?
"Kiilr'y V'.,,nttu Hrw r. olj- 1
t bit Ai-txa-t I"" rr w-f
lUI-uu, iUbiU-a, L
Havo you Liver Complaint?'
u. nrjr.X ott ami ttu of r&rvia Umiu, I
nfKr I jtm Jxl to die 1
nmrj- V.trtf, Utc CoL Mliyt GdrJ.i. T I
Is vour Back lamo and nchinff?!
Jii.in4.r.wort,il U.tti rttrnj ut . I
Uiuo 1 hxd to n:l t-.t if UhI."
C M. Td;ii0'.Mi:dt-.W.i
Havo you Kidney Disoaac
-l.ltl y-V. irt tnailt nv . i, ) . n lin r iut-t L J v
ft-r j ear of cimtvmu1 . t lti- ltn irt
Sid a, U-s."- &x.-i 1 Uwluia. VV,Miu-n, Wwi .1.
Aro vou Constinated?
"JCWnTT XVort raa- rr vtvji.. u mrAcuA
I ac :ur U jiwj r f otir u j. . -
.s.Iion 1 nucuxi, at. Ai?,rn,Tt, vnti Malaria 9
"WhtT-iiurt law don- U-llcr ! itv fc.r t.r
rctucCy l uatv trtr in rjr jimifirv."
lx 1; l-.tUtL,ieil!rrt,Vt.
Aro you Bilious?
"jri.IWT.W.jrt 1mv dun-wei ii-r-ewl tha aj
ouu-t iaeiir i hare ci rr lAirrn."
ilnt J.T.tiSdjoi.--, lU Ht fri'oft.
Aro you torraentod vrith Pilos?
KM-.f .rilrrnuviallj sjnrf r . i ii-u. ;
tiIl.-. lr V. I KI'jk rwiiuiiir i.l It 1 nvr
Gt j. It. 1! -:, tvuhicr SI. Iiilc, U;erttfu. 1.
Aro you Ilhouraatism racked?
(aoLyiaiWicuiusftMliitilii.i" fr,iiminrrrt.r "
IJ-jrK-'Cr M xtmtui. VVi.t UU. ilIo.
"Ladios. aro vou oufferinc?
"Hiitfj Wort f r n" i f iUr trxclr of
-reralTt4iJ-jfti'vI - li- f' rn ' u ! l
It." Mra.II.L'v.rtnttM.Ule-.aJ'ctU, W
If you "would Banish Disooso
i and gam Healtft, Taico
The Blood Cleahsek.
A WAV -r!''! oir Wll Aajxr til
l)rlj. CtUfwrJfr-" A-ldr -a
A. m: KKTT&CO.
Iji-u5 Cajr, Ho.
flftFNTv MalrorF
nOLri I O ii-.,ur(.
Frr air ram 25 1 Vti rr t k f l
r,iKMl I iMrr rnr Ko-airir
;vfrHcIJlOltIAIit.'0.. HI mrM.,tlnclni,tlO
Ba rm
wijm1 w. usjt.)
I lllin tVtJailr wl rrtll lrn(i I ir rrjcr lit. .-' " -..-"7. k - - -.IIIIIIIHtaK 1 1
iati 1 iritif rr - mi i imrr t'"'!.1. inrmmmmMm it
Lai.".".".".".OTiBa.lll t-aKftttMlAM. Tl S U Mr-rt. CTiKico. f"1- -... .....'. r."... .j,j
,i4 I (('(fjfcBfJfffff'Mr----- rffffffffffffffffffffffffff I
mir. ?x iillJi I 1L' I 1 - - - 1 1 1 1 "jfr-.r vrvtTT nu.4iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiV: l
mTme 1 Ml Crb nill I j 11 1 .l1.J.l.l fatlM f J-' ..-. -. w . - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr . !
d4jT--V. COD ' b'ar I I CTT TrlTj I ir I tlf 4 L.
I tM I
4 I AM mmmmmmmmmmWmimj VKl
I A9 .O
- rf o --z-nT.ii-1-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i
J J I J mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
m r. n a, m itititititititititititititititititititititititititititititit
ev i.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.
3 jw a .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieik
A taoctij
And m-arwi abJe
AoJ Uaidty a dty jaft fasfit
rticjlltmlt.l on tray itefa&
wxl tt fc all 0 to !!
1 Blttera! J, WlsktiirJac-
m-v , itioot . M .
l,Pontwh.UiHi aasvvp
f r.hi tua wKt ' HV r
. , ,1 .. .r .U-r.L w
r Mr-' irjni 4 iri ';-'.. .Ai.
. ,9 itim ar ttttr . -" -'-- ---
U.U ltAllt2 fh. .
U . frf- --
j tx
-m- .- L.vl. !-.
lit nr
" mmmtS
Ml...r,H!r.irvl t I 'W- ,
.r.-.,'-- . .
t. t-t r-.-r-K f IT-- -
h 4. ..-. m. .s&t - lllITXI-' -
liiMfiW. .-r?M ". C !-"-' - -
T 1 fc- - - - "-. ' , , M ,Jfc
lSAS ! .
WittoHvtU f
-' -k
rtJ" 123 nut in 110 j. van--aR ri
lULidti it), -"tt.
Dnrinrr UnUc & tt fu
m bVffig H Ext OrSrs Hscka
U Vory PrOtlmulet
$25 to $40
iAchln.i Marfe in ITnn Xrf ltarw.
lxd or Jt eta lcxrr
Bund fc- Ct:tw-,. Aira
LQQMIS & KYMAH, Tirrui taica.
M X X X XT rV 1
i -a it it .
, rlnrt, rTwlt
Dl'- Mfc
aKcfk Vori u r Hi , - i -.
lr diii a t e - Ui jivlt Kr.E
U IC. 1. 1 1-O.Ml. Aurr, . l'..
r. ictt"- . t
- emm
nir vtoTb j,uilT t
MniHV. &
MK .Vr.r J-l. "l ---Im,
1 ,' .. "'llt g.
ai-i li..w inr-mtii-' t ""nf
rl t"'. t f,rirt v
A kjr. . Y. ti4 '..
t i-itrtj rn rrniniiv niit, vt-
LwAuii icucunnrni .-.! w. Mr
uiu T oo!. A4 i I l)tt M'
L'MOi roLU'tiEor i.iw.
y i Term iJim .riu t rri
rut. t. ra-
r 4, rf rlrlf
ii juHni
lla:w. m.
.. .. .. HPRINCFIKtO.,ILLv , M
ra.i eTttui iwtwi: Ith' -! -tt (r .
Otfr O.MI-.-. ! M- KKK IIOM'' ffrfffM a
fMM m
:: -
Ottaara., LLvasui. Ojwti Ept. 3. HB
Ttiorotizii tr!-J tf is f Atc4. ?V-Vft'' 7r !-r,HS '
Im.Im ..4 tl nl 1( ...- Hk flJF' .Mt .2L fMTt HbK
. . - ..... .,t ,f Infm.nlM utmlfi,L Itfn i & ? t .iifj................. f f
WL ,
yil': .:".o-
r4Cuai? '.
ltjllllllVB '-.