The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1884, Image 3

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. -
A. C. HOSMER, Publisher.
aiit::i iimm Tin. ccuma::.
vir 'Ifi-r. with hi- -tat! m hi- hand,
't 'u.iii-J lu tiishome tniniiititrt'iu land.
1'- '.air tml of ilu-t. hi- ciiunlciunco brwn:
1 .iioii will tbcyouUi llist Iks known in th
!e rat-reii the town ri?ht throuch tho old
Aca:tist it tho keeper lan"i up quite ednto:
.1 k--'r. his lneiid. wa- j Iv :i :d roui.r,.
ud me:, th- Ku.lct their im-nd-inp had
1. i:i. i:
" -,t., IU M'e,wa,lino1 RUCs: UK
"ck Surd had the sun burned the the
j i.uth.
in a
lie wutidered. now shortly to i
t.r- t
old friend,
f r :n h s tet.
He shook the gray dust
i.-anj trom tho window hi.-
"Thou t.oo:nini7 you&s virgin!" his weleom-
n;r s.'.out.
t s-t . ne yuu::;? maiden did not know the
P hurl hud the sun burned the face of the
..1! farther lie went through a street of the
A tear-irop linns dwn iroai his ejehd so ;
1 here tottered his mother
from mectinp-
tum-v door.
God Me you"' he cried, mid jet notbins
l".:i --,- now the mother I- -ol.hinr for joy:
Mj -o'i ." and she ank on the breu-t ot"her
7i matter how d-ep bud th"an left ittr:io.
Ilie riother-eye lu-tant.'y knew the youa?
K. M. U'KfU in 77w Oint.MCii;.
the uisnor.s SIX.
A the Bi-hop's conduct ha been tiie
.sub ct of con-iderable comment, it be-
cnmi's a kind of duty to rite
:ic ount il the whole matter.
the true
A- every lody knows. Bight Bev.
Everton :md Taitphie wa- a ver; Broad
'hurclinian. He had lot boldh op-!
lo-eu tne iractariau moe:neni m the
Uiorl (i:iv' I ne i:-boji bad t.en
kn-wti ti sn: le on Mr. purgeon and
leam lK'iieolentlv upon metropolitan
Mi.oJie- an suiimrban Sankie-. Tne
uratesof id- diocese were not interdict
ed from cricket nor hi- rector- from
lawn-teiini-- an 1 1 am not in a p'i-ition
to contradict the rumor that t e Bishop
ha- been known to cut into rubber lor
!lvi-r three-pennie-." and in the
hadow of a -tage-bnx once saw Mr. p':u hloek.
Indeed, when Julian, his only son.
wa- at Eton, ids faUier rejoi ed more at
hi-winning the jttirhc -c.iool rackets
'ban in liaj carrying oft" the Prince t'on
s rt'- prize for loreign languages; and
xvt.en up :it Oriel he fo:itnl iu way into
tbe eight, tiie 15i-hop'- :iy wa- -o great
as To It at moment- it -:t vcly iiudign -li'd
II' liked h. -on to be in tiie i est
-e; in lowt;. he ciie-r.uliv paid en-
tran-''-J and sub-.-r ption- to var.ous
eiubs. the names ot which were certa-n-
1-. unfam.Iiar to him. but which Julian
n ured him
tor a Bishop
- infant. even
A rich an 1 hon-
-c trable alliance for Julian began to be a
very dehniie .ib.eet in tiie Episcopal wa-. Ju.iati the Merry had become Ju
eye. and con-eijtienily he highly ajt- ban the My-terious and there was no
proved of - cotititrv-hoii-.. vi-its; clew to it all.
h.s cheery letter.-, containing catal-!
ogne- of tiie notabilities witli whom he
had danced. r -'not. or played charade-.
were balm to hi- -oul and at break-
fast, over an account o: the lire, ion-
evening d.nner and d:nee. tiie sacer
m:ai sjiirit- -en-iltly revived. Nomin
ally. Jit iau wa- to the Bar. and
duly ate d.nner-. or. ratiier. -u'ked in
dignfied -iieniv at the Midd e Temple
six o'ciock tne-.- in lull evening dress,
and refu-ed tiie pro'lered oint on the
ground that he n-vcr ate boiled intirton
. . x- II. i
in tne aiternoon. .xuturaiiv enough
this statement irritated hi- poor breth
ren, especially as it wa- Julian's wont
to Itolt to the Orleans for dinner the
moment grace v. a- said
Bearing the-e fa -..- in will
be understood that the Bi-hop was
rather hurt wie'ti it came to hi.- ear
that hi- -on had been irequeutlv-een at
Mrs. C.i ;e .u Blcw-sin "s ".-mall and
earlie-" in (.ockerum Cre-ceut. Bavs-
ivn'.'r. and bad siib-eiju-ntlv lx'en ol-
ser'ed at .-t. James' Hall on Monday'
evcnmgs, apparently euwr.utped in the
- i
strains otaSpohr quarteit-. in compam
with a pretty little girl known to all
2av-watcr as Kittv P.lew-bv. Wiien
Jin .lly Mi
iiair had
.- Crabbic told
been noticed
him that the
-.hopping at
Vh.lele'.s lie could Stand it no longer.
