ri-V5r?2i. M fcl T3?v V S fr y FT .V-c a" 3- V S i iTc. Ji 1" ", 'i.'Si u . fXtZ .- '! J fcKtf-i ysSM -- ?wTw'i&.o. .. - "cr fcAf" 1 ; J-pr5 S -,, 4 rri "" ?- .: ! $ i a. J & taxl- WgHF-'- llsV ntzsK fir- --., -I J"- - 3 0 m Tj J m t arT- V 9 M -k - - T" m " BL - 3 I i 4 i I 1 h v v i i fls y 5o-.' - j Te'Red Cloud Chief FRIDAY, AUGl'aT 22, 1884 A. C. HQ8MER Proprietor Ho James Laikd, was nominated on f first ballot, at the congrcdbionr.! con vention on Wednesday, by a vote of 89 to f4. Gnslin would not go into the con vention The convention was very en thusiastic and the delegates all felt jub ilant CITY 1SK2VITJES Miw. R. MITCHKI.L, is Yiaitinc thid week in Crete. L. H. Haskins has a 1 10 acres of corn. It looks well. A. I. ticMUKKi: has pre-empted 320 acres of land Sioux county. Tjjliu: will be a Sunday-school pic nic on the 2Jth of August. W. Rowland, of Carlcton, Xeb., is visiting his friend, L. L. Feltham. .A T. Oumsky has bought the Latta property located on Seward street. A coon boy can secure a situation in this oifiec. We want an apprentice. 1). M. Odou of Ohio, is in Red Cloud. Ale U au old friend of W. 1. Watson. Mils'. S. W. Sickly is spending the week in Franklin, selling lace goods. llEV. Fa'jjij.kCllky will hold mass :it the Cathdic church next Sunday at the usual hour. A yol'no lad about twelve years old hailing fiom Illinois, landed in Red Cloud, on Tuesday. Rkv. Joii.v Fleming will preach next Sabbath, inorniiig and evening, in the Presbyterian church. W. J i. Smith of Minden, vice-pres-dent of the Nebraska lumber company was in the city this week. The Ladies' 13. If. M. nociecty will meet at the "residence of Mrs. A. U. Becker. Tuesday, August 20. J. A. Ti'lleys, and several of the Masonic brethren, instituted a new !M:isonic lodge at Guide Hock. S. W.Sekly has given up his fruit stand and is engaged in canvassing for bibb's and other valuable books. Misses Maude McConnell and Min nie McCann, of McCook, were in the city over Sunday, visiting friends. IjAsr Friday Mcssr. Gates, Ormsby, Dickenson, and Feight went out in the country and bagged CS prairie chickens, Thj: Woman's Relief Corps will have a hoc al at Mrs. J. L. Miller's, Monday, August 25. A cordial invitation is ex tended to everybody. The calico ball given by the Red Cloud cornet band on Wednesday night, was a grand success, A good crowd was present and a general good time was the result. A ijusy lot of men can be found at tiro Golden Fugle, ni irking out goods just bought. The fall stock will com prise everything to be found in a iirst class clothing and boot and shoo store, from the cheapest to the best. The republican primaries at Red Cloud and Blue Hill on Saturday were fought with no small amount of excite ment. In two instances war was de clared on the natives, but finally quiet ed down, and voting wns carried on se renely.! Our friend, A. Durrie, formerly of Red Cloud, and a brother of F. A. Dur rie, our popular It. &, M. agent, will go to Chicago September 4, where he will commence a three years course of study for the ministry, in the Presby terian Theological Seminary. Jack Schimmel, superintendent's clerk, and Mr. Dwyer, freight dcxpatch er N Y C & 11 R lly have been doing the city as the guests of couductor I J BeliK.p and 6 1) Worden. The gentle men express themselves .is delighted with our city and its surroundings. C. Wienei:, ouj prominent Red Cloud clothing merchant, has just re turned from the east, where he has laid in one of the most extensive lines ogcnt's clothing, etc., ever brought fiixto the Republican valley. Mr. W fe is an enterprising merchant and wcJ wih lnm success. ' P. Barclay, the energetic and popu lar drayman, became so enamored with the circus the other day ;that he lias a little menagerie of his own. The first contribution lis a wild coyote, captured among the sandhills near McCook, and presented to "Dad" by Conductor A. J. Palmer. Our young friend, E D Herrick, has during this shown us some tine speci mens of wood engraving'which he has i done for door plates. He is a genius, and an expert at the business. Sever al of our citizens can testify to the merit of his work, as he has ma le sev eral plates for our people. He present ed the editor of The Chief with a handsome door plate neatly engraved. ' Dick Storey, the genial and efficient telegraph and freight clerk in the B & M office at Denver, has a leave of ab sence and is visiting his many friends in Red Cloud and along the line. On his return he will be accompanied by his brother John, the courteous and y popular clerk in the Red Cloud drug store. John expects to be aljsent a week or ten days, and will take in the sights of Denver and a trip among the Rockies. Pkof. Hampton, principal of the Franklin -Academy, and Prof. Hars- 1 . ArtUncoma irtetifllttrtn IfliUIP ,fur office a pleasant call, on Thursday ""fct. This institution we were iuforni- pa is prospering finely. Mr. Harsbarg- u-4jr is a fine penman and has charge of d . 