-. ' THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. m A. C. HOSMER, Publisher. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CURRENT COMMENT. Ten rncn-of war of all nations were in the harbor of Shanghai, at last reports, with one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six men. Theke are still living in Rochester, N. 1'., sixty-nine persons who voted at the first charter election fifty years ago. They will be asked to take part in the approaching semi-centennial observ ances. Notwithstanding it has been claimed that the "Black Hamburg" grape will grow nowhere in the United States but in California, llaron de Luttcchaw has in his vineyard at AValdo, Florida, a number of vines laden to their utmost with clusters of the largest size. Tiie Lake Voorhees cattle ranre of Wyoming is the greatest in the world, no doubt. It comprises one million acres of land, forty thousand of which are enclosed with a barbed fence, and has a water frontage of thirty miles. The range will freely accommodate seventy-live thousand cattle. It has fifteen thousand head. A gentleman recently appointed con servatorof a demented Norwich, Conn., man, discovered that he had over $11-, 000 to his credit in a broker's office in that city. Ueing suspicious of 'the ticker" and its environments, lie drew the money and placed it where he thought it would be more secure. Iu ten days the broker's lirm had failed. Tiie stream of German emigration is again rising, the total number of those who left the fatherland for America in the first quarter of this ear having been twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, as compared with twenty-eight thousand two hundred and ninety-one in the same period of 1883, or considerably more than a whole army corps on a war footing, A Boston boy. twelve years old, was arrested in Portland, Me., the other day, and in his pockets were found a quantity of cheap pamphlets containing Indian stories about "One-Eyed Nick, the Giant Scout,"' etc.; a revolver, a bag of cartridges, two brass watch shaius, a cheap nickel-plated watch, .vorth, perhaps, two dollars: a toy pis col, two old jack-knives, a quantity of strings, a piece of leather, a strip of calf-skin with the hair on it. a button or two, a ragged handkerchief, several pieces of woolen cloth, some candy, a lot of dirty, broken lozenge, half a dozen filthy raisins, and a handful of line dirt. The landlords and shopkeepers of Switzerland are bitterly bewailing the economical habits of the tourists who have visited their country so far this year. They say that they have had shoals of German visitors, but complain that there is no money to be made out of their customers, because they bring the frugal habits of the fatherland with them, even when they come holiday making. Very few of the richer classes of tourists have yet made their appear ance in the Republic, owing to the backwardness of the spring, and tho bonifaces are devoutly praying for warm weather and rich Americans to come their way. . In England the first four Freemason Lodges were established June 24, 1717, the leading spirits being Desaguliers, a French Huguenot, and James Ander son, a Scotch Presbyterian, who com piled the "Book of Constitutions. ' There are now sixty Provincial Grand Lodges and one thousand two hundred Lodges in England, besides a Grand Chapter for the Royal Arch Degree, a Grand Lodge for the Work Masons, a Grand Conclave of Knights Templar, and a Supreme Grand Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of the Thirty three Degrees. In Ireland the first Lodge was founded in 1730, at Dublin, and there are now three hundred and fifty of them; in Scotland the first Lodge was opened in 173C, and there are now four hundred. Mr. William H. Vandeubilt's treasure vault, in which he recently stowed away some 8100,000,000 in se curities, is one of the most redoubtable works of defense on the American con tinent, though 3ou may not bo entirely certain of that bj sun-eying his man sion from the outside. Its foundations were blasted out of the rock; the front wall is five feet in thickness, and the side and rear walls three feet, the ma terials used being pressed brick with brown-stone trimmings. The beams, girders and main pillars are iron, in cased in fire-proof material. The doors, window-frames and minor partitions are iron, marble and glass. No wood is to be found in the structure. The great vault is thirty-six by forty-two feet, of wrought iron, steel and Franklinitc iron, is imposing in strength and pro portions, and is situated on the ground floor. Its four outerdoors weigh 8,200 pounds each, and have every effective and known improvement in defensive devices. A massive wall of masonry surrounds the ironwork. The vault, which is burglar, fire, and water-proof, aonstitutes a distinct building in itself. THE WOIUD'S DOINGS A Summary or the Dally Xcwi. PROCEEDINGS OF CONG HESS. Ik the Senate, on th SK'Ji, Mr. Logan reported from tho Judiciary Com mittee a bill, heretofore passed by the Senate, extending until December HI. 1S81, the duration of the Court of Alabama Claim, with recommendation that the Senate