i "it wait un, my uo. -am m
i.ishop one iia. "be may be all you
-ay--priainy is: nut men ;. on Know
P.lew-tiy is a solicitor all .riieys we
Used to call them and a Di ent r, and
l uon i ijk u: ce-iue- me vraoi;-,- iaiK
......- -w.
olnll.f Vt 4.1k
Mv dear father." aid Jurau. some-
what hotlv. "M'-s ("rtibbie is a member
of the Browning -.oeiet.. and anE-oter-
ic Buddhi-t. and ail the rest ot it: but , 'Alter all. th re can be no harm in
-he is a fntwsv old go-s.p lor all that. , just -cing lo whom he i- writing: it
and Mi-.- Blew.-by is a charming, nat- might be some vile money-lender; and.
ural girl, and worth fifty of Crabbie, I besides." added the Bishop to himsell:
ami' . "I may po-sibh ha'c mi-directed some
I Tiie Bishop looked aghast. i of my'own lett'ers.'" iitill h paused.
"Ik-sidis. you know. go;ng to the Bar ' and the little demon kept wh'.sper .ng.
one inns, make friend- witii -olicitors, "Take it out! take it out!" Finally,
.and her father has lots of work to give with a quick-lieatiug heart, the 'Bi-hop
a leilow." opened the box. Was that a noise? No.
Even the profe-sional plea didn't OI,1.v tn,? pamit. "Hate parrots." he
so'ten the B .-".op: and he wrinkled his j thougnt. as he peeped m. 1 es, there it
brow am! his apron bot:i usually was. rir-'"1 ' t,u lI' of th" P le- "'"-;mooth-a-he
-aid. indignanih. takm"- i Pressed in Julian's big. good-natured
his bedr.em candle, "fieposter.nis! ' avl. Ireeling ven like a
th monstrous! I'm ashamed of
-. . . ...
V. hy Ju ban rushed upstairs alter bis
fatlur bad retired, put on a frc-h tie.
snd dashed :n'o a hansom. I don t
quite kuow . nut in a qnaneroi an nonr
1 1......1.:.... ,..!,! !-;.,. UI..V...I.,-
a . T 1
.1. ,.i.- 1.1U.I-1U- ...... w.. .... -.--..,.
lovers at t .is time .. am. Hushed as
she .listened to Julian's .-rtiie.iiat ir
reverent at count of hi- reccLt inter
view. "Vou do believe me. Kittv?" he
yicadeil; an-i she looked gra e and said but siie certainly danred w th
Jiim. Anil all t ockertnii crescent
ciiuckKHt over it: a x'oung pttr-oa in
'hi:. :n'!-!:n and a pink sa.-h sang "O
and a pink sa.-h sang "O
that e Two Were Maying. with evi-
r dent meaning, between the polkas: and
. iiiinii s.i. 11 . to rviiiy ::- me sii-uohh
eiipp'T and pulled crackers with her.
1..! . . --.. ... .... .. .1
Hear lttle ivitt r..... ma.deulv and j "r" "T l"-4-""- "! """. "' "
, i:.i..j ,,...:, 1, i -.nt- ,.. ' Cions below to send the post oft. ould
bew ; n. ng looked up w lib l.anl. i.e-1 7. ,, ,. .',... ,,, ,9
light if ner lover's eve- (for. oi cour-e. "r" "" - V" . u , ' , -.3 v '
.. : ,..,, .,. ., Shonid lie m-h out and restore it? No.
Ji - i.V SI Ll-1 !!.. ....... Ki .w s. 1
and carved 31 game pic, tncre was nojang.
finesse about Coekerton cresc-nt. I as
sure you.
Miss Esoteric Ruddhist Crabbic lolii
the Bishop all about it, and there is no
doubt Right Rev. Everton and Tatiph-wa-
very cross. There was a stormy
interview; so far the paragraph-, that '
I apjcareJ in the weekly journal- were ,
quite accurate. Hut it is quite fal-e (as j
1 am in-tru-tcd to s:iv tint .lul'an ,
j lueral.y cut the episcopal arun string-
with a carving kuile. Mi.l, 1 aum..
the interview, and I also am bound to
acknowledge its .-tormv character
Tlie succeeding week wa:- a fierce one
for evervt.odv concerned. The Bishop
) roiiu'.h slated three rectors and a dean,
ind -acked a curate who had pre-unieil
to admit a Mu'-S'u'.ve-tern no-ition
j uurinir the c Jlection
Juhau hail a bad i
wed- at Sundown, naturally enough
for lie only backed hor-e- whose names
1k":iii with K; M s Crabbic read a
naixTtiu ilistonc leiumuie Mtiaer
before tin
cietv. and
Ncttin"- Hill Debatinir So- j
Kittv cried. These events
are now matter- of In-tory.
Tlie subject came up again, and this
time the IicMiop wa- volcanic. "Marry
lierl dare to dream of ma-ryiu iier.
and you may go and pla' lawn-teanis
with Tom Hugiie.-. in New Hugby. for
a summer aud st;irve for the re-t of
vour life. 1 won't send vou to the Itar:
I'll stop vour allowance; I'll cry down ,
vour credit
(). Julian! von vou I
It wa the
could think of
only word the P.ishop
a: 'the moment and it
fitted remarkably well.