1 J ..f nf Via ooarl- tue ousiness ueyatnucui, w c-. emy. In another column of to day'a paper will be found Ian advertisement for the academy, and to all who desire to attend school, we would suggest that a. wise plan would be to send to Prof. Hampton for a catalogue. weut west on Thun- day. Will MncHELiv.ne in Denver last week. . R. I). Jo.nes .went eastTuesday night on business. (his Zimmerma.v will go to Philadel phia, Pa., Jo live. Alfred Deckek made final proof on his homestead. Mrs. Roy Hitcjiisox went on a visit to Sterling, Tuesday. The senatorial contention has been called for August 30. Mas. S M Cupf was viaitiug in Burr Oak the fore part of the week. H. A. Eddy, of Canada, is visiting his brother, P. Eddy of Inavale. A thobough-bred Merino buck for sale. Inquire of J. W. Chambers. L. E. Mautis, of the Orleans Sentinel, called at our office the first of the wek. We must say that Pullman, Mack, &, Co's circus is first-class iu every par ticular. Walter Kleama.v. of TChicago, has tuken a position with our friend C. Wiener as clerk. We learn that Mrs. John Moore is rapidly regaining her health, under the beneficial climate of Colorado. Red Cloud lodge, I O 0 F, went to Blue Hill to asrit iu instituting a lodjje at that place on Thursday night. U.vcle Levi Moore placed some fine specimens of apples on our table this week. They were raised in his orchard in this city. Dr. L. D. Desney and witc left on Wednesday, for their future home in China. The Chief expects to hear from the doctor accasionally. A good school teacher wanted in district 8, Line precinct, school to com mence first Monday in September. Address or will on H. B. Simons. Ocr colored friend, John Foster, brought to this office, a wild sunflower stock, that beats the world. It's about ten feet tall and eight or ten inches around. A. J. Means, is the boss corn raiser so far. He gave us specimens that measured fifteen inches in length. The ears were well filled. Can some one beat it?' Fred Perry followed the circus to Guide Rock through the solicitations of the street candy fakir. Parental authority intervened and the kid now reposes beneath the paternal roof. On Sunday evening a wheat stack belonging to C E Putnam, near Cowles, was struck by lightning and totally de stroyed. Loss al)out$40, fully insured in the Continental insurance company. W.E.Jackson is an extremely hap py man. The cause of all this pleas antness is the fact that he is called grandpa. It' a grand son and was born to Mr and Mrs J. M. Taylor, on Sundaj Mrs. R. V. Siurey, who has been in Lincoln, under medical treatment for granulation of the oyes, has been al most cured. She came home and re mained until Thursday, when she re turned for further rcatment. Lightnio struck R. B. Fulton's resi dence on Sunday night, and the elec tric fluid run down in their sleeping apartment, but fortunately the family escaped without injury, with the ex ception of Mr. Fulton's mother who was badly frightened by the report anof the shock. The chicken law is now out aud our sportsmen are enjoying a harvest. The Chief is under obligation to Messrs. A. T. Ormsby and M. W. Dickerson for two fine prairie chickens, which were killed on Friday, the result of the first shooting. Many thanks boys, they were excellent. James G. Blaise does not propose to stand idly by and let democratic news papers basely slander tho fair namo of his wife, or himself, and consequently has sued the Indianapolis Sentinel for $50,000 damages for libelious articles which recently appeared in that sheet defaming his wife's character. Blaine has got the pluck, and no man or set of men can slander him with impuni ty, and not go unpunished. While out on a picnic excursion last Thursday one of our gallant j-oung men was driving a team of horses aud wagon, in which were several young ladies. By some means the vehicle was carelessly upset and the load was unceremoniously