1 "i- - ' s.-'A, "'elf r Ai' , r -Vfi xhM , ? ', bxpCM('1i"w .i'0W'ianilr1m inlfW i nrfli tfi frMfljmwu 'fluinjurSB' J ' - . -t K ' " Cloud r 1 .V ' 'S "ETERNAL, VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.50 A YEAR IS THE PRICEOFTHE CHIEF. sx 4 VOL. XII. RED CLOUD WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB., FRIDAY, AUGUST 22. 4884. NO 3'. CXL! TUA ox ruroCATA- PtfSJ 5L -r j.Mir mMW.fciilf JWwayiW. W.i '" - Chief D h, i 4 1: ' P4 1 ! i ftj. i r "!SU?S;fe'S,r"'j; 1. .i '2'- $ A Lools out for RED CLOUD CHIEF UVEUYrKIDAY IJV A. C. HOSMER. t . ItATES OF 8UIJSC1ITI0N: One copy, one year, - - - 81 50 Ono copy, six months, ... 75. One copy, four montln. - &0 Hatered t tho I'ostofllco in P.oJlCloud ns'inat ierof the necond clani. - " - COUNTY OFFICFRS. f ohn P. Bayhn, County Clerk. SIim. Ruschow, County Treasurer. 3eo. 0. Ycisor, Counfy Judge. I. W. Warren, Sheriff. , Cbaa. W. Springer, Superintendent of Public Instruction. C. P. Uink'jr, County Surveyor. J. If. Afoscna, County Coroner. J. E. Smith, ) Jacob L. Miller, County Com. Jno. McCallum. ) usiness Directory. kdwix c. 3iawley, Attorney At Law, KED CLOUD. - - NEB. q B. McKEEBY, M. IX, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, C)7ricn. riral floor wcHt of root's flrtij: More, Jfflco hours from f to 12 n. m.. 1 lo 4, wirt 7 to 8 p. m. Uoslilouce s blocks west of court liotiso. KKDCLOOD. - - - NKHHASKA. R. DAM ER ELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN AKD SURGEON, Rod Cloud, Nehrapkn. 6rFicr-Over tho new pontoffioc. .T- S. jlSMIGII, DEMTIST. Ispormanontly located in Rod Cloud Nb., oTor Stale Bank. 17-3m r 1 1 '" !! Frank R. Gump, A 4TT0KITEY AT iAW, RED CLOUD. KK1. Ooltootiona roooiTo lVoiupt attontion. Orrioit Orer tholiiowlpostofilco buildltiK. G. W. Kalky. J- L. Kalev. Kaley Bros. A TTORNBYS AT LAW. v RED CLOUD, NEB. V (M Agont Torltho B. it M. R.2R. Lands f'o. C Case. J "s- McNcay V Case 6c McNeny, ATTORNEYS i COUNSELORS AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts oftbiafctato nd north erii Kansas. Collcctionsaa well as ht iKatcd businc? carcfullr nnl efficiently attend ed to. OrriOK:- Firgt dour wjnth.flt "l011511 iank. up stairs. RED CLOLD. hb. Cowles Directory rR. CSCIIENCK, f PHYSCIAN AND SURGEON, Cowles, Nebraska. Professional calls promptly attended. Office : At residence Cowles. 8-fl 'p J. WARD. Solarj Public Immm Id Estate and Insumnee Agent. COWLES - - NEBRASKA. Sells Eastern and Western Coal. Also has B. fe M. Town Lots for Sale, and Fanninir Lands. qEORGE w. kager, Blacksmithing, Repairing, &c. rromptly done, and All Work Warranted. COWLES - - NEBRASKA. -- q V. FULLER, Dealer in Lumber, Lath1 .- AND SHINGLES. 1 COWLES - - NEBRASKA sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. JOHN H. BROWN, Sealer !in Flour and Peed, The Finest Brands of Flour Sold Cheap a-! Anywhere m the s .. -sr. ' - ' -. . i . s. a - . i K.. "t- ' .A .. j-i " -- The Golden Eagle Clothin, something new next week, jgsfc UK I T7 rniyre Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the Republican Valley and my prices can not fail to please. FINE GARR!AGstND -v -,f--V . "ajS!