The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 04, 1884, Image 4

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A. C HOSMER, Publisher.
The hy weaves its mantle, jrroen.
Ov.-r the aneicnt raMle-iieisS?
3t hides each crevice with n scn-en
And shields the ruined !ta sight.
nted solitudes.
The swallow stills its noisy ton-iie
-nv'i- 'm",er? -" ars.h chatterintrs:
The linnet -iiurs its daintiest souV
- round the iuraiet it winfrs.
"Tlie nijrht-owl ki-eps its visril hour
Above the rn'o.! I. ntti. ...........
-And from the vault or its stone tower
Sends forth its lonclv.
juus lumenis.
3I.e."- T!",e, lla f own the peace of aire
I o mitta-le with the hoarv ru-t: "
Trudit.oa tells if lord nndp:i-e
And consecrates the lore or d'utt.
0. Time, thou healer of nil ill.
HriiHr to each ciml.linir lire a balm:
In every at-d brei-t tulrtll
The blesinu or thine ancient calm.
1.ct memory charm the world away:
llrinsr inii-if. swci-t e i,ini .........
JJrnnr joy to thwart tin- sad decuv
And ruusom lor the dying years'.
-About each silvered cren of aso
Weave there a crown of honor, meet:
-Let peace the pangs or earth a-snac.
And write a victory o'er
i. . Thayer, in -V. 1 Observer.
AMthnmf " i,eUr Tfotrnr." - Framly ronton
a-je.' " he I'ojienjnyV fhineatt Finn.
Ihf Iri Vemlxr." 'The llonloi."
liarchetlcr Tow.rt," Etc., Etc
Mr. William Whittlestaff was stroll
ing up and down the long walk at his
country .-eat in Hampshire, thinking of
the content.- of a letter which lie held
crushed up within his trousers pocket,
lie always breakastrd exactly at nine,
and the letters were Mipposed to be
brought to him at a quarter past. The
-postman was really due at his hall-door
at a quarter b. fore nine: but though he
had lived in the s.'.me house for above
fifteen years, and though he was very
anxious to get Ids letters, he had never
yet learned the truth about them. He
was satisfied, in his ignorance, with
ihlo a. in., but on this occasion the
postboy, as usual, was ten minutes aft
er that time. Mr. Whittlc-tatl" had got
through his second cup of tea. and was
stranded in his chair, having iiolhimx to-
do for the space of two minutes: ami
subsequenth when he had sent some
terrible message out to the po-tboy and
then had read the one epistle which had
arrived, he thus liberated his mind:
I'll be whipped if 1 will have any
thing to do with her." This must be
taken as indicating simply the condit'on
of anger to which he had been reduced
by the po-tboy. If any one were to
have told him afterwards that he had
mj expressed himself, he would have de
clared that he certainly deserved to be
whipped himself. In order that he
might make up his mind on the subject,
he went out with his hat and stick into
the long walk, and thought out the
matter to its conclusion. The letter
ran :is follows:
St. Taw ki.l.'s, Norwich, February. IS.
"Mv uKAit Mit. Whittlkstakk. Poor Mrs.
Lawra has srone at la-t. She li;-l thi morn
inif at 5-evi-n o'clock, and poor Jlary i alto
gether alone in the world. 1 have asked her
to oome in atnonir us for a tew days at any
rate, till the turn-nil shall be over. Ihitsht-ha
relused. knowinjr. 1 suppose, howcrowdedand
how small ourhoti-e is. What isshetodo? You
know al' the circumstances much hotter than
I do. She sav- herself that she had always
been intended for a jroverne-. ami that she
will, of cmir-e. tcllow out the intention which
hail been n.ed on between her and her father
before his dcatlu Hut it is a mo-t weary pros
pect, especially for one who has received no
dire, t education tor the purpose. She h.i-de-voied
her-elf Tor the last twcive months to
xir-. I-awne. as thonsth she had been her
mother. You did not like Mrs. Ijiwrie, nor
-did 1: nor. indeed, dil poor Mary love her
verv dearly. Hut she. at any rate, did her
dutv bv her -te-inoiher. I know that in re
tr.ird in actual money you will be jrener
ous enough: but do turn the matter over in
vour mind, and endeavor to think or some
luture tor th-poor K'rl.
"Yours very laithiully, Emma Kino.