spilled out, hurting several seriously, but not dangerously. It was quite fortunate that the accident was not worse than it really was. The accident was the only thing that mared the pleasure of the party. At the convention en Monday D. P. Newcomer was made the unani mous choice of the republicans of the 21st district for representative. This was altogether proper, as Mr. Xow comer has been a hard working and enthusiastic supporter of republican principles. He was received with en thusiasm in this city, and arriving at Blue Hill he was met by tha cornet band of that city, aud 200 citizens, with immense cheering and enthusiusm. The Chief believes that the conven tion made a wise selection for repre sentative iu the person of Mr. New comer. The Sunday schools of Red Cloud and as many others in the county as may desire will hold a picnic on Au gust 29. The exercises of the day will begin at ten o'clock in one of the lare er public meeting places intown,here atter to be announced. A program for the morning has been prepared con sisting of singing, speaking, arid other exercises, after which a procession will be formed, and march to the grove where a picnic dinner will be served. The afternoon will be devoted to a good time generally. Let all come and.bring their baskets.- By order of committee. llff WiLLiAit Gat. A DOUBLE TEAUEDY. TV Tf TerrU, JWrnerly of Jtcd CJnscL, nar AttzhU r.lfrai). tha tndt hi? own life by the ballet route. - The folVsing ilm we take from the Onmha ?. :ftne !9th itwumL Th aiuhor of the crim worked for sorno weeks in the blair.-mith dtJpartmeM of the Red Cloud carriage work in this city, and was well known here: "About a year ago there came to this village a youngman named W. W. Ferria, accompanied by his wife. Fer ris engaged in blicksmithing at Hol land's shop, and both boarded at the Commercial hotel. When Tobias was platteJ Ferris, aided by some friends here, started a blacksmithhop at that place Rndmoved his family there. Ferris took lo drink occasionally, and was jealous of his wife an, if stories were true, not without cause. Matters grew worse and worse and a separa tion occurred, which resulted in Fer risleaving Tobias'andjsuing his wife for divorce. He returned to friend and engaged in blacksmithingwith Martin Holland. For some days past Ferris has been moody, and on yesterday was dri nking quite heavily. At .about 7:30 in""the evening he hired a team at one of the livery atablcs, and started for Tobias, some 19 miles disumt, which he drove in one hour and a half.farriving there at 9 o'clock. Arriving at the place where his wife boarded, he remarked, "a pleasant evening," and then re quested that she step to the door, that he wished to speak to her. No sooner had she done this than he placed a revolver to her head - and fired. He then placed tho weapon to his temple and in an instant was a corpse. The ball was from a forty-four calibre re volver, and entered the woman's fore head nearly in the center. Sho lived about an hour and a half. Ferris was a little more successful in his own cases; Placing the pistol to his right templcjic died almost instantly. Re port says that Ferris was a hard drink or and abused his wife, and on th'o other hand the woman was not noted for chastity and Ferris grew jealous and sought to drown his troubles in drink, which terminated in the trage dy enacted last evening. Coroner F. E. Boot has been sent for, and an in quest will be held to-day. Little Dan etUl MiMlng-Where is Charlie Kow? Little Dan Wagonor's whereabouts are still a mystery, notwitstanding the thorough search that has been made in the vicinity of his grand parents' resi dence on Penny Creek by our citizens. Theories whose name is legions, have been advanced. The searchon Sun day was as thorough as possible, but certain parties claimed to have smell ed peculiar odors in a particular local ity n the premi ses , and afterwards hints were openly made and also ap peared 111 Jprint that the search had not bewi as thorough as it should have been. Howovcr on tho next day in order to satisfy themselves and others a party of neighbors made a still furth er search in the odoriferous region, and found a dead snake and a buzzard's nest which fully accounted for the odors noticed on Sunday. Tho camp ers mentioned in a former issue of Tub Ciuek have.lit out, and tho whole af fair is as'mysterious as ever. Death on theiRall On Thursday morning, as the west bound freight train was jrunning into Amboy, they discovered the dead body of a man lying near the track. The matter was reported to Corouer Mo sena of this city and an inquest held. By papers on the body it was found that the deceased's name was A. D. Manger, of Kirwiu, Kansas, and that he was bound for Omaha. He bought his ticket at Republican City. He had $15.07 on his person. The following is the verdict of the Coroner's Jury: State ot Nebraska, Webster county. At an In qulsitlon bolden at Amboy. Webster county, on tlie 'Jlst day of August. 