v. c':- z i-Tu-,, Viw-firajuwii' w:? '! nmzr& s mui'io ftfc'n .v - -. W. 'W 4VMDHtU.'ft.'MM.l o -wdk.: MUto The Red Cloud Chikf A.C. HOSMER, Proprietor FRIDAY. APRIL 18. 1884 The I'rimarfe. Every republican in Webster county should make an effort to attend the primaries on Saturday, so that .-atisfac-tory results may be had. It is neces sary that a full delegation from each precinct be selected to the county con vention on Monday, April 21, so that we may have a fair representation to select our delegates to the state con vention. Then let every republican turn out Saturday to the primaries. . The County Convention. On Monday, Apiil 2, will occur the republican county convention fr the purpose of selecting delegates to the tate and district conventions. This convention should be carried on Kjuarely and satisfactorily to the re publicans of Webster county. Tin: Cjui:f hopes that a full delegation from each precinct will be sent in. Don't tor get the date, Monday, April 21. COWLES. Cowles is still prospering. Spring is here at hist. Qhe first game of croquet was played on hist Saturday. The school at Cowles commenced Monday with Miss Annie Pearson at the helm. A gent from Iowa purchased the Fisher farm one day last week for the um of $3UU0. He wants to purchase another farm. Uncle Tommy Quinn has returned to his farm, b'ringing with him his cousin who will farm the place this yeaL GUIDE ROCK. Everything on the boom. A petition is lining circulated for the licensing of another saloon. Dr. Patten has just returned home from a professional tour. New buildings are looming up indif ferent parts of town. The Shuman block will be occupied by Col. Ziegler, grocer, and V. S. Knapp, drug"it, each doing business for himself but occupying the same room. Patten it Co's. saloon stands idle at present owing to some defect in the li cense for which they paid 500. It is to be hoped, however, that the matter may soon be adjusted. liave you heard about that "monster of the;deep" recently seen in the clas sic waters of the .Republican river? Don't bite at it, noble Chief. lhe famous Ililtz family will give us a peep into the other world to-night. Mr. Endley, principal of ourschools, is already gaining good opinions of the patrons thereof. Mr. Strohm, of Red Cloud, is survey ing lots in and around our town. K. D. Parker, formerly of Nuckolls county has become a resident of Guide Ilock. Since writing the above the show has pulled down its bills and Patten it Co. have opened their saloon. Verily, this :a a strange world we in habit. Itot'KET. AVhntTlie Others Say. The article which appeared in Tun Chief of the 28th, from Blue Hill, seems to invite an answer. In the first place, why did we say professors for the two here and one allied Cloud Simply because they are professors in spite of the dime literature which at tracted the attention of the fair writer from Blue Hill. Tis strange that the people were so busy they could not at tend a teachers' association in their own town, but still should set a spy to watch the teachers from abroad. The fair damsel who wrote that article seems to be quite free with the funds of the mite society of that place per haps she is treasurer. But, however, any little sum which can be sent to us will be greatfully received, as a few more trips like that will soon bankrupt us. As regards the dinner, perhaps we don't know a good meal from a poor one, but we think the next time we go to Blue Hill we will take our corn bread and sorghum molasses with us so as to be sure to have something de cent to eat. We will give in to the writer as to the scolloped oysters, as we think probably the was one of the charming waitresses who attended to lhe wants of the party fiom Inavale, and probably knew more about the "get up" of the dinner than we