""9T . ,.'' 3 55 Tit I ; A Characteristic Speech by Storrs. After the Republican Nominating Convention had finished its work and adjourned, a loud call was made by the assembled multitude upon Emorv A. Storrs for n speech. Sir. Storrs 'took the platform and responded a3 follows: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: I under stand perfectly well that this 13 no occasion for speech-making. I understand perfectly well that a great work has just been com pleted, and that the men who hnvo been en gaged in it are anxious to retire from the arduous duties which they have been per forming. The time has come, however, when it is worth while to have it understood that ibe preferences which have prevailed in this convention ceased the very instant that the convention had acted, and that, from this tunc forward, there are no Logan men, nor lllainc men, nor Arthur men. nor Edmunds men; there are nothing but Republicans, iu Miircd with unanimous conviction that the ticket hore placed in nomination must suc ceed. (Applause.) 1 am not a worshipper of the rising sun. I am rarely a worshipper of tho risen suu. but this convention has demonstrated one irreat lesson: That the Ucpublican party, calling a convention directly from the ranks of the people, will nominate somebody's first choice as a candidate for President. (Applause.) That they have thi day done. Ho was not my first choice, but he was the first choice of a great majority or the Republicans or the country. (Applause.) I bow to that first choice. I don't beliovc in the supreme wis dom of tho "remnant." (Laughter.! I don't bclievo in the superiority of the minority. I believe that everybody knows more than any body And I bolievc that the majority of the .Republican party of the Nation have more political sense, sagacity, and judgment than any minority that can be located anywhere under tho faco of the shining sun. (Cheers. THE COLOKED VOTE. It has demonstrated another thing: That, with tho load of opprobrium that ha been rolled upon the colored Republican oter of the south, lie is stuUtast, unpurchu-ablc and true. Applause.! It has demonstrated another thing: That forthe first time in the history of our Nation this great Republican party tins placed at the head or the jrreat Na tional Convention a man who twenty-five ye.irs ago was a chattel, hut is to-day one of it most distinguished and honored oitieus. It litis demonstrated its integr.ty in the inter est and purines of good go eminent bra platlorm which has declared in lavor iifeverv priiiciple and policy that has characterized the party from its first iriorioti organization down to to-day. It hits demonstrated that the allection which the rank am! ltle entertain tor a distinguished individual member of the party lives and -survive-: all kinds or -lander wild v-cars or detraction, and that it will at ta-t elevate it- ideal to the lushest and most eoin nmnding place in its councils. (Applau-e.l 'J he result will demonstrate this, that the party is itself faithful. CUESTUIt A. AKTitUIl. The result ha- ali-o demonstrate 1 this, and will demonstrate it. that while tl.on u-hn im- vored the nomination of that distinguished .-iJieii. that great oilic.al. tho purity oi who-e life, the cleaul ncssot whine Administration, and the wi-doin of whose policy have made liepublican success a prnbibihty. thevwill follow the decorous and the patriotic ebur-o or their leader, and give to th-s nomination their cordial, hearty, unfaltering, unh Hat ing and unquestioning support. (Applaud.) This proves the worth of character: for when Chester A. Aithur. while the cheers were waking the echoes here, declared, thiol lung acioss the wire, that the nomination of James Ci. Iilaine would meet his uiKpialilh-d 8iipiKH, the truthfulness of the man left no room for question or for doubt: and .i0.t),itjQ ol psople know that the promise will be kept religiously and completely in its fullest and amplest measure. (Appttn-c.) There is no friend of ("enet-il Artnur who will not give thi- nomination nil the sitiort that tie would have given to ins leader. Men have come here, citizens of a great Mate and lepresetu aitir a great Statesman. No man could lme voteil for neorce F. EiV muuds who would not have H-lt an increase ot personal self-rcsp-ci. and no man could have spoken lor him who would not have felt that it added to his intellectual staturu Tliere is no lollower ot (Jeorae F. Kdiuunds who win not give to James G. Hlaine tl.esime hearty, unquestioning suppoit that the rigiual supporters ot James ti. Maine will nccord to" him. jon.v . LOG AN. It is unncccs-ary to bay that that great civil ian soldi r,amau who came from the ranks or private lire and h is illuminated our history 1) the most distiugui-no 1 military achieve ments of any man recorded in its annals, John A. Logan it require- no won! from me to -ar that day unci m-jlit. in s aon and out ot season, his supporters are tor tin- ticket jin-i allot it. The time tor waving ot ha'id kercluefs I past. Tin.-thro tor etliilgent -r.-t!iiis!a-iii has gone by. Tin; time for the solid, serious, solemn work ot this campaign begins to-morrow. .IV.MKS C. W.UNK. We have at the head of the ticket a man vv hit is the spirit ot independent mid genuine Ih--puhlii-ini-in made manile-t in the tle-h. We Lave a man who b-heves in thcdiiriiitvot our existence and ia the nctf-sity ol prV-eirmg and maintaining it. We have. i man who b lievce in giving no insults to any individual r power, and will tamely -ubmit to t:o power under tjod's heavens. (AppLuis-.. 'v have .a man who believes thai this tout nent be longs to us. and all ot it. (Applnu.-r.i We have a man who li-lievi in the protection or our large and multiplied industries: a man w ho le icves. cud believes it m his soul, that ttie pioduecr is more worthy tha-i the pioi.uci, ami mat i:ie policy ot our (Jo.ens ment i? not the cheap shoe, but the pros perous -and happy shoemaker. We have a man who believestli.it the Nation, when It makes any promise, must keep it. un i if that promisj lo a prow-uou to th- citizen, it must protect that citizen wherever lie miiv be, c.