V fi.. '2$a8i&8i&& - 5W3WP3 T H M 5- t pE Red Cloud Chief J J s"?mw 'it'tji S?W! AGRICUrTlJIt'l. ITEMS. . ? v i n t V. A VG l .'.ST 1 5 I H4. . , Juc. HQ8MEW - - Proprietor if i. ,irr' EOt'CATIOXAL. XrlPon Jo tract etn S3ra rem iikm-mm dm PJftit & jo ou9JBtpflr trraox tii ikujrujcm ohm iao joiotjdojd , K(,r!liQ . t.na, .-,., R mz pnrretr q pinorj-r jrtaatyntu stnos .. m ,?t '- ,' . . W . -jMun now ani boat pjzt:if n t- . ... 'TV ) poitioji ort ot pos 'jmdi otn 01 $ !-Vr ,m iB "" wrowjr W over IPanrin .in. tuoJi ijo jCmao io Manrai f ' fiWW W "r.,? """ I" mm mntnmrnmir tuj..ii, ihwivi t ' "l '-! m--r -t.. r irjosoq oojuot Tt Krntnl Klement of K Krery CiiHtl Should Jtccclvi. of thu Teachable Spirit Public; Instructor. ttcncc Ir jor wtu ioji:'i on K?li coitf to farmers. jjee iipusiAjun uMvirj3 i New" Sv'niid I shipping butter to wmoM porjBj(.t jsif tKuglnnil with ausXactfJrr nnuJU. T2 uuiier i Kum m a icintKiraiurc oi ; io jrrnd oAcor pus 9ivtnu7i or hj b;ooj fuo uinpiaujtu) (o(oo rrqj tppjM inoqijm .ojoipirj ;o itiraj urotjijfj oirj foAp -raoqi wj -jnoc jo npnttrsv picMino pn pjvMdn uc pnnjwif pus 'Apm jo nqt tf pojtnbnv oawij 'Xinp jo awua d.ap sr o? pouo;i:M tmoq ipujm ;o nopcjwijr svaji v pnAnjqnc sacij 'OSJnon j-cnx TjfK SrflEHK OK THE WMMoM SCDQOL. TJio fcej'-not?, which should shapo UtooouKo of aindy for our cotumoa Kciiools. w:w given a few yoari ao by h Ufitinuishcd odacator when he de clared it to bo tho only to give e.ncli ptitul tireparallon which shall enable him to W-' Put; lA. avu out of nny pradeaml enter tncc I u- 1a KJ ."P- looipf-auou objo Into the aciivo dMtici of life. Thin, of 'AV T 1cin .nuo;nitt- 'ftwnqnop 'iq ij hMjtjiJiMi uainva 'u sii iiiu) yt Inly of tbeciiool i ou; 8 a- nnA0 'l"1 norl1 'PP0-11! J excited buyer. exceed thevs limlu t that triin and 10H 'uuihom pmvDupa us ouo advUo our frirnJ to .witb!rnw tint hall enable him to I V!? Put; s,J1B0H,Al '-"-BCA HJ j these men hare stipjdlcd tbennclrei. l -.-. Of lOU KI OlWIimrJii lOOttDg-lCtnJOU OtrJO I Tdf ( lhi i.lr'n. nf miili)lt.mon who- a iciriiMjraturc of Ict; wrhjle md the roi:c. einbf for the finrwt clips o! that stt. Th wool of Jlichlnn jtbohld bc-teuzlit at 25 cent for clip in firtt-clai con dition. We expect to .co tho bulk of .tile wool from ihuicstaltM fcold atthe figures and If in special localities orae i miu wo until 'SJHK3SJmKtKMSi!tKf!Sf9KKKtKm VJuA.Tr & FKMB: DEALKKS LX for Infants and Children. tt coumu, does not mean thai as full and complete an education can be secured ; m one or two years as in nix r eiht. but it does mean thai each yoar'fl work shall bo so arranged, and "ho subject i m Uught, that they shall have a raluo J and a mso in themselves independent ; f of what in intended to follow. It docs ' not disparage- or discoiintenauco the longest and most thorough course of I tflMOjif oqi inoAOjd aj pus 'wspunj oqi fq pjnotiB jfnqi uaq.H uopnnji -qo ns otnoanq Avm Aotn 'uiqoirai Thf f I hit iilr5nnf m!i!(lI-inon whuo interest L. of course, that of woo!buy- 1 cm and not that of farmers. A remarkable peculiarity of the , leave-, of tho pepper tree (Scltinn MoUc) if that when bruised and thrown "Cioi-t i wra A.iaM to diijira fan :i: So. Oztrl SL. lUxnilrz. K. y, if WwyJ) t-wrtyr, trtai- K- Wnt ci ir-j. ! uwa4 rfv paclty to be tauirhL Btud3r it simply ainre to give each step ia the course special significance,, aqd by making moro of it by itself, raako it worth more in relation to all the rcaL Let us now brieily consider what aro the essential elements of the education every child should receive, and which be may reasonably lo expected to se cure withim the six or seven years of