tr . w?f? jT ?, fSli:ftV jwaessqi5 &A-i stakssi B: -?J i Tv!r.-- a L3L mfi- --n -A " 3 : J i fwT 1 -,-'- ' .. . -w X -T r?J T T ? lW - ; "? 1 sr? v-5t ." A2r . I JTi -V' S tp . " r - 7--?A Vlfc -? '- i- ' . i . - rv. -'- r- s. -',-s psyuf w is -' hr ? S fe.1 -v Jrr&f&K M s? fc-1 Wg&&Z?. J7i-fe zrai, & SAitI . C1 " KTrf . WW.r iT V J -VLrfF. -"" - fCJLvSilVi' Zu.y. 7&m i V m I V' r fS&a . fPt V'V . ; ? .ii- rM' iwT4tf5m ff&i4 L .. a, f r .J'Mfcc &- W&xJf'VLjrP- 17 A .-' j. , win ltT Fi- if-i t-W '- . -. f as- - v L? E", V" ir-t j.. r.2y. tete5 LrfS? BS?. KJ.' tf .. ij. ' aec f rasssra 'iSir "fTLTTi-jH ,,3?5 EW-1 FBIO.AY, JULY 18, 1S84. A. C. HCSMHR ProprJ fetor Tho UrJtiorpallc Convrutlou. At last tho Democratic convention at Chicjiolils come and Rone. After n four d:iys"f-:on the delegate finally concentrated tlair efforts and decided to commence balloting for c-indidaU-s for i)rcsidfnt. After several balloL", (.'rover Clcrclitncr, present governor of KewYoik, wis nominated for inci dent by nearly 700 voles. On the bal lofhcing c;il!cd for vice-)rcsiden Hon. Thomas Jlond ricks, of Indiana, was nominated bj acclamation. The tick et is not the rtwnjjcdt one that the democrats might have put up, al as a consequence there iJ co'isidcrablo dis satisfaction over it. It is the common "expression heaid that the ticket should have been tun.l ammwl ;ilacing Hen dricks at tUelio id fcnd ClcvehnU at the tail. The nomination of Cleveluiid in sures New York v ii:c republicans in November. li ondricks is aa old but he cannot hope to .curry Indi an:! for the democrat. Upon the whole 'Ve -consider the ii'Kct a weak one, and not calculated to enthuse the demo cratic heart with patriotism. the hkrxi:. Harvest hr citmmoneed. Corn w'':uv.i;.'ry fast since rains of hvt week. There v.illbc three or four self-bind-rng harve.-lers nmning in this neigh borhood th'S ?'msoii. Miss 3hdtllet, .vho has been visit ing friends here the past few weeks left for tho Ois.4 last week. The mail iJ r.ow tri-veokly on the route from Covlcs to Nelson. Mr. J. Houston will preach at the Echool house in district 50, at half past Jour o'clock, Sunday, July 20. Tvito. . -- - i . i , Jn tills column nc Invite nnlH ('iwu?loi on Jrniiortanf m-iM, azjsztetchw w wlH nor Ic resiw)h-,iliK- Ur aia HoSit-dt r tij '.it-.ts coHtaiucrt UiT-a, "5? mtltor' r-.t'iiuUa'-JH Hj' a t '.-l 1 A't.l.Mt srorr Wc still hear the sound of the re apers Corn is nicelv silkinj;. The king of the universe has sent us more showcisofbksHingthis year than formerly. The lumber is being hauled to build a new bridge one half mile of Scott. G. Be Her of Keamsville, has called to cc old friend? at Scott. t The brancht of.Joseph Noble's cher ry trees wero bent close to tho ground with a heavy crop of fruit, this season. Wc are still watching and waiting and I hope sun you will again hear from. Birr.v WZIVT INAVALH. A piece of listed corn. A bachelor improvement on cultivating corn near Inavalc. Firt comes a man with a "icy the and cuts tho weeds as low as tlvo'com, then he u followed up with a fu)c team and cultivator in charge of a ,$rfgut young mru that can keep his plow in tho nyht furrow. When they nave all passed the corn stands alone , in its glory. L. C: Ofmstcid's brother and wife 'have been m. 