fwyW!ifr4i'MMMMfw:-gflKi w iiiii ''m WJ,vSmT''hrnrJiJ' mm I'riiiTiTigjfcriaafilfcLtliiT T TLZTV -7J. ' J.Tjf"l - J). y ryfswagjy 4 3 J3 rj Cloud Chief. 'ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.50 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEFi VOL. XI. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB., FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1884. NO 44. GOLDEN EAGLE STORE. 13 Last Month ' v - v The Red 3 M H C3 -OP THE- -5T OS rn - r o 3 3- d QQCQSjC w GJ UL j Cm O o3 2 rd CO o ea ft 03 rir-T (D OS Ji-H o c3 53 -jj nm p flLZ 02 03 ft CQ Hod -1 .ZZ. D 0 -H i Zh& B82 CO 60? C3CQ Mh 9 2 S w o PI o rH i l S3 63 fe w CD o RED CLOUD CHIEF EVERY FRIDAY BY A. c. hosmer. KATES OF SUnSCHTIOX: One copy, one year. - - - SI 50 One copy, ix months. - 75. One copy, four months. - 50. ftntered at the Poatofilce in Red Cloud as inat tertf the second class. COUA'TV OFFICERS. John P. Bnyha, County Clerk, ('has. Buschow, County Treasurer. iibit. O. Ycis-er, County Judge. J. Y. Warren, ShenH'. Clins. W. Springer, Superintendent of rublic Instruction. C. P. Rinker, County Surveyor. . J.M. JIoena, County Coroner. - J. E. Smith, ) Jacob L. Miller, County Com. Jno.McCallum. S Business Directory. rR. A. D. STAPLEFORD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Red Cloud, Nebraska. q E. McKEEBY, m. d., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, office. First door wot or Cooks dm? store, Ifflce hours from t) 12 :i. nu. 1 to 4. ami 7 to s p. in. lU'Milcnre 3 blocks west of court house. HEDCI.OCD. - - - F.IiirASKA. r D. DENNEY M. D., ' PHYSICLVN AND SURGEON. Office and sleeping room over Cook's druji store. n DAMERELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Orr'Ti: Over the new i-ostonlcc. )R. C.SCHENCK, PHYSCIAN AND SURGEON, ' Cowles, Nebraska. Professional cjiIIs promptly attended. Office : At reidenco Cowles. S-51 t- S. EMIGH, DENTIST. Ispcrnumently loaited in Red Cloud Neb., over Slatn Bank. 17-3m Dr. H. A. Baird, RBSIDBITTDBarTIST. BED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Frank R. Gump, jk ATTOKNET AT LAW. REO CLOUD. NEH. Collections rorciro Prompt attention. Office Over thelnew notofflc building. C. W. K.M.EY. J. L. Kaley. Kaley Bros. a TTORSEYS AT LAW. ? RED CLOUD, NEB. Agents for the B. it M. R. R. Land? 0. C Cae. Jm. SIcNeny Case & McNeny, K TTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT AT. A Will innctlee in all the Courts of thit State al northern KanM. Colleclionsj well as lit ipLted buinc"6 CHrcfully and efficiently attend ed to. QrricK- k'int door uth of National Bunk, np ftairg. RED CLuUD. XEB. Tj S. GIL HAM, A TTORXEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Re6 CLOUD, - NEBRASKA Grand Prize Drawing Every purchaser of $15, $10, $5. will be given a ' ticket in the Prize Drawing! Prizes $20, $10, $5 In goods to be selected by the lucky winner. DRAWING. JULY 1. All our goods being marked in plain figures, you do not have to pay more for goods on account of above prizes All goods warranted as represented or money re funded if found upon ex amination to be otherwise. BUY YOUR GOODS ! A.T THE OLD IfsiiableFuriiityreaiidlliidertekine ffio loo TOJKISR'S ifiSL-r-rt-i- :--5a. Q-J?.. JS-.-.. '?f sj--. X- - - .--; t- s it c cv -i si -- -:-: F-t t v j House :.i"Y J ,T W-.-i tl Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the Republican Valley and my prices can not fail to please. R. L. TINKER is Patronize Home. w orks i FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS Of Every DescriptionlManufactured.b" The M Oioud Carriage '-a Sleeper, Manager, W'v tiso only the lMt nuitcrial tin marlt t nlTonls In the ni.t'iufai titro of our eliicl( niul amlllifreliy li.ui' vi;uil:iuidt'!)M.'iln-put.i:i(iiiforpH)d work. I:th werked a Iifi--tiiiit' :it tl-e Imslms. t fi-d w:ir-intpl in vuariiiti-i-Ii.i; entire salis t.Htioii. WearcaKopri'iiarciI t do all kinds of Job Work and Repairing ! Horse-shoeing, Plow Work ! Ac, at the ino r.a-oi)aMc nrlci's. All work warranted. Noir- Imt the bet wo-knriu eniilorl. Your on1et:ir- ix-in.ftfnll solicited. CS Wv anMinwlrx-ated in OUU NEW MUCK 1SUILDIXH, whore we will he -lad to wv :dl iir friends and jiatrun-.. eR Men tuir r vi vjy a i i I ,By Patronizing Home you j can always get At Same Prices I That you will have to pay for an inferior article shipped J in from the east. All of ' our Buggies are Warranted. ;EED CLOUD CAEEIAGE WORKS m' i m ! h - S3) mj m AM tji IMJ W" 1 S!:!! if sm r' IU -' W.'W W-H Mi H i.i1 w w m, m f-l xy W afeHay (! -irrt. ! ! 