-en at the cost or war. Cpplau- j We have a man at the head nf our ticket who Itelieveu that a Na lon.il engagement means something -olid ami saleuiii, and that underneath the stars no man renting under the Hag on any r ot of ground shall h ivc his ritit to vote chal lenged and the counting of that vote as cast tiuostioned. We have a man who be.iiM cs xappcitcd by another in.in who believes that the piiit of our institutions Mauds proudly cnthtoned among the stars, and that, when the poorest and humblest citizen i- insult -1 and outraged in lus rights, that spirit will comedown with sword and -lucid, take the luivcnng and tn-mhling black man br the hand, lead him safely through the tiles i.r the enemy until he can rote, and -peak, and think as he pica-OS. (Applause.) This i our plat form. Tlioso are our candidate. Your sec ond choice, selected with a unanimitv itlmo-t marvelous in great com cut ion- ot" thlschar acter, had every trace or Democratic blool tired out ot him when the first shot exploded noon the walls or Sumter. From that timu to ttiis uudcviating. unwavering, and unfalter ing, there has never been a Itepuhlican Idea or which John A. Logan has not been a vig orous and aggressive, an eloquent and coura geous champion. (Applause.) We havo the ical spirit of the fiber or the partv embodied und illustrated by this great ticke't. Wo hare a platform broad enough for every citizen to Maud upon. THE DI'.MOCKACV. "The ight is closing down upon us. tho old lijlwlism or the Democratic partv Is not rot gone. Anolher convention will be held hero next month. Ti.'dcn will probablv 1m nomi nated. It is possible that hois already dead (laughter and applause), but with the slyness a nil c-Ltst I mi... . n f I. r the wrong time. (Laughter.) During nlftho War it w us in favor of peace. After the War had ceased it raied the devil in tho South. When the greenback was a necessity it spurned it as unconstitutional, and when the necessity ceased it swore we should have nothing in the heavens but greenbacks. (Applause and laughter.) Thus it has been with that crooked. incomprehensible party the demon of political cusedness ami the embodiment of nil that is wicked. It wonts us to look toTilden as its prospective representative, who weighs ninety pounds and is uniblo tohear. and is remembered only because ho was the architect of tiie most un successful fraud ever engineered in Ameri can politics. (Loud applause.) He is pitied because the fraud did not succeed. 1 have no sympathy with him for that reason. Dem ocrats tell mo, "Wo will nominate Tilden." That is a sentiment. 1 say to them, "For God's sake, if you havo got a sentiment, stick to it (laughten: it is the only one you have got: you havo not had any in a quarter of a century. You are situated like the man with one pair of pants; you can not be critical: it is these trousers or nakedness." (Luugtitcr and cheers.) NO DEFENSIVE CAMPAIGN. Now, gentlemen, this is no defensive cam paign. Don't you forget it. 1 presume that before the campaign is closed you will hear something or the Mulligan letters. I remem ber very well, in 1SS0, you might tell a Dem ocrat that bis party had opposed the war, and he was dumb: you might tell him that it had opposed the conscription law, and he was speechless: you might say to him that he had wrought against the draft, and ho waslstill si lent; you might charge him with having un dertaken to destroy the National existence, the National credit and the National honor, and he had not a wonl to say: but along toward the close or tho campaign this Demo crat whom you haJ thus addressed, silent and utterly unable to answer your arguments, would nwaken you at midnight bv a mysteri ous scratching on the sidewalk, and you would find as the onlv answer this Democrat, nroue on his belly, writing with great anxiety and with great pain, the three wrong-side out, . (Laughter and applause.! I have seen in one or their ultitform that they proposed to enter on business with no capital except the purity or their principles. (Laughter.) Was there ever such it bankrupt concern with such a capital? (Laughter.! They snv that that is nil thej- have to oiler Tor tho suffrages of the people. My Cod! mv friends. A man that will work on these terms will work Tor iiothiugand board him-Hf. daughter and cheers.i What would you think of that dear, delightful old daisy, it she could take physical form, which we call the Demo cratic partv, entering into business upon-the purity of her principles.' She has Kept a house or political ill-tame Tor more than twenty years. (Laughter and cheers.) he has en tertained every dishonest political notion and every disreputable political tramp on the continent during that period of time. (Ap plause.) A milTRAlT Or THE PEMOCK 1TIC I'AHTV. I think I -ee her marching un to the ingen uous American eitiz.en. with her shawl twisted around her shoulder-, with brass jew elrv in her e-irs. out at the toe-, with a drunken leer of -illy invitation in her eye. with maiden coync.-s: prore-sing to do busineon the pur it or her principles. (Laughter and applause.) 1 would not Tor the world siyum tiling disro spectful or the Democratic p'artv. (Laughter.! 1 here are certain thing- about it that attract me: but I regard it a little as I do a water spout, winch I like to look at rrom a di-tance, but dislike to get too near it: and when I see one or its processions and wo will see matiyof them during this campaign I reel about them n-, our old triend Miode, in this Mate, when he described an experience oT his own In the Itiackhawk war. He said: "lly the dim light ot the -etting sun, on a distant eminence. I saw a hostile band. Thev were gentieni'-n without hats: I did not know who who they were, but I knew verv well they were no friends ot mine." (Laughter ami ap plause.) Now. then, gentlemen. It is getting late (cries of "Co on!"i, but 1 may not have another chance to make a speech before to-morrow night, and I want to make the best ot this. I am in tor the war. (Laughter.) 1 urn very ghul always to sec a Democratic plat foi in when it is wheeled out early in the campaign. Have you ever looked at it? It is one of the most eiiriously-constructcd pieces or machinery perhaps in the world. It looks verv becom ing and proper at a little distance. The edges are strung around witli gingham; the old crevices lined up won putty: it is white washed, and its general look is reputable and fair; but it is like a whitcd -epulchre: it won't stand water. It is like the spotted dog ot Dan Richmond's which he took under his coat coming hack in a thunderstorm; he saw that the spots were all washed into the dingiest brown, and he exclaimed: "I know-now what that man on Deacon street meant when ho took that dog out from the ba-ement. lie said to me: Mi-ter. there is an umbrella goes with that dog.'" (Laughter.) The thing won't wash. THE TAKIKK POSITION. 