K - v tP - Kit IFA h- " i I I t k S, b r f , r t The Red Cloud Chief A. C.'HOSMER Proprietor I KIl'.YY, AIM'IL 2.-1 IS-. I. Uretincnfitlte Demorrnrir Central Committee. Notice is hereby given tliat there will be a meeting of the democratic central' eommittce of Wobster county, Nebraska, at the court-house in said rounty, on Saturday, April -JG, 1SS4, at 2 o'clock p. m. All precinct commit teemen are earnestly requested to be present as business of importance will come up before said meeting. A. S. Marsh, Chairman. The Situation. Blaine, from Maine. ceins to have a a pretty good following in tne United States. He has been endorsed by one or more state conventions and will make a good run before the Chicago convention. Arthur and Logan are still coming to the front with good backing from several states. The Chi cago convention promises to be one of great interest, and it seems to be the prevailing opinion tliat a "dark horae" will win the laurels. On the democratic side of the house. Samuel J. Tilden holds the winning card, and will in all probability be the democratic standard bearer for 18S1. Several other lesyr lights in the democratic ranks are "bobbing up serenely" but do not seem to have the support that Samuel J. baa among the newspapers iu the various states. Oi-san'intioni.f iJi.- Kid Cloud Hwtili-i. A--M)fi.itio:i oi' Ked (Wn.d. Xohra-l.a. -i:.c(!aim.iKatt.'i. a. kai.kv. o. I) .-.. AHni-iht. I-II. V:.l!nee;and Joint l:. -Mrey. .-.SI of Ied Cloud. V.'eli-ter (.limit v, Neh ii.i larcliy inioriiorate imr-.-lves and all' iier-nii., who may heroine -torkholder heicof into :i lintly irii-at' lor the iurMiM of creetinn. fur iii1iiii:iimI lnaintniniiijrau ojmt:i Isuiw iu Hid (loud, e-hter comity. ."ehra.-ka. under the Jpnercd lncoriionition lavv.- or the Mate of Ne braska. AitTici.K II. The name of this conioration shall he "llic lied Cloud ItuHdiii- At-nci.-.tlon." and it ila .t doliur lupine.-- .liall he at Ked Cloud. HclMi'i loiintv, .ehra-ka. AicTti-trlM. Theeatiital -Inek or tld inr iKlration -hall he an authoi i?i d rajiit.d of ''. to he paid in under the diieetion ot the tioanl of director- oi ald conioi-itiou and he di ided iu-to.-hare- often dollai- en h. ARnci.i: IV. 'IhefoiiiineiM-eiiieiit of tlil-enr- L iHirat ion -hsillhr April t.". !. and -hall cou- iimieioineiir-Ki.n oi.ianuan. ii. and may he renewed ttom time to time mdeliidtej.-. Ahi ii.k .The lui-iue of thi- i orpimition shall he controlled and managed h a pie-ident. yiie-preshlent, -e ntarv. and tiva.-i.n r. and Iioanloi t i ilreU'ir-rtlii'V of wlioiii -hall he a I'lii-iun. 'l-iie director- slia'd he eh-eted at a rcj: ulariiieetintolie lield auuuallv on tint t'l-t Wediie-d.iy alter the fiit Vonda" in .lantian. Iv tne -haiviioldci-, eaeli -hare of '.-lock entiilitij; the holder theieor to one vote and at the same time, or at auv adjourned lueetin-,' thereto. The director shall elect a president, vne-president. -ecretaiv and tren-urer. all of whom shall remain in otaie until their Mim-i-ors are elected. The pre-i- ueui -urn iiceicciiii ironi t:se noanlol ilireclor-, Mrs. S. R. McBride, ft fC & r L-T '.1 TV A TV U.