" '"if"' :c jj fe-sjr'i-"1 -r sarvsi&i , rf ' A ' ri.?JlLl turn nifcpi , .tyjar-w-taiE., ,rs wa W ! ..V . w.--. K-5i-.iV5 "- -13' -l. tr Kr' ' ,-s W.' -i ,' 'A- '- rTi-' -" ?s 'j?aKr-.''-i,is-"''SfT-is ,--.,.-?- -" r rst5' rm - .. v- -.r 4 j.. i -.4----V.V .- i-, ;rrJ --..-vs.?'-y ""'.S -.n.VfSW" ' ?"?. mzn w- - '. "V e j-Ofc '3i, ' s d' BSBBBBT -' RY tl ."r' L AAfw BBBBB. .7 wr' - r- -n V. ff- jsr - i M - - fS1?-. V :?, n. v.f - . S V r fsWkafc'r -J5A ' JEBSH m I r- t .-.s.. :mr t.'-r'-mrmm: i jivn BBS! ft fw ,. jr, BBT -4 V y-?: a?. - . r "-Si iii rf .vr-"WT JTA araoit k - . n rnarf t iif nVitiri.-.i. ?.. t. ' i?CF "?!:-1 ! KJ'niaujwwfl, una u ofld title oCTM3oh Mrli;9i:t..,...''.Lt& jiiXj T t the 8wm$tfri!r"fc1n:lib!i Tcprysonted"tte' woatid ! sojjiethinjr faintly oldlyr'u overirrown kiir 'Xo?' repllci the gr; joru. "it nutans n j 5c XiqWra-uava thny cull Js?S" . T J.I4 ir E3I nrja.,,. rJfcgff w-- Kf 1 iture ' land- Pcki . inipie- i,WK W" " f mrt i"nfeiBiaBai k-- i-' srTJ"7-i'. -.K-JIWWWIiBVfrPPiP r j io:k. wrHr.. -U hi tbo f-'- -..- T-vs. t;i: - Kaaa aa . m 7 WM M6?W MfTNUt B " m: Hnili m 1 VI ' MT p :.? w'- "k; !'!: i i bto 1mmnr.Ll'Lvnkir &W&m. u a ttrHl bv ttbiiirtiMr -TM . t - w. 4r 5Kff ., ' -V7rt -.: v. -;' I '. ' -sr naigotxl ilciil of ih: I trto .uinktrilic ro xorxtble a noasiwo. yr xH&ril fin fliir frtlon ? . ' 'vHovr was thaC?' m Ja,,W4L" si: hi t3a inou iM&1rlK) haw.iot ntil Jv . jfttxoin mat? on. ,(in(l kf a- . u iBwr;.ifc By:ni".inics l. ftiyeoltiliat tac v0f5t ihi r .'itMM ;; (mtnmiin yjL m seo J fS ulVUtrilO. J HiM'cu hoarM: ilnWJ feoi Wto jCainjcinit AfdteBMftt-riMB? j , fc . "S.--i-v'r-!iS.': ' ..-- ixaiMNu vje, ana roan wn. me in Uw v mfasUUrs' lk tbe pitch of tones Ur ear) aafd'emet fihiirin his cafblinsr ho re.iclil hib 1?. i'-l T .-" 7 . " . -,!'- ki no siram wfc ajipsroH in uk uiae. rollud out sirunr ana csr, as, ita hitnor wor shijrin. Then th meU tiy irorcsscd, dowuward, umil to'wyj ni fl k- r - -j Jiavo la tlys v;prJitiJ u 'fCtiiDcr. Jou soc. lfaiiv Boon aftc' tho iroltf fev mi?jMtiil d4n itrtho vulkiy ijclowlcro. ranch Widower even thonV and ti-lth';no rom thtritalw a daughter, past scvci was a proity L'lrJ, if I uo ius as good as pretty, you; 1 was qmto wrnppou 5ip our3tt I was anxious to J iiie, and if not that, at 1 or linr In An rnineh?nf h lull in loro with a pudcitt r. "And did she?" 'Yes: 'ou cv, la tho; country was fall of young had ulruck out for the woro trv:nsr to got a start1 :knicnnck:s around from jinliiluir camn to anothe thorn woro lively ch&ps . well educated, but 1 vrw tho states with all prejudices, and It almoa' wild when ISollie tola mo to marrv a younjr fellow his riuck thrptogh our di deal ofteucr than his trad rcqufro. So I stormed, locked Nellie up for a we word to iter lover that I had rrunfor wildcats nnd pcddl "What did Nellie do?" , iou tuixht liavo puos irer. One dav wheu 1 oamoi a cattlo salu h1u was inissin Iter a couple of davs, hut "takon To the tall timber and tiso. After nwhile 1 