i.on coucur iu the House amendment extending the time one year longer. On the, vote to concur, Mr. Bayard called the yeas and navs. which resulted: Yeas, ); nays lit, so the Senate concurred in the amendment of the House extending the term of the court to De cember 31, ISM. Mr. I'lumb, from the Com mittee on Public Lands reported favorably a bill to forfeit the unearned land grants of the Atlantic V Pacific Kailroad ami restore the same to settlement. The Utah bill misplaced before the Senate, and Mr. Hoar proceeded to speak iu its favor. After speaking a few min utes Mr. Hoar yielded to enable the Mexican pension bill to be taken up. It was dis cussed nt great length, but without action. ... In the House Mr. Morey introduced a hill granting pensions to all honorably discharged soldiers of the relellion who have reaehe.J the aye of torty-live. The contested election case of Wallace vs. McKinley was takeu up. The majority report unseats McKinley and de clares U allace entitled to tin: .-eat. The minor ity confirms the right of Wallace. Pending debate the matter went over for the present. Mr. Helford introduced a bill appropriating S.7.i0.noo for the erection of ahome tordisabled soldiers of the Confederate Army, at Fred ericksburg, Va. Itefcrrcd. I.v tiie Senate on the 1'Tth, Mr. Ingalls introduced a bill to provide for the sale of Sands belonging to the prairie baud of Potta watomie Iudiuus. The Senate took up the bill to grant tb; Cinnabar & Clark's Fork Hail road Company the right of way through n por tion of the Yellowstone Park. After debate the mutter went over, and the t'tah bill was takeu up. After debate a motion to adjourn was made, to which Mr. Hoar objected, and the vote being a tie twetity-cicn yeas to lwenty-cvcii nays the motion failed. A motion was immediately made to go into ex ecutive session, resulting in another tie vote twenty-nine yeas to twenty-nine nays. Mr. Hoar said lie would not ini-t on keeping the Semite, hut expressed the hope that next day there would be u long sitting in order to pre-s tin mil tiirougn. Adjourned.. ..in tiie House, the Speaker appointed Messrs. Dibrell. Williams and White, of Minnesota, to confer with the Senate on the Agricultural bill. Mr. Ellis called up the joint resolution appro priating u further sum of SIOO.WJO for the re lief of sufferers by the overflow of the Missis sippi and its tributaries. The resolution passed by yeas 1. nays TS. The House then resumed consideration of the Wallace-Mc-Kinley contested election ease. Alter debate the House proceeded to vote upon the minor ity resolution, declaring McKinley entitled to the seat. It was lost, yeas PJS. nays l.V. The majority resolution seating Wallace was adopted without division, and that gentleman appeared and took the oath of office. Ad journ isl. I.v the S-nate, on the 2Sth, the bill was reported favorably to reimburse the several States for inteiest paid on war loans. The Mexican Pension bill was then takeu up. Van'oi'.s amendments were made ami pending further debate the Semite adjourned In the House Mr. Cobb, of Indiana, lrom tho Com mittee on Public Lands, reported a bill to for feit unearned land granted the Atlantic Jc Paeille Itailroad Companv. Placed on tho House calendar 1 he morning hour was li ,cned with and the Hou-e went into Commit tee in tiie w hole, .Mr. I ox in tin cliair. on the I.egi-lative bill. It reduces the number of internal revenue collection districts from eighty-four to sivty-tliree, and increases the force in tiie Pension Ofliee. After completing the consideration of thirteen of ninety-six pages of the bill the committee aro-c. Mr. Dibrell submitted a conference report on the Agricultur.il Appropriation bill. Adopt, -d. At the evening session the House went imo Committee of the Whole, and resumed con-id-(.ration of the Legislative bill until adjourn ment. I.v the Senate, on the :29th, Mr. Hale submitted the conference report on the Agri cultural Appropriation bill. The report was agreed to. The District of Columbia Appro priation bill was taken up. discussed and iiasscd. The I'tah bill was taken up. Messrs. Voorhees and Willmms endeavored to aret up in Mexican Pension bill, but a motion t go into executive session wasngrced to. At the close or the executive session the Senate ad journed ...In the House, the following bills were reported and placed on the calen dar: Itcgulating the exportation of initiations of butter ami cheese: to di vid'j the Judicial District of Kan sas; a Joint resolution proposing the following as article sixteenth of tiie Constitu tion: The right of citizens of the l.'nited States to vote shall not.: abridged bv the Ctiited States or any State on account or na tivity. The House went into Committee of the Whole on the Legislative bill. The Mis souri delegation attacked the propo-l:ion in the bill to repeal the act establishing an ussav office at St. Louis. Mr. lturncs moved to strikeout tiie repealing clause, and insert in lieu thereof a provision making an appropri itioii tor salaries of officers and employes of the assay office. Agreed to. Other amend ments were made, when the committee rose ind reported the bill to the House. 