'mi. z him a vJMt. They are frbm llapids, Michigan. The show and celebration was very interesting at Ktvorton, although the day Wi's veiy ".arm. llr. Chancy, of lied Cloud, made an able address on the occasion. Father Fanning follow ed and gave the history of the discov ery of the United Stales, and conelud with a few ancdjtes to liven up the congregation. Aunt Hon:. WELLS. A We. had a fine lain Sataiday nigh,. Considerable thundorand lighlningbut no wind. We can almost see the corn grow, and v.eMsoon have roast wig ears Wc wish to cor.eita little mistake in lost week's isue in regard to the old fashioned Methodist camp meeting. It will be aTmlt'd Brethron and Method ist combined, and it v.ilK commence August 12 instead of the 2(5tli,'if. the Lord i? willing. We want to sec our friends from a distance como and put up tents and get the full benefit of this meeting. The grove, is a fino one, and thoro will bei nice circle laid out, and wc want to see it filled with tents. Har vest will be extinguished by that time, and why can't you come? William liiohardson's windmill was struck by;l;ghtning Saturday night. Fortunately it was only slightly in jured. We understand that Mr. John An drews is rery much offended because wc said ho tried to commit suicide on the 4th, and failed. . Dr, C.F. Khler visited our town to day. . Doz is located at B luc Hill. We hopcthe will attend to his knitting and -meet with success. Wc hope it will not rain hard enough any iuorrniis summer to keen the boysfrom work, for thej are a, nuis- raTOnnii tho town next day after a I would lather be a sixteenth ?t in music than a base ball in this town, jbr it never gets a rest. Hugh. VhyUozy cf tii Heart Br. E. Sutton, of ihfe vicinity, claim two very 'important discoveries in the physiolog' of the hairt, namely, tbc oau of its beat and '-he proiluction of animal heat. Hi theor- is as foliows That the oxygen rcccmH by the blood in. tho. lungs during repiratioii pro duct's and suitin an electric current in tht bhod. When the ventricles, or musclar of tho heart) contract, the ruruUity if blood last received is- ex pelled Jain the arteries and the tricta' pid, mitral, and s-e:nilunar valves com plotely disconnrct ti'.tt bl,od, which re lieves the nnucl'H of the heart of the electric current, the same as the intis ctts if the arms of a person holindg the electrode-of a battery "would he relieved by disconnecting" one of the conductor from the battery and as soon a3 the heart is free ft relaxes, then the vulvw open, the blood de cend.j down intu the heart and recon nects, causing another shock as before. Anima' heat he says is produced b condensing the current of electricity in the blood. The cone shape of the mitral and tricuspid valves of th? heart audlie ii regular shape ot tho heart strlags produce the greate-t amount of heat, while there ia no small amount m" heat generated in the arteries at each shock of t'.ie brart by condensing the cur-ents pacing from one fed corpuscle to another to anoth-. cr. lo illustrate the principle, varni.-h a board, and while sticky write your name or any tiling c!?e you ti?h with a sharp tick without 1 .'fling tiO stick from th board, and fill the lines in the name with steel fi!ing, hcing careful to keep the line connected, and con nect ocne elect; ode of an electric bat tery to each end of the Hue of filing and opcrato the 1 atti ry, and if it is m a moJeratoly dark loom I'm? sparks ot fire can be seen tho length of the writ ing. Those interested in physiology would do well lo examine tho best authors procurable and see what is really known on tiie subject. He con (sideis lhee two discoveiies about equal 'in value lu ur. William Harvey's dis covery of the circulation oi the blood, forty-tin oft year ago. Anyone wish ing fiwther explanation can address the undersigned. Du. E. SurroN, Judson, Smith county, Kan. i -,.. Trath lc$ True than Fiutlur.. In the J ;, of July 3 there is an article signed "Truth." Had tho au thor not signed it 1 had failed to find much truth in it. The furious attack of the correspond ent on my inoffensive letter to Tub Ciiiff, which contained nothing per sonal, reminds me of the story of little Teddic, when his sister told their moth er that Teddio was eating the" cherries, and that he had eaten about a dozen of them already, when Teddie shouted out, '"its agieat big lie, mother, I hau onlv eaten ju&t .