-. f-r . Of EvoryiDcscrlptlonlWlanufacturod b- a 9 fl?. n fcBfrJB s.wia HQsasMSB nr- 1 1. f- EBtJ R8UIS viflLG5 ''ii' 'lli t l"B Sleeper, Manager, We nv onlv the iMt raatcrlal tin arkff affonls In tH0""10,.?!0':, a l llfe-Uinc at Au Luslmw. c fwl warranted In Biianiiiiw-liiK onllro aatib faction. We ar 0 lso prepared to do all Kinds 01 Job Work and Repairing I Horse-shoeing, Plow Work I ... ..... .Mtii tutTnl liftTI 11V' nil.APiiiiA trill 1k trlo1 Ij CS- Wc arc now loratea muuii.M. jikiur see all our friend:, and patron. sns 1 ncAi.itas iy Beef, P "k button, . Poultry Hausase, Fresh Ftnh, Ojsom (iaine, tie. W" i HMk Cash HaM Ma! pg&-S 1'ald for HWos and 1'elts. tS-i; JjC-S-Utl) Whon von want the KEST Meat cidl on us at tiarlnir s old stand Nebraska DEALERS JJV LUrRER.'LATIT, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AC. RED OLOL'D, DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY, THE BEST IN THE MARKET AND , SOX.3 !H TEES LOWEST IPJSSCSg. 9 0? Span ogle & Funk, Dealers inTall kinds of MSfflM WLK, Tim, 33SI SEWING MACHINES, tc, "Si ns j lEril esss K9? a .faay gai szim - THIS SPACE BUY YOUR GOODS ! .AT THE OLD KnilnB U S M I I fiT ft m wnum R. J . By ! ME1BR HySBIIKS HgtifeM liii HIIBHJir H0S BaiUWlIU H!H feysflui (wiimimii L'Biaiibiiiwejwu, .5 ROAD WAGONS gf BliSPlBS. inn .11, 5f!V n fffi .? fJ P1 O ! Fl I PI YI Kl ill im r KJ? M SUtLf K..1 y v? tj" ir tvi 11 J h. . - -A buhhi.iu, i.uc u .. h... to-" y- .' -J --:r. i5. ssssSSSj-i-""-51 Lumber Co, NEBRASKA (o)- 3fc SI ?'r BELONGS TO Boot and Shoe House. and , - tfil RUR KKI HBIHtiKl. H.gisiiHi& yiuuwu 1 niriiniiAn RirvijnnnQ anr INKER Patronize home. Patronizing Home you can always get hi7 the SraevJV At Same Prices I That you will have to pay for an inferior article shipped in from the cast. All of our Buggies arc on Warranted. RED CLOUD CARRIAGE WORKS R. E. Jooro. Prc.t Job a Moo o V. I'rcs't E. Jl. Ambler. Uishior First RSation&l Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. fjatpital. r 75,009. Transact a pcncral7barK:n? bu?inr?5. buy and tf County warrant. Alo County. Pre rinct pnd School District bond. Ruy and sell Forei.n Eschansc. DIRECTORS: R. K. Moore. John .Too re. C W. iloshnr, R. C. Outcalt ft'. K Richardson. LcvIMoorc. Prosldcnt. Silas Gnrbcr. Vice-Pros RobL V. Shiny, Cashier. Jno. R. Shirey, Asibtant Cashier. Ed In! liil iifi, RED CLOUD. XEB. Capital, $50000 Special Attention Given to Collec tion. DIRECTORS: Sila3 Garber. Levi Moore. R. D. Jones. F. K. Goblc. Robt. V-SniEZT. Bin and sell Exchange. Make col cctions Discount Notes and do a 3 en era! Hankintr Bn.ine?.