'J J &? 3& A ?& - - A5 - .J J i ?ia wUv( v'IWpiTfP r . The Red Cloud CHipm-TnEce-,)rateaScUzbooLsan,lshnos JFp"rmo:i,bny.s ladies, miwes and chil- A. C. HOSMER. Proprietor I-1! I) - N M V 23 To'Onr Subscribers. We hope our subscribers who have not already paid up -will come in and do so at once. It take? monov to run a paper. The little amounts here and there are small to you, hut amount to a great many dollars to the publisher. Tiikki: will he a special examination of teachers at Red Cloud on Thuisdav May '20, 1SS4. Chas. V. Spkinv.ku. ' Superintendent. Wanted Immediately two blacksmiths and a wagon maker. Must be good mechanics, steady work. Red Cloud Carriage Works, Red Cloud Keh. Stork Pastured at Red Cloud mills. Socts per month for yearling-;. 5 for two year olds, 40 for cows, 00 for colts and 75 for horses. Failed and attended to by Marvin Chase at the mills. 42-Jml j. Q. 1'ottkr. All persons knowing themselves in debted to Mother it- Son inii.-t call and settle by July 1. or their accounts will be left for collection. w Mo-1 n:u it Soy. Fro-di Fish. every'Friilay at Mosher it Son's market. meat 15: irk! Trirk! All orders properly signed and her wanted, will leeeivo prompt timi. Ready for delivery Tlrir-day next. W. II. Ludlow it Son. nnni- tten- every Friday market. at Mother & Son's meat CUV lUtKVntKS. New good at Mrs. Fowler's. Co.MMi-J-tON'Kits met hist Tim r.-day. Thk U. P. surveyors are now in Red Cloud. The rain spoiled the Presbyterian festival Friday night. Ouu friend Xelson,Conc made us a pleasant call Tuoday. Thk opera house' wa opened to tiie public on Saturday night. Mrs. L. TtRADituooK, of Grand Island, is visiting Mr. F. Uradbrook, our pho tographer. Dn. Stapi.efokd has '-flung to the breeze" his sign. The Doctor has ruinc to stay. W. N. Riuhai:i)so: has purchased four Tolland Angus bulla. They aie line animals. Don't forget Decoration Day. Every person .-houM turn out and observe the day properly. Cowi.es is building ip rapidly and at the pra-en: time lias several build ings under headway. Asm Ell lot uf the favorite crr.-h hat will arrive this- week at tiie Uoldcn Ea gle clothing store. A hkntlkman, w understand, will open up the harnos.- .-hop lately occu pied by (). ;. Rober;, in a few day. Rev. Q. C. Toon preaches h; fare well .-einioii ne.l S.dtbath inoiniii-a: 11 A. M.at the Congregational churcii. We are under obligations to C. Coon, of (iarlield precinct, for some of the Hnc:-t rhubarb we have 1'ver cen. AltotT sixty J.ipane-e ja-!-ed through thi city, for the ea-t, Monday. One or two real live princes were among the party. The ladies' R. IT. M. society will meet at Mrs. Rraketield.- rue-day af ternoon, May 27. A full attendance w reque-ted. The next meeting of the commis sioners will la-i from ten to eighteen days. They will be engaged on equal ization problems during that time. A.vn now the small bnv runs away from .-eho'! and goe- swimming, plays m:;ii.-, ami enjoys the innocent iimusenient- that spring brings forth. The Woman's Relief Corp will meet at the G. A. R. Hall Monday, May 26, at 2.:;) P. M., all members are request oil to be present. Ella Fennan secre tary. Watt Chamrers has resigned the f Mice of deputy sheriff, and has gone to sheep-shearing. Mr. Rail ha been appointed to the portion by Sheriff Warren. The Red Cloud National Hank is dren can he' found at the Golden Eagle clothing store. Why do the people patronize the Golden Eagle clothing store. Tim an swer is? because they can find a full line and prices that defy competition. Grace, youngest child of Rev. C B. Lenfcst. had a narrow escape on Tues day morning. Siie fell in a tub of wa ter and had it not been for timely aid wou'd probably have drowned. M. L. Thomas, route agent on the Crete and Red Cloud run,' had his first experience in railway collisions on Wednesday. His train and another collided. Fortunately no one was hint. Our friend, C. L. Kirk, has resumed his position as tram agent, and makes daily trips between Hastings and Red Cloud, looking after the tickets of through passengers. Mr. Kirk makes a good ofiiccr. There will be a temperance mass meeting at the M. E. Church next Sab bath evening. Two prize cs-'ays wi it ten by the young people of Red Cloud on the subject, "Cause and Cure of In temperance." Five minute speeches and songs will be expected. Square dealing, low price are bound to win. any one can see this by the jitnount of business the Gulden Eagle clithing store is doing since (. Wiener has taken posse-don of the place, moro business is done in the store now in a few days, than formerly in a month. The fun has commenced. Tho skat ing rink has been fully opened ami every night so far has been crowded with people who were eager to learn the art of roller .