The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 25, 1884, Image 3

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    fc- W
-"::'. H. VI
-.. cs-SrJal.v"
l. '
vfl I lift
VrtcrhlrocitT treaty wiOi Caamift
kwricMtly bees egotiahjeV
"jAim G: Blaike, oi laaiwV sad
fjfarer Cleveland, of New Tork,"
- m tbe praniMBt WMifiTM by two
.ssaaioaal pfckpockett of New York
recently. . ,
"Small boja, wko continually ask
qventioas, will probably be pleased to
learn tkat a monkey-wreach a named
for itrigrentor, John Moocky, an Eng-
A Piiiladeliihia man buys for ball a
cent a pound tons of old rubber over
shoes, rubber over-coats, belts, car
springs and hose, and makes tbem into
yg for tbe children and chewing gum
the girls.
re died recenuv in toe reniten-
New Jersey a convict who was
janitor in a bank at Elizabeth,
.was csugni nsning up onus
Ut umtls desk with a cord, sinker
and fkoeqwers wax, through a hole
in tbe escort loor.
ndf ather was grand-
son of Dr. Tho:
Thackeray, Master
of Harrow, who
nineteen children.
The size of tbe fat
probably pre
years passed
rented its members,
on, from keeping the
iof their rela-
lives, and the novelist
azed and
discomfited to discover-
in ridicul-
intr the public orator
ef mibndge
University, lie had beenjabiSng his
own near kinsman.
Lawkence Bakkett, whoarrivi
other daj' from England, in an in
says: "When Mr. Henry Irving
to this country I shall have the honor of
playing wifii him in a series of Shaks
pearean revivals. We have selected
'King John' and 'Julius Caesar' to begin
with. We have not arranged 'as yet
what the cast will be in 'King John,' but
in 'Julius Gesar1 1 will, of course, ap
pear as Cassius, while Mr. Irving will
play Brutus. We may afterward ex
change roles."
Piiof. S. P. Langlev, Director of the
Pittsburgh University Observatorv.states
that the usefulness of the observatory
is threatened by tho smoke which in
Tadcs the sky from all quarters, and
.the increasing haze from moisture in
the atmosphere, which the smoke seems
to enhance. In five months there has
not been one day sufficiently clear for
delicate observations. Unless this state
of affairs is done away with Prof.
Langlev states that the days of the ob
servatory for scientific purposes are
The so-called Siberian plague is re
ported to have broken out in Kussia. If
tho affliction is the genuine disease of
that name, this is its first appearance
in Europe since 1816. It was very fatal
at Moscow in 1771 and 1772. The Brit
ish Islands were last visited in 1605; the
'great plague in London," like the fire
of the next year, is an historic land
mark. The plague of the fourteenth
century Uie celebrated "black death"
is said to have taken oft 25,000,000
Europeans. The disease is now be
lieved to originate only in Turkey and
the regions south and east of the Medit
erranean. It is essentially a malignant
contagious fever.
The situation of the
Guinea is very critical. Tho revolution
of the blacks, which had attained con
siderable importance some months back,
has not been put down. On tlo con
trary, letters from the province of
Bissao state that the only gunboat on
that station the Barreto has been
captured by the insurgents, the crew
escaping in the boats. The moral ef
fect of the abandonment of this vessel
and the delay in putting down this rising
are likely to prove disastrous for Portu
gal. The entire Portuguese press ad
mits this, and urges the Government to
adopt energetic measures without fur-
tlier delay.
By actual count, a Philadelphia paper
gays, there are 13,862 "Maiden Rocks"
in tho United States, exclusive of Idaho
and Washington Territories, which are
still to be heard from. These rocks
are widely distributed, but there are
so fewer than 650 in Michigan, S00 in
Wisconsin, 180 in Iowa, 187 in Illinois,
250 in Indiana, and 567. in Vermont
alone. A "Maiden Rock" is always
connected with tho unvarying legend
that a beautiful and gentle Indian maid,
daughter of a noted chief, leaped from
its apex into the yawning abyss below,
rather than to wed with a barbarian
brave, chosen by her stern parents, or
to show herself false to that other red
skin upon whom the affections of her
heart were set.
Great interest was taken at Wash
ington in the action of the Postmaster
General in the matter of letter-carriers
leave of absence. Although Judge
Gresham asked Congress for $100,000
to carry out the law; fce was only al
lowed one-half tliat sum. At first it
was thought that the consequence
would be that the carriers would
be restricted to seven days leave
instead, of the fifteen allowed by
.law. In reply to questions on the
subject, Judge Gresham said raeently
that he should certainly create no defi
ciency jfor the purpose, and tkat no part
of .the 4i,000,QOO which is provided for
the free-delivery service would be used
if tbe whole sum was required else
where. Judge Gresham added, how,
ver, that he- thought tbe full fifteen
days1 leave could be granted this year
. mad the smfeatiiataft. paid out of the $50.'
IXX) avaUsbk?for tSe pwrpose:
ww j?
1 "mijiV rfnMMMMIlL
jAS - - .-"5.
mmmw yfi
i TseeBtryei
, mbewaewfc
age or iony-six
n a a botan-
r on politi-
Maura has been
ilsville of
the death ef Colonel T. &
tford, ex-
Seiyeyerof tee Port, at
le, Fla.
Ha was a aroatlaeat poll
wsU-kaowa teroafaoet the
At Portland, Xe., the
Coantittee mat aad veUd to
one aae1 sggr ire campaign,
tkat Batter was the candidate,
Tax Exprcssmea's Convention at Bos'
elected H. W. D wight, of tie Uaited
aad Caaada Express Compaay, President;
E. X. Morseman, Vice-President aad Chsa-
eral Ifaaager or the Pacifc Express, Vice
President; Sataerlaad Dewitt, Secretary
and Tree srerv
Tax police of VieBaa hare been ordered
to arrest all Moratoa missioaaries detected
endeavoring to secare converts. A warrant
has beeB issaed for the arrest of Mission
ary Paul HoHomer, of Nevada.
