?.' 1 f w li 5' l?4- -i- i. - -$ I "-Vi''. .'. 1 -ri t-d 1 - .. T"t rC"-1 - 5r- ire robbHHPRnmlalay and Bharno. FiftyoWne prisoners were crucified. A makkied woman of Sacramento, Cal., who was in the habit of lining ar senic for improviil6r complexion, re cently took an overafee and died. The Sec was sncrilegibfirj enough to hope that "her complexion' is now satisfac tory." Haiui Loja, the once famous de fender of Bosnia on the invasion of the Austrians, has, on the termination of his five years' imprisonment in the fortress of Thcrcsienstadt, been liber ated and conveyed to his native souiitrv. The Postmaster at East Penfield, N. Y is charged with using postage stamps in large amounts to pay debts and as substitutes for money in various direc tions, thus deriving comparatively large revenues from the Government as his sommission. The new sculpture room in the Brit ish Museum will soon be opened to the public. In this gallery have been ar ranged the remains of the Mausoleum at Halicarnassos, erected b' Artemisia about y.50 B. C, over the remains of her husband, Mausalus. Efforts are on foot in France for the amalgamation of the towns of Calais and St, Pierre-les-Calais, between which for twenty years acute rivalry has existed. Formerly Calais, when it had a popula tion of 14,000, desired to annex its neighbor, then a much smaller town, but St. Pierre now having a population of 25,000, thinks it has a right to swal low up its smaller rival. The latest wrinkle in the styles of photography on the beach is to be taken in a yacht "sailing the ocean blue." The subject is placed in a small paste board boat with gigantic sails painted on a background, the camera is leveled, the photo is done, and the pholocd goes home to tell his friends how Jie had to pay a handsome sum for being photo graphed on the real live ocean. In Massachusetts women and chil dren are driving men out of many in dustries. The trades in which the for mer are a very large majority are awn ings, tents, buttons, dress trimmings, carpetings, othing, cotton goods, woolens, fancy goods, llax and linen, hair work, hose, rubber, mixed textiles, paper, silks, sporting goods, straw goods and worsteds twenty in all. 3ixty trades show a preponderance of wen. New Zealand is said to have ad vanced wonderfully in civilization dur ing the past twenty years. The natives liave changed their diet and no longer feed on missionaries. The missionaries, through their eflbrts, have brought the people f ronj a state of degradation and cannibalism to a creditable degree of civilization. Sweet potatoes and pork are now their principal articles of diet The island has over 500,000 inhabitants, Jialf a dozen daily newspapers, 1,462 miles of railroads and 4,111 miles of telegraphic lines. A company has been formed to estab lish a New England colony in the high lands of Florida at Belleview, in Marion County. It is desired to form a model lown, which shall combine natural, so cial and religious advantages, with freedom from intemperance and pauper ism. The deeds to lands will be given with the provisos that no intoxicating liquors shall be sold, and that no dvelE ing sha!Mx built at an expense of less than five hundred dollars. A school of twenty-five pupils is now in operation, a good hotel is now being built, and a church edifice ad an academy are to follow. Intense excitement was said to exist in Jersey City over a report that a num ber of cases of leprosy had been dis covered ia that city. It was claimed -that there was no longer a doubt that a number of lepers coxuVI be found among the Celestial laundrymen. Not only was the disease feared in Jersey Citv, but in Hoboken as well. Within a few tdays past several sick Chinamen have 'been removed from laundries and taken no one knows whither, exeept that they were taken, out of the city. It was the removal of the patients tiat aroused suspicion, The sick men were taken away ia every instance atrJght, by their friends, carefully wrapped, tkat only a glimpse of heir skin oould beeen. t A Queer story of how a lady attended o part of her own funeral has leaked out in Oakland, Cal. The ladyim ques-l w" iraxuum oi oan jxancisco, and early in May had one of her legs amputated for a tumor. A burial jaer mit was procured, as shown by ike Health Office records, in proper ordex; and -the lonely limb was placed in a .nanusome casset. The hearse which conveyed the "remain" to its 'grave in Mountain View Cemetery "was followed ly a single carriage containing the Iwlance of the lady. It wasTthere swricu wua solemn nmnn.l Tl. iato ladr herself died on JnW id on the followins: dav was takan the bay and buried alongside her foot in the grave. 'ORLDS DOINGS f the IHUIjr Utewi. I GAL AKD msOXAL, anniversary of tfcc Wrth of -an party wm celebrated at ob the 19tk. The town was V people and decorated with d banners. a was aorainated by acclatna ngretg in the Eighth Congrea. .let of Michigan. was a Butler demonstration at ce, K. L, on the lfKh. About. eosand persons were present. -monstration was considered a fall- n point of numbers, ten thousand at t being expected. Clara Louis Kjellogo, who has jnxt returned from a foreign tour, expresses the opinion that Italian opera is doomed, and that AlbanI is soon to sing in English. 3lAttr Clcmmek Ames, well known as a newspaper correspondent at Washington, died the other evening in that city. J. J. Woodward, one of the physicians who attended President Garfield after the assassination, died in Philadelpiba the other day. J. T. Riplet has resigned the Assistant General Freight Agency of the Wabash Iload, to take the Commlssioncrsbip of the Wabash & Burlington Pool at Chicago, September 1. Akchmsiiop Rtan was installed at Phil adelphia on the '20lh, in the presence of about ten thousand persons. Emma Abbott, the prima donna, arrived from England on tbe steamship America on the 21st. The Kansas Rcsubmissionists coalesced with the Democrats at the recent Conven tion at Topeka. Governor Glick was renominated by acclamation at the Democratic State con vention at Topeka, Kas., on the LMfct. C. K. HoIIiday was nominated for Lieutenant Governor by acclamation. Eugene Hagan, of Topeka, Secretary of State; Hugh V. Gavigan, of Cherokee County, Auditor of State; W. E. Hutman, of Barton, State Treasurer; G. P. Smith, of Allen, Attorney General; M. J. Keys, of Ottawa, Superin tendent of Public Instruction ; Judge W. P. Campbell, of Sedgwick, Chief Justice; Judge S. A Hurd, of Leavenworth, Asso ciate Justice. President Arthur recently received at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, Com mander Schley, Commander Coflin, Lieu tenant Emory, Chief Engineer Jlelville