got a 'Frisco, and 1 wrote back tsa disowned hor. and that ho keen out of llio range of my What did von do then?" "Sullurcd, mister just s knew 1 wua wrong, but I'd rather than srivu in. For fo livod like a toad in a rock. wholo world. All the pie was in watching for pedd curabo? I licked and chas ranch during that timo woul ou. Ono ovcuing after a to atorzn. ono of tho tribe cai house end ashed. mo'f or aholtir flight. Ho was a thin, wcal follow, with hs face covered Tagged beard, lie carried oa -an enormously long and he and seemed so exhausted tramp through tho rairo that tho heart to do moro than off tho plaoo." That was protty hard. listener. h'I supposo It wa Tho 'a HiytoiitkhmeJit ho'wad soundInr law: 1L t little Faai! raeard him wttTlierfo'ct diatlact- pegs. 116 jnuat have been two haadml yard away As ,wer proacked ho ,fltopjed smglng. l'saw Ufat ho'was a aegra Ho. g t roiled kisiruly aloag, hands In jmckctM, and secnicd -ta ba somu laborer tivher guing toor retmxn in. I rom workjy, H'it I jJll bin he commenced -WiiQiaf0vuiix sioou at mo, ea coaatfeiipftaoa toj-W&bertoti square listeala V WVfSiiltJMi .tm4Jnto Washington street, rhara; 1 Af t6atiKtsB4 his voice was distinct 'a. paiifltttrtiMlew E, and ho was ap f nnxfnmjtm-n tho limit to bis ;ii?,;'jaaywunie of tone I never liaajJieilloijBven by Scaria, unless tk aaoc niogiir and quiet streets aro cscinglj'Ueooptivc."r--JBojo Qlobt, . . i i i Jj face. tcr, a- j, - in . fcjj J1ILU iraind can linafa rat.' iehtt oMte &; :ia?- ) kui with ked to kSifliiWiWflliiHfliMl u '-- . K-. - . . - ',l?? . f?ltftfe l I '111 ll . alJ skmniptl ivnm. or.twf.-i) . 9 " i i5"-. W1 " r , iim;nmmm&mo civc Taifinsr. ;imqgi CIHB.IH.T UW. Uf m Y, At-r: - T& ' ' 'S ,vuvir:.u --.. liVtf wm rX . 5Afttr having ltHr verili nJ monirt I ijiul-'a rcadful tiulil nitVicp at tiijtf-fl told inel ht cDfisfUniptioi iuc i nave likoii sur t Uir itiMi ntv ciMigh w eai and I fuit well srf -ever. v Kmklii . . .. - -i..J .. Ot..-MF ,.-t-- - , fever nred. TfW j fiffl g c -.5 fe7I m.B 111 S liH if - & 71 riifiiir'i mhsi for JJi,r3l in a mfc-M-"- HsBWiWW pimrntt SjrSiSE?!' -ii'i- ,- --? auvr- - x- .r - V and ictors remlp iKo'd ironc (JHspi GIrcenar Uv. nn iimut r-.ra ri-i j 1 cvrt n wrBr? , of Griggs' Glycerine Salvo, T$i sure cure tor cuw.-Druwi Imrrts: wound? anT 11 &, Wil positively cure piles, irjit i.:,. ...r. o.- 2 en n.iu uruiiiiuns. pnsici autccd or money rcfunded.i cents. For sale by A, .Jindloj Infants and Children, "Caatorl Loo wnil adapted to eillrea tht i rwoiamraj Ita euiwrior toenr rrrnf tioa 121 So. OxTcrd St, Brooklya, K. Y. CMtori CBTt-e CcJI'. rARrtJnn!ln Jf Stomae?!. Wftrrha-a, Lnjcwtioo. al!L WorTsa, g:vca tloup. ij j,rouw Wftlkyut iiijuricuis tnodicaa. rocMtos dV . fil ? ran- Am ed ad .. uu m tl er i" i it - & vcoomod all broke o -twlion h( Z Yrniili!n1i flvnn rrivn . 4if m ' ;lraw iu tho stablo, and no othi .... . ..