But the AtKHtate was very titiiet in
deed, this limo mecklv seeme 1 to a-
- --- - - -
miiesee in hi- father'- views: and then, t
to the Bi-hon's bewilderment, t'mv i
' o er all engagements, refused all jnvi- j
' tations. and settle 1 down suberh and ;
i di-creetlv to work in -Mr M-e-on Wei- '
, by's chambers, with who n he was read-
ing. Home to dinner pun -tuain every j
evening miked :il.ttie'jlitic-orasensa-!
tiona trial with the old gentleman, but '
after hi- coffee promptly betok him-elf ;
t hi- "to-e." his "Tavior." his '
Bronm." and his first brand new copy
of the "Report-. Julian meant to be
a barrister, and. oddly enough, cedent-
Iv meant learn law iiefore instead of
-ut'S quern to, his be'.ng called, which '
shows what a verv oriirinal xctuug man .
he was. " ing that has been -o much talked of that
It was perplexing. Julian the Apos j the Bisnop wa- strolling home after at
tate had recanted his social here y so , tendiug the great conference that met
thoroughly that the Bishop wa- .-uspi- to discuss t-e long vexed question con
cerns. The man worked, no doubt of cerning Arch-d'a-'utial Functions. He
it. and would have nothing to say to the had ou.-e been an Archdeacon him-elf,
cloud of white cards that -ettled "all over and he sympathized with the rather
the mirror in his tu;Jv like a llo'v of
butterflies. He was -ecmingly happy:
and the wnule thing was
I grieve to say that His Lordship be-
came a kind of" aiiiMteur detective he
watched every letter that arrived; he
called on Mee-on Wei by, and found
that ins -on was his mo-t punctual and
most industrious pupil.
"I assure, you, my Lord Bishop.'
said that ditingui-n d advo,a:e. "he
know- a va.-t ileal of practical law, and
has ihe makimrs of a verv excellent
levil m h.m." Tiie e.xpreso:i was
startlin"- but verv ratifvinr when or hi-
I .. i..: s w:n i...H . ..... ..........
rly explained.
r-iiii, tii'-ii- iau ii.Uk.ei
One memorable evening the Bi-hop,
' iini-iied the sketch of a charge
(I mean, ot cour-e, .-uch a charge a
would be produced by Bishop Butler,
not Mr.-. Bmler). sat in hi- study brood-
ing over it all. He was "doing his best
for hi- buy," he ke:t repeating to h:m-.-elf:
but ins sjtiritual wrestl ng- were
d. -turbid -time way. and between him
and the lire there can.e a; nio'iients a
glimpse of a certain wistful little lae
he had once seen with Julian in the
park, aud a ph ttogranh of which said J works!" exclaimed Biht Il ltrd of
;..! r - .. - f- ... -. ti til.. " . .. e. " ..
little fa-e Itiing framed in old-gold
plu-h beside Julian's bed. His Lord-
, sh:jt.- inu-ing- were interrupted by
oun.l oi in.- son s ouicK step on
stairs, ann then his voice
"All right. Pollard. I'm just running
out to post a letter: I 11 be backtoure
in live minutes."
" Vou can post it here. Master Ju
lian, said the voice of the old retainer,
tne Bi-hop's butler: "I'm taking his
lo dship - letters pres -ntlv.
"Quite -lire it will go all righu
bird? Verv well, then
lbere wa-a
tiie letter was
netaHie "llap'' as
dropped into the big oak piliar-box that
stood in the hall, and then Julian ran
hick m his
nacK to nis s.uuy.
A letter! To whom? Why wish to
I .t-t it h TTlself3 And I fe-ir nmn
" --' r,.w....
; mtle ilemou bail the audacity to win
per x:i the Bishop s ear. lor that good
i man was disquieted, and rose trom bis seance!
chair. The room .-eem-d hot. so hep '(), mv Eord Bishr.p'.' cried out
; opened the door. Tne hall 1-ioked cool, the 1 ttie w.iite nun. shrinkin" back a-
so ne waiKeu lino it. j nere was no one
! !, I !- I.i .iiiio lui -. ..-
. iinji.;. i.ix-i-i.u.T i. -.-.. .in. ii- 4w-.r. strides." and then
ii sto.p n
it wn:cli be
I opposite the oak letter-box. ot
. and Pollard had duplicate key
ir:iiiuiueiii uaiiK -e-ieuir iiuiiimiiiL'
I secur.ties from tiie
r ng room.
l ctiil iirrrin nn bic nnni.ilnM teit 1ml11'"8, IlOUClCr.
, . p - ; ,
. 7 . , .',
. .,., ,.. , ,, . , .. .., .... ',,, ,-,,
11IU (IU Ul till ifiaV. .11111 11 L.(.ill( '1 111
, . . . ... . , - . . . ,
. his prize to hi- study. ,im hi time to
.,.,. J, .!.., - .... f., ,t.