and a dozen other officers of the Greoly ex pedition. General Leroy Pope Walker, first Secretary of War in Jeff Davis' Confeder ate Cabinet, and who gavo the order for firing on Fort Sumpter, died at his home in Huntsvillo, Ala., tho other morning, after a brief illness. MISCELI. AN KODS. JunoE BAHTLKTr, of New York, granted an attachment against tho property of John P. Dickinson, defaulting cashier of the Wall Street Hank, in a suit by tho bank for tho recovery of $150,000. The Breeder' Gazette, of Chicago, main tains that pleuro-pueumonia has oht-iined a lodgment among tho:attlo in Illinois. Guaham, LonGE & Co., wholesale white goeds, of Philadelphia, failed recently. Liabilities unknown. The Michigan forest fires have run to the great crossway connecting East Tawas with Wilbur. Mr. Oilman's house and one or two others were burned. Farmers were burying their household goods and leav ing. Tho firo was running rapidly before a southwest gale. E. L. Mingek, Jn., wholesale canned goods, Philadelphia, was reported embar rassed by tho failure of Warner & Merritt. The steamer Menasha was burned re cently on Lake Winnebago. Clement 11. Maukuam, tho English Arc tic oxploror, in a recent letter warmly de fended Greoly. Ho was very severe on tlie American press for making public tho stories of cannibalism, saying that de cency demanded silence. Flames swept away tho other day a block of business structures at Itoseburg, Oregon, valued at $100,000, and forty -two buildings at Pomeroy, Ohio, worth S.VJ.OW. Postmaster Fawcett, of England, has informed tho various steamship companies that tho presout arrangements for carry ing mails to Now ork will be continued another year. Judge Hoffman, of San Francisco, has rendered bis decision in tho habeas corpus caso of Shang Ton, who left tho State two months after tho Chinese restriction act of May C, 3SS2, went into effect and fniled to obtain a return certificate. Tho court holds that he cannot re-enter this country A Salvatiox Army riot occurred Worthington, England, tho other day, which was quelled with much trouble. The south-bound train on the Intern Liunui ce ureac nonnern iiauroau was fired on by a crowd of ruffians near Rod riquez, Tex., the other night. Paul Populorum, nn extensive tanner Chicago, has suspended payment. Hi: debts were $200,000, and he was liable fo $100,000 more as an indorsor. His asso were estimated at $172,000. The secret service division is in posses sion of a new counterfeit ten dollar note on the Third National Bank of Cincinnati. is series B. I., with chocolate colored back vignette on the face. The note has coarse, scratchy appearance, not very vell executed. So great havo been the ravages of locusts in tho central portion of Spain that tho damage to tho crops was estimated at $10, 000,000. Dr.Naole, Register of the New York Bureau of Vital Statistics, has received from the Navy Department a certified copy of Lieutonant Greely's report on the exe cution of Private flenry. Onthe authority of this report the record in tho bureau has been changed to read instead of "starva tion, "shot by order of Lieutenant Greoly." airs. Uxslet was arrested at So Haven, Mich., charged with cau death of a littlo girl two years oil child did not readily respond to soi the woman wished it to say, whereu jammed it in a tub of water. Agent Dver has informed the Bureau that tho Cheyennes and J. aouse ooys who nave returned f; school at Carlisle, Pa., not wisbi people to be educated. The Goverament launch Da fa Memphis, exploded her boiler ti morning, killing Paymaster N. who was blown overboard, and s scalding Engineer A. Graham, Pilo Ryan, Deckhand Peter Walsh, and boy who was on tbe launch. A lakqe and enthusiastic meetin producers recently held at Oil City unanimously resolved to stop the dri til January 1, 1SSG. This will control production to a great extent, as eighths of the producing wells an able territory is in the hands of of be association. Coyinwaix, ex-Secretary of the Post-ofice, was acquitted of tha scan o8febaxges brought by the editor United Ireland. The First National Bank, of AIM Y., suspended on the 21st, ia co of the mysterious disappearance President. A. S. Warner. Wkrnor aiatetrator of theBrrowa estate, val fVcKsiin's G .SS isr leKn tK ninit e tJHH asfMOMW, Ma dUappearaace fa eep4W tfce peiaoaing of William K, Br- rowa, eaeof the Mr. A very dark ckW t wm reported to W resting on Wanser. Ik attempt! te extiaxvisk the ire la tae Back Ridge mine, Skamokia, P-u, aereamea Jot tfceir lives. The intention waa to food the mine try boriag a bole through from the Greenback mlae, thirty six feet loo. While that engaged , gas aad Ire broke through, killing the seven workmen and setting the Greenback mine also on fire. Loss thus far, 4100,000, ' lx view of the presence of pleuro-pnen-monia ia Illinois, the State Veterinarian has sent atotice to owners of all infected herds compelling tbem to maintain a strict quarantine until BOtifled to the contrary by proper authorities. Thb elaborately carved Italian marble column of Governor Edward Morgan at Cedar Hill Cemeterr. Conn., was ruined by fire the other night. Governor Bate, of Tennetsee, has fered a reward of $1,000 for any or ,7 nU ... parties ctigsgfd in tbe massacre of Mor mon elder in Lewis County. The Engliih Privy Council has fixed the boundary linj between Ontario and Mani toba along tho Lake of the Wood and Hog Huh River. Failures throughout tho country the last fceven days reported numbered for the United State, 197; Canada, 22; total, 219; as against 220 last week. A max name! Geninger, employed in i the Salt and Lumber Company's mill at East Saginaw, Mich., fell against the edg ing saw. The saw cut through every rib on one side of hi body, making a terrible aud fatal wound. W. Ij. Reynolds, Cashier of the Texan Express Company at Houston, committed suicide recently by shooting hirnielf thrr ugh the head. It was believed finan cial difficulties led to tho suicide. Two freight trains collided recently in the west yard of tho Pennsylvania Rail road at Columbia, Pa. The cabooso and gondola car of tho front train and the en gine and four cars of the rear train, tho latter filled with sheep and hogs, were mashed. Tlie wreck caught fire and was consumed. Upward of eight hundred ani mals were killed. Two boys of Lsaac Beard, while playing with matches at Springfield, O., recently, fired the stable, which was burned. The elder bay escaped, but tho younger, five years old, burned to death. A number of Chicago cranks were re cently arrested for cruelty to children. They pretended to conduct an orphans' home by faith, keeping the children in a starving condition. It