The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 04, 1884, Image 5

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The Red Cloud Chief.
.C.H08MER, - - PrOpr?tfi0r
Spring overcoats at the Golden Eagle
clothing store.
A xew town pump hag been put in
at the flap pole.
Mr. M. R. Bextley and wife have
returned from Iowa.
A hxe line of ladies, misses and chil
dren shoes at the Golden Eagle clothing
Mr. Hamaker has commenced build
ing a new:housc north of D- B. Span
ogle's residence.
A great quantity of rain has fallen
in the last few days, which gladdens the
hearts of the farmers.
The W. C. T, U. will meet at the res
idence of Mrs. J. H. Smith on Wednes
day, April 9th, at 2. P. AT.
Look at large advertisement of the
Golden;Eagle clothing store and see the
extra inducements offered-.
The Ladies Baptist Home Missionary
ociety will meet at Mrs. C. W. Kalev's
Thursday, April S, 1SS4. at 2.30 P. M
J. P. Bayiia purchased four lots in
block ,ist Red Cloud last week, fori
vrhich he paid a consideration of 300
Several new houses have been erect
ed in the city during last week, and a
number more booked for the coming
Dr. Damerell has his new house
nearly "finished. It will be as fine a
residence as there is in the city when
Coixty Clerk Bayha hadthe assess
ment books for the several precincts of
Webster county, ready for the assess
ors on April 1, 1SS4.
Strayed On Wednesday one black
pig weight 40 to 50 lbs The finder will
be rewarded by letting M . S. Ballard
know or returning the same to him.
Read Mrs. MBride's new advertise
ment. She has been established in
Red Cloud for many years and is well
known to our patrons. Call and see
We are indebted to the Hon, Jas.
Laird for the life of the Hon. Michael
P. Connor, M. C. of South Carolina,
and that ofRobt.M. A. Hawi. M. C,
of Illinois.
The annual meeting of the Webster
county Bible Society will be held Sun
day, April 13, at Red Cloud. Rev. G.
W. Wainwrigbt, district superintend
ent will be present.
Mr. Gates our new hog buyer, has
his ffice and yards about completed.
He and bis assistant, Mr. Hamaker.
well make things fly in the hog line as
eoon as they get ready.
Ix another column we pnblish the
prospectus of Godey's Lady Book, pub
lished at Philadelphia. It is probably
oneofthe very best magazines pub
lished in America, and within the
reach of all.
Ocr statement lat week that there
were 1600 hogs sold in the Red Cloud
market weekly, was one of thoe una
voidable mistakes of the intelligent
compositor. It should have read GOO
instead of 1600-
. Oscak Klett, who wa mentioned
"last week as having been arrested and
taken to Missouri on a charge of incen
darism, was released and has returned
to Nebraska. The evidence against
him was insufficient,
Busiskss was. excellent atrain so for
this week and the armers are buying
their farming implements. Hundreds
of wagons have been in the city during
the last week. Thrift and prosperity
is noticeable in every portion of the
Mr. Gates shipped a carload of 61
hogs to Kansas City the other day.
the combined weight of which was 16,
2G6 pounds. This carload brought the
highest price on the market that day
and were the best hog shipped jout of
Bed Cloud this winter.
Dr. J. E. Parker, late of Bradford,
Fa., has permanently located in Red
Cloud. He may be found at the of
fice of Dr. Baird. Mr. Parker comes
well recommended and we bespeak for
him a share of the public patronage.
His wife and child will be here in a
short time.
We Lake pleasure this week in call
ing the attention of the readers of The
Chief to the statement of the codition
of the State Bank of Red Cloud, which
appears elsewhere in this issue. This
bank, though only establisned a little
over eighteen months, has an uparalel
d record, and its deposits are gradu
ally rolling up until to-day they reach
Mr. J. 0. Chamberlix a few days
since informed us that he was making
great preparations to do a large busi
ness this season, and that his Inavale
and Indian Cieek cheese factories
rvould be run to their full capacities.
He contemplates doing a 20,000 trade
And has several thousand boxes
for his cheese. The Chief is pleased
to see all Webster county enterprises
prosper, wherever located, and Mr.
Chambtrliii w ill prosper.
New goods at Mrs. McBride's.
A. S. Marsh has returned from Chi
cago. Mr. J. H. Feeman was in Inavale this
week, on business.
The work on the new Baptist church
is progressing rapidly.
School vacation this week, and the
children are improving the time.
