II !. tl a 8 i- K la Ifsw Dhreell Wn!dHTe Ha loilen. Onoof Disraeli's favorite, ideas was that London ought to be mode the most magnificent city in the world a real Kaiserotadt or imperial town, a model to all other cities in the character cf-ite public buildings, the sanitary per fection and outer picturesquenees of its private houses, the width of its streets, tc When Napoleon IIL commence the re-ediiication of Paris he used to cay: "Is it not pitiful that the Emperor should be doing by force what we could do so much better of our own free will If we bad a proper pride, to say nothing of good sense, in the matterP" Ha found many congenial listeners, and on in particular, Mr. Baillie Cochrane, now Lord Lamington (the Buckhurst of Coningaby, ) whose artistic tastes are well known. But he was generally net by some such theories as satisfied the Aylesbury tradesman, or by talk about that eternal want of peace which vexes public men. Once when he was staying at Knole he launched ou( into a parody of Macaulay's idea of the New Zea fander meditating over the ruins of London Bridge. He imagined this per sonage reconstructing a row of villas at Brixton: "What a picture he would make of H: he would naturally suppose that knowing how to build, and having Just awoken to a knowledge of sanita tion, we had built according to the best Ideas in our heads." Then he took his New Zealander among the rains of the stately commercial palaces crowded in narrow lanes all round the Bank and the Exchange: "He would conclude that there must after all have been some tyrannical laws which prevented our merchants from combining their re sources to make their streets spacious and effective, for it would seem absurd to him that intelligent men should, at a great cost, have built palaces for them selves in holes and corners where nobody could admire them properly, when, by acting in concert, they might at much less expense have set much finer palaces in noble avenues, courts and squares." Then Disraeli broke out into an ani mated description of his regenerate London, with Wren's four grand ap proaches to St. Paul's, boulevards tran secting the metropolis in all directions, and the palace of Whitehall rebalH after Inigo Jones' designs to make new Government offices. Ho would have covered the embankment pedestals with statues of Admirals set in colossal groups recalling great naval achieve ments, and he thought Stepney ought to have its cathedral of St. Peter the church of a sea-faring nation, dedicated to the fisherman saint and containing memorials to aM the humble heroes, sailors or fishermen, who lost their lives performing acts of courage on the wa ter. "The names of such men ought not to perish," he used to say. When lie had finished speaking somebody ob served that his plan would cost 200, tWO.OOO, and convert every rate-payer into a porcupine. "We may have to pay 500,000,000 in the end for doing things in the present way," he answered; "and as to the porcupine, ho is manage able enough if you handle him in the right way. Temple Bar. Mm Enterprise fer Lending Keaey ta New Terk. Readers of one of the leading daily newspapers sec every day such advertise ments as the following: A-A.