The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 29, 1884, Image 5

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I The Red Cloud Chief
Propr etor
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Dotf days have passed into the
Bickaiids was in Wvmore this
gjts. Gumi" will visit in tlio bast for a
lew days.
Attorney McXknv was in Lincoln
Inst Saturday. .
Mies, Wm. Gates has returned from
hercastern visit.
Wm: Valley House now runs an in
dppendent free 'bus.
J. S. Xoi.L is building a new house in
the norlii end of the citv.
En. will locate in Sioux
county for the practice of law.
Cait. Asiir.v, :f Wymore, and wife,
were doing Bed Cloud, Sunday.
E. A.ndkjmon contemplates a visit to
loit, Illinois, and Virginia, in a short
Orit frieTtd, A. Morhart, and family,
wdl make an extended visit in Illinois
Gto. B. Lea sold his hogs on Satur
day and got ?!G1. 59 for them. A pret
ty good price.
En. Highland has moved into hi?
resifuC-Hin corner of Cedar street and
Sedflml Avenue.
Knitt Kxtrrsoj-T has purchased a
good threshing machine and will go
into the business.
Tiny epublican delegates to the State
convention were in Omaha making
statesmen, this week.
Mns S. F. Si'OEESFini.D was in 11a
broirins week attending the funeral
daughter's little child.
A. J. V.usi:u, of Scott county, IHi
noi?i, who orvns a farm m tliis county,
was in lied Cloud this week.
Jin; Nebraska State Fair commenc
es September 5. A good many of our
people will be present no doubt.
fjftKT Evans has an elegant weather
rooswr surmounting hi. new barn. All
can now tell which way the wind'
Geo. McKinwhy, of Clinton, Illinois,
13. V. Windsor, and A. II. Eldrodge, of
the same state, were in Bod Cloud,
OK: friend A. Cure, made final prool
oiifiis homestead last Saturday. Mr.
'. has been very prosperous during
his stay in Nebraska.
Mils. J. II. Smith, who has been vis
iting in Min nebula for she last, few
weeks, has returned home alter a
pleasant visit in that state.
MSkinneu, of Hard', XuckVlls
couiitv, prospective candidate for sen
atorial honors, was in the city this l
week. He made us a pleasant call.
Foi: a fine specimen of crab apple:
v . i . . .- . - : i z : . - -
, -(''iiiHM.ii raiHou we mviieourreau
i r to th-farm of Peter MoNitt. '
i vK'Twit.' recipients oi Koine fine
n&i. - tLi week.
"The n.iiorcolic (lavs have
is, it
IkO saddest of the vear" that
l...,. ! TI I..... C...1 , 1 !.... .!..,..
uv:.-j tin. .-iij.i.i imi ivci r-i".i tuau iiitJit;
art not more patches neartOMi, where
the stive wau -rrnelons grow.
W. (J. K.vitJtrr and wife, oflnavale,
hav n turjifd to Webster county, af
terv'jurniug in Minnesota for Mtveral
weeks. They ie;ort havi :g i grand
time in that north-waterii .-.tAje.
J)ii:p, at lied (Moiul, Net. on the
jpornmg of the 25th inst., at the resi
dence of her broher, Mr. E 1 ll'arncr.
Mrs. lluriet Ricbmond. of Ctilumiius,
Wis uji-iii, in the sixty-ninth year of
hwr .ift:.
Ii:. L. S. Mead, an old resident of
"Webster county, has sold his home
stead ami will go back to Wisconsin.
The doctor will t.-ke the prairie schoon
er hue for his nw home, The Chief
goes with Mr. Mead.
A. I. Sn:iNER has sold his furru to
J vim Dean, of lllitmis. Ar S350D. Mr.
i'W teau. ot
S will go
to Sioux conntv. Neb.
he will make his future, home,
is thrice welcome to Webster
and we wish him success.
Mr. 1L
Editor Visscheii, of the Gmtt Wed,
puplisbed at Denver, and a brother of
W. M. Vissoher of this citv, was in
lied Cloud this week
ant gentleman and a
Mr. V. is pleas
talented writer.
lie made The Chief a pleasant call.
"Bisiioi' Maj.i.ii.iki. of Boston, one of
the new y anpointed Methodist Bishops
"will pn.ieh iu the M. E. Ciiurch on
31onday, Sept. 1st, 1SS4. Tho Bishop
is a n teil seaker. ami this will be u
xare intellectual treat for our citizens.
Si'ifc. another contribution to oirr al
roady unique agricultural department.
c"Ufces from Mr- L. li Haskins. J'en
r.ey ("reek. It, that is the contribution
bei-x a "big sunflower" measuring 14
feeCs fi height and of too great a diam
eter for utility as a wood. pole.
Tur. relatives of A. D. .Y. angers, of
Kirn, Kansas, who was killed by the
B. & M. at Amboy, came to Ked Cloud
on Saturday, and had the body inten ed
in the cemetery. There are no further
particulars as to how he came to his
death any more than that he was kill
ed by the cars.
