r.Osi ' 1 7 h r x kj i i i P The Red Cloud Chief A. C KCSMER, Proprietor FRIDAY, APRIL is. LSS4. i rii-Y in: i: vines. Tiik Masonic brethren have a new lump to hang out on meeting nights. Ahout twenty new houses have been erected since January I, in Red Cloud. Po.stmastei: MrXinr is making ar rangement to build a new residence. Palmer Way's hardware store sold a carload of barhed wire during last -week. John M. Yorxo, of Iliverton was in town Friday. He was the guest of It. V. Shi rev. John MrauAY is building a house for Codman &. Whitney, at heir ranch near town Mr. Linih.ky lias moved into Mr. 'otter's new house near the new Bap tist Church. F. It. Glmp and wife have now gone to housekeeping in the south-west part of the city. Tin: Nebr.i-ka Lumber Company j have put in a ard at Blooinington within the !a-t few das. The city council have raided the li cense of street fakirs and peddlers to $5 and I0, we undei.-tand. per day. Tim Rev. C. E. D.idleigh occupied the M. E. Church pulpit Sunday night, and lectured Monday night at the i-ame place. Dr. Emkjh ha- had a serious time in the hist few weeks with the neuralgia. lie is getting better now and is able to be in his otnee. J The fence around the court-house j park will be an ornament to the city, mid the commissioners justly deserve credit for having the same built. We notice by the market reports that hogs have taken a tumble from former prices. They are selling now for about $.").."i0 in Red Cloud. Henry Poor wishes t announce, that he is piepared to herd cattle at 1 jier head for the sca-on, salt furnished He i- located three miles north of In nvalc. Hr.MriiREY Smith is now smiling contentedly. 11 was a girl, and lluiu jihrey is the happiest man that evei -et tout on Xebiaska soil. Jt is the regular weight. CHA.ti.i.Y Winirey's latest was bom j on Easter Sunday, ami its a hoy and -weigh.- yj pounus. Charles is setting j np the cigais and is e.viicme.y happy over the new arrival. Mr. Cif.s. Marvin is the lucky father of a bouncing baby girl, which arrived in this city Saturday evening. Charley . ,s said to be anion- the happiest men jn Red G!ou.I. I -ual x.eignt. Tin: city council at their Z Thur-day night i. ued license to Harry j Peight, ami J. S. Ruthrock to run sa loons. The Hastings men and Mr. Klett's petitions were 1 ejected. The eitizensshould commence clean ing up the streets ami alleys. We notice that a gi eat many ol them are heavily laden with dbrh. Don't pile rtufi'into the streets but bum it up jiml get it out of the way. 'I'm.- l. ..."!-,' aid .-.icietv of the M. E. Clmr i;,l Tlmrsdav niht. after a bnet ill ness caused by heart disease. The fun eral services occured on Friday after noon, and was largely attended. The ., I....-,. t!. v-mn-itiiV of the com - 1 "" riii-..;. iiocnnr Mu. Deisti.emieu, of Illinois, has pui- , .1 v-tt- I.. iili.ti.-i chasd Postmasier McNitts ic-ideuce. . . -vj.. j,,.. ti(. ami win iini;"i.""""" - him to Red Cloud ir.. t t CinMisviiMV has now cot ,. - ,. ,,,.., .,,.,. i hi-cheese factories in operation and Jl . , , . , . .. ,,wltlti,n w be busy loi the next lew months! . - , 1 1 .. .. fti.it , .,.lii akiiiL' the best cheese that is maut - in m in Xebnu-ka. i ,-i i.i.l, !, t,o Ur. l.lliliiiiji;iiiii ...i- ... satisfaction of knowing that he took first premi um over al 1 competitors at the Xebraska state lair held at Omaha in 1SS3. This alone is a source of g. oat ....: r.,...;..., . Mr. i' but he proposes M. ill ,riv. a Jinine-e f--tival tne iurniiure, oeoiung. aim oiner am- . - . " taken lor a lloatmg log, imt lor thelact ch will give a japanic i-"- ... ..... . .. . it market ince. Mr. Gates is an en-!.,....;. . .. 1 .i..i -, .-. w . ....11 i, ,i.v,.,i ,",, cic- too nuincroii- 10 mention, at. mr- inai n imnnm-ni?, wiew w two imm-, Vnnl 29. U alter.- w. 11 be Urcssi a in .... . .. . , ,,., uir.r. nri, .,.,,, .! nniims ml .-....;. 1 ...,.1 ii.., .....,. ,l-..,,,w,-....-i., , . .., ,..:ii i. tis. li.-hoin .o., Kansas. liiuiMlav, .-.-. .-. ,- -, - U1U ,.,...,....,. .totw... ..,,.,........ costume, ami a cup. iwua.twt ..... ... .,to , r-.,-m. f.r oil do a guod bo-mess, liaxing located in About twelve leet 01 its leiigin wa- vis- pre-ented to all taking supper. The V V t i V 1 - iRnl ciond toiiy. The Ciiikk hearti- . ' ' "'.djn-t under the siinace ol - . 111.;., ,i !..t, ing I want to uo ea-t. 1 lus house is "- x" "u lu l,l-- """ ,,v- 1.1 MVIlLr .....1 ;t S,...11U eanab e o entertamnieut will be .. 1t.ecl.u1J1. .f ,y him to thp city JMld ,,,,, .utr, l etolt )f lhe The daughter of Mr. J. A. Grawlord , , v.TIIIlt,v ty, knowinc that competition in hi; Wati r.'lui.king at Mr. R. with large, .. " . . . ., . :.,..,..,. 'a bnet ibne-.s. l.ieboav was broight - I ... ,- -,.,: r;to Red Ciou i for mterm mt, and tn KF.i'ORrot the lied 1 louu scnoois mr tinneii ior some time, wuen u occuien ( i,:iV(h: with hurt, taking oilhis coat and in Pennsylvania ,s d.-s.rous oi s a. iiu t, irni o yiarcU U) Mr. B iIey to try tho eilect on the j ,,,.; it the Dm.tor, while ho was afoundrv 111 Red ('loud. Ihe proper.1 I 8er,,ent of a shot from his gun which li.iiirii-ulIWl. Xot onlv did the spirits lid should be extended to him. We , ee of Mr. J. Ii. in.tli 0.1 tuid-ij ; ? s sS ?? ? ' '' liappcned to have with him- He lm , ..,r,,0v eoat. hut thev took par- l -o ov v fuiitv in Red Cloud for :l ; afternoon at two oclocx. Jue grief , 3 r Jr- se g accordingly took caiclul aim and hied, ticuhir delight in pulling hi's hair and '! e, .' ,,. ... ,, ,.,.. fn, stricken pircnts and sorrowing rela- rFl..,.yils ' ?A ? 2 fs T. J and though at tne di-tauce ot t.ut a lew 0:n :uu otherwise maltreating him to 1 .untliy. Let even ehoit be made to ( I ,vnliMtl,v of lhe mn!lv " j ,r? f y. 5 1 rod- from its mark, without any notice- hi, ,,-eatdi-comf.ture. This little trans- . l.;.-. r.i !,-, il it. lie true lliat, . 1 . . I-...CC 3- " .- .,t.l. ,,0....t ..il,..r rli.m 1 1 t tin, iviwl. . .: 1 .. . p I." 1TV lllllirilltTll Lllilb t i,,. iii-ii..'. ""I . . . .... ...... , 1 ti" '. , f ..,.:. 1 M.-uiiiciiiis""""".'!" - - 1 r .. 1 . . ,1 :.. .1.;. .!.,.: .,...1 1 - - . .t'. ..i.,. ...., --.v ....... .-iciioii eieaieu ureal amusement ior , - ... ,,( ,;,.,r nidlUS III iniMin, Ol IWI-, IWIJW s.tu- .1... ..1.. .... in 1 iliirniK ol colllIlilT -' ' i...... i 1...1.,,,.. liiu unuuu.,:! 10 .....--- -- .j I M'ind is eoniiii" to Red l ' u 1 v'"1 '.' -1'14- ""f - w"iBW mi, i.wuo v. ni. i'ui",a ( .ur. liaiiey no one kui iwiiui, urn wimi jnier, we unc ers . . s " , J lieves that it is highlv improper for the whose punctualitv and attendance are , kind of a "reptile it wa.- he encountered Cloud with the intention oi Ma 1. g authorities 'to grant license to IbO; der.ortment "yr,, and scholarship i we will not attempt to explain. Re- chrar manufactory. Hehas ceitaino , - . ; . ' mains loiiud in arioiis place- 111 .i- . ..- v 1 .. . 1-.. f.,r. such institutions, giving them the priv-1, 90 or ui.waids in a scale of UK). , ., .-., .,.: . ... ,1.,, found the best iioiut in .Nebraska Iorj- ' a 1 1 ' brasl;a and Kansas point to the con- . inj we Wflcoluc Hcao U rob the people. Sucn schemes- High School. Myra Jirexer, Gertie .j,,,,,,,,, that all this v.t area has been SUCh ail Cllterpils ,. .,,. l,f.cn clmnlil I,., .unt mi mwl 1K.1 nnril Rriil-i.rin!i1 r-irvii, Vnwir lic.-.in W'.ilL-. .,t .. Iiiim tin, luitti 1111 of !i "rent. 111. thisVcartoeclil.se all former efforts 1c was brought around for the pur- ,- , w,,,.,.,, t linn I i-c ol getting ;i clear title to tli2 cr.i in making cheese, success to nun. 1 .