1SS4. before mc, J. M., Mosena, coroner of .sulci couuty, up on the body of A. D.J Manger, lying dead, by the jurors whose names are hereto subscribed, the said Jurors upon tfaeir oath say that on the 20th or 2lst day of August, in the night, the deceased, A. D. Manger, or the per son found dead by said jurors, did come to his death by being struck by the freight train go ing cast on the morning train on the B. Si M. it. K. in the State of Nebraska, H. E. San ford, foreman, Rufus Miksch. Gotlieb Kaper. Henry w. Ross. Egbert T. Ta lor, Nelson Thclps. J, M. Mosexa. Coroner of Webster county. Neb. The Red Cloud Marble and Granite Works have recently received a large invoice of utock from the east. We take pleasure in saying that without doubt Mr. Brown has the finest display of finished work in Nebraf ka. Over 55 specimens are now on exhibition in his rooms, corner 4th Avenue and Elm street, consisting of American and im ported marbles and granites, ranging in price from ten to five hundred dol lars. Mr. Brown also has a fine line of the popular Blue Cottage monu ments. The lettering and carving de partment is under the charge of Mr. Myers, who has few equals and no su periors as a sculptor, Anyone need marble work of any description will find it to their interest to give Mr. Brown a call. Ix the Country On last Saturday our reporter, in company with our friend John Parkes, hied himself into the country, for the purpose of view ing the crops among other things. We landed on Mr. P's farm and we mutt say that it is nicely located, but has not been worked very extensively for ayeArortwo. There are a number of handsome farms in this neighbor hood, and we notice that every farmer was 'doing his level best to improve bklarid t Wow m the time to get your fire arms repaired. Oali-at Dtnx's. 51-tf Tie Cesatjr Cvratiu On but Monday pursuant to call the ! ropub1icam of Wehstor county ?- Wet! m convention at tho court-home j in Red Cloud. Every precinct in :H county Tva. represented by the ouoU f delegate allotted to each. At a fw miuufos after eteion A. M., DA. !Cew comer, chairman of the central com mittee called the convention to order and on motion of Hon. J. K. smith, of Guide Rockw.14 called to the chair, and F. B. Gump chosen as secretary. On motion the chairmen of the dele gations were instructed to present their credentials to .he eh air. The following delegations then reported: Guide Rock J H Shugart, Jas. Watt, C G Codman, J E Smith, J B Hamp ton. Glenicood Joseph Graves, Isaac May. Fobdam J W C Therman, I O Mar tin, F A Sweezy, H B Munson. Kim 0 Samuel Foe, W H Thom as. Inavale A Arnison, W H Walters Jas Campbell. GarMiLU. H.' Warner, W. L. D. Smith. Walnut Creek Thomas Kennedy, M C Fulton. Oak Crerk-ll D Raney, G B Oatman. StilltcaterC A Teel, J B Potter. Line H B Simons, L L Auger. Red Cloud G E McKoeby, -Levi Moore, S West, W H Strohm, J H FeTrnan, M W Dickerson, Fred Hum mell, F R Gump, M B McNitt, H A Howard, Jas Gilham, A H Kaley. Batin J LFrarae, F Barta, John Polinicky. Harmony O E Ramey, G P Cather PUtuatd HiUyi C Jackson, C C Cox Robert Adamson. After credentials had been placed in hands ot the chair, a motion war offer ed to make the temporary organization unanimous and the samo was de clared to be the sense of tho conven tion. The convention then adjourned until one o'clock p. m. AFTERNOON. The convention reassembled at one P. M. and was called to order by the chairman, when tho delegates proceed ed with the dispatch of business iu the following order: Selecting officers and delegates per call, commencing with the selection of, (1st), on representative 21st district. 2. County commissioner. 3. Delegates to county convention. 4. Delegates to congressional conven tion. 5. Delegates to judicial convention. 6. Delegates to senatorial convention. 