H. F. Ckawkokd. the -ccntlemanlv
postmaster at latin, called upon The
Oawi on Tuesday. Mr. C, has been
s&Jiy aillictod of fate having been un
der the weather himself and one of his
children prostrated with scarlet fever,
mid still another with diphtheria. We
liope his future may be brighter than
his recent past has been.
We hope that our citizens will not
fojvt the fair this 3'ear. Let every cit
xzejremeniler that the success of the
institution this year will place it on a
firm foundation for next, season, when
the new association will give a genu-
ii) Irst-class fair. Let the people then
Cring in their products and we will
have a good crop and a good fair.
The Chief called on our good broth
it. C. Coon, one dav this week, at
hisTarm residence in Garfield precinct.
rTueon has one of the finest stands
of corn that we have vet observed in
the state, much of which will reach
ten feet in height, and even more. We
are also indebted to him for some ex
cellent watermelons, of which he is an
extensive raiser, and we a fearful con-
sUJvr- IS.
?e city council have passed an ex
cellent ordinance in regard to regulat
ing tho licensing of peddlers, book
agents, etc. Thev have fixed the li-
cajfiso for street fakirs unci gamblers at
20 per aay. xnis is auogctn&r proper
right, and Ihe CCiEr, and we ao-
e tne citizens 01 ilea uou.ujo.vtiii
mend the council's action in the
ter. If these fellows swindle peo-
bey pay ibr it
rl nd
. X'-iW
. Tka'KS to Mr. Henry Maurer for a
men- watermelon.
Dk. Johj? Springer has hung ontbis
Mi ingle in Biverton.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs Ruth
rock died on "Wednesday.
T. J. Mosjikk has bought the Perry
house, on Seward street.
The Chief and the Jier from now un
til November 5th for 40 conts.
J. H. Rkmsucik;. of New Mexico has
decided to locate in Ited Cloud.
The W. C T. U. will meet at Mrs.
Walker's, Wednesday, Sept. 3rd.
Mil. T. C. IIackeu will soon be able
to move into his new residence.
Miss Etta De ILvkt. of Illinois, is in
town visiting her sister Mrs. Calmes.
The'Ckief and the Omaha Jiee from
now until November 5th fur 40 cents.
the voung ladies
gave a leap
year party at Mosher'3
C. W. Kaley and Sheriff Warren
took in the republican oonvontion at
Within a few days past about 100
prairie schooners havp passed "west
ward ho."
M. RntXEY starts oast on .Saturday,
and will bring his Ctmily with him on
his return.
Dr. Damekell is building a new
barn. This will he quite an addition
to his property.
Mit Hicks has The Chief's thanks for
a fine luscious water-melon raised on
the 3'eler McNitt inrm.
MESr?. Miller, Tinker, Sleeper, went
to Hardy on Tuesday evening to assist
in instituting a Masonic lodge.
S. id. Ctrrp embarked from here
Tuesday evening for Stella, Richard
son count', and will be absent about
two months.
Mr. C M. Starkey, a former citizen
of Red Cloud, but now a resident of the
hamlet of Aurora, is in town visiting
his many friends.
Iiie attention of our readers is call
ed to the mammoth advertisement of
Alhow & Young, Riuirlon, which ap
pears m u-uay s ouitK. a
Miss Caukie Mixer invited a num-'
her of her young friends to speiutA the
evening at her parent' residence on
Tuesday evening.. All report a pleas
ant time.
The return game of ball be
tween the sefcond nine of Guide Rock
and Red Cloud played here on
Wednesdav p. m., with the following
result: Guide Rock 17, Red Cloud 24.
Qi'R Wheatland correspondence and
our letter fiom Minne-otii were crowd
ed out owiivj to a heavy pressure of
advertising on our columns, but will
appear next week.
Keap C. Wiener's new advertisement
in another column in to-day's paper.
1 twill pay every reader of The Chief
to call and see the immense stock he
ha and the low prices he offers the
same at.
A caji? meeting und-r the joint man
agement of tho Uuiied ttrethrc.i and
the Methodic Epi.e,.l churches b
now bing held in Uenlein's gtMv. on
the White lloek. fi!';oen miles sotith of
Ked Cloud. The m meting will contin
ue over Sunday.
A very pWan 50"ial wa heUl at
the residence of J. I,. Miller on Mon
iay evening, under the auspices of the
Ladies' Relief corp. auxillf.r to (5ar-
ciuls arts highly-appreciated by the
Vets, who think the. Ileliuf Gorjis
dirnensible to the happiness of
V i - A n, , JJf t- ' - -m-. w-
members of the i'ost.
At a meeting of the anti-monnpnh
central committee, the following nam
ed persons were apoimcd as an exec
utive committee, and are authorize 1
In present the names of person for the
various ofuces to the mass county con
vention: :.F. Houchin. F.N.Richard
son, I). S. IFelvcre. I'M. Metcalf, L. D.
Oaiman. Tnos. Vai'ohn, (chairman.