3IISCKLLANKOUS. Andrew Bnuo.v, tho defaulting Hot Springs, Ark., banker, was arrested at St. Louis in company with Mrs. Steele, a woman with whom he fled. Neil McKeagce, charged with murder of the aged Wilson couple at Winnetkatwo months ago, was acquitted at Chicago on the indictment charging him with the mur der of tho husband. The indictment charg ing him with the murder of the wife was still pending, but tho evidence was the same in both case-;. The trial occupied three weeks-. The Mayor of New York has accented the resignation of City Chnmbctlain Tap pan, and appointed Henry Laidlaw, agent of the Bank of California, in his stead. A heavy frost was general throughout the Northwest on the night of the 2Sib. Crops were reported to have suffered se verely. Ex-Baxk President Fish testified re cently iu New York that he understood the firm of Grant & Wnrd were engaged in manipulating some fat Government con tracts, and that therefore they could afford to pay the thirty per cent, interest which he charged them for discounting their paper. A suit to enjoin Knights of Honor from removing headquarters from, Louisville to St. Louis was filed in Louisville by G. TV. McRcady. Colonel J. A. P. Bcrxside, disbursing clerk in the Post-office Department at Washington, has been removed on a charge of having embezzled $45,000 and a warrant is out for his arrest. He speculated wl.h Levis, the missing oil broker. President White, of Cornell University, left Ithaca, N. Y., for Chicago lately. He received a letter from Hiram Sibley, mak ing a donation to the University of an ad ditional building costing $SS,00'J. Disclosures as to the condition of the Penn Bank, of Pittsburgh, Pa., show defal cations amounting to $l,?.YJ,O0O. The bank lost heavily some time ago in attempting a corner in the oil market. Allegations of downright theft of the bank's assets were uiade. The skeieion remains of an unknown .nan were found on the shores of West Bay, near Galveston. At the inquest held noth ing was found to establish bis identity. His remains were evidently those of some poor unfortunate who lost his life nt sea. The National Greenback Convention, on the iXUh, at Indianapolis, nominated Gen eral B. F. Butler for President and General A. M. West, of Mississippi, for Vice-President. The ofiice and store of the Wellston mines, in Jackson County, O.. were burned by strikers recently. The Coaltoa mine; closed about two weeks ago, and their un employed laborers forced a strike AC Wellston. Captai.v W. E. Dove, of the Twelfth United States Infantry, was drowned while attempting to efoss to the Canada sitl from Fort. Niagara. The Spanish Liberal press is indignant at the Government dissolving a meeting of the opposition journals to discuss means of bettering the condition of the impris oned journalists. The Belmont coal mines, iu Jackson County, Ala., which were purchased by Grant & Ward from General John B. Gor don, shut down recently, throwing several hundred men out of employment. There will bo no June ttrra of tho Fed eral Court nt Springfield, 111., because of the exhaustion of appropriations to meet cxpsnses. Decokation Day was observed in nearly nil the cities of the Union, on the 30th, with more than the usual display of bunt ing, patriotic addresses, and so forth. Som places reported exceedingly fine pro cessions. Jim Tucker, colored, was hanged at Paris, Ark., on the 3Jth. He murdered his companion for a small sum of money lust December. A cave in under thetrackof the Heading Railway at Turkey Run, Pa., recently, ren dered six collieries idle. All traffic on the j railroad was suspende 1 The body of a workman was not recovered. The breach covered two hundred feet. A new track was being built around the breach. William Bkow.v, who murdered the p?d dler La Vigno last February, at Cahokia, 111., was hanged at Belleville on the SUb. Rochefokt, editor of the L'Intran,fije aut, of Paris, continues his violent attacks upon General Grant. It was reported his reason was that Grant refused to receive him when in America. The Hooper cotton warehouse at Balti more fell on tLe IJdth. A large number of persons' were killed iu tho ruins and many iu jured. Tho disaster was due to the build ing being overloaded, the foundation sud denly sinking. The men who recently struck on the Wabash Railroad returned to work on be ing assured their pay would be forthcom ing in a week. Frost was very general on the 29th and 30th. The damage iu the Eastern States reached hundreds of thousands of dollars. Along the West Slioro Railroad and other places there was quite a heavy snow fall. Six degrees of trust was reported in New Jersey. Ihe Frencn Government proposes t' celebrate the centenary of the commence ment of tiie French revolution in lli'X Ir is also intended to make an especially bril liant exhibition at Paris in IStL'. The work shops of tiie Swan Electric Light Company nt Lille, France, the capi tal of til- Department du Nord, bunieu ro cently and four persons weio injured be falling floors. Si'Iecel Bros., book and gents' furnish ing store, at Gicenburg, Pa., was closed by the Sheriff on