-LOAKSMADB ON8ALABIB&. Ad- dross Box at Office An- unfortunate clerk tells the story of lis experiences with this advertiser, sad from other sources it has been learned that there are many persoas engaged in the nefarious business. "I am a clerk, with a salary of twelve dollars a week. Recently I was in want of a lump sum of money, and the adver tisement of a man who wants to lend anonny on salaries caught my eyo. I wrote to him, and by the next mail re ceived bis name and address. It was V?. Rodman Winslow, Room 22, Van derbilt Building. Beekman aodNassoa streets. I called at bis office, and after some difficulty succeeded in borrowing fiftv dollars. I was asked how long I had been in my position (I am a elerk on NaAsua street), then what I was get ing in the way of salary, and finally whether the cashier of the firm would agree to pay my weekly orders from my salary. I answered these questions, ana said I would make the arrangements for the payments. On the nextday I called again,'and found the papers drawn up, Undor these I was to pay six dollars a week for seven weeks, and eight dollars for the eighth week. But what do you rthinkthe charges were' First, I paid twenty-five cents for drawing the articles of agreement, then I had to pay twenty .11 ve cents more for a Notary's certficate, snd then forty-three cents interest on the money for two months. But the crowning charge was a premium of ten dollars for the accommodation. My account then stood thus: Paid for premium. ... Vnltl for agreement... 1'iUd for notary l'aid for interest.. .M, .IK) 00 25 25 43 $10 03 ReoelTJfn cash 39 07 "Thus, when I paid interest, premium and fees (which I did at the very start, and had to do tinder the articles of agree ment), I had thirty-nine dollars and seven -ent. and was under engagement to lay fifty dollars in eight weeks. This, ! estimated, is borrowing money at the rnte of two hundred and fifty per cent or annum. To tell you the straggle I had for those eigh weeks to make both nds meet at my little home would be impossible. But I went through with it .nd was finally free from the blood sucker." "Are there many clerks. who patron ise these usurers?" "Hundreds of them. You see the ad- -ortifiements are alluring, and most men re willing to pay well for accommoda- rons of this kind. Of course, they feel -.re when they find that they are pav- ijj that ten dollars premium, bat they ru in debt to the usurer, for one reason .- r another, at all times, and in the course - " a year pay him one-half or perhaps .- ore. of their salaries." N. r. Cor. 1 hiladelphia Time. A vessel which arrived at New Bed ford, Mass.. recently, brought an eagle -. hich alighted on the masthead when i' e vessel was fifteen hundred miles i:om any land. Boston rost. There is only one negro in Mon r lirue. Tex., and he is the porter at the iiuteL -- I a Before you leave the city, and consider the great opportunity now offered at MARSH'S DryGoodsandGroc RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Where Goods are Being Sold at r ard-pan Prices -:o:- That old adage, "Time is Money" will not do at this stage of the world, as MARSH will and can sell you More Goods for a Dollar SPOT CASH ! Than any Store in Red Cloud, or elsewhere, can POSSIBLY DO when selling on space. Recollect That these are not Mere Idle Words BUT STANCH FACTS I ome everybody, Gome -with the crowdlthatfdaily throng Marsh's Store in pursuit of Bargains ! fso&& .S.MARSH,REgCL -O0"00- W. H. G06DALL & CCVS WEB8TEP Land, AbstraGtand RED CLOUD, "We are now prepared to offer bargains In real tine list of iniprou-d and unimproved farms, bus. Ine.si lots and village residences which we pro. pose to put iion the market at the lowest 11 in. numus. These are a few of our special bargains Xo. 1 Vti acres all in one body. Two houses improved corrals and stables, tine laud, large timber, stream of water. Tills land is a bargain. 