V. Iloucm:;. secretary.
Ox next. Monday the Red Cloud pub-
he Sfhoois will open for tin
term. The following will be the
of instructors:
Principal Rrof. C. L.Ehujh.
Assistant Aliss Evii J. ICinir.
Grammar Room Mis MayLiudley
Intermedi tte-Mis-; Wno'ey.
First l'rinrsrv Mis Putnam.
Second Primarv FisMvra Brewer
What a enze the circus creates in
the mind of the urchins. Since the ad
vent of the last circus here all sorts of
possible and impossible feats arc being
attempted by the hovs. Thenin-t notic
ahle and 'j-rraceful of vvhieh is that of
Johnie Watson's rope walkinsr, the kid
seem'! to have caught on to the intric
acies of the rope business ingond shape
but we hope he will not continue
it until he breaks his neck.
Pr.or. C- L. Euaugii. our new super
intendent. ha? arrived in the city. Mr.
E. comes to Bed Cloud highly recom
mended as nn instructor, and with the
assistance of an able corps of teachers
and the co-operation of our citizens,
we feel warranted in saying that the
Profes or will make a success of the
schools this term. The Chief wel
comes him to Ked Cloud, and wishes
him and the teachers success in their
Ox Mondav an exciting running
i race took place on the fair ground race
course. The horses are owned by
Messrs- Watson and Budrow, and the
distance 300 yards, go-as-you-please,
for a purse of $00. Bud row's horse
reached the goal aoout -IT feet too
quick for the other horse, and was de
clared the winner. Watson's horse is
young .and not used to racing, hut is
a graceful runner, and with a little
training will get to the front in good
On Saturday last L. X. Edson's boy
was raking hay on the river bottom
when suddenly his horse hecame un
manageable aiuUran a way, carrying the
boy with them for some distance, when
the rake turned over, throwing the lad
to the ground violently, knocking him
sneechlessibr a few minutes. How
ever he soon recovered and is now do
ing well Avith the exception that he is
rather the worse for bruises received.
The tongue of the -ake was driven in
to the ground about three feet, It was
a narrow escape for the boy.
We have been creditablv informed
that men and boys who b.the in the
raging Bepliblica.n are vont to make
indecent exposures of their persons to
passers by, near the bridge. The
Chief would suggest to parties who go
bathing that they take up 11 more re
tired spot. Such conduct is unbecom
ing' to the most depraved aud shonld
be stopped. There is hardly ten .min
utes In the day that teams are not
passing, composed of both ladies ami
gentlemen, over the bridge, and such
hasenduct should bo sqnelchcdhy
xjmpulsiorf or otherwise. The officials
sboald seeihat it u stopped.-
Mes. M. W. TJiCiCEEsoJC is on the
ick list.
3Iiy. KaCKES started forBrowrwvillt:
on Wednwday.
J. L.Mi.viai is in Chicago on busi
ness for the firm of Miner Bros.
W II Cook sold 23 lw.rrcls o( choice
apples at wholesale and two at retail on
A takty of tlie- members oi the L 0.
0. F. intend starting to Sidom on Sat
urday next.
A UROTJiEii and sister of Mrs. Allen,
from Galesburg, Illinois, are vishing
their friend- here.
Me. S. V. Ludlow has engaged in the
mercantile business on WSbiter street.
Success attend him.
Ha Kit y Feicht has just returned
from his western tour, and reports a.
jdeasant time general!-.
. AVe call attention to the advertise
ment of Doctors Larling and Cameron
in to-day's iue of The Chief.
Nineteen and two thirds bushles jer
acre was the yield of a nine acre patch
of wheat on a farm nine miles aouth-
eat from thhs place.
Hugh Stlve"so.v was in town Monday
on business and pleasure. MrStovcn-
' son is an unable gentlemen and justly
popular hereabouts.
W;.i. Gates is in Colorado for a two
weeks sojourn in the hili altitudes and
on the various points of interest iu that
much talked oi state.
Engine 57 has been ictired from the
track and taken to PlatLsmouth for re
puirs.Engine 61) now does duty as switch
engine in place of the 57.
Attorney J. M. Chalfin. of Guide
Rock, visited this city Tuesday. Ap
pearance would seem to indicate mat
rimony in the near future.
Don't forget that all subscribers who
pay ti j arrearages, and all new sub
scribers who pay in advance will re
ceive a handsome portrait of Blaine
an I Logan. Don't delay, but come
now, and secure the prize.
The undersigned hereby lender their
sincere thanks to their friends for thoir
sympathy and a-sistnnce so kindly re
ceived in their recent affliction.
P. B. Richmond,
E. li. Warner.
Orra correspondents will receive a
Blaine and Loau chromo'on calling
at this ofiioo. The picture is a hand
some one. and we desire to return
thanks to our corps of correspondents,
by making each a present of one. Come
Mr. J. W. Reed of Anderson Smith
Co. Kan., has added to our curiosities,
a stalfc 0.1 corn 'having an ear whose
total measurement lrom the tip to
where it unite- with the parent stalk
is throe and one half ftfeu Now let
Nebraska get to the front.