-.even, and four, and this one is only a gooseberry." Bo causo J happewd lb say tlu fruit trees and forest trees were doing extremely well. It docs seem pool proof that i was trying tj pack a county conven tion, and thr.t I was aih:ig undfr a false name look" aj much like guess work as it drc like truth. But I would like i) sav to this gooscbeiry "irutli, .uisurancejncn.of.lled Cioudrmcn who are long eslab'ished and wish to 'pre serve tho high rep.Ualioh thev hold in the minds of tti&firbMns will not Utke nny sucli ritls, f.r the vtrv rraso:x that they know they won; i In perpetrating j agitrautiofrauth I think the Uvili-j mate iiii-.Tri.- mini nf '.7l j!i,t. ,... ! - --- - -v .. .. - .. ... ri iz tit , MMMM .U.. Honest 'Tea is the Best PoKcyr"-'' A i WTSnr w Tr5iissfiTKT 19 - ! S '- : -I cr - il ? I tN 9 who are doing the business for obi re- j liable insurance companie-5 isad bet!-i iMk lo this watcr-vtin, and put a oui cUig to any further fraudulent insur ance rMdictes bting ptUmcd o:i" on the unsophisticated residen-- of tins coun ty. Yours, etc, A. J. T. A 'Jontte Vulcr. Our enterprising druggist, turn secur ed the agency for the ruieof Dr. Bige low's pwitivG cure, which has ne sup erior tr coughs, colds, consumption, whooping rough, rvnd all throat and lung dH&ibCa. .To pro'.'e to you it han no equal, cajllal A. Lindley's drugstore and got a JifJttib free. n V53LJ' r i;i:a'.t.:ii: i r &'&&)Ba0 & ' ;ry ay CLOTHING, HATS.CAPS, Tn I 8 fifti T?i S71 A t "" J ' f3 tH i ft m r-" Hi iv m. wi v a h-i Pi cs ri a 53 5.1 m p r m im kl w MtV&W AN OliDLVA.NCE. To provide for tho construction and repairing of sidewalks and crossings within the vdlage of Bed Cloud. ItC it crdainul by the chairmen and board of trusties of the village vj Rid Cloud. SixriON 1. That sidewalks ' are hereby ordered and required to be con structed upon and along each side of all streets m the village of 'Red Cloud, when ordered by tho chairman and board of trustees :is herein after desig nated. Sic 2. Whenever tho chairman and board of trustees of tho village of Bud Cloud shad, by resolutions pa-Saud by tin co-fourths of the member elect thereof, order the construction or re pairing of any sidov.adks at any place or pJ ices mentioned m .vction first, specifying the width thereof am! thick ness of same and the kind of material to ho i.sed. or whenever a majority of the resident owners of property subject to assessment to build any sidewalk or walks within the corporate limits of tho village of Bed Cloud shall sign a re'quc-j.t in writing addressed to the chairman and board of trustees of said village, showing tho numbor oi lott adjoining to or 1 routing on any street of said .village owned by each of said petitioners, the width of the walk required and tho thickness and kind ot material to bo used, and tho place vero -idwalk is to be laid, then it is horobv made the duty of tho chair man and boaVd of trustees to order said siduwalk laid and constructed, provid ed that no sidewalk shall bo ordered built narrower than lour loot. fci:c. y. lhat whenever any side walk shall be built in the manner here in before required, ii shall be tho duty of the chairman and hoard of trustees upon a majority vote favoring the sarno to build suitai :o crossings on all streets and alleys made nccsary thereby, of suchmaiorial and of such width as thej ma by ote deem best. Skc. 1. Whenever any sidewalk as aforroaid shall have been ordered built or