' ct -1 1 Gt ? l- ! 5 ii k ft 1 i; r ! ' u ii ? ? irk i The- Red Cloud Chief vr FBI DAY, .JULY 4. 18sT f A. C.WOSMER - - Proprietor Spring Without JJIosmuu Lute ia Life to Look for Joy Yd JYiwcT too Late to Maul. Rentiers oriiiiwtlinrnvH House of Seven CiMUlw ' will rp;ull the jintlius Uii which oor Cliiliiid I'ym-Iieon, who liJ Ieun unjustly inijriM.m;l Miice Inn early uuuiliooil, said, after his iele:ic: "My life is j(ino. and t.heic is my h:ipiue.-s. Oli ! yive inc my ImjipJiicPs.' Hut that could be done ou lyivari,.:n fleams of warm nnsliinccawKully fall across the i;Iooin of a New Englaud autumn da v. Jit x letter to Mosrs Hicox it Co., Mr. L. H.Titus, of I'eiiniii;ton. X. J! ?nys: "l haw tillered untold misery from childhood from chronic disease of tire bowels :ml diarrhtea, accompan ied l.y great pain. I sought relief at the hands of plnicians of every school and uml every iatent and domestic medicine under the sun. I have at last round in P.irker s Tonic a eom piete -specific, preventive and cure. A jiritivuluatilo medicine, which did r we what uotliin-r else could do, is entitled to the -credit of mv gettin" liacK-ylwppydays, I cheerfully and gratefully acknowledge the fact." Mr. E. S. Wells, who needs no intro hrcrion to the people of Jer.-,ev Citv dda? "The testimonial of Mr." Tito's is genuine and voluntarv;onlv he docs not adequately poi tray "the MiIieiiiiu be fcs oidured for many years. He He is my hrothcr-in-law, and I know a tse well- lle'is now perfccllv free from his old troubles, and enjovs ljealth midlife, ascribing it all to 'l'aikc-r's Tonic. Uneoualled as an inviror.int- Rfimn- fcites all the organs; cures a'liiients of bc liver, kidneys, and all dkea-es of tiiic blood. NewHarness SHOP. :o:- W. MOSENTHIKN, -M.innf.K turvr or and Dealer in Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Collars, Brushes, Combs, Whips, Halters. ('AUKIACjc TCUMINK A M'KCIAI.TV. t.inaiiiiMM-Iiiiiibt-foruutiiliiiy. o. ;. itob-i-rts old stand. MOsKNTI I Kl X. A. IT. BROWN, i"l:uri:iLToi:. . D. C. MEYER. FOKKMAN. Home Bakery S F. Spokcsfield, Prop., We are piepared to futuMi BRMD, Will also keep :; en:I line ot Confectionery, Cigars, Etc. Canned Fruite Ice Cream, Lemonade and evciything ke)t in a Ihst-class bakery. Orders can be left at the. "tore or with the bread wagon and promptly attc.nd- patronage i expect uilly BHOWNB marble M granite wo OFFICE AND. YARD.-Opposite Watson's livery stable. Red Cloud, Nsb- Lock box, 22 Nef? Ia umbci? fwl Has H W. BREWER, etl to. 1 our s-olicited. S. F. Sl'OKFSFIELD. CrW (Jlyconnc Salir. "The best on earth can trnlv be said oTC'riggs' Glycerine .Salve, which is n wins cure for cul.. bruises, tea Ids. 5nrn5, wounds, and all other sores. Vill positively cure piles, tetter and cllhkin eruptions. Satisfactuin guai coiteed or money refunded. Onlv 2,"i jK'iits. For sale by A. Lindley. Hanovkk, 0.. Feb. 13, ISS4. After having lung fever and pneu monia I had a dreadful cough and could not sleep at night. The 'doctors tld me I had consumption and wools lie. 1 have taken six bottles 1'iVo'd Vriirennd my rough is entirely tiid I am well a ever. Emki.ixkFokd. gone liurhlrn's ArniraS nlve. world. Warranted to speedilv cure Burns.Bruiscfl, Cuts, Ulcer.