US T liTi aW"?J ? 4 aM ir F AmXJWV i'-'l:l- t-5- "WAiT"--! ' JW ." -t -fc. , 2 j 3itf&&MKm WJ : a- s :.v? . CJ5: V "- V wfi Si JB . 1' Z. M . r. -J i ..- rSi- .a' i?i4fafe? . A . r. t.wsiijr.i -.--'-'" 3i? KJ-e.V&V; '' k'Ti. V -r- - ? ." ' .- trR.t-1' v '33 h JL.A l -x. " T L; a;, -m--: fLlSM. T fiiril?ri :n look IU,UT.lMJMi tbeoolotl ixn. Ta-TOHsiiae m" '.'A.lT.. LX-ii- J! in', .a.. ' - Nt J1W3 u 'mmmi ITPW. CiljiSH BE rr'-i. t v tijtif Ti-. rv" Ife i cruci'iJiF !j l7fvV,.irrJ .- .!. . T , . - .. -MKtl-Staf S.. .i. inj rcsuers. "w i ? 7 --j .---v Sifetf , MTf,' .'. :. 3-. Hoir S 1 iitAU imr piMiTmoiafio . - fc fffr re' ?sw ! A t L. ,2X IfE. SRi- ,3k jfNt Si? ' 1 . f t s!ii i-j M r-r .- n. 7t a - MfliiBaniivriiiBiiivfiBPvF &itim qt ts -- ilir-if ii ill I i P , Y'?vyS R5f!2??'fflii, iS5? S!Sl&i- "?? ' MffTWlK aFSB -H"aCi3B S?K' 9 -n -? & i T-" - -, ' ':3&K ss. v ' iTi;.- . 53W F ?... r jt-f . y .-. '1s t V w- m 41 w i fe. a?p - afcj Litt &-m;m& 1 'ZsfeFx l, &z. W itth m - ' ntlL " jtW '-.J!L- 7 r 5l l-Oa - .. ? . "iPI?"- f.--w Stittirdaffcft JL. Tt fa Ian - ia tar SMrk' igVn in om of m m, sur- yjrkHWjroag. 'pi xm traa iaOTM w a roprln tte "j- - yfisBBWaffEP'P ::' " Vjb II'IKWJ WW- f ' miaul art irir tarns. -.-wtT - r i ' i fc. " "- -- - i. . -,;.; f-TML Tifc.lJ 'ors .C . . .KVV - BBB hat V t mitmrnt?'- wajing - iU ---rnm mtmvtl lfl TH k Jtvii" fecKl dal oat of !' iJT9 T TX-- WLi, i. ifc rf ti firmer, wfcflL. tr-- v-.' -f.p .. - j :.-"- v . t - WtlniVi:pifJoa, .Jife JIT- to hU koo' where, m jw .,. yjeZ , - -j.Jt. ... . .'..-mm . ' .1 UiMl" VI ii tf tlH..MeKrd k 3. .?,- k .wrJHSiK.'ik kAftl i Vtt A '' tioa of tae serpnaac crimig qqoitMfii riinM Kadi AaL irofli llljJC1" tlii 1MH, fntliery liftcdlBlhtlraiX bf 9 icta.ftbu. car. CiiWmmfMieJohnnj nroYt Uks ouuc wMiMMu&rtfafl " .Uil - T fl ..., inucuDoi, ana iirouirnij uuau: Dut tueu uniaVMlv u 1- J al " TT' IWe bauy. butUbo eldest hono of, k ?2i tfiKJi-r.' &. &? ? j. lv. was Ifftod out The relief "UrMf. oo great for tho nfonstur. Tiio volatilo ' - i crcuJuro's spirits roso at ouec; bo jerk ed tbe halter out of (bo farmer's hands, and, with a wild bound, mounted into j tho air. Vain was tho aeronaut's anchor! It caught for a moment in a once, but it tore away and was off, dangling uselessly after tho runaway balloon, which so swiftly sod steadily aro3o that in afew raiaotcs those two little wi:iU. faces peering over the edge of tho car grew ndistinct, and thoso niioous c o "father!" and "mother!" 'g cries grow fainter and fainter up in the air. When distance and twilight mists had swallowed up voicosand faccfl, and nothing could bo seen.but tho dark aud cruel shape, sailingiriomohantiy away with precious booty, like an aerial privateer, tho.poor father sank down, helpless andpcechless; but the niothcrTrantie with grief, still stretch ed her yearning arms toward tbe inex orable heavens' and called wildly up into the un answering void. The aeronaut stiovo to console tho wretched parent, with tho assurance that the balloon would descend within thirty miles from the town, and that all might be. well with tho children, provided it did not coino down in water or deep woods. In the event of its descending in a favorable spot, thcro was lrut one langcr to bo apprehended; ho thought that the elder" child might step out, leaving the younger in tho balloon. Then it might Tise again aud continuo its journey. "Ah, no," replied tho mother, 'Jennie would never stir from tho car ii :" "without Johnuy in her arms." Tho balloou passed diroctly over the market town, and tho children, seeing many people in the street, stretched t)ut their hands and oried loudly "for help. But the villaerers, though thoy saw the bright little heads, heard no call. Amazed at the strange apparition, "they might also have thought the trans lated little creatures small angel navigators on some voyage of discovery, some littlo cherubic venture of their own, aB, hoading toward tho rosy clond