The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 08, 1884, Image 5

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3fHi Red Cloud Chief
To .all who subscribe for Tiik CutCF
now, or pay up their subscription, from
thin dale until November 1, will re
ceive a fine portrait of Blaine and Lo
gan. Recollect our campaign offer
of five month for 50 cent, or The
Chxl'F and your choice of either the
Chicago Tribune, Iutcr Ocean, Toledo
Blade, or Philadelphia Prcs, until
November 1st, for ojily 75 cent. Don't
forget it. Either one of the papers
are worth twice the money asked for
Malar and Wb Hah.
The next meeting of the Blaine and
Logan Club will be held at Ited Cloud
on Tuesday the 20th of August, at 7:30
Good Kpertkers ill be in attendance at
that time. The place of meeting will
be announced hereafter. By order of
executive committee.
A. F. Lockhaut will go to Iowa this
Mil. Buioosaud wife spent &mday
in Guide Rock.
Mn, C A. Stocklvo is going east in
a few weeks on a visit.
' Mr. Bradley, of Iowa, in vixiting
Mr. Kinney, and family.
There whs a party at Noble San
ford's on Tuesday night.
Mils. Fred Uemmell spent a few
days in the country this week.
Hok. Jam eh Laird wuh in Red Cloud
Monday, looking after, his candidacy.
Mr. G. R. Ciianey wan on the sick
list during the early part of the week.
Mrs. Joishely.n' who Inus been ill for
a few days pant, is rapidly recovering.
O.v e of the Sherwood farms south of
town was sold the other day for $3000.
Harvest is over and for the last few
day our town has been crowded with
The young folks had a very pleasant
picnic at J I. B. Simons! farm on last
Mrs. Fred Hu.mmei.i. and Mrs. Roy
Hutchison will toon eo to .Sterling,
Xcb., on a visit.
Rev. E. T. Hi.oomfield, a noted di
vine from New York, filled Rev. Har
ris' pulpit, on last Sunday.
Ji. A. Howard received a pension
from the government the other day of
$'J40. He is therefore happy.
This is to notify yon that Gates &.
Bohauan sell ice and deliver it free to
anv part of the citv. Call on them.
M. Biknly has u-aded his house and
lot for a farm ii miles south, ami has
moved up town into Mr. Sherwood's
F. M. Hamakkr was in Kansas this
week and bought HO head of hogs for
Mr. Wm. Gate, our stock dealer. Hogs
were delivered Monday.
8. V. Ludlow received a pension
from the government the other day,
amounting to $1800. This will be a
great help to the good brother.
A. F. LocKiivirr has bought Mr.
Waterman's farm near this .city, and
we presume will make a "horncy fisted
tiller of the soil" out of himself.
The Rev. 1). Sebastian Joihm. of
Ohio, wi'I preach at the Congregation
al church next Sabbath at 11 o clock
a. m. A cordial invitation is extended
to all.
Rev. But w.n Chcvenne. occunied the
Baptist pulpit Sunday. Mr. B. is a
forcible speaker, and those who had
the pleasure of hearing him were
much pleased.
Mrs. L. H. Fort, wife of our deputy
county clerk, and children, arrived
laat Friday. They are now comfort
ably situated in Mr. Forrester's house
on Seward street.
One day recently forty commercial
men registered at the Holland House,
saying nothing about those who put
up at the othsr hotels. Who says Red
Cloud is no; metropolitan.
Mr. Waterman is now duly install
ed in the livery stable business. He
intends making some extensive im
provement soon and put his stable on
au equality with any in the state.
The citizens of Red Cloud should or
ganize a building association. This
would be one of the most desirable in
stitutions that could be possibley start
ed. Let some of the leading men look
the matter up.
Mr. W. E. Jackson has a fine grove
on his premises. It is only about
eight years old, This shows what our
people can expect who will make the
effort to set out trees. Every owner of
property should put out trees.
The Red Cloud creamery made 15,
000 pounds of butter in the month of
July, or seven and one-half tons, for
which they paid out $1050 for cream.
The corresponding mouth in 1SS3 the
amount made was 10,300 pounds.
We believe that it has been decided
to have a sidewalk commencing from
the end of the one north of The Chief
office, running to Fifth avenue, thence
to the M. E. church, then north again
up to the terminus of Seward street,
J. H. Smith was a greatly surprised
man the other day, when he beard
that a supposed dead brother, whom he
had not seen for thirty years was liv
ing iu California." Mr. S; feels happy,
notwithstanding that his wife is in
Minnesota, and he isa forlorn widower
Mrs. McKinkey living in sehool dis
irict 9, while out driving, had the mis
fortune of having, her team run? away.
..Fortunately she was not injured, but
retty badly scared. Ode of the horses-
was severely injured. She Sac&tbeen
attending a picnic
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KiSra V - T'. ? :, : . VtJ-lKSFsKZ : ? . ;.& :5 i -i ial ft .
iD-ik .'-, vr-taM jsiantor. . - tl -& s-tt.,-! .