was asserted that the enterprise was only a cover for gross immoralities. There was a heavy rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, on tho 22d at Dover, N. H. Many persons were killed by lightning, and houses ware damaged. Miles of telegraph and telophono wires were blown down. General Can ales recently sold to an English syndicate a hacienda in tho center of tho State of Tamaulipas, Mex., for $::',- 000 cash, tho purchasers agreeing to take severnl thousand head of cattle at eleven dollars each. The French Consul at Pekin has lowered his flag, China absolutely refusing to mako tho concessions demanded. Admiral Courbet was ordered to bombard Foo Chow. There was an unconfirmed report tliat Aguero, tho Cuban leader, had been cap tured. Advices from Africa state that tho na tives of tho Zambezi couutry have revolted and killed or wounded the entire Portuguese force. Reinforcements were asked for. The British Vice Consul was m Using. At Shelby villr, Ind., recently, a child of Mrs. Trees was poisoned by arsenic The mother mistook the poison for baking now dcr. Mrs. P. Jameiso.v, wifo of a farmer liv ing near Rock Island, III., recently met a shocking death. A herd of cattle had broken into a corn field near her house and she attempted to drive them out. The cattle became frightened and ran over the unfortunate woman. The steamer Newfield has arrived from Sablo Island, bringing up Captain Lucas, of tho wrecked steamer Amsterdam. All hopes of floating tho Amsterdam have been abandoned. Most of her cargo has bcec saved. The seven young men reported lost on Lake Ontario turned up safe. They lost their bearings and were a long time with out food. Thomas Johnson, a young Englishman, was drowned in the Iroquois River neni Watseka, 111., recently. Ho was a brick mason by trade. recently died nt Wilkesbarre, Fa., from tho effects of a wound inflicted by Thomas Hazleton. A committee of the Ohio Legislature re cently took charge of the body of Mac Gahan, tho late war correspondent. Ho will be interred at Lexington, O. At Salt Lnko the memorial services, iii honor of tho Mormons killed in Tennessee, were largely attended. Rev. Patrick H. Terrt, pastor of St. Patrick's Catholic Church, of Chicago, died on the 24th of heart disease. A mass meeting of Irish citizsns under the auspices of tho National Irish-American Republican League was held nt Robin- era House, Cincinnati, recently. iters' & Merchants' Telegraph oaied the report of their em- t. es have been found against the ttle Company for fraudulent in the States of Colorado and rvivors of the Greely expedition kave-adopted resolutions, thank- f ship crexv and surgeous for aud skill to which they owe hiana, Ky.,a score of fine horses nily, among them Long Branch. ilkes and Jersey Lily, ndred houses were recently de- firo at Rawa, an Austrian town, thousand persons were left Stakixt has writtea advis- ny to recognize the Congo which would be an advaatage trade, instead of effectuig with Portugul, which would ny to the customs chicanery. I Ures that the Congo mast be coa&t. of JFindsor, at Windsor, Pa., the eb:er day. Deopsitors will Im paid iv f uIL &alisbx.'kt, LL. 1)., died at eaoe at Wbrcet-ter, Mass., receatlr. eighty-six. Ha -was traduated'at arvard. 4r - haaHaMaBajftBBBBBB ntM iH a-H iH o fHH ItH tM aT'-'i------------i-.B.HHHBH W I XKiSttASKA STATE NEWS. The MIori Valler t Blair Pitlwar Brkljre Company filed article of Jncorpons- J Hon lth the Srctary of State some day f ago. The Incorporator are John I. Blair, Home William. Marvin HtueU. IaW 1'. Kimball, P. K. Hall and Oliver Ames. The purpose of trie corportation U the cmtrur tion of a railroad from a point xt or near the town of Miouri Valley, Iowa. Jo Blair. Nctn, and extending thence to ali jmts and on sorb ronte or routes in Ne braska a may hereafter te dchma:s.I by the directors', together with the construction of a railroad brnlse aero the JUouri Biver. connecting the said railroad in Iowa nd Nebraska. Tltc caplul Uk U 52,000- rwi At the marriase of John Krai to Mr. j Ward in Omatia the otljcr nidi:, a M-n- tioti .va.- cnsiteil by tlie nddt?n ap;-arance J of William Wani, the grown Mn of Uw inli-elcet uy ler uivnrccU Havana, wk I angrily forbade the marriage. He was Iu- , ritirvd to lene the urlor and ?o up stair j to Ids room. Again the minister got them ; trfJtiirft for th.- rrtmiiin.' -w' .. l.,, i Irf,,uiii ior me rnmniuu ac. wueu Arthur Wank al-o a xm of Mr. Wan! eighteen jears of :;, rushed Into tlie rix-ui and drawipg from his j-ockn: a re volver, threatened to put an end to tle exi.iteuru of hl future Lp-father. It was a M'ti-ational vue. Verv few oi th jruesU reinalnnt quiet. 3ien and um. tied with tsich oilier to K-e wlKioitlhi Ket throutrh the windows the fatct without n-gard to appearances. At Ja-t .s.:ne ot the nife,Ls dsanneil ounir Ward, whore- upon he left the house, and tiw ceremony v;is finally perfrtnneu. A !w.tch from North Platte states tlwt tin strike of the L'nion INcitic .shopmen i- ended. The men rclurt,ed to work, their wants being re?t)re.l to the rates obtaining .aft;r the ctrike lat April. The conduct of the .strikers cannot Ik to highly commended. Quiet mid order prevailed, ami no hot headed, nish, inconsiderate action was ob served on the part of any. At Ognllala a few days i-inre Johnny Kejes hhot and inUntIy killed "Lime' Smith, who was ilealing a mnnte tniuu and with whom Keyes had Mmi dispute. Keyes was fonnerly Shcrilf of Cherry County, and killed an outlaw there while in the iht formaucu of his duty. Keyes then went to Texas and killed a man there. Returning North he Iweame a bartender at a variety theater in Omaha a few months ago. and one ninht during a trenenil .sluKiting wr.ipe in the bar-room of the theater shot and killed Jim Nugent, a brother of the proprietor. He was indicted for murder in theMx-oud degree ami wa out on bail. nm. i.i-B . u- f tn s i. f r t me rrenieiit lor re-election uio-i mtIoim bo.Mi. weeks ago . (,. AlhrL'ht, of De , a.imrfr i Unit culm, delitit rati-and lntiUi.'iit -Moines, lost several hundred dollars in cah j polltlcid action which imi.t .hnu:jrtx; a in a iKiker g.uue in Omaha, and then put up tiovertuiiem by tlie iK.-opi... EftjhAt.r? US nC AlrueAr;r.Srnae, the hundre I dollars., which he also lost, lie dipnity of mur and the tuot turn heuor lies afteruaul .toppeI paviuent ujoii the eertlfi- in hoiut toil. Weil pmd latmr 1 n u.mi ut cates. and the holder," who claims to be an . """"mil proHTli . abniiv to norV eou-tl-iimoceiit tiureh-iMr li-m sncil il. Imvi ,,1. t 'uteh the capital, ami th w.um". of lulnir. the r J .1 '"RM'UV ' '? W,tU "'. lt,U' V ' , ' "uf "fit vw.