continuous .'ehool life, which is within his reach. When wo have determined what these essentials are, tho next question will be to ascertain how they . may be secured in accordance with tno ; principle before enunciated. First, the child m entitled to the pos- ' session of Irnuud perceptive faculties. These are nature's servants, designed ' Cyc.s tjlc cj,jij to minister to our wants, and to convey I j,-s tonuc cje io us tnogrcaicr partoi our Knowledge. What one sees for himself in nature's book is his by right of discovery, as real as though no one else had ever known it; and no knowledge ever has the power of inspiration' and develop ment equal to that which the mind de rives at first hands. But tobu able to do this work, theso senses must be taught and disciplined, and tho school room is preeminently the place for such work. Second, our child must know how to think, to speak, and to write. It is settled that he will think and speak, .at least; that he do both correctly, es pecially the former, is of prime import ance, for upon hit thinking will prob ably depeud the settlement of must of 2iie great questions of his life, and per haps thusu of the Nation. And iii'pro portion as he is led to thoughts of tho better, nobler, and purer kind, and his zuiud is brought into contact with truth in its manifold forms, will .those thoughts seek for jo; uoj3t:onti:nt x. u.npui ojra .. ' tur .. moVo ru..jdiv arollU; -3pv08 ;o .feunpiDns-un nqt ui wnnpn j M(J t,,roll;,h tfi0 waler, a0eIuing to the -uonvmib jo iniucun out c uj posx-o.w unln!lIatoJ to pocs .the pow, r of quo; otpj unoA OMqt ; mjf :nx ; Bpont.nnwjni movement. A correii-nd-' -opltp Ot.,rIOo r ponjuo Ap.uoq oAnq . cJt o( lU Uardal 5ass. ,.Tho .all oijm tirm ,-uno.C jopodns jo joqmnu of lhU ,H lo bu fmnd lh) a . ojr 12 oajo;-.nppii.'n oqi oim poonp of CHs0nllal oii COBlailieil uVery lonoo -m u -on,o.,i:t.od oima now j , . , . nlo from the brui,id ' womar. who should bo the truo master or mistress of souls, that most use less of ail articles of human furniture, a teacher who has outlived tho ca- IJy ENTAUiJjilliSINTl fj An ttlwohite cure for IlbctuuatLmn. Sprains, Vnn fn I i tho IS:sk, Kuriw. Galls &c. Aa Itutautaacviis Pain- I trf rclioviu iuhI Healing ICmcdy. ' " I l yi m jy -yM COAL, LUMBER ETC Red .Cloud, Nebraska. 4 a LET MY PEOPLE GO ONE AND ALL TO USSi2222SiSIS3523 SllKUi, ;reeni-h white, ami are produced free y during the Mimmcr." "A Practical Stockman" writes to tlio New York Tr.butic that "the di.s- gni.P-CONFlIiK.VCK IN IUIl'IIA The lack of fceh-confidmico seems to bo ouo of tho most common faults among all school-children. Many times in the school-room wo have asked a child some .simple question, which probably would have been answered ' ,ca known as blackleg, anthrax, or promptly outside the school, but have black-quarier. is caused oy exec-sivo received no replv. With downcast : alimeutntion. Jiv main" nrid di.rn.-tiijif stood mute, as though ? more food than can be assimilated tho eavod to tho roof of his excess of mitt imtMit. bi'cniin?4 u w.-itn mouth or the art of speech were tin- product to befoul and thicken tho known. It would seem better that tho blood, so tn.it its einMilnLinn n ernilv leaves that pronely them through tue j water. It is amusing to watch a num- j her of bits of foliage racing round and i round as though cha-:ng oacn other and we have a5tonilud numbers I of people br their perf'irmancc. The i brut-i-s .-.rt.-5, uicrr.