- ot " . ,, .,., 'cern. The cloud on the title 'wa- Mk. Rizown, a Lincoln gentlc.nan, h hUmM , a irre,u,iirUv oJ n0 has bought a lot on lounh Ajci. tie, I f tll0iy who is now 0,. near the Gardner lloibe. and wi U-u it rf crcanien. ; Mftk a marble factory. Ibis a splendid lo- j Qf adionfor.Mr. Brown as tlre is noiThecro;u .g m .mi ivorlrs in mis ui. "' "- '- ,.,, ; ,. RiMiublicaii A alley. '1 he . .. , , . ,. ., , Unly a lew more 01 tho all wool suits the examination is made, lhopn.o not in me ftq'ul " - .1 points, fne butter made at 'the Red , , ., ,,. , , , r , , , . tt e . Chikk wlcoins Mr. Brown to Red . . which 0. W iencr reduced troin SI( and e?avs to bo lead at the hrst union Cloud, and hopes he will secure tmj-Cloml creamery is supenor to a . to?1J ,o ieh.uI .a U)o GolJen j. , tei!ipril,Ko mce'ing which is held af- great.1 ;nco.n;iennt in his entei- great deal oi Use creamery outtcrmade j,ic. Qvt.r -njiU v,ilVL. been sold since mr ihey arc received. By order of the- :Le. . nt other points. " l.it-t week, tooicry", Mi:. K. Ii. W,ikner, Pres. L. N. Eiisox of Cowles has moved to Red Cloud. Cam. and seer the new goods at Mrs. XewhoiiM"s. 36-4 Clark Story has sold his stage line to E. V. Rudrow. Harrows with 4U steel teeth only $7 Spanogle fc Funk. A new new breaking plows at Mo r hart it Fulton's for $lfi each. 3ti-tf Grant Lrm.ow, formerly of The Chirp office, is in the city on a visit. Another lot of tho-e 2.' cent hats just opened at the leading millinery store. J. A. Fowlkr. The ladies call upon Mrs. J. A. Fow l.:r for the latest styles in elegant mil linery. Bargains' in children-hats this week at the leading milliuciy stoie, J. A. Fowler. Auitou Day was duly observed by the Red Cloud Public Schools. About 100 trees weie set out. We are glad to hear that Attorney Chaflin of Guide Rock, is doing a nour ishing business in that city. A i.i. kinds of ladies' and children's laces and neckwear at Mrs. Xew house's. A full a-sortment; cheap for cash. 6-4 You can secure extraordinary bargain-: in children's dre hats and bon nets thi-. week at the Loading Millin erv Stoie. J. A: Fowler. vl- ,.,,, l.oivti sniim v..i-v run siimis i I ;.iiifni''rt'.ii'iwis ivim-it mil in-- miens oi Aoiwax o.it-, wne.tt ami ia.- li.v liv r Iter' wiio brou-'ht tliem ie.in Air. iirn, wno i.hiu.mi i.am M i MV,IV OIKMMI l-wuiw v I ,'-"- 1 from Xorwav xmie few mouths ago. Rerc. t McGrntE, will probaly be .1 :u.tt. f Sl, ujn ito biisine-s spec tthition at Loup City. The boys are t,i,i hands at the mercantile busme-s. Mr. Hamaker. was in Kansas this week, and bought 02 head of hogs for .Mr. Win. !ates, our new stock dealer. Mr. Gates is pushing matters in the stock business. The ladies should call and see Mrs. 1 Xewhou-e's slock of now goods. A complete line of die goods, dry goods, and in fact everything that the ladies could desire. o()-4 M is Laura McDaniels, a well known young lady of this city, died on Monday evening alter an illness of several months. Her parents have the sym pathy olthe community. The people of Webst-r county will take notice, that RSo t.Kes become de nm,m..u y;nv jj,jt :im y,- draw ten ner cent, intercit thereafter. Save your money by calling at once on Treas- ;iror UllaCliov and paying your taxes. Arkani.ment.- are being made to run the express right through fioni Ciiicago to Red Cloud and transfer here instead of at Pacific Junction. 1 lus would be j !uIv.lMtus.L. mvr lh(. pie.lt ( Il:iat.rtlf lr!UI.fpiill:, !lt tl1:lt town an.l UalM llXl,ld x,: There is talk of putting up a line brick building on the ea.-t side of Web--ter street.coiiinicneingon the corner of Weh-ter street and Fotiith Avenue' T'ds would be a splendid place for a building, and we hope Gov. G.irber and others interested will build there PriiMi- Sale The undeii-:ed will -ell at public sa. . the following : The '' . .1 11.. . ....I :.. ! ...1 .11 Nat onal Hou-e and six lots and all Pronnetor. 1 otis, t 'shorn to., Kas. ,. ,,.' . , ., , ., . On lliursdav. April Id, Alvi.i P. -. , 1 ,"-i' ,-u , ,, , Smith, onlv child ol Mr. and Mi- W. It. Smith, of Moid,,,, agvl nine months a-id three d ivs. depirted this life alter ' ll- -"ull " ta-id three d ivs. depirted this life after a brief ilhie-s. T.ie bodv was broight dest bereavement. SEVE.tM. of-lho people in this scc- ' ' . tion have got badlv ro)cd in on lhe o - j gambling; schemes that are permitted j ...:.. ,.,. ,.;.. Tut- ,.,..,. 1 .. -tut. xiiir.r iit;- mitted tostooin the citv. It is trm that people ought to be smart enough t v - not to get their lingers burned bv the. . ..,...,.. , - . I llllMliii, tint. mi.. 1 .