repaired, either upon petition or by a vote as heroin before provided, it shall bo lawful for the chairman and board of trn.itees to notify the owner or owner of .said lots by serving a written notice, when said owner resides within mwk rffi new rj ne jfasastf ffSB arai3 trr t La " .1 -. . ?H S KS "u 'aaSa Groceries, Q-aeensware, cc. f 3 m -, " " iS"W" ; AT PSTHE -LBAESra -D i 4 -!! fc &rrp?y f i 44?a?f '" vc EEfSfl I ii?if GIF ifgife&Misii g a b m -j!Hfai&:oo ooaaohv wlP 3 sz I U U 13 Frje IeiSYory U AK Xtir'l.i f City. jMs Dr KMIGH J. S, DENTIST, RED CLOUD, - NE3HASKA. Fino Office Work a Specialty. "2pp n sf3 B WS. u. u: feX .Pth rtH FN m fmM afn T!S"S K f S MK SVTA fo '2'i!3aciiaau foff' ( 1ju1 NatiuiisI liurK rtiT tho Bl Ba s will r" ffKrr ffsf ? 88354 S fiLS feHSELt S !M? B (Mi S e -J . O. CiA2vlBEtLIN, Proprietor, ! i AMI ii it r r 11 1 A I L1 "f I i. : r vi v kmic MiftMj p .4 i i ;t ? 81 sf vk -4 m. rt ."i f" smum s:i ; i U2tt?: u 5 ::: ' ni ui uBiiu iiy-in uauei' urs a.S ft '.liiUHiViii I UV tfUBglt'J i C! T , -O J.J.V E ow prepared to fill orders for FULL CREAM CHEEJ At prices as low as can be bought elsevviiere for the same quality of cheese. Trial cheese sent on application. Address all letters to. J. O. Chamberlin, Inavaie, Neb. Will be run oil at PRICES LOWER TEAX EYER OFFERED BEFORE in the city. Inducements great. Come while th assort ment is large. ' Millinery at your o'wn price. t J. A. FOWLER. First Door North First National Bank. THE ft 3STK-W YOEK erocerv and Queensware House H00 --x-r-fe- ;&? 1 ' srssissr fl 38 138 B & $& Si? Efki ff JM !d sta wv'- W tl 5tJ!i ML. 1 J? ! '? ssfea TVT r tho village of Kcd Cloud, or in cao said tv LINE. A few lines from the south sido may somewhat interest tho readers of your invaluable paper. It is said Uncle- Peter Jlarsden has the heaviest field of rye in tho countv. . Somo put it a 40 bushels to the acre. D. S.'irolvern claims tho best fall ' wlieat, and says some of the binders lay- it at 35 bushels to the acre, but he hays ho mil be satisfied with 25 or bO bushels to the acre. Mr. II. has los,' . quite a number of hogs in the past few ' - weeks by blood poison, a new hog dis ease. G. W. Shutts will start his thresher the last part of next week or the first of 1 the week following, upon Stare Creek. O. Wickwire will also run a thresher this fail. The best corn we have seen .is on Uncle Levi Jloore'a farm, on Pennv 51 - -Creek. tl u. itrry is puuing up v. iranie ' '--" ?GW,t a Stone foundation, for W. Sj4 "'" ""?' Hanthorn, on his farm near the Up- yr "7, t fcr Penaoy Creek school house. Mr. st . lf. has recently moved his family from WV . MiHbrd, Sctfard county, and will here- ' zLi,- . tcr reside on his form. Will is agood --& 063 and will make a good citizen. We araglad to see hmisettla down in Jife. - r$- '. Air. Cool, living on litx. Bay's irui. mihad the roof ofhxs granary blown off ,aud n bran 116W haystack all torn to pieces by the wind Friday. He thinks .1 ... r i. .. ...lz.. i . ....H..rt :.. t.. . matter, and think that you will find that when 3Ir. .Springer was elected last year, he was a resident of Kul Cloud, had no other icsidence. claimed no other rc-idrnce in the county, did not consider hinwif either a resident, a citi'en, or a representative of any other precinct. When air. Warren was elected he was not a icsiden'. diil not claim to ho the candidate of j ny noithcrn district, but was plainly, squarely, and fairly the independent candidal e for sheriff from lied Cloud, lie was not claimed by the noith a their man. This "Truth'' says it is very ungoncrous in mo to say ilod Cloud has a coroner, at torn ry, and physician because tho officers were of to small pay to enter inro the count. Now let us look at this small pay business. The coin-mi.