Mr. Henry Teacuk living about four
mile's north of the city has contributed
a curiosity to The Chief's museum in
in tho shape of a snake's .winter uUier,
which hi snakeship had discarded last
spring, on .Mr Tagues premisis tho
S.inice evidently belonged to the Taur
us speies" and its discarded Cnti'de,
measures f feel from head to narrative,
and is too lar:;e to havt been in boots.
T.u'E Hill Lodge No. 1lG, I 0 0 F, i:-titutec lv .J. Ji. Mnitn, 1: u. as-
sisted !iv the filow nt; brothera from
Ited Ciond Lodge Xo. fl. on August:!!:
F D Hummel, M W Dickrson, A J
ManK, M S Marsh. (4 X McDauiel, T
W liauield, J S Panctn. oificors
elected and installed were
Edward C.unett, Is. (1.
A. J. Kerr. V. G.
W. C. Lathrop. Secretary.
A. B. Throop, Treasurer.
The Blue Hill brothers appear to
know the principle. of true friendship,
a. they had a public installation, con
ducted by the acting grrnd master and
a splendid speech by Iiro. Cornett, to
an audience of about ."0U visitors.
They then bad a splendid supper at
the Comnieteial House. All were
lfnrhly satished. A BitoniEU.
. .
An Accident
Wm. G. McEwan, the mail carrier
to Cora, met with a bad accident when
about six miles from Ked Cloud, on
Saturday. The harness in some man
ner irave wvv and scared the horses
t which run away, throwing the old gen
tleman out of tne vehicle and injuring
him seriously Mr. Barclay sent out
his team and brought him to town,
where medical aid was procured for
him. At last accounts he was slowly
State Ilepultlicin Convention
The following arc the nominees for
state officials on the Bepublican ticket:
The convention was called to order at
10 o'clock a. m., C. li. Cere chairman.
Bawes was nominated by acclamation
for governor; li. 1 1. Sliced, of Ashland
lieutenant, governor; Edward P. Bog
gen, secretary of state by acclamation;
C. H Wiilard of Hebron, Thayer county
for treasure, on the third ballot; H. A.
Bahcock, of Ord, for auditor; Joseph
Scott, of Kearney, for land commis
sioner; W. W. W. Jones, state superin
tendent of schools: William Laes, at
torney general. The convention was
large and harmonious.
Tloat Convention.
On Saturday hist, the 41st represen
tative convention met at the court
liousc in this city and organized by
electing J. H. Shugart as chairman
and F. B. Gump as secretary. The
credentials were referred to a comniit-
Ltee, which reported favorable, and the
convention proceeded to busmer$.- F.
B. Gump, in a few well chosen words
put in nomination J. L. Kaley, which
was seconded, and on motion was
elected l.y acclamation. Mr. Kaley be
ing called for stepped forward, "and
thanked the delegates for the honor
conferred upon him. aftei which Mr.
Skinner, of .Nuckolls, and E. C. Hawly
made brief speeches. After which the
convention selected the following cen
tral committee, to be composed of
three members:
G. W. Knight, Inavale.
C. A. YanCanip, Franklin.
F. 11. Gump, Bed Cloud.
On motion the convention adjourned
Tuesday, August 5, was a day long
to be remembered in Wall street.
Rumors were Hying around about Jay
Gould. He was the man that day; if
he had failed then, thousands of others
all over the country would fail. Dur
ing the most intense excitement that
day a reporter called on Mr. Gould,
and found him quietly reading the
New York Weekly. Gould knows a good
thing when he sees iL
Special departments of boys' and
children's school suits at the Golden
Eage clothing store.
Squ.vre dealing :md one low price is
the motto of the Golden Eagle clotiilng
, .
t&MfiZH? and blue erase at Hacker's.-
El win
L, Burr and
who rc-:ide
three mile
not loved each other as the good book
admonishes one neighiir to love an-
ftner,o ut jn tne contrary ie moiiai-
tr sinmosixy nas exviet ue;wn
them. Nothing, however, of a serious
nature occcrod to mar the otherwise
rHjaeefnJ surrotindmr until on the
morning of the lDtii of Angus:, when
Burr a'.temptctl to cros ;thc farm oi
Mrs. Battles via the okl nul over tlie
divide, Prcrictis to this itseenu 3Ir.
li. had pnt a fence across the road and
had rotated to allow Burr the priveicge
of using it, although he claim that the
rest of the neighbors were ermiueil t
do so, and that it is a public road. On
the morning in question Burr arrived
at the feice and on attempting to tear
it duwr. he was met by Mrs. Battles,
who in a rtern and pre-emptory man-
ncr demand him to desist aud upon
ins reffua' totlososne strncK nun a
severe blow over the head witn
tle I
broadside of a fcnade, feltini: him lothe
earth ami ou his xrising and making a
till further attempt to tear down tne
fence she dealt him aaother blow. Tins
time the corner of the -pado striking
him iii the back of the head and in
flicting an ugly scalp wound. Mr. B.
then retired from the fence fight, hied
himself to Ked Cloud and swore out a
warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Battles.