- l5 H BUB St, THE pr. 553 -n n j rH n feeAPJfr3 y The Largest K AVI KG t ! The Leading E23 (S! Largest I And the Oldest Established uA ?;beiei iWUU IHiillnery store in li8Q s J - The District Kcpublican Convention. On last Tuesday the republicans of the second congressional district met in convention at Hastings for the "pur pose of putting in nomination two del egates to the Chicago convention and two alternates. At 7:30 p m. the meet ing was called to order, and Mr. V. I. Foss, of Saline county, was made chair man, and Cantatn Wiiiteoteiu. secre tary. Captain Scott, of York, county, was then nominated tor delegate anil was elected by acclamation with tre mendous cheering and the utmost cn thuMasm. The captain on being called made a very neat and praiseworthy speech, alter which Geo. 15. Burton, of Harlan county, was nominated and elected by acclamation. A speech by Mr. Burton and the convention pro ceeded to elect alternates, the result of which was the selection of '1. II. Matt ers, oTClay county, and F. A. Swee.y, of Blue Hill. Altera few more enthus iastic speeches weie made, resolutions endorsing President Arthur for his able admin-ftration were adopted. The con vention was composed of Blaine dele gations in most every case, and eri' extraordinary enthusiastic at themen tionofthe 4pluined knight's" name. The selection of Mr. Burton and Mi. Sweezy was right and proper, as it give.- the west end pf the district proper re cognition. Mr Sweezy is a gentleman of ability and should the duty of voting fall upon him. we know that it would be done well and to the satisfaction of his constituency. Bys. E2S jjEZi -! JTVS m'P L JFIFi fS azM jitefeteirj mm -inn - it,, mi mini i:ic uo.iiooi oiivcioi-. l J 1 Ai:n i.r. 1. The iudebtcdnc of tliecmiNir- , .rs Ycm(2T A CCATlr7vJ'M'Y "IT1 "TCi mVTJ" ' alloniall.uuoiiuieeM-cd tw.i-Uiir.i- of the ' JUSI ?4"JiU JL2l&Cs-JI L'li S.x3 b ill bLtU Ull V capital .-tivkrwhirli i- -l'i . '-' PBIGES THE LO Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard. Agent fox? BrLiteioE-vs .Pattern iVKIli i.;; II Tlie iornor.it sin iiki enact ami adopt li-lnw- w il mu.j deem piopei and ncce at lioin time lotime hj ,i uiajniit vole of all it- directors. Aurn'i.r. III. Theliu-ine-sof tin- corjmni tion li:ill he to erect an opera hen-. ere. tan;, hu inj; and -ellinsueii oilier pi ojiertj a-it iu.i deem proper. Ai:iif,.K IX. The (iivani7atioii "I this eor ponition -iiall lie complete and perfect ui!i tlw tiling of tl.e.ai title-oi iucorHii-:iti(n iu the of tice or the county clerk of Wel'.--r coiiiity, Ne braska. Torthe reinaind'T or the ear"l "i:t-. l'latt shall he president, I. II. hale shall he ice-pre.-ident. U II. Wallacu -h.ill be tixurer. ami .inn. JJ. Mure shall he -eerelan. .t.iei-our hands thi- t.":h da oi Apnl li-st .!(. K. Shii:i:. c.J. 1'iArr, 1 II. W.u.laci:, :. -. Ai.i:i:icitrr 1). II. Ki.x:. a 5 fc ft Hj jo f 1 1 T V V Z1AKJ A a Q E. McKEEBY, M. D.. rilSTSICIAX AND SURGEON, i"FiK. First door west id Cook- driij; -tore. Ollice hours from : to ua iu.. I io4. audi to s p. in. Ke-idenceo block.