lands and purple islands of sunset splendor, tliey sailod decpor into tho west and faded away. When tho sunlight all went away and tho great comet camo blazing out, little Johnny was apprehensivo that the comet might como to near their airy craft and set it on fire with a whisk of its dreadful tail. But when his si3tor assured him that the fiery dragon was "as much as twenty miles away," ami that Cod Wouldn't let him hurt them, he was tranquilized. So" tho two little baby wandorerp. alone in the wide heavens, unawed by darkness, immensity, and silonce, in tho presenco of millions of unp!tying stars, lifted their little clasped hand3 and sobbed out their sorrowful Our Father," then that quaint littlo supplo- , -vs-v:ntliry prayer: bwV ' "Now I laj' me dorni to Plecp. l V Doubtless divine loved stooped to tho littlo ones and foulod thoin in perfect peace; for soon tho younger, sitting on tho bottom of the car, with his head leaning against his sister's knee, slept as soundly as though ho wore lying m his own littlo bed at home; while tho elder watched quietly through the long hours, and the car dented gently on in tho still night air, till it began to sway and rock in tho fresh morning wind. Who can divine that simple littlo child's thoughts, speculations, and wild imaginings while watching through. those hours? She may havo foared coming into collision with a meteor for many woro abroad that night-ror per haps, being cast away on somo deso late star-island, or more dro.idfl still, floating and lloatingon, night and day, until they should both die of cold and hunger. At length a happy chance, or prov idence, guided tho little .girl's wander inghand to a cord connected with the valve; something told her to pull it At once tlie balloon oogan to sink, slowly and gently, as though lot down by tender hands; as though somo celestial pilot guidod it through tho wild currents of air, not letting it drop into the lake or river, xr lofty wood, or impciVeLrable swamp, where this etraiig, uuehildliko oxperienco might have been cosed by. a death of unspeak able horror, but causing it to deseead as loitilv -as a bird lights, on a spot r..- where human cire and pity awaited it 'The mm had not yet non, but tha morning twilight had come, when tho little girl, looking over tho edgo of tho ear. sawcj.he dear mid earth coming nearer "rising toward them," she said. IJufc when tho car stopped, to her great dtsspnoinlnnjntit was not on the ground, but caught fast in the top- most branches of a tree. ; Farmer Burton, who lived in a. loneh . house on the edge of his own pri rate prairie, was a famous sleeper .in genera!, but on ihlsparticular morn ins no awoke before the dawn, and. llougtt.h'e turned -and tucnod again, lie could sleep no more. So, at last ho tHto his-irood wife, wkomao. had :lalyv-awakcJiedinfor.herof nis lmaxceoHa6:bl6 walcttmoss., "It's no !f ,nsc: .Irll just got upanddrods, ana iltaveiilookiithe bright mmking&tsa. ; e;StniRwtrUf5fcanriard . av: v ilrWHSK?1 by a boy it is, tho mSS& x Je-nsoa.ior -a .year. Bs,. as &SaBlf .V - ratm ilk lioAtai rtlwaMaiataa'JallattjlsSf!. t,- r-3 i.:i. r "- sasaiagsBBShafeXT'rT-tY.yZIrL-j.ia. t, .7i.-ri-i -fc r"J-- . CA-t." t!-. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBSBBaaBKam-tf pUOiX? 1 Bit: g BBaaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBrV95aBBBBBBMJCaMBarWaa4a v-vi- '.i " --V "1 BBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBfJ9SBBBBBBBrT?r SBT'lIrfstX-aaalaPaifanlhTqi BBBBBBaBaaaBaaBBJMBJSaBBBBBB&igBJSBBBja " : fc-i?;.r;''ss! aaaaaaaaaaSHaaawawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw ' . "aaaaaallg 11 nan ihl it ! ' s ?'iABKam0mtA?iJci!-i HHHHK.y rl "TriirMaawinTfci 'l"rTaiafflaffWlaaaalwaw Baaaaaaaaaaiaar wi mxaaFinivwflBaaaT ir'v aaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaEBKawaaaaaaaBavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaBaw BBBBBBBBBBSBV BnBTiOEBBBBa ' r- TSr -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa9BBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aBBBBBBBBBv 'iSHbbM' -v '" ' -'asBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBaaaATSBBBBB BBBBBBHBVaaK? 