Ox last Monday Mr. Daniel D. Hull,
made final proof on his homestead.
Wanted by two young men, a
furnished room, enquire at this office.
Doxt forget the Mother Hubbard ball
at the court-house next Tuesday eve
ning. Go to Mrs. McBride's for hats. The
largest and leading millinery store in
the city.
Rev. G. W. Hummel couducted the
service at the M. E- church last Sun
day night.
Mr. Will S. Davis, from Elkhart,
Ind., has taken a position as clerk in
Marsh's store.
If y on want a stylish hat go to Mrs.
McBride's the oldest established and
leading milliner.
The Topics, published at Republican
City Neb., is on our table and is a very
neatly printed paper.
Tub green grass is making it appear-
anco' and 50on the trees wil1 be Puuin
on their summer attire
Mr. Laiterbach and Mr. R. L. Tink
er are putting in new sidewalks in front
of their business house.
Mrs. Haresxafe. has been ill for the
last few weeks but Ave are glad to learn
that she is convalescing.
Save your eggs, if you want all you
can eat, as Easter Sunday will occur
one week from next Sunday, April 13.
A. O. Berg and Pat McGuire, of this
city, were prospecting this week in
Custer county, for abuiness location.
MissElly McBride, the noted elo
cutionist, will give one of her enter
tainments in the city Saturday even
This evening Rev. C. Edward Dud
leigh will give his lecture on '"Sun
shine and Shadow" in the M. E.
Our local item5 are scarce this week
the caue of which is "too much meas
les." We will make up for lost time
next week. i
J. L. Wright, for a number of years
proprietor of the barber shop across
from the post office, has sold the same
and will go to Hastings.
Mr. Bruce Borrix brother-in-law to
C W Springer who has been forman of
the Shenandoah, Iowa, Republican, for
the past few vears, is in the citv visit
ing relatives and friend.
Mr. Charles Huxter of Inavale,
sold on last Friday 71 head of steers to
Dawson it Keid, of Lincoln, for which
they paid him $4371.75. This is what
we call prohtable rock raising.
Cyrlxk Commamlry. U. 1). will be
instituted at Ma-sonic Hall, Saturday,
April 5. 1SS4. Work in both orders of
the Temple. All Sit Knights in good
standing arc invited to be present.
Pnor. A. L. Fcxk anil ladv arrived
Monday evening, and have taken
rooms at Mrs. Gardner's. They are
both looking well, and The Chief
wishes them a plea-ant and prosper
ous journey over the matrimonial sea.
Ox Ea-.:er Sunday. Rev. Joseph Cicry
will hold service in the '.itholie church
in Red Cloud, at 1 1 A. M. Father Ciery
has taken charge of the mission latelv
presided over by Fattier Fanning who
has withdrawn therefrom and is now
lecturing in Illinois. j
Mr. Lot L. Feltham. late principal '
of the Riverton schools, has coiiimcnc-1
ed the study of law with G. R. Chancy.
Esq.. of this city. Mr. Chaney has a
fine office and library and ample fa
cilities for a student. Mr. Feltham is
a scholar and a student, and will n o
doubt make good use of all these facil
ities. The two entertainments given by the
Public Schools of this city on last Fri
day and Saturday night were very in
teresting and each participant done his
or her part well and to the satisfaction
of the audience, which was !arge. Owing
to sickness we were unable to be pres
ent, but have heard the entertainment
very highly spoken of. The receipts
were quite large and will be disbursed
for the benefit of the school.
At the election on last Tuesday, for
village trustees, on question of license
and anti-license, the adherents of the
license system came out victorious,
electing the following gentlemen as
trustees for the ensuing year:
A. Lauterbach.
A. J ..Kenney,
Henry Cook,
R. L. Tinker,
Levi Moore.
Red Cloud is now blessed with one
of the neatest, best, and most respect
able boarding-houses in the state, un
der the management of Mrs. W. W.
Gardner, in the old Holland House.
Among her boarders are Ex-Governor
Garber, G. R. Ghaney, Dr. Denney
Prof. Funk and wife. F. R. Gump and
wife, F. Bradbrook, P. A. Beachy, and
Charles Demmock. The house is
nicely and newly furnished from top
to bottom." and kept in the !ate-l and
best style. '
Notice C. Craws advertisement of
early peach blow potatoes in this
paper. 34-4w
Oxe or two new brick buildings are
under contemplation and we may look
forth for a boom in building.