- west or court lmue. KKDCLOLI), - - - NI'HUASKA I.EtJAIi NDTICK. PciilicSale The undersigned will sell at public sale, the following : The National House and six lots and all the furniture, bedding, ujul other arti cles too numerous to mention, at Por tis, Osborn Co., Kansas, Thureday, May 1, 1884, at 2 p. m. Reason for sell ing I want to go east. This house is for rem if "ot sold. Terms made known on day ofsale. M. Asthokx, Proprietor, Potis, Osborn Co., Kas. The Golden Eagle clothing store of fers a lot of btraw hats bought of John Hay at bankrupt prices. Manilla hats $2 each as are sold everywhere at $3 to $3.50. H. P. Bowers, the Marsh Whitney twine binder man, is here, putting on the improvements to last year's ma chine. All eyes are now on the plat form binder, as it is the machine of the Grand concert at the court-house Friday evening, April 25. Seed Cokx. The undersigned has 500 bushels of seed corn for sale. V,H. Fin.LER.-Catherlon, Neb. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Potter fc Erisbie is this day (April 21,) dissolved by mutual agreement. Those having accounts arc requested to call and settle. J. Q. Potter, I. FiusniE. RED CLOUD MARKET. Winter Oats.... J"e.... K-ixIi-y.. Wheat 67 72 j v; ' M,r ., 2-.GK Comhtlled x Corn in er a& Cattl 2M&.W Okittaary. nied, at Red CloudrNeb., April 20. 18l. Carrie N. Craw lord. asc. I ti jears. 'Jhe family iiadju-t removed Id this pi;u-e from Middletown. Iowa. The di-ea&e was dropsy of the heart, at time terj'paininl, hut it was patiently home. Mm said "Uod JkiMins best" lierdeatu was suddeu One more i-free from all pain. Thanks of the family arc returned for the great kindness shown by friends and uehddmrs. m Le-i-al Notice. STATE BANK OF liED CLOUD, PLAINTIFF, s.C.M. Ilarrett, defendant. In the county rourt of Webster county. Nebraska. To C. M. Darren, defendant, you are hereby untitled that the State Bank of Red Cloud hae commenced !-.uitaipuns,t jou in the county court in and fur the countv oi Webster and Mate of Jvebm-ka, to sico'icr the sum t?i --Tl.ir.. and that on the lt.tli day of April, ISM. an outer of attachment wa- is stied ajrainsl von from said court. You are aNo iiotitleit that unless ou apiearaud answer on or before the i.nd Cv of dune, lssl.your default w ill he eiiten-d andjudgnient n-ndered apaiii-t jou !t uraved. A K It. 1 5 1 m i Tv Attunxey for Plai ntitl. JUSTICK DCSINIS IN COCNTV COt'IJI 1'efiin.1 (7eon;e ). Vei-er. Count .Ii'dae in ;uid for Web-le? countv and Mat.- of Nihrask.t. Isic S. la lor TA. McCrean said defendant will take notice th.U -aid plaiutitl has romuieuce.l an adieu iu said court, tor the piupo-e of recirtenii-, the simi of thirt si dollars due on ana.iotiut tor board, and that on the 17th day of.Yiardi. 1S"I. s.wl J.eorpe (). Vei-t-r, County . I udp-in and for s,iiii Wih-ter county. Nebni-ka. issued an in d.-r ot att: ehuieiit apiiu-t ou for said amount, and that ui.der -aid order the lhiiliiiKtHii and Mi oi.ri River Rail road Company have been attached a-jcinii-hee-. You are further reiiuired to appear ::ud an-vver said cause on or beiore Mav jo. IS'!, at in.i'clock a. iu.. to which time said eause has iiLeu ad journed li order of said court, and tnat if o.i tail tonpiicnr judnieul will be ieudere.1 against vou for said auioiiut anil costs and said railroad compau held liable for any amount due and owinn tovou bv theil', Isa N. 