'i-V- 'te&ZQBMBjBBBBMs" -' - 'i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrBBwyTSIBBBWrSaBBBM ? BBBBtslBBBni'r IBa aWTll1 . laT " s' ' 'BBBBHBBBBBBKl?W'yyBBBBBB Btak BBBBSBBBHaS&lBBBBBiBM ' ' 4. iJV V" iHI iv wskssH'' il'V'-'.,- -asy tr kMMarirH hhhk -vk."''?: .? ' . . .'.:: "z-t Torrciiiir feV?.e JiwkVS.; Tbwx ?. -d -, V. V oe. r uk wrvlowml Wir. who mroio?' ' Tht Sraillttk " i-i' "-isi- mU: WiBan ME.Harwod' toy inil jirl, & wearalortm "M Th4 -ieeeed Jittltf Tokc m: "Iff us, and w mniHliiwsy with mbuloo. Plse tkfl Wdowfe" '. t - 4jraly vnuteeheading tho titmUIon, :ttMcita of & aaaruftr r1 a.-...T?: - " i PTO?S aol W .:T? little Johnny, who MMeoovard the -1 Mood m. arvey- ,m$ :l litUe Mflc 'sled that he ha hous. where. sho told fier won Tjh. r Before Tammmhtcuongor 'j. -r was die hod to thoTairwood hooM ith gl tidings of great joy. He T" in the afternoon, and a few tub children, themselves i? i j tato with banners asd m Tycd in a covered hay Wfo tin ni!orTiKoe. tozJhvtf, andfM-titt-WTTinB hrnwn - l-K w.fa ..ww &.w,t .. rm Uatlttfc uiuimvu us .JlUMBahCCv . Puss in tho ny-Whct? Tho encineor of The Star cstablishmout soon after starting stoaiv. engine on lucadaj' morning noticed a white patch en tho inner sur faco of the rim of the drive-wheel, which ho thought was a plcco of paper caught by one of tho spokes in its flight round and round by tbe wheel, xho white patch was noticVd by Keveral of the bands during ih'i morning, who accounted for it m thi same war. but' no attention had becA sncciailv friYeu i to the matter when the engine was ' stopped shortly aftjir noon. As tho wheel stopped thoonxiuocr was sur-1 prised to see tho white spot fall to tho eround and then cot un and crawl away. Ue then for tho first time be came awaro thc tho white spot which had boea whirling on tho fly-wheel was a cat, which had been clinging to ono of tho spokes of tho wheel, and had only relaxed its hold when tho wheol had como to a standstill. Tho cat seemed dazed for a while; and was taken into tho strcot for freer air. Hero it remained perfectly still for a a cousidorablo time, but an attempt being mado to cover it with a paper, it .ran off in a zigzag course, but ap parently as fully alivo as over. Tho lower portion of the lly-whoel rovolvns in a trough, tho sides of which lit close to tho broad tire : tho i wheel, and it is assumed that tho cat which was u, -strange onn. being frighten ed at tho entry of the engineer, jumped into the trough to got out of Lite way, and iviien the wheel was started -found itself wltiri'rfgpnjlho int-ide of tho lire. The wheel is ton feot,in diameter, and it is revolved lrum 'a? m., to 2:oJ p. m., and at a rato of mztfr revolutions per minute. By n simplo calculation it will bo found that the cat traveled more than 117 miles, or about 20,p00 revolutions of tho wheel. Montreal Star. Samuel H. Clemens, "J.Iark Twain," is a member of Rev. Mr. Twicholl'a church in Hartford, and so was tho lato ex-Governor Marshall Jowoll. But tho ex-Governor was "highor up" in tho church, a iho humorist oxpre3sod it, and used to pass around tho plate. Ono day Mark Twain said to tho ox Govornor: "See hoo, Govornor, they lot you collect tho "donations, but thoy noverlotmodo it" "Oh, yes, thoy would," said tho cx-Govornof, adding, "that is, with r. bell-punch." - i ! e" -.