Mr. Ltraif, we undu:sUi:Jt oing
to t tnld a brick building near the rink.
Mr. E. V. Rudrow goes to New
Yc:L tu: Scj-Uaiberlst. an busing.
Wk J ii.t D. I' 'Newcytri-
er will be a candidate
fr ropreser.t&'
The ladies' II. M. odiy will meet
at Mr. S. Perkins', Tuesday afternoon,
Augttst 12.
Harvesting is over, and now the
bum of the threshiug machine cn be
heard in the distance.
Now is the time to get your paper
for tho campaign. The Chief will be
sent to any address five mouths for W)
The question that is now agitatioK
our voters in thi$ congressional distrii t
"is who Glial1 be our next congrea.-!-mnii?"
A. H. Br.ow.s has bought lots one
and two on corner of Eighth avenue
and Cedar street, and will soon build a
Red Clopd is going to have a real
live circus in a few days. The little
boys will again be happy 1 and so will
the old boys.
Mr. A. J. Welch has joined the Red
Cloud Cornet Baud as coruetfct. Mr W.
is a tine musician and can "toot" with
the beet of them.
Mrs. M. C Jackson of Aruboy lias
gone to Indiana for a-i extended visit.
It has been twenty fi ye years since she
visited her native state.
Mr. Wicks of WelU brought this of
fice some very fine apples this week.
The limbs were loaded. Every body can
have fruit tlut will try to raise it.
Mu. Joseph Swan, we understand,
will soon make arrangements to start
an eating house at Oxford. He is one
of the best landlords in the state.
In another place in The Chief will
be found G ov. Dawes' proclamation
in regard to the amendment that is to
be voted on at the November election.
R. V. Shirey went to Lincoln on Sat
urday, evening and returned Tuesday.
Mrs. Shircy's many friends will be glad
to hear that her eyes are getting much
The Saturday night concerts given
by the Red Cloud cornet band are line
and are appreciated by our citizens.
The boys phi" wcli and are constantly
J. Raney, threshed on Wednesday
for Mr. F. H. Mellon. They threshed
out 1119 bushels of oats in seven hours.
Mr. Mellors has raised a largo crop
and is therefore happy.
TiiEi'i: is an awful amount of ma
chinery sold in this city this season.
Our agricultural implement (leaders
have been verv busy, and have been
working nigkt and day filling orders.
The Omio Mail has changed from a
democratic to a republican paper.
Jack Scott has retired and Mr. E. M.
Spaughey has been installed as editor.
The paper is improved by the change.
The second nine base ball outfit of
this city played a match game with
the Guide Rock club on last Friday,
and as is usual with our boys they
came out ahead. The score stood l'J
to 2o in favor of Red Cloud.
Bekc. &. McGuike, the two enterpris
ing gentlemen formerly of this cit
and now of Guide Rock, are doing a
splendid business in that town, and
much better than they anticipated.
The Chief wishes them success.
Howard Deishly is very happy. His
extreme joy was caused from the ar
rival of an heir on Saturday last. Tho
smiles that played upon Grandpa
Barklcv's face were the first indications
that our reporter had of the event.
Our friend C. Wiener, the well
known Red Cloud clothing merchant
has gone to Chicago for his fall stock
of goods. He proposes to lay in the
largest stock ever seen in Red Cloud.
He is an energetic merchant and The
Chief wishes him success.
Bert Cromwell, who has been in
the employ of Major Swan, at the B. &
M, depot dining hall for the past two
years, has left the city for a trip
through the north-west, to visit friends
and perhaps locate in business. His
many friends hereabouts wish him
"bon voyage."
Mr. Ed. Suitor, formerly a conduct
or on the B. fc. M., and well and favor
ably known to our citizens, has been
rusticating on the U. P. Ry. for a while
but has now returned to his first love,
and will take a position as "Diamond''
engineer on the B. it M. Ed. has tho
heartfelt wishes of his friends here.
Who w11 be our representatives?
This county should think twice, and
then select the men who will be the
most fitting for the position. We want
good solid men for representatives, and
those who are .known to be good
straight republicans. The Chief be
lieves that aggressive men should be
selected, men who will work for the
people without fear or favor.
Prof. Schindelmeissek, of Lincolu,
a piano tuner, widely known through
out the southern portion of the state,
has, during the hist week, been stay
ing among us, and by his good work
and gentlemanly bearing, has won the
good will of the community. The pro
fessor expects to Tisit this place regu
larly hereafter, and our citizens will
no doubt be only too glad to reserve
their work for him.
Blue Hill is one of the most flour
ishing town3 in the west. Its business
men are enterprising to a dot. Enter
prise is what makes towns grow and
become important. The enterprising
merchants of Red Cloud are what
have made Red Cloud what it is to
day; one of the most flourishing cities
1 idjKebraska. Inv fact the towns in
Webster countv are made up of that
class of citizens: Push is the watch-
Success is.- certain.