The warrant was served by Deputy
Sheriff Ball. The rial was held before
His Honor, Judge Yeiser, ami Mr.-.
Battles was bound ov r in the sum of
200 for her appearance at the October
term of the district court, to arfswer to
the charge of assault with intent to
I'oliticsl Jlattr.T.
The senatorial iconvention takes
place tomorrow at txvo p. m., the out
come of which is hard to foreshadow.
The Chief believes that the result will
be satisfactory to the people. So far,
we have a jood ticket in the field,
from president down to commi.-sioner,
and by the first of next week we will
have a complement of officers, Nation
al, State, and county, nominated on
the republican ticket, and then the
campaign will begin to move riht
along, and James G. Blaine and John
A. Logan will begin their complete
walk-a-way to the White House. The
hand writing is on the wall, and we
feel ;ure of the downfall of the demo
cratic party in November. There nev
erhas been such enthusiasm for years
in the good old republican party, and
"scores of honest democrats" arc
turning over to republicanism auvl
right. "While the lamp hold out to
burn," etc. tnere is a chance for our
democrat!" friends to renounce tho er
rors of days gone by. by forsaking the
democratic hh,:p Air a safer tine the
republican party. We feel revived, and
if we are not much mistaken the en
tire republican element in the whole
country is in the same condition, and
ready for the Jr.-iy that is to lead them
to vicUnv in V'vember.
T the Patruah of the lied Cloud Stools
Your school wltl ctiaiiaeiire in a few itayg. It
Is our iktitlru to lirine Uie btist hshiIiI nulti
mit or tin? next m1ik)1 year. As tctcUers we li'-
irr :e imiTos U!.)Ti oiir Iiitiid.s t!i: tact that
1 .t . .11 4
thor!. .shall; .o fifurts to make your
; M.llIK,
).. - .,.--. rf .-.- . -
. iil-vor. will ! !iint!.T-l !iiin-is lie ii:iv (iiir
i-li :i jo;t !nayjuu otM'aul or,
! lit-T.ny fMiHrat.i!i. Uail- tje taittitatleartu-r
lav! 5.iorii- ni:uy irKnom" tastes o: watcu j'ou
may know but h:tk jou may m-tup n a lesult
01 iLtit lahors. suh a (rranM parotf! as will sur
itrtac, ly civin attt'iititiii to Uiroe Hiihk, vl:
l'irt. yoarrtvriilar :ual ia.Uifnl i'atrouaj;e: sov
end your co-operation aii'i lumiuucv at home
amoMyoarcluldtvUj thirit. year eiKtmraitif:
sinU.v. aud jireMJiwo in thv school room. t- abk
y(r.i to "tKounerv your chiidrtii ui innic.uality
aitil regularity of attculaace, jEverj'day the
child le fr)m 'rla-ol is a lmk drontied trom
, the chain M kiumleae. Tiie c.nld who is absent
lj:u: ii lime mumoi ii-ara uaii a jrui'ii as ine
te who attends We luvosarlly lali
jiun ta theraiio tiiut yiu'iail in vour Hot duty.
Your ndl'ieaee at iioint Is worlfi a grent leai
more to x: loan you lau'ine li. to be. Eii'-ou.-jie
your children to obiry ami rfieot tlieir teachers
and -study at home. Tr.kaa latere-st iu uiat
tin ttudy viiuraeivex .Never se.ik ill of the
teacher 111 the presenre of your children, even it
ym think hi. II you hare auvKrh,vaiir come
wit h it to the teacher nrat. It is unfair and
mean to taU amoi: your aeich'jorsand children
of the faulLs of uuien m may think your t-aeh-er
i:uiry without jthiii hhn a hearmj;. Iitlj.
no one nou.i o udlis the faithtul teacher how
much k! may be done bv the friendly lsits to
the .school-, of parents and friends. It encour
ages pupil nnd teacher, it shti than that you
feel interested in Uiein, and lnpin.v them to re
new ed uirort; to make a worthy return for the
manUcsu-d Interest. Friends, think of thev
things. Mid le ready to do your part with cheer
fid viaor. JM not foryet us :uid your children,
as wo lalwr together. Very respect fuli x.
C. 1 EitAi'i'.u.I'rincfpal.
Kine Kami Tor Sale.
A quarter section of land
or sale.
ei mo r:,v.-,t ..i ;! .
I 1 TJ VIWJ4H I1VFI4CV. Illlll I- " V
, two wells of water, 101) shade
trees. 00 fruit trees, 35 aeres under cul
tivation, 1:20 acres good plow land, sit
uated in Walnut Creek precinct. For
further particulars inquire at this fo
fice. tf
Mrs. G
it. ."5. laviot is nrenarcu
all kinds of dressmaking on
tice, and at reasonable rates,
door east Commercial house.