It was in answer to such a letter as
this that Mr. Whittlestafl" had declared
that he'd be whipped if he'd have any
thing to do with her. He had during
the last three months been asking him
self as to what should be Mary Laurie's
fate in life when tier step-mother should
have gone, and had never quite solved
the question whether he could or would
not bring into his own house, almost as
a dang iter, a voting woman who was in
no wav related to him. He had always
f begun" bv telling himself that the world
wa-a censorious old fool, and that he
might do just as lie pleased as to mak
ing anv girl his daughter, lint beiore
dinner, he had generally come to the
conclusion that Mrs. Haggett would not
approve. Mrs. Haggett was his house
keeper, and was to him a person of im
portance. He had not even suggested
the idea to Mrs. Raggett, and was sure
that Mrs. ltaggctt would not approve.
I A-to sending" -Man Laurie into the
-world a- a gocmes", that plan, he was
sure, would not answer.
Two ve:irs ago had died his best be
loved 1 fiend. Captain Patrick Lawrie.
Of all men he was the roost impecuni
ous. Late in life he had married a sec
ond wife, a woman who was hard, sharp
ami pos-e-sed of an annuity. The fu
ture of his onlv daughter had been a
terrible grief to him. but from Mr.
Whittle-tall he Lad received assurances
which had comforted him. -She sha'n't
want. I can't sav anything further."
bince his friend'.- death Mr. Whittle
stall' had been lib.ral with presents,
which Mary had taken most unwilling
ly uniler her step-mother's guidance,
-'"uch had been the state of things when
Mr. Wliiillestatr received tlu letter.
.o-oun-l or earth's dull troubles jar
eird echoed 3"" V.,K""S
Sleep in its haunted iititii.i..
When he had walked up and down the
iong walk for an extra hour, Mr. Whit
tlestafl' expiesscd aloud this conclusion:
I don't care one straw for Mrs. Bag
Sett." It should be understood as having
been uttered in direct opposition to the
1 rst assurance made by him, that he'd
be whipped if he'd have anything to do
with her. He had resolved that Mary
Lawrie should come to him, and be
' made mi-tress of his house. He was
lifty and Mary Lawrie was twenty-live.
"lean do just what I please with her,"
he said to himself, "as though she were
my own girl." By this he meant that
- he woul Jnot fce exrpectcd to fall in love
with her, and that it was quite out of j
tho question that she should fall in love
with linn.
"Go and tell Mrs. Raggett that I'll be
much obliged to her if'll put on her
bonnet and come out to me here."
This he said to a boy, and the order
was not at all an unusual one. When
he wanteil to learn what .Mrs. Haggett
intended to give him for dinner, lie
would tend for the old hou-ekeeper and
iaKc a waiK witn her lor twenty minute.-.
Mrs. Haggett was quite accustomed to
the proceeding, which, upon the whole,
she en'.oyed. She now appeared with a
bonnet, and a wadded cloak which her
ma-ter had given her.
"Its about the letter, sir," taid Mrs.
"flow do you know?"
"Didn't I see the handwriting and the
black edges? Mrs. Lawrie ain't no
Mrs. Lawrie has gone to her iong ac
eounV "I'm afearcd, sir, she won't find it
easy to settle the bill." said Mrs. Hag
gett, who had a cynical way of express
ing her di-npprob"ation.
"Mrs. Haggett, judge not, lest you be
judged." Mrs. Haggett'turncd up her
no-e. "The woman has gone, and
nothing shall be sa'.d against her here.
The girl remains. Xov, I'll tell you
what I mean to tlo '"
"She isn't to come here. Mr. Whittlc
stall?" "Here she is to come, and here she is
to lemain, and here she is to have her
part of everything as though she were
nry own daughter. And," as not the
smallest portion of the good things to
come to her, she is to have her share
in your heart, Mrs. Haggett."'
"I don't know- nothing about my
heart, Mr. Whittlcstall. Them as linds
their way to my heart has to work their
way there. Who's Miss Lawrie, that
I'm to be knocked about for a new
"Xhe is just Marv Lawrie."
"I'm that old that 1 don't feel like
having a young missus put over me.
And it ain't lor your good, Mr. Whittlc
stall". You ain't a young man, nor you
ain't an old tin', and she ain't no rela
tions to 3-ou. That's the worst part of
it. As sure as my name is Dorothy
Hagge t. you'll be falling in love with
her." Then Mrs. Haggett looked him
full in the face and violently shook her
"Now go in." he said, "and pack
my things for thrcs nights. I'm going
to Norwich, and I shan't want any din
ner. Tell John I want the cart, and he
must be readv to "o to the station at
"I ought to cut the tongue out of my
head," said Mrs. Haggett s she re
turned to the house; "I might have
known it was the way to make him start
at once."