1 want you to contemplate the position or the Democratic party on the tariir. They are in the condition ot the steer just having jumped over the fence thev can neither hook in front nor kick liehunl. Laughter. They are utterly worthless either lor aggres sive or delen-iveiiurpos-s; they can not claim that they were for protection, because the Democratic party wa the author ot this n markab e lion.-uital scheme; they can not claim that they were for the reform of the revenue, becau-e Democratic oios I teat the tariir. They are without fl.ed political prin ciples on any iue-tion e.cept the idea that, a the iiii says: "The Republicans must go." They say they require acliangc. So do we. ami we are going to havo one. When his honor- a:ne career -nan nave closed a career that has reflected credit upon him-elf and upon the Nation here and throughout the world when Chester A. Arthur shall have resigned the po sition which he has filled with such distin guished ennlit to him-elf ami the Nation, we will have a change, and James C. lllainc will assume hN place. (Cheers.) W change occa sionally from one shepherd tlog to another, but we neverchange from any shepherd dog to any wolf under Coil Almighty's heavens. (Applause.) Now. gentlemen, you are going to be es corted from this place by a bund of music. Musi? is in nil the air. I teel its old pulsings in my very veins tonight. I Know what this feels like, and I know what tin' awakened ex citement and enthusiasm ot a great and mighty patty indicate. (Applau-c.) I hear the old songs or ilie old days. I -ee the old flag, with every star gli-teniug like a planet, filling all the skies. I -ee the oid proces-ion formed. I care not w here my place in th-it proeess.on may In- whether it be up in the front, under the light or the hit 8-cd old ban ner, or flown near the rear I listen to the or der "Forward." and I march, as vou will march, with your races toward the Hag. (Loud applause and chcers.1 asMe -every dividing thought. let no division come in among us. Lot us crown the goid work at Chicago with good work in our Mate Convention the Ilth or thi month, and with victory in November. Let us show our Demo cratic friends that the fight js not a def ensiv o one. except as they will have to take care of themselves it they would not get run over. Growth of the Keiiubliran Party. POLITICAL BREVITIES. oiramicu.viiiTOoi me uuuior or the cipher -dispatches, he might be dead two years ami never let anybody know. (Laughter.) We will run substances ngainst shadows. We win run living, breathing men. with imnn o.i flesh, and muscle and appetite, against ghostly reflections such as he. (Applause and - i-iughtcr.) They tell us that he' may carry JNew oik. New ork is a great, practical, splendid business sttatc jt ttS nv a gttod fortune to be born there. It is "the old .Empire Mate. It stands like the angel or the .Aiiocarypse with one foot resting upn the c i avd the other upon the land, the mistress of both. It has the spirit or Hlaine and Logan In its boom. (Applause.) The old Republicanism or that State which challenged thediabolism or Democracy thirty years a-o has still within its heart tho old undying and imperishable l.inh. (Applause.) Itwillcarrr this banner, you may ret assured, forward through thestorms and fires of the conflict upo-a w hich we arc u bo tit to enter to triumph n& to victory. (Applause.) There maybe those who will hesitate and falter bv the road side. There may be those who will weary in this magnificent march. The campaign is tiow upon us. We have no time for liniments or poultices. We can not stoo to heal the in firm. The lame men must foil behind, the cripp'es be relegated to the rear. The grt-Ht healthy, splendid marching or the Itcpiiblie .an millions taking up this banner will place jt, you may be mre, ujton the topmost emi nences of magnificent victory. (Applause.) TIIE TWO PARTIES. I have never seen the time. I never expect to see it, when I can debate with myself m here is tic choice between the Itepuhlican and the Democratic party. One, with its (thinlng and glorous record of great decds,and tho other with a career leprous with sin and .PItotteJ frith iniquities, never in all its Hn'jovr has done the right thing except at BSy-Mr. IMainc may not bo our ideal cnmlidatc, but as the representative of the Kopubliean party, as an outspoken exponent of the cause of protection, a-: the advocate of sound business and tinancial principles, as tho friend of labor, ho is better than any Democrat that can be named, from Tilden up or down. Troy Times Hep.). jBSTArc the mugwumps against the ticket? The mugwumps are against the ticket. Why are the mugwumps against the ticket? The mugwumps are against the ticket because the plain people made the ticket without consulting tho mugwumps. Wo trust the lienceness of the mugwump position is satisfac torily explained. Philadelphia I'rcss. J63?The man and the hour have met The voice of a sovereign people calling in thunder tones for tho leader of its choice has been heard. No sudden im pulse has stirred them. The long pent up waters which have twice shaken their barriers to the very foundation have at last swept awtvy all opposition, and are now deluging the country witli a mighty flood of enthusiasm Albany Journal. JtS?"The New York Post parades the names of tho New York JlcralJ, Kveninq Telegram, Boston Herald, Springlield J'cpublican, Philadelphia llccord, Philadelphia Times, Chicago Times and Chicago News as papers that have bolted Blaine and Lo gan's nomination! We believo it to be a fact that not one of these papers ever supported a Republican candidate for President sinco the party was founded or they were started. Having got along without their help heretofore, the Republican party will try to exist in the absence of their support here-1 aucr. Lfucago lnottne. Senator Harrison's Speech. When the news of Blaine's nomina tion reached Indianapolis an impromp tu ratification ineeting was held at which Ben Harrison