-ka'in g. On Saturday night two prizes will be given to the two most awkward skaters. The first prize is a silver cup; the second n sea son ticket. "Ovfr the hill to the Poor house." An extensive stock ra'ser living four mill's north of Inavaie, bv the name of Heurv Toor. was suddenly thrown; from his equilibrium on the 20th of May by the announcement that a' fat little chub of a girl weighing only eleven pounds had come to claim a home with him. Died at 7 p. m., May 14, little Guy Warner, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Warner, age three years. His death was a very sudden bereavement to bis fond parents and relatives He wa.- playing around quite well the Fiiday previous, but was taken with spinal meningitis ami died on Fiiday. The funeral services were largely at tended by the many relatives and sympathizing friends. On Monday the high water in the Republican river wa-bed out. tiie south bank, and so undftinincd the ground that it caved in, leaving a dangerous place and making it impo ib!e for teams to cro-s the biidge. Commis sioner Miller set about at once to have the repairs made, and consequently a 36 foot span was ordered put in to make good tho damage done bv the water. The bridge is now all right. ()v Monday night between ten and twelve o'clock a pretty heavy wind blew from the south-west, verging slightly on the hurricane order. The wind was very strong and blew down some -beds and a windmill tower for Eu-tisitGriflits on their ranch north of .town, moved a barn and frame for a dwelbng in fhis citv. Ne great damage I 1 1 i 1 .-.., .! 1 1 Mr C 1 oecn reporici up m time, aim pron amy none occueni n any extern. Red Cl.oUD now has two solid Na tional banks, viz: Tiie First National Rank 'and tho Red Cloud National Baok. both of whom have a paid up eipital of .".0.0.10 each. The Chief feels a pride in the enterpri-ing bank ing houses of Red Cloud, and wishes then both prosperity. With our new rai'roads. solid banks, go-ahead busi ness men 'and enterpri-ing citizens. Red Cloud is bound to be the leading city of Western Nebraska at no late d.av. Mr. Rean. of the law firm of Real ty it Regan, of Hns'iugs, w.i in tl;i city last week, trying to settle with Humphrey Smith. ii the cae of Mal lctt vs Smith, which wa decided in fivor of Smith at the last term of court. Regan said that the case had been mis represented to him by pnriiei living in Ibis viejnily. and now wished to settle with Mr. Smith on behalf of his clients. It is often the case that expensive law suits are brought about bv misrepre sentation on the part of some one. The fourth of .Tulv will be dulv cele- Read Mrs. McBride's ad. Fourth of July hats at Mrs. Fowler's JtoLLER skating caps at the Golden Eagle. New coods thi3 week at Mrs. Me- Rride's. Butterick'3 Patterns at Mrs. Mc- Uride's, Henry Cook has had his house painted. Cheapest millinery in the city at Mrs. Fowler s. Hair waves at Mrs. McBride's fifty cents to six dollars. For very elegant goods at low fig ures call upon Mrs. xowler.v Me. Suokeseield has named his bakery "The Home Bakery." W. E. Jackson has one of the hand somest groves in Webster county. Rev. rAriiER t lrary will liolil ser vices at the Catholic churcii June 8. A Riverion man was fined $2 and costs fo- fast driving one day last week Mr. J. W. Roiieris, of Sterling, Neb. visited his brother, O. G. Roberts, on Sunday. Mrs. F. E. Gori.e is visiting in Illi nois. Mr. G. is baching during his wife's alwen What has become of the proposed brick buildings that were