--i iiiiuuc luim r-J 1 ' imiiisaiuw iiwi uiu wwsusi.uotw:" :u plan-able that the iiusiispeotiu: easily "guiied" into the game. The Red Cloud Creanieiy wa sld "erin - '"' varsuay, ana wa ljonht in by the nrese.it proprietcrs , Mcsnane & fechroeder. 1 tie sher.ti i at Sheriff s sale last Toarsday, and was I IO IllUkb ...,.' 1.11 .V, Vlll V. 1.1.1. 11,7, lLf iji 1.IXV.11V.1... WI1111V ' ..ll... -.,. .--, ...1.1. ...I. V.l till!.. ..... .,.-'.. ". .. -....v ... i moms in i tenver :inii tinier liiiiw rrntii. - ... . i ... . ... t . .t . . -- ; "I", --- -- -.j.. -- - F. B. Smith has returned from Iowa. Harrows CO steel teeth i'J, Spanogle it Funk. District ou rt sets May 9. Don't . J fo,et: vAi. I'Ci.'KiNS, lost a vaiuaoie horse one day this week. Tonguki.kss cultivators, only $19, Spanogle k Funk. Xo charges for trimming at the lead ing millinery store. Bargains, bargains in clothing and underwear at J. G. Potter's. 2t R. L. Tinker and wife were visiting in Guide Rock over Sunday. A nice line of hoots anil shoes will be sold cheap at J. G. Potter's. t The W. C. T. U. will meet at Mrs. Ball .r.i's, Wednesday, April 23. Rev. Father Clkky held Easter ser vices at the C.ithulic church Sundav. . , ... , , Di:y goods, groceries clothing, boots . , .. , T ', ,, and shoes, all verv cheap at J. G. Pot - , ' tcr s. . -t ... . , , - ., , . , i 1 he various churches m Red Cloud , . , . i served Easter with appropriate ser- ol vices I,orai.e. G.u.Dow-has a three i,,, . . - . c , . Cloud a chance to secure some line and one-quarter wagon of nis own' , . , , ... , . . , .,tl- dramatic talent, and we will not have make for sale. ,-Jltf , . . . . . ., ., . , , , . . ' to put no in tne future with snide LtsiER Sundav was dulv celebrated, , . , e , . , , . ,, .... , .; ... , shows. Aside horn this the bovs pro- m Red ( loud. Lgs siillered to a great i ... . x, , " , , . " . poe to lit up the lloor so that it can be extent on this occasion. , ., . . . ... .... ... u-ed as a roller skating rink. This will Goods Chea!'. Anything that vou . . . . . ? ... . . i . .i i , le a means of furnishing our fun lov- mav want will be sold at the lowest . . ? cash prices at J. G. Potters. 2t .. .1 .. ,, tll ami:ii. A hov 1; vears old would ' - . hke to find a place with a good farmer, t ' i stock f.uni prefeietl . i.ii- hi tin. Golden Eagle -,, , ..... 1 'I1. ... !.... .1 . Itiitt.r fliiiti lit. tf-!t. I x or. um s ..in ii.i.iti; itjuii 11111 iivh-i ,. , ... 1 .1 .!.. .11.1. .iiritn.nlliiir t ui .-l.tii'. 11 ifli . . , .. , ,. ... . the IlieiOUIOi'.a IlOlse IlllOlC. AlllSIC hath charms, etc. - 1 1 ,- ... how prices and square dealing will 1 ... ,.;., ,..., ,...,. cm ti.;- 1!,. ti. 11 aiwavs win. oii can see tin.-, ov the - . ,,,., , tne melodio.-.s noise mioic. Alusit . .:.:, ..r . 1..1.;.... 1,. ...... .!...,..,.. ' ..s,tu, ;-'. - I p;:UU incident; D. II. Kalev, Yicc tiie Golden La;gle clothing store 1 sell- , j.j,,,,. Jom ,. .ntarv. 12!'-r in i:lstweeivs i,i.iK. we sia.eu uai ;;,,,f (: s Aibright, John R. boy's shirt were.-old at tne 'W-'t Shirt.v ,1J. M. Kalov, L. JI. Wallace, U. Eagle clothing store at S2.."0 when it'j pj.jt. shouldhave read box's suits at $2.,"0 I .. and Up. j Was t'ic fork Out ? Why pay old fashioned high prices. The Guide Rock Sif)ml of last week elsewhere when you can buy first class I publishes the following story in rcfer goods at the Golden Eagle at low i ence to a "big snake" that was said to piices and h.ue good.- warranted :. have been seen in the Republican river repre-ented. I near that village. The Siifwtl vouches For Sale. Sheriff Warren has ten I for the ver.icitv of the discoverer of the t twelve horses and mules which he 1 . -. 1 wishes to uispose 01. J'arues uesinngj to buy either will do wed to call on jsuii ot a too vnni imagination, jiow iiim at onoe. n.'