The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 27, 1884, Image 5

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The Red Cloud Chie
A c o ra;r " .' .rday.
IJ F. jtt lv Mived to Amtwy.
A J. Kotsey. has returned trom
-a. a.
Wheat ...
if r. 3&LT.a.i:n is building an addition
o iiis residence.
AGEEAYtnanv land bevers in the
Uk t
-"o i count? this- "week.
Bahgauvs in hats at Mrs. Fowler's.
iFEVLIUflre hair Sotis ClcSC OUt,
&t iln. Fowler".
ChxlduN fine shoes at the Golden
Get your millinery of Mrs. Fowler's
and save money.
Misses Sue shoes at the golden cade.
Thh only successful nlatform twine
binder in the market sold bv Spauogle
&. Funk. 47-2w
Likulev had mixed paints at all
prices from 50 to 75 cent. 47-6 w
Just recioved, a lot of A grade full
leather top busies, call and examine.
spauogle t Funk. 47-2 w
i Ip you want big strawberries and
low of them call on L. K. Ru-t at Red
Uoud, for your plants. Ail kinds of
email fruit stock.
Mrs. Fowlee's for stylish bats.
Forum of J uly goods pray down at
Mrs. Fowler's.
Thh Marsh and Whitney platform
tdne b:nder lead all oili,.--" machines
-old by Spanogle & Funk. 47-2w
Lawes fine shoes at the golden eagle.
A xkw hardware store is about, to be
started at Cowles.
Look out for the match game of bal!
on July 4, in this city.
We are indebted to J. 0. Chamberlin
for a Young America Chee-e.
Hit. Feaxk Hall, of Cowles, made
us a pleasant call on Tue-day.
The Congregational people of Cowles
are about to build a parsonage.
J. L. Miller thinks of building a
brick block for his harness business.
We are under obligation to Andy
Ciute, formeily of this city for favors.
Mr. Wallwohtu of Iowa is building
a new residence in the north part of
Mr. 3iasogle has moved into ins
new and handsome resideuce on fourth
Wallace & MrNrrr have had their
news depot fitted up and a new coun
ter put in.
i Wm. Gates has a fine trotting horse
I for which he paid $175. It 13 a beau
! tiful ammtU.
M,- "ff "R. h aressape is visiting m
New gocKls at Mrs. Fowler's.
Men- and boy's, boots and slices at
the Golden Eagle.
J. E. Parser, our new dentist, has a
handsome new sign.
Feom" I5 to 20 milk wagon- are to be
seen daily at Inavale cheese factory-
Ms. C. Bcsrimw, '-ur county treasur
er, and family have returned from
Sherwood & Albright, formerly of
this city, have started another bank at
Bassett eb.
Go to Way's hardware store, and sec
their latest improved tjasoiine stove.
The safest and best in the market. 2w
The expre office at the depot baa
been appropr;.ite!y draped in respect
to the iate J. McXaughton, of this city.
Mr. CoyRs will take Pat Lymai.s
place as conductor. Mr. YanDoran
take McXaughton's place as messen
ger. F. A. Hitmmell. a few days since
Traded the ilenublican river to -et lire
to t:is Buffalo grass. He didu't get
mired in the sand.
O. G. Roberts sh wed us a speci
men of strawberries raiW by hi:u.
t icev were uue, ana oua stem iua
eleven hue oernes on it.
All ticket holder- arc invited to be
Mr. Kin'gbcrry. from Chacrrin Fa" Is,
Ohio, has bought the nu-ineso lot, just National has been indisposed, for tl
smith of The Chief oSce. Real esta to , last few davs. but we are glad to
is taking . boom in the north end.
The managers of the rink, Messrs
Piatt, Wallace and Albnght,
Look at A. A. Pope'ti now advertise
ment. J. A. Fermax and wife Sundayed at
Mr. Kin'SSY has put a new fence
around his new home.
Mr. A. U. Berg and wife moved to
Guide Rock on Thursday.
Wx Payees is now a bloated Und
holder. He owns nuccn town Iota.
Wm. Gates and Ed. Bohanan are
now running a paying meat market at
G. S. AL2RiGirr ha3 been appointed
afreut in this citv for the Atchison Ksj
Daily Pzirioi.
J. A. TCLLET5 and W. H. Strohm
went to Lincoln on Monday to attend
grand lodge of Masons.
Mrs. J. C. HiG3T of Omaha,' moth
er of Anson Hhby, is visiting in this,
citv. accompanied by Anson's little
Mr. A. B. Fox, is in Cowles, jTorthe
purpose of settling up the A. 3. Fox
estate. She has many warm friends in
The wind and rain on Sunday blew
down so:n rye fields, but what little
damage it dii to the rye it made up to
the other cereals.
R. V. Shirev. cashier of Red Cloud
him on the streets again.
The Woman' Relief Corns
have j rieGt a. the G, a E. hall. Monday,
Kaunas, where she coes for the benefit i made arrangement to ha; o a pa-i i June ?(0j at Z0., i,it, ! dauce on tne 4tn at the nuk, both dav t,i v m. Ferm-v. Secretar.-.
n - T" 1 .TIT . - I
and nnrnt. ine j. ji.. it. oyi? wm ai-o
of her health.
There will ?e a habea? corpus case
before Judce Yeisr on Saturday, for
the possession of Stella Jonca.
Mr. P.
Hanses has bought
present at
of July 1st
ihe "seating
to witne.--
rins on evening.
tiie" drawing of i
prise offered by tht- eo'.deu eagle ciotn
ing store. The pub.ic lo fteict a com
mittee to Bunerinte il tne d:
This is the last chance before grand
prise drawing July 1st everyone in
noed of clothing, baot-i and shoes hats
and caps, or finishing goods, should at
once go to the golden ea.e and buy
go as to get a chance in the drawing.
Wasted. 40 acres of breaking don
Highest price paid in ca?h
G. W. Ball,
2-ar Red Cloud.
E. Y. Rudrow's stage line to oora
and utrces possesion Ju.y 1st.
Wilson, brought
A MeRt Msirl-nt
Gates & Bohanan,
ttiis citv onr
a rare bargain t? anyone who wants
t j buy a meat market. T.ey have one
in McCouk whih :- doir.z a snlendid
buniness, and will be aojd&t a bargain , per club.
It is the onlv one in town.
" Ocr friend J. V
this othce a fine specimen of rye, ot
thi- years growth. It looks nice.
Hesrt Cuoe; has the finest phieton
.we have sen in the wet. It was made
at the Red Cloud Carriage Works.
The B.ue Hill band will -'toot'' for
Red Cloud on July 4, they having been
enzased by the committee on music.
If vou don't think Red Cioud has en
terprising merchants, just look over
our advertising columns in to-days
J. G. Joke?, grand chancellor of the
Knight? of Pvthias of Nebraska, will
vi-ifCalantha lodge of this city, on
July 15th.
Wf. have met the enemy and we
are theirs" i what the Ho
have a bowery dance just nurih of this
o&', en the vacant lot'.
Everywhere in tic county magnifi
cent fields of com. r;c, i-, wjeat.
rt' . c-m Le sen. Between this citv and
Tb Fourth.
Don't forget to come to Red Cloud
on the fourth. Extensive arrange
ments have been made for a grand time.
Judge Appelget of Tecumseh will
orate; Trof. L. L. Feltham will nre the
hearts of the average American citizen
with patriotism by reading the Declar
ation of Independance: Rev. J. K.
Harris will invoke divine blessing, etc,
Fireworks, races, music by the cornet
bands of Red Cloud and B!uo mil, and
ho3ts ot otier amusements will be had
for the benefit of all who come. See
bill" fur .further information. Every
body C"me and have -pir.e fun. A grand
time is anticipated. Hurrah, and let
tho American eagle scream.
Inavale corn in mauv nlaces is iiftcen
There will be a grand celohration
T--I f . n I - " T a ' It - i-V " I rt f.t
on juiy 4. hi inu yw.c vr. ...,.,. ;,... ..c i;p-Vi
- i . ., . j'nr .-.i-t- foit! siiriT7 Tiitori i irn
o-n-v am:,!iiip ptiort to nave " r:am .i. .... wv..-.. , ....
enierurisiug village are
to nave a grac
-! . 1
time on tnat cay, anu propose to mate
ttivjeagie scream as it ha nevt r scream
ei before at Cowles. We wish them a
grand and glorious fourth.
The Wells base ball club and the
Red Cloud hoys played a match game j
Tntirsday in tms city, me game wa
closely contested from the first, and
tnsrewus some fine playing by both
dabs. The score stoad:
Red Goads
Tee arm o: urmsuy a. iici:erson
do an immense business in the com
mission line. Tiiey have boen ship-
Bros., caliar with water, aua nod it not
been tor its timeiy discovery a great
many viable goods must have been
spoilod. However a force was at once
secured and the water carried out.
The probabilities are that the Red
Cloud x Kansas f-outhwestcm will he
built. The B. !: M. folks have agreed,
vv understaad, tojurvev the rc:te,
and to build tho road provided that the
necessarv aid along the road should be
5 i secured.
Ctr 3. B. C. at Slperiou. Our nine
was defeated at Superior last Tuureday,
tho first time in two seasons. The boy?
feel as though the game was not a fair
test. Anson Higby got his thumb
split by the seventh" ball that passed
the home plate. Cromwell having
staid at home that cay, this left the
nine without a catcher. At this point
the boys offered to stop and give the
game to Superior, but on account of
the crowd, they were asked to con
tinue which they did, placing Jno. R.
Shirsy behind the bat. Not being in
practice, and not being used to the
pitcher, for the first two or threo in
uiiigri he worked under disadvantage
but after that did some remarkable fine
catching showing him to be with
practice a good one. Below vre ap
pend the score :
The boys speak in the highest terms
of their treatment by the Superior boys
and people in general. On July 4, a
return game will be played in this city
by toe two clubs. Also, there will be
a match game between the second
nines of the two clubs.
Drv and hot. We have not bad any
ram since June 14. Small grain is go
ing back every day. S. S. Wells has
15 acres of rye tliat will average nine
feet. How is that for high ?
Corn is growing slowly. .
John Cavolt of this place expects t o
start to Hot Springs, Arkans;is, in r.
short time to prospect tho gold mines
for a club in Rtverton.
W. E. Thome was in town yester
day surveying fciwn lots.
Charles "poo'ier, our hand carpen
ter, who has l-?en working at hia trade
in the country has accomplished all of
his lobs and is now in town resting up.
Charles Is a go.d buv but he can't sing
Don't forget to come to Wells on the
4 th of Julv. We have the finest grovo
! in the state, aud we have cleaned it of
all nuisance ercept wood-ticks, ladies
le careful.
S. Alexander, our mail carrier from
here to Red Cioud, drove a wild pony
last Tour-day, and coming home the
nonv died ue-ir the
Euti? & Grifnt
cattle ranch ot
'from having been fed
too much grain. Spencer camo in on.
foot that night, with the mail on hia
back. Ho said when fortune smiles
we will ride in chai-es, but when sho
frowns wo walk , etc.
Our base ball players would like to
play the Red Cioud boys on the fourth,
but they have not forgotten two years
ago. Hugh.
ping about 15' U cases
til, Pesines a largeamoum. oi oui-: tiful httic villa
. etc.? 1V e are p.eased to near oi. eu mics .vest o:-
- n-ojnintr in.' Txicn fifTi n- in-I t -r
i .v r;i .v..l. .
sv.d after being defeated by
IQOfocsDs ofeoap for ?!. The re
ceipt cn be bought outright of Thorn
ton Broi. R. R. Sberer will furnish
the ingredients for the ab -ve receipt
fjr tl-
j- -. TI-.-. w.n i k'n ..., ... -. :r.,t.imlui n,i Ar; a,!!1:. ;,; of
lord 'nfo-mea our rn"or:er tnn wee?, i "".""- "" , "r
re, .n.o meu ju -. i.0.,! ! :ms c:tv were uc.ted in marriage oy
"rfc."c " .:-" ." JX, ' the Rev. Geo. O
OI ,,aa-ru:i .ne see.- . -v- , hQ our b"
CA.-Ei .1C.E.vy oougni oi uz. lui
ir. i.k: top.-. s acres of land adiom-
.itu...-. ..,. ,- - . ,.'tr
rri tru-.v raic . -
. . r.:
ing .!. .r farm, for w
I'm , piqu -s. percales, ginghams, i f 1 -
vs now have a fine
Inavale and Its Sarronading-?.
During the first of the week The
Chief took occassion to vi3it the oeau-
ge of Inavale, lying sev-
Red Cbuu, on tne B.
Tho nlace has been verv
nn ; rnr.,fd for it lies m a most
oduce. ! niiri-Mnnn mint snrrniinw! bv a Wide
J. W. ' and varied scope of magnificent farm
ing country, most ot wmcu is ov.nen
by prosperous farmers who are using T-i vnim.r tueir best euueavors to improve u.
;nl. -,.;.. n.z f ,r n ir.,o-! Their eifbrts have not been in vain for
and hanrjv hfe. Ihe ceremonv w:
ununc-l :n tse t)reseuceoia numoer
o: rc.atives sn.a in:n.aie ineaus
ie uuo j cr&13e cf business. The farmers
me su-, . j, ih a re&(jv market for tiieir produi
Ok Weinesdav evening iIr.
. i we noticed on every hand tne evi
dences oi unusual prosperity, sucn as
nlv he seen tit the lanus ot tho
ha mbria. etc..
cheap to cioe oat.
Sev. house's.
0:.' of tii2 hea-.ica: rains
k.-w.ii : .1 on buiKiay evening.
mined m oiudi-ig tne voanc
j - . ....-' , -,
i 'a t.i:r nevr ii:e.
Ladies' and children's
ribboni, hosiery, hair nets
iit.tioiiH, etc., etc., all closet
chenr at Mrr. Xewhou-e's.
out Vi-rv
Lawks, Cambric-, white
worbtrd uood- -;ii table for tb.e
at low figures to clo-t- out ou
Silk?, satin-, velvt-t-, laces, Ham
burg?, tc, marked down very low to
clo-e out our entire -tock of goods.
Call t-md fee. Mr. NEWHor.-r-
.. .: 1.. n,,.., ,T.,.i ;;, i m tlie last lew
irirem ie.e r.ut. uu-imi-m, ... ...
: - s
UtSBkttWl,, - - -.-.., .a c-.oll
filled w:th water.
The Red Cloud Carriage Works ?.t
turning out some of the finest buggies
carriage5, phaetons, etc., we have seen.
Mr. Ira Sleeper, the manager is a num
ber one workman, and understands
his business.
Almost $100 has bcn raised by our
citi:en to pay the Red Cloud cornet
band for playing on the fourth in this
citv. Wo will have two brass bands nn
that occasion. v:z: Red Cloud band and ;
e I litHiapeed la t.v
O. . - , -. ... .
THE uhief na3 ieen gazni.
niys to una out
r.-d candidates fo:
.ould m -ke
resentatives from senatorial lis
trict. Mr. F. A. Sweezy, of Blue Hill,
and Mr. Hugh Stevenson, of Inavaie,
have both been favorably spoken of as
j'it the right men for the place. The
Ohief cou.d supp ct either gontieman
th pleasure in tne event of his nom
ination. At the rink Saturday night the race
f r tne rold charm and five dollars in
g!d was a most exchiug one, and
c'.u-ed considerable amu-araent.
can o
;r,.rc n?"rtir sml
tnnlfv u
The village h.i recently been laid
v:t :id ; '"'l-d by o r friend V,r. J.
Yance. Ere iong we exwect to see more
than a small tiading point thre.
tnerc we had the pleasure of calling on
ourfr.endG. W." Knight and fami.y
Mr. K. i- postmaster aud has held his
n,.rlfin for onie twelve years. Tne
.ood brother is wry comfortably situ
ated having ll-tacre? of laud which is
under fine Vate of cultivation, a nice
:cs:de'iee, ab-mt 40 head of cattle and
in fact evervthmg that the eye could
wish. We ai-o met Mr. P.. R. Pitney,
unother gentlemen who is well fixed
. . -r ..: ...
ax na3 a nae noaie. .nr. .unison,
c;ns5?" Glyceric? S-ilrc.
The br.t ou CArth can truly be said
r..Ttiw.-m.' r,alve. wmen i? a
nure cure for cutf. bruises,
the Bine Hiii band
! the viilage blacksmith has recently the uex twe years
! bail: a new dwelhng an 1 w.U boo:- ! two. We snsvrei
burns, wounds, and a:i otner sores.
Will positive!".- cure pi. tetter and
cllkm eruntionrs. Satisiietion guar
anteed or money refunded. Omy in
aenfe. For sale by A. Lindley.
Hakover, O.. Feb. 13. 1SS4.
After having lung fever and pneu
monia I had a dreadful cough and
could not rleep at night. Tne doctors
told me 1 had consumption ana woujs
die I have taken six bottles Piso d
Cure and xnv cough is entirely gone
and I am well a-1 ever.
xnere were six entries lor .qb prizes.
lv;: Harrv Lcrrow. Louis Lcnnev. 1 ,, !,., a.-.. -,.-.,' a. .:'.- .iiiTvn :n citv
Mobhart & Fn.TOK have determined j) C-K Gray J. M. Proctor. Will Mitch- j j,fe jie dohic a goo-I business,
to locate at Welis. Mr. Filton haj0,aaj Vill Dany. Dinance, one: jrr. Fddy,ar.utu-r citizen is running
been in that place for a fw days super-1 m:;0. j. if. poc: c won r3t prize cf ! q v.Kh:gL: s farm this se-uon. Mc-
lntenmg con-irucuonoia-ior-i.u.iu-i jn-ftnc 1,0 Penney tec?: in secona f irv rr -. the new ''tore weepers are
oi nnzp. at co'd cr.arm. iima 4:40. xc
was reaiiy fun alive.
The Red Cloud creamerv is doing a !
laud office business in making butter.
n ' 'UiJtJ .ii inai, niauu. iuc iowu
J Wells is bound to prosper.
The ladies' B. H. M. society will
meet at Mrs. S. Perkins'. Tuesday af
ternoon. Julv 1st. At their last meet-
in" thv passed a vote of thanks to Mrs in
During last week they made 3,503 lbs. I
and have neen making trom SoO to loO'J :
! diii g a fiourinng hu-:ness and" W3 wish
tnem great sr.cce.s-. me boys de-ervo
to be we.i patronized and are building
un a eocd and substantial trade. Mr.
pounds per cap
tions as these a
nas a
: j. Sucn lnstitu
naving invtment
locaieu. it.: ou..
rputation and is
Wm. Cathers, for her kindnos m do
nating a set of pulpit chairs.
Mr. Wm. Kekward, ot Clear Lake.
Iowa, made thi- office a p'easa.nt call
during the week. He will start a cattle
nnoh npar this citv. and move -Oi
Wo'-ter countv. He wa well pleased ' with the careful attention in makm
with brakk"and its great resources. ! place it at the head of the iist.
Mr.Frvkk H.ll, )f Cowles, has a
"nnfk that "be brought from Xew York
e doubt if
i f.'nii!1.! in or
Irons, a centleman recentiv from the
east has located on a farm neir the
town. But of all tue enterprises cf the
village the most important ono, is the
While there we called on Bro. Cliam-
The home is the wt of human civi.-
isation aud Human ioe. wxy. .... , , tha.
, .- : .U.r. avoTt'lHl" that . ' "" ' ..." i
idles w:io reii; - --- . T ,, ei 4i pounds tins vear.
i possible to auu io ..." -rr ' tViic rar. t --sua!:et in .ra
We think most oi tncra wouv . t.- p-o-, . j ,- & .;,orou ,a."or e
loundlv grateful if they we-e always . j1-. fc
.ippliedvith DcLani's Salcratus and P " "" t0 the Cr,te Nur?.
Sod.i tney are ; - ; ' rv for a case of fine entries, raised
equal to or superio
o. 1 commanding tne very nigral ,. .oun l to his elbows
-v.-v t - nvwi n imiMf -iJ rCi-l -r " - . .-...-
li ir.hi 1 QtfJMTtrn m mil nMri . .
E. H. Amrler. casuier of the .first
V-. .,...' I . . ...... .1 t -!.l .1 , .'
.Ui.iUll.... i.os i'ii;t.i,uicu ;i "u- ... .
i ! in business connected with his factory.
t Whie being shown through the insti
tution we noted that the .actory was
eouipoed v,-ith the most costly machin-
! are t(ir chee-e
tuntv remster lur tne use o: ian..j. , .i,. ie -as recievm
to anvthmg ou the erv lor a cas
111. bti.S c ....-.
A Geatle Voice.
Our enterprising druggist, has secur- j pog
ed the agency for the aie M Dr. liige-1 acreg ;n f.
low's positive cure, wnien hs "o .M'
erior for cough, colds, consumption
-- -,.! 'l tlimAT. and
-i..,,;rr onmrn antl a.i inroa.
niiuujii"), vv"s- " . ; l..
ent book" used in the business, and
Mr. Amblir is receiving a great many
I 5 . 1 A. .. T" . . arKl a r ft
Thcv were magnificent ru' "r i-cja.. " ijau.- u.
This firm are 6Mv interested in Ne- ' "vxr.r. o: : e-:ecu u yw uue
limska. and we none our people wi
ihem. mey nave over
uit trees, &c.
and learned
over 10.000
bankers, an 1 others, who wish to avom ! r,ouni5 of milk per dayfrom the IS or
the u-'ia! delays in hunting up notes . ,q parn, that were bringing it in from
that are cont:nu'ly "oming due. Thi jj arts Df the countv. "For this large
is ?a.d to be one of the most couvcni-l nflr,titvf.f milkhe will pavhis patrons
.ii- . . .- -.
conic il 5.000 during the year, lie is
a go-abead t !-::. ss man and is pushing
the business to tne front, hr.d is rnafc-
!I1" RIWUL 1,'JW JJ muu.i oi viiikc ei
Wo had a fino rain Saturday, and
another from the east Sunday ovening.
Oats are coining out in head: crops
have never looked better since your
correspondent has liycd here.
Our S. S. superintendent talks ol
having a picnic for his schools. There
fore our school has appointed their
Mr. Cayon and wife, and their two
daughters were received in full con
nection into the M. E- Church, i.nd
the younger daughter wa3 baptised on
Jun2 22.
Several Tstrange gentlemen visited
our service last Sunday. We are sure
tbey were benefitted by the sermons
preached by our minister (Rev. G. W
Hummfcll)"ho has hold regular ap
pointments at this place for several
years. Tne text was '"What is that to
thee, nee thou follow mo." Beta.
The hot weather is making the corn
hump itself. The crojs look fine. We
are s-uro of a tountifui crop of small
erain. corn, and potatoes. Fruit trees
are loaded with fruit. Small fruit in
aoundutice. Ai-yone ut vill grumble
about the prospect for crops of all
kinds would growl if he was to be hung
by the neck.
" A farmer on Elm Creek is i.bout to
tret in troutuo about retting fire on a
farm that does not belomr tohim.
It is time people would wa'xe up and
st-p starting so many fires.
Wo learn that Etta Sanford is going
to have a gr:md picnic at the close g!"
her school.
The question has been asked if land
Would increase as much in value in
as it cid .n tne last
er yes, and more.
Webster count v is -lire to bo rich.
Tnere is no better water to bo found in
the state thin there is here.
A Presb.teriaa minister preached at
the school house last Sunday. He gave
both saint and sinner there the word
right and left. Esau's Dreams.
- -
?urs. Gorman Worley's fatuit-and
mother, of Tipton, Iowa, havot been
visiting them "for the pjaet week. ' They
are well pleas-. d with Nebn-.ka, and
we understand they have bought i. A.
Avers' farm and will move at this
It is getting fashionable for hired
hands to get up and skip out on very
'aort notice and leave their employers
in the midst of their corn planting.
L. C Olmsted uiul A. Newton's hired
hands left last week. It is getting a
little dangerous to hire strangers if you
want a hand for the season.
Mrs. E. H. Jones is having r. vory
severe attack of neuralgia,
Mr. U. C. Davis has been ick for a
few day-, but is around again.
Our "bachelor farmer, J. Mcintosh, is
having a hard right with tho suntlower
Procccajp ur tlie Roanl of Equalization.
Ksr Cloitp. Xeh., June 19. 13L
Hoard n?ot purs to luljourcmeat.
J. E.riuitiii. J. L. 51illt:r,l(xirdoletjual5:attoii,
J. V. Kaiha clfrk.
rrii.iaz of ral and ;vr-op-U ?ror-ry will bo
pub;t"jii ! next w-tk
Opii r '& tv ;h" board that tbo loHowinir addi
tion'! act dt.unctioa.s Ik taadi- in the several pre
ci'.Kts in Web-ter county, 'ebr;ka, ot a ier
ceat suClcit!.t to eiualize the real and jiersoual
tirorjT ihrourdiom tht! cotuav as follows:
"iif .i t..-...
... . .... .... ......
1 S
HedCIoUd, add
1.111&. Etid. .. .... .... .... .... .... ....
Oartleld. add
Walnut, add
Kim Creek, add
Gleuwood. add
Pleasant Hill, add
Ui.ia. t.j UH., .....................
Inavale. deduct. ... ................
S.;P.vjer, dlaci
Oak Creek. Jodu.'t
rotsam. dediu::..
pitin, deduct........................
Gu.du Hji.k, deduct
ed CloCu, hdu.... .......
Blue Hill, d'tluct
tied C'oud. add
I .. n .uiu
G.iruvf ivviti..
Uta Creek, add
Potsdam, add
GleuT'COd. add................ .......
P.ca3aut Hill, add
iirunMij -- -
Wilaut Cri k, deduct. .
Inavale. deduct
Oak Creek. dcCuct
Bstin. deduct
Stillwater, d'stcLt
Guido RoeK.ueu.iex.-
.li per cent
.50 per cent
Per cent.
On- tho in?ide of to-day's paner vill
be found the names of the parties who
J were injured by tne wreck o.
on Richardson's farm, but we are sure
tho corn will come out ahead, as it al-
a ' wavs does.
lung diseases. PJ.Vr" nor. ball near HcMv.i la t week. Ahn
no equal, call at A. i.inaie a ru, q ;.. 1q found SQraQ vrholsome
store and get a bottle tree. Republican speeches by Emery Storrs,
. " "Trv rT- ; "-. t5 Ben Harrirn, and others.
Titt- "Riickove cord Binder is tne ne. j "
l:Ji :Z ?:,t Tt haa b?en sold in i The temperance ma (Convention
ini-.ue .i. " - - , -, , j - thu ... on .... ..meajay Tva a i
this county tor a muu ;---- "fn :",, mrPlnA wa.-, larelr attend-
iili paper. It is divided into twelve parts, ; V,, Cr 7,0o0 pounds per week, The
jSO j each part .Jlotd to months in a year - ia now invested in the factory by
m regular orjer. r. is ceriamiy a n- Chamoc-riin is SlUAKW, so at n
great convenience. j giance. it will be seen that the making j -fnc rye crop is looking fine and will
As 3TiTL.i attempt to wreck the B. Sc of chesse in Webster county is no small j t,,,,! heready to harvest. No rest for
M. trim is reported from Cheater, on &rlair, but on the contrary is done upon . -ne farmer until about holidays.
Thuriay nigc following the one last j ft much larger scale than customary in We understand that F. B. Smith has
Wednesday. Taw time the fiends , running cneese lactones nsuaiiy. ine ;5ecured the school a: west Inavaie
opened the switch. iut fortunatelv it amount paid out for mnfc m June will ,i,n nnxt term we think tno district v
wa? discovered before the train can
along, and a probable accident aver
j 1
eu. i-Uts i)usine?s oi wrecrting irams t nn'ina pr aav
ie not be mum b-s than J.000. The ;n irood luck to got him back.
-1 capacitv for using milk is about $15,000 vrell liked no a teacher. Au.s'T
uurir-g i ic vear -kir. -
?"neT.h r been herein. Speeches were made by Jhn v-k Ji.-i-o'-e- i Y'-nch and others. For want o: i
to start or work one; no c.. mp.o.e . k a a o .
a daBB vk ti - n ri ii niiii . i ' 1 i i , i i i-i.-ii ii.i liii
!.. , rTi i lmiii' i ki' ivi" 'itid'i'rf -w i -- ... - -
menu; have ever oueu P -,;!,,.,,.,,,;,,,.:,,
harvest cut; in every rase u.e.v ,... w. --.. --
worked to the satisfaction of Uio tar- i Lo?r out :or one or the i-andest cel
w,.nnu bpin- rerirea in the tieia. , rnrKtions m the county at ells, on
Wm Fulier"vbandone i h?s Marsh bind-j juiy 4. Tne people of Wells are do
er 'in 'he field after it had been tinker- in thir utmost in making prepara
ed 'bv the expert? and purchased a 1 tons for a big time aid propo to
Bucke-e and therebv avd bis crop.iave an enjoyable one. We wish them
r,,; ron vou aOord to experiment 1 a jrnd time and a big crowd.
and los vour'crop. Br.t the Buckeye , ?R0A our special correspondent at
and save vour horses, save trouble, save ' R,verton we Jeam that Mr. Joseph
time and'save money. j Lambert, who resides south of River-
' ton. in Kansas was killeH by lightning
A En 01 1 Drs fl . . ' ra Saniw. d-iria? the Vieavy storm
.- -. -.. nrn r ri-sji iiiiiuw v - - - . , , .
.ee. --" ,, . e. - i h'
is getting a lmle too common, and the
parties if caught should be made ex
amples of. Since our last issue John
McX.iigh.on, the. express messenger
has du-i from his injuries, hut the oth-
Chamberhn will make $25,0-30. worth
of cheese. It will therefore be observed
that the cneese factory is a big enter
prise, not only for Inavaie but for the
entiro countv. in connection wun tne
ers wao were injure 1 are m a lair way j iactory ..Ir. u. runs asman grocery store
to recovery, unless it bo the conductor 1 for the-accommodation of his customers
of tne Pullman sleeper, who was seri-1 Tn fact we were verv much surprised
ously. if not tatally injured.
F. Houchik has had some sad exper
ience with lightning rod peddlers.
Tbey wanted to pat up a rod for him
but "the price being so high Houchin
thougat he could not afford the luxury,
so the peddler offered to put it up for
$5 as an advertisement. Houchin ac
cepted the proposition, and signed the
contract, not reading it. A day or two
ne was
to find such a paying institution at tme
point, and we wish him tho prosperity
which he fully deserves.
We al-o had the pleasure of meeting
I. 0- Walker, U. G. Knight, and severi
al other youug men whom we are in
debted to for favors.
We noticed an unusual smile play
ing around the physiognomy of Bro.
Chamberlin, and on inquiry learned
girl. The
.... .... .....V
Tht foiiovrtns ic-ie3 lor taxes for the several
funds for Webs&ir county, Neb., for tho year
iSS4,"Aere now made by tho board of county
commission "rs :
County eaerd fond. f nilllj on the dollar.
County roai fund. 1 5-10 taiui on the dollar,
Couutv briu( lima, -j iill ou the dollar.-
Countv nkh.s lundj I mil! on the dollar. It It bond iu..d. 2 im';3 ou tlie dollar.
Count I andin? bond I nut., tl mills on the dol
lar. Guide Kosk brldps fund. 2 mills on the dollar.
Tlie fchofil district levida for tlie soveral school
d!tnev in NVi'bster ccuaty, Vebraska. are here
bv made as rvi r.e.1 1 "If . mt district offi
cers of the sevrsl distru--. as fodovra:
iScbcwl district number 1, 13 nii'Is ou dollar.
2, ie m'rii on ihe dollar
" " 3. is. nulls on the dollar
4. 15 mills on the dollar
r, l." in'tN on tlie dollar
" fi. T mills on tho dolrar.
- "7. 'Jt mills on tha dollar
... s.r million the dollar.
6. 15 mills oa tLe dollar
10. . iniHs ca the dollar
11, "JS mills on the dollar
12. 10 rnKIi ou the dollar
13. 11 mills on the dollar
K, 2 mills on the dollar
15. 15 mills on the dollar
iriSTn-'U.-.n rlwrinlln-
' " IT. 10 rii'!-" on the dollar
" l". 3 mills en the dollar
cc. n ei'K-j en the dollar
' " 21. 9. m"ls oa the dollar
22. 5 mills on the dollar
24-. 20 mills ou the dollar
" i 20 mills on the dollar
" tt, SuiiUson the dollar
" 27. :.'. amis on the dollar
" " 2. .i mills on the dollar
M " 2i, 10 nulla on the dollar
" SO. IS mill- on the dollar
" " SI. 10 mills ou tne dollar
" 32, mills on the dollar
" . 13 milli on the dollar
" 31. 18 mala on the dollar
S3. 7 mills on the dollar
" r;. 25 mills on the dollar
ST. if. mills on the dollar
" 3. 10 mills oa the dollar
" 30. 25 mills on the dollar
" w. 12 mills on the dollar
- 11. 25 miCs on the dollar
iJ, ir. nulls on the dollar
j,". ar. mills 03 the dollar
M " 4 j, 15 mills oa the dollar
" V). 12 mills on the dollar
" 47. 23 mills on the dhllar
" 4'. 2; mills on the dollar
" " W, 8 nulls on the dollar
' " at. 10 m'Us ou thf dollar
" 5.1, i"4 milN on the dollar
&4. 15 mills oa the dollar
" " 55, C mills on the dollar
" pc, 2a mill-, on the dollar
" ft, C mills on the dollar
GO, is mills on tlie dollar
" " CO. 12'm mills on dollar
." Cl, 25 mills on the dollar
',02, 10 mills on the dollar
" Si, 3 mills ou the dollar
" mills on the dollar
" 63. 20 m Jls on the dollar
" " c". 10 :n;l'3 en the dollar
- ' , 23 m.Us on thi dollar
" C3. 1C mil's on tho dollar
70, 15 mills on the dollar
" " 71, 25 mills on the dollar
" 72. IS mills on the dollar
" " 73, 12 mills on the dollar
74. s mills oa the -dollar
" 73. 15 mills oa the dollar
" 76. 25 mills on the dollar
" 77, 25 mills on the dollar
" 73. IS mills ou the dollar
- " 79. 25 mills on the dollar
J. E. Smith. Chairman.
The lev of vlllaso taxes to be as reiorted by
.111 e.-.r-il ullntfn rlrL :i; fnllnws tn wit?
I It vi cloud Forgeiu.ralpnrioes.3milLs.
Wue Hill For i;tueral iuriotfS. 10 mills.
The Board of Kn,ualizatiou, haang now con
cluded their labor as an equalizinc board, on
iaotk" ad'ourned. to organize a board of county
commissioners to transact other business In
'"er eral.
" On motion, a board of county commissioners
was now organized lor the transaction of gener
al busings.
OHIcial bond of F. Houchin, O H R D ho. 9
as aporoqed.
Warm and dry.
Constable Blaine is having an addi
tion built to his huuse.
Messrs Orr and Crosier are doing the
i,l,V, rtlolnn "1,0- 1,0,1 1-iq xrindmill 1 Mandamus from supremo court of Nebraska
Jotin Uiame naa nan ftiuuaun , , h , . 0.. n. B
moved from hi' old to his new house vor of thi state of Xebuuskae rel Amos y.
He will not pump water by nand ISaiSSS'K
more. . vas ordered n the tax li-t as pr amount..
Small crain is needing ram. Corn! Mandsuvas from r.. circuit court, district of
- J.n-;.TT nnrl cr irn 'ho woods NebniSKa. lstror United Statues rel George H.
is grow mg last and so aro mp wllu. j stmvull s r, Nc, h ol wt-bs:er county. pw
2L'f potatoes are coming in. ( braska. ior a lew of ta.v onsaid school district
H. Mclntvse has a piece of timothy . was served ou board ; &rvwe "gP'SSB
... - - a t"..:, i,, 1 es ordered on tax lists oilssi, ioc aau iaH as
wnicn IS growing imu. ma ouu. , - n
m IIILS Wrii mandamus Irom supreme wun, -?V;
.Never v,-assucii 1 us w.. nase1 over tm3 cllon. iie afterwards the peddler put tho rod up. j that it was a girl, ltie mystery
drug tore :is is now nt xiu.ii - , ; leave's a wife and voung f tmily. and then domanded a much larger 1 then fully explained,
a trial nottlo 01 Dr -Kin nov. u- j . Sit sum thfta eed hich Houchin-re- Taking all in all Inavale has everv
ory for niUInl;'01a?"fc aa i urf "lt forColora-K inhere they fiscd to psvy. The contract was then rusoa to be proud o: its resources and
AH persons affected wab !4V5 jiw mo ha stiownhim He steadily refused and advantages Th-nw railway depot is
chins. rHoaeiK xere , beenVn "invalid for severa months. It finally settled on a compromise. It is now up. and tnis w,l be a crcat con
MraffecjqnMMnrt 01 c be 7m:ch , alay5 b5t to know when Jon ar0 venience toAoae wno wisn to snip
dvrbvnAiSata of climate, j dculm5 with strangers just what you their stock from that point. Let the
llSr Sze 5 l.W. 'll3e-v ":1! be Sne a naml v o: weeks, j are doing. town ocK)m. I
that tame grass can be grown
A. White has a nice piece of clover.
A. H. Spracher has moved his wind
mill to the well near his now honse.
John R. Crosier set out li00 trees in
half a dav for J. K. Allen this spring.
Dan Mearns has tenccti a pasture
E. W. Shirlev and John Coon
an osaee orange hedire set out oi;
line between their farms. Tyuo. i
favor Win. T. Color vs. S. D. numir 24. weu
t.tercoua.y,cb..ioralevyof taxes on sal&jS.
t wssskTAedon Im-inlconiaussiouers. Serrlco
accepted and uisf jnlorwl a use as per writ.
Itoanl uow a.ijourx.d to June 2rt. IS!. .
J. E. surra, cnaimnn. .
J.r B.vyiia, clfrk. -
V t
Closed The lied Cloud postofSce
v.ot-ft . -x h f.losoil. Julv 4th. from 16AALM.
s ti.o t a r. V. iT.. and closed at 7.30 TiMfc
, . . -- , -. -r-v
M. B. McrcrP:f