r -tV v -A 4. fc r? f. 1 STORIES OX THE ROAD. Commercial Travelers at a Wayside Inn Something to put hi a Gripsack. "Gentlemen, I almost envy you the positions you fill ; your experience of the world ; your knowledge of business the changing sights you see, and all that you know.'' This warmly expressed regret fell from the lips of an elderly pleasure tourist, last August, and was address ed to a semicircle of commercial trav elers seated on the porch of the Lindell Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. "Yes," responded a New York repre sentative of the profession, "n drum mer isn't without his pleasures, hut he runs his risks, too risks outside the chances of railroad collisions and steamboat explosions." "What risks for instance ?" "This, for instance," said 3Ir. D. W. Franklin, who was then traveling for an eastern firm, and is known to mer chants iu all parts of the country. "The risk which indeed, amounts al most to certainty of getting the dys pepsia from perpetual change of diet and water and from no fixed hours for eating and sleeping. I myself was an example. 1 &ay was, for f am all right now." "No discount on your digestion ?" broke in a Chicago dry goods traveler, lighting his cigar afresh. "Not a quarter per cent. But I nad to give up traveling for a while. The dyspepsia ruined my paper. Finally I came across an advertisement of Park er's Tonic. I tried it and it fixed me up to perfection. There is nothing on earth iu my opinion, equal to it as a cure for dyspepsia." Mctfis. Hiscox & Co, of New York, the proprietors hold a letter from Mr. Franklin stating that precise fact. Parker's Tonic aids digestion, cures malarinl fevers, heartburn, headache, Coughs and colds, and all chronio dis eases of the liver and kidneys. Put a bottle in your valise. Prices, 50c and $1. Economy in larger size. Hakoveb, 0., Feb. 13, 1S84. After having lung fever and pneu monia I had a dreadful cough and could not sleep at night. The doctors told me I had consumption and wouls die. I have taken six bottles Piso'd Cure and my cough is entirely gone and I am well as ever. Emelixe Ford. Hncklen's ArnicaS alve. world. Warranted to speedily cure Surns,Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers, Saltrheum Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains corns, Teeter, Chapped Hands, and all Bfcin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded. .25 cents per box. For sale bv 2Uyl. Henrj' Cook. Grigps' Glycerine Salve. The best on earth can truly be said of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, wtiich is a sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds. burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptions. Satisfaction iniar- anteed or money refunded. Only L cents. For sale by A. Lindley. Seek No Further. It is said an old dhilosopher bought an honest man with a lighted lantern, and humanity has since been' leekine ah hane"st medicine by ..the .light of jtnowjeuge. it nag at eiigtufunu it in "Dr. Jones Red Clover Tonfc, which cures all diseases of the blpod,.removes pimples, and acts promptly upon the' liver and urinary organs. Only fiflarj cents a oottie to be Had ol A. landlev. H- Whea yoa coma to think of it, It to not odd tlut literary people prefer pipe to m cixar. It U handier to moke wben they are vrrlOag, and ever ao much cleaner. And then it gives them the true e ibjcb and flavor of the tobacco. The moet-faaUdtona cmokera amon all Mtiona and all diasrsof men agree that the tobacco gron-n on the Oolden Tobacco Belt of Sorth Carolina to the moat delle. ions snd reined in the world. Lighter than Turkish, more t ragrant than Havana, freer from nitrate and niooUne than any other, it to Jcat what the connotoaear praties and the habitual smoker demands. The very choicest tobacco grown on this Belt is bought by Black well's Durham Tobacco Co.. and appears in their celebrated Bull Durham BmokinfrTebacoo..- Ils mown mo world over. Oet the pcnulne.wifhBull trado-mark. then you will be sure of having abso lutely pure tobacco. OiKHmtdfnm lad weak.) How Watch Cases are Made. In 1875, thirteen men comprised the entire working force used in the manu facture of the James Bout GoldWatck Gjusc K o w over Jive hundred are employed, and the number is constantly increasing. The rea son of this increase is this: lathe James JW Gold Watch Que all the metal in sight snd Btibjccttowearisfotcf jroW.whilet ho re mainder, which only lends strength to the case, ii of stronger metal than gold, giving gold where gold is needed, and strong, elastic metal where strength and elasticity are needed, a combination pro ducing a watch case better than solid gold and at oke-half the ooU -57 Over 200,000 of these cases Vyy have leen sold, and everyjcweler in the country can testify to their quality and merlt XrDr)OTOi,MiCH..Dee.ri,iB. E. W. March, of the Drmocrat. bought a Jag. n!P Gold Watch care 18 years arc, and carried it until short timeatro, when I purchased it, and sold it to m customer. that nstural tn mv caMt. and I am Batulil can Tfce case allowed no ln of wear, erect aafclyarantwrffnratleartteBvearjmore. I have n be aold tbe James Born'OoldWatchOamloraaaaTrean, and the parties wno bUKht tbe firat onea are canr iait them twUy. a well nticfied an thrmrh they had bowrbt aiinln!dcacotinirtwicctUeuiouey. I reirard them as Ui onljrcaam of this kind Jeweler should sell trbo dcoirca to plve his customers tao worth of their money or values bis reputation. XV U. J. CUSHWAT, Jnrittr. 6rm 1 ml U to KjUm WUli Ce TarUrlM, rfciU. VlpkU, r far IllintraUd raasklrttkawlagkew JaiM Hum aa4 Kf jt WaUk Cbm art ansa. (To be Continued.) I mlKm ' .B ,y . ,'W ;- "0l0 83N '00013 OIU HSUVN'S'Vi ;-& I saiB&cefi 1 linsantr uf o-xos tr Hit" ej -:o i sov HDJiv is xna spjom 8IPI a jajff !jou a xv asaq :yeq j; i 33T033" 33Tjds uo Sujips u3iM oa Aiaissbd uk 3JDlLA3Sp JO 'pnOJ3 p3"JJ TJI 3JOS AUB UTJljj 1 HSVO noX 3S UTJD puB II HStf VPV SB 'PHom aip jo sSbjs siip b op aou iav Jzuoyi si aunj,,, pe pjo ifx -:o:- 'S80LIJ U'Bd-pjBH Vs PTS Stnag; 9jre spoof) 8cieiTM sjoisAjaaojgpuespoogJo TJ p3J3JJO AVOU AjIUniJoddo tf3jS 3l J3piSUO0 pUB 'X13 3ip 3AB3J XoA 3JOJ3g H ysc -&&-& -eoo" 'AcmeTulverizer John Boesch, Amboy, Neb. Harness -TiY J. L. MILLER, DEALER IK HARNESS' COLLARS, SADDLES HORSE-BL AXK ETC. WHIPS. COMBS. BRUSHES. HARNESS OIL And everything usnally kept in i first class shop. Two doors north of 1st Nat. Bank- RED CLOUD. NEB. Trunks dc Valises. Infants and Children " "What Rlres our Children rov cheeks. What cures their fevers, makes them sloep; Ciuitnrl. When Babies fnt. and err by turns. What cures their coHc, kills their worm. Cawtorl. . What quickly cure Constipation. Bour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : Caatortt. . farewell then to Morphine flvrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, anil ((Castorla. If to well adapted to Children that I recommend it as superior to any medi cine known to ."-II. A. Aucher, M.D., 111 So. Oxford St. Brooklyn. N. Y. ENTAUl INIM&NT An aliaolmt ovr fcr Xke , Sjmdsa. Paia i& the acii,.onrM,ttaUa,c. Anin- I Jfaial- TClieTr. Shop, . 'OS3"$0f& 04fr&&&Q&&&&&k&$ niiwiaau Agg, tfsui 0'"?!OP:'y:5:rir;00: 0; t!ov rareTy does lm8 a rarnier oontt'miimte a m-wly hammed Held with .satNf.-tction? He walks over it :i!i(l'ts!icri' .ml there seed un ronvored; here a furrow slice untouched lieeaie the surface w;w not quite level, and there a Imncliiif stultlilp drawn into a heap hain dntp ged the oil and seed before it for vard.s. lie shakes his head sadlv and witlies there wis a harrow that would c the work perfectly; level- ifM f hf. milt.), fi1witti. hnxiblim im l.u .In.ld ..! not oidy pulverizing the soil, but tundnj: it over me seea seea m inai mis is ail covcren to an even depth and without waste. Hut the farmer who ues the "Acme" Pulverizing Harrow. Clod eniMier and lee!er hs none of the sadness and diapioiiitineut. for his Held are leveled and mellowed and smootlted and the se-d properly covered. Fall plowed ground especially needs Uiw jiertvft work which Ii done quicklv and without flie need of any spring plowing Tills alao Is a trK)d rultivntor until the corn Is above twelve inches iuhcighth. For sale by Parlor Saloon, N. LONGTIN, Trop'r, Red Cloud. Nebraska CHOICE Wines, Liquors ui Ci: ALwAYS IN STOOK. Fine billiard tables for lovers of the game. J. N. Rickards, M kills I mrnn Agent, RED CLOUD, NEB. "Will buv and sell lands, and insnro town and farm property, attend to all kinds of conveyancing. Tenudo Insvaoea on r7orabl Terms, Office: AtSmith Bros. Farm Loan Agency. C. A. OWEN ) H9USE, SIGN, AND Ornamental Painter, Paper Manger, Calsoiiilner, Graiiier. leeortter mtc. Etc. RED CLCUD. Orders solicitetl. rrices reasonable andwork ciuirantced. LYON&HEALY State & Monroe Sis.. Chicago WHlietiJprttiaidUu) aJdraiuair . BAND CATALOGUE, Irmfou, Epaalc, CfLMmfm, r iBMnuwaw. saiia, uii, ihih HU. Sanjrr inat Outtta, lpilrlor ;Mttil, a"o tucl-iUt Iuirnrtton nJ Lx- XOdS asBBBLssH i ?;:i3R emm icr a mv.r n uci, asa a vawNat eflsLc&uutiJatb ft I Seven men caught steel ing Barb Wire, and have accumulated and im mense stock, andeccret ed in MORHART & FULTON'S Store and must be sold at once at DRucS HENRY COOK. Saau.r In. Drugs, Paints,Oils Notions, Wall Paper, Ac. Refl Cloud, Nebraska, Geo.'O. Yeiser. R. D. Yeiser Ceo. O. Yeiser & Co., Ed Estate k hmm k RED CLOUD, NEB. So. 5 W) acrt's. loo acres under fence and M arrces uiiler cultivation. Good two story house; ham uithstone basement, 32x10; running water on place; i flue "dock farm. No. 7 14) acres, .T J miles from UimI cloud. 35 acn-s fenctd, 105 aeres under cultivation. Very cheap. No. 15 M acres smooth land, fio acres under cultivation. One mile from school house. 2. Xo. ! iHflacres 7 miles from town; 60 acres under cultlution; line farm for SOT). No. in C-laeres near Cowles; well ImproTed and fine luul, for sjile ver- cheap. No. 12 llSacres, 2j J miles from towu; 30 acres fenced: 65 icres under cultivation; running water, franiuhouse, barn. etc. Ver' desirable. 11 ico acre. 8 miles from Ited Cloud; ninning v.-;iter: fine fjcm; cheap and on easy terms. Its Kuiefaranf IfO acres. GO acres under cul tivation; nlitiiilauce of fntit; apples, peaches, grapes, chcrrie.. and small fruit; very desirable, and cheap. Correpoudoncu solicited. WM, gates, DEALER IN RED CLOUD, NEB. Is now fully prepared to buy CATTLE and HOGS, for which he will pay the HIGHEST PRICES ! See him before you buy. It will pay you. New Office and Yards-TMLZ iaa. devii Creaaaax-. Clough's Patent WROUGHT IRON PtJMPS Are i-.otuctled by all to stand without a rival for Cheapness, Simplicity, Durability and Perfect Working. Iay aside the old wooden pump thtst belong to tne ape of wooden plows, wooden forks and wooden shoes, and pet nice, lipht and handy iron p'ump. that will compare with the plows and other implements of our time. Clough's Patent Wrought Iron Pump, is not onlv perfect in its workine, but needs. no repairs, and will last rh long as a crow bar. Look at sample set on Web ster street, in Public well. For sale by D. C. WALKER, RED CLOUD, NB Sole Atrent for Webster County, Xeb oeo tne pump betoreyou buv. THE C8TY R. R. Sherer, Prop. Mmm b faiits, OILS AND DRUGS. Proprietary Medicines a Specialty. SCHOOL S.Qm.AT!ONER?,&sd ?mm A new and varied assortment of LAMP AND LAMPFIXTOHES JUST EEGEIVED Call and examine our CHOICE MAJOLICA W-IKE. No trouble to shuw coodi. 4k LVE STOCK Ml ML1 I Store ! mm Ground Floor Prices to avoid detection and make room for heavy invoices of Ranges, Stoves, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Creamery, Dairy and Transporta Fu r a i ture Store Foiu1 Doors North State Bank, RED CLOUD, Furniture, Picture Frames, Brackets, k, L, UNDERTAKER'S GOODS R. E. HABESNAPE P DEALERS IN Red Cloud, 9 3 a4 t4. Span ogle & Funk, Daalers in all kinds of HLTiU IFLED imi SEWING MAHINES, Etc. Bed um CInf w IBLEY'S rFOU AIX CLIMATES ififli r.minmiF mm -r - siiurs suos. HIRAM SIBLEY It CO. Rochester, N.Y. Chicago, ill. THE QUIT TROTS mou .TONIC facts coram IttrtliV'-'tTand enrich tho BH.QOD,renlata the HWtR nd KIDNeYSjandRMTOBK th HZAX.TH td VIGOR of TOTHI In ail ttiose Huaerenti!rlnKcertalnandefflclen.TONlC e?pcclallrlyr-pl3.WantorAppeUtc.Int:iKea tlon, Lack f StrcnitUi. etc.. Its use Is inarkcd irlth Immenlate andttondertnl rcsotts. Bonps, rc ancles and nerres recelre new force. ZnUTena the mind and soppllei Hraln Tower. m ba snOrliir troni alt complaints LAll9 peculiar to Uielrscxwlir and in KB, HABTEK"S IkOS TOIIIC a safe and speed J" cure. It B cs a rlrar and healthy con:uIcxloii. Tbe strongest t'-stlm-ny to the Talue or DR. nABTKR'S Ino.T Tonic Is lliat frequent attempts at connterfcltltiirlui oty aiMed to tliepopular. lty of Uie original. Ifyuu earnestly desire healtfi. do not experiment neiuio uuioi.-ai. a-a uni CSTtM. ltv fnr wi."MRAK BOOK.- :) follof stransBaxul otfefal lofjrTcatloa. Itse. J On. HARTtn's Iron Tcmo is forOalx by ml DStUaOJTBAMO UHUM CVUIIRJIIUB 30 TCcarm JCspcrtsnco FEEE. HOBIETREfiTKENT Of Nervous and Seminal Oc- Dtiny, awiriy uecay, lass of CasBssasaTlf!'awram00r' tlr10 8TeTla!siii MeswT. sad avoid Qwaeaerr. Bol tniswa. BOOK tt Pr.T. Wnj.TaTfS.JEJlwaqkge.'Wia. ASTOUNDING DEVELOPMENT , tion Iron Clad Cans, upon which the utmost human skill and genius have been employed combining, durability utility and perfection ! I Veni Vidi Vici. new NEBRASKA. Mr PSWS LOIEI ETC. Nebraska. 11 l9 AIX SOlIS, AIX CROPS. niavuwis I imu roos suit. wiM fimwc wcMniM a Mfftrumii i KaxrtaMssspdyOB.fwtra.awTmartiJffsi "Astothsanooass of joor medicine, tbls I kaotr.wTMraat ai samitlaisari I waawsalcleaa sad staop-aBooldarod, HtaasviraUoM,batstaazd fore toaxacut taea, vtassi nJtrts era sasal la toaalaa; asd rolling upon aiespiasBDsd. whose dan wera oaontad by aalaaabolr ts lailsaorbllahtsd by httndlng htadar he lM7wboreaa LtetwBSkBwoaMtbaa. How, niter the tus of yonr acet aaeallset reaasdr.I fselrarsaU a M AN eit. atroaat ateht ITS Iha tiliita ao onod that I whlatls la tha ttoat aiidaboatOBtodoora. IaalsbtofaUthlstbat&SOstafca lato Insignificance. Iwisalmiahtbeablotobeaelttled Kdelndid yoaaa asea by rseossiBsodlna your resasdy.' The original letter from -which the aboTe la as extract, and tereral hnndred others exprcstlnir similar optnlons.ln equally strong terms.are on Die and will ba shown to anyoneeilllnxatoarofflcea who shows that his Interest In the matter arise purely from a deslro to guard against Imposition. HARRIS REMEDY CO. Mf G CHEMISTS. M&rttart and Stfi Sta ST. LOUIS, MO. CBaatea'itrt4tst. tcnmatii K. tins sstij 7. ioTisraivrc E lDr.LaBarce. E myicocB!uB to .MM Mw - kVK diaaJ ki a. I a r - -mr . r- Xmarlai affii nasi. SrientiflctiTatiaeutj de and mn. mnria-a. DtCinnitlrt Treated. Call or write for lilt of rnt.if to be antwfTMt 6y thoe dctiric? &atmat by maU. T?" "ae nvai Rptar ihoald ml IMr addfm.ti iaadlaraaaM(!ihtalWara4Taatac rthaotatra! Tratnl af. Sure. la.tltnl.OiO lom.t iu. M. l.cKBo. 6cceortoDr.lUaj'IiupKaar7. AnnifUlwt 30 lean! MIS mm HLf.la, n mg SEEDS k4vAk v mYp nUI a Faiilanil Systei SJK<Gafiicring EEEERHH tta& for Catafegne Is HEHH Davis & Rankin, EKEEK!;)EREyRJ scccxsuiits to Rff-yBWyisW Davla & Foirlamb, KawtSvavlHKI pcaltss ct PKSrl CreamerYSupDlies. EEEp EEEEEEEEfcRgRErm Wt w SsWstaSiSi 9HasV 24to28MIIwaukeeAY. r s t