executions amounting to Ferdinand Vi ard the other day said the responsibility of General Grant and John D. Fish in the Ann of Grant & Ward, was the same as his own. Perrin II. Sumner, a broker, was ar rested at New York on the charge of swindling Daniel M. Davidson, late of West Virginia, out of $10,00'). Kate Colton, a colored girl of Cairo, 111., was convicted of murder in the second ilf rpi mul spilt 'fWl tti ifnnrwmiTiiPrif-. fnr life. She poisoned a wliok family last September, nud one persoi son died from the effects. The stove molders of all establishments at Pittsburgh, Pa., have struck against n fifteen per cent, reduction. The murderer Suggs, who escaped from jail three months ago in Texas, was cap tured at Carterville, Ark. He was the actor who killed Manager Plotter in Adairsville last fall. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES. A Visalia, Cal., special says: A cloud bur.st near here on the night of the :Sl-t with such fury as to sweep away the hotii-e of Peter Stewart ami all of its inmates, consisting of himself, wife, mother, two children and R. Weisiier, a sheep herder. Tho bodies of Stewart, his mother and one child were recovered. They were fright fully mangled and their clothes torn into shreds. Weisner wns injured beyond re covery. The house was dashed to atoms. Immediately on tho conclusion of the Theodore Thomas musical ftstival iu the Exposition Hall at Chicago, on the .list ,an army of carpenters and gasfitters took pos session of the building, refitting ami alter ing it to meet the necessities ol the llepub lican National Convention. The Senate was not in session on the 31st. In the House a bill was reported granting the tight of way through the Indian Territory to the Kansas City; Fort Scott & Gulf Railroad Company. 'Ihe bill granting the rij:ht of way through the Indian Territory to the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad Company was finally passed, after its consideration had con sumed tho greater pait of the day. The bill wus passed granting the right of way through the Indian Territory to the South ern Kansas Railroad Company. Samuel M. Shoemaker, one of the most prominent business men of Baltimore ami a director of the Adams Express Company, died recently. John B. Gibson, one cf the proprietors of the Gibson House, Cincinnati, died re cently. The Pittsburgh rolling mill men -were re ported to have signed a scale of wages which settled the dispute. The strike will not take place, though the mills will shut down ten days for repairs. D. D. Hyman, wholesale liquor dealer of Gunnison, Col., has failed. Harvey D. Parker, proprietor of the Boston House, Boston, died on the 31st, aged seventy-nin. Failures reported for seven days: United States, 131; Canada, 20; total, 177 a decrease of fifty-five. In the burning of a transfer company's stables at Glasgow, Scotland, recently, two hundred horses perished. Thomas J. Watson, oil broker, arrested on the charge of conspiracy to defraud the Penn Bank, of Pittsburgh, Pa., gave bail in the sum of $35,030 -and was released. He refused to talk. A Mononuahela City special says the delegate convention of coal miners of the third pool decided to strike against a re duction of mining rates. Fifteen hundred men were affected. Ten cow boys were drowned recently in a cloud-burst during a cattle round up on Frenchman Creek, clos !o the Colorado and Nebraska State line. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. Faiuh'im generally report com planting almost completed, and most of it up. The plant looks well. Wheat botli spring and winter looks well. The acreage is about what it has been in recent years, and with favorable weather for the next live weeks fanners of Nebraska will raise an abun dance for themselves, with some to market. Oats Lave been sow n iu increased acreage this spring, and old farmers say that they never at this season of the year saw bettei prospects for an abundant yield of this grain. Altogether the crop outlook is good. The Italian, Gazolo, who murdered a man in Omaha four years ago was recently captured in St. Paul, Minn., and taken back for trial. Tin: late District Democratic Convention for the First district chose C T. Eriee, of Pawnee County, alternate to Chicago in stead of C. W. Pool, as at first published. Tin: body of a well-dressed man was found floating in the Missouri River, near Bellevue, Sarpy County, the other day. An inquest was held, and it was found that the body had an ugly gash over the left eye and a bullet-hole under the left armpit The bullet had passed entirely through the body. The neck was ended by a blue mark, as if made by a rope to produce strangulation. It was thought he bad been murdered at Oma ha and tiie hotly thrown in the river. Ax excursion party of about five hundred persons from Marysville, Kas., recently visited Lincoln, under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church, of Marysville. The permanent school fund now amounts to about S2SO.O00. Somi: of the fanners of Saunders County have discovered that an insect of some .sort, or ierhaps wonn. is destroying com to a considerable extent. Somi: weeks since a stranser with a shat tered arm arrived at Omaha from the West and was sent to the hospital. He received the best of medical aid, and the arm, which at first was in a very bad condition, was gradually recovering. Recently he received about seventeen hundred dollars, when he mysteriously disappeared, leaving a balance due at the hospital for board as well as a doctor's bill unpaid. His name was Mont gomery, and whether he intentionally left or whether there is a mystery connected with his disappearance nobody knows. North Platte has organized a base ball club. Post-office changes in Nebraska: Es tablished Reenter, Antelope Comity, Miss Anna Doty, postmistress; Chamlmis, Holt County, Rufus C. Wry, postmaster; Co burgh. Custer County, John Bnunhatigh, postmaster; Noel, Custer County, Arthur N. Bcrger, jtostmaster. Discontinued Cloudy, Cuming County. Postmasters Ap ointed Lcwisbtinrh. Harlan Countv, Lewis Rifenhergh: Red Willow, Red Wil low County, Mrs. Elizabeth Helen; Silver, Gage County, William Davis; Stuart, Holt County. John Skelton. Ax Englshman named Roberts attempted to kill himself at the house ot some rela tives near Millard the other day. but suc ceeded in only making a flesh wound in his side. He was subsepuently locked up on the charge of being insane. Ix a late saloon row at Jackson a num ber of persons were seriously stabbed. D. C. Heli'enion. Justice of the IVace, was stabbed in the pit of the stomach. The wound was believed to be fatal. Si:vj:.ti:i:n car loads of fat cattle were shipped front Crete to Chicago one day re cently. The stove and general merchandize stock of E. H. Ca'ioon, at Cheiry Creek, burned recently. The loss was f:j..-0ij; insured for S1.S00. All the property belonging to the Post-office Departmeiri and ail mail, except three registered letters, were totally de stroyed. I'm: Washburn it Moen Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, recently instituted "ve M":' U1 uie - nueit states circuit court at Omaha against RoIIin L. Downing, of Kearney: Albert. C. Lederman, of Grand Island; John W. Cole and Thomas B. Beach, of Lincoln; John W. Ditts and Augustus Fetters, of Wymnre, and John S. Price, of Fairhury. Tiie object of these suits is to prevent the manufacturing of certain kinds of bathed wire, of which the plaintiffs atlegti themselves to be the patentees. No injunctions were allowed, but the defend ants were cited to apjiear. Ax individual in male attire, but of doubtful sex. was recently arrested at Lin coln and upon general principles sentenced to sixty days at hard labor in the County Jail and to pay a line of ten dollars and costs, the specific chaige being vagrancy. Ix the rase of Le i vs. Latham, appeal from Lancaster County, the Supreme Court in a late decision at Lincoln reversing the judgment of the court below, held that ''one partner in a non-trading partnership cannot bind his co-partner by a promissory note made by him in the finn name unless he had express authority therefor, or the giving of such a note is necessary to the carrying on of the business or is usual in similar part nerships." A Gkrmax named Koebeck recently went to his home at Kearney, drunk. He had a wife and eight children. Hestnickoneof the children a blow on the head which brought the mother to the rescue, when Koebeck shot her with a pistol. The ball passed through her head in front of the lower part of tiie ear, going out on the opposite side. He then cut his" own throat, but failed to kill himself. He was a nested. The woman was not exiKH'ted to live. The man and wife had not lhed happily together for a long time. A touxo man was recently found dead iu a- cellar at Omaha. He proved to be Wil liam Matheny, of Glenwood, la. AuorsT Skiukl was arrested at Omaha upon a telegram from San Francisco officers. He explained the matter to the effect that he had been living with a woman at San Francisco who placed sixteen hundred dol lars iu bank in his name. She skipped with another man and he skipped with the money. The telegram for his arrest was made upon complaint of the woman. Mrs. Emily Williams was found dead upon the floor of her kitchen at her resi dence iu Omaha, the other morning. Mr. Williams retired at night and about three o'clock in the morning was awakened by the crying of one the children, and not finding bis wife in bed went to look for her. Upon entering the kitchen he found her lying upon her side on the floor in a lifeless con dition. The supposition was that she had started to bed and fell dead in the kitchen from heart disease. Omailv has a real live dude. A ou.i:i at the Penitentiary named Churchill was recently detected iu a plot to let a convict escape, for which Churchill was to receive three hundred dollars from the convict's sister. The guard was promptly arrested. Tin: date of the Nebraska Sunday-school Convention has been changed from June.", 4 and 3, to June :!4. and 26. The con vention will meet at Wahoo. Railroad surveyors are exciting the fanners north of Harvard, iu Hamilton Count-. They are driving stakes all over some of the farms and the farmers are con fident they can furnish the tratiic for