The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 11, 1884, Image 8

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The IU-lM'cca Kvcnngliarn Loaded With
Cotton Uurns anU Seven or Eight IVrsou.
Perish. Cou-Mitrs Ga.. April 4. The strainer
Reliecca Everinsjhain, Captain George
Vhite.-uU burned yotorday liionilns to tlm
water":, edpe at Fitzgerald landin- Chatta
aoochee Itiver, forty miles below this city.
The fire originated in the Mem of the steamer
iud, it is thought, from electrie lamp sparks.
The p.isem;crs saved escaied in their
night clothes. The following is a list of
the lo-t: 3Ir. Aven, of Cuthhert, Ga. ; Miss
Simpson, or Fort Gain-. Ga.; .lulia Ander
son, chambermaid; Hiehaid Coleman, pan
minnii: Adolph Thomas, lheman: A.
Stephens and Kuudolpli binder, deckhands:
Hob C.ii'.Mth. Mevcdme, Three bundled and
sen hales of cotton ami .small miM-elian-C'tiis
ficiiht were burned. The boat was
allied at -r.14,000, and is a total loss: no in
surance. There weie sixteen cabin and
nine deck pav-engers onloard. The steamer
belonged to the Central line, and plied the
Chattahochee Kiver between this city and
Ap.daeho!a 15.n. The na-Mn:rors who
eMedhae i cached this city, some of them
seeiely burnetl. Among the missing are a
colored woman and child, names unknown;
two white men. unknown; H. 1). William,
LaGraime, and Captain George II. White
side, commander, painfully burned. All
the otlkvrs did their duty. The con
duct of Pilot Gcunre P. Lapham and
sou. a lad of iouiteen eais, is especially
commended. They remained on ImkihI and
materially aM-n-d in Iandim; the m-.ii-fers.
I'.ut of the crew of the steamer Ue
lecc.i Feiinghain reai-ln-d Columbus last
iifeht. Thby Male a .stioiu: sr.ilc w:i" blow
ins when the cotton on deck ignited mij-po-ed
by a spaitt liom the electric lamp,
and the ll.uues spread mi rapidly
it was iuiHtsMl)ic to contiol them and in a
moment they extended thioush the cabin.
An order was srjveii Jo immediately land her
on the Georgia side, wich was done in two
minutes. The paM'imer-jumping from the
cabin, deck and root to the land. The
cabin was tilled so iuickly with Miioke and
ll.inies that the passengers had to e-cape to
the roof in their night clothe-. The pa.
t-engers were all aiotised on the first alarm
b the ttilicers. All escaped but two ladies
In the cabin, who were supposed to have
been Miflocated by the Miioke. The boat's
books and papers were lost with the na.ssc.n-
gei'.s baggage.
Ciiiciiiiiati All Ouiet.
CixrtxXATt, April -1. Matters continue
quiet everywhere in the cit. A pottion of
the barricades on Sc:imore street near the
jail reuiaiu as ralljing ioint in case of any
lnrther attack. The lower part of the court
house is soon to be protected by boanls to
keep out the crowds. The militia are on
duty. TheSeontecnth regiment patrol the
sidewalks all mound the coint house and
jail and keep eer body from appioaching
nearer than the ciiilMoiie. Though alunt
every building in the icinity is marked
b "bullet holes, which occasionally
would draw crowds, the sight scer.s are
iiiiiii-n-ithi-H- few. No change in
the situation about the court house
and jail, cxicpt that the ciowd of sight
seers became greater during the after
noon, and a much more triendly reeling is
manitV-t"d tow aid the military guard -till
Miuoiiuditi:: those buildings. iM.Idiei have
been er-careful not to venture upon the
.streets in uniform, ami in some quarters
theii picseucu would be likely to cause bad
feelings. Hut the great mass ol citi.ens
condemn hostility to the militia as a c'as-
becau-e of tii'iiii-t:ike- made bv a lew. The
death of Ix-o VogeIs:ing at Columbus makes
tiftv dead from the riot. Furthei di-t.iiN ascer
tained about the death of Captain l)c-niond
lend to show that there was no deliberate
murder in tin; case, but that he met his
death fiom a hot tiled at the ttoops witli
out being aimed directly at am one. It was
dark where his t loops weie at .he time,
and hi.s death was not known for sometime
to hi command. Alfred Hopkins, another
victim of tthe riots, died last night. This
brings the death li-t up to tifiv-one. He
was an old eaptain and pilot on the river,
aged fifty-three.
The (Ininblinp Chilis of Paris.
Elijah Giflbril, o( New ltcdTord, Min Af
fords a Curious Spectacle of Meanness
and Eccentricity.
