i 1 I -.A l frgrw-r M ..a-.. n - i-- n , Red Cloud Chief. , .y .a - 1 Kl m- "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.30 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. i j T ' VOL. XL RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY. NEB., FRIDAY. MAY 2. 4 884. NO 39r n : The RED CLOUD CK IE I' every friday y A. C HOSMER. ' RATE. OF SCHi?I!TI )V: lae copy, one rear. - One copy. ?ix mgnth5. - One com. loir nmiiihe. ... 51. tntered at the I'uSioSlce in Red Cloud a- mai ler, f the secpi.il cla corxrv J.n P. BayLa. r.-mty n.-rk. f..is Biwnow t ,u, '1 r:ir-r. (J i O Yi-" '' tj.i JuJj. W arren. "!!). ( i a . rji iiii r, r-uperiuteuJent of, l'm:w In-ir-.K-mm. C I' Kinker. ..nny ?nrvpvor. .1 M Mit-tMiat. t;nty I oroi.t r. J EI Smith. J .litiitL Miller. 'Tnunty iin. Jut M('.i'!i.ii Business Dhectery. t tie E I ypllipini: M 9 ! i A. FQVL1R, Proprcitor. i7 i"ir i ii'iiia "i i':c Niioiia! i 1 ink. Ht-il i : L M Ki.i.x.Y. M. !-, PKY.-ICIAN AND fUHGEOX, J.T.J Cl.oUl. - - - MlutA'KA t 1). DKXXEY M. II.. I'HYiriAX aXD SUUGEOX. ( ifvkf and lepiij ....k' iruc-tri-. ixHm o-i -A I) VKslEI.L. M. 1. 1'HYHiriAX A7fl ?riSttEN, Orrscr urerrtfee'i'ew icfiee -r-. lr (' 1.1IE5CK. ..... v.. , i-.-.r..M;.M. ..!! .r,rtMitlvtt?nii i J it'll ----..- . ---- ( x . (HH.-K Atr.M.tf!!ifmWV'' ..; . I. i 5. EMiUll. I ,.??i-,!iI:Krfn:Nbrask Lumber Co., 1 ".!.. t..r-;iat Birik. JZl:,n J .-?& Dr. H. A. Baird. RESIDEliTDEKTIST.I L'.ED CLOUD, NE3EAS rj Frank R. Gump, ATTOKNEi At A AW. kf.! "!!. "::". nll"'"tii rwire Prampt t-it!nn. OiFici 0trr Ui w ii-iwSi fcujliiicc. 'G. R. CIIAXEY. ATTOK.VEY AT LAW. State I5.-uk 1-bH-k. LkI ClmifL Xcb (' W. KM7. - L. K.V1.KY. Kaley Bros. a TTORKEY? AT LAW. irE! rLorn. xeij Airent- for tht 15. t M. I. It. Land- - J-:iMX t. IIAWLEY. Attorney At Law, j rliEIl CLnri). - - NEII v """ . S. GILFIAM," A TTOKNEY AX WHWSELOn AT LAW. 0v fiir' fBp Pf'O '''"''- L'ED CLOriX. 0? J.Oa-. VSRHAFKA Jus. itcNcnv Ca.e & McKfny, Lkti V.H.ir Ci.? V. t-Hir C bier Irc nlmt 'Stats MMQdi! i:r.i n.ori. XEit. Special Attention Given to CsHsc- xicn. ' DlhLclul.S. . Ml.' Garhcr. J-cji "'e- Rwt. V-Hik-r. Tinv nl s.-n F.-hne. Trfjtke r;; .,:,... Ih-t.un: oUr and Cu .ti.ii liaukins: Bosiness. rr Tt- -f! fc-r liv.iY.Lr tfcS ALL i3-i- IVTLlJLsT fDsr-:i.- - i vr w A V r a LY T? : V , -j n a " ?Satci!ia3S;s..Ch.oa?2s3 y piT i i . ? icti tm-ir- crfu'W to eai-ientlv -tteiHl- 3 EE !!&- ""' L'ViiJ 1 t. . re - Kirs' i" - " ' ' ' "'sal 1 ii-nk. u RFI. '!. .'"P. VE3. a ?'af'-'" -w -"- x -fr' i CV'L) f. -tw-t;z jj ' tffc.- - . -r-..-.i T' tl I 1 1 - t . ;ri r-j. i.i..fLvr. - -- . - ; 1 - few-r rir r rir v-a rin f ,. rn Vvn --.r h & -fcs F S i wkkctoi i goods are nor. :? IfiSilSlUEbh 12 IIIL8L9S tftefiSU UkiUGB LttlilllBL SiUUOO I ...jj. Au --u '-.. , tl . - - S -r -" -S ?