The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 18, 1884, Image 5

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    H MdHHBBaaMHHf-J&BlkliH IP" . - J" M""
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The Red Cloud 'Chief
Tun bast of groceries can be had ut
all times at the New w2rk grocery
house. tf
Tkices always the very lowest at the
New York gi occry hoiuc. tt"
LhwvEyour order and they will at
all times receive theJet attention ami
dcliveied at yuur door free of charge
New York grocery and queenswar
house. tf
Fahmers bring j'our produce to the
New York and queensware house, tf
" Stkaitox & Stokm's cigars at Lind
ley'ti. 00-3 w
Mnnr Trouble
is caused by decayed teeth than people
generally are an are of. in the shape of
tore eye.-, indigestion, neuralgia, etc.
If they can behaved have them filled
at once. AH kinds of fillings inserted
at Parker' H dental roonirf over Khcrer'a
drug store.
It H Abm;i;ibIo
to go through life with ".-:nags" in the
mouth, ni.-s.king tho breath futd and af
fecting the ntomach. All kinds of arti
ficial teeth made at Parker a dental
rooms, over Hhere: h drug ctosc.
SilKKl Toil SALE.
Owing to necessary change of climate
for myjlf f offer for .s.ile my choice
flock of 250!) sheep, in lots to suit tho
purchn.-ei". .Applyatoo.ce, a. those
cheep tun be bought at a bargain, if
bought before I make provisions for
wintering. Time will be given if dc
sired'on good aecuriiy; also for :-alo 1113'
(including 'UU acres of lenj-ed land.)
Pn. .I.E. Smith.
3 miles west of (Undo Hock.
Medicine. Siantii Higher
Mti f sli s Gulden Jiaimm.
"One year ago 1 caught a severe cold
which fettled on my lungs. I tried
man iniedies without getting :elief
until I u.-ed yjiu Oolden Balaam. I
am new well, having u-od only two bot
tle. I consider it a gift from heaven."
Mi. James Luce, Omaha, Neb.
For consumption of the lungs', I
know of nmedieiii" that stands high
er than lai.-h'n Ooldon liah-am. It
will cure where cm ei are po&ible."
II. L.Smith JWt Hcolt, Kaus.
"Not 0110 of the. thousands who haye
usi'd Marsb Golden iSalsam in this?
city, iiaa over matlo complaint that
it did not do all claimed for it."
I Kansas City (Mo.) Tlvu-t.
Marsh's Golden lJalsam, the famous and lung medicine, and ilarshs
Golden Ulood and LiVer Tonic, tho
gi eat alterative and cholagogue, are for
talcby llenr- Cook ilrugist, lie 1, Cloud,
Laige bottles 50 cents and $1.
IT'or Sale
The undoihigned has for sale clieap,
one reaper, one mower, one Milky hay
rnko. one sulky three hoisc low, One
12 inch dow, one corn planter, one
bulky cultivator, one.setscotch harrows
and other agiicultral implements by
calling at once on J. Tomliiihon, two
and a half miles, west of lied Cloud.
Tin: mimbor of votes in tho next
electoral college i -J0I, necessary to
choice, 201 The solid 8011th, includ
ing all the former slave states, will cat
15S votes, lacking 4S volts of electing
a Democratic, president. It will requhe
every Southern state, New York and
Indiana to elect a Democratic presi
dent. Drop out Yiigini.i and they will
bo shoit eight voles; but takeaway Vir
ginia, Florida, Ninth Carolina, Louisi
ana, which is highly probable, and the
Kepubhcans can give the Democrats
New York, Indiana, Ohio andialiforn
ia, and then will lack one vole short of
electing a Democratic president.
Yours for tho Plumed Knight, our
next president. J. M. M.
Well, as Expounder has ceased to
write we thought we would write.
Harvesting, corn plowing and cro
quet playing are the rage. Wo never
had a better prospect lor crops.
' A good portion of the Pleasant HilJ
folks spent tne fourth at Cowlcs, and
hud a good time.
The school house in this district has
been completed, and tho school is do
ing fine under the care of Mhs Hair.
Sunday school was organized here
last Sunday, 0. C. Cox superintendent.
Hurrah, for Blaine and Logan, and
vou bet thev will get there.
Mr. C. CCox had a fine bull killed
by lightning Saturday night.
The wind and rain on Satuiday night
damaged tho small grain pretty badly.
The 13. iv M. lly. company are fenc
ing their track by Mr- Uox s and Mr.
Post's land. We think it a good thing,
as there will not be so much danger of
getting stock killed. Ida.
began nearly one week ago. Rye, Jbe
acieage of which is smaller than for
several years, is all in the shock, and
promises a fair yield. The acreage of
wheat, is not so extensive as of recent
previous years, nut will be of a better
quality .1 better yield than last year.