-. Interc&t allowed on all time deposits i S'nd six conts for rat.i"(. r.nil rv- tit Jicelve five, a ow:ly lox ot fcx winch i ill Ltln all. of either M'X.tn more monay rlht anin than anv tbim: vl-c In tl s worltl. ror- tunes await Ua ork r-v aboi '; . AV ou ail dressTut..? X Co.. Ai.riiiU. 3i..i ic. Is at Uic front again with the 4M8iiMiii2fj!-i Of all kinds, and The Ji", . Tliomp.ftn ffAY SAS$! Fanners, you -Kill do well to can and examine j;ooi anu cct prices oeiote rrou ouy cie wcerc 1 hiivc a full sfocK ot repairs v and .ilro for binders on Icand. ily no Improved Iron Mower ! Caa no; oe seat lor LiuiLf D1L4FT and good r,aad don't you lorget It. I' " W Agent3 . ti,hjli 'ill A Jll I J . . . vZ-J ?, - - . AT DEAL. Mfb 1" Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Hamburgs, : Laces, Notions, Hosiery, Kibbons, Jbitc. RED CLOUD, Alvns keep on linid a f jll a d conipk-tc CMKAF jmL All k (Mis KU-inintit'd as ropP"uiitti opmony befon jou buy. KKAL ESXATK cam xc7 fitt m J v On Farm Property ! Southern Nebraska and Northern ICnnsn.s. at SJ ami 9 per cont. interest Without Commission ! APPLY TO Ml HiTIPML IS RED CLOUD, NEB. wm. gateE DEALER IN PED CLOUD, NEB. Is now fully prepared to buy CATTLE and HOGS, for which he will pay the HIGHEST PRICES ! See him before jon sell, it w.ll j-vy you. Mew Office and Yards - zzoi. m: &. ai vm HO ISE, AND Ornamental Painter, Oai.Ho in i n er, Ciir:alner5 RED CLCUD. Orders .Jtdicited. lici reasonable and all work mmrnntied. J S. GILHAM A TT02XST A5D COUNSELOR AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. D. G. WALKER, Harins purdiased'E. M. Perkins Interest In the UMP AMTB 1 mrzsiDMix.1. Bnslcefs s am rn:paritt lo 2!1 or lers for xj u:t5iMrt iut.ct, and rrTr ,JZ.z7zr7.-ZZ gS,gi!ErS2S ecdrtd at-ait jgSSSfcS?3g crs,Tisd paeiBg '- "Tk T TTT-tl . r niuaev t r 'i-''. - "- " ..- . jf- 1-' 'i r ijl'v - j-.:: i- Ci J&-. . "H. .7 f ... 1' ...-L- 1" . U'-i'. (ill Uw hi "fk-?.'V jMmfssm "- 7 aw-n. "'f.. T - - iSig&MSkm' ?ir QL -. '. ? , I HPETWHOITSS HH I4AAA li 1 yress uuus - NEBRASKA. lltn of the atn e pwih, and W! elt tbttn X2.t5il4L0! refiindtn!. Ca and t)pposU' Slnt Uaui. examine tho ck In'forc dough's Patent WROUGHT IRON PUMPS Arc conceded by all to stand without a rival for Cheapness Simplicity, Duraliilttv and l'crfi'Ct Workmu. Lay aside the old wooden pump lht helongs to tho age of wowi-mi plows, wooden forks and wooL. ?Kj . nnd cet nice. Hcht and handv mm imni. , that will compare with tho plow? ntil j other implement;; of our timo. Cknigha Patent Wroutrht Inn rrnn. ii it ' only prfcHt in it working. lut njcd ' no rprRir.. nnd wi! nt m onir as a : crw iiir. s'V i, ample fet on Web ! bivt street, .r. ;,,d ' well. Voz aio by D. G. WALKER, KED CLOUD, NEB., Sol Acnnt for WelKter County, Neb &zf-rts tho pump before j-'on buy. Home Bakery ! 