The Bed Cloud mills are doing ex
cellent work, and arc running nighi
and day to their full capacity. We hear
their Hour spoken of in neighboring
towns where it is sold a being ot very
superior quality. This is as it should
be. IPe are glad to learn of the pros
perity of our home industries.
Fine clothing, fine furnishing goods,
fine boots atid shoes, of the best makes
can be found at the Golden Eagle
clothing store.
Cai: of barbed wire, cheap at
on's, Kxverlon.
For cheap, good, sweet corned beef
go to Deleforgue & Sellers', Mosher's
old stand. 3.3w
JgSoMErHrsG new in suspenders at the
Golden Eagle clothing store.
Those wishing building hardware can
make money by calling on Winton,
lliverton. 3-tf
- '-
A good timber claim for
Sherman county. Nebraska,
at this office for particulars.
sale :n
You can buy hardware, stoves, tin
ware, and all kinds of furniture at less
than Bed Cloud prices at Wintnn's,
Bivcrton. 3-tf
If you want a square meal, as frnit,
vcgetaoles, c-'c, of any kind you should
call 011 A. Cumtnings, one door south
of Sherer's drugstore.- He Tcceps the
best of everything at reasonable prices.
See him. tf
W. H. Cook's bakery, restaurant,
and luueh rooms are now open to the
public. Fresh bread, cakes: cracker.
and sandwiches, and pure apple cider
constantly on nana. Uoa t forget the
place, Koby's old stand. . 4
AVjted A Good Sinle horse or :
Hood-carriage teamy Cr.;E: HcSsshy
rt?cem3 Xircom time paH
3Ln. feamantha A Baxtlw. Crm of corn and tooci nnco.
on fidIinng farms aiwut T J Ward, of Cowlcs' wikn r6ni
south of Guide Bock, have tturatir lumi. He rwiid fair rit Ur
Fine corn Trraiher. IWi rspect UtgX
sfl he got. and all M.emed U $xU?
wej jiiecd with the way thdr fcogs
t r. lincc Franc? i raiMins
readdrncc on 3is Una mElm Crek.
HRrvev ChamlfTj lis Uncht lie
i farm iliat belonged to Mr.? Marujtf of
Blue HilL Hirvev h the cagd ani
now jj-; 5ome bird Uv into it for
Mr. Arnold is
improving hs new
1 houp bv adling a porch.
, ptak anj Laa, of Cowlef honght
And shipped a fine lot of potaiote iad
expect to ontinuc to buy.
c. liaison has reued hi sheep ranch
to Mr. Hill, who has taken charge f
;he sdieep. lie expects u see after tin
sheep and farm on a large scale,
Notwithstanding the large amount
1 of good larmer we have, we ee soiae
f the corn fields bounded on tie
nrth, eat, south, and west by baacti-
ful Minitowers.
Three cheers for Biaine and Lajhu !
Esau V Dream
I co from vour last week's
that "susttu Jane" speaks from 1
JtM.ih Bradley thmks he ought to
speak and run for some office, but
Miranda and the twins :htk I ought
not, becnusd my linen pants are turn
and she has not time to patch tnem.
I might divide the republican party,
and then you would be the pooror.
The people may join the nnti-utotiop.,
democrats or St. Johns, and thi vnli
never do at this time. The fellows
down on Hicks and us fellow. way up
on Hicks Creek have united, and those
fellows half way down are beat. Vou
know we caused our delegation to lot
the Sl John litjuor qutitn. alone.
We w ill fix that when wo btjat the
democrats and elect Mark for assoor.
Our farmers have good crops and it
would not do to tamper with politics to
much this year.
IfCapt. Houchin thinks that the
anti-monopoly will carry everything
before them, he is otf his base.
We gave Jim twelve votes when he
ran in opposition to Moore' and give
him twelve more if he did sptaik and
vote for Fits-John Porter. The anti
monops. have divided. Some arc ;fnr
St. John, few for Cleveland, and qui;e
a number for Butler. If things work
up to our plan we will elect Jim for
congress aud Mark for a.-esor.
Josiah knows that the lemocnits use
money and whisky, and we republi
cans must do the rame to hold the
the pijwor, so I will not run this fall.
Josiah Braui.y.
J. M. West has built a line barn.
The old soldiers' had a camp firo
Wm. Lewis's on last ThursJnv.
large crowd was there, and a fino table
was set and filled with luxuries. Ev
erybody fared mtnp.uously and went
home happy, G.jP. Cathor and wife
were there, ami although he was not a
soldier he is a red hot rad and he
wants everbodv to know it. That's
l right, no sneezing under the blanket.
.Mr. Auitz, ot ited Uloutl, lias com
menced the erection of a linn dwelling
house and hotel at Wells. Ho has our
kindest wishes and he de?erves en
couragement for he is doing a good
thing for our town. He is a man of
family several grown daughters. It
Bed Cloud has any more such men we
would be glad to locate them at Wells.
What has become of poor "Hugh?"
He left between two days has gone
where the woodbine twincth.
Mr. SamersonV steam thresher is at
Cooper's, on the Shellhamer place. Mr
Cooper is a new comer, and will have
a fine crop this st-a.-on.
