The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 04, 1884, Image 6

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The Red Cloud C
KED CLOL'l 31AI.kt
sLlll ll m om
siiKKi rou sale.
Owing to necessary change of climate
for myself I oiler for sale inv choice
ilock of 2500 sheep, in lot to 'suit the
purchasers. Apply at once, as th-e
heep can be bought at a. bargain if
bought before I make nrorfcions 'for
wintering. Time will lie given it de
sired on good security.- also for sale my
including 440 acres of leased land.)
, r ., Dr. J. E.Sjiith.
4-!f 3 miles west of Guide Jtock.
The Chief Five Month-for Fifty Outs.
From this date xve will send The
Chief to any nddic-ss until December 1
IsM, tor fifty cents. Xmv is the time
to subscribe for a campaign paper.
We shall give all of the campaign
news from this date on. The political
fight will be interesting. We hope our
friends will gel up dubs for the Cam
paign Chief. To every per.-on getting
up a ciut ot lour at 5U cents each, we
will Bend The Chief fne during
period. .Send in your orders at once.
Write your nameJ.u.dpost otiu-e
plainly. This oiler will hold good for
t)U days. Remember we will send
3011 the caper five months for 30 cents
We shall continue to publish ail of the
uity, county, and state news as hereto
fore. Get your paper now.
IIi'.ntkrs Circus and Mcnagoric will
positively be in
reports to the contrary notwithstand
ing. They never mis? or jump a date.
TilK only successful platform twine
binder in the market sold by Spanogle
ifc Funk. 47-2w
Call on Mrs. S. W. Seeley and ex
amine her lace goods and novelties.
One door north o A. Cook's boot and
ehoe slo:e.
Just recieved, a lot of A grade full
leuther top buggies, call and uxamine.
Spanogle ir Funk. 47--W
Thk Marsh and Whitney platform
twine binder lead all other machines
sold by Spanogle & Funk. -47--W
Wanted. 40 acres of breaking done
Highest price paid in oasdi. Aplv to
G. W. Ball,
2-rt Red Cloud.
Mils. McBkide for hats.
Go to Mis. McHride's for hair waves.
Now is the time to look after your
guns. Chickens will .-00:1 be ripe. See
Dany'd gun shop.
Don't fail to go with the crowd to
Mr. MuIJride's on the fourth of July
lur millinery goods.
Never tiive Up.
If von aro suffering with low and de
pressed spirits, lw- of appetite, general
debility, disordered blooil. weak con
stitution, headache, or any disease of
a bilious nature, bn ail means procure
n bottle of Electric Bitters. You will
be surprised to see the rapid impiove
nieiit that will fodow: vou will be in
spired with new life: .strength and ac-,
tivitv will return: pain ami m:-ery v.m
ccae. and henceforth you will rejoice
in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold
at liftv eent a bottle by Henry Cook.
A Great I)iZoery
That is dailv bringing joy to the
homes- of thousands by saving many of
their dear ones from an early grave.
Truly is Dr. King New Discovery for
consumption, coughs, colds, asthma.
bronehitiK hav fever, loss of voicp
tiekling in the throat, pain in side and
chest, or anv disease of the throat and
lungs, a positive cure. Guaranteed,
trial bottles free at Henry Cook's drug
stora. Large size $1-00.
Sine, Oh Sinr, that Son? Aaiu.
lloxv can vou when yon cough at
evwv breath? Why. et a trial I'Ottle
i.i tx'r T?;..t.iv.-sTfiitive Cure, and you
wiUliean'sxxcrcd. It cures colds, coughs
consumption, whooping cough, and all
diseases ot the lung-, and it will cost
xou nothing to test if you call at
Lnullev s d-nig store.
Plight will prevuil, anil m the nca r
future, the strength, purity and excel
lence of DcLaud's saleratus and soda
xx ill be so thoroughly proven, that they
will be found necessary articles in
even- home m the land. Test them in
everv way possible and you will still
find 'them what they are guaranteed to
-Yo Jllrdiciae Shmtk Higher TUn
Marsh'n Golden Uafcftwi.
"One vear ago I caught a severe cold
m'r rSIedU witKut 3V relief,
until I used vour Golden .balsam.
urn now well, having used only txxo uoi
tlcs. I consider it a gift from heaven.
1 Mrs. James Luce, Omaha, eb.
-For consumption of the lungs, i
know of no medicine that stands high
er than Marsh's Goldon Balsam. It
xxill cure xx here cures are possible.
I II. L. Smith Fort Scott, ICans.