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Hank MoorcI"? Jfi Denver th! week
Mftav A. L. Fuyjc U vwitinic in Den
J. 0 Cn.AMKEKX.tx ha returned from
A. A-VvnU'tifrl a 30C Jp'ii v'
honfti on V.djdav.
Mw J. A. Fowi.cfe haa been on the
nick lit for a few tUyi.
Gates i Boiiasa.v, killed a fine calf
this week. It was a daisy.
A Bio cucumber wan presented to
our reporter by A. Curnming.
C IHckwire w threshing north-west
of town with hi new Case Agitator.
The examination at the Institute
will commence on Friday, Augunt 15.
A. J. Mtissis about to build a large
burn. The old oi b too primitive (or
THKouth-ea't chimney on the court
house recently struck by lightning ha
i been repaired.
PitoF. Xah.m. will addrH the in-ti-tutc
on Thursday. August 14, on elo
cution. Reading in the evening.
Mil Dow.vev. cheec maker for Mr.
J. O. Cliamberlin at the Indian Creek
factory, is kept very busy, with cheese
The Mc.-a (J. S. Albright, L. II
Wallace and C J. PUtt. have been put
tine more windows In the rink, and
otherwise improving it intern.iJly.
The B. fc M. arc now running two
freight trains daily over the Oxford fc
Kenesaw cut off. Passenger trains will
probably be put on in the near future.
Theke will be a lrture in the Pres
byterian church, Ausrmt S. S p. m. by
W. F. C. Hassan. Prof of Mathematics
tate university of Colorado. Subject
two years in Japan.
Tme Teachers' institute, has been
of a very interesting nature. We
have not however the. room to men
tion the workings of it thin week. Will
give full nnrtieulars next week.
Hugh Stevenson was in the city this
week. Ho has just returned from
the great North-west. Mr. H is very
prominently mentioned as float repre
sentative from Webster and Franklin
It w'iiA reported that the B.t M. sur
veyors were in tho city on Saturday
last for the purpose of going over the
proposed Rod Cloud and Kansas South
western. Soon Red Cloud will have
plenty of railroad outlets.
Theiik will be a basket meeting giv
en by the M. E. church, one mile south
of the Inavale bridge, on Dry creek,
Sunday, August 10, 18S4, on Joe Jones'
farm. Everybody invited to come
Preaching in morning and afternoon.
Communion services at f P. M.
Kalky Bitos, of this city, have heen
selected by the U. S. eommi.sioners of
Nebraska, to collect specimens of grain
etc., for the World's Industrial and Cot
ton Centennial. All grain calculated as
specimons should be cut clo."o to the
ground, and cut with care. .Xono but
the best should be brought in.
Chaklie Pi.att now toots through
the $80 tuba recently purchased by the
band. The boys have received a fine
lot of new music, and are improving
with remarkable rapidity. Thero is
a strong talk of a second band organi
zation to be composed of younger ma
terial. G'o in boys, the more the mer
rier. O.v Sunday last pome 500 people
'-urned out to make a still more thour
ough search for the lost child on Pen
nev creek mention of which full par
ticulars appeared in bust week's Chief,
like efforts, like results, the missing lit
tle one was no where to be found and
up to the hour of our going to press
no tidings have as yet been received.
So far as mystery is concerned this
caso out-rivals the famous Charley Ross
Rumoks reach us of still another
wrecking of the cast bou ml Cannon
Ball train, this time at or near Wymore.
The entire train being derailed, happily
however without loss of life or limb The
above is siin ply a rumor and we give
it to our readers for what it may be
worth. This makes five times within
the past six weeks that these cowardly
attempts" have been made. Hemp
necktie parties may be expected along
the line of the A. & N. if this business
Red Cloud should certainly have
some protection against fire. It is a
very careless thing to do for our peo
ple to go along without any protection
whatever. It would not be a bad idea
to form a bucket brigade, and also a
hook and ladder company. Either
could be done without much expense,
and in case of fire would be the means
of saving a great deal of monc' to our
town. Let some of our people look af
ter this important matter, for such it is
without a doubt.
Tae following officers were installed
in Charity Lodge 53, A. F. .'and A. M.
Red Cloud, on Friday, August 1, 1S84.
W. H. Strohm. W." M.
J. R. Wilcox, S. W.
"Wm. Letson, J. W.
W. X. Richardson, Treasurer.
J. P. Bayha, Secretary.
James Potter, S. D.
W. I). Forrester, J. D.
M. B. McXitt. S. S.
Ira Sleepery J. S.
Wm. Parkes, Tyler.
The two eastern rows of pens of
the depot stock yards have been taken
down and the material moved to Bas
tings. We understand Mr.'E. L. Hos
ford, the genial and popular manager
of the Red Cloud stock yards, having
filled that position for the past two
vears, is now about to make Hastings
h's futureliekdquarters and wi'I still re-"
main in charge of the Red Cloud yard,
and will have the Hastings and Wy
mere yards in addition. We are pleased
to- hear of Ed's' deserved promotion.'