..v.... . uiuiiu l)l...lll uir 1. l.i
he would In? firm: it was "for the
Thc letter was addressed to
Mi- Kittv l.LEwsnr.
-Hx CvCkertou Crccent.
Com-sponding with her secretly!
Monstrous! It must be stopped at once.
His fingers played with the envelope as
. ne neiu it up between him an J tbe Sin
"No. no. can't do tbat: wmti'sn't be
hone-t,"' sau
1 tb Bi-hop. steniiv: and
1 having comtor ed hini-cl with
the re-
itcttou he joc:.ed tip th"
letter in his
drawer, anu then th..
Julian was very pleasant and
bright that day at "dimnr. ,He told
tils father old Oxford stories, insisted on
pledging him in the old '47. and when
he ran ofTto read (he never went to the
theater nowi, lie dropped into the
drawing-room and ran his i Hirers over t
evs ft the Erard. The bishop
! heard the
he itiu-ic as, brood ng ai ,
ho!y and remor-el'j'. in room
. luel.tnc
bli'V; for all that he hard'iie I hi
he !.-: like I'haroali, and would not let
tr.e letter go. because "it was for the
j best" a bit of Jesuitical casuistry that
lit- iicic.iiieicss. ucur4 sui.ui Liiniiuii
from. It required much more Pharoah-
like llintiness to endure Julians iir-t
anxious, and then diaappoiu ed. face
tth'-a the earh post next mornmr, and
ertil succe ive posts for the next
two davs. failed to briurhim something
he evidently looked tor. in-iiiry:
Anything "for me, father?" and the
invariable answer: "Nothinir. Julian."
became a little tragedy, in which the
Hi-hop felt he was east for "first mur
derer," and he wad bv no means easy
in the part.
liano was never opened now, j
an stuck to h:s work iju'elly i
ami .nil
and pluckily. At last he was duly
called,' and won the 10' prize g-veu
by hi Jiin for an essay upon "Probate
and Divorce as Practiced by the Early
Aryan Maces." He neer" slackened
work for a moment, but went to
court everv dav. and .-till preserved the
same nine: mysterious manner that so
bailed and worried the Buhon. His fun
seemed to have all evaporated, and in ,
it nlace he had a nunvise. His father !
had a bad t me of it nasseil sjeeplcs-
niirhts. and etna went so far a- to read
the essav on "Probate and Divorce." I
Owe he'suggested in playful fashion to j
Julian that "now that he was on the i
high, roa 1 to the Wool-ack. it was time .
for him to look about and settle but
lie only e:ic:tetl a ratner solemn -uou l
let.- filk of that subject, father,'
ieil sn ibDed
It was clear to the Bishop that he had ,
succeeded in alienating afi'ec-
tion for Kitty: but he certainly never
meant to ma u-a conhrme.l nn-ogynist
and a bigUe 1 ba helor of him. and thi-
wa- -cemingly what had happened, for .
dancing Belgravia knew him no more,
"It wa.-- precisely at t:4"on the even-
. i
the rasolutiou he had propo-ed making
".liters and broad brims ob'.igat trv on
them as a das-, although dear old -aw-
dust and Brau (a brother Bishop) hail
o stoutly oppo-ed it. on the ground
that it would lead to aprons. It i- right
M mention this, a- it aivtimts for the
Bishop's preoccupied manner that even
ing. Pass ng up that pleasant little seg-'
ot a circle that l- called l'ean
street, the Bi-hop noticed a carria.,
whisking rapidh westward. A glance
as the lights llaslu d by showed h m at
' iriinip-e of a pale, -ad vounir faee.
i . ........ i ....... .-,:.r .. .!... . 1,....., ...,, ...
a. 7.ju;.ti; i iit- w si... uv itt.u.i uu.i u;
acros- the brow, round wit eh fell tne
folds of a nun's e 1; the dre.-s was that
of a reli'ji usr of some onler.
The Bishop was thunderstruck. It
wa- K.tiy Biew-by. poor little Kitty,
and in t at dress! The thought flashed
quick upon him. of eour-e
e she was -
in,r her voun"'
:ng to a conveut mimurin
lite within the fatal walls, sinking all
her love aud all Julian's hopes in the i
dread vow-, s:f rili.-'d in one of t'ioe
!iv-t"riou- Anglican sisterhoods agjinst
w nidi he had so often in eigie I, re- :
.If.M tliMT. . 1
" I renounce the devil and all his
II III! lll
Everton and Taunhie, interrupt ng bl
... .. i..
own thoughts: and then, to the a-ton-
ishment of Sam Snapper, who was
; ia ng at the fine (and who, I firmlv
about it), the B:-hop da-hed :ut-r tin
Lnj.itj,.. iuuiu .1.1 L..V I. .11 Jll lllll
retreating armge, with apro i Hying.
j mud spattering ami smali b tys ciieering
; hnn. John (iilpin's ride was a crawi-
ing Lord Mayor's Miow compared to
tiie episc pal Intn-lred yard-, quite the
, best (ecelesia-'icaliy) on record. He
. didn't care. What were convrniisrf,-
' beside conscience and convents? Awav
I he went toward Park Corn-r. r.nd bv
' dint of most undignilied shout-in's
i c-cded n stonp.n- the carriage just as
' ;. 7' . i , i .!" ' i - j ""'-1' -,u ,
;t n-aclind the big brntize warror w ho
i now shelters him-elf in .-Lniliitured
sn !:Ttit Jiniler fimr tr,ec nnoiwilo Sf
j lieorgu Hospital.