"Not one of the thousands who hayo
used Marsh's Golden Balsam in this
city, has ever made a complaint that
it uiii k.t do all claimed for u.
j Kansas Citv (Mo.) Times.
Marsh's Golden Balsam, the famous
throat and lung medicine, and Marsh
Golden Blooif and Liver Tonic, the
gr u !lV.l,:iu ..!UV'i r .r . 'ir I.,, .1
.i 4.T .1 .!.. ii.w wriif in mi
-i;n nx iiiiii i i ..IL iirni'rm. .,.--- T
IsSi-gi lntik ."() ci:llt4 aiixl $1
This. is the day xve celebrate.
Jas. McNkny was in McCook this
Mits. Hasiacer is visiting at Salem
Curt Evans lias built an addition to
bis house. '
Another large crowd in Bed Cloud
OII P:lt!ir.l..v
j he nuv omce of Kalcv
Bros., has
been refitted.
Lixdixy has a full line of Straiten it
Storm's cigars.
R. D. Jones was a passenger for the
west Wednesday.
A Sack of Hour was stolen from Lot
son's on last Saturday.
Rev. G. W. HcsiMEi.Lxvas in the city
Saturday and Sunday.
W. 2x Richaron has built an ad
dition to his residence.
Geo. Taylok is reported as building
the first houe in Red Cloud.
The Woman's Relief Corps will meet
Monday, July 7th, at '2;'.V) p. m.
Presiding Elder Gallagherof Hast
ing, preached at the M. E. church,
Mr. Shocity and Mi-s Erne King
were married Saturday by Rev. G. O.
S. W. Seeley has started a confec
tionery store north of Cook's; lioot and
shoe store.
C. A. Owens is painting the interior
of the Baptist church. It is of a hand
some design.
Rev. Father Clery will hold servi
ces at the Catholic church on Satur
da', July "1.
Mrs. Wiener gave a party on
Friday, in honor of Mr. Meyer's lit
tle children."
Jake Miller bought the Lutz prop
erty one door north of lvaley s store.
He paid $1200.
W. H. 1akci?, of Guide Rock, pre
cinct, has recently finished building a
tine dwelling house.
Tiie state apportionment for July for
Webster county is i-4500, about $1500
more than usual.
Gun .shop is the place to bring your
sewing machines for repair, he war
rants all the work he doej..
Harry LeGrow, one of the snare
drummers in the Red Cloud cornet
band went to Iowa Monday.
The last quarterly meeting before
conference took place on Saturday and
Sunday at the M. E. Church.
Mr. Ski es'.s residence is being refit
ted in fine s'tylo and will make a com
modious residence when finished.
Miss Lizzie Siiirey and Mis Eva
Evans, oi Yosk, Neb., are th guests of
Mr. and Mrs. R. V, Shirey, this week.
Profs. Rowland and Beeler.of Thay
er county, old college chums of L. L.
Feltham, made him a pleasant visit
this week,
Anoirr -00 head of caltio went
through Red Cloud on Saturday, bound
for Montana. They had been driven
from Illinois.
Our friend Ballard is putting on
moro style than anyone with his cano
py top street sprinkler. He always
did take things cool.
We would call especial attention to
W. Dairy's new ad in this issue. Peo
ple wanting work in his line will do
well to give him a call.
The Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Connor, of
Omaha, will administer the "sacra
ment of confirmation" at the Catholic
church on the 13th of July.
E. B. Smith sucked about two hun
dred quarts of cherries from his trees
this vear. The trees are five years old.
He also has hosts of grapes.
Mi-s Fannie Wooley, sister of
D. S. Coombs, returned on Friday to
her home in York. She ha! been vis
iting here for several weeks.
Plenty of .good rains so far this
week. Corn and small grain generally
i fairly jump under the favorable grow
ing xveather and copious rains.
Messrs. & Brainard are
building a school house in district 55.
These gentlemen have built some fine
houses in the county this season.
Mr. xY. E. Jackson is in California,
where he will visi for some months,
and then return xxith his u'ife, who has
been in that state about two months.
Mr. A. J., the telegraph op -
crotor at the depot, has moved into
the Smith property cast of Mir. Am
bler's. It is a very pleasant place to
The wrecked cars belonging lo the
cannon ball that x-as thrown from the
track near Hubbell, were taken to Wy-
' more, and the pieces made twenty car
Ten coojis of chickens of all kinds,
and three boxes of snakes xvere a part
of the express matter that was cast J
bound on Saturday, for Central Tark,
New York.