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y-.tst-Kt -- . ;-- ;ek..rK.f rmm--,. .. x&?-i vfLOv-'-Ti...-. -- -r ..if.-isai
J. Btnut of Cowl tircbKi a J I
Caw Agitator of A. A. i'ofx;1t Saiar
day. W. M. Gt?r of Colorado, hem taken
&? poMtUon of night operator at the j
Wr totMkrjt&s-J Ua. J. O Ch-Nr-htt
tnii urt citiree UxAorj a S2a
THK2E will be a hooting match m
how day. Our sportsmen will plcxte'
take notice.
Ktx. Fathee Cixjiry will hold mJUM
,U the Caihohc church on Saturday, at
,t 1 ..,
the uual hour.
It U rumored that one of oar youn j
trtr.ii will turn thi- tiircjrsL'
before rnanv more moons.
Wm. DxtKUttON.of tlv firxnof Onu-i
by tt 1) icfcernon. went to Denver Sun
day ami tvill return SAtunlay.
T. J. JloaHOt rold hi tr.ea: morktt
to Delcforgue & Seller on Tlurdny.
We hope the boys will meet with ,ur-
Q, K. Wooi of tht city, h been
appi:ntcd ajjent for the Continental
iii'tirancc campany. He will call on
the people in a few d ty.i.
O.v Monday nhrht, MIm McBride,
gave one of her intercrtiu entertain
inent? :tt the court-house hall to a fair
audience. The reading ws fine nd
appreciated by those nrc-ent.
Ot'K friend Ceo. Diald, luw liecmne
manager in chief of the abstract bul
nei.?, and is now giving it hi undivided
attention. George has got the vim
to do w haiever he undertakes, and we
feel a.s-ureil that this will be no excep
tion to the general rule.
The store owned by O. P. Wiggins
and his nephew Win. Wiggins at Coro
na, t'l., C3 miles eat of Denver, w:i"
iles troy cd by tire the night of Augut
3, about 10 o'clock. Fire caused by
the explosion of a lamp. Nothing was
saved from the stock but the pot of
fice department, a few shelf good,
some few sacks of feed, and the money
drawers. The .xtock was insured but
not the building. Mr. Win. Wiggins
is well known in this vicinity, his fam
ily reiiding near here. He lost all his
personal effect.
A Duki.. A ripple of excitement
whs caused by a scratching match on
the cast aide on Wednesday. Two
best in three, distance sixty feet, and
lots of fun. When time wan called
and the canibatauts culled up to the
grand stand, some fellow was unkind
enough to say that it was " first blood
for Cleveland." Tho Marquis of !ooc
berrv rules were omitted.
Prof. Xaiui. lias tho most complete
mastery over his rich and powerful
voice. He delighted his audience with
several of his own poetical produc
tions, best of which was the "Beggar
Uoy." This beautiful poem is equal
iu freshness and sentiment, and sti
pe noi in poetic merit, to any over
written by our favorite, Will Carlton.
Wo believe Mr. Xadal is the only elo
cutionist in the country who adds to
the charms of bis fine voice and native
genius for reading a repertoire of his
own productions. Chmigo Inter Ocean.
On Wednesday las't while Mr. M. R.
Bcntly, of this city was driving in the'
country, he called on his friend, Oliver
McCall, living in Line precinct whom
he found very busily engaged in farm
duties. Mr.. McCall has a tine orchard
of some fifty trees, which Mr. Bently
thinks will amount to at least seventy -
'live bushels, the largest yield probably
ever produced in the county. He has
also a tine lot of cattle, among which
are a number of thorough-breds, and
Mr. B. thinks he has the finest lot of
spring calves he ever saw in the coun
ty. He has 125 acres ofcorn that will
go not less than seventy-five bushels to
the acre. He has one of the finest farms
in the county, and why not, for he is a
hard working man and understands
his business.
The Union Pacific surveyors have
come and gone again. This time th cy
have made a complete and permanent
survey, and we understand that the
road is almost an assured fact, or at
least that seems to be the sentiment ol
Uie surveyors. The officials of the
road accompanied by Jay Gould have
been looking over the eastern end of
the extension, and we understand that
they are satisfied with the prospect.
The railroad as surveyed is said to be
one of the best lines possible to be se
cured in the state for a railroad to trav
erse, and it seems plausible with all
the advantages to be obtained there
from, that the U. P. will build the road
and the newspapers along the line
seem to think that operations will be
commenced on the same before the
snow Hies again.