Nkvv Ukii-oi:i, Mass., April 3. The
Iragie death of Klijah Gilford, who walked
off a wharf at Warren and was drowned
Bt three o'clock Sunday morning, ends the
career of a very rich man, remarkable r
ni.s many eccentricities. Hy careful Invest
ments in real estate in earlv life he amassed
a fortune, and for years has been regarded
as a millionaire. He was alwavs extremely
penurious and miserly. A few years ago,
when lie was seventy-five years old, he mar
ried in .second nuptials a young and pretty
wife. Before their union he offered to place
upon her a marriage settlement of twenty
thousand dollars, but objected to paying a
lawyer a fee of one dollar for drawing up
the necessary papers. Jibe finally sug
gested that she might copy her si
tei's settlement papers and did so.
lie never tired of telling her the story, al--.-
beginning it with "I've got the most
economical wife in the woild; she saved me
one doliar once." In appearance the old
man was the pert eft picture ot .Mansiieiti,
Haion I)e Chevrial. with the addition of a
thin line of whiskers beneath the
chin. lie alwavs appealed on the street
wrapped in an old well-worn gray shawl.
Several months ago he bouglit for toity
thousand dollars a whaling ship, which he
named the Mermaid, and lilted out as if for
a whaling vovage at a cost of live thousand
dollars. Kveivbodv supposed she would
stait for the Aictic-. Then he put his son-in-law
and his wife on hoaid of her and
ordered them to the South Sea Islands on a
missionary vovage. This act. like all his
other insane lieaks, he said was in accor
dance with the Lord's command. "I
am the Prophet Klijah," he would say,
"sent to redeem these people: I know more
than .lesiis did when he was on earth. I
don't say but that he knows moie,tlian I do
now, for he has been in Heaven a long time
md has had a chance to learn a good deal."
Gitfonl was a member of theSicond Advent
Church. He lived in what was once a
magniiicent residence, but for twenty years
tie has refused to spend a dollar on the
place. Of late years it has been no uneoiii- plaei
nioii thing to see a cow standing on the Times.
front piazza, looking m at the parlor
window. Since last tail Mr. Clifford
has shown signs of real insanity. A
jM'titiou that a guardian oe appointed lor
him was pending in the courts. He became
a fanatic on the subject of temperance, and
thought the laws were not enfoiced. Sun
day, despite all opposition, he started for
Huston to see Governor Ilobiiison about it.
He was stark mad. He had no money. His
wife begged Nathan Gilford to go with him.
The crazy man led Gilford a wild clia-e to
Hoston and then to Providence, where he
hired a team and Martid at midnight foi Fall
Uiver. On tin load he ocaped from his at
tendant, wandered about aimlessly, walked
off a whart iti.the daikne-s. and was hist in
the icv water. His body has not been loiiud.
A Soldier's Bright Idea.
Clubs are quite a modern institution
in Paris. The oldest is the Cercle de
rUnion, founded in 1828; then comes
the Jockey, founded in 1833, and the
Cercle Agricole, founded about the
same time. The Union is the, most aris
tocratic und exclusive of all the Paris
clubs, aud the only club where a game
of cards is a rafitv. Out of the 3G0
members of this club 2U9 have titles,
varying from IJoval Highness down to
Hafun. The dinner is exquisite and
costs onlv seven francs without wine,
which, together with the wages of the
cook, implies for the club a loss of some
$3,000 a year. The entrance fee at the
Union is "100 and the annual subscrip
tion $70. At the Jockey Club the num
ber of members is about 710. of whom
about G30 are men of title; the entrance
fee is $210; annual subscription, $'J0;
dinner, seven francs without wine: rent
of rooms, 20.136: lighting, $7,390; ser
vice. $12,000. Cercle Agricole, en
trance, $100: subscription, $00. Ccrclo
de la Hue Rovale. entrance, $70; sub
scription, $70; rent. $ltf,000. Cercle de
l'Union Aristique. entrance, $50; sub
cprinrion. .c0: rent. $14,000. These
lio-tircs mav be taken as typical. The Free I'rcsn.
out ranee fees and subscriptions of the
Paris clubs are moderate, the dinner
varies from seven to four francs. The
epenes are very heavy: the rent often
enormous (the Cercle du Champs
Klvsees pays more than $ 10.000 a year
rent). How, then, do the majority ot
the clubs exist? Mainly by the profits
of 'rambling bv the cagnotte. I do not
say that this is the case'with every club
in'Paris. but out of the sixty-four clubs
now existing you could not name more
than half aTlozen where the cagnotte is
not the nerve and sinew of the whole
instil ut ion. They are simply gambling
houses, where von are induced by a
certain amount of material comfort aud
an excellent dinner to try all the other
facilities for ruining yourself that the
oilers. Paris Cor. ruladclpiia
One day soon after Pope's defeat at
second Bull Run and Chantilly, a pri
vate soldier belonging to an Ohio regi
ment sought an interview with his Cap
tain, a announced that he had a plan
for a military campaign, which must
certainly result in crushing out the re
bellion. The officer very naturally in
quired for particulars, but the soldier
refused to reveal them, and asked for a
chance to lay his plans before Pope
himself. After some delay he wag given
a pass to headquarters. He did not get
to .sec Pope, but after the chief of staff
had coaxed and promised and threatened
for a quarter of an hour the Buckeye
stood up and replied:
"Well, sir, my plan is for John Pope
and Bob Lee to swap commands, and if
we don't lick the South inside of sixty
lavs vou may shoot me for a patent hay-
. . . -
fork swindler!
When lie returned to camp he was
naturally asked what success he met
with, and lie ruefully replied:
"Wall, they had a plan of their own."
"What was it?"