- Surrounded by unsold and untold numbers of pamphlets of original po ems, in a littlo third-story back room of the tenement house on Canal streot, New York, a reporter found "Profess or" "M. Wcstbrook. He had alroady bogun, at u o'clock in the morning, his experiment of using no other food than milk for sixty days. Boforo beginning ho had weighed himself and turned tho baam at 1G3 pounds. Seated In hh rocking chair beside the bed, his long chin W'hiskcrs waving on his breast and his brawny bauds twitching ner vously, Profossor jM- Westbrook, who modestly calls himself "tho people's sontimental, progressive and inspira tional poet elocutionist astronomical critic, jester end humorist" unbosom ed himself. Ho said: "Milk is nature's diet It makc3 bone, sinew, muscle, brain and blood. Nature compel3 its uso in babyhood, and men ought to havo enough senso to follow up tho teaching in manhood. It's truo thoy cling to tho bottle, but it is not tho one with a nipple. I am only going to try; it will bo an experiment' If I liad in a week or ton days that my health is at all impaired, I'sball conclude my the ory is wrong; but I am confident that I shall succeed. Ot coarse I shall keep a strict record of my health, r.ppetito and strength. The public-will havo to take my word for its correctness. I had j hoped tho experiment would havo cre "!.. . . w ated enough interest to havo caused tho appointment of a committee to ac curately waien every cnaugo ot my j coiiuilion; anynow, tho llunsr is ail for iayelf and I don't caro. Tho experi ment will be a benefit to me. 'Up to now I tiavo worked as a car- 1 Jnst niirht I brought houfo $22 aimed by a week's labor. For a Whilo I shall g about the city seeing tho public buildings. By and" by, two or three weeks from now, I mav start j West interest will be its height then in inv experiment I shall lecture in 1!jm itiPVroTjfc lar't tnwna hctweon jlPIO ana ()mui,n. Ti5a trial is not for money, but of course an admissiou will be charged lo my leetufes to defray tho rent of hall, and so forth. "I never heard of such a fast as 1 nronose. I lived tm milk a Year when I was a babv. I don't see vrhy l can not now wnen oo years oiu. I am hearty and with all tny muscles and bones permanent. There is no need of bone-grcvr:n; food in me. 3Tourish- ment is aI lont i n.oecJ. .iiiave Grume 4t half-gallon of inlk to-da;, I think I'JiliseitbDut-ElxflUJfrta.nay, Imt that tp only a shrxuise. Ine milk i jtt as 5 .. La.,.. . x - 'rav - c - 1 ' -Jfc !! ,H t",'iWP W ,WHK KkkM v pi , mm -Bmm .-vs . b b .- aaL. -r t i ITi- JT" - . J - 1. . 1 - i . i - -V w. . BH . - tifc, '.--fl ?:?? 1 l- r . "v 81ks intiislL.' Lhf7liP -t UwOmjCH T4ill ti XiAr.m vvf t-.1TaA ,MWj MVi UvWio aayUung to do f' attractive ImimI i;&mert lauViWta fflG&P&rt ibiars tiai ak iC5, Ufa llMtisM fcr a mddttlof ilfapprciMioarwfalcJi tfty;ort cars t tera i&torbcd by Wok . To be' attractive, a girl inl W tiMihr. lutsllieati but iot "sauuU" is4&strions, amiable, ch&afful acd wil ling ta be picascd with small pieasur. faced Mid aitractiTe. if mot "a Berd onot Inspired by tTic,1 jiri iaats. ScfeiitilUrr6lany, ' . - Tho fotarirof speoli 4 Abs traliahttfc;tiiw .far dseeribed.k rt rtg;fo be 121. "Tiw.finit nu then tic llC of the na isals p1 New. Brunw:ck has Jasikeea published. It includes 48 spedos. The number of flowers produced fey the pains in astonishing, not less than 12,000 having been covnted in spathe of the Hate, and 307.000 la on of a species of Alfonsia. French genius has added to its long list of electrical novelties an' aaasirig toy in tbe shape of an artificial; insect which moves its wings when an electric aurrent is; passed through it obitg are said to he htcreulnr ! tr?iia,,wiin asionisnin rapiauy, ihe'liswe becomo sodestructifeto cronihat sefsiMfis tor-.tnoirxtenni- T.- .' . .... . nati ation arsLnow MwzMliscussod. r .t-"' Tho Tiercontfhle etrHtanako of tho wv . ... i. civilized world MettafoWilxtp aver age in number 110 nei'kmTsSHrhi nra 1fTrff1 litr iitJTTt-r.