Mr. Forrester's little girl got burn
ed about the face with a iire-cracker
the other day. Her eyes were badly
injurcd, but foi tunately the little girl
will recover. ;
The children and others should be
cautioned by their parents about the
careless use of fire crackers during tho
roielmition lolay. They :ir- .langer-
i m;. pisyUlir.s
Lindlev -has mixed pair. Is at all
prices from 50 to 75 cents. 47-Gw
The base ball game between the Red
Cloud and Superiors will not take
place to-day. The Superior chaps did
not have the heart to run the chance
of getting scooped. '
Mr. J. S. Gilham and A. J. Tulleys
for a number of years partners in the
law business, dissolved partnership on
Saturday. Mr. Tulleys will continue
the practice of law.
The painters of the county arc re
quested to meet in this city on Satur
day at Mr. Yisscher's office, for the
purpose of organizing a painters uuion
over the United States.
J. W. Stocks, one of the early settlers
of Webster county, called on u.s
Monday. He is now living at Frank
lin. He said he hardly knew Red;
Cloud, it had grown so fast.
A genuine circus is billed lor Red
Cloud Saturday, and the small boy is j
hapny. He will carry water for the a. J. Tomlinson cut some rye ton
elephant, crawl under the Ipnt, and j Tuesday that was about nine feet high
have more fun than ain body. j on a farm three miles west of the city.
Those desirous of organizing a camp j Harvesting on a small scale lias
of Sons of Veterans at Red Cloud -vvil! j commenced. By next week the buzz
hand in their names to Gralield Post, j0f tiC rc.apurs will be heard in the dis
No. SO. All sons of veterans aie eligi- i tancc.
b!e that are 10 years of age. 1 jlu. VanAuken is the happy father
The U. P. Surveyors are again, .we father of a bouncing baby boy which
understand, on the line to Red Cloud. ,n:uic jts advent into the familv last
We hope this road will come through.
The sooner the better for our city.
With this eastern outlet Red Cloud
can compete with the world.
Call at this office when you want
printing. We have recently added
many new styles of type to our already
complete job omce. Work done ex-
peditiously, neatly, and 111 the Jatest
Myles known to the art.
The Inavale and Farmers Crock
base bail clubs played a match game of
ball last Saturday, on tne farmers'
grounds. Considerable good playing
was shown on liotfi sides. The result
was nearly two to one in favor of the
Inavale club.
After July 1, the Red Cloud post-
office will pay S15U0 per year. In ord-
er to do this the office, must earn . -
j00 per year, which it has done for
the last twelve months. Our worthy
friend McNitt is happy over the antici
pation of tho raise during the coining
On June 20, Gov. Garbcr was in Lin
coln, and attended a sale of short-horn
cattle. As a c uiseoucnce the Govern
or purchased "The Duke of Fairview,"
a one year old bull, and as fine an ani
mal as we remember of ever having
seen. It is a beauty, and a genuine
thorough-bred, lis cost was about
! $100.
We I
nopo our correspondents will
1 r. 1 - ., 7.
et us. Send in the news. If
not forgi
you only have one item, send that in.
It is better than not any. The Chief
rotnrijs its thanks to the correspond
ents for their able assistance, and hopes
they will continue t favor us with the
latest events ia their respective n-.0l.-
ri t r - r n' i i i 1
The B. & aI. officials have ordered
, ., , , -
in i iit
lLilf.iiiniiM ?mf! liviL-ii ttirniiirii rims
A. ...V. .WW.... ..... .a...-w ...... ...a. .... i i
to Denver, instead from this point.
The Minden cut-ofl" will be finished
this week and train3 will be running
over that line in a few days. This will
nece-sitatc the removal of some of our
railroad men from Red Clr ud.
The farmers in Nebraska have much'
to be thankful for, and even- reason to
be happy for this year. So far the
crops are coming forward with rapid
strides, and if everything goes along
nicclv Webster countv will b wav
ahead. Crops a e looking grand. The!
lnrge fields of goalcn grain, the green
! fields of corn, etc. are reasons enough '
to make the farmers liaiiuv.
Only a short time and wc shall!
-ietory-with their best man are all m
vain, as the final "round up" in No- will show. Blaine and Logan
are the men xvho will get there. The
people haxe so set their heads.
Mr. Ans'jN IIuiuy, for a number of
vears connected with Smith Eros'.