7. Delegates to 41st district conven tion. On motion W H Strohm, C G Cod man, U D Raney, were choscu tellers, after which Dr G E McKeeby in an ap propriate speech, placed in nomina tion for representative for 21st district, the name of DP Newcomer, of Blue Hill, which upon motion was made by acclamation. Mr. Newcomer was then loudly called for, and soon after made his entrance through thetccnter aisle to chairman's table amidst great applause aud in a short and pointed speech pre sented his thanks" to tho convention for the honor just conferred upon him by the delegates, assuring them that he would endeavor to make them a Rood representative and would labor for the interest of his constituency without fear or favor. Tho names of I B Hampton and J H Hobart were then placed in nomina tion for commissioners for the first dis trict. On vote being taken I B Hamp ton was declared nominated the vote standing: Hampton 27 xxOD&rt 1 o Hampton's majority 9 Mr. Hampton being called for arose and thanked the convention for the nomination. After which the selection of delegates for state, congressional, judicial, sena torial and float conventions were made with the following result: State-W H Strohm, W N Richard son, A L Funk, R V Shirey, E Cornett, R A Simpson, C G Codman. Congressional 3 8 Gilham, W E Jackson, F R Gump, G E McKeeby, M L Thomas, I O Martin, F A 8weexy, J H Hoover. Judicial J R Wilcox, C W Kaley, J N Rickards, J A Tulleys, R A Simp son, CG Wilson, Wash Reed, J E Smith. Senatorial A C Hosmer, E B Smith, A T Ormsby, Samuel West, G R Chan ey, H D Raney, F A Sweezy, J E Smith. Floal FA Sweezy, Thos. Kennedy, F Itjffump, J L Frame, Samuel West, J H Shugart, J H Ferman, H A How ard. This delegation were instructed for J L Kaley for float representative. On motion the delegates were in structed to cast votes for absentees After the routinejbusiness had been finished the following names were se lected as central committee: RedCloud-G E McKeeby, chair man, and W H Strohm. Guide Rock SB Newmeyer. Stillwater John Blaine, Sr. Oak Creek H D Raney. Potsdam H B Munson. , Elm Creek H J Shelton. Inavale W J Vance. 'Garfield M H Warner. Pleasant Hill W ABrubaker. Line H B Simons. Batin J L Frame. Glenwood Isaac Fish. Walnut Creek Thomas Kennedy. The business of the conventiom be ing finished, the convection adjoiirned without date. xne Miecnonot nod aeiez&uti was quite spirited and hud Wsread A J v - 1 3 Kenncy ! f&Oey.lCrsltrK ins the vcu ' ! mi fhom A J Kiitu1. t . -i On r&cci u tl e J?.'S? . . UM? urr jratcs Mr KAlry T.a 'J -)SM' .car 5iJ cben wvri r " Sard- for the udk. A u convention wa harmonlout anJ out the usual hard feciinn dupUvii in nrcvioiu cnvetitIcH. 1 At the cxamiiutionyjst Katun! . following person received cvruficatr Xame. Grade. Jiank. Allie G Falconer...., Dean T Smith Nathan II Jones Nellie Arnold........ 0 ..9$ .: ..S3 A nine Bean 31 rs j A !&iiv Carrie E BrakeSeld......2- Emma Brownell .2...... .SO .92 .97 Myra B Brewer. ...2. Leans Jone xvrx lire wcr . o ns Mrtry McKInnie.. 3. ., $6 Emma J Reynold 3 75 Iwrtb. Ove i ..3 16 4iu 2rvo o i o Bessie Hathaway 3. S5 Berton W Jones 3 7S En. McCi.ritK ij the Ikka oat 'raier. A specimen was laid on our table, thr heads of which measured 12 inched. They were very fine. . m i ,m ,!- m Wetater Ccasty ConTcatles. A massconvention of the an ti mo nopolists of Webster t-ounty will be held at the court houso in Red Cloud on Saturday, August 30, at ona o'clock p. m. to elect delegates to the state and other conventions, and trinsact any other necessary business. By order of the central committee... P. C. HuniiLE, chairman. F. Houcms, secretary . 2w Aaothcr Good Far For Klr. 1C0 acres, located in. town 2rangc 2 south-east quartcr.scction 12, is olfercd for sale for $2000,tor at $12.50 per acre. 125 acres of level plow land, good woll of living water, house, stable, corrals, etc Just eight miles nort-west of Red Cloud. The farm is mortgaged ilor $400, at 9 per cent., due in two years from January. 