Most fields will yield from twelve to
eigteen bushels per acre, which is sel
dom excelled in most parts of Illinois.
is all laid by, and though smaller in
stature than is usual at this time of the
vnar. nover-was more nromisiuir of a
good crop4f2jf"ug to the large amount
itjling eBin the last two years
' nunclledTs oeres of land on which la
bor was formerly thrown away arc now
tho pride of the farmer.
will be ready for the sickle in about
uvo weeks. The acreage is largo and
the crop will be good.
haagrown with such a determination
to not he excelled by other crops, thai
the V)us of hay to be put by will equal
in lumber if not larger than ever
known. Many pastures which usually
havenot been sufficient for the herds,
will uoducG one-thirdof n crop ol hay.
it willve one of the most prosperous
years kr DcWitt county in. the last
decada Apples will be plenty; pota
toes, grden stulls, and every thing ex
cept peichcs. with which suckers are
want t-Viistaln hfe, and increase their
weMth.Ui combine to bring about the
broad siye which almost continually J
'ambobirer the area "of their honest
A. Loox.
Kf r
I I ' I Ml I I .'!5
Mr. Callasids is building a house.
Mr. Ballard has a very fine team of
George Blair will move into his new
house this week.
A. F. Lock 1 la rt was on the sick list
for the last few days.
Walter Shcrwood has tiken a po
sition with A. S. Marsh.
Wi: are indebted to Mr, Tlobt. Hicks
for some fine potatoes and onions.
There was a very pleasant party at
Dr. Sherer's on IastTnursday evening.
A. CcitE, of Catherton, lost a valuable
ox the other day. He valued it at $100.
J. II. Fort, of Geneva, was in the
citV Sunday, visiting his brother, L. H.
Mhh. James Potter is now visiting
friends in Iowa. She is accompanied
by her little boy.
I)ui:i:;g the torm on Friday, Uncle
Peter Marsden, of Line precinct had a
'barn blown down.
The familiar strains of an Italian
iiarp was heard on our.-stroets last Fri
day and Saturday.
Mr. James PorrKii, yard master for
the Ii.'& M. at this poin bought a fine
farm in Kansas the other day.
(Iatjj-- Sc Boh anas have sold their
meat market at MeCook, and Fd. Bo
hanan ha returned to this city.
A I'Kv; facts and figures can be found
in another column of to-day'b paper in
the shape of the treasurer's report.
Pat. Berrv has been doing Red
Cloud this week. He doesn't seem to
have any fears of the Kansas officers.
There was a paity Friday night at
the llollr.nd Hou.-.o, in honor of John
Judsou. It w:is a yery pleasant oc
casion. A few days since the little son of
Mr. D. llcfllebower got a prune seed
in his nos-o, which required medical,
aid to remove.
It is a conceded fact that farming
is carried on in Yobster county on a
much larger scale and much better
than heretofore.
Till enterprising town of Wells is
looking forwaid with anxious eyes fo
il railroad which will open up the re
sources of that country.
Mr. L. II. Fort has lonted the For
rester propci ty on Seward street, and
moves intoitFoon. Mrs. Fort will be
in Red ('loud in a few days.
Don't forget that we tend either the
Chicago 'JYilwne or tho Toledo HLide to
gether with The Chief from now until
November 1, for seventy-live cents.
Prohahly the fastest time ever made
on the B. &. M. was the night that the
tiain wui run from this city to Hub
bell, a distance of 49 miles in 50 min
utes. The Red Cloud post otlice has been
made a SI 500 oilico by the post ollice
department. Bro. MeNitt is to be con
gratulated on the incruaso of hi yearly
A little boy named Mai quette came
near getting seriously injured on Mon
day by falling ofi of a reaper on Web
steri r.tioel. lie baiely escaped being
run over by tho machine.
Parties living within seven miles of
Bluo Hill have been hauling jtgraiu to
lied Cloud. The cause of this is that
our elevator men are paying moioheie
than elsewhere in the county.
A The-Shak club is about to he or
ganized in IImiX Cloud. The first (Irama
will soon be given to tho public We
understand that the .parties are now
memoiizing their various parts.
Ut. Rev. Bishop O'Connor, of Oma
ha, administered the right of con fit ill
ation on several candidates at the
Catholic church on Sunday. Ho was
assisted by Rev. Father Cleary.
D. F. Atkinson, a former switch
man at this point, was knocked out of
timo by a train near Hubbcll, by which
he had his hip dislocated. He was
brought to Red Cloud. It was a close
The case of Freeman vs. Burk, car
ried to the supreme court from Gage
county, was decided the other day in
favor of the defendant in error. Mr. J
N. Rickards of this city was tho attor
ney for the defendant.
Mr. Higgins, of Indiana, formerly a
partner in tho law businos of G. R.
Chancy, was in the city this week look
ing after real estate. He thinks Ne
braska is a. great state, and will probab
ly hives- some money in Red Cloud
realty before long.
Our friend L. A. Haskins .Hying on
Penny Creek, had a valuable heifer
killed" by lightning on Fiiday. At the
same time the houso in which he lived
was struck, but fortunately no great
damage was done, or no one injured.