' banking house, in this city, and for
last eighteen months xxith the First
National Bank of Hcd Cloud, has
been promoted by the dhectors of the
First National to the position of assist
ant cashier. This is a xvorlhy promo
tion and TiiE Chief is pleased to see
the young men coming to the front.
Anson has been a faithful clerk, and
xvc are glad to see him promoted.
The fancy skating at the rink on
Saturday night for a prize pair of
skates, to be awarded to the most
graceful lady skater of Webster coun
ty, was of a most interesting nature,
jiad drew forth a lartre crowd to wit
ncss it. The contestants ax'cic : Mrs.
UNi.ya snort time ami xc snaiii"- - . t- iti.lns"ri" in irooils i0 Sl(.
know who Ihe democratic brethren i town. He gut wet, Jle emptied his 1 -
xxiHVix-nl-,e( ticke for boots in tho Bcpublican, and the river ' - 0n hlf r i 1 ,
xxin naxo piateu upon mcir titKCv ior drawi it" took place, at tne rink, and
the National camI.tes for jiresident bocau to rai-e at oncu. the folloxxing parties xvere the luckv
and vice-president. All over tho conn- Tuesday nigh a hugo running
try the cry goes up in the party for ; mce took place in the city, ihe pro which t,rew lhc
Cleveland. But alas! .their hopes of! niin was one toslart and txxo logo :" K B3inlt,, of lhi!l city huU
H. Feight, Miss Belle Spanogle, M'ifsi Huntley, W. I L Krohm, J. E. Lafoun
Minnie Smith, and Miss Wilkinson.! tain, C. !N. Sprecklen. J. C. Sprecklen,
After skating for a space of 0 minutes
the judges decided that Mrs. Feight
was the xvinucr. In fact, all four of the
ladies xvere excellent skaters and it xx'as
soniexvhat difficult for the judges to
decide 'he "rc-
Dr. Vance, of Kearney, is in the city
J. X. RinCARDs was in Lincoln on
J. M. Proctor has taken a position
with Spanogle it Funk.
A good house and stable for rent.
Apply to Mr. Forrester.
Miss Freddie Richardson
turned home from college.
Joe Rasper was on the sick
has re
list ou
Tuesday, but has recovered.
Miss ITattie Lutz has returned
Red Cloud from Sl Joe., Mo.
The new barber shop of Gilbert it
Davis is now open to the public.
Miller .y Dodd sold a team of fine
horses to A. Mcintosh, Tuesday, for
Anon two or three bundled people
will come from Blue Hill to-day to at-
tend the celebration.
J. C. Warner has one ot the hand,
somest farms and one of the finest
cr0ps in Webster county
Jim IIurrel will go to Chicago next
week to help nominate Tilden forpres-
j ident, "Jeems" is an oli standby of
Our business men should close up
their stoics on the ufternoon of the
fourth, Uad give tiie clerks a chance to
xv 1T .,, .n!lMor with ,....: ;.
Lurauc and writer being f.rcd
, ..... -..w ----...- -.--.
i out of a i10tlfee -m ti,is c-uv at the end of
a revolver?
In Red Cloud the grain market for
the week is :is follows: Oats, 20c; rye,
35c; whcit, CO c; corn in ear, 2Sc; corn
I siieucu, .jug.
Rev. 0. C. Todd and familv were
j picaS:Ultiy surprised by their friends on
'p,, 1... ",:,ri,t Thov will loav. tbo
city this week.
The Bed Cloud Creamery made S50
pounds of butter one day last week.
They are constantly increasing
tho amount made.
A stallion belonging to Mr. H,
Smith who lives at the narrows, died
hero last night from congestion of the
luugs, which was valued at SSUO,
Our young friend Watson, of the
Blue Hill Times, gave us a pleasant
call the first of tiie week. He reports
the Times in a flourishing condition.
T.rrr- , ..!- "T.irlmt .f- TTiill,... ii-ill tvnf
. . , . ,- ,, m
a stock or naidware at eils. Ihey
,. . . , .
are now snipping mcir goous 111 ior
that point. This will fill a long felt
want at Wells.
We understand that Mr. Kingshtirry
Will start a notion store in Red Cloud
as sooa as he can erect a new building
on the lot south of this office, which
1 ho purchased last wedc.
' , , . . , ,, ,,
i Orders have been issued by the I.
it M- railwav, that their employees
I -'
j must not frequent saloons or drink
' limiors on or oli'dutv. . If thev do so
ttiey forfeit their situations.
Mrs. Cox, wife to the man sent to tiie
penitentiary from Blue Hill, recently,
paid a visit to her husband yesterday
before leaving for the home of relatives
and friends in the east. Journal.