Not in three davs. but before the end
of the week, Mr. Whittlcstall' returned,
bringing with him a dark-featured, tall
girl, clothed in deepest mourning. To
Mrs. Haggett she was an ob'ect of in
tense interest, because, though she had
by no means assented to her master's
propo-al, on behalf of the young lady,
and did tell herself again and again
during Mr. Whittlestaffs absence that
she was sure Mary Lawrie was a bag
gage, yet in her heart she knew it to be
impossible that she could go on living
in the household without loving one
whom her master loved. With most of
those concerned in the household she
had her own way. Unless she would
favor the gr om. and the gardener, and
the bov, and the girls who served below
her, Mr. Whittlcstall" would hardly be
contented with these subordinates. He
was the easiest master under whom a
servant could live, but his favor had to
be won through Mrs Haggett's smiles.
During- the last two years, however,
there had been enough discussion about
Mar' Lawrie to convince Mrs. Haggett
that, in regard to this "interloper," as
Mrs. Haggett had once called her, Mr.
Whittle.-taff intended to have his own
way. Mrs. Haggett was anxious to
know whether the young lady was such
as she could iove.
Strangely enough. Mrs. Bsggctt, for
twelve months, could not quae make
up tier mind, i lie young lady was dif
ferent from what she hadexpected. Of
interference in the house there was al
most none. Marv had evidently heard
of Mrs. Haggett's virtues and infirmi
ties ami seemed to understand that she
had in many things to place herself
under Mrs. Haggett's orders.
Lord lore you. M'ss Mary." she was
heard to sav; "as if we did not all un
derstand that you was to be missus of
even thing at t'roker's Hall," the name
of Mr. Whittlestair.- house. But tose
who heard it knew the words were
spoken in extreme good humor and
judged that Mrs. Baggett's heart had
been won. But Mrs. Haggett stilt had
her fears, and was not yetresolved but.
that it might be herduty to turn against
Mary Lawrie with all the violetlce in
her power. For the first month or two
after the young lady's arrival, she had
almost made up her mind that Mary
Lawrie would never con-ent to become
Mrs. Whittlestnf'. An old gentleman
will -eldoni fall in love without some
encouragement, or. at any rate, will not
tell his love. Mary Lawrie was as cold
to him as though he was seventy-live in
stead of fifty. And she was also as
dutiful by which she showed Mrs. Bag
gett that am idea of marriage was on
her part out of the question.
This Mrs. Baggett resented. For
though she certainly felt, as would any
ordinary Mrs. Haggett, that a wife
would lie detrimental to her interest in
life, she could not endure to think that
"a little stuck-up minx, taken in from
charity," should run counter to any of
her master's wishes. On one or two
occasions she had spoKen to Mr. Whit
tlcstall respecting the young lady, and
had been cruelly snubbed. This did not
ere tc good -humor on her patt, and she
began to fancy herself angry in that the
young lady was so ceremonious with
her master. But as months ran by she
folt that Mary was thawing, and that
Mr. Whittlestatl was becoming more af
fectionate. There were periods in
which her mind veered round, but at
the end of the year Mrs. Baggett cer
tainly did wish that the youDg lady
should marry her old master.
"I can go down to Portsmouth," she
said to the baker, who was nearer to
Mrs. Baggett's confidence than any one
else except her master, "and weary out
the rest on 'em there " When she
spoke of "wearying out the rest on
cni," her friend understood that she
alluded to what years she might still
have to live, atid to the abject misery
of her latter days, which would be the
consequence of her lesigning her pres
ent mode of life. Mrs. Baggett was
Mipposed to have been born "at Ports
mouth, and, therefor.',- to allude to
that one place which she knew.
Before I describe Mr. Whittlestafl
and Miss Lawrie. I must devote a few
words to the early life of Mrs. Baggett.
Dorothy Tedcaster had been born in
the house of Admiral Whtttlc-tafl, the
otlicer in command of the Port-mouth
dock-yard. There her father or her
mother had family connections, to visit
whom Dorothy, when a young woman,
had returned from the then abode of
her m'stress, Mrs. WhiUlestafF. With
Mrs. Whittle.-taff she had lived from
birth, and of Mrs. Whitllestall'hcr mind
was so full that she did conceive
her to be superior to her majesty and
all the royal family. Dorothy, in an
evil hour," went lack to Portsmouth,
and there encountered that worst" of
military heroes. Sergeant Baggett.