mada the following speech: Wo aro hero to-night, my ffjllow-eitfcens. In this hasty and Informal meeting to express our opinion that our delegates at Chicago made a good ticket. We are here to ratify the nominations which have been made tor President and Vice-President bv the assem bled delegates from all the States of tho Union at Chicago. We are here to sty: "Whatever our tlr-t choice may have been, that as Indiana Republicans, always true, we are ono and all to-night tor. tames G. lllauie, of Maine, and John A. Logan, of Illinois I believe 1 voice a sentiment which even the enemies of Mr. Hlaine concede when I -ay that he was the first choic-i of more Repub licans in the United Stutci than any other man and possibly any other three men that were named. Why is it that he has taken this great hold upon tho people? Why is it that here in Indiana, where, ujton so many of our rostrums, his magical voice has been heard In defense ot Republican principles why is it that in all the great centers of Republican strength in this country, or all those States where Electoral votes are given to ratify in November the choice of the convention James U. Hlaine has such a hold upon the hearts of the people? It is because he has been the bold, tearless, and agre-sivo de fender and champion of Republican princi ples from the organization of the party until now. Some of our Democratic friends have ex pressed tho fear that we would be compelled to make a defensive campaign with James G. Hlaine as our candidate. My fellow-citizens, James G. lllainc and John A. Logan never fought a less defensive fight in their lives. They havo always allowed the othor fellows to ilo that. Tho Democrat who talks now about a defensive fight, when Hlaine and Logan lead, will probably be uttering that cry on ttie run over his shoulder before tho cam paign is over. Ulaint! has never crossed swords with an adversary that he has not fought the tight out bravely to the end. Not at all. I am here to -ay that we shall open this campaign by a charge alongthe line upon un adverary whoso camp I aiready in mutiny. Some timid people fear that Mr. ltlaine will involve the country in war. Some over-cautious business men affect to believe that the even current of their money-getting will be disturbed by tho aggre-sive foreign policy winch they supposed he would inau gurate. My fellow-citi.eus. no one has ever accused Mr. Hlaine of being a looL He has -onie ideas upon foreign affair-., and I am glad ot it. They are iaro. lie had begun to organize them into a sy-tem when he laid flown the portfolio or State. Xow. what sort or a foreign policy did his dispatches fore shadow? one in which this country should play the bully? One in which we -hall, with out cause, insult or deny the just rightsof miy foreign Government? Not at ad. Do we not all desire that we shall have a manlv foreign policy? One that shall not be characterized by such timidity as not to lift a manly protest when any wrong is done in any foreign country to the humblest American citizen? What was it Mr. Hlaine propo-cd to do? Ilrieiiy und chiefly he propo-ed to call a Con gress lor consultation a- to the mutual inter-c-t-ot the Nations or the Continent a meet ing or our sister Republic-, not for the pur pose oi aggression: larirom it. it was tliat we might exercise our tnentlly ollices in the interests of peace and -table government among these people where government has been so unstable: where the existing regimes are so tre-piently overturned as to bring pros tration to ali private enterprises. It was that we might e.xtcn-1 a kindly haini to these peo ple to help them on to a higher civilization, and that we might In return enjoy s tine or that great commerce which (Sreat Uritain monopolizes tot lay. We are living near these people. 'I hey are striving to Imitate u- in the experiment of free government. Vet we aro without influence. It has been a -tanding shame that our relations to these South Amer ican Governments have been tuch that neither we nor they hav e enjoy Al any or the ben-nts or good neighborhood. Mr. It aine proposed io remetiy tins couiessc.1 omission in our foreign policy. A Congress ot these Nations was the leading feature ot his brief administration ot the State Department. There was nothing to d.sturh business in tint policy, but much promise of a new market lor our surplus. Nobodv wants war. It is a la-t resort, but every self-respecting Ameri can docs believe in maintaining the proper dignity, honor ami iutlucncf ot this great Na tion. I am in favor or putting upon the sea enough American ships armed with the most improved ordnance to inforce the just rights or our petiole against any foreign aggressor. It is a good thing In the interest or the peace ot commerce to show tho Mag of our navv in the ports where tha flag ol commerce is un furled. It opens thewav to trallie ami gives security to our citizens dwelling in thuse re mote lauds. I have digressed a little in this talk aliout Mr. Hlaine'- foreign policy. Neither he nor we propose any policy that shall imperil the ipiiet oi thi- country, unless having eh-ju-t-cd every peaceful mea-ure I iieie should re main no other recourse but war. Hut when that K-ue come- the patrioMc ! braveboartsof his countrymen wi I "respond inni uto dignity aim inn uoni-r ot ttie country :ind Iht s.if et v nt hii ei!isin ttitit li tn.iiii. tained. even If the money-getter-. su;rer tem- j counted the result in favor of Have '"ffiSK; sava wonl about our i Aether factor which had now begun candidate lor the Vic-l'ie-idencv. General I to "Pirate in favor of the Democrats John A. Logan. Is there a soldier her that ' temporarily, but tfainst them in the ilou t love him: is there a member of tie ,,,: ,.,, ,T... ,i,. . ;,.:..,:.-1 .