"Why, they took me out and booted
me for" a mile and a half." Detroit
Union Stove and Machine Works
-ostx, xAinus,
Dairymen Prefer It.
Messrs. "Wells, Richardson & Co. :
Sinco the introduction of your Improved
Butter Color among rny customers, it has
given uuiversul satisfaction. The lending
dniiymon of this section who have u-e.l it
give it the preference over all other colors,
of whatever name or nature.
They are especially pleased with tho fact
that it does not become rancid, like other
oil colors ami their product brings highest
prices in market. W. S. Nay, Druggist.
Undehuill, Vt., April 5, 1S&J.
- -
TnE Philadelphia father who made his
daughter eat onions every night for din
ner, to prevent her seeing a certain young
man, has been thwarted. Tho young man
eats onions himself.
Architectural Iron Work, Hons Pronts,
and Casting of Every Deacription.
Patent Sash Weights, and " Portahle,
Indispensable Bake Ovens," for Bakers',
Confectioners' and Pamily Use.
Is found In the Great Modern Discovery,
Coca, Beef and Iron
(With Ffcospbonis.)
Posef8!ngmirrelou curative Tirtuct in all forsMofi
Krnoni Debility, Brain. Heart an Her-i
vou Dleae,Dyipepl. Weak Lurp. Xerrous.
Exhaustion anl Broken Down Constitutions.
perUrttl;. SlxboUlea. SS.X. t
Send postal for lbs Messenger of Health, ",
and read of wonderful curea effected by Coca, Beer
tad Iron. AiVjonrdrugrUtforlt. Address
Kansas City, Wo.
Enamelled and Plain Hollow-Ware,
Robber anl Leather Belting;. ltra
tlood. Um and Water IMpc, and
SlachluUts' Smipllea.
-- -
he was
The 31 an Who Kiila.ijn'l o Many Small
Itoy ;-ts a' -"t '"
Atlanta, !a.. April 4. OsMxw. the.
man uho created a widespread -cuatinn
lat firing hy kidnapim: -mall hoj- at a
wholesale rate, has heen -entenced to the
MKsiipjii penitentiary for life. Odetrce
liiM obtained notoriety by kidnaping Charles
Tildun. a -mall new-bo. who-e home i- in
Mlantn. One eenint: la-t duly. U-jletrcc
a- in Atlanta, where he met Chailic, who
i- a briirht little fellow, w hoin he induced
to "o to W..-t Knd with him to drive a cow
back to the city. A 1 ter ( -Ietree had iani
thecitv limit.- Charlie to jro any
further. whereuion Odetrce compelled hi in.
The child ivas taken to u'Ietree.- home,
wnirh was near Dallas wh.-re he lem.iined
clo-elv suaided for .-cveral d.ns. He
-lmedthe hair oil the boy-.- head, cut a
mole his body, and put earnn,'- in his
car-. Oiiedav Charlie e-caied. and w lien
hi- storv became known in Dallas the
country became too rami for Oeletiee and
he skipped. His lir-t ca-e of kidnapim: in
fatuated O-letree, :uid in the eour.-c ot two
months he. -tole fully a Im.vs In
ei.tember he .-tole a -mall hoy named httc
in Manama. The boy's father tollowed
(Ldctiec. until he left the State for Mi
-iCshM.i. Durim: the early part of the wm-
K.i-ffriirfrcf turned up in Ni-lmna Louiiiy,
MUKinni. where he outraged an
I.oiwilif while child. This time
1 -
Charlie MeComas.
WASiiixt.To.v, April :;. Information has
been received at the headquarters of the
anuv from the United States Consul Henenil
at Alataiiioras concemin? the Aiwlus in
northern Mevieo. which tend- to strengthen
lie b-lief tliat little Charley McCoiiia.- was
killed bv his captor-. From talk- with
Apa.-hc s.,uaw.sat Chihuahua, recently caiH
fure.1 bv Mexicans, there can be but little
doubt of it. .Tu. it is .-aid, l- still alie. and
with about twenty bucks is not over one
hundred miles north of Chihuahua. It is re
ported in that country that if C.eneral Crook
had supplies enough in his Mexican cam
paign to have remained in the mountains a
fortnight Iimccr, Ju w"1 vwry Vr,.!"
nu.-e inoiintalite would have come in. Oen
eral Crook wis conwelled to move too .-oon
n ,mil..t of the larce number of squaws
aud children.
CoNN-Ki.T-nrxK, 1'a., April 3. The
stone cutters in the Fayette County quarries
struck vesterdav for an increase of twenty
IrtrmiLwaees. They have notified their
fellow craftsmen to accept no employment
in quarries until the dNpute Is settled.
SiiAiu-sviM-K, Pa., April o.-Iron
workers at Dnudas funia-e, ITice. Kril i
Co.'-, at Spearman Iron Co. and Mabel
furnace. Parkin- A: Co.. have all shuck Le-rau-eof
a lediiclion of ten to lif teen cents
:.n lalM.rers. iron rarriers and tillers.
The ironniakcrsarc llrm and alle-e that the
rondition of the iron market forced a reduc
tion. The waiters at Middlesex lwve ao
teptetl Use i eduction.
A Southern Uomaiu-e.