With many lamentations and confes
sions as to her own weakness, she wrote
to her mistress, acknowledging that she
did intend to marry "B." Mrs. Whit
tlcstall" could do nothing to prevent it,
and Dorotlry did marry "B." Of the
misery and ill-usage, of the dirt and
poverty, which poor Dorotlry Baggett
endured that year, it needs not here to
tell. That something had passed between
her and her old mistress when she re
turned to her must, I suppose, have
been nccssary. Of her married life, in
subsequent years, Mrs. Baggett never
spoke at all. Kvcu the baker only
knew dimly that there had been a Ser
geant Baggett in existence. Years had
passed since Mrs. Baggett had been made
over to her present" master. And he.
though he probably knew something of
the abominable Sergeant, never found
it necessary to mention his name. For
this Mrs. Baggett was duly thankful,
and would declare among" all persons,
the baker included, that "for a gentle
man to be a gentleman, no gentleman
was such a gentleman" as her master.
It was now live-and-twenty years !
since the Admiral hail died, and fifteen i
since ins widow nau ioiioweil mm.
During the latter period Mrs. Baggett
had lived at t'roker's Hall with Mr.
Whittlestafi", and within that period
sotneth'ng had leaked out as to the
Si'igeant. Mrs. Baggett, in her very
heart of hearts, was "deeply grieved at
what she considered to be the poverty
of her master. " You're a stupid old
fool. Mrs. Baggett," her master would
say. when her regrets would be ex
pressed. " Haven't you enough to cat,
and a bed to lie on. and an old stocking
full of money somewhere? What more
do-ou want?"
"A stocking full of money!" she
would say, wiping her eyes: " there
ain t no such thing. And as for eating,
of course 1 eats as much as I wants. I
eats more than I wants, if you come to
"Then you're very greedy."
" But to think that" you shouldn't have
a man in a black coat to pour out a
glass of wine for you, sir!"
"I never drink wine, Mrs. Baggett."
"Well, whisky. But it's a come
down in the world, Mr. Whittlestafl'."
" If you think I've come down in the
world,you'd better keep it to yourself,
and not tell me. I don't think that I've
come down."
" You bear up against it like a man,
sir: but, for a woman like me, I do feel
it."' Such was Mrs. Baggett and the
record of her lfe.
Mr. Whittlestafl" had not succeeded in
what he had attempted. He had felt
but little his want of success in regard
to money, but he hid encountered fail
ure in other matters which had touched
him nearly. In some things his life had
been successful; he had never had a
headache, rarely a cold, and not a touch
of the gout. He was now lifty. and as
fit for hard work as he ever had been.
He had a thousand a year to spend, and
spent it without ever feeling the neces
sity of saving a shilling. He hated no
one, anil those who came in contact
with him always liked him. He trod
on nobody's corns, and was the mo-t
popular man in the parish. To tell of
Ids misfortunes a longer chronicle
would be necessary. He had been op
posed in everything to his father's
views. His father, finding him a clever
lad, had designed him for the bar. But
he utterly repudiated all legal pursuits.
"What the deuce do you wish to be?"
said his father, who was supposed to
be able to leave his son two thousand
pounds a year. The son replied that
lie would devote himsclt to literature.
The old Admiral sent literature to all
the infernal gods, and told his son that
he was a fool. But the lad did not suc
ceed, and neither father nor mother
ever knew the amount of suffering
which he endured thereby. He be
came plaintive, aud wrote poetry, and
spent his pocket-money in publishing it,
which again caused him sorrow, not for
the loss of his money, but by the ob
scuritj' of his poetry. He had" to con
less that God had not conferred upon
him the gift of writing poetry, and,
having acknowledged so much, he never
again put two lines together. Of all this
he said nothing; but thesense of failure
made him sad at heart. And his father,
when he was in these straits, only
laughed at him.
Then the old Admiral declared that,
as his son would do nothing for him
self, he must work for his son. Aud
he look to going into the city and
speculating. Ti;en the Admiral died,
and when Mrs. Whittlestafl' followed
her husband, her son bought Croker's
Hall, reduced his establishment, and
put down the man-servant whose de
parted glory was to Mrs. Baggett a
matter of deep regret.