It was a Bishop'
charge with a ven-
. i. pulled at the window: for si
it was
i MMiie laminar witn in
1 . r -
although tms was their first interview.
-Let me in. my dear .Miss B.ewsby;
i mu-. no. of ou aim ai oucc. ami ;vs
lie got :u he punted out - Home!" lo
tiie asion shed coachman.wh.t had never
seen a Bi-hop m a burn before.
What does all this mean?'
0, I'm so sorn !' sobbed Sister
Kitty, wiping her vyca with her veil.
I never thought vou would tind tout.
and of course it was very wrong; but
you see they made me promise, and
there an- many other girls I know '
there, and what could 1 do? I loved
him so.'' j
Now the Bishop would ha-, e vastly j
pre erred to have been preached to death i
by wild curates (as bvdnc. Smith ouce
suggested), than face a pretty girl in
tears, iiowever. ne was nuuud to i-o
, througi, w,ti, it now; so he ne.ved h'm-
selt and -aid: "M;ss Blewsby. listen lo
j me. I never thought it would com to
varue po-it on oi tne cry i.everenis. . anu mane u up. l ne lact is. l nan quar
and he was reallv rather plea-ed lvledwith her because she never an-
. - - ..
t us. I never antieipated such a terr"- even the little commrt felt in the pas--V.e
catastiophe. Tnat dre-s' ihat veil' ) age of laws, for it is the dfeet in law
1 am bound as a good Churchman to enforcement that is at the bottom of
earnestly protest against it, and. 1 these evils. It is common to the vet
what i- more, as a man. as a fath-. eran official aud the juvenile offender,
er.' (hre thc Bishop's voice percepti- j Both lack respect for law; the yoat.
bly faltered). "I have a serious word ; shows it by breaking it, the oliicial by
to say.' Kitty clasped her hands a slipshod neglect to see that it is com
tightly and was silent in an ins'ant. "I j plied with. Detroit Free JYctt:
was wrong; J have stood between you
I 1 regret it. Only tell me it is
not too late to preveut you taking this
teartul steo. No: do n
not speal:; vou
will do me a great favor if you wipe
awav a stain that sow do' listen.'
(Kitty hadn't said a wo-d. she was
frightened. 1 Please go home at once,
and promise me to take off those infer
intamous things, promise mo you will
not go to where I grieve to learn some
of 3'our companions have already jjone;
and on my honor you shall many my
boy if vou like. I swear I meau T
alhrm t;" and in his excitement the
Bisiinp tool; both Kitty's hands and
looled earnestly in her face.
l.u. 1 vwed I would no to-nisrht.
and- -.rytlrng i- n ad. fo-ine: and you
startle m- -e. Do ou reallv mean this.J
she a Ided, somew.iat jtleadiugly and
"i piettge you my oru I am :n earn
est. '
"It's loo good of yon too good. Yes,
I'll go home." And then, for some unheard-of
reason. Kitty cried again, and
the Hisliop felt very awkward so much
. i that a- they were passing hi corner
he :hueked the check string with a jerk
that almo-t pulled the coachman in--ide.
aud threw the horses on their
"(Jood-nirht,' he said as he stepped
out; "we have made each to each a
pronrse. Keep your.-, and Julian shall
come and sc you to-morrow. Then he
lett he-, and walked home leeling that
he had exorci-cd the little demon.
Another and still greater shock was.
however, in store for the ill tarred old
gentleman. As he came into the hall
and pa-sea by tho fatal pillar-box ha
saw Julian stealing down-stairs in a
monk's robe, his feet in sandals, his
waist girt with a rope, a cowl drawn
closely round his handsome face, and a
bed-room candle in his hand. In a
moment father aud .-on were face to
"What, you, too!" cried the P. shop.
'0 Julian, this is too mucn! I have
saved her. I may be ye' m time to res
cue you. Julian you shall marry her!"
And then in a hurried .a-hion he poured
out hi- -torv. ondiuir wi'ii: "And. now
that I have promised, tell me to whal
vile seclusion the poor girl was going.
and where you were about to bury x our-
sell and b-eak mv old Lear ."
.jtiiian - eyes nan uaueeujwuu joy as
he listened.
but lie looked grave as lie
4I cm not tell vou how I
; answered:
thank you. father: but don't let us have
any more secrets. Th re was no
thought of v:l.- sce.usion nor of burials;
.-tie wa- going to take j art in Lady
Faneiful's tuolcmtr rivanl-i to-night,
ami. I confess, so was I. We were both
in the same picture, designed by Mr
Bose Madder, you kuow; and now I
shall have Mi try and get an understudy
for her, or cut out the nun altogether,
which will spoil the tableiu. But.
father, she is such a dear, lovable girl,
and indeed I nieaut to work for her and
w-n her. and this w:is a pure accident.