- " : -S j -f j t- .u- -' . , 'i;' f -..t -s sw- s Jf ; Ji .? 3 fc fN i W c rz e- ' Opposite Fosrofrlcc. Mv srock oi Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is ! the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the Republican Vallev and mv Drices can 'R. L. H. fefSB? i!U --. - jyae icprai SWlHBBf JFi- ' X r - . ' FINE CARRIAGES AND y !U "- Xate' v - ' KlXX Cf Every Description Manufactured by r3; ro ! rv- ! 'raSi-seper, fanager, AW n- '.:!. a it!.. 1 ! i.i " f :' i K'-- ct tii- , . t . r; ii ;. . lt-il . Job Work 1 -f 1 n lKSiJ Vtf Uiii tXS.-i -i.vJ A-'--'t !.: r. ; ? r,. - a . .r on: vr" V. ,t!'i .!- : I . DEAL El! $ JX LUSraEB, LATFI, S!riXx.LT'Vf ?a?PI, HOOKS. BLIXD5&C. I I RED s LOUD, .(!- 1MIY LVMISEII A HITCIALTY. O Ti p: ;SSK Ml' nvsas Four Doors North State Bank, reS? CLO'LTD, TJNDEBTAKSES' GOODS &mm USD & ffl. Dealer lr: Frcsli Meeds, LnvfJ. W i j-r'ffM. TV' 73J,"TT7T T1T?"V f' ?' J VL VLil.i .i. ' fc- n V . ' Ij r - UYYOUR GOODS ! JT 1HE OL3 7P t xnX'VTZP"' iSSfe fC& - x By ROAD WAGONS fettlf IP'0irls!i IM fTXTx &5 US :Dp s That ii. :i i T . ttir".f our . - iM- V- am' ' i.i1rw..ti an i in in ." i Ti T cy I J. Jk a - 4 w . . .tl:- ' : vrk'' in t"t. . tm!! uii t-'i. ESD !1 !INi. w!i ii II I- l'I.h1 t NEBRASKA TI!L HI..-T IX THE M MiKET AXI) C55 W'laWWJEfeT FIHOKK, i e Nt (i "N EBRASKA. P TU i;K-n of i; R A P !5: & R n p3 t i?B s ?s' J-' vHssi-i rtrf '-Kl5gg trssa !!;. VWhi'SiVQsimffltfi -i " ' "'" " Mt V 1 . .- -r -.--- ? - .---ii---1.- ,V' i not iail to please. TINKER. Patronize Hom: Patronizinn; Home can alwavs get VOU i j- Qr, it) -i- liOCb .b w - vou will have to pav for inferior article shipped Irom the east, our Buggies All of are . Vv'arran ted. CLOUD CARRIAGE WORKS L O. h N S On l.in Propertv X i i i . i ;. i t'...rti Vob-i- k-i i d V r'n"n Kans.i. at iJ and .' per ent. u.teiest iWithftii1 nmrRicelftn T W IkllWU. - I - t. f sw w i AI'I'l V TO nil unui mi, RSD CLOUD.-NEB. ! Now Located at Red Clcud, Is now prepared t do a general am-( tiotji. riu iu-:-.e-- .r-i will attend i and t-ik- -''t ' Lr ! .(" k't':- T 1 i .-ales in Wb-n-! am! adin-nini; Colin-, I t.f at tiit iii.'-t I ; ll-ivintr had rif'een r-ar- epnenf in I . .Mim-ii! Iititue in :-i-- v..rrat..ed , in yiiaraieeim; t-ntire -ati-faction. For tt-rm app'y to him at Aliner's i ?t.re. belore you enuaf your man. Te'e-jraph and in il ordi-r- will re- ci pn-m;t attention. Your order? i ri'-iie-tfuil solii-ted. 9-3m I i I R ' J fi I .' I f jlWSfltfi.-S feflfl b"V'?t? I t.8JU6a iiiiU fetiba I' .' "rs. S. hi. Cupp, I ni -neil to ilo nil kiml- tif Drsssmaki nsr, ium Cutting Etc. , R. E. Jore Pre't .tohr. ' o e V. Prw't I K. H. Atnbler Cahipr FiriFt National Bank: RED CLOUD, NEB. j Capital, - 50,000. ' '"Pranfaot a cnerarbanking Lasiness, buy and iell Countv vr-"-:i. -Mo d.unt-. Orc ro- ein i aud s.i.