.O-tf j ever, litre it is, and our readers can Akror Day, on last Welne-day, was aimropriatelv observed i.i Webster counlv.andwearegind to learn that ! . .. .. P' many trees were set out, tne re-u.t of . which uill bj in a few years handsome tiees winch will beautify tiie city and countrv r . ... . , . . . j us-, icai'iici Association met at Red Cloud. April 12, 1'M. The pro - gram will be the same at the next meet - in" -is tint of piil 12 I-s 'rjie ...r,5n thn.l of um-Uou- to n,:vlce l the Association interesting" Adjourned !" " - to meet the second Saturdav in Mav. , , , i,,- " " Xl -"' Wl" ut " l,,LK uc,l, er' ha5 -,,t hi' -van,!! offirc :I,,d ci ....... s .,'! 1 I'll' H'i ""I 1- wow iciim hi inn uu ' ' . . - .-... cattle and hoi's, and nav vou tne lugh - line of business will be of much bene - .. - . , , ,,. fit to the farmers, as thev have already , , , ., , e.in.ed. we pre.-ume. In another col- I .,, ..... ...,u ,1. . .,,,., ,?,,, .anm- reid - uinn we can in, auciition 01 out ii..io - . I() M, (;at0 advertisement. See him befoie you sell your hog-. him befoie vou sell vour hog- U.S. To ol M8 M In 1 -J 4-J r.. .-7 lt In 1 i 0-' M.ni 1-Ws t:;! .".I 4-1 M Isl'y I oil 40 Jlr4 .aiitit' Sinitli !' 30 I A. ralu:an Gertie Siierer laiini li:tinl a. iMit ' er, Gardie Wiihelm, Honor Wilhehn, George X'ewhouse, Hugh Miner, Leroy Miller. Second Intermediate. Minnie Pe terson. First Interinedi.de. Dariie Shore r, Bertie Thomas., Willie Mosher. Second Primary Mattie Calmtis. Murray Kcigle. First Pr;mar3'. Andrew ICIett. D. .Irosox, Principal. It Jl.E OF HONOlt ,oiititti.iL. Tint iiiimn. it iiwin imniic 1 . . ...1 & 1 - - 1. . C. Craw has succeeded in producing I lI,le or ll-l Clou. . and 2 lor tne an earlv peach blow potato, the bc-Tt , 'wl Ust' -rs. Judsoti, Mr.-, lodd, varietv"crows.. Yields IU0 bu.from one laa Mrs. Sirmger are appointed .mdg bushe'l oftseed. Ripens about middle ; cs. The eays will be hindeo to Mrs. of August. Sold by I). Featherly. Red Judson, each one accompanied by tho Cloud ;Robmson Bros., Bhii Hill; J :im0 oi'ihe writer in a sealed onvc- Iiow 11. vu iw;i An Opera IIhum- and Skating Rink in Ked Cloml. During this week plans have been formulated for the building of an opera f, f house i JThish se and skating Rink in Red Cloud. is been a long needed institution in this city, and at last some of our en terprising and public spirited young men have taken the matter into their hands and will commence the erection of a building 40x100 feet on the lots jvl north oi L. JJaum s residence on ebster street. We do not see how a a more beneficial enterprise could have been started in Red Cloud, one too, that will return" the stockholders big money on their investment. The company will be known as the Red Cloud Building Association, and the stockholder and incorporators are John Shi rev. L. H. Wallace, (J. S. Al- liriidit lliv., Ti'.il.- .ii, 1 ('!,.. !.,, ll.,f .-....., w..v viui i. mill Ulidlil t 1 Mil. i,,,, , . ,.,,, i iiic boys propo-e to make a line hall - -,, .. ... , J with twenty feet ceilings, and put in a j , , . . . goon stae ami scenerv so inai me Cil- - , . . . ..; , , ien- of Red Cloud will have a nlace to , . . ., sro and hear ei.i .1.. .:'i. :-- with .some ilr,ri-nr nf i r, iitV-ivt Tin.' n'tll ...i !...! i nig people wun a nost oi aniiisemcnts. I 'I lui Aiitnrimtcn i.. .1 ni.. li. sr i...l - 4 iimiui' 1 i( iiiniin wuu ililil . ,, , , , " ,. .. 1 he Cnii:r hopes that the stockholders ... , '. , . will make a nimt oi monv out ot their j scheme, and we heaitily join in with i ii,.. 1. .1........ .p :. ....: r : : k: "it '. i.inv i.- in mi- t iti.v-us 10 n isioii ' ,, ,, , them all the succ.1 po.-sible and a lib- er.il return from their investment. , -rl 1 -,,. ... , - ., . . , I Lhe building will cost 111 the neignbor- , , . .,.,..,. , ... , ' ... . hood ol .v-luOJ and will be a credit to - 'curcil.v - fi..., r n .1 n r. t 1 he following are the olhcers: C. J. L. IT H'-i11mi. 'IVfi'Liiwr j vast reptile, or we should be inclined . t t.-i.-t . . to the beiiei mat tne story was tne re- 'judge i r themselves : 'A genuine old-fashioned -:iake story ... . .:...!.: '. 1 v.. .1 come.-to i.ur notice tin- hu-k . I mi lv when we near anvtiiing ol iliis ki iilsUli it ,,, 0'ur mllldf umi(M. , I sua! nd he ,,,, ion the p-utv saul to have seen ; the sight had Kept Hie cork out ol his j jug too long at a time, or was not po i -.