- .i "wlicln twclvo mllo3. ansteau , viljining, howoyor, ho mcrol' -l -that-I fiiipr' allow him to pack, -which no said containo of value, under shelter from tin finally consented to this. So, sworn one of his trado ohou cross xny throshold, I carried insider whilo ils owucr limpoi crawl amd or some bush or othe "Didnjt jou fool moan?" Yos: iean and bitter at t1 mo, Ipr something about tno minded mo of Nollie'husband EH9f n r V I t1 ?? ?ti .Htwcvor.I locked aud barred' - jkwn and windows, as usuaLMc vroad agents had beon arouu aDarts about tl IP asM roVbod scvoral ranoher, . tai.I tfcld, JfiUi.1 was all alono, i Mir, Icond'tgo to sleep. I ' " at mis DAckiiUina' un'ia thooor .ii. . .roillri3d wMt mado ifc so loner. Vv vwatolrd?lfeltahplod I saw It mtf & t 'SaVit2D0ft?, , ftrlSsittlr.iiliroulda't hollo Aif7avst,lhut?after watcliine V St. . JaT r vv ,o.ififld. L'k3 a flash X.Jjaerstaodaao tvjwIo' thing, -tidier was po ofUio road i irangN and, Jsuf&ringlkad cohsidi voncv apout.3lho hdise, the '"niiMtjJ'' nB. wugg: of ujcir crow.meiiQ the ytbusc. Taadrono tosleeo, the polio w - could latin tho re3&ad Ctdsk th I walked iilotly acroas tlirom few foot froa.thB pacslaimod- in tho canter aad culled- tho tri: Gflf on," muriuroA the lis wlth a-ahudder. ': "But tho van didn't sjo oft ,-'tlaued tho landlord, eearin Ihroat' "The nipplo, wasws wouldn't work, eo I laid down and sot i',ai from thdvkitchi thf ,V-I2 Sa- ITea, aawstiekit 'yallaw-Kend,; JKmj JMOU10Wtf4io wa9:f ut! Ifoar, Tho t stoggcrc tkI.sankcpmyBW. iWifc ayss, and wondorad iVj had.not azv. i was almosfiMrt&n -wKaiao guoH siroicauu.i pi .jwuwt wura arms, sou nuxr OTleovcain'; dranpar' "Ahf-aidtho guest with a uv r iv.i j i. o'l-rK .III X UlSiriM III Kfl ADU wu ivdfttW:n ltt "V a' acHj know.lVaaid V - ItSMUord. soiuv. "but if thcro is taiar that wUl bind .- stuX stab .. w i .L.ir t . i .. - - - m- . 'Vi .cv H5Kor tasmtae arms oi. v.Aii,rd like to know whatlt i Viifc lllA .tltYut ItftlA. mcnnAl flflVT JSi.' arT" ' "" 4VUU UlAOVUVk r fc?- . opened tlw(dc 'Sri held ararms." " " 1 lemother -' -." gS taitaojaded the landlord.- KMB:ftra asd,"aiter,.r u aci."loa ., The wile of Senator Harrisonof In diaaa, has decorated eighteea china dinner plates by painting on each a difleront bird and on the border of ih plato a verse in old iflgllsu text jof -)o etry. This novelty is said to have tho advantage, as each verso is ono which is little quoted, of suggesting topics of conversation at a dinner party when the plates aro used an inestimable boon.on such occasions: , i Tho Roy and Tfio Bag. Thoro are few sights moro suggestive of hopeful patience than that of a boy sitting on a. bag of wheat that has fallen from his horse, vHo starts to mill joy iwly. The groat event In tho life of a country boy is to bo entrusted with a milling oxnedttion. He sleeps vory lit tlaitin ni?ht. before tho iournov. so ac- v'trre isiiis mind coucornihg .ine pros pective trip. Uts father helps, him on the horse, and ho sits on Jho'bag. as proud as a king Is on his throne. Ev ery object along tho lonely road inter ests him. Ho plucks