A Dream Realized. For some
months past John Parkes has been
trying to get a good well bored on hi3
farm, but it so happened that he was
only partially successful, until recently
when he had a new one sunk, but as
before only a small amount of water
run in. The other night John, while
sleeping as only a shoemaker can
peacefully he dreamed that the well
had suddenly opened a new vein, and
was running over. John seemed to
be struck forcibly with the dream, and
determined to go and see if the dream
was a sham, and straightway harnessed
his bronchos to his sidebar, and drove
out to his farm, where, lo ! and behold 1
his dream was realized, for the water
was surely running out at the top of
the well in a large stream. John was
a happy man, and now believe that
dreams are forerunners of coming
Monday A. A. Pope delivered a J. I.
Case Agitator to Tollysoo, Brvnglesoa
& Nelson of Inavale precinct.
Oryl4 KltTf
On W4c4r atoat httn
red of our 5 cilUem Ky 5ntlu0ett
hcM a j:od oM titer jjwtshI pl
lire war:v
I ripplttoS
nvtmbtt wa w. J Sa the. ft tKJ it
W31 $ f the
Uul ptrzji&nl Od I
fevetuv nf th n- the iii ofliii d of wtfiu.
which friipuld b duly picn to the 14-
i 1 who hJul it to cnars. Urri mtn " p Kcr y, m ?
i . 1. . .t a j-.-i . j.- tvo 4 ti itm & rtv4 t.
UAJK" l mrW. ,,,w. '"!
-P" "Pa l,fi? ' nd Xtc
j t diwpprarrd pl urfTi. Us
' . . . . . .
i all Hut rtiii uiu ao; i:now ne caruc
i ''
t tit? :rmer ex yrvnu AH la
M " . , . , ,
' tf.klrf-i.4. f fri.
.l..l..; Affhd. idiM rt f--i1
"P011 ;,re " 7 ' -.v-.w..
ilo 41 M Vtjt'. Dtr vier. u. " c
crarn -. Ac. In fact t w )t ihe
ptactt ;r a nunxry inan-iiw
thoutrh net Ihtihc much of n ctr,
fel glxd to think that wc cre there.
Tlie Hel Cloud cornrt hand s jet
, t 1 i
ent and gve the pcnickr om tut- j
ccllent rnuic, and ltrr on, the gy j
thronu came to the citv. wher a Imrre f
uurnUrr wetidrd thoir wy to the nnk
and enjoyed a ca1 hop. whicli ended
the lay prot'flittg.
I D. I)niiwy M. I), nml wiAi, if till
city, Iiato mailni arraiigmantn by thich
they will luava Ited Cluud on or alout
August I5th, for San Francta( Cal
ifornia, where they have enggol a j
'aire for Peking. China. Tltu Doctor i
recently received an appointment fiom
Hishop Wiley. President of the Metho
dist ISoartl of Miwioiu a Physician
to that city, and will Mil from San
FrunL'iaca on Sentember I. The Doc-
tor ban gained a good practice in thi.
vicinity, and it will be with regret that
his many friends learn of his intention
! to leave for a foretell shore. Huwuver
his friend will wish nim all jK?iblc
succccj in his new field of labor. Tin:
Cim.r wishes the Doctor Mioce, pnn
perity, and riches, in whatever laud ho
may locate in the great future. This
is indeed a good position lor the Doc
tor, ami is the highest gift in the prov
ince of the M. K. church, and war
therefore a great surpri-o to tho doc
tor on receiving tho same. 'Ilto doctor
is well qualified for the otlice to which
c is appointed.
(arllelil Tost. Jfo. KOSurprivnl and Captaifil.
At a regular meeting, with out pots
"properly guarded," we had transact
ed our regular business. There being
no cause for alarm, we were lighting
over the battles of bygone days, when
our out-posts were suddenly attacked
and overpowered by the ladies' Relief
Corp?, armed with tin cups and plates,
inarching to the music of the coffeepot
who demanded an unconditional atir
render of the Post. Our commander's
appetite being good, his stomach over
coming his valor, surrtnd!od; and
chivalrous as it may serm. we pro
cccded to avert the calamity by ab
sorbing the ladies' ammunition, con
histing of hot cotFec, sandwiches, cake,
etc., and what in army parliance would
have been considered disastrous to the
cause. It was. a surprise long to lo re
membered and the most pleasautit has
been our lot to enjoy. After some ap
propriate remarks by the Rev. Com
rade Brown and other, and singing
some of the old camp songs, all repair
ed to their homes, feeling that it was
good to bo there.
Tin Fair.
The Webster county agricultural so
ciety are bound to havo a No. 1 fair
this year. The 700 spoken of lat
week us necessary to buy tho present
grounds has been raised, and the asso
ciation will soon bu transformed into a
duly incorporated association under
the state law. This will give the asso
ciation funds by which they can fence
the grounds and make other improve
ments. Let every farmer, every me
chanic, every laborer, every merchant
and every lady in the county make dil
ligeut efforts to take "Otne article to the
fair for exhibition. Tho farmers should
tAlcc pains and pick out some of their
best grain, vegetables, fruits, etc., for
fair, and not only that make arrang
ments now to haye some of their best
stock on exhibition. Let every body
boom the fair, its bound to be a success
this year.
m m
Tom j patreai aim! friaiU,
I wish to say before leaving you that
I thank you for the past favors and the
respect which you hae shown me dur
ing the past two years that I have been
among you. It b with a feeling of re
gret that I leave you, but in view of
the field before me and the opportunity
offered, I am fully decided to go and
accept a position at Peking, China. We
will sail about Sept, 1st.