-,, Saltrjieum Fever Soies, Cancci, IMIo, Chilblains sorns, Teeter, Chapped Hands, and all ncin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in e-ery "instance or monev refunded. 155 cents per box. Fur ale by Henry Cook. IN CASH GIVE?! AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Thii Special Deposit Is to guarantee the paaent of the 25 premiums fully described in oar former announcements. Tlie premiums will be paid, no matter how small the number of bogs returned may be. Ofiee BlarJanirt Dorian Tarro &.. V-rkan. A. C, Kty 1C. IS. i P. A. WILE7. Epq.. OuAut Bami cf Jhtrhan, Dwlnn, sr C. Deir Sir: Wo lnciore yon $ll'xioo. mi n fl3sc I'lace on Fvdal Dcpoelt to ;y pniuOma or our empty tobacco b38 to be returned Do& Utn. Voura truly. J. 8. CAIUl. VrteWont Ofic of tht Bank of DnrKm.X " Durham, If. C, May 10, 1M. J. a CABB. Eca. Fret. Biatlncrirt Dwham Tubatro Cb. Drih Sir: I have to ctnpwlwo n-celrt of mr-n-Po from too. wbira -e hive placul mn BrocUl Deiostt for the object you rtale. yourB truly. P. A. WILKY. OMDler. Kocc gamine iritbout rleturs of BtTLLaa the rrSee our otner annotmocmecta 6ATSS Ii SOU !kai.i:i:s is Beef, Porx Mutton, Poultry S-iusaKi', Fifth Fish, 0ser (Same, etc. Highest Cash foM Prico! IMid for Jliilis anil iVlts. When you w.mt the UKST Meat rail on us at Carders I'M st.nnl oioened n. Kr&xrr Tn-rvn. "vii tic? G-rain Elevator, wliere lie hopes to see all in want of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, s'i &ime' Hair' or anything in his line t special figures on bills, call on Brewer before buying. ash Paid for all Kinds of Grain. - i - . Atl. nssim FliPiliTlllS y 11 ill I IpHIb ii LET MY PESPLE GO ONE AND ALL TO MAES J5 FINAL I'ltOOF XOTK'K. I-iinl Olilii-. niiioiniiitint. Neb!, .lime M, 1sm4. KToncKis iiKKKitr civi:n t.mat thk y fitibiiiK uuiiiU vtih-riia'. ni.-.i niiiuv (r liiijntfiitiiiu In in:ik fitial primf in .siij.pm t of his i-Iaini, and tli.tt .sadl prnot uiIJ jii.-.ho bi-fnrc -rk of tin dMiirl oo-irt. V IisUt iMiintv. N-d. :i lnl ('load. Ned., mi S:it!irilaj'. .iuly Si. 18M, ciiihst'.vn r.i:ii:iiKic 1. d No. 7117. for tlio m ir -wilon ... tp .i.north I'll . H iiam.M the follottiii witness tn prtivi' his nnitiiiiioiM tvsiiVurv upon and rulti .Mliimof -J.-iiil lnnil. vb: Sii-iilien Harris. Iir Iim Cauiplirll. Ilcnrr IS. .IT.nhcws, Charles i: J'ttti. all oS Jti-d Cloud. NVli S. W. WlT7.i:u. KiHti r. FINAL 1'itOoF NOllCK. -mil OiTire. ItliHiuiiintuii. Neli.. .Juno 2J. 1J XTOTicK is ui:i:i:itv civkn that thk ll fol!mviii-uaii,cd settler has filed notice of his intention to make tlaal proof in M'pport of tils i biui. and that s.-ihl proof ui .c ni.-ulc !-fon- Clerk "f district eosirl. Webster t-muitv. Ni-li., at Kt d Cloud, on Frid.iv. August !5, tail. Tiz: ,lx. Al.FItUli HKCKKIt. in lid No.Ta-y. for the i:e ursi ciiini .1). in a v raiwiowest. Ho naiiu-.s the follow in winess. rttopnni'hN eotitinuiK iTsidenee upon, and iillhatiou of s-id land. -. NVImiii Hi.nl. Abraham II K.dey. Xin.eoi N. Kottlnson. John h. Aultz. all id Ked Cloud. Neli. S. W. SWITZKK. ItejristiT. FINAL I'KOOF NOTICE. I.