Our fanners should prepare for tho
Webster county fair. Now is a good
time, while they have an opportunity
to save some of tho magnificent grain
that is everywhere to be seen in the
R. E. IlARKsNAri'. went to Kansas
I """'J U!u: -"' 'i u.,.u ,u mk
. .. i i . .. I - . .: I
"' rani dM,"H :i,KH,L lwo ""' """ .?:
but risk and Jackson could not get
there fast enough to catch Charley
! Piatt. The race xvas about ten miles.
OiJR farmers are getting up a collec
tions of ceieals for the cotton exposi
tion which takes place in New Orleans
This shows enterprise on their part,
and xve feel assured that Webster coun
ty can lead ex-cry other county in the
W. A. Lkk, of Yinner Grox-e, Ar
kansas, xvas in Bed Cloud this xxeek
looking up a localio:? to farm. He
thinks Nebraska is a Igreat state. He
shares the opinion of all xvho come
here and see the fertile lands, the pros
perity and thrift on every hand.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for in the post-office at Bed Cloud,
Webster county, Neb., for tho week
ending June 30, 1SS1: Win. Boycc,
Mrs. Dclphia Cox, Miss Salic Cooper,
Mrs. Mary M. Edgar, Adam Freeze,
Isaac Friddle, Edward Furst, A. W.
L. 2tT..Wcl!s, M. D., Charles M. Whit
ney. These letters will be sent to the
dead letter office July 28, 1SS4, if not
delivered before. .In calling for above
r.'cscesy "idx-ertised" giving 'late of
li-t. M J McNirr P M
Go to Mrs. McBride's (or laces, nlk
bons, and fans.
The Hon. James Laird will probably
be his own successor for the next con
gress. He seems to be the choice of
the people in the wet end of the dis
trict, and we understand will receive a
heart- support in the cast end of the
L. II. Fort, of Brownville. Neb., ha'
been selected by County Clerk Bayha
as his deputy. Mr. Fort comes to our
town highlj recommended, and we
feel confident that he will make a
good deputy. Ho will soon more his
family to this city.
Gov. Gariser has one of the most
pleasant and commodious residences
in Western Nebraska. He has a five
acre grove of Cottonwood trees on two
sides, and the p'acc is luxuriant with
blue grass, and red and white clover.
It is a handsome place.
The habeas corpus case in the matter
of the custody of Stella Jones, was be
fore his HonorJudge Yeiser for adjud
ication on Saturday and Monday. It
was decided that that the girl should
be turned over to the custody of Mr.
Atkisson. The charge was ill-trcatmenl
we believe.
The Red Cloud Creamery made 1000
pounds of butter on Wednesday, and
paid out $120 for cream. They ship
ped 4200 pounds on ;Monday, to Oma
ha. During twelve months from 1SS1
to 1SS5, the creamery will make aboi.t
forty tons of butter. What creamery
can make a better showing?
Go to Mrs. McBridc'a for hoop skirts
On Monday night the wind and hail
storm which passed over the vicinity
of Oxford, blew som box cars oil' of the
side track on to.ttic m-un line, aim was
, .
i Impelling them aiong wnen ne con-
struction train bound for Oxford run
into them, causing a wreck which kil
ed one man and injured two or three
On Sunday evening last a flat car
that had been left on the Biding at Ox
ford, without having the brakes prop
erly set, was blown out on the main
track by the wind storm and collided
with the construction train, Ed Dolan
conductor. One nianwas killed outrigl t
and three others injured they were
laborers on the construction train. We
were unable to learn their names.
Mr. Forrester has severed his con
nection with the Wells, Fargo express
company, and will go into business in
this city, he having bargained for the
furniture store of R. E. Harcsnae.
The Chief welcomes Mr. Forrester
into the business ciicles of the city,
and wishes him prosperity in his new
undertaking. Mr. F. has made an
able officer for the express company,
and the place made vacant by his res
ignation will be hard to fill.
m m -
News comes from Hamilton county
that'a Mr. Kosencrans, of this city, was
was arrested in that county, at the in
stance of his wife, who lives in this citv
for living with another woman unlaw
fully. Kosencrans is now in jail in that
county, waiting the convening of the
district court in October. It seems
that Kosencrans became enamored of
the woman, and left the family to go
with her. When arrested he and his
paramour were esconsed in a tent near
Phillips, we believe, and were about
ready to move out of the state. The
woman is said to be well-known in
this city also, and reccntlv received
some money from the B. it M. rail wax
as damages on account of an accident
which killed her husband, as is alleged
H'leneiV Draxvlnjr.