12 miles from lied Cloud. No. J 100 acres, all fenced and cross-fenced, plentv of water and timber, pod frame house, (SiiOO Insurance on same.) for $3)00, part on time. No. U .TJO acres, splendid stock anil jjrain farm, any amount of large timber, stream of rnn nlnj; water, wells, two houses. Will sell 7 tiead of cattle and some hogs if desired. School house on the place. 10 miles snutli-wet of lied Cloud, at $12.50 or acre. This is a rare chance. No. 15 100 acres, flue location, under ilrst rate cultivation, good frame painted house ($500 in suramv) two wells, hog lots, 2000 young box-elders, 200 peach ami apple trees. $1000 down, re maining yoo due in 10 years at c, per cent. The owner is a painter aud wisher to dispose of his property very soon. A good home and cheap. No. 26 320 acres, 5 miles from lied Cloud, at $7.M per acre. A good stock farm and a good investment. No. 2i wn acres good level land on White Kock creek. 25 acres cultivated; sod house and running water. Only $!. No. 2f loo acres. TO acres cultivated; sod house, good well, flue location. Sicvi. No. 28 One lot en Main street, block 2. lied Cloud. rirst-las business location. Hesidcuce on back of lot. Onlv .S7.',o. No. K Fine residence and several lots. $1200. No. 10 For rent, a fine, large office, two large rooms, good location. Only in ier mouth. No. 2 $!o buys a fine farm. 25 acres culti vated. On whito rock, plenty of running water. Very cheap anil terms easy. No. 25. A splendid bargain. 320 acres at $10 per acre. On walnut Creek. The best farm In mat section of the country. A good opportunity. W. H. Goodall & Co., Abstracters and Spanogle Dealers in HEM WWm, MK WS SEWING MACHINES, Etc. Ha Gl0mfif ert Store K' we&) 9 t iv2atj. &&"&&&r4&&& COUNTY Insurance Agency I NEBRASKA. No. 20 1 B0 acres at $XA. Oood grazing land 45 acres tinder cultivation. Good slock water. No. 12100 acres deeded. 120 acres leaded laud: cvltivates til acres; running water: good timber: log buildings, aud wells. Three miles south of Inavale. Slioo cash. 0.23 loo acres. C5 cultivated grove: fine ap JjJe and peach orchard Just commencing to bear. "00 line walnut trees. Frame and sod Iioues. 'School U mile. S1450. Will negotiate loans, STiOO to $700 ou a quarter if desired. We have the onlv complete and accurate set of abstract books in this county, and make a spec ialty of our ABSTRACT WORK. No. 8 100 acres two miles from Ifed Cloud, no acres cultivated, 70 acres of fenced timothy on bottom land; hi.ooo forest ami evergreen trees. Spring In corral near house; good house, new cribs, :V) head of cattle If desired T C or II. i:e quarter section leased 37 jears assigned if wished. Ilanch for 200 head of catlle. ?AX. Abstracts furnished on shortest notice and at very reasonable rates on any land or lots in the county. Our books are made on the self-correcting DeCette plan. Telephone to the court-house. Mr. E. V. Kudrow has taken charge of our real estate department, ami we are sure that as a genial salesman, everyone will say lie is hard to beat. He Is also agent for the Nebraska Mu tual Benevolent Association, the be.-.t life and ac cident insurance company in Ameriaa. A home company and home men Lacking it. Fire insurance in the old Continental, of N. v.. or In the reliable commercial company, the Traders' Insurance Company, of Chicago. C?f AH kinds of conveyancing promptly at tended to. Notary public alwajs In the ofllee. I'.y fair dealing, prompt xndfiicrgetlcwork.we hope to merit and sniln our sh ireof public favors. Call and see n. Odice. next door to McFariaud'a on east side Webster street, Ked Cloud, Neb. Real Estate Hester, & Funk, all kinds of StS &S 9m Neo. Seven men caught steel ing Barb Wire, and have accumulated and im mense stock, and secret ed in MORHART 8c FULTON'S Store and must be sold at once at F. NEWHOUSE. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA jJerlin Zephyrs, Midnight Zephyrs, Saxony wool, Shetland wool, Shet land Floss, Germantown wool And woolen Kniting Yarn Hoods, Mittens, Children's Coats &c, e., A full line of HOSIERy, DRY GOODS, AND NOTIONS. MONEY! MOKEY! Money to lean ca ImprcTed fama in south ern Nebraska, at th Tory bast rates of interest. we call the attention of all desiring such accommodations, to the farm loan department of our business, in which we are still offering the Lest in dueemeiits to the public. There id absolutely no cost to our customers. No fees for abstract "title: no fees for recording mortgages: no fees for taking acknowledgments, no loans paid in checks or drafts upon which the borrower must pay a dis count in order to get the money, but all loans paid in actual cash, over our counters, without 'any deduction what over. In placing our loans there is no te dious delay in submitting applications to eastern parties, a-5 our facilit'o? are such that we can cluae all good loans on short notice. we are prepared to fill desirable oana at nine percent straight, with no charge of any nature whatever. All payments of interest and principa may lie made at our bank, and will be sent o the parties free of charge and interest notes returned lo our custom mers. As toour promptness and fair deal inj; we refer to thoe with whom we have placed loans (numbering at pres ent nearly six hundred.) Call at our oilice, or address us through the mail. 1 tf SlMTs'OX it SWKEZY. Rluellill, Nebras Parlor Saloon, N. LONGTIN, l'rop'r, Red Cloud, Nebraska CHOICE fa, Liquors vk Cigars ALwAYS IX STOCK. 21178 SILLIASD TASLSS TO C? THE OAi'2. THE CITY R. R. Sherer, Prop. Uurten fa Fdi ? OILS AND DRUGS. Proprietary Medicines a Specialty. A new and varied assortment of LAM? AND LAMPFIXTO RES JUST RECEIVED Call and examine our CHOICE MAJOLICA W.tltE. No trouble to show oods. J. N. Bickards, RED CLOUD, NEB. "Will buy and sell lands, and insure town and farm property, attend to all kinds of conveyancing. Tornada Imuran: on Fa7ora3l9 Teres. Office: AtSmith Bros. Farm Loan Agencv. mRu&&& narjMir.urcuKkrss &. IVtPCUKCY IN HEM ZTai-rfa OmikI Co. Ftod'3. Hi. ZoaiaXO, 'As to the Baooe of tout medicine, t h! I know, whomia rixmoathmwo.I was weak.lmn ond Btoop-sSoiilaerea. KhMwlmtlons,bntnolnrrd force to oxntc :.Via, wbCM&lcbU wero epwt la tOMins ana rolllns opoa ttatwaitbscaeattiea. Now.ltorthaueof joarmos SSaSntrtsiedr.I feel myself MAN-erect,Btroiii tSutlTSll .pirltB sosood th.tl whlKtlc la the hrmsB n deluded roung nun t7 ncoaraeailiaa roar r.meaj. T&e orlelnal letter from -which the abore la an extract, and several hundred others expressing similar oplnlons.ln equally stronp terms.are on ale and wlU boKhownto any one caltlajr at onr offices trho ahowa that his Intrrest In the patter arises purely from a desire to gnard agaiust lraposlUon. HARRIS REMEDY CO. HFC CHEMISTS, Marx ana Btn st. i . bw'i ". OuXotiVifcutaetSX twsBKtis S.tintsistls7. SPECIAL EXAMIXATIOX. VTOTinS IS HEItEBV crV'EX.TH.VTI'WILr. i examine all icjnsont who may ili-sirc tii nffertlienischcs jls candidates for tearlnrrs ut tlie Coiitmoii School of tliN county, at my n;c II Ki-l Cloud, Tliursdav :md Friday. Aiuil 3 and , u3i. c'iias. v.si:!x;kk. uiLll-a. Coiui'y S.nifrintailcht Store S Ground Floor Prices to avoid detection and make room for heavy invoices of Ranges, Stoves, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Creamery, Dairy and Transports - IAl5 M? DEALERS JJV Red Cloud, lm IBLEY'SeEEDS XM3B33&5B5EX3 VffiSy LitHMHSMli ! &T-Tf FOR AIX CU.IATI. "m I SSI fiAT&m&KF FBFP iwt wnina.wwii c lib. a. past sine TtLns$ail mAM SIBLEY A. CUBOHNGS, DE.M.KR IX Green Fruits, Vegetables &c. KKI) CLOUD, JCEB. Also conducU a first class estan- rant, where warm meals can be had at , all hontd. ' Always keep'i on hand everything in his line that can lie had. Lemonade always on hand. 82?"First door south of Sherer'p.