to be built this spiing and summer? Roller skating is now the sport of the people, lhe opera huu&e io pretty well crowded every night. Mr. FoRUE-TERintendsfiillingup tho draw east of his residence and other wise improve his property. The mo-t fashionable, the prettiest and the latest styles in hats, :it the low est prices at Mrs. McBride's. Let people subscribe libcra'Iy to wards the fourth of July celebration when the finance comniitlto call on them. The Baptist fair and festival held Tuesday night was a giant! success, and netted the projectors considerable money. Ice cream and soap bubble cnter taiiiineiit at the M. E. chinch, Tues dap evening Ms'y 27. A vase gien to ine oau ;"). tuoale enough to blow the ':ir;e;t Mi'bble. John Parc&s is about to put on style, with one of the finest set of gold moiiiiteil harness we have ever seen. They aie on exhibition at J. L. Miller' shop, John is little but feels as big a any of us now. Dr. Siwn.KFORD has opened up his oHice in the Slate Bank bloc!.. He now oll'eis his'piofessioiial service? iO the people. IPs card will he ibiiml elsewhere in this issue. The Chief office is prepa;ed to do all kinds of book and job printing in the latest and most approved style of the ait. Work guaranteed. Keep a complete slock of wedding goods, sta tionery, etc. Mr. Ludlow it Son, proprietors of the brick yards, have now their second kiln of 00,000 brick about ready for the market. They have : un. her ready of about 75.000 brick. They sell the brick as fast as they can burn them. J. H. Remsiiuro, wife, son and daughter, of New Mexico, are the guest of Mr. Brakefield's family. Mr. R. and son go east, and the wife ami daughter will remain in Red Cloud for a visit with their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Brakeficld. I Order Xo. 1. Memorial Day. Ijiicof iiiun-li: I'rtH'cHsIiiti form mi Webster .livtt. hivil of lolmaii in front of I'ost Hall. M.-in-li up WrlistorlosVu'iitli Avmu wr-t on Se-ulli to S-wartl. street, ilmvn Sewanl to 2nd Awtw.uv-t oiiiiM to Walnut, dowu Walnut It) eriHL'tery. order ok march. Mrsh-.-it !ii-il of cohiinu. (i:ir!ifl! I'i -t tad iw-soMIits. Firiiij: I'.-rtv in advance. March to I'li'dii- School uroiiwN. Wlim Oatl'icM Itclicf Corps aim l'liblio School uiK lup-i ia w:-'-slon, ltilh-f Con", lii alliance. Citicii- dc-dini.; in in:ircn fnriii in re:.r of school. AU carriage- in roar of coiuiiin. Ilv mi cr of J.I.Mll.LKR.l'.C. i. II. Fkkmax, Adjutant. The U" P. surveyors : to Red Cloud , having Rock coming this way, lican Valh-y .I'or.g side The load will stiiJ.c ire now pas-ed ui) the the B. ' lide the windows. Mr. i cher l- the art ist in charge. It makes the windows look much better. On last Saturday evening Geo. Hol land, proprietor of the Holland Iloii-e. entertained the band boys in royal style. The boys report having a grand time on the occasion. We are under obligations to J. O, Chaniberlin for -oine extia fine cheese made at his Inavaie factory. It was very fine and equal if not superior to any we have ever eaten. Abe Reeves, 0 miles east of Cowlcs, has just finished and moved into Ins Hew dwelling. Mr. R. has a well im proved farm and has it under a. fine state of cultivation. Mr. Reeves is a good farmer and among the old citi zens of the county. .T.uKSroTT has started the Omio Democratic Mall. Now we didn't think that Jack would do such a thing io i.:e state of Kans:is, hut nevertheless the people of Omio have iu the Democrat ic Missionaiy and able editor, who will give them nc of the beat local papers in the state. 11.vut.maj. the man who jumped from the train hist wnluesday .tear Inavaie, was taken to Catheiton by his brother on Thursday, and i sport say thai he is getting along nicely. It was certainly a narrow escape for toe man as the train wa-going about 40 miles an hoar when he jumped of He was pretty badly used up, and it is a great wonder to all now how he es--iped with h:- lif" under the circim-i'iinc.e-. nearly Giiioe Repub ifc M. Rock, v. Inch will give that village a boom. The grade stakes are being stuck as fast as they locate the line, and arc marked Valpariso to Red Cloud, which v.