For a number of xx'ecks jiasl Mr. C.
Wiener the clothing man in the lied
Cloud National Bank block, has been
advertising a drawing of prizes to par-
No. 337, which drew 10; 1. J. Tost,
held No. 'IT., xvhich drew him a prize
of ?5- Quite a large crowd was pres
ent and the drawing satisfactory to all.
The winners xvere lucky and xxill get
line prizes in clothing.
A New Firm. On Saturday hist Mr.
J. S. Gilham, a prominent member of
the Webster county bar, and a xvell
known citizen of Red Cloud for many
years, and Mr. J. N. Iliekards, formerly
of the Gage county bar, and noxv of
this city, a prosperous and talented
young laxvyer, formed a co-partnership
under the name of Gilham &
Kickards, for the practice of law. The
now firm will follow their profession
exclusively, and xxill endeavor to gain
a share of the public patronage. Mr.
Gilham is well known ts an able laxx--ycr
to all of our citizens, and needs no
recommendation from us. Mr. Kick
ards has been prominently before the
people of Webster county for the htist
year, as manager of Smith Bros', loan
agency, and during that time has suc
ceeded in making hosts of xvarm iriends
in this city and county. The Chief
extends cordial greeting to the noxv
iirm, and xvishes them prosperity and
rnicrfdiuss. of Hip luinl of I'nalixation '
inns is tin; part i.f UiinK.vtilinsiiot iiutliahei
lastxxeck,lielouj;iiigtoiiro.filiuss.of Juno 13,
i:i:i Cuius, June 13. isl
Tln fnl'oxi-ini; arc lite I'linupst mwlc ly ilia
lmartl of (..luahzatioa lot the real aud pcrso-ial
Ai:tT...K..mswUec3, t.. reduced.. .r-woo
ki-.ii ci-oun risKCiscr (lands)
W K .L-irkxiii sw U si 'i sec 1. 1. H r.iiswl 100 00
itnt lux,,,, a- ivf-i-int.. ii.iri u v. ne
-1 :h.i;
" 1 11. misfil -
.. -JI3 W
Win OiitliMni.fV li.ll-! ". no M sec-. 1. 11
reduced , 95 !!9
Wni Outhxxaite seU mv , m-c Jill raised 40 on
'I J Mosber no U. nw U see 3 1 II niliteed 00
i:l Ki-1Usk part sv U eii3r. t. 11 raised. -ia 00
XViuOatlieriiartuwrseqr sec 50, 'i, 11. .,
iR-TOa raScd m
J S Kaley jiart so qr sv iir :uid wvqr e ijr
bee 35, -j, n. loa raised 100 oo
SaiiOKlc & Funic, lot 9 blk JB It. C. raised 2-X) On
C II llilter lot 10 Wk 'Jfi. K. V. raised 1M 00
Cliristian AHim-lu. It 15, 1C, 17, lslilk 2,
tiiuiui & .Moore s auu lo r.. u., reuueeu
t- l(.ll
S 31 SmiUi. lots 19, -j.. 21. .', Wk 'A Smith
& Moore's add to 1C ('.. reduced each...
FnU V SIih.'h.t lot 17 lIk 4. Smith &
Jloore.s add to 11. C. rcduceil
Frank i: Slwjier. lot 1 Mk 4 Smith &
72 00
12 00
Moore's ami to it. u.. reuiux-u
Fnu k C Sleeper, lot -Jl lilk 4 Smith
Jlixire's add to K. G.. reduced
Frank C SleeiKT lot li blk 4. Smith
C7 00
Moore s add to It, C, raised
Jos. X. Wsirnii. lot 7, lilfc t3. Smith &
Moore'sadd to lCC.reduevd
.T:Tit K .lohiisna. all blk 4. Laliue's add
42 00
15 00
to IX. V.. raised 150 00
I) Harvey, reduced
II F Kins, redueetl
KO 1'arker. added to asvsMnent
.1 1. 1'hillps, added to a.ssesnieiit
T II HoiM-ris a-w-sstrd imrsoual
Win Sidnii added to itssesMueut
I'W ICaky personal reduced
srn.i.v.xTi:n ruKCicr (ri:soAL)
James Witt assessed jiersoual...-.
O.XK CltKCK ri:KClCr(l"KKSOSAl.)
