The Red Cloud Chief. 'ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.30 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. k VOL. XL RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB., FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1884. NO 48 This space belongs to C. Wiener, the Golden Eagle Clothing Man, who is too busy to write up a new advertisement this week; but if you want the Eest Goods for less money than they can be bought elsewhere in Southern Neb ras! a, call on him. Goods warranted as represented. RED CLOUD CHIEF kvkiiy rui day r.Y A. C. HOSMER. kvtks or sri:?cimox: SI SO Oho copy, one year. One copy, "in month. - "a. On cny. four nwnth. ... fji. Kntcretl at the lWtufllrc in Kcl Cloud as mat ter of the wroml class. corsrv owcms. BUY YOUR GOODS ! A.T THE OLD RefiableFurnitureandUndertakingHouse John I'. l:ivli:i. ''niiiilv Cierk Clots. HiiMrhoiv. ('iiiituv TrenMirer. Of R. L. Tinker, (3 ot o 1 bO B faO - -s : &J&9 0.... O. Yei,cr. County .ludge. $ V"" - f . IE . SSSig jJ'N J Cha W.SjiniiutT. StittiTintriHlent of! -J' r ? ,,, j .st.jjs t. I'ulilic In-lriirtioii. ('. 1. Kinkcr. ('(unity Snrwyor. J.1I. MoM'iia, Cmmly Coroner. J. E. Smith. ) Jacob L. ilillor, -County Com. J no. McCallum. Business Directory. edwin c. haw ley. Attorney At Law, KED CLOUD. - - NEIi. Q E. M.KEEI5Y, M. !., PHYSICIAN AND SCKCEON, t rKirr;. first lhir w-.t nf (Vmk's ilnis lirf . JUice bmirs iromy l !-a. in., 1 to I. ami 7 ! ,. I j Kr4tielKi3ti!K'ks west "I oturt hoist. i:r.!n.ori. - - - nkuiuska. L. J). DENNEY M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SCIUJEON. OrncK anil sleeping room over '.Mil.'.- drug .-tore. Opposite Postofflcc. Mv stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the Rcpw blican Vallev and mv prices can not fail to please, ' R. L. TINKER. is o DAM EK ELL, 51. !., PHYSICIAN AND Sl'KGEOX, Pod Cloud, Nebra.-ka. OyriCK: Orer the new iHigwdice S. .EMIGH, ) DENTIST. I-jMjrnianontly located in Pcd Cloud t Nrii., overstate Lank. IT-.'Int A Frank R. Gump, ATTOKXKY AT AW. KKI CLOUD. X2. CatlretinsF icolvo Prompt attention. Oiricr. Over thejnewiutifli-t building. 2. Y. J. L. Kaley Bros. A TTOKXEYS AT LAW. i:ED CLOl'D. NE15. Agei,;.- fori I he- 15. it M. R.U. Lands J Patronize Home. By Patronizing Home you can always get etter Buggies! At Same Prices ! i FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGON Of Every DescriptiorwManufactured bw The BediGSoudlCarriags Works '-a Sleeper, Manager, Y ii.- rilv tin- JhM material the nunrkct ntf-i-i'- at Jh" ntatiiifn'-liiruiif mir i-lilcli-s. ami unil tlien-liv lia.t initnoil aw iiliJti ol irput: lion foi t-"l aork. Ii:imt; rhnl a lifc-tluu- at llio :iiiih.s. v.c it-l v.arnintcd in u'ii:r.ii.tiviim entire Mti fai'lmii. We are al ptvpareil t lo all ktiiiU of Job Work and Repairing ! Horse-slioeing, Plow Work I j ,r it the tmrst rvaoualih pnciw A!! wink warranted. N"nn lint the lnt wurkniau cinjilojeil o!iriinlerart'niMi-tiii11y.Mt!inteit. 1-.- nr a""TT rt A BT3T A FT? TTTABVC? irel-ov. l.M-:Heil 11HJUK SEV. I.KICK HI ILWXi:. where we will W m to 'it I WilU U V WXiAUiWiLWiJ VV WAbAiU ;That you will have to pay for an interior article snipped in from the east. All of are our Bu22ies i Warranted. ?--- v ( all nar inemN iim! iiatnui-i I' I 0. l "a-e. Jai?. JtcXeny Case & McNeny, TTI1NI:YS i: UUX?ELOKS AT I. W. Will jimrticrtn all the iurts of thi. ?tnti miii nnrthrrn Kan-. Cnllc'nin. welliu- lit iiTJinl liu'infn caretully:inJ efliricatlyuttonil rd m. UrrirE;- First dimr nouth ot National Unk. ui. ftnir. KJU CLUt'D. XEB. j S. GIL HAM, A TTOKNKY AND CorNSKt.OK AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. D. G. WALKER, Hating purch:btsUK. .M. IVrkiu- interest in the PUMP AlffO 1 Ilu-iness Know jirvpanil toflll unlers. fur :iiim mliirt iMiliee, ami i J Dealers In Fresh Men in, Lard, 1:kd Ci.oi-i, Ni:n. Cash I'k'hI for hiJc k pelts NebraskaLumber Co, DEALERS IX LU.MI'.ER, LATil, S1IIXCLF.S, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS &C. At Bottom Prices ! i:-p:iirnrk. iJipiiiBlllins.t'ic.lininiiitlyalteiiilitl tu uil foumlat INn-kms nlI taiul aKall timt-. Ilr reie-tIullvolieil."iiirinters. ami w pwninti-" satifactiii. Nee lain lefre phteiii MiuroHlrrv. JD. G. Walker, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA .(,.). R. E. 3ourc. Prw't John Moo e V. Pres't E. II. Ambler. Cashier First National Bank RED CLOUD. NEB. 50,000. Capital, Trnnfnct a concralfhar Kinc buinPM. huy and fell County wurrauu. Alo County. Pro rinrt ami School Dif trict bond. Euy and soil Foreign Exchange. DIKECTOiy;: It. fi. Moore. John .Voore. C W. aioshr. It. C. Uu.tcalt W. N Itichardson. Mi j1 'J (m. zs J"" - G nHrlillT muMj z' y rSiBa - '3 if iwutfii 0 m 't DEALER IN Dry Goods and Dress Goods Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Hamburgs, Laces, Notions, Hosiery, Ribbons, Etc. RED LOUD, - NEBRASKA. Always keep on hnul.a full ami complete line of the above goods, and will hull than CHEAP "fm $A TCI o AH g oils guaranteed as representert or money refunded. Ca and e.:uniac their stock be ore Ix.-fore ou buy. .Upimaitu State liauk. REAL ESTVTE LOANS! Pn Farm Property ! Southern Nebraska, ami Northern Kansas, at Si and 9 ier cent, interest Without Commission ! AITI.Y TO ID 1ATPI M RED CLOUD. NEB. Crrtilirate of Authority from the Comptroller or the Currenry fur the Ked Cloud Nation al lUnk to lM'trin ISiisinrss. Washinrton. 1av 10. isi. WIir.REAS. l'.Y SATISI'ACTOKY KVI deuce preented to the undersigned It ha been made to apju-ar that Tlie Keil Cloud Nation al liauk in the town of Ked Clouil. county of WVhMer. and State of Nebraska, has complied with all the provi-diiii or the statutes of the United state required to le tDiniilied with bei'on an :issiK.iatio'i h:dl be autliuriiiil to eoiiiiiienre the 5ui"iiiss of banking. Now. therefore. l..lo!m S. Iingworthy, I)ei uty and Acting Comptroller of the Currenry, do hereby certify that the lied Cloud National P.aiik'ni the town of lied Cloud, county ot Vel Mer and .State of Nebraska, is authorized to com ineiice the brsiness of banking as provided in Mi'tiou .Mizt of the revised statutes or the United State.-.. In tetimonv whereof witness mv hand and seal of oulce. tliS loth dav of .Mav. lsgl. Si:ai. Signed, .1. S. I.A.sowoirrnv. Dejuity :uid Acting Comptroller of the Currency. -tl-Jin 41? Wm. gates, DEALER IN LeviMiKire, President. Silas Carher. Vice-1'res IJubt. V.shirey. Casjiior. J no. II. Shirey. Asist:uit Cashier. U M laiisfial h':.. i:kd cloud, xkii. Capital. $50,00 Special Attention Civen to Collec tion. DIRECTORS: Sila Garber. Levi Moore. R. D. Jonc. T. K. Goblc. Kobt. V. Suikit. Buy anil sell Exchange. Make coll ections. Discount Xotcs anil do a Jcneral" Hanking Business. Interest nllowctl on all time ilcjiosits J)UY IXMliEU A SPECIALTY, THE REST IX THE MARKET AND SOtil .IT THE L.rWJESTlItIES. LIVE STOCK FED CLOUD, NEB. Is now fully prepared to buy CATTLE and HOGS, for wnich he will pay the HIGHEST PRICES ! See him K'lore you sell, it w ill pay you. Hew OfTIco and Yards-5"eax ssoa THE CITY Drug Store ! 'R. R. Sherer, Prop. Idtpteri for Faints, OILS AND DR CS. tt-, . m i . t i rruprieiary mcaibino a opucimij a psi LveirboMii school BooBiunsnKTtfi mmz Mill lit-lii all. of either sex. to mure motiay risht , . ,'.... . auavtiiananv thing .-U- in this woiW. I-Vi-i a new ami vanto airimm oi "StcolteS,!to:nc:vl " a'1 'LAMP AND LAMPrmOBES JUST EElEffEB Clough's Patent WROUC-ET IRON PUMPS Arc ionceuVil hy all to stand without a riv:: for Clicapiie-. Simplicity, Durability and Perfect Working". Lay aside the old wooden pinnp thvt belongs to tne age of wooden ploww, wooden forks and wooden shoes, and get nice, light and handy iron pump, that will compare with the plows and other implements of our time- dough's Patent Wrought Iron Pump, is not only perfect in its working, but nced-i no repairs, and will last as long as a crow bar. Look at sample set on Web ster street, in Public well. For sale by D. C WALKER, IIED CLOUD, NEB., Sole Agr at for Webster County, Xel oee the pnmp buy. C. A. OWEN HOUSE, SIGN, -AND Ornamental Painter, Paper Hunger, Calsoiiiiiier, Grainer, IeorAter, tc Ete. RED CLCUD. Orders solicited. 1'rices rc;tBOtiablc andwkoa guursmtecd. '"ifW., -r ',