-fa. ol ou-tn-t bands Bu ana U Aine-PNWT-Mr. . M.:,. , -.--J;, -,,., - T, , ' CU?MMwrf AU 6"" J" r y uni.e.insteaUttoantaon.7ehiparty dm-WjuH. r:Mr I B j j , 1S34 -1 f h, the n p ,b. .. ,n t ate co Are Invited 1 Examine tSBS & . $ 4 & MEN'S V UTHS 3 AND BOY m Boots, Shoes. Hats. Gaps, " 1 N-.3-. I Is LL1 liiOili-lip -r. JJLt3 And the Finest Line of i ladies'. Misses', Children's SnOeS AT TV I IK SJ, Q nr?n soYjr ii a .? u : . r ! - - ff- t r t . .- iJEi.?l?iJ &atiia.ELi . - . - - --., ( fe.t ''-wfS. M , .- AH Vn 'x CCC - aet lVO Vr ,'iIlVei V irUIOIiaSer - -!'' orv -iii-' Oi (1MO. 0 J.LS.IJ.CL5ISO I e V - r - oq '. t-y UXi. 'All Hi I to t THE ' f2v5A'li c ' u"''. ! BJ:"IU' ll:ul the lan:-:: pergonal fyl&)vr ! 5ftfcvi,rV fi: W!"' l'wever, "anytlilii-r to-'i;ii i f cc-fcH-' lJnint.".in(l alltlie htreai.th of .hW- I V.- -.V. . TZWtfU T I ! 2 tT m 3 k ftav sytfr.s.tf i a sj it , . j k b ir fc.i&y i a-? t. b a . i.S JS VV Aiil.nH tl,.. .Ill JtK.'ll'tll t fill. I..irtl" Ol.l ' 20, $10 and$5,j ft F t 1 yi y; State Eank Block. t r c- -t j -cj--t- IVIQE 6Y rexLLULCLeU II bJlG fOimd aS ri-p-, -" issa aens Ki ' m-'Mfr f I m f J KJ -l -3 ?Eg.iyg&' .. A. C. HOSMER Proprietor 1 FIIIDAY, MAY i, 1SS4. SKXSIBLK AIVICE. The foiiou iu; :irtn-!e L clipped from sthe Stub Jonrml: -The Omaha J.'. P'tblican s'honU- that tht- overvrlielniin stfiuiinent of Xehra-ka republican it for Iiaiuo ami c.i!! upon tiie peopTfe'To rie in t!ieir miirht ami elect llh'tiiip (leleiiate? to Chicago. It refer? to. hfe contest of four ear- ao a- a proof- ot the overwhelminj; .-eiitiment.' TliertJ is tfiia diil'erencf between thi?year.ani four year at;o. Then everythins mot fur Grant v.as counted for Iihsine. -Next to Grant tliere is doubt"' ?.Irl nan. vhi-h wa sufficient toth-'iw.'.'tiie balance of power in several cmnui, ; includinc Douglas. aL'ain-t G-nnt, hnd t-eruie a liiaine a an anti-Grant tel i nation trotn the t.ue. Yet with ali.th combined ojijiosition to Grant thrown for Uiaine the popular vote at' 'the primaries 'vas jierhaj.s fr (traiit'-'m tnc ac-Ki-ecate. I- or instance, in Onia- iia and Douu'la- county the vote,w:U exeeediimly elo-e. but a full Bla'nr delegation wa elected, while In Lan caster and other counties the inajqnty f.: Grant w:i overwhelminj;. . .:. To-day the case i? ci!anj;ed. iIr. r.lai-ie s- no longer with the field, but tthe lii-id i apdiist him. It is very ldn;ib;i;il if he has a imjority against i the field in any countv. though there may be some locaiitie where sucli a. majority iniht at:T. In the 'tet votes that we have observed in various place- thoimh Blaine led the imiII' h was- a itoim! wuvs behind a maioritt. I- That will Le the case in the comiii'j- national convention according to ilic present siiis. ' ' -1 In the JourmiFi opinion Xebr.i!;V has nyihinj: to ;a:n in n:u!:i!a Bionp delegation. It will lie wiser to s'enii.s. doleHiion of the rep'e.