-e consider is a pretty good evidence of the U. l''. intention. There seems brated in Red Cloud, on a much larger I to be little doubt but what the road scale than heretofore. The necessary j will be built as it would be one of the arrangements are being made, and i ''est paying hues that the Union Pacif- build, running the richest nor- mination to make the "eagle scream" 'turn of Nebraska, and making a much with all its might, and give the people i-'diortrx route to Lincoln and Omaha i genuine Fourth of Jul v, such as will 'than we have at present. The load TlK Cilll-'P hnim th;it. tlii tmnuln wi 1 ie i-Olllt. missiblv having some fancv lettering put ' J :,ke hold of the matter with a deter- through, as it docs. make the welkin ring wiin insurmount able eniovment and pleasure. Let every one do their share towards get tine up a big Forth, then, for Red Cloud. Mr. Henry Waller, and aged gen ''"in.ni living near Cowles, hitched up 1 is team and ptarted for the hay rack t" ii-mi fodder, the other day, and v bile go:ng after the same he was tiixOii with an apolectic fit, and his team became frightened and ran away for want of a driver. Mr. Waller was thrown out of the wagon and later on was picked up bv his friends and con veyed to his house, where l)r. Schenck was called anil restoativcs administer ed. On examination by the physician it was found that the "old gentleman was badly h-uipcd but not dangerouslj injured. It was a narrow escape. At he session of the district couit he1 1 i . city last week, the case nf J. . Ray.ia vs. Webster county was tried and decided in favor of the coun ty. This puit was brought against the county by Mr. Bayha for services" rend ered, that the law does not compensate him for, yet the work is out of Ins lino of duly, though by law it has to be done bv him. Judge Gasliu. in his iUei- ion in the matter, decided against Mr. iayha. but sam the commissioners had the power to pav- him for his services, although the law makes no provision for it. The cse wa ;ipp,;ipl to tho supreme court, can le easily built as theie is only a grade of thirty-six feet to the mile. "-- - Ov Saturday night Garfield Post, G. A. R., ot this city, held a grand camp fire at the operahouse, at which time the published program was fully car ried out, with one or two deviations. A large crowd was present notwith standing the inclement weather. Speeches were made bv Gen. A- H. Bowen, ('apt. Munsel,E. C. Hawlev, G. R-Chanev, W. H. Strohm, R. B. Fulton, Mr. 'Page, M. B. McNitt a.ul others. Mrs. W. G. Knight read a very able essay on the Ladies" Relief Corps. The evenings' entertainment was in terspersed with music, Mrs. E. C. Ilawley at the organ. Prof. Funk sang "The Sword of Bunker Hill," :hich was roundly applauded. Durillg this jmrt of tho exercises othere ware indulging in eating ico cream, anil finally the campfire ended withe mazy dance. The exercises were very en tertaining and pleasant. We hope the Post will give another camp fire soon. Pitivis, piques, pccales. ginghams, hanib.:asT etc., at Mrs. Neivliotiie-., cnoan t. cii..-e out. 41-tf J2.'idit.i - w. buy a New Homt .' ii .' c I t ii-.' ' n in; k c" .i - ore. 32' f "ks. sa"!is. u .c--. l.. e.-. IT., n hu :! etc.. ina.-kf'. 'u;'i very low to cIo-j out our entire .mrk ot" ri-Is. i Call and -ee, Mi;.--. Newip.u.si:. Kfd Cloud to the Front. On last Thursday afternoon a match game of base ball was played in this citv between the club of Blue HillTand the Red Cloud nine. At 2:30 P. M. the game was called with A. L. Funk am umpire and M. S. Marsh scorer. From the first inning-to the very last the game wa. of the nnst interesting na ture, both clubs playing for all they were worth. However, the Red Cloud boys, being better trained than their Blue Hill friends, had a walk-away, and scooped their opponents badly. There are few better pitchers than Charlev Piatt, and when one of his curve La lis went flying over the home base it was not an easy matter to strike it, and consequently the Blue Hill club became somewhat rattled and discouraged, and of course did not have the vigor that they would have had, had the' had an easier