them if they will make rates reasonable. Over forty building have been erected, or t are in course of erection, in Norfolk so fax ui5 season. R'TEUESTISG READING. The llurnside I)-f:iIctIon More of th l'eau Hank And Yet Another. Washington, June 2. In official circle the fintiezzleuicnt by Colonel J. O. P. Bum side quite took the place of poliiicjasa topic of excited gossip. The high social end official standing of the man, and his wide acquaintance, intensified interest in Uie case. The fact that it is the third con secutive embezzlement by otlicirds in this position wa sullicient to show that very loose business methods obtain in this de partment, and criticism of the system which gives an official opportunity to go on steal ing for months and years without danger of detection was unsparing. If the shrewd ad venturer Leis had not got caught and been compelled to run awav. Buruside ninrht have gone on stealing for an indefinite period, but bis anxiety to leani the where abouts of Levis excited the suspicion of the Postmaster General, and Uie investigation was at once instituted which led to tiie discovery of the embezzlement. The news of Uurnsidc's default leaked out and passed from mouth to mouth so rapidly tbat the whole city soon knew iL Everybody was asking everybody else if they had heard nf Burnsides arrest, and even body wou dcred whether he would be punished, or whether he would escape like Hor.-gate and other official felons. Everybody had a story to tell about the extent to which bucket -hops and other kinds of speculation bad led 'Jerks and official astray. The fact is this ort of gambling has become a mania with a gieat number of Governim-iit employes, fe male a, well as mala Many a mortgage of small property registered on the docket tells tale of unlucky speculation of the mortgager. Of course, few of these have opportunity to use Govern ment money, and the Burnsidc rase will probublv have the- effect of lessening opportunities in this di rection. Chief Clerk Lockwood, of the In terior Department. aid regarding the em bezzlement that lie was not greatly sur prised. "In our department," said he, "wo have a system of checks by which it is al most impossible for a thing of that kind to occur. Then was much objection to it when I first had it adopted. All disbursing officers of the department are required to render a balance slieet the first day of each week, showing the amount of funds on hand, at which depository, and their char acter. The depositor- also furnishes a weekly statement of the officer's account, ami the two should correspond." There is the same difficulty here, however, that ex ists under the post-office system. Burn sMe's books were all light, ami balanced to a cent. It was the cents which did not agree with tin Ixxiks. TIIK l'KXX HANK. PiTTSiifiMJii, Pa.. Ma :!. An intimate friend of George W. Kewley, individual book-keeper of the Penn Rank, uia.li a statement vestertiav that the chirks of D. Wilson A; Co., Hill it Co. and Watson & Co., the mythical firms, were drawn and signed by President Riddle and that the latter represented all these linns. The blind jmol lost over -54,000.000 in oil and that overdrafts on the bank aggregate 1, "00.000. Riddle, who once possessed hun dreds of thousands, lost it in oil. The ru mor that the Pennsylvania Probrtive As sociation was seriously involved by the failure is denied. The Association liad a few thou sand deposited ia the bank when the doors closed, but no claims have been rejected and they will continue business. Notices have been served on the directors for a meeting to prepare a statement for the members, which will be published the 3th of June, Thomas J. Watson, oil broker, whose ac count was overdrawn S0T.0U0. left suddenly for New York with his wife. Detectives have been shadowing his house for two days. Telegrams have been sent East to arrest him for conspiracy. There is great excitement, and other arrests are antici pated. Search was being made for about S-J"0,000 securities sent East Friday or Sat urday, and of which there is no trace. Attorneys are examining a big box of papers found in the bank, which may throw some light on the oil operations of the bank and explain many thiugs which were much talked of mysteries at the time. Nearly all assets of Mr. Riddle which are available were disposed ot weeks ago. Those turned over were those on which money could not be speedily obtained. A special from Hannony, Pa., says the Har mony Savings Bank closed iLs doors owing to money tied up in the Penn Rank. As it was known that the bank did business with the Penn Bank a run was feared and it was deemed best by the officers to close lx-fore a rush would commence. There was no state ment of liabilities, hut they are believed to be small. ANOTHER rank failure. Washixutox. May :ii. The following notice was posted this morning upon the doors of the banking house of D. W. Middle ton & Co., 1427 Fstrcet: Owing to heavy and immediate demands we have assigned to George T. Green for the benefit of our cred itors." The doors of the bank are not closed, and a number of excited persons are gathered inside