-uid Ohlee. Illoouiiiiton, Neli.. June 2. 1W. XJOTICK IS HKitKltV CIVKN IHAT THK follow ins ii.iineil settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof In hiiiior: of ins claim, auti uiai saw proof will Im made be fore the rlerk or the disinct nuirt. Webster roimiv.at Ited (Toud. Neli., on Saturdjy. July 12. INil.iz: ' 3 NKI-SON iintn. on II d entry No. 41(. Tor the lie qr of section 8, tp . north of r.uij:e 10. weL Jle names tin: foi-Ionli-K'.wltuiscto proM'hlseentii.uous n-si-tence uiitii :md eiilthation or said hind, viz: Samuel W. Foe. Leauder N. IMmhi. Kdrlel; Kin ney. Hcni-y Waller, all ot Cow Ii s. Neb. In1i.oii s.w. SWITZKK. Keuistir. (Qmiinvolficn lad wcti.) How Watch Cases are Made. In bajing a Eilvcr watch case great caro should be token to secure one tbat ia solid eilvcr throughout. The cap of mo6t cheap silver cases is made of a composition known as albata, which Is a very poor BuUtituto for silver, as it turns black in a short time. Tlie backs of such caua are made much thinner than those of an all silver case, being robbed in order to make the cap thicker and get hi as much as pouiblc of the cheap metal. Another important point inahilvercatc L the joints or hinges, which should be made of gold. Thoao of most cheap cases are made of silver, which is not a suitable metal for that purpesc. In a brief period it warpa, bends and sjircads apart, allowing the backs to become loose upon the case and admitting tlie dust and dirt that aecummulatc in the pocket. Tho Keystone SilvcrVatch Cases are only made with silver cap3 and gold joints. St. Twt. Wrt Ttfc IT loo"! In onr Iiryt sad raried xpenonco in baalluw: w atchoi, wocjcnct bot-itktiowledjeanj (areonrttimoDTthat to K7stoa Solid S'Wer Watch Ce are thocwst tncVtocmrtTK)H!e1jfC. Karing nu lilerji they ro. tnsal3inec3nouB. harder and j'frtuaii tb-y would liayiex they beaten! for soldcrnur, and hte mora reacting power airt innm than any other c-.km la tlia mnrkfC AIxbxou X Jaucxuu jimrujtv Vo. 6ta4 S mlap U Krjttna Watts Taw Kvtoriw, rL'.U. 4lyala,ra,fcr kuknt lllntnlrj lanpklrt iboalac U a t fc ' aal Kajttaat WaUa Co ar a.le. a FOR RARQAENS IN jA np y roc Pv FINAL ntOOF NOTICE 1-nnd office. Itlonuilnptoii. Neli., June 2. l-st.' VioTICK'IS HKKKIIY CIVKN THAT Till: 1 folJiittln.named settler has Tiled notiiv of his intention to make final proof in sunpoit of hlsrl.tnn, suid that scald pmof will lie niacin be fore the lerk of district court of Webster coun ty at Ited Cloud. Neli.. on Saturday, Juh ! issi, lz: WII.IJAM M.CRAiMU,. on pre-finiition I). X. No, uiirr, for the nortl.v.tt irorsei'tIoiiK.t2. north of rauelt west. He names the follouinj: HnesHe to piwe hW eon tinuous niileiu-e upon .nut eulthntioii or said t "I" . N.K rr""' Srt, sons-neon. John ilsoti, Clareiu-u ilum. alj of Ked Cloud. elraskn. M. V. SWirKlt. Jumsr-Jiily 11 KcjjMer. ! IMMHI Etc. Eta rFlCBS sd w 2 llwm! Pi Gome ana GW. OOW i lsot the front aj;ain with the mkmlt XI i !. Of all kinds, and The Hi. . Thompson IIAV KAKEJS! anwyVni m12 'W Well to call and examine Kooti arui i wt wiun- jcui imy ei.se when'. 