did. That the oy?ters were scolloped we are sure; as, although we got no oysters, we got something which very 'much resembled a small scollop. However, if we had it to do over again we would much rather pay the price and let the landlord eat the dinner, or perhaps the writer of the other article. That the judges of the debate did not decide ac cording to the argument is a fabrica tion equal to those of Eli Perkins and need no further comment. That there were three others in the room who would have decided the other way we do not believe, Mr. Watkins included among them. That Mr. Smith violated the mips of rhetoric more than Mr. Watkins did is not so. Both spoke rap idly and in as short a time as possible, and if either violated the rules vcrv aiuch they are to be pardoned. Anil as to the effrontery of Mr. Smith in claiming another speech, after the base ungcntlemanly way in which Mr. Watkins handled the subject, intro ducing a new line of argument which had but little bearing on the subject, he certainly is to be excused if, indeed, there is anything to excuse. But in lear of bringing up further controversy in regard to this matter we will dose, signing as beforo A Teacher. EDI CREEK. Farmers are busy plowing for corn. We see. some of the fanners are planting tixes which enhance the price of their farms. Another wild fire swept across the prairie without much damage. Farmers expect a large crop of small grain. .lohiiLaertv is shelling his com and expects to shin it. Mr. Arnold has commenced to build. Sam . lumbers is building the house for film. j I lt"n !tQ ii,..iii ..ii.il ffattti i wniiiri' ?ltt:!fW Iff 1 V, 'll. tV.MIIV.ll.ll iiVHIU -V- --"-- -I pjirtng fever, T.vw. INAVALE. Easter lias lia-sed and till the cold weather lingers. Small i;r:iin is nearly all sown lioeer, and wane few ae jlo ins for corn. Mr. W..T. Vance Iiavliijrlieeoiiie Possessed of a few eons will move Into town and spend his time in milking the muiu. and rtmnin the town, tor this and otner favors w e are de otedly tlauik fid. Mr. E, II. Palmer had the misfortune to lose a valuable row-one day l.-Lst week, eaused hy its trying to knock the cughie nil the track. II. 1'almer is havim; Lis house painted. Kise& Harvey are the artists. Mr. Uise is an ejert in this. And, although it is somewhat out of his line, Mr. Harvey is hard to beat. Use limvalecncese factor' started on the 7th with over ;ou pounds of milk aud has continued to luciea-e every day until last accounts it had soiutt.iuiK over pounds per I:i. U.S. l.aee h.u re.i.rned from 'his trip. He has been dohiK the east this winter, aud ionics back looking mote like a fiist-elass dude than ever in fact, our other dude has decided to take a back seat having been totalv eclipsed" Ve will feed htm on whey strain this summer. JJrof. I. O. Walker was ai;aiu seen perambu lating our streets on the holv Sabbath. t Hairy Mat kell, of Itivertoii. spent last Satur day aud Sunday with Inavale friends. .Miss J.eima .Joaes, of this place, who lias been isitiii; friends in Ited (loud, came home hist Su iKiay. 1MJ. Smith, who has been on the sick list for some time i:a.s been Jadvised bv the doctors to tiael lor his health, as a confluence he will lcaeiis tor a tune. The McCrar liro., of Indiana, an building a store room here, vvticii tliev e.icct to ocenpv very soon with an immense stock of nearlv ev eivihuij;. They ate enterprising; ouii,' Katle liiui and bound to succeed. Mr. V .derm in, of lted Cloud, 1ms. pun-hased of Mr. Hani, what was lontierlv known as the latd place. We are alas i;lail to welcome such enterprising young men. but we would like to know why it is the young ladies give luavale such a wide berth. A party at the lesidence of Mr. D. S. firoatt on the Mil was thoroughly enjoved bv the voting people. Your