tho blooms from tho dogwood, and almost falls off whoa the horse reaches around to bite him self. Ho rides Jato the crook to let the faprso drink, anil spits, at the minnows that swim around. Aftor he goes up the bank on the opposite side of tho stream, and proceeds on his way along tho road, ho notices with ' alarm' that tho bag is Blipping to one side. Ho sits still further over to mako tho bat; balance, but yet he is not satisfied, for it keeps on eliding to ono side, and at last falls ktlfilHo.' cannot restrain his toars,raadTta)fKho;i knows ttiat ho cannot lift ono end of,it, yet ho tugs at tho bag. Tho old horse snorts, nibbles the grass and lashes tho boy across tho eyes with his tail. "Whoa, vou old fool!" and tho disconsolate little follow weeps afresh. Ho cannot leavo tho bag foarful that somo ono will steal it He must wait the tardy comjng of a passer by. Ho hoars the sound of hoofs and ho Ustons intently, while the swelling buds of ; his hopes burst into full bloom. He is doomod to disappointment for the horso has no ridor. Thunder rum-' bles in tho dfstanco and ho will get wet At last ho sees an old nogro coming along. Hisheart bouts high with hopo. How Watch Case an Kost pareoas have a ambiti a gold Watch casa and yet few kow a watch case is aoade; or i fereoeeintlicqualityof them." Gold Watch Cisav aside fr eary thickness for engraving; aad a large proportion of the asetal only to stiffen and hold the tions i& place; and supply strenj surplus is not only needle, bu Lie, because gold u a soft taetal ; furnish tho stiiTnois, strength and necessary to make the case' strong and eloee-fi Umg. The ; case natst. combine gold withr: that will supply that in which ' deficient. This has been accomp thcJanttBoM'GeUWmkX Ckuc , which saves the waste of need- lets cokl, and ixcbkaszs tho boli STRKKCTii of tho case, and at I reduces tho cost OJfB halt: WSAfi tUaMwMfMipMiU "-- - I IT: r -! -g-. mmiclktmk t-i rrriL w v IE km GRAMlft Vwsrto swsa. fMM& h& t Ti Wwn OFFICE AND YABDGgpesre Watsoa s livery stable. - . ' i- Red Clood v rm X. W- K Lock box. 3 22 wmm ffiftt MjMnmmw ao zi.womto euro ror Kbcumatlsm SprninP, Pain in tho Back, Burns, Galla, &e. An Instantancoiw Paln relievintj and lloallnj llcmey. , kfbw lif- il" a ifeesVVl ri3 lYed'pb ' itfl s ???i?5 t p k cj kiaa m ONE AND ALL TO L .. ISMt 4rtfkta,rk,fcr mAtj4makCmmmUr in b com&tiued "9BBBBBlSLRtrV igjSSSBBBBBBBBBBHgCjSUsVr' ilBMBW I disBWiDi "?31 &. Blackrwtirt ToSMO Genui Smo TmaStwolal payxaeni of the 3S pramluaw fully In ear torn w aaaeaae of. Tha MemtuiM will te mM. no natt . a taene MAESH'S W. Has 0T3ened, a New Lumber "iarcl at lue Grain Elevator, where lie hopes lo ee all in "want of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Lime, Hair, cr anything in his line Special fijures on gills, call on Bewfer before buying. Cash Paid -for all Kinds of Grain s 03 FOR m DRY . ;.:? i jtasr' v Hw &MLT. " w-in' iH px te H AM .?pwi fa JSW:t'?!?M . Bm $. el.