15 acres of corn goes with place. For particulars iuquiro at this office. tf Vote of Thames At tho closo of the Institute, Mrs. AIlicG. Falconer of fered the following, which was unan imously adopted: Wherkas, We, the teachers of Red Cloud Normal, having enjoved the associations and instructions of Superintendent Springer Miss Eva J King, Mr John L Springer, and Mr. L. L. Feltani, in their repec tive classes: Resolved, that wo here by express our heartfelt thanks for their efforts in assisting us in prepar ing for our future work, and we ex tend to them our best wishes for their success in their future fields of labor. Sra.itorUl Convention. Tho republican electors of '2tol Senatorial Dis trict of Neliratka, arc miuenWil to m-ihI (h'lr rntesfroin the novcrul counties thcrrlu to meet in convention at Red Clouil. Nebraska, on Satur day Aiicust SXh. 1884. at 2 o'clock n. in lor tlie i.urpov ot placing in nomination a caimnmie for Senutor.and transacting such other bm!n- ai may properly com before It. Th several counties are entlUed to representation as fol- lows: NuckolU 5: Franklin 8; webster-s. Jam as McNkxv.Cbaixmax. Resolution Resolved' that the Red Cloud Lodge, Ho. 64. I 0 O F, tender their sympathies to Brother M S Marsh and family in their late bereavement in the loss of their infant son. F D Hummel, committee. gTTiiE Red Cloud mills are doing ex cellent work, and are running night and day to their full capacity. We hear their flour spoken of in neighboring towns where it is sold aa being ot very superiorjquality. This is as it should be. He are glad to learn of the pros perity of our home industries. Car of barbed wire, cheap at Wlnt on's, Rivcrton. 3-f Those wishing building hardware can make money by calling on Winton, Rivcrtou. 3-tf For cheap, good, sweet corned beef go to Deleforgue fc Sellers', Mosher's old stand. . 3.3w A good timber claim for sale in Sherman county, Nebraska, inquire at this office for" partiuulars. tf You can buy hardware, stoves, tin ware, and all kinds of furniture at less than Red Cloud prices at Winton's, Rivcrton. 3-tf If you want a square meal, as fruit, vegetables, etc., of any kind you should call on A. Cummings, one door south of Sherer's drugstore. He keeps the best of everything at reasonable prices. See him. tf Mr. Dany has repaired in the last few days, oyer 40 parasols and um brellas. If you want repairing in that Hue, call on bim. 51-tf Wholesale slaughter of groceries glassware, woodenware, for the next two weeks. I am going to close out the above goods to make room for the largest stock of dry goods ever seen in Red Cloud. Also immense bargains in dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, etc,, tor the .next two weeks. A. S. Marsh, Bank Block. Red Cloud. Thos. J, Mother hereby notifies all persons indebted to him by account, note, or otherwise, thcr must make settlement within 30 days. XcTrrfiive U. If you are suffering with low and de pressed sgirits, lose of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak con stitution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of electric bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid improve ment that will follow; you will be in spired with new life; strength and act ivity will return; pain and misery will cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of electric bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Heary Cook. JttD CLOTJDMAKKrT. Wlater tffse 13tfl5 ............ Jlj9a larky : t- 5T5-5f9 vsSUJC e i vtfmA. vAwJsV qksfc.'. . Jf i -' Mkmesr .y bAbbbBbse j Bfc Wp Mj , Mri?iL- v - r m. wm- YIIM Lett s iMsiMJ' ssM W fntiil ws J s VWIVv WW jJB rsuwj i Si - ma lit rv sar Oswksv W4i rwOKs. X Irk A)Urt, wk UmM ?kM In tkh 4ieinei hrt Ht, uuar at Mr. uhi'i. fc4sr 9dbee4 is rfefar aar. &crs were tUmtA as 1rm C Cx, twpmKtesNiesi, J. W. W 1T M KmiL.Vu J t " WWlj- Loci rail, treasurer: ML I nan, l e are WMW . tmm mt n a zvmt atecKMiMSJW :m m . . .. . "lei" Si i Hot. JsW-'U'w, ef Cowles. feast SMI ,cA; rtjefWdhiMi; tke ftri smS) in our r.W3Bot Woc ItM ?ii4VT nV!l c if flisMk ft i rcck the Tfta:o UaWmsj tM wnte agam. Va JOA. 0AK1 Sec from y oti rlt rritsm-Nir that my ttcr. anrr Jane, wasKi J'fwl a few irin from Hvul tsrr t fil? am uking upon tuc!f to frwaliiTll1 a jcw iroro ui precinct Kr m tsjlsrw irnil a. cflnv nf vvtr vdi.t.! ..