Cakkoi.i.tox. Ala.. April 2. A romance
which had it- beinuiiu: in thi- place six
teen j ear- a 1:0 ha- ju-t been itvalled in a
singular manner. In 1m".s Mi M. F. Mill
was the belle of Pickens Coiinl. and
counted anion:: her admirer- the be-: ouiu;
men of the counn. Anion:: them there
wa- one. Mr. M. .1. D.ii-.a ouns: attorney,
to whom -he irac her hand, the wedding
cereimmj beins the 1110-t notable whlcli has
eerbeeii peifoniad in this coiiiiuuuit.
Sliortlj afterward the wondeiful -torie-of
lortune- lobe made in tin West induceilthe
oiin:: couple lo remo'.e to Aikan-as,
wheie for a time they pro-pcred. and two
children, a boy and a iriil. weie horn to
them. The paient- became ietim- of ma
laria, and a- imalid- they soon lo-tall they
had. In 1ST7 Mr. D.ii, siiL's:e--ted that his
wife, with her children, accept the offer of
her paient-. to make hei home with them,
while he would fret aloiu: b him-elf. eX-IH-ctiiu:
that death would overtake him in a
short time. The hu-baiid al-o lemovctl to
anew -ectioii, and to hi- own gmtiS'i ation
found him-ell not only on the road to re
newed health hut to a comjK'Seiice Inides.
When he lelt a ured of all tin-he wrote
hack to thi- place, but owr.ij: to hi- wife's
lamily having left the county hewa- unable
to liiul her. Finallj he concluded lroin her
silence that -h- .lid not want to hear from
hint, so he procured a divorce and tried to
foniet the ju-t. About -i w "ek- ago. how
ever, a gentleman whom he chanced to meet
at a hotel told him of a Mi-. Davi- who was
teacher of niii-ic in the Hhrh N-hooI of IIuIh
bard. Te. Mis description 01 the hulv was
so -triking that Mr. Davi- at once concluded
that -he must he hi- long-lo-t wife, ami he
would make one mote effort to leach hen
Corie-pondence develop'l the fact that it
w. i-hi-wife, and that -he wa- not only
w illing but anxious to .-ee him. A vi-it to
Hubbard, wheie lie found id-two children
con-iderably grown, le-ultcd in a remar
riage, at which Kev. M. M. (ila oiliciatcd.
the children beiiu: the witne e.-. Their
liiend- here have heaidthe -toi with much
interest. -
1'iilillc llelit Statement.
Wa-iiiv.ton. April S -The follow iig
Is the puhl'c debt siateinei.t for March:
4'.percents 5 2.Ml.(t.O
Ms .-u,..::
;; i.n.-"
nefiimliiej- ecr.tint-aH'S. :ifi.K
Xavv pension tiuid K.UMX
Too Much Wheat.
The low price of Wheat which is ruliii";
at the iiresent time is attributed bv
tliose who are best informed, to the vast
increase in the acreage planted through
out the world.
The monopoly at one time enjoyed by
the farmer.- of the Western and Middle
States in the foreign markets in this
cereal has been taken away from them
bv the development of the Great North
west, the improvement in machinery for
milling Spring Wheat, and especially
bv the .-tiiiiulus given by Knglaml to her
colonies in raining Wheat, in tirder to
make herself independent of this country
und Russia.
Farmers should turn their attention
more to crops in which they have
special advantage-. In this latitude the
land.- are peculiarly adapted to Corn
and Castor Beans, and the area for Suc
re ful cultivation of the latter is smaller
than for Corn.
Ca-tor Beans are only raised for com
mercial purposes 111 India and the
United States, and the farmer is pro
tected by a heavy duty against the In
Jia Bean, aud the home demand for
several ve-ir.- has exceeded the supply.
The cultivation of the Castor Bean is
110 more difficult in fact, is about the
-atne as that of Corn. It is not ex-hau-ting
but fertilizing to the soil, and
for farmers -ituated -time distance from
the railroads, the Bean is a much more
profitable crop, as more money is real
ized for one bushel of Beans than live
bu-hels of Corn. It may al-o be said
in its favor that the Bean" will keep in a
dry place without injury for an inde
finite period. i-'tnHfV 'Friend, April.
A Pretty Strong Kind or Hint.
A party of men .were playing draw
poker iifone of the ephemeral cities of
the. West, and among them was a fellow
from the woods and a man who had but
jne eye. The cheeks were rapidly anil
Mirelv going over to the one-eyed man.
At la, the woodman -tood up, and pull
ing a big revolv er from hi- hip pocket,
laid it on the table, with the following
brief speech: "I don't reckon none of
vou irentletnen will object to my laying
ihatgun out thar. The tlurncd tiling
nuts me while it is in my pocket. An'
I ji.-t want to say this: We" ere all having
1 nice, (piiet, comfortable time here
amoiiir ourselves, and nobody ain't got
no complaints to make. Everything is
all right and square, and nobody ain't
jjoing to do no kickin'. Now, I've got
$100 or .SQ0 to lose, and if I ketch any
sun of u gun cheatin', I'll jist blow his
other eve out.' Ilnral Record.
Total interest hearing ilt M . . . . SLiVI.Tr.-.ttlG
Matured debt.