But before this time Mr. Whittlestafl
had encountered the greatest sorrow of
his life. He had loved a young lady,
and had been accepted and then the
young lady had jilted him. At this
time lie was about thirty, and was abso
lutely dumbfounded by the catastrophe.
He had been a sportsman in a moderate
degree, fishing a good deal, shooting a
little, and devoted to hunting. But
when the blow came, he never iishcd or
shot or hunted again. The young lady
would hardly have treated him so badly
had she known what the effect would
he. Her name was Catherine Bailey,
and she married one Conipas, who
made a considerable reputation as an.
Old Bailey barrister. His friends
feared that Mr. Whittlestaff would do
some injury either to himself or Mr.
Conipas. But no one dared to speak to
him on the subject.
(.radually he returned to a gentle
cheerfulness of life, but he ne-er burst
out again into the violent exercise of
shooting a pheasant. After that his
iuotlierdicd, and again he was called
upon to endure a lasting sorrow. But
on this occasion the sorrow was of thut
kind which is softened by having been
expected. He rarely spoke of his
mother had never, up to this period at
which our tale finds him. mentioned his
mother's name to any of those about
him. Of Catherine "Bailey, who had
falsely given herself up to so poor a
creature as Conipas, after having re
ceived the poetry of his vows, he could
endure no mention whatever; and
though Mrs. Baggett knew the whole
story, no attempt at naming the name
wasever made.
Such had been the successes and the
failures of Mr. Whittlestaffs life when
Mary Lawrie came to his household.
The same idea had occurred to him as
to Mrs. Baggett. He was not young,
because he was lifty; he was not an old
man, because he "was only lifty. He
had seen Mary Lawrie often enough,
and had become sufficiently acquainted
with her to feel sure that if he could
win her she would be a loving com
panion. He had turned it all over in
his mind, and had been now eager and
now bashful. On more than oue oc
casion he bad declared that he would
be whipped if he would have anything
to do with her.
To him to ask and be denied would be
a terrible pain. An 1 as the girl did re
ceive from his hands all .she had her
bread and meat, her bed, her very
clothes would it not be better for her
that he should staud to her in the place
of a father than a lover? She might
come to accept it all and not think
much of it, if he would take the guise
of an old man. But were he to appear
before her as a suitor would she refuse
him? Looking forward, he could per
ceive that there was room for infinite
grief if he should make the attempt
and things should not go well with
But the more he saw of her he was
sure also that t'icre was room for in
finite joy. He compared her to Cath
erine Bailey, and could but feel that in
his youth he had been blind. Catherine
had been a fair-haired girl, and had
now blossomed out into the anxious
mother of ten fair-haired children. The
anxiety had no doubt come from the
evil courses of her husband. Had she
been contented to be "Mrs. Whittlestafl",
thore might have been no such look of
care, and there might perhaps have
been less than ten children: but she
would still have been fair-haired,
blowsy and fat. Mr. Whittlestaff had
found an opportunity of seeing her and
her Hock, unseen by them, and a por
tion ot his agony had subsided. Still
there was the fact that she had prom
ised to be his, and had become a thing
sacred in his sight, and had then given
herself up to the arms of Mr. Com pa.-.
But now if Maty Lawrie would accept
him, how blessed might be the evening
of his life!
to be continued.
The Turkish Bray.
There are no drays proper in Con
stantinople. All porterage is done by
hand, and, while it is slower, costs no
more, on account of the cheapness of
lalor. The loads carried by the hani
mals or porters are remarkable. Tho-e
who work singly have an apparatus
made of wood, padded and covered
with leather, which is held on by a
strap and serves to support their loads.
It is curved like a section of toinlc
and bent to fit individual wearers, ac
cording to their exterior development.
In size, it approximates to a Mexican
saddle, and it weighs ne.irly as much
as a sack of wheat. Why a man should
burden himself with such a we gilt be
fore taking on his real load is -ome-thiug
no white man can find out. 1 ut
it is the way their lathers d d it. and
their fathers' fathers before them, and
that is reason enough for the Oriental
mind. It would be considered in a
way disrespectful to their ancestors to
question their knowledge of the best
modes of doing things, and it is morally
certain that it would not be prudent for a
Turkish hopeful to attempt to improve
on the ways his father was practicing
during the old man's life-time. Parental
government in Turkey is patriarchal in
its limits, anil the oh gentleman con
scientiously thrash their maxims into
the younger twigs till the latter get big
enough to turn the tables. Hence the
probability is that so long as there bo
Turks there will be pajks for the por
ters of thesatnenntique pattern as those
now in use. The hammals do not walk
upright with their loads as the porters
do in other countries. They bend for
ward till the back is almost horizontal
and rest the hands on the front of the
legs for support. Ti e load is piled the
whole length of the back and some
times to a height of six or seven feet.