- lory havo confirmed tho concjion that tho rings ot oaturn aro extremely vanaDic, auu o not retain a fixed form. Tho feat of sending a telegram through 7,000 miles of wiro has" just been achieved. Tho mo33aj;o was transmitted from Calcutta to LondoD, and the signals woro received at the rate of about twelve word3 a minute. ' A most ofleetivo remedy against pul monary consumption is alleged to havo boon found in aluminium and its com pounds. Tho discoverer basc3 his opinion on experiments made upon rabbits as well as mi: experiments in his medical practice. Mr. W. J. Knowlcs has dhUibitodto tho London Anthropological lusiitutoa chipped flint implement which .ho found in undisturbed boulder clay in Ireland, rnd which ho therefore re gards as evidonco of tho existence of man in the glacial poriod. ?Iierob?s aro thoso microscopic plants which abound everywhere and cause disease and decay. Thoy Includo tho germs cf chora, measles, diph tluTis'. etc., as well as thoso which cause an applo to rot, a dish of pro serves to molil, or a pr.n. of milk lo be come sour. All form3 of bactoria and micrococci are microbes. A Cylinder of Gan. At a rocont meeting of tho Berlin Physical Society, Prof. Landoil exhibited a solid cylinder of carbonio acid, which ho had mado an hour before by hammering flakes of tbe solid acid in a cylindrical vessoL Tho hammerod mass of solidifiod gas rcsomblod common chalk, and could bo touched by tho hand. Mr. a Roid, of the British Geologi cal Survey contends that tho formation of soil cannot have been wholly duo to the weatheriug of the underlying rocks, since a good soil must contain a mixturo of matorials from different rocks; Tho mixturo must havo been effected, in high places at least by tho action of winds In distributing dust "Mr. S. H. Trowbridge has described a shovel-nosed sturgeon, takon from tho Missouri river, whoso oyes wero concealed by a comply to ovorgrowth of skin. Mr. Trowbridge suspects that tho entire spocios is becoming sight less, as these sturgeons now havo oyes smaller than those of most fishes, while their life in mud must ninko sight as unnecessary to them a.3 to tho blind fishes of caves. Food for Babes. Tho manufacture of artificial human milk is growing into an industry in England. It is mado from pure cow's milk, which is first boiled' to destroy all germs, thon treat ed with a digestivo ferment called pancreatine, hy which artificial diges tion is produced, and is finally brought to tho samo constitution as human milk by tho uso of diluted acids for precipi tating the excess of albumon. Sick children in hospitals havo been fed on this product and havo gained most rapidly in health and weight . i i An American Poet Laureate Maj. B. B. French Is one of the few poets whoso productions are onshrinod in tho Conrjrc$sio7iai Qlobs. Tho gonial major, who had been commissioner of public buildings under Mr. Lincoln, naturally desired to retain tho place under lilr. Johnson, and ho wrote a poem comoaring him to Jnckson, tne . m concluding stanza of which was: And when in yesra loos-fcoiaeo -the traniorttl scretl Of men beloved tiao's herald shall unroll. Entwlnod lu iaurol wreaibj two uases tbzJl Topstljcr Jolrol a caarnnlons of the f rep The-nanioof ABdr?wJekson ram shau And so with tbatofd.iiarCrJoliii5nciC'cirrwincu; .Aud -while t ho rcco or tnon on earUi iit ?ren. The people's benrts shall fceep their memory jrrcen. When tho next civil appropriation bill -came before tho house, General Schoack offered a uroviso that no por- tiou of the fund placed at the disposal of the commissioner of public bulmings should be reserved "to pay for his seri vlcc3 as poet-!aureafc of iho adminis tration," and had the obnoxious poem read. Mr. Kelley sarcastically remark ed that he did not believe that the commissioner cou tu nave Trritten tne poem, as, meeting him scon after its Appearance, he 'had told him 'that ... ... ..l some scoundrel had annended nis natrifi to this KtiifF. ;tii1 ho sfwmnd Vfre t . - , , . , v. ". tuuua. cuauuneu ceruuiuy no urn. uu claim the paternity of Ah!" ex- ols.ihiwl f5on SohnoV Irfnr.hi wn. W .-- -a. - w .- - A w . . v , ucrattue contusion of a man isvho l tases care of all tlie administrations -in sw53!uo, a liijuiai. iu aat u, .....x .J -J . .,-, . i oiflce miaer an oi lneIn-' inc ercccrax J the had Toad a very patriotic pfodno- f - crr -. . 