talking over the suspension. No particulars are yet obtainable. Tlic Kepubliran National Convention Pre paring for the Struggle. Chicaoo, III., Juxc 2. Immediately after the conclusion of the musical festival Saturday night and before the echoes of the Theodore Thomas Orches tra and the vast audience were fairly out of the hall the Exiosition building was taken possession of by a vast army of carpenters, gas fitters and decorators, and the work of remodeling the hall to meet the require ments of the Republican National Conven tion begun. The first five rows of seats iu the center and seven on either side were taken out, leaving a space of about thirty feet between the stage ami that portion of the hall reserved for delegates. In this space rows of seats to accommodate three hundred working men and boys of the press are be ing placed. The stage and rafters of the building have been gaily decorated with flags and bunting, and from the galleries which nm in a .semi-circle around the hall the anus of each of the States and Territories have been hung. John A. Martin. Mr. New and other uieinliers of the National Com mittee have spent the greater portion of the daysu'-erintendiiig the changes which will all be completed before noon to-day. Cowboy Ilrownrd. Denver, Coi, June 2. A cattle round up camp on Frenchman Creek, near the Nebraska line, was destroyed by a flood. Eleven cowboys belonging to the Colorado and Nebraska outfits were drowned. The flood w;is caused by a cloud burst, which occurred on the small Flathead-Cheyenne Indian trail canyon. The water coming in such force, swept everything in its path; men, horses, wagons and camping outfits were carried down the stream with great force. But few escaped. The names of the missing are: Lou Witherbee, J. Lhulsev, Robert Roddy, Robert Fowler, Patrick Lynch, John Smith, L. Nethcrton. William Ferguson. William IVIton, C. Hall. The bodies of the last four have been recoverwi G REEXB ACK CONTENTION. Meetlnr or tli Natiwunl Grcriiliacfc Con Vfiitlon at Indianapolis Tin Or;jaiii7n tp tlon IJutler Nominate: The Platform. The National Greenback foment .on tc nominate candidates for Prevalent and Vice President met at Indianapolis on the 2Mb. A permanent organization was effected by the election of General John I. Weaver, of Iowa, Chairman, with a Vici-l'iesideiit foi each State, and the following Secretaries 9 C. F. Davis, Iowa; C. F.J. Doody, Nev York; S. C. Post, Illinois: J. W. Nortlirup-, Ohio; C. Roberts, Texas: S. F. Norton. 111: nois; B. W. Ferleml, New Jersey. The re mainder of the day was occupied in ap pointing committees and sh.ccIi making when the convention adjourned until inoi'i; nig. pending the report of the committees. General AVeaver proved to be a model pre- I siding officer. His speech was only abe-U fifteen minutes in length, and was dovotcd to a brief review of the work ami achieve ments of the party and a plea fr it to con tinue in the discharge of its duty. Soci'SiO Day. IXDiAN.vroLis. May SO. The National Greenback Convention reassembled yester day moniiug, General Weaver pre-.ti ng After the adoption of the platform, the ro. of States was called and C. E. Cunninglfcni of Arkansas, nominated General IJ. F. Rut ler. which was seconded by Chase, of Cali fornia, and by the representatives of X( States until Georgia was reached, wlv-i- jK Craven, of that State, nominated Harner. of Illinois. Jones, of New York, nominated E. A. A 11 is. of Wis. cousin, and Atwood. of Pennsylvania, nom inated Annstiong, of that State. A ballot resulted, Butler o2:, IIaner '.;. Alits . Davis 1. Solon Chase, though not placet in nomination, received two votes. Butler was declared the nominee. The convent io. then nrucceded to the selection of a rand. date for Vice President, and General A. M West, of Mississippi, was nominated by ac clamation. Colonel Winston, ia" North C.r olina. D. A. Hopkins, of New Jersey. Getf eral W. Y. Innis, of Michigan. George B Hutchinson, of Massachusetts, and e-Go. emor Sprague, of Rhode Island, were ap pointed a committee to wait on Governor Butler and General West, to notify them ol the action of the convention. Adjounm Tho l'tatform. f tltemtlred. That we hold the late d?ei'n:j o the Supreme Court on tli lesral fenders .i-. tion to be a full vindication :' tin ri r which this party has always advocat- d on tht rijrht and authority of Consress over the is. of lesal tender notes, and we hen b.i p. . omt-elves to nphoM said division :,; t - fend the Constitution :uraiiist ut-eraf i'- r amendments Intended to deprive the ! 'I any rights or privileges confeirtsl liytlw. i sirtimeiit. We demand the Nstie of s4. i money and in siitficicnt tpiaiiiiiit-s los,1! the actual demand or trade an 1 i ineree in aucos-hince with tin i.icrt.L of population and th dcwloprti nt r our industries. Wo demand the S'.b-. union of greenbacks for National I. notes, and the p.-mpt payment t the-1 i. debt. We waul that money v. Ii.ch suvcu i country in tine of war. and which hasi.i prosperity and liappir.iss m peace. Ui i-1: (l.