3)' mik-k oi rv and m(V by lenders m hand Improved Iron Atower! Can Lot lie heat for IJ.OHT P., FT and good work, and don't jou fj.-jt U. a W. DOWt Agent, RED CLOUD. mdbu&SStifc DBUUieWEAJCM&IKPOTKtYIHKrt TTQTTllTTnMiirtrrn TVr'' " T -w" "AatnlhainfWMBl nf TAUTRMllicinn. this I knOIT. uSrjal ix months neo. I wus wenk, Icjuj end tto-jp-ahonldonsl, I wlto Mplratlaas, Dae no inwara joroe co itxmia uicai, rboso nlchts wero tpinl In tOMiugnna rolllni; ajon leeplpra bai, whno rtnrs wero hncnted by mulan-.holr rwrprlM or blijditv 1 by bllndias h adacbo. I wor whiau that was tb cnM theo. fiow. alter tbe use of 7Jcr most Mcslltnt remodr, I fetl myself a WAN ortat, etn cc. wUht 1S lbs .iiinta bo cowl that I whittle K2 L. kouKe and shont ant of doors. In sl?bt of all tbi3 thg tSJO iak-i Into insignltieanea. I viU I alsbt be nolo to Dctv-nt iw ot deluded yaucjj moa by reuHcmeadiog jocr remjdj." Tha original letter froru Trldcli the above Is an extract, and several hundred -itliers exrres!n? tlrullar oplnlnna.ln iqur.llr stronc lerms.ai c on 111 &nd will bo fcliowu lo any onocalllupat ourolllco! who al'otrs that Ills lnttreMln tlie matter an-.es parcly frcai a desire to guird cgainslojpodtlca. HARRIS R'iWIEDY CO. f-lFCSKtaiCf?. Markstond Cth Cta. T. LOLM8, rflO. OMltsti'streatorit:. tsostis $3. ti::: sc.th: 7. You Can Save Money I & fr5AHE OITLY TEOB K I ROM We Offer Bargains that NO other house does in Red Cloud. Maryatt DBALSRS 2 vT4 Jewelry, Watolies, nhi 12 ITRAUmi i dlaneK reijnlrlnKacertalnanit eiUrlcn. TONIC, t:fpeclallrlneprla,Wcutcf Apjnjlltc.Ir.iJI?H. tlrin, ItK or Btrtnctli, cto.. Its .ujc U marked with luinieOlnte and -wQiiilerml roxiti. Knnca. mticlg and nrrvarcrior.criorce. EuIItcui w winu anu euj.piifs itraii: luutr. cure. cntlw 1. !...-.. . ..... . . ; . r.u a ni'Br tni iieaiin ctijjiiicaion. The stronpest IcHln.u.iy to tlia ruluc of lilt. jiAKii.i. iihix uimuii. :iii tretieiit attempts at connterfc Illnirliae otdr mldtd to IIi'jiKnibr Ityoriheorlcln.-.l. lfii canivsllyclcilruliralUl uouol cxpenuicnt j:tti:u Ui:io::i al .cD UuaT lonrt your n J'lren UiThn Tjr. IfurUr 3frd.ro.. tsSt.Loi!a, j!c, lor etc "iiliTlVil SOCK." Fullol itruagucod u-nfuSlufjnat.Uou,Inw.r Dr. HAnTEn'a bicK Tonic ti ioh Bale tit ALL li-ai-wim. ,.io Dclsj3 vzHiihjte. loo Platedware FancySings Oastors, etc. Silverware, Plain Rings, Spectacles. RFD CLOUD, i2ERASMA We keep everything in the Jewelry line. Repairing of every de scription promptly done bTORE. Four Doors North State Bank, RED CLOUD, 1ST EBEASEA. v. Farsfa, Pistes Framis, Brackets, k, k, TJHDERTEEH'S GOODS r. e. mm SH APE, yijultt &'$wm& DEALERS IX COAL IseHIW up" di lii ETC Rod OSoud, eb?aska V O iT ftl m i : i ?A! rs m pan ogle & t unk, Donlora In.all klndsof- Bifa ipleiis, mom, m SEV!i:G KACHHHES. Etc. Mad Clone! A LT '-i n 5h,i5' PTCHWOHK ? Is.'vinir I.ire T.Mir o: rem i..:it : n' piei s of i ri S "i lr " d ilk-, snti s rml vc-l.cH.v.v.irepiti iKt'cfi nlii:i irtidlmij itles mil funnsI.iMir ttiem f- " -r..7 i .del "rt. eifl'iniiN. rints, tiiiie. vc. .'