7 S. F.Spokcsflcld, Prop., We are jrejcrcl to f iimUb Win abo kec? a perioral II so of Con fectionery , cannci rruru: ice K.r&m, iemonauci a - V and everything kept in a fin-ucla oakery. Ortlcrf can beleftat thoSoro or with the i.roud jvazon and pronpt!y attend-; el to. Your natronaire resrcctfaHv ; ioitcitea. S. F.SPOKFSEIELD. ..... - t y;nAKiNiibi r.i A T nT-r-l SHOP. . -:o:- W. 5IOENTHTKN. Manciaexarero: aad iXsa&r la " Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Collars, Brushes, Combs, wmTjc. 3dixers, aada rfaa s lAMi'bc MaaKi.iw. .. . . . . CAS -rr--r"rrrTi -7 : .3.1- iKJXItr A srErwiXx. CII'm4 xto?i'mhT. O. vK.-K-i W.MDP'ENTHajr. r&. -A ICT jSk. 41 CD VyalPH, M&lV b&aJC5 0I Uje oaafce, oh ox tatw rTra NK spSggi TT wlHawBwL M? fc- mSw. - .- ,-: -gJlgjWr-,,SwSawawaMwi ' '""'U SHHpHJHHHHHjHHIwWawagja inJU " o '?LBr' ' ' w T- " .J1. v - '.'""tIWkEK.iHHidfe lwB jMgLj 1 -.,jr ir::rjmjMm, hwlaiiMBwMSJwKwl II9W Two ACTtC OW ? w f5- A Mtaarr rod i with r W Aracmeca oa t I5t3k t i f drt nki we pfcd fr p lh 2 l ih bou of Iua IHwUs 41a- ! fir o'clock tir ofls wa f 1 2.000 (cct Voto U a. At i e Ur - Uoa c( 15.000 f t craf wtx Cri.l lronrw!tA t to th Yaolfl cir! w bo UL !araM tcllmb l ITX Poak. Tin obttU gathered uU ft- tneesi tt oa ftd njrarL Ami so" Ihosuujrc Uia Oar rfpcsHec worv o'faacj afTlr kW lip othr coatSo&ul poajad-it Mont t!ck wlkcii will inn, waleh wt Aroro ilowftdrjratd Upl u whtch vo duns m:Si dfipairin gri?. Cwr KuliioUMk wlrb irsToicr to pfi rido them?lv vilh ororcoAU, Tell. aod a!tcn3tocir. vhkU l?r dtiw Into tho ht3 tnd volcanic tutd." Wo k4" indnlMd la wjld js3i UJt tAktoR veil and ororcou to drlto ln?o th Tolc&aloftnd. bat m tonad dasr o( liurallr following; thh 4Wa. dn or of ilnkbj eurmlvrv, rrli, 0T?r coU. and ftll l-cjond QtattmaUon. Wo floufldoixHl ntttoocitr Tim clajx .i?u u and gained tho tlrat fintMl rufllu at tw wliiu klrt ct eniy ihjt dni dw from tho conn. Tficn cllnnff iG wsr guido. un!fn, fllpplnj; orar tho tvwzh block ol JCfl Mwt nuw; fnUtu-N' hak to rct but ft raomont- Oten tr rorluR on nuln? tlrfe, ftni1 Pl te m nnu DieHjro: xroai oinwn- iban rda of llie led U.rrtrj thmbhnc on. haJf craxHl wiu iRin that dart through cy apd forefcoail. for four lonjr hours we travclini until nt lajt ro noariy tottflrtHi orer tho !j nf a blrs.k and rntrnlas irulf. ud hr ; through th roaring In our car Uio ! triumphant rolco o( tho guW m In rt Mlra! mi aln la cratr.' n-iu hcroj. u. . crt.) wyj ac.lon ot CO!ng poor bmin. who r- I hOinbJcn iiamt urny i waj; - (cant of troath, ' iho last lo roca th4 roai of our united ambition. HAM u my warm SJuou jdaJd nof tho dart.rg pain through iho furobead, relieved by n alight hernorrhwgts from, both noo ad ear, I wm wm UUK i ai thrtuh In my own Vug bolott. ana a glxs of cold tea brought t to a r alixlng 'nso of making tho lawt of J iKf hour wo wore to sondvn tho um- miu Tho day wa clear and UnMtm!