Tho heifer was valued at $20.
Len Harris was in bathing last Fri
day, and while diving from a wire
stretched across the river he fell head
downwards into a shallow place, strik
ing his head on a stone which cut ase
verc gash in his head and knocked him
insensible. He also broke a rib. Dr.
Damcrell dressed his wounds.
Mr. Isaac Fish wanted to be kept
posted on the events of Webster coun
ty; and one day this week subscribed
for The Chief. Mr. Fish is owner of
one of the many fine farms in the
county, and has 320 acres. He has 50
acres of corn, 75 of wheat, and 10 acres
of oats. He recently sold a two-year-old
calf that weighed 11 SO pounds.
The Red Cloud National Bank, since
it was organized into a National ifturk,
has been constantly increasing its bus
iness. This we are glad to see. A iirm
that hasgot the enterprise of this bank
ing house is deserving of success, and
Ave are glad to know of their revived
prosperity. The stockholders are all
interested in seeing Red Cloud boom,
and are using all their energies in that
""direction. Success to them. s
- f.'
irv .
k j
-"-V -- . -ef-
Mr. Saltzman has got corn in the
WAY'shardifare store lias iKMmpafnt-'
ed in front.
Henry Cook 13 in New York state
visiting friends.
E. V. Runaow gives a dance at tho
rink, this Friday night.
Mrs. Beukit, of Illinois, is thcgguust
of J. S. Emigh and family.
W-ill MosiiERhas iold his interest
in the meat market to his father,
We are under obligations to T. C.
Hacker for some fine raspberries.
D. P. SSammon left for Friend, Xeb.,
on Thursday morning. for a two week's
Dr. Baird who has been following
hi profession in the Valley, was in
town this week.
Ludlow & Son, lost 40,000 brick last
Saturday night by the.-torm, causing a
mono loss of 500.
The managers of tiie rink entertain
ed their friends last Saturday night
with some fine Italian music.
Mr. IE. A. Howard recently bought
seven town lot?. They have about GO
acres of fine corn on their farm.
The Red Cloud Creamery ralhcred
Tor two weeks in July 13,100 inchc: of
cream and made fi.SOU pounds of but
ter. Mr. B. T. Reed will move into his
new residence this week, in tho north
part of the city, which he has lately
Ludlow & Son, now have on hand a
kiln of brick ready for market. They
invite contractors 10 call and see for
. W. H. Smith and .wife of Mindcn,
were in the city the first of the week
vi-iting friends and relatives. They
drove over in a buggy.
In another column v ill bo found L.
if. Rust's advertisement of nursery
stock. He has everything you could
wish for. Patronize home.
The usual monthly services, of the
Catholic church will bo held at Rod
Cloud, Tuesday, August 9th, 18S4, by
Iiev. Father Cleary, Pastor.
A ru'i.L report of the democratic na
tional convention, to-geiher with a
portrait of Cleveland, can bo found on
the iu-ido of to-day's paper.
DruiNO ho storm Tuesday night in
this city, Mr. D. Dednok's house was
stru.'k by lighiining. Mr. D. was
knocked insensible but soon recovered.
No damage done to the house to speak
Tn eke will bo a meeting of the Blaine
xi A Logan club at the rink Tuesday
nivht, next. There will be music by
tin- band and speeches by Jas. McNeny,
J. L. Kaloy and J. S. Gilliam. Come
The friends of Mrs. John Moore will
bo gl:nl to learn that her trip to the
mountains is rapidly improving her
health. She is now able two walk a
distance of throe blocks to her meals,
thre" limes per day.
Soxh. Report. Report of school in
district 49, Carrie Newhouse, teacher
Scho 1 began June 10. Thoe whoso
scholarship is 05 or more, deportment
95 or more, and attendance 100, are
Elfretda Emcrton, 'Louisa Emcrton,
Eugene Emcr.'on, and Joe llumphrc',
Tnr. following are the names of those
who had the rite of comfirniation cun
feriod upon them on Sunday last, by
the Rt Rev. Bishop O'Connor at the
Catholic church: Mrs. Julia Miner, Miss
Mary liner, Miss Carrie Miner, Hugh
Miner, jr., John Scott, Sarah Roaiand,
James M'cGinnis Miss Gaffney, James
Ryan, Fiancis Fee and the two Mc
Cartney boys'.
AiTonsEV Gates, of Salem, has filed
papers in the Smith county eoiut ask
ing for $5,000 damages for "Mrs. Adcr
son, so brutally beaten by Pat Berry
some weeks ago. Pat has 240 acres of
l..nd and ronsiderable personal proper
ty and Mr. G. is confident of gaining
the cjisc.- j'ttrr Oak Herald.