-, Mil rheiuti, fpvrr floivcrs of ychiii't-i MfAlc are : Unf-Ufn'.rB!rSa!r 'n i t . . , ihv itw Miive in me writ jr ini'j, rros. tetter. cMnpel ImmU, chil'dutiH, corn, hu1 nil -kin ruptiu-t ani ir.i- ividy cur- pil, or no jmy rotpiirfet It i.x gnaKUttoftl to uie prfirt Mtliw- iuetion, or moiicv poftimStl, 1'rifo i4 rnirt per box. For sale bv llcnrv Cook. ri.NAI. 1'J.OOF NuTH II t - mer. inmmmivAmL. Ni A t. imi VorVI t IlKKUiY .IUXTUaTTH8 O Ml;mft fHkm.4 vOWfkM rd UMlIrr ml f f 'Vim1 C kj HM & l- mJm lw tv-t . c. . .,, attMrtoat. rqiiiartUr x m. child should answer the question, oven incorrectly, than lo be thus speechless. If he were observing, he would bo profited bv tho correction of his ques tioner. The lack of coniidenco should not exist to so large au extent, and it would seem as though somcihingmight bo done to create or strengthen in the child a confidence which would en able him modestly, yet nromntlv and freely, to make reply to a simple ques . tion put to him during school-hours, ' boforo tho whole school, bv anv visitor. whether woll known or a s trail rer. Supt. J. A. Latham, Jl- L Uri;rxV .'lyvriu"J"alv-. Tin' be-1 on earth ran truly lnj Mtifl of (Jiigg' (lyco.rined.ilvo, ulnuh i a .-ure cure for rut.-, brui.-e, .senULs. !.....- I I ...I l interrumed bv cniliing from expouro VV" n f . i.:n .i .i... i i . ... . - ; ell "kin eruption- Sa(i:u'tiou "liar-1 JJWIUNt MA1KKM. h iMiaaMi lulfamiir IIiwnm t m- K.t.im ,-y , hMir tjr. r .a km ii . Vtlr. (; W ifcUL !t. 1. tmi. irnriv!cinn firirl ni'n. "j-."" "-" -.-..-.-.., uu v-kv,- ute a demand for oral and written lan guage. Tho great obstacle to tho cul tivation, in the nvorago pupil, of tho power to write good English, has boon liU inability, or indisposition at least, think. Third, ho should havo a practical knowledge of numbers, and tho funda mental operations that may bo per ionned with them, in order that ho may solvo the practical probloms of his daily life with ease and facility, lie cannot bo expected to "master" any arithmetic, but ho may bo taught ad dition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, decimal and common frac tious, tho common tables of weights and measures, tho methods of treating compound numbers, and tho percent age with its simpler applications to ordinary business life. In this throe-fold, schemo is, or may be, included, I believe, what is indis pensable lo tho education of a child np to tho point whoro ho may bo justly ex pected to make it available, both to himself and to the Slate. If we also examino it with reference to tho idea that tho child, leaving school at any point, may be able to utilize what ho has acquired, wo 'shall hud that .a courso of studies arranged-on this plan; irom tno beginning will, meet that want. It may bo safely assumed that tho instances whoro a child cannot at tend school ftr at least three years aro few. If now wo consider what three years of training in tho objective slndy of nature, in the habit of reflection upon what tho sensos havo brought to vie mind, aud of giving expression to those thoughts in oral and written' forms,, and in tho practice of countiug numbers, and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing them; will dttfor a chiid. wo cannot fail to soo that ho must havo acquiied a solid bas is, upon which he can not only build at school, but which, if ho is deprived, of further school facilities, will bo of practical value in any sphere of lifo into which ho may bo compelled to enter. It is for tho, accomplishment of this result that we aro called upon to strive. It is only by tho omplovment of those teachers who have ability and will of tho "highest order and by tho institu tion, of a conipleto and thorough system -of qualified supervision, that we shall be justified in expecting that it will bo