-m all correspondent, and I nould i.iw havo the iapcrbut am to poor to pif ior iu Tlie republican had thctr cuctt last Saturday night and elctod Mark Warner and N nmh a dclrsain to tho county convention. Tho arc i6in Gaxlin men nroui-.l here, but ih prevailing opinion is thai Juntme lll get there all the satiu- See my sister i juhilnut over the proiect of a chece factory on Hull Creek, and wu are well natWied with the one in operation at llick pl oflice. Mr Fik turning out some splendid looking ehoee. Our farmers are very biwy with ihrir fall plowing and putting up their hay. Latter occupation U progressing vr slowly on account of tho frequent ram Capt. Hnuchin think the antimo nopo will carry evcrvthing Wforc them in thit prccin.it, Gut wait until November, and we guoi he will fiml he is off bin base. SUiUX Janu. HIUNK We have been too busy for some time past to chronicle the items ot this vicinity. Had a good rain last Friday and Sunday night. Fall plowing is now the order of tho dav. 1) A Andercon and wife, and Adam Jamed and wife, from thr vicinity of Ulue Hill, were visiting friends in hero last w'ek. They wore accompanied by it cousin of Mr. Anderson. Mr. Jos. Purvis, of Monroe county, Iowa, i viattmg his brother-in-law, Adam Orr. lie in looking for a loca tion, aud e hope that ho will nettle. TheCariwell boys are having ajwind mill and pump put up on their farm this week. They are go-a-head boy. Charles. Motley & Co. threshed 1210 bushels of oat one day !at week in six and three-fourth hours. 'Squire Blaine ii having a new well put down. J. H'. Smith is making preparation to move to bin farm. Mr. Huston preached last Sabbath afternoon, at the nchoo) house, and had a good audience. He will preach at the school bouse next Sunday at 4 p. m. L. D. Wells an T. C. Burnell havo bought a new thresher. Tyuo. CUOOKED CItKF.K Tho weather is damp, which Is bad for having. D, M. Matt, X. Sanf'inl, Mr. Harris, and others haye cut their millet, and the rain ha alout spoiled it. Mi3 Brownell; a neice of William Dicknon, has arrived in the county. II. A. Howard is building a small frame stable. Wm. Dickson sold two cows but week. , H. A. Howard wants a few calves and a good hore. Etta Sanford went to Guido Rock last week. For a few days after tho 15th it sounded as if a small ukirmmh wa go ing on by the sound of the ahot gun. A. young man wrote from Missouri and said tnatTho thought that state waa ahead of Nebraska, jus the melon are ripe and mo?t of the threshing i done. Now, here, most of the threshing is done and the melons arc ripe. Show day was another 4th of July, as everybody went to tho show. PKTERJClJt. WEST INAVALE. Wo arc having rains for tno past week. Lasf-Friday there km a circu and menagerie iu Rivcrton, and it rained all the forenoon. A1kui noon the clouds floated away and let the un shine. Every body was anxious for a little sport and decided to go and fee the elephant. The afternoon was fair and we had a tip top tunc, but there are reverses in life, and o was there with us. Abont the time the men were hitching up their teams to atari homo there was a cloud came up from the souib-wcH and in a very short!timc the rain wax nourini: down in torrent, and nuite a oer cent, of hail mixed with the rain. A few teams bad left town and they had to take the storm till tfcey could reach safety. One load reached Mr. Lenord's, a few took shelter under a bnk, and a few reached house?" where they found ac commodations, 4but they were thor ouchly eoaked from head to foot, and they looked like they were the relics of a small cvclone. Many thanks to John Barden for Sunday dinner chickens. He is one of the best gamesters in the county, apd but few rabbits or chickens escape him and hb hounds. John Rise is visiting friends here. Aust Hore. The recent heavy storm did us bu t little damage- The corn will be jnstaa plenty and our farmers have a line winter's job of husking before them. The road is being kept hot by land seekers. ' Our good natured, fun loving John Bardon has been criticised by some of the neighbors, for bunting on the Sab bath, but Bardon says he does not see as much harm in knocking over a few stray chickens with a bit of a stick on Saudayfas there is in going to a thiev ing, lying circus. Yenly it looks aa if the pot has no right to call the kettle black. gAilaa T Ayres has added so much to his house that it now presents a very resoectable appearance. The delight ful display of llowers in frot of their dwelling speak well lor Mrs. Ayrte' energy and tare of the beautiful. If The Chief could spare th Um to call uMsi bis friecd Mr. Wortey, 1 Iti innr mn nkiefcL fisast tora fill- ncs o delico "wtensit!on. Bex. , aj. , sf4slkMBB 1sjrffv( "H iVMMi wWk prtMrji isjiit Mtmty Rust V lti lm tw4-r mu 1 9pasNPSfS'eei J smumHw) si www Waa. TWwwl t Wmir QkiSmtid . fcfXW. sVyM. H W wnht W WU 3ft f f WH- fPWH5 iPCmt retting iit 5rl tk A fffist tin Mwr rm m ms ! r e iwrwwjs ifmtfafl 4 tv UaOJ fMSflMk Mr. F. U 1tw4&kHi bxbittl:i 'icV, Hit U imftftn)t. K Had vr lnl wind m fmtn frw. ni Fr4yf ,ti 14. 