Advices from Abysaiaia stated that
siBce the favorable teratiaatioa of Admi
ral Hewitt's missioB, Kias; Joha relying
upon the friendship of iFrotestaat Powers,
persecutes Preach Catholic aiissions,
which he dislikes. A Basaber of siksion
houses were sacked and missionaries ex
pelled. Tax Irst car load of California beer ever
shipped East left San Francisco the other
day coaiigned to Chicage. It was ordered
ob its aaerits, dae to the excellence of Cali
fornia growB barley. ,
At New York recently tbe steeple chaser,
Jim McGowaa, was seised by the Sheriff
peading a settlement in the Coart of Claims
of the rival owners, W. C Daly aad ex
Mayor Nolan, of Albany.
Tax Treasury Department on the lGtb is
sued warrants for the payment of $9,000,000
on account of pensions.
Tax Treasury Department has been in
formed by one of its agents on the Canadian
border that paper rags, supposed to be col
lected in tbe cholera infected districts of
Egypt, Turkey and Sooth Prance, were be
ing imported into the United States through
Canadian ports. They were described as
w grade and likely to contain germs
he disease. A large lot was recently
d to this country.
C. Eao was still being shadowed
by dqtetives in Quebec
A rL-Tt to blow up the palace at Warsaw
dnriag taa. Czar's stay was recently dis
covered ) Justice of tbe Peace named
BarloTskyaa suspected and arrested. A
quantity of swfifl and dynamite belonging
to the conspirators was also found.
Julian WaruSoxs & Co., 50 Leonard
street, New Yorivf-jwere reported to have
assigned to Oorg0. Walbridge. They
accommodated Edwxs, Yard & Co., with
notes. They gave laiinreferences. Tho
firm was hi tbe fancy gpde trade.
Private advices from3sTpbyboro, Dl.,
reported the failure of tbtTgkfinor Savings
Bank at that place. The liabilities were
not stated. The nssets was 10,000. Tbe
citizens vroro excited and"BrouMa.was ex
pected. ' Jjn
An incendiary 'fire at Lexlagtca, Ky.,
destroyed the Blue Gross copasrfabps.
Tho loss is 131,000, and tbe insurance!,
000. "V
The Grand Lodge Knights of Honor qtj
Mississippi unanimously sustain the actlb&j
of tho supremo olucers in establishing aae
headquarters of tbe Supreme Lodge at St."'-
Tbe Pennsylvania State Agricultural
Society have decided to give a grand
bench show of dogs during their fair in
Philadelphia which takes place September
10 to 19.
An Austin, Texas, special says tho State
Comptroller estimates that tbe reduction
in tho value of cattle for tbe assessment in
the State will approximate $10,000,000.
Officers of the Pendleton Banking Com
pany of Pondleton, Ind., deny that they
have failed. Business was suspended for
tho purpose of consultation with deposit
ors. The bank opened the following day
unci business proceeded as usual.
London newspapers heartily rejoico over
the rescue of tbe the Greely expedition.
The President of tho Board of Health re
cently telegraphod Surgeon General Ham
ilton of tho Marine Hospital Service, re
questing that a revenue cutter be detailed
to cruise off the mouth of the Mississippi
River to warn off all vessels from Toulon
and Marseilles, directing them to go into
quarantine at Ship Island.
In tbe Sharon-Hill divorce case at San
Francisco Judge Sullivan refused to allow
the ink used in the body of the alleged
marriage contract and signature to be sub
mitted to a chemical test unless counsel on
both sides agreed. Miss Hill's counsel re
fused. Sharon's counsel thereupon an
nounced their case closed.
An attempt was made recently to blow
up the monument at Salisbury, England,
to Lord Herbert with a box of gunpowder.
The pedestal was injured.
The Fireman's Trust Insurance Com
pany, of New York, was closed up and
policy holders were being re-insured. Tbe
assets were $183,000 and the liabilities
At Painted Post, N. Y., the other day,
fire destroyed tbe business part of town.
John Hoffman, employed on tbe Mil
waukee Daily Sentinel, was shot and mor
tally wounded by Gustav Prier recently.
Over two hundred clerks in the Pension
Bureau received promotion the other day,
the average advance in salary being two
hundred dollars.
A heavy vein of gas was struck on the
Lee farm near Hubton, Pa., the other day,
at a depth ot eight hundred feet. This
strike was in tbe new field and the pres
sure was said to be very strong.
A srECiAL from Cheraw, S. C, states
that J. P. Hawley, of Douglass, generally
thought to be the party who led the posse
that killed Began Cash, was shot down
while at work in his field. He claimed to
know who did the shooting.
The steamer St. Dunstan, from Mar
seiiles.arrived in tho Mersey on the 18th. Sue
reported two deaths from cholera during
her voyage. The steamer was ordered
placed in an isolated position and all com
munication with the shore forbiddeu.
The Russian plague has made its appear
ance at Kars aad other stations il the Cau
casus. It was brought from Persia. Tbe
sanitary cordon at Katu has proved en
tirely useless, eight hundred persons hav
ing died at Bedra daring May. Ihe Gov
ernment has interdicted most of tbe Cau
casions from making pilgrimages to holy
Cotter, Beattie & Co., general mer
chants and lumber xaanafacturers at Ovid,
Mich., made an assignment recently. The
firm was a heavy one. This was the third
failure there within two days.
The customs authorities at Montreal re
cently seized ten printiag presses maaa
Xactured by the Campbell Company of New
York, 4or undervaluation aboat thirty per
A wnxir being dag at the factory of Dpke
SoaB,Durhaat,X; C, caved in the ether
day, baryiac sevea ases. Three were
takes ut badPyJajured, aad fear reauiat4
lathe well dead. Oae was heard beggiaf
for saccor, sayiag the water was risiag to
his aeck aad he was about to drowa.