4. . s. ". ts-. . i-.. v ;-ss--. - -' . "5"" "S fcs-.ii- al .-... - Tii i - tmz W -T ,- ' -laawa ,-y4 - 'wf" A.-? fc.t . A . 4rf. . U - .. . "WiS T ' . r xvpcuaa otmbh. art, aa'kle U4 It Hjouj aosw IK.. to b terfttioproB t a;;jmj)Mi fe5 tWaaWtef-oiraAetiar aad alv tremors, detected by aelicato mstra monts. nro cvorywhoro numbrons. i Continued n.aTlevsinco" the year 1875 at the? M :r.Jcn ohsn"?. TlSoi, "Hmtkd: rl06-trilayr- aHt.i -' 1 WigSI i swvMsun sssa w4i9 !- PI 1 for infants r.UlUmmmrJcJ'fPtr1tt t .. V -. a z ihtscT H. V. AkOtcC af . 1 tm. z. .-fc f - v m OiljriCt. &0CKJW&T. feIX.. y. 3t Bill tfce Back, JHu-ne, Gdl Ac. A reiioTiac d HesOinc lUemcdy. V. The !tt on earth can .ttmto be said of Griggs Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cure for cuts, bruises, goalda, Unrmi, wounds, Jind all oibcr eates. 'Will positivelv- cure pilc, "letter ;an4. ell skin crnptions. BalisfactUyi guar anteed or money refundcd. Only 25 cents. Far sale oy A. Lindley - .'.y IN CASH CtWPM AWAY 'n-"35 w m m a mm -m m , riiafafcJ ,a' BaU DsAJhr Bnuikisff Tofeaaeo m annti 3d $2,000 3d -t mipao J5275 100 SCO TO $00 1D .830 33oUicr ITnftaiMli The iS j.reiaUT-lB; 7WSV j I)cx'iilirr S. mi "' rt 0 ttt ,TTTa . n' r j rjTtesewe'jrtJl C-ltlf-l.V'.ftC3I0NT0f..lWHflf j dvtn ffrtlic next laryivri aamV? vail llnw. in thi onler nf thn nuail'-r of maj'tr lin rwxlTtd froni rctu to tn twmtj-av rcceowf col tertista. YMb. hzx yiu-t tor onr orltrl Boll Dnrtinm label. XT. 8. tanin. an.! Csi!ttoTi?ottf. Iiws met tw done np rrjcnrtlr in a vacTta:,"f.Trtth nams iwl aMrt nf ivndcr, sn.1 nnrntcr of Ixuca contain, oil. plainly nixrVrd ri tho ontfiMo. ami iauitlont.charKpnnU. o MnoJtvretRi Dnrlinni Tobnera Co., Dun ham. It - C. CYcrr irenuhw pck vc Iim j:ctnn Of Hull. S owr nst jjinniuicwraict. 'Tt' 1 : (Coif 0sirn latt vfik.) Hoy IVcfcnOnoss aro Made. A plate of solid ooiAt2A 2-10 karati fine is coldered rn c.'-h aide b a lAris of latnl nickel composition metavNind tho tliree ar then passed betvreon p'vMed i-leel rullers. 1 rotn tcis piote the variOftw, parts of the cascH backs, centers, bczsb,ctc. are cut aud shaped by dieo and a-rruew. Qlic gold is thick enough to admit of all kin Is of chasing, engraving, and enn- turning. The composition meLil pvu it netil&l strength, titifxc&t and f( !ili0:, r. ii!e the "rritien guarantee of tho manufacturers Karra:iting each cae to wear tecnty yeara proves that it contains all the gold that can po?ibly be ucc.led. ThLr guarantee is given from actval remits, as many of these cases have been -worn pcriertly smooth by yeara of use without wearing ihroch the gold. DaBDQire. U., Doc If. ISSa. I hiTOBfod ono of your Jsaioo Ben' Oold Wst'h Crroj for EOT-outoen yevr. I bought it BHCocdUAiJ nad Vncnv or It h.ivm,T boen mkA before I ,-ot lv. but 6o not Ick itr-K Inj. It luin K"Od t-. trc ycaro lonyir. Uld net fturect It TfK r, &Ua cue TtiUl rninforniM br a Jevnlcr a cbort.tana p&vsg. 1 mo? cbrtrfiiUj- reoraunnd jwir cuvw ti bo.all ,t.u.. w.. m .t .tlrrf fy1 i T 1?1 .A G.1 S ! tns ! Zmfrre Vntrt Cv Pattfr. Ji I il, !'-, hr tmatMkr IlUtirUt.1 rtmpll.: Cjj1c loi Jxa; tUm' ul K;taa Mxlrh (' ire ami. (JTo e Cor.finw.wt.) a KI.VAii PiiOuF NOTICE. Iiiid JfHx,l!!(xmtiit:ttn, Naa.. Jifly n, lff '()TH'E IS HKiii:itY CIVPIN THAT 'OfK i following named ttilfr has a!l vrtlcp if j his intention to ni:Uiofl!ial proof Hi 3i:MXp If 1.: 1.1.. I II... ...M ..., ..Ill 1.y ....i.l I.,-. 4 uis tiiilill, aim null nam iiruiu wiu irj in;'v v fore the Hcrk of tht dihlrict coitrt. Ni5;T ooimty, at Ked Cloud, Net)., on Saturday, 23,lKl,vlz: . AIX)NZ( CllKE. 11M cntn- No. K&. for tho sw nr of sccl town 3. north i-mtru lLweL THt n.m lotvine -wit losses to novJili MxtImii deuce upon and cultl:Uiou of hum i:i I:uiies Loekhe:irt, Jr., AMiloy Alexanilj l-ocJ:bcart, Joun wanicr. all oi came &W.SV.I July l$-ag22 IN TJIK DLSTUKrr COURT OF Couuty and aUilu of Nebradkn. Clara E. Leber, n.ilntiffj vs. Ilonry I-ebcr, Defenda nivcRcx. llenn Ieber the alcove named c! ;iLin will r;iry. Kv. ix-tiiiou L'i t:ike nvtiv that en tus'-'CThuavof tbe Plaintiff. 