We only met at rehrar-al a week ago.
l 1 . ri.r . it 1
swered a mo-t important letter that
' "Don't say anv more. tn boy.' sail
the Bishop, s::dl :
Lady Fanciful'-. 'J
ind slowly; go
There has been a a
mistake somewhere. I'm ilad it is all
right, t.ood-nrght. Julian:' anil then
he kissed his son and wen into tiie
That's all I know about it. and I
must say that eerta-n journa's have
cruelly distorted the true facts of tim
case. London World.
Tlie Bad Boy" of the Period.
Most excellent W the intent of the
law proposed in the New Yon; Assem
bly for prohibiting the vicious litera
ture which is turning American bo s
into savages and render ng it problein
aiiea! wheth-f tho net generation will
j &e Jes-e James, or Jay Goulds. Tne
' -,L'VV York WorW oi a recent date ".a-
mere man a coiuniu oi tne wiiu aim
wicked outbreaks of boys from eighl to
fourteen years of age that have occurred
within the last ten days or two weeks.
The list comprises highway boys on the
streets of New York robbing a bev ol
. i ins waicn anu cua-u;
a rna-ked gan"
. t , i t . I, ,. .,
. .Mf,' ro'7c" a peje. . hi i enn- ivau a.
m niri' hiN in 'W i nrk. lump r
---.-. -. - -- --..--, --- -
twelve j'ears old; "Je-sc Jam.'s gangs"
at half a dozen different points: a
bigamist, a poisoner, two or three mur
derers or wou'.d-be murderers, a duelist
and a forger.
in the iarge majority of these cases
the boys wei e readers of the new spa-per-
aud books whose heroes are of the
typ" or Je-se James or some other in
fernal scamp wiio figures in the vile
traJi tuat w.ilas boys on nearly every
street corner and eil.ices them into
bny'.ug aud reading it by its coarse
wood-cuts and sensational engravings.
Even the stage is prostituted to this
truly ueviiisn conspiracy lor convening
, the mu's of the present dav into cnmi-
, - , ... , '. ..
, . V. . ' "" "i -
And this moral plague, like physical
! pestilence, knows no distinction. The
j boys reared in decent, and even superior
' bouses, subject to all the educational
appliances of the day from the kinder
garten to the Sunday-school are as
much exposed to its deadly influences
as the neglected and the ignorant.
'Pi. ....:.!:.-.. 1 .. -..:i,,.l t... .!.;..
iIt.rature. which is either vulgar or
j ..; .imis Thev irolne ..iJad boys." in-
si(.t little v.-ini ;ils wit limit re '-in to
tl, r;,-hts of ,)Urson or pr qienv.' Thev
j j-uii..e j what they call the' tricks"
of thc ..haii i;ov" wh ch are reallv
1 odious and lawless assaults unnn com-
I nion rights and common decency.
' They live with a- little notion of proper
civJi.ed restraints as the burglar iu
one's house at midnight, the cowboy on
tiie cattle-plain-', the road agent in the
nrniiig regions.
Nor is the evil imaginary and high
colored. The constantly increasing
number of the cases is not accidental.
The cnu-e is increasing, becau-e the.
source of it is growing larger, and the
question what is to be done about it is
"rowing verv -erious.
In h'gislation on this subject some of
the Southern States are ahead of tiie
Northern: but experience takes av.av
A brood of halt-grown chickens be-
I to a gentleman living at Stone
Bridge were in the habi of going to the
; depot to p ck up the gra 11 that wa.
! dropped while unloading cars there.
Night coming on tney went to roost on
the truck." of" a ar and when th" car
were taken up by the evening train th-.
drckens were carried away with it ana
have not since been heard of. iturwic
(.'1 1.) Mlu-iitcr.
How Mr. Ttfden Was "Cheated."
The Pennsylvania Democrats who met
at Allentowu recently to choose dele
gates to tiie Presidential Convention
and to set forth anew the articles of
their faith, resolved "that the elect mil
frauds of 187." 77, by which ?. J. Tilden
and Thomas A. Hendricks were die :ted
out o: the otlices o President and Vice-
President, to which thev were fairly '
elected, was the most deadly blow ever
aimed at our system 01
It is encouraging to see that the Dem
ocrats are keeping the history of 1S7G
in mind. It ought to afford them much
food for profitable med tation. They
do not need, however, to wa-te their
penitential regrets over the decision of
the Electoral Commission of their owu
choosing, but should rather devote
their tears to washing out the stain that
Mr. Tilden or his personal and conii
deutial friends iu the party, brought
upon " our system of representative
Government ' by trying to sun
dry oftirials: so a- to change tne re-ult
ol" the election.