attained. lion. T. It. MockwclL TKACHAUIX TEACHERS. One of i the most serious obstacles to success in schools is the absenco of tho teachable spirit in toomany of our in structors of youth. In tho ignorant, vulgar, and conceited man or woman, exulting in a littlo brief anthotity," such conceit of indifference or opposi tion to outside suggestion is simply of fensive, and a fair causo for dismissal from the ofliee. But tho case becomes more difficult, and the results more de structive, when this malady attacks a 'teacher of good acquirements, moder ately suocessful, intrenched in au im portant position. Its, worst results aro seen when this sonso of superiority to outside comment or suggestion takes possession of tho teaching corps of an important school, and laces up the in stitution into a littlo pedagogic "mu tual admiration society," revolving on lt own axis, sweetly unconscious of nny special need, meeting suggestion from without with polite indiSeronco, until the pressure wakes up an explo sion of an?rr contemnt. and sham r- ' . Tr KAJLHOAD "FIGUttlSa." What, school would have in it a pupil that would distribute tho tax assess ment for eleven hundred miles of rail way, passing through twontv-mnu coun ties, and tho miles aud hundreths of a mile in each county to bo taken into account, each county assessing a differ ent valuation, anil balance up tho wholo to within live mills, one-half of ono cent? Tnese aro some of tho prob lems and these aro somo of tho ques tions, that aro solved by tho K. K. accountants. Tho curso of our schools and colleges and universities is tho want of accuracy. And I am nqt sure but tho careless nso of slates and blackboards has much to do with it. It is easy to say, "Oh! that is wrong, rub it out." It is truo that you do' not find slates and blackboards in tho ofiico of accountants. Shpt. AUx. Hogg (The UaVrond m Education). I'jEi: cents. Wo desiro to suggest to somo schools which havo rui to seed m marking, i.e. koopiug rocords of recitations, "that, labor as you may, over the low grade oi a stuuent, you can t improve his scholarship by improving tho figures. If whole days' work with headaches and anxiety thrown in, could improve tho scholarship of your low grado pu pils, giyo them all and cheerfully; but as they don't nor can't, it is best to bo reasonable, and accept tho inevitable. 'Let your moderation be known to all men," hero as elsewhere. Figures don't raako scholarship high or low. Educationist. MOKAL3 AND UANXEltS. Tho Prussians havo a wise maxim, that whatever you would havo appear in tho lifo of a nation ydu must put in to its schools. To havo tho moraldrafts of the country honored, thero must bo daily deposits of honest principles, good purposes, and a genuine love'for truth and upright conduct. Tho teach er has au opportunitv of thoroughly knowing tho manners and morals of oach pupil. Moral influences and agencies aro at her command, and by taking advantage of tho almost daily occurences for lessons on this subiect could bo done. dulled the feet and leg. aro mot liable to be affected with stagnation of blood, but no part of tho body is ex empt from the liability when conditions conspire to such a lesiilt." Tiiose scientific gentlemen who fancied that by the expenditure of much xuouey. time, and study, they had learned tho true causo of anthrax will be highly gratified when thoy learn from a "practical stockman" that their con clusions are nil astray. A fanner complains to tho Iowa Homestead that mcrckauts will not give more than 10 cents a pound for farm-madu butter, and no more for a good than for a poor article of iho kind and alleges