Good hitching posts have been put
in front of the Golden Eagle store and
full lenghth of State Bank block.
The usual spring cleaningjup has
commenced and many houses look bet
ter for a coat of paint administered.
Prof. J. W. Rowlaxd, of Carleton,
Neb-, spent Ihursday in the city visit
ing his old classmate, Lot Feltham.
Waxted A good girl to do general
house-work. Good wages paid to a
good girl please call or addres at once
J. 0. Chamberlin, Inavale Neb.
The Good Templars of Riverton,
gave an entertainment at the ;M. E.
Church of that place, Wednesday even
ing of last week. The house was
crowded and the entertainment well
received and appreciated by the best
citizens. What are our Good Templars
doing ?
A MothcriH nbbard Mankcd Rail.
On next Tuesday, April 8, the Red
Cloud Cornet Band will give one of the
most novel andeurious entertainments
ever produced in Red Cloud. It will
be a Mother Hubbard- ball, and of
course will lie all the rage. The cos
tumes will be of many curious de
signs a la Mother Hubbard, and worn
by both ladies and gentlemen. The
CHiEFbeiieve that this will be the
most successful! ball that has been
given in Red Cloud. We hope the
friends of the band boys will turn out
en mas? and fill the exchequer of the
Red Cloud Cornet Band to overflowing
The boys neulthe money to buy a
new set of instruments, when we pro
pose to say that "our band" will stand
second to none in the state. Their
rendition -of all popular airs is fine.
The band will play three waltzes in
the court-house for the benefit of the
dancers. ; We hope lhe'b;itT""will be a
great success and net tlie band a neat
sum of money.
A Card.
Ix returning to the practice of medi
cine after having been engaged in other
business for the past years it seems to
me due to the profession as well per
haps as myself, that I make the follow
ing statement. I was educated for a
physician and graduated at Bellevue
Hospital medical college in New York
city in March 186S, remaining for a
short time thereafter in the hospital?
of the city. In the Autumn of thesame
year I opened an office at Lodi, Wis.
where I remained in the'active practice
of medicine for fourteen year. The
ill health of myself and family com
peled me to remove from that climate
and to temporarily abandon my profes
sion. A short residence in Nebraska has
satisfied me that I can safely return to
my former business, to which I shall
devote the remainder of my life. Should
any one care to enquire as to the cor
rectness of the above statements or of
my former standing professionally or
otherwise, I should take great pleasure
in refering them to either of the pres
sent state officers at Madison, Wis.,
or to any of the older physiciansin that
part of the state. G. E McKeeby.
That IMiatr.
I am sorry to see the writer of the art
icle in last weeks Chief manifest such
an angry spirit over the result of the
debate at Blue Hill. The party that
wrote the first article is very likely, able
to defend it. I was not its author.
1 purchased, while there, one of Bead
le's dialogues to select from for a tem
perance entertainment at Riverton.
So much for yellow covered literatuie.
I was surprised to learn that the as
sembly was disappointed by the decis
ion of the judges and doubly surprised
at the "gall" of this teacher who dares
to impeach their ability. A better set
of judges could not have been chosen.
The three sections Red Cloud. Blue
Hill and Inavale were represented, and
their known ability combined with the
close attention they gave the speakers
could not fail to gain the confidence of
every reasonable thinking person in the
house. I freely forgive the writer of
said article for all the harm she intend
ed me, and I hope we may become
better acquainted. F. B. Smith.
To Tho P:tmi: ofPalilic Schools.
I request those having little ones to
send to 'school for the first time, to
send them at the beginning of next
week, if possible; for the can be bet
ter classified then than at any other
time during the year. I alao
respectfully request that the pa
rents and patrons will not ask to have
their children excused from school,
unless it be absolutely necessary, for
our work is so laid out that the aver
age pupil has all he can do in school
hours, and if he loses one recitation
per week, or one half day's study it
seriously interferes with his progress
and the advancemen of his class; so;
for the sake of your own childrenund
for the good of.the school, please not
to do this. D. Judson, Principal.
Burx's hog cholera and quinj
cure. Wanvuited. For sale bv IJen-
ry Look,
The State Teachers' Association met
at Lincoln last week and the exercises
were interesting throughout. Essays
on various topics' were read, notable
, . . ,-.-, ,.j A
among wnicn were national -viu 10 eu
u cation by J. W. Barry, Fairbury;
Twenty Years in Sehool, by R. M.