Dake paid five dollars aa hoar to aes to
The failares for the week ended Jaly IS
were: United States, 193; Canada, 33;
total, 815, agaiast 192 last week. The i;
crease was in the Western aad Middle
Harm on, Spbcance ft Co., one of the
oldest aad most conservative bouses on the
Chicago Board of Trade, announced its sas
pension recently. The firm was under
stood to have been "short" in the neighbor
hood of 1,000,000 bushels of corn and to
have lost both ob the descending and as
cending market. The liabilities were esti
mated at $100,000.
At Waynesboro, Ga., Sam Willtami
(colored) was hanged for the murder of
m Bush, also colored, October 20. The
ution was private in tbe jail yard.
E private banking bouse of A. & J. C.
n, of Indianapolis, notwithstand
assurances given by the latter gen-
e day before, did not open it
e 18th. Tbe claims of deposit-
to amount to about $,000
s not stated.
Nichols, Acting Seer-
General Hazou,
Chief 8
r, bad a conference fit
WashiagtodyaiJkicb it was concluded to
suggest to
der Schlev that lie
briag the sart.
the G reel y party
front 8L Johns
and, Me., whert
theycsB reasaia
r preparea ic
Their fami-
stand the carnage o
lies can join
ijrisMin 1 if so de-
At, Atlanta, Ga., recenm ffcP. Thrash
er was fatally crashed atiaes mill by
logs falling upon him. i &k
la Howard Coaaty, lad., theaarnigbt,
M. William Tubley was ehoY ad hilled
by some unknown party. A
E. F. Taix has been appointed 'tTisaii
sioner of the Burlington and Wabasl'xe,
in place of M. Knight, resigned.
A aux belonging to the Laflin ft RaaM
powder company, at Cressaas, two m&t;
from Pittsburgh, Pa:, exploded the otbet
morning. .
Henry Bloom, a Baltimore ft Ohio ex
press messenger, was arrested recently,
charged with stealing a packs ge containing
WnxiAM H.RaiNELANDER,of a family oi
wealth and antiquity, was indicted at New
York recently, for shooting and wounding
John Drake, the family lawyer.
Erastcs Wimen ft Friends, having se
cured tbe Staten Island ferry franchises
from New York, propose to connect Sttten
Island with New Jersey by bridges.
Bob Hunt and Dan Parker, both colored,
were hanged recently at Greenville, MJsg.
The former killed Bunel Best, colored, and
tbe latter killed Richard Barrett, colored.
Ik the United States Circuit Court at
Cincinnati, George Hafer was appointed
receiver of the Cincinnati ft Northern di
vision of the Toledo, Cincinnati ft St. Loute
The Secretary of State on the 18th re.
ceived a cable message from Consul Gen
eral Walker at Paris, acknowledging tbe
receipt of the sanitary telegram saying it
had been sent to Havre, Bordeaux and
Marseilles. He- further says it will be
strictly observed and that there is no chol
era in Paris yet. The city was unusually
Thomas Brioham, a farmer near White
water, Wis., went to the pantry at night
recently for a lunch. He mistook for cus
tard a plate of poison prepared for rats,
and died, in great agony within an hour.
An artesian well is to be bored at Aber
deen, Dakota, with a view to obtainingper-
manent power to run a mill producing two
lndred barrels of flour per day.
vtfE acquittal of Lair, implicated in the
alwer of the Ward brothers at Devil's
LakDakota, was followed by the quash
ing otallKthe indictments, with the consent
of DnjVZard, of Chicago, who saw no chance
for canVirabn.
A BANitJihIer at Sterling, 11L, paid a
srangerae;aandred dollars for a genuine
silver dollar .bearing the rare date of 1804.
An Eastern auiatsmatist to whom tbe
coin was sentref ored that tbe date bad
been alteredJn'tbaaiost artistic manner,
and that the special value.
The employment Z& ' a spotter on the
Brighton street 'railway.' at Rochester,
caused a strike by the drivers of one hun
dred and twenty lK)btaM cars recently.
While in the woods naaf Jritztown, Pa.,
recently William Seachristwaattacked by
seven polecats, who scratched 't.'fcd bit him
for twenty minutes. He killed eZkvof them
with a club, and lay helpless "Whak, found
by his neighbors. N
It was reoorted from Taneiers tkafca
French comedy troupe, traveling thragi
Algiers, was massacred by Arabs near
. W fMAkHB '
A dispatch to Reuter's Teleeraph Co:
pany says the situation at Shanghai is im
proved, and there will be no fighting.
The circumstances which led to tbe dis
covery of the plot to blow up the Ciar dur
ing his recent stay at Warsaw have been
made public. It appeared that the Nihil
ists had ordered a student to poison a high
police official who was the father of tbe
student's fiancee. The student refused, and
poisoned himself. Two letters which he
left to bis betrothed led to the discovery of
the conspiracy.
General Grant was residing at Long
Branch, but was reported lame and unable
to attend the National Encampment of the
Grand Army 4 tbe Republic at Minneapo
lis. At Big Rapid, Mich., Oliver Seaman's
mill and six or seven million feet of pine
lumber were destroyed by fire tbe other
night. The loss was estimated at $73,000;
insured for $30,000.
The officials at Marseilles were reported
panic stricken because of tho failure to'
check the spread of the cholera, and were
In a recent railroad acrident to an excur
sion party on the Valley Railroad, near
Canton, O., twenty-three persons were in
jured. A band of road agents stopped the stage
and the Boerne hack, near Boerne, Tex.,
recently, robbing the passengers of money
to the amount of $S50, gold watches, chains
and jewelry. The robbers did not molest
the United States mail. The road agents
then flanked the town after the first rob
bery of the stage, and again hailed it sev
eral miles beyond and robbed the mails.
Officers were in doss pursuit of the robbers.
Dr. MacRea, of Council Bluffs, was
called recently to attend the family of R.
C Harris, at Parks' Mill, la., and found five
people dangerously sick with a complaint
that had all the symptoms ofcholera. The
first case reported was the youngest child
of Mrs. Harris daughter, who was taken
sick and died within an hour. Another
grandchild of Mrs. Harris was also taken
ill and died. The patients under Dr. Mac
Rae's charge were very low, and he had
but little hopes of saviBg them.