-niu tin retirement of fractional cum : ' and small denomination of tneciib.u-Ls .n. demand their restoration. W- demand th Issue of the hoards' oi money now lol.iit i.j 14 the I'niti! smte.s Treasury I .'pp'A inv. tricE to the interest of th- public debt tmvr due s-econd Wetlenoun -easdaLgenius t our Republican institutions those m-tln's ar toiici s of Uie lH-mocmtic ami iteputi'icur parties which have sanctioned ami p-riuLti the establishment of land, railroad, money an ' other gigantic corporate monopolies, and vr demand such Governmental uerioii as may L necessary to take from fucIi monopolies tre powers they have so corruptly and urciusi -usurped arid restore them to the iA.-op!e tc whom thev belong. Third The public lands being the natura inheritai'oeol tiie people, we ilciouuce that policy tttliiuli has granted to corporations .': tracts ot laud, and u-cdcniund.that iitiiiicdi.it) and vigorous mca-Mires be taken to recl.tiir from such eorporiittous Tor the peoples list mid Iftftlt all mcli hnid mint as have beer. forfeited by reason of non-f ulnlhncnt of con tract or that may have been w rongftilly ac quired by corrupt Icgislutiou: an I that'siup railroad lands and other public domains t henceforth held as sacred trust to lie irran'f r only to actual pettlers In limited (uantitis and we demand that alien ownership of lam!, individual or corporate, shall be prohibited. " Fourth We demand Congressional regula tlon of Inter-Stute commerce. W- denounce "poolinir." stock watering and dissimulation in rates antl charges; and that Congress sha.' correct these abuses, even if nexr-ssary by the construction or national ruuroaus. We alsc demand the establishment ot a Government Potal Telegraph system. Fifth All private pronortv. all forms of money and obligations to pay money should bear their Just proportion of public taxes We demand a graduated income tav. Sixth We demand ati amelioration of the condition of labor by enforcing sanitury lawr iu industrial establishments, by tht abolition of. tho convict labor system.'bv tbf rigid in epoctlon of mines and factories, bv the reduc tion of the hours of labor in industrial estiitv lichments. by fostering educational institu tions, bj- abolishing cheap labor. t Seventh We condemn oil importation? ot ' contract labor made with it view to reducing to starvation wages the workingmeii of ttii country, and demand laws for its prevention Eighth We insist upon u constitutional amendment reducing: the terms of United States Senators. Ninth We demand such rules for the gov ernment or Congress as shall place all repre sentatives of the people upon an equal foot ing, and take away from the c.omudtte e veto power greater than that of the Pre-ducnf Tenth The question as to the amount 1 1 duties to be levied upon various nrticjfc ot import has been agitated.quarrelcd oveJr.in? "I has divided communities for nearly a hun dred jears. It is not now and never wii: be settle.! unless by the abolition of indirect taxation. It is u convenient issue. alwaf rnixed when the people, aro excited Ott-r abuces in their midst. While we favor a We revision of the tariff laws, with a view to rais ing revenue from luxuries rather thai necessaries, we insist that us an economic question Its importance is Insignificant us com pared with the financial issues; for. whereas, we have suffered our worst panics umleW low and also under high tariff, we have never' suffered rrom panic or seen our factories ant!' workshops stopped while the volume of mmier in circulation wus adequate to the needs f commerce. Give our farmers and manu'act iirers money as chotip as you now give our flankers and they can pay high ware to labor and compete with all the world. Eleventh For the purpose of testing e senso of tluvpeeple upon the subject we Ve in favor or submitting to the vote of the peo ple an amendment to the Constitution in favcr of suffrage regardless of sex. and also on the subject of the liquor traffic. Twelfth All dis-ahled soldier of the late war should In? equitably pensioned.and ne de nounce the policy of keeping a M,iall anr.v ot office hcldcxs who: only business is u"pn vent, on technical grounds, deserving so1-! er1 from obtaining Justice from the Government, they lie Iped to save. Thirteenth As our name indicate, we are. a National puFty. knowing no East, no V." st.i no North, no South. Having no sccticnu' prejudices w. can properlr place in norc.na tlon for the high offices, of Ptab Candida from any section r the Union. WV nppra t all people who believe in our principles to '. us by voice, and pen. and votes. Suicide rrom Pecuniary r.oe. Wavkksiia. Wis.,May;50. John Nelson. a prominent citizen of this place, com mitted suicide by hanging. He lostcc siderable money in the late Boorn.ar failure, and ever since has acted strange;' His family had made arrangements to laie him sent to the asylum for the insane ar Oshkosh. His trunk was packed and cveryr thing in readiness. While his wife was pre paring breakfast he slipped from the house and when, a few moments later, she we-tf in quest or him she found him hanging ""& the bam quite dead. Deceased lea.es a. wife and six children. This ws hia second attempt at suicide, be having ukfc pebau only a few day, -.o. , k