- i- Grand Army that does not kindle wuh en- lir n. as their intimidation policy thiisiasm at the mention or the naiiie or their tn the .south. J he ctittingoll the black distinguished comrade, u-o'.dierof two wars, t vote in the Southern st-ifos i-t. ml. ...... I with tluee wound- In hi bod v. won in honor-1 , - . ,, Ulli. T " , U,t r,',k'l-,d able fight for his country? Aii upright, man- ' aroe ?ain-i in tic Northern States nec- The Kepublican party won its first victory twenty-four years ago, as a minority party which" had polled but little more than two-fifths of the votes of the country. About 1,800,1)00 per sons had voted for i, against 2,800,000 voting against it. Its adversaries were at heart of like views and principles. They all believed in saving slavery at any price. A division of their adver saries into three mutually hostile fac tions was then essential to give tne Re publicans their lease of power. The convention which has just ad journed assumes by tiie fearless vigor of its platform ami by the uncompromising quality of its nominations that the Re publican party is now in a position to fear neither the open assaults of its united enemies nor the seditious insur rections plotted bv its half-wav friends. Though it says this pointedly, there is no fear on tho part of anv of its mem bers that its language is imprudent or will provoke defeat Such facts indicate that during tho twenty-four years it has been in power the Republican party h:is gained more than a million of voters from its ene mies, independently of the increase of both parties by increase of population. It is interesting to note the successive contingencies by which the Republican party has steadily been maintained in power by the acts of its enemies, when it would have lacked the numerical power to rule if its enemies had not co operated to keep it in power. In 18(J4 it was kept in power as a mi nority party by the fact that one-half numerically of the Democratic party were out of the Union and lighting to keep out, while the other half was shed ding oil" to the Republican party, as re enforcements, everv Democrat who had tho patriotism to light or vote for the Union. In 18b'S the collapsed Democracy of the South were keeping them.-clves out of the power to vote by their ill con- ti ered etlbrts to keep ttie black men from becoming effectively free. This com pelled a total reconstruction of the Southern State Oovontments and the adoption of such amendments to the Constitution as would preclude the re turn of the rebels to power until there had been a complete accession of the blacks to freedom. In 18G8, therefore, the Republican party though .-till a minority party triumphed because ttie excesses of the Southern Democrats compelled the people to go slowly in re-enfrauchis ng the rebel whites, and swiftly toward the re-enfranchisement of the Southern blacks. It is probable mat at me close ot the war neither Lin l coin. Grant. Sherman, Stanton, nor anv of the members ot either House of Con gross expected to accomplish the im mediate complete enfranchisement of the blacks, but the tyrannical efforts of the Southern and Northern Democrat to thrust the emancipated race back into the old status quo ante-bellum com polled the forward movement. In 1X72 the forward movement had been accomplished, and the Democrat united could probably have outvoted the Republicans. Some" kind Providential influence, however, persuaded them to nominate Greelev, and enough Demo crat.- refused to vote for him" to secure his de'eat. In 1.S76 a majority of tiie popular vote wa actually cast for Tilden, but the electoral count was in doubt, am ','" the Electoral Commission by one vote TIIE KEPUBLICA!! NOMINEES. Brief Hlograpliioat Sketches of James G. ltbiine, Candidate for Ieiunt, and John A. Logan, Cauilidate forVIce-rrcs-Itieiir. JAMES O. lll-VINE. Tho ltlca llerahl, in presenting a brief bio graphical sketch or Mr. Hlaine to its readers. prefaces it with the following appreciative re marks. Tncy are interesting because they appear at the homo of Ko-coo Conkling. who has been, rightly or wrongly, credited with un intention to oppose the ticket: -The life or .lames G. It alne has been Hrcd in the light of the world. No public question has arisen in this eventful period upon which his convictions have not been strong, unit never any doubt in the mind of any one as to ju-t wiiat tlwy were. The intense personality which has uttnehnd to him these thousands of persona! friends by ties that only death can break, has made him enemies also, who have been .-o bitterly his enemies that they have thought it worth their while to oppose that natural consummation of his career which yesterday secures, and have twice rejoiced to turn the choice or National conventions to other men just as the honor seemed within his reach. Ttie man in public life who has not enemies is apt to lack the virile manhood which mark-every act in tho life or Hlaine. We do not believe that Hlaine ev er had an en emy yet who did uotlikehim while hedi-!iked him: who did not regard him as every inch a man, and cherish a secret repect for those qualities of head and heart which compel the ma s to low and admire him. The Nutional Conwii'iou has giwn tho people the man thev wan:, titer w.ll luKcgocd care that James G. HUinc U the net President of tho United States." .Mr. Hlaine was born in Union Township. Washington County, Pa., m 1SSU. When but seventeen year- ot ase he was graduated, with the lir-t honors. of his class, front the College ot Washington and Jefferson, in that State. Shortly afterward he went to Ken tucky and entered upon fin active biisini si or life, by 1-ecouung professor of mathematics in ttie vvetern .Military institute, at lime lack spring. In l-.c! he went to Main where he first became one or the editors and pro prietors ot" the Kennebec Jiiuimu. Itetiring Irom the Kennebec Jurud in 18.17, he was artt rward editor of th" Portland Alvrtter two years, retaining his home in Augusta, and in l-0 clo-cd his cd tonal career. Meanwhile ho had become a nrnmim-nt and increas ingly strong man in the politics ot the! Mate. KIccn-il as a reprt -ciitamc to the Legislature in Is.'.s. )t served in the Hou-e tour years ho'tlii.g tht oihce fit" Speaker the last two. He w:s dt-ctetl to the National House or Kepre-eiitatives in 1-ei. and enter ing upon hi-duties there devoted himself to the tirni support of the administration, then engaged in tnc war lor the pn orraiitin ot the l ill" n. He was an energetic worker in commit es of wh eh he was a member, mid a powerful tettater u:-in ilie floor of the )Iou-c. Ouriug hi-C'oiigie-.