-sioncrs have three dollais per daj ; senators and assembly men have sixty dollars per year; tho coroner 1 think is better paid; the physician 1ms $:!i;j per per year, more than three times a.s much a3 the sonatnro and assembly men; the attorney has $100 per year, nearly seven times as much as the state officer;. All this is too small to count. Out on such truth, that oniy Acknowledges Red Cloud to have the clerk and judge, barely acknowledging a commissioner. From sueh truth as this good Lord deliver the people, for I think when you look at it in all fair ness you will fmd that Ken Cloud h.i3 at the present time every otiiccr that under any circumstaecs she possibly could have except the assembly man, treasurer and snivoyor. And if Jtid Cloud does not usually furnish more than one fourth of the aspirants for office I have been wrongly informed, and-if net more than three" fourths of them are Ked Cloud men. then I am mistaken, and if the Republicans of this county can select a ticket this fall that "IVaih'' will not bolt, it will be we'd. Pair Play. i? ' 13 - T "" Jf f 'kv.flthe gentle breezes 'of Nebraska are iwii nunwsev-ere on a newcomer. 11' &&' -S -was.xft-orgaiiized -at Pennv '-feCfeiihool hogge. vdtli Xxs. y. Bil- feiKrub&nnlenrWlStcanayke, Fraadulvnt Policies. I have fiequently noticed articles in your paper warning the citizens of Red Cloud against street fakers and chin bilks, and I think that a wanting to the fanners and property owners of Webster county would be highly ap preciated b' them, .and tho thinto be warned against is a small model of a big fraud, in the shape of insurance agents who travel over this and ad joining counties, offering to insure property for double its valuation, or ac tual cost. Now when a man will come into any county and induse property owners' to Insure their property for double what it cost, or is worth,, you may depend that ha is a stager ot the first water, and should be fired from tho premises of every piece of property upon which he dares to tresspass. I should think that it was about time the people became posted in regard to these black faced frauds. Don't they know that in case ot Idss or damago to t'ueir property that they could only re ceive the equivalent Of the actual worth and not double the cost. 3o first-class insurance company .that does a legiti- j mate busmtgS lmposc-tcn enssenness upon its patrons, not iiany gentleman owiii-r or owners Uo not icsuto witlna the village ot Ktd Cloud, a uotioo print ed in any paper of general circulation, pi'tlili-dicd in aaul illlago, which nulico shall he published two weeks, notifying ',he outa r or owners of tho contents of said ordor, when, if the owner or ownei.- of said lots shall tail within fif teen da s to build said walk, then it shall he the duty of such board to cause tin same to ho built, and tho expense of building Mih walk shall and is hereby made a special tax and lienor, each lot or lots so named in said petition or order; provided, however, said notice need not bo scryed on parties signing Mich petition. Sk". o Tho special lax or assess ment provided for in this ordinance shall bo nude by the chairman aud hoard oi tniotecn oi" tho village of Red Cloud at a special meeting, by resolu tion, fixing tho value of such lot or lots assessed, taking i.ito account tho bon ciits derived or injuries sustained in consequence of sueu contemplated im provements, and tho amount, charged against the same, which with tho vote thereof by ucris and nays shall b? spread at length upon tho minutes. Notice of the time of holding such meeting and the purposes for which it in held shail be published