Chaii man Speer. of the Pennsylvania
convention. (. hairman Mutch er of the
Committee on Be.sohit.ons. and Con-grcs-man
Bandall named by tiie con
vention as its choice lor the Presidency,
are all politician- of exper ence aud are
suppo-ed to lie b.e ed with tolerable
memories. They must ail have a lively
recollection of certain event.- which took
place in their councils in the latter part
of 187(1 aud can. if they will, instruct
their less thoroughh informed brethren
how, about the Sth of November iu that
year, as soon as it became known that
tiie 1 residency depended upon the
count of the yote of two or three doubt
ful States, tigeiits were sent out from
Mr. Tihlen's residence. No. 1i Gramercy
Park, to outh Carolina. Florida ami
Louisiana, and how other- at the West
received telegraphic orders to pro i-ed
immediately to Oregon, to capture one
or all of those States for :. ,1. Tilden
and Thos. A. Hendricks" who. we are
now told by these Democratic innocents
in Pennsylvania, "were cheated out of
the offices of President and Vice-President
to which they were fairly elected.''
The s witl-footed messengers-plenipo-ientiary
began their work with one ac
cord by proposing schemes of bribery,
and they all communicated chiel'.y with
Mr. Ti idea's nephew. Colonel W. T.
Pelton. who dwelt under the uncle's
roof and there received and sen', in the
conr-e of a month, several hundred tel
egrams, many of them in cipher, relat
ing to the purchase of votes aud thc
corruption of electors. Tins took place
in the house of the gentleman who. ac
cording to the Pennsylvania Democrat-,
was somehow in the process of being
Mr. Manton Marbie, Mr. C. W. Wood
tey and Mr. John 1. Coyle went to
Florida, and soon afterward a proposi
tion m cipher cam" to Mr. Tihlen's
hoi-e from Tallaiias-ee for the pur
chase oi the Florida Returning Boanl
. the price of Mr. Tilden
.-eems even then to have been suspic
ions of some attempt to client him. aud
the oiler was rejected a- extravagant.
The figure was afterward reduced to
3".i(..0' K.. at which price Pelton signified
his willingne-s to clo.-e the bargain. It
tell through, in consequent of a delay
in the leceipt of the message of accept
ance, and this was the first of theser es
of transactions in which Mr. Tilden was
"cheated "
The South Carolina arcnt was Mr. S.
M. Weed. On the day of his arrival in
Columbia there came a telegram to Pel
ton suggesting the purchase of the Can
assing Board in a round lot at ?'''.-Ob-'..
This was a low figure for the
goods, and seems to have been satis
factory at the New York terminus of
the cipher telegraph, but Mr. Tilden
was reported to have rolled out a b g
bar'l at St. Louis, and the South Caro
lina demand seems to have been raised
gradually until after negotiations run
ning through six days, the trade was
closed at SSU.OJO. The money was to
be delivered in Baltimore, and Weed
aud Pelton met there ou the 20th of No
vember: but again a little too mudi de
lay upset the scheme and Mr. Tilden
was "cheated" a second time.
Afterwards there was a plot to buy
four members of the South Carolina
Legislature for Jiiu.UOO, and having thus
got control of the State Government, to
put the Hayes Electors in jail until aft
er the da for casting the Electoral
votes had passed. The four members
were not to be had. however, and so
Mr. Tilden was "cheated" again.
Thc secret agent in Oregon was J. N.
II. Patrick. The Democratic Governor
withheld a certificate from one of the
Hayes Electors on the ground of ineli
gibility, and instead of allowing the
other Electors to till the vacancy gave
a certificate to a Tilden Elector'uamed
Crouin. who could not. however, hold
a meeting and cast the vote of the State
all alone. An agent telegraphed lo
Pelton that it was necessary to pur
chase a Republican Elector to recognize
and act with" Cronm. and that it
would cost eight thousand dollars to do
it. The money was sent to Oregon,
but arrived after thc electoral vote had
leen cast, and thus Mr. Tilden was
"cheated" once more.
These transa tions on the part of the
man whom the Democrats at Allentown
delight to speak of as having been
"cheated" out of the elention. are as
well autheuti aied as any facts in
American poiiti al history. " It is pass
ing strange, therefore that his own
friends should insist on bringing that
shameful story of "thc mo.i deadly
blow ever aimed at our system of repre
sentative governniexfc"' back into peo
ple's recollection. The whole plan
must have originated iu the house of the
defeated Presidential candidate, and it
wa- repeated over and over again in
the shape of nn attempt to procure by
bald bribery the office which had been
denied him by nn election of the peo
ple. The Democratic party should con
tent itself witn making promises for the
future. It is a very perilous undertak
ing for it to disturb the ashes of the
past. Detroit l-'oil and Tribune.
- A confidence man thus explains
why his busjne is always good: "It
do s seem strange that people will never
learn. But do ou know what old
Peter Pindar said. He said: 'People in
th world love dearly to be cheated." I
You need no: smile- but I had a college j
education wiien i was a boy, and used
lo know all about old Pindar, Johnson,
Dr. V atts and them plums." Oiicwjo
Bold Presumption.
The wintry is stunned. The ST-iue
ment at the snectaclc presented by th
action of Congress in tne Fit. John Pos
ter case has left few words at command.
The spectacle of rewarding a man for
official misconduct is a striking one.