--ti i" .ii j.iv.ii- ...V.111. J .iiv .i..i. 01 character to which 'tne fatlier ol his ! ,.untrv' owe- much of hi- fame. Rut j in ibis ca-e tne parlv cuco'.iuteuug hi- 'snake.-hii never indal;es in tne ardent J :V,,! h'C "r"' ' ''.bcen que- ' iinnei :iiii j mil. ike to lie Wlie:e lie i js kloWu. Several diivs ago Mr. Her- bert Bailey while driving on the mer ! road betwton thelloiirin nnllsand the j huge rock lrom winch our tow n derives ' :,'."e.- ul his attention attracted to ' i l""""- .. ...JVv.v ... .....-.., ...i.;..i. ,; .1.. ., c,,., ,. ,,. i, ,.. ilf.., i "'""-" '"" ,"1 "" k "",.;., .. . dark, proti mling ee.- that could hanl- iv ! lliene,. to tbo-c if a -nake re- "l uuliil,i 10 u.o.c ui .1 .h.iki, h ni.uning ' I'lon.uv in the water with , . . ,. :. fj. ..:.. ...i,..,, 1 "L:1,1 (,ocl ""li ' " , wheii- ' ,1 ,. . .. ,,,.. .,,,1 .1, ,.,. . a)nd .dlvKa;" wlulhe ,,uii-' graceful movements of a snake quick, graceful movements of a snake ' . .1 ... 1 p. :, Wllcil ine w.i-'tiu nioveii on. mis eou- 1 few feet, dived down and -ilentiy di.-ap- ,' peared u.ider tiie water a short di.-- I tance below the dam which is thrown 'across the liver at that place. That l the facts .are substantially a- related by ; ! . "l thc ho,n", "f, unriOU! 1 entiles, and it is possible that an oc casjonal specimen may have escaped the eeneraldestiuctiou of their species, and .-till have their haunts in the sub terranean rece-.-ea of the rocks and 1111- 1 . 1 . .., .iir.11. t ..ill ab il.l.Llll. IllUWitil IWU exploied caverns along the streams ot , , n . ' the present da. . j some cough syrup, but it did me no . jgood. I then tried Marsh's Golden The Woman's Christian Temper-1 Iillsi' and was cured at once. It is a ance Union offer a pri.e of $4 for tlieJeHbtfuI remedy." Henry L. Cook, best essay on the causes and cure ot 1 '''"dui. Mo. ; inteinneraiic written bv the vouic-l "I Iiavo used many cough remedies t ' J , wjlich w;,j no, b0 0.K.C(1 t5ll nflcr Tin ISlue Hill Affray. The following item taken from the Blue I lil' Time. throws a little more light upon (he Cox-Tobin allray which occured in that'town a few days since : 'Thc cause of the row nt Musehow's saloon Saturday night March 29. which ended in the death of one of our best citizens, is not exactly known. Itsecms there was a general knock down, there being four or live in it. In the row Mr. Tobin received a blow from a bil liard cue, said to have been dealt by Mr. Cox, which for a time made him uneoneious. but was nwt thought to be seriously hurt by his friends. The wound on his head kept him confined iii-doors, being able to stir around un til Tuesday, when he became worse, inllamation setting in. and on Wednes day became uneoneious. Dr. Cook, of Hastings, Dr. Spiekleineir and Dr. Xaulteus were summoned, but nothing could be done for him. He died in great agony Thursday afternoon at li o'clock. As soon as he was declared in a critical condition, Mr. Cox was plac ed under arrest. Fearing violence he requested them to take him to Red Cloud, which they did, and feeling in--ecuie there, at his request they took bun to Lincoln Friday morning. Mr. Cox's lears were groundless, as our people are law abiding, and a great deai of sympathy is expressed for all parties. Charles Arnold, who received some terrible brui-es about the head, is still in a bad condition. The funeral took place at the Ger man Lutheran church last Frid-iv, and was largely attended, there being a la rue concourse of people present. The funeral services weie conducted by Rev. Brown, which, connected with Mr. Tobin's death, were very impres sive. Riisiness was almost at a stand still in our town during the funeral, nii-.r -ill nrnnr ln-mile liiiinr mi-r-nt i "', , m ,'-,ur pi-opit. iicing pie-cni. The preliminarv examination of Cox , , ,. , . -r, .. -. ... -..