.. r:'ek:te 1 is a IiaiuNomv? Iilllidle of excjunlte sjiks. .it!i' :md liroeaded Mlvets (all dilTen-nt). .lust tnc thine fur t!iemiifiipeil patterns cdf.uuy work. ent postpaid for neeid'. in postal note r one rent staling. FacLnpc N . -'. ci.i.t.ii'ilni; tlnw tmiL- a-cniuelt as p.ic lease o.l. M-nt rilp.i!il for SI. 'Ihu-earcdlcd Mie ven' tunt ipiality and cannot lie equalled at any ntlter -ilk vwrki in the tlie I . b. at three tunes our inci-. i ne -.i;i i!c " .1'iv indv. (.'lie order h:i;.s lirinpt a doj-n mere "I-itu rui ml id fmry work, with 10)i.litrtticir.r..id f-:t I i-'rnctlous ru .i.-tNUc f.im-v work. lru-iN!iieIj Ixiiind. po-t-s;iid. ) ee.i"t.. Orchr nmv. Addtvsn, Thk Ko-iiktki: Sn.fC Co.. KiM'hester. N. Y. larnsss .j Shop, .L w p&nssix m a IV iDr.lJDsrro TJyHIOCB'WlB TO , I,.l.r. PfTL-el Ht. CriT, JTpiU'l a; HtwU Xfrttlem. -icnU la trflL-nc.:, ft - i iaro rinirtic-c rwfjr-ir'M Tivitl. Call crwr'to for Iiltf QUMhons to he aniwuretl I y thewo di Jr u tettment Ui-aa. tPtriThifroiRaiirlKwiaat.iraain-. tadlMranaOilarlaUiflr-Jtaalac. Ilhli iu. n. r i. I .nini:i!. Pml aait FirtWia In C CiiaM.JIbr5.l..lltDU-.0:olor.it lUM. tal.o. BucecMor to l)r. JluttV Jiupairy. ulli-t SO Itara. Cfzzc 30 Years ZI-kIsjico Jt" HOfETRHrii.Bff fP'Of Mervoua and Seminal De- V, x- L. KM. DKAI.KK IK ARNESS' COLLARS, SADDLES-K nOi:SE-RLAXKK'IV. Willi's. (JO.MIJS, BRUSHES,. HARNESS OIL And every tiling usually kept in rnrt' Two (luor-c nort'i nf let N:it..Uank RED CLOUD. NEB. Trunks & TTalises DC3 Jx tllltr. Early Decay, Loes of hlsmcrv. tab.. .. CURE YOuASr"! Ticlv X. ' Jen imScU-Z-xtr-rt. Btvo Tin o nc I Alow-y. nnil nrol J Qn;Lsr la K.II oad Trial ft-taco of ItV 0. VIiEK. Adii Dr. 'J. ?H.T.TATiIB, Milwaukee?. "W . I 'a WcJiiTi. Drugs, U9 i TTJ O1 mm -SffmmMw a 33ocior r3-uifa ililo l!llO,?JllO rail ''flcme"Puiyerlz8r vtviTrra'vsiK! t.(4j Kot'ons, Wall Paper, &c. feci Qioud, - Nebraska. ll'wv nitvV ctiH.- dtk- :t ninner eniitompfatc n nenlv Iiarroued tit Id with citNfnctiuu? He A.ilk.s over it and ei- hen' and tlic-rv eetl -iiMjvered; Jiero :t furrow sdlcr untiiutlied bvctiu.-wi tliesitrf.iee w.'A not iuite tod. mid tlierv n lusnehof stnWili drrwn Into a heap having drtrwl tlie s ' and c-id lH-ten It for yard. He? sliaK Wh hid sadU snI wishes ther- wan ;i harrow that would do the work perfeetU ; Ieel Ini tlnrnmsli pl.uvs tin-aklnc up the cfr. and not onlv piiUeriiiiirtlie soil, tmltuniinir it over tho M-i-cl Mtd that tin i all entered to nil ieitilvnti and wtlui waste. Hut the fanner wlm im h tln "Aemc" l"iihi-ri7iiiK Harrow. Clod eruner and Iivch r Ikw mnie of the sadnes and dUippointmuiit. for hW fields aro Ieeled and niellmvd and cuMKithed and the M-yd pniierly ewervd. Fall plowc-dpround esjierially nei-ds tlii-4. ttMveit work which In done ipueklvand wit lion t the tu ed ef any -.prinjr plowius Tltr alv H a fKMt riit'r"o-untd the corn is atiov twelve ine' "i nihrjsutli. For s:in; oy . John Boesch, Amhoy, Neb V f V W - V! 'a -i N X x i- $g&& a.,',1. - . m t5A-M 1-'AJtg jfS , . 3" mtbMm ml n w t - -y, l'"JifcTijBlg-'--r .,r, J- :4 zljI .