- DZALBIiSlM: IL fi I E sf HS csaafM csa? SS3Bi ttl 2 Red C!oud-f3ebrae?kdr Or UbfisIfJSi! rZ Wf 3Kq The9' old negro stops aside aud takes a ky-path. Tho boy shouts. The obi negro doos not hear him. Another hour, that seems an age, draws itself along. He hears a wagon. Ho is al most wild with joy. Tho driver, though' a surly fellow, lifts tho bag up, and tho boy, happy , aud thankful; is rescued i'ust at a totna-whon ho does not think iocanjjsmd ita moment longer. Arkajmw TrAVclcr. GLEANINGS. Detroit pays $95,000 a yoarfor 72 eMctno ught towers. "The wood pavomont being put down in Paris is a Unitod States patent Two cannons, buried sinco 1812, have been, dug up in -South street. New Tprk; - , :,;The worsted industry of Encland om- rwrsJ,225,820 spindloys; in France, , 2,765fc000. An Oglethorpe, Ga., boy has invent ed a cash drawer for which he has re fused 110.000. Advlc to Mothers. Are Jim disturbed at night and hroken of your iwiuy ick emm MiucriDK ami oryiug iu paia of cnttlnpr twth? If so ?cnd at or.ee and wratumiiB ol Mrs. Window's sootHJw; synip .sMchildivn teetiduff. J tarantula Uia!ciUabl. ftwin rcliew tliu htt'e suftciSir immwlisitfilv. itfilv. end U1HU1 it. inothors. then is nn tulstnki' ihmt It. It cures dvaMitrv unil dlarrKowi. tvi'. rulates thetAtnacii and bowtls, cures, wind coin: wMicns me Runis. reuucea uiaanmuoii.aaa gives tono ami .enennr to the wiwle snteau airs. rwinMow'K sooui inirsMnm for chlldrea toctaixic -, . -.-' r - . ri . ri is ani to tuc.tasTC. antt is- ui'Drcriuon t oue of the oldest and lu'st feraalo nurses attd hTtobMin thu.Uuited States, and JKTor sale y- an -drn,'i3ts throughout world, f nee as acotue. u riarWiUsat BleaMM i a m. . .- & ."v-rtii.x t..1 ban ituvWrmnnrl at Ami .yfcafcemi'llfted. ft over my headPc "t f". v ,t4V tisw cleaving that pack, robbc aih rlmiSNi tho flcior. Just 1 1 ..ic'"- - - - tKivjnTtol' f at tha V-IsW A mwmTV km 'haSacsNoriaa, i - ft. 'aw atSekiMSua B .-. fei? ? 1. -mC?V 5 W ? s ? i bc ' s . Ha T zCte :oycsandfic ;.w. mi Life to Look for Joy Yd 2?er too Late to Mend, t ivKeaders of Hawthorne's "House o iveri Gables" will recall the pathos which poor Clifford Pyncheoh. iiiad been unjustly imprisoned his early manhood, said, after lseiese: "My life is eone. and v :vy nappmcaa. un I snvo me But that could be irt, as gkanse of warm diy tall, across the jland utaBia Slav. In a leUarto'MeMrs Hiscox k, Co.v r;L. H. Titus; Of Petmington,- N. 3Z -:-'! have jsu laced untold nisefr cluklKoodfronfv chronic dieoaee ess and diafthsD, accoropw. i,Biin., t edeght" Telfef. at ,.r ,5iTa . " w & , Kanns Ar.iQnMi n.i ns of avatt rTWvkl 1 every: pate t aad daabesuc -. -tm.- . tC b.1V."r..