corrcsKndent,ovving to the fact that that the two elder children were down with the horse mumps did not attend. Mr. Dow ne;, :ui c.'eit in cheese liiakiiipjfroiii Ohio, has armed ami will take charge of tne In dian Creek factory the coming summer. Coining events cast their shadows before and weteel as though a great sli:ulow was already upon lis, perhaps ere we write again something of interest will liave taken place. X. X. Arr-ou.o. New Advertisements. Q E. McKEEBY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEOX, Oitick. First door west of Cook's drug store. Ofiice hours from!) to 12 a. in.. I loJ. and T to 8 p. in. Kesidence : blocks west of court lioiwe. ICED CLOUD. - - - XEISKASKA. LEG Ah NOTICE. , USTICE Ul'SINMiSS IX COCXTV COUIJT liefore (!'irge (). Wiser. County .Judge in ?nd for Webster eountv aud Slate ot Nebraska. Isaac X. Taj lor s. T. A. MrCrcarv Said defendant will take "notice that said Plaintiff lias commenced an action in said court, fortlie puipoe of n-roveiingtlie sum of thirty six dollars ilue on an account for board, and that on the 17th day of March, IfaSI. said George O. Wiser. County .fudge in and for said Webster county, Nebraska, issued an oi der of attachment against you for said amount, ami that under said order the Iiurliuglou and .Missouri Kiver Itail road Company have been attached asgarnisht-es. . on are further required to appear and answer sam cans on or neiore .May m, liw. at mo ciovk a. m.. to which time saiil cause lias been ad journed l order of said court, and tnat if you fail to apiK-ar judgment will be rendered against joii for said amount and costs and said railroad company held liable for any amount due aud owing to von bv them. Isa m; V. T i.oit. I'er"Case& MeNeny, his attorneys Dated at Ked Cloud, Nb.. Api il 1C, ltfei. 37-4 w FINAL I'KOOF NOTICE. Land OfBce. Hlooinington. NVb.. April 12. lfSi. NOTICE IS HEKEI'.Y GIVEN THAT THE follow nig-nauied settler has filed notice of Ids intention to make final proof in sunpoit of his claim, and that aid proof will be made before Clerk District Court. Webster count". . at Ked Cloud. Neb., on Monday. Mav a;, lssi, i.: JOSEPH C.TAYLOI", on H'd entry' Xo. (tfi. for the east hf of ne qr of section a:, township l. north of It lowest. lie names the following witnesses to prove ids con tinuous residence upou, mid cultivation of said hind, viz: Henry Hull. Oeorge DeWitt. Thomas Jliunphirv, Solo.i Wiguiiis. all id Guide Itook, .Nebraska. S. W. SW1TZKK, Eegister. aprlfmayjG Wm, gates DEALER IN RED CLOUD, NE3. Is now fully prepared to buy CATTLE and HOG-S, for which. he will pay the HIGHEST PRECES! See him before you buy, it w ill pay you. Hew OrTlco and Yards-soo ssos. dough's Patent WROUGHT IROH PUMPS Are conceded by all to stand without a rival for Cheapness, Simplicity, Durability and Perfect Working. Lay aside the old wooden pump that belongs to tne age of wooden plows, wooden forks and wooden shoes, and get nice, lilit and handy iron pump, that will compare with the plows .and other implements of our time, dough's Patent Wrought Iron Pump, is not only perfect in its working, but needs no repairs, and will last as long as a crow liar. Look atamplc set on Web ster street, in Public well. For sale by D. C WALKER, IIEI) CLOUD, NEB., J?ule Agent for Webster Count v. Xeb. , , , I Qq? r-ce the pump before you buy Ml It D Mrs. S. R. THE LEADIN HAVING The Largest I The Leading ! And the Oldest Established Miilinery store in - Red Cloud, New Goods, Largest Assortment in the city ! PRICES THE LOWEST ! Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard. Agent for BuiiericLs Patterns- S. R. McBRIDEr. 9 to m mMW'M&umm DEALER IN ry Boons an Calicoes, G-ingliams, Muslins, Hambnrgs, Laces, Notions, Hosiery, Ribbons, Etc. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Always keep on hrndfauirand umiplete line of the aboe oods, and will sell thciu (BMEAP FIS (BASIS All jjoods guaranteed as represented or money leiimdcd. yu land examine her stock before before oti bin. Opposite State I'ank. Jp5-J"LC?'??:r5si.-55?r"-i-i"i3 (KJTOrfYETO iTTTSTrm TOP FMKEOTB 2 I V fa SSI l V.TJ I m iost-S-c-c- Before you leave the city, and consider the great opportunity now offered at C& & SIT hhJ&& JES C'H my BBi!3!gSai!gci5T!?CStrtgl IRS D S -" (f2 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Where Goods are Being Sold at Hard-pan Prices. That old adage, "Time is 'Money" will not do at this stage ot the world, as MARSH will and can sell you More Goods for a Dollar SPOT CASH! Than any Store in Red Cloud, or elsewhere, can'POSSIBLY DO when selling on space. Recollect That these "are not Mere Idle Words BUT STANCH FACTS ! Come Everybody, Come tsiih the crowd that daily thrcng Marsh's Store in pursuit of Bargains ! c M&mM escri e mm. mm t $ "Acme"Pulvsrizer John Boesch, BYlftia!, Ill-fc? fc2tfttsisa aiaw(1-; McBride, m 1LLINIR ! o -i-5r-2-:;?5:vs:3"r2rT3;?J2r:C5 :43;-G-&-Sr&--&:3i:2L !5 restore How ratvlv tics iZws :i nmurr (oiiti-niptaif :i newlv liafrmuil I'u-Iil with sttNfVi-tu.it? fir v.allL-vir it :iiiImv hi'ir and tilt n -cI 1111 coiivciTti; lit'rv a furrow m iiiiti:M'li'it liei-:iii llit Mirfaw nil') not tjnitc Ift'l. ami tfieiv a lniiu-li r stiililili' :r3wn Into a lu.Jp havhi!; ilnirin tilt- -oil a-nl m.1 ti'forc it for jariN. lie .shaken Iii-i ;k-:iI saiilv ami Milu-s tlirrw v. as a harrow that wmilil 1j the work jHTfiftlv; Iefl iii" tin- roiili ilai-f: tuvakin up Hit- cluilo. ami nut niilv piilvfilzltw tin M'H. hat tuniliiKit nwr tin." s 1 M'l'tl hi that tin-. K all iimutl to an even !i'ptli and without wasti. Itia the f.triiu-r wlKiiiMstli-'-Acnii'" rnhiTiinjr fl.irrow. Clod thIit anil Ii-.ch-rhasnoiiciif the ..nlni-.v. and IbapiMiliii nt. for hi- fi-liN atw Mekil and iiifllowi-ii Kirl hinoothfil and the .-m-i-iI iroierly iir.ir.Mt. l-':i!I l.li.Wcd L'rolll.il Olvrialll. tlet'il- this perfert work whiifi i-ilone ipiicklvaml without t the need ot anv .priiiK plow iuu 'Ihi aNo i a , ciiimI initiator until the eorn is aboe twelve inches in heiglim. 1 or xue iy Amboy, Neb. (i Iress Goods V ' The Largest! 2f AfD-LEADING ! MILLilS En? Now on display, the Largest Stock of EX- CLUSIVE MILLINERY to be seen in the Valley. Just opened a a fine assortment of irg:;gij:jga.r: 1F1W NEW F nn x GOODS VLU liHJU&y-. Secured at a bargain and MARKED Af PRICES that wall sell them without much talk. Children s Dress Bonnets a Specialty. Can. give you the benefit of the Latest Eastern Styles and Trimmings. J. A. FOWLER. X First Door North First National Bank. T. C. HACKER, STOLE III SJCEZSnSLD'S Groceries. 3,Red cloudj . ri'tr. t yi't.L - - u groceries. ;- fl;r. Groceries. M! Provisions, jrt Provisions. . R Canned Fruits, lrr Groceries. p;,w v Provislons- ni Cigars, Etc., m Groceries. ' Ynur intrmsip b rt-in-ctfuiiy soiic- 0 Provisions. itoil. ?atL-fatiun uarantueil. -q Marj-att & Co., DEALERS m Jewelry, Silverware, Plain Rings, Spectacles. m mm. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, We keep everything in the Jewelry line. Repairing of every de scription promptly done. .mrmmmmR&mg;. f?iOKabMa939rrr" - M? -cry. "R.3s-V " -JW' . "''-wr''--- KTS" STORE ! 0!?i5i'C,S:-C":S"-?:Cr-nS ja.'fftTRk'Sl i FMY GROCER. QU STAND. . Nebraska, g rvv rt . Provisions: Provisions LINK Ci- !P1 Platedware Fancy Rings. Castors, etc. IltALKlM IX AB38f, Porx. & ;.s Mutton, ?fc. yr ?&$ Poultry- Clocks, ?Kt28fl -?, Uaine. etc. MmM m Highest Cask Md M -2ari1 ik Tiiiil fur Hiili-s anil llt lT''Tr. Vtlwii joti want tin I5KST m-a. " -Cx calioi:u-.at(;:irlicrso!if. , - A s r wrv i ' - - i. . ..? - --- -Sv:-" " '5 -3ST i&v - r . 1 - t - t