hall to stike. Then again, the Red Cloud boys arc hard hitters, and when they strike a ball it is a ten days wonder where it is going to before it halts, and therefore it was and easy matter for them to make tallies without much trouble. The Red Cloud team is hard to b-at, v nl we believe with a little more pi.u ti'-e wou'd make a profes sional nine grit their teeth to beat them. The Blue Hill team, though vanquished, have among them some excellent players and lipid our boys down on the few first innings, and we think they will make a fair club with a little more practice. They are a jolly set of fellows and will at no late date play our boys again, when they pro pose to hold them level. After the game was over and the large crowd present had dispersed, the Red Cloud team set up the icy cieam to the Blue Hi'l team, and at train time had the Red Cloud Cornet Band escort them to the depot. The following is the score: RLUE HILL TEAJL J. Buideti, c..T7..6"in"u 0 0 0 0 0 C. Robinson, p U 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bristol, 1st b 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 II. Samuels, 2nd b..O 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 C. Dawson, 3d b...0 0 0000000 S. P. Gordon, 1. f...O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E. S. Morris, c. f...O 0 0000000 C. C. Mackev, r f...O 00000000 F. Smith, s." s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RED CLOUD TEAM. Anson Higby. c 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 li C. Piatt, p 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 Durrie. 1st b 1 000000 0 0 .'. J.Garber,2n b...l 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 P. A. Beach v, 3d...O 0 0000001 O. P. Tavlor. 1 f.....O 0 10 10 0 11 B. Cromwell, c. f...l 0 10 0 0 0 1 1 (J S Albrieht, r f...O 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 1 V. Fulton, s. s 1 0 110 0 0 0 1 NINE INNINGS. Blue Hill 0 0 0 2 0 0 10 14 Red Cloud, 6 0 3 2 2 1 14 7 2fi Two base hits by Piatt, Garber, Tay lor, and Cromwell. Three base hits by Beachy and Ful ton. Wild pitch, Piatt 1, Robinson 4. First base on balls, Red Cloud 1, Blue Hili 1. Fi-t b.i-e on errois. Tied Cloud 1, Blue Hill 3. Pa-. tl balls, Higby 1, Burden 4. Struck out, by Plait, 2; by Robinson, 4. Time: Two hours and 'fifteen min utes. Fourth of July Cclehratlon. On Monday night, pursuant to call, a large number of citizens and business men convened at the opera house to take action in regard to making ar rangements for a grand celebration on the 4th of July. 'On motion, A. J. Kenney was called to the chair, and A. C. Hosmer chosen secretarv. The ob ject of the meeting was stated, and W. Ii. btrohm uiovcil tha,a nuance com mute be appointed. This being car ried tho chair appointed W. H. Strohm, chairman. A. Lauterbach. J. S. Ruthrock as ambiance committee. On motion the following gentlemen were appointed as a committee on ar range lieuts: F. R. Gump, chairman. A. J. Kenney, C. Wiene-, C. W. Kdey, F. Bradbrook. The following committee was ap pointed on grounds: 1). B. Spanogle, chairman, J. C. Warner. A. C. Hosmer. . A committee of three were appoint on speakers as follows; E. C. Ilawley, chairman. J. N. Rickards. R. R. Shcri-.r. Moved and carried that a'committee of six be appointed on music. The chair appointed the following ladies and gei:lt-mcti on th.u committee: A. L. Funk, chairman. Mis. E. C. Ilawley. Mrs..!. G. Dodd. .Vi-s Clara Becker. R. B. Fulton. Wid Houghton. The following gentlemen were ap pointed by the chair on lire works G. W. Houghton, chairman. Henry Co.jk. S. F. Spokesiiold. The committee on .amusements ia composed of: B. F. Mizer, chairman. W. Dany. John Aultz, H. L. Feighf, W. M: Diekerson. On motion the following gentlemen were selected as an executive com mittee; A. H. Kaley, chairman. M. B. MoKxtt, E. H. Ambler. On motion the meeting adjourned. The citizens present seemed to be enthusiastic on the subject, and we he lieve that with earnest action on the part of the committees, that we will have the grandest celebration that we have ever had in Webster county. Let everybody do their best to make the