-ional career, m ISjT. he made a trip to Lurope. In t-fiJ h wad ch-ctcd to tin o!hi cor :-pea er. which he held in three .ni- e in Cuiigies e-. letiring from theciiaii Manh t. 1-75. lie continued a meuil c- itf the Hou-f until July 7. K, when lie res' gned Lis s-.u to accept mi ap pointment a I'mfcl Mates Senator, to till the vacancy cau-ed by Hon. Lot M. Morrill" acccptance or the oil.ie or Secretary fit the I'icusiiry. The same vear he was elected i-enator lor the rull term bt giniug on the expirati n or the term for which Mr. Morrill hud hi en elected. The Presidential campaign or l-7t; found Mr. Itlatue in the field a.- uneof the candidates torthe Kt-publii an nomination, which, how- ever. In Lined to secure. He sup orteft ln -uecessfii! rival. Itutherford It. iia.-e-. with wl.o-e .tliniirstratioii he was in s uipaihy as a member of the .-enate. Again" in l-Sii lm wa- on the li-' from which the Itepuhlican p.irtv made ehoi'-i tit its nominee, anil m the memorable convent. on of that ve irhis friends he'd together long mill firmly ngaiest the ta mous.i: of f-Piesiilent Grant and tn-stubborn minority which finally comiti-Kcil the nomination of a u'iipromise candidate. Mr. lil.uue becoming secre'aryor Matt; in Piesi dent Garfield Cabinet. Atler the ueath of the President ht retained In-j.,ace in tiie Calt inet miller President Arthur a brief cried, wiieii he resigne I. S-iue his resignation he has held no public oMiec. but inisdevoted him self to wnfi'-g a history fit pub ic events dur ing his career in congress. PERS0XAL AM) LITERARY. ly. tearless, honest man as ever uvea is John A. Logan. These are our candidates. The one has been the idol ot his partv and is en throned to-day in tl-eiraGTcctions. "Talkabout these oltl stones! His ow n Stte hassim e ap proved him by election to the highest oihce m her gift. Nor can I f.'rget that i.ar:leiil. who passed through a cumim Ptcsidcntial chair, taking with him the ailec tion and confidence ot th pcop. Icim-d upon and trusted James G. Hlau-.e. I can not forget, my countrymen, that on that sad morning, when going upon his flr,t. touror pleasure from the vexations which had sur rounded the opening of his Administration, that he was leaning upon the ami or James G. Hlaine. in the tuil trust or friendship, when the assassin's bullet struck him down. I would not hav you forget that Garfield gave the sanction of his conservative judgment to the mtich-aliiised policy. No: tills will be no defensive campaign. Our Democratic friends will haru to look , where than in a gravcvunl fora man who can i .. .,!;... I ,,-).:..i. .1 I.I....... !... ,.,-. ;... I... ,--"""- "IIH.il e.s-ary to avert ueiear, anil they came. In I8S0 the Kepublican party, not withstanding the lorced suppression, of a considerable portion of its popular vote in the Southern States, received Isn ofabu.se to the j bv the ollicial count 4, 149,0.": votes. against 4.4 li.O.'J.'i cast for Hancock. Conceding the ollicial count in that election to have been an ol'ie'al fraud it proves all the more plainly that the I a Kepublican partv is clearlv the maori- i V, ty party of the country. Duriiiij twenty-four years it has absorbed from its adversaries and created by infranchiso ment such a body of voters that it will itself ca-t mmv votes at the approach ing election than all the four parties voted for I.menlti urive iiiame tto ins mtrcnelimcnts. lie . . . .. ... i . ,, stands upon all or the great is-ucs s-piare with lreckenndge, Dotlgla-s and Hell cast his party and he ha-go stood rro:n the begin- in 1-S(j0. Illll-T. DO those tilisilless.nieii l-Iio fpsir llliiim, understand that he has boon always right oi:m:i:vi. .ioii.v v. i.ooan-. Of t!.e nominee of the Convention for tho Viee-I'resitiency the i.i it s:iys: "The ehaiic or the National Convention for Vict-Pre-ideiit vva-mule with all thetc'of of acclamation, and wa- particularly appropri ate, in view or tne reat on- or John A. Logan to the canvass tor the Pi esuleiicy. General Logan w:t- the choice of his iintivt State tor the iir-t pkti on the ticket; mid he was the choice of Illinois, notwithsraiidnig the tact that theie is am-ng the Hei-iiblicaus ur that State the -arm Invcuud admiral o i tor James G Hlaine that cv'-ts in eveiy other tpmr'er tit" the Nation. Among the -old.er citiens of the I'mlcd Matt than whom a more Iojul body of It.-pulilican- does n0i exist General Logan wa- a prune tuvorite evcrv where lor the I'ic.-iileiiti-il nomination. In the conven-t,-on. In-friend- whin thev abated no jot of their 7eal for th"ir Candida e. were tin tir-t to ieeogtiii an l le-poml to tin popul ir will, and their ballots actut ved a nomination wh.ch had lieto'ne inevitable. Tnere is antl alw-.ivs has existed between tie- candidate for Presi dent ami v ice-Prtideiit the warmest eer-o-ial 1 1 icnd -lop and inn u ;I tcr.irdaiidaamir.iiinu. And vet so tar a- either has !mn nieiitilled with divisions in the party ranks, they have not been together, and tin joint nomination -ignahe- tti re.itliness and determination of the party to t buti-rate and aban Ion tho-e di visions altoge l.er. the civic ch.fti.au and the volunteer war Lucy Larcom. the poet and writer, -as formerly a Lowell mill-girl. Bos ion iW. "Mr. Corcoran, the Washington millionairess proud to remember that his father was a cobbler, aud keeps tho parental Mgn-board as bric-a-brac. E. Hewlett, colored, and John C- Shca, white, have formed a law part nership in Washington, which creates quite a commotion. Washington Fast. Henry George," says a London correspondent of an Irish paper, "was asked in my presence if he would run for a Scotch constituency, and he re pl ed, I guess not; I would then be in sligiblo for the Presidency of the United States." George W. Jones, to .whom was first applied tho phrase "The Watchdog of the Treasury, is living at Fayette ville, Lincoln County, Tenn., in robust health at the age of eighty years. Ur. Jones served in Congress for eight con secutive terms. Having lost her -inging voice, Ainiee will next season come to Ameri ca to act in dramas. "When I can't speak," she lately said, "I'll go into pantomime. There's nothing like adapt ing one's self to circumstances.' Chi-ca-jo Inter Uccan. Charles O'Conor did not desire to five. Wiien the dot tor tirst prescribed for him he was particular to inquire as to the nature of the medicine. "I do not want to take anything that will pro long life,"' he said. "I want only that which will keep ine from pain." X. i". Herald. .Judge Poland, of Vermont, who has always worti a blue sw:.How-taiIcil coat, with brass button--, during the