in somo news panor of general circulation published in said village, at least four weeks be-J fore tho same shall be held, or in lieu thereof personal service may be had upon pcrsvjns owning or occupying such property to be assessed. All such assessments shall be known as special assessments for improvements, and shall be levied and collected as a sepa rate tax in addition to the taxes "for gen eral revenue purposes to be placed on the tax roll for collection, subject to the same penalties and collected in like manner as other village taxes. Sec. G. The notice required in sections 4 and 5 shall be served by tho sticet commissioner, or an other person des ignated by the chairman or board of trustee's, by delivering lo each lot owuer or occupant of lot named in such order a copy of saiil notice, when such party can be found within th village of Red Cloud, and when not by publishing said.nolice as required in see. 5, who shall make a sworn statement of the manner of said service, aud return the same to board, with tho certificate of tho printer attached in case of publica tion. Sec. 7. At the first regular meeting alter the coming in of said proof of ser vice, the chainnan and board of trus tees shall hx the time for holding the special meeting, mentioned in section o, at whiea time saia special assess ment shall be m.dc. Six. S. If any side walk shall be constructed by any person upon or along any street oi any material differ ing in kind or quality "from that speci fied in the order or petition therefore, or contrary to the provisions of this ordinaure, all such side walks uia by three-fourths vote of the board of tms lees elect be ordered removed by the street commissioner and be or dered replaced and rebuilt In con formity to the provisions of this ordi nance. Prov ideil, that sidewalks built in pursuance to any other ordinance before the adoption hereof shall not bo affected by this ordinance. Provided further, that nothing herein shall be J construed to ;few Goods ! New Prices ! SED OLOUD, TSTHJBRA-SKA. Haresiiape's Old Stand. & V, Fwitpp PNiirf- i-Vpffipp H-wW 3 ?, mi UKDSaTAKBE'S GOODS. r w r 3 '- C- i . ia r? EF & (E& Wr g ar .Er vw&-&b-j&q? a TiE ra-r u 'il a GO ? O r w o o tJ o J, in p 11 V? -i w y ;- M X Ufiswi. SHll llfl'f I MHMyy'lK iiil. UWVIU a i 0 0 0 3 ' Acenrtmnnt !i-i ll-i .- nii-rr V Q -iOOi tUlUHKUl Ulllv U UJ- 9 0 ar 9 TPt3 the JLTices, LkOQSTEST E3 F. TvllZER. 0 Q W i i Q Q O O 6 t-- tn 53 i! - U o HI .A. . . It i 4, .- ..-.. .-tj. -5jH4V-oii?'0f US Mb nam S 5iT 5 $ rx Yft fi i ' s n - 5 7 i 7? VSR .ivr a - 4& t fTX7 .11 111' jh;."3' :.. -"-V - , riftt-- ' AV - -T M v, r.iri-! tluc (Ti's a rr : vvh' u ' I ', ..l.I'Vf. ".11 4' i .. i. .nf ftH. u.-r ' 1. 1 .rri .. .:i'V i n a ! . ? le hiii irv Vv.n lint (ult-' !... i if. ! ' i 'Lie '!r.iv.i lUt : .ij- tine , j m r a i4 V-1-1 'wf'T. f r ..r" mal."-hi U'."s.l i,,j irivj'tfics i n-n v. i i lirrov ht rtild ti iw wrk tf"i t-. ..;. ; !. . Jii ifte lojrTi pis. -j, ;,.t:uJi wfi tin- c mi-, -lut .i; hm; itilTrfrtt lli- i'.I, w lcrnii It mi r i!iri rt M?v"l s Ui il tuw i U rinni :,, u t fi:i i s-tft MKtl . aL 'i ahs1; ).: Uk 1 u ; h r mIikii-! Uirt"Acf ' .'ii!'"rjMi lUrro.v t'l4 iil ku .t K . . ot ai'iuiitv ii.ti DeaJor In rr.1 v-i-wr" a - . r. ., -m AS - c - . Yiyv'.iy:.-o 'vs- iTinTTv- itiin:i r : ' fPZJi-'i'Ti. '?, J . -' -VJ v'1. ':.;. !ji ! ar.: lfll ;-n 6W JiVilfe,.t1.;Vt.- ) . 'tkytrJ t v.'..m1 rn Jow.ler'jRteHiv Ulyiwfe. llti V'.''-'ii.yi?--.