-T -:and Ornamental Painter, Paper Mftiiger, aatc, Etc. ED GLCUD. r4 Orders solicited. Prices reasonabl andwork unaranteed. Infants and Children Whnt ujti our ChllJrn tout oboeis. What curns their ferera. makej them M(vp; Cmtnrl. Whn Babtr frt. and ctt- h? turps. "What cured their coXc, LilU their worn. Cajttorla. What quicVlr cvt roriRt.'patina, Bour Stomach, Colds, Indirection : Csuttnri. Farewell thn to Ilorpblno S.-rrupj. Castor OH and Paregoric, and IlnllCnkftrla. "Caatoria ! to well adapted to Children that I recommend it si tuperior to any medi cine known to me." H. A. Aecheb. M.D., 111 So. Oxford St.. Brooklyn, N.Y. a s BaflfrM i B. m. BBBSPHLT rr. a r-i c n nrn i ku t k?a Etsa ?j '- ifrggg caJBa. ifIFSSAi Belli 4& fl Am aisomto onre for Hhen- gj l JHS B xontiain, Spraixu. Pairi la tia H Kfetia Back. Bsrs, Calls, Jfeo. An in- gj aBg3Ea ataataneons Paia reliorer. jj x4fcCWt-tj ASTOUNDING DEVELOPMENT. tion Iron Clad Cans, upon which the utmost human skill and genius have been employed combining, durability nfilirv nnrl nprfprfinn I f J 1 "" j Veni Vidi Vici. eft Nebraska AM .-OilS, A1X. CROPM.. & CO. Rochester, N.Y. Chicago, IS. Harness Shop, J. L. IV5;LLER, DEALER IS HARNESS' COLLARS, SADDLES HOUSE-BLANKETS, will PS. COM BS. BRUSHES, HArwXESSOIL And everything "nsnallv kept in a firut class shop. Two doors north of let Nat. Bank REI) CLOUD. NEB. f rh Trunks s&lTaiises, t !!XJGS HuCS D Siaiar la. Notions, Wall Paper, &.c. R i J Cud, - Nebraska. rroxis&ivnrc 6rvssHia to J&9 In a'infi ofth Blood, kla ad latmrr. Oraufa WbiIw Comnrh. BjckllJU. i Ifrnriti iiMim. erwniuie mtxieui; wn aaa mn Itrntdln. Dttormillt TrttaL CU or writ? &lM t q'irrtioru to b di wtml bytbow deilrinz tntSiatnttmmtB u l,rm MmMkUc to lwlr xlt mUr. It!antal JiCAnn Ir. C. L. LiBABCK. rrtl Mil PtjikUa la Tum Cmlrl d. A Swrf. IxtltaU. 930 btvt t, St. lalfb. bacocMor m ut. numuvpeuMrj. iiimmn m9 n IRON TONIC FACTS KCWffiW 'Dr.irirUr ltwi;i)nrlt7&nd enrich the BLOOD, rcnlat the LIVER and KIDNEYS, and Ke.-'TOrk tu EEAX.TK end VIGOR of "yOTJTH! la all Uioaa) dlwaM renulrln a certain and eScien-TOMO. especially Dyspepsia. V.'ant of Appctlte.Inllirea tloti, I.ack of Slreii2:h. etc.. Its use Is mark .4 vttb Imrae'llate and nomlerful results. Hiia, nasclc3and nerves rocf!encv7rorcJ. Enllrcu the cilnd and supplies brain I'ovrer. a PiSO EutTerlni; from all complaint LAyiCO peculiar to Oiclrscx-wlUaad la 1)2. HAB-TTLEU iKOrf XCIHC a safe and rpveUw cure. It gives a clear and healUiy complexion. The strongest testimony to the r.ilue or Dr. Barter's Iito Toxic is that freqneutattetunts at counterfeiting have only added to Uiepopul!r Ityof the original. Jfyou earnestly desire-liealUi Co not experiment jret the ORloisr.U. .XD I1Z3T usnd rur anarera to in Jjr. naner iic.io.'. btLoula, Ma.f!T our "DEEAM BOCK." 9 JfcMof strosgaaaj Ofofa:laloraUon.ro. Oa. HAirrB3 taofi Tcnio is fob salb at aw DRUGGISTS AW UAnS CViHYWHCKa. THE FairM Systsm or Oresai. Ecwt fer CAta!tr la Davis & Bankm, EUOCESSOC3 TO Davis & Fairlamb, Brrrn3i:r CreamerySnyplies. :-4 to 23 Milwaukee Ar. Chicago, II!. mil n oo. Horror DitklAvL. c 1 if ' llf l-M ' i ' " ' -"-' TnrHTri WTT -a ru