-' 1 must to tntthlul and ay ;hat Ui tlmr abovo 13,000 foot U not ialUfao lory. An area of 100.000 iqoafa mll la very well enough to talk of, but to vaut for human hiaUatlon aud humj eye. nrTwcr Aim ihadottt, horo Iho earth aud th ky "m clo ing down liko a book thai U "ad. Tho cloudi lay bulow and la oaa dlr Von tho fluroo atorra wan ipeadkig it4 fnry. Wo could uno tha Ughtalag UmK making atraugo rifu among Ui daia Hhadowa. Tho crater li rnry almllar lo Vt1 qi, only boing about throo Umea aa largo, and ! silent, except oeoaaiosal revurbnrnUon of toand from tha ! hur work bolow. A dense 2oud ot brlmtono bluo aeoud forarer and evor from tho horrible depth. To-da mor than 100 Indiana are working Sf th crator. ny acond and docond continually, not on a hcaTcnly ladder, but by mean of a nido wblio and turblno which la boing put In for hoiat Ing. Fancy It! a turoina whel 18,000 feet In tho air. They haTe buta 1.800. foot down in tho crator. And dowa 1 that inferno they actually 1W, of teaT not coming up la tho sunlight for a month at a Utno. Their teeth oon wear attar and tholrcloib deay a4 drop o bnt J was told they are con tent and attilcr no IUcScU tb taoanr and motzcal ("Mexican tanglfod) would not tngtui. IJut it necda a union of tho imagination of Daate with tho pea of Doro to giro yoa their pictnrnu Tao descent waa rapid. Tie gtiW Tollod ui up in straw taata aad lid na down tho glaclr Hko cocew A grand. erunoace m toporrcaninc J; waa, uu lhi 'iruliea will long outlast tho fecpor- laucc Asotiicr night wo apont i& tho foebia cc. aad tho following da wero riding among tho caeti and palm, of tbo rniloy. Uczteo LU? in tA btnvir Tribune. Tlus lsot IUycm of Idahtx Oao of tho moat in -lar fcatcrea la the accnory of thp torntory o! Idaho la the occurreaco of dark, rocky ehaanta. into widen crooc and I&rg strnaws suddenly db&ppeir aad r aTjr rjotw txx lhc Ibaurca arold lava chan nels proiiucod. by the onUido cf thai mail cooing and frxtb a tabf, which. whn tbo fionr trsairi waa vr. ! haustcd, has &n left ctapty, whilst .i ... .v- i j t.JL .. waie point fallen U, nreseata thtkw opcainr into which tho river ploatt and is lost. At ose placo alosrz tb lathe, banaltift w-l!. fcr !t !kn xsozxA Into ih trrat beloir. Wfir j tjjjj streaca baa its orlrin, or at waal poiat it U nwallowwd t la aWoIatf unsown, aiocrb it hi iMrra tku lie aoxsree ar a long wy sp la ta ort conatry. Jiidca becoataac th chaa cela oi lrrin atrasu, t" lar ea dniu r fr?qneatly foa4 IjMurt4 with thai !c ciaaawa waich trr attkv ly nU. Saatiaa; ITamI. "I eaa't st war Uhrr wall it CTl wood." aid Laxra, who wm watoklar Toaa genius P wl oaj t aw- boctorasaii;ifit soMrt so fwr it, I Mtseowt, Wi I m'i m it. "TOS WM," MM TA. MttiM ft b aiokory ukk l pla, nkal y luoittwir. iiwca word wood." 0 To.V aaJd U 4wr m t- prMokfeUjr, 4kwiat WrrU jrnwur.N An-tAaj awtaJ g Jaraj witai waMi Tom rtgard4 Iwr awamaxiaajr ! WMWwalaiwawthrwwafk 1aW twawk lli cu ti kaJT . . a . j. -i ww i &m ajt j VUsJX. fTJ&z , . fi-'- -' fc .... . ... ...-.. ,, . fc jaTtt wl a aJfaaj4va. HtawwJajBjSEBjBB i""afi Jtajrtii. "! at fwaw. 1 - ' T -'. --: && fcrt "al.2ILr j-.4 u ff- -' . V , ' J I ! J i-V f : !,". a: yp5Ej