In view ot the above facts I desire
all those indebted to me, to call at once
md settle as it will be to your interests
to settle with me personally.
L. D. Dexxky.
A correctiox. In the notice of dis
trict 56 last week it should le 36. In
four years teaching in Nebraska the
teacher has never seen a kinder or
better people or a better board of di
rectors. To them and tc Kent's and
Street's districts the teacher returns his
gratitude and love for kind treatment
during ten months teaching. They ex
cell all others for kind treatment to
the aged. Dear friends, farewell.
Z. B. Rookjoc.
A. A Pope is bavins very beary
trade om the Case Agitator and,, new
Woodbmry power He delivered one to
L. . Johnson k J. A. WiMted at
Bloomington last Saturday and has
ohm to delivered at Biyextoa and oat at
Trsnklin this mekr
1 - I
X"? tVSfotft. M: A O htl
si kafcf rUxn 4 ceri
h!Htk tttt!j mSt3ftl wM, XSsri
tw Un-j M f?i Ikm mmsac4t 1
roM, trHi
j S pj4 &, at Ut tby
ttftumU Wj U
. l il tW Df kt
tfet Ufot jw! mJi cw$Amu. m
... . .. L. , . .. .. .
1 . .--pm j vV',
n vflhacMpn tjj,,1 vflh 54.
Udir VHh ltr ri J Usi. tm
j ricttrd t2 fwT H 1 wtl yr
wrtwAajf, ieMr &.rJi rfm
jverfojT$tm a miif hxtrw' f
: ... 1. . ,a.. .
"' ,Hi a?" " ' CA"' 4"
1 a, rart uf ihv &. Umiz mr
imac mo: n f hrd J pcrkum
lUi elrpiiAnU th mt avmpwcd
f ful a"u- locrMtul4o
fet cai thr trAt hrwt to r.Mit
Wlr htt,xill fUlp. nl U mo
imyU!$; trrct irA wet " lj
mrtl mn ne. t bnef, r Wt
!rt ol c A,'X mcimh. c
lino -K vt r.lfi.l iu1Ft nl
...--. fVInkol 4 u.rt W
An uutidr, tt Air, fre ct
htbfUon o( ariI aton ll !
yoml alt KMtb dMibt the Vrct m4
inwl aricd h tn al tj? rW
It. F Xadiu A M., Utc prftr
rhetoric .nd cUxtitHm in the Oitcu;
MtHrojmhun Cotts, tl! Apjoar t
Rh1 Cloud, Aucut !1. 14, in hU j
titio iul rcfimnl r.ntertAtmncmt, in
duding hU tttimitAlle chirAclcr ct
tioas, and cmbrACiog the hole xn;tf
of dramattcAl and oratorical effort
TH entertainment compn- Unh tho
.. . 1 .1... -. . ... 1 ..
Mulcnu.. lbt, d.i, IMttfM r
ijiiakoflpearc and 0t bible or utt
mirth-prtivokmjr biirMqtie, the deliv
ery is always idined, scholarly and
artistic. The first jurt i datotnl to
didactic, dramatic and tragic reading,
and the .ecoud part to dialect rvctial
and his wonderful impersonation of
chara't?r Thoo who object to the, and who, thotefore, have few up
porluniuc to hear the 1 reAtlon of jo
etry conyctly Interpreted And tho var
ioti! tvpes of character efiectivolv jtr
tr.iel. will take pleasure in bearing
Mr Xadnl. Aborning for tho moment
thu manners and facial utprcin of
tho character be represents, ha i en
abled to bring out and tndividu&ttje
each character with the greatest joi.
blc force.
Weather fine for haying.
Corn is looking better thu ycr than
for a few years paM.
Harvesting is all done in thl part of
the country.
J. C. Warner has finished harvcliug
and threshing.
Charles (ftirnoy has !ecn wry buay
for two or three weeks past, cutting
gram for the neighbors.
Mis Ktta Jvinford ami Arthur How.
ard are attending the institute at Kcd
(loud. Arthur is going to the Frank
lin academy the lirnt of September.
The two bridge between here and
town ought to be looked after, an the
high waters have damagod them con
A. B. Pierce's donkey can ho braid
''Hounding his A' from morning till
1 i thl.
Mr. N Sntiford wiu quite nick for
few das lint week.
Wolves are very thick and should be
We saw one or two of the neighbor
drawing gniin last Sunday.
Jim Kmigh is cutting hU inlHct, of
which he ha 20 acret.
Mr. Dickson old a fine bull, only a
year old, for M last week.