Over two thousand saloon keepers of
Cincinnati and Hamilton County, O., have
failed to take oat licenses under the Scott
law. The time expired Jaly IS. The
license was oae hundred aad two aaadred
dollars per aaaum accordiag (to the kind
of iatoxicaats sold.
PnxsnHtST Abtbttb has keaed-a precla
atatioa.BrgiBgdaiceace en the part of fed
eral oJteers ia areveatiag the iatrodactiea
t cholera lata the- UaiM States.
vTfc Kr
Is Dakota Coaaty tbe aaato ere? fe ex
pected to be large this team. Cetoei
Warner will have one thousand bushel,
John Finnerty t thousand bushel, and
numerous others will nave front ive hun
dred to oae thousand bushels.
A writer in the Omaha Bee. calls the
attention of tbe Humane Society to the caw
of a private soldier confined hi the Military
Prison, who waj sentenced ta seven years
imprisonment for desertion, and who, the
writer charges. Is "shackled with twelve
pound Irons, both legs being sliackled to
gether in such a way that he can hardly
walk, and has been to for nearly two years,
and Is compiled to work and sleep with
them on. In fact, they are never off. lib
legs are all skinned, and the flies give him
the crudest torture." The wildler, lie says,
yet iias five years to serve and to sutler.
Tub Valley County fair will be held ou
September 23, 24 and 25.
The Omaha Street Hallway has again
been .sold and the new company lias bonded
the road for three hundred thousand dollars
for the purpose of extending the line. ,
Mi.vok.n- claims to have received and
shipped 3,375 car load of goods, valued at
62,304,035. since January.
A floatkk was found In the river at
Plattsmouth recently.
A iilack burglar strucK North Platte the
other night and received the content? of a
revolver in the neck. He broke Into the
store of J. C. Uupfer and was helping him
self to the nickels In the till, when Hector
Marti, one of the clerks sleeping in the
store.bla7.ed away. When the smoke cleared
a dead darkey was stretched upon the floor.
Alfa, the three-year-old girl of Mr. IL
L. I.ivincston, of Lincoln, recently strayed
.away from her parents' residence and when
the alarm was given police and citizens
joined in the search. When found the little
one was more than a mile from home, hay
ing wandered through the heart of the citv.
When asked about her trip she answered
"I dis dot out an' turn."
Becai'si: of the accumulation of new
criminal cases at Omaha, a special Grand
'-Jury has been ordered by the District Court.
M). W. II. Meyers, a well known
BWfiician of Lincoln, was recently attacked
frMiepiIeisy and fell down the stairs oi
Bvtaikce, re'clevlug injuries which caused
aardaatu the following day.
Aty. Dn. F. X. Fottek, President oi
Hoai CaUege, has declined the Bishopric
of Xataaka. to which he was recenth
I. att
to seperate two dogs that
were flgh
illie xates, a ten-year-old
Jboy of 0l8;
badlyWtfenin the hand
which may
iiuc so bold at
Omaha that they 1
the house of the
temerity to enter
ci.r,-;r (net
show what they caJ
"", J1"" w
The late storm di
wraensc amount
of damage in Sal hie
The .storm
belt was ten miles,
'& Friend and
passed almost due cast f :
taawet, corn-
ing from the direction of
It was
about three miles wide, the
ction be-
ing greatest In the center an
lMg to-
ward the edges. The hall st
most the size of hen cgf and of 1
some having edges so sharp as to
corn stalks and limbs as though ak
been used. In the center of the storn?
was cut .down till only stubs six
inches long marked where it stood. Grata
and grass were fairly pounded into to,
earth, and a great part of the visited areai
suffered a total loss of all growing crops.
A xumher of prominent gentlemen met
in the Senate Chamber at Lincoln the other
day and effected an organization to be
known as the Nebraska Centennial Com
mission. Robert W. Furnas was named
Chairman, and John C. Bonacll Secretary
of the commission. Subeommlssioners
were appointed to take charge of.the differ
ent departments or bureaus assigned
them, and prepare for arranging the dis
play to be made by Nebraska at New
Orleans. It was? deckled that each
member of the State Agricultural and Horti
cultural Societies should be asked by Com
missioner Furnas to aid In ''securing speci
mens of grains, grasses, root products, etc.,
and to forward them to him at Omaha when
notified and requested. A special selection
-of gentlemen from every locality In the
State was also made to make cnllectigps in
their district .and to render such other aid
as inaybgffiSrorlh. in the work of giving
the State iQmtKtKh showing in the great
NKauASKA crops of all kinds are report
ed bet-er than ever before. The season has
been a' I that could be desired. Reports from
Northern and Eastern (Nebraska, embracing
in territory more than one hundred miles
west and south from the northeast corner of
the Statevwjthout ajriugle exception are all
of the most flattering kind. South of the
Platte the reports are equally flattering.
The B. & M.suffered a number of serious
wash-outs from the late rains.
At Omaha, Judge Dandy recently
sentenced W. II. Holden, who had pleaded
guilty of stealing registered letters at Alns
worth, to imprisonment until 3Iay 5th. 1885,
In the Minnesota Penitentiary at Stillwater.
Post-office changes in Nebraska during
.lie week ended July 12: Established Car
'jfA Brown anty, David Beattie, P. M.;
J&ers. Colfax County, William Young;
St2LCaster County, Frank Fochtman;
ThaWea. Knox Count', TlieodoreT. Thor-
sftlimtinued ksper, Copper County.