19 5 H SBTi" J DEALER IN Dry Goods and Dress Goods Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Hamburgs, Laces, Notions, Hosiery, Ribbons, Etc. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA.- Always keep onjirndi full and complete line of the atone goods nl will sell them (BMKAP FM d3A Ji - - & All! ods j;tiani:iteed aa represented ornioiiey n'funiled. C.i and examinethcir .-toek before before yon buy. OppoMte tate Hank. New Goods Constantly! Arriving. Hrs.S.'R.McBride's, THE LEhDHUS MILLINER! -HAS- ism & i Dealers In Fresh Meats, Lard, J?ed Cloud, Xed. Cash paid for hides & pelts. JBrf V A"K&if faik iuiBti H W fiA always on Hand. jH Nebraska Lumber Co., -DEALERS LY LUMBER, LATH, SHIXGLFS, BASH.IDOORS, BUNDS AC. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA -(o)- DBY LUMBER A SPECIALTY, THE BEST IX THE MARKET AND SOT,? AT THE LOWEST PSIICISH. R. E. Joere. Prcs't John .Moo e V. Pres't E. II. Ambler. Cashier First National Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. Capital, 50,000. Transact a xencral banking bu'inosF, buy and fell County warrant. Alo County. Pre cinct and School District bonds. Buy and sell Foreign Exchaicc. DIKECTOUS: H. E. Moore. John ilfoore. C VT. Mosher, K. 0. Outcalt ' V . N Kichardjon. The Largest and Finest assortment of Milline;ry Goods ever brought to the city. Have the Largestand Most Complete Stock, and Sell the Cheapest. Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard. Agent for B utter ick's Patterns. S. R. McBRIDE. REAL ESTATE LOANS! On Farm Property ! Southern Nebraska and Northern Kanesis, at 8j and 9 per cent, interest Without Commission ! APPLY TO I Certifleate of Authority from the Comptroller or tne currency for the Red Cloud Nation al Bank to begin Btulnesa. Washington, Mat 10. 18M. WHEREAS, BY SATISFACTORY Evi dence presented to tlu iinilpndimcrt it h leiIoore, lresident. Silas Carlier. Viee-Pres Robt. V. Shirey, Cashier. .Ino.'IJ. Shirey. Asistant Cashier. 3d M EU hi RED CLOUD, NEB. Capital, $50,000 Special Attention Given to Collec tion. DIRECIORS: Silas Garbcr. Levi Moore, R. D. Jone. F. E. Uobio. Robt. V-Shirky. M D L Ell RED CLOUD. NEB. 1 Buy and sell Exchange. Make col ections. Discount Notes and do a 3eneral Banking Business. Interest allowed on all time deposits end six cents for iota?e. and re- a mm T iTi i iT . li t m ' """ "" "l P""" ""leu .-Mie is prepare to make, lit and cut dro'-es .V.."...t ". t;i,i'c i i .Vi,c '" .7 P"1 ,aiesl anri rn03r approved lawuons, at the away than .any Uilnir else in this world. For-1 reasonable prices. All kind or v'n i - J11-11. Ihr xort;"rs aso!iitel,v. At once ;id-1 Call and M-e her when you want an.Mhins i ... .i., tt i .jiiarf, jvuuc urcsnuuiinzuae . uii-tf i Dressmaking and Cutting Mrs. S. M. Cupp, Is prepared to do all kinds of Dressmaking, - Fitting,! Cutting, Etc. At her residence. In the rear of L. Ratinrt store. in the most done, n the U2J-U the United States required to be complied with before an :vssoeiation shall lie authorized to commence the business of banking. Now. therefore, I, Johns. Uuiiomrthy. Dep uty and Actlnj: Comptroller of the Curreacy. ik hereby certify that the Kctl Cloud National Hunk In the town of Red Cloud, comity of Web ster and State of Nebraska, is authorized to com mence the business of banking as iinivided in section 5HW of the revised statutes of the United States. til: r w IV f SkalJ, Siimed. .1. S. IvN'owdRTHv. In tratimony whereof witness nrv hand anrt eai oi omce mis loin day oi .nay, 184. ISkalI Sinned. .1. S. I.ivrcw.m Deputy Jind Acting Comptroller of the Currency. ii'.i Honest John. The lUely .lark. No. I stock i- e. Mammoth and IlLiektiawk. His jret arv hin:e size and ncerl.y. dooil show of colts around Bine Hill, where he stood for three seasons. Mr. 31. S. Italian!, of Red Cloud has owned him and re pommends him most hkrldy. to whom I refer all hiqulreni. Color, black. Oter thirteen hands high. Stands this season at mv farm three; miles north-east of Red Cloud. Terms six dol lars. Money due wiieu more is with foal. A. B. Pierce. edavin c. haw ley, Attorney At Law, red cloud. - - nebl V ti t i' V ? i 4 V & l t ,r, a .xJ3 Ei 35??SCr