that the creameries aro spoiling the mnrscct lor larmor.s butter no JlumrMciul replies that aniecu r money cents. lor ale bv refunded. Only 1. A. l.indley. but two ways open to sell his cream to the make his butter as good brand it creamer', and mere are him, either to creameries or as c reamer', join tho ex change. In other words, start a cream ery of his own." On tho same pago me paper quoiea puouiios in iuu uic circular of a firm making buttoriuc, in which prices quoted range from M to 22 cents per pound for au article which will, thoy say, not only .stand the ; arm weather better, but will at the nat-io timo bo superior to the best grades of j oleomargarine or genuine dairy butter, i All of which is suggestive of a short ' way out of the farmers ditlleulties. Somo ono suggesl.s through tho A'ri cultural Gazette of England 'that caitle- ranching might be profitably carried i on in Great lirita'm. lie says that the cost of transportation of an ox from tho western states to England would of itself bo a fair rent for laud well suited to growing, beeves in England. "If, therefore, land coat atsolutoly nothing in America, it ought to bo as cheap m England." Ho then entors into a de tailed statement of outlay required and of probable income, and, if -his esti mates aro correct, makes a showing quito favorable to cattle-ranching iii Great Britain. In conclusion ho says: "I think these figures will convince anyono that catllo-breeding in this country, in a suitable district, will pay $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwcll's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Tills Fj-ccinl IVposSi Is o jnmrnntco the nymeijt of ttie i jn.mlun.3 fully dtacrlUiU In rnr fornifrtiniinuncvmentit. Tlie iirciuluias will Ui palit. no matter bow uaall the nuinur at Lbrij returned inny Le. OJitt JlLirktCfll't ur.Wi T-Uim, Co..) f, . .,. th,th.tn. .V. C. Ifjy 10. ISM. I. A. WII.EV. Ei . Oiihtrr Mi of Onrhain, 7wrA.i. . " Dwn Sin -V-n lncl'x you llWn -. h i l-nei ilanf on Kvlal IixU to r" ! ' ifir our rmj ty tnb.ireo t-a.ii tr Uj mnrtiot Ihx. liUL Youn truly. J H. CAUIi. iTn-hbrnt Oflri nf th4 liinkiyf Irrkfn, Jt.rhj.n, .V. C. May JO. 1W 3. R. CAIIK, rvi.. fr'tl. HlitrZuvICi xrA'tM Ttsrt ft I)rn Hxn I Imtn ! nckzioi!'!?) rwrlpt rf U.v'fl.Oi from ou. wlilih wt? 1ibm jlail u;ori Hivcial IX-ritfor Uieclri j.tu t!M A'wir truly. A. UlI.KY.Gwlilcs. None ircnuln without jirturv of HUI.Lou t!ui n"iJ- cna- ntlr annuiiscen.ccvs. (Cer.;inu'rf-Dm aiti wed.'i How Watch Casos ere Made. m. 0. Mar & Co., MARSH'S :eal EstafeAgents IK1 (. :,t( I), M.t:, FOR BARGAINS IN DRYGOODS lltt'4HI Mir l-'k- ScvcRal Hundred l;arrns KitrMak lmjirrf. nt,,i t nitnew' ' Ttvn trti-li. ItllHlIM IiM.. U-- t n,, li-rtu ! rcini fr riti ..' JEIOItTX(! lniRIMT a deal bettor than 'cattlo rauches' in America. Tho whole of tho western sido of Great Britain, from Land's End to John O'Groat's House, i3 well fitted for the breed lug of cattle, and very large districts of it aro fit for breeding sheep, which aro still more profitable than cattle." .U4 --m IVltlntm -....... ... l . , I i i UUUA-PeUktJU trom 5UC" 1 tavortbe naturally rapid multiplication niaim of oulutred serenity. Of courso of tho species that turUc, instead of unpleasant to bo worried by the behur tho luxury of the rich, ihio-i.t. !.. much good A SUGGESTION. A great iullueueo for good, to be sure, is exerted by normal schools through theirgniduatos hero and there, and through tho teachers' institutes, and ultimately theso indirect influences will act upou all tho schools of tho State; but meantime is it not possible to take a step by which an advantao-o