-entatives of ihii repubiieanism of Xebraka at lafg'i, cimjI, le cl-headetl men wiio aire more for party -.ucce-s at the poll- nest No vember than for pr-ona! applause or an ojiportunity to be temporarily prom- ,ne- with instruction to support tiis" i man who in their iudemen: can :.. together with the nomination, !'tYfc - -- greatest number of electoral otes ue'xt fall, than to send Blaine's men or any other man's men. " Suppose, for tiie srke of the argu ment, that we concede to IJIainej'aii the vote.- " die :Ute wiience it.-iis ci.timeU he is oinir to ;et ln- streiitlv in the convention. Give him the eii- i tiro delegations of California, t'oloraiio, Iowa. Ka.isa, Maine, Maryland. Mich- ijran. Nenraska, Nevada. Oregon, I'erui- '-S1 ............. i..... -iv.ii. n.,, Onio, Indiana, and New - i tt . iotk. no-.v many voie na ne : he? Two i hundred and eij;h:y-ei:;ht. How many more ha he to get tor a nominatioh"? One hundred and fourteen. Then jdve "nim LosanV vote as second choice the ft'hole I'linoi- deleLration. IIow many lm he then ? Three hundred and thirty-two. lie slid lacki seventy of the coveted number, four hundreii and two. Wheiev.ill he find them? The ll'publican remarks that the re- , publicans who prefer some other than Uhiine are keepint; quiet. There'is much sense in ket-pins; ijuiHt tliiss year. No man of judgment to whom tnesur cess of the republican party i of mHfe value than a personal triumph at tKe primaries or in a state convention, aiul ' that cia- of men embrace a larue ma- , joritv of rrraMican voter- in NebnL- jka.Mt.. recall the bitt-rneis-'of lSU. Ik-knows hnw nearly that enn- testnn.de a wreck of the party. He, 'does not pi about shoutinjj for thisu ;"ut;: "' -" "" - iniaii, or th..t man, nor piottic how to beat another man, but desires ty,e- 'noimnatii.ii 01 a i-ai.u.itate wlio can - put an era to tne s-J-dwart and hH'- f J'.m .tix .- ... ...... ... i.... ..i vs. ttJl breed anti-Grant or .-uiti-anvbodv fac- lonahsin. lie makes no war on am re-neetahle candidate. Ke wants to ilipuhUrnn and d'fhise- to .-end ",a niaine ii'ieaiioii ir n tieteanon known to be tit5 up to any candidate, -living or dead." v. Siuc. Oh Siiur. tliat Snu;AsitIn ' How can you when you couj;h at erv breath'' Whv, -jet a trial bottle or lr. rsiOTiow- ro-itive Cure, astl x-n,, w;ii he answered. It r-nr f-olA 1 couch, con-ummion, whooping vm;n3 and al! aiene ol the tunes anditwii .-o-t vou in thine to e-t it if you ealUi 'A. LtndlA:"s nru:; store. 5- The Rld Cloud Chief 1 1 lev I) 1 i gri;' mJS , . 1 . . ,-V,':rVL ( V J ' Si "' - 1A jf" ' ' 1 . ' JJMMg tiJ " " 'gMMMf in I'nnfaMur: 1 ni .1 IIHHiKliMtf) HH II C 4.-. M. .V