C I Flint, rciluced
I. II Haines. reduced
(! XX' llosad:. rcduceil
H II Haines, reduced
W il Ilobart, lvdiu'fd
.Ill liobart. rrdueeil
KM Jones, reduced ,..
Jos A riipps, reiueed
lit I-iird, reduced
1. VMcN'Ut. reduced
OplHtaOa'.iii.ui, reduced
Austin Itiley. reduced
A I) Kaney, reduced
.1 O Kilev, reduced....
HA & M S!eeits, reducetl
J F XX'tisnu, reduced
15 F XX'oodliead. reduced
AJ Simpson, reduced
HI 00
200 00
70 Oil
20 00
140 no
) H)
110 00
172 00
sn oo
75 00
10 00
25 00
101 00
US 00
K2 00
55 00
75 00
01 00
50 00
75 1)0
2U5 1-0
70 00
2U1 00
! 20 P0
fi 0(T
io no
15 ()
Io oo'
15 (10
15 00'
io nr
5 00
10 00
5 mv
io oo
10 no
lo (i!
15 on
io on
15 00
15 00
10 00
15 00
5 00
10 (X)
40 00
Itasser l.ros. and htarKc, adueii to
nicnt .. . . ....
John Kiniek. adiled to iissi-ssment
I tax id l'ollfx-. aiiiicd to assessment
.I.uncsi i'dlli'v. added lOasiessiiienl
Joint Hoicnmli. added to assessment
I'liarlc IlRidshaw. added to assessinetit..
Daxld li"se!i,adileil to assessment
Jolin K Fre. added to assessment
Satn'l (tiaer, iMldetl to assessment
Auvaist Fete, lidded to assessment
S Fr.iz.T. added to assessment
ACIhIi adiledto assessment
Odell Moiishaiu;. added to assessment
It Adanisoa. addeii to assesiitfnt
Joshua iiniliaker. adiled to assessment...
B 1 Ilurton. atlded to assessment
John Walker, added to assessment
Nelson Hurd. added to assessment
Ed Keenex. added to assessment
XX" A Mclveiubau. added to assessment...
CO Cox, addeii to assessment
A Saladen. to assessment
F X Coekral!. added to assessment
J 1) l'ost, added to assessment
Abralinm Xewton. n H se! seeii. 2, 1" re-
duccil......... ............. ..............
k ii .lones. s lif se or ve 2. 2. 12 reduced.
i: II Join, part w r see vs. 2-ts rwlucei! 13) 70,
t'has Hunter. iKTSiinal raised 100 oo
; A XX'mton. iierxinal assessment tin catUo
trlekeu oil. as same cattle were assessed in
lied Cbnid precinct.
Hoard adjourned to June "JO.
.S1X05D IiAY'.-l-sESSIOX..
Board int pursiant to adfonmincnt.
Application or .Xlilier .'; Dodd to lease. tlai room
in court-hoiLse. lormi-rlv occupied by ttio countv
jnde. at lixe dollors !$.-) per month, to use as an
abstract omci.xvas granted.
oilioial bond oi UobcrtaMi Adamson as O II U
I) No. .-; aipni.ed.
- The following elalinR xvere auriitel and allowed
XX'arnmts to bi drawn on county general fund
J r lVivlia. district eoiut fees, etc S 54 00
J I'Haxlia. postais and express 11 a"
CiiaslViisrhow, iMistaueaud express 11 ffl
is .v .i.i' s.i:. ii :r:i serines.. ......... ." -
It -luinl Turner, s rvtels assessor
M C XVilli.iiasuii. M'rvites aisssor
M i" Jat.ssin, servie:ts.sesor
K W'Tul-le. scnices assessor
C!i.-h A Tee!, sen ices assessor
Joua MtX.ef.serxiec.sasse.-sor......
l'tiilis Um-k, services iLssess'ir I si.rviiM's :sslsSOP ...
CO 70
74 'M
a '.ri
l 12
50 1
;i trz
85 SIS
14". W
!1 OS
ns st
171 a;
is l
4 55
S3 Ml
.1.1111. " ..l.,. ".. .-V. - ... ..
F K F.iyi.e. wr ices assessor
Win Saw x er, services assessor
David CirpcnttT. serxlees assessor
'liios K'Miuedv crx i i-es assessor
KlsSmiih, sen fees assessor
1 li.Il s. I "lt s. lUUltl' 4 ll'i 'It'lp'- ...- ....