celebration a grand success. There will he a meeting of the ex ecutive committee on Saturday, May 31, at Judge Yciser's office, at which time all committees are expected to make some kind of a rejiort. There should bo a full turn out on this occasion. Count j CmmisHlraers' Proceeding. Red Cloud, May 15th, 1884. Board met.pursuant to adjournment. John E. Smith, J. L. Miller, County Commissioners. J. P. Bayha, Clk. Minutes of previous mooting read and approved. The following claims were audited and allowed. Warrants to be drawn upon County General Fund. A. C. H mer. blanks and station ory KM 25 to A . C. Hosincr, blacks. printing S12S) to I. W. T alleys , commissioner o insanity i d iihysiciaa CE.McKeeby, " and attorney J. P. Bayha, - and clerk Stumn O'Nfcftl. ttoor aeeonut for nnnisK George O. Yeiser, posUge. express and book 5 20 George J. warren , unntinK Dar oocaew DiBtrict com Wj to George J. Warren, printing and blanks ?7 7t to Chun. W. Springer, services at county superintendent Jos. W. Warren, Sheriffs fees 8228 40 to F. G. Bnhchow . J. P. fees J . V . Btate Nob, v. s. Wm. O . Cox f12 70 to 10 65 ! GRAND JCI'Olia DlnTMCT CODT MAT, Wl 17 00 1 .50 'J SO 803 8 00 360 4 TO 35 00 7113 74 f 1 5 A.J. Kennoy. Anthony Arneson . James 1). I'ost, J. W. Mct'lareu V. J . bpmcher Wm. Smith I,. N. i:dt,on Vi. 1. Gather V. H. Helveni K. J. Solomon Jumeb Anmck J. S. Stratum Alex Philips Jacob Goll Norman Springer O. G. Kobrrts S. O. Baker PETIT JUBOBS Wm. J. Fiiopton Wm. Petit John O. Wilson A.M.Talbot James A. Locktaart F. E. Goble John Blaine Jocob Kindchcr An-lrew Huleln Chas . Seely S. F. Spokesfleld Charles H. Teachworth Solomon Mendolbaniu K. Ij. Tinker L.H. Uust Jqhn Berenzen John A. Poyer H.W. Deilrich David Kesiler it. Holcomb A.Morha.t A. Cook M. W . Diekerson A. M. King William Parks D. Motculf Ira bleeper J. N. Potter G. W. Dedrich K Hutchinson $ 400 500 45C ecu 5 30 0 20 5 I CGU 4 US C'JO 5 50 5 60 5 70 G20 0 t 400 2 l an. 3 M. H, Jtmttj ts.Fred Chaffer, smruiions, cop) Jiul mili-yc K Taut Jin. IVkkw Mlssllmnn.., Suow s. Ayera ..,,....... 1 " Lin 12th Huffman vs. Smith ,.... 1 AS .lours & (ioMt. vs. Ed. tSibbs . H5 Jan. 17 Steel uiiil Johnson vs A. HutkT, Mv i-liantrr. milrapr ami i'tc.. ...,.....! 59 Jan. 17 G. W. Brown vs. W.O. Cox, snmmoiui, copy and mileage - '1'X Jan. if A, U. Btcker vs.. lone & Goulr, sum- Juu. "JJ MiMitT & Sou s. St-hciik, Muuniuns. elr. ... .. -"" Jan. 21 State ot Neb. vs. G. 31. Brown, Warrant commitment & etc.......... ........3 TO Johuon & Co. vs. Daniel B. Shirley, sunimon.s. t?lc ' Jan.SJ M. L. Thomas vs. C. rklieuk 17. Wm. Gootl vs. Kuute KnuteMm"" 2 0S- Deere, Wells & Co. vs. Willii Kownd N - E W. tHilriry 275 " Samuel Shirley 2iw " " M John W. Hudson 315- Harood & Co.'ts. Frank Fuller KT smith lii is. . Win. Montgomery 2Uf Jmi.2lDi-t:r:WrUs&Cot. 3IontpmtTV. .a2r rTatieWHoiK-h;u..ia " " SaruintfcWll.-v0ii.27rF " " ' - M.Walter l.Tr -1 " Hulton & Hanrey.4 V " " C. Jaxporsou I J. Anderson l KV ' " " J. Camiiliell 2 sv " " T. AnuVixm I . , ' " Yaii!ren&Bakke..2:i5 Jan. 24 .1 Q. Potter vs. KanderMin 1 as " 2i S. Marsh vs. It. W. Koniiil 1 2t Snanot'le & Funk s. W. Kownd awt Jan. 2" State ot Nebr.ik:i s. U'lim & Rruiry.4 2tf Feb. t.t Jones & .VI:i!(f vs. BruliakiT. " 14 Claim of Ma (.'line, allowed.... xWIJIOS. Joshua Iinibaker A. Cuinmius talll l I!Vaa ill J JWJtOlt - ItufttsMiksah W. A. slid S. Brill aker Ru'lmelSuenUi J:unes .Murphy Iijiwiirii iiMi... - (CO. olilltS.. ( j II. III KOIl . . . 8 00 ! c. H. Smith 7 70 j Delos S.Harvey 7 50 j John Harvey 5 20 1 John Hudson i m I .Joel 3iatiin.......... ............ ........... 6 oo j Chas. Springer '. 7 70 j J. H, Martin 7.) I (. 11. Harvey 8 20 James Daw Mill U m G. O. Hut ton.... .............. y I I j II. l llis.... .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .... .1 6601 W. S. Norrls 8 20 1 Blakeman vs. Wilion C 00 1 It. I). Jones vs. Hulton & Campbell 4 00 J Jones SM-tgee vs. Fred Chaffee 4 70 j Altuian. Miller &C.. vs. Shirley 720' Haipod Plow Co. vs. MeCoy 2 00 ' Stablier & Delsher vs. Hi.ttou & Harvey. . 