- took place linn-day alternoon. Dis- trict Attornev Morlan, as-i-ted. bv F. .1 . . . . A. .ueev. or the state: Senator Case tor the defense. A huge crowd pack ed all the available space of the hall. There was no excitement connected with the trial. The State examined all its witnesses. The general opinion -eemed to prevail with tho-e present they would have to get better evidence than was brought out at the examin ation to convict Cox. The testimony brought out the facts that Tobin. when hurt, wa- mixed up in a genera! low. although the opinion is that Cox hit the blow, no one for a -uretysaw the lick given. Cox, the pii-oner. was present, accompanied by Ii:.-wife and father. The court held him committed to the county jail, for trial at the next term of couit." ('ox is now incarcerated at Lincoln, where he will be kept until the district com t sets in Mav, On last Saturdav night Dr. Hilt, and j wiie gave a spiritual -eance at the 1 " ' coin t-ln aise. The evening".- entertain ment was of a very inteie-ting nature and d.iiring the time many wondorful things occured that with the closc-t scrutiny could not be detected by the audience. The doctor selected a com- I mittee of eight, consisting "of the fol lowing named geinleinen. to a.-sist him viz: A. J. Kcniiev, A. L. Funk, E. II. Ambler. J. P. .faylui, Rev. O. C. Todd, Geo. Dodd, John Moore, and J. L. Mil ler. The lir-t trick was tho changing of wine into water. The committee weie'a-vmbled on the stage and each were presented with what purported to to be wine, and then out of the same pitcher the doctor turned out . glass of water. The deception was complete J. P. IJayha was then called on to write a few que.-tions which he carefullv stowed away in his pockets and about an hour atterwards the Doctors wile while in a trance told him what he had written eonectly. E. II. Ambler was was thi'n taken into the cabinet and the celebrated ning trick was gone through with, whereby a ring which was too sinajl to go over his head, was made to do so, and from around his neck was placed on his "arm while he and the Doctor's hands were firmly cla-ped. Geo. Dodd was not afraid to die. and consequently was taken into I tne cabinet where the .-pints played were done such as slate writing, reeeiv ing communications from departed spirit, etc. On Monday evening the Doctor exposed the whole business, and then it was that the tricks were made transparent to the average- citi zen. The entertainments were very pleasant and afforded the audience much amusement. "DELICHTFULI.." Xo Mali cine (Jan be Compared lo Murdis Golden Bnlmm. "Last month I took a severe cold: I coughed terribly and could not sleep ! iiiivlo T 1 ... I ., ili.....I t ........... .. ..... ( 1 1 . . in my lainny, wut none that could he po-sihJy conn-.tred to Marsh's Golden BaIsain."F. E. Anderson, Leaven worth, Kansas. "Please send me six dozen Marsh's Golden Balsam. Evervbodv likes it and all call for it,".M. W. Wilson, druggist Burton, Mo. Marsh s Golden Balsam, the famous throat and lung medicine, and Maish's Golden Blood and Liver Tonic, the great blood and liver corrector, arc for sale by Henry Conk, druugist. Red Cloud. Large bottles. 50 cents .tnd $L The committee appointed to meet Radger.t Son, in reference to starting a pump factory and foundry in Roil Cloud concluded that the propositions of the gentlemen were to steep to lie considered. It seems that Badger &. Son wanted $.'000 for the right to tiso Clough patent in Xebraska, and the same amount for the state of Kansas, and would not sell one state without the other. $1000 of this amount they proposed to put in a factory and found ry, along with others who might sub scribe to start the enterprise. The committee, however, thought that the amount was too much, and unless oth er arrangements could be made by which the people could .secure the pat ent right, there was no use in trying to raise the required amount, and there fore further negotiations were stopped The price wanted for the use of tho patent seems to bo rather high and ex horbaut, but there are some gentlemen in the city who were ready to go into the scheme, believing that it would have benefitted Red Cloud and been a paying investment to the stockholders. It is to be honed that