Rats are getting to be a bother.
Rev. "Hampton, of the Franklin
Academy wm iu thti neighborhood
gathering up student for the chool
-' - r - - - - r v t'
U. P. Surveyors are still hovering
Mrs. Hall and Mini Garbcr, of Iowa,
arc visiting A brain Garbcr and family.
A. J. Haoea is off on a tour through
Kansas and we all hum his handsome
smiling face.
The new Occidental opened Monday
morning a a hotel. The building and
furniture are almost entirely new, and
everything indicate that Mr. and Mr.
GruGb have struck a rich lead.
Tho Guide Rock nine 'chawed up
tho Stillwater nine !a;t Wednesday, T
to 13. But the Stillwater will go for
our boys on the Ctb. at Guide Itock,
and do them up perhaps, and perhaps
Tho Red Cloud necond nine played
the Guide Rock second nine here Ut
Friday. The day was all that could
be desired, with its gentle warmlh and
mellow light of what emed U be an
autumnal sun, while an invigorating
breeze tirr,ed the locks and rustled
the coming mustaches of the boy an
they marched to the ground in 6i'
atonal tyle. To add zest to the aftVir,
the little rootem from !Ud Cloud of
fered to bet their last nickel that they
would get awav with our boy jut too
too. In addition to all that, our citi
zens of both exe and all conditions
turned out en mtut to witnoM tbia
conteat between the young athletes
from the two mot important town
along the Republican. Jarow Blair
stepped nimbly forth as catcher, while
Paul Iliare. of The Chiei. took his
taud a pitcher; M. A. Albright re
sponded to the call for hort-up, and
little Charlie Garber held Mm base ;
Henry Ludlow, al-o of Tiik Chiw,
took second ba.e. while Bert Brewer
occupied third. The active Loom Ken
ney, ofthe v4rjriMtook left field, the
sprightly Lee Tinker the center, while
the widVasrake Charles Kaley held
the right. For a few rounds the
chances were deciMlj against the
Red Cloud's, bets being offered on the
Guide Rocks with few takers. Bat as
the bright eed damseb chered tfee
'plavers, and" as no ont really knew
which nine they prefered, the HlUe
Clouds spread tbernseivea, and soon
began to retrieve. But few acooeots
occurred, ana- a better natured set of
boys on botk sides coule not be foand.
Sosaevery fine dknlays of scientiic
knowlf-dce of the noble gssse were ex
hibited by both nines, and after a hot-
Jy contested trial or their reepecme
merit it was anaouncssl to the specta
tors that tbBed Ckmfc feed saiae4
the day score 23 to If. Bat. "deer
boys, wear year littress meekly, lor
omr boys nay try tq oa ci", s4
ibea look out. Xocxtr.
A -&
B iwstf'WBWMI
Sty f j jp '$ i. A-r
? tht fuma-, .W'
tii4 t C44tls4, &W. it -jj.4
1 Aa. tek $ 9 l!M996i
!0Ua&v W&& t?rf 3
sw mvtxk htx -. 4 rt:f
w ?&, J4r l$ifc- h
, mh lw U 1swft
Hiy f && a4 wh fui
io ry 3 9, Mt4 fff ft W
tvt m ktjtc && I sr Hf
irf $ri I t $mm$$
ft,, ijm jwlfes &pm 5 nits y i :
i mnt i fekX . ?Nt
tri i tlkftl I t 4WV
fr- I !. wl v Mtsai S If
oll5rtr hsb tnSl Mt st
f4 lAja tm K TV j4v? i ft
44 'rw tet 4ir. Tif i
T1 W4 d fe4 W4 JffA SAJfpl,
Aiwi ri wfSS sH wr- rrrj $
frf ii pc3ii tjfr "Xm ii.thm
aHtOOS lf . anl Uff $&lit ifm
thwc I H tTWtv thmiifci 4 J
trtiks hu 1 hrt tSifi im ?f
UffW lvv tMftwf fei-erc! mttf
Mle tuz.itiht Wf HL !fc3C&J Kf
Vird s ivtmc tr-tidi 4,f'boA
I hr tfrord y jn it mn i
jrrrPt, bwt yw toj htr (itn
Aan. Jt W. Hsu.
Tk rfpl4in rlts f !t4
CUud prtHTtart rc T.tsI i t&l
t th- rirt b it lt4 fli4t Jt
SatunUy. Awgi 14 11. t "2 sfWl
p m for tlw pai mi rEtw
lrh c H"l drtlrsr! k repfel feJFr
ptrottif t tk riUhtA oMty
VnlUlcm. 1 tx htM hi ltl 04 .
Momlay, .ljit 15, tt.
W II SrfesittM.
Mwmtwr f cHttal v.niii44t
An. rwnMn aiantttig trtAU t$y
nhoit nould tu in thoir rW t4
L 11 Itiui, UM (ItMld, fu tM .llt
3od. JptfrtMjr i tb prr
Ume ljr fH ttinc . HI platti r
tif xri U th nt &! w
Thr Mnh :uo rr U k t tKn
lo jftPcofi rmtt-h)uid f 4U.