One man on the great bridge had six
cases of kerosene- ten gallons to the
case on his back, besides the pack that
steadied it behiud. Like most of his
class be wore only a thin blue blouse
and overalls, and as he walked the
perspiration dropped from his forehead
in a steady stream. The porters will
work in this way from seven to nine
hours a day and consider it large pay to
get ten cents for doing it. Mauj of
them do not make as much and yet sup
port a family. Their food is bread
made without yeast, together with a
little fruit. Occasionally they get a lit
tle meal, and peihaps spend more for
coffee than foranythingelse. Cor. San
Francisco Chronicle.
Tn the old days no woman was al
lowed to put her "foot within the walls
of the monastery at San Augusttn, Mexi
co. A noble lady of Spain, wife of the
reigning Viceroy, was bent on visitng
it. Nothing could stop her and in she
came. But she found only empty
cloisters, for each virtuous monk locked
himself securely in his cell, and after
ward every stone in the floor -which her
sacriligious feet hafl touched was care
fully replaced by a new one fresh from
themountaiu top. Times are sadly
changed. The house has been turned
into a hotel.
A taxidermist in Reading, Pa., hf
a collection of 75,000 butterflies.
2Ir. Blaine's Vindication.
Th-) connection of Mr. Blaine with
the b:ll renewing the land-grant of the
Litthj Bock & Fort Smith l.ailroad of
Arkan-as has been so generally misun
derstood that the honest, rock-bottom
facts about it ought to be stated in a
few words for the information of the
public. Mr. William Walter Phelps
covered the ground fully in his letter of
April :M, addressed to the editor of the
New York Evening I'ost and printed
Saturday, April '26. Mr. Phelps' letter,
however, is so long and goes so much
into detail, that busy men who are less
interested in getting at the truth of this
. matter than in forming hasty opinions
about it will not read the evidence m
full. We desire, therefore, to put the
truth in a few words, and re'er any
body who niay not be satislied with a
brief analysis of the facts either to Mr.
Phelps letter or to the Cnjrcsionul
llecorJ of 187b", where Mr. Blaine's own
statements may be found in full.
The charge is:
lhat in the spring of 18GD Mr.
Blaine being at that time Speaker of
the House of Representatives a bill re
newing the land-grant of the Little
Bock & Fort Smith Bailroad in the
State of Arkansas was before the House,
and that in his capacity of Speaker he
promoted its passage because he had a
pecuniary interest in the road.
The truth is:
1. That Mr. Blaine at the time of the
passage of the bill had no pecuniary in
terest vlir.t3.-cr in the railroad or its
larvJ-ginnt, and expected to have none.
'J. That he had no acquaintance with
any poisons who did have any pe
cuniary interest in the railroad or its
;5. That he did not "promote" the
passage of the bill, and that it did not
need his inliucnce, inasmuch as it had
already passed the Senate by a unan
imous vote, and was not objected to by
anybody in the House. In fact, it
passed the House by a unanimous vote,
as soon as it was before that body, on
its merits.
4. That Mr. Blaine's sole connection
with the bill was to rule out an amend
ment tacking to it the very odious and
objectionable 1 tnd-grant of the Texas A:
Pacific Railroad, a mea.-ure which
ought not to pass, and which, if it had
been fastened on the Little Bock &
Fort Smith Railroad measure, would
probably have dragged it down to an
unmerited defeat. When this highly
olleusive amendment was proposed .Mr.
Root, one of the Arkansas members,
called the Speaker's attention thereto,
and at Mr. Blaine's suggestion, Mr.
.John A. Lo-an. then a member of the
1 House, raised the point of order that
the amendment was not germane, and
it was ltt.cil out of order forthwith.