Bridges, York; What education is of
most worth, by Hiram Sapp, Stroms
burg, and, A Neglected Subject, by E.
T. Hartley, Lincoln. The opening ad
dresses were good and the address by
Chancellor Manatt on the relations of
the high school to the university was
instructive. As is the case in such
bodies many amusing things were
were said, as when Jno. Pi tier quoted
form Shakespere, about a certain lean
man, and many unnecessary, if not
improper, a when one cs-avist ridi
culed the denominational schools of
the state as being of no ue; and an
other speaker denied any advanced
teaching unless directly in the line
leading up to a higher school, as
though education gained in un humbie
way, or in a school house in acountr'
district, but nevertheless gained, is not
as useful as J! though learned in! the
grammar department of a high school,
or a Latin school of the unive rsity. A
much needed work, that of unifying
our school system, and a plan to make
the course of study from the primary
school to the university, one chain of
connected workVwas inaugurated. A
resolution memorializing our legisla
ture to continue to lease instead of
sell our school lands, was passed, and
a committee of ti'.e appointed to pre
sent the matter to that body.
The Superintendents' meetiug"was
an interesting and instructive one.
Granting certificates, conducting, in
stitutes, tand similar questions were
earnestly discussed.
The Principals' meeting was enthus
iastic and an effort made to bridge
over the chasm between the high
school and university.
We met Superintendent d'Allman,
Furnas county, Prof. Barber. Franklin
and A. L. Funk, of our own town, with
his bride, in attendance during the
Don't forget that the Webster coun
teach ers ill meet in Red Cloud,
April 12. Come prepared for a pleas
ant and instructive time- C. W. S.
Farming has commcedaround here
in earnest in every field can be seen
the team and plow toiling their weary
Mr. Henry Ross sold his farm one
day last week to A. Mcintosh, consider
ation tloUO.
Mr.aud Mrs-. J. 11. Ferman spent last
Sunday with our worthy P. M. and fam
ily. Miss Laura Baird oflied Cloud is vis
iting friends at th:s place.
Mr. J. V. Turkingtow of Hebron was
up last week visiting his uncle W. J.
Mr. S. II. Sheldon of Jackson Mich,
general agent for the Jackson wagon
has been visiting witli his relatives Mrs.
Olm-teds the past two weeks.
Mr. Starks anil family will move on
to Mr. Cha. Potters place on Indian
creek instead of R. Palmers as was re
ported. Our friend Mr. Frank B. Smith was
lately taken sick and obliged to close
his school, ho is at present in Red Cloud
being doctcred, sorry to lose him from
our society.
Mr. Charley Erricson of Riverton was
seen driving down ours-treets last Sun
day the same magnet which drew him
this way has drawn many a fine young
fellow but so far thev all have met the
same fute let us hope for better success
for Charley.
The dance at Mr-Nathan Brooks last
Thursday eve was asocial success, your
corrsepondent dropped in for a few
moments to look on, the sight of seeing
many young and beautiful ladies made
us almost wish we were young andsin
gle again, but .alas! the sober realities
of life (how to make something to buy
sorghum and Johnny cake with for in
stance) have crowded all such thoughts
as dancing out of our minds.
Mr. Chas. Hunter sold and delivered
last Friday to Mr. Dawson of Lincoln
71 head of fat cattle, which brought
him the snug little sum of 4371.75.
They were divided into two lots, 51
head averaging 1317lbs. apiece and 20
head averaging 1025tts. apiece. Mr.
Hunter recently sold in R.-erton $513
worth of hogs and has nearly 100 left.
Mr. Hunter is one of the self made men
of Nebraska coming into this county
fifteen years ago with nothing but one
old pony and a piir of willing hands,
he has now one of the best improved
and finest half sections of land in the
valley '..aving lately built a house which
cost him nearly $1,000 he has also a
fine herd of stock cattle of which sever
al are thorogh-breds and the best of all
is lie made it all himself having never
received a particle of help from any
one. Where is there a man in the val
ley who has done better.
X. X. Ari'OLLO.
For Sale. (J. W. Dow hna a threc
atitl one-quarter wagon of bis mvn
make for sale. .".Itf
I will try to make good the promise
I made of writing some items for your
paper; which circumstance? have pre
sented me doing before . Farmers are
busy putting in their small gram and if
the present good weather continues will
soon' finish. There is considerable im
provement going on this spring, among
which we might mention.
A dwelling each by Felix Killough,
John Webber and Richard Smith.