'Lira K IxKt, filed. tbe offlee of tlio clerk of the dl Ur un,nt rum st slid de- for Webster county, Neura-ska, lendant. Uie oWee; ami imiyrr rticU H to ob- tala a decree of riiroree a vn i i.tnmosil i from said lefcnd:uit o: the sriMSK of ad.iltjry and Rnns and wanton ajtot tfwl(lc for tbe inaiiit.Tiamvof nlauitlll. be. ttsnjeadant,telrjs of sufilUont nbiutv m o do. iTx delay hint. Il'iirv JLb.r. vill there ore trju? otiee tliit he ireffiurefttis ew.versuJdiif on "f befwre JIonu.iy, tae first day oi b .tit'r, i. i is L- I.Ktirr: By J. Si. discr b r Rrtvratj HOAI) :c. STATE OF NEBRASKA TnBSTErr C0UN- ty ; T.i rJI whom It ni eoeemr Ttii -r.!rjt?xloKpr awnwitt to view and r iwit uri .-vrtaln run.t5 &zi. for Jr. a vrtflni K-tltM l!v filM with tfce eintvcier!f ct faie f ifnr -s -King trutfft ?'iUrr.d lc iecate.uiud ' a section line vusttjii af In jv. ConuiiencjuR ?.t a po;ut w;r? tex . K . rr-ioaa ngns- ti -vvavJnfcarscrttbe-5ect; ke ju-ctwt No. four 0 und mn (ajiu iratft ramrfc elp't-a ill) in sale canary, Biami:? imiic t" ;j niirtIt.wR.tcrlvdireclla'ns tbe north line of saiitn if ricbUT3jo a point wIhtc tbe sld ridbt of var intrsjs tae Ln dltSdins the J north hair cf sertlf-njRn-Si. t.ra oie in nuc I -1.rt r-it.1 jlT-itlil ; lil-in th Drtrtll irlLlI -.r ;?., ,.u.... .-;. i- vf."n.'.".iif .i i"v... T. . i . MH:t!ou five en. arnl.Ut'cn tber.en!i-.-rtt iimr- jtcrafserffea $; H rrr.3 eJever iStofiS&ffiaftfSS cu. ?iuu Afr-o' aaii.riu.iiti"' w. !st!nsis(6. thf west Iralf thereof, le tbir secJ!i line T3flf Otot'EStiid, t. ax iruTtu'nseAJs - JvE biveea sectica :tjr -.if ave (5) and trie k-iistqnartercf fcix f) a.ia L'l-dtt , aud tbe wrtc-east. section aise (i tl 9"?L?.l5: c?i Hajto-ivaeneilt nutixil n . KTllft WS-SX vv r . . raiy. troia id poiz" w(e n!,i3t.&'ii.r f -rs" Jnwiv-ciS tb 3J? SS?J?3 VVlWi. l iwi liBteecttictistr. i vaca. tOJ as Tv iswisistt r 's'SlUjf,.?-! yt ai: a' IS'Sfi ,-a a.1 srifcuss tirrttarrr ajie 'ar-fli Jix ai," cjaKSffijtrcar sunir w r brra nHaf FpHUryJ s?i cfcJS4 tf.5 ViMNrtSlCK ?Xi -a jp., Av; ; tKni.-y-v' -P.fl S rr L )y9MMU& V fv. v 2.- ' a- t-Av. yv"" T. v ' .tr .? rt' - Mi f .. '.r5'! - se a?yr?jk-5P ftfSSyjl5! .':?.. r-f-i .T-.. S5-J-it ?fesJL5:-- S11950 :ul ln 18, (ltjweioi- p ni- 01 viz: m, kjjih rp st cu. IFbJ:. '.stcr. fliBSTKlt BS Bwi' SbVS! i'." N0 ISH rtCtChlldren 11 oHa CXTX COC, rcir tuutii.'i. m l.v i. a-t flttiasl TLfks b wafcoiil tajerios . . --- Paiassl ri'AJ MtOOF NOlICt f Land Otnte, rttMMiftgKMi, Xt., Jwecpt' W4 N ont'K rs nxjcEoY ny that ,tijb kt V Hf flilfet hi fflMkl' jTliO MKxif 'ta.-sfWf rf U clulw. andr sW mwNi NiwAi ,K foro CU-rK rf ifcstri fct, WefcM amity, Sk., at Zed Cfctt$.itl'rfciay, AKmt 15, 14. Tt. ATPSKD PUdfTKR, flXMKe.73. farlk 'mfH'tmm.if ,K. niejeni IT ?, tfe temvrltm tttm to JWW6 aH cwUntMhi. resJ4Wn-e pen ? aSy tCT K- SF5.'i8: nii. "cSsoHfcrbK; I'll YSCTA UNplGEON, K WU , -t"W call pi un -X" " '-T T ? uffick : Ai re.suicn i mvu --. a . t a T .7. WARD, . v mrln, K u COWLER - - EUVUISKA. SelJrf Kaptrint and VuFtcru Cent A to has 13. tfc Tl. Town i-.;- ff.- Hjitp. ami Fannlntr Uniri. t EAK A LATT A, Deal ers in Dry r :-,y-vJ vwwua. and (irfKritleM, Dj-t:i. TlarJwu;Q hiA Quiji vu: COWLKS - SRASKA Sll3Ti!.l)w:wtlu rA. - -.A lk QEOIiGE V XGFM, Biacksmithing:, 2fepajnrsfc Sc . I'ptnnitl" done, .'ind AV UV !-frniti!cl. C0WLES KlyiJAKICA. 'C. y. FULLBI:, A?.'S UI1ICJGLS. C0WLE5 - - NKCRASiTA. Will cll as Clir-ap ns the Cheapest. T0HN II. JiBOWN, Dealer ia Flour and Feed, CCWLES - - EBIIASKA. Tlio Finest Brand of Flour Sohl at Cheap 03 Anywhere in the County xk (v? rvvw iC &za3 VXV'JVrfW ?Ss;j:K3SAiaftTWtHMM IZarHjnswAyCo.fiwS.Xsala3Cak aaAi tha v-mwM of Mar iSAdidaf). thla I k3r. iTmniUiiiua.l ntt7F.