-t. iiiitntNT ft our p .polntion; ror the money. In the meantime the bank nnd thl-. lntere..t -hom I t,. zeiiiuuflr pro holds the money ami will not jviv it out uu- i tet-titi. our workiupmen .tre not nkim; un til the matter is settled bv the courts ! ri-iiMiiiable lndulpeiue but inH!ir ot nud I manly citizen, they n-ek the iiiii.- eon-l.lcr I kk lliree-storv hnek building in Omaha, - which thoM demmid. lm ha .ih.r owned by Senator Paddock, fell the ther ' I1,'";"?"?, llt Ux' Thl'f 1' ,uM f'''" nh'ht biirvin- H-irre M,.c.... f. .....i.. tJ'e,r '"l' Karcor tbr care and atleiitUiri of num. ntirjuu ll.irr JUdce, the night tho.-who make and eiH-utetlu u. to tho waicmnan, ui uie rums, n,-was dugout and found not to lie tlie h-ast injured. St--er.il other parties who occupied the building were also rescued. A Foitr-i: of men Is at work on the froni part of the Capitol building at Lincoln, ami have the walls up several feet. Tin: ladies of Lincoln recently organ ized for thu purjiosc- of making an exhibition of the handiwork of the women of Nebniska at the New Orleans K.vposition. at which it was agreed that each county in the State be requeued to organize in any maimer best suiting tneir convenience, and that the meeting appoint one Vice-President for each county, who N i equesteil to look after or ganization and secure work, to the end that the State bo fully represented. The ladies i pnrtment. -,r .. ,, . II. llOI.I.IVfsm: recently atteillptetl to j mii ui.s wue at tunaiin. .uotii a year auo she refused to live with him because of his uuiiiheuiic.s.s. ne icu mo eny ami only re He left thu city and only turiieil a lew days liehue committing tin deed. He called at the lady's residence and asked to have a talk with her. An inter view was accorded him and after making strong appeals to her to again live with him aud not being successful he pulled a revolv er fioni his pocket and uapied it in the ladv's face. His .son iiiterteied and pr.--vent.il him from doing auv iirjurv. He then promised to leave the city if not anet- j ed, but the following day he again went to the house and made threats, when he was ar rested and tailed. or lliu MUQ aie invited to co operate with i "onest toil and le rnitued with a vi- u or im thu organization. .Mrs. S. C. Klbott, of Lin- l ,,rov ln" Uw "tlon ot the uorkiti.-m m a coin u-iH Mi.i.n;.ii..,l Qi-i.,-,..i . ."V ' proper resanl for thiiHelrare of the Horklnir coin, was, appointeil bllperm.eudeiit of man 1 ii.u- lu-eparabi c,mn.i-ted with tlielii rine Arts, and Mrs. I-aniuu Kebright, of b-yrity of our constitution none ot our clti 'IVeumseh. .Superintendent Kduealiimnl l)i I wu.ie more interetMl tliMii they m L-uanl. 'I'm. -l. ..r.. ,w. ,it i.. i., i 'transportation should there-Ion- Ik- .itx-rnllv 1 iii-share not melancholy hut happy , u.rti. Within the llmltr the Cont tot,,,,, days for the average Nebraska editor, jtalg- ; the general f ovcrmnent should m imi.r,vi ing from the manvrosvparairraplisretuiniug ! ,ml protect Its uuturnl water a n fi, cu thanks for "beautiful bouquets,'' baskets iff ! bJm! M,!TH,T';sor ' cuu"rr-v to reach n ... i i-1 . .ii .1 , ....... proiitiiuic market splendid vegetables," peeks of '"delicious j c,Vii. service itrroiiM apples," the "largest watermelon," etc.. The people pav the wnu-e of the pub etc. One editor is especially thauktul for a ' He employe and ihi-v are entitb-d to the full ''generous Slipplv of onions." and honest h ork which the nion-y tlius puid , ." , . , , . fhotdd command. It i thedutvof tho n- Ami.mca.n tramp lately made an out- tnted with the mammement o'f thes.- uCair rageous assault upn the twelve-vear-o!d (laughter of a farmer of Saline Cotnitv. Th-i ' seoiniilrnl tied but wis r-ititnr.wl -mil .-,.i, I stott u rei iitu nut was a pturcd and Ijnch-I ing talked of. 1 he child it was thought ( woumuic. jue ortiie proven to lie a .Mexi- I can who sen-ed a term in the New Mexico Penitentiary for a similar offense. Ji'iiuK IiKNKKE, of Omaha, startetl out the other night with a friend to marry a couple. The night was dark and the .Judge making a misstep was precipitated over an embankment into the mud and water twenty feet Inflow. He was fished out in a de moralized condition, while two anxious hearts waited in vain for his appearance to make them beat as one. Miss, Doha HrcK, of Lincoln, recently mailed iipers establishing her relationship ! with Prix-ate Ilenrv. and antlwirizinL' thn ' Coroner to take nn Ins remains i UOrOlltr lO lUKt. up Ills TLinain.-. A r.i:.vT ovation was given to G. Y. E. ' Dorsev. the Republican candidate for rni- gressinan from the Thinl District, at his home at rremont, after his nomination. Over one thousand citizens were out with white hats, from Columbus, Schuyler, Grand Island ami other places. Congratulatory speeches were made by both Republican and Democratic orators. A max named A. D. ilonger, from ICir- win. Kiis., was recently killed by the cars at ' Aniboy. A ticket to Omaha and thirteen dollars were fonnd on his body. Faumeus are smiling; Ax attempt was made to burn the Omaha .Res office on the night of the 16th, but by prompt action the office was sa veil with com paratively small damage. In IS71 the es tablishment was burned. The incendiarv. an ex-boOfCkeeper ia the office, was arrest' and served a term in the penitentiary the deeiL Wheat in Hutler County, it is reported, will average twenty bushels to the acre; oats sixty, corn fifty-five and potatoes too large to estimate. Wiiilk Mr. Bovie, of Omaha, was re- ! turning home late Uie other night, hr was "h.-UI up" by higjwayuiea and relievt d of a gold watch. The good people of Omaha arc making loud complaints :tgainst the bad people who J are running disorderly houses. It was not John Keys who committed the murder at Ogallala recently, but hi brother, Lang Keys, and the victim was not Lame'1 Smith, but Ed Worley, said to be a tough character. Tbe killing was the re sult of a quarrel at tbe gambling table. . JHE AjeI,.nDl,cans.ot - second Uorujres- V - OJSOTCt nou.mea james ivura ror Congress. A. uttle son of J. D. Hashes, of OgAlalla, was recently amusing his baby 5isttr while lus Tnother ailked the cows. Tlie L'ttle ones were playfa near the hen bouse, "when a board fell, crashimc the baby's head. She only lived a abort time. Lc-coja" is sorely afljete-i with pkrkpck-2tt. CLKTELiW! AiTErTA.UE. A ... ... ,. m mm a. m m-.m . mw. Knmr ,trvwtmmm iiiTinTpiiij imsnrrauc .inmiuitna ir iim t m mmr7' AiJH.yr, N. Y.. Att CO. Govrrnec Dei eland's Icttrr, fonwaJlr cvjtfttS th Democratic nomttistkwj for rrcsHleSit of t& Culled Starrs Ua. follow: OtvrwMW-l aarr r-cHvvJ yror cox .jtunleatlon Utel JbItS. t"". tcfi.rmior oa . 