I.etral tenders
fVrtillcaie-ol depo-it.
Cold and silver ceitillcate?
Fractional currency
1...4.KX U,-til
Total without JiittTe-t .N.St:ui9
Total detit SI,M.fi4.-..:".t
Total intere-t il.4'e.l
Cash in treasury -iiC.sT.'ilC
Debt It cash m treasury 1,4?..:.i-.sflj
Decrease during March lt.Sts.tC.'l
Decrease Miice .liilv.".. lss:; M.Sli
Interest due and unpaid 5 t.4C!i.:spi
Debt on which intent has ceased 14.04V.ll!
Interest thereon tSSUITf
Cold and silver certllicate-. . t0.;H,."G
T. P. cote- held for redenintitin
cert fl'aites l.'i.L.i.OlK
Cah balance available l.'iO.Ol'J.SK
Av.Mi.uiLt: a irrs.
Cash in trcHsiiry.
.$ 4ft.',b.j;ic
llond- isiiel lo Pacific railroads
interest jciyati'e by tiie 1'nited
State-, vniicipal tiiitManiFiip .. C4.fi2t.rdS
Iiitere-t accrmil not vet paid IHM.r.15
Interest paid hv the Cnit- d State Cl.lfi0.7M
Interest repaid by loinp.mies by
tninsjiort it ion -ervice lT.IW.Kl
!ly cas.i payments ."i per cent of
"net carmiips . . fi.V,10?
It.ilance of interest paid by the
United States. 42.r.T7
A Ilouni-itiK Time.
Salt Laki:. April 2. President Love
joy ha.- iueil an order dismissing Colonel
Dodge from thege leral nianageuieiit of the
Denver &. o Crande, also McMurtry, Chief
Engineer, and Woodward, Superintendent
of Telegraph. Colonel Dodge ordered
Superintendent Bancroft and the agents of
the Denver te Bio ('ramie Western to obey
only himself. Bancroft and all the em
ployes of the Utah sv. stem stick by Dodge,
who by the terms of the lease of the Denver
it Uio'tiraude Western is made Cieneral
Manager for life or until his 1 estimation.
The Denver & Bio Crande Western I
the key to Western through business-. It is
understood that Palmer and Colonel
Dodge hold tlfree-foiirths ot the stock of Ilia
Denver & lUo Crande Western.
KANSAS C1TV. April 8, 1SS4.
CATTLE Shliiiiinir steers.. ii (tc
Native Heifers...
Native Cows
Hoteliers' Steer..
HOGS flood to choice heavy
WHKAl-No. 1 ,
Vo "
IS O. .
0TS Vn
IV X V"l (1
FLOUK Fancv. per sack
HAY Car lot, briirht
LrTTKK Choice dairy
CHEESE Kansas, new
K(l(iS (Choice.... .....
WOOL Missmirl, unwashctl..
POTATOES Per bushel
CATTLE Shipping Steers....
Hutciiero Steers...
HOGS Good to choice
SHEEP Fair to choice
FLOUK XXX to choice
WHEAT No. 2 Winter
CORN No. 2 mixeil
I J 1 fc"0
KYE No. 2
COTTON Middling1
T015ACC0 New Luks
Medium new leaf
CATTLE Good shipping
HOGS Good to choice
SHEEP Fair to choice
FLOUK Common to choice..
WHEAT No. 2 red
No.2 Sprinjr
CORN No. 2
l? ioo
POKK New Mes"
HOGS Good to choice
COTTON Middlinr
FLOUK Good to choice
WHEAT No. 2 red
No. 2Sprimr
COItNNO .........
OATS Western mixed
POKK Standard Mess
4 10
4 2T.
4 10
.' M
.- .TO
2!i (i
' x
7 W
r 00
c. 20
. r.2.1
. 340
. 1 av;54
. 17 ."i0 Of.
4 40
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6 CO
5 00
5 00
78 Oh
78 (Tft
54 &
5 00
4 40
5 00
6 07-i
B 00
1 Olii
40' i
2 30
7 50
5 50
6 30
5 75
4 25
1 oc;:
59! i
17 75
4 75
5 75
6 GO
7 10
6 00
... 16 12!i 16 25
6 00
6 50
4 50
sw at
105 at
58 at
as at
8 50
6 75
1 00
1 03
Cancer for 1'onrteen Year!
SrARTAXHUP.G, S. C, March 14, 15S1.
I liavn for 'A years been a sutrerer from
a tunning sore on my face that everybody
called a Caxckr. 1 havo used overrun)
worth of medicine and found no relief.
About four months ago I bought one bottle
of Swift's Specilie from Dr. H. E. Ileinitsh,
and since have bought five others, have
taken ir, and they have cuued me sound
and wtfll! My face is as tree from a sore
us anybody's, and my health is perfectly
restored. I feel like forty j-cars had been
lifted off my head. Yo'urs thankfully.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free. Thk Svvikt Specific Co.,
Drawers, Atlanta, Ga.
A sniMLLold lady in Memphis, whenever
she loses her scissors, rouses tho whole
family with "Where's them shears ap
peared to?"