2 IX) i Ssindwlth Mfj;. Co. vs. 1). Harvey 2 00 j Jones iV Jliuree vs. 1-.. A, v oung... 2 00 1 Liiimcer vs. F. Sjhutz 2 00 ' D. Day vs. John Cox 2 00 Eekmuii vs.win. Gllivm 2 00 j Huutel Safe Co. vs. D.J. Judson o llai'i;ood Plow Co vs. W. Week , jj Deere. Wells & Co. vs. James I. Taylor... 2 ( ! II. A. Watson vs. Harvey Sweet 2001 State of Xehraskavs. Gny 2 m Funk et al vs. Ann.sber.'er & Seheffcr 2UU MIelie Strohm vs Allirilit mi! Siiniitn'le & Funk vs. Bobt. Morrow t Barkley vs. Street 2 00 Miner Bros. vs. Chaffee " 00 i W- E. Jackson vs. Chaffee JC, I Waiulvnt fou Tasks, G. W. Hall BI'SCIAL COMMISSI0XHR3 05 ALLCY Iievl Mooro A . Morhart W. H. Strohn: Thn (nllnwinnr nmuns were r resented i state vs. John Class.. i ,:,.nt01i. I A. UMiPhersoms. Jacob N'oll.. The Nebraska Lumber Co. Coal for Co. Judge, SheritY and jail, $14 G8. P. M. Coehrane, J. P., poor bill S.'J 50. Petition and bond of Peak & Latta fur a druggist permit, was referred to J. L. Miller, Co. Conir. On application and request board ap pointed Angus Jlelntosh O II R D in stead of J. A. Barber, who failed to qualify. The notice, oath and report of spec ial Comrs. un alley Levi Moore, A. Morhart and W. II. Strohm. for the vacation ot so much of the alley run ning uorth and south between Williams and Lutz additions, to the town of Iletl Cloud, a3 lies east of lots fivo and six, in block two of said Williams addition to Red Gloud, was filed, presented aud approved by the board. The following report of J. P. Bayha, Co. Clk. for end quarter ending March 81, 1884, submitted and approved bal ance of surplus to bo paid over to Co. Treasr Red Cloud, Bpril 8, 1884. To the honerable board of Co. Comrs. of Weboter county, Nebraska. I most respectfully submit to you a report of fee collected of Webster county, for the quarter end in March 81, 1884 and disbursement of the' same as follows to wit: BEcoaoxo, . S2 50 i no Kr 1!C N'i ! UliO; !.".'.. "I 1 lr Ji 175. 1 8-" l.VJ l.'-O !! , NT 2 75 .. ....1 75 HV 1 75 ...... 1 r i-jTi '.'.'.'.'.'.'i 'Si .".'.".7.3 HI- 2 :n) 2 75 150 2 75 S5 75 00 3 of; .... "." ..3 55 ....2 75- -AM- ....700 .... s5 .. ..2 ,...120 ....12 ....1-ir ....ISO ...27 un ...4 20 ...27 U0- ..255 Wl Becil. lor assiKuee of A. S. Marsh.... I hereby certify that the above is tine total amount of fees received by me for the qr. ending March 31, 1884. Jos. W. Warren, Sheriff. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 15th day ot May, 1884. J. P. Bayha, Co. Clk. Peremptory writ of mandamus from the Supreme Court to lev' a tax upon all taxable property in school district number 22 sufficient to pay off and dis charge one half the amount due on tho bonds issued lor the purpose of build ing and furnishing a school boHse in said district, said bonds dated January 19, 1874, served on the Co. Comrs., Co. Clk., and Co. Traesurer jnd service accepted. Board ordered said tax to be placed on tax list of 1884 and 1S8& as per order of writ. HF.RE AND THERE. you K ' M ..,. u i i. vim III1HI IIIC rut uy iuo bimm,.. ..,. . sn.H,l. 218 Deeds l.V. Morlpwes 47 Kclease 3lortt;agrs IS A-sl;iiinient Moripujes 31 Patents (I . S.) IJ Final Keoorit ireeit" 7Ctf. of purclias t: I 'out nuts 2Auri'emeuts 2 Piivlei:nis Statements 1 Artii-Ie ol Ineoi'ioruliou :( .Meehaiiit's Mens .t .Vsiiinieut Contract 1 Power of Attorney 1 l'olids lor l).'ed 2 Notary Com. and Bonds 1 Deiliealiou Deed 2('tf. Associaiiou I Patent itiulit Ii Hills of Sales 1 Died of Consignment 1 Kelcuse from Creditors M tl III KI1.KD 0 Loiiiriicin 315 Chattel Blts. 45Ctfs. to Abstacta 11 31an:iual Kele;iss 2 Certil's.ciniysCiiattel Morttrases.. ti AeknowledKriiieuts of Deeds 1 Ctf. Character 1 Ctf. and Seal 5.S Transcripts of Jtidpneiiti Deelar.ttlon ol inieuiion.... 22270 ..222 05 ...40 10 ...1UV. ...3100 o ."".ISO ...10 55 ....2 40 ... 10" ....IUO ....10(1 ....:: Si ....350 "" .. I r-i 4U .... 50 ....I to .... V ....4 75 ....120 ....1 lrt ....1 P5 ....150 ...G3CJ ...1125 ....2 73 ....103 ....3ty .... 