Xaaws;?hanged Canton, Stanton County,
0maSa,.Um other morning, had a sensa
tion in asaajjifcirance of aiire-tlL It was
about torr$ from tlie ground and was
first notice5pMarTwenty-third street It
burst near flfcfig&urent with n deafening
report and a niaaWjbf people were stunned
by the shock. '$$ long tiaie after tbe
bunting a queeTJmaeU was noticeable in
that vicinity. ThafafeiiCloa was from north-
ewi w soumwesk vjM,
Lindsay, the LincwUd-beater. aftar
serving his sentence fjuMVo-Tense, was
uimediately re-arrested MfeH to answer
a charge of a different nasaj
The corner stone of the JMfttska State
L'oiLse was formally laid on fvWWiJOon ot
tfie 15th under the dm-ctlon oSBtlasonic
oraim ixxige, other .societies
pnncinal oration was delivered
efnor Kobert W. Funias, of It
Grand Master John V. Wemnle
immediate charge. A numlier of inte;
State documents were placed in the bo
under the comer.
ioi uurgiars irouoie x.incoin. '
A cang of car breakers and robbers wasTK
captured by Conductor Gook on the D. & M.
last week. Two of the gang broke into a
car near Louisville, The conductor discov
ered them, nailed up the doer, and took
them to Lincoln where the polrce tenderetl
them the. freedom of the city jai.
The storm that swept over the countrv
about Lincoln on the 11th was little less
than cyclonic in its nature. Several build
ings were blown down, and mncli damage
done in the country.
By a large majority, but a small
lutiais in uwiiuj m.jl .; iviuuMitvii oi .
water worKs.
Mns. Emma, wife of J. W. Jillsbary, of
Saline Coimty. died suddenly of heart dis
ease whlie on tlie way to a plcsic recently.
The cattle drive for Ogalalla his year is
50,000. .bont 150,000 are yet to come.
The cattle are crossed over the South Platte
and driven directly over to the Xorth Platte
.River, where the prairie is as yet unsettled.
Key. , A. Kusskix has been appointed
by tlie Publication Society to take charge of
the Sunday School work, in Nebraska,
Colorado and Wvoming. He will make bis
headquarters atOrd, this State.
Uet. Geobge Scoria miaister well known
in the Elkhorn valley, has been appointed
by tbe President to tlie Uaited States Con
sulship at Odessa, J-tTiraar, with a salary of
$3,000 per aaama. ,.
SraoxaEaa n soon ta mwt aaewMetb
edist Church. - -- ,
re. x
assHBBu. vrbe
V !Mla
i 'U'
ssaw r.
w r-c7BMnWo.
Uvaser UMBMy.
Auocsta, MK. July ISHoa, j. c.
Blaine issued h letter of acceftonce yester
day. It Is rather a lengthy document,
dated July 15. In reference to the tariff he
says: "Revenue laws arc in Uwir verv
nature subject to frequent rwolon in order
that they atay I adapted to changes am
modifications oftrade. Tie Repubil
party is not contending for th permane:
of any particular statute. The ixne
tween the two parties loes not have
enc to a snurifie law. I' U far hravCr
and far deener. It invol tt m. ntiiiciMf of
wide application and bei.encent innv100
against a theory which w believe to un
sound In conception and nevitably artful
in practice. In the inary tariff n'oii
which have been necc"ary for tip It
twenty-three years, or Mhlch may heatter
become necessary, the l.'epnbliean !
maintained and will ma utalu the 4cy of
protection to American industry, wtfle our
opponents insist upon a revision, im'i prac
tically destroys that policy. Thfue U
thus distinct, well defined and uiw'ilible.
The pending election nay detJMne the
fate of protection for a sretier- The
overthrow of the policy means inrge and
Itermanent reduction in the wfc of the
American laborer, beside?, itnolw tbe Iov
of vast amounts of Aniericanfrfipital In
vested in manufacturing euteraPo- The
value of the present revenue 4ni to the
people of the Uulted States lit a matter
of theory, ami 1 shall subia o argu
ment to sustain it. I only imp? attention
to certain facts of official recoB which eeiu
to constitute a demonstration F On foreign
commerce he has this to say s "A frequent
accusation by our opponents fcthat the for
eign commerce of the countn has Mendih
decayed under the influence Jof tbe protec
tive tariff. In this way thr&eck toarra
the importing Interest against the Iietnibh
can party. It is a common"'! yet radical
error to confound the coatfHerve of the
country with it carrying trade an error
often committed innocently and somctlme
designedly but an error s uross that It
does not distinguish Iwtwecn the shipaml the
cargo. Foreign commerce represents thee.xj
jwrts and iuqort. of a country regardless, oi
the nationality of the vessel that may cany
the commodities of exchange- Our cam ing
trade has from obvious caues suffered
many discouragement since 1 sCo, but our
foreign commerce lias in the same period
steadily and prodigiously increased in
creased Indeed at a rate and to an amount
which absolutely dwarf all previous de
eIopmefns of our trade iwyond the sea.
From 1SG0 to the present tune the foreign
commerce of the United Mate. (dMdcd
with approximate equally between ejorts
and imitorts) reached the astounding ag
gregate of twenty-four tliousind millions of
dollars ($24,000,000,000.1 The balance In
this vast commerce inclined in our favor,
bui it would have been much larger if our
trade with the countries of America, else
where referred to, had been more w iel
document, which is protect le
throughout, says interest:
Thc agricultural interest is by far the
est in the nation, and is entitled in ecn
Bstmcnt of revenue laws to the first con-
tion. Anv iMilicy hostile to the full-
lopmeut of agriculture in the United
be abandoned. Kcaluing this
optoucuts of the present s.stem
ive labored very earnestly to
farmers of the United Males
robbed by a proteethe tariff,
Is thus maded to con-
influence in favor of free
trale. B
the farmers of America
cannot be mislead b
are intelli
sophistry wl)
ive facts are before
tliem. They
ly that during the
Iast twentj'-fou
acquired in one
wealth has not lceu
interest at
the expense of an
or another
Id progress
iuteresL lhcy seaj
btates nave made
than tho inanufactu
In these
extraordinary developiu
.lurmers see
tho hopeful impulse ota.
ket, and
they see that the finatic
system, enacted since the
came into power, has cstabl
stantly expanded the liouie ma
see that even in the case of wliu
uur chief cereal expert, they havrt
the average of the years since thee!