twenty years or so that he has been in public life, and has been known as Kra-s-t Mounted Poland." created a sensation in Washington the other day by appearing in a Prince Albert coat of the latest and most fashonable cut. airs. Stratum better known as Mrs. Tom Thumb, the widow of the dwarf, is fiuite sen-itive as to her size, and will only receive the mo-t neccessary help from others on that account. For example, when she enters a railway car, she seats herself, at some incon venience, by a nimble backward jump, rather than accept the aid of another to lift her into a scat. Once settled in place, the tiny little woman sits upright in prim dignity. The companion who is always with her never oilers to assist on Mich occasions, in accordance with Mrs. Stratton's well-understood desire. Hartford 1'osi. HUH0R0CS. "Bye-bye. love," he murmured, as ho started down to his office in the morning, and she d:d to the extent of a fifty-dollar bonnet. He says good-morning now. Why is a very modest young lady rier: It i-a lomhmaiioii which euil.lK- thu she said, rising. "Ah. there he comei achieve neat-or the Iteiniblican pmtv in the ! i i . i. .t . i i i .. hails of I.g:-Ia:ion and the ruddy batU.-iiel.l. now J"hn, take that lady S letter U John A. Logan is the lepre-entative citieii the pot-otlictf." A", i" -VcM-f. upon thos-i tpicstions affecting the business interests of this country that had to be solved before we came to this condition of a sound currency and a silver basis Tor all business enterprises.' He also stands with his party upon all or those great measures in which the Mooring masses or thecountry are interested. Mr. Hlaine -funds tonight square with his party upon the proposition embodied in our platform at Chicago that wo do not want in this country imported contract labor. I be lievo in h-ttlngany man who wants to become a citizcnaimie here ir he comes or his ovvn impulse: but I do not believo, nor does he bo lievc. nor tloes the Itepuhlican party believe, in imported gang lattor. Contracts made in loroign lands are made nt foreign prices, and the competition U unfair. Labor contracts should be individual. Mr. Hlaine believes in that in what the Iti puhlictin party has declared to be Its policy of preserving the public lands of this country tor actual settlers. There was u time In our history when we thought our public domale was inexhaustible. There was a time when our Pacific SIopo lay separated by weeks or travel rrom us over sandy plains in slow coaches. There was a sentiment we might well aid in tho construction or some railroads to the coast. Hut that work has been done, and we stand, as ho stands to-day, in dcren-u or the principle enunciated at "Chicago that tho land not fairly earned by these comp mies should be returned to the public domainc, and that what Is left of the public domain suitable for agricultural uses shall tie saved for the actual settler in small tracts. Tho public mind has been aroused bytheract that foreign capitalists, lords, and nobles of the Old Country havo come hen ami acquired vast tracLs of our public domain. Public indignation and interest havo been ex cited, and we have Siid it must stop. I would not dispose of an acre of public land otherwise than under the Homestead laws. My tellow-citu'ens, I can not run through the discussion of all of these questions rormulatcd in our piatrorm and upon which our candidates stand a the repre sentatives or tho .sentiment or the party. I challenge any man to show where they are out of line with it. We extend our Kepublic an friends in other partsof Indiana and ofthe United States our hearty congratulations upon the nominations at Chicago, and we promise to give the Electoral vote to the nominees. The old ticket is too slflw. This battle upon which we -have started is to be fought not upon dead issues ot the past, but upon the living ones of the present. My fellnw-cltwons. as Republicans, standing up on the threshold of this campaign, let us put The frreat dutv which now devolve upon tho administration of Pre-ident Arthur is to see that the undeveloped Southern Kepublican vote is protected aud permitted to manifest itself. In Mississippi, where the total white population of voting age is only lOSiVH by the census of 16). ami the colored population of voting age is lrJO.'-TS. it is absurd that the vote for Hancock should be 7.3,750 ami the vote for Gar field only ;J4.8.j 1. Why should nearly 100,000 blacks abstain from voting? In South Carolina.also.Ute total white male population of voting age is 86,900, against a like colored population ol 113.836. while the vote in 18S2 was 67, lo8 Democratic and 17,719 Republican 101,000 Republicans remaining at home and less than -.'OiOO Democrats failing to vote. These anomalies arc the result of fraud and force. When they shall have been corrected the pop ular progress made by tho Republican party in twenty-four voars will appear in the "ollicial count' as strong as it is in fact. Chicago Inter Ocean. nomination their usual loyal Nor is it to be ftSr Whatever the Republicans ol other States may do. those of Massa chusetts can assuredly do no less than give the support. doubted that when the Republicans ol this State come to view "the Chicago nomination in all its aspects, they will find it an appeal to that New England pride which they share in common with their brethren in Maine. For the first time in its history, the Republican party has nominated a New Englander for the chief magistracy of the Nation, and for the first time iti three decades, an opportunity offers to place an East ern statesman" in the chair of Washing ton. Doilon Traveller (A'ep.) either ot III. civil war. Without a military education. le-ig'iiug otlice to volunteer at i he tlr-t outhrcat. of ho.-tiiitic-. whin :ig nis way to tho trout lank among un- gie.a sri tlieisot tiiat warbv hi- iM-r-onal coiir-igt. his untiring cnergv. his t d aad br 'limit skill in directing the iiio.t-meni- of great lntli-sor men. t cncni! i.ogau nas cier-irce stt o-l out uiongoiii public i.ieu a- one whom the peo- e would icjoi at tlietiiiiiatiiinl.il honor. Ill-record in ( ongic has been :i-distinet ivelv charactt-risi c a- upon the battle-field. Lacking souiewh.i. in thegr.if e and i tntureot men oroiignt up m the -cuools. he ha-; -luw-n hint-ell'tho iui urnl a riig.e-l elotpience. an intense coin icnnn. an honest frankness. u sturdy common scn-e. which have command ei and do-erved popi iar re-pec: and i'.