The biil'then passed by a unanimous
Nearly three months after these
events Mr Blaine tor the lirst time ob
tained an interest in the railioad, pur
chasing the stock and bonds as any
other buyer might do, ami then for the
lirst tune formed the acquaintance of
those who had been instrumental in
pushing the enterprise in the State of
Arkansas. He bought a block of se
curities belonging to the Little Rock &
Fort Smith Railroad, including stock
and lirst and second morig.ige bonds,
in June Iblii', after the adjournment of
Congress, and placed the first-mortgage
bonds during the three months
lollowing with a number of his friends
in Massachusetts and Maine. The en
tire series of bonds at his disposal was
closedout during the mouths of July,
August and September ot LSI"'.), so the
transaction was ended when, in his let
ter of October 4, 18t0, Mr. Blaine
wrote to Fisher, and, merely in the way
ot a curious reminiscence, called atten
tion to the fact of his unsolicited aud
accidental services to tiie road the
Aiird previous, when he was in no way
interested in its affairs, and had no rea
son to suppose that he ever would be.
The truth is. that his attention was lirst
directed to the railroad by its applica
tion to Congress for a renewal of its
land granL and it first seemed to
him a favorable investment alter its
land grant had been renewed b a
unnnimous vote of Loth Houses of Con
grt'.ss. Mr. Blaine sold his securities of the
road to his friends with a personal
promise that if any loss should ensue he
would take back the stock and bonds at
the price for which he sold them.
Shrinkage did ensue, and the stock and
bonds were thrown back upon his
hands, and, though he had given no
written guarantee of redemption, he
paid for them at a great personal sac
rifice out of his own pocket. The New
York Evcnimi l'ot has since alleged
that ho unloaded his disastrous invest
ment upon the Union Pacific Bailroad,
but it has produced no proof of any
such transactions, whereas Mr. Blaine
has exhibited the sworn statements of
the ollicers of the railroad that to such
transfer was ever made: and his state
ment has been accepted as conclusive
bv those who are familiar with ihe cir
cumstances of the case. Indeed, it was
this part of the controversy that ('corge
William Cunts considered in llarjtcr s
Weekly when he wrote in May, 1876,
that Mr. Blaine's statement was "as
thorough a refutation as was ever
We are convinced lhat no candid per
son can investigate without prejudice
all the facts connected with Mr. Blaine's
record in this ease without coming to
the lirm conclusion that it was in all
respects honorable and proper, and
creditable to him, both as a private citi
zen and a public man. Cnicuqo 'Trib
une An Aggressirc Campaign.
It b announced from Washington
that the Democrats intend to "put
Springer's smelling committee at work
upon Mr. Blaine's political record with
a view to breaking down his canvass.
This simply mentis that mud-flinging
on the part of the Democrats is to
characterize this year's campa'gn.
Under the guise of oflicial investiga
tion, unscrupulous libelers arc to be
employed in mixing the mortar of de
traction and vilification, wherewith to
daub f he character of the Republican
candidate. Indictments, harmless in
themselves, are to be distorted and
niaguificd into crimes, and acts that
have borne the closest scrutiny during
years of the past will be misrepresent
ed, and made to serve the basest of
partisan purposes. Having no charac
ter themselves to lose, and no principles
to defend, this method o? conducting a
campaign ha1- b(jc(f-iopular with tha
Democracy. Thfyxvd the food-gates
of calumny and a' use against Fre
mont in 1Si". They could say nothing
too vile and disreputable of Abraham
LitiLoIii in IS'iO. and again in 1864.
They basely abu-ed Grant when before
the peoplo'as a candidate. They jeered
and hooted at the personal character of
Hayes, and grossly vilify him to this
verv dav. Thev sought tc overwhelm
Garfield" with their dirty 3'-'3 game and
the Morcy letter, and could say nothing
too bad of him. The miserable sluice
way of falsehood and defamation they
are again about to open against Blaine,
but it will benefit them now no more
than it has in the past. The American
people have come to understand this
mean way of attempting to defeat a
candidate and refuse to give it the'r ap
proval. They vindicated Lincoln
Grant. Hayes" and Garfield by
electing them to the high ollice to
which they were nominated. They
will do the same in the case of
Blaine. Let the Democrats inaugurate
their mud-slinging campaign if they
will, but Republicans must not stop to
meddle with the tilth. They must make
an aggressive fight by trying the Dem
ocratic party on a bill of indictment be
fore the higlit court of the people. Tho
iniquities and manifold sins of the Dem
ocratic party must be exhibited in all
their nativeblackness, and all its mis
deeds blazoned abroad. Its lack of
patriotism, honesty and principle must
be shown up together with its damna
ble record of high crimes and misde
meanors in the South. The Republic
an party need not stop to defend Mr.