the war, three aushals at home to on
have sold abroad, and that In the ca
com, the only other cereal which we exr
to any extent, 100 bushels have been used
Itruii in ihr-a ami a linlf httalili ovrnt-fiwl"
Tn some years the disparity has been so great
that for every pee of com exported 100
bushels have been consumed in tbe home
market. The farmers see that In the
increasing competition from the grain fichts
of Kussia and from tlie distant plains of
India, the growth of the home market be
comes dally of greater concern to them and
that its Impairment would depreciate the
value ot every acre of tillable land
In the Union." Inferring to foreign
relations, Blaine Is rather temperate In his
remarks, nothing of a bellieose nature ap
pearing, condudlng on tliat subject by say
ing: "Our' 'foreign policy should be
an American policy in its- broadest
and most comprehensive sense a pol
icy ot peace, of friendship, of commercial
enlargement. The name of American
which belongs to us in our National ca
pacity must always exalt the just pride of
patriotism. Citizenship must be the pano
ply aad safeguard of him who wears it. Tlie
American citizen, rich or poor, native or
naturalized, white or colored, must 'every
where walk secure la his personal and civil
rights, the public should never accept a
lesser doty. It can never assume a aoer
one than the protection of tbe hamohjst
man who bokte it loyallyprotection at
home aad protection which shall follow him
abroad, Into whatever land be may go apott
a lawful errand."
Mrv Blaine says: "I recegnUe. net with
out regret, the necessity for speaking of two
sections of ear country. But Urn regret
diminishes when I see that the dements
which separate them are fast disappearing.
FtejedJces have yielded and are yielding,
while a growing cordiality warms the South
era and Northern heart alike. Can nay one
bttbat between the two sectieae comV
aceand esteem are today more marked
8BV at any period in the sixty
TOnreeeaaMT the eteeuea or rresi-
lacom? abw is xae resait m
time aad hi part ef YeaubUcaa
prnaaajsAs aaaHed mmmr the favecaMa cea-
ditio&gg. uerfermttr. It would be a great
calamlPto ehanfe these inammcea aader
which ftera . cesamonweaMha are leara
ing to ktedvil righls aad aiapUng
t!:t-nielva. the,coatieas ml aatftkal
there be
vkrfeat outbreaks
In the Soutfi
"nthisipeacefai pro-
gres-s tlie pub!
K.n. uk ommn ir
cards tliem
trurfi that. eachlKWe eTl&
With llf-et
needs capil
Kcwawm i
. -.?.. ..
contror?rsy. As mi
trpart c the
Coll protection
North the South in
of tho revence laws whs
mrty offers. Some of
have already entered upon
inai oeveopment and pros
at least, should not lend t
votes to destroy their own fi
fort to unite the Southern S
sues that grow out of the ro
war, will summon the Northern S
combine In the assertion ef
Nationality swhkh was their
spirattou In tbe civil struggle.
thus zreat enerzies which should ne
is a cemmoa imiiXrial developtBest wiU .he
wasted hartzal strife. The Pemocrams
party shews itself a fee to Soatheni pro
perkj by always iavskmg aad anriag Seata
ern petKlcal coasolWmtint Seek a poBcy
a.aewches the rismg iaetlncm ef patrkxissn
ia the heart of the Soathera yeexh: it re
vives ami susaaiaaes artjaeme; II
tflaLr saa
ar by oi
otlr aaKioii
v. lie
t Mivcrae inat a M-ateuui
be safely txnL He H oppose!
grant of public Uml espectaiiy 10
s.and would encaarage snipping oy
Wks. In coaciusJon te ucaaaiu a
ballot, onounclfw electJoa frauds as
Wt dangeroa to the f stare of th Kepab-
ThCntrMlon roHP f ta Arfra ta
CoiHrnr to MnrArr the Kwifrr.
Cmi I'rtar m4 Ottirr.
effomof the Canaan aathoritics J St Usumatlt street at aaoctheau
presa the fact. It Is cvfelent that there b a j,, acquaintances ot all panics
very substantial bads for the jreneral belief aic well known in the dty.
that a desperate effort was made to murder
thrKmperoraml other august personages
.... ., , .. Z ,
at the Inauguration of the Genuania mono-
incnt in the Xletlenrahl, last Scptetubtr.
The first hint of tim conspiracy became
public when the workmen who were cow-
pletiug the umamentel approaches to the
monument this spring fount! a small quan-
tlty of dynamite concealed In a drain plj.
The discovery prtdocel a great sensation
and a Coveniment conitnkslon, consisting
of military offfcers and enriinvrs. was at-
polutcd to hnestigatn. From time to time '
fragmentary reiort of their dlocmcrir
leaketl out, not Itlistandlng UiectTotts mde .
to keep their proceedings secret, and It be-1
came known tliat they luul found trace of i
a mine of explosive directly under tlie il
road traversed b the Emperor, whkh
might hae blown the entire cortege
skyward excel for the fortunate accident
thai the mine had become saturaleil by a
heavy mln storm which preceded the tin-j
elling. lliese n:elationswene followed
by Uu arrest of a number of upected con- f ASt, -n btartiUg at the same hotel at
splralors, who were tirst itxamlnisl before n which the Irwfevr tnped. The lrofe--the
Commission and then Imprisoned at K,r n apjHrs, made hiHielf obonktt to
Stuttgart. The arrests tevlel tlie excite- ut.ln, and afterward wade remark deroga
uient, and it seemed necessary to do some mrj- to their chamctcr. TliU ctxiilng to the
thing to abate the alarm. Consequently, can 0( Ir,tf ladles they decejctl tlielr de
when the othclal retort of the Commission faniff to a store, and when h entered mada
was made and the newspapers vught to t a lgorltus attack on him from both Uank
learn its contents, they were oftVcIaJly in- j ulth the cowhides following him to the
formed that the Commission had failed to idralk a he letrraktl, plying the Mlnc
tlnd any evidence of u conspiracy, and were Kri to the best of thrlr ability. He dfc
told that no lufonuatlou beyond that state- t aruitsl one of his avtailants, whett one ot
meiit wouhl U given to the public Tlie the male .clerks Interfered ami gtt several
Stuttgart ni(.iiiiWrr,however, managed blown from the whip In the hands of the
to obtain the outline or a confession made by , irofrssor. but while the latter wa altrnti
one of the alleged conspirators imprisoned J a t his male ailvcrsary, the other lady
at Stuttgart, and printed It as a inatUT of continued t ply the cowhide tmtlt the po
news. This provoked a fresh denial from jjcu stopivt! further proceeding. Tbe ladle
otlielal s'lurees, couplett with an Intimation respectability b unquestioned. Tlicy were
that the jtubllc prosecutor at iterlln wxs i ,..j, m,j gj:,, wMch was promptly made
niiiKiug inquiries w lift a view ot iieiecung
ind itunbhlug those who were eugagetl In
circulating lies calculated to disturb tins
public mind. SHx'ial allusion was made to
the reimrts of attetutLs iithiu the Kmpemr's
llff at Kins t Grntz, at Kllerfcld, and In j
the Nietlenald. Tlie Hutat .iTizrlocr ns- S
ganled this attack ujhui its eraclty as
challenge, and set to work to verify and
complete its n-rt of the conflou. It
has just publishisl the results of Uie latest
In(stlgalIoiis wliWi show that tho chief
prisoners wnfined at .Stuttgart are two
anarchists, uamv Kumpsch and KntTh
ler. Tlie one who has confessed
Is lhmipsch, and in his confes
sion he admits that there was a
well considered plot. ha Ing for Its object
tlw lrnirt7liH' nf all KurniM hv a wlmlo.
