I 'W fcxs' " i - v ESs5 . i ". - - Pi- & ' v i t The Red Cloud Chiep A. C. HOSMER, - - Proprietor FRIDAY. APRIL 4. 1884. Bepablieaa OoBBty Coaventioa. Tn republican electers of Webster county, 2feb., are requested to meet at the usual places lor holding elections la the ueveral fpreciucts on Saturday, April 19, 181, for the purpose of elect ing delegates to the republican county conven tion to be held at the court house in Red Cloud, Neb., Monday, April 21, I884,wat 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of selecting ,8 delegates to the republican state convention to be held at Lincoln, Neb., May 1, 18X4, and also to select delegates to the districtyronvention of the 2nd Congressional! District should one be called, for the purpose oft electing delegates to represent said district in ike KejiublicanjNatlonal Convention, to be held t Chicago, June 3, 1684. The several precincts are entitled to the follow ing representation based ou the vote cast for Judge Keese at the last general election, giving one delegate at large to each precinct, and one delegate for very 30 votes and major fraction thereof: Red Cloud 12 Garfield 2 Guide Hock 5 I.Iue 2 Htillwoter. 2 Batin 3 Oak Creek 2 Glenwood 2 Potsdam z Harmony 2 Elm Creek 2 Inavale 3 Pleasant Hill 3 Walnut Cree 2 w. H. Stroiih, D. P. Nkwcomkb. Secretary. Ch'n County Rep. Com. Anti-Moiopoly Conveation. Members of the auti-monopoly par ty in Webster County, Neb., are re quested to meet at the court house in Bed Cloud, on Saturday, April the 5th, 1884, at 11 o'clock a. m.. for the pur pose of reorganizing and transacting such other business as may come be fore it. Also to elect delegates for presidential convention if deemed ex pedient at that meeting. By order of, Thos. Vaughn, Prea. The Oldest Magazine In America Although every one knows of God ey'a Lady's Book, it is not generally known that it is the oldest publication in America. Established in 1830, it has outlived all other magazines, nnd might with propriety be called the mother of magazines of this country. Crray-hair men and women remember it as an entertainer when their hearts were young, and young people associ ate with their first introduction to stories of romance. And tne rising generation find it as pure and interest aa ing did its parents, ay, its grandpar ents did in days of " Auld Lang Syne." It is-an old and wellieinembered land mark in our American literature, and we doubt not that many of our readers will recall with it pleasant memories of other days. The young editor and pro prietor who now publishes it, has evi dently determined that all who seek to renew their acquaintance with the old favorite shall not be disappointed. As viewed mechanically it is excelled by none, while its corps of literary contrib utor includes many of the best known names of magazine writers. It certain ly speaks well for it and our people, that, notwithstanding the enormous ef forts made by the publishers of the numerous "penny dreadfuls," it finds such a large patronage, not only in America, but all over the world. Al though its low subscription price ($2.00 a year) may somewhat influence its large circulation, we are inclined to ascribe its popularity to intrinsic mer it, and we most cordially bid the old book God-speed on its second half-century. 4w in i Griggs' Glycerine Salve. The best on earth can truly be said of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a anre cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptions. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Only 2,"i cents. For sale by A. Lindley. A Gentle Voise. Our enterprising druggist, has secur ed the agency for the sale of Dr. Bigelow Positive Cure, which has no superior for coughs, colds, consumption, whoop ing cough, and all throat and lung dis eases, to prove to you it has no equal call at A. Lindleys drug store and get a bottle free. BULWER LYTTON'S BRIDGE. Where it Touches the Shores and the Great Columns in Midstream. '"What a beautiful bridgo between old age and childhood is religion. How intuitively the child begins with prayer and worship on entering life, and how intuitively, on quitting life, the