The best interests of humanity depend
on the Kod health of our women folks-,
and yet thoso with brightest, intellects
seem to suffer mosr with ailments peculiar
to fenitxle hie. 1 is well to reineinlwr thnt
tho whole female sys'em can bo built up to
a proper statu of endurance, pimples.soies,
swollen limlis. monthly pains, and other
indications of female disease, made to dis
appear and robust health of mind aud body
take tho place of illness and distress, if a
timely use is made of Dr. Guysott's Yellow
Dock aud Sarsaparilla. It restoies tho
blocd to perfect health, it strength in the
muscular and nervous si'siem. It gives
tono to tho digestivo and urinary organs.
It allavs all irritation of the mucous mem
brane." In a word, it is a perfeet fcina.o
medicine, and aids every function of fe
inalo life. No other remedy equals it. Have
your druggist get it. Take no substitute.
Leac-yeaH gives women tho privilege of
whistling when thev want to stop a horse
car. But unfortunately leap year does not
give her the ability to do so.
- -
They Will Surely Find Von.
They are looking for you everywhere.
Draft-, of air in unexpected places going
from hot rooms to cool ones, carelessness
la changing clothing: In shori anything
which ends in a "common cold in tho
head." Unless arrested this kind of cold
becomes seated in the mucous membrane
of the head. Then it is Catarrh. In any
and ull its stages this disease always yields
to Ely's Cream Balm. Applied to the nos
trils with the finger. Sate, agreeable, cer
tain. Price fiity cents.
A Vermont man has a hen thirty-nine
vears old. Every time h-j tells its age the
Intelligent creature looks offended and
tries to cackle
llitle Honey or llorrliotinil and Tar.
The best medicine for couh or sore throat.
Tike's toothache drops cure in one minute.
"What are pauses?" nsk"d the teacher
of the primary cIhss. "Things that grow
on cats." piped tho small boy at the foot.
JV. Y. Journal.
About thirty j-ears nzo a prominent physi
cian by the name of Dr. William Hall dis
covered a remedy for diseases of the throat,
chest and lungs, which was of such won
derful flieaey that it soon gained a wide
reputation in this country. The iiamo of
tho inedicino is Du. Wm. Hall's Balsam
fok the Lungs.
The poorest borrower can always return
16 25 16 05
Rough on Corns." 15c. Asl: for it. Com
plete cure.hard or soft corns, warts, bunions.
Last year's fashions aro out of date, but
last year's friends aro still our own. This
is why Mrs. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound never loses favor; every lady who
knows its worth (and who does not?) feela
chat the kindly face of Mrs. Piakham is
that of an honored friend.
" Mother Swan's Worm Syrup," for fev
erishness,worms,constipatiou,tastcless. 25c
TnE increasing siles of Piso's Cure at
tests its claim as the best cough remedy.
" Buchu-paiba." Quick, complete cure, all
annoying Kidney and Urinary Diseases, $1.
Isnac Jcwel,Covinjrton.Ky..ays: "Samaritan
Kcmne cured ine ol Asthma and Scrolula."
Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" re
stores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia,.l.
An Extended Popularity. Brown's
Bronchial. Troches have been before the
pnblic many years. For relieving Coughs
and Throat troubles they aro superior to
all other articles. Sold only in boxes.
"Rougrh on Coughs." 13c., at Druggists. Com
plete cure Coughs, Hoarseness, Sore Throat
Woman's chief beautv is her skin. Samaritan
XerviM ensures that charm to all its patrons.
KETS manufactured liv us a-nintrd of lwrt twine
and material. Write to u for prices Dt-fore purchasing.
Direct Importers of Guns and Gun Goods,
121-123 West Fifth Street,
Illtn'rattNl Cat tlusru Hrvr Kbiihuh City, Wo.
Delivered fr-e at Railroad Dct or Express In St.
Luiii-. Mo., on n-celpt of prk-e, a follows:
Onprc!;. Humph for plajtlfns 3 acre? 75
One hair biisliel, " " 7 " tL.2V
OnhuneI. " " M 2.W
To utih-l., " " :w " 4.50
Tiie above rrl Inrlutle the rrlce of
Xoa. tiVt&tU Sortb Fourth Sirrel,
st. tons, so.
Causes no Fain
orDreaa. Gires
Relief at Once.
Sol a liquid or
snuff. Applied
with the finger.
Thorough trcat-
HAV-FEVER ment will cure.
Vtff ril fntc .v irinl'rvr t fln?tTiit-
ELY IIUOI'IIEUS. DrusKM, oweco. K. T.
n vWn 1 b Ss
a &S3
K Va '
j S e TSIE.
To pnentan(lc!in-.ill Mtlii
Ilaeae,' .md lo terun n wh't
6oft and beautiful Complexion, ue
Aramailc Alum Sulphur Soap.
Sold by Dni?cl;- Ont cake wit: lf fent on rcc. Ipt
of S5eriimo..nvatl.Sni-'.
IVJI. DUKYDOl'l'KI. Slanu.'ac'urcr. 2u3 orth
FroatStre . t'til d.-.idi'i. I'a.