will be afforded many schools whoso Eupils would otherwise pass from them eloro tho inllueuco of the normal schools will bo felt. Could not normal schools of instruction of, sav, two years' length, to bo mainly pursued on Saturdays by teachers from all parts of tuo Slater" SupL U. A. L tticjield, IL L Turtle Sonp Torino Million. Tho turtle is so exceedingly prolific that if the eggs of only live females of the species could bo protected from their numerous enemies every year the Mediterranean would soon sVarni with turtles: Tho turtlo lavs its cc-s during tho night upon the be'ach, covers them lightly with sand, and leaves them to bo hatched by tho sun. Unfortu nately, there are regarded as a delicacy j ...w .uuuw.k..UM i luo l-usai, WHO eat tho greater part .of them, while many mofo fall a prey to dogs and other animals; and of the young"turtles which leavo tho shell, thogrcater number arc devoured on their way to the sea "by the innumerable wild fowl which llock about the coasts of tho Mediterranean. The creation of a few farms, as has been proposed, would so Snake Shooijiij,. Ono of tho most novel and wcl'in' sports that tho warm weather o( .spring rOUgn STOWlinarz -of fto. rxlnrtatmnaT ear,' or to fcear a thunder-clap suoretheroof,.or the oioaningsof a 4TCKM19 OBl its WAV to. tin ai.liivLl.nni g" wen tf cklij;jf a gooce ave4? - w?'-'MueiiniM tno rough-and- -'wwy, ovubUub bkut?icina.rniarkof ' y!(te opener aay bethe'Tery "T"! ought to bespoken tatha ti2!todut?Ueror croup of prx " Jfrhiingiato tho honey of their f ;--wi iMh eella. J toJiUwroagh departmeBU; Trka iHaacnooL lor the traiai-or at fyr&hall kxn the twTzib.-U troiii. graduates tlMtliM-beea u Ui.-avirar !! seen on poor men's tables and sold at 'cheap restaurants. It is tho opinion of the Qmntry oen ffe wan. that it is possible to produco a cow that can mako 900 pounds of but ter and bring a calf within the period of a year; and that th"crc is reason to believe that a cow may bo found t make twaty-ebrh pounds ofiutter ia a week ad 115 in a -Month. All this may bc.-poibIead -more, for it is quite posiW tht'iaa quarter of a aturr fn this tief,tk abore ner- fwniafioef, whiciLre nfo w set as coal tolMtttaiifefc witt-ke looked bck to aevojops lor tho f-nortsinou ot Unit more is snake shooting. Balrimorc and Anno Arundel couniio seem to have accumulated tlw legion of repliles which St. Patrick boycotted in Ireland. As this is the season in which the black snakes, the garter snakes and the moc cisins aro engaged in making lovo to their mates, it is tho best time logo af ter them. They hover together on dry shots and make so much noiso wilh Uioir hissing imd wriggling that the' can.bo "stalked" from fifty yards distant.- Tho moccasin snake looks dull and rusty on laud, but his back light ens up into beautiful kaleidoscope cross-bars when iu the water. Ho is the easiest sna"kc to kill. When the warm spring sun shirks lis rays down on the pools in which they live and gel Ihoir food they come to thesurfaco and hang on to a floating weed, or else crawl out on tho bank and lie stretched out in tho grass or sand. Ono of them will run beforo you can step on him, but if ho bites the wound is apt to bc excocdingly poisonous, although not fatal. The copperhead, or cotton mouth or stump tail moccasin, com monly called in the south tho "dry land,v moccasin, is the terrible cobra of America. He is worse than the rattie snake because he is more sluggish and givek) alarm. He waits quietly un til iHHfobaDPV wayfarer stens on him. and then he turns up and puts in bis fangs? Tho proper and sportsmanlike war of huntiusr snakes is with a