S F SHtes!iel!. meals for jurors
.1 E Siuitii. scnices county coimnissioii'T.
l' CC I'TefS. IUHI9.T ior uriue
.1 I. Miller, sen tees county commissioner. S4 no-
Following claims anitacn aim anowcu aim.
warrants ordered to be drawn on couuty road
S O liaker, material and labor on IL C.
lirnlm- 'ff- 2fJ
fi V Dow. material for lirldi;.. -- S 10
Claim or MUite of Nebraska tor Itoanlini; In
.sane iht.viiis. Don ( Dwjerand Mary F Uroxvii,
of Webster coiinto. Neb., at tln liospltal for tlio
insane, at Lincoln. Neb., audited and allowed
and ordered to lx' add-d to sl.tte taxes on txx
list .f Insi. of V.'cbstcr county. v.e b.
... t .... .. ,' fSull titst-
iaim in . aii"it iissv-tu vmhi.ii.ui !
elm t. ordered returned for correction, or niako
aiR.iad .listrict cUiiia of J O Riley for Sll.6 ai-
' Tiiofiilloxx;!! claims ordered to le returned to
said Parties to be handed oxer to tne justice of
t!itt iK-a -e liv xxiiuni the piods wen- ordered, to
mii-ac reTurii of t'-.e same :H.roidisl by law: .1 O
niam'iei I'll. S31; -las O'Xeall" ?J9: H Rotter,
s ?; .lohu s, Marsh & Co., isK.10; 'elr.isk.i Eum
b!r('aii;' S-7.07..Xliuer Eio3., 5.50; t.ate
i. i'wib:iisa:i.slo.-.i.
Or.lcrisl that thirty-lire dollars or so nuu-ti
tiicrii'f as max nc necess:iry U- hereby apjiro
iir!.ru! to build two CJ) bridges in ro.ul. ilLstmv
No. S. Vv'ebst- r county. Neb., to lie paul when
limine is completed.
( ir.leryJ th:t th" countv clerk jmreliasc one CD
dozen rex iscd!-t.itiite.s of Nebraska, for the uso
of the coins te olllcers of XVebster iniutve.
Oraen'dtIuittliecoiiiit clerk s!i all not issuo
ee'intv warrants fir a l.inrer sum than two huu-dn'.liV.l-srs.S"no)eaclu
Ordered that countv xvarrants be Issued In tho
month of Jnlv. iffi. imniediately after assess
ment books haxcliceii corrected, and abstract ot
assess in'-r.t niaede, for at! audited and allowed
accounts up to date of issiiiut;.
Tiie follow na: claims xere referred to J. l
Sliilcr. county coniniis.sioner, as committee to re
iMiitncxtnicetiuj:: a.-..
Ne'.uask-i EiinilicrCoiiinsiuy. lumber . K 4.i
(5ct A xviuton. siecial commissioner of
roads -.
D I. Rurlas-s. sherill Adams county, Je-
bnLska, sen i r )
State tiournal I'oiaiiatiy, books, blanks... 117 So
A C Htisiuer, iirmtins; 1(5 75
ii ( tS, on. spv'j'ial coinmiKsifiuer roails.. . 4 ()
xril Stroum. iuneyn:-,; road 5 ro
xe II Strolnn. I'lattins ru;id
J J (larl-er.clialumaii ,4)
51 S Itoiw. cluinniun 2 it)
M xv Illrd. sjieeial constable 17 Mi
.!: Dodd, for extra work w (
C M Carter, makini. school land nronl. . 50 ro
Foliowiu matters rvfcrudto J L Miller, coun
tv eonimissioiior:
"Aiijilhsitioaof Il&MKI! Co on taxes oer-
'Aiipiiaition of Tims Anderson O II K I, o 7
forappropri.illonforbritUe. .,.,,"
Aiipiiiaiimi for of Iwindby I. b Uiinstdli-
Aoplicatlou T B Cole on erroneous a-ssessnwuf
1SS1. -
Ainilicsitimi xvm. Richanlsoii to changefino
pa id," to costs. , ., .
Application II HoMredc for appropriation for
road distri. t No 10. .
Apphesitioa J 1" lhiyha county clerk for extra
belp. , ,
Eeport of O O Yeiser county judse on rosts.
Eo:irdadiouniedto.!uly. is4. .
J. E. Sjutu, ciiairuiau board.
J. r. Bayiia. clerk.
Mrs. McBride, the leader in tho
millinery trade, is headquarters for all
kinds of atvliah hats and Ixmuets.
t i .nr it smsri :r. in him .i- .uiw
. .. ... M..-
i-McDrltle'.s, the !c-ii:ij 'mliiim'-f '
v '
f- I