'l.'.v tor.. , 1'erCa-e.V McNeil, his atoruc3. Da'A-.t at Red Cloud, Nib., April li;, i?;i. .J7-lw FINAL PROOF NOTICE. Imd Oflice. Iooini!i-.'toii. Neb.. April 12. l'sl. -VioriCKLS liERKIlY OIVKN THAT 'I HE 1 follow in;;-nauieil settler has tiled notice of hi-intention to make final prMif iu -uiiiiit oi his claim. and tliat -aid prool w.iibe maifehefote Clerk li-tr:ct I'liutt. V.-l-ter count, at Red Cloud, Nib., on Moima. May a:, ls:, "viz: JOSEPH C.TA?.'..tP' on Il'dentry o. ;jio. for tlieea-t iif of nc ,r nf - et ion 2i;, township l. no! th of R 10 wc-t. lie nanie- the follow in; vvitr.e is to prove hi- eo'i liliumis re-idei.ee iiiiun, and cuUivatinii of said land, vi: Ileiir lfnll, ('curp' I'eWnt. 'liioma H umphrev. Solon Wiin-. .-.11 of Huide Ro-k. Nebni-ka. S. W. SWITZEK, Rej-'ister. aprJs-mavjC LVu WM, gates, DEALER IN TUPIi L 1 WMlv PED CLOUD, NEB. Is now fully prepared to buy CATTLE and HOGS, for which he will pay the HIGHEST PRICES ! See him before ou buy, it will pay ou. New Office and Yards-ea si LSI n S 1 d gggga E-K3 Clough's Patent WHOUGHT IROU PUMPS Are eonceded by all to stand without a rival for Cheapness, Simplicity, Durability and Perfect Woiking. Lay aside the old wuoden pump tlnt belong to tne age of wooden plows, wooden forks and wooden shoes, anil pet nice, light and handy iron pump, that will compare with the plow-; and other implements, of our time, dough's Patent Wrought Iron Pump, is not only perfect in its working, but needs no repairs, anil will List as long as a crow bar. Look at sample set on Web ster street, in Public well. For sale by D. C. WALKER, KED CLOUD, XK3 Sole Agent for Webster County, Xeb. tssjf rice the pump before you buy. 3.- t7I t 11 ? f ' V -- XTYH jvi . JLtX CJi"i JL ILZ XZB P.T JffiPfi.fJTKOr . s-.- 7 f J iT7. 1 j i-3 SJa DEALER in Irileiisuliriss litis Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Hambiirgs. Laces, Notions, Hosiei'3", Ribbons, Etc. BED OLOUD, - NEBRASKA. AIw j. I.(i uiij'.nidta,fiill ai.rt ci.iupk'ie line or th a! ..v.1 ',(,('-, . nu will -ell tl.v-m (BMEAF WmR (BASIL All iood-yuaranteed a-n'pr.'-cntcil or moiii';.' r,'if..ied. 1 1 :i I i'.i::iiiii her -tock before l.t fori-u bii. op-u-i.c.-t.iii i;.i:iK. -- -.--srf Before you leave the city, and consider the great opportunity now offered at ip S szErssja ) &k ' usu. istU v BE-D OLOUD, NEBRASKA, Where Goods are Being Hard-Dan Prices. -- Ww A -:o:- That old adage, "Time is Moncv" will not do at this stage of the world, as MARSH will and can sell vou More Goods for a Dolla POT CASH ! r o Than any Store in Red Cloud, or elsewhere, can POSSIBLY DO when selling on Recollect space. That these are not Mere idle Words BTH1 STANCH FACTS ! o:- Stos- i pursuit c' Bapgsiiiis I 1h IA.S.MABS ,RED CLOO Dy KEB.J u i0iH8 nlrcBilAjf Mow ratriv itoes il'e a i-snr.er eonfnipiate r. nevlv lii'fn-wcd lield wiili -ati-lactii'ii? He walk-overn and. -ee-here a.d t'i're -ii-d un i ouvet ed; here a rurrovv -lie uiitou.