EeC"ad;ll0t iMnml-al laundry Sonp for
DCO I Washing, P "dal MiTliio.Wooli'UKJiiil
i,u ai.i win i DBJVVDOPPEL S
Itor.tK Hon;.. aAVil X JJ Vfi J. "" -
Sold 1 1.. a.i t.-.udrs il nciT and fl-t-f.aM r.-laiu ra
II ' CtUBSAlU ftf
The Vldni'ys act rs
jft purlflcrs of t he Mood.
V andwlit-n tlulr func
tions are Interfered
with through -weakness,
they need ton
lnir. They become
healthfully acttxe by
the ueof Hostettcr's
Stomach nilter.
wti-nlulllnc short of
renci irom oiut-r
sources. Ihlsaiipcrh
gtlumlatln tn!:
alio prevents and ar
rests Utr and ajrae,
constipation. 1 1 t
coiiipUInt, dyspep
ftl. TlieuniHiism anu
other allm nt.. U
It with retfiilarl
KorFaleby. all l)rur
glma mid IicalerL
Of Inferior Quality or Uooda
an-sold s the 'cmuim- M'ddlcsex," which arc riot
made by that mill. The MIddl -vx Company, la ordi r
to protect tUclrciistomcraand the PU''vVmSVi re
rs. Ii
Iearthe "SILK nAXCEttS.-fiiniMi-d by the Selling
AgenU to all parties ordering the good.
8 and S8 Worth St.. Xc- VorK: a7 IrankllnSt.,
Boston. 14 Chestnuts, rhilad.lphla.
Tvo Ihoaaand atllctaea n. minute. The onlj
abaolutely Br-rlii. Srwlng Mmehlne In the
world. Hrut on trial. Warranttil 5 yeari.
Kend for Illustrated C-taloae and Clrcnlar
It. Acenta Wanled. THEWIWONHBW
IXO MACHINE CO.. ChlcaRO or -New Tfork.
rtitti CHROMOS.
We will srnd free by malt a sample srt of our large
German. French and American Oliromo Cards, on
tinted and sold Krounds. with a price list of oer2LU
different design, on receipt of a stamp for postage.
We will aIo srnd free by mall as samples, ten of our
beautiful Chr.imot on receipt of ten tents to piy for
packing and. picae;a'so enclose a confidential price
llstofoiirlarKeoilchrom'ii. Apnu wanted. Addrtsi
K. GLEASON H CO.. 3 Summer Street. Boston.Mabs.
Has n IaU different from all oth
ers. It cud Shane, with Self -Ad
justing liall in center, adapts It
seir to nil positions of the body,
while the ball In theeup cresses
bade the Intestines just as a
Person does with the finger.
mi near prr-wur mo iicmim u neiu hecureiy aar ana
night, and n radical cure crrt-iln. It is easy, durable and
tw . jy
cheap. SrntbymaiL Circulars free. ECCLESTON
TRUSS CO., 00 Dearborn St., Chlcaso, M.
Justlsiaed. Sent (fee
to alllnterested in Isa-
roved ThreaBlnsT
achlae. Bono
foweri, gsw
Mill, and Xnarlaes
forFarnasd Plantatloa ne. Addrrsa
tXfrw RUSSELL A CO.. Masalllon.O.
Ihvea.puiiuvereuiiy fur tne above disease: tr its
nse thotiMutds of cases of the worst k nd and of lone
tandimr hare been cured. Indeed, so strontr Is ray f aitli
in its rtRVaey.that ' TWO BOTTLES JltEE. to
petheritha"LUABLETKKtTlbK on this disease, to
any (uffercr. Gire Express and V. O. address.
DR. T. A. bLOCUM. Ill Pearl St.. Kaw York.
.lane. Piaster, Hair,
Drain Pipe. FIrr Brick, etc.
Kansas Cltj ,
Bv return tnail. Full PwHtl.a
' New TallorMTstem of
reas Cuttlug lOeDY U U. UatUastl. a
Par for Aareats. ! to M20O wr
aso. aaade scIIIbk oar sine Books 4c Bthles.
Write to J. C MeCoray fe Co.. St. lools. Mo.
fiecanse It acU on tho I.IVKK, BOWELS and
KIDNETS at tho same tbno.
Because it cleanses tho system of tho poison.
Otis humors that deTelopo in Kidney and- tJri
.r THmma. Hillousness. Jaundice. CcnsUpa.
Uon, riles, cr la nneumaUam, Neurslgia, ner
vous Disorders ana ail ioue Lcmpumni
By cauaine FBEB ACTIOU of aU tho ciKaaa
and functions, thereby
restoring the normal power to throw off rlltnsio,
of tho worst forms of theso terrible i diseases
havo been quickly reUeved,andinaahoruiao
Dry can be sant by mail.
WELL3.K1CIIAIDS02T & Co., Burlington, Vt.
3 Srui limp for Dixy Aluuasc f.r ISM.
in cuniKa
Epileptic t
Spams, Falling"
Sickness, ConvoK
.. v.i -. n i ir i
BlOnS, DC. V16U5 iaac, AiWuyiiaiu
Opium Ealing, Scrofula, and all
Nervous and Cloocl Disoascs. i
fj3rTo Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary Jlenv
Jlcrchants, Bankers, Ladies and all wlioso
Bcdcntarv employment causes Nervous Pros
tration, Irrciriilarities of, the blood, stomach,
lum-fils or Kidnevs. or who require anervo
tonicappctizerofstimulant, SamaritauI'erV'
vie is Hivaiuaoic.
proclaim it tlie mobt
wonderful Invigor
ant that cvemistain
cd a sink:nr cystcia. Tier bottle.
prietors, St. Joseph. Mo.