?Iorhart fe Fulton have just received
a fine lot of cook and heating stoyes.
Call and see thenv.
J. Wratten and C C Stone arc pu
ling in the bridge west of town. They
will accomplish it between this anil
spring if it don't rain.
The next camp firo of thcsoldies will
be at B. Q. Burt's, about October 1st.
The Welli boys arc going to organize
a brass-djand. It is the best thing they
ever did. BuaTic.
It seem to ho common
among cor-
responuents to conimcnse about the
ram, but as we only had a slight one
since writing last it is not worth while
to mention it.
The sunflowers are blooming pretti
ly and much, and it seems as if fall
would soon be here.
The Cowles school commenced last
Monday, Miss Nellie Arnold is teach
er. Misses Millie and Nannie Smith re
turned from Iowa one evening last
weeK, where they have been visiting
their mother. Millie was in Iowa
adout a year- She commenced school
in district o. 24 on lastMonuav
.Nannie will teach in Blue HilL ecu
mencing Sept. 8th.
Mrs. A. Peak returned last week
from Franklin, where she has been
vLiting for some time.
C. IF. Fuller has sold his lurriber
yard here, to the Bed Cloud Lumber
The gentlemanly B. & M. agent,
of this place, Mr. Turner, having ob
tained a leave of absence, has cone to
jww-.ia u v w iisil reiauvc-s.
On last Mondav Dr, Schenct,
wifa went south 'of Bed Cloud, to
tneir uaughter, Mrs. C. E. White
a bouncing baby boy at Baxter
uim- liiemuuuer storm o
mgnt of the 17tli, the house
Croxtun wassL-uck bv lightnin
baaiy demoralized, but witnout
to any of the familv. Tbem wo
tie unpleasantness 'among tiie s
uauui me other. Little Hati
Business rushimr.
The furniture stnrn fnrmn.i,
by Watt & Montgomery is now'
u me x;onana Uros.
niuiam Sabm has sold his lil
ime to jv.d: S.Cone. Mr.
-.. -s? " "" "wauwe ana car
oimmniuie respect of all whr
Known him m bis lon business
One of our fair sister AnA
IVZVJ Tadr, andwitfa
c 4u imna opaea the scaln
certain gentleman to a Xlmv jt
"."li t tne gentlemi
w aer arrest, and have br
over to await the action of ti
j" j.
o4tics are bgiriiBj? to look
: SSii75? ? PS brouri
faap?, and the surflpfrote
-" -."
wwue dttcki
th doctor to
ronng men li w
some o: ws
to ens broom com.
harvest will nt nfmair
Ixsrinning of next wfiu
Tl? cheoe facVrv at Hi
ing out .nm fine, tkt.
to taste it 111 a tew cjf?.
5rsAK J xl
Tcrv plea.nnt wentbor.
Our rieigbjrtk! i fosdng upon
melon. .k
Mts ClKti vetting friends J
ing more work here
this ,;
the Iiavc Wfore for
no verul ears
The oung men and boy. with their
jnn ami dc are makiug ao many
raid- npon Uie enemies of iir jou!try
that it dos not wera projor for me to
name each lwttlo
We wish to correct a mistake male
in our htt article Wc hou!d liavc
said Prof. V. M. Nobto, prwiduut of
ttottM College t HaHftii, Kanttt, in
stead of Prof. M. V. Noble, teacher of
tho College at Harlan.
Dr. SutUHis hMhh i still fniling.
We are glad that wo kept silent mi
the milk ami water question until we
knew the truth concerning the man in
our iifigUborbnod. Ami why, vjuh
mortal did yon think that yon oonld
tear from tW Savior's fkl 000 of hi
lambs. Thtiwc you tm that the clirin
tian's firev triald tmly bring him to tlio
one who diyil to save, awl thuk yoti
still that God cotniw not down to fight
the ba'tlt fr hie own beloved? Brother
Cayon is not gnilty of the low lived
art" laid to hb citargo. For siiatnc you
who fal-ely arcue.
Andrew J. Finnemore has rout ml tho
fnrm of C. 1. Binker for the earning
vear. BirrA.
i:lii CHKr.i:
Threshing is the orilcr of the day.
Surveyr are surveying on Jaoeh
GhIIV farm.
I)eGirhivs purchased the farm own
ed by Vanpatten. who will go to the
eastern par: of the atatc the first of Oc
tober. Joseph Hancy ha just arrived from
Weeping Water. Ho will stay with u
about a month, when he expects to re
turn to that place, but will come Imck
in the spring and make his homo
among us.
Henry Crawford's little boy is very
si.k with Mire throat. Dr. Spicklemior
of Blue Hill is attending him.
Mont Arnold, his fathcrin-law, and
several friend? from Michigan. Marled
far Frontier conntv last Mondry.
Mr. t.tray is builtmig a sodhotHo on
his farm. He has a goo'l farm, well
under cultivation, with lfrj acres of
corn, which is the most beautiful piece
of corn we have ever sren. He
has 30 acres ol oats which he will
thresh soon.