-- -1 unnoT; we - sun. -f nave ; al4 TfJutpBrnMst' irtenly.MkfN nMune oessaBjoni pom of a rvewvavni sza 5 'aBesssg 4 teatWBlB v I B bbbT sV. SBBS . .SBBF r 'SL 1 i.HV, - - prevenu t -T LawJ- J' " favtuujeie . mdi " w; " r .m--- f III Lib .v : cure. A:i wlttch ilW - il.l x- -MTIflHl i ""5r. "-' .tolWT L-E.I .irVjfcti lKiS rami? i nesaber of bags retoraed mai OSm StoilMiFl AdkM AImj riniiM jr. r. mm ia. mm. P.A-WILaT.BNLrr aak2 BBfaaSb mr Akfltfaa fBMM&j vWPUrr mmmmmmr &JW9TBWmMo A'WTWiw-, . Dkab 8:-We tackwe ya tlUMlMj riwei p wt iwi Jl'itnw y w 1" iw,ISarBTlK! aftMAf u . XtorlMt,jr.Ct,JJaK,l T)ki Rnt I hsr to adtaowladrs : MlEaM from ron. wUob wa bar plMed J 3?oaratrttly. P.AVWIUT. Xodcj gcaataa wttbrototeUw af BCLLl BW8aoari a La1 S '- rTl fecArsi A J wim -" . -ifc'. 4 4 :si Cowles Directo 'i., nfe" IS? . , , -A , rZw u2s )R. C.SCHENCK, PHYSCIAN AKD SUHGEOi Cowles, Ncbntska. Professional calls promptly nttelid Office : At residence Cowles. 1 fnS5 hVWitMy1:) V dikgyy y-y &&& D. GILFORD, Gome and See i tt Dealer in Dry Goods, Notio! Groceries', Boots, Shoes, &c COWLES - - NEBRA81 Cash paid tot Grain and Produce. ? JV J. WARD, oia!j hlKc CoiTsjiBur, Ed Estaii! : ,. Insurance Airent; 1 COWLES - - NEBRASI Sells Eastern aud Western: Coal. has B.&Jd. Town .Lots for Sal ,, and -Tunning Lands. ' ; SJL pE&&LATTA, . . S Dealers' in Dr)r Godj aad Groceries. Drun. .llardKare aud Oual COWLES ;-""' NEBRASKJ Sells as Lew'asthe IowesL P.HURDv ou uan bave lvicney i e Offer Bargains that NO other hoiise does in E,ed Oioud'. - Maryatt & Co dealers :n T, M. rxnnuKTok or Liv0ry,.Fed, & Sale Stal .GOWUGSV- -: - NEBRASldi ItessaCMriaiwMerwKlmtt Drivti ;OlRGjBW;JrlAGIR, Blssmithlncr. 5, i IligMiiriiifir; A :,-; B sawisly aeae. awjlTWsrk' WaasrfoJL: COWLES '-- KEBRASKA ewsiry, Ulistnhse & verware,. lain Rings, lectacles., SL-'GANGBIK, -. L" rfSw. f.BfBt y f i i kare I Plated Fancyiiigs Gastori el -L, Oo. wm& wm&mmm jiiium HiajBuiisiMw ntirewniWH,- v H ers X Pay. JTWr Te rc..f15iraaracrttn;--K ' V". , - -.", ' - F-fB !t . :?!'. c? ? "WmW.MB:-" j - IBBBlLr'VS - , raarl'.x'W" W MBBlBFVl ?"S. .. , IVaiBBBlBB aaBBBBBBaBBBBMTAte ' - .j j J1 1c RFD CLOUD, NEBRASKA e keep every-tMng in the Jeirelry - m m 4 a line. Repairing ot every cle- "scription plcniptly done YiSAh pcoor fn5 '!, .t. 1 tf-- py portray ormany. tisWaVramtel I- Hefejlow pfcetiy. tw . i. iaenn wi-i STAT&' i- -. i -t - - I,SIj .r:jKa?- -:?2?7i:s tataig Y 111 I Ml IIMI IMI illl I aUslllM r. '- -k JI. i-. t. r-'ft . -T"- "n ;rii.v::'.n." ?v- J. . ' ? &. .f-M L" Ji. -1 1 W ? irWVL"; .'V .-- -- k -VC r i-Jv V.X. i .'v- -T-:i- 1 " TV . JIAli PKH)F NOTICE. Kloakre,t3owiata,Seu,Je2ir ISM fT- is -sryrKBY GIE TILVT TIIE l.V. .- - . . .t . .1 - . " .1 OowiaR-JWWaz ?riucraii'ieu iwct n iijTpu-;ijii eoi- i U.sTet r-.itak fatal ?r' snuwt.i ;. ! Eue u-i datrririniu ! -nMC.1 td tMMnci MUt. Wt4riKr vc-avnfr. i jieax cww, tKij. tJJn Ab94. AtFBSn TMBGKER. J L3d .!c, Weuint:,cl. J -vitrnrEiis liKKEjn: Ar.'r i jc 'asjssc.'-nr citric el ti? strlct evsrt, "jvi. az. iara cmm, i-.ao.. cr TJd T. i. GiiKiJjpA jaeizwos Jsr?iu:si Ar xns tint rrtOf'. cf zrrrta &is I sjtff Were t r-cva:r,ir'U. .x'y a 35. CHAZY PATCHWOStE ! lluitn larcf aMrtmwU 01 rrninunts a.u liWtvAuf ii.thUMifisi lmcudv! .'ts Srt.'u- id iH !. vij aro rutting tiKtii , l ,;( l l-.ifi-dies am ftirtti.vilnc xuem ttr 'Vrny jiUchhMti. ' ritoli ion , nuii n. tiiihs, &c, .r. I'ckuji'- No 1 1 a lifi.dmt bundle uf uxnulsHo at.k.