The promise of securing by the ballot
what could not be ga ned by the bullet
begins to be realised by the late Con
federates. The man who could permit
his personal je ilousies to jeopardize the
perpetuity of the Government is made
a public beneficiary. The enemies of
the Government, whose participation in
public affairs is a matte.' of grace, havo
bad the unblushing audacity to sit in
review upon the judicial proceedings in
m litary discipline of faithless servants of
the Union. Ex-Confederates have been
allowed to revoke the action of a Un;on
court-martial. Could impropriety be
more glaring? Could assumption bo
more audacious? Are the people pre
pared to accept the results which nat-uralh-
How trom such a precedent?
What right had men who were engaged
in the relelhon to have "iny v ice in re
viewing the disciplinary proceeding
a 'aiiist an officer in the L'nion service?
Why should the country accept the ver
dict rendered on the Fitz John Porter
case, participated in by men who were
aided in their eflbrLs to overthrow the
Union by the misconduct for which he
was condemned, in preference to the
verdict of the lamented Lincoln and the
patriots whose heavy hearts aud burst
ing bra.ns were driven to the brink of
despair by the Consequences of his will
ful disobedience?
Had there been one spark of shame
left in the breasts of these men they
never could have used the vote-- in Con
gress given them by the grace of a peo
ple far too lenient for tiieir own good,
to o errule the oilicial act on of tiie Por
ter court-martial. They never could
have stood in tiieir places in Congress
but for the c ndoning action of th" Gov
ernment they attempted to destroy, and
rai-e tiieir voices in securing immunity
lor the secret enemies of the Republic
Logan was right. IPs burning words
should be seared iuto every patriotic
heart. His eloquence was never more
powerfully or aopropriately used. No
wonder the Democratic pre-s, which oppo-ed
the Union during the war. write
in torture under its scath:ng sentences.
Let the people read them. Let them
study them well. The picture of par
doned criminals reversing the judg
ments of the courts on their a-cesory!
What words can paint the monstrosity?
It is the picture Congress has given to
the world in this action. Is there any
lengtn to which such men will not go?
All that is wanted is the power, undtha
threat of Blackburn that even- vestige
of war legislat on shall be swept from
the statute bocks will be realized. Little
by little it is be'iig accomplished. Step
bv step the work" of the war is being
undone. Was it for this that the coun
try consented to wipe the blood from
the hands of jtarric des and traitors?
Wa.- it for th's that the stains of treason
were gradoiislv pardoned- Shail the
pardoned traitors now- seize the power
to pardon all their coad utors without
so much as by your leave'-' What is to
hinder more sweeping and more hate
lul measures? Plainly nothing can hin
der it but tiie voice of the people con
demuing this bold a-sumption of un
warranted privilege, and there should
be no uncertain sound in its tone. Uur
iinyton Ilaw'xeyc.
.Moderation iu Order.
This is a good time for charity in
thought and moderation in speech, when
the btness of leading Republicans for a
Presidential nomination is the topic. II
he had not a good many friends we
should n t be tempted to say a word
about him. Tiie votes of those friends
will be wanted in November, if tho
party is to elect anybody.
In some quarters a spirit has been
shoivn which dos not tend to make
success easy. . ben isrown savs: "I
can't aud won't support such a fool or
knave as your friend Black; a Demo
crat would be better." does Brown ex
pect that his own candidate will havo
the hearty support of Blank's fr ends?
Or wheu White says- "You are not
holy enough for me; nine-tenths of tho
party prefer bad men: you must all
come up to my lofty standard, or a set
of Demo-rats less Worthy than any of
you shall preva.1.'' does he show good
sense? The personal preferences of
any large body of Republican voters
are entitled toa measure of respect, at
least from anj- one who wishes his own
preferences to be at all respected.
It is possible and proper to discus?
candidates with all needful freedom.
We can say. for instance, that President
Arthur's uominat on does not seem to
us the strongest that can be made, and
give clear reasons for that opiniou. with
out disputing the general excellence of
his Administration. If the positions
formerly taken by Senator Logan on
financial questions would render him
less strong in New York than soma
other candidates, that consideration can
be fairly and forcibVy presented with
out saying, as one journal does, thafc
"his nomination is not to be thought
of." The fact that a good many sound
Republicans do think of his nomina
tion, and deem it desirable, deserves
respectful notice.
It is rather a bad habit, about nomi
nation time, to declare that this or that
candidate can not be elected. We
seriously doubt whether the sober and
practical people of this country are go
ing to prefer Democratic rule to the
success of anj Republican who is at all
likely to be nominated. Political inde
pendence is a good thing, where there
is a proper occasion for it. More than
once it has been needful, and in break
ing down the domination of mere ma
chines or bosses, it has done good to
the part-. But no candidate this year
is in the" least degree likely to be forced
upon an unwilling party by machine
dictation, or by the management of
bosses. Any man whom the voters of
the Republican party, acting with rea
sonable freedom and through a fairly
organized convention, honorsulliciently
toselect as their candidate, is exceed
ingly 1 keiy to be pre.erred by the peo
ple to the nominee of an effete, incom
petent, reactionary and essentially
Bourbon Democacv. It is well to
choose thc stronge-t candidate we can.
But it is not well to imagine that any
one man is absolutely essential to Re
publ.cau success, or to d-ciare that the
one you yourself do not like can not ba
elected. - V. 1'. Tribune