small rifle. It is only a "chump" who would w -ouil l rl shoot snakes with a shot gun. Itwonld j "JjvJJVk-rV uc uiku caicmng nsn wnn a seine, it is easy to see tho moccasifrTwhea their heads are poked up out of the pool, and fifteen yards range is enough for ttc average shot who can plug a shooting gallery bull's-eye. When the bullet goes true the littlo reptiles give up the ghost after a few excited convolutions. A parlor, rifle or a 23-ca!ibre Remington tun ucst snakin-ir v:ic. In April canned beef was 'exported to the value of $17-1,572. against-$290,- In 137", thirttX-n men ctfr.prisHil the entire working force iir-cd in the man -fhct'lre tf the Jtw. iV' '.' IVt'trh ' m Now u i rjhchnndTt are einpl-v el, and il.o numlcr is con-.tantly incrc:iimr;. Thore.i Mn of thin iucruL-e is thi-: In th. Jt.nfs Jfoss' dofif IP tch Lti.ie all tho metal in hi -ht nil sultjc-t to wuir is nJid ijuld, while tho rc mniurier, which iinly rtiU strength to the ca.c, is of stronger mtLtl tbn pId, giving gold whre gold is needed, anil strong, clastic metal where htrcnyth and Ixsticity are needed, a comhiuaiion pro during a watch cae better than eolid gold and at 0S-HALt the eot. .,. 7 Over 200,000 of thoo cases have lecn sold, and every jeweler in tho country can testify to their quality and racn I.nrpoTO.Micn ,Ic 5. ivi 11 W Varh.r-f ttw llmixnit. l -unlit Jan. IUvV Ooul Wsuii can- 1 yrarn Zim, s.a cirr " -t u-itl a short Uuiop.wh.'ii I purihatnl A nt t5-l :t tA aifVK:cr TJjecasjflnwlisrt'u-Ti-" f war.nrt t that natural u mjyrj.-i.xnd 1 ti.-i iUacl run Li t.sfolyjnuranl'l loralKivt t:iltriii' r- I hnw iiM thf JanMlu-nNr WWatrui -f-rtiiiinyvir), nail Uwj i'rtii uii i)iiv-U: tlio xittiiiif- arwcoT lnp Mirtn ' 'j a w It rut f-iil a ft ish th- liail iKHUfit a M!l.l trAt r.v) crwtllitV thoiikoxiry I ncanl tlinu an Vv riilycafoo; UiM tin 1 a Vm-r Fti'ir'-I fiil wt" "tr-ir" b rl. 1; rtnTt-tn Hit wortiitif tucir uuaey or vtli.rs hi rv ;aU.tu.r l a. J. CtH.nvl, JtvrUr. fttrt.tAmt t X.t(i nLh Cm rattnrlt., Itilla. d.lphl IV.rrkialvui IU.tril4 rutkltt.a,slackw Juki Imm aa4 S".jIm Ulk laa r 'g (To l Continued.) ani mut m: IX eiO:IK-RA;i; r7- i A- I I . ..-Iritt - mi- ;r in "i. UV ...rrrt l!H.lit. 1 tlilf I- llMI Illftl-. v-ii Ml lit sfc MT lJllkMl t ! I Ionic- (iroir-n Xnrscrlcs! Misery 5 Am! hiIiI aU a Jj.'irv Hr. txnl" O O o D 00 Oroc enes, M ens. I 3P A! Etc. Etc, 'p i" ( i $ c ome Boit! and See ! . i HENRY COOK. uCS ou Can Save Money ca:o: Drugs, Hainis.Oiis NoUons, Wall Papor, ic. JOB WOEK, SUCH We Offer Bargains that NO other bouse does in Red Cloud. Mary att & Co., DEALERS fah, IMvdi, Urn Hi Wells Diredory. NEW STORE I KXrCUTKD TO OBDfili IK TUB EATfisr and Promptest MANNk- Arlb AT stzjLcoir a vx .tt 2ix.rrc -A?pl7 Htr li!on Ordtnog Ebrbrr jeweiry, ' Watches, mmtmmmmm nani Clocks KXrursiDAas ftata&3fcS$"i Bacelets, N'VWAA JU 1UO, Breast Pins. Vlorhart &, Fulton WAVE r-STAlJt.IHKi A Hakdware Store, AT WELLS. th r-ipl'- f tb i - Fertile nivoiuiiHMlatinn of Mcinit Tlit-v nn fnlh pn-Kirtl u ph tl-f jieoj t or is ai"! vi-inriy vn what tho Rant In hv luv tif Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Iron, Nails, Awf Sn fact fri'cctiiintr "i- t- fctm'. a J rar lore ' utas is UMurny a rt ia- rnu itiiS m imu- rnvlti ml r h n n u.tn!wjn'. ir yrirrs ml, raatMfiJv at.l hi keciMC witli thcuinanui'i tue ilia?