old man turns back to prayer and worship, putting himself again side bv side with the infant," remarks Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, in his "Strange Storv." Yen, but between its distant abut ments the bridge of life has manv high and awful arches, through which the wild waters dash and roar in wrath and desolation. Prayer and worship alone do not sustain these. Nature's solid rocks must lie unshaken beneath, and human art and skill must rear and solidify the structure overhead. God's will is best exemplified in the laws He has made for the creatures whom He has placed under tlieir control. Neither the child's truetful "Our Father," nor the old man's "Forget me not in the midst of mine infirmities" will alter this by the weight of a single grain. Science and art first rhnn faith nnd B irayer is.tbe order of Heaven itself. Kvinitv heals through its nrpnt nrl those a FPU. Is nre th riinmvorioa nf man; not the vague announcements of prophets -or seers. Is life a burden to you? Does time drag? Is your power to cope with life's problem and duties weakened. You are not well. Your blood is sluggish and tainted, perhaps ; nr aniiia rtraatt in inrriirl or nvpnvnrlfml This fact may have taken the form tfJ dyspepsia, rneunuuism, yuui, umiHuu, pains in the stomach, chronic head ache, or any of a dozen other ills. Parker's Tonic will invigorate you, as fresh air invigorates those who have been shut up in damp, fetid cells. It is powerful, pure, delicious, scientific the keystone of the central arch J of tbe bridge of life. CRETE NURSERY. Mr. A. H. Kaley hereby notifies the people of Red Cloud and vicinity that he is the agent for the Crete Nursery. Any parties desiring any fruit, orna mental, or forest trees, should call on him at his store in Red Cloud. 31 -4w Bncklen's ArnicaS alve. world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns.Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers, Saltrhpum Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains Corns, Teeter, Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded. 25 cents per box. For sale by 20yl. Henry Cook. A Life Saving Preesnt Mr.M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan. saved his life by a simple .trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for con sumption, which caused him to pro cure a large bottle that completely cured him when doctors, change of climate and everything else had failed. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, severe coughs, and all throat and lung dis eases it is guaranteed to cure. Trial bottles free at Henry Cook's drug 6tore. Large size, $1. 1 AnlAnswer Wanted Can any one bring us a case of kid ney or liver complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure? We say they ean not, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are daily recommending Electric Bit ters, will prove. Bnght's disease, diabetes, weak back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They puri fy the blood, regulate the bowels, and act directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50cts". a bottle by Henry Cook. 1 New Advertisements. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OK THE State Bank of Red Cloud. Ked Cloud. Nebraska. April 1, 1884. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid up $ 38,000 00 Individual deposits subject ) to cheek S57.MIU9. V 88,817 1!1 Cerlincates of deposit S31,218.8-. Surplus and proflts 1,"10 ." 123,U3S 04 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 72,419 &i Real estate isjm :k Furniture and IKture 1,8ns County warrants ;u.r ss Bills in transit -.'M as Overdrafts l.ws ''! nue irom names sriTWiai i Cash ou band 910,i2G.Z7 L'SIS Si 12.!CS OJ I. R.V. Sbirev. Cashier of the itato Bank of Red Cloud, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the br.st of my knowledge and belief. Robt. V. Sunt Br. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of April, 18S4. O. R. C1IANEY, Notary Public. Attest: F. K. OOKI.B, 1 R.D. Jo.veh. -Director. Hilar Gakiier. J ROAD NOTICE. CTATE OF NEBRASKA. WEBSTER COl'NTY. O To all to whom it may concern: The com missioner apiointed to view and report upon a certain line of roads praved for in a certain petition duly ued, presented and filed with the county clerk of said comity, as follow., to wit: 'The undersigned ask that a public road, commencing at the north-west corner of th south halt (4) of section eight (8) town number one (1) R nine (9) west, and running thence due south along the line of said half section to the south-west corner thereof, thence south on the section line dividing section seventeen (17) and eighteen (18) town one (1) R nine (9) and termin ating at the Republican River in said countv be vacated," has reported favorably to the aoa tion of said line oi read as prayed for In said wti tion, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be Hied in the county clerk's of fice on or before noon of the 26th day of April, A. D. 184, or such road will be vacated without reference thereto. Red Cloud, Neb., April 1. 184. apr4-4w J. P.Bayha. CoutyClerk. FINAL PROOF NOTICE. Land Office, Bloomington, Neb.. March 25. 1884 NOTICE IS HEREBY (5IVEN THAT THE following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and th.-it said proof will be made be fore the clerk of the district court, Webster county. Neb., at Red Cloud, on Saturday, Mav 10, 1884, viz: BURTON Cl'RE. on TIM entry 0GO2 for the oiilh-west quarter sv tion ten. township.?, north Range 11 West. He names the following witnesses to prove liis'ron tiuuous residence upon. and cultivation of said land, viz: .lohn McCallum ami William Cramer. I'athcrtnn. Neb., and John Warner and Peter Duffy, Batin, Neb. apr4-mayl0 S. W. SWITZER, Register. Geo. O. Yeiser. R. D. Yeiser. Geo. O. Yeiser & Co., hi E:til8 & tarn Agents KKU (JIAJUJJ, JNJSH. No. 5 ixo acres. 100 acres under fence and W aerees under cultivation. Cood two story house; barn with stone basement, 32x40; running water on place: a fine stock farm. No. 7 1U) acres. a'4 miles front Red r'oud. :v acres fenced, lft. acres under cultivation. Very cheap. No. ir-80 acres smooth land, m acres under cultivation. One mile from school house. .. No. 9 1M) acres 7 miles from town; CO acies under cultivation; fine farm for SM0. No. 10 320acres near Cowles; well improved and fine laud, for sale very cheap. No. 12113 acres, 2'i miles from town; 30 acres fenced: 5.". acres under cultivation; running water, frame house, barn, etc. Very desirable. 14 180 acres. 8 miles from Red Cloud; running water: fine farm; cheap and on easy terms. IB Fine farm of IfiO acres, fin acres under cul tivation; abundance- of fruit: apples, peaches, gripes, cherries, and small fruit; very desirable, and cheap. Correspondonoe solicited. Notice of County Judge. 7N THE MATTER OF THE ASSIONMEMT 1 of Omar G. Roberts, of Red Cloud. Nebras ka, to Joseph W. Warwn. sheriff, of Webster county. Nebraska, for the benefit of all creditors of the said Omar G. Ilont rts. Notice is hereby given that I have appointed and set aside the 5th dav of April, 18S4. for the meeting of the creditors of the said Omar fi. Roberts, to be held at myoffice at Red Cloud, Nebraska; said meet ing of the creditors tobe brld for the purpose of choosing an assignee to succeed the sheriff in said tmst. All persons interested will take notice hereof and will attend at the office of the County Judge in and for Wetister couuty. Nebraska, at ten o'clock A. M., of the day named in this notice if they desire. In witness whereof I nave here unto wt my hand and affixed the seal of the s-aid county court at Red Cloud, Nebraska, this 22nd day of 'March, 1881. Geo. O. Ykikku. 34-2W County J udge. Office of Commissioner of Fablic Lands and Building.. IM Lincoln. Neb.. March 20. msj. rHMIKE SCHWEITZBERCEIt, LESSEE OF 1 sc sw and lot 5 in ne sw section 9. tp 1, R 9 w; and Win. Moody, lessee of se se hection 21. township 1, R 10 w; aud James Wilbcrts. lessee of ne sw and nw se section 25. township 1. R 10 w;tiud E. B. Hesseltiue. lessee of ne se seetlou : township 1. R 10 w; and Wiley Baldwin, lessee of lie iiw section 3v.township 2. R 10 w; and Geo. II. Springer. lessee of w hf nw seetiou lis, town ship 4, R 11 w: and J. W. Rush, Iess.ee of ne ne section in. township 4. R 12 w. You will take notice that your contracts of lease w ith the state of Nebraska arc delinquent for more tlnui six months, and that if all iwiv ments due thereon are not paid as provided by law-, your said contracts will be forfeited as pro vided by Section 20. page 311, session lawsjor fKl. A. ;. Khndam- Commissiitiicr of Public. Lands and Buildings Mrs. S. R. THE LEADING HAVING The Largest ! The Leading f And the Oldest Established Miilinsry Store in - Red Cloud, New Goods, Largest Assortment in the city ! PRICES THE LOWEST ! Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard. Agent for Butterick's Patterns. S. R. KcBRIDE. READ - AND CLOTHEN C. WXSNER, Offers you the lowest prices and the largest stock in the country on Men's, Youths'eBoys' and Children's'Clothing, Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Hats and Caps, Men's, Youths', Boys', and Children's Furnishing Goods, THE SELZ Boots k Shoes Ladies andMissesShoes Trunks, Valises, &c. All Goods Warranted As represented or money refunded if found different on examining goods it home. An an Extra lisfliiceiiieiitH we oiler Every Purchaser of $15, $10and $5 a chance to win $20, $10 and $5 In goods such as he may want to Select. Prize to he Drawn July 1, 1884. FINAL PROOF NOTICE. Land onice. Rlooinimrton. Neb.. F.l. 21. 1CSI. XJOTH'E IS IlKKKltt C1VKN THAT THK 1 follimiiiK-'iumeil vttlur 1i:ls filed notice of liis intention to m:iki fnutl proof In support of liNrlnini.mnl that s;iid nnof will l'c iiuiih le fmv riork District Court. Wclitor comity, at Red Cloud. Ncli.. on Saturday. April .". 1881, viz: 1IKN.JA.MINK. PIKKCK, on H'tl No. 87i. for the west Iialf, soutli-west insirter m-o 22. town t N K 12 west. He names the following witnesses to proe liis continuous residence iimn, and cultivation of. said land, via Willijiiu I). McKinnev. James i. Allnliaimli, Ifsepli V. Jones. August PierMou", all of &Mtt, Nel). jcb2i-aiir4 S.W. SWirZEll, Register. l.KU.h NOTICE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WEBSTER County and State of Nebraska. Clara E. U'bir, Plaintiff. .s. HeuryLebir, Defendant. lilVOKCK. Henry I.ebirtIieaIoe named defendant, will take notice tliat on tin 21SI1 day of Febiuarv. 18S1. tlieplaiiililT. Cl.'.ni 11 U'bir. filed her peti tion in the other of the clerk of the District court in and for Webster county, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prajer of which is to obtain a decree of dUorce a. vinculo matri monii from said defendant on the crouds of adul tery and gross anil wanton neglect to provide for maintenance of plaintltf, he defendant beimr of sufficient ability so to tlo. The defendant. Henry" Lebir will therefore take notice, that he is requir ed to answer said pet'tion on or before -Monday, the 31st day of March, leSi. Claka F- LKiun. n3l-t4 Ry John M. Challln, her attorney. Notice of Application for License. VTOTICr. Is IICltEHY GIVEN THAT ON t the2othday ot March. 181. Harr" Meru filed his petition praying for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors ii: the village of Red Cloud, Nebraska. That in pursuance of an ordimuice Fridav evening, April 4th. tsst. at the regular place of meeting over Cook's drug stre. lias been designated for the hearing of airy and all objections, protesters or re'inon stmuces filed. A.J. Kflvnkv. S-w :i!.i t Itik. McBride, MILLINER ! - REMEIHER. The Golden Eagle STOBE ! Red Cloud, Neb. Hh V V L srE LEGAL NOTICE. OTIS L. RATTLES. DEFENDANT. WILL take notice, that on the 10th dav of March, MM. Snmniitha A. Ikitllo. plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the District court of Webster county, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a de cree of dhorcc from said defendant on the ground that defendant .has leeti willfully ataentfrom plaintiff for more than two years without just cause: and. also, the care and :ustodv of the following named children, tow it: Franeis II. aged lf years, Oeorge WVnged Pi years. Lucy A. aged 1:1 years, James O. ageil 10 vears. I.-tban II. ! 