Several of our Red Cloud attorneys
have been engaged in this case on both
sides. Mi". Anderson, whose life was
despaired of for a time, is recovering
The Emigh Bros, ranch near tiiis
city is prol.ibl as extensive as any in
the county. They have 10 '0 acres of
land six miles from Red Cloud, and
have fitte 1 up with all tho latest im
provements. The also have nearly
300 head of cattle and are constantly
increastng the number, Mr. James
Emiszh having just returned from the
east with a Urge number of fiue cattle
The Chiee L glad to learn that the
boys are doing well, and we heartily
wish them success in their entetprise.
On Saturday we had the pleasure of
being shown througn Brown's marble
and granite works in this city, and
found Mr. Afryers,thcforeman,and the
assistiints very busily engaged in Filling
orders. Mr. Brown the genial propri
etor informed us that the business was
constantly increasing, and that they
were receiving orders from various
parts of tho state. We also were
shown some of the work executed there
and must say that it was as fine as we
have ever scoa. Wa wish Mr. Brown
success, for wo really bciievo he de
serves it.
The plans r.r.d specifications vof the
First National hank's new building
were shown lo us this week. This
building will Uo 5x60 feet, two stories
high, and will 'be handsomely decorat
ed in front. The entire first story will
I be used for the bauk and will be fitted
up In the latest and most, convenient
style, with plato glass front and tiled J
floor. There vill be a cashier's room,
a book keeper room, directors' room,
a vault, etc., on tha first door, and in
the second story the roams will be fit
ted up for offices. The' building will
beniihepiece of Architecture
credit to the citv and tha firm that
ereeung 11.
- V -
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-- . " . .-Px'WflLs .JKrfjr" .- -'- .
:!i -iiftiasS'Sfira' , 25rtStlS3Scg idfilSSaiCfi- ; - ik
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-.I5. Jlt it' ! i- ' ".- - if. rm il i MM, 1 IHIM iiHHHM In lilt I I . jfi
Report of County Treasurer of WebstSConnty, ITebrasfrom hwfry BtoJtfc JRl!
To:J IfonnrableJVnanlof ronntyCor3ikncro Whtcr foauty. Nehrafci
'"'J " . "'. vj.K-4.5,iu uukuio out
RKrAITTT'LATION. Tcrtrnj; tin zmtitznt a
0. June. lNl. tn urh aat .Uof tl .wtnil fund
:;iZf Gi'ticra!
tanking, .,. z.
" ihcA
" I'lilvpnffr.
" Tuvitie JkittaL.... .
" Ountol KuiltUiu . ..
" I: Jt.rni sc1kh1 Uail.lltKC ..
" .yt:iot lNt !tinr4)Ml ?...
.-viKXM ijuw
" Nln linl Irfjj.,
Uk U rity Ijutd Ifteef :...
0 mm
.rf'or;it!iwnt ..,
Cnnl iieral
" Mfll.f'l'.
' Knllrand Itotttl .
.i:oa! Kind
' Kial Warmwla.
AdvprtHiKu . ...
KInrs aul I.lf i-.. .
1 r aiiiyr-' n.sit iluU.'. . .
il-ii Cloud Vill.-e Ta
iitiw 1IHI V:!tegi Tat
- 4
UrMr'J jiljnneu I
faprHa! Itrfcjre.
I)b,:rict Uund
. - V a
j -
bVhnM Uotul ,
."-iMKtl Judumi'nt
I-"tir 1 is Ait'oiiit
Coittitv liriilf 1J anl 1KS.J Iasyv.
JuJie Uk l'rw inct llond..
(4iimiv ('i!i I'MtJ Warr.ini- for !!,
ireai-tcnK'o'inl f'rii Fun-l WKmutts tor
Kej;istorfl ( outity icn nil I'ui I V,-.rr:int for
fountj I5rnio KuihI rrant.H rttatcrvil Ime
STATK OF N liLICASTv A. yibbttr Co.. -. f.
i-ctfil ana iiisinirs tl in Hihco'i: tj. from tin tli-vt tlavn; .lanitar'. w, to tlwliituiyw' Jtriy, 4t.
H.i MnTtl -ssr uw -orrTt to tin U"J of mv kiioJ.(!ue ami tH?l4f.
MAIL Or Nl.lllt'SK..W"elstcr County, si:
STATK OK NKIllC A K.. WVblor C tntv
Iri'ntuit.r. l m-isli'rrnma, lira.iK.t. aut wo
l' triu- ainl correct nnl v- lurtlier n-rtilx thiet tin
t!it Iialrman of the 1 oanl tliat a .-.out cjfial to
utlt 01 ,i'.'u, rouui y. in ins srimaiitiiiu svuicim
Attest. J. r. I5AYHA. County cit rk.
L. H. Kl'st was in Crete Saturday.
Jaki: Millek has gone back to lloos
ierdom on a visit.
F. A. Duinnh will go to Wisconsin on
Monday lor a three week's visit.
The V. ( T. U. will meet at the res
idence of Mrs. J. W. Warren, Wednes
day, July 23.
Mn. A. J. Welch, telegraph manag
er, has rci;o vexed from his illness and
js on deck again as usua.