-?. IVrwn-rpr1' -y Wiyour tnidf lrfj 'ti that H w-ilt j.fore UrucflrLtl tohuti. .Mti:iKirr & fl'I.ki.v. Mr. J. . OniHwrff. tV cvntlfmarilv cJrrk. ul alna-s b- foert rt-aJy or.aiJ ujKa ra KrjMzmttMtisiiCrxnscfinwt HsrrtBlltrCVv Pryy'a.B'-lsrfOtat V.ttothaKCMwACf roar nt-)1sn.tiiU I kor", pi Hi wol "3 so. I w . ya aa 10krp-uruiT'l. -rr, 1V1 Ti' ! cintlt. batdJord fon to wtKMm tta. H,T1 D ftTTI HlT5 t4e rprtOT -. w. Uv. r-.M th-l- .Niiv. iJUr UH c lCtL'SMt txrc.l rsdr I "I 7If a il .S -?. Hr-ej. r-ichl ITS H WtA o ixd.Uit I mblrtlr - & hmy and tttil let hlraTVarw. AatUdd rm4 lara br rsaiolii yo JW-4? Tti ortcinjl ltltr frou ! iti th above lian Tfvt. a'tl tctcrat lift3ri jtker iprftlc , 'PnimWn' slroT-K oplrlf r.u tiua Jr tr jt,c tnm.ar w JL ill XiJ. IJXt ., and .l &e'ojt- L,oncCi :irtw!fi,'M -who rfloll tlt lll lnlrcS In lh matter r i aaaaaaaai purlr froQ a desiro to yoirt aa!t.rt itaf-oilUoi. HARRIS REMEDY CO. PCCHMIS73. SMarketnnd8?rt9ts. fcT. LOUie.MO. fbta ww rp-at n Ic-xto txl rota: ci r.4 '"- v" - - itd. wbottTrw haatd tr o.'r NrtOf''IOlflC? frUletlMb7baa4l6Ct-larb I7 KJ 1 JCy IrCtOiCO, rslr I J-lBjflf a iHN-w-ft.HMi. J? lHc OliaiHS. -mt elCoocx. in tlcbtcfjkU tiitl fcii .k H.T7P (y'flC'r.? .rVnttra. twKhlnitbItlot!Kif - 'j " VJ.CWOOO, i i , - . st " . u-arnet iSet. Rings. Clocks Lac Pins, Ear Rings, Watches, Spoons, Castors, Chains. Diamonds,& W fc3f2 RFO CLOUD, NEBRASKA We keep everything in the Jeweli-y line. Hepairing of every de scription promptly done . . H ?&&$&& 653 in 1883, amior sir months 1.4S0.- 298. compareiFSrith $2,158,355 last year. At its meeting in Indianapolis Juno S, the Icdiatia Short-Horn Breeders' Asociatkm dkcuod a proposition to donate $200 for Um purpose of holding afat-tockshowinl6S5 in that citvt Definite action waMeferred, as the at tewlance was small, . ESn F !1C I AS7S 23X532 l7,Ei.7':I:-:Ii th Jfrtlt'rcrtryajfd rar! ife Dt.OOOrresrst:4 UVeR iCG XIUKS.TS. W IUMTO THS r- PHIC, rot i-rxt lUuit, .. - -v- .. --4 m-wr". w iMfi m 2ai.txr Jh7wpip4.ifwifw;a t rn rkiiM.r -v r. - - - -- - - ---- --- .-,. -, m t- . .- - m.m w'2fi- --t .-.rt- Ufc. l-X -AIXMr. lII C-W U t-J l. Ti Iltl Nf H rV t.m.fUU AJr1it mHt HiaMMI -6 rfcK V" KIIJI I - " J" Attention Teachers. I Vt ?. t fivfar t ft t -ffr u.lwu -.Tt ;tr-ira'ttki.'U ile-.lrctf uSur 1uc:hvI a-J randidatt tor trnrlKn if lite nttnm -m-Imv tn wt'lu-trrrtKirnynt riy tin.- thlnJ sutarday wf rar cxarHfnarifi. ' t Q4Ciy snpenarcni!cnt cl f6 f nstrta-tloa nrtj -il srrf nri ? n-" ir Xtux - . .ut, tzstrj. crooe . -it I'uftr. MaXCO rx?-Klrifti!HrJrriHA.lt DK.IiARTEii I50KrOrt"Cajaeal,f-t CS.-C 1 1 JUVC4 3 tfW-i Jjl UilUj cvtt,, Afat. lb tnj-rt liTtjc r tu the raUi U U&. UxKTtx's lfn. Ttcs ttttt frt-ittc-ti-'.C-i ateujUrtV.Uw,; a-ttiij Mr4 to(frsH.r-Jfirtruo-rt iiM jrMisrtn7csur-iU Cv t Xl-fniUirt M. OSMES 4L AX1 2iT PS" A?- y-w'UXZ3t 1KX3C.-1 hpi?f. 311.1 irtrtn wrj. art.1 3vlm .-gR. HUrc?r-s lii 7c?c ts kw luxsrx. Harness Shop I Ji 5 i THE CITY KV J. l. miller. PRALOT IS AHN'Fvvr CTLiaifc;. iADDLil-5 liOJtSK-HLAXrvETrS, urtXfxsoiL And everytliiug mnallj kei in t ant Two door nf?rUi f Ui N'ai. kmk iED CUlfD. XEU. Drug Store! R. R. Shercr. Pron. A-M -- T - V w Mtmrtsn-k Fdnt:. DO YOU KNOW THAT LOSRH-AED'S GLIKAS PLUG TOBACCO vth ra'TfHT.- !:ljr f trtsf Iitnrts: -w vrr't,??!:. 3w Muni-tar BBSHstsilllVr'flK CMCYiteiKfl lfr rrnxx. OMETBECTMEMT Of Hmneu fcRji i BttfatT. U"f aaTrwirwte-or 0Mf.LMHl .-.-.-.... . .y -..y ? M. ri mM ttTIlf LlrsVWAlWi SrsBBBBBL, AJMhMM . VT CiLSANOD C3, Froprietury tJictni a Jmctllty, I A - ?4 rSHI . nait f uii- juts liwrarcas m &:zrm oiwavrvt' tw AJr KtmCHEr Miat HOIthti it - fir i3 - - I P ' I jUriili i yW ! Z - rjr . 'Z.--4i nt rra t 'r. BSV1 4h CTLtl? DT.T.WTLUA !ii'i- T -- x K 3 "- - te r?," s!' tyti -jf r-lf.S.-. .l v -3J- - ----3 l "5" irtviiifclTri. -.T. . J i . .... Z.0bX - t .- r t-'i t ; 7 T - . -. 'M'-. - -k . . r ' i " i- 9iss91dBiSBfliBiiBBLllv lVJv HHBIBHBHBflflflflHHj