sale murder, of which the Kinticmr, the J
Cniwii Frliicc, Chancellor Hbmarck, and
otliuis of the distinguished assemblage ex-
jH-etisl to be present, were to be among tho
ictims. The chief mover In the conspiracy. was Kneehler. and they due and
tilled the mine, connected it by a long
fuse which would enable it to Imj fired
from a safe distance, and tlid actually
set tin to the fu-e, with the full
intention and expectation of causing
an explosion with the most dire re
sults. The only reason that the explosion
lid not take place, according to ltumpcb'
sworn statement, was that he himself be
came conscience stricken at the last mo
ment, and secretlj cut the fuse which was
meant to tire the mine. This story pre
cisely confirms the rejorts published
during the -i-ssions of the commission up w
T the jHiInt of Umiiwh's explaimtlon of the
failure of the epIos!on. On this iInt the
evidence as to the prevention of the dis
aster by flooding the mines seems too plain
to le q'm-tioiied. and the Ingenious expla
nation of Itiuupsch, which was obviously
made with a iewof saving his own neck. Is
received with geuend Incrediillt).
Th Cli"lra.
Mai:kh.u:s .Inly !. Although the
of deaths on Wtlniwlay fnjm chol
eonsiderably less than the hlx pro-
Says, the panic remains unchecked.
and Baiafa are still tearing the city. Since
the fIrKBeearancc of tin: plague here it Is
estiniafmTtbat no k-s than fifty Utouand
people iiaab fled from their homes. Tar
barrels arewill being burned at night to
purify tlie afiniil tltegrcatelouis of smoke
arising from rV blazing plies lioats lazily
over tlte cit). o ram has fallen for many
days. Foul ,k emanate from the
parched earth, iw tha streets jrM-nt a
deserted appeaaaarf- The death-caru
rattle over the fllllpinflpau'uicnt with
jainful regulsrityelaaves of the
victims of tbe scomm seldom accom
pany tlie remains to IheKive. Nearly all
the business houses In tbeldfy bavc tx-rn
cloned because of the utterVtagnaUotj In
trade. Many mercUuts, unanie to meet
debts contracted m Pari and vns, have
gone I nto baiikraptcy. In mm quarter
where t ic cholera arstttoK UH1
through this city, many
cated. Here the streets sre
dirty. The buildings on cither j
evidences ef age. The neenle I
squalor and filth, and here the aeath
heaviest. WbJe families have been
hllated wlthm one week, and many of U
wlio swlitsd m their burial have alM fall
victims te the friacue. CWwWe ef II roe.
and other dfsmfectaaU have been sprinkled
along these dkty Janes. No. good has yet
rWulted lewa these eleventh-hear preeaa
tiea however, sad the plague still
finrnj pleaty ef material to feed apea
la tb hovels reared in this densely ?panf
lated dittrict. StatHtirs complied at the
office er the Koyal Meakal Society shew the
aamfeerf death from ch4ra in Ia4s city
since the outbreak efthe plagae la be re
baadml aad sevenlr-elfhtfai aeeraac ef
nearly tweaty-five a any, Tjfc taaney vetai
bv the Cliisbti ef Depatka far the liMeC
of thesuiTerets will be ataaaMe ay the int
of next week. A hwxe Mrftoa ef tae
asnoaat, K Is thought, wI be ased ia carry-
lag oat the prejeets ef thesaaKary
JVrw Verfc StoUa.
New Tokx, Jaly lSiJeweky.
and hardware to the valae ef fa,
seised eabtmrd the aemfcf "Simon ar
rivmg &mb Haraaa. The g4saref
Amerieaa asaaafactaae and It m
were taima te Havana-. U .be wamnrtml m
exchaaae far twbacw
of meenorstSw of
Kafiwav Ceemafiv, rxniM hxHtm
nese of manafacterimc
comodves. ears sad aemtasery ttr be
eaWe rsJiways was atea
sisdc 2,tm,ta. Taa
tbe miarrsar ana of
at this !,
tbe rirrr their
e44Je. espsii4
are yet:
tlnaaal -rTT- '
.- ,- --.... w...- . flHR
tlarfMamaM Caiis fflaBl
TotxtMX O., July IA cxdtlaf sceM
lo4k ateea ia the music star f 3fcGnu
i 3frDoaaki when. 3f 1 Mary Key, a 9m
lady bi tbe employ of Mr. Metcalf. a rival
iealcr and fenacr partner at Mr. McVo
shl's, cateml tbe store accoaipanJed br
Mr. Metcalf awl charged Mr. McfJmror
with drcalaUac slanderous reporta about
Mr. Mctilf ad herdf. WUknaC waltinjc
ftr a reply she drew a rawhide, wlfh whldv
hc spe Mr. McGregor a severe easUgation.
rttfltng up oy bltfac savarr In e of
thUarms. Metcalf admitted that c wa
i Cute ,u.u. July la. A arHtown ua.