A TKAVKLiN-i man who has been over
nearly all of the .'tale, says the best
crop- are in Webster county.
The Crete nursery is one of the lar;"
est institutions of the kind in tho wc-if,
and is now furnishing "garden sass" to
nearly every town'in the state.
Tin: remilar meetingkif the Woman's
Belief Corps shall bo Monday, on or
before the full moon, and tho second
Monday thereat! cr, nt 2:30 p. m. ?
Theue will bo services at tho Baptist
Church next Sabbath, at 11 o'clock a.
m., aftc: which a Sabbath school will
be organized. Prayer niggling Wednes
day evening ot each wck at tho usual
A jieautifjcll Italian marble head
stone is now receiving the finishing
touches at at Brown's marble and
gianile works. When finished it will
mark tho bust renting place of Mrs. I.
Mi.-srs S. W. Makvin our genial and
popular freight clerk and Jas. Potter
the efficient vanl nuister are now rev
veling in the realms of "Boys widow
hood," ti'.eir better halves being absent
on a viait to tho east.
There will be a meeting of tho Agri
cultural Society of Webster county and
all interested in a county fair. Meet at
the courthouse on July 2Gth, 1S84, In
order of the president, at 1, o'clock p.
in., J. C. Warner. 50-2v
The Western Union telegraph re
ceipts at this place for the past three
months have averaged over $130 per
month and is still increasing. This
would seem to indicate that the busi
ness of Red Cloud was in ship shape at
List of letters remaing ucallcd for in
the post-ofiicc at Red Cloud, Webster
county, Nebraska, for the week end
ing July 14, 1SS4: Mrs. Lillie C. Barnes
Owen A. Bnrtncr, A. M. Glover, S. D.
My res, Mrs. Fannie YonWoeol, Frank
Wright. These letters will be sent to
the dead letter office Angustl I, ISM, if
not delivered before. In calling for
above please say udverrtsed giving date
of list. M. B.McNitt, P. M.
On Saturday night lied Cloud lodge
I. 0. O. F. installed the following offices
for tho current term.
T. W. Hatfield, N. G.
G. N. McDanieU, V. G.
E. A. Young, Secretary.
F. D. Hummel,' Treasurer.
J. D. Leach, district deputy grand
master, performed the coremony. After
the ceremonies Fred Hummel took
the crowd over to his residence on Sew
ard street, entertained them in royal
style for the balance of the evening.
On Tuesday evening Faith Rebecca
lo.!ge No 19, I. O. O. F., installed the
following oilicers.
Mrs. E. Metcalf, N, G. "-
Mrs. T. W. natfield. V. G.
F D. Iiummell, Secretary,
On last Tiiurtday evening Dr. L. D.
Denney,.a prominent pnysicianof Red
Cloud, and a young man who is well
and favorably known to all of our cit
izens, was united in the holy bonds of
wedlock to 3Iiss Laura E. Bainl, an es
timable and cultured young lady of
this city, and daughter of Dr. Baird, a
former dentist of Red Cloud. The cel
ebration of the nuptials was performed
in the presence of a very few intimate
roads of the contracting parties, and
wis o!einuiia bv the Rev. C. R. Lea-
fest, of the Methcdis- Ccuroh. liis
Chief extends its conirratulations to
the newly married connie, and throws
and a the proverbial snoeLSiter mem,- wiiu-
are mghiciii a long-aiia joyous me,iuuoi
".S-: - .-rill 4-jZ-nfiif
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Pit u. II ."ch'. Tcevt irtr of 'A mUt f- . tl
bub.vjnlx'U un I sworn to oofon mt', titt 7tli day
y;. tin (. winmuioluitf rs ot Weber eouulj . Nt-tira-tku,
Iium aw ij)nln u th rwont ami vw!ialir .'hmb
nitiitunt oi lalanri inlll for in -uhl tlnttK'ol
talit wh on tliotlt in vJ Mnlc to the cruJU o! Cownt Twj.-nu.vr Ilaicjow anJ that I aii
in 01 sc'''ini4 to jiuy nr:. wl.
Blniuo Mnl Ixvau Club.
On Saturday night, pursuant to call
a number of republicans met at Judge
Veiser's o'lice and made temporary
arrangements to organise a Blaine and
Logan club, with the following reult:
On motion, Prof. A. L. Funk was be
locted as temporary chairman; G. J.
Warren, tecretary. It wju moved by
W. H. Strohm that a committee of
three be appointed on organization.
The committee as appointed were, W.
J I. Htrohiii, M. B. MeNitt, and E. H.
Ambler. Moved by K. C. Haw ley that
a committed of three be appointed on
enrollment. Carried, am! K. C. Haw
lev, G. J. Warren, and A. C. lloamcr
were appointed as such committee. A
motion to appoint a committee on res
olutions rc"iilt(d in appointing J. L.