&.!aa siA Kaao-k&cderwL vtH tUIaais. tat so loirrt ftrc ts stcw0 thwar. a-to-i nU'it4 wv t Is tontfin? Bfid roUtoc ctoa ad3n trrt otiscfc trtgktct nil UM&nUffi Uolr5toiacnt. Itih Jmiubtbe ttBb&30&Xltrv4 Vi (iJnded roaas b? rxr-!3Tvi4!r year i 8T. Tils Ct'jrfal Icdsr !hm wblcb tts aboTO l3 CXtriiV, ard ittfai 2,aadred ouir esprc?nj tmti&rcntalo: and rJU beslr r.s-it0iJj,5irocK ler-ssrii on -k, Ui aur one cUlB7attfroSc Trha fhonr" tfci jairely from a mw rest in ire eainr nos lo ganl apalast lnit:i J. HARRIS RE !EDY CO. KTS eftORSTS. Ster1t3tnn4 iStS ST. LOUIS, MO Csaitail'stsi IP. rrcxij tE,tbaao3t And j cla.- .t"w"r "m$ 4r?'i Cmi "Lfrt. Mtu. rnJdj STsai -riacC r -xcft.23n isiit eirvi trr tlrfeiraciflaA2clTOJJC r- jr ,TtN rTAtofpr : la r Stt-vi-1 MiOuktd r v!as tad crr t4t aw r, liiTs uerai inc'.t"'W'"JH"r. -rsjri. .vitr .Tfri:aa ia nffVHsKvBl r jcvattji'; .a-u fcjSTi JK "as!. v 5aJi Jpetnnr f frcrVrt tSW tiw t!wc ef ire. if t-tsa's ItsFXlcxn. rtl .. -. "ttrt i r.c... ' ..- '" t- rf ts at M.isi it5i:iesi- "w.Jt3ai iiaCa ;vt-- elvtK. !wra,ui,,i) SX, w: l -- .V. iirtarj Jo3341 Sre J?x?yts 4 fciwr . 34 t TC-t-.? ". r rT ' i ivmii fM& E snssiBBSBnHVjr.c, 1 LVl7M-ft ttaMMMmMMMiW'W ntranT; IvOM. Hot tons; pT 'iswsVW Red Cioujr?lrsaP fc- i - M""iWjt7fjS-3aTsiswaaaawapBsaaawaa -cmerm rr-. rf .' v M.t :H &flV&r IHBOiaYTHUS rJZ- . HI S"A cr.m,fzs nmn s. "&m. nennmmm ?.yaWv a S-f iPf r at -uf.MML. - AiS?ClBBBB;jft &"!? ' -"- W f-3 Trr 'winfe " 4S&P' --yv -Ra4?"9 S ' Red Cloud, LUMBER" IIT . - MY PEOPLE GO ONE AND MARSH . r- won s RYGOODS o pu VWK , mc. &. uome You Can Sa si a . 3 krVW feh. ""' ' -J-a. : -. IWe Offer Bargains bouse does in t. V Miyati '. Silverware Plain Rings Spectacles Harness J. L. MfkLER. AUXESF COLLARS, SAJJJjLKTS DEALERS IN Jewelry, , WatGhtf, aaasaw aWASaSSSSaJ SaBBBW SBBBBBBSaBBT ' h ssbbbbbbV' JflBBBBBBBftM t'Ti HbBBBBT iSk c! -? f "' BaBaBBBrBfctTr-mr n-BBBBasasasasasav asa. vaaK- aaa. -t'- t'akaSaaafaHaBSBBr - - UVrD 111 MIIMPiWip Wkiai4 -IWiJiafrL- inthe JeWAlnr ; I ti -vav a La .aaasar aaasav a av Aaf aar aawrwiaaaTT. BaBaaaaaaaaaaac-ia '- - -vav aaasasa ar a aw . A E e 4 line; - iRemng oi every ae- - u I ' bt - IIKiliFKafrwIl-rD If J : I? " IIORa25.Kl-.VSivI-n. V wlffl'S.COSIIW. 15KTJ?mj, llAKMSfQiri-" even thins awwlly fcftjit Jn 4 'hop. t:kd (Lorjt;- ran TxszzxlLSi & aIl3oa& J&SSSebII ; SO "Smrt r: '.J: fell .ia f!r YaaaTL ifl4'ajaaaaaa1 SHau. ifcyitl tmMU b as aj. Wlav i tfmj Nebraska. s ALL TO rw2 INS w a IT V m t - - 1 ' J 'it ' j'fc. y" MB i?. fc s ft- Etc if- ? i that NO ol ( Bed Cloud. tf Oh .t. : :t?i -. , - ; $. Clock S Platedware FancyEings Castors, etc SKA mine U9 of every C-5. 'AH .jA S- '5 ' . .. Cfc. - ' z$tZ( . . jS "iV-r,'1- &$L ,i: fiS. :?'f.t t-v1 - :t .i t sa if-i Notions HsaaaV: " t 'v-; fljPi a bsbwD BBBBBBBBr " .f BBW 5yW - T.UAA T m ;,i V. (ki Shin..n.r4BTLAI 1 7TaMi.M.MlJaYBaBBB&c1U!A. I "Kil ljL2mw-i..mLlrmui ' am i " 'aax bF" . i- . 4 BBwt bbLbI JbF OILS atKaSBBBBl tti. - iim -V vvdT prPctanr Iff'ii JiiljIiiBl '' ' i IsMll "w- i mi ill iiiMMWii iMi . . -aTaBBBBBBBBBBBBBk '. atT 'laCfe aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal V9a4SBBBBBBBBf . . V-: .'JBBBBBBajn BkEaH alBflr aBaaBaT WaSYVaVmBaBawW Tdj , . - fjPJkf. SssSfTsSczEnl 'tjfBJBsTa-yyr.ifc.--J ' SaSsVSBav SMSBBa mi.. -., TBafBi'V .Br: . vraPaaWhfcVaviK Cawarflaaawa aW Ba a v " - . . jpll B? 4aasBMBatfaBBBBBBBBBBaatoaat 3' '.i-fti" -.- aaOBmBaBB"""F? X c:E iSBfiL BV sBBsP littk- --i &(r t. . -.. '. w " .. V.. 5-v" ' -. a- -;; Jv .r !&- frsja.. .- m ": -1 pft ?-vh ii--'!: i3:) - " -- f . - - fcsfjrr ? tv--- J1 ' I ,'-iJ- ' ?v- 'I i-irt4 :. i -- JaBF 'BBBaBalrwBVf-P--ri' - -. a. .'2SCww-'.n IraParf as "fl -" yt -Ji,' . -,- .- - iarff;!i -- -jar,; v -lAaaaSCTlBi22k W BaamSV''EiJBB. . !B! 'af ""''x - -'3sife6SKi Ba j-,' -fy &. J KsbbbbbIb BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBh SBBBBBbW' ....-(- laVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflv JBBBfll .-i . 1. W- ti -; . "J fc.-St?-i.. 3Sl(T, T.5S i ts-: ' , E'vpuaaaama IrVSu