-!' Ji 'J k nut rirtttialw u.!i m c:tu M JW'i ;et t f I O !n38,B7fil7tF3,il3aaii$ll&iS3frisgM&eliiiS'!; Af .. '.c I'. ('.Urliitr a Hkfiittt .'; U-ul f Kv , iLviillm Ui'iHur.j !U .Z6' Cloiulj Xebra&hu: John BoescL., Amboy, Feb ITF .H o WAY 9 DEALKfl Ki -is sK "O1 fiJS-i KVgralf5Vl SJTfeJJ MM i ru.y K!k esa we UZ23 C54- isTjr cJte2i--iX-!!rSi --iU?522-. j-tr-V5"-'Cr . '"vlr5" TU. -SfSfecsdl J!l5te:S :-r " ' ci-JtiJE9aa'tSXJ? ju - a b 13 i3 tn l THE OLD RELIABLE Hi S f&2 p fi 5&?K -iV, P VJ t ""S , - .-.- btoves, (jrasonne stoves, Tinware, JMans, Barbed Wire, and the Largest and Most extensive line of goods in the valley. Scour favors respectfully solicited. Prices to suit the times and don't you forget it. D OLOUD, KEBRASKA. sn t x:is Livery, Feed as daoes ? A. F. LOCKHART, Proprietor. For Sals by A. A. ' POPS, Cloud. See him before you order and Save Mojaey. Red b. W. SEELiY, "JEALSIJ I m ui wami r.m O. Yt!ir f '.. VC. nail It. I). Ye!er. Bflfl J Ypi5fir J&, Rfi Also. Arreu; for liiit)tr3tc! ?nlly IJibI. Vu r2vu!iN! Atlas of U.e .wrid. and Dr. dxaH-'s Family Physician, AD Second Receipt Book ! IttirrrOprfrSilto.rrstICiitfoiiaI BrJr, ?jitl ooe door norUi oi A. Cook's lkt&l saA Hhcj stere. rut'!c ratJonrure solicited. oedd: to show cause. ? & r. El i SilUiiijlJ biWWiUWSU; "ISr- L-a "i?i fi!S Horses and Carriages With or Without driven, on abort notic and nt Reasonable I'.atcl. 5, IMMQajR O 7a7j"i WK(Fi1F,' T " i ga22ag5PA Boarding day or week Ami Bt of Ore ami attantion jJn to Utcm. Trailers and Commercial Men Convoke! to tiny rart f the county. STAnfiS v uw .iuiuji ui nvjianu uouso, iifu tiouu, rou. RED CLOUD, XEB. H-i-re on ocr lx&oks SevcRal HundrcdjFarms Property. iltHic TI e . I ! Vz. i.Hl for prf a !t, rp;uTwi. Tovtj !!!' ami jy.a A?&IA' Ism TN THE J.LVTTER 0 TFU" ESTATE OF I Sarsart Garter, late ot i-jbaU-r locnQr. -e-braikn. decern C FniL5C3a't-ep-'tn-4on'orhcartat: cpon Ujp pe tition of iIary-uOar?er.sK:mx of Uifi c3ta: or Samuel A, Gaxir. Jate of Sebj.-?r ."O'l'irr. sVlra3ca.dca6l."!rayj-cihai time le rfvtft her to collect Amis due aa-I var eiilmi a;,Attcs; said estate: and thit it Is rtcuN'te arI nefary nL;v?. ,,, . . I -.ataacin--.i' -i -I ;!EctK?rrai:tedlrrf tU-45 prohibit such board pUTixsaunulXcTcar!-TuTwL It t tht-tv- from ordering tcaiparary walks on streets not permanently improved, witliout regard, to frrade. at a cost not exceeding 50 cents per lineal fcut. wiicli sb all be assessed and collected as lioreiu tcfore designated. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force- from and after its approval j anjlmuheation accordm-; lo iaw ! fore order?!. Uat ail ie: H"B? t.-H? B Simhrt3raBcrterv.Tarid Rwhu'rai'i:t.L....A:..w i WrA0Ha3? ",.." ",1'wiiO'isauowacr.ofrcal aiul pcrsonai -a.J.Auw, x. z; ijaul, ois and crctiitors intty- fated in said estate. spirr tyfns xsa it irj oiZe. I& tlje tuwn of iierUoad, V. tlwu- cc-ty, Tcliraivka, On Satardar - cy 2. A. D., 1 6JJJ, atlOo'docka-iD-tosJiaTvrAti, If sny thrylaw vhotfctfprc.wreru: ieiW!wj cmnicU ana uw "xi fnrTbfron'liS'ittit S-OSTX OEi-3!U3ST ATD IXUi2S tX ill 2r.jEL&jL !? rsery Mock! T. C. HACKER, STME km FOYGF OCERY spcnsnsLD-s ci s?i:;D. rocenes. g;Red cloud . Kebraska g; Provisions Groceries.! 2 rax wye o? IChoice Grccsriss, Provisions, Cannsd Fruits, ib!p. Provisions r-t crj4Provisions r Groceries., h r. i7rnrpnp..v .w.., . w! Cicsr: t-Oi GrOCerieS.1 5Gf. Your patronage ii respectfully o!ic-0 PrOVlSlO ,itl. Satisfaction naranteeti. f--q A.CUHMINGS, Dealer in Flour, Feed, Meal, Cigars Tobaccos. Potatoes, Caaned Fruits, .Confectionery, etc. jqw. I i. 'fUl. ti JTJV Dale :tiac: USi! PSt' Old Stand, it : Home Grtftcri Jiurseri&sf I -& l r . V , - Re Cloud. Prices YeryXrOw. Mfeate served, at all Ikoisxa i it If t T i r-r..? Azd ntjlljifi s&tnf i&&trS& Can ana see HistooK oi erooa. , -- f?C'c!r - -V '"r'S V "E -r-,. , - T--f .A" I 1 TV- - "' CVX "W T A V ? iff "rfftaia -SJK3HMiittMrii - - - ,. - 7,vr" Ur "-fi . . --