-. t-atsti :uid brtvadcfl vcIvwLh (aHJdlrtVr'.tit1. .lat t!iu thlr.r icr the iituierhpatt''nif frrM work. St-iit j)fp;ddforv:ev:ds in JhmU'1 not. r !.. rt'ii! !ani:. 1'arJcrpo No.'., ronLtliilii; thru Una's a. mm h ah I'akfljri' Xo. J. .rrt jM.tii (or 51. Thrtti.nrvallof V.w vcrv flnu iiuOtty and aiimtb'nmilliMlatai',tluT llk xrk in tin tin U.K. :it hr tlrrj C r y.rb:- . Thy will iit .uh any lady. Oat or.' s w l.-irt dtiri-it tiiim. I-'muVs tiUtiMuti t tnar woW with un iHii.tr.itlmf,;uui (nit iiis4rtuttiiM lur ;i-Ntic fn ork.iwiul'!iu'iy !onnd. ihwU fai. Ml iviitu tlrurr jh Aillir. Tmk l:i j.vmh. v.i 'o.. l.ui!intvr N. V. ff ri w'Ta sa gkaj r r... i -j-" " . wj ri ;ri a Ki r i t f &i ri n a uva a y? r-.. -. --.-ri- tfsrir C f-.Vt V"l- v-i ' " A ?tk-; P?Jsfes'i!i;?5M TllllO Hi IKS vrt !U tlon. ItA f r-irrtjatli. e'r". t a- Is toArk-1 Clsj.- rri'ilrtnt?uctTnlnni tAelciuTOMn, cpoclattr 1) i pl .V. aiity . vt. -a.lwUr . wita Immc'll.'it aii'1 won'.rit' , tU. iifl.o. iutt!c'eain inrrc rev"Jr t o. fcauTrj the Bi'-jd a. d r'ip.t' 1 r.. I ocr. B A '1 "? C yir:rljiB frw.r. til cortplilt.i j iW W frJ t fi- rct.lUr to lyirirx vn r-mlin BK.iiAr.n:!' in : rciio k.i ,:iu ; riy curft. It Hyf!v!mr i.tid fitiltf j tn pltAi.'ti. TU irrwcrt t-lc.fcn t t--?! f Pr. flAUT&U'K iHOff TilN'IU U"ll:l frcttottt sttcmttU At counterfeiting ttsr ifmy r-J le J to Ifca ivjfiii J lv of Ifce orljitiiBl. If jrt carrtu'ly lciirc Jt4JtU uuuoi cTnotibicii'.-tituug uk.-ujc.'l A.iu ;;-3T Kcadjw--U'if-utciTl-nf J'nH?J,jr. HHt.tiU Mfv.- -jar "JtKAK TXOJC I'bliul traaaJ if q taf-jrvutUm- frM.j On. HATrrnj :wti Twwc 3 ?i C- sj tvtt-i 5 Harness Shop PKLKII IK ARNESS- COLLARS, SADDLES HORSE-BLAKKETS. wirrr's.cowns, brubiies. JJARKlvSSOIL And everything usually kept in Hrat cla-iliop. Two donra tiorlh of Ik! Nat.iBank- ItED CLOUD. NEB. Trunks S ITalise .MMbM n. '.i totke jk cf rif n-l . m i k )?!" ti4 i IA" tMM Wft- W? 'V. I ! rTJlt J" pwi, l(t.l I wjwm ww i : ftut'lltU-W"' 0 I r-'itffcl H.Whii t? Tl "r!a1i let! ?'- vrhirh tt t la f.xt i, 1 r.- f 'f.t.Mi otkM i!irf :. tloiiiar nimo'KU tJlr rty r5a.j. tu- Std Vlfl 6u f! te . r .,tlrf K r fl"' tiM -.'- Ittti W ltrtr.' n nw f -' WAWfc.s seriEDroo.FfiBHasr rl-r!t rnd ?itn Ceo. OT. LH)t. wd (ib iitfVatttttsc;: 33. twe DJ!i5 ?3. tt aC3 .r.o jiflM s;-Jcsc Ftu ttsf T rtw-IWnft f" rHtlT&tt r rito jiwl'rfHwit.rj ' -i f :i in'ftnltV-.' 1 t jr rBEflTmar rtfu, t hi t O Wrvoun nwl 9omtnIt W'Wqji, AC. . Cum rpewar ! rvnti. -:.w fn-irnu.- nrJ'hiH'rd M . aiai - 1 ofcn. HOOK w ZK DR uSlu ifAlrB "al t Faaoir' - 2Cr. - -C -oiL3v ir . - a- ,a a r s. . r. - 1 . .f iSTi " "T, - -. jf -t at .. j a - , r- ' rK - r jir- i 9PaB?9C 9fejS. 2? .f.-4".V-? , ui-BTgiiM ssin w h'& r2 7rlu-4 S.SZEVa. TH t"rr21.f. . SaaflKUd K VS . -& JSJS&J. -- . j fl' ? "Tt-.."ij-'lVJI -? k S?3i 9 ?' IVCzJ mi:pV IaimA., Sitto. Q r-r?