It cure t wtrt s.jf ff thSMl d
pie, ind fofm 0' elt tti and fvi .
r-.r jodo bv 11 miry iVok,
For swelling. lnn. re. pU,f ls
u Marh' rorld llnlmeoU Fr
tale by llnirv C'k.
J M. Allmi A Jthn Crawford ho
are thi-htn)j In ivntth cowty rsft
tho ywild of wttr wht very hpy
Thc'y arc uing"a new J. I CuoAtUt
ar tHirchMcl of A A. l'pc.
Aio ?i wis atvlhi brother H
Ham haTu tartl thotr nw C4 AatU
utor they rwrt thp citd of whrt'
Tur. IM Cloud Mtll rs Kt0ie
tbri They havw Ikh:i mlaiiMlnc
for Home timi lo funnh a tualtty of
tlour that would com par! UH th
lc9l and hv now tntI anctADtabltf
reputation. Tlifir White Lilly V wild
bydvtlrr for I1.2S pr ck nd 1
iqual lo any forcit" flour in lh! mr
ktt whirh li old (or $Q pt taak
With thoir new miller Mr J tWmnctt
tOKtinereuteud Uo rrrriimt of.
their machinery tby am grtly tm
proving their diri?ranl -jrartr of Hour.
The peopls from th country t
smiling over the mcp, whito lo
made from Jted Cloud Mill flour
SnutTus k tOftnvM s cigar si Unf
ley'. 50-iw
! catuetl by dec-ypl ttH than j4pl
generally are awaru of, In lh? hp of
ore eye, itidigmtion, iieurafgia, rtf.
If they cau betrayed bar? them nlb
at one?. All kimla of filling) tnjftcd,
at Parker' dental r0om otcr SSbwer's
lnig atore.
It U AbMitHtabk
lo jfo through life with "mia' in if
mouth, making the breath foul and m(
fecting ths alomach. All kind a( ar3t
fiaal tectli male at Parkrr dttat
room, over Hhercr' dru$ Mir-.
Lkavc your onlerf aw! Uuy will sl
air time recsive lh bt attnUofi &a4t
dcliverwi at your loor frvi of alWj
New York jfroery mtul ijuemwafi
house. tf
Tim rrmfZrHU
A quarter section of laiut for alir
Price 1 1 100. Good od house with tt
room, two well of water, lfJ hal
trc, V) fruit tre, 2i.acr?i under ad
ttvation, liWacrc fid pltw laod, it
uatcil in Walnut Vrijk nrscinct. For
further particulars inqulro at th A-
ncc. u?
Mh. Dsxv lus ret4ircI in liie
few dar. ovr 40 tarsol ami m
brcllas. If you want rcjamug in tiiat-
line, cau on him. 3Ju
31rs. G. S. Taylo U prtpsrc! to Ats
all kind of drcmrsxaking 00 ldr w
tice, and at reiuonablo rUt. On
door eswt Cotnmerclal hou. JaUT
A ChhntXng Rvty ifr &Tkim4
"W bare used alt yor Tcmk
astringent with happy tk oC a
mgle complaint lstise to it bas err
reacht-d ns." (Jones 4 Jack, dmje
gii, Jonstberrc i2o-
"P.'esw itfxi m two dseA MrxiiV
tonic wUJf:enl at ce. It works a
tharm in dUub&e d 9mmtr -plaiBLLWard
k YtoKtF &&.
M Arh' tonk nrifsmt is for sale by
H en ru Cook druprik, JCe4 C1omL I.
quickly ceres dwrbts, dyiswUry.
cbokra internum; ebeiera mm&m, sjmI
the tmmm eoejsplai U eblMrsK. It
Ss a dsUcfctfgl reeaWy Jcr. dd aad
yoosf. rnmm
birds- Cefl at tbe ftebjiost Uk
teAm&cl OoMt
' fM ! t'
r"TW fr1K '
y - t -
vn?jCt5Jf; ""''Ss"
.... -"" :
- a - -.' .. iu. '
, -
Ev.' :
1 " .f . sc 4 Pko - -a. .'. m&wmz?xBmm.mmmm m araiK'WifcjqrMiiBK. -- - - --- ..j w . -t - -m isutTc e-.Ti w mt xzmxMmammmmmmmmam mx. 'w i i i -- hb .b. k k r -
r-jicaaciS z-la . 1 h ie n 1 mmim imi i 11 1 11 1 1111 pmii m i 1 11 ..-.'. . a. wv-ttrt vsss. --- -iTni MTmmmnn-wmrmnMmmw - riTrTsr r-jrr im it jm 1. ar ..
piwj-cm'm.-, ,Tg: . mjfefe-w ml- . : 1 1 . jL.mmmczimmMimtmmmim:mat:9r. iftai