-ic -in. even when men iiave thin-rod with his tiosi. ! lions, (icm-m! Logan'- mum adds streinrth to the ticket and will add eiUhwi.i-in to th canvass. Khuuoniid Logan are together ir-lesi-tible." Ccucial John it Logan, who is the nominee ror the second place, is a re-ideiit or Chicago and Is the senior Senator trom Illinois, hi term ex iriiig March a of next j ear. He is of Irish parentage mid was born in .Iiicaoii County, if!.. February!. 1S. Coon the dec laration of war between the Crnied Statesand t..:,. . i... ....:.. ; ! .uni; ', tie MUlt-t'ii;i. t ;- liuiui- J.ll'UICHUni ofthe First Illinois Infantry, and was tor a time Adjutant or his regiment. At the clo-o of the war he studud law with his uncle. Alexander M. Jenkins. In is'. lie was Cierk or Jackson County. Subsequently In com pleted his legal studies at the Louisville I'ni-rt-i-sitr. and was admitted to the bar in f-.V His popularity may Ite interred trom the ract that in the year of his graduation he was elected to the State Legislature, and in the next to the oflice of Prosecuting Attorney of theThinlJiiiIici.il District, holding that or tfee until 1.S.1T. He was re-elected to the stato Legislature in lWJ. Kri and InYT. iiii.I was Presidential Klector on the Hiichanan ami llroi.Vmri.lms tli.l'tit 1 1, 1-Vf.itiil IsiJl lit. it'.u elected Itenrcscntttivo to Coiurrc-s. In Julv. I P'tJf. he left his scat in tne e.xtru susion of Congress and joined the Union troops on their way to the disastrous hattlcof Hull Kim. and was one ol the last to leave the field. He was made Colonel or the 'iliirty-tirst Illinois infantry in September, ami in November met thu foe at Helui"iit. where his horse wiw shot beneath him during a successful bayonet charge. He led the charge on Fort Donelson. was wounded and e impelled to leave the field Tor several months. In .March. JJ. he joined Crant at Pittsburg Landing, and was appoint ed Hrigadicr-ftf-neral or volunteers. His. bravery in t! rant's Northern Missis sippi movement met with a pro motion to the. rank or Major Gcncral. At Vick-jburg his column led the entrance on June ak und he was the first Military Governor. He succeeded Mierm-in at the head or the "ifteenlh Army Corps in November. l-Ul. am when McPhcrson lost his life, on the .'d on July. Logan succeeded him and commantled the Army or the Ten nessee whh l he Asaine ability and success which had chamcterized his command ot smaller numliers. He was w th fherman on his "March to the Sea." remaining with him until Johnston's Airrentler. Arter the close ot the war in Ir-fi ri (Jcnetal Logan was or fcred the mission to Mexico, but declined it. In is; he was ele cted at large as a Hcpub lican to a scat in ' tic Fortieth Congress, wnere I managers or tne impeach t Johnson. He was also a ortr-tlrst Congress, and In 1.1711 was elected rp tne i.niteu Mates senate. A candidate for ne-clection in 1875, ho was de feated by Hon. D livid Davis: Out, In 1879, wal again elected to sticcee 1 Senator Oglesby. like a steamboat? l.ecatise she pays no attention to the swells that follow her; we a-steamer for it Carl I'retzcfs WceiJ'. A wicked young man says that ho never will, upon any consideration whatever. 1 elieve that a pretty girl knows what a k:ss means tilll he has it from her own mouth. Chicago Tribime. A young man sent fifty cents to a New York advertiser to learn " how to make money fast, and w:u- advised in reply to glue a live-dollar greenback to the bottom of his trunk. i.il City Der rick: Drug clerk to diffident young lady "Wish to get something?' Young lady, muttenug- "I really believe I've forgotten what I came for." Clerk, who catches the la-t words "Camphor; how much, please?" A lady sat in the editorial room waiting for the editor. Sin said to the funny man: "I want to send a letter to the post-office. Will you please Ml me. sir. wh'-re I can go for a boyr "Go to the devil, nif.dam." "Sir!" conea to pos A Ru-sian is not leg-ally a man un til he is twenty-six years old. Fancy a Russian mother saying: "Alvirawtska, who was that sitting ,-o dose on the sofa with you last night?" and Alvi re plying: "Only ('hiptniiukiwiski, a little boy from over the way. Wo were cele brating hi- tweuty-iifth birthday." riiladelphitt Call. A goiden-haired Silence puts its head in at a door. "DM you .-end for mo?" "(if course I didn't." replied a man in a long r.'.ron. "A ma-songer boy said somebody alonjr hen wanted to seo me." "Well, "twa'n't me: I'm a bar-b-r. May be it was the merchant next door. I heard him say he was going to quit advertising." Chicago .eivs. "There's a little tot much hippo drome about that sugar you soM me." said a customer to a grocer the other rinv. "How's that? ' "Well, there's nol sugar enough in it for coflce and there's hardly sand enough for mortar." "That shows you don't understand our great combination brand." blandly re turned the diluter; "you've only got to use twice as much and the residue Is just splendid for cleaning knives." And lie sold him another box of dried apples made from the best selected shoe par ings. Han Francisco Post, A Jfew IHseovery. ho was one of th inent of I'lesidu member or the I One of the processors at tho Univer sity of Texas was invited to a social gathering not long since, at which sorno of tho first people of Austin were pres ent. During the conversation which took place, the subject of cruelty to animals was discus-cd. One of the gentlemen remarked that a great denl of cruelty was perpetrated on animals in conveying them to market in crowd ed cars, audin slaughtering them after wards Beef cattle in particular. wci cruelly treated. "Yes, gentletron," said the professor, "there is' a great tloal of truth in what you say. The unfortunato animals have to sutler a great deal, btit scienci is do ing away with the necessity of slangn tering animals for human food." "How is that done, professor?" asked GusDe Smith. "Tne extract of beef is coming into general use, and after awhile; it will entirely take the place of the rffflfereat kinds of raw meat, thus doing awaj with the necessity of s)urkteag tbq tjoor animal" TezqiiyijUnf . ' lX-- l ,JZZ 'rTsifsi!ifsiijsSi" f yparifcjr s- PS -iS seZf "C- - '.;- 5" S3PC o-vs-wrr- teSttespr3