-?Mr! E r '. B ! S V 1 . -. - !. C.J.J o, i ujmgavrtu r ir Tta or sxohaBa A 40 Are Jl 1Vitfr&:: with otfci&H$' Boad. 400 acrw vii caeb $1 ,0. Aflt'Trlw Cur thn ntiln ef rltw W - KU1 iUmA a( thfi rHpr. imva '! ojKintMl ht tbj 7-Tlntjir rftiof ftal iw ip. itmtMtrr, mkI th lrtwraj bviiliav of vil .lUo loti'ltt ulTfii to MtjbHhcw ii javlitjj -rodnout atipf m In i!ia,nf Ut Iflnjli t,i crca t' invustftr. wnber aii r re: or oftnodecaw 'eaas, t htrsxetass Sar Ut irttey. - TlKM5i Me4a Jmus4 at tt-' nt e Hr !V8 J- 'all'rwai.'-.l l u;.in tt- rntm iHHrfA. r 3tH)ltltt 1 iflfWSI " Al Sli!iMPt'. tlxu. i aar-y J HfMr rfc iwsjrsaMljrjr s tT!UB.I S-rtr fei '.f Ustirci!fiflW.ftiT iOO crs fc sa fM'W i - vtJ KVrr t a L1 v- trtV if t i tit aJtjf vt bt4I cJil for ! tjto wntMKtS ci Tii t fJr . TlMr u -' )raNrs'Si fed yirJat. vre tavutt. .'. i.Rti.yj-trt. 631 iWifr t-4c4i pn"Mt t'. ta4 Vf jir !&swtiT. it 1 fit ttKJtc viMjr i-5nr ti r0r. tl&ii4. TV. Vtrra jrJt i awtjf liirg -41. $ : T4tfaU J. ti rftwul- u tlw Ml. " jd ixixtij p, t?wc rfarV fif thr yrw v ttn Km rhMezrl ef ityi,t Sato? g -t-tViV the i rsrt Jtr lsr w fcww r, ft -rlSJ 9? f 5 - s . ISnT'Ji-.,.; . ' . iH iuj, Notions, ValJ Paper, .c. Red Cloud, Mebraska. THE CITY i-w. 6 arwu'flfc- y , rt-wu SST? SaAKChCS. Tt7tW. 5i?WW 'r2 V"riosA X " i r tr." - 't-i. R. U. Shcrer, Prop, t-t"54W3fe ?tij ,r f tVL , --v;' M -- " IT: i h. . 5:w5w s "Jt:c?5w Sdtei o:tsA?olDR cc. A at sa4 rifii $"ts: tf LilffiHir LiFIITUEES JEff SSESffflJ fcmB-i la y vl& ca a m r. : ,.'iBa AMVBbVKiB) . t.JUH. Mfeal!..ta-: -. mmAcMii&vTm. Cktkj.r ty- 'utof.m SMifer! CTSCJS22K355?! r rii. .irr-i'r?-"p.tlr - . iZlIzZ ZZi VX:'lw'lf -y?e iz'g.siawj:,a'ie,y .; t .- -- . i ii m.mmM-m j,- t, tl iiil.f liTdS XS lkaAC2 .arjLiajiaFrorsrkjaaa:r kvtj .- ...iwi-Ji ,li. i a ww. -i , i. . taHtt. .itt: -ijB---, ,-I...i.ii,.r Uli, t4t.,awjiin,-y.jir;w x limhiifcA,. .'iSi . . -,K ) IV VI.lJJrl i " ' .,iT t 1?) t- , t t.-j. S. i r 1 - e fi 'TP - -v r . Tjjaft" f S-wK?V KfrVllff i f Vff . rf1 . . ' s" ri r. waffi-v Jrtc . :;, aiJawj y j iapTt XiA. ti." II 1 s? e. tflMLA ?;-0iI t4j? f-& . --riW xs rtsfcu T?" . r -a - w rr "if-3ar"r-' - 2' &irit s. t. nwJ .-t.wWB t -f -'. ;-.' 'i","- c-i pv vl c -i"" . -i t.T ,tl - Ua.J i-vr t v V if 1 3- aasa BBl &f sssL -' t sssVi - SBjSBBJ I fcksi BSSB' f r lfcs H Pi i ml 1 rJr'-T,"f ??:! iC-swi' KE-j B t - --5; 4 tl tf . it .3. -v ,--- i: - - . SaFI'r j: jr5 -.. .?? jjS i -E-i.-:j ''.icr' Jf- -. v &?. -yii."XJ-'-z- -"nri-E.'rti;i.r-s-Ti.iv fci "y'j. :-i . f c ."-. rs- .---. -! ir -v Hf Sf rjssa i'' ' ""- .i &?$. r-..is-& -, T -. J-i- --ifcr...r'r trju! A." '-'-" t - ' ' " '""- -' -t - . JKVtj3'iS?PS't;r-4 ! . & imeSttt!&&zi.'r -. - --wi----5?r: ?-?. . - -Je"- . k ."; I .- - ' . . " . - V " &L :m7 ' -r - r- i r - x -dsgfia " -ii - jfc t w -rvrnk? r. rsi .it ! -.- -"-.. ..,.- rw " : i aJf ' Wn 'STBBBBl n-BB "ii -J --' J3: 'IBC,"BBBELaZ . '.bjJ-' V it. "V T-'TT" Jl-" . tfZ W 'BHI9afiJ, -jfcJt,-J -jtSF" -tt ,U , '. ". -P Xri SttV..gjiSB&gSfiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH