Cloud Chief The . 'ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.30 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF; 6- :l A : RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB., FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1884. NO 47. i VOL. XI. im.m.'jj swmm m CM COLDER EAOLE STORE. 3 3 3 fcO o ft Red H en o ra Uj i ' 5h 6rSa2 es li yy ww . . -s.s 02 CD t Q A C3 3 rSJiO 1 PW I cm O M 3 c3 5 CQ 0 O SB 4-3 uJ dJM tfJr-T, 0 ;hh CQ i t 65 rH -3 o v 50 7 r-t i I M Rscaasi (3 o O 9 o S 5 0 43 J i 'OH Rr-H rGQ o O riP-l c3n 0 4-3 SOQ ffife N g PI fcTO S O fcJQU Hi 03 Qj . C U2 R rrt O. . M r " r- r- " O sS TO ww M n g9 h CgCd RED CLOUD CHIEF BVKKY FKIIAY1!Y A. C. HOSMER. KATES OK SUHaCU'TION: On copy. on year. - - - SI CO One copy, us mouth. ... 75. 0n copy, four months. ... M. linttr.J at the l'ortofBco In RcJ.Cloud as mat ter of the aecnnd ulai. C0USTY OFFIVFJIH. John P. Bayha, County Clerk. Cha. Bnachmv, County Treasurer. Geo. 0. Yoiher. County Judge. J. W. Warren, Fhei iff. Chaa. W. Spring;-:-, Superintendent of Public Instruction. C. P. Kinkcr, Coui'ty Purveyor. J. IT. M risen.-., Cui.utv Coroner. J. K. Smith, ) Jacob L. Miller, County Coin. Jno. McCullum. Business Directory. )tt. A. 1). STAPLEFOIU), PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bed Cloud, Nebraska. q E. McKEEBY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OrKiCK. rir-t dour w't of CookN it rug More, Jflloe Imura frum 9 tu K a. in.. I t" . ami 7 Jo p. tu. lle!ilouc3bIiK'ki west til cmirt liouv. UED CLOUD. - - NKIt.VSKA. T D. DENNEY M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Opkice iuuI Fleupinjj room over L'ook's druj; htore. n DAMEUELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Orrici-Ovor tho cow poto'5co. "W, VC-J .iJ -'-"--.iTyrtJis-3ilA'-Vfc1jft.Jk -" -kir-ttii-lifc. Vfc . sfimiiia. i rw dk ' y&7emjtsSfwms'sifKsk. r-L. d I x:i J nSgSSBraHCVV SMSraSBRassdS OQ 1 1; Pilli m C I ' LJ Last Month 0P THE Grand Prize Drawing Every purchaser of $15, $10, $5, will be given a ticket in the' Prize Drawing! Prizes $20, $10, $5, In goods to be selected by the lucky winner. XBRAW1&. JULY 1. All our goods being marked in plain figures, you do not have to pay more for goods on account of above prizes. All goods warranted as represented or money re funded if found upon ex amination to be otherwise. BUY YOUR AT THE OLD lUUi wmi GOODS IWH W rArAmrArnt mim m StiVllMi: G &3d till Lw4a iniiu u riling loose Of R. L. Tinker, ft J. -- i ; -rC V M-a V ' 5" e3 s Kn 0 t 2S - - r3 c - -tV t.i c, . . s. .-ax?. -r r- -i kA vTTT j f 53E . -JY J' v c. .. r- - ira-7-2 r5.rZi?i. ji-r jt.- '--:rr!jr&--s..r- riiri5TirrfTiirT3i j: txi jj -i- r-j-tJ-T 7) Opposite Postoffice. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the Republican Vallev and my prices can not fail to please. ' R. L. TINKER. DEALER IN Dry Goods and Cress Goods Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Hamburgs, Laces, Notions, Hosiery, Ribbons, Etc. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Always kei onihrndlafullaiul completo lino of the above kooiIs, and will sell them TS7 IS AF ME A m AU K ol3 guiiranttt'd as represents! orlmnncy n-fuinlod. '.n and before j on buy. Opposite Statu Hank. and examinethelr stock before . ii 'in rSST5SiSi ssswaaa T S. EMIGH, DSNTIST. Itnornmneiitly lowitcdin Red Cloud Nek, ovcrStato R;ink. 17-3m Frank R. Gump, A ATTOKNEY AT LAW. BEI CLOUD. KKH. CallMtionf rocejvo Prorai't .iltcution. Or fic Ovur thflnnw.'tiortoClcj builJins. C. W. Kalc. J. L. Kaley. Kaley Bros. A TTORNKYS AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NED. Agents for the B. it M. R.JR. Lands Patroni ze Home. jBy Patronizing Home you i. can always gee A FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS jggftgf Ik Of Evory!Doscriptlorr?'!ariufacturcd'.b" s;?3?.j f?s " jm. fW aSIeeper, Manager, Vie nc on!y tho h.M ::iitrri-il t' market air-i . ill the rc i!"ifi- in-of our vi-li'd.-s. :.'l Mid theribv h up r im '. a wbl. '-a-l n-nt.nni:i for. m.i nrk. Ht'vuip worked a lifc-Uuu ii Uii lu'ii' . kM ' 1 w.irr.i'iVd in i...r;.ntr' ...,; i...i.. e aa'is f -u'tiou. WV an- .it- i-n to do all 1. mis .f Job Work and Impairing ! Horse-shoeing, Plow Work ! &c., nt the most n-aMiii:ible prices. All wi.rk wan anted. N"n but the beat :rknsan -mplojei. Your ordei aiv repectfully solicited, pg- V.'i- pre now locate.'. In OUlt NiIWltltlCK r.CILWING, v.e will be j:lad to ej -.11 our ft 'ends and patrons. 1 At Same Prices I KEAIi ESTATE LOANS! On Farm Property ! Southern Nebraska anil Northern Kansas, at 8 and 9 per cent, interest Without Commission ! APPLY TO RED CLOUD. NEB. Certificate of Authority from the Comptroller of tho Cnrroncy for the Red Cloud Nation- al lkuik to bexiu Business. jThat you will have to pay for shipped All of an interior article in from the cast, our Buggies ji ' are Warranted. ESD CLOUD CARRIAGE WORKS 0. C. Cue. Jus. McNcny Case & McNeny, Attorney's a counselors at law. Will practice in Ml the Courts of this State and northern Kansas- Cullrctiotifna well as Ht Iitd bu?incs carefully ani efficiently nttend ed to. Orr:cR:- First door fouth of National Bank, up nairs. RED CLOUD. NEB. J S. GIL HAM, A TTORXSY AND COUSSHl-OR AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. D. G. WALKER, Having purclUteCiUK. M. rerkiiw' interest in the PUMP AND 1 V7IIBIV7ILL- ltuslneas Is now prcpnird to fill orders for &aine on hort noticr, nd At Bottom Prices ! Itrpnlmork. piju fitting- &ftroiiiptly attended to. Can be found ii IV rki'i oh! and at all time. He respectf "!ly Mlicili your order. antt CTrantH satitfaction. Jx-o him btfot e placing jour oniere. D. &. W i v :::::;; ,' m, Dealer In Fresh M eats, Larch. Keu Ci-oui), Neh. Cash paid for hides ii polU vLf wXi ALWAYS OK HAND. $M Nebraska LumberCo , DEALERS IN lumhi-:r,:lath, suinglfs, sash, DOORS, BLINDS itC. RED CLOUD, -(o)- EBRASKA jf DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY, THE BE7 IN THE MARKET AND K. E, Jorc. I'rc-'t John Moo o V. l'ren't E. 11. Ambler. C.ishior First ftlatsorsa! Bal RED CLOUD. NEB. Cpita3, 0sCD0. ''r'r.nnact n crncraltbarkins busine?s. buy and sell County wirrants. AIo County. Pre cinct and Suhont District bonds, Ray mid sell Tutcisn Exeh.iac. DIUKCTOKS: R. . Moore. John Jfoore, C Vf. ilother, R. C. Outcalt W.N IticharJjon. LeIMoore, 1'n.sUleiit. Silas Carter. Vlce-rres Robt. V. .Shlrey. Ca.shler. Jno. It. Slilrey, Assistant Cashier. Ii iii IMiesil hi BED CLOUD. NEB. Capital, 50,000 Special Attention Given to Collec tion. DIRECTORS: SSila Garher. Levi Moore, R. D. Jones. F. E. Goblo. Robt. V. Shiest. Washinotox, Mav 10. 1"N. WHEREAS, RY SATISFACTORY Evi dence presented to the undersigned it has been made to apiear that The Rrd Cloud Nation al Rank in the town of Red Cloud, eotuitv of Weliiter. and State of Nebraska. h:i3 complied with all the iirovNions of the revised bUitutes of t!ie United 6tate required to be complied with before an awoul'itmii shall be authorked to commence the hu-dDcs.s of banking. Now, therefore, I, John S. L-ini;vort!iy, Dep uty and Acting Comptroller or the Cunvnev, ifo hereby certify that the Red Cloud Rank in the town of Red Cloud, county of "Web ster nml State of Nebraska, is authorized to com mence the business of banking as provided hi sectinusira of the revised statutes of the United Mate. In testimony whereof witness inv hand and seal of office this loth day of .May. ii-st. ISill Simieil. J. S. Lamiwokthv, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency. 41-jiu Ui fli UfvLSip Y K Infants and Children- What plves our Children not cures tnair levers. cheeki. Cnatorla. mokea them !pi TtTicn TlihtMi fret, nnd err hr turns. "What cures their coMc, kflla their worm. t- Castortfi. What onlcklr etirw Conctloatfon. . i Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : " Catori Farewell thon to Jlorphlne Syrapa, Castor Oil and I'arcRoric, and " HallCmatoria. "Castoxia li to well Adapted to Children that I recommend it as snperier to any medi cine kcown to me." II. A. Abcbbb, M.D 111 So. Oxford St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. gpSSSZSD TAUN iiieiEfiT Buy and sell Exchange. Make col ectiond. Discount Notes and do a Banking Business. Interest allowed on all time deposits A fB!?II ''"l i" cents for postage, and re A i luMiceive fref .a box of goods whirli will help all, of either e, to more nionnv riuht away than any tli.nsr else in this world. For tune await tne workers absolutely. At once ad da,eTKL,J:&Co., Augtista, Maine. Uftlicr riPiVi JllUOt, dIUIl) AND Ornamental Painter, Paper Manger, Cataoiiiiner, Graiuer, Ilcorater. Etc., Etc. RED CLCUD. Orders solicited. Prices reasonable andwkoi guaranteed. An alsoluto care for Shea matism, Sprains, Pain in the Back, Earns, Galls, dfco. Anim stantonoons Fain- reliever. edwin c. hawley, Attorney At Lav, UEDCLOnr. . . Honest John. and lilackhawk: His get-are large size and. uecr lazy. Cood show- of colts around Blue Hlll where he stood for three seasons. Mri" M. 8 liaS'ard. of Red Cloud lias owned him and r commends him mOsttilghlv, to w hour I refer all hiedirer. Color, black. "Over thirteen hand high. Standi this season at my farm three miles north-east of Red Cloud. Terms sir dol lars. Money duo when more is with foal. WB A. B. Pierce. THE G.TY Drug Store ! R. R. Sherer, Prop. himim for Faints, OILS AND DRUGS. Proprietary Medicines a Specialty. mi mwmmiM mm A new and varied aortment of rv " tDni if