Kaley, J. S. Giiham, and A. J. Kennoy
as a committee on resolutions. It wax
thou moved by W. Tonga n ten that a
committee of three be apnointed on
arrangements for next meeting, and
the chair appointed nssmh committc-o
Mr. Highl.tnd, A. H. ICaley, ami W.
Teagarden, after which the meeting ad
journed, subject to call of picsident.
The dedication of tho First Baptist
Church of Bed Cloud, Sunday, July 13,
was an occauion of much interest and
satisfaction. At 11 a. m.'thc hotic was
filled with an unusually intelligent and
appreciative style of people, who lis
tened with much interest to tho exer
cises which were ai follows Organ
voluntary, after which tho Lord'd
Prayer was chauted by the choir. In
vocation Rev. Geo. O Yciserjf Psalm of
praise read by Rev. Harris, of tho
Presbytotian church, after which the
congregation joined heartily in a fa
miliar hymn. Chapter read by Rev.
W. P.. Connelly. Hymn, Zton. Prayer
by Bcv. Lenf.j-U, of the M. E. chLch.
Anthem, "Guide Me, 0, Though'W-at
Jehova," by the choir, after rhichtn
very able and forcible sermon by
v. W. K.'Connoly was lectured to the
audience from the t(grt: Walk About
Zion. Psalm? 18-12-12. Coronation.
Financial statement by S. Perkinp,
church treasurer, stowing a present
exnenditure upon the church bui
of 2201 17: present iudcbfelne. $9."0
after wb;ch an earnest call ws made
to Tise that amount, and a response
of subscriptions came up charae'eris
tic alone to the people of Tied Cloud,
until an amount beyond aH expecta
ion of th(e present, was made Vp
The Home Mission society represent
ed bv Pev. W. K Conn illy pledged
he bust $ IOC of this. indehiedncA, and
that with the sum raised on thn treas
on and since, clear the present in
debtedness of the church. Aier an
other anthem, "They That Tru In
The Lord," the services closed with the
benediction. The members of the
church held a social and buainc-4
meeting in the afternoon, and in the-
evening nearly as large an audience a.--FcmblcHl
and Intoned to a most excel
lent sermon by nev. uonne'y. suojeci
t4I know fliat my Redeemer Jiveth.' A
few more subscriptions were received
and the meeting was cloacd witli dedi
catory prayer by Rev. Geo. O. Yciscr.
Many comment of praieo were heard
of the success of the day and the tine
church building. The members of the
Baptist Church feel and express them
selves especially grateful to, and com
mend all those who nave so liberally
and cheerfully aided in th good work
and to Rev- Connelly who has tascen
great interest and aided so much m
carrying out this enterprise.
In driving over tho country every
where can be seen the great thrift ana
fine crops. The farmers of Webster
county are happy over the prospective
results. Nowhere is there a bad Held
of corn, but on the contrary every field
seems to be vicing with other in grow
ing. Small grain of all kinds is 5ner
than ever before known and much more
abundant. Harvesting has commenced
and from this the farmers will bo busy
gathering the golden grain. We do
not believe that there in a finer counlry
on the face of the green earth than the
Republican Valley. It U timplj be-
yond description, and the tnl fertile i
fad iToaa ml vfT
decD. and brines faith greater result.
to the tiHer to ;hc smh xjj u of
I farming in Webster cotinty L muck
easier tlian that tn eastern iaates.XJuc-
t- rt-ft-vitfr inlrt !onsidmiirtf w
must Wtbai toe Rcpoblican vaHcy ia
the garden of-the ieJ.-u
"f Vj "
tTl B3.
""' - -. L-.r.
, ITetras&k fror
nrrn attrl :
wwraiits netszrtfL V&
sl attt nat jst !
ilier w An iV Uil
Tn ?wti
r.ivl . ) ,r.
T! KT' v i
1121 ,.! lit.-j
:it2 n
131 ('i
fl ri - a.jj.'o t; s.m
K 'ett-rl i it Urtli: Vniul Hrraitt f
(AtMt sjH'lat liriI.' Warrant rfff!lvr..l sits
i.tMrxtl taal ,"cciai urWije urra.4L'.r
lmniv awvtr tto tl th forUnz tatnwit H a tr.
iuiii ol alt iac- m.j.I nioi-yt Iu th rvtrw tu
ot Jij.l-t. J. 1. HAYH A, ConmyCl
ttu Ju'ruhy cprltty Ihnt r lum carffnJt r xj
whwh nnul tntWH; ha ntMi, an 1 tn,jk;iH
i tier .-tfir.'.tcUMinhf j.v.tuutNl torlrt th"lV i
Krcafcj" of thn Storat
The windstorm that tiiMud over R
Cloud on Friday, did considerable da
agu in Kansay. It blew down a win
. iif..w. it... .1 . m
milt tor Jir. 111. -fu.ia, oj mifj ns.jrj
The roof was blown oiT of
Smith's houae, on his sheep ranch, a
hurt Ins arm. A water s-pout bur.-
on Mr. McPhunun'tf farm, and ca
near drownim his little children
Cartright's bUblo wu blown down,
Mr. Boico'a irranarv wa nuked no
bloivu SO rods ittul'laiuiud on an t
man'- farm In lh! citv tho storm 4
not amount to much a far a dam
was concerned, but tbo wind hMK
dust up in good shajje. After it
mostly passed over, lightning nir
the soutJi-et.-t corner 01 coort D
and run down tho. Hue into Con
Clerk Bahya's oificc, where it b
down the stovo pijo anil fcaitcrcu
all over tho room until evervthi.ig
jw black as the ace of .fades. H
were five men in thu room at the tx
via. J. P. Uulu, fr. Firt, W.,
Vicbor, A. P. Urapi'or, of tnntv
lllinob. and ShenirW.irren. Vi.-c
Cramer, and Foil looked like they
been suddenly transformed into
cendents of Ham, their Cmvs wcr
besmirched with soot- It ww roj
ed thai inciters hair wn LIowi
of tho top of hi head, hut an cxat:
ntion it rnov-'d to be a fibric
J low over, laying all joke ividu it
n clone call for the o 1 up,itiLrt of th
ficc, and their osvnp" wai aimply
acaloiH. Two or three other pa
in the citv wurc severely hotkid
none injured. Tno chimney on a
eourt-hoiHe wiw a comp.ete w
There waj 1.0 damago done lo croj:
Webster county.
there was a reiltetition of Friday ni
storm, the onlv difiereuce being th
heavy ram accompanist it wnic
said to have been the heaviest thn
fallen in a!r of vcsira. Near!
of the cellars, in tho inly wero J
with water. In Jewell county,
s.x.s.tho storm was very upverc, a:
strinofhaii two and one-half
mCV. 1 m t mF mt s" -& -. v. , - JHfcti- K -cr..
V. t s
. M. ..., . --, - "1 in -1- - -- ,, -. .y3ma&. mrr m
i a i a
t I Vfarnw 1
sai it uc v 3
k 1
Hi of ti ia j
tt at t : 1
IKtt :' .C, 1
Sl . Ta SJ
rr - Tii HI ivr.1
5Jtes . - sa
tftH $4
3 rw. . :
18V t?l. jT.rjKi
mi w . 1
3l 17 M
m itjau
ila. rr
v tl ... ..
iU M ,tVMt
It 11 '
5.1 ta 21a iw? Ta vjta
.. .j am . i fct"t
ttr r--;
vu: i mtn .
: it2 n
wide mowed down everything in?
I previous storm Wclwter county re
1 ed no dam ago from it. . But clscw
in the ."tate the htorm h reporwi
to have been severe. co-wr c ai
has .o for been very fortunate in
way of storms.
Total vAlnatioirof lands, town
aim personal proporiy, laua- ee
precincte in Wcbstor counV a
evs iiuu ep.uoj.uu .ui 1001. -$l
Ivnd Ic
s;ir.watr ... .
Oaic Cnfk
;.ir3.W ..
Dm Creole ...
Wal.t Creek
In.ivak . .
Harwtiy ...
ilwl 11964....
..5) wl i
- -
. GltO
Hftkle llcwk
Cow!ea nad Aaifccj".
! tiaa
Total Uwn lots...
Total taftu
ToUl pt5ootsy
T(a! li. & 11. xI5-ay yrvpvrty.
GratvlTotail .1 2JM
Special item' and amount of
eonalty assessed in "Webster county,!
18S1, as equalized
7wer V;
fti 1,
Uo .. ,
Or3 . . ..
Croip ssA ifirer p&Us
B & -it. riiiwa jvrty. .
We are indebted to Misa Frances
S. Fulton, of Lincoln,, eb fur 1
irfjok entitled To and through "&
v., li-tr a Pennsylvania GirL" Thi
one of the most interesting Lopkj th
his been Ia;d upon oar uunm jor
.Mrfim. and treats tipoa in -aronc.':
v.f rr.fturces of thU crest &ste of
braska. Mt Jolton cair.e vest irii
& colory fromPcaitsyVAnut a Jejea
ago, and lfJ. tratciing orer m
-rL .riaTthe uma iace then, e?
m ..4in ut a zreat maox of M
forwt- toarn, and has jnvtn R4
CSiHici . jrootl cntt-oC. ra nies comi:
wett, or parties Hving inthe tUt
-siring infonation in regard foKafcr:
IwiW col jail to scours copy
A ifitui5.boov-
wuio mowcu uonit nmuiiix ."-: 4 verfmenu Among or mmi nw-j
pathway. Mr. Hrn.lnck. well knjUrt bttj,inc mm are tktfidwmk
in this city, h reported to have hnd Mfl a:i rlpublicarH, whit lhh mjwriV
acrwofcom ruined by it. LikeflMc. n',iti2 the diverg fctfoiM Are "
i . r--' rv "''aw t
-v jasiar?2r
.Hi.. u -" Jms ir iBIHMaBAi mk, jt iiit 1 j-a
if MH
E m
Kf IN c
m ? u-
mz 1 la w 7s m
g & ; :
K i 3M
? e f ?H
B rtft apra Jt ? . 1 ?j j m
At . a n m rr
kta k
)... 5W
Ml ft 3
mi 11 I v& i
I . tn s it
PI iH3t tt0 a. yj ?j t3 1?
I 1 m u ' m it
SS M 3J x
B S?S3 SfMfc
g! if? Ka Sl-t
31 TTWtH tSj
01 nrn: gtW
ITTf 4
l tf4 J4S- St. lidi...
;rr!rt xn:Mt o? ail ts i4 mmovt) rj4
ituat LV a?uitnt, ;OKre tr4l f
CHAS, Hl'tlOW.CtfMlyTrtMniilvr.
JI0 3auxcJ fjtarrl t C&k BJr
oui w nHTtti tfrpiu, at arp XHa ! :
, ttwcwii TottJktaaliia KM CtjtL Lifl
t.l ?- VC1UIUICW. UUtKJW. tftfti
ii in. rouutjr i
Moislure prevniK .
15veryloly rejoicing. , .
I. W, Cntry accompatiIet ha WtHh!
, Alex., to tho cant. "?
Lost week's issue nhoitM havo jiaMv
t n, Eaton, instoml of Mr. Eaton, in Si?
11 ling to tho trip to Colorado. ,ep
Mn. Horn and Mm. KViMfthzivercis
K j M U
a .
i Udiahed thomselve in Uia drcfsniak
i, business, and are orlhy of ibelil. "
Ml patronnue of our lrtdie
Mn. Rich .ti sold a half mtet In
diinunt to Mrs. Wait, nud lhy now
; xupy ino commoHiiouii uuuuitigown
hly H. F. King. iiarthc iwiiUSet. ,
louring the utorm Bntunky m,ht a
,in f iht iron bndgo cro-nlug wt
vcrsauth of town Ut iu mooritiii''
( (iwnx proMr.itcu uuo urn river
fi Until the damage nhall hav Wcu
tt iarcu i'rai incouvomenco u truvuL ,
wpll n detriment to himn will ha .
jcrienreil. 1
At. C. W. Raymond and family, e
1 t i&Hiued liy Mm L. M. Blue, kxm
n m9 DorrtaJtcr, this stnte, their home. '
r Itaymond w pof.?! ol rare mini
i' 3 frUcnt, while botli Hidtc ro of . "
d ied htcrnrj' (nte; m Inu lfi x
i iotxil on ovnl occaIouji by thtjir.
fi ccttuiful public roadingx. We nkiir
,r ,j Ihoir preioneo n koo1 viiittltu.
at.1 Hjel the km. of their imdinfti and
w !,nmncA i icnu m giving sucii- jhu
;i ncennituiicnu m wt?ra ever ot.mi;
ovKmu ai well t.latln chntnUr.
V jurcorrenpondeni mct clieerfiilly
ct mmeud this worthy family to th
tcrituiT, rogitnw nmi corinoencf ot uif-ir
n wjr formed acqUftlnUucw.
?jm that the two great poIUlcal nar
tt f wh before th people with tuir
p n'frnw, and their candidAten for tint
J U f inagistracy, let u hope tlmt th
g h! ionio of tlie electoni m thU xrwl
n p ilftio may slay th harm of ay ffe
ti i J0t oflnllt from thti on prty ,oc
tl e ofber that would have a
u t iw tha rac. Then U ivblmx
t in Juch a Rtmggle ju h now Immhjc
it a-ij rated between thw mljy
rr?! mi politic! wartr, ihnt may wU
a'fciiitoilencthe blatant jjkrt,(f
u Wn to know j?Mt how rHMitk
li bummers, Mt&hinvU ni lick
T'ltRKmbwuoftht Rrmiblfeii sw
uitteoftbe e.gktb Jwdidi Ifatrkt'
a; o iitriby reqmtw to weft ut ux
ft rd, funitu county; on Saturday, July
I'lihat 10. o'clock .in. for. h r
iM3r of fSilnc itet d iJam ofrnM'
n i: tko next Judicial convntioi nl
o, temsactinjeany otlw r MwiheM tJit
w. ume ue.ore i cemmium.
j i
lre will be mwrtio of th R.
p Mcn cottnty central eKmfct
V 'rmkr cottoty, on Uiriyt Jul M,
wane si eoun&y tiow, .
infection of huyltHm
J '.H. Srfcoif x, Mcrettry.
t Ttfr tikim. Od way In ltmm
5r hi?lml in m4 Umr k ft &,
ugoo4 food. Jrywi m mi "
.'". t --JI- .-. .. n . will ii
r bs nor.. & nmtim
f 5 cram on tiw dMm MdMiiu
-1 mjU.f!MMtfKlf f, -
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