-lied Ie..aii-.e thcMuface wa- not unite live!, .ml (lure a bumliof -ti.bb'e drawn l.ito a lit-..p li.iviu dn'T-"d the .-'! and ."eeii im -n i i. --ini-. iie sh.-.kes li ; nai -amy aim sui - in- -t 'I ipQr&-& -C-SCr-S-C? -leadinck; rSSsOOO-& QrtQ&&$&&fr& tr V j & a? CT PIP Dl -tf tsS A eSs ess Ess vl m&zm TORE ! ITow on display, the Largest Stock of EX- ri JLUSIVE MILLINERY to be seen. in the Yailey. Jnst opened a aline assortment of Si-tTrlrrisS gi- Jzr&-i: ?d?a-"?- mt n rm m . rjfcvty (i GOODS TVT r? x A A t y -Qr3h&3P&: MB. r w x ef. -y -sts Secured at a bargain and MARKED AT PRICES that will sell them without much talk. Children's Dress Bonnets a Specialty. Can. give yon the benefit of the Latest Eastern Styles and Trimmings. -5T A. EOWLER. First Door North First National Bank. fri-?3 y& i T. 0. HACK U iiiJ i v2 T3 iSS a&Bffi ai h.S' EE, s d WkfPktlT mmtn,. Groceries. gRed Cloud, - ebraska,!1 rovisionff . rj-' ITU. link ot 2'n Groceries. " GrocsrieSf j . Provisions: Groceries, n; Provisions, n Provisions- . -' Canned Fruits, C' Groceries. . L. ,Provisions mi Cigars, Etcn! GrOCenCS. 3i Your liUrnmigc i- re-pootfiilly solic- 71 Provisions- itcil. Aitisf.tctiim suar-mtei'il. ( -, , E3? i??u Bilf & ?S2 H3 && 1 i s y jk i 22ySii2 titt CCi dh v DEALERS BN 55!J i bill si ii; Sli-lyiiuui ps iverware, Plain Eingsy Spectacles. m ?ss mm --iis&P ks. Platedware Fancy Kings Oastors, etc. RED.CLC13D, NEBRASKA- We keep everything in the Jewelry line. Sepairing of every de scription promptly done. . . i . --. .--r.ftt---rT-"-"i "- . X'-iJ?-1-""":' John Boesch, Amboy, Neb -. 3 HA9 Pi BfllflHTIf v.:n a RiyyVigt-'iAM.g-' .n,.-. - ,., . Jin,.i.fjrrw unifn c iiM fin ninn i r.-w t r- . " t u-a -" T-jfw r- - !. . - j fc: . zttl riA'. "i- - m mm m mm mm m h m mm m t liair.ivtliaf.vou:u (louievv-rMHT feu,.: levii- KMSiSt-C'&iffi'''i -- ! -j in- the ruiit:! l'l.x--: hr.-al. i'! the .iimN. and AffSs1' li.Pl ,.n!v ,iih.'ri7!iK the m.iI. I.i.t t.irnin-.; it over 7WS3iW1 pc "' A,-EIfe IX the seed --edM. that thN I- all vered t. an 5Iv5.-2 I vit?lr5'' V oa? &Wt even depth and without vaiti-.. Jtiit the fanner &&85& $ &J&Z$?M Jlfe jeef l r A .TU-leraiid level.-r liasmmr ..t thevtd::..- !UMi 'A. tt&&&S& k J '& Uit-On, .IK-i.iMmtii-iit. fur hU held- ar,. rtl.j ,,, AS 2SVSi?.-1j 'i PnuIfrV im;!J,-.t(iand-ni.H.II mil the -ee.. i.niiT- ,&i- VSSaS&fej V 4k"?: & S-OUIliy- iiiv.ire!1.. ra!Ii.h.v.eiU:n)iael.-)H;e.a!lviie d-thw j.Kj,.: .V Sui'.;a-;e. Kr- -h KiMi, UjU-rs- jHTfeet werk vvliu Ii.i- done ,i.ltk y ;ai:il -.vlthont Rtj,, "& fo " l u. . etc ti i..il.l aiivMiriii-rnlowii.t: flu-. aL-ii N a I mri'rtZr'X&C"v - -." - .. . . .... . abovo twelve rW5SVt.vJ-.S,v. ?' - K '- R M ffVrt Fri M !. ier-aieiy Ctsri--cp -.jtj5:'.50. .--.-' - - i t , "' J,i" -. Z?z"- ifr tt?V&z-- .-.J -Ji..-'--S.J I'aid lor Hide-, and I'rits. I - - g j. "'Jii 'f-. AVhen von want the ItKST uica 1 - - r-.l'lv''i-' -- '-.- - caflonuat (Jarhersold - m iCrid "W stand. SH.i.-iii:iv:turuiiti! the rn niche.- m heihtli 'i i li j.i M ' 1 V. " t. -gS3Ji-. Bf. .-. --. " nnsi