3f my ootolosrlnn la theo&tT of Pnwi?i j litv t nit-! iJtr. br ttV Nawooal LHto r Ur CVt-:ion It-iy -aWJ t M. ce. I ace! tbe iMMolnjiUao lh trist ful pprnv4ior of tsr -Jiwe ikhmw vutf , trrtvl ami lr.n - rf tb rt- - W Ity w hkh, ia IU ac"-:inc. I 'urjK- I harr i rarr-fuijj- ifiUicrl iW ;atfrtn 3Uotrd br ' hc conrrntkm n4 Cfrd4ilr artntr ;ht j Msac J- plain a ratrm-tt of lCTtJc faUth and tbr priuie ujoa wr$-t tAt Istrty plal to tb 8!lnifr nf tb JOfr, orcd no Mtp'rt?nrnt orrflnaion. , tiik rKKii-rcTii. orrtre. , ltbouM lr rrC5cnjtrrHhat Ibo ofic ot sreWcai I rnuatif r . oifrc I it -I ttarr. Ttp U" rnacte1 by t- Iv-latij tranch ot tbe l.orermnmt the ' af tit , ecuttrr J NunU j"aHar ! vn itom f iir r- IrCX e OT ll Klt'fRl'.- .iI.l,,mMi,,..,if,Mi ,.. plural Jr.jr irh a c MMa i nm t o ;hat oaicc h outburst bi potter d lvl3rI t" I'rtor.pJt. it v--tn to tt e tht m'?bM; In tr charjett-r of tboGKer tb ivrl-t f tbe can?. rrUlr- turr fnra tb- r-it-lti- aenptinc uch oinatK iJwn tie ur? tH'nnf thrrl Uokm trutb jiIm lutelv ,-wntfctt to tin- rafe-y "! .i;j- ; tbe nat.on Ihat thry mnn U- uo ottrn i "UJ "r l,co wtouu irnv.i. Wm ..rosily aU mrr- a t.:trmri hr tbe 4--o;le It imioi uvhwfcn acia t f.w'rstrl hi.-h arrzw, t ueu tbe .mnmvm-ti t ! rs k hy wvunuww im- tt-ad o: roprtventinrr them, nnh-, n- tbe nr.Mir' t uUTOwtb oi oir trt:ft. Uut a (icrrmei t m bv tb )"pe fc-M ihh pat;y tm;cH it-. ctril it;atn t-Htrt-B'l pi.-rp-tate it -i" by Ajitimr an-i U . Irn iiu- th- rHole itil ,f er ,n tbem. . (,ovi'rJuieut i tl by the - -r.iv . uh a i tult nh'rb rbutiM reprtnt tW Snt'-ilifetU will of f r-e ntel tbmkinr men i r rM L-- 4 tertnittiil ty the .ham-Ie errtiu -m of tbetr j utTruift'. U ben an eirSJou t- ht- bnU l , Ue Mi'rotkMi In tbe vir)if nvr tluir 1 nuuibr touutnr-for n times ihi!h- irur , 'n-t'-ad of btl-dk-ntton to tb- ti.r. .m.h of Kiuiic; iien .e noun tliter i,t tiu- Itnlh. aulcUrtiM by a a..of utv. iwM Ve,:e iniui ivireu-i sou nutinw lrMkeft. mm-I hcn llw "tiltr.sv hall l: nltOi;eth-r Iri- aw.l mi- rtirrupttni. me tun reuiuuti u of a (,overu incut to tbe )epb hUI U- ut haiul. ' : tkku ovir And of the n.i'iiiiv to th, end. not one would in my Judgment !- tnen-cUcr-tUe than I nn ninemlmtnt the eontlruTLm UWiUrtitry- ' inz the rrfl-Jfllt from to-e.itl.li Hhmmn cnil"k-rtiifpatnHiaet-of tbi-.-rra' onice. th tain public plate once nl(i.-.J. un I more than ...... ...-....... ,.-... ,, .-iii(.i.jiiu-i in 11 mii. tne avt.iKU.Hny a parly mid in an In- . cu:nlent nhnin a horde of oihee b-.Mrr. itn h zeal iKirn of U-netlt nt-vived, anu fonlerol by tlielmpe of Iitvtrel to entile, pl.tinl u-o i rn4: to slid with inouev ikk! trHiuet ;ilitlcnl ; fervfee. W ree:.'nle in the i ilk-IIililty of i-nd that the wnuti and rutiH of the ciiitilui er ami the employed vlmll n.lkel e Mibrved, and tho pioperlty of Mlie lountrj. the com mon heiitiik'eot botli, ix-iulv.itic.xi Arelat-1 to th:.MilJeit, w hile wehould uotdiotirttiro the emlvr.itiou of tho-e w ho conn- to n- know 1- inIc ulleviance to our Coveriim.-nt anil n.bl , tooureitUeii Hipuli:.oii. yel us a menu of i ! f.ti.t.M.fi.iri t.. finr .. l. I ., ..,..... .1 :tr....... i ,.. y.. v ...... ... ..... ., w. -,. ..! ... n ii.t.i.i-i.. t ruio .should prevail cone-rii:iur thiie who. If i Intend to Iwoini- Ainerlean. but h!i Injur i ' they conn-, or are btouirht toourliind.dll nol i t IOIllV (OIIltl.tl With tl:fll- llltl Ollflllial trt jur iii-iii oi moor in it leiier iiiv-itlliif lilt- nomination of the otlic of liovernor nearly i tvo year airo. I maduthc-follow in;; statement -. 1 -- " rf--.-.. .-..- .i to which I have .teadii iidherfM. i "rh! latoriiiir cla.s's cout!!iite the t mam part ot our population TL-i Mhould lH pmttcteil in tluir etfort peAividily to ' as-'ert their rights u hen et)dam.er-.l bv atrtrn rutcd caitital. and ail Kt:itntc i.n thu 'mit.i....t holdd recognise the cure of the rtalo tor ing turamst any corrupting muuem-cs nioch p.-vr in -l ri l llir u'livui-l.'lll IIIIJNt) HI lllir Government, and none tdioud t.- iron- natch- Itil ot the urtlul machlmitioue of tliose ivho Mil. re tbem tocit luuictcd injury. M'MITIMKY l..s. Inn tree country th curtailment or rhc nb-olute rurhts of the indUtdtiul should only I : 1-in.ji i crciiiiii. hi i lie pence, itll'l Kl'lnl onler of the cotntniinity. The limit bctwi-cii . th-proierMitiJects of yovcrumental control i and thoso which can he more llttiuyly left to tin. tiwiritl iitiititf. tin. I &.lf .it nik'tkiitl .... ..... ..r --- - ... V .. -. .-- , .. ..... r . .. ,V.-&.I4 IJi . I the citicu ehould bctiirelully kt pi in ie. j Tim iaus iiuuecesarliy Int-rferliig with the iiauu-s una ciimouis oi any or our p-opic which in- not oiren!ve to the monilM-ntl-tnontc of the civllled world ami which are ptisteiit with rool cillc'i-hin nml the i", '' Ic welfare ate unwise and eatlou.. I O.MMtnU'K. The commerce of it nation to a irreat e.xtent determines its supremiiev. hcat and eav toj-ce that such public Mr Ice l fort hcoudmr I The flection and retention of MilH.rdtnntc j "oeriiuiein. enipaiyiueiii mioiiiu m mii.i utK, tm.ir 6C(..rtamn, 1PM :1nd the value of their work and they Mhould l-neither cxjiecteiiuoraiiowuii toioquetiomiiit- partj crxice. '1 he Iniere t of the i-eotde wit. Ik? bettor protected, the estimate of pubdr lat-or and duty will In- lrntncne.y imprux-L public cmplox went will Im.- opm tc n). who demonstrate th"ir tltncss to enter it The un iceinly svramble for a place under the l.ov eminent with the- eoiiMijuent hnportunii) which embittera public lift- will cease, and thl public departments will not I-,- filled xrit thos; who conceivo It to Ik? then duty to aid the party to which they owe their pine- ln-tead of render Ins a patient mid houe.n return to the p.iiplc. OMI.t'SION. 1 beliex-i; thut the public temj-r I nuch thnl the voters of the land are prepared to Mip port the party which plxvn the lt trotni of admluistennir the (ovcnuni-nt in the hmi- wt lmpl h:i1 piidti manner vlilch Is con , citcnt with Its character .and teirrwi,. Thet have leamisl that mysic-ry and tonccalmcnl l" the numajrement of thi-n- affitlrt covcr tricks and iH-tntyaL Tlie tatenman- ahlp thc-y nijuln- conits In honety m fnurality. n prompt rcpune to the n-l ol the people n they artec. and the vie Uant protection of all their vnrb-d In tercsts. If I "hould lx- cailcd to tho chlei i tnurl-traey of the .Niitlon hy the -uffrarri of my fellow citizens 1 w-Ul asurac th-dutlci llf thnl hwh .lITlo.. irlth , u.l..,nn .n.rn.lnj. tJon to dcolcatc every effort to the country! favor and support of the Supreme is-insr pood and with an hum hie reliance um thl who I beltoxv win nlwavs rvwart honest human endcux-or In the concientloui Uiseharpe of public duty. Ijsljrned Guovxit Ci.ivr.isu. To Cclcnl William T Viias. Oiaim-ari. eUi A. B. Carter. .I well-1 nown citizen of j I Aitrinti- GrL. was roeentlx- fxxvakeneil , . e . - , .