P'?,a. w. 7" fcJ JT 72
Iwre before the prohibitory w wvnt into
crf btu .lll ,wr ' tnar-anre
pnjp catwM her arrest, whrn tav
vct am! eontlnnnt t sell. Tins Sheriff
attraiitI So arrest bt araln when tc
jww lwo rvnxWver ami ded him. ll?
f xxvd asLUncr, ami attcr a turb!rnt
nc, ui which a ah came to Uo wonv
xstanee and JJouri'hcI rcler. 1mj wh
L rreslel. TIhi crowd srnmdet the jail
s atut hr-atrttMl to tear It down. When re-
leased on ball sIk? was triumphantly carried:
throngh the . street", by a ellms ?ptre.
llcr action U at tlw Instance of MarliaJL
Hrcwcry, which prcjftHr to make a lest
r..irr .vmi. Anic.. Jnlv 16, Qtilte a
, jensatlon wa created hero by to jouajc
ladiesMis Hannah Howe, late of Chicago.
aadMis itadiri bmith, late of JL lui
t Wwhldui? lrof. Maynan!, a dancing water,
WBO lw tccn herea aliort time. Thoyoiing
!,i(s an riutlocd in a inlllliKTy stre, and
un and tald bv cithenv
, KrUurtloci lit 1'rlrr That Mr Imi1 t
I-nctlij- 'r ltrtw-n Hil I4n-.
I'iut.AtM 1'iiiA. F.u, July 1R.Tlc most
,M1rt,M.,lrt,i1.,,11,t - l,fi,,i.uii1,
j ..... . i ,i
! nnonncenieul that an Immediate reduction
' n telegnph rate would Ihj made by the
l Baltmnue A Ohio, tho I'ostal. ami the
Hank.-rs A Mrrehauta telrgrnphte combltm-
tlou to Western itJe. This it tlie actual
iH'glnnlng of what promise to l? a
great telegraph war, with the three
comjtanlrs. lovc tnrntlone! on one
side ami the WtMem lTlon o
ic other in a tii inarKrt wnicn IUU
not lost all -. of sh.H'k frtun repeal!
lolent Mow Mirh a prosjMs-t would Iwve
Inlluenced prices, but Western I'nlon !W
not ilurtuale inre than on an ontinary lay.
wt ?iuiiriai me rn. toe ww nvi
lilies are quiir t-m.-rful eorjratlons. and
the estern I n on U a splemlldly
equlpjHHl and wonderfully organlxed ys
teui, with a irs-ne of financial strength.
Tlie tteht w!ll intettt the piibile In
giving It the elteaifst and Ut telegrajilc
senlce In the world. The rout-t will be
bitter, and probabh long one. Tlie efltxl
on the earhfcfgsot the romiMnle at ant
glance would scvm t 1' lo vry srratly itf.
cream; them, but a ebrwpriung of Uie tolls
lirtweeii great renters ha frwUenlly r
sultnl in a profit from an increasing biulM..
While It is known Jut what I he trult of a
railroad war wimld l hi thh rwpeet, tlw f
sult of com petition Is'twvvn telegrapti com
K'Uiies Is probleinat.ra!
Aa-urro carrjliie im TSSaBmBmrTtrti
CtonA piklrwtUh.
New Oiu.ka, July 17.- rrlvaleailtjrsa
via Jamaica from tho headquarters ot tli
Cuban Insiirgctit. state that the liisMrgcntJ
under immediate command of Agucro, un
dcrtik an ex "edition agalitKtUieplafitatlonf
of certain irsxtis known to favor the(kiv
ernment. Although opMed by a rtnHtg
drtarhmrtit of regular troops the Jiwur-gi-jils,
alt-r a kinuUh of two hours, drovq
back the fotc and hunit alt tlw hulJdhig
ami machinery of the Sanla Maria anl I,
Merctslw plantations. At the name time a
band of luxiirgt-uU In the Sagua dUtrkt
were attacked by a strong force of Govern
meiit troops, known a the ban Doming
illvmUm. Tlie Inmrgent being latrrnchtd
In an almost Impregnable position, repIMl
the tnxqs wltli a U of tbme. killed and
M!ral wounded. The casualties of the In
surgents was one oHghtiy wounded. The
Captain (.neral of Cnl cxlUnl a rwrtlng
of oflirrr to otirert a plan for HcoerHliy
encountering the rnrmy In tbe feld, Ltx;
iiumb-rof troops har Ijtt UM ttr tern.
alized by gm-nlla warfare. TImj InsurgenU
who arc familiar with every Uot of xxtmtui
on the Wand, divide UiUt mali bands mat
ter over a largo territory, aiwl demoralU
the regular by fale alarms sad forces!
marrlwH, through anhraJthy nwamps u foul
no enemy.
Taor, N. V.. July 17-H1lila jr f)vi
wbe awiui tlie granite work in thto dty, h
onmaer reswence at X)iek iDk
hvitkv Ceaa. While fth lug a dr r t
Jr. Dyer, bU wife aiwl sevrraj frtuij
tf ir mmrmgs in , m1 la wtf0jVk
lrm1,t l"ir !,t a tmey they
St0!! ? "H nxed Tel.
Theypaml. to tow the mt
" of the wrw-k
fa me 4amc- I" fee deck-ha ik
a HbW'1 fsem its SMMirajMM. J.
Aea..aa w - "--'-v -
sWav Inn hoi
m Ibe aVMk.kjMi -
tae Xsrwagmti la
' "ii in -
ef Jeam
T ffmmmmV ms
k aaisaaC i
w "my
Gw ?
fa- mm m a
ZZ'-V- !L-,4
- -? - T t A
-?M r-
r f.
"V ' . .v-
Ks-TZ-- A
- r- m
3 i&V5
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