Mr. Canady Johnson has just built a
frame, stable 14x24 with loft for hay
mow. Canady says he is tired of sod
Esq. McLeland, who has been unwell
all winter, is improving some and we
hope with the return of warm weather
he will be out again.
A daughter of John Graves is quite
sick with chills and fever.
Sidney'Moody killed a wolf a few
days ago. we wish others would do like
wise as they are getting rather numer
ous in these parts.
Mr. Longbotham is still engaged in
husking last year's crop of corn; but as
Billy is a bachelor and has to keep
house as well as do the fanning we
must make some allowance for his be
ing behind time.
The winter term of school in this (29)
district closed March 14th with an ex
hibition and spelling school in the eve
ning, house crowded, good time gener-
allv. Miss Pearlie Shelton came off
champion speller.
Rev. Blackwell of the Guide Rock
circuit M. E. church held a protracted
meeting at the Well's school-hou-e,
considerable interest was manifested,
and several united with the church.
If you think this letter worth a place
in your paper allright, otherwise throw
it in the waste basket. Q. Z.
Two more new buildings are in
course of- erection since last report.
One.owned by Mr Shugart, the other
by Mr. Redden.
William Miller has sold his farm and
will soon leave for an adjoining coun-
Mrs. Talbot and little daughter will
start for Ohio Ihursday to be gone for
a couple of months on a visit to friends
and Miss Minnie Talbot, who is attend
ing the musical conservatory at Ober
hn. Attorneys Rickards and Chancy
spent a part of Sunday visiting friends
in the village.
The Morgan House is undergoing re
pairs, and is becoming attractive in its
Patten it Co. have been licensed to
sell the ardent for another year.
Dr. Brow, who is a graduate of the
Chicago Homoeopathic medical col
lege, and who comes highly recom
mended, had formed a partnership
with Dr. Moranville of this place. Dr.
Brown is a very pleasant gentleman,
and is quite an acquisition to our al
ready rapid accumulation of men of
ability and high social standing.
Four sets of carpenters are making
music all the day long with hammers
and saws, as they industriously and
skillfully ply their noble calling.
The smiling countenances of Col.
Eaton and gentlemen Alexander a id
Katchcart were seen at the dinner ta
ble to-day at the Occidental.
J. M. Chaflin, attorney, is jusily
proud of his new 'office, and has de
clared his full intention of making
Guide Rock his home, and her citi
zens his friends.
The election passed of quietly. No
specials were needed.
How pleasant it is to dwell together
in unity. Rocket.
Our winter term of school closed last
week and the teacher, F. B. Smith, re
tired to Jted Cloud to improve his
health, but he will call around with a
smile if there is enough of him to do
the thing justice.
Charles and Eugene Hunter sold a
fine lot of fat cattle this week.
A sak accident occurred on Farm
er's Creek. An emigrant had camped
for Jthe night. Thinking one of his
cartridges deficient he determined to
put in a new one. As soon as he com
menced to remove it, it exploded,
tearing his left hand to pieces. They
carried him to the nearest house. A
physician was summoned and the
woiind was dressed. He took the first
train and returned to his home in
Our old friend, N. A. Ayres, Is visit
ing his father for a few days, but his
stay will be short as his businO'S in
New Mexico requires his attention.
He is looking stout and hearty.
A grand improvement. One of our
quiet farmers was seen in town the
othpr day, unrecognizable his beard
shaved smooth, dressed in a new suit
of clothes, white shirt, stand-up collar.
Auxt Hope.
Mr. F. D. Hutchinson i very poor-
h. He talks of selling out.
We are to have a cheese factory at
the head of alnut Creek.
Dr. Sutton's youngest daughter is
very sick with typhoid fever and diph
theria. We have several cases of putrid sore
throat in our neighborhood, and one
case of measles.
We are verv glad to see so much im
provement in The Chief. For vears
it entered not into our dwelling because
of its rude language; now we welcome
it as one of our Chief papers. The
perfume of sweet flawers will soon fill
the air; the wild bird's songs remind
us of coming summer. Dame Nature
will soon reach forth her wand over
(rod's rolling hills and call to life the
beautiful grass and waken the sleeping
lre. V.rrr
The farmers have taken advantage'
of the fine weather.
Wonder if Brother "Taw" has the'
.spring fever.
Mr. Al. Horton and Snodgrass have
the contract for building Mr. G. W.
Frances' new barn 60x64.