4 JwU crrf ; ffpy rorttrsi Hvf- thumr hr & reitfii IBrrem KirerNt. A pittiUld raja &i,Uy Trj,n rrtVH cyoj, wij i off Urfv COWUfti rhH nt fK-csHHtt an ThS inir.j t brat ai I Ut v'fetAaitt lo rafrt, mud. tu wrmiTi. 'sinirtday nl?rt v r. i j it6i; ,r jcnm - dllAouhx tfi a witlt rvt several nth r pWJi tift fruMt KrtNl lUa u gtinnto Hiubi x fc -qiaBK.1! 1 TT TiwH t. lontion Ilcrt r our toun.iitii tv-uifn, tor an altiic of mu. MrT (I, ljulr ,4 II wittiri'r relatives hrp? M ' t 1. Wglas Twv retutnX , , fim tho rat, l.fii.Si t,, F? m a. n.ssv'i'ome 0ting Htfw r.I Wrd Mn. in J,.l ni ia. mt. . i tJoing M gm-4 liwm( here. Tho smiling countetmrtco of (!, Hall wits iu our town one day laH A J. A. KobofU, of CUy rwitttr. NU but who has -pem rv,t wf )4 .iimnier m Tennee, was the Kuct of Mr. Ut h lal Sundnt- W. A llnibakor h4 hmll a no.t Uv tic rn!uln . n his farm. M ( J,i ',. ttlk.so( botMhtg.t U0 house' dnr.-ijc .Mm. Jnrli nU'me,t on a isll, :l a. pimnttt tirpr Awaic on her return. That is nUt Mr. J, The Inn hoavy rain hav dm enl siderable damage to the i-l uHnm In this vicinity. It Kra nu, has this week Hrelwrr the lumber for, a cumtuodt.Hn m tlrc Mfuxry Waller has recently Um over forty bend of hug bydiseaso'hcietoforM unknown here. Apniminenl symp loin oHhejIisujue is constipation. O. SV. WvU Utit fi the wet on Tuesday Ial.Mth too view of Ukiog a timber claim. Our hiuiinoM men are all btiiUy en gagetl ptrpnnng for the fall tnw. l.trrt.K Hatciji.t. Forty. 0rs UprrwnUllr flUtrtrl Cmr ( tnn The republican electors of the 4 1st representative district of Nebraska am invited to u end delegates frn tho two counticn comnomng natd district u meet i t convention at Red Cloud, U eUter county. Haturdny, Angina '.3. I8S, t i o'clock p. in. for thf purHy of placing in nomination a caodidntM tor representative of naid dixtrict anl iransaeliri': surh other btistueM s may properly omo before id convefitioti. Plio counties are entitled to represen tation sj io"! ih ; Krankhn county S voles, WeUi r county k vote. Kuwts C. Hawikv. Chairman Comtuitcte. 2w FOB HAI.K For alo Sr15 ale J'l Tlie Vallry House and furniture It. Iaksiso, lt Cloud. 'The proof of the pudding is thn eat ing ihcvrM and ))ol j chitwinjr. tb utrmg wlurli ttJ tho lag Therefore, lake Pr. Jones reI clover tonic ll cures all blood diMinlercrs, torpid liver eirk headache, costveuew. and all di of tho urinarp organs. Tlie Inyit appe tizer amnionic known, rvild by A Lindloy. at fifty cenU r loulc. ir A Kaern Urn Hlar. Xevcr w.-w such a nub madi? for any drug "tore as is now at Ubnry Cxdr for a trial little of Dr. KingV now dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds. All pcron aUecled with asthma bronchitis, hoarscne, severe coughs, or any anViion of the throat and lung can get a trul bottle of tbh great rem edy free, by calling at above d rug sujre. Regular size $1.00 In numberloM bul! Uneath the skin is secreted Uie liquid euUtancw which gives the hair i ti'xture, eolor at once to become dry, JueircJc. brit tle and gray. U that the rendition of your hair? If so, apply Parser's hair bal-am at once. It will restore the col- v , jii.a sou mo uy renewing toe action of nature. Tlie UUam u not an wL not a dye, but an clegaut toflei article highly appreciated because of iu clean lines. , TW Kmjwtmm TltraHtu How pn you expect to fed well, or even enjoy life, when you go abont. with a hacking cough? The fool, ja hw wisdom, y there w no cure Ux it,bntth wUc manhti him to A. l ,eT,' dn,Ke. od get bouU or Dr. Rigc.'sT a ikU& cure, n4 at once get ts-i. A trial boUl cost nothing. - ' A ladjr died recently in ooe f oor with LaFayeUe. The gxml General must have devoted saof of k' tim to tlie art, as thie adrfk ea more to th 50.000 rcporteI to ksra 4aeed wills him. It rMuIrei rUid iHpnatioo lo belters this, but none at all to W the aswrtion that Urn timm that nuj ber of udies hare used BeLacMt'e sod saleraiu. and always kh osw fmuh. SoccM in every pankttW; a4viset AX9 MS 4JtttrW4 . LmU fcrlc oZyimr rata t i ssiisa twta? Mte mnvi.x w;ia tuX. mie t jfra. wimrm't at c JW OMMswVS hHWII Ww RrrlsW9 VflW K. I . ISIS vafcttto Uirhfri u ig wwb aaa wwsissssi wewi ssw -r"r'-i- 'lTBlsyilBBssTIKLl -1 X 4 V w Tt l ,l "V i m ,i-i si .j n V H i A J1 4 i I. r . -i . Mi V A -f m x- MM.Am ' 'fm tiA-r -1.4 ' tJP''V SSA-5 -r ,ya .&. -&-. - ssM n i '-9 lFlfc- tr J . ---b ? ., ti - j- " tf-aBHHSB&s':''ia,.a,sM m Lvd "i'"ijBBgBSBBlssasaBsasasasasalBHBsasaw' sbbjbbbbI &fessfek-M- .: . -