8 years, ami Amy E. aged ears being of the issue of said marriage. You are reiiuired to answer said letItIo!i on or before the 2htii day of April, l&M. Dated, JSIarcli loth. 18s4. S.vMANTiiA A. Ratti.km, Plaintiff. mrM-st Ry Kaley Rros., her attorneys. FINAL PIJOOF NOTICE; I-inil Oftice. ftioonimzton. Neb.. Feb. 21. ifSI. NOTICE IS HEREUY OIVEN THAT THE following-named settler lias i'led notice of his intention to make llu.il proof in suiiiKirt of his claim, and that said proot will be madeltefore Clerk District Couit. Webber countv. at Red Cloud, Neb., on Saturdav. Ajiril r.. lfc&t, viz: FRANCIS E. PAYNE, on H'd No4.is:. tor tli north half of north-east quarter and north half of north-wet quarter 5ec. ni, town :t 11 of Raii-e 12 west. He names the following witnesses tt prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of. said land, via William father and John Illlifv, of Red Cloud. Neb.. Charley Peterson and l.iick Peterson, of Ciilhcrton. Neb. fenaiaprl. S. W. SWITZER. Register. FINAL Pj:OOF NOTICE. Land Office. Bloomimrton. Neb.. March 14. 1884. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE follow ..7-nameiI settler has filed notice of liis Intention iii..v f'r.-l j'rvf in support of his claim, and that saiu proor will n eie be fore the clerk of the District Court of Webster toimtj.at Red Cloud, Nebraska, ou Saturday, April 2". ;884, viz: JA.MES ANDERSON, on lionicstrail entrv No. 4GK. for tlie south-east qr section 20. township a. north of K II west. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of said kino". Tiz: Hans Hansen. Christen Jesiersoa. Niels Sorenson, Christen Neilson. all of. Reil Cloud. Nebraska. . W. SV.llV.KR. Register, nu.'i a t r-.- THE LARGEST iOl0M0:0 iAND-LEADING!: &r MILLINERY STORE! US THE CITY, Envites your attention ! '&&&&-4&"&&&&&- MEW NEW GOODS &&&-&&5&&&& The most complete line of Fine Millinery ! Ever before displayed diiterent shapes in Hats, including all tne nov elties. In Laces, Feathers, Flowers and Orna ments, an immense assortment. J. A-. FOWLER. First Door North First National Bank. i . 1 1 1 m- m ! i x. G. HACEEfi, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCER ! S?0SS5FifiLfl'i ULfl STAND. 2 1 d Groceries.' gRed cloudf . Webraska,'S Provlslon! r tn. FULL oroceries., ': flA; TrviiuiiyC wxuuciiOk), u Provisions, Orocenes.: w IE Groceries. Groceries.' I Your :itron:ie itetl. Fati.-fiii'tton pK- "AcmeTulverizer John Boesch, Amboy, Neb. Mary ait & Co., DEALERS IN Jewelry, Watches, Clocks Silver and Plated W are, .Etc. We keep the selected line of goods in the Repub lican Valley, which we propose to sell at such reasonable prices, thai you will be convinced at once thai our store is the plrce to get your money s worth in and see us before 4?04WI -0-- '&&&&&-&&y!sp j 4&&&'4s&fr4i in Red Cloud. Over 150I LINK OF n .Provision: M' Pro visions Ci fi rj j3 t- -dt i-fl Mfl PI Rl a i Canned Fruits, Cigars, 3 n ' iPrrT7icirnd - ii !s, X lUHJlwilfl wgars, ii.c., tn is rc-pectfully stilie-' 33 PrOVlSlOFlS j:uariiutced. h & nKAl.RH IK Beef, tPork. Mutton, Poultry- Sausnjce, Fresh Fish, OjsUrru Csme, etc. Highest Cash Met Fria!, l'ald for Hides and Pelts. "When you want s BIST mca call on n at Garters old old .iiHiid. Hn- rarely Goes docs a nirmer comrminato a ncwlv liarnmeil tleld with satisfaction? flol wa'ksn.erlt and see. here and tlnri- wd un- cir.cn'il: ImreuIiirrnw.tliciMintnuWirdl cauiisl the surface nas ntt finite h-Tel. .ltd tlurc vl t'linchof stubble iIriuii Into a hi-ap IiaMnl draiareu the ou ami need oeion it tor varu. -e shakes hi head sadlv and wiihfi there wa 1 liarriiu-th:it umilil iln thi uiirl; ncrfi-Rtlv: Ieel- iii2 the rotnrh nlaces: hreakmir mi the cloth, and not onlv pnlverizinjr the soil, but tnrninjr it over the seed .sect! o that this Is all covered to an even depth antl without waste. Knt tht farmej who uses tlc"A'-nic,,Fiiheri7lnij Harrow. CIoiF crusher anu leveler has noue of the saUns, ana dlsappointnsent. for liis fields are hneled juid mellowed and smoothed and the sefil properly cov.ired. Fall nlmvi-il lrrnunil psncciallr neeiN this perfect work whl -h is done quieklv aiid without me neeit 01 any s 'rins plowing mis aiso is a mhI cultivator until the corn Is above twelve uicues 111 neignin. x-orsaieoy F largest and best goo d goods. CaJ yo buy. mil mmt erj JiAg" 43Tr.. izJ