The Sunday school atCowles is in a'
flourishing condition.
Preaching Sunday, morning and-
The new carpenter firm, Ward fc
Peak, are building a residence for the
Rev. Preston, on his farm west of
Mr. N. Crawford has erected
frame barn and will live in it
a new
till he
can build a residence.
Mr. Grubb. of Guide Eok, rented
his farm north of Cowles to a man
from Kansas. The gent drove up to
the place and stayed about two hours
and then left without unloading.
Haveyoujseen C. W. Fuller's new
team. Grass is beginning to "row and the
ground will soon be covered with a
carpet of green. Oxdit. 4
As we see by the last week's Arrjux
that a goodly pc rtion of it was dedicat
ed to to the use of D. S. Helvern. we
thought we would trv and oenme hut n
small place in the columns of vour
valuable paper this week One thing
we notice is that he compared "Rooks"
in last week's Chief with a jackass
with but little intelligence. Now, Da
vid, we think a jackass is more intelli
gent thana deserter. We also notice
another mistake where speaks in his
communication in preference to Mr. I
Ashburn helping Mr. Fogle on his way
home. This man is known as John
Ashburn. His nearest neighbor. D. S.
drew hit; 32 calibre Smith & Wesson,
and then retreated to Red Cloud and'
tried to swear his life against him.
Mr. Alf. McCall has some nice cattle
feeding fwr May market.
Mr. Win. Aultz has started a black
smith shop on the Peterson farm.
Mr. Morris ni going to plant quite a
large orchard.
Mr. 0. McCall has one of the finest
stock and grain farms in the County.
Sledge Hammer
Dissolution Notice
The partnership heretofore existing
between the undersigned is this dav
dissolved by mutual consent. Th
business will hereafter h conHnpfiv
by W. H. Strohm.
Red Cloud, Neb., March 18, 18S4.
W. H. Strohm,
G. E. McKeeby.
C. Craw has'succeeded in producing
an early peach blow potato, the best
variety grown. Yields 100 bu. from one
bushel of seed. Ripens about middle
of August. Sold by D. Featherlv. Red
Cloud ; Robinson Brae., Blue Hill; J.
Brown, Cowles. 34-w
Pursuant to request of the attorneys
the regular term of the District Court
in and forWebster countv, Nebraska.
pet for March 25. 1SS4 is hprohv ad
journed t May 9, 18S4, at 9 o'clock a
ni. m. uaslix, J r., J udge.
March 3, 1884. 31-4w
Strayed from premises of subscrib
er, section 32, town 4, range 12, one
large bay mule. Finder will be re
rewarded if be will communicate with
N. W. Sxee, Wheatland, Neb.,
no30-5w Webster countv.
For Sale. Sheriff Warren has ten
or twelve horses and mules which he
wishes to dispose of. Parties desiring
to buy either will do well to call on
him at once. n30-tf
$25 dollars will buy New Horn
sewing machine, the best on the mark
et, at Haresnape's furniture store. 32tf
New Home sewing machines for
sale at Haresnape's furniture store,
only $25. 32-tf
Marsh's Golden Blood tfc Liver Tonic is
an Incomparable Remedy.
"We have used Marsh 3 Golden Blood
and Liver Tonic in our family with ex
cellent results. For Blood and Ljver
complaints it is unequlaed." Heiry
L. Moore, La Crosse, Wis.
"Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver
Tonic is an incomparable remedy for
purifying the Blood and regulating the
Liver. I have used it myself and re
commended it to others with unvarying,
success." James H. Walker, Kausas
City, Mo.
''Your Golden Balsam for the throat
and lungs, and Golden Blood and
Liver Tonic, have cu:ed my wife of in
cipient consumption. They are the best
medicines in the world." J- T.
Fowler, Devenport, Iowa.
Marsh s Golden Blood and Liver
Tonic and Marsh'g Golden Balsam, are
for sale by Henry Cook druggist, Red
Cloud. Large bottles 50 cents and $1.
Everybody Know It
Everybody knows what Red Clover is
It has been used many years bv the
good old German women and phvsician
for the blood, and is known as the best
blood purifier when properlv prepared.
Combined with other medical herb and
roots it forms Dr. Jones' Red Clover
Tonic, which is good for all blood disor
ders, torpid liver, costives and sick
headache. Snre core for pimples. Ask
A. Lindley druggist, for it. Only fiftv
cents a bottle.
Corn shelled.
Corn in ear..
...... Xtt&Tt
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