these gentlemen will not let it drop through, if they have faith in the future results that they claim it would produce. - An Evi'nins with tlio K:i;li-,h I'octs. The Red Cloud Literary Society will give an entertainment in the M. E. Church, on Wednesday, April 2J. INVOCATION". Instrumental solo ..."rul)i Stsli: IlAKlUS. i.uinti-ttc nuirU' Song Tcnnxsou 1'iv.siiloittS AiMriv Mis- K. A. VirrxAsi HVTIIKlSOCIirTV. Unit ion SIiakesiHiare A. Ileum.:. Sewn At;i'3 of Man Slirkesiwaro Ym.Tki:ai:ih:.v. Ciirfi-.v Mn-t Not KhuiTo iiislit ("KltriK ItltAKKKIKI.U ANI I'AIU.IK VANCK. I'Ai.nu: Xkwiiousk. Selection Ilnrns rAIUUi: III. -KhKIKUl. Sol The Ilrook Tennyson .Miis. e. C. Haw lev. Hamlet's-SnUlo'iiiy Shakespearo Ci:i:riK Siikiihii. Duet Mu-:e anil Her Sister, Soiik-. Mit. ani Mas. Toii. .Mannion ami I) tnskti Li 1 j. ik I.ktsON. Select Reading A. I l'LNK. Solo Ivy (ireen Kyan Scott Ilyrou ....Dickens. Mil-. Ioni. Itieliriril III Sliakusneare W. V. O'lIUlKX. All arc invited to be present. EDUCATIONAL NOTES- Miss Ida B. Allbert has engaged the Riverton school for for the Summer tenn. We congratulate Miss Allbert on her success.s Director's reports come in slowly and several incorrect. The law makes it the duty of the superintendent to use dim diligence to have them correct, so that parties must not take offence if their reports go back to them for cor rection. The teachers' association met at Re L Cloud last Saturday. There were but few in attendance, hut they had an in teresting session and adjourned to meet at Guide Rock, on the second Saturday in May. Miss Eva J. King's essays on "What teachers and parents should read," is good and we hope to secure its publication in the School Work. The same program will be used at Guide Rock as was intended far last meeting. Examination for teachers on Satur day, the I'.lth. Ignite a number of new teachers are coining to the front this spring. We shall publish them and the district where they are at work as soon :is we get the information fully. There is a large increase of scholars in the county. Last year district Xo. I had iS pupils, now it has 132. Red Cloud has 45. Mr. A. B. Emily ami Miss IdaGarber commenced school at Guide Rock. Miss Annette Parsons commenced at Cowles. C. W. S. HERE AND THERE. On account of recent illness ray notes are quite limited this week. On Monday a ride of seven miles south east from Red Cloud brought us to the farm of James Aniack. He has just completed a new frame house at a cost of $700. Other recent improvements around this farm shows Mr. Amack to be one of the enterprising gentlemen for which Webster enmity is n tcd. One mile farther north we arrive at the home of another pleasant gentle man, Mr. Wolf:;, with a new frame house just being finished, and plenty of other evidences of prosperity abounding on his farm. One mile west we came to tho residence of Mr. C. M. Can field with whom we stopped over night. Mr- C. and family have been here only one year, and surely the go-a-head enterprising farmers of that section will never have reason to regret his location among them, for with his already new and comfortable frame house, barns, out-houses, etc., he demonstrates that he is of tho right material for success. Four miles north east from Red Cloud on Friday we pull up at the farm of Mr. Wickwire, who is building a now house and making oth er substantial improvements on his. school land. Mr. W. and family are pleasant and genial folks to meet. J. P. Walters. Everybody Knows It Everybody knows what Red Clover is It has been used many years by tho good old Gorman wdmen and physician, for the blood, and is known as the best blood purifier when properly prepared. Combined with other medical herb and roots it forms Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic, which is good for all blood disor ders, torpid liver, costives and sick: headache. Sure cure for pimples. Ask; A. Lindley druggist, for it. Only fiftj? cents a bottle ' v , 3 lM I 8 fc- i 1 M js i 1 1 4. sl 3 x H f f'St M M r-i -A -- sv X -&Lk laasaBS. Pafrt-.xfr kW-MM. r-