Jacob Gall is building a fine hou?e
anl barn, on bis npwitmi", which he
will move iuto soon. Jake is a good
farmer and we wish him prosperity in
all his undertakings.
Samuel Chambeis has the cellar dug
for his new residence, which wo under
stand will be built hoon.
Plums are ripe, and avary ten year
old boy seems to be shouting for Blaine
and Logan.
A lari;e number of hog were taken
to Cowles from this part 6t the county
la-t week.
There will bo a Sunday-school pic
nic on the creek near Win. Thorman's
on the Gth of September. There will
be swine, erotpi -t, anil a basket dinner
A grand time la expected and all are
If this appearsnn tho next issue you
will again hear from BoVEii.
ConnftfltofltoiRsiuBen Proceeding.
BHPu. Neb.. Aug. 19 1&1.
Bo;Pt purwwant to adjournment.
J. Eniitli, X h. Miller, John Mc
Callura county commissioners, J. P.
Bayha cotnit' clerk.
Oliicial bond or William Kuchn O.
H. 11. D. No. 12, approved.
Claim audited and allowed, and war
rant ordertMHteawn on county
road fir
UtAU, y
St 4H n"
k Joim
Mrn .
HcorT CoO!
11 qUlCKkV o
cholera, mfAiilv
nlamU, ticq 50e5
XmvtktT (j44 Ym fwr Jtfv
10D arns, Jocnted in town 2. range 2
southeast quarter siHJHrtj 12, i odr?rt
for itle for f3M or at ?!2JO per aerv.
125 acre of level 4ow Und. gtod welt
of H vmg wrttr, hutt)c. uUe, eorraU.
etc. Jut etghl Huh north rt?t tf Ke!
Cloud. The farm raertsgcd for
$JQG, at 9 per ccttt , Uc i twv yrr
from Jnntion. Ii aerei of eon g
ivitlt 4nce. For psrtUsaW inmtiri t
this ailict?. or of V. lloi. it
If yoi want Wig ?iwwlNirr?p., atHl
lot of tbutn ?ew! in yor orHers for
lUntf( to L il Buu SpimiJMir U ifco
month to art them t
Ftrtl' cmt wfll Uv tK Mar?h Agn
Cwro liqittd or pilfe. Nev?r knvwn
to Uii. For Ue by Hor' Ook.
Maiishs Cathartic I'M re mthi
thurHtj;h and lruili3 Ftar siile by1
lieiirv Cook.
Vt'otntcr Cnnt Conrmtfea.
A rnnM convention of the anltmo
nooolistn of Wclwiter comity wll 1h
bawl at tivc court Ihmiac in Uei! ChI
on Sntwrday, Aigut 3Q, at aoNb:
p. m. U eleVt del'C)it4 to UfroUueatHt
othar conventtono. ami trinsxttt .1114
other tivronry tiiiins4. By oalur of
the eetiUnl committee
P. C. Hrtmun, cbairnmu.
F. Hotcm.v, focretary. 2w
. ,
Dr.LAVn'e "homical llakinr lWtdor
has alwnvp fetind an apprH9intivt pub
lic. Howtvor there ar twite so daf
;ut thoaM who will not hmr and nnoo rmt
doeicvwl an Uicwe who lmy a4y qVIhw
brand than PuBa:' Cbemtil lmk
lug Pouder which ts nuula frtit cream
tartar and Mla only, lie try iu lU
will eo farther, make better patry, and
ia very hentthful.
The Vortd WimiI. Pnmf.
"The proof of tho pndjUng U Ut the
cntinj: thereof. ' and mit in chewing
tlio string which tiirl tho bag '11cr
fore, take Dr. Jouet' Hol Clover Ttwic
It euros all blool diiprtlurit, torpid
liver, Ptrk-headacbe, cojilivcnejw, and
all diseases of the unuary orgniiii. Tlio
beat appetiser nnd tonic known. Sold
by A. Bindley Kilty cml a lnittle
IlACKitrt, the grocer, ho timothy ami
blue grass.
Tke WorW .NtlH Xro-.
Notwithstanding Mother Shiplou'i
dire prediction the world util! oxit.
Tlie people will live longer if they u
Dr. BighmV Postttvu Cure, which (tub
dues and conquer?! cough, cubit, con
sumption, whoonmecough, and all tli?.
oaniof the lung. For proof oall at
A Lindloys drug alore and et a bolilii
Xr. ;oSh on Silk lUM.
"It would Ik no violation of the com
mandment jtaid John B CJotigh, " if a
rann were to fall down and worwhlp tlio
silk hat, for H i not male in the like
new of anything in hoaven or on earth,
or in the waters that are under tint
earth." Decide it heat the hail and
causes the hair to fall oil. Parked
Hair Balaam will ?top thai and tvi
the original color to g rny or fadcj
colony, not a ye, tHneucial.ti
iy perfumed, A perfect hairj
uOc. AH druggisU.
: .-: -..
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