Sold by all Drocslats. . (IS)
LORD, STO'JTEORi & CO.igaib, thbjj, IIL
In the blood Is apt to show Itself in the Spring, anij
nature should by all means be assisted It throwing II
off. Sn Ift's Specific does this effcctlvclj-. Itisapure
lyvccrtablc, noa-poiaonous remedy, which helps nai
lure to force all the poison or taint out through tM
porC-s if the f kin.
Mr. Robert A. Easily, of DIcfeon, Tcnn.. write,
undvrr dJti--Man h 1U. ISM: "I had chll's and feven
fullowrd by rhcuuutUiii, for thrcf jetra, so that I wal
b-it ab'c to attend to my business; h4d tried aW
rr-vt fiery kind of mi-dlcln?. an Hound no relief. A
fi'end rrcouiuvmIrU"SAifia Sp-'clnc. I trlel osj
bJuIcanduiy Ixgaato Improve. I continued
until 1 liadtaltrnkix iKitilea. and It has a-t me on ml
feel, aound and well ascicr. 1 recunimendnl It t4
alUImllarly afflicted."
OurTreatlae on Rlood and Skin DUeasfs mailed fre
to applicants. THE SWIFT SI'ECtFlC CO.,
Drawers, Atlanta, Gal
K.T.OiRcc 133 TV 211 St.. b::t.6;h and 7th Avenues.
EtablIhcI. 1X72: Ininrporaied.
IK'd. For Hie Cure of Cancers.
Tnnon, Ulcers, Ncroftalia
und skin DlSFASKX. wllbour. tM
nse of knife or Loss or Rlood. and little pain. Fol
ihFORXATioN. riRrcLans jixu KEFKlteNCES, ddreK
DR. P. I POND, Aurora. Kane Co., 111.
When 1 say cure I do not iiiein merely to atop them for
atime and then hare them return acuin. I mean a null,
calcure. I haveiuade the disease of KITS, KtILEi3i7
or KALLIS'C SICKNESS a llfe-ImiK study. I warrant my
remedy to cure the worst c-v-e. Recausc others Iiito
failed la no rpiwn for ..ot now receiving a euro. Send at
once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible
n-mi-dy. (live Einress aid Post-OIHce. It coats yoa
nothine for a trial, and I will cure jrou.
Addnau JJIt. It O. KOOT. 1S3 ftarl St.. New York.
Eaartousp. A certain cure. Not expensive. Three
monthV treatment in one package. Good for ColJ
In the Head, Headache. Dizziness. Hay Fever, Ac
Fifty cents. By all Druccists. or by mail.
JB. T.IIA2ELTINK. Warren. I'a. '
ting: Machine ever Invented. Wilt knit a pair of
stocking:) with HEEL and TOE complete In twen
ty minute. It will alo knit a great variety of f ancy
ork for which there la alwa a ready market. Sfnd
for circular and terms to the Twosnbly Knlttlstf
Kacblne Co.. 13 Trcmont Street. Boston. Mat.
an infallible cure for Piles.
Price SI. from drufnrlita, or
ent prepaid by mall. Samplea
free. Ad."AAKESI8,,
Maker. Box 2416. Kevrrork-
etches, THRFHFRSAWSil1
.nP.,r I 1111 CO 111.110 rianrRriller
COD I iniCC IICC The rrandeit article. Send
lUn LAUICO UOCi namp for llluatrated clrcnlar.
Dr. H. O.FAJKK, 76 asex Street, Boston, Mass.
(Suited to all arcUona.1 WrlhforFnEEinas.PaniphIes
and Trices to ThsAultman&Taylor Ca. Msnafleld. Ohio.
yellow Field Corn.t he Best.
of o yiars riectlon. lbs. by
maiUpiid,! ; one peck here.
Sl!lbn. ;5bns.SlO;ltj0
hn. S1SO. Sample liic. Slav.
G.A.Dil:z. ChambcislMirK.Pa
Site at. Ptmosm
, s td'wr
r t tJ toisk im 3w tst V
. Ulory. IUJy Mi. 1
wmk. Wi 1 r tt of fWWt I
MTt'bN Wtk sVrHtj ' Las su
a, u bah u i.u, icntti ruiuif. Uip
Bssiil bTTTlB
rf rr
A. MOXTHiuul BOARD forth ccllia
Young Men or I-iitltn. in each county. Ad
dreaaP. W. ZIEGLEBtCO.. Chlcaso. in.
Wholraale and retail. Send fr prlre-IIst.
5oodent C. O. I) AV.g-j made o onlcr.
E. BUKNHAM. 71 Slau- Stntt. Chicago.
CIIDC CU PIE forKpdrpiy. FtUorSpannt. PnrrTn I'imib.
UUIlt 1J. Kl'8BMEl. Co.,2iSUiekory tL.SLlAiuI. Jfo.
No. U?3
jlSMe may yon ante tho Adeert-aeiucH
in thin piper.