Blaine against common liars and libel
ers. Tlie American people will take
cure of his character and good name.
Wliat is needed is that tho Republican
party shall bo aggressive and carry the
war "into Africa. It must not wait to
be attacked by the opposition but move
on the works of the enemy and carry
them by assault. In this way shall we
gain the battle and inscribe the name
and date of a new victory on our ban
ners. Cleveland Leader.
Mr. Blaine's Character as a Man.
Rev. Dr. James H. Esob, of the
Second Presbyterian Church in this
city, makes the following estimate ol
James G. Blaine, which ought to dis
count ten times over what is said by
Henry Ward Bee -her and other clergy
men who do not know him personally:
"I have known Mr. Blaine since 1872.
During ten years of that time I wa3
pastor of the church in Augusta of which
Sir. and Mrs. Blaine are members. The
satisfaction I take in his nomination is
based upon such knowledge of him a?
only a pastor can gain. I believe that
1 am too true a Republican, and I
know that my conception of citizenship
is too high, to permit mo to ratPy the
exaltation of any man whose character
has not the true ring. I have been very
near to Mr. Blaine, not only in the
most trying political crises, but in the
sharper trial of grief in the household,
1 and have never vet detected a lalse note.
I would not be understood as avowing '
too much for human nature. I mean
that as I have known him he has stood
loyally by his convictions, that his
word has always back of it a clear pur
pose, ami that purpose has always been
worth of the highest manhood. In his
house he was always the soul of gcnialty
and good heart. It was always summer
in that house, whatevor the Maine
winter might be without. And not
only his rich neighbors and kinsmen,
welcomed him home, but a long line of
the poor hailed the return of that fami
ly as a special Providence. In the
church he is honored and beloved. The
good old New England custom ol
church-going with all the guests
is enforced strictly in the Blaine
household. Whoever is under his roof,
from the President down, is expected
to be with the family at church. Fair
weather or foul those pews were always
well filled. Not only his presence on
Sunday, but his influence, his wise
I counsels, his purse, are freely devoted
to the interests of the noble Old South
Church of Augusta. The hold which
Mr. Blaine has maintained upon the
hearts of such great numbers of his
countrymen is not sufficiently explained
by brilliant gifts or magnetism; the
secret lies in his generous, manly.
Christian character. Those who have
known htm best are not suqirised that
his friends all over the country have
been determined that he should "secure
the highest honor within their gift. It
is because they believe in him. Thu
ollice has sought the man, the political
papers to the contrary notwithstanding.
I have absolute knowledge that in 1S80
he did not lift a finger to influence the
convention. He was quietly at homo
devoting himself to his business affairs,
and steadfastly refused even the en
treaties of his own family to iuterest
himself in behalf of the nomination. 1,
for one, shall put my conscience into
my vote next November. Albany (xV.
Y.) Special.
fsiyAs a whole, combining the great
est elements of strength, of confidence,
of enthusiasm, of real worth and pop
u!ar satisfaction, it will be realized more
and more that no Presidential ticket has
for many years been presented to the
suffrage of the American people that
can compare with that of the Republic
an Convention of 1S84. It is more widely
known than any other ticket has been;
it is thoroughly known. The men have
both been for years prominent in the
councils of the Nation; every act ol
their public lives ha3 been under popu
lar scrutiny; none of the campaign lies
which may oe concocted will stick lor a
moment or have a feather s
the canvass.
weight in
8It is not generally known that the
following telegram was sent yesterday:
Hkahquautkks National DKMOCKAiir
Commit:k. Juno U, lsftf. iuu. S. J. TtUen:
In concluding your letter printed the othet
day you request the Democracy to regard
your public care: hs "forever closed." In
behalf of an anxious party wehejr leave to in
quire if the remark which you linve applied
to 3'onr public career holds irood also in re
jnird to your private'l. Is tho br'l 'for
ever cl- sed ?' Answer paid. Uiunum.
For the Committee.
Up to the hour of going to press Mc
Tilden's reply had not teen givei
for publication. A. Y. Tribune.
mwn tn
J)it"fMr. Blaine can get along without
the support f the .New York Times
quite as well as the Times can get along
without the support of the Republican
masses who believe in Mr. Blaine.
Washington Republican.
s" i