-..-., by mosquitoes under his net. lie got j esti-d np, lit a kcio-ene oil lamp, went bark i broken down. Then am niy miowquej Ur vUitd th ininen camp fr,r tfoi titir v for ! to the bed. ami be-an to brush out tho j 'oiX-.Tbt whkfiTl MSr ' l" 0i "" J iUi coa- mosquitoes. hildoinrr tuts he strut s i I? f0-r Dt so.sa.e,"?5- an'l I?' ! ""-" - " "' -' uiviwii .i.i-. i..w i lel-pot, and the hot Oil. Jallo .on ifr. i , i aner, iook ire ami unraeti nerceij. i In a short time the bod v was a heap oft ' ashes SL Louij Po,t. a m- m - Frof. Austin Thclp D. D., savs tii.it dcatn is loan inirni- appalling presence, from lion till lie-i clo-e. Sav what men will nf it, all men fear it. lie declares that the most devout Christian aad the most sensuous skeptic recoil from it, reLt it, put it out of sight, strujwle to forget it to tbe last- It is the ono overwhelm ing terror of every human life." a a California race-h3rsei have made their best time at home, and have not equaled it when lake a to the Kastern turf. The San Francisco Chronicle therefore concludes that the climate is as well adapted to ti best derelop KCfit of tbe tfcorougkbred horse a that of Arabia or Barbarr, and much better tbaa that of Eaglamd, IraUsd, or an If the AUutic b Hm. :.-n . , .. ikxvv miceU piaiiorm a- I4JI UiJIi. '.UUWU- . - ,. fM i timtm or J IJoU. ( WM P I tt ar rrr4 I.oKtx. KM. Ar CW To tnj cttJnpS(. In x;cHaTilxTtv IU oft rrst iiI ar . & in-juirv, I kto t ?tvf rt of mr tiemmntnup ot tJM- feiftraf trrrt K vhlth tw cfeWTT-i, TWy rtv fef nrt ItixtUKy U all tafim la c svtv. !tattr rl Mf4. eevot TV ir nrlK f t JVI U ! te4er eurreocy t-f tb 5ppin. cvattt Ifxnxur tu4 ty t cr, Ibtni -Tae trl f U cn J1 o, who Ub"r m le prJtiftj of frJta. to b tntU m.tni tfa1 ricivt:hn ml ef Um- bo atorb c4 wawt pr OttclBr i ourtb Tbe txr-eiy for rrfonu e mrimxii t,f bu ia rvTne-ftt, w tt tb pteHrr tbe -nk iM N Uf bt js.l. Ji a4maicrle ettoruanl t&e rfatbt,f AmrtVi. rtiren al kfte ar4 bn4 to RKutM- TJt IHnJltWwiti 8rp"raJc. tjerf tet V n4 W of thf fvwf'e my h, , to tr-'? tSw" f-xiw-'f Jty f tbe iwvtrr b riJ riat. jl tHriten, tLxi jt aJ r.oaJ prt SipT il aU per-ie. Tbe-e Mttrr were p'ftnilT COOiWeil t W b) the Iemcratw m t 5arbetta t a ajuoe t or iria-trfu, )ut) Sr bljrft oiAAHS'rattmn r4 uttrt Jurtaf tbe jwrf ctfon In tte rvlortn t ttrertrent. tntt m w iMmorrmtH irmtxtUAttna mhMVt Tbej tre tu t jeitel " tbe t"l tr. cmtle areBtJi'j IoeM ? ftir- J at tkm a -ve att Iw-morrattw rtie rartt3 by r talker I h lte4e'J If tbe fc-teul ;f IfkrtfOe 4r tieeT mM. bf tb fet-4e bm? f.n b je tM' . W4 be re 1IU vt-t eL a4 rarety a4 Jiy i4otti by Ik4t l H MU a fAe niKe tbart tt tie ihimrvml- irt t bate nsUtetl tai v name t tvtt to tfe uo- Veot n fW the UZrjr tit it- r"iWe t tilef Kns Mttve t tttter 4 emrrj tut w rJ iIn- h-t r nteAMire tat xhtrb ! bHit kae 1-wh N-uat i-r to axm'H it m Mrt t-tk h ""M ttocMlaxw. TlMt I , aawUbl be pUuW lit UMt ItUh ptWUcHt I iW a tbe til nf 1-VXuO rtrr f tJ4t ' mmntH- oaJth. ho bi eivHl Uip r onafkb y their vte m urMnuwH)y lt Man nn Uiat MaecMli! bavr l"n a le4efftf to Ibnl t iiVttMt If be bat 4I1 t lreatb ImmiiI Ikal )i- wxntilaiint ,lthnr l tJt ttffft- ' .... I .... ..,.1 .... .. .v ir..n.l n.n.11. t i7." J . fi . .. , . .,. .n....i. -. .J , . .. ...-., ,.. .......-j. .k- ruUorai of tbe rvert l!crafrjte SaIkmmI t vriitbn at bleatf. ctreattur bl ijhm tba" tbeemalttee a bMl kU' uf t "eitH-lleiK-) " He ! refrr t tbe rrje lior f bi prriM.ii in tbe nvetilHtn Mrif, ttlnl muVe an attack on txith tbe lK-tx eratlc hih) KepubUcan part Ira. atn! naitii,' . f rb ir.lutnai pntration of tt nmouy nrt: I the onrtMnric nwenr. Wi, the tl.idd tirrenlxirVeni. ntirr a rvinM furad tiiLHhit htto rerJrtnfc. keen f tfhird lniiiie- mail will no y moum nut hf tvetifilii.timl Mj e4f lH tjrea im-r Ihnp ntteett lertr atfo rt.l that tliitrad oi l'utiik-ul nlii-t .tt ln.l nhicb miH be hold bv cnrIWlt onlj und for tbr t-ur poHt evtiririif n Iwnk eiirrvny on'. in- .-.. ..... rrx hoiit! make ait Inooutrovrrtlt-J- tHJ ft a low rai- of lnte-ct, to t- lu d b th l.oxertiioent o that iwn man tnlifht lntet in it instead of plMciii bV nioney In lir bank or truat companies to -n kn.l out on inaivlu mi kltlmr ttvV ami then hl when cdled for It. Tliat 1-md U-at-Inrf thrt. and Mtyavr imebuit-lrpHh tx-r cent lnt.-ret. to I pr "t"! by th holder Kt hii time to tbe TrMMin . nl b pal l mler to be K,.xl for It. nod thu tbe luicrrfi t.i that nmouiit of the National debt wrui lo tbe Covt-ruiHctil instead of l-rtiv pnhl l tt fro-n tbe tftx ot the i-pn And th.i nhrti MtHither Nin.l na .le.nl bv te invctor. one nhoo.d b- liiel b tbe .oern m nt and lnteri-t lhenu t-iffn llrery llnnncier know that It i the xM fifty nitt- t uona HiiiMiriiHii or put out that innk a r-dutidHiu-v or feiireit of ciretilntimr Mnliuin; and i. tlicM'ii man v fnl4reti now thnt uili n lMnd h onl.l not lia e pre ctti.-d tlie imrk ami rtcnolatloti 10 tuilie- ihrmish whu-ri e rw now jHi-injr' lie time ha come lieh the -n-.iilwek I -ulaliic 1 bj tb .iprriMe itiurt . .. , .. ...... .... .... . ...... ..... n ,t ciiiiiiiiiK'iai t urieiic nwici mp .'pin p.n of th- j-nni Miiorio-t of iery ttitan-ier of the oimrj Th thin- wllleome. If the jn-ople f till lotiutr) can iret the clutch of .......... w.l.. ..f ... ............. ..r. !..,. .. I..... ...iriiivmi ... i. ..iiiiii. j .... iir .1.1 ....4 , r..-ii lll-ll N ) -li'tll of nuillHC a 1 hne kett hel will i'-i- fnilnn to the ln.utriiiln I bui m littent. of the co. nit r froiH lb.- te-rlWo tltiiiUHtlon Hhichthe i jie now MttTer. MK M OT I IX l HI T OIMIN I put in inv platfortn a biiik urul i-t the contrtetiou of u I'umoti.i rhipoina. wmIhmii mi- i'.ii-iii ut itii i ri.ii-i i-tnt- i iiiiwi i.-ii j n ennui ill time ef pence detrnctlve lo our iiiiitiiert nn rriiiHii-i-i bus iM-cniie nn en riMit of K'-o-l of m btrh ihe pnlMetJ of Amerieun llilutre- f .nn lar:e pnrt for (IIMrll uuon oxer tie-uiiierrrt:iat of Nertii Aiiu-rlc which commerce e now cmitri.; Make thl cauul. IM id HliKlnuii ioinlnaol that commerce. n .lie ti..w di- that of lb. it ern coa-t of Centm: uml South A our leu In' tim.iof nr. with the I'mmuiH canal op-in. I'Uirhind 'lc It Hith her tinmen-nary, nud from then.- can rnx aire nnd bUK'ka l- our whole Pu rifle emi l, Thl- -be cutiiiot do now. Im-ciiii!- htt iihm no i-ou'itiir Mutlon nearer than tin-SjiiHlwii-h 1-iund from wh ch it will .!.. ........ ... I., f ...t.lw.... l tl...il.. .. Ik-julte imi'oile to - ippl a .M-.idiiiy r.c.-t ur l tire' -t-n"i r ra:roiii Hirn-n the continent nhcuriin In i-omrtttin uml not In iliiion, can carrx our prlu ti-iiia to the x extern con-t chcaph" cuontrh. nA I in that ie. lit lent, lb- frclirnl will Ik- phl to tun., vt- ut l" our own cltlei control thin n. Ni lu tM-iu-enrwHt we mn.t mil. Tlie KcpuMH nn part) hua done notions; to proti-t the intT-t" rrnd dijf uity of the country In thl N'hair. iomI the I.'iiiocnu.y rvf ui- to promle ex fit t do nny thliuf. I After further attnek- on Kmrlnnd and her cornm.-r'tnl Miprrmticy. hj rtilicul" th.. Hho imitate Hnu-llsli eiitom. bu KiKlh tr(l and prefer Iliu.l.ii hut-It- lo tho.. of their on country, lie uttm-k ihe preont fystem of election In Mti--achuett n fol low n. J MO-.XOrOl.t-T"! Mfit.li 7IIK ItlWf.lt. "Why Mioubl the jxKirer ebic hare the ballot, and thu the rnix-M- rule tie- country I auiilnt ii? (ir n one of tbdr uiJifnilne ' puhHihfd In lbtiti eipreea It. A few o.l famllie-hnvcti,.. trnditlonnl rhriit to pf.vrrn ' the jxilitlcs of .Mjts.iclnj-tt tsi that In Miiinchu'ttn nnd ltho.le kand, u n l'lo nlmr. h- llnd c-cli lem-bitti"- trixinir In Ita turn to throw eery obt ruction, hlnd.-rarifv. and iinj-cllmeut lu the nay to prex-ent the twMiruinn cst-rcWhur n fre-tnnn rlrht to.i tin ballot, nnd todrixe hint from Hi- poll by rcpilrlnif niony (jiinliBeatoii nnd nil other d-x lce that Ingenuity mny Invent liy th" menu Ithrt-li' I-lan-1 Ir mirente! by the few and not ly the mnny; by nn ortMoerHcy of birth and we.tlth. Hod nt by tbe t-ple In the into Kenernl election for members of rVnurrur In tb.it flale. f..Cl vote only were thrown by nil pnrtls In th" election of n mrtnU-r of Conirre. whd at tbr Vi'cM.Miere a frc- l-nllr t 1 ld In thj h.nnd of ever mnn. t the ..imc election d. 2s5 vot-s wen? reiilr"l In th; election of n Consri--innn. And tht-t cnls-I tjuil repre- a-ntntion of tn- ps)pe in the i.orrnrii"iit' i-i everr inic .iiicrjvnii imiwe-r ui-jn inw ntrun-.iiti.l Innulr... nhttW la the country drtinsr If ucb Iniiia'ltl- are wIWe in ... . ' - . - .- - . .... . the PcKlnnlrur, whnt wUJli the end 1-t tbe I'.-ople nrl- n their misht and brinr bark the (.ox-cniment where our revolutionary father plac! It. on thu foundation of fre. dom. with (vtixl riirht. -)ticl burden, rojuat prlvJtcffes and epial wiw-r to all m-n. HOW THK I'KOI't.K tAttT TIIKIft f.."THOr Why hare the j-ople lit or forUme o rr. rrclM- thl great power At flrt tln-re were two p.rteconlndln f'r rreat prlneile; the rederal airalnt tbe Ik mocratic Tliv onn ;hcl--levln;that Iklnw-ir nmaUtw, , le-'t. if it wm n home Koxernment, mibofwH wnu,,ir.lV. " " w f-tp-imnn or h.mg UI1IW IIUUTHHICni Iiainill on aivl Adam r!n,v,chr,; ll thla. Jeff er.n and Madlon Thedlvllon er'oirrat that thcri- a no third parr. W hen tbe J-ederal Vrtr wa in power we h1 the a-n xnd e!i- Uonlaw. and jud-rra apj-nntcl nt melairht. and ari.UKratic form of c t ' dcr Jrfferwi n1 Mwiln the nu, fcW v. and called themelxei t'r morntcr- s In fact they i-w: and then. He; Chilean j implidty of m&nner. economy In jforern- I menu and re-p-et Tor th rtaht of tbe ?eSi th,njr were ioe oner ui ini-iwj in t -jt;eoi ininr Mnllnnl tml.1 lltn ltm..if IU..a-.M Im1.I-..I V..H..UW-. uu... .ut ..uw. ...nu.lll HH , mlnLtrat!on a srreal banking tnoo'itj waa much diavrencv. txl until tbeaeUon of the SiSSS1 :o &S Pe.Cb?K XhtifuUh the partiea by tbejf ept ihat 1 1 tbe Democratic I?&aS0!S puiljorni. cicep piaticrra were t .,-. t,, JL'i ,u. Zl iiLliT:. warcnv.ici thtntmiiratoffetixcMki7t I nf fir.fh tkt'ja I hayu nlM.t.l' K - nu.. of botli psrlle. J bare irtMly owrt. rtore w -----.-- --- - iepru ..-' th-n actuai dr-creoee t- wsrtj th Jn matter of prUxclpr h3XT Tn fct ditt Mrto v a t rir csa TM-ltW like Kt t'.rn.--Lr-.r, J,, form on tic tariff question, and yet not Ui iho '. arne. I ar TBI. MOXOrOlXSTH ALWATa WTX W KLaCTIO?. Ite cuanias- of tbe 7aanopotau asd cajtti lu kaj tnrbt ibcia that If tby caaoaly Verp tbe peop!e of tbe couatry votlar accor. lnff to party ilcea, tbcyfaa irov era tae et try "-rblcbcrer parry prerall. Did I need evjdcnc of thl it wotud be la ibe declar tioa aAcrfbed to tbe anrct aaii aUt raUroad Idax in tbe country. Xr. Coald, wbo 1 kl t save tcetiSed before a cossmiti Ut l rtaace. tkst whea be aad a DeviocnitJe Xexi Urare to xasBlpalxie be a Iesaocra aa-1 vbeacver a Keeublicaa LrUUttire be vu a itepnblicaa. That U to ay. to carry a( m rurea. be helped elect, by bl noaey. Dem& crsU aad Kepabtlcaas l4icrirkMi5ly, Wt bota sets of si met--ni wete alwaya ueM sea. So aoaopoiet earr aieb fMwty win. He i oa-Iy aazioss taat tae aewiiiiatlaa; eea raUoa of caea party afcotiltl wlmu a eaa tf kiate waoa be ea eoacraL Taa ar tave c faoyk paafail villi ai irtte -- -j .-.- evA-v ( -e-. -, 'ilVt T, alike a dread, "Stne ths atletnpt of tbe convention t Is Um. HVS . nrtv -nitrrt irm-rt ir fkhYm m all rr 1II, If. ferth -tr ij, h lb . . U jv fu". it QZ Tw r R -w-fc f fc? TtM If Wte f rvt lrfy iTit! tb rt f M - jsTTwr oti&otii prv4M It br bf tns V put r erjr eier !w rr Tb si r enmmt - fI In f t tb sJtnnltaT tb Iteejr 'waM tn n tT Vf Hare ti riMb f rr , rr4 ri tb ne erf wcftl .t in wn b wfc. n 1vsk eras Y-arJ tb sr? ptrr t tb ltmrj jHtfK bt TVJ tt H- Atnthm ?-rtT fterr llt t- tffrbewrtl rtre4lT ml firm. bsit tbxb lb rvB!r"-r 5et lb'f r- ttVta: ttbmty ltT ete tn vei-, to Jw te )'ir-"lter ? "wn ? ty. irJt Kro -b 4-"eJ v t r ts-. rrtttratn t-fa- -f tt , b WMMMrit 4erTl . in '. fcnr Jk tHa wf frty f tssi U - ,-, ata r4 lb tvtsNrrvtc trty ? -! -m7-l A l Jrtty ctiw4 trv icfa fl re rrtwin t J-U tb o inr r vntry tw ' . Tbe rOf1 ,1 bret rU " r?afoctbrif trtowr Kterftb-". lol l r-WUea,tr're.f.JeT . tbt r tnotv rBrat od trUr-?& 4HbS lcteiltfec. , n p-tc. tn reTytbter Hv i&er I i-l tiwe i4 hrTs. Il ba tr rrmi . 4 b r l r-vi uc M t t- i-'lajr. nI t 1T-MS. , i &rrrtJ wAjr oe l tr k In txr 5t!e If we rr Hr ttvnK a)r4r bW Ibe tl)r- rf vr I intt mh fcuadm! t T-JlltrVia J bn kw tbttd rwtra tU fcHraMte " beker f rJe4 f IaNtr t lb t-ts "f e iArT baU ba ial m 0fT- 11 .jrsanUwv. lbet'ere rvrry -rrt. t ee tt t ttl W P fM ferm ar -trKt b mH Kb h faw. trtHtf etnnicb lo miri eW-?e w .Irtltat t-T tbe rrf !t i tbe t- "ul by ;nsf att uMbt ly rH rt.iT Tr tt..TTn. ArKt. in 1UlM"r- "H-le -? - !!. Hii hkbTr f - -ifcer trtw cVwti w lu . M- r !-- nlurUt r tate tow atl eaefe te . e lh,-rn wa W! olBewr rit tketbt ! wrele Mpn i axrtMu-nt tbal ltb n ahatt tw uv rame ticket, lie jrlW-M- e It tfcai rtM.rM frVo-1 nn kiI - tlie t- - tt IJIflV .v wtj r-M9 tiwrw ;. LZZn lr Ue rH-r tr f ta f KiMtfflten. e lri" nt oe m?e cMnt a'int pptrra t rnr'e. ml n tbe HMtamt tvelbr. lhf w (p .tU rti-i In tite of tb. Mtttt' U l eiM4r in tbe Mate pf Sr t. e,r HlM-t- the pr-lucer ao4 traler ami inHK-r re-! rteap trao-prtsinamt.'HHHv tilHKt ttwen rtertriw ffetjfbt n. tii railna.S. Tbe laU-iio he a. U.tt'nf ..itH,n nt a ae rol fare u fr Ibe tt at-l itallnJ Tbe pier ha r ttl rft Ikn )i. ,tl need a law Im retfu'utte tbe bur i of iaiit. whether woman t4Ueir o mm r iailiR t-hlrt2 a coMBr. r a tawirtr if driver 'attdlrt hi a eat It aytly ImtU ii that tbia cUm leiraJH rej tt hwa X ekmiw It: e ure i.-iriMniiMit fr r C- a J.ttie while. ftM-it tbe rt tle n ha bad an otitrlwuy Thf t'tlief ia J had .e,fiatMn enoub tu tut thU fr r-a hundred year. II I 1UKK TO III rjIRTT. T tbe tin?ntok.ljUr" jrtr an.! Ibe ,rth M..o.t.tlUt orfiantr4tlon. and to lb lttr ttg H 1 hl rtineptct the ttleel.rt .f jour iiinr-H-ttooa randiitate tor lre.leHt mbH t'r the .iee ef tbe )rtneiUe w heh y repTw Mini. ii tbih aytu knw 1 linartilv ei-OMrre-U I preentrHt, a jmi hate tear nl. m vour reprwenutve ytmr jlatf'rn- tbe ih'ii.. rf k- mmvntlort. in l)n lHts if it cr lM.itie ttwtt tbejr tnltfht le adut at mj-Ic the rule of that jwirlj. whlrb wmUI li iMnjel of vnr tr eoN nd ndl. rr tniK.li. that 1 haVtf tlUMfo-aptM)tNt )n" prinrljHo ere ecel and )Hr lllr,w pi J no nl renHr I a n rJevaw1 l'rf-MinH) u(tk the menl4U i mm trmiotl with cverj cHtrt y ixifteoti.blernlWHb il4T'r nnd rut'Mln-fa fw bk-h I take ptijre fceru na.1 now ioi-xprr4 Mlfatln. Iil t.r rm I luxx e n trrlex fiic Tbe li ra x b Wf l jimi t ilirht the Iwitlle at,nlitt (he tpiei-.r i-f Ibe l.s:i4c B1.M1 VtWI ttfiht the latitle of tin- isj,mm lordlier til the ial wanner w mn. ami I liiJyv to jMt all th I n-X' nt r mniuimr -tretijrlb In decilnmtr xar to li nil liutt lo ran lie in tw iwiif f tho prlnclp.. that you nnd I b4tt dwtr. nitd HtbMit lb- early jnvu-- nod nbjtkH f whhli thl fiOVcf rtHetl rHWt stMOd Veil wilt Im VniWK .lXUMUir tM y' cunlldtc. y.ii will hnve to ml h tin- 18 iW-ffodtiitf hint III-d.Mnrf-hv ben kiown t thr o-Hjtitry for tttere ttooi a fjtKrtr f n ceiitiirx Hx er net of hla life bv b-H UMter tt iHh r-j hifhuol m ibe lurtd lUma of tunc rti cUuiler llel yil uuhnrinnit. ak Im iii optmon Irvtake Inik. rw pmey t re. eitNt. nnd hi Jut cliav'e t okphiin fur wsu Ii Im-done cither tn pMie ir war Of jnir nKinl udxHiiimre t ii.relf leHiilni tjMii - erne I ttMi livo old to make wrfro-h ph for tbe future. i.-t I boxt tx mx hu- tetllttrwl tun. If It le. to do Num. -erxle l t4. pit;i itwl mnnkpel lit enlHr tek tbe trnvernmeNt to tbe IHir)Me rr wuw-b it xa ftaeil by ttur father, n tfoyerninntii r tbe tMwM4e. n triv erninnt by lb lonHy. ntl nol U) Uix'fpw. iwr for the Interact of trie f.n , , ltKVI-IIJ UlTI.CIt. Note I hnre aiul tb- nUln at an carun!iy than t h.el ImIch-U-.! nt tbeelraf lHM lneM- IHl Vailiecl ftil'tHl. Irtt MttlMf Hlwt tttrniiHt my ixh JudjMHen, Uimuki t tlilnk Ibut th" pW. eoMil(rii fthoMld b- n lHirt. -bnrp and decfeHxt one. told It'MlM not In. ifCIIK in fef, exevpt fx'rhflp a -ktimlb or tH tintit r,m thirty kiy )aer; nnl I Imd bHl Uihnxe tbe advanttitfe of n Utf iH'-t Metnifnt or pr)fi4e Jy the fii-mo, rti -niel44nte for tbe Iwloey. nd iiMertnlrxe.1 ft.n hi own deebirntivn whether ronuii, tm- of Ui poblto p,n. bMi he mSrfM tt nh-.r bittr fVtlor than th oQtriril ncthMi or bt. ,Mrty baa abown lte4f by lu iatfiirm J PK1VATK WHISIXeiU HI llo.ly r.ooiil 3tiilllitel tli Ma n. a Vy aa the Ito.ly of Lit uienxnt Ki-figlMiry. Dri.pin. I.fii.. AugutM. Att. roUiat of nIatlve, h rninaltia of 1'rltatu W'hUtJur .- i ... .... , . v- -' i'w"jueT oi iternap. forty i.T-.m, who wcro ptlet!y k'aUirrolat the little country eJnitrli ynnl. j. mk. Aiu'dl. Miorer ami Smith onkdnlwl. The caoket lid. fatenc! with fifly-tvxi hH wai removed in fJvo mlnmM. when a alight alco holic rnlor wua alt Uiat rap.-t. Tli rofflii wa fmrkitl with roUon waMtid thacorpM tightly vx rapped In anhret of miiillfi uimIct xxhirh were thrrt thlektie-, of wcxdcTl blanket. All wm cjulefciy atu ,,Mtjy JV moxed. Tlie Uly Uy uj-m the left du imI nil tiw llcah km cut from Hie Jjj,,! and back, the fa the client nd cxixntt Itleji telng alt Uiat wa, Jeft unbjchH. TIms licrli had bcrti earefultv ro..t.l . .i... prv I.nc n ...mV. ..r ,i i i as LJIfSv " "'" U w ,Mirp 1(n,.faV ws pwmy vje. nc ey wCfj d-j- . . . -. i... .. ei cayet,. WH. iar. covTr with abater ml whUkura and th? Jied wjUi tUrkUh te! hair. Over the kuI wm a &. fitllnz cap apparently mvlv of a Lull undershirt, over lajiich wa, a raj kln cap wiUi eiir and tbfl under U clln. Tlire wrr xtrIefi UtMtaujea alyit u, writ and ankles ant nMhUralih trravet nrim lit I chct. Th feet and ban! uwnki .i.i.l k "4ufiM b re! Av Wm Jer wrn!7v rcl;,ptr,fc ttnM lT-b. ml .wotiai. Tlirj twn&m wer fnllv IeaUi waa eTukntly r3U-Ml by aUrratloti 'Sr ui- aM tZE: . .'. ,,:. ae weii prt5Mmri,j featoffta. ":- "",w ,r" r"7 cotiMtueci a mtAll anumnt hair utl mtr.if Mull. Xo mark of f$o If.ncc or dtvAw; werr atttarenL Tl.-t ihi rai -lullv -f i ,i. -l"aJ b - xJ cap .ivUocfc f Italf ac csrteU. Tfca CrlU in th- V'l llrxtnn. r Cwcwkatx, Auztat W.S Wri'a iUm, I'a., .iperial jay- llrfont fCllire. of hf - -'i' Ji Mntx UtJiUre of Hut ... w Je nt i.n.1 Inj. n. l . . - . r " '" i'". biki a. namver of depu- it racy and a.Aauit, buta. !1ht writ- nnt. bIe to m they 7SS ",w - -j wi. iwt .wrj we ra jeJ lo leave wJU-xrct making anr szrc4.. About Lw fc'"M'' Ifcr kUAlol h of! fire arntimt hnt -.t . .. . . . them. Tbe ..i--. . .i ". . . fl'wrztlru-r'ritxtl iA lUey rtn lexf Yrere f-t t, ,. -.. .. . . J - 1J -m - - v v vv - - rma n.L ti a a a a rw r-vaaiaia. r m v p b- .' .1 . "w Jujei! Ill niuml - .. i .-.. -. ,. . " . -y- .-- i.- 7iOfI ? exl-tti-rf X !k l0tc" r" - lrwer uA, Xrrp373ttea lerUrje IKVI tot U? m-eitt. nonsea It Ins fcen dxicb-i! that tfcsy win isake co public dem.atratfot. but will om their laioeuce with tfce hr of lh woefc- Jc-; A brge imxtlns wa teii yt&. rtr aftersocw, at which fiker w ap. Iald to aot to resort Joriotescc - - -- - wM!Wa,l aik. . An H4 Trick. Ottawa, ot., AtffTuc w.Ta fM !ft.treUr " Klw, Britkli OUaabfa. teWafaM(L lka. fcirie b, iTZTnZ aHijCaWfi i f h " w Mi, i u ? 1 4 a ,i ' j - -fTj& .-'-. 'A u. et. V : - "V-. -Q -'kfl ''-4r ' - Lk s v -v -fc-M .45 -'':-Wt -ir-rtwrsofe-., .- -r ----,- i TA ' ;ip- &i?f - .v:". -K it.l ---s;v;r;'. ? 5t i ?m-.e J - , wv V- - - - X . - ,t --,. dae. ? -rr-sl'ii.T:Ty 7i ' -le" - jlA.i.JK!b.- . &-. -, .egfria. .. .? "-k. - ,Vj1 V. aat--i . ?-w. isf?"! Ki , i ' ?i? r ?a- .titJABh-- T3?!s',;'s3: jrf a- e . aTSi Si-)v J T 0? &&? i& iftvi .. J a; "' -? -. .f v'R -. MTV -X f ?j fe-J ." -s vviSrr.s." r- 7, -if M - jiS&3 13 'A ''. rf.ii. . 1". t--.'j17 s -" ?. -ttit-Sl ass:. 1 JEA? SsSV-ty - -i tS?.x &? a- 1&3&&&.& J? I '-& 'v .s . - -srr a. . .?v'.-i . : --l . ,-rv- x? xter-:! -B-. V ... Bk ,1-v" . 1 r-evirL; OW; ?, "W-m ISlfca S&Skjt-Jk 'vtVl