25 "25 ".V. 20 40 ....lltt Sjirrial CorrepomJtnce or 'rnB Chief. Allow me to say I am cross on ac count of flic errors vou allow to nas in the proof of mv letters. Last week Mr. Charles Cather etc.," when the copy read "Mrs. C. has leen an invalitt etc." Hojic you will not continue to allow such errors to pas in the future Among the pleasant prosperous farm ers which I have visited during niy travels, and hare not had apnee to give you my observations eoncerninir. I fn-st have in view Mr. John May near La Portville. He iinpresseil me as a man of solid business character. Owns a half section of fine land, com fortable frame house, plenty of stock and all other necessary adjuncts to make him a happy farmer. The next is Mr. DeMars in tho same neighbor hood. He is a wealthy man, a gooil farmer and his every word and action that of a gentleman iu every" sense of tho term. Aipiin in the same locality i Mr. John Barney who, if I am any judsje of stability and worth in men by their conversation, notions and sur roundings, has but few if any surperi ors in those qualities which always impress me favorably, among all my acquaintances. Still, Mr. B. is but one among many a great many who by caution, industry and perseverance is 52 ctfs. to Homestead and pre-emption proof is no rapidly placing the reputation, and ) !!( .fiMVm.V.V J it, 1 standing of Welister county in tho 3. ( tfs. to aostmets .....! , - ...iwij ioremasc rants, i speaic iroiii Hn ex- ..2 40; tonrloil PTnprtJiri rlorivpil hv p.onimiri- son when I say one may travel through tMj ............ ." 23 til is2 a: 25 1SKJ 44 75 .) 1231 20 4 Acknow ledeiiieiita to Deeds... 2Ctt deopys Judgements 2leL of Jiiiliuents 2 Ctf. of Character 1 Ctf. aud Seal , F-es in Distriet Court IsMU'hiK Ctf. of Election for Nov, Isst!ciii Ctf. of Elect. on for Nov. Total reeeipts Balance on hand Jan. 4, 184. Total By Co. Clerk- limit of Fees for ir. ending March By Aint. iild Clerk hire to ur. eiidliij; March si. loo- . (' ' ' Total 550 no Balance, on hand, Macrh 31, 1884 731 26 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct account ot the fees received and disbursed by me as Coun ty Clerk and ex-office clerk of tho dis trict court in and for said county and state aforesaid for the quarter ending, March 31. 1884, to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. P. Bayha, Co. Clk. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 'J3day of April, A. D., 1884. ' Daniel S. Coombs, N. P. The following report of Jos. XV. War ren, Sheriff, was submitted for approval aud examination, and approved by the board as follows: To the honerable board of County, Nebraska. I herewith submit to you a report of fees collected and disbursed by me as Sheriff of Webster Co., for the qr. end ing, March 31, 1884. as follows, to-wit: Jan. 1st. nwi T. W. Har.vy vs. K. D. .lone". Mimiiions, copy and milease 85 Jan. 1st Aect. oi Id.i ( line .tllowed. Board and ' IO J iii'itrdtu;; prisoner. any section ot tho west ot tne same area as this county, nndjbe unable to find more substantial, enterprising men among the farmers' population than are tn-day within the borders of our county. The exception to thrift and prosperous anvaneement is so very dif ficult to find that we can all enjoy a. just pride In the record the farmers are making. During the past Week I paid a visit to the home oi Mr. Edward Parkes, one half mile west of Red Clond. He has lived here for about ten years, and notwithstanding he has been Tery unfortunate in the matter of losing a great deal of stock from var ious causes, during that time, he is ad rancing and almost entirely out of debt. A new and comfortable frame house just finished and tAken posses sion of is his latest evidence of prosper ity. All who are acquainted with this family know them to be excellent peo ple. Mrs. P. is one of thine pleasant, intelligent lailios that a gentleman feels he is favored in enjoying the ac quaintance of. An offer to purchase a part of this farm at the rate of $f4)0 for the quarter section has recenlly been refused by Mr. Parkes. J. P. Walteks. Order No. 2. AH nicmlicrs of (Jarllcld Post am re quested to assemble at Pont Hall promptly at 10 a. m.. Memorial Daw J. L. MiLixa, P. a i a . . "" UdgNTTr ifi i fiiirw